ftrtuie Telling Ann not take iato eoowlmuae the oc caaeatiai to woman's happiness —»ob mu, beahh There is many a wonax whose future «»**"«■ aliaol ulely narlouilec ; who m by her own condition ft* v- fature daasppOEStment and distress The woman who r ia nag-Wring tbe way lans'iatioc of all (nod iwtuaf ~ For without health lose loses ita bats* Hh -w - and (old ia but jU Womanly Vwa'tfh warn be retained or / aegaaamA tb e f BTT*:.^ Favorite Frescnp tkm. lteata...i*bet JP3A aqgidaxitr. dries I the dmsa which n'rrT voscfi fcetll tirftartTTßU. tioo and mica*- {•?rw 3SSs-^®OE e* sack /y J7] «ici. mm as* am&ed to oeaadt >. fierce hy letter/w All correapoodesce W*3 as mnetJ- pt s*a&* and asosdly eeefedealiel. kc£ztm Dr. 1L V. Fierce, x. r. »; kmmenmcmmm bmrta ■<< Or Hci* » >»»»- rise t— in.« n ■ * vnci Mm* V Fr*" a< OoS». Ci. 'iHnr "«a —inn mi. Tin "lialiKu 1 fas jet at ■»■»■««-.-Jail* twaciv. jet iM <«aw>i. T all iin ii \Maiw.Te&mC Jet wL**m ~. fa«e *w "i" - *" - T JK Butter Savings Bank. BLTLER. PA. flnipinr and Pinfaa - - t«ss*oc.nt> Cammed JZ Pwdomt; S. Hjen K I T toacmaK... XKx-i*Tv*i&ai~- C XL Cuojeexwett Iclier a > . ; by tan» hu la lac OjOsk iMOy latftMln ml TH E Mler GHCJ Kmiul But Butler Pen n, Cspatsi psat p. -?nr .-«r an ftMWte J. T. iLTTtt. B £"- ■Si«r telST™ laaffca V«i ml *-J. ■II J.. V. IHa M- I. bstar THE Fanrjers" liti— iil BaiL BCTUE*. FEVVJL CATSXAZ. PAIS 3JL « barium ami t'iv r itk i ac » w tf.CTUI : IMUa -- Otto Davis, Pianos. Organs and Musical Mercliandise. Teacher of Voice: Violin and Piano Pianos Tuned and Repaired. BLANK BOOKS MAGAZINES LAW BINDING and REPAIRING at the BITLER BOOK BINDERY Car. Ma,tr and Diai&otid ASx/nre Kxtkpagrv^'m. NO SPAVINS he <*ed ix. 4S> aausKßtaa hjesnj) J*w wptaa* and rm&mmm jmt a* >i**t S'X pmtst b. aad aer«r W t*u*£ \*nuo*A MTiariiiMtra timmo. thaa mew taexiaod aett CuoGtL ORCHARD CULTIVATION. Ita and »»n>' of taj;<'a for constant orchard »ailtira:ion ar«- tliat tli»- bk>;«- tui* of soil la pratmed in drvotbt :-.ui In rtry wet titn'* tlie air la Irt Into it, the latent plant food iu U* aoll la made available and swii Urtm plant food mill be reoti;r<-d to pro duoe the gronrtb ntsfjasaary for jjrofit. tbe root* are kept deep In tbe aoil ; are not liable to Injury from beat or cold and in well drained no iuj'-rr need be feared daring ex' - -Mrelj- *r.:» an«l j | to plow only tbre* or i'/tsr incb<-. «V<-p Ming aiullow working t/A»la after tV pfryw'bg baa be*n do»e Wit'., the n»d en. low headed orchard tre* It wiil be TSJJk, J6t«t 'JTiOTKt i&gwMllio: "H >»«'* truUMt atuC -ttx'unr "Che Aunt wit u*>~ ■ ' ■U, he jiMMP-vt joi mrg* tnu/ «r Kfi»a- "Sht prt»w iwt lotivm WiOe ■Ja. fll UUT I. tne «Kti«w epresii apart co tiet ti«« hone wll pm (touu&t the witik: the Larrow wIL react onder thesc aKrrexai fees, tearing hot httk aandvuTi. -.0 he done Two of tfae cvntKrfif, toati. harrow artacbed to the eve>f wrtL a «uaJi ahvis two f«i kng will wors w«B wh«* tfae trees as»r nut ■;■.* eiaeer i«3ng drat-1. is lßi'ier the' beancfaea fay tfae bor» jbtjuijc «*£k tree, iezrtee hat fid base faoez&g va fae doeat The Caitfte Ida oKhard harrow {Tig. 2 la JEEe\' ■Kd «b the Fadbr ccace. aad wobH m dotshc he «T jgr«K*. vxizx- iise 2f we i«d »T areai to The hoe CHg. 3 ia foc&d cf grear: «ramr6 ctatrrasma. l«c. In ia» drawt hgr «at lai an M. «ax he Effe «as&:y gia asrd thm. wiCb a pair cf i-"r%r U rwi to tfaki }y. ft wit iwe aarwe wwus. ~m mm v&t t wH. at car* n«M. rwirr, Tck to Saarta of aned y*s **a* ai£LSr. Thi» • io uu> «f the heat asd aa sp* srvrs « Gmm&f ay mtccy- tf tto aierrim. PMB. WKk Vha it lafaet tfae J.'iia ■» «f Vktoe n—n, At jiwaeac there ia PubfJ: ■ y mte* of €i lad'ii btn f Baarua? gpuri tkaz id aX ou«tr '-xrascit-t *- «esi«; Buez. nit no. ahada ess. - iraide truii. aid i-otrdt uid aia. «•. win. lia laliTli hay. «2*w * »«lar tnaxri. Th» wi£ ad£ jr*at " 5y n, the of yooiosy. aaii what ever adfia to their esßßDStrt aud» t your jc-afc Er«ry one Samwa who ia at aS vesaur: w«i the lir* sosk jadasir; f tlut eutintfg tha: the mooc cd the —*■« ■tod: liaos has agalz. l«{ni to fauL. Friday, the £abhutb of the Moeiema wiie-L all true helitfverv of the maoL-u --line peiiQvr- nutke a poun uf guiitg -.0 tdiarcb, their wive*, ausua-e, and diiupi. vert reoort to tl* cemeteries and waJ far the dead. But all their time is nut ■pent iu weeping, and Borrow is not tbe oxiiy emotion they display on theae occaaiuna They take witb then, bunches and garlands of flowers and decorate tbe graves of their relatives and pray and weep over tbe dead for a time. Then, wben this pious duty is performed, they gather in little groups and have a good time gossiping about the living Thus the day of mourning is very popular among the Moslem women. It gives them almost tbe only opportuni ty they have of cultivating the ac quaintance of their neighbors, because It is net customary to exchange visits as in our country —Exchange. DUernit Kl>4> of Feet. As to national characteristics in feet, it may be said tbat the French foot is narrow and long. Tbe f*|ianifcb foot ia small and elegantly curved—thanks to its Moorish blood—corresponding to the Castiiian'a iTide of being "high in tbe instep." Tbe Arab's foot ia pro verbial for ita high arch. Tbe Koran aaya that a stream of water can run under *he trw Arab's foot without touching it Tbe foot of the h is high and thick, tbat of tbe Irish Sat and square, the English short and fleshy. When Athena waa in her ze nith. the Greek foot waa the most p»-r fertiy formed and axatly proportion ed of that of any of the rac ffwedes. x*rwegiana aad Germarta here the iaxg'*t feet, Americans tbe aarnVtest Roaaian uet are ~w*bb»-«i' to the fcrst Joint. Tartarian toes ar- , ali the riai length. !RR!GATED CABBAGE. Colorado, o( "Spud" Fame. *«w Add» 4 Skbasc to ti>« List. Ore*.!'y, Colo., famous for Its pota toes, or "spuds," lias during tbe last few years developed into an imi>ortant c ! ;:gp growing center, according to a Country Gentleman < orrespondent, in whose account of tbe industry occurs tbe following: Transplanting is done from tbe 4th to tb- 3"th of June, according to variety. The plants are then from six to eight | u< ; high. The rows are furrowed out thirty in' ii*-» apart and tbe plants set in the side of tbe furrow fifteen to eighteen Ixk i.'-s apart Local grower* -till prefer to set tb" plants by hand with a dibble, though machines are made the purpose. As soon as a j row is set tbe water is allowed to run through tb'- furrow, watering the plants and Crtaing the earth around j the roots. A week later the tiel.l is t gone over again, filling in all missing > plants arid watering a second time. As soon a* tbe ground is dry enough It is j cultivated twice in a row and boed. Ir ( rgati'/n Is repeated every ten days un less It rains, followed In each case by \ cultivation until tbe plants get too large, which i* generally from Aug. J' to 20. After this irrigation alone Is continued a* necessary. One grower increases bis yield great j ly by irrigating at times witb liquid j manure. On tbe line of the lateral I shore the eaMisg'- field be throws cp a ; Mxbt !»»•'•» been wo pa it atensnring i-V. acre* 'X at The rate of [>er acre. The variety grown -raa T* Ww rrioa. T!wr of "ahhage and fhe atHM&»arirto nwt imrodu'.-eC it ' aniut if jemperiy faawbec inn muct muse prohahiy it taut® sets «■ infected toi'ite. H maty U qnad 5t a variety «f wry*. The tr" atue.-ic jneasorea lKdeaived ly cuuej«t it the aj9>l»eari-oB uf ri apftiy lurmaht u»* wc a nsve «ne poand f-vntsroi it. thirty and «£e iSLnd H* nay f«ffiww tarf ■-;.»*4 here tfae* «ti ■ »raß«s. Tfat «c£y pust is nsc to tfae ita-res icsrtie as tfafy wS ts^Mei *' '*•" ' faOBTr i# tfae fSEL. Sc a r«ei af tigvinei, a,tg w-eatfaer wax la wrx the 2sß tomst «f the rawer the vOZfjitc 'te sau£ fleei fw-se-fy Girc eo.inn 3hsw it is kasnn. tra~ tfae tfaaig as ds> n* t-ees- lie xsj-jw.t purtrr Assm aa»c It kee-; tfae «s»- vr* ewdted iiirSit nsc aitrt- tfatx «a M tn ixurr ei}>.- taan it tlit swan- Tfa«s w. ..111 w*- mr m»£ >f"*r nwt if tfae dsns he jar.j caree fat£,i*e pc OM tie- ««£. it w£ nej-jies' 'in. sifer ntc i>saa hngle. KE gr<*a «at«e* iag«y wim-d wH he cut aa>£ it v 2 pa« aae ieax to ozww «ff tfat awLStspe asi< icsre T.arZ 1Z tfae cads aa* narfe- paasd ac she iMfL tfaey «fl tun at txssns and ang- mrtnug tfae hay. aa«: it fufcuws -tag tfae asn»i V im.Ce j-trraT and £ac ml sag. T-r»- Se« ia c anC tia*e f«s lupi. Is al-LSC r-xtr -f cti to»c Faetode ajsrs- 'W m sr cn» ■> ««. JVT-ajr the' iay r-wy fa <4? aa>. sMrinr nadlrflt «- Hi imetax r-.« is a 2tv«eat j'ii *a int 17 tor they natd laosK- «cmiig 'a. ad ao<4 *> ttetk ««** tfaet sSey sbk bm-jh. -tr-.ips and flit rslc «s or frugessy if tfae emp la haty aaad whether ncc wry iavaia* Et the tane ti»ey snom£ fas- ear. ler u> dril in ut eauly tagaecy rf ' tan en* ass i>"Vr ais >niy. and. wiK«e it aay me fae fnTy Mflaae ia £ greet f»46er 3? the foisiur<-» kcSvt frun. lat ■flruuric «r St Cu fae '.-unefl J«- wiirter f«ddt? Ii srifi jp-.-v sent where there wotfld fae arm. ;. -■fatnee of t gooC mifaet 'rty- ant m i>»: as «-xhtnßt~e to tfae acdL ad rincs a tuthunry. C. P. Johnson & Sons The Leading Tailors of Butler County, Are making clothes in the CHEAPEST, BEST AND LATEST STYLES Suit fr ir. sl6 to S3O. Overcoats fiom $iC to $75. E\crj c« ne by skilled abor in our own shop. C. P. Johnson & Sons PROSPECT, PA. | |ANNOL.NCE.HENT| I WW'ZTEL KELLY bas opened for # * I 1 the seanon witb greatly 2 i improved fa<-uities and better % f accrimiiK-datiuos than ever before # * Dunng tbe past fall and winter S 1 tbe bouse has undergone many S J needed repairs until now it ranks * 2 with the leading hotels of tbe city. 5 a The Mitchell spring water is free a I to gnests of the and free » * '!»«• to all trains. 4 Head for lejoklet and rates. I A. KCLty A- SONS, | Can ' ridge .Springs. Pa. IjMrs. J. E. ZIMMERMANj j ; FALL ANNOUNCEMENT j|[ _ ■' Dress and Walkng Skirts. We hare jast received a large shipment of Separate Sfeirtr by far I I the largest and most complete line we ever offered Drew skirts from ' ' y* to flO.fiO. Walking Skirts from $2.9* tosl ».00-all perfect fitting. i Dress Goods and Silks. |![ 1 1 1. We received last week the second large shipment of Fall Drew I, ' r Goods, comprising all the new weaves in black and color? _ Heavy | { s bla/k and colored Cheviot. 4~> in'-h wide, V-c —valne VJin'h Heavy |.r , C Cloths, black and colored, for Walking Skirr- from 75c to #2.00 per I J ' J yard Everything new in black and colored Silks. <'* ' 1 Blankets and Haps. I|> V We are showing the largest and most complete line of Blankets and i ' i * Haps ever offered to the people of Batler. All wool Blankets, extra { | | large size, white and colored, per piir • *•*' 3 k M Hap*. $1 00 to $4.56: All wool Blanker., & .'J* to #lO 00 per pair 1 > Cotton Blankets large size, froin '*«■ up. { k a fife J, E. Zimmerman.! j | L Re,: I'bone t-i 111 Ipr [ Z I. w T ' ' | People's ntoa« iJB. L»UUf , Icl JT t ( BIG CLOTHING SALE! Wesrenowreawvifiir the wail between oik room* ar many gptfda We have dec:rt»er . haa it ha» &e*n sokt AH ftuder i | We aiarv ®#re Star ftf I J tlxac iie&vnij */%■ «.«<*• iww wsyot a«t<£ £»■ ' |. jjujyyt**, KemwaiV' *<£ ;«*> y' •*« srffcwflittr y.VMT* f «r Of oouTHerr Absolute Clearing Sale. "Absolute" >ccause it n uKwAtiußaS "f tave £:*jys ff.aj* it a point to have our clearing tal.-s 3c j-=>- wr.-j-t *"e *i»jr i'-e c. atvd oosinji out of a seas-. s - .k to tr.ake rotcr. goods ior tibe mavzj " season If you have ' n * our po< * et nee tbisad. strikes yo-ar rve tw cac |*r it to bntcr usr tfcaa to | bey cot of ti»e srats we arc eow ofitr ' f at Urs ABSOLUTE CLEARING SALE- Epct*- ssit is new i -•" tiis scas&«* r a»d »ot c-ae m tbe "«r. so<: tr kss liaa Sl2 Ta»t ihic a aoaeat a *1 wnrZ ta ck li" W**yiei s«rt. bamd %AW aridi fcair oefj f- "!». mi" sctaia i» i-'-tap- tf2 w.-- TEt fo-$* a sec. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 137 South Mam St 3-r' — GRAND CLEARANCE SALE! *Great Bargains in Millinery.* A 1 triscraed a--? 3 ntaHod Haes ac-d a3l gccids peta to s&jd at oae-iufc: peace is «--3cr to stake rexm^. Cccst aad at - Rockenstein's, I li MTT T T'HTRY EMPOEIT* jaf. Sfictt Xt:t atrart. - " THAT TIRED FEELINfi is tS« of wcakao*. Restr«re your appeite an<3 get new tlreagtb Oor Whiskies btmc tniiaateed ptrr«- »iU give to th«- sy-t«-tn ibc lxt-ded vitality. ALWAYS IN STOCK nit-g I »**•» OTUMI.I. 4.K II VEMM. t—«—»«. «,l£-OS MIUMitX. lUKtt OKT and <*• GRAJTC FATHER'S CBOICZ whI»k«-jr rtimntw! 3 old. 1 00 I<,d. We pay ex pi**# cburre* on nil mull orders at th> 00 or over. GoocU promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLES ALZ DEALERS II wares AKD LIQUORS. Ho* 14 Sml t Afield Street. foraterlj ♦ll Water Street. PTTTSBtJeG. FA. 'Fboaea: Bell JI»»- F. * A- 1* 54 L. C. WICK, frrAUt* " LUiIBER. Kamilv Reunions! VVc ofteri cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some Jittle thing. Get a good picture of your family and b me made it your first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen 8x i o inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know 'n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER A. M BERKIWER, Funeral Director. 45 S. Main St. Butler PA SOMETHING NEW^> In the line can be seen at the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and- please all who want an artiitis picture Stop in and see them. Novelties for Ho'iday* trade now ready* Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 P. O B'd'g, Put'er Rrwnrbe*—Mars and Evans Ci'y WESTMINSTER COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL. The plans for this School are broad and comprehensive. Its primary object is to benefit teach ers and those expe.-ting to teach: hnt its scope will include th*- whole range of College Stodie* A fell term s worth in any tbre* Coilesre Srndies n.ay be mad« up by stn "2 and contime eight weeks Kev. I O CukML D D.. Principa! Let all in jairies be addressed to Rev 2. H v'eazey, Bnsiness Manager. Sew Wil mington. Pa. F. G Tt&GUSOSf. President PAROID READY OOFING. ttAkCAI) Tnekoor. y with \Ty Tin Cement * •>:&* year* -,r"' M-rr«t» if j« «il «me ut- L c.»ICK, M.Tuat r«. Eyes E*»etf Free trf R. L WRKPATRICIL Jeaeir arc Op'. car • -V , y r—— » V ». - T'MtQJT! is*. Ecaneoc | Lai«usi, I bfef.h f S* jm. famam, sc- erfiL "sr*fc. te MMfl tz. "i* Wf M"5 jii. Ui! 2^». lift Haikd Up«i A»pfeeaSi«». FIRE arc LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. : Ou. ttir Pi. Karl Schluchter. Pracßcai Taslvr aai Cfttf :35 T» ;,A3Ea livzjsz, Tm. -J. C -ear rv; ir: | A 55TCLALTY. L. S. McJL NklN insurance ant Real Eslate Ayent «7 E JEFFFSSOX BTJTI.ER - °A CORKS ALL SIZES. ANY (Quantity. J REDICK & GROHMAN, Prescription Dniggiats. 109 X. Main St., Bntler. Pa. M. C. WAGNER A BTIST PHOTOGEA PHEB 13d South Main St. After ycu've worn a ready made suit a week, take another look at the elaborate ly illustrated and flowery worded ad. that tempted you to buy it, and notice how dif ferently* it appeals to your temptation. We don't make much of a splurge on paper; we put our ad. into the cloth. The ad. begins when you put on the clothes and it endures for weeks and years. Our prices seem high only to the man who never wore one of our suits. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHED ARE YOU GOING TO i BUILD OR REMODEL 1 t a - I Let m give you a iisjure 00 tint K im sad Flttiiw; <\i jwa ham* VVHITEHILL, Ptembtr. P.-+ * MfiWrf Swst \A) SgwfmnSeSß, Wk^Mlkemm taxz j* • i \ flUit lej . ut psvnr ;vt ja* »►- i.uv«r a) j&OO* -vainer , list » "ft'aw: >fecg{-. ■£>; 'Ac., set nnw.wr 6, Obr iaae ■« rtiVt»er isk beet -xxzivClx aek-t_iT£. J: Ji. tht i suc 'ca " cu-is*- . .-JO: at aL ftiflM 5 DVY POPOVS ftLA PLASTER ' A P * i n-S t c p I ___ lalxx TOE osffit ngk aira ti facts, air?at toe onir '.aat mec smfpie anc sen: curt Tor aa I oamt «f asjv kisd is a gwx: Poiwj KaStr. Tk xuose TeiiSfcbjt Pofob Kase it KFX- Try rt, aac ya viH knov iL | Reed's Pharmacy II Car. Y« J jctc JsCerwi Sak . baijer. P I | Have You a Neighbor' f If «. »ii cw'tjta net F jci£ ii--» a > jc poxrae «7*v—TT We -Ta-cicg-i: a-jmt JI Ku:rt *jf- -je J wcx ! 1 The U. S Electric Hfg. Cc KTIUEa. PA. "o^il We hckcc xl «* jw »a»MS Wall Paper . Piim. Oik Vamishes Suiioßey and Window Spader. Prion knocked to pieoea. ! ] We nelL F. W A OB * lemc J wn for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care raoranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. □A rood class of horses, both drivers acd draft banc* always on band and for sale under a fall iruaranu-e; and horses bouKh pan proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Te' epbone. No. Sit ! Iml -DCNTAL ROOMS -- I t' Y-JfWK 39-str*»e., P.tue,>] Pi |< Wc-repRACTICA' -TJ" f ' Zi CROWN =*» ef i'-.i » '• I ■fm Uof ,eci-*i reductions ail through the 3tr>c'n a J# Gxtrxi-i, i-ancy t'joods, Nk>fir,ns ar,d TriTrr-ngs *4t ? a contribute 'heir full of bargain prices. w * |L. Stein & Son,! ft m m mmm tracer, cur ft * k GKXAT CLZAMA3CZ I ALE U STILL &GSM& t *te aee rj «?«iul' »£ vir a*r fe . Vt vMJi Ml MMt, *»Ut We .lSLbt v-uur «be JH 4> j«rt v' J; Ipik-e -sit Fv-.Hwear beapetf ujj -ot. owr iaflfp: <&u%*iasr. \>\t- *U> imK *ah ttiv k»i«f as ace al £Vtng Inl ati£ we uaxrt vvi: tv get a*, lea* one jiair to vot what great guaihr ** tor verv iitllt cwatr ASOTKEE BIG CUT UT FEICE6 lo V-.'jtt. the ruais auc ;aa «f >»t\#pie *e aave iiat: in L the. store far the las* coupie of weeks »t "inuk we must b ire Hi ha-* art ksist «r»e «rp*rt«i*a*.i* i e Er cv—« liiwjilv n: 3£ couiitr. but for fcaa - we liat ■iniiurd *i*o»c we aoc z'MUg vo cut 2S ever; thiTig ir'tr it tc 30 per cent . j»c. ttsi» wo k auc we ac • not gtßߣ U/ slop tt> i'x4 what ti*y c*»st T Uii Clearance Sa'»e has xcc a itswc-inaktr s© £ar aaid »rase not j;okig 10 spare am- effje-t to make k one of Ihe p*aC»-& ■ ssarance sairs ■ ewerhejd is Hide: COME or AJn> SEE WHEXffEE TOE BUT OS SOT. We wast y*-*s to leetkat »e haoe *. e jr < --as l. !•- k «*p -«r ~ | advertueaeet leiow «re * -aiy a frw «f ahe is -. «• -r sr. a - jic -Me s Saa« s»>es. 'were Si fc.* i?• -ss* -a* « -■. I*. were 5: .t». roc: Lacaes bo-.s t « i". »y»; L— -<<** ase - fc-aes 45c Bp; Cfeilc«x s Lww .Sh.-r ac ;fLEs PH-..X£ 5> EEIX ?B- JE 2» c «£2 Scnnx 3EMTT. St-- Binder Pw BEff-YORK TRIBDNE FARMER For «rtr KU< tbc KEW YO r K TII f ELY TKI FXE bees a uaum*. «f i]» Bt «Kp-pej, auto hmo«i cxrtircr'iy .'T iarniers. fcnd hf-rvfyytxi the aid sujjport cf ".be Amtracau people U> a ct-. u sttai: r.< <1 l y icj sinolar "* pmblir*lK>n r\ the NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER is made abaolcteir for farmers ajd their fam lies. The first •w t \ 7 number was aasoed November 71b, X M V\ Every department of agricaJtcral> is covered by "*■ —4 * * special contributors who are leaders in tbrsr respectire lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a high class, up to date, lire, enterprising agricultural paper, profnae ly illastrated with pictures of l;re stock, _ I and homes, agricultural machinery, etc - \ / | j | J Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will fan«i svecial pages for their entertainment Regular price, $:.oo per Tear, tmt >oo can 1-uv ii with yomr favorite home weekly cewsoaper The CITIZEN, one year s for f 1.75 or Crrifx and Tra-Weekly Tri roe far #1 co. ? T3 •% "0"C*0 Send your subscriptions a-d mocey to THE CITI7EN, i r\ 1 rv BuUer, Pa. Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TKIBUNH FARMER, New-York City, and • free sample copy will be mailed to you. I I F | | Subscribe for the CITIZEN