glllHl' ' HHWIUF L|H h>* JRTDM; 4 V.«» ««W(- llMfft Mf4 If BWT JUMH B» Ml 4lgk*MvU W it m 4M4 M WE!' MHI —-R-J «l> WwUl* U ffffiAVM M»e NUJUMAL «W» FLL MISMUL D*PTW»L«»- H CMMSI LUS pkifswi ILIAEAIUM «U4 MkkluiiUtiou of fad, «ud tltc bodj I. kliewgihsuwd l t nutrition wbic-b i» tto* W»l* iuMvC ftf pHykksl ttttiHtflh. »L WM *I»H •»»» IH.IFFJ'O T«WW* I«.LIJFE»IIU«ut, »U4 GI«ILY reJiu TJ LA LIIB I ceull Mtitly cat *ay thioa lh»t ttuuld uu nfo itucc a fasdfctliaa in ray MUNICH AIM *">" bciiutiuu I Jc> i3«d iw try * few bottlM u( Or fit rc#'» r.eldtn Mt dk.l pftcovery nail ' FclWts' After taking wveral botilc* of t»cli louad I wa» improving I coplin.i«d for »i* montba kf muit. afiiuil art I h*»« to b« cartful ytt at timet. of what t ««t, la ord«r that I may f«l good and atruof Ifclly Wlievc If any one auHcrtng with iodtccatioa or torpid llirer or chronic cold would UkcOr Piarce'a GoMcu Medical Diacovery and ' Fleaunt felleta ' and obaerre a few tlmpl* by ■kale rulea they would toon be greatly bene lied, aad with • Utile pcracverance would be •alirely cured " BilioutttCM U cured by the u*E of Dr. Pierce'» Plomat PclUu. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently CURES Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate— cure certain. Tbfco Si*ea. SSc.. 50c. and 91.00. Hold by DradWi. or eeat prrpnld on receipt of prtee. Humph rev' Medirlae Co., Cor. WIUUm and M« ita- Wew Vorh. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $5. ■old by DragctaU, or MST prepaid on receipt of price. ' Manpfarcyt' Med. Co* William k Jokn Stfc, N. Y. - jc. F. T, Papej 1 {JEWELER!) / 121 E. Jefferson Street. ) KI!L>.-JITR'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ** pr rnatr. Alway# reliable l.*•». BOYF>f yoor or net)'l 4*. In RFIUIJN t'*' Parllralara. Taaal awelal. net " Relief foe lia4le«." <« Wl«r, tr« reta.rn Wall. 1«.0*« leatlrnonlala. Hold toy all In-iNori.'K ORicnuiiran CHEUIOAL 00. >IM Haat.oa iqwee. PlflU., PA Jfaatlea AU aaaae. F. E. BRACKEN, Wilt Sell you PLANO Eeapers, Binder*, Mowers, Hayrakea and Farm Implements; Bradley's Fertilizer's. Harsery Goods of All Kinds. Before purchasing wait' till be call* or find him at Ml Mifflin St.; Butler, Pa. < Wm. Foster, ( I Architect. < J I'lfin* of all klinl nf litillillriK* l \ furtilnhod on abort iit»tl«'«. f L Oflloi" In ll«*rK HIIII'IIIIK, 7 V Mltar, I'A v L. C. WICK, OHAI.N* >» LUHBER. Type-Writer Suppliee. Wi> liava n full linn of Wlill liim m Mii|i«>rl>>r Tyj<«wrlU>r l'taj..-r Ml way ttuwii prlt'wi, 111 raMUi lola Walm* ry|wwilluad«rft>r" Ty(n. writara. J?| DOUGLASS BOOK STOWK Near P, O. Ml tkrnth Main etraet CLASS DIStINCtIONS. *%»♦• lis jllmaei Hatt* la Iha Malta* of taelt'H. pntti* pwt-f wf fl««a fft-llut !•; wa kf lifth. IN HMITNIM TIRTHIFRT* |I|W TT< IHTIMFLI THHAF »IH MKtt'tiHHtm NtieiM Httll rtHiMtifc HIIIMIH HLID EMT-LI 18 MH| IHH HTD ITNLHHD HL» FL-HHT IHL WTFC HIHFN MLL#L H HLLLMI HiM* ihrtii 1 ihn Hitteev* WUHI I ht-t-f |T> ITH T'LH** #H IH IHF ITID IMW Htd Hf l-HHi-t: lll»t-t(M»l» la * fiaillHHW *hM miHMih Mtt-ti Mull Hf |I|HH HtialHfimtH iIHIH Itwllhtif i(||t (dMa HHF IWH# iltitlMH IM »H|l ll4H»4»»ilt t-a I« MMI MH ALTAVTLMF NMMMII •<» jtMaiMMH- PMWPLL'FI IN IHF a# ll i« |**t v tv.4. wtWHla |wf «| d' l4 '!- A mwd# (m«tl* kink dilWMi. thm way Uavu Utvnttii |m wa»lu. and a I'vaptaialdti WIdMW Ht»» fwlaitt ht-r ail |ietiuiii> in tha ly. fhti ai=uia nl ecame In time an accessory of the table for rea sons so obvious that they require no explanation. All Souls' Collec*, Oxford. Perhaps the most expensive educa tion In the world Is enjoyed by the un dcrgraduates of AH Souls' college, Ox ford. There are usually but four of tbem In residence, all of them on the foundation, with Just enough to keep tbem comfortably In tbclr rooms aloft over the college kitchens. Tho college revenues approach £15,000 a year, which should give an excellent education to four young men. But All Houls' de votes Its money mainly to the support of fellows and tbe cult of good living, and the undergraduates get their odtl ration by arrangement frdrn other col leges.—London Chronicle. To Bo Provided For. Farmer Motsbacker—Colonel Chlnn away, tho politician, declares that be Is in tho hands of his friends. Farmer Hornbeak—Yes, I know he does, but It sorter looks to me that his friends have got tbe colonel on their hands.—Judge. The Cl«oloflt»al liar. The 0,000 years of human history form but a portion of the geological day which Is passing over us. They do not extend Into the yesterday of our globe, far less touch the myriads of ages spread out beyond. The lazy tnan seldom has a chance to rest on his laurels,- Philadelphia Hcc or rp itiiivcd —but prupttly. Mutiy P4in fiirci arc utorc harnihil th4ii the pain- Hewarc. II you would be t>a(c, tnku MUM' Pain Pills. "As a teault of neuralgia I the tig lit uf n.y right eye, aivi the uaiu I ha\e suffered u incumprshsnsiole, be int' obliged to take opiate# alwoat con tinually. A iticud i;ave uie ine of I*r. Miles' I'a.ti Pills and it promptly re lieved me. 1 then purchased al»,x and now my trouble is gone. They have also cured my daughter o! nervous headache, and I heutily recommend them to others."—W. J. CoitLtY. Bre mond, Texas. Sold by DraggisU. 2S Doses, 3jc. Dr. Milks Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. ' I Wedding and Commencement Presents are now in order. We are showirj; « fine line of silverware, diamond*, wutches and jewelry of all kinds and descriptions suitable for tb* occasion. Our (.'• xjd h are abaolutely of the iiuei-t rjnality and prices as low as the lowest. We also sell: Edison and Victor talking machines. Cleveland and Crescent Bicycles. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Bicycle Sundries. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler end Graduate Optician Next to Couit Hone DO YOV KNOW ANYTHING About Rubber? Very few people do. We believe we can be classed among the few. Let us prove to you that we know all about good rubber, so far as Water Bags, Syringes, Nipples, Combs, etc., are concerned. Our line ol rubber goods has been carefully selected. It is of the kind that give entire satisfaction at all times. nrv P o R.o us IYEA PLASTER A Pain-Stop When you come right down to facts, about the only time-tried, simple and sure cure for aches and pains of any kind is a good Porous Plaster. The most reliable Porous Plaster is RliX. Try it, and you will know it. Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main ncd J'fl«T»on St* . UM» L.-r ' a SOMETHING NEW In the photograph line can bcsrtn it the Findley Studio. The .\iti.-' Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and pl» ;ISC all who want an arti.stis pictu.c Stop in and sec them. Novelties for Ho'iday tratli now ready. Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 P. O. B'dV, »« Branch**—Mnr» *wl H»«n« Cltv, WESTMINSTER COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL. Thn plans for this Hchool are broad and ootnprcheuslvn. Its primary object Is to latneflt teirb «»rs and thomi to leach; but lis scoiMt will IniimiH lln< whole ra.iK« o' Colleue Htiidles A full term'a worth In any tlirei. l!ollr|(« Hludies may be inadw up by *1 u.l.'iitN Th«w ar« nine inatii b..r* In tli*. facility, all touchers of itblll ty, selei'le.l with dpei-lal rsfereiice to the work of Ihe department In which tliev are to tench 'l'll*. NCIKMII will open June 'M, lUO'i aud ColitlllllS el«llt wi'elt* Itev. I II (lamtilmM, l> D., Principal Let oil In iinlrlM lat uddrespd to Itev .1 il Vensey, IIIINIIIIIIKIII lint VV hull IN IMIIIK nimi'snlsed pine will Hlvs lo the kyktsin the llkkdvd vllnllly ALWAYS IN UTOCK F I it'll, I NUN o>» II in MI. 11l I kMIIMNMI, Ml VI lll»01, llliMNit, 111 IIMIN . 1111,1.1N14111, IIHI (Ml Kl-uu r, itnd .ilfnr I liein l.i ynii A year nlil »i II iter full I|IITITL, RT (J II HI t» |>l IM IIS ASH CAT HUM'S CROICR. wliUkey saarsiiletiil il y< i'i |I«I sal lull, VVii itV aaurusl i InnMim .ill 111 l until iirilkr* NL |NIM nr over, OIHHU *l.l|i|ie.l pniiiHitly, ROBT. LEWIN A CO. WMtILKtALB 1»KAIIII IS WINKS AIIII I.IVUURH, HUM M Sin 11 HIIn 14 ItrMl, («I marly 411 Wstir atrMt. PITTIBUBtI, PA. ■ri.uii.ti am «»». r. a A. UU. <«AH:FWDI—MWA>»VI | IA'F ' ra»T'a PHUAUCI » HII .t i /.} .n - nr.w»ai «OOW y •' ' 2.11 il* ' 10. Av* . I'ltUkmy, I. «''• rWACTICA' •/•"'»' • * I , 1* ift CROWN ■•••! I'! 4/ *"• i; L /'RP Ui"' WHV ..or OI }; #5 /MIVOIJHHV ''"l'l ''SOWN! : 7i rxi'"' 1 '"i"" ' 1 / yt'i ' J »H .OOTH [• 4 J w lw>l "H twill 111 nil (jn 111 J. Grand Clearance Sale Bickers. WP h«v*= ppmniPHPfd a Orand ( learanpn Halu «| Mil hnu . I t We have too many Summer Shoes and Qxttmls and will not carry a pair over, Every pair must go during this SAI H and will go at away down prices. Men's |4.pp \\tit Sule Shuts ili Miii'b $4 oti I'aiwnt Kill Uxfutus..,, jJ 26 Lailitb' 50 Welt Sole, J'.tleiii Kill ()v 1 liU 2 2S Latins' File UunyoU I'dltnt 1 iji tlxlVi Us 96 Lathes' Kuif Uungola Turn >"ul« Stuns 1 65 Ladies' l ine JJongola I'.ittnt | j,• Mutts 1 00 Misses' Patent Tip Fhoes .... 1 00 Misses' Strap Sandals 60 Children's Fine Shoes 45 Infants' Fine Shoes 20 Hoys' Lawn Tennis Slippers 35 Youths' Fine Satin Calf Shots 80 Hoys' Fine Satin Calf Shoes 90 Men's Ihite Sole, Hellis Tongue, Hox Toe Slices. . . 1 35 Sample Counters Filled With Interesting Bargains JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., 1 Ul'i F!<, I'A. The total of deposits,capital,surplus* profits divided by the sum total ■ oi deposits gives the cash security for every dollar due depositors. DEPOSITS, CAPITAL, 8U«- DEPOSITS FOR EACH DOLLA* UNDIVIDED PROFITS. FEBRUARY, 1902. OF DEPOSITS 56,032,000 -i- $2,362,000 = $2.55 ; /■, V - w~i t i Real Estate Trust Co., j |OF PITTSBURGH, - 3" FOURTH AVENUE, j | Incorporated October Ist, 1900. I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00. I C*ya I! prr onnl. InUmt on ilepoilU lubjwt In check, »nd 4p,rc«nt.lnt*r- Ej I oat on >arlaccount*. Uuu uotlaiue boudi, Write for booklet. How la o|mwi U ■ an account Cjr mull. CI I COXSEKVATIVE IN EVKRVTIIIVO—BUT WOKK. f Cp B [SinoldiijlilEscmi ■ Cyr I^^^Mmi«KiMMtmiiiMn»^ | The ORIGINAL and MOST SMOKED i R long cut tobaicco in all the United I States, manufactured with the express | purpose of blending the two qualities, | that of a good smoke and a good chew. I It is made of ripe, sweetened I "Burley," the only tobacco from I which a perfect combination of smoking and chewing tobacco can \ be made. Gail & Ax Navy is known by the distinctive character of its blue wrap per (which has many imitators), it being to-day identically the same as forty years ago, and it now stands ! for the quality that it did then. You get the very best, and take no chances, i when you buy Gail Q Ax Navy. w^vsatisi ORDER YOUR SCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER "The llr»* th 111 Mmlt AII/nnutM I'll iiti'if " r ROM Paul WuentliolT Co. Sole Bottlers, 14th and Pike Sta. Pittsburg, Pa. Orders by mall promptly attanrfad (• *A/Wlt r row CIMRULAN. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE! # Great Bargains in Millinery. All trimmed and tinlrlmmed ILilh and all jpnil* to Milliii' iy Mold at one-hall prlie in ortlct to make room, Conic and |,t t at Rockensteln's, MILLINERY EMPORIUM. j»8 Houtta Main Htraat. ... - llutl.r, !•# subscribe for the CITIZEN +***••*•*#***#«•♦*•♦»***#* i I ANNOUNCEMENT I II | | gnitttittfcLl V hn« for i| ■ 1 1 frti'iliHH" rtHtl j; •i: ityHMH* Hltth *•*•* ttilii tBH» '• I hft» In till iHliMf I fci'Hll luf itHtmlt't Hllfl Mlt» J A. IUll»l*y A- HtfNfi, : || • I tHMMMr" t 4 H £ Summer Goods J ANP i ' Medium Weights + d Just Received by $ ! SEUGKAN, : | THE TAILOR, j + 416 VV. Jefferson St., f i j Butler, Pa. J J Fit Guaranteed and j, # Prices Reasonable. 2 I TKy us. J PAROID RhAUV Uw.IAG. IjAKUIIJ '< 1.. Koofirpr with NO ■*■ fAK. W1 iii) 1 ut. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can a 1 js»l >' it. l'ina, Nai:> ami Ccin ni in cote ol each roil I> KI'KKS.KN 1' > tlic results ol yeai> <1 Experience and Lx periiiK niii^. /kNLY rvti' ir s painting every few years. Not when first laid. | S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate ■*- or Shingles. I \EM AND for I'AROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples ami Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician "- 'to rw' HottSß n rttUr ft T**te the sign direct- / iy opposite the j Poslolflce, I Ihcodon, Vi^eley. Kcnl Estate and J Insurance Agency, j 238 S. Main St , duller, Pa. If you have property ! to ni' lt, 1 rude, <>r reutU or, waul tuy or' emit etui, w rlto or phone mo. l ist Mailed Upon Application. BLANK BOOKS MAGAZINES LAW BINDING and REPAIRING at the BUTLER BOOK BINDERY (!or. Main ami Diamond, Ainive Kirk pat rick's. yyM. 11. MIL.LKR2 FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OlM'lt'l', llyers' Hiilldltig Ufa I t»» I' (1., ilntler I'ii Karl Schluchter, Praotical Tailor and Cuttor I '.l W, Jeiteisoll, ilntler, I'll Buahnllng, Cleaning and KI'AIkINO A HPKI'IAI.TV 1.. »S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Eslito Agent. H7 K. Jltl'l'itMSON, RUTLRR ,J A W S. & E. WICK, IHCAI.KUH IN Hough slid Worked Lumber of *ll Hindu Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Itlgs it Specialty. Office itml Yard K Ouiiulumlihiii und Mouroai tU '""'il'uWt HA CIRCUS, Butler, JT SATURDAY, vJ®B^/| AUGUST S\yb43{ T SHOW OkCHINDS AT HALL I'AKK. f-U u\, A ADAM FOREPAU6H Mi|||||fe SELLS BROTHERS ' H Jcrvr ONtY SNOW#, W § i[ \ • \|t Hli.-'lnlt It I*i» I t|(4 j'lll •»' 1 • 1 lilt' (•! > r<.( iii'tliii a «!>»•»« *1 fy " jBLs. . I \ \ 1 t , ' H'l ' ''• "■ !' ' " \I t 1 \ \ * M t Hipp...ll r z~ -• ... |j New Vnrli iMlllrttltllil' I '' Pw*'ltill> HMtl VtMWI L A\NL-. t rf-3 1 «Mm_Z i -jiT-* N«vv Ux * A\ « il «•* v -- 11 ■ 1 *|pyTj" jjWwSwwift^\ f PROUIKICUS PRO6RAW Sensation 'a \ \ M/ M 1 U I \\ \ \ 4 » ' U, . U C V aNmbv MMIHh 1 y . u 1 4 U l '' V if \1 MiiltkiH -■:> i' uA - Leached at U-/, I'- it: To Delight the tittle Gnes. 1 • tL>t IV Three Rings.T>MOStages r»4 tto Ji\ \ lncspKH\tk \ //'l® Jackson Cycling Septette DAREDEVIL. -LA.Vte r.\ \ \«' DiAVOLO I m starr ' Shoot,n^s4,ll boops * Wy i"\ T l l A WOW°BrtPUL » the Loop y Minting the Uuicycle 3fc«r*«l rsn VI RlpiVlp f vSj'Ph\ ■ i(Qv*vXt IS/ vl The 23 Cinmpion on a oicyclc f i \ 4 l\t Bareback "limn The Supreme Arcntc ) ftuarlet ofCakewalkmglwrw. OF THE AIJE. Tha saute tremendous feal which created an unprecedented furore at Prancing Prince® of Alailisou Siptare Garden last month. Eauinc Aristocracy The Seven Gti\?nells , v iL.V . w _,, . . MAMMOTH DOUBLE MENAGERIES. ,»r ,F// Huge Double xlxcpcurcmeft. THE AOROHA ZOUAVES j THE TEN PeGRfcGSS POTTERS Just returned from a triumphant tour of Europe, where | THE GREATEST OS EARC nobility, royalty, public awl press declare them to be ■ TH6 FIVE CA^HfcNS The Best Drilled boldiers in the World. I The Greatest of all Hi«h luvinciblt Wim u* Two Performances Daily, rain or shine, in New Process Waterproof Terns Doors open at 1 and 7 p. ui. for the Menageries and Grand Promenade <_'«ncert by Merrick's Massiv Military Band. Areuic displays i hour later. On exhibition . . g - t day Numbered Coupons, actually Reserved Seats msy be secured at regulnr prices at i j j Reed's Book Store, 243 5 Main St. Admission, only 50cts. Childien Under 9 Years, Halt Price. f jk During the forenoon of exhibition day a New Grand Free Street Parade. Eclipsing anything ever seen in street Pageantry. fcM—*£= Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, » - - - $60,000.00 ; Surplus and Profits - $255,000.00 j William Campkll. Jr President J. Henry Troutman. . .Vice-President Lotus B STKIN Cashier C. E. CRONENWETT Teller DtRK.t'TORS—Win. Cantpbell Jr.. .1. Ilt nry Tniutinan, W. I>. Itrundon, W. A. Stetn, J. S. t'ltiiipl.el I. , „ 1 The Itutler Siivimrs Itanlc In the Oldest UunUliiK Institution In llutlerCo'inty. (iunerul Intttklntc business trtinsaoted. 1 We solicit accounts "f ..11 producers, mor- 1 chart Is, farmers and othors. All luslncss entrusted to u» will rocei** prompt atlctil lon. Interest paid f>" time det>o«l»s I'M K Bailer County National Bank, Hutler Pen 11, Capital paid in |2oo,o«*i.tio Surplus and I'rotits ft> I (». Hart man, President; J. V. Kitts, Vice President; Jolm G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Km#. Ass't Cashier. A general bankliiK business transacted i -1 liter.r. »S. M. Hoover. 11. M«- Hwi oney, O. t'. Collins, t. (1. Smith, Leslto P. Ila/lett, M. rini'K in, VV. 11. l.arkln, T. I'. Ml 111 In, I»r. W. I'. Mc<'and less. Hen .vlas soth. W. J. Marks J. V. Kltts. A. 1.. Kelber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, HENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00 Sur)>lus and Profits, 1(14,092.64 Foreign eKchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OKKIOERHI JOHN VotINKINH President ! JOHN II tlMl'll lIKV Vice President 1 i'. /., lIAII.I Y t ashler E. W. 11l NOII AM Assistant Cashier J. K. IIDTZLER Teller DIItICOTOHH. John Yotinklns. I» l>. ('lceland, F.. K. Alliums, O. N. Iloyd, W. K. Met/ger, Henry Miller, Jolin Humphrey. Tlios. Ilays, Levi M. Wise. Kriiucls Murphy. H, Veiigcr, l> It. I'ampbell, A. 11. Harver and Han'l Vounklns. interest paid on time (lepiislts. We reiipactfullv solicit voiir business. Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. Capital Htoek paid in #iaft,(K)O.Uo. Payslnterest On Time Deposits. 1 Ui'rlt'vti* iiinl Kxi i UTI'H IIUHIM "F I'V»ry (Ic*crl|»t Imi. Dlltßf "TOKH. A K lli'lbur, l'i<'« . W I) llrwwloii, Vliw Pi I'm . J V. 1(11 Ih, A. I. llt-lIH-r, liittili'l YiiiinklllM • Inn (!, Nli'Wlll t, Hmiy. Hllil Tl'«H* I madam Dean's A «HfK, i-i rU»lii nllpf I'ii 'l Mm II *lll 111 I I'll i Ni'v i i hin i Wll 111 full. Hull'l Hill. | M|ini|yl MlllNllti llnll 11 lilt 1 1. II It" il MI 11111111-Y ll' IIIII'LML I" ni |IN'|NIII| lnr ■ L I«I III*I IMK WILL «I IUI LLN HI HII I 11111, 111 In. |ni|i| Ini v»lmn li'llnvwl, Kmii|ili'ii I' rxn. imm II MHIIMI iII «... i « I ««.««■•» Hnlil lii lliitlur Ht llm < Vuitr* Avii. I'IIMI'IIIMI'V Puarson 15. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable lU*r n( Wick Houit Butler Penn'a Tim lii'nl nf Immi'ii iiinl firm rliiM ri|* »i WHVH mi liuuil mill fur lilrn. Iliml iii'i'i>nimi> ON UP-TO-DATE GOODS £ £ Men's Oxtords. S3 50 and $4 00. Cut price S2 90 > S Ladies' Oxfords, $3 00 and S3 50. Cut price 52 / NO OLD STOCK. V t YOURS FOR SHOES, i jDaubenspeck & Turnery Next to Savings Bank. 108 S. MAIN ST. y I Estate j ? Investments in choice lots and i.ou» s n tbr icavanagh Planj / and other choice locations in Butler 11 you \ to know anything about the industries an-i irnprov.- f ments contemplated for Hutler call on or address < CAVANAGH & CO., S 325 S. Main St . Butler. f Phones People* I*7 f'**H k4 \ \ THE PUBLIC TRUST CO., 236 4th Ave. Pittsbur*. j MAYS DAVIS Wholi'Mcile Dettlcrw »»l *h«.- I FMnent of Alch, Lieerw tint I W i i\es. Me|wtt -»i t« Aii.eilesn people to a degne lievtr attaitud hy auv aia.i.MF publics! Ittn. TIIK NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER ts insde shsolutely lor litwefs sad their 'aui lie*, th. mimlier wss issued hoveuther 7tli. i»'t Hvery dcpsrtiitflit of a«rttfttlt«nal ind»str> >» cv>v«r*.i .» ■iiet'isl eonttihutors who are leaders tu thru teajstviive tu. s sod tha TKIHt'NK I'AKMHR wil> t»e iu every seiiM? a hmt» t'lsss, up to lisle, live, cu'erpiisitm sgttcullural y»a*. giyfua*- ly illiististctl with j'ictures ol hve stock. «uo»le> fiMtti bwtldttngi mid homes, sgrlcUHural nisehineiy, etc . I'm tneit' wives, sons and daughters will ami •»p«*;tau (*«(«» for their enterUhuoeut kegulst price, •mh. |«er year, hut »ou can »ut> y»w favorite home weekly ueweuaper. The C ITIZfc.V oae y*m* for f,. 7S »r CITI*«N aud T.i Weekly Scud your sul*ciiptious ai d uwaey to TUIs. CtTt/fcN, Ilntler, I'a. Send your name and add test to NKW-YOaK IKlirJUl I AH M I K, New-York City, ami a free sample evfry «UI »»• tuslled to you. A NtCW OLD Paper Subscribe for the CITIZEN •#