human beings, and spared the woman cast to them in the arena. It is astonish ing how little sympathy women have for women. In the home the mistress sees the maid with the signs of suffering she recognizes so well, but she does not lighten the sick girl's load by a touch of her finger. In the store the forewoman sees the pallor and exhaustion which mark womanly weakness, but allows nothing for them. It is work or quit. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, by curing the womanly diseases which undermine the health and sap the strength. "Favorite Pre scription" establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. ■When I firtf commenced using Dr. Pierce's medicines." write* Hn George A. Strong, of Gan»evoort. Saratoga Co . N. Y. "I was suffer ing from female weakneas, a disagreeable drain, bearing-down pains, weak and tired feeling all the time I dragged around in that way for two year*, then I began taking your medicine. After taking the first bottle I began to feel better. I took four botles of Dr. Pierce'* Favor ite Prescription, two of ' Golden Medical Dis covers.' one vial of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' also used one bottle of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a new person. I can't thank you enough for your kind advice and the good your medicine has done me." n Favorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, sick wemen well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing afar more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you ara armed against Kaeal Catarrh and Hay Fever. tr BOOK MAILED If REE. A. A.) FEVERS. Concestlona. Inflamma cvuka (tioni, Lunt Fever. Mlllt Fever. l. 8./HPRAIXM. Lamenew, Injuries, Ctmaa S Rheumatism. C. ('. (SORE THROAT. Quinsy. Epizootic, eras! Ulatemper. Hots. Grab*. E. E. {COI'CHS, Colds. Influenza, Inflamed CUZtMM) Lung**. Plruro-Pneunionia. P. V. I COLIC, Bellyache, Wind-Blown. CUKE* $ Diarrhea, Dysentery. 6.0. Prevents MIttCARRIAXiE. J KIDNEY 4t BLADDER DISORDERS. I. I. >SKI* DISEASES. Mange. Eruptions. cca*as I'leers. Urease, Harry. J. K. (BAD CONDITIOV Staring Caat, cckjcs j Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. Cfc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics. Book, *c„ |7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on ror-elpt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John HraM*.y*w York. Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profita - - $255,000.00 WILLIAM CAMPELL, JR President J. HENRY TROUTMAN. . .Vice-President Louts B STEIN Cashier C. E. CRONENWETT Teller DIRECTORS—Wm. Campbell Jr., J. Henry Troutman. W. I). Brandon, W. A. Hteln, J. B. Campbell. The Kutler Having* Hanlc Is the Oldest Banking Institution In Butler County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts rf oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All baslness entrusted to us will receive orompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. THE Butler Conntj national Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $300,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $140,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Caahier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on tune deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. 0. Waldron, Dr. rt. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Bweeney, O. P. Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Hnogm, \V. U. Larkin. T. P. Mlflllii, Dr. W. C. McCandles*. lien Mas seth. W. J. Harks. J. V, Rltts. A. L. tteiber THE Farmers' National Bank BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Profits, #17,500.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Hpedal attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. A. BAILEY Cashier E. W. HI N<;II A M Assistant Cashier J. F. HUTZLKR Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns, D. L. Cleeland, F„ E. A brains,V. N. Hoyd, W. F. Metrger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tho*. Hays, I,e*i M. Wise. Krani'l* Murphy. H. Yrsitmr, 1). li. Carnpliell, A. 11. Hitrver anil Dan'l Younklns. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. THAT TIRED FEEL I N O is the result of weak ne»s. Restore your appetite and k cl new strength Our Whiskies Ixriiiff guaranteed pure "will give to the system the needed vitality. ALWAYS IN STOCK I.AHOK, (ITIRHOLT. ULT'kKKHKIMKII. Ml. VKIiftOX, THOtHHOI. UlH*o*. DIM.I.MJhK, BKIIMiKfOKTI and offer them to you fl year old at |1 per full quart, 0 quarts |uMO. GRAIII)FATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed It years old, £ oo per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of |f>«l or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN or was a German, and one day when we were walking along the beach toward his station I noticed some hundreds of pigeons fly down from the forest, settle on the margin of the water and drink with apparent enjoyment. The harbor at this spot being almost landlocked and the water as smooth as glass and with out the faintest ripple, the birds were enabled to drink without wetting their plumage. My neighbor, who had lived many years in New Britain, told me that this drinking of sea water was common to both cockatoos and pigeons alike, and that on some occasions the beaches would be lined with them, the cockatoos not only drinking, but bath ing. and apparently enjoying them selves greatly. During the next six months, especially when the weather was calm and rainy, I frequently no ticed pigeons and cockatoos come to the salt water to drink. "At first I thought that as fresh water in many places bubbled up through the sand at low tide the birds were not really drinking the sea water, but by watching closely I distinctly saw them walk across these tiny run nels without making any attempt to drink. Then, too, the whole of the Gazelle peninsula is cut up by count less streams of water, and rain falls throughout the year as a rule. What causes this unusual habit of drinking sea water? Another peculiarity of the New Britain and New Ireland pigeon is Its fondness for the chili pepper berry. During "three months of the year, when these berries are ripe, the birds' crops are full of them, and often their flesh is so pungent and smells so strongly of the chill as to be quite un eata ble."—Cha mhers" Journal. Dlrda In Indian All primitive people regard the bird as specially wise and favored. Living In the air, he Is regarded as exercising control over atmospheric phenomena, and, knowing so well liis own migra tory seasons, the Indians observe his flights as foreboding ill or good to themselves. The Ilurons believe that the dove carries the souls of the departed hence. The I>akotas say the storm bird dwells so high as to be out of human vision and earri<*s a fresh water lake on his back, so that when he plumes himself It rains, when he winks his bright eyes It lightens, when he flaps his wings thunder rolls. The Alaskans hold much the same Idea about the "thunder bird." Among them all the eagle Is mighty, brave, aspiring, the symbol of their warriors for apparent reasons. The kingfisher Is anxious to serve his broth er man. Royalty and Profanity. William the Conqueror did not Intro duce swearing Into England, but he brought with him a very forcible oath. William was accustomed to swear "by the splendor of God," and on such oc casions he combined with it the "ter rible aspect of the eyes," which always took the place of swearing in the case of Kir Joseph Porter, K. C. B. After William's time the rulers of Kngland, with possibly here and there an excep tion. swore with great frequency and vigor. It is related that even Queen Bess, whose auburn locks did not bello a fiery temper, would break Into a string of expletives that would rattle the royal windows and frighten the household and royal attendants from all sense of diplomatic recourse.— Lon don Tatler. The Flrat Quarrel. After the explosion the following were found to be Injured: The Groom. Slightly scratched about the face, force of character and self esteem somewhat shattered; will hereafter show timidity under like cir cumstances. The Bride.—Dignity hurt, but not tiroken; showed unexpected courage; will recover slowly. Cupid.—Badly shocked; will recover. -Life. Pleaalni Him. Mrs. Gay—Yes, I know my husband can't afford all these things, but I'm buying them to please him. Mrs. Kchoppen—To please him? Mrs. Gay—Yes; there's nothing that ] pleases him more thau a chance to tell his people what a martyr he Is.—Phila delphia Press. A Fair OflTer. Tim Tuff—Aw, 1 cud lick youse wld both me hands tied behind me. . Swlpsey Mulligan—Will yer let me tie emV—Ohio State Journal. Rolf love Is at once the most delicate and the most vigorous of our defects; n nothing wounds It, but nothing kills It I'n fort unfile. Von Blumer—l wonder what kind ol people have taken the house across the way. Mrs. Von Blumer—l don't know. I was out the day tliey moved In.—New York Herald. Why a Man Shouldn't. There are two things that should keep a man from worrying—lf he have no reason for worrying, there's no use worrying; If he have a reason, there Ii no use.—Los Angeles Herald. An Infallible Iteault. Brlggs—My wife has had a wonder ful cure. Hhe has recovered her volc« after being unable to utter a word for nearly six months. Griggs—You dou't mean it! How did It come about? Brlggs-In the most unexpected wry We happened to cnll at a neighbor'! where they were ploying cards. We thought we might as well tnke a hand What was the result? In less than flvt minutes my wife was asking In a strong, clear voice, "What's trumps?" —Boston Transcript. Identity, An unconventional preacher under took to give his hearers a vivid con ceptlon of eternity. This Is the wnj he did it: "If a little sparrow were t< dip its bill In the Atlantic oceaji and tako one drop of water and then tnk< one hop a day across the country «ni put that drop In the Pacific ocean aiii then hop back to the Atlantic, one hoj a day, until the Atlantic was dry as a Iwne, It wouldn't be sun-up in hades.'' Had Brtlnnlng Mnkri Qnlck Radlasr "Ho the engagement's off?" "Yes; she advised him to practice i economy, and he started In by getting her an imitation dlanyjiid."—Detroit Fee* Fzomm. , . '> I R-R-TIME-TABLES I* & W It II Trains leave Butler for Allegheny, local time, at 6:00, 8:05, 9:15, and 11:10 a. ru and 4 00. 4:30 and 5:50. p. m The 9:15 and 11:10 a.m. trains make the run in 1 hour and 20 minutes and the 4:30 train in an hour and a half. The 8:05 a. m 4:00 and 5:50 p. m. trains connect at Callery for points West, and the 1:40 as far west as Ellwood. Trains leave Butler for Bradford at 9:30 a.m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p m. Trains arrive in Butler from Alle ' ghenv 9:00, 9:15 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45, 4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 pm: and from the North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m. The Theatre train now leaves Alle ; uheny daily at 10:30 p. m. fast time and is due in Butler at 12:26. On Sundays trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 8:05 and 11:10 a m and i 4:30 and 5:50 p.m., and for the west at p.m.; and arrive at 9:15 am. and 4:55 and 7:07 p.m. _ j Trains leave the Allegheny station for , Butler at 7:30, 8:00 and 10:45 a.m., and 1:15, 3:20, 5:30, 6:15 and 10:30 p.m. On j Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 and 10:30 j p.m.. and from the B. & O. station in j Pittsburg at 3:30 p.m. li R & P It It 7:30 a. m., local for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. in. express for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and Rochester —with sleepers. Trans arrive at Butler, and tro on to Allegheny at 6:15 and 9:47 a. m. and 5:34 p. ra. Train 21 from Punx y arrivt s at 7:85 a. m. »nd stops here. The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs ville. Echo and Dayton on signal. PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHZDCLK IN KrrECT Sej»t. :p>, IttCTJ SOUTH / WEEK DAYS . A M A M. A.M. P M P M BCTLEK L«ave 6 25 7 50 10 35 2 M 4 35 H*xonburg Arrive 6 54 8 22 11 03 3 00 6 (J3 Butler Junction.. M 727 35311 33 326 629 Butler Junction...hemr* 7 32 8 53 11 67 'i 26 5 29 Natronn Arrive 7 41 902 12 OH 335 639 Tarcntum 7 47 9 08 12 14 3 42 5 46 SpringdtJe 7 67 9 17 12 'Jt 3 53 G 50 Clar«*mout 9 SI 12 41 408 6 10 Sharntmrg 8 19 9 41 12 53 4 1»; 6 10 Allegheny 8 & 9 55 1 OT 4 29 6 29 A. M A.M. r M P. M P. M BUNI>AY TKAINH—L«*ve Butlei for Alleghenj City ftu'i principnl intermediate fUtioui at 7:20 a m , wJ 4:65 p. m. NOBTH. WEEK DAYS A.M. A.M. A M P. M. P. M Allegheny Ci*y .leave 630 «201" 30 3 0() 610 gharpaborg •> 43 8 33 10 43 r3 13 r€ Z* 8 42 10 60 dpringdale— 9 00 11 07 6 47 Tareutum 7 13 9 11 11 18 3 40 6 56 Natrona 7 It 9 18 11 25 3 45 7 01 Bntier Junction.. Arrive 7 29 927 11 36 351 7 10 Butlef Junction... .leave 7 36 9 4 4 12 3*) 405 7 10 Saaonburg 8 ( « 10 11 1 00 4 41 7 35 HPTLEB arrive 8 M 10 35 1 28 5 13 801 A.M. A M. P. M. P fll P >) 3( T NIMY THAI KM. — Leave Allegheny City for But ier and principal intermedial* station* at 700 a m. tue' t 30 i- n. r. S THE EAHT Week* I>aya. HwinJny- A. M. A. M P. il A M. P »1 Krrueri Iv 82510 35 236 7iu Butler J'ct ar 727 11 3 $ 326 810 ... Sutler Jet lv 7 11 35 361 814 ... K.-eport ar 73211 38 351 817 .... KMkimiu<'tiui J't.. 73811 45 359 82i Leech but# " 75J11 57 4 13 8?6 .. . Paultou (Apollo).... M Blil2 16 4 'to 867 .... •i. -tation), ii* follows: Atlantic Kxpnitt, daily 3:00 a.M I'c uuaylvania LlmlUsl 44 . 7:16 " l>ny Kx yrfrm, M 7:30 " Main Line ExpreM, M .. .... 8:<>0 " 1 ilarrisburg Mail, u .... 12:46 p.* Harrinburjc KX|T#«M dally 4 41 " j l'hilaiejphia Exproea, Wi •' hAsUrn Ezpr«««, '* ... 7 •* Kiiat Linn, 90" f'ittaburg Limit**!, dally, for New York, Haiti more and Waahi upton only. . ItWiO " The Penunylvaiiia Special, daily, lor Phila delphia and New York 11:25 * a Mail, Muuda>, wit; throUKh parlor and uleeping cars. Y'»r Oil City, 7.4 ft, 9M a. m., 2 iB, 6.15 and ll .'io p m. week-day*. Hunrlayt, 9.56 a. m., 6.16 and 11.35 p.m For Bed Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. m., 2 38, 6.15, 'J.34, and 11.35 p. m. weekday*. Sundays, 9^>6,10.49 a. m. 6.15 and U..'i6 p. m. For Kittannlng ,7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 6J6, 7.90, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. week-day■. Bunday«, 9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.16, 10.45, and 11.35 p. m. M r" stopM on «lxnai to take on panaengera tor Taren turn and (xdnta beyond. For detailed Information, apply to ticket agent or addruM Thos. K. Watt, Paan. Agt. Wrater n liiatrict. (Jorner Fifth Avenue and Hmithfleld Htreut, Pittnbura, Pa. • fi HI TCHIfIOV, J It. WOOD • • «..• *•*<•»»» 'i,.. , OEKHEMER & LAKE ERIE U K. CO D Time table in effect Tune 1. 1 )>! . CENTRAL TIME One honr slower than town time. n roth ward. Daily except Hunday. Southward Bead up) (Head down) J! 10 14 STATIONS 1 '* 11 P.M. P.M P.M. i A.M.ia.m « 33 1 15 Erie 5 40 11 62 II 08 12 52 Fairvlew *i OH 12 17 5 67 12 40 Cirard 6 19 12 29 ar..Conneaut.. .ar , 8 09 I •'»" 4 22 11 16 lv.. i>iuneaut.. .Iv 6 05 11 15 5 40 12 19 Craneaville 6 35 12 4* 5 35 12 14 Albion 6 40 12 53 5 16 11 58 Hpringboio . 6 55 1 07 5 10 11 631>onueautv!l)e 7 01 1 13 4 .tl II 'J" Meadville Junct. 7 35 I 48 6 07 12 38 ar. Meadvllls.. ar 8 l\ 2 20 3 30 lo iiOlv. Meadville.. .lv 5 50 12 s'» ; 5 40 12 12ar..Con. 7 55 1 52 4 12 10 58 lv. .Con. I/ake. lv 17 1 20 4 43 11 28 ar . Expo. Park »r 7 1 40 4 43 11 tß.lv " lv 7 28 I 4o 4 48 11 31 ar.. Llneaville . .ar 10 00 11 00 lv * lv| '7 201146 I 4 I*ll 07 HurtnUiwri ] I 7 .Vi 2 (8 |4U II « AiUnxrllle ] |7M 2in 4 ((( 10 53 H 0T) 2 17 B 1(1! :i 50 10 45 KrwltiriU I « ! n '.IT, 247 8 2ii :i 0* 10 00 Mnrcor ff 41 N 4h 3 02 5 ::) a n;i io 01 lluuaton Junction H53 307 507 2 47 » 43 2 20 : «10 1». Illlltaril. . .lv B |o: () ]<> t2O 4 4.1 2 •» » 17 Kel.U-r 7 Z7| « 27 3 4* 4 2 15 tt 01 Kucliil 7 43! 4 0« 4 CM) 1 50 j » 25 Hutlar j K 10 10 05 4 35 2 yo|l2 15 7 00 All*(b«o]r U 40 II 30 #2O I |im I iiiii I I» m pin Train I'i. leaving drove (!|ty 5.U1 a! iIT, Men-er Greenville H:0&, Conneautvllle 7:17, Albion 7-Bli. arrives at Erie a. m. Train |;i. leaving Erie i:(t> p. in Athlon S:"H. t'oiineautvffle 5;31, Oreeiiyllle 8:10 M»n«r 7 i>l arrives at (Irovn city st 7:4H pin. E. D. COMHTOCK, W. B- TURNER. Gen. I'ass Agt, Tkt Agt, Liutlur, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa WiiiHclil It It Co Time Table In effect Jane 3d, IHO'J. WKBTWABU. HTATIoN'H. AM I'M West WluSeM ..' 7 4fl| * 4. r > 1I"KK«*IU" * 00 3 »i '• Iron lirlilgn 5203 20 " WlulMil Junction H 311 3 M " H 40 II 45 " tintl.*r Junction ...j s 4f» .1 W) Arrivw Alh'ttlutiiy i H fiftj & 10 KAHTWAHI). STATION'S. A M I* M I,' 11.-gli.-ny # «) 3 On " liutler Junction 110 00 440 " i,k„„ 10 (ft I4i » Wlnll.M Jul,l Hon lo p. 4U I •• Iron IIIi«lg« lo 21 Soft •• Iluggsvllln hi iIS Arrivt- W.-nl Wlnll. M 10 45 5 Z/i Trains stop at Ijti.i- ami Iron llrlilgn only on Klsg to tak* on or I'-uvu oil |iusM-ng«rs. Tiiiitui c.iiili'-' t nt llnthT Juuctlon wlili Ti nin. Ksst w>r'. Trains Norllmsnl lot Haiotihiirg, In-lnno sml lluilnr. II IIKAI.OH, OstiMral Managnr. k F. 1. tope, 11 JEWELERS! < { S 121 E. Jefferson Street. ) A. M BERKIWER, Funeral Director. 145 S. Mam St. Butler PA Accounts'P' Pt 1 Tjll Write ptr out off for caah. All piano* fully warrant ed. My customer* are my reference. Ask them. (Jail anil wee me and let me explain our cany payment plan. Yonr credit in xood. I NEWTON i I "THE PIANO MAN" 31T U. Main Ht. Bntler Pa Mars Boiler Works. I All sizes of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and UPRIGHT BOILERS always in stock for sale or exchange. ! Repair work promptly attended to, S. H. ROBERTS. I Hell Phone No. H, HfT"' j People'* Phone No. 11. ' 'God Save the Commonwealth. General Election Proclamation. W HKBCAB, An by Section 10 of the Act of the tieneml Assembly to regulate the nomi nation and election of public officers, requir ing certain expenses incident thereto to be paid by ihe scveial counties and punishing ceriain offences In regsird to such elections: It is made the fluty ol the sheriff of every county, at least ten days before an> general election to be held therein, to give notice of same by advertisements In at least three newspapers, if there be so many published in ihe county, two of said newspapers repre renting so lar as practicable, the political party which at the prcc eOlng November election cast the largest number of votes and the other one of said newspapers represent ing so tar as practicable the political party, which at the preeeeding November election j cast the next largest number of votes, and in addition thereto the Sheriff or every coun ty shall, at least ten days before any general ! election to be held in cities ot the tlrst, sec ond and third classes, give notice by procia 1 matlon posted up in the most conspicuous places In every election district In said cities ! ot the first, second and third classes and in every such proclamation or advertisement shall. Ist Enumerate the officers to be elected and give a list ot all the nominations made as provided in this act, and to be voted for in such county, and the full text ot all cousti i tutlonal amendments submitted to a vole ot ihe people but ihe proclamations posted In each election district need not contain the names of any candidates but those to be voted for In such district. I 2d— Designate the places at which the elect ion is to be held. 3d—lie shall give notice that every person, excepting Justices of the I'eace, who shall hold any office or appointment of proMt or trust under the Government of the United states, or of this suite or of any city or In corp'orated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate otticer or dgt-tit, who Is or shall be employed under Ihe Legislative, Executive or Judiciary depart ment ol the Slate, or ol the I nited States, or of any-city or incorporated district; and also that every member <'t Congress, and ol the State Legislature, and of the Select or Com mon Council of any city, or Commissioners of any incorporated district. Is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment ol Judge. Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, .tnd that no Insptctor. Judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted tor, except that of an election officer. Sow, therefore, I. Thomas It. Hoou. High Sheriff of the County of llutler. State ol I'en n-y lvanyi. do heieliy make known and give this public notice lo the electors of Butler county, that on the first Tuesday alter the llrst Monday of November, being the 4th day of November, 1902, Iroin 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. A general election will be held In the sev eral election districts of said county, estab llshed bv law, at which time tney will vote by ballot for the several officers hereinafter naiut d as follows: One person for Governor. One person for Lieutenant Governor. One person for Secretary of Internal Affairs. One person for Representative In Congress. Two persons for Representatives In the General Assembly. One person for Judge of tho Court of Corn inou I'leas. One person for Sheriff. Ono person for I'rotlionotary. One person for Register and Recorder. One person for County Treasurer. Two persons for County Commissioner. One person for Coroner. Two DCrsous for Count v Auditor. Republican. Governor, Samuel W. fenny packer. /lieutenant Governor, William M. Brown. Secretary of Internal Affair*, Isaac B. Brown. Representative in Congress. George K. Uuff. Repreieiilative* of the (ieneral Atiemhly, Adam M. Douthett. Thomas Hays. Judge of the Court of Common Pleat, James M. Galbreath. Sheriff, Martin L. Gibson. Prothunotaiy. John C. Clark. liegitter and Recorder. John P. Davis. County Treasurer. Wlntteld 8. Dixon. County Commissioner. Robert M('Clung. James L. fatterson. Coroner, Dr. J. C. Atwell. County Auditor, Howard C. Hazlett. GeorgeS. Huselton. Democratic. Governor, Robert K l'attlson. Lieutenant Governor, George W. Guthrie. Sicrctary of Internal Affairs. James Nolun- Rejiresentatlve in Congress, Charles M. Helneman. Represenlativt of the General Assembly, Joseph 11. Cochran. Stephen Cuminlngs. Judge of the. Court of Common Pleas. Lev McQulstlon, Sheriff, William M. Kennedy. Prothonotary, J. M. Conway. Register and Recorder, Thomas. A Frailer. County Treasurer. L. M. Roth. County Commissioner, Greer McCain!less. George I'". Kasley. Coroner, John Q. A. Smith County Auditor. (i W. Jamison. W. O. Deltrlek. Prohibition, (Jovenor, SiliiH G. Hwiillow. Lieutenant Governor, Let* Is. (J rum blue. Secretary of Internal AJTaira, Milton H. Marqultf. Rejtreaentatire in Con a res*. Jiiruen 8. Wooilliuru. Socialist Labor. Governor, William Adams. Lieutenant Governor, Donald L Munro. Necretary of Internal Affairs, frank l eelian. Socialist. Governor, J. W. Slay ton. Lieutenant Governor. J. Mali I lon llarnes. Seeri tai y of Internal Affairs, Harry C. Could. Citizens. Governor. Samuel W. I'euuypackor. Lieutenant Governor. William M. drown. Secretary of Internal A Jfairs, Isaac K. llrown. Anti-/Vlachine. Governor, Robert E. l'attlson. Lieuten'int Governor, George W. Guthrie. Secretary of Internal Affairs, James Nolan. Ballot Reform. Governor, ItoSert E. l'attlson. Lieutenant Governor, George W. Guthrie. Secretary of Internal Affairs, James Nolan. I'LACKH OK HOLDING THK KLKUTIONM. Tim said elections will b« held throughout the county a* follow* : The ejectors of Adftm* township, North pre cluct. at the carpenter shop ul J.J. Hinlth, at Myooia, in said precinct. The elector* of Adams, south precinct, at l.aiimlrv llul|illi>K owned l»y John Hal lour, in nitltl precinct. The electors of Allegheny township lit the township flection house, at Hlx I'olnts, lii said township. Th« electors of llufTalo township at house of ThOt. W. Klilott li> Hid township. The elector* of llutler township at house of Will In in Bori uiass, now J. H. Sanderson, In sulil township. Theelector* of Itrady township at the .School houbc at West I.llierty. Ihe elector* of Clearfield township at the ottlceot frank I*. Mcltrldn, In said twp The elri'tors of Clinton township at the Hull at Kiddle* X Kimds In said twp. The electors of Concord township In M. Cochran's new house, In Mlddletown. The electors of Clay lownslilii at the wagon sliopol li. is McCandless, Insald township. The electors of Centre township at the eleo Hon noose, in said towimhlp. The electors of Cherry township North pre cinct, at the llye bread hcliool llousv, In said precinct The electors of t'herry township. Houth pre clnct, at llni I'lpomeni Hchool llouse, In said precinct. The electors of Connoo:an in said borough. The electors of the b. rough of fetrolia at the Council ltooui In said borough The electors of the borough of fairvlew at the Cnlon Hall In said borough. The electors of the borough of Karns City at the town hail, in said borough. Hie electors of the borough of KvansCltv at the shop ot Mlckley «v west in said horough- The electors ol tne borough of Harmony at the office of f. It. Coo vert in said borough The electors of ihe borough of Zellenople at the wagon shop of James \\ allace in sain boro The • lectors ol the borough ot Mars at the council loom In said borough. The electors of the b jrough of fortersvtllo at l lie 1. It. Of Hall in said borough. The electors ol ihe borough of Valencia at Ihe store loom o! Burr £ Stoup in suid boro. The electors ot the borough ol Connoiiue nesslng at the house ot f. . fhoinas 111 sa d borough. Given under iny hand at my office at But ler, thisauth day ot Oct., In the year of our Lord, laiu, and lu the 127 th year ot the Inde pendence ol the Cnited states ol North America. I IIO.M AS R. HOON, sheriff. ARE A FEW OF THE MANY OOOD THINGS # YOU WILL FIND NEXT SUNDAY IN THE PITTSBURGH 3 GAZETTE H *Jig Business Boom rikes Fayette County Harvest Days of Old Rothenburg Dinner Service in the White House Superiority of American Stained Glass Cotton Pickers of the Sunny South - y.vsy Life and Why 7he Exodus to Florida Frank H. Spearman's rea est Railroad Story f "Sdnkrtj's Double Header" i .. ill Levington Comfort's Football Stories The Beautiful " i t Picture Supplement, 'HIE SLMMtK GIRL" i'V Oscar Holt/day ttjnghart k & \ I BETTER ORDER THE SUNDAY n iZETTE ...;i3 •mmmamammamm AT ONCE /jjil KEWSDFALEB W. S. McVAY, Agent, For the Gazette in Butler. ITManT^iTDeail'sl A Mfo, certain relief for *uppri'«M»xl I Nrvwr known l<> full. H»fol ■ Hurrt S|hiiM for whan relieved. Hum plea Kiw. ■ uwitip mo.c«i eo.. ■«« t«, e» J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacv — T : Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable K ear of Wick House. Butler- Penn'i. Tb6 bMt of hurHAN urxl flr*t».)>,OHlH ta M Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN? Jl| FALL AND WINTER SEASON. £ ; of New Fall and Winter Goodsg < > IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS A ( (Ladies' and Mioses' Tailor-made Suits, and Jacket*, <~apes ai'dft 0 Furs, Walking Skirts, Diess Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool A * ► Waists, Mercerized Waists, Wrappers, Dressing O * ' Jackets, Underwear, Hosiery and Coves, a W splendid shoeing f Dress Goods, jr Waistings, novelti-s in Trimmings IP .I. and Neck* ear. Millinery and 5?- J| Millinery Novelties, Or- Jt ( nanun's, Feather. rL { ) Birds & Wings A * 1 Prices as usual being on that small profit^ < [basis that has gained for us the reputation 11[givers of best values. You will find all V > That is new iu Ladies' Fall aud Tailor-uiade Sti'ts.. . .SIO.OO to £•;."> 00 j . That is new in Ladies' Jackets and Monte Carlos 5.00 to 25 00 | * That is new in Fnr Scarfs s■» 2.") up to 35 00 <. k (' > r That is new in Misses' Suits. Skirts au I That is new in Ladies' Dress Skirts ;S.OH up to 85 00 | ' '. ' That is ne«- in La»li< s' Whiking Skirts 2OSnp to 15.00 <. ► 1 That is new iu Ladlts' Silk Waists 00. 4 50, 500upto in 00 I That is new in Ladies' Wool Waists l.oOuptn 510 That is now in Lidies' Velvet Waists 896 up to 5.00 O | MILLINERY, jl 'l' We arc s'..owing all that is ne»est in Trimm d Hats, Dres- 4 ' Shapes and Trimmings. Our Kcady-to-W ear Hats you fi"d * < > difierent from thos< shown elsewhere, a* we control some in- Jr i > ported lines. Our aim in Millinery is to show you exclusive - i > styles at less prices than you can find the ordinary ev ryday / r < \ styles shown everywluif We solicit a visit lo our Mi! ! h.eiy < 1 > 4') and Suit Departments. We want to convince you of oi>r < > i > ability to give you correct styles, best values it money sjv- i . J. ing prices. Trimmed Hats $1.50 up Untrimincd H its to . cents up The rarest, creamiest slock we have ever sh > vn. I X DRESS GOODS AND "ILKS V I Our Dress Goods stock was nevermore complete. We aie showing all the newest things in Suitings, Heavy Cloths for ' Skirts, Hroadcloths, Cheviots, Zibeline, Prunella and Vent- ' <|' tian Cloths, Serges and Henriettas. Fifty-four-inch Heavy M V* Cloths, 75c. value. SI.OO Heavy Cheviots for Unlined Skirt*, < > 0 SI.OO, value $1.25. You will find ail our Dress Goods ml < ► 1 ) Silks priced at a saving of 25 per cent 011 the dollar. So \ > ( > prices rule as to values and economy in our Blankets, Flan 1 > <1 nels. Yarns. Bedding, Haps Sheets, Pi low and Holster Slips. . . Window Winds, Kugs, Lace Curtains White Quilts «.n ' <1 J> j . Do nestics. Just opened and put on sale one case of Heavy X Fleeced Goods, suitable for wrappers, school dresses a>ul bed haps, at 6|c per yard—value 10c. Also i:i (I I Fleeced Underwear, l.adies' Ribbed Heavy Heectd Vest J 'l* 25c Men's Ribbed Heavy Fletcid Shirts ;nd Drawer 39c V | ' - value 50c. ' V firs. J. E. ZimmermaD.i X PwVplu'sV'hooe IJB. Hut lei , 1 s tt x>oocoo<>oo<>oo<>" ■ AX — 4 En . r ■ rTI & ,i 111 >7-1. j —-— J lit - IPt Am . alls. ' • :• ■ •' ia«2. - J Let UB give you a tigure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 81»8. Main St.. both Phones.