Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 16, 1902, Image 4

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Each of the chief \ J
organs of the body is a \
liA in the chain of life. /V IK \
A chain is no stronger \
than its weakest link, I L rt I 1
the body no stronger I —pr |
than its weakest organ. I I \
If there is weakness of I—{ I /
heart or lungs, liver or j
kidneys, there is a weak V
link in the chain of life /y wV \
which may snap at any / / \ I
time. Oft en this so- I / LJ— \ I
cabled "weakness" is I j 1« I I I
caused by lack of nutri- I I j j
tion, the result of disease 1 1—- / I
of the stomach and othe*. I I I/ J
organs of digestion and \r_7 /
nutrition. Diseases of / # y\
the stomach and its allied / f Sg-A \
organs are cured by the 1 t i 1
use of Dr. Pierce's Golden I |
Medical Discovery. I I
When the diseased storn- I f—>
ach is cured, diseases of I J I
other organs which seem I UW /
remote from the stomach \ J
but which have their S
origin in a diseased condition of the
stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, are cured also.
"I was in poor health when I commenced
taking Doctor Pierce s medicines," writes Mr.
Elmer Lawler, of Volga, Jefferson Co., Ind. «I
had stomach, kidney, heart, and lung troubles.
Wss not able to do any work. I had a severe
cough and hemorrhage of the lungs, but after
using your medicine a while I commenced to
gain in strength and flesh, and stopped cough
ing right away. Took sbont six bottles of
•Golden Medical Discovery.' I feel like a differ
ent person. I gladly recommend your medicine
to all sufferers, for I know it cured me."
The use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
will cure that foal breath.
$ 1m
For Piles.
Sample mailed free.
One application gives relief.
The continued use of Hum
phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per
manently cures Piles or Hem
orrhoids—External or Internal,
Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate—cure certain.
Three Size., 25c.. 50c. ant 81.00. Sold by
Drncaists. or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and
Joha fits., New York-.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious eases, $3.
Bold by Dnigglsta, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
\ Humphreys' Hod. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y.
Butler Savings Bank,
Capital, - $60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - - $255,000 00
J. HKNRY TP.OUTMAN. . .Vice-President
Louis B ST KIN* Cashier
R1 RECTORS—Wm. Campbell Jr.. J. Henry
Tronwiinu. W. D. Braadou. \V. x\. Stein, J. S.
Oamptiel I.
The Builer Havinsts Bank is the Oldest
Bank in jj I nylitution In Butler County.
General iianking business transacted.
We solicit aoi'ounts of oil producers, mer
chants. farmers and others.
!Snfs All bjsioess entrusted to us will receive
Drom p t alte u lion,
loierest uaid on time deooslti.
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital-paid in - - {200,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $140,000.00
Jos. Harlman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; John G. McMarlin,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A genera! ban k log business transacted.
Interest pa;i) on time deposits.
Money ! jatied on approved security.
We invite you to open an account With tbls
DIRECTORS— Hen. Joseph Hantaan. Hon.
W. S. Waldron, Dr. is. M. Hoover. H. M -
Sweeney. C. I'. Collins 1. G. Sm ib. Leslie I'.
Hazlett, M. Kinegan. W. H. Lars ia. T. P.
Mifflin. Dr. W. U. M Candless. Ken Ma*
seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. Keiocr
Farmers' National Bank
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00.
Surplus and Profits, $17,50000.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Special aiteuiiou given to collections.
JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President
C. A. HA I LEY C'asli er
E. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier
J. F. HUT/.LER Teller
John Younktns. D. L. Cleeland. F.. E
Abratus. C. N. Boyd, W. F. Meug< r. Henry
Miller. John Humphrey. Tnos. Hays. Lev
M. Wise. Francis Murphy s. Yeact-r. I). B.
Campoell. A. H. Sarver and Dan'l Vounkins.
Interest paid on time deposits.
We renoec-ifullv solicit your business.
is the result of weak ness. Restore your
appetite and get new strength. Our
Whiskies being guaranteed pure will
give to t4ie system the needed vitality.
UiBsOV 1)11,1.IM. HI, ItK IIH, KCOK I
and offer them to you 6 yearold at $1 per full
quart,tiquails f >UD.
Vhiskev guaranteed ;> ye.trs old t; 00per sal
lon. We pay express charges on a'l mail
orders of ijOO or over. Uoods shipped
How U Smithlield Street, formerly
411 Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA.
Thosei: Bell 2119. P. * A. I4SB.
be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw,
splints and ringbones just as quick. Not
painful and never has failed. Detailed
information about this new method sent
free to horse owners by T. M CLUCJH,
Knozdaie, Jefferson Co,, Pa.
Tbf Cldrr Soiheni'i Taci.
It was In the year IR<*» or ISO 4. Dur
ing the summer muutlis Sothern, with
John T. Raymond and several other
well known actors, occupied the local
theater of a seaside summer resort, to
which he and hi* company drew a
houseful of people several nights in
the week t«i hear and see tllem act
rehearse it really was in preparation
for their next winter's New York sea
son—the most Important of Shake
speare's plays.
1 Tie little building had of course a
irallery, and In the gallery the "gods"
became so obstreperous on occasions
that It was- with great difficulty the
play could be proceeded with. The
| ringleader, a well knowp rough of the
! town, was a man named Bill ITanrn-
I han. One nigh' a happy inspiration j
seized Sotliern. Having learned the ,
! name of this prominent raembt* of the j
] rowdy element, he addressed liLm in
I the midst of the most unearthly noises
as follows: "Mr. Hanrahan, will you
be good enough to take charge of the j
gallery and keep order for me, and I i
shall feel very grateful." The result
was magical. Bill became at once an
official of the theater and as such
cracked the heads of a few of his erst
while fellow rioters with such gbod ef
fect that it was only a little time be
fore the best of order prevailed.—Cen
F.reir Convenience.
There Is a dock laborer In Glasgow
who is possessed of a great sense of hu
mor. Perhaps it's because he's an
Irishman. I'at had been disturbed sev
eral times In his single apartment by
a well meaning lady missionary. See
ing Pat was rather ao exemplary sort
of a husband, she suggested that he
might be able to afford a room and
kitchen soon.
"An' phwat wad OI want lavin* such
a comfortable house as this for'/" asked
"Well," she replied, "you would have
more room—more conveniences."
"Convaniences Is It?" said Pat, with
a smile. "Sure, An' at prisint if Oi
want to go to the drawin* room or
the dlnin' room or the conservatory,
begorra, Oi've Just got to sit still.
Phwat could be handier?"
The lad"y couldn't say.—London An
Not an Occasion For Haste.
During the Sikh war the late Field
Marshal Sir' Neville Chamberlain, who
then held the rank of colonel, called for
volunteers to assist him in blowing up
a bastion. Three or four responded,
and the colonel led the little party,
close up to the point where the mine
was to be fired. As soon as the ex
plosives were In place and the fuse
llght-ed the volunteers started to run
ift order to get out ef the way of the
explosion no less than to effect, as
speedily as possible to retwant to the
safety of the British lines. They had
not gone a dozen yards before Cham
berlain shouted: "Come back! .There's
to be no indecent haste, young men.
We'll walk." And walk they did, while
the fuse slowly sputtered down to* the
waiting powder.
A Mlijor Consideration.
The ambitious young woman was
attracted by an advertisement, one line
of which read, "How to IJecome aa
Author." The advertiser claimed that
by his method failure was impossible.
So the ambitious young woman sent
on the necessary trifling sum of money,
and by return mail she received a slip
on which was printed ttris bit of ad
vice, "Write something."
"But," she protested by letter, "1
already have done that, and it hasn't
been printed."
"Wc congratulate you," was the re
ply. "If you have written something,
you already are an author. Publica
tion Is a minor consideration, with
which we have nothing to do."—Brook
lyn Eagle.
MnnaKlnjr <h« Baby.
Yonng Matron (with theories on the
care of children, to nurse)— Jajie.
Nurse— Yesmiin.
Young Jlatrqn—When the baby has
finished his bottle, lay him in the cra
dle on his right aide. After eating a
child should always lie on the right
side. That relieves the pressure on
the heart. Still (reflectively) the liver
id on the right side. Perhaps, after
all, you had better lay him on the left
side. No, I am sure the treatise on
"Infant Digestion" suld right side. On
the whole, Jane, you may lay thfe baby
on his back until I have looked up the
matter more thoroughly.
An Earnest Salutation.
"Ah," said Biggs as a prosperous
looking man who had cordially salut
ed Diggs parsed on, "that's the way I
like to hear a man speak. He seemed
sincerely glad to find you alive and
"Yes," replied Diggs. "He probably
was. He's the president of the com
pany my*llfe's insured in/'—Brooklyn
Expressive. '
It was Tommy's first glass of sod-a
water that -he had been teasing for so
"Well, Tomny, how does It taste?"
asked his father.
"Why," replied Tommy, with a pua
zled face, "it tastes like your foot's
asleep."—Cincinnati Enquirer.
A Natural Question.
Little Walter was eating lunch, when
he gave his arm a sudden shove, and,
splash! down went his glass of milk.
"I knew you were going to spill
that" said maiqma angrily.
"Well, if you knew," queried Walter,
"why didn't you tell me?"
lolvlng the Problem.
"What can I do for my little boy,"
asked mamma, "so that he won't want
to eat between moals?"
"Haye the meals flcker together/' re
plied the young hopeful.
A I.nclty Escape.
An elephant hunt on the Muar river
Is described In the Straits Times of
Singapore. The beast turned hunter,
and the man, fleeing, caught his foot in
a rattan creeper and fell. He dis
charged his rifle, however, and that
fortunately frightened the animal
away. The Times continues: "It is
not every man who has the good luck
when pursued by an elephant to be
crossing a swamp, so that when the
animal has carefully kneaded his pros
trate foe and passed along thinking
him completely pulverized the said
man should come up smiling behind
the elephant none* the worse for his
massage treatment. This actually hap
pened to a well known man in the
Straits Settlements."
A Cnlqn* Home,
In Sweden and Norway there are
several homes for spinsters. One of
these at least Is as attractive as it Is
unique. It Is a monument to the mem
ory of an exceedingly wealthy old
man, who, dying more than 200 years
ago, left the major part of his fortune
to the old maids among his descend
ants. A superb home was built, fur
nished and maaaged by salaried trus
tees. It flourished and has coiftluued.
Any unmarried woman who can prove
blood relationship to the founder of
the Institution Is entitled to admission
to the home. She la given a suit of
rooms, a servant, private meals and is
■ subject to no rules save such as ordi
nary good behavior demands.
I The Canal Kind.
Nodd—What do you mean by saying
that my baby la Just an ordinary baby?
Todd—Why, he is precocious and
beautiful and the best that ever lived.
Isn't he?— Life. .
If* T.rft Tliein. ~"
On the afternoon of -Wlastew-'s de
parture for Denver he svas paying his
bill, when he called Willie, banging
fascinatingly near.
"I want you," he said slowly, glaring
Into the boy's eyes, "to go upstairs and
see if I left my tootlibrusb.and co.mb in
my room. Toothbrush ami couib, tooth
brush, toothbrush, toothbrush: Don't
forget what I want, boy, and hurry,
too. Got to get my Wain."
'•K-no, str-r; y-yes, sir," chattered
Winslow hung about irrrpntiently,
tvatching the clock like a hawk. Orriy
two minutes to spare. Just as he
caught up his bag to depart Willie
ctfme on a dead run across the floor,
his face aglow with the sense of a lofty j
mission well performed.
"Yes, sir," he cried eagerly, "you- loft
Wttis'low gazed at his empty handed
emissary.- Ilis lips moved, but no words
came forth. Then, with an inarticulate ;
snarl, he stepped into the Waiting car
riage.—Kansas City Journal.
Plxti nioTvlmr Bnlt fp the Hue.
How on earth or in the water flsh i
contrive to blew large baits thrj-e or j
four yards up the line has yet to be j
explained. It is a commsn thing t» j
lind large slabs of pilchard bait used j
fuf-.poU.-vek Mown righf up the 11 n* by i
larff? fish. This haftjyens *i}ly when
the pollack is itself hooked. I have re
cently fouiKl that large bass serve one
the same trick, writes a correspondent,
but in this case tTte base, which is a
more cunning ffsh than tlte pollack,
sometinaes gets away. To "realize the
immense difficulty of such a feat let
any cne put even a piece of pn|>er on a
hook and endeavor thb blow It up the
line with a bellows. Much more diffi
cult it must be with the resistance of
the water, and by. what muscular ac
tion tlie ffsh contrives it I know not. I
have searched the textbooks in vain
for some hint on the subject.—£,<*ndon
The Word "Vhcntc."
Few people ki»w the original mean
ing of the word "picnic." It IS to be
found set out in the London Times of
a hundred yeaps ago. "A picnic sui>
iJer consists of a variety of dishes. The
subscribers to this entertainment have
a bill of fare presented to them, with
a number against each dish. The lot
which he draws obliges hftn to furnish
the dish marked against it, which he
either takes with him in his carriage
or sends by a servant. The proper
variety is preserved by the talents of
the maitre d* hotel, whb form's the bill
of fare. As the cookery is furnished by
so many people of fashion each strives
to excal, and thus a picnic n«t
only gives rise to much -pjeaanit mirtn,
but generally can boast of-tho refine
ment of the art."
Where He Rorfo.
A schoolboy who was going to a par
ty was cauttoned by his father not fo
walk home If it rained and was given
money for eali hire. It pained faeSivi
ly, and great was the father's surprise
when his «cru, 1h spite of the instruc
tions he bad received, arrived home
drenched to the skin.
"Did you tiot taUe -a cab /s I or
dered you, Alfred'/" the pafent
"Oh, yes; but when I ride with yx>u
yon always make me rhft lnsido. This
time I rode on top with the driver.
S«%', dad, it was grand!"—Ctlca Ob
A Echo.
At a watering place in the Pyreuce*
the conversation at table turned upon
a wonderful epho to be heard-some dls
tance off 011 the -Framco-Spaniah fron
"It Is astonishing," said an luhnbit
nnj of the Garonne. "As soon as you
have spoken you hear distinctly the
voice leap from rock to rock, from
I>reclpice to i>r»»c»pice, and as soon us
It has passed the frontier ihe echo
assumes the Spanish accent."—i'ear
sou's Weekly.
Kitlghti ot old.
The knights of the »lafs of chiwtlry
were so well protected by* their a muar
tha # t they were practic&lly iiiviu?ibie
to ail ordinary weapons. Kran when
dismounted they could not be injured
save by the uriSerioordia, a thlc.dagger,
wlijch penetrated the chains of.the ar
mor. In uwre than one battle knights
fallen from their horses could not be
killed until fheir armor bad been bro
ken up with axes and kammers.
Good C«ok«.
"If all sick people had &ood cooks,"
savs the London Hogpitai, "how much
greater might be the proportions erf re
coveries'." *.The value of the patent
foods which are adrertisod so much
lies largely, it says. In the ease with
which they nee for the table
A Unit I'frtucr.
A.—That woman wljo J.ast w*nt out
h the partner of your joys and sor
rows, I suppose.
B.—She's partner to a#.right,
but when It combs to ay sorrows
slips over t* see her mother.
Itodrick—Say, man, you hare
been through the ordeal of proposing.
What does a fellow do after he pops
the question?
Van Albert—Why, lie questious*pop.
of course.—Clticago News.
In Hid Dreniim.
Hewitt—When I was 011 ttye boat tli?
other night. I had a lower luy-th, but 1
dreamed 1 was sleeping in the upper
Jewett—Sort of overslept yourself,
Good manners Is the art of makln;
those people easy with whdtu con
verse. Whoever makes tfie fewest pep
sons uneasy is the beat bred iu the
C. P. Johnson & Sons'
The Leading Tailors of
Butler County.
Are making clothes in the
Suits from sl6 to SSO.
Overcoats from sl6 to $75.
Everything done by skilled
abor in our own shop.
C. P. Johnson & Sons
******** -x * * * y * » * * * ** -* ■*
If f_¥ OTEL KELLY has opened for $
jj- f"~1 the season 1902 with greatly ¥
J improved facilities and better 5
| accommodations than ever before. #
* During the past fall and winter ¥
% the hoase has undergone many *
* needed repairs until now it ranks T
* with the leading hotels of the city, x
I The Mitchell spring water is free S
j to guests of the house and free *
* 'bus to all trains. 2
% Send for booklet and rates.
I A. Keiafcy & SONS, |
£ Cambridge Springs. Pa. *
Write for Booklet—How to Open an Account bj Mull. I
g Women of Good Taste
Are quick to appreciate the merits of our superb collection of
■P newest fabrics for Dresses and Waists. The stock is so carefully (0
rt£ selected, the assortment so varied and the price so low that it X
• is to your decided advantage to see what we offer. flr
g The Newest Dress Goods g
JO All the popular weaves are shown in blacks and colors. Light jK
jdk weight fabrics for costumes, and the heavier weights for Jacket Ub
Suits and separate skirts. Superior values at every price from v
V 25c to #2.00 a yard. a)
8 New Waist Materials
Exquisite Waist Silks in individual patterns.exclnsivedesigns.no
U two alike. Beautiful imported Crepes, French Flannels and
Printed Cashmeres. Silk Waist Patterns, worth $.">.00 for #3.30.
j|l Finest Crepes and French Flannels Toe a yd. A
Handsome Waist Materials 125 c. 15c, 25c. T>
g Blankets and Spreads
From the lowest priced up to the softest and most luxurious
W Blankets, our stock can t be beat. Special values in White W
Spreads, Comforts, Sheets and Pillow Cases. Blankets 50c to
P 00 a pair. Spreads 50c to s:i.so each. Comforts #I.OO up. ™
2 Underwear and Stockings
We buy only worthy qualities and comfortable shapes even at
fIP the lowest prices. Women's Fleece<l Underwear, special 25c. 50c. }
S Misses' Fine Wool Hose, special 25c.
§ L. Stein & Son,§
First Showing
Of New Fall and Winter Clothing!
For weeks everyone about this establishment has been on the
jump, making and arranging our immense Fall and Winter
stock. We have now ready
A regular feast
of new and beautiful things in Men's, Boys' and Children's
wear. We are especially proud of our men s
Suit display
We have the best suits, made by the b-st makers we know
anything about. It would take colu tins of talk to do them
justice. Compare our suits with any to be had anywhere
workmanship for workmanship—garment for garment
thread for thread.
Then compare prices.
Do this and you will buy your fall suit here.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St.. Butler.
******** **** **************** **** **** **** ***^******^
| At 25 per cent, discount. Nnw is the time to |
buy wall paper and save money at
| Patterson Bro's., |
f 23f, N. Wain St. Phone 400. Wick Bnilflius. J
i i
1 LOTS |
(Cavanagh Plan(
/ {K <4 down and balance to suit. This is your opportunity \
j Nk II II Itobe ft properly holder mid own your own home. C
J V Iww Lots bought m tliis plan will doable in value within
\ a year. f
J 325 S. Main St., Butler, or f
C Phones—Peoples I(>7, Bell 4-4. €
\ THE F UEL !C 1 FUST CC , 236 4th Ave, Pittsburg.}
Fall and Winter Millinery
V Owing to the beauty of the assort-
V nient and the novelties iu the styles, it
! will pay von to come and see this ex
\ '.£# ]&>.*'• hibition of Fine Patterns and Hats of
w '• : Sr^2 > '•) •' '.''■{iSrN# > hll descriptions. A larger and better
V ■ } " J select ion of up «> date Millinery can not
" be found in the city. We have what
/ Bill Vl \ our customers want when they want't,
I nil HZ) and at the prices they want it. We can
I ill If/ jSßsmj'ti' help you suit each curitoiU'-T
--iily Call to see us at
328 South Main - ~ Butler, Pb
that Mads Milwaukee Famous."
Paul Wuesthoff Co.
Sole Bottlers,
14th and Pike Sts. Pittsburg, Pa.
Ord«ra by mail promptly att«nd*4 t®.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
In the photograph line can be seer
it the Findlcy Studio. The Artist
Proof photograph 011 exhibition
now, they are winners and please
all who want an artistis picture
Stop in and see them.
Novelties for Ho'iday trade
now ready. Broaches and button;
of all descriptions. Copying and
Telephone 236.
P. O B'd'g, Butler
Branches—Mars and Evans City.
The plans for this School are broad
and comprehensive.
Its primary object is to benefit teach
ers and those expecting to teach: btlt its
scope will include tbe whole o f
College .Studies A lull term s worth iu
any three College Studies may be made
up hv students. There are nine mem
bers in the faculty, all teachers of abili
ty. selected with special reference to
the work of the department iu which
they are to teach.
The school will open June 24, 1902.
and continue eight weeks. Rev. 1. O.
Campbell, D D.. Principal. Let all in
quiries be addressed to Rev. J. H
Veazey, Bnsiness Manager, New Wil
mington, Pa.
R. G. FERGUSON. President.
T) AKOID. The Roofing with NO
TAR. Won't dry out. Won't
grow brittle.
A NYONE can apply it. Tins,
Nails and Cirntnt in core of
each roll.
l> EI'RESENTS the results of
years of Experience and Ex
QNLY requires painting every
few years. Net when first
r S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate
or Shingles.
r\EMAND for PAROID is world
U wide.
Other Facts. Samples and Prices are
yours if you will ask us.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Vrit T)oor to Cotsrt ITouxe Bntlsr P*
See Itae sign direct-1|
ly opposite the (I
Postoifice, }|
Theodore Yogeley.i
Real Estate and jj
Insurance Agency, jj
LYE 238 S. Main St ,jj
Builer, Pa. •>
1 r you have property u
to sell, trade, or rent.///
or. want to buy or')
rent caii. write or
phone me.
List Mailed Upon Application
OFFICF —Kyers' Building—next to P.
0., Butler Pa.
6. Otto Davis,
Teacher of
Voice; Violin and Piano
Pianos Tuned and Repaired.
Prescription Druggists,
N. 109 Main St., Butler, Pa.
We often cause ourselves end
less worry and remorse by neg
ecting to do some little thing.
Get a good picture of your family
and home made at your first op
portunity. We make the best at
$6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and
them permanent. Let
us know in time to go out.
The Butler Dye Works
Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing.
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will c-all again.
We carry a full line of Drugs.
Chemicals Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 S. Main St. Butler, Pa.
fllpl* =
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home.
318 S. Main St.. Both Phones.
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. We put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
work. If you are thinking of
having some work done in this
line I am sure you will be well
pleased if you have it done at
Tie Bntler Book Bindery,
W. W. AM ON, Prop.
Opp. Court House.
Just Arrived
In Latest
Coronation Suitings;
Black and White
Wedding Suits a
Call and examine before leaving
your order for sui;.
Leading Tailor,
With Newton,
Piano M an.
Dean's I
A safe, certain relief for ftuppressed ■
Menstruation. Never known to fail. Bafe! ■
Hure! Hpeedyl Hatinfnetlon tiuarantoed ■
or money Kefunded. Kent prepaid for ■
JI.OO per (H>X. Will »eiid themou trlaj to ■
tit; paid ftjr when relieved. Sampled Free. ■
UNITIP Mtoic.c to.. Pq« If. Umiiri;. ft. J
Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick Housed Butler Penn'a.
Tbe best of horsps apd Brjt class rigs »l
wavson hand nap for hire.
Best Al'uqmmouai lons ID town for perma
neui bourdiuK and IrauKient trade. Speci
al care KUiimuteed,
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
drafi horses always on hand and for sa'e
under a full guarantee; and horses bough
pon proper notification by
T< leobone. No. 219.
K PS^HaT*i)ieL l pH7r ,, ?(
39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, P. I)
<1 We're PR ACTIC A '.LYdol'ifi tlie [K
TIPS ak CROWN anil BRiUCiC work jfj
■« f® JH"f Pittsburg —H Y NOT DO f-'
~ <7l fiIyOURS? tiold CROWNS L"
'llPli M' 1 " 1 BRIDGE work r«lueeil tJJ
yss ,PE R
; [Opening of New Fall and Winter Goods?
I (Ladies' and Misses' Tailor-made Suits, and Jackets, Capes andfe
< ► Furs, Walking Skirts, Dress Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool ©
> Waists, Mercerized Waists, Wrappers, Dressing O
' Jackets, Underwear, Hosier)' and Gloves, a W
splendid showing of Dress Goods, Silks, if
Waistings, novelties in Trimmings jf
.I. and Neckwear, Millinery and X
A Millinery Novelties, Or- X
j t namcnts. Feathers X
( | Hirds & Wings
Prices as usual being on that small profitj
I basis that has gained for us the reputation asK
givers of best values. You will find all
That is new in Ladies' Fall and Tailo/ made Su^ts... .SIO.OO to $35.00 , V
That is new in Ladies' Jackets and Monte Carlos 5.00 to 25 00 f
That, is new in Fnr Scarfs $2 25 np to 35.00 I"
That is new in Misses' Suits, Skirts and Jackets . .. 500np to 25.00 j «
That is new in Ladies' Dress Skirts 3.98 np to 35 00 £
That is new in Ladies' Walking Skirts 2Onnp to 15.00 * #
That is new in Ladies' Silk Waists $3 00. 4 50, 500 op to 10 00 < %
That is new in Ladies' Wool Waists 1.00 up to 5.00 f
That is now in Ladies' Velvet Waists 398 up to 5.00
We are showing all that is newest in Trimmed Hats, Dress * r
Shapes and Trimmings. Our Ready-to-Wear Hats you find
difierent from those shown elsewhere, as we control some im- ( *
ported lines. Our aim in Millinery is to show you exclusive 1 ►
styles at less prices than you can find the ordinary everyday , >
, styles shown everywhere We solicit a visit to our Millinety { >
, and Suit Departments. We want to convince you of our >
ability to give you correct styles, best values at money-sav- < >
ing prices. Trimmed Hats $1.50 up Untrimmed Hats 50 ( .
cents up The rarest, creamiest stock we have ever shown,
Our Dress Goods stock was nevermore complete. We are
showing all the newest things in Suitings, Heavy Cloths for
Skirts, Broadcloths, Cheviots. Zibeline, Prunella and Venc- * '
V tian Cloths, Serges and Henriettas. Fifty-four-inch Heavy * '
. Cloths,7sc. value SI.OO. Heavy Cheviots for Unlined Skirts * >
$ 1.00, value $1.25. You will find all our Dress Goods nd < >
12 Silks priced at a saving of 25 per cent on the dollar. So 1 >
{% prices rule as to values and economy in our Blankets, Fiati- 1 >
nels.Yarns, Bedding, Haps, Sheets, Pi low and Bolster Slips. ( >
. t Window Blinds, Rugs, Lace Curtains, White Quilts and a'l 4 (
< C Domestics. Just opened and put on sale one case of Heavy J k
, f Fleeced Goods, suitable for wrappers, school dresses and J .
f bed haps, at 6.[c per yard—value 10c. Also in Ribbed J
f Fleeced Underwear. Ladies' Ribbed Heavy Fleeced Vest
* r 25c. Men's Ribbed Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 39c \
' r - value 50c. \
fMrs. J. E. Zimmermanl
x Butler, Pa 5
Wholesale Dealers ir\ the
Finest of Liquors,
Ale*-*, Beers and W r j nes,
Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited.
322 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
For si*tv years the NEW YORK WFFKI.Y 'jRIBU-NK
has been a national weeklv uewspape.-, read almost entirely by
farmers, and has enjoyed the coufidence and support of the
American people to a degree nevtr attained by any similar
is made absolutely for farmers and their fain lies. Tbe first
number was issued >ovember 7th, 19'ji.
Every department of agricultural industry is covered by
special contributors who aie leaders iu tlu-ir respective lines,
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wiP be in every sense a high
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultutal paper, profuse
ly illustrated with pictures of live s;ock, model farm buildings
and homes, agricultural machinery, etc.
Farmers'wives, sous aud daughters will find special pages
for their entertainment.
Regular price, $:.oo per year, but vou can buy it with y«>ut
favorite home weeklv newspaper. The CITIZEN, one year
for f 1.75 or ClTiZffN and Tri'-Weekly. Tri' nne for #2 co.
Send your subscriptions and money to THE CITIZEN,
Butler, Pa.
Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE
FARMER, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be
mailed to you.
Wall Paper!
Now is the time to do
your jail wall papering.
Remember we carry the
the largest line of paper
in Butler.
•Phone 453. 251 S. Main St.
Our New Store
is ready for business
New Front, l»ew Arrangement and
many New Goods.
We have started in the new and have
added new departments.
P -reafter, when you need anything,
u>me to us for it, we have almost every
thing outside of groceries, drugs, shoes
and dry goods.
Come in and see us at the old stand
but it don't look like the old place.
Near P. O.
an South Main street
|5.00 cash prize shooting at Mardorf's
booting gallery, 111 W. Jefferson St.
We have removed our Marble
and Granite shops from corner of
Main and Clay streets to No. 208
N. Main street, (opposite W, D.
Brandon's residence), where we
will be pleased to meet our
customers with figures that are
right on
Mouuments & Headstones
! of all kinds and are also prepared
to give best figurrs on
Iron Fence, Flower Vases
etc., as wc have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. Seedier
| Wm. Foster, j
| Architect. j
y Plans of all kind of buildings \
\ furnished on short notice. r
/ Office in Berg Bnilding, 7
J Butter, Pa. J