Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 05, 1902, Image 4

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    O Fre
L Thr
[■ Head
There's many a cw* for headache.
Men are not often troubled by headaches.
When they are it is generally doe tobtl
iomness or indigestion. Bat women
have headaches which seem P«nliar to
their sex, frequent nervous throbbing
headaches. Does it not seem as if such
headaches peculiar to women must beat
once related to womanly disease ? V> om
en who suffer with diseases peculiar to
the sex do not realize the drain of vital
strength and nerve fore* they undergo
as a consequence of disease. It jsj h "
which causes the familiar headaches of
sick women. . _
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
cures such headaches by curing the
cause-irregularity, weakening drams,
inflammation, ulceration or female weak
ness "Favorite Prescription" invigor
ates and tones up the entire system, en
courages the appetite, quiets the nerves
and gives refreshing sleep.
"I waa troubled with confeKioo of the otejM
t J w«akne« for rrar. " wi.trt Mr*
Robt Kerwiß. of Albert, Hastiaz* S°-jn
* Was so weak and nervona I otW hardlvdo
any work- Had aerere patn In back.
j n head. My heart would beat »
har i ar.d tut at tiraea I would have to Mt «tiH
till I (rot all right again. But after taking J,
bottle* of Dr Herce » Pavoeite Preacnptioo and
hU Medtol l fru
entirely well I also n*ed ooe box
Tablet* * a nrt one of * Soppowtones w directed.
Al* thr ivmptcraas of iny trouble have disap*-
cured. Ithank yoa
for your kind advice and your roeaicine
Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets clear the
complexion and sweeten the breath.
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity
and largest sals in their history, due to
intrinsic merit. They cure the sick.
io, ci" us. men.
l-Vtran, Congestions, Inflammallona. .US
•/-Worm*. Worm TV- r. Worm C011 e... .US
3-Teetbln«.Colle. Crying,WokefuXneaa .23
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adulta US
7—f'oucba. Colda, Uronchltii US
H—Senralcia. Toothache, Faeeache US
f>-UeaiarhF. Kick Headache, Vertigo . .US
10-l>r*»*»»l*. Indigeatlon.Weak tUommch.US
11 -Mnppr r—r4 or Palatal Period* US
1 tt'bllra. Too Profu*e Period* .US
I."l—Troup. I.nrvacitU. Hoar*ene«* US
11—tail Rbram.Eiralpelaa.Eniption*.. .8*
I#—Bbrumatl.ru. HJuraraatic Pain* US
IS—Malaria. Chillm Fever and Ague. ... .US
I#—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in the Head .US
2*-Whooplas-4.-oagfc »3
*.i7-KMory Di.ra.r. 33
•-tH—\er»oo« DrMllly
36—I'rinary Wrakneaa. Wetting Bed.. .US
77—drip. Hay Few »3
Sold by druggUU, or wnt on receipt of price.
*#- Dr. Humphreys' JTew Pocket Manual
•f all Diseases mailed free.
Humphrey*' M~llctße Co., Cor. William aad
JobaSu. Hew York.
jc. F, T. PapeJ
| 121 E* Jefferson Street.
for spring than Lewiu's Pare Whis
key—take it in time and nave doc
tori' and druggists' bills.
The good* we sell are guaranteed
gi:aiinnr.inf.ii. nr. TKBSO*. THOSPHO*.
and offer them to Ton 6 year old at |1 per ful 1
quart, flriuarta |uoo.
whisk*-/ guaranteed 3 years old, K 00 per (cal
kin. We pay eipress charge* on all mall
orders of s>oo or over. Goods shipped
Wow U SmitkfltU Street, fei-aerly
n Water Street. riTTSBUtI, TA.
Those*: Ml MW. P. * A. 14M.
Muff. At »ny' f( lUl.l'v Uill». wk UrtiKflnl fnt
cniiiii.«ti r« in »»• •» «»''
4> ,1,1 SMUMI wilto Una M/b«n
Take no K»fn»f ili»n««-rt.ui»
Ittllon* r.c?*J Iraimilma*. I»i»«f »<*•» KrtWt*
or w)fi<l 4r. to «»*(:.(,» fit. fsrtlrslKM, Tr»tl«
numlaU (M I " for LwH**." I"
h/ rrl«rf» Mull. M.*MTssiin)'n:iata Held t»y
*:l lirocKM*.
ouintmnrck OHBMIOAI. 00.
SIM Hwllana
Will Sell you
Hayrakes and
Farm Implements;
Bradley's Fertilizer's.
Nursery Goods of All Kindt.
Before purchasing wait} till he calls or
find him at
Ml Mifflin St.; Butler, Fa.
If you want a sitting of eggs from
vigorous prize winning stock, send for
my big catalogue and a»e what J offer
from 23 varieties of land and water fowls.
I guarantee fertility. Kggs by the sit
ting cr by the hundred. I have also
choice stock at right prices.
Bo* K Jamesburg, N J.
IWm. Foster,
\ Architect. {
f Plans of all kind of buildings C
S furnished on short notice. f .
C fWHce In Berg Bnilding, 7 •
Butler. Pa
n%y the Colonel Slopped Ilia Score
of thlnaravn nt Five.
"1 had read." said the colonel as ho
was relating some of his experiences iu
China, "that if a person fell into the
water no one could pall him out, hold
ing that his falling in was a decree of
Providence that must not be interfered
"One day on one of the canals 1
stumbled and went overboard, and. al
though there were twelve boatmen, not
one of them would extend me a hand.
After a close shave, as I cannot swim.
I got aboard again, and as so on as I
recovered my breath I yelled at the
boss boatman:
•"You infernal scoundrel, bnt why
didn't you help me out?
"•It was your 'ate to fall in,' te
calmly replied.
" 'And it's your fate to take a go d
lickingr I said as I went for him.
"When I had finished him off. I took
another, and I was just polishing oiT
my fifth victim when the sixth man
halted me to say:
" There seems to be a mistake here.
We are taught that if a person falis
into the water he must save bims<if
or drown, bnt we are not taught that if
he does save himself he is at liberty
to lick half of China in revenge.'
"I thought his point well taken,"
laughed the colonel, "and I stopped my
score at five and went down to change
into dry clothes." —Boston Globe.
Apple Tree* For Bounty and Fro It.
Apple trees are so beautiful, evin
when bare of bloom and fruit, that
they should be grown in pleasure gar
dens. like lilacs and laburnums. Ten
nyson speaks of orchard lawns, and
there Is no reason except bad taste
why they should not have a real exist
ence. The gloom of the fir tree, mag
nificent no doubt in its own northern
forest, is mere Incongruous
when it is dotted about a suburban
lawn. Nothing will thrive under It.
and often It will not thrive itself, but
the apple, with all the associated beau
ty of the countryside, gives uh fruii
and blossom and grateful shade. In
the grass under It will grow daffodils,
columbines, irises and many other
plants, or it may be trained as a hedge
to divide one part of the garden from
another and with all these uses may
still produce great crops of fruit. It
would be a pleasant task for the sub
urban gardener with his half acre of
ground to grow three or four choice
apple trees with the care that other*
give to roses.—London Speaker.
The Palate Lork.
A woman who had solved the servant
girl question by importing a buxom
young colored girl from Virginia went
out to give ber orders for dinner one
day and was astounded to see the ne
gro sitting on the floor with her hair,
or wool, standing out around ber head
In a black and shiny nimbus. Not
hearing the approach of the mlstr* hk
the servant went on with her occupa
tion, which was pulling first one curly
lock and then another in a way that
suggested that she bad lost n
fortune or "got religion." The madam
stared a moment and then exclaimed:
"For goodness' sake, Betty, what are
you doing?"
The maid hurriedly scrambled to her
feet and answered:
"Ob, nothin', ma'am. I'ze got a sore
throat and was Just tryln' to find the
lock what would pull mab palate up
and cure the tickle." —New York Times
Saxony's Foreata.
Saxony possesses one of the best
regulated systems of forestry in the
world. The forests of Saxony serve
not only the purpose of giving the state
a substantial annual revenue, but they
odd a ri/Ifr,l<l to the SCeriCTV of
add a thousandfold to the scenery or
the country, thus attracting many tour
ists into those parts every summer.
The most Important feature of the for
ests, however, is the fact that tbey
keep forever alive the fountains of wa
ter which spring from the liighluuti*
of the Knsgcblrge and Saxon Switzer
land. The forests furnish the mate
rial and the water the motive power to
hundreds of pulp, paper and saw mill*,
which. In turn, give employment to
thousands of men. women and chil
Might Have Been Worse.
"Charley, dear," said young Mr*.
Torklns, "that horse yon bet on"—
'There's 110 need of bringing the mat
ter up. I know that my Judgment wan
very bad and all that."
"Oh, I wouldn't take It to heart! The
horse might have been beaten worse.
You must give him credit for getting
around ahead of the horses that were
entered for the following race."— Wash
Ington Star.
Pay Yoar Debts.
"No, nlr," declared (jnzzen as be
warmed up to his subject, "you'll never
be happy so long as you aro In debt.
Fay your debts, Hwayback, pay your
"But I have no money," said Sway
"Then borrow It."—Detroit Free
Truth's C'hnnees.
William—The Idea of. his calling hie
book a historical novel! It doesn't
agree with history even In the slight
est particular.
Frederick—An<J so may be quite true.
Boston Transcript.
A Pn»l#>«
Mother (reprovingly to little girl Ju«t
ready to go for a walk)— Dolly, thai
hole was not In your glove tills morn
Dolly (promptly)— Where was It. then
Of ioo,(y 00 passengers by sen "II
the world over fifty lose their live* »'f
the same number by rail forty-sersa
are killed.
Don't* For I.lterary H«-tclnnem.
Don't tell the editor what your fam
ily or friends or literary acquaintances
ray of your manuscript.
Don't urge the editor to buy your
manuscript because you need the inon
ey to help you In contributing to the
support of your family or in making
your way through college.
Don't assume a Jaunty, Koreas tie or
Insistent tone with the editor. Don't
coyly ask him to "permit this literary
dove to nest In your olive tree or else
return It to the ark at the above ad
Don't try to temper the severity of
tils Judgment by sending him pressed
flowers with yotir manuscript or to
Impress him with your literary power
and experience by telling him that you
"write on the spur of the moment and
never correct"
Bear In mind, In short, that the best
way to submit a manuscript is simply
to submit It and let It speak for Itself.
Franklin B. Wiley In Ladles' Home
SnoVr In Ventre.
"1 saw Venice once under unusual
circumstances," said a traveler. "At
the time of which I speak that sunny,
I smiling land was wrapped In snow.
Our folks were a bit surprised, but the
natives were amazed. To the neal V<
netlans snow la a thing they do not
know how to deal with. Many persons
remain all day In bed Indulging in hot
drinks and pass their time In doing
nothing. The children, to their extreme
sittlsfsetlon, are not sent to school, as
the streets and squares are ctfvercd
with snow. Those courageous persons
who venture abroad only walk at the
slowest pace. To cross a bridge Is con
i side red hazardous. If not foolhardy. HI.
Mark's square Is entirely deserted
j I'.ven the piteous are Invisible."
The above pcrtr.- 't is that of >;
Countess Mogelstud, ci Chica- I
go, 111., v.ho' 2 gratitude for the I
benefit received from the use of j
Dr. Miles' Nervine prompted
j her to m:.ki this state':,ent:
I ' gj 1
!mv t . to tae 1 p
men . : I>r. Nerr::.s j
I 1 zm j.• : T J years of : • 1 - t
: I l:ie tired i.r-.sn, t:.: -rr> j
I r.ever feci contented v.: . t a "-t.e
or it latlitt Gra'c: ■" >
Christiana Ma. a
Counters .ua.
Male's* Nervine
is a nerve tonic and streneth
buildcr that starts rijr'.t in re
storing health immediately.
Sold ty all Druc-:sts.
Dr. r.tcci.c.al Co., Eiknart, Ind. »
is the man who ouy a the < heap «!•<! j
t poorly made simply hi < .n« it I
i is cheap. There are j>i»t »s i<w\ l^>r-i
t gains to tie hud in g.vyl giade ->f gocd- ;
. snch for instanc. a« mir nt. >
Rnnning Churn-' ti • ' r wl-'i j
rrifihef from thin "aJterati'-n - le ♦
j that "closing out ba- air - Th> "if
way is to patroui/." the firrn that dot
1 bnninen.l on the same prin'-ip'- j yon do
• Yon know what yon hav- io deal with
then. You get bon'. gfv <ls f<>r hones 1,
t prices, and don't save twenty live rent
t here to throw away ayenty-five cent-*
i there.
, Chances are Not Runriij ;' ;iway frote
yoti, bnt yon ; re »-ijri:.iTig aw ay frou
the chances for the be;;t 1 :.rgair - of ti
K year in nnitf, whon yon fail to W'k at
our uniting!".
Wedding riuits a Sptc'nH*
Leading Tailor.
» 333 Main St. BTTT<T V ■ l .
Pearson H. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sal* Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
Tff bMt of hoi I t
rrii VH oxl huif J a;»'J fo; ),lr .
it 'St. ■ ■ ; » « .--n,
Cftfit Jtri'l ir.'iv-ti. 1 fr. ■fU
% 1 cure guaranty*.*!.
Stabs© Room For 85 Horse:..
QA ci**xl clanh 'tt tiorw-i, : u <'.)
draft * alvny- - ' ■■■■<• uifi
Oliver a full gu;i. '; .f. rot
p on proper ii<itJff'*.at ■<
TelDOhn&c. N- . Zl?.
W S. & K. WICK.,
Hcu«». and .V'.r; •.1 I. r <>l -'I '1 s.
()fKir«. r.init an'' llou Mil*i».C*
fill Well K!g.« a Si)'»'iitlt.y
Of!i<-' ;in<l Yar'J
V and Wit.lit
n«M i'ciu) l>. - '
Bert McCaticiless,
Livery, feed and Sale Si able
W. Jeifi-f Hon St., Butlor.
%voW ('ar by b .-n/
Miflli. StVtrt r 're-.'-.
U . iting f'iirlor f"r l,.elie
«... V-i P't, -e
OBAJ Jill '«*
About Kodaks!
W«: have h tli Kodaks and
Cameius ' i ;ill < ■ stription
Amatcm photo, suppli '.•< (>\ .ill
kiim.l and < ( :: bc-1
Keep yO'tr « .<• fi'- i for the new
fol'linj* p< I . to I)* out
soon. £<) j i i' >'t <TiK'' I- I
j»riceh tlif. • > < I ' ilms, l'h«n h,
I'apern .>'id '-' ' i
i'*ree dark /'»«<t<i iff tustoniei
I '( )( >l-' ST C
,\r»r P. 0.
?4t ! : < itb 1> ir Tlr.
: -""-.r - ~Z-
S -TMin rAF [!, I HM.AC i ; Ml( ,
• -OtNTAt. MOOM ■ ••
r. now '•! V'.i' .*
lie cured in 4*» minnt" ' Lump Ji v,
splints and ringliones Jti• t a« quick. Not
painful and never hr - fialed. lii l.iilid
information /»I -.>:: it. *i. w ».i» it. I sent
free U> h<« ' owiii i l/y T M. C'MKIU,
Kuoxdttle, JefTenwu Co,, l'a
rngn Remodeling!
a. ~
~~s* ,
I j t * . V\ e are now remodeling
- >
Lj % ■ rr■". . ■.*■ our store and expect iO
' V " -) occupy it in about ten
' days with.the iarge't line
KM <' -T l \}% of Clothing ever shown in
/• Butkr cou: ty.
f V'
J ~ " \\ c e.sj.t-'c tl e den at
4 to be gieatcr, and we a e
(ffc-lz? ' fr.. ing to meet t
wiih she most popular lit e
of new, up-'o-date Cloth
is •, Ma's, ".ips and Cents'
F. rr.isl.ii (j.ods evci
.n in Butler county
W'i are f< !• spoils i r
• i <_• < -r • r.r t t \ trails, the
S i popular with
UTi . i Men
v r '.'•thin..,
90UTH6TT &- G!^HA ( V
A Man's Suit lor
x (|f^
7"! s ' a ver bee e ■ r b.night •. in
fro in a iN'w\v York elotliing ik tvho ictire-' i 1 business May Ist.
The patterns o! ti> _ • -u- ;e .n i. . • tht •» w green
and olive efiects, a:d b!ac'-: IHJ b'uc cheviots.
T ere is no suit am • !'• ma. tth '• K
made to se'l for sio.
Cal! and ' sk to shown ill sui».s ; t /
go quick.
Brotherhood Ove -.Ms
'i lie ru in •i) I »« < \V h \. i! m.
Schau! &
137 South Vsa?n St , 3a p.
rjwusaiWi • tanscjßK^m?ascss»wts
( reatbs I For Sir i
{ V-USTOMERS lijl utJl |
! Come In and Compare. |
Never before has thia store been so well filled
with reliable Furniture and Carpefs as i:ow.
OLD DEE -i'RS From $0 no on I
; G'' ■■' • >r ji]>! ' ; •*; • tail in.n. ;' 7 o up. |
SEWING MACHINES —N< k-y.d, $16.75 up.
PARI/ I? . I ITS- -3 and 5 . 1 n f: i li, 3-5 ,! P« w
i'Al:L f ( iBLE— Qv wUf <.1.1 t<so.
ROCKING CHAIRS An) • , I • ■ s'. *)
IVV< OL 1 ."GRAlNS—Sui'.ibh lor .'my, • »••»> ..> }.:> c hot. c, 65. |j
LINOLEUM:- 90c- $l.O ' : l.'c V .rrl
VVINT; W S R! F X:-- A-l: 1 t.-.:,' , *;■
EX ' I.: . ION TABLES— 6 ft. >:« *ai .6 ;■!
I >ll I'll! 11l- |l •'•, ialjlir-l ft" • lilt ' . I'm
BMHBSK: agCg'flT.WMi-'-rilH T. tX. ,*»;/••, •
' ———— ——
:; #Sr
WjTW/ ;■■■» —- ;:: -
W kflh P'i:
|\'i /' -y OV* A'O" %twuuMumMw.v)'\ i
v O .
lor-g cut tobacco in all the United
St: tos, manufactured with the express
purpose of blending the two qualities,
that >1 a good smoKe and a good chew-
It ia made of ripe, sweetened
"Eurley," the only tobacco from
which a perfect combination of
amoM *g and chewing tobacco can
be made.
G Ax Navy is Known by the
disti /e character of Its blue wrap
per (vvh ch has many imitators), it
bejiifj tc-o<\y identically the same as
forty /ears ago, and it now stands I
for t'l© quality that li did then. You
get the v-:ry best, and Kill c r u chance?:,
when you buy Gail O Ax Navy.
Mr m—- * TT'.vdt. w .»■ ' i -''</m«*MQmWMraNnW''- r '-f iffX
go prices or> almost all manufac
tured artic Vs. We bought heavy,
early arc! will not bc'compclled to (
advance u.Hill present stock is J
so'd We have had ;m unusual; '
i;u ;c s"e this Spring but still
have enough to last a while yet. <
This is the tints to buy your ,
bu [gies .« IT: 1 vehicles of all kinds, j <
Did y : * rs3o work harness, \
with I ] traces, good leather and!
; good collars? All our own make, :
all complete for two horses Just i
think ol it, only
Nobody evt r
heard of the like, and buggy
,r. :;nvess at corresponding low
.■;i'i. Nice lap •: Tcrs at 25C ,
and good big brown ami white
collar sweat ; ids at 25c. regular
price < 'scwiie; 40c. G ? J team
work hi - at $3 CO per pair,
land all o\ her iods in our line
law.i-." dowrt :u | v -:e; but don :
J think long it you ;e.d anything
l in our line. These prices are only
J fo; p; esc i t stock.
S. B. Martincourt & Co..
1 E. Jefferson bt., Butler, I'a.
P. S - Wh t about a w i ,on?
The Krar>:. r - tl • •st ami don't
c» )'"u a: v.* in turn
i Co ajJ 1:. ..vi it. Oof t
listen to their ak, !' ja)s to
talk otl t kirn's as the pi ,fit is
Have You a Neighbor?
If _' ' If - o whj ■ '•<> n't jon■■ t
p- ; t< ;i : : • f i•* ta tt :i. -
y..-i .1-
V\ a. 'it Uciurr tliem.
>• A- K ! TVC V) ILL TEH
J* ji v :.li aK>tit it.
! «i .■ ■ ri' ni all
i *~" -U'wni; tioii!-iieneonshott
4, """
The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co '
_ ... <.
Are you going tg a (
Op ■
17- '" ? "T
" ! f V
i r 1 ! ' 1 ■ j
i i . 1 1
I .•
Let lis give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting ,
< of your home.
:I|N 8. Main St., Potto I'IIOIICH.
I ii i ~
1 /•$% Bjl
| /7^: : r^pr v :
1 ■••
j 3' I 1 *>
i'riec is a Good Salesman ,
duality iru Better One
i| Pri' - « :in<l «jiimlify >ri 1 l>iia■ .111 ro witmcrH.
'I (>{ir f>"mt <>t' piatiDK iitclmli it only tlie
it | U-t. iuHtrtuii»;ntH of rHialiJo ntukers.
| I Qualify Hit! liiKl"' w t I'ticeHl t.lif low. t.
| i The ('ItBHt" Drothcru' Plnno. Kxiuntne
I . It crltlcftlly without j»r«'ju<li<T, compftr^
! 111 vitbttwbwtlwtruiuHiti %'-<1 know
I nt'int. 11 ml voit will fny with 11;<, " I h-rr
I in nme iwttur ihi unitt• r v.-hat tlie ruttm•
C .• f j> ri• ■■ ' The lLt< IMey Plan". An ex
| j < t'('(Hii«ly |iojmlnr flnno turn'. t«>n«h
3 .iiiil I'uiinh of tin- fiii'-v I'll.' ('.itli-i' l
I ; I't/iuo. Tl>- b.r.t nifliufit price pinno In
3 ;t he market. See th»Hi at Jiiy mill j
] !, jinlne for yo'iUk'lf. Alwaytt ott hand |
1 ! Miiri'iib 1 hi "ii. inn It"inetuljcr your
;• j credit In jfowl
• iAt Newton's Thn Piano Man
.",17 h Main Rt . I'.ntler I'it
i: .Eyes fcxantineii frooof Uhcqe
: -if ■ ■ 7
Ns* r .£> .... ->
Jr.wetcr and GrotJuate Optician
. « >' t ( '„ f
*cc Ihc *l({n illrccl |
ly opponllc Ihc }
INmlofiice, jj j
1 hfiodore Volley, j
|- J kcnl I.Xalc and II
liiHiirnncf Ajjcncy. |J
[ Z.JB S. Main St ,
Hiiller, I'd. jij
Ir, on Ins*' proper IVHi |
in .11 11 arte, "i I'. ntxU .
/ 01 vt in imy nr«
1. n 1 riiH. write <n
• • phone ine. j
I I ist M.iilrd Upon Applicalion. •
at the I
I '■ r. Main ami l)i.n "m't,
Above Kirkpntrick's
Funeral Director.
Mam Sf. Butler fA 1
Butler Savings Bank.
Capita!, - - - - $60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $255,00x00
J. HENRY TI:OCTMAN. . .Vice-President
Loins B STEIN* Cashier
IHUUi TOUS—Wm. Campbell Jr.. J. llonry
Trout nan. W. I), ltrandon. W. A. Stfin. J. >.
Tt:e ltutler Sav'.nsrs Bunk Is the Oldest
Banking 111stitutiot. io ltutli r County.
Generui tumkiiiF buslntNs iriuisacted.
We solicit acconnts of ull producers, raer
eliants. f:trmem and (jthers.
Allb.i-!ntss entrusted to u« will r»Cet»»
i rompt attention.
I merest catd »a tlir>« dotlu.
•jailer County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capita! paid in - f^00, 000.00
Surplus and Profits - f 125 coo.oo
Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
\":ce President; John G. McMarlia,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A general bankinir business transacted.
1 Mi:rest paid on time deposits.
• 'i y —in—l on t pprored security.
W«« in k ire you t" ipen an account with this I
: '! itrX'T .")R3—Urn. Joseph Hartman, Hon. '
.s. %\ aid roil, Hr. %. M. llixivor. H. Mc
::ey, C. P. (\>llins, 1. (!. Smith. Leslie P. 1
'.•tt \t. I- Z in, W. 11. Larkln. T. P.
iitttln. i'r. W. C. "T'-C.indless. l«en Mas •
-• h. W.J. Marks. J. V Hitts. A. L. Keiber ,
Farmers' National Bank.
CAPITAL PAID IN, Sioo,ooo.ov
Surplus and Pxo/its, 4,192 64
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
-1 ecial attentio'i glvtu to col cot ion*
:o|fN \ o I'M KINS President
IOHN lIPMPIIKKV Vice President
'. ... HAII.EV Cashier
W. lil.Nt; 11AM. Assistant Cashier
•l.r. IIITZLEK Teller
John Vounklns. I>. I. ('lceland, F. F.
Mi rams, <'. N. Itojrd, W. F. Metzger. Henry
•i; o. John Humphrey. Thus. Ilavs. L< V,
-i. fflne. 1 ram is Ifurpny, 8. Teaser, D. it.
t an pbell. A. 11. Sarver and Dan'l Younkli s.
Int<T«st paid on time deposits.
We nvsuoctfull v solicit vour business.
Guaranty Safe Deposit &
Trust Company,
Aimory Building, Butler, Pa.
Capital Stock paid in $125,000.00.
Acta us Executor, Administrator,
Gnnrdian, Coinmittee, Receiver.Trustee
ijnd ill all fidneiary capacities.
Ihshch Court and Suretyship Itondn.
Act - as i:-.-ent in laving and selliuK
city, farming or oil and gas jiropertie?.
Attends to the niatiugement of real
. state and to collection of rents.
Negotiates the' sale of mortgage.
Municipal or bonds of other character.
A. E. Reibor. Pres ; W. D. Brandon,
Vice-Pres ;J. V. Ritts, A. L. Reilter,
Daniel Yonnkins.
Ueo. C. Stewart, Secy, and Treas
Wc solicit yuur patronage and invite cor
rcsnnndence or a personal interview.
$50,000 4 per cent., tax free.
Borough of ReMevue School District
Denomination f 1000.
Interest payable semi-annually
Write or call for price and description
Bank for Savings Bld'g ,
Pittsburg, Pa.
C. It. Wii.l,l mm*. Uroitc.K Wrt.sn
C. P. Johnson & Sons'
The Leading Tailors of
Butler County,
Are making clothes in the
Suits frf-in sl6 to SSO.
Overcoats from si(> to $75,
I a'ct; tiling (June by skilled
: !»or in our own shup.
C. P. Johnson & Sons
j Summer Goods
+ AND 4
<j Medium Weights j
Just Received by
* t
* 416 W. Jefferson St., f
J Butler, Pa. J
J Fit Guaranteed and £
«» Prices Reasonable. \
<» s
% Tav os. j
* 1
Merrill Pianos
VVc havo Iwo pianos
that have been used
at concerts wc will
sell at a fjreat bargain.
For Xm.w presents
in musical poods
"CC üb.
6. Otto Ddvis,
Armory Building
| madam Dean's
S§ \ r.ift., rrrtaln oiler lor Hiipiir™«eit
M '.KiiKlrimtlon Npv.r fcn"*il lofnfl. ftafe]
■ .'(ill,' iptrilvl Hul Infliction ottarMitwd
lin i.i'.ii.'i lUfiiniteil, '•■ 'it prwi>nl<l 'or
H m.i 11. I III,* will ■•■II'I 111-moll Irllil. I<>
g| I jiiitil for vi lipn relic*, i|. Hnmpl. u Kirc.
Hii rui 111 w rent »li. 1 n-.« •« l.„ i>» ..
•M in lititiur at the Ceutrn Ave
County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land!
In compliance with the requirement of tha Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, "•$
directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, pasted March 18, A. D.
1815, and the several supplements thereto, notice is hereby given that the follow
ing pieces of land will be sold for taxes at the Court House, in Butler. Pa . on
The 9th Day of June, 1902, at 1 o'clock P. M
Name of Person 1 Years. : Total
Township. Assessed. Acres ! Tax. Int. T& I
Adams... DanghertyJJ H&L1899 $ l 03$ 14$ 1 17
[Pringle Geo A 1 lot " j 16 02 18
jGoebring & Shaffe r 1 lot " 1 17 02 19
Wallace Jonathan H<VL '• 27s :jf> :i 17
Allegheny jßowser Abe 4 143 11 1 ."54
[Campbell S A 275 1*99 " 105 12 11 35 116 47
Fogle Vary 32 " 510 71 581
" Willis 10 " 19-X) 493 51 544
" McConnell & Robinson 42 " 12 12 97. 18 09
Bntler Slapel Gideon 102 " 31 32 251 33 83
. Brady Taylor W1" (be-rsi ' 64 ' 12 I- 100 lit 48
Buffalo Painter Geo W (.heirs) 25 •• l 10 1 3.J ,
Counoquenessiug . Drape James W 7111*99 10 40 1 46 Jll >'6
■' ..Graham Wm 14 " 347 49 398
' Clinton Mackey Alex v !r* 14 1800 4 ri 443
Porter'J W Hi,'L •' Jill 25 386
j COncord Beighley Jacob 5!7.. 1899 " i:t 4 7 216 21 63 1
j " Harper Alaruaret 72 '• 22 21 1 7:- 23 99
Katni*rer A D 51899 " 21! 25 244 '
I " ly>w Elizabeth S»» " 1 82; 11, 143 .
Meehan .las 1 35 • 9 5", 77 10 34
j " I'isor DO , 25 • (1 41 57 703
1 Clearfield Coyle Wm 1 lot • 2.' (2 24
" Goldinger MI) 70 1*99 " 35 7 3' 1 89 53
Kerr Michael theirs? : 1 let 1900 24 0. 26
Cherrv Barnes John 10*1,1*99 IS 15 2 5; 20 69
BennetNaucy J 3 07 09' 76
Cross A L 2. " 1 '.is 2> 226
Dunn John, Jr 5 S3 1 •' 7531 05 858
" Ferry James 5m ' 26" 37 300
Grossman J E lit' " c> <.r. o* 7 1)5
" Hall John Mrs 170 '• 18 9* 2r . 21 64
MeKinney Robt 123 " 17 2 4 19 76
Oneil Daniel 15 *• 24f :;,y 288
Donegal hredin James 124 1900 33 3> 2 <> 7 36 05
■ Fairview Bainhnrt 0 67 1899 24 6.' 3 5 28 10
Fninklin Brackne.v Annie.. 67 " 0 ;,i 1 : 10 61
Forward Bishop Pholand i 1 lot " 575 81 656
Piereol Harrison 81 " 1900 27 5( 2'9 30 39
i " Suiick Pet"r 45 '• 11 O' 161 12*11 |jj
: Jackson Bayne Rol.t 1 lot '• 40 00 •02
" Bennet A J 1 lot " 46 06 53
" Beam SA. 1 lot " jr. 06 52
Overman Paul 1 lot " 46, 06 52
" Peterson t' 1 lot " 40 06 52
" Partridge Wm 1 lot " 46, 06 52
Partridge T 1 lot, " 40 0t; 52
Rucker John 1 lot• " 46 061 52
" Stewart Willis 1 lot " , 46 06 52
Stonghton .1 C 1 lot " 46 06 52
Thompson Bert ...". 2 lots " !):! p; 1 06
Wickmau J N 1 lot " 46 00 52
Mercer Mcßell Wm 52f ' 16 4 1 230 IS 71
Muddycreek Melvin H&G H 5i " 7 50, 105 855
Marion C'hatman Margaret 10| " 1900 3 51, 41 ; 392
" Dangherty & Ambrose 183! " 23 61 189i25 50
" Dujjnu Mary 40 " 57! 46 617
" Gardner G J 1* " 2 7»» 22 293
Lavton E. 12 1*99 1 (jyj 09 118
" McMnrry .las &J A 6* •' 16 lo 2 25 18 35
" McClalVertv Michael lti 1900 2 12 17 229
WanderlyC 50 ts99 j 367 5! 418
Vandyke Rebecca 30 1900 4 3.' 35 467
Oakland 'Milliliter .1 J R 93 " 26 2s 2 10 2S ;'.l
Parker Courtney D G 25 " I*o 14 I ;4
' " Kellv Archie (heirs) 1 lot " 96 08 104
Pngh Albert 232 1899 " 106 4;! 449
Smith Nelson (heirs) 100 180! " 59 01 6 :;>• 65 42
Penn Green Miles 110 " 23 40 1 *7 25 27
'Walker David 1 lot IBfl9 4:1 00 52
Summit Sullivan Vnletia 8;i •• 19W 54 47 6 II 00 58
Siipperyrock Hammond L 200 " 44 84, 35* 18 42
.... Kfister Homer 99 " 29 66 237 33 03
Venango Addleman Porter 17 1899, 134 61 495
Dnnkle L Mrs 11 J9ou 221 1* 239
" [Gormley JH, etal 1 lot " 2*57 21 278
" I,unison J D 84 1899 " 22 63 243 25 (!6
" McLaughlin Geo 128 " 19 8* 1 59 21 47
McLaughlin J B 60 ; " 10 84 m 7 1171 j
" Norcross Andrew 36 1899 1900 9 7.T 1 05. 10 78
VanderlinSL 100 '• 1 " , 21 21 227 23 48
Vanderliu J 50 " ! 725 5V 783
I White Anifeline 50 " 1 750 60 810
Washington Campbell JH F 75) " 18 OS 145 19 53
" Hindtnnn Chas , 4 1899 99 14 113
Winfield Clvmer Win B 129 1900; 4 1 57 3 ."'7 is 14
" {Marshall Samuel 40 "110 19 82 11 01
Bntler Boro Wilson Handy 1 lot 1899 6 30; 88 718
Sitnbury 80r0.... j Allen Jefferson 1 lot l , " 1 4 35; 61 I! 6
Saxonburg jOwens Fred (heirs) lof 5 1900, 18 16j 14519 61
NOTE—The above totals do not include Treasurer's fee or advertising fee.
May I, 1903. D. L. RANKIN, County Treasurer.
i. i if of <icp>i iliMUjy t
... iits jfiv< i the ca.ih security for every dollar due depositors. y
$8,032,000 ~ $2,362,000 = $2.55
Real Estate Trust Co.,
1 - 311 FOURTH AVENUE. |
Incorporated October Ist, 1900.
i ) CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,006.00.
' I ... • , . .-I .• <!!<•€■<«, »'.< l < por »(lt. Ilitf.- n
1 ..., ...... not U.ue bfflnl . i.VHn r„r UooUlot, U-iw to «i —.« W
_. s- wauaKztr: «xg >r ktjzu&z vscssaxxf
Another Largo Shipment
A iiasortmerit of mid antuinei v p
at y lea, nil etidleaa variety ot hata. A " "■
pretty, mi'vic—bl* ind pnctloal bst Up* flST**I
can 1 ••• wU'dixt from our la rye iiMKurt HS ,V//T* r
1111-iit of trimmed hat n from $1 IM> no i/'ffstn 7 B
ward. Our s*l.oß hata exceed iu <|mtli£y ///{I 5 ' \MK
iinvthiiiK ever offered at the price & •/Hf
Value ahd atyle are delightfully com
binder! In our Intent Hummer hat*, the ' i *f
diaplny ia decidedly intercatlug; al»o .>*> << ,
our prlcM ure away down boyond com
la-lit ion. Come and see them. "
1?8 South Main Hire-)'. - nwtl r
I'oi sixty year* the NKW VOK K WHSKI.V IRII'I'NR
Itn* been a national weeklv ncwapnpe/, read almost entirely by
faimera, ami haa enjoyed the confidence and aupport of Hie
American people to a degrre nevtr attained by any similar
A publication.
U made absolutely for farmera a;id their fain lien. The firat
-a •* > \\ j number was laaued ' oveml>er 7th, iv'
1-4 \\ I'very department of agrii iltmnl indnatry is covered by
I>l I y \\ S |„ i j.i! contributor* who nie lend. 1, in their reepective lima,
..ltd tin I'KllU'Ni; S'AHMKR will be ill every a'.-noe t. high
< Ihhh, up to (late, live, enterprising agricultural 11:1 per, profuae
ly illustrated with picture* of live stock. mode) farm buildings
/\| f'A and homea, agricultural machinery, etc.
fl w I I J Furtnn ' wivcw» so tut n vi« t ilHttjjhttfr* will liiml hjk*« i»o s
' Tor their entertainment.
Kegulat mice, *:.< o |ier vtar, but vou euu buv it with y«>ni
favorite home weekly news taper. The' CITIZKN, 0111 year
for #1.75 or ('i"fi**N and TiiAVeekly Trl- ene for #2 00.
r\ 1 l"V I\ Duller, I'a.
Send your name rind addrea* to N'MW-YOKK IMI 111 NH
I'AKMI'.R, New-York City, and n free n»nij.lc copy will Ire
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