Advise Suffering Women Strongly, | J W to Take Doctor ■S L Pierce's Favorite ■H ■ Prescription. KMEhcW This advice comes ■RhShHu from a woman who had gKffiMpßM suffered all the miseries mSMßrjnfl women can suffer from hEhMBUJ disease, and had been H|fn| perfectly and perma nently cured by the use °f Dr. Pierce's Favorite r iiHI Prescription. ! I-HHH This great medicine for women establishes regularity, dries weak emng drains, heals in- IWWi flammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. Read Mrs. Kempson's letter and, if you are sick, follow her advice. "Although it has been quite a time sine* I wrote you," nn Mrs Fred Koopton, of Cambria, Hillsdale Co.. Mich., Box 57, "still your name is s blessing in our houj* and I think it my duty to let you know that I am still enjoying good health, thanks to you and your ' Favorite Pre scription.'. When I think how I was five years ago, and then we bow I am now. I say, God bless Dr. Pierce's works, and may he live long to help poor suffering women. I have never had any return of my weakness and am well and hearty. Can do all my own work without say pain. You saved me from the grave when all others iailed. I advise suffering women strongly, to take Dr. Pierce's Pavsrite Pre scription. as I know it will curs in all cases, if indeed there is a cure." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are an excellent laxative, suited to the use of delicate women. £'' BOOK^MA 1 LED FREE. A.i.iFEVERN, Congestion*. Inlamms- Ctn&i J tiuaa. Lunc Fever, Milk Fever. B. H.'HPKAIW, UneneM, Injuries. CLhJLa > Übruinatlsm. V. <'. > SOKE THROAT. Quinsy, EpixooUe, ciia S Distemper. cruß | WORMS, Bots. Grub*. E. E.M OI OHH. Cold*. InDnenu, Inflame* cross (Lungs, Pleuro-Pneumonla. F. F. {COLIC, Bellysrhe, Wind-Blown, evmes f Diarrhea, Dysentery. G O. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. j HlO\i; V eii nostrils. A large mouth usually lirttie first Indi cation of good digestive ciqmclly, and large, open nostrils go wfltli good Iwig power and a strong constltatlon. 'Plio whole heud Is clean cut, wit If jio super fluous flesh on the Jaws. The- born*. If present, are of medium size and not coarse; curs of medium size, nxacefully and actively carried. The tyes are large, full, bright, clear and placid. The neck of most animals of «sctrea>e beef type la reduced to the shortest de gree possible with usefulness. It Is moderately full, With clean cut thnxit, large, well defined windpipe and little or no dewlap. The neck Joins tbo shoulder in full, even lines* swelling into the shoulders, as It were. Seasonable Kama. "Sweet corn stalks do not make the '.best silage, but do make excellent fod caused by eating sunflower weeds, Is reported from Colorado. Boil for spinach for winter and early "Wl"g nse can hardly be made too rich. C. P. Johnson & Sons' The Leading Tailors of Butler County, Are making clothes in the CHEAPEST, J*EST AND LATEST STYLES Suits fr in sl6 to SSO. Overcoats fr clean up the place if pos.-ible. We will sell Clothing, while tlrs work is going on, cheaper than it has ever been sold in Butler county. We also have a l«rgc line of Furnishings that belong to this sale. Step into our store and spend a few minutes I v ill pay you. Remembe r , we always do as we advertise. Yours for Clothing, DOUTH6TT & Absolute Clearing Sale. "Absolute" because it is unconditional We have always made it a point to have our clearing sales be just what we say they are a clearing and closing out of a season's stock to make room lor goods for the coming: season. If you have *RQIn your pocket when this ad. strikes your eye you can put it to no better use than to buy one of the suits .ve are now ofiering at this ABSOLUTE CLEARING SALE. Every suit is new and made for this season's trade and not one in the lot sold for less than sl2. Just think a moment a•> all wool Black Clay Worsted Suit, hand padded shoulders with hair cloth front, will retain its shape till worn out for $8 a suit. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE! Bargains in Millinery.!^ All trimmed and untrimmed Hats and all gcods pertaining to Millinery sold at one-half price in order to make room. Come and get bargains at Rockenstein's, MILLINERY EMPORIUM 338 South MMn Sireet, - - Butler, P» ORDER YOUR SCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER " The Beer that Mude Milwaukee Famoue." FROM Paul Wuestlnoff Co. Sole Bottlers, 14-th and Pike St«. Pittsburg, P*. Order* by mail promptly attended U. I VMRITC FOB CIRCULAR. TrvJ The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WORK SOMETHING i In the photograph line can be seen at the Kis.dley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please ail who want an artistis picture j Stop in and see them. Novelties for Holiday trade now ready. Broaches and buttons I of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FIND LEY, Telephone 236. P. O B'd'g, Butler Branches—Mars and Evans City. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL. The plane for this School are broad and comprehensive. Its primary object is to benefit teach ers and those expecting to teach: but its j scope will include the whole range of College Studies A fall term's worth in auy three College Studies may be made np by studeuts. There are niue mem bers in the faculty, all teachers of abili ty, selected with special reference to the work of the department in which they are to teacb. The school will open June 24, 1902. and continue eight weeks. Rev. I. O Campbell, D. D., Principal. Let all in quiries be addressed to Rey. J. H Veazey, Business Manager, New Wil mington, Pa. R. G. FERGUSON. President PAROID ~ READY OOFING. PAROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won t dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE c;n: apply it. Tins, Nails atio'" fiinrt ITnti«e tfnllrr P«. See tbe sign direct- jj ly opposite the il Poslofflce, jj Theodore YogeleyJ Real Estate and jj Insurance Azency, jj YLE 238 S. Main St , « Butler, Pa. jj I f you have property u to suit, trade, or reutf// or, want to liny or') rout can, w rite or phone me. List Mailed Upon Application. H. MILLER^ FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFlCE— Byera' Building—next to P. 0.. Butler Pa. 6. Otto Davis, Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise. Teacher of Voice; Violin and Piano Pianos Tuned and Repaired. CORKS ALL SIZES. ANY Quantity. REDICK & GROHMAN, ProHcription Drnggiata, N. 109 Main St., Butler, Pa. After you've worn a ready made suit a week, take another look .he elaborate ly illustrated and flowery worded ad. that tempted you to buy it, and notice how dif ferently it appeals to your temptation. We don't make much of a splurge on paper; we put our ad. into the cloth. The ad. begins when you put on the clothes and it endures for weeks and years. Our prices seem high only to the man who never wore one of our suits. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. ARE YOU GOING TO I BUILD OR REMODEL ' ' AA Co" *"" W jjj| ' | ! Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 318 S. Main St., Both Phones. FSO YOV KNOW ANYTHING About Kubbcr? Very few peoole do. We believe we can be classed among the few. Let us prove to you that we know all about good rubber, so far as Water Bags, Syringes, Nipples, Combs, etc., are concerned. Our line of rubber goods has been carefully selected. It is of the kind that give entire satisfaction at all times. DEY P.OHO us KCA PLASTER A Pain-Stop When you come right down to facts, about the only time-tried, simple and sure cure for aches and pains of any kind is a good Porous Plaster. The most reliable Porous Plaster is REX. Try it, and you will know il Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts . Butler, Pa Have You a Neighbor? If so why don't you Ret together and have a tele- KjL/SSj phone system. , l We manufacture them. " j Ask us and we will tell JfafE.. ji you all al>oui it. . ' 'ft Electrical work of nil M descriptions done on short notice. 1 '■"* The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co BUTLER. PA. -iTTT^T(f We want to see yon abont Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Stationery and Window Shades. Prices knocked to pieces. We sell F. W. D»>vo« N. Main St. Wick Building, Pbone 400. ImadanT'vSv Dean's A certain ri'ltcf for HupprMaWt Menstruation. Never known town. Hufu! Hurt-! H|MTm|>iiler bo*. Will wild them OH t rial, to be puld fur when rrlleved. I3aiii|>lea Free. UWITIO MtOICAICO, ■»» 74, t«WC»»T«e. >». Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmarv. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House- Butler Penn'e. The bout of home* and claw riKM vavN on hand and for hire. Bent accommodation* In town for perma nent board!nK and trannlent trade. Hpocl al care Kuaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. good rliiss of horws. both driven. and raft bor»r*» alway* on hand and for sale I un'd out entirely; others are b oken in sizes, but we have your size in some of the great piles ol Footwear heaped up on our large counter, but do not wait too loiig as they are all going list and we want you to get ai least one pair to see what great quality we aie offering lor very little money. 1 ANOTHER BIG CUT IN PRICES. ' Fiom the continued rush and jam of people we have had in this store for the last couple of weeks we think we must hive had at least one representative from every family in Butler county, but for fear we have missed some we are going to cut everything from io to 20 per cent lower this week and we ate not goinsj to stop to look what they cost. This Clearance Sale has been a record-breaker so far and -A-e are not going io spare any effort to make it one of the greatest clearance sa'rs ever held in Butler. 1 COME IN AND SEE WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. We want you to see that we have the goods to bat k up our advcitisement. Below are only a few of the many great bai J trains we have to show you. | * . Baby were 50c, now 24c; Children s Shoe*, were 75c, now 45c; Mis-ts' St.™-*. wen $1 25, now 75c; Boys' bhc/es, [ were $ 1.00. ltow 79-; Youih.' Shoes, were 90c, notf 75c; 1 Men's Satin Shoes. we«e S*i 25. ti. w 85c; Boys' Satin Shoes t were SI.OO, now t>oc; Ladies' Shoes iiom 48c up; Ladies' Oxfords and Slippers fro n 25c up; Men's Oxfords and Slippers from 45c up; Children's Low Shoes and Slippers 24c up } But comj in and see for yourself. Fverything displayed and maiked in plain figures so you can look them over at your leisure. A l ink of ice watei always on tap 'for the ac comodation ol visitois. C. E. MILLER, i 7 - MAYS DAVIS Wliole«ule Dealers ir\ the Finest of Liquors, Beers and Wir^s. Medicinal Trade tCspecial ly Solicited. PEOPLE S PHONE 578 BELL PHONE 21& 833 South Main St., Butler, Pa. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER A NEW OLD PAPER For sixty years the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE lias been H national weekly newspaper, read almost enlirely by fanner*, and lips enjoyed the confidence aDd support of the American people to a degree nevir attained hy any similar publication. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER is made absolutely for farmers and their fam lies. T'he first number was issued Kovembtr 7th, 1901. Every department of agricultural industry -is covered by special contributors who are leaders in their respective lints, and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a high class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural-paper, profuse ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farui building! and homes, agricultural machinery, etc. Farmer*' wives, sons and daughters will tind special page* for their entertainment. Regular price, 9:. 00 per year, but vou can buy it with your favorite home weekly liewaoaper. .Tlw CITIZEN, one year for $1.75 or CITUKN find Tri-Weekly Trii nne fur $2 00. Send your subscriptions and money to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Fa. Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TBIBUNB FARMER, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be mailed to you. IvOSING TH6 HOAD in not a soricns matter to anyone, KM it can be found again, but losing yonr eye- or having it boooine impaired it> a tatality that everyone dreads. If your viHlon ih defective viHit na aa noon an j>ossible. We will examine your eyea tree of charge and Jit them with per fectly adjusted itlaaaen. We also Hell -- Edison and Victor Phonographs, Cleveland and Crescent Bicycle#, fcaatman and Papo Camera p. Photo Hnpplies, Waahbnrn Mandolin* and Ouiturs. Bicycle Sundries. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House Family Recursions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your, family and h(;mc made at your first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know »'n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Preying. R. FISHER A. M. BERKJ.WER, Funeral Director. .* * •' Q|9 45 S. Main St. Butler PA