WMN It A SHADOW. When there is a felling ofl in tlesh in wmma or mm there is "something wrong.'* And that something wrong is general!* a lam of nutrition due to dis eaaeof the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutrition. Some times this km of flesh is accom pwiied by variable jHI appetite, but in rtiai r*Ms the an prtite does not W sod there may be a constant oesire ] to eat- Languor. nervousness. mi lability, steeples*- seas, are symptoms I often naociitrr! I with this loss oi I nntntmn and fal ling « iml fro* it luww what it •aslly ts» wrma Mr* M 1 Fafaa af >*"J «a** r■■ I 4ir«easr J* V. "Itoi telwmt attack! af h«a.b>. tw and with cold haa«a »aU te*: rarythaam I atr 4aa*m«ed k. teWaU W cOMWlflrd and / HIfMUW WJ SMOa/anrM. 1 OUMC half caprsai the bad ktuMi I ted wtea I toaanol tafcinc Dr. NnACtet JSadaeal twswMif 1 took a.ac teM'te a# the *Oiaofxrrr' aad ba«» takan ■ratal halite of Cr Mttort VtCattMN FeUrta. t oasMNWui batter with th« firat txatla a*d hrjrt ua tanvwiaie I*«w I *ia •oarraiiy lauimtt VB health ajr Tr.'ni» alien »prah of a» t mm* hantlf m« iittiiin * ttear mrAtctu*» la •a aadfcnag aa I waa * Tba People's Common Sense Medical Adnser in pspcr covers, » sent free on snorts* of at one-cent stamps for expense •f mailing ml, Address Dr. &. V. Bagak,. ji Y Sample mailed free. Oh ippcalioii gives relief. The continued um of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoid*—External or Internal, Band or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures end Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. tlm Man*. SSs.. aer. mm* n e«. M k, flhPßMMMvtft. dW iftl 9»«w*|M»ii dNi PfMptpilfWl Bf p•'♦cp. Jtjwdm ftiuu. %im % iwfii NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostre uoq Xrocn overwork and other causes. Humphreys* Homeo pathic Specific Ho. 28, in use ©eer 40 years, the only success flu remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package tor eerious cases, SO. • |C. F. T. Pape,| } SIEWELERI j / 121 E. Jeffersen Street S Do fw Wast * Piano? Why Mot Buy *f Ms? 1 Iftp Ml WBQBi Wser** «S 4«r tPK 4SNHhMNMtft •if I *!#*'"*! front tftnf ifc** fd4 NEWTON'S *THC PIANO MAN" tf? f-t- lis |Hitinr I"* < Wm. Foster, < | Architect, j Iff sr >wn> la the (art*** k sases** Lainf ioo gptHkW* nagrboM* the Punjab, in ludfu. They commanded a large price, aud pariiits In uiudvrute circumstances for centuries past have been In the habit of parting with their daughters to place themselves iu easier circumstances, and the daughters have generally been ijulte willing to escape from a life of penury aud labor to oue of opulence and ease. A laboring man In this part of India cannot earn over $2 or $3 a month, while many receive for their daughters as high as SI,OOO. There are some cast s where $5,000 was paid, but the usual price has been from SIOO to (300. The practice became so common as well as so damaging that a severe law was enacted prohibiting any one fjwu removing any woman from the coun try. but It is said that the business goes on now as It has done for hun dreds of years, and to that practice may be charged the fact that the wo men of Kashmir are not as beautiful as they once were. The process of taking all the beauti ful girls away, leaving only the ordi nary and ugly ones to continue the race, has lowered the standard of beau ty. Most of the women and girls per form field labor as much as the men. and their dress Is of the coarsest and plainest materials, consisting of a gar ment Ilk* a nightgown made of white cotton. There Is no effort to have It fit. The condition of women in Kashmir la a very sad one. but one from which there does not seem to be any present escape. It I* a constant struggle tc live, without the least hope of any ac cumulation or of ever seeing better days. The men only reeelTe abont 5 cents a day and the women generally about 3 cents, and that wUI provide only the coarsest food.-Philadelphia Inquirer. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. There !• nothing that la enough for a woman, but all—"The Mississippi Bubble." Overdone heartiness la nearly as nas ty aa underdone mutton.— "Comments of a Countess." So man can be brave who considers pain the chief evil of Ufe-"Tbe Hero toe of the Strait." We onght never to do wrong w hen people are looking.— "A DonWe liar reied Detective Story." Occasion's everything, but the rub is to know an occasion when you see It— "Tb« Lady Paramount." I'd be Plow in advlsln* anybody to go cmaki'd. hut when ye feel >«r're fu tlx- haw!* of Kharptrs It's the only way.—'"Bark ha vea." Tb» mailer pacta lore to deal with the rlctorj uf the vanquished, which the world'* thinker* know to be great er than the victory of the victorious.— ~Nath» t> Hale." B* sere. before yon five your love •ad your trust, that you are riving tb»ui not ooly to on* who deserve* then, but to one who really want* then.—"Many Water*." A PANTHER'S DEN. a«M ead Brtckt. ta Deet4e4 Coo tr«( «• Ik* r»»«lmr Idea. It was ny gw*l fortune to dlseoter the newly abandoned lair of a cougar family and farther and to me new evidence of that fastidious cleanliness which la a marked characters i«- of the animal This retreat wa* not at all the typical "panther's den" of tradl tJoti. hot a bnsb grown harborage un der the edg* of a rock with Just enough of shelf to keep off the rain. 1 should not haw found this breeding place but foe a certain well gnawed array of hones scattered over a little *mooth hunch above a creek channel. From th;a born-yard there was a very trace* Me path leading through grit as snd brush to the retreat where the dam had homed her yontig. Tba evidence here told plainly at the cougar's long Immunity from annoyance and attack and of a thoroughly cleanly habit of life. There was no two# or other sign of feasting about the lair. The dam had carried her kill to the creek bench In every instance, and the children had been called to the dining room As booee which would have been crunch ed or eaten by grown animals liad hee« perfectly cleaned by the kits I was able to Jadge of their summer'* diet. This had consisted mostly of ■ln* game, rabbits, marmot*. grouse and the like, with an occasions! small dear. At least one whole family of badgers. aid and yoang. had been •erred, pwasy having probably lain for them at their hole until they were all In - rraaktia Welles Calkin* In t»ut Tfce aneowMtt* rieoSs. "1 have hern la the business for nine jsara" says a drag clerk quoted by the Philadelphia ftecurd. "and op to date I have learned of W cares for rlteu mat lam which lagalartj licensed phy slciana baow nothing about «r. st least. If they dn. they don't tor-oanmend them, reap!* cone la suffering from rheamatlom - and It** qneet that peo ple whs aaffer from rhcamstlam all •M* to tank and Ml alike and iireoeat a doctor's prearrlption. "The drst thing they want to know la haw nacb It's going to coat. I U»tk oeer the |iroßrrt|»tk«n and tell tb<-m, •ad then Hi*j invsr..ii4y rear on Uwtlr Mad legs and hmnrt. They tell me ahont the vtrtaes of si»iaeth»ng that cared I'ncle Hear)-' goat's milk, drank at S o'dorfe every ne«ri.in« a raw on toe earrled la the left hand hip pocket. • heras* hestaat carried In the vert pocket., magnetic rings -oh. all «*ts oT tn>«iga that I've 'made no«ie f**»m their taarh beskets sometimes ss they aeorked Use day. o-hlh» the master »** ta elractlag • claas In the rote of three, ha ear lewd that «ee «f tba |»nt«il* *•** .paying moee acteattmn to a plsc' pst O'ld the ««t.hsr*" _L • a«aaro*oe Waretooe €"OS»Sn. The Kafds bava a vary carloas snd mwwes hat daageroa* marrlaga cast*»fo. whtrb nam vroatld thlafc aoald he mew heawriwd In the Imacb than la the oh' am innce 'The hasbaad. sarrounded by a hodyirnMd ef tsmaty «e thirty yonng ■sssu earriae hie » if* home oa his ttscfc In a scariet cloth aad is desperately *s mtotirnti Om wlwl# vi| tjj* a nuuibrr of •ttcks aad stones are bar led at the hftdecvoom ale*, to the coming home wltb hla l*t«le. can hwdiy be consider' ei • vary bappy awn. for the irate ■saaaon* oftoa indict so him marks afhlefc be eavrlss ta the grave. It msy fee that among the lady pars,or* are snow of the hndsar«om's former "daa.»-»" aho tarn Ue mock attack late downright anr*; ta •v«ng<- •llghted keen. 'Pamily Reuqions! We often cause ourselves end ■ less worry and remorse by neg- j lecting to do some little thing Get a good picture of your family j and home made at your first op- j portur.ity We make the best at j $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER no YOV &NOW ANYTHING Ahjui Rubber? Very few people do. We believe we (au be classed among the few. Let i: pr ."v Jo you that we know all i- lis rood lubber, so far as Water >:• r:r.,ts. Nipples, Combs, etc , re concerned. Our line ol •ul.lxrr i, h«.3 has been carefully -ilected. It is of the kind that ■ • ..c e tisfactiou at all times. \ 1•.• • v POROUS h:JA -'LASTtR A P a i r\ - 3 to p _J When you come right down to facts, about the only time-tried, simple and sure cure for aches and pains of any kind is a j>ood Porous Piaster. The most reliable Porous Plaster i; KliX. Try it, and you will know it Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main ami J'fferaon Sts Butler. Pa SOMETHING NEW^> In the photograph line can bescen it the Findley Studio. Thr Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now , they are winners and pk-av ail who want an arti.-itis picturt in and see them. Novelties for Holiday tra : now ready. Broaches and button - of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. P. O. B'd'p, PntVr Rranrhea—M«r» and Rvan« Cft- WESTMINSTER COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL. The plan* for this School are bn>«< And comprehensive. ItM primary object is to t»;n»-fit loach em and those eiwk tin« to teach ; bnt iti scope will )or] tide the whole range <> ( 'oii ■ k • Studies A foil terra a worth ii any thr«-e College Ktudiea may tie madi tip by students There are nine mem hem in the faculty, all teacher* of übilt tT. selected with special refere nee ti the work of the department in whirl they are to teach The school will open June St l!>i tmntftoa. Pa. K O FEKIiUBON, Prrsi !m QBAWDTATMtn-S CHOICE «hlak« J 4 olil. r ID |**t Ml i.m W« p»f rtitfmut • l.arfoa on all mall erf If") pamaapUy. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WWUtf ALX bEALEIS II WISES AID LIQCOIS, ■a* 14 SMltfefteU Slrwt, fwsi Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin. Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A Kononil banking buslnrsit traanantecl IritnreNt paid on time (lcpoitlts. Money Uaned on approved security. We lu vlte you to open an account with this b,ink. 1)1 KEOTOKB— lion. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, l)r. N. M. Hoover. H. Mc i'weeney, t). P. Collins, I. O. Leslie P. Ilazlelt, ill. l'lncK tu, \V. H. I.arkln, T. P. Mllllln, Dr. VV. O. McCaodless. Hen Ma* ««tb. W.J. Marks. J. V. KltU. A L. Hell»er THK Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN A. CAPITAL PAID IN, 8100,000.00 Surplus and Pro/its, $17,50000. I'orelifn exchange bought and sold. .Special attention Riven to collections. OKFIOEKH: JOHN VOIINKINH President JOHN HUMPH HEY. Vice President • /». HA I LEY Cashier 10. W. IIIN<;iIAM Assistant Cashier J. I'. IIL'TZLEIt Teller DIUKCTOKH. John Younklns. D. L. Cloeland, E. E. A brains, U. N. Hoyd, W K. Metiger, Henry villbT, John Humphrey. Thos. Tlays, I.evl M. Wise. Francis Murphy. H. Yeager, I>. 11. ('.-impltt'll, A. 11. Harver and Dan'l Younklns. interest patd 011 time deposits. We ri'suw'tfullv solicit your business. We want to *e» yon about Wall Paper, Paints, pij®, Varnishes Stationery and Window Shades. Prices knocked to pieces. W« Nell Y. W. Duvoe & €O. ■ and Zinc Palut. ready for nstv Patterson Bros., 2\f> N. Main St Wick Bnililinx, Phone 400. Iniaflani Dean's I A safe, rrrUln rrllef for «upnr»»i«l I McuitruaUon. Nersr known to ftul. Hafe! ■ Hurel Hiawilyl Hatlsfa'-llon lluaranto*! ■ or money Hefoii'la!wn for perma nent Matdla? tl)(1 transient trade. Hpeol al rare guaratit»«d. Stable Room For 65 Horses. □A good class of horses, both drivers and draft horse* always op hand ami for sals umlrr a full hunMP# tiougn pon pruprr D(>tlocfttiot> by PEARSON B. NACE. IVieuboa*. Mo. M> r*FT a fHHAOttFHK 0 DENTAL BOOMS -- » J» - Sth *««., Pntsewy. «•• > Mc'nPRACTICA' .y«l*l"«'t- r » CROWD -<•>> Pfl'ijf 9 '- I I WHY 11OT OC V fOUBSI <. -«d CHOWN? J ~,4 BRIOCr »««* re.b.re.l I S M fl CAWTAI. ANO .700.000. §sai^^ § Seasonable Dr\) Goods. | 3 THIS MONTH S S We cut prices on Summer goods. We have had a big « season's business, 'or which we thank you. We kept on W buying liberal quantises of goods to keep our stock C-im- ■ a plete during the season and deserve your patronage. S »WE MUST NOW UNLOAD-S # The time for profit-making is past and we must now Ufc think of reducing stock. This is your chance to get good, 5 desirable and seasonable goods at unusua'ly low prices, in ® most cases you can now buy at 8| V One-fourth to One-half Off Former Prices. 5 « Fine Madras, Lawns, Dimities, Pongees and all printed 2 2 Cottons below cost. White and Colored Shirt Waists at a S C fraction of former prices. White Goods of all kinds, Em- fR W broideries, Laces, Appliques, etc., at deeply sacrificed prices. 0 X TO KEEP BUSINESS BOOMING 2 OT We make special reductions all through the stock. Silks! ■ jp Dress Goods, I ancy Goods, Notions and Trimmings all 2 contribute their full share of bargain ptices. |L. Stein & Son J % 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA. P GREAT CLEARANCE SALE IS STILL GOING ON AT C. K,.MILLAR'S LOW PRICES STILL MADE LOWER. This has been the greatest Clearance Sale we have ever h ( Phones People* 167, Bell 44 \ ? THE PUBLIC TRUST CO., 236 4th Ave, Pittsburg. MAYS DAVIS Wholesale Dealers ir\ the Kinentof Liquors, Alen, Beers and Wii\es. Medicinal Trade Unpeciolly Solicited. PEOPLE'S PHONE 678 BELL PHONE 218 822 Sonth Main St.. Butler, P*. ■ ■" " ' ' NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER For aisty years the NKW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE hu been • ut tonal weeklv newspaper, read almo*t entirely by farmers, and ha* enjoyed the confidence and support of the American people to • degree never attained by, any similar publication. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER is made absolutely for farmers and tjidr (am He*. The first number was issued November jth, loot. ' " * Every department of airicalturaf jndnelf* |a *>7 ■prcisl contributors who j/e in their (eiipffif I 1?*?! siul the TRIUUNE FARMER wiH 1* in every sense • Utgji class, up to date. live, en'erprising sgncullural uapcr, prufnw ly illustrated with lectures of live stock, model farm buildings ami homes, agricultural machinery, etc. Farmers' wnrea, sons and daughter* will find special page* for their entertainment Regular price, li.oo per rear, but rou can bay it wit* yopt favorite home weekly neirsoaptr. The CITIZEN. onp jfW for $1.75 or C|Tl»«* and Tn-WeeHy Tribune fw Sena your subscription* *od money U> THE CJTIjtKlf, Butler, Fa. Send your name and addreet to NKW-YORK TRIM NE FARMER, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be mailed to yon. A NEW 01., D PAPER