VOl XXXIX ■ww— vrrvz*.*ins: I kast /Month's 1 Prices Prevail | Although all man= | ufacturers' prices | have advanced. | I Oft EX I KNSION TABLES A LARGE election of SIDE H ' bonghi *t -.id *. Will »*• BOA it D.S—ranging •in price H i sold at a saving of 15 per cent. from sl3 to S7O. m 4 IRON BEDS—froiu pi 00 to $35. U NEW PATTERNS in CARPETS ' A choice green for only *«.00. -i I —Hie t "at i:< pair -all-wool In- Another ronnd top—m two g L'lain-, at I'i'i - shades of green—beautiful de- ■ K ' " sign*, SO.OO. S DRESHERS at $7.00, #9.00, $10.0!) NEW WARDROBES—from sll g i J P- I I Come In and Compare, | BROWN &• CO., | Bell Phone 1"5. (across from Duffy'3 store,; Butler. Pa. U $3 SURPRISING SUMMER SALES. ft Newest Novelties fc? $ The Modern Store 3 is now making clearance nale*. in every department, and you will miss Tv many bargain* if you remain away from this store even for a day. Ip 'Queen" Undermuslins' Sale now in full swing. These are the finest garments made and the entire Oj) *T. lot will be sold at 4*c, and 5Se each. Every garment is perfect. Wash Goods Sacrificed. # •V One lot Wash Underskirt*. 42c. Corded Wanh .Silks, best quality, 38c. Wash Fabrics i.t cut prices. 'J WILL YOU TRAVEL? REAL)! $ Traveling Bags, good ones, $1.25 and $1.50. Solid leather Suit cases, 00, $:5.5<» and $4 <*). You can't duplicate these prices in the large cities, MILLINERY MOVING MERRILY. Uk #? The headgear we have sent out has made us a multitude of friends, so U that we have done an unprecedented, business, and our present prices £ ™ will lead yon to get a new hat, even if you do think you might worry •0 along with the old one. Prices have been cut in two on the verv best. fS Men's Furnishings Department Uk V. is full of all the latest and finest that well-dressed men want these days, Ok and the prices have been clipped to snit4.be season of the year. mk S Next to Savings Bank. 108 S. MAIN ST. c [Mrs, J. E ZIMMERMAN] I Will Cor\tir\ue < > Sacrii'ice Sale I! THIS MONTH. !! Prices same as four days of last week. The I stock is still large, full of big values in |' Seasonable i|> Merchandise ]i[ Just the tiling you are in need of to finish your { <■ Summer out-fit for sea short, mountain or lake trips. Prices on some odd lots even less than X those of last week. X Sacrifice Sale Clotsets 0 JULY 31st. X Mrs. J. E. ZimmermanJ K li C K r ' D ° ® Dlllier e '^' S A I j f [j Have a nattiaeN. about tin-in that j'j rl f*l L // 1A mark the wearer, it won't do to ■ / \ I/C7 ('•II |w wear the last year's output. You i f 'v~\y \J 0 won't get the latest things at the iff )\SK j*-' yfl j-. date tailor only tail supply tlieni, / 1/ Y I nli I (7 if you want not only the latest |! I I (II i I things iri cut and fit and work » I If ( (li \ ninnship, the finest in durability, j £ 111 11 t where can you get combina -1 K In if t tions, you get them at KECK G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, I*2 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,Pa -■ " 1 I Try The CITIZ6N FOR JOs WORK THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Rain and sweat im \\ \ \ I FURFffAn ■ with Eureka Har- M%/MMM+MWJTM. §3 H r-.ess Oil. It re- r f \ . B sists the damp, WW \ \ . ■ keeps the leath- Hi E>l/*7'C T £ T II I I H do not break. > v \ _ _ ■ ■No rough stir- \\\ \ # §§B\ \ H ■ face to chafe _ \ f Ht, % \ M ■ and cut. The \\-£* V Wl B harness not jAf* I nA \ \ \ JBk H onlj_kcci^ I as the Standard Oil jj\ _— Nasal >?S7?V CATARRH /P» El,Vc;ea7Bal4^|# cleanses, soothes and hcaJa f m the diseased membrane. It enrescatarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. <'r.-am Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads over the membrane ant! is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a care follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. I n ti 'A ?1 johnston's M Beef. Iron and Wine is the ' Best Tonic 1 Blccxl Purifier. >1 } Price, 50c pint 4 L Prepared and 9 A sols>ooooo<>oo a Copyrlyl.i rtoi. O /{)/ the >. S. McClurt Cumpanu wet#*e*«»«4SQ*9«3»#Hws "It was a shameful trap," he said, "011 the part of my people. The doctors were very careless in their diagnosis. To shut me up in a place like this was really too bad. In a very short time, however, 1 expect to leave." "Oh. dear," she thought, her eyes dimming, "they all say that! To think that the poor ir in will never, never, never leave. "I am so glad—for you," she said aloud. "You will be over joyed." "Oh, I—yes. But do you know this sat;it:irium is not so bad." "Do you mean," she said gently, sur prised, "that you will— er— have any re grets in leaving?" "No." he said. "n«t exactly that, of course—not regrets, so far as concerns myself, for it is so humiliating to be committed, you know." He paused. "But," he went on, "even in asylums one makes friends, and-one regrets— for them." He looked down with a tenderness and a pity he could not hide, and she blushed. a;.d for a moment there was silence. Then she said, with an ob viously strained laugh: "We are friends, of course, Mr. St. John. What an awful existence it would be here if one had no sympa thetic friends! But you must not regret no much on my account. In a very short time I think my friends will take me home." He choked a groan before she could hear it. "The poor little thing!" he thought. "They all say that. And that decent young fellow, the doctor, assures me her case is very puzzling and her friends fear incurable. I am so glad for you." he said. "Would it not be jolly If we became friends in the world as we hav* been when out of the world Then he blamed bimstlf again. "If she really likes me," he thought, "and 1 think the unhappy child does. 1 should never had sakl that. It is cruel, brutal, to put such thoughts In her head." She was looking at him with the tearful 'smile we essay when we en courage one who does not realize that death Is near. "It would be nice—very nice indeed." They were silent again, each sorrow ing for the other. There were many other patients strolling on the lawns or sitting In the summer houses, patients of all kinds, from the shaky narcomaniac to the op timistically cheerful paretic. Attend ants, male and female, moved unobtru sively among them. Miss Tracy and St. John stood to gether, silent now and unostentatiously observant. A sturdily built (all the at tendants were that) man was taking a patient to the Iron barred house. He did not do It violently. He did It as one may see a policeman occasionally es cort a quiet prisoner with a light touch on the captive's arm above the elbow. The patient was a little excited, but there was no disturbance at all. A vis itor might never have noticed It. The strange thing was the unanimous back ward withdrawal from the attendant's path of the patients encountered, the look of fright or dislike on their faces directed not at the captive, but at the guard. "How tl ey all dread him—lnstinctive ly, it seems," said the young woman who "expected to leave soon." "He Is polite enough and not ill looking, but"— "A man of great experience In his peculiar work, I'm told," said St. John musingly. "It's his eye und mouth that do it, I fancy." "A thoroughly ill dlsposltloned man, with a plausible exterior," said St. John. "I believe hint capable of it." "Of murder? Do—oh, what are you talking of, Mr. St. John?" St. John looked very uncomfortable. Miss Tracy looked vexedly embar rassed. "I heard some rumor of a strange death In tin.- institution just before I came. I was thinking of it. Were you here? Have you heard unytliing of it?" He was a little eager. "How could I be here? We came 011 the same day, don't you remember?" "Ah, true!" So they watched the attendant out of sight und turned to go Inside them- V.'l ves. iliey shook hands, although there was no reason for It. They would meet at the dinner table In a few minutes, but—they shook hands and that liu geringly. "It's awfully sud," St. John ponder ed. "So sweet a face, seemingly so In telligent. I wish—oh, pshaw! What's the use of wishing? These things are not to be remedied. I wonder If—she'd give me a photograph." Miss Tracy went to her room slowly. "I am silly to be so affected by an ordinary case. There are thousands like him. But—oh, dear, oh. dear! If I'd known 1 was to have this sad ex perience, I would never have consented to come—never!" They had no opportunity to meet alone for several days. Perhaps they might have made opportunities, but they did not. Doubtless It occurred to each of these two lunatics that It was the wiser thing to stifle at once any friendship which each thought likely to cause useless pain In the future to the other. Dr. Bell found these two of his res! deuts particularly interesting In days, and so did the attendant It wuj S.range that tiiey both so markedly pre ferred the company of the sanitarium people to that of their fellow unfortu nates. The young house doctor thought Miss Tracy charming and never was abrupt with her when she sought him In iiis office, as he was compelled to be for self protection with some who wanted to see him half a dozen times a day. "Very puzzling case," he mused. "Now, why does sin- dwell so on that death? It seems to excite her too. .imt'a morbidity, I'm afraid; bad Sinn." The doctor liked St. John too. St. John's friends acted very nicely in sending him new books and boxes of cigars. The books were well chosen; the cigars were unexceptionable. "Like all these paretics," he pondered, "In the first stages you would not think there was anything much wrong with the man, but It Is a little singular that he should be so interested in that un lucky death also." As for the attendants, Miss Tracy had flowers and little things and could teach the women quite a number of new fads In halrdressliig and so forth. For the men St. John's cigar box and full pockctbook sufficed to make them extremely courteous. The man with the BUTLER PA.. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1002 wicked eyes and mouth benefited most, however i: was wonderful what a lot of little tliin n he could do for Miss Tracy It was strange that St. John should liud anything in the man to talk about v.-;tli common interest. J list once the two lunatics met. It was u.-t before bedtime in the music room. He had sung to her accompani ment. When she rose to say good night, he almost whispered to her: "I expect to go to New York tomor row." "I r.m so glad for your sake," she said. "And —and you—you have made my stay almost tolerable. Is there nothing you will allow me to do for you?" "Oh," she answered, with sprlghtli ness, "I shall not be long in going my self." "Poor, poor littlo dear," he said to his pillow, "it breaks me all up to think of her staying here incurable." Miss Tracy packed her trunk, and tears dropped on silk and linen Indif ferently. "Oh." she murmured, "I do so wish I had never come here. I can never, never forget the sad, gentle way he used to look at me." There was lively work next after noon In the building of The Gazette. A young man sat at a desk apart In the reporters' room, and he scribbled and he scribbled. By and by the managing editor came in and looked over the busy writer's shoulder and told him that he had only an hour to finish up in. Then the great presses began to clatter, and In a little while the first edition of The Gazette was ready for the street, with an enormous black scare h«ad on the front page. And in the otlice of The Morning Jfiry there was also a very lively bus tling, and there, at a retired desk, a young woman sat, and she scribbled and she scribbled, and late at night the presses began to rumble, and in a lit tle while the first edition of The Jury was ready for the street, with an enor mous black scare head on the front page. The Gazette and The Jury were with in a few minutes of each other in get ting out. A copy of each paper was hustled into the otlice of the other, for rival editors watch each other's work with catlike intentness. And the Ga zette office read with dismay that the great asylum mystery had been solved by the indefatigable efforts of a Jury reporter, while The Jury night staff tore its editorial hair over the tlaring boast of The Gazette that its "special commissioner" had given to a waiting world the first and only enlightenment of the famous crime. There had been no time for one paper to lift the news from the other. How had the expected scoop been spoiled? Tumultuous was the wrath in the two offices. Miss Tracy was explain ing to her managing editor, with tears In her eyes, that she could not under stand at all, at all, how The Gazette had got hold of it. In The Gazette of fice Mr. St. John stormed and swore and said that for the life of him he could not understand how The Jury had got almost the same story. "Good heavens I" shouted St. John suddenly, and he dashed out to The Jury office. There he found a friend, with whom he conferred. The two lunatics were Introduced to each other and a minute or two afterward were alone together. They laughed a great deal at the Idea of two reporters on the same strange assignment never suspecting each other, but their laugh was not very loud. The tender pity for each other of yesterday was still in mind. "The attendant Is arrested," said St John. "You did not get it quite right. The patient he poisoned when nursing him was an old enemy. It was not done through trouble arising between theai in the sanitarium." "Oh, bother!" she said. "It doesn't matter. We've done our appointed work. Let's talk of something more pleasant." So they did, and when he was about to go away he said: "You said once we might be friends In the world as well as out of the world. Will we be friends, dear Miss Tracy V" She looked at him so smilingly, yet so tremblingly, that he put his arm around her. "Will you be more than friend, dar ling?" he whispered. "Yes," she said, and it was quite five minutes after, when some one's feet were heard approaching, that she Jumped away and held up a warning linger. "If your friend came In, he'd think us mad," said she. "Two lunatics!" he answered, laugh ing, as the door opened. Will Get llli Deacrta. Naggus (literary editor, Inspecting manuscript) Your story is good enough so far as I have got, liorus, ex cept that the hero is rather line drawn. He's entirely too good for this world. Bonis (struggling author)—l know It, Naggus. 1 kill him off la the last chapter.—Chicago Tribune. Unite Different. Dr. Young B. Ginner—Did I under stand you to say you were never sick and therefore didn't have any regular physician? Krusty—Not at all. I said wo didu't have any regular physician and art* therefore never sick. Philadelphia Record. Tried to Explain It. Mr. Fatley—Yes; I'm a self made man. Professor Studiosis—Er— um—get the material at a bargain sale? —Chicago News. An I'ruent Cnae. When the doctor's telephone rang late one night, he went to the Instru ment himself and received an urgent uppeal from two fellow practitioners to come down to the club for a quiet game. "Emily, dear," he said, turning to his wife, "I am called out again, and it ap pears to be a very serious case, for there are two doctors already in at tendance."—New York Timet. Concentration. "Don't put all your eggs In one bas ket" is all wrong. I tell you "Put all your eggs In oue basket and then watch that basket." It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It Is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tum ble and trip him up.—Carnegie's "Em pire of Business." Tliey Generully Slick. Hewitt—Cruet has Jilted that Boston girl. Jewett—l didn't think he could do It. Hewitt—Why not? Jewett-It Isn't easy to get rid of s cold.—New York Times. The Milk. "Is this milk sterilized?" asked the cranky husband. "No," replied his wife, "but It's wa ter cured."—Boston Post. I* IN ST. PAULS! LOFT & I By Epes W. Sargent 4 Copyright, I'.XH, by the X S. S. McC'lure Company ♦ >♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»»»♦ On Easter Sunday morning for the first time St. Paul's congregation was to occupy Its new church. It was not an elaborate edifice, but with its quaint English effects, its huge overhanging rafters, its deep set windows and Its dim, quietly furnished chaneel it was a far cry from the town hull, where for several years the band of worshipers had met So the happy occasion was to be duly celebrated, and the young wo men of the altar guild had taxed their individual and collective ingenuity—to say nothing of purses—in order to beau tify the chancel with tlowers. Philip Harrison, pausing In the door way, nodded his hoad approvingly. "The girls have done well, and this will give just the correct finishing touch to the decorations," lie mur mured as he stalked down the center aisle, carrying a pure white dove, with outstretched wings. llis sister, who was the president of the altar guild, had pressed him luto service, and he was to suspend the bird Jnst above the lecturn. He was glad that the matter had slipped her ui'.ud until after nil the girls had gone, for since a certain night when Mildred Allen and he had part< d in bitterness he had rather avoided the circle of young people who rallied round his sister in her work for St. Paul's. Philip climbed up a tall lad.un.l had wired the dove to the rafter kLotash. The govern ment Is also trying an emulsion of crude petroleum on the scale, and be tween the llsli oil and the coal oil prod uct .Mr. C. James, deputy minister of agriculture, has good hopes of seeing the foe of the fruit tree wiped out of Ontario during this season. Mr. (Jeorge 12. Fisher, who has been conducting ex periments In western Ontario for the agricultural department, says that the trials made there have been In advance of any made elsewhere as far as ex tent ami variety of method are con cerned. The new preparation Is cheap er than soap, and applications from farmers for materials arc far more nu merous than last year.—Country Ofn tlenian. Preiinrlnx fJrouml For Buckwheat. We plow early In June, roll, cultivate and seed early In July. We sow about one and a quarter bushels per acre with drill. Abo fit a hundred pounds of a good fertilizer per acre makes a nice, dressing on tliln land If sowed with drill. We received 00 cents per bushel last year for buckwheat. I consider the future promising for this crop.—Cor. Orange Judd Farmer. r POTATO CULTURE. Intensive Tlllaue May Dc Overdone* The I «e of llordenux Commended. The experiments of several years in, the culture of potatoes by the Cornell! (N. V.) station, co-operating with farm-*' ers in different parts of the state, were continued along the same lines last year and have given additional re-, suits of practical value. These resists i n phat:lze the Importance of maintain ing a sufficient supply of humus In the. noil to conserve moisture. "On a 101 l well supplied with humus the moisture may be conserved even through a se-, vcre drought and a fair crop of pirta toes produced." The great Importance of thorough tillage has been very clear ly brought out In these experiments, but it has also been shown that "Inten sive tillage alone U not sufficient to produce a large yield of potatoes. In tensive tillage may be overdone. I>ur ing a drought only so much tillage is necessary as shall keep the surface inuleh loose and thoroughly dry. The drier the surface layer of soil the more slowly will moisture lie absorbed by It from th' 1 layers of subsurface soil." Harrowing potato laud before the plants appear above the ground is con side red a wise practice. The use of No 28 Bordeaux mixture in nearly'evcry en?e resulted In an increased yield, even when blight was not prevalent, and thorough spraying with this material Is therefore recommended as a general practice. Pruning potato vines to one, main stem was not beneficial. Potato machinery, while not, yet pcr-i lected. has reached such a degree ofi perfection that where potatoes are) grown upon any considerable area spe-i cia! potato machinery should be pro: vided. Implements should be purchased which are found adapted to the local conditions. There Is no royal road to success with potatoes. Methods of procedure which are applicable during one seasofl ; must be modified to meet the require; I ments of another season. Treatment of i one soil might be radically wrong wheii applied to another soil. - ' Time of Cuttinit Hay, The results of experiments conduct? Ed by different stations show that the degree of maturity at which hay ia cut influences very largely the.shrink? age during curing. At the Pennsylvaj nia station early cut hay lost on"an average 29 per cent in weight, while late cut hay lost only 21.5 per cerit.j Timothy, cut when just beginning to head, lost 75 per cent of water in cur ing; when cut at the beginning of the blossoming period, 00 per cent, and when cut a little later, or about thej usual time, 57 per cent. The Michigan station found a shrinkage of about 60 per cent in curing clover. At the New York station meadow fescue mixed with a little red clover lost In one lot 02.68 per cent and In another 58.25 per cent during curing. The moisture re tained in cured fodder varies with dif ferent kinds. Atwater states that for ITew England timothy hay retains on 1 an average 12 per cent of moisture, clover hay 14 per cent and corn fodder 25 per cent. A Wide Ration nnd the Milk Flow. Figures based on experience at the Geneva (X. Y.) station are thought to ''mean much more in a practical way than some offered to the public which Involve the use of very tew animals during only two or three feeding peri ods." They support much of the obser vation and experiment of late years in one important point—viz, "that changes in the quantity of nutrients has great ly more influence on the milk yield than proportionally large changes in the amount of protein. If the available •nergy of the ration is sufficient and is kept at a uniform point, there may be quite a wide range In the nutritive ra tio without materially affecting the milk flow." Weevil In Beans. The bean weevil does considerable injury in many sections of the country. It does not seem to be generally known that these pests will develop brood after brood in stored beans, BO that while only a few beans may be affected Vhen the crop Is stored ftway In the THE BEAN WEEVHJ. (a, natural size; b, enlarged; c, beans from which beetles have escaped.] fall by the next summer, especially If the beans are kept In a warm room, they may practically all be injured. To' prevent this the best method seems to be the Inclosing of the beans In a tight Vessel In which a little bisulphide of carbon, benzine or gasoline Is placed, taking care, of course, to prevent explo sion through contact with fire. Simply keeping the Iteans in a cold place dur ing the winter will tend to lessen the Multiplication of the pests. Late sow ing also appears to lessen the chances W injury to the crop. Agricultural Notes. In seeding sour (acid) land to timothy, lime should be thoroughly worked into the soli before the seed is sown. Muskmelon blight has become trou blesome In some localities. For late strawberry crops a northern exposure, clay soil and late varieties are recommended by the New Jersey Station. In cultivating onions care should bo taken not to work the soil to the bulbs •r to hill them. Only Two Held the Office. A town in central Illinois boasted for many years of a most ornamental fig ure which adorned the town square seven days In the week. His name was Price Poor, and in splendor of attire ho rivaled the Beau Hickman of the capi tal. He had a numerous family, which he kept well In the background during the few hours he spent at home. In the course of political events in Illinois Price Poor was elected a Justice of the peace. He was prouder of the office than a bird of paradise. The neighbors shared his glory by reflection. One of them was seated in Justice Poor's sit ting room one day soon after the elec tion and heard the justice talking with his eldest son. "Is we all Jestlces, paw?" the boy ssked wistfully. The old man had something of un Impediment In his speech. "Eh-no, my son," he answered; "only eh-mo and •fc-your maw."—Washington Star. 11 la Second Leg I'enalon. The Uritish admiral Sir James Gor don was a humorist In his way, and it Is related of him and Admiral Pell that they used to amuse themselves In lei sure hours by running foot races, be ing quite evenly matched, Sir James having u cork leg and Pell one of wood. As an Instance of his fondness for practical joking a story Is now told; Sir James during a battle toward the •ml of his fighting career had bis Wooden leg shot away. The old sea Cghter at once applied for a second "leg pension" and cheerfully drew it to Ike end of his days. l.ottcrjr Methods. An English writer declares that flnan rial "morality, Imperfect as It Is In our day. Is superior to that of the epoch that came to an end In 1820 with the abolition of lotteries. Take a single Instance. Lord North In 1779, while the American war of independence Was In progress, Issued 00,000 lottery tickets, 20,000 of which wero given as bribes to members of parliament." Karl y Explanation. "And she married Jaggers, did she? Well, well! How on earth did that come about?" "Ho far as I can learn, It Is owing to a mutual misunderstanding."—Brook* lyn Life. Carry enough sunlight in yoor life to last through the dark days.—School* «no#ter.