THE TRYMO In a young girl's life is reacted when Nature leads her uncertain steps across the line which divides girlhood from womanhood. Ignorance and neglect at this critical period are largely responsible for mnch of the ___ after misery of ISSS' NsßfiS| womanhood. Not the womanly y~V function, but Mmi KV / there is almost j always need of t some safe, strengthening tonic, to over- i < come the languor, nervousness and I IH weakness, com- a |H ' l enced at this Favorite Pre scription establishes regularity. It is a strengthening tonic, soothing the nerves, encouraging the appetite and inducing restful sleep. It contains no alcohol neither opium, cocaine or other narcotic. "I wish to ten you the benefit we have received from using your remedies," write» Mrs. Dan Hall, of Brodhead, Green Co., Wil "Two years ago my daughter's health began to fiuL Everything that could be thought of was done to help her but it was of no use. When she began to complain she was quite stout; weighed 170 the picture of good health, until about the are of fourteen, then in si* months she was so run down her weight was but i*> She kept failing and I gave up. thinking there was no use, she moat die. Friends all said, ' You will low your daughter.' I said I fear I shall. I must aay, doctor, that only for your 'Favorite Prescription 1 my daughter would have been in her grave to-day. When she had t*ktn one halfbottle the natural function was established and we bought another one, making only two bottles in all, and she completely recovered. Since then she ia as well as can be." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. tW BOOK MAILED FREE. A. A. I FEVERS, Congestions, Inflamma cca£s ! iloas. Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. B.iHPRAm. Lameness. Injuries, cuaas i Rheumatism. C. C.ISOBE THROAT. Quinsy, Eplaootic, CUKES ) Distemper. crjHjrai WORMS, Bote. Grubs. E. E.* COUGHS. Colds, Influenza, Inflamed cram $ Lungs, Fieuro-Pneumonla. F. F.! COLIC, Bellyache, Wind-Blows, colli I Diarrhea, Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. JkJJ; [ KIDNEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. | SKI* DISEASES. Manss. Eruptions, ct7B*s 5 Ulcers, Grease, Farcy. J. K. I BAD CONDITIO*. Staring Coat, cuaas I Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. «c. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John Street*, New York. )c. F. T. Papcjj 1 pJEWELERI 1 / 121 E. Jefferson Street. J NO BETTER TONIC for spring than Lewin's Pure Whis key—take it in time and save doc tors' and druggists' bills. The goods we sell are guaranteed pure. ALWAYS IN STOCK riHCtf. LABfiE, OTBBHOLT. GUCKKKHKIBEB. HP. VKHROS, THOBPBOX. DILLIStJEK, BKIOUEPOBT. and offer them to you 0 year old at fl per full quart, 6 quarts <5 00. eRAHDFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, tS 00 per gal lon. We pay express charges on all mail orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWiN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS II WOES AMD LIQUORS, How 14 SmltUield Street, formerly U Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phones: Bell 2179. P. ft A. MM. ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ■afr. Always n-llable. Ladlcb. ask I)ru«i»t for <-Hiriii>;T»;n'« EKVLMII IN BED »W tioM metallic boxen, Muled with bluo ribbon Tuliruu w.her. KeAuo duniceroua aabatl tuti««»an<l iuillntl«n>. B«y of your DragrM, or tonJ le. in Mamum to* Partlrulara, Twill mouiuli mil "Keller for I.»«lle»." in LcUtr, br return Mall. 10,000 TwtimoniiUa. Sold by all DrucKMts. CHICHBSrBB CHEMICAL CO. IIM aadbou Sqwrc, PHUA, PA ■adn'JUiMm F. E. BRACKEN, Will Sell you PLANO Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Hayrakes and Farm Implements; Bradley's Fertilizer's. Nursery Goods of All Kinds. Before purchasing wait] till he calls or find him at 541 Mifflin St.; Butler, Pa. EGGS THAT HATCH AT THE RIGHT PRICES. If you want a sitting of eggs from vigorous prize wiuuing stock, send for my big and sf e what 1 offer from 23 varieties of land and water fowls. I guarantee fertility. E?gs by the sit ting cr by the hundred. I have also choice stock at right prices. D. A. MOUNT, Bo* E. Jamesburg, N. J. ( Wm. Foster, ( \ Architect. < * Plans of all kind of buildings v S furnished on short notice. / I Office in Berg Building, 7 J Butler, Pa. V A BANANA TREE. Tk* Fruit Grom Small End I'p and Ii Cat While Inrlpe. Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on the tree as they bang iu. the grocery, but with the small end of the fruit pointing upward—to all ap pearances upside down. There Is probably no other fruit of such universal consumption about which »> little is known to the average person as the banana. Something like 100,000,000 bunches are annually eaten in this country alone, but scarcely one man in a thousand not connected with the business knows what a banana tree looks like. The fruit is never allowed to ripen on the tree, but is cut half or three-quar ters '-full"—that Is, half to thre, -quar ters developed—according to the dis tance it is to be shipped, and cojaes to maturity by feeding from the sta k, which contains a large amount of stp. Bananas cut in this way attain prac tically the same size as if allowed to remain on the tree, in which case the bunch becomes too much of a burden for its support and either falls or breaks the tree and ripens on the ground. After the cutting the plantation is "cleaned," which merely consists of severing the standing trunks within a few feet of the ground, and a new tree cornea forth from the remains of its predecessor, so that the fruit in all stages of growth is to be found at the same time and the yield is continuous. Am Anc«dot« of Woriiworth. A contributor to the London Specta tor thus writes to that Journal: Your interesting article on "Yact ness and Isolation" recalls to my mind Wordsworth's own interpretation of the lines— Those obstinate questioning* Of sense and outward things. Fallings from us, Yanlahlnga as reported to me by the late Professor Bona my Price. One day as he was walking with the poet in the hills he asked him what he meant precisely by the words "fallings from us, vanish tags." Wordsworth's answer was to this effect: "Sometimes I find myself in a mood in which the whole materia) universe seems to fall away. The sense of outward things is lost. Nothing re mains but an immaterial self, detach ed from all physical conditions. In or der to get back into the known world of consciousness I have to clutch at something—«o." Here he grasped the bar of the gate on which they were leaning at the moment I was much struck by the story at the time and made a note of it. George Wuhliftra'i Sobriquet*. Washington was called by many so briquets. He waa first of all "Father of His Country." "Providence left him childless that his country might call him father." Slgourney calls him "Pa ter Patriae;" Chief Justice Marshall, the "American Fabius." Lord Byron in his "Ode to Napoleon" calls him "The Clncinnatu* of the West." For baring a new world on bla shoulders he was called the "Atlas of America." The English soldiery called him by the sarcastic nickname of "Lovely Geor giua." Red Jacket, the Seneca Indian chief, called him the "Flower of the Forest" The Italian poet Vittorlo Al fieri called him "Deliverer of Ameri ca." In The Gazette of the United States he was called the "Savior of His Country." His bitter opponents sar castically called him the "Stepfather of His Country" during his presidency. Dancers of Procraatfaatloa. Landlady—l a'poae yon noticed that long whiskered old gentleman who sat opposite yon at dinner today? That is Professor Driebones, and you can have his room, as he ia going west on a scientific exploration—strangest thing you ever heard. New Boarder—What la? Landlady—The object of hla tour. He has been told that a prehistoric cave has been discovered out west, and in it sat ten skeletons around a petrified table. New Boarder —Well, well! Why didn't the fooit change their boarding house sooner? Tea Is the Time of Baddha. At the time of Buddha China was en- Joying a large foreign commerce in tea. It waa carried by her junks to Japan, Korea, Tonquin, Anam, Cochin, Bur ma, Siam, India, Ceylon, Persia and Arabia. According to one record, it waß sent to a great black river country west of Arabia, *rom which it was sep arated by a long and very torrid sea, which must have been Egypt. It was carried by caravans to Manchuria. Mongolia, Kuldja, Tartary, Tibet, Per sia and northern India. A Boy's Definition of Peaee. "Can you tell me the meaning of the Word peace?" asked Miss Gray of n little boy who had Just recited a patri otic poem in which the word occurred. "Peace means when you ain't got no children," answered the child. "How is that?" asked Miss Gray. "When my mother has washed and dressed her six children for school in the morning, she says, 'Now I'll have peace.' "—Chicago Tribune. ro»7 Signs of the Time*. Some persons find as much fun In reading signboards as others do in reading the comic papers. Here are a few oddities reported by observing travelers, the first of which evidently was displayed in front of a butcher's abop: "I kill myself every Tuesday and Friday." "Take notia when this board is out of site the river is dangerous." "Widow with large family wants waahlng by the week." "Ladles and gents sold and healed." "Thla is the old shop just come from above." "A large stock of ladles' hoee, pure cashmere, to be cleared 25 cents the pair. They won't last long at this price." "Abominable belts made to order." "Closed for the day owing to funeral of proprietor's wife and who will carry on as usual tomorrow morning."—New York Press. laved la Installments. A couple of Scottish ferrymen rowing a somewhat dandified Englishman out to a steamer at one of the Clyde water ing places saw to their consternation the man tumble over the gunwale of the boat into the water. The foremost ferryman dropped his oar and made a grab at the man as he rose to the surface, catching him by the wig, which came away in his hand. Throwing this into the boat impa tiently, he made a second grab, catch ing the collar of his shirt, when the collar and front came away in his hands. Casting these away from him in great disgust, he cried, "Man, Donald, come here quick and help's Jo save as muckle o' this man as ye can, for he's comin' awa' in blt8l" Chinese Women Headers. In nearly every city in China women ar« to be found sitting in the streets busily plying their trade as menders of clothkig. Their knowledge of needle craft is generally limited to what is called "running," and therefore they are not much patronized by English or American travelers. They are, how ever, never without patrons among Chi nese tradesmen, who are often natives of other districts and have no one else In the city to mend a rent for them, their wives and children being left at home. For this class of customers the skill of the itinerant sewing woniau is sufficient. and to them it is a great con venience to have the necess'ry repairs rapidly made while tjiey stand by and wait Postmaster Palmer of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des cribes a condition which thous ___________ ands oi men , and women find identical with theirs. Read what he says, and note the similarity case. Write to him, enclosing stamped ad ■Hnß dressed envel- L. D. Palmer. °P e , for "P l * and get a per sonal corroboration of what is here given. He says regarding Dr. Miles' Heart Cure: "I suffered agonizing pain in the left breast and between my shoulders from heart trouble. My heart would palpi tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I could no longer lie in bed Night after night I walked the floor, for to lie down would have meant sudden death. My condition seemed almost hopeless when I began taking Or. Miles' Heart Cure, but it helped me from the first Later I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with the Heart Cure and the effect was aston ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf ferers to give these remedies a trial." Sold by all Druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. H Wedding and Commencement Presents are now in order. We are showing H fine line of silverware, diamond-, watches and jewelry of all kinr'.s *nrt descriptions suitable for the occasion. Onr f:oods are absolutely of the firu-t quality and prices as low as the lowest. We also sell: Edinon and Victor talking machines. Cleveland and Crescent Bicycles. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Bicycle Sundries. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Ontlcian Nert to Court Bonw DO YOV KNOW ANYTHING About Rubber? Very few people do. We believe we tail be classed among the few. Let us prove to you that we know all about good rubber, so far as Water Bags, Syringes, Nipples, Combs, etc., are concerned. Our line of rubber goods has been carefully selected. It is of the kind that give entire satisfaction at all times. [DEY P O RO U S ftCA PLASTER A Pain-Stop When you come right down to facts, about the only time-tried, simple and sure cure for aches and pains of any kind is a good Porous Plaster. The most reliable Porous Plaster is REX. Try it, and you will know it. Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sis . Boiler, Ta SOMETHING NEVV_^ In the photograph line can be Men it the Findley Studio. The .Artist Proof photograph on exhibit-n now, they are winner* and ail who want an arti.stis pic'urc Stop in arid see them. Novelties for Ho'idav tr.ii!' now reac'y Broaches and button* of all descriptions Copying and enlarging: A. L. FINDLEY, r<-u piw; , .r 230. " O IVd g, i■ -. —MHTR FINH RVHTI* CITY About Kodaks! Wc have both Kvd.tks and Cameras of all description. Amateur photo, suppli.'? < f all kinds and of the best. Keep your eye open for the new folding pocket Kodak to be out soon. 20 per cent oft Kodak prices this week. Films, Plates, Papers and Chemicals Free dark room for customers AT DOUGLASS BOOK STORE Near P. O. Si' South Main street should call and ex- KVfil VliftflV amine our new stock JJIUIJUVUJ of WALL PAPER, you cannot make a mistake in your selection. Largest, finest and up to date stock in Butler, at prices that will surprise you how low. Picture and Mirror Framing a Specify. Patterson Bros.. 230 N. Main St. Wick Building, Phone 400. ! Special Summer Sales! S The flodern Store J is ever on the alert to give its patrons Special Offerings right in season at prices that have already made this store popular with shrewd shoppers, jpft TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN LADIES' LACE-LIKE LISLE HOSE in g Black. White. Cardinal. Navy and Grey. Your choice 10c pair. ANOTHER NEW LOT "QUEEN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR IN CORSET COVERS AND SKIRTS Dainty and perfect in style, tit fIP and finish. The top notch of quality at prices that seem incredulous for oj these celebrated garments. (K U NEW DUCK FOR SHIRT WAIST SUITS liic YARD. Just arrived fjC * New White Shirt Waist Goods which you should see at • once, as they W are what vou want beyond a doubt. U <R TWENTY FIVE PIECES COLORED DIMITIES Worth 12jc at Bcyard R These won't last long. They are a choice lot. We want you to get some Uk of these Dimities before they e<>, for they help you to appreciate our JR jj ability to serve you best. Uk 4 Millinery and Parasol Sales Attract Attention. K We have demonstrated to the bnving public that we not only have the largest and most superb stock, but that we do make prices for the ficest jpk outfits that have brought us the business. Specialties for hot weather in 'm abundance Stock is complete as ever. We can please yon 4# $ Co., 8 A? SOUTH MAUI STREET 1 S PHOSES j PEOPLES"' //] Mailorders Solicited Uk JK POSTOFFICE BOX ) A V OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON BUTLFR. PA. 3VX& 3VX& 3&&K3&X&+ V\ e ate now remodeling occupy it in about ten - li^e b our-e'ves to meet it V_ DOUTHeTT &• GRAHA(V\ A Man's Suit for FIVE DOLLARS. * N® This suit has never been equaled for the nice. We bought them from a N.w York clothing maker,who retiiei; from business May ist. The patterns of the good* are in stripe, check, the new green a id olive effects, and black and blue cheviots. There is no suit among them wot th less than $8 and some were made to sell for $lO. Call and ask to be shown these suits. At this price they will fro quick. Brotherhood Overalls The railroad boys wear We have tlitm. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Warn St., Butter. J W II I •Ai.TmOfK.MO. ; g P I The ORIGINAL and MOST SMOKED | long cut tobacco in all the United | States, manufactured with the express g purpose of blending the two qualities, that of a good smoke and a good chew. | gj It is made of ripe, sweetened j I "Burley," the only tobacco from which a perfect combination of smoking and chewing tobacco can i be made. Gail 6 Ax Navy is known by the distinctive character of its blue wrap per (which has many imitators), it being to-day identically the same as forty years ago, and it now stands for the quality that it did then. You get the very best, and take no chances, when you buy Gail <5 Ax Navy. Pearson B. Nace's Liyery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs al ways on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. □A good class of horse*, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bough [KID proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 219. PH? LA o • % --BENTM nonv i J9 - sth Awe Ptisau > r.. : tig »%*tfref»RACTICA' " 'ft CROWN PFi'ljc • ■ fx-1 0 ' l'UtKl..irs-WHV .»OT C jctyouhsv <:»><« oao». - • - { 1 &£5 P£R TOOTH ' ' ' ' rst "fTwth muml**. Of NO SPAVINS J&SMS be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw. splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to hoaee owners by T M. CLUSH, Knoxdale, Jefferson Co,, Ta. HIGHER AND HIGHER go prices on almost all manufac tured articles. Wc bought heavy, early and will not be compelled to advance urtill present stock is sold Wc have had an unusual large sale this Spring but still have enough to last a while yet. This is the time to buy your bugqie< and vehicles of all kinds. Did you sec our S3O work harness, with 11 traces, good leather and good collars? All our own make, all complete for two horses. Just think of it, only S3O. Nobody ever heard of the like, and buggy harness at corresponding low price. Nice lap dust* rs at 25c and good big brown and white collar sweat pads at 25c, regular price elsewhere 40c. Gooil team work bridles at $3 00 per pair, and all other goods in our line away down in price; but don't thivk long if you r.Cf d anything in our line. Tiiese price* are only for present stock. S. B, Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Fa. P. S What about a wagon? The Kramer is the best and don't cost you any more than others sell cheap makes at. Don't listen to their talk. It pays to talk other kinds as the- profit is greatrr. ARE YOU GOING TO I BUILD OR REMODEL I ff M ' v.,, Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WhiTEHILL, Plumber, 318 S. Main St., Both Phones. Price is a Good Salesman Quality is a Better One Price and quality combined nre winners. Onr Line of pianos includes only the best instruments of reliable makers. ?uality the highest. Pricest the lowest, he Chase Brothers' Piano. Examine it critically without prejudice, compare it with the best instruments you know about, and you will say with us, "There is none better no matter what the name or price." The Hackley Piano. An ex ceedingly popular piano—tone, touch and finish of the finest. The Carlisle Piano. The best medium price piano in the market. See them at my store and judge for yourself. Always on hand Bargains in organs. Remember your credit is good At Newton's The Piano Man 317 S. Main St.. Bntler Pa Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician '« tn f'' Mm*,. 'J-.t'-r Pa ec " ,e s ' ?n ( " !,ect " I 91 y opposite the f Pos (office, |i Theodore Yogeley, Real Estate and || Insurance Agency, || 238 S. Main St., j| Butler, Pa. « if you have property |j to sell, trade, or reutUi or. want to buy or J »y ren' ca ' l - write or phone me. List Mailed Upon Application. BLANK BOOKS MAGAZINES LAW BINDING and REPAIRING at the BUTLER BOOK BINDERY Cor. Main ami Diamond, Above Kirkpatrick'a. A. M. BERKIMER. Funeral Director. St Butler M. H. MILLKRJ FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OPPICK —Byera' Building— next to P. 0., Bntler Pa. Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, - - - - $60,000 00 ] Surplus and Profits - - $255,000 00 WILLIAM CAMI-ELL. JR President J. H KNKY TBOUTMAH ... Vice-President . Loiris B STEIN* Cashier ' C. E. CRONENWETT Teller DIRECTORS— Wm. Campbell Jr.. J. Henry Troutmaii. W. D. Brandon. W. A. Stein. J. S. Campbell. The Hutler Savings Hank Is the Oldest Banking Institution in Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of .JII producers, mer chants. farmers and others. All business entrusted to Uk will r«3- v» prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposit* THE Butler County National Bank. Butler F^enn, Capital paid in - $200,000.00 ! Surplus and Profits ->? 00 Tos. II art man, President; J. V. Ritts, I Vice President; John G. McMarlin, j Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. I Interest paid on time deposits. : Money lsaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this | bank. DIRECTORS—Hen. Joseph Hartman, Hon. j W. s. Waldron, Or. «. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweeney, C. P. Collins I. G. Smith. Leslie P. ! Har.lett, M. Kineg m, 'V. 11. Larkin. T. P. Mifflin. 1»r. W. O. M'Candiess. B«*D Mas j 'terh. W.J. Marks. J. V. Pitts. A. L. Relber ; TH K Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Promts, $ 4,092 64 Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINB President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. BAILEY Cashier E. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. HPTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Yonnl'lns. I). L. Cleeland, E. E. Ahrams. C. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzger. Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tho«. Hays. I.oV. M. Wise. Francis Murphy, S. YeageV, D. It. Campbell, A. H. Sarver and Dan'l Younklns. Interest paid on time ueposlts. We respectfully solicit your business. Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. Capital Stock paid in $135,000.00. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE OR COLLATERAL. Acts as Executor, Administrator, Gnardian, Committee, Receiver, Trustee and in all fiduciary capacities. Issues Conrt and Suretyship bonds. Acts as agent in luying and selling city, farming or oil and gas properties. Attends to the management of real estate and to collection of rents. Negotiates the sale of mortgage, municipal or bonds of other character. DIRECTORS. A. E. Reiber. Pres.; W. D. Brandon, Vice-P.res.; J. V. Ritts, A. L. Reiber, Daniel Yonnkins. Geo. C. Stewart, Secy, and Treas. We solicit your patronage and invite cor respondence or a personal interview. WE OWN AND OFFER $50,000 4 per cent, tax free. Borough of Bellevue School District Bonds. Denomination fiooo. Interest payable semi-annually. Write or call for price and description C R WILLIAMS & CO, Bank for Savings Bld'g., Pittsburg, Pa. C. It. WILLIAMS. GEORGE WELSH C. P. Johnson & Sons' The Leading Tailors of Butler County, Are making clothes in the CHEAPEST, BEST AND LATEST STYLES. Suits from sl6 to SSO. Overcoats from sl6 to $75. Everything clone by skilled abor in our own shop. C. P. Johnson & Sons PROSPECT, PA. j * Summer Goods J AND £ <* Medium Weights j J Just Received by 1 I SELIGMAN, I THE TAILOR, I d 416 W. Jefferson St., £ J Butler, Pa. J J Fit Guaranteed and S s Prices Reasonable. £ J TRY US. I LOOK! Merrill Pianos We have two pianos ' that have been used at concerts we will sell at a great bargain. For Xmas presents in musical goods see us. 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building. linadam %?•;?!«.. Dean's I A safe, certain roller for Suppr«w«ed 9 MvnxtruaUon. Never known to fail. »iafe! ■ Bure! Hpeedy! Katlsfactlon Uuarantoed ■ or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■ JI.OU per box. Will send them on trial, ta ■ bepuVltiVr wlien rtUewad. (Sample* Free. ■ UWITIP WIPIC«L CO.. »o« 14. Uiic«m». e». J Sold in Botlur at the Centre Ave Pharmacy. Come In and Compare. Never before have we shown so large an assortment of Furniture and Carpets. Buy before the advance and save money. Sideboards —$13 up. Reclining Go-Carts—lace parasol, rubber tired -$7 up. Refrigerators—several makes $8 up. Bed Room Suits—all grades—any price. Extension Tables—ss upwards. Screen Doors—9oc to sl. 50. Porch Rockers—sl tip. Lawn Swings—s4.6o and up. Couches—best hand made or steel construction, t guaranteed—sß upwards. • | Iron Beds—any price from $3 up. I COME IN ANi) COMPAKE | BROWN &• CO.J Duffy'i store,) Bmlt-r. Pa p & Fastest Growing Store. V jMrs. J. LfIMMEBMANj: Carpets. Rugs, Curtains and Draperies! ! | Elegant 9x12 ft. Brussels Rug for §l4 50 regular price sl6 50< . > i .Elegant 8-3xll>-6 ft. Body Brussels Rng for... 20 00, regular price 25 00. ! j Elegant 9x13 ft Axminster Rug for 23 50, regular price 30 00 r C (Elegant 8-3xlo-6 Axminster 21 50, regular price 27 501 3 C \ 125 styles to select from, including Tapestry. Body Brussels, Velvety jk J Axminster and Ingrain—latest spring patterns - made, lanl and lined i \ 'without extra charge Prices that will insure a saving to >ou of 10 to 15' / saper cent. A large assortment of small and medium hized Rugs. We are' J 1 making a special feature of Rugs, large and small, Oil Cloths in ail f 'widths, Linoleums, Window Blinds, Curtains and Draperies below regn-' # >lar price. We are showing the largest and most cotnple'e lino of La'.-e:j M .Curtains ever offered by ns at 45c to sls ner pnir. jf XSPRING SALE OF WOMEN'S MUSLIN TJNDERWEARX We are offering special prices on Under Muslins - the fmnous Ei -h J Brand—no sweat shop uiide garments in our stock of Fine Lace tnrnnii <i X % 'Petticoats, lengths 38 inches to 44 inches Fine Lace and Emhroid»-rj £%trimmed Drawers, Corset Covers and Night Robes " j I k Petticoats, Lace Trimmed $1 00 to $7 60 <| j! Drawers 25t0 150 f * > Corset Covers 25 to 1 50 <5 J k Night Gowns 50 to 5 00 ( £ 2 These coods on display. Counter rear of Main s'reet floor. [ ' SILKS AND WASH FABRICS & < > Still showing some of those beautiful Wash Silks in fancy stii;eM > , .made to retail at $1 for 50c White Corded Wash Silks ;i9c. One lot. of. l k | 27-inch White and Colored Taffeta Silks, slightly soiled on edge in ship | < (pins. bought to retail for sl, will be sold for 75c per yard. Wo are show-j , Ling the newest things in Wa-«h Fabrics—Black and White, White and.', I Black Linen, and Linen colorings. White Goods and Dimities at money-. | < I 'saving prices. 'J I f MILLINERY, JACKET SUITS, SKIRTS AND WAISTSV ,I . Oar Up-stairs is a busy place. There is where you will find nil that. I . I 'is newest and best in Tailor-made Suits, Shirt Waist Suits Shirt Wai.-te, | I >Silk Waists, Dress Skirts. Walking Skirts, Children's Wash Sailor Suits,< > I .Separate Eton Jackets and Blonsis in Cloth and Silk. Exclusive styles,l . I I 'in Millinery for dress and street wear—all at popular prices. i jTO THE GRADUATES:;) !FOR COMMENCEMENT OUTFITS. < f If yon bnv yonr commencement outfit from ns, we will give you spe-< M cial prices. We can supply your every need. Onr stock of White Goods' % was never so complete or prices so low. White Crepe Do Chene, White ( Silk, White Wash Mousselines, Organdies, Mulls.. Persian and Indi.i Lin-4 f ens, Foulard Silks, Dimities and Batistes. Madras and Silk Giauhnms i \ As to Triuimings—Val Lacee, Piatt Yals, Fine Embroideries and Washy Muslin Underwear, Fine Lace trimmed Skirts C'r<»' Covers' 2 f'4and Pants, Gloves. White and Fancy Hosiery, ("lsets. Silk Mitts, \ if and Parasols All the eveniDg shades in Crepe De Chene Albatross and I [jVoiles, and Chalis. ■** THE DISPLAY IS GENEROUS. \j V % and comprises all the best and most popular styles Wo also wi.-h to" if state that at no time have we ever been aide to put more exclns;ven« ss, jf Sstyle and quality into our moderate priced goods tln.n just cow. [■ p Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman! f KJrSV BUTLER. PA. I boO0OOGOG0OO0OO<XXX>0O*>&*X& % NEW WASH FABRICS. A great collection of dainty, attractive and etylifh goods for Jv V Waists and Suits. The styles and coloring are prettier than ever and the fabrics more varied. . yi Mr Fine Ginghams 10c and 121 c, Best 36 inch Percale 121 c, W X Embroidered Chambray Madras 20c, Swiss Silk 20c, Mercerized Silk •5 Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 25c. Fancy Lace Stripes 25c, Fine JR Madras Stripes 30c, Ufe~ »\ WHITE GOOGS styles in fine Mercerized W! ite jd Goods and fine Madras for Waists Dimities, India Linuns a»d Sheer white materials of all kinds are here in abundance £? J# Fine Mercerized Fabries 25c. 30c, 40c and 50c. 29 Fine Madras 20c and 25c. \ (0 India Linons 6}c to 50c. ft yf LACE CURTAINS $ By all odds the greatest assortment and b«frt I3<OioX values we have ever shown. Lace Cnrti.ins at s<>c Uft iC!ife-(?Vri '° pair. Greatest assortment at fl, $2 and $3. S\ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR g | l y Why bother with making when you can boy the K finished garment at the cost of materials. LNi IM R Gowns 50c. 75c, $1 00 and 50 JR Corset Covers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 Drawers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 Skirts 50c, 75c, $1 00 aud up. We sell the New Idea 10c Paper Patterns. Monthly fashion sheets free. t* L. Stein & Son,| 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA S j; of deposits gives the cash security for every dollar duo depositors. I DEPOSITS. CAPITAL, suit- DEPOSITS FOR EACH DOLLAR . UNDIVIDED VROFITS. FEBRUARY, 1902. OF DEPOSITS. f $6,032,000 $2,362,000 = $2.55 Real Estate Trust Co., OF PITTSBURGH, - 311 FOURTH AVENUE. Incorporated October Ist, 1900. | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00. u.n Pftjri 2 p«r cent. Interest on deposit* f<» chock, And 4 per conte | «»nt on nHvirii;«i ncroiintd. L)u«« not issue bonds. Write for booklet, How to open nu iccouot Ity mail. j subscribe for the CITIZEN
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