Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 18, 1902, Image 1

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R icKeb'S
\y Fall Footwear.
Largest stoik and most handsome styles of fine
footwear we have ever shown.
Sorosis Shoes.
T«vetity new fall styles— Dongola, Enamel, Patent-kid. and Box
calf—made in the latest up-to-date styles in medium or high tops.
Misses' and Children's Shoes
Extremely large stock of Misses' and Children s Pine Shoes com
prised of many r.ew and pretty styles for fall.
/Wen's Shoes
All the latest styles in Men's Fine Shoes. A full line of Men's
I'atent-kid Shoes—the latest s'yle lasts, $2.50, $3 00, $5 00
and $6.00. Men's fine calf, vici-kid, and box-calf shoes, SI.OO to $5.
assortment of Boys, Youths and Little Gents' fine shoes.
We have a full stock of Gokty's hand-made, whole stock, box
toe boots and shoes. High cut capped tippea shoes for Boys and
high cut waterproof shoes for girls.
stock of Ladies' kangaroo-calf, oil-grain and kip shoes at
a '.ay dr>wn prices.
Repairing promptly done. Sole leather and shoemakers supplies.
128 South Main St., • BUTLER, I A.
R. 6c R.
A continuance of Butler's greatest sale of Clothing and
Men's Furnishings
at this store the past two weeks that came directly to buy
from the Patterson stock, was something without
parallel in the history of Butler.
was but a beginning. A visit to our store will convince
you that mar.y choice things remain for your selection.
of this sale will be good news to hundreds of men who
were not fortunate enough for one reason or another to
share in the early selling.
YOUR CHANCE t , . l .
to secure? a Winter Suit, Overcoat or Men's ?uriushingg
at a rediculously low figure.
< . Clothiers, Hatters and Men's Furnishers,
141 South Main St., Butler,
4fc> a Spring & Summer Weights
. 1 f\ f(\ Ji Have a nauinees about them that Jj
(* Njm /l & mark the wearer, it won't do to
yj Wi IV jjffy (*( E wear the last year's output. You
jj [h~C/ V, l\ won't get the latest things al the
' -Of f"7 TO stock clothiers either. The up-to
. /I 1 A ilf f \ date tailor only tan supply thrfm, .
I T\v I lilil (J M you want not only the latest L
\ I / / J 111 1 I things in cut and fit and work
l] 1 "If 'III I nunship, the finest in durability,
'• I II 11 a where e'se can you get combina-
I I 111 § tions. you get them at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butter,Pa
Footwear Now Open
pB Going to town tomorrow.' m
l 1 ' Tea, I need a pair of boots.
That's just what I want too. m
kl Where are yoa going for 'em? F
YA Oh I don't know, guess FII look round.
Well, I won't I go straight to Huselton's! f,
7A iluselton's?—That so, he's all right,
I never got poor shoes there yet; ¥
fl Yes, and I think he's right smart cheaper, Vf
vl Let's go together.
All right—let's! !
M Huselton's, N
Opp Hotel Lowry.
I D. 6c T.
\ Latest Styles 4nd Newest Stock in Fall Footwear- x
f Patrician and American Girl shoes, in medium and high tops, for ladies. »
p Hanan and Manry guaranteed shoes for men. /
\ IW 8. Main Bntler, pa /
Nasal jt
In >ll iu ttage*. / 4*40/
Ely's Cream
cleanse#, soothee and heala a
the diseased membrane.
Itcnreecatarrhanddr.ves M--j
my a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane un<! is absorbed. Belief is im
mediate and a care follows. It is r.ot drying—does
not produce sneezing. Size, 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial .Size, 10 cant*.
5 l
' w
ik Johnston's
pj Beef, Iron arid Wine
Blood Purifier.
a j Price, 50c pint 7 A
Prepared and
sold only k V
3 Johnston's M
U Pharmacy, il
B. M. LOGAN, Ph. O .
V Both 'Phones W A
Everything in the
>1 drug line. YA
I Jfjj
Wc have removed our Marble
and Granite shops from corner of
Main and Clay streets to No. 208
N. Main street, (opposite W. I).
Brandon's residence), where we
will be pleased to meet our
customers with figures that ate
right "on
Mouuments & Headstones
of all kinds and arc also prepared
to give best figurrs on
Iron Fence- Flower Vases
etc., as wc have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. Sillier
Eugene Morrison
Special attention xiveti to
Office and Shop,
Rear of Kalston's Store,
Residence No. 119 Cliff St.
Peopie » Phone 451.
Big Wall Paper Store,
Next to Postoffice.
Special bargains in Wall I'aper,
Window Blinds and Room Mould
ings. Farmers find good accom
modation and satisfaction here.
'l'hone 453. 251 S. Main St.
Mars Boiler Works.
All sizes of
always in stock for sale
or exchange.
Repair work promptly attended to,
Mett Phono No. It Mar*,
People's Phone No. 11. Pa.
| "FAINT |
| HEART" |
g By WiHiam MacLeod Raine
5 *
V ( <> t >yTieh;. 11,1. hj It'. ll.line jjj
g 3-x- e®-:- a:-: % o
She noticed tbat the Cuban sun aud
fever had taken it out of him a xood
bit He walked as erect as ever, but
his uniform coat bun.w 100-"
like a sack and his step lacked the
buoyant spring that used to distinguish
his approach. He took her pink little
palm in his tanned yellow hand with
a jircat sigh of relief.
"It's good to get Lack to God's coun
try again," he told her after the tirst
greetings were past.
"1 suppose you did uiUs a good many
thir.. ;il .va there. It must have been
awful, if the newspaper accounts are
trti" "
He shrugged his thin shaulti<?;s.
"It wasn't exactly a picnic; but, thgn,
men dou't go to war for fun—at least
they we not liable to find it if they
"And what did you miss most?"
A flash of his old audacity leaped to
his eye. "A little girl In New York.
There were other things I wanted—
Iced drinks, something to eut that was
green, a place to sleep in where the
water wasn't more than six inches
deep but it was the girl I wanted to
see most."
She gave him her most suave smile.
"I didn't know you had any sisters."
"1 haven't. This was another man's
There did not seem to be anything
further to say along that line, so fsr
as she was concerned. Presently she
"Has the regiment been ordered
home ?"
Yes; we're all here—what's left of
us!" Then he added, "I came homo
to teil this girl I love her."
"Yes?" she asked with polite Inter
est. "Did you have the regiment or
dered home just for that? Isn't it
taking a good deal of trouble?"
"Not too much. That's what I'm here
for—to take trouble, i. 1 I can only gain
my end."
She murmured something about hop
ing she would be able to congratulate
him soon.
His big eyes covered her steadily.
"Do you really hope so?"
"Of course. But do tell me about the
war. I'm Just dying to know all about
how It feels to be In battle."
"There's nothing much to tell," he
answered, somehow feeling baffled
without quite knowiag why. "It's
awfully hot and dusty, and once in a
while some poor fellow gets knocked
over. There isn't anything much to
see. One gets n throat like a limekiln;
no trouble at all to raise a thirst.
That's about all. But there's something
else I'd rnther talk about."
"Oh, yes—the charges against the
government about the feeding and care
of the soldiers," sho acquiesced hastily.
"Hang ihe charges! I'm not worry
ing about them at all. It's this girl 1
want to talk about."
"Oh. that fjlrl again!"
"Yes; I'm Interested In her."
"Is she nice?"
"I think so."
"And good looking?"
"Well, her looks make a hit with
"Doubtless she would be gratified to
know it."
"I'm not so sure about that," he an
swered, looking at her swiftly. "In
IKjint of fact, she knows It already, only
she pretends not to. I can't seem to
find out where I stand with her. When
I get ready to tell her, she laughs at
me with tlie gravest face imaginable.
One can't crow sentimental when u
girl is making game of one, you know."
"No, I suppose not," she assented de
He took a grip on himself and decid
ed that the time had come to storm
this fortress, to which the run up San
Juan hill appeared a mere bagatelle.
"There was once n young fellow at
the Point," he began nervously. "Nat
urally he thought himself In love, but
the curious thing Is that he was In
love. Fact Is lie didn't know any more
about girls than you do about the
native Jargon of the Hindoo. He
never had been with them. But once—
well, the sister of a classmate came
visiting at the Point, aud after that
she was the only woman in the world
that counted."
She settled herself more comfortably
in the chair and smiled dazzllugly at
him. Never a maiden more uncon
scious of his ulterior meaning.
"How charmingly romantic! Do go
on. I hope there will be immense diffi
culties In the way—another lover, ob
turate parent, heartrending separation,
mutual vows of undying fealty."
"No; there wasn't any obdurate par
ent. So far as 1 could find out her fa
ther hadn't any objections to my—to
this young fellow marrying his daugh
ter. There were separations enough.
He had to play hide aud seek with
the Apaches In Arizona for n year or
two, but 1 never discovered that her
heart was rent"
"Perhaps It was loaned or even given
away," she bubbled.
He paid no attention to this sally,
though lie appreciated It.
"There was another lover," ho con
tinued, eyes full on hers. "He was a
man of a good deal of force, had made
his own way In the world and was on
the road to wealth. He could give her
all the things that this lieutenant
couldn't give her, the luxuries she had
been used to all her life."
"Oh, I see. He could feed her on
bonbons." This most Innocently.
"lie could provide for her as she
ought to be provided fox - ."
"Still It Is Just conceivable that even
a rrirl might weary of eating sweets
the livelong year In and year out. Isn't
It?" she asked, with a touch of asper
"I'm not talking about confections
exactly, but there are decencies to be
obsei ed. A fellow can't nsl; a young
woman of a wealthy family to couiu
aud share nothing with him."
"Oh, no. Much belter leave her to
her digestion of the confections and
other toys you mentlom d."
"Arizona Is not exactly a place where
ti society girl would care to live."
"Of course he asked her whether sho
would like to go there. He didn't go
away without giving her a chance, I
The lieutenant flushed. "He simply
couldn't ask her. The thing was un
thinkable. He would have deserved to
be shot if he had taken her out there
to die of loneliness away from home."
"So he left her to her bonltons. lie
can't have thought much of her. She
was probably only a fancy of the mo
"But you are quite wrong. He did.
Don't you sen that It was because he
cared so much for her that lie could
not nsk her to share a lot like that
i with him? He went away and bore
his hurt silently."
"That v.'ns very generous of him,"
she admitted cordially. "Hut you must
be wrong about the officer. Lieutenant
Weston. lie couldn't have really be
lieved in the girl if he thought these
luxuries were rn'ire to her than the man
she loved. If he had thought her a
true woman he would not have hesi
tated to give her the choice. It would
not have been fair to her to po away
without a word. lie must have thought
her a butterfly.**
West' ii's eyes grew eloquent. "Be
lieve me. he knew h< r to be all things
good, but he had sj little to offer that
he knew he had not the right to offer
it. There are some things a man may
not do."
She had nothing more to say. The
rest was for him.
"Besides, he did cot know whether
she loved him or not. At times it
seemed to him that she did, and then
again he thought she didn't. Perhaps
if he had known -been sure"—
lie stopped, but she offered him no
help. Nor did her eyes meet his fairly.
The downcast lids hid the answer that
otherwise might have been read there.
"Miss Chisholm—Kate— I have come
now to find out. While I lay with the
fever heavy on me. face to face with
death, things took on new relations
to each other. Poverty and wealth and
external distinctions of society ap
poared to me the accidents of life; love
stood out a great verity to dwarf these.
1 made a pledge with myself then that
If I lived I would find out whether you
loved me or not. Long ago I should
have asked you but for my pride. To
day it is my pride to brush aside my
pride. Will you be my wife, Kate?"
She flashed one radiant look at him.
and Weston had his answer before th«
words trembled from her lips.
Impromptu Speeches.
James Russell Lowell is recorded as
saying that he always liked to pre
pare his impromptu speeches. At a
dinner given to Mr. Longfellow dur
lng a visit to London it was agreed
that no set speeches should be made.
After the fruit and coffee had been
diseuFscd. Admiral Farragut arose aud
protested that they could not dream
of parting without hearing from Mr
G ladstoue.
Mr. Gladstone began by assuring tht
company that he was of the mind ot
Lord Palmerston, who said, "Bettet
a dinner of herbs where no speaking
is than whitebait and oratory there
His "remarks" developed into an elo
quent oration. He had read the worki
of the American poet and quoted pas
sages from several of his poems, and
concluded by paying a splendid trib
ute to Mr. Longfellow's attainments.
The- subject of this superb panegyric
was deeply touched, and replied with
out rising In a few happily chosen
phrases, prefaced with the remark that
in his case the pen was mightier than
tlie tongue aud that he could not make
an extempore speech.
l'nnc-lt nnd Jnily In Cklnn.
It would surprise a good many per
sons probably to hear that Punch and
Judy is a Chinese Institution, but
there seems to be good ground for the
supposition, according to a correspond
ent of a London paper, who says: "A
few years ago I witnessed at a garden
party given by the general then com
manding tho troops in Hongkong the
exhibition of a Chinese Punch aud
Judy, which had been brought down
from Canton. The general arrange
ments were precisely the same as those
of an English Punch and Judy, the
only difference being that Instead of
the dog Toby there was a wooden
figure with clapping jaws, supposed
to represent a dragon.
"The costumes were Chinese, nnd
the piece varied in some respects from
that which we see in England, but nil
the characteristic features were the
same. Tho lesser mandarins were duly
knocked over by the big mandarin,
with Just the same satisfactory whack
as that with which I'unch disposes of
Judy and Jack Ketch, and all the ac
cessories of voices, pipes and scenery
correspond to those of the English
It'll the Hnme Discount.
"As to dreams," said the Chicago
drummer as the subject was under dis
cussion, "I believe In 'em nnd have got
proofs of their veracity. It was only
a week ago that 1 dreamed of finding a
dollar, and next day I picked up 60
cents from the sidewalk."
"But that wasn't a dollar," protested
a listener.
"Of course not You have to give
the usual 40 per cent off In dreams as
well as In business, don't you?"
Tlie Hare Ability lo Hrlool Krtlelwnt
Executive Heml*.
Many men mistakenly think that be
cause they work hard and try hard
they must eventually succeed to some
extent. This does not follow. Some
men carry on great enterprises with
little apparent effort. Their success Is
due to skill In selecting efficient qxec
utlve heads.
Many a business man breaks down
trying to supplement the work of In
competent heads of departments sim
ply because he does not know how to
choose the right men. A man of com
manding ability does not worry him
self over details. He makes out his
programme and then selects men who
can carry It out to the letter. Indeed
It Is a sign of weakness for the head
of a concern lo bother about little de
tail:!. It shows that he lacks tlie In
sight, the business sagacity, the abili
ty, to select and to manage men who
can do things efficiently.
Many heads <>f large concerns spend
llttl"< time In their offices. They travel
or remain at home, but the business
goes on like clockwork simply because
they know how lo select men who can
efficiently do the wqrlt assigned to
It Is a great art to duplicate oneself
In another and multiply oneself many
times by selecting those who are vast
ly superior to ourselves, but who did
not happen to have had our opportuni
ty to do the thing themselves.-Suc
A Careful old I.ntly.
An old lady applied at a registry of
fice for a maid.
"I want a little girl, between eight
een and twenty-two years of age, who
Is fond of mushrooms."
"Fond of mushrooms?" Inquired tho
agent. "That Is something I never
Inquire about from my applicants. 1
don't understand."
"Well, I am very fond of mushrooms
myself, anil there are so many mis
takes made. The Idea came to me sev
eral years »k o, and It was a dispensa
tion of Providence that It did or 1
should have been killed. I make my
maid eat a portion of all mushrooms
brought to my house before any aro
served to me. 1 always require It,"
replied the old lady. "I have lost two
excellent maids from toadstools, dur
ing tlie last five years, and, of course,
I could not think of taking the risk of
eating mushrooms unless I bad a maid
to test them." —London Globe.
T!;p LatCMt Endeavor to Secure u Si
lujir Free Front Acid.
Tho latest development of the silage
Id a is the use of steam to prevent
f nneutation as far as possible and se
cure an approximately acid free siiage.
Tlie Oregon station began experiment
ing on thia line last year and the cut
shows the construction of one or two
small silos used for the purp. ae. These
were built of well seasoned yellow fir,
dressed, tongu<{ and groove lumber, one
and live-eighths Inches thick, three and
one-half inches wide and twelve feet
long. When completed the silos meas
ured approximately tire feet In diame
ter and twelve feet deep. They were
constructed plain, having no doors, so
that the only way of tilling aud empty
ing was by way of tlie top of the silo.
They were fitted with one and one-quar
ter Inch piping so that they could be
steamed after being filled.
The silo of which the lower portion
Is here shown was fitted with pipes so
that steaiu could be liberated In tho
•silo within two iuehes of the bottom
I ijji! I li'iiiir |
14s f
H[ I
f jijiy.
Nt G, and also mlilway between the
bottom nnd top at P. The upright pipe
E P in the silo was covered with a cap
at P so as to prevent fodder from fall
ing into the pipe. Ten to fifteen holes
three-eighths of an Inch in diameter
were drilled in the pipe near the cap
at Pas outlets for the steam. The el
bow at G turns directly down and
comes to within about two Inches of
the bottom of the silo. This elbow G
prevents material from getting into tho
pipe G II and serves as an easy outlet
for the steam when forcing it into tho
silo near the bottom.
The silo was filled with very green,
immature corn, cut three-quarters of an
inch long and packed as tigiit as possi
ble. The contents were theif teamed,
first by making connection through I),
then disconnecting at D and connecting
at I. Pressure was part of the time
at twenty pounds, and, for the latter
part, forty pounds. The steaming proc
ess lasted from about 7 o'clock one
evening till 0:-'50 tho next morning.
A sterilized cotton plug was tied over
the end of the pipe at I, projecting from
the silo. The second pipe projecting
from the silo was stopped with an
Iron plug screwed in at D. Just at the
end of tho steaming process, and while
the corn fodder was still very hot, both
silos were covered with layers of heavy
building paper and then with several
Inches of sterilized cotton.
When the silos were opened in De
cember, tlie steamed silage was sweet
and bright, and had undergone very
little change since the green fodder was
put In.
I iirfnl Item* «. f 12* perlcuee From tl»o
Considering tho extra work Involved
In the narrowing of tho space between
rows of sugar beets, together with tho
Inconvenience and even Impossibility
of cultivating with large farm horses
in narrow rows, it seems as yet wise,
to the Michigan station, to continue
with the rows twenty-one inches apurt
at least.
Figures from recent tests show de
cidedly in favor of increasing the ni
trogen content of the sugar beet fer
tilizers. Not only is the yield of beets
greater, but the percentage of sugar
Is higher where an excessive amount
of nitrate of soda Is applied. The
marked difference in yield of sugar
from the home mixed fertilizer over
the commercial fertilizer suggests the
possibility of nitrate nitrogen being su
perior to the form <if nitrogen found
In the commercial fertilizer.
A fair comparison of nitrate of soda
and sulphate ammonia as n source of
nitrogen for sugar beets, being the
average result from live different ex
periments conducted for three years In
succession, shows a yield of over 11
per cent more sukut from tlie nitrato
than from the ammonia and presents
conclusive evidence of the superiority
of the former.
A general conclusion In some soil
tests with fertilizers Is that stable ma
nure Increases the tonnage, but docs
not Increase the total number of
pounds of sugar In n similar propor
Corn In Kanaaa.
Orange .fluid Farmer concludes, after
special Investigation, that the corn crop
prospects of Kansas, as a whole, have
probably not been lowered more than
r> per cent through recent unfavora
ble weather conditions, although there
has been damage In the north central
and north western counties.
It* ({tilck mtfl TlioroiiKli tooling
•tprrlnll? ri;n»lilerrd.
The cooler milk In kept the less ac
tive the bacteria In if. will lie and the
longer the milk will maintain its nor
mal condition.
Many means may be employed to
cool milk to the desired temperature.
A very common and generally satisfac
tory way is that of setting the strained
milk In large (forty quart) cans Into
a trough containing water. Then,
again, coders are used, through tho
Inside of which pas-es a current of
cold water or ice water, and the milk
runs In a thin layer over the cold
sides of the apparatus, belru: cooled
very rapidly. This method Is very sat
isfactory for two reasons (1) the inilk
Is cooled very promptly, and <2i it is
aerated, freeing It from the cowy odor.
Generally speaking, that apparatus
is most efficient that cools the milk to
the lowest possible temperature in the
shortest possmle time. It must be
borne in mind, however, that low tem
peratures aro not detrimental to the
life of bacteria, but simply check their
growth. It Is neees-ary. therefore, not
only that milk be cooled I" a l«>v> teni
pcrature as soon as possible after it
is drawn, but that the low tempera
ture ho maintained. When
warmed up" ffftain, the m-rui lire in It
will nsume Its activity; houce milk
can bo kept unchanged for any rea
sonable h*ii£tli of time by subjecting
It to and keeping it at a low tempera
Aerators that are not coolers, if used
in summer, do not Improve the uiillr
bacterlologicallj", as tlie tei;:i>erature iit
the atmosphere is not low enough to
check the aevclopmont of bacteria. On
the contrary, such aeration prolongs
the time that elapses between the
drawing and cooling of milk and there
fore tonus to favor bacterial activity.
In winter^however, these aerators also
serve as coolers, the milk passing
through the cold air being cooled rap
Tlu- greater the attention paid to
scrupulous cleanliness in handling
milk at all stages, the shorter the time
that elapses between the drawing,
straining aud cooling of milk and tlie
lower the temperature to which it Is
cooled, the greater its freedom from
micro-organisms, the long> r it will re
tain its normal condition, the more
profitable its production will lie and
tiie more wholesome will it be for old
and young.—Otto I\ Ilunzlker.
Very SatUtectorj* For Farm Storage*
A Frufthotme Added to It.
Tor storing fruit on the farm noth
ing can eijual a good cave. One of the
leading orchardists in southwestern
lowa built a cave seven years ago and
lias found it an excellent place in
which to store apples. The cave was
dus: into a north hill slope and the dirt
removed with a spade and wheelbar
row. It is U» feet wide by T>o feet deep
and will hold two carloads of apples.
The clay walls need nothing to hold
them In place.
The roof is made of bridge plank
held in place by posts along the sides.
The plank are covered with dirt and
sodded over to turn the rain. Two
twelve inch tiles at the top provide
ventilation. Rats have not bothered
much. A few got in, but were caught
with a wire trap. A frultbouse 10 by
20 feet is built In front of the cave.
Double doors open on the north, so
that two wagons can be backed in for
unloading. There is an orchard and
timber '.ll the south, so that hot south
winds have 110 chance to enter tills
cave. Apples are stored in barrels,
which are kept off the ground.—Amer
ican Agriculturist.
Nitrate »( Soda on Cunlfn Crop*.
Field experiments with nitrate of
soda on market garden crops lead the
New Jersey statiou to the following
First. -That both the yield and qual
ity of vegetable crops are Improved
by a liberal supply of available nitro
Second.—That large quantities of ni
trogen (300 to 400 pounds of nitrate
of soda per acre) are, on the whole,
preferable to smaller quantities.
Third.—That where large quantities
of nitrate of soda are used fractional
dressings are likely to result in a great
er proportionate use of the nitrogen.
f'ouiih.—Three dressings proved ou
the whole more profitable than two.
When the growth is satisfactory, the
third dressing may be withheld.
Illta of Experience.
In milking it Is better for each man
to have the same cows regularly. Both
cow and milker will do better than
with frc , : nt changes.
It Is well to remember Hint all crops
have two values their feeding value
and their manurial value.
The persistent use of mower and
scythe or spud will exterminate plan
In my experience with rape I find
that pigs are ravenously fond of it.
Look out for chicken cholera. Clean
liness Is one of the best preventive®.
Pill* lhat Am Twenty Ilollnr* on
Onr Sltrlr and T«»i» on 11»c Hr\crnf,
S> iitteretl throughout the country are
a few pieces of paper money that are
known fi? "freak bills" by the olllelals
of Ihe treasury department. One of
them turned up in (his city not long
HE" It hi d the imprint of a twenty
dollar note on oiu- side and a ten on
the oilier. As the face showed the
twenty, t'.rt was its legal value.
The deputy assist .nt treasurer of
the United States, who Is stationed in
•■e New York subtrwury, was sj cak
ing of these freaks the other day and
said he had only seen one of them in
lils life, although he had heard of Sev
ern Very r; rely they have slipped
thr< the bureau of engraving and
printing rfeaplte a • arcfel scrutiny by
'bice or four f-ela of ii.r.pectei'H. In
most cnxe.i thoy have 1 '»n rational
banknotes v.-deli, like regular treasury
nntr.i, art '?> In ted 'it the bureau In
WuHhlngfoj The r.u - vi ue always
is r<'' ■•gul/c" when the freaks come to
be '.'.led In at any bran.li of the
tnasii' and tlie imprint 1 :> Hi* back
ba* 'in lawful statu? whatever.
"Th< notes are printed In sheets at
the bureau," nu' i the official. "Usual
ly there will bo one twenty and two
tens o i a sheet. They are printed one
tide at a line, so it can be seen that
the printer IP tu r :'ig over the sheet
ml;.'ht "I i: tip- ale t'ov. n mid thus put
a ten <loll s r back < the »wen'y dollar
note, oi lu u'y on the back of one of
the tens."
In the bureau arc women who are
HUPP" d to examine all the bills care
fully. bit oe. ■ 11 y they neglect
to look at t lh sl.l us Kcrutlnl*ln«ly
,•>« Uie\ KliOtild. titn' the money coos
out :•>(,, iii i , X.'heii orroi t are
discovered, the i ! printed sheet Is laid
aside to l■!• i i• •I. It cannot be
torn up at nece, for < ery sheet has to
le nccotintid for <M'! r a nood deal
of red lap . il i ground up Into pulp.
Most of the fp ak 111- which have
been !«*,.,•<! 11l t • past have found
their way back to the treasury, there
to be destroy, d. H Ic t : ><.i lit that
than a do; n are now sea U red alKiut,
tno«f of t'i'M in the h nil f curio
hunters. Mlici.il raid that no ef
fort to col I "el them had been made by
th- governnient aad that the treasury
depirtii "i t 1 it" vol--.'del 1 the clreu
lation of t!: few nolo a matter of
any cci, lu. -much as there
wa no d> « t about tie- values as in
dicated on the face. New York Times.
SclentlU* Secret* Thai Have Keen
Corlrii UltH tlie Hen Who i>>-
seased Then; .ml That Were the
' m.>fs of Their Tragic Taking Off.
The maxim wr.'cii states that silence
Is golden has cost the wax'.d some of
the greatest discoveries of modern
times, for not a few of the inventors
whosJ names would have l>eeu handed
down to posterity as public benefae
tors have killed by their secrets
before they would consent to divul; e
them to their fellow bein;s.
In ISOS all Europe was startled by
the discovery of a new explosive culled
fnlminite, which, it was believed,
would revolutionize in< dern »jrfure.
It was the lnvt-T.ioi oi an Lxcler
scientist named Sawbridge, and sam
ples of th~ explosive wfci.li were test
oil by the government reveahd the fact
that its power was three times greater
than that of cordite and In conse
quence it would treble the range of a
rille bullet. The German government
offered Sawbrldge £20,000 for his In
vention, which be patriotically refused
until the home authorities had had the
first option of purchase. But Just as
the latter were about to seal * con
tract with him the news came that his
laboratory had been blown up and him
self with it Unfortunately he left
no records wliatever, and although
some of the leading experts of tho day
minutely examined the debris they
failed to discover the secret, which is
probably lost forever.
About half a century ago an Italian
priest named Luigi Taranti discovered
a method of making stained glass, the
coloring of which was declared equal
to that made by the ancients, whose
secret has been lost. Taranti aban
doned holy orders and set to work to
execute the hundreds of commissions
he received In the secrecy of his work
shop at Ostia, near Rome. The finest
stained glass windows In Italy were
made by him, and he guarded his se
cret well, for when a year later he was
found dead of blood poisoning, set up
by the pigments he employed. It was
realized that he had carried his secret
with him. Tho cleverest workmen
were called In to examine the Ingredi
ents. but they one and all failed to
penetrate the dead man's secret.
The person who could make compo
sition billiard balls equal to those of
Ivory would quickly qualify as a mil
lionaire, and It la not an Impossible
task, for It has already been done.
Some years ago a Scotch manufactur
er put composition billiard balls on the
market which were as good at but
only a third of the price of those al
ready In use. He refrained from pat
enting his Invention and made all the
balls himself, even his family being
prohibited from sharing his secret,
lint Just as he was beginning to taste
the fruits of his experiments he was
one day mortally wounded by an accl
i dent In his workshop nnd died before
be could make any statement Ex
perts were given specimens of the balls
to analyze, but In spite of the fact that
they succeeded In tracing the materi
als used they have long since given up
all hopes of being able to discover how
they were put together.
The only man who has yet been suc
.cessful In taking photographs In color
was a martyr to his discovery, the
secret of which Is lost. Some years
ago Dr. Herbert Franklin of Chicago
submitted a number of colored photo
graphs—of a somewhat crude nature,
it Is true—to the leading American
scientific institutions, aud the encour
agement he received wns such that
he built himself a laboratory, proof
against the wiles of spies, at a cost
of $12,000, wherein to perfect his In
vention. In the preparation of his
plates he used a charcoal flre, and one
day when at work he omitted to open
the ventilators and was found asphyx
iated. He had refrained from divulg
ing his secret to any one, and in con
sequence, although some partially fin
ished plates that hid the secret re
mained, the way they were prepared
is a problem that has baffled scientists
to this day.
Another victim to his secret was
Adams, the Inventor of tallium, tho
greatest discovery In the metals of the
age. Adams was confident that a metal
could be produced which, although as
hard as steel, was only half Its weight
nnd price, and nfter five years' experi
menting with an electrical process tal
lium was the result. Tho invention
was taken up throughout America, and
orders for thousands of tons of the
metal began to i>our in from the lead
ing railway companies.
Hut It was too late. The enormous
mental strain he had undergone,
coupled with the sensation of finding
millions within his grasp, took away
his reason, nnd ho was confined in an
asylum. He left no records to explain
the process, and no amount of per
suasion drew the secret from him,
which perished locked up In his brain
when two years later ho died a help
less lunatic.—London Tlt-Blts.
Ilrllrvrs In the Theory.
"Somebody advances the idea that
there are words that affect us Just aa
certain Colorado."
"I dunno about the colors, but I'm
pretty sure to froth at the mouth
every time I henr 'line's busy.'"—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Brlggs (sarcostlcully)—That waa •
beautiful, fine horse you sold me.
Griggs- -Wasn't he? As I said, not a
blemish on him.
"No. All Inside." Detroit Free
1 'rcss.
A mnn talks knowingly of the Incon
stancy of women utid then proceeds to
get mad If one of them proves he la
right.—Chicago News.
When Moore Hnnit.
In singing his own songs Moore al
tered (hp arrangement of the airs and
sang the Hist part of each verso twleo
over at the beginning Instead of us a
refrain lit the end. In that glorious
aoiw of his. "Oh, the tight Entranc
ing!" Moore's own singing of It was a
matchless treat. With head upraised,
he seemed almost to revel In the fresh
morning light iih lie gazed on the
"sight entrancing," and his eye spar
kled as "files arrayed with helm and
blade" sc-med to pass before him,
While a deeper feeling nwoke lis the
passion of the song came upon him.
Ills voice, one of Infinite modulation,
but of small compass, rose clear and
thrilling to Its highest pitch as he
(Jo ask yon <tr«|>ot whether
Hl* armed bsntls could bring such
Am! hoarts l< ours together.
Ills song was an Inspired recitative,
nud b>- seemed to Improvise as he ran
his fingers over the notes, nnd as the
tide <>f thought came over him It was
poured forth In harmonious cadences
of ex>|Ulslte variety. Had he been tied
to a chair, with the added doom of a
prosy companion, he would have ex
ploded and gone off like a rocket or a
bottle of spurkllug chumpugne.—Went-
No 37
Extreme Sensitiveness Of the FtttlV
and Dental Nerris.
Which part of the human body it
the most sensitive to paint
A sharp definition must be drawn
here between Irritation and pain. Irri
tation is not pain, bnt on]/ a frequent
cause of it. Thus, a crumb lodged In
the larynx near the vocal cords pro
duced violent irritation {ind prolonged
coughing, which often results Hi actnal
pain. So, too, a fly or speck of dost in"
the eye sets up violent Irritation and
inflammation, followed by acute
Of the surface of the body, the finger
tips and the end of the tongue ore moat
sensitive. Fcj instance, a burn on tha
lingers is much more painful than one
im t'ue hack would be, while one on thl
tongue would be more painful art 11
Deep wounds arc not painful, as a
rule, save as regards the aurtacft In
jury. Of pains not caused by asternal
injuries, neuralgia of the fifth nerve,
the one which supplies the aldß of tho
head and face, is the most Intense. It
has frequently driven people mad fot"
the time being, and sufferers have been
known to cut and even burn the flesh
In desperate attempts to relieTe It The
rupture of the branches of the dental
uerve in tooth drawing also causes
agony so intense that it has been stated
that no human being could endure It
for more than two seconds at a time.—
Pearson's Weekly.
Trading on the Kltcr.
A recent traveler on the Niger writes:
"I was anxious to buy some fruit from
a native woman who came down to the
ship, and to this end I produced a
handful of coppers which I had
brought out from England. I first
showed her five, then six, seven and
eight, but she pushed them all aside
in a most unceremonious manner.
More by way of a Joke than anything
else, I then produced a three penny
piece, which she at once accepted, giv
ing me In return just twice as much as
I had asked for my eight coppers. 1
also discovered that she had a great
partiality for white glass bottles. ' 1
happened to have about half a dozen
empty soda water bottles, foe which
she gave me the same number of eggs.
I afterward found that any whS* glass
bottle had this purchasing power all
over Nigeria. The natives send them
to Blda, where they are melted and
made Into rings about three or four
Inches In diameter, to be worn either
as armlets or anklets."
The Bark of • Doc.
Strangely enough,
seems to us so characterttae oftt#"
dog. Is not one of Its natural sounds at
all. No wild dogs bark, and, what la
more remarkable, If dogs are Isolated
for a long time from their human mas
ters they seem to lose the faculty.
Thus a number of dogs turned loose
on Juan Fernandez island were found
In thirty-three years to hate complete
ly lost the habit, but to be able to re
acquire It. On the other hand, wolf
puppies, as well as young wild dogs,
if reared among tame ones, readily
learn to bark. It almost seems as If
the sound were differentiated from the
howling and yelping natural to the
wild canldie In order to communicate
with man and serve his purpose. It ia
worth observing that the habit can be
eliminated when desired, as In some
breeds of dogs favored by poachers.
Histories Trees.
Litchfield. Conn., has more historic
trees than any other town In New Eng
land. Among others are two elmi
planted by John O. Calhoun, a syca
more said to bo one of the thirteen
planted by Oliver Wolcott, signer of
the Declaration of Independence, and
named nfter the thirteen original col
onies; nn elm which served as a whip
ping post in colonial days, and a wil
low tree which grow from a walking
stick stuck in the ground by Colonel
Tnlmadge, the American officer who
captured Major Andre, the British spy.
Editorial Room Wit
The reporter bad Just come In from
a murder case. It was a rainy day,
and he had to cross a plowed field oft
"I see," observed the chief editor,
looking with much dlsploasure at his
large and muddy boots, "you have
brought the scene of the murder with
"Yes," answered the reporter apolo
getically; "I've got to have some
ground for my story, you know."—
London Express.
Discounting It.
Ho—Here's n story of a surgeon wb<J
amputated his own thumb. Wonderful,
isn't It?
She—Oh, I don't know.
He-Whatt Just think of his nerre
and the awful pain ho must hare suf
She—But no doubt be put himself un
der the influence of ether first—Phila
delphia Press.
To Predict a Storm.
By placing two Iron bars at aeven or
eight yards' distance from each other
and putting them in communication on
one side by an Insulated wire and on
the other side with a telephone it la
said that a storm can be predicted
twelve hours ahead through a certain
dead sound heard In the receiver.
The Lover's TreoaatlOß.
"Do you think you can give my
daughter the surroundings to which
she Is accustomed?" asked the parent
"Well," answered the young man, "I
won't guarantee that You see, Clarl
bel has talked the matter over and says
she's tired of the neighborhood."—
Washington Star.
Armor plate Is now used in the con
struction of modern bank vaults. The
material Is said to give virtually mob
proof resistance,
Moorish Slavery.
It would do those good who write
passlonnte articles on Moorish slavery
to see the well fed, laiy slave of
Wazan lounging In the sun, klff pipe
In mouth nnd scarcely doing a stroke
of work from week's end to week's
end. The most ordinary English kltch
enmald would accomplish In a couple
of hours what a Wazan slave does In a
week. All are free to come and go as
they please, but none avails himself
of this freedom. The reason la not far
to seek. In Wazan they are fed and
clothed by the shereefs and on holi
days and feast days receive presents of
Thus all the necessities of life are
found them without their having to
work for them, which otherwise they
would be obliged to do. Ner Is It only
the necessities of life that are thus
supplied to them free, but they sre
given each his room to live In and mar
ried at the expense of the shereefs to
slave women. Their children, by law
slaves, are not necessarily so and are
often apprenticed to workmen to learn
some trade or If they wish are free to
seek their fortune In other landa.—
Blackwood's Magazine.