' 9i 12 Mlnutam for i Spggj&~ Lunoh. Si That is tb« average timt i jflHßj tpent in a large city restau- ' rant by three thousand lljßr '' lunchers. It take# three IV hours to digest a freah egg soft boiled; three hours to digest a boiled apple dumpling; »r«e hours to digest fresh roast beef In fact, three hours if about the time required to digest the average twelve minute lunch. The ob ject of the hasty lunch is to let the buay man get back to his office work. But when the brain is active, the stomach u inactive for lack of necessary blood. Tha natural consequence is indigestion, and indigestion opens the door to many di* eases. Indigestion is cored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food. "It la with heartfelt rratltude that I Mod thto testimonial which I trtsh you to publish wit! my name and sddrtss," writes Mr. Wufl» tea man. of WasblngtoturfUe, Orange Co., N. Y. *| hr . stomach trouble from childhood and suflerea with it more or las as X rrew up. At the af col 36 I was broken down with dyspepsia My suf fering was terrible. Could not eat without dis tress: Could only eat a few certain thiols and was not able to work half the time. Everf thine I tried only gave me temporary relief. Mv wt» finally persuaded me to try Dr. Mere* » Qol4ea Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets. I took si* bottles of the ' Golden Medical Disco*- cry' and two rials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets.' I then felt so well that I stopped taking medicine. Several months have passed ana X can do the hardest kind of work, can eat thing that is «t before me and enjoy it. lam 37 years old and this is the first time I have ever been well." Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps ta pay expense of mailing only, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. , Drying preparations simply devel op (fry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that nrhich cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. tar BOOK MAILED FREE. A.A.\ FEVERS. Congestions. Inflamma ccntoj lions. Lung Fever, Milk Fever. B. B. > M'RAI.W, Lameness. Injuries. CCKEs! Rheumatism. ..—"" C. (".{SORE THROAT. Quinsy. Epizootic, cckeu (Distemper. WORMS. Bots, Grubs. E. E.iCOIGHS. Colds. Influenza. Inflamed CU2UES j Lungs, Plrura-Pneumonia. F. F.) COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown. CURES > Diarrhea, Dysentery. 0.6. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. | KIDXEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. I SKI* DISEASES, Mange, Eruptions, emus {llcers. Urease. Farcy. J. K. i BAD CONDITION. Staring Coat, ci ntS! Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. 80c. each; Stable Case, Tea Specifics, Book, 4c., sl. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William * John ItreeUiXew York. Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $355,000.00 WILLIAM CAMPELL, JR President J. HENRYTROUTMAN. ..Vice-President Louis B STEIN Cashier C. B. CRONENWETT Teller DIRECTORS—Wm. Campbell Jr., J. Henry Troutman. W. D. Brandon, W. A. Stele, J. ». Campbell. The Butler Ravines Hank is the Oldest Banking I nstltutlon In Butler County. Oeneriil oaiiWlng business transacted. We *a!t'-lt accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All uamines* entrusted to us will receive orotnpl attention. Interest paid 011 time deposit*. TME Batter Count; National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in f200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $140,000.00 los. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. I meres' paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with tbls bank. D! KRCTOKB—Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. 8. Waldron, Dr. f*. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Bweeney, C. P. Collins 1. O. Smith, Leslie P. Hazleu, M. Flneg.in, W. H. Larkln, T. P. Mlfllln, l)r. W. C. McCandless. Hen Mas «etb. W. J. Marks. J. V. Bltts. A. L. tieiber THE Farmers' National Bank 1 BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $17,500 00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFF1CEB8: JOHN YOUNKINB President JOHN HUMPH KEY Vice President 0. A. IIAILEY Cashier E. W. HIN'iliAM Assistant Cashier J. F. HUT/.LEtt Teller DIKECTOKB. John Younklns. D. L. Cleeland, E. E. Abrams, O. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzger, Henry Miller, Jo'in Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Levi M. Wise. Francis Murphy, H. Yeager, 11. B. Campbell, A. H. Karver and Han 'l Younklns. Interest paid 011 time deposits. We respectfully solicit vour business. Iw.S &E. WICK, DEALERS IN Rough and Worked Lumber "of all 'Kinds Doors, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Klgs a Specialty. Ofßce and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe Btt near West Penn Depot, BIJTLBB PA n Kola, Celery & Pepsin M Kola vltallzer. Celery for the nerves,l'eusln for the stomach, IWp each Its mission serves. These together made a strong com llS NATURE'S LATEST WOITDER, KA' Kola Celery & Pepsin Wine! ■S Hettd ?1.(I0 for a iiuart bottle, I»*[ direct to Supply Department, 0 I Keystone Chemical Works Co.. N, —-J 3000 I'unn Ave.. Pittsburg. (Vertreter re ncht.) MAKE Your Fortune Quickly with small capital. Our Dally Forecast of thf>Stock and Grain market toll* you how; mailed fret*. Opportunity of a life time Bend address at once. E- B. JENKINS <fc CO.. 314 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. THICKS FOE HOUSES. THE ANIMALS ARE EASILY TAUGHT AND QUICK TO LEARN. They Caa, Without Mack Trouble. Be Made to Signal "¥e«" and "Xo," to Shake Hands and to Lie Down at the Word of Command. There are so many things that a korse can be taught to do, says Suc cess, that it is hard to tell which to select as best illustrating the methods by which we teach them. The follow ing, however, will furnish the key: Take a pin in your hand, and, stand ing abreast of a horse's near shoul der, prick him lightly on the breast This resembles the bite of a fly, and to drive off the nuisance h"e will bring down his nose to his breast This you accept as "Yes'' and immediately re ward him by feeding him a lump of sugar or some other trifle that he likes. Repeat the operation till he brings down his head at the slightest move ment of your hand toward his breast. By degrees you can substitute a simple downward movement of the band, which is less noticeable to an onlook er, but equally effective. Standing In the same position, prick him lightly with a pin on the top of his neck. He will at once shake his head, which is accepted as "No;" then re ward him as before. Repeat this until he shakes his head at the least upward movement of the hand. This signal, as he learns his lesson more perfectly, can be gradually lessened until it is very slight indeed. To say "Yes" or "No" is a very simple trick, and yet there is none that shows to better ad vantage. Of course when a horse has thoroughly learned to obey the signals you can ask him some questions and then, by the motion of your hand, make him say "Yes" or "No" a# you please. To teach a horse to shake hands, fas ten a short strap to one fore foot below the fetlock. Then, standing in front of the horse and having the strap in your hand, say, "Shake hands," and imme diately pull up his foot and take it in your hand. Then, still holding the foot, reward and caress him exactly as you would if he had given it to you of his own accord. Keep repeating the oper ation, being careful to reward him oniy. while his foot is in your hand. He will very soon learn to give you his foot the moment you reach your hand to ward It To teach a horse to lie down at 1 word of command first select a good, Bmooth piece of greensward, where he will not hurt himself. Harness him with a surcingle and bridle and strap up his off fore foot. A common breech ing strap is best for this, the short loop around his foot between the fet lock and the hoof and the long one around his forearm. Fasten one end of a strap to the near fore foot below the fetlock, pass the other end up through the surcingle and take it in your right hand and the bridle rein in your left hand. Pußh him slightly, and the moment be steps pull sharply on the strap. This ol* course .will bring him to his knees. If he is a horse of any spirit, he will generally fight very pertina ciously before he goes down; but, hav ing the use of only his two hind legs, he soon becomes wearied and rests with his knees on the ground. Now pull his head toward you, and he will fall over the other way. Hold him down for some minutes, meanwhile speaking to him very sooth ingly. Feed him lumps of sugar; in fact make as much as possible of him while in this position. Then release him and repeat the lesson. He soon learns to lie down very readily, and then you can omit strapping his off fore foot. Later you can also abandon the use of the strap and surcingle by taking his near foot in your hand. Then you can accomplish the purpose by simply touching the near fore leg with your hand and finally by a mo tion of your hand toward his leg. You should always accompany the signal by the command, "Lie down!" By degrees he learns ltß meaning, and the signal can be dispensed with. If a horse is large and strong, the trainer must be cool, wide awake and alert; otherwise he may make a botch of it and injure tfce horse or himse'f or both. Bros. An English traveler who has visited every nation in the world is authority for the statement that one food is uni versal throughout all countries. "There is not a part of the world," he says, "where you cannot get an egg." While in western China, however, he at first had some difficulty in getting even eggs. The natives could not understand him and refused to recognize the pic tures he drew as pictures of eggs. "The way I got out of the difficulty," he Idds, "was that I squatted down on toy haunches, flapped my wings and cock-o-doodh;-doo'd until the entire na tion grasped what I wanted, and I was simply provided with hundreds of eggs." Poaalbllltlea of the Feet. If Instead of the cramping imprison ment of boots and shoes the foot from infancy were allowed a free and nat ural development, it may be questioned whether under such conditions it might not bo rendered capable of performing other functions besides those of loco motion and sustaining the weight of the body. Certain at least it is that some unlucky mortals born without arms have managed to use a knife, fork, spoon, pen, paintbrush and even a violin bow.—Pall Mail Gazotte. Good aa Hia Word. Mortified Bridegroom—You told me your father's wedding present would be a check for four figures. Blcshlng Bride—Well, isn't $11.30 four figures!— Chicago Tribune. Unfortunate. Von Blumer—l wonder what kind of people have taken the house across tha way. Mrs. Von Blumer—l don't know. 1 was out the day they moved In.—New York Herald. Why a Han Shouldn't. There are two things that should keep a man from worrying—if he have no reason for worrying, there's xx) use worrying; if he have a reason, there ii no use.—Loa Armeies Herald. An Infallible Reault. Brlggs—My wife has had a wonder ful cure. She has recovered her volcj alter being unable to utter a word foi nearly six months. Griggs—You don't mean-it! How did it come about? Brlggs—ln the most unexpected way. We happened to call at a nelghbor'i where they were playing cards. W« thought we might as well take a hand. What was the result? In less than flvt minutes my wife was anking In a strong, clear voice, "What's trump*?" —Boston Transcript Bternlt jr. An unconventional preacher under took to give his hearers a vivid con ception of eternity. This is the waj he did it: "If a little sparrow wero t< dip its bill in the Atlantic ocetin am! take one drop of water and then tak< one hop a day across the country an<! put that drop in the Pacific ocean ami then hop back to the Atlantic, one hoi a day, until the Atlantic was dry an a bone, it wouldn't be sun-up in hades." Bad Beginning Make* Uolclt Kndlng "So the engagement's off?" "Yes; she advised him to practice economy, and he started in by getting hsr an imitation diamond/'—Detroit s Free Prosa. t I CO CDS ION WITRTA" COM ET . •nil at Such a Catastrophe Would Srti For the Earth. I Although it Is exceedingly Improba ble that the earth may be destroyed by Collision with a comet or some huge meteor, still the fact that such a con tingency Is possible is sufficient ground ■ for discussion 011 the subject and for ■ Imagining what the result might be, say 9 the Woman's Home Companion. j The earth Is moving around the sun gt a velocity of eighteen miles a sec ! ond, while the sun, with all its attend ant planets, is being hurried on toward the great fiery constellation of Hercu les at a far greater velocity. The very fact that small meteors exist proves the possibility of the existence in space of meteors of inconceivable magnitude. Even great black dead worlds may lie in our path, like breakers in the path of a ship. Fifty miles a second is not an unusual velocity for heavenly bodies, and some are known to move at a speed even in excess of a hundred miles a second, five hundred times the speed of a rifle ball. Small meteorites, which reach the earth at a velocity of from twenty to thirty miles a second, are instantly consumed by the friction generated with the atmosphere. Large meteors, however, occasionally reach the earth, escaping destruction from their size, but are found to have their surfaces fused from heat generated by the passage through the atmosphere. Although It is probable, still it is possible, that the earth may some time encountiT such a shower of small me teors. perhaps in the fr.rm of a comet, that the heat of combustion from fric tion with our atmosphere and the poi sonous gases thereby generated might destroy ail terrestrial life. Ancient Lightning Rods. The ancients did not have lightning rods constructed as ours are, but they bad lightning conductors, which shows that they knew how to protect them selves from the danger that lies in a thunderstorm. Even so long ago as the tenth century lightning was divert ed from fields by planting in them long sticks or poles, on top of which were lance heads. It is said that the Celtic soldiers used to try to make themselves safe from the stroke dur ing a storm by lying on the ground with their naked swords planted point upward beside them. There was long ago on the shore of the Adriatic sea a stronghold known as Dunie castle, on the highest tower of which there was an iron rod that was used as a means of telling when a storm was approaching in summer. A soldier was always stationed near the rod when the sea had a threatening look, and It was'his duty to frequently put the iron point of his javelin close to the rod, watching for the spark that would tell him It was time to warn the fishermen by ringing a big beli. Their Teeth Betray Tliem. "There is only one feature of an ac tor which will 'give him away' when disguised in a perfect makeup," re marked a young actor, "and that fea ture Is the teeth. Let a man do what he will to his face, let him cover it with all kinds of paint, beard, whisk ers and what not, but the teeth will disclose his indubitable indentity di rectly he opens his mouth to speak a line or to emit a laugh. "I myself, when sitting in the front of a house watching other people's per formances, have frequently been puz zling myself as to the identity of a cleverly made up player, but no sooner has the said player disclosed his 'ivo ries' than I have at once spotted him, provided, of course, he has chanced to be a man whose face I know moder ately well. Strangely enough, hardly any one Is aware of this curious truth, but it remains an undeniable fact all the same." Raising the Wind. It seems incredible, but is neverthe less a fact, that as late as the year 1814 an old woman named Bessie Mil lie of Pomona, in the Orkney islands sold favorable winds to seamen at the small price of sixpence a vessel. For many years witches were supposed to sell the wind. The Flnlanders and Lap landers made quite a trade by selling winds. The old woman, aftor being well paid by the credulous sailors, used to knit three magical knots. The buyer was told he would have a good gale when be untied the first knot, the second knot would bring a strong wind and the third a severe tempest.— Irish Times. A Sand Tree of Prussia. We are accustomed to regard sand as utterly barren, but the plants native to the coast sands of Prussia have been enumerated by naturalists, whose esti mates vary from 171 to 234 varieties. Of these ono of the most available Is the Arundo arenaria (marram), which thrives only in sand and in the salt air tof the beach. This in time serves to prepare the soil for larger plants. Her Neighbor. "I can't understand your dislike lor Mrs. Nexdoro," said Mr. Goodart. "She seems a nice, quiet, home loving wo man." "Think so?" replied his wife. "Yes. She certainly appears to be a busy little body." "You've got the 'little' In the wrong place."—Philadelphia Press. Sclicnie That Failed. Tom (teasingly)—Would you be sorry to hear that I am going to marry Edytli? May me—lndded I should. Tom—Why? May me—Because I really llko Edyth. —Chicago News. There are two sides to every ques tion, and it's surprising how much there U to the other side when you hear It fairly presented. Atchison Globe. Family Reunions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER Have You a Neighbor? If so why don't you get jgKPQ* together and have a tele- We manufacture them. Ask us and we will tell you all atwut it. j/w" J 1 Electrical work of all A • vki icdcriptions done 011 shot t notice. ; The U.S. Electric Mfg. Co BUTLER. PA. IR-R-TIME-TABLES P & W It K Trains leave Butler for Allegheny, local time, at 6:00, 8:05, 9:15, and 11:10 а. m. and 4:00, 4:30 and 5:50, p. in. The 9:15 and 11:10 a.m. trains make the run in 1 hour and 20 minutes and the 4:30 train ia an hour and a half. The | 8:05 a. in. 4:00 and 5:50 p. m. trains : connect at Caller}- for points West, and i the 1.40 as far west as Ell wood. Trains leave Butler for Bradford at 1 9:30 a.m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p.m. Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:00, 9:15 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45, 4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 p. m: and from the • North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m. ! The Theatre train now leaves Alle -1 gheny daily at 10:30 p. m. fast time and is due in Butler at 12:26. On Sundays trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 8:05 and 11:10 a in and 4:30 and 5:50 p.m., and for the west at 4:00 p.m.; and arrive at 9:15 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p.m. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, 8:00 and 10:45 a.m., and 1:15. 3:20, 5:30, 6.15 and 10:30 p.m. On Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 and 10:30 p.m., and from the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 3:30 p.m. BB&PBR 7:30 a. m., local for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. express for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and Rochester—with sleepers. Trans arrive at Butler, and go on to Allegheny at 6:15 and 9:47 a. m. and 5:34 p. m. Train 21 from Punx y arrives at 7:35 a. m. and stops here. The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs ville. Echo and Dayton on signal. PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCUEDULS IN Krr«CR Sept. 1902 SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M BUTLER Leave 6 26 7 55 10 35 2 35 4 35 Saxonburg Arrive 654 8 22 11 03 300 503 Butler Junction.. 44 727 35311 33 325 529 Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 32 8 53 11 67 3 25 5 29 Natrona Arrive 741 90212 08 335 . 539 Tarentum 7 47 9 08 12 14 3 42 5 46 Springdale 7 57 9 17 12 21 3 S3 <5 56 Claremont 1 9 33 12 43 4 08 6 10 ShHi-jwburg ! 8 19 9 41 12 53 4 16 6 16 Allegheny 8 Si 9 55 1 07 4 29, 6 29 A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M.|P. M SUNDAY TKAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny City and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. m., ■rod 4:55 p. m. NOBTH. WEEK DAYB IA.M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M Allegheny City . .leave 6 30 8 20 10 30 3 00 6 10 Sharpeburg ]S 43 833 10 43,r3 13|r6 23 Ciaremont .... I .... 84210 50 ... j .... Springdale I | 9 00.11 07 .... 647 Tarentum i 7 13 9 11 11 18 3 40 6 s*> Natrona I 7 It 9 18 11 25 3 45 7 01 Batler Junction.. .arrive 729 927 1' 35 351 i 7 10 Butler Junction... .leave 7 3. r > 944 12 3(i 405 7 10 Saxonburg ; 8 (-6 10 11 1 00 4 41 7 36 BL'TLEB arrive 8 34,10 35 1 28 5 13 801 A.M.Ia.M, P.M. P. M.!P. M SUNDAY TBAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate stations at 7:00 a m. and 9-30 m. . FOB THE EAST. Weeks Days. Sundays A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. P M BUTLER Iv 62410 35 235 T & Butler J'ct ar 72711 33 325 810 ... Butler J'ct lv 7 11 35 351 814 .... Fee port ar 7 3211 38 354 817 .... Kskiminetas J't.. .." 7 38(11 45 359 823 .... Leecbburg " 7 52.1 l 57 : 413 836 .... Paulton (Ap0110)...." 8 15:12 16 435 867 .... SaJtsburg " 8 44,12 42 503 923 Blairivi!!»« „ 920 116 5 40' 962 .... Blairuville Int 44 927 1 33i 6 471 10 00 Altoona " 11 35 645 : 860 150 . .. Harrisburg M 310 10 001 100 645 Philadelphia " 623 .... 426 10 17 jP. M. A. M.IA.MP. M.j P. M Tlirough trains for the east leave Pitt*borg (Union Station), as follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 A.M Pennsylvania Limited " 7:15 44 Day Express, M ...7:30 44 Main Line Express, 44 8:00 44 Harrisburg Mail, 44 .12:45 p.* IlarrlHburg Express daily 4:4£ 44 Philadelphia Express, 4 4:50 44 Eastern Express, " 7:10 44 Fast Line, 4 900 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, for New York, Balti more and Washington only 10:00 44 The Pennsylvania S|*ecial, daily, for Phila delphia and New York 1125 '* Philad'a Mail, Sunday 9 oniy 8:40 A.M For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9.00 p. m. daily, uffalo and Allegheny Valley Division. Trains leave Kiukiminetas Junction as follows: — Toe IIUHKIM,'.i.r»(i a. ra. and 11.35 p. m. daily, with through parlor and (deeping cars. For Oil City, 7.4tf, 9i>6 a. m., 2.J8, 6.16 and 11.35 P tu. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. in., 6.15 and 11.35 p.m. For Red Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. in., 2 38, 6.15, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.66,10.49 a. m., б.15 and 11.35 p. m. For Kittanning ,7.46, 6.15,7.30, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15, 10.45, and 11.35 p. m. 44 r" stops on signal to take on passengers for Taren tum and points beyond. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or address Thos. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J B. HUTCHISON, J. B. WOOD. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. Time table in effect June 1, 190 2. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. nrothward. Daily except Sunday. Southward Bead up) (Bead down) 2 10 14 STATIONS! 1 9 H P.M. I'M !P.M.I am. A.M.ia.m « 3:1 1 15W 5 40:11 52 li (>8 12 52 Kairview # 08|12 17 5 57 12 40 <Jirard 6 19 12 29 ! B 07 1 30 ar..Oonneant.. .ar 8 09| 1 31' | 4 22 11 16 lv.. Oonneaut.. .lv fl 05 11 15 I 5 40 12 19 rnmesville 6 35 12 48 1 5 35 12 14 Albion 6 40 12 53 I j 18 11 58 Hprlnghoio 6 551 1 07 5 10 11 53 Omneautville 7 01 1 13 4 111 11 20 Meadvllle Junct. 7 35 1 4M ♦i 07 12 38 ar.. Meadvllle.. ar 8 23; 2 20 i 3 30 10 30 lv. .Meadvilla...lv 5 50 12 fW> 5 40 12 12ar..Cou. Lake..ar 7 55 1 52 1 4 12 10 5H lv..<Jon. Lake. lv 8 17 1 20 4 43 11 28 ar. Kxpo. Park..ar 7 2H 1 411 ! 4 43 11 2H lv " lV' 7 28 1 V) 4 48 11 .'H ar.. Lineavilie ..ar 10 00 11 (Jo.lv •' Iv| 7 20 11 46 4 18.11 07 Harmtown 7 »i 2 02 4 13 11 02 Ailamnville 7 55 2 07 4 03 10 53 <»Kood i 05 2 17 8 10 3 55 10 45 Ureeuville 6 00 8 13 2 23 6 On 3 VI 10 40 Slieungo 6 12 H 20 2 3" 5 44 3 23 10 211 Kredonia 6 29 n 35 2 47 6 29 3 08 l'l 118 Mercer 6 41 8 48 3 02 5 24 3 03 10 01 llounion Junction 8 53 3 07 5 07 2 47 9 43 Grove City I 7 08 » 10 3 28 4 54 9 32 ilarriaville 7 18 13 37 4 47 2 31 9 25 Brauditon |7 23 9 25 3 45 ft 30 10 10 ar... Hi! Hard ... ar 10 10 10 10 530 2 211 8 10 Iv. ..Milliard. ..lv 6 10 8 10 2 20 4 43 2 28 i» 17 K«i»t.r 7 27 9 27 3 48 4 28 2 15 9 01 Enclid 7 43 I 4 08 4 00 1 50 i 825 llutler 8 10 10 05 4 35 2 20,12 l r >, 700 Allegheny tt 40 11 30 «20 ' |nn I am a.m. a m p.m Train 12. leaving Grove City s.'*) tT ST, Mcrrcr 5:21. («r<:«!iivllle 8:05, Ctontieuutvlllo 7:17, Albion 7-38. arrives at Erie 8::i5 a. m. Train 13, leavlnif Krle 4:05 p. m. Albion 5:09, Oonneautvllle 5;31, Or»;er>vlllo 8:40 Morcer 7 28 arrives at drove t'ity at 7:48 pm. E. D. COMSTOCK, W. R TURNER. Gen. Pass. Agt, Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa Wiufield 1C ifco Time Table In effect June 2d, 1902. e WESTWA BI). STATIONS. | AM | P M Leave. Went Wiufield.. .... 7 45 2 45 M llnKKHVille 8 00, 300 •• 1 roii Bridge (8 20 320 " Wlafield Junction ..; 830 3 .15 u Laiio i 8 40 345 ** Itutl«?r Junction i 8 46 350 Arxif •• Allegheny _• i ® EABI w AED. STATIONS. A M r M L'live Allegheny ! ' 14 Butler Junction |lO 00i 440 44 Lane 110 05 j4 45 •* Wiufield Junction 10 15 455 M Iron Bridge 10 525 505 '• Jioggsvillf 10 515 Arrive We«t Winfttld 10 45 5 '26 T,;UI. . Stop at Lans and Iron Bridge only on Flag T" Uk«" oil or leave off pauMtugers. Trains Connect at liutler Junction with. TraiuH KaNtward for Vreeport, Vandergrift and UlaiiHville Intersection. Traiun W«»stward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle gheny. Trains Northward lor Saxonburg, Delano and Builer. B. G. BBALOIt, General Manager. ic. F. T. Pape,| 5 iJEWELERI j S 121 E. lefferson Street. ) A. M. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 45 S. Main St. Butler PA Arrnnnu AccoJlTts J) 7c.| Write for Booklet—How to Open an Account t>y Mall. tfL +&&XIVXXXiX9VX'SVXX% g Women of Good Taste J Are quick to appreciate the merits of our superb collection of flr newest fabrics for Dresses and Waists. The stock is so carefully selected, the assortment so varied and the price so low that it tf is to your decided advantage to see what we offer. OT g The Newest Dress Goods % fr All the popular weaves are shown in blacks and colors. Light ( Sgb weight fabrics for costumes, and the heavier weights for Jacket ipk | Suits and separate skirts. Superior values at every price from V j a 25c to £2.00 a yard. V I 3 New Waist Materials ft* Exquisite Waist Silks in individual patterns.exclusivedesigu9.no G| two alike. Beautiful imported Crepes, French Flannels_ and Printed Cashmeres. Silk Waist Patterns, worth s">.oo for £3.50. JR Finest Crepes and French Flannels 75c a yd. Ub J Handsome Waist Materials 12ic. 15c, 25c. g Blankets and Spreads S ex From the lowest priced up to the softest and most luxurious •I Blankets, onr stock can t l>e beat. Special values in White OT Spreads, Comforts, Sheets and Pillow Cases. Blankets 50c to (J SS.OO a pair. Spreads 50c to £l5O each. Comforts SI.OO up. g Underwear and Stockings ; ■ We buy only worthy qualities and comfortable shapes at fIP the lowest prices. Women's Fleeced Underwear, special 25c, 50c. £ S Misses' Fine Wool Hose, special 25c. \ |L. Stein & Son,g « 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. $ BICKEL'S FALL and WINTER OPENING U1 FOOTWEAR. f-lir-n\l NEW STYLE IS HERE, |-y|-KY NEW SHAPE AND *- w 1 NEW LEATHER. In Ladies' fine shoes we are showing many handsome styles in Enamels, patent-kid, velour and box calf, dull or patent tips, Opera or Military heels. „ Girls shoes in fine box-calf and Dongola kid, low or spring-heels, welt soles, all sizes and widths. Men's fine shoes in patent colt-skin, enamel, vici-kid and box calf, hand soles, all the newest lasts. Large assortment of Boys', Youths' and Little Gents fine shoes in latest styles. EVERY DAY SHOES. Ladies' whole stock waterproof at $1.75- The samc kind * n Misses' sizes at $1.40. Cheaper grades in oil-grain and kangaroo calf at 85c, SI.OO, $1.25 per pair. Large stock of Gokey's high-cut, hand-pegged, box toe slices. See our drillers high-cut, box-toe, bellis tongue shoes, hand fitted, just the kind for this time of the year. Our stock of school shoes is complete. Gokey's high-cut, cop per-toed shoes for boys and waterproof shoes for girls. -Large slock of best grade Felts and first quality Rubbers of all kinds at prices%ure to interest you. Large stock oi Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Leggins and Overgaiters. Repairing promptly done. Sole leather and shoemakers supplies. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUTLER, PA. fWall 1 At 25 per cent, discount. Now is the time to | buy wall paper and save money at I Patterson Bro's., 1 1 236 N. Main St. Phone 400. Wick Building. | - ANNOUNCEMENT I©l ■■ ■, Fall and Winter Millinery v ' - >" Owing to the beauty of the assort • nient. and the novelties in the styles, it will pay yon to come and see this ex 'V V? **' V;. •• V- \ '' •, t&.. > all descriptions A larger and better \ ">ss¥ V • selection of up-to-date Millinery can not he found in the city. We have what /lllfllif I ii,', our customers want when they want it, I Hill/ J and at the prices they want it. We can 1 1' I If/ ;;Vs help you suit each customer. IfPlilillK Call to see us at Rockenstein's, MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 328 South Main Street. - - Butler. I'a THE FIGURES of men are various and most of them are more or less out of propor tion; but a perfect figure is preserved to appear ance by the art of the tailor. We take the pains to restore the form spoiled by nature, not to a dull uniformity, as it everyone must look alike, but toward har mony—clothes foi in dividual. See our showing of the season's newest cloth. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. L. C. WICK. DKAI.KB T" LUfIBER. #5.00 cash prize shooting at Mardorf't) j shooting gallery, 111 W. Jefferson St. I THE MOST IMPORTANT l question of the day is why . Newton, "The Piano Man," can sell a better piano for less money than anyone else in Westein Pennsylvania. I He represents the wealthiest inanu :! facturers of Pianos. You pay direct to I them for all the Pianos. The expense 1 | of selling them is $7.3! less than the . I ordinary retail man and you save his ' i profit, which means to you $175 saved, i ! Prices from $250 to $1,500—10 per cent S off for cash. All pianos fully warrant ; ed. My customers are my reference. . ! Ask them. Call and see me and let me j explain our easy payment plan, i Your credit is good. NEWTON "THE PIANO MAN" 317 S. Main St. Butler Pa Mars Boiler Works. i AU sizes of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and UPRIGHT HOILKRS always in stock for sale or exchange, j Repair work promptly attended to, I S. H. ROBERTS. i Bell Phone No. (1. Mars, People's Phone No. 11. Pa ? ___ S Hit I 'W K W'K .»■ 4 Our stock of Men's Furnishing J i i for Fall and Winter is now a j complete and it is J bigger and better . than ever. ! 5 # • d We have a fine showing of J # Shirts. Neckwear, Gloves. A A Underwear and 4 4 Half-hose. £ Our Fall Hats are top-notch of # # profection. « I Jno. S. Wick j 5 HATTER and S # MEN'S FURNISHER. # Opposite P. 0. 5 J BUTLER, PA. } CORKS ALL SIZES. ANY Quantity. REDICK & GROHMAN, Prescription Druggists, N. 109 Main St., Butler. Pa. Of Interest To you to know that REED carries in stock the following horse and cattle remedies. Dr. Daniel's Gall Cure, " Renovater, " Wonder Worker Linement, " Oster Coo us or nerve and muscle linement, " Cough, Cold, Fever Drops. " Colic Cure. Sloan's Gall Cure, " Horse and Cattle Powders, " Linement. Barker's Horse and Cattle Powders. " Linement. Newton's Heave, Coni?h, Distemper and Indigestion Cure. Bowner's Barn Dust, l-'our Horse Gall Cure. Foutz's Horse and Cattle Powders. Sheridan's Condition Powders. Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts., Buller, Pa Both Phones. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. G. Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Butler, Pa. 1 madam "''va'.. Dean's A K«f«, certain relief for Huppresscd HcniitriiaUon. Never known to fall. Hafel Hare! Hpeedy! HatUfaellon (luumnti-ed or money Refunded. Went prt pnld for f 1.00 per box. Will (tend them on trlnj to be |uuil for when relieved, (temples Free. UWITID mDICHCO.. »Q» T4. ** Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave Pbarmacv. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler! Penn'a. The best of horses mid Hmt Class rigs »l wavson hand and for hire. liesl aitcornmodal loiih In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. MA v<hhl class of horsoH. both driver® and (Ir.ift borneii always ou hand and for Male under a full guarantee; and horse# bouK<> proper notification bv 9L S £-* ' PEARSON B. NACE, Telepaone. No. 21V. iff F P HTA 'JI VICK --DENTAL ROOMS.-- Rf k 1 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, r« {( 'Hi W»'rn PBACTICA | HHg Ji CHQWN »•»'! oF.li:ii£ w " rk lj SJJ* ntt»hurj{-yvHV NOT DO V .Vfn/l» v ouns? CROWNSL* 11# M"" 1 BRIDGK »erk redii'-e-l 1. ' \| VI Ir«s PER TOOTH Also Ulr L* :[Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMANt J | FALL AND WINTER SEASON. V gOpsning of Mew Fall and Winter Goods? <j> IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. A <. >Ladies' and Misses' Tailor-made Suits, and Jackets, Capes ands; O Furs, Walking Skirts, Die;-s Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool O I ► Waists, Mercerized Waists, Wrappers, Dressing © 'r Jackets, Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, a W | splendid showing of Dress Goods, Silks, jr I Waistings, novelties irj Trimmings Jr , I and Neckwear, Millinery and If I C Millinery Novelties, Or- jf < \ naments. Feathers X 4 ) Birds & Wings ' > < ' Prices as usual being on that small profit; » < Ibasis that has gained for us the reputation as< I Xgivers of best values, You will find all j [ 4 [, That is new in Ladies' Fall and Tailor-made Suits... .SIO.OO to $35.00 l I Tbat is new in Ladies' Jackets and Monte Carlos 5.00 to 25 00 I That is new in Fnr Scarfs $2 25 np to 35.00 < h < That is new in Misses' Suits, Skirts and Jackets . .. 500np to 38.00 > I That is new in Ladies' Dress Skirts 3.98 np to 35 00 i That is new in Ladies' Walking Skirts 2.08 np to 15.00 > That is new in Ladies' Silk Waists $3 00. 4 50, 500np to 10.00 I That is new in Ladies' Wool Waists 1.00 up to 5.00 That is now in Ladies' Velvet Waists 398 up to 5.00 ' > I MILLINERY. !! ' ' We are showing all that is newest in Trimmed Hats, Dress ' * Shapes and Trimmings. Our Ready-to-Wear Hats you find ' > < > different from those shown elsewhere, as we control some im- I i > ported lines. Our aim in Millinery is to show you exclusive { » i > styles at less prices than you can find the ordinary everyday \ > i \ styles shown everywhere. We solicit a visit to our Millineiy < > ( \ and Suit Departments. We want to convince you of oi>r 4 > X ability to give you correct styles, best values at money-sav- X ing prices. Trimmed Hats $1.50 up. Untrimmed Hats 50 ( . If cents up The rarest, creamiest stock we have ever shown. X DRESS GOODS AND «?ILKS ( , f Our Dress Goods stock was never more complete. We are r showing all the newest things in Suitings, Heavy Cloths for ' f Skirts, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Zibeline, Prunella and Vene- ' # tian Cloths, Serges and Henriettas. Fifty-four-inch' Heavy * 1 Cloths,7sc, value SI.OO. Heavy Cheviots for Unlined Skirt®, i > si.oo, value $1.25. You will find all our Dress Goods nd < > ' Silks priced at a saving of 25 per cent, on the dollar. So M { » prices rule as to values and economy in our Blankets, Flan- < > 4 \ nels,Yarns, Bedding, Haps, Sheets, Pi'low and Bolster Slips, ( > . £ Window Blinds, Rugs, Lace Curtains, White Quilts find all < , . . Domestics. Just opened and put 011 sale one case of Heavy J ( Fleeced Goods, suitable for wrappers, school dresses and J bed haps, at 6}c per yard—value 10c. Also in Ribbed J k Fleeced Underwear. Ladies' Ribbed Heavy Fleeced Vest V I' 25c. Men's Ribbed Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 39c fMrs. J. E. Zimmerman.l A Roll Phono 308. 14- 1 af* Do % X People's Phone 128. 13ulier » "• 1 MAYS & DAVIS Wholesale Dealers ir\ the Finest of Liquors, Ales, Beers and Wiqes, Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited. PEOPLE'S PHONE 578 BELL PHONE 218 822 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter W. Jefferson, Bntler, Pa. Busheling, Cleaning and EPAIRING A SPECIALTY. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGBAPHFB 139 South Main St. Our New Store is ready for business New Front, New Arrangement and many New Goods. , We have started in the new and have added new departments. ~ Hereafter, when you need anything, tome to us for it, we have almost every thing outside of groceries, drugs, shoes " n C,;2,n°£,d.*». " tb. «.»<1 but it don't look like the old place. DOUGLASS' book STORK Near P. O 241 South Main Btreet Eugene Morrison GENERAL CONTRACTING PAINTER and DECORATOR. Special attention j{iveu to FINE PAPER HANGING GRAINING and HARDWOOD FINISHING. Office and Shop, Rear of Ralston's Store, JResiilence No. 119 Cliff St. I'copie » Phone 451. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Conrt Hon*. Bntler, Pa. 1 REMOVAL. VVe have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Mouuments & Headstones ! of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figurrs on Iron Fence- Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler I Wm. Foster, j | Architect. £ j Plana of all kind of buildings C \ furnished on short notice. r r Oflice in Berg Building, j P Cutler, Pa. J ARE YOU GOING TO | BUILD OR REMODEL —rsrs—.tc,, 7* 'r Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, plumber, 8l« 8. Main (St., Both Phone«.
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