Halt and Half. The dvspeptic may well be represented pictorially as being half masculine and half feminine, and combining the least desirable characteristics of either sex. He ha# all the stubbornness of the man with the peevish ir- ritability of a sick prJH woman. He's not _/ uEfy pleasant company at home or abroad. IV? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and / Sy/ m/ I \ other diseases of the ■ L'\ stomach and associ- 1 ** yt\ ated organs of diges- Py tion and nutrition. « ' AAV It renews physical ' i\ Y7 health which carries J / with it cheerfulness\\l of temper, and makes life a pleasure instead |l I of a penance. I I The " Discovery " 111 purifies the blood by J \ eliminating the cor- jrt/ ' ; ' rupt and poisonous | "TJ* - V?-",.-.1 accumulations from I which disease is bred. I ' -'A-? A It increases the ac- I }?V&y<\ tivity of the blood- I I : £4 : #/i£| making glands, so increasing the supply of pure rich blood, which gives life to every organ of the body. It gives new life and new strength. «Your "Golden Medical Discovery' has per formed a wonderful cure,® writes Mr. M. H. House, of Charleston, Franklin Co.. Ark. • I had the worst case of dyspepsia, the doctors say. that they ever saw. After trying seven doctors and everything: I could hear oC with no benefit. I triea Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and now I am cured. w Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing'"just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. _ f The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. For Piles, Sample mailed free. ' One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Slaes. 88c., SOc. and 81.00. Sold by Druccists. or seat prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Su., Sew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo-i pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co* William & John Sts., N. Y. )c, F, T. Papej } IJEWELERI \ < £ / 121 E. Jefferson Street j NO BETTER TONIC for spring than Lewin's Pure Whis key—fake it in time and save doc tors' and druggists' bills. The goods we sell are guaranteed pure. ALWAYS IN STOCK riSCII. I.ABdK, OVEHIIOLT. flL'cfcKtimnEu *r. rKBNos, Tmnpsu*. tilll'OM . DMUSUEU, KklOUKt-ORT. » and offer them to you 6 year old at {1 per full quart, 6 quarts 45 00. GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, K 00 per gal lon. we pay express charge* on all mall orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IR WIRES ARB LIQUORS, Row 14 SaitMield Street, formerly 11 Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA. •Phones: Bell 311*. F. * A. Usa Ch ..cwicß'S ENGLISH PEkiYROYAL PILLS Nafr. ANan rvllabt#. LftdlM, ask Druggist fot i'HlClkUrimft ENtiLINII tn R««f Km l«i wuflic boxe*. sealed with blue ribbon Talie no cfhtr. Hefts** dnr;proti« lutlumaud iin it ait I en«. Buy of yonr DniiCirte* or sen-i Ir. In stump* fo r §*arilr«lara, T«*Ci moriiuU ait.] "Ri'll?r for <h //««■, bv rc lisrn Huil. I«, 000 Tewmionial*. bold b; all Druggists. chiohub rt»R cirteMiCAL co. .SIOO SlJuflairn A H PA. M*m 'him ■■■■r. F. E. BRACKEN, Will Sell you PLANO Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Hayrakes and Farm Implements; Bradley's Fertilizer's. Nursery Goods of All Kinds. Before purchasing wait) till he calls or find him at 541 Mifflin St.; Butler, Pa EGGS fHAT HATCH ATTHE RIGHT PRICES. If you want a sitting of eggs from vigorous prize winning stock, send for my big c&ftloipse and a- e what I offer frouj 23 varieties of land and water fowls. I guara' tee fertility. Ejrgs by the sit ting cr by the hundred. I have also choice sfock at right prices. D. A. MOUNT,. Bo* ft Jatneshurjf. N J < Wm. Foster, c \ Architect, j < Plans of all kind of buildings furnished on short notice. f £ Office in B*r«: Building, 7 J Bntler, PH. C HUNTING THE GORILLA. An Animal West Africans Smy Hal the Soul of a Man. Gorilla bunting is :i distinct sensation even for the veteran hunter. This ani mal, which has become confused some what with fable and fiction, is a reali ty and a decidedly unpleasant one to engage. The west Africans are mortal ly afraid of It, believing that the brute contains the spirit of a man. They at tribute to it all sorts of ferocities, like the carrying off of a human being, who is permitted to return after being de prived of toe and finger nails. "Skilled hunters have never observed any of these doings, but they testify to the brute's strength and ferocity," says Allen Sangree in Atnslee'e. "According to a French sportsman, a full grown gorilla can bite through a tree six inch es thick in order to secure the sap and twist a gun barrel with the swollen bunches of muscle that serve for arms. Hi* roar is terrifying and can be heard for a distance of three miles. " 'I shall never forget how the first one impressed me,' says the I- rench man. "for I had a bad attack of shakes. The woods had been filled some time with a barking roar, but I saw nothing until my guide clucked softly and pointed to a tree alongside which stood an immense male gorilla. There he re mained but twelve yards away, boldly facing us with his huge chest, muscu lar arms, fiercely glaring deep gray eyes and a hellish expression, until I moved. " 'At that he dropped to all fours and came six yards nearer, sitting up to beat his breasts with his huge fists—a defiance—so that it sounded like an im mense drum. His roar was most singu lar, beginning with a kind of bark and deepening into a bass roll that literally resembled thunder. The short hair on his forehead was twitching, bis power ful fangs showed unpleasantly, and, feeling he was about to attack and in cidentally being scared green, I shot him through the heart. With a groan something human and yet brutish, he fell on his face and died quickly, like a man. He measured 5 feet 9 inches in length, his chest was 62 inches, and his arms spread 0 feet. I was glad to have the specimen, but somehow after that never cared to kill a gorilla unless lie actually menaced me.'" NOTHING WAS LOST. An OmlMlan In a Weddljiff Ccr<m«ar That Didn't Count. A distinguished officer of the United States navy once told this story on him self: * At the time of his marriage he had been through the civil war and had had many harrowing experiences aboard ship, through all of which he kept cour age and remained as calm as a brave man should. As the time for tbe cere mony came on, however, his calmness gradually gave way. At the altar, amid the blaze of brass buttons and gold lace marking tbe full naval wedding, the officer was all but Btampeded and what went on there seemed very much mixed to him. Fearing the excitement of the moment would temporarily take Dim off hie feet, the officer had learned the marriage ceremony letter perfect, as he thought, and he remembered re peating the words after the minister in a mechanical sort of way. After the ceremony was over and all was serene again, including the offi cer's state of mind, the kindly clergy man came up to him and touched him on the shoulder. "Look here, old man," he said, ">ou didn't endow your wife with any worldly goods." "What's that?" asked the bridegroom, with something of astonishment in hts voice. "Why, I repeated the sentence 'With all my worldly goods I thee endow' sev eral times and despite my efforts you would not say it after me." The bridegroom seemed perturbed for a moment, and then a beaming light came into his face. "Never mini, sir," he said. "She didn't lose a blessed thing by my fail ure."—Washington Star. LUNGS THAT ARE LAZY. Their Owner* Digest Poorly and Catch Cold I£a»ily. Fresh air is a free gift, but it is like most of the gifts of heaven in that we must do o%r share of work to benefit by it. No one would expect to have a good fire Just because a pair of bellows hung on a nail by the chimney, but this is exactly what many people oxpect of their lungs, which are really only the bellows given us by which to keep the fire of life burning bright and clear within us. It is not too much to assert that lungs properly used In a comparatively close room will do more good than >azy lungs In an open field. This trick of lazy lungs Is a habit, like any other, and may be overcome by persistent effort. Many persons, for example, are afflict ed with a nervoua habit of holding the breath unconsciously. These are the people who. In spite of plenty of time spent out of doors, yet catch cold easi ly, digest poorly and are always more or less "under the weather" physically. Many other persons—and they consti tute the great majority of mankind breathe only with the upper part of the lungs and although they may breathe regularly do not draw In sufficient air at a breath to fill all the lung cells. When once the pernicious habit of poor, shallow breathing has been bro ken up, the health undergoes such mark ed improvement, there is such brighten ing of the spirits and improvement of the looks, that the luxury of deep breathing is not likely to be readily foregone. A good way to start the new habit is to take deliberately a few minutes at stated intervals and devote them to proper breathing. If this is done sys tematically, the reformer will find him self unconsciously breathing more and more, until very soon he is obeying na ture and really breathing to live. Besides the gain to the general health which conies from the habit of deep breathing there is created a reserve strength and preparedness which Is often of great service in warding off acute pulmonary diseases.—Youth's Companion. CHEMISTRY OF TEARS. Weeping Improves the Sight Instead of Weakening It. Tears have their functional duty to accomplish, like every other fluid of the body, and the lachrymal gland Is not placed behind the eye simply to fill space or to give expression to emo tion, says an exchange. The chemical properties of tears con sist of phoapliate of lime and soda, making them very salty, but never bit ter. Their action on the eye Is very beneficial, and here consists their pre scribed duty of tbe body, washing thor oughly that sensitive organ, which al lows no foreign fluid to do the same work. Nothing cleanses the eye like a good salty shower bath, and medical art has followed nature's law in this respect, advocating the Invigorating i-olutlou for any distressed condition of the optics. Tears do not weaken the sight, but Improve It. They act as a tonic 011 the muscular vision, keeping the eye soft and limpid, and It will be noticed that j women In whose eyes sympathetic tears I gather quickly have brighter, tenderer | orbs than others. When the pupils arc hard and cold, the world attributes It . to one's disposition, which Is a mere i figure of speech, Implying the lack of balmy tears that are to the cornea what i salve Is to the skin or nourishment to ' the blood. He who refuses to play second flddlo has no chance to become leader of an orchestra.—Ne.w, York Herald. J A Good Hearted Man, or in other words, men with good sound hearts, are not very numerous. The increasing number of sudden deaths from heart disease press, is proof of the alarm- V A JUB ing preva lcnce of this P.Vw'/,/ dangerous complaint, and as no one can foretell just when a fatal collapse J- A * will occur, the danger of neg lecting treatment is certainly a very risky matter. If you are short of breath, have pain in left side, smothering spells, pal pitation, unable to lie on side, especially the left, you should begin taking Mue' s -Heart Cure. i J. A. K reamer of Arkansas City, Kans., savs: "Mv heart was so bad it was im possible forme to lie down, and 1 could neither sleep nor rest My decline was rapid, and I realized I must get help soon. I was advised to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, which 1 did, and candidly believe it saved my life." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drucgists an guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. RUNNING CHANCES is the man who buys the cheap and poorly ma<le clothing simply because it is cheap. There are jnst as good bar gains to be had in good grades of goods, such for instance as onr S2O snits. Runr.ing Chances is the man who rnshes from this "alteration sale" t" that "closing out bargains." The sif*- way is to patronize the finn that do» s business on the same principles yon do You know what you have to deal with then. You get honest goods for honest Srices, and don't save twenty-five cents ere to throw away seventy-five cent-> there. Chances are Not Running away from yon, but yon are running away from the chances for the best bargain? of tbe year in suits, when yon fail Jo look at onr suitings. Wedding Suits a Sptc'ally. COOPER , Leading Tailor. 333 P. Main St.. BUTLHF Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs »>- wavs oil hand and for hire- Best accommodations in town for permit' neat boarding and transient trade Spf-'- al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. OA good class of horses, both drivers aii' arart horses always on hand an<i for •"»! ander a full guarantee; and horses huavl) pon proper notification !•» PFARSCN 3. NACE Telephone. No. 819. W S. &E. WICK, DKAI.Fk: «IV tiough and Worked Lumber of, all I'Klnds Doors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well Klgs a Specialty. Office and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe Ms near West _ Bert McCandless, Liveiy, Feed and Sale Stable W. Jefferson St., Butler. Avoid Cars by Using Mifflin Street Entrance. Waiting Parlor for Lad us. prftnld'n p MrjSgggg geagggg L. C. WICK, DKAUtB T m LUfIBER. About Kodaks! We hu\e both Kodaks and Cameras of all description, Amateur photo, supplies of all kinds and cf the best. Keep your eye open for the new folding pock< t Kodak to be out soon. 20 per cent oft Kodak prices this week. Films, Plates, Papers and Chemicals. Free dark room for customers AT DOUGLASS BOOK Sf'OUK N< ar r. O. aai South Main str. ef «TPHITA-OELPH 1 I nlfl "DENTAL ROOMS.-- ft' || ' 39 • sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa p' 111 WBTepRACTICA- LVJ"'"!!"- Jf H mtr * CROWN anil BF.IUoE ■'IB. JBof ri»u.t)urg-WHY NOT DO K ASfnfHYOURS? « iold CROWNS K "III* wl'-" 1 BRIDGE w " rk "-.lured I ,11 >1 If DSS PER TOOTH A'» the J b f f W l>e»t»et U Tr»th iiia.li', ONLY >B fj VIA (J 1)4 V 1 V 0 Tilt woYst potf- II" / UI nt llilJ sible spavin can be cared in 4.*> minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Det.iiled information al<out this new method sent free to hom» owners by T M CLUfiH, Knoxd&le, Jefferson Co., P*. A Man's Suit for FIVE DOLLARS. This suit has never been rq •t' i frrh - (ice. We b them from a New York clotl ii g makei.who u'ire li< 111 i:e-s May Ist. Ti.e patterns o! ttie p. ( m, -n • ■ i «. cif. ' 'he m\v 11 and olive effects, ai i bhick >'i b' u ,h- viot- There is no sui r a:n ■ he .wlh<ss ih a. 4-8 •" > nie were made to seil 'or - 10. Ca'! a -- .d ask r > b.- sh »w 1 the -ui' At t' i- p ice they will go quii k. Brotherhood Overalls Tht railroad I<> »■ < Wi h vi tl>- m. Schaui &[Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Maw St.. B jtlcr. FAILED! FAILED! N. W Gokey & Sons, big shoe manufacturers, of Jamestown, New York, have failed. We bought their entire stock of Worth of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice These goods were bought in addition to our regular spring stock, and must be sold at once. GREATEST SHOE SALE Ever held in Butler The shoes are of the latest style. Patent Leather in button or lace, Vici kid, Cordovan and Box-calf in light or extension solee Now on Sale at Less Than Half Price. Don't fail to attend this great Bargain Sale of Shoes. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUTLEK, PA. Everybody vou cannot make a mistake in yonr selection. Largest, finest and np to date Htock in Butler, at prices that will surprise yon bow low. Picti re icd Mirror Framing a Specialty. Patterson Bros.. 2\u N. Mini S<. Wick Bnil'ii"g, rlionf 40 . Alter ycu'w worn a leady made suit a, wceki take another l"ok at the elaborate ly il'usl rated and flowery worded ad. that tempted you | to buy it, and notice how dif-1 fcrently it appeals to your! ti mptation. Wt dpp't make much of a| splurpe on paper; wp put our | ad. into the cloth. Thy »»). i begins when you put on the clotlus and it endures for . weeks and years. Our prices !»eem high only to the man who never woie one of our suits. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES, j SOMETHING NE\Y^> In the photograph line can be seen it li e H.dky Studio. The Artist Yo< f on exhibition no.* , they art- v. inner? and pi ase al! who wart an arti-ti.s picture S'op in and see iheni. Novelties fur Ho'iday trade now ready. Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copy ing and enlarging A. L. FINDLEY. Telephon*- 236. . H'd'e, Hutlev Mrai rhw—ll*r« »n'l Kvwri* \ Notice to Our PatFons! We 1 avt decidid to jive nil our outof Uiwn patrons the chance to become ngrnts, with the same commission that we g've our regular fgents. To any person sending us wotk to amount to ten dollar* ($10.00) in any.given month we will, at end of Raid month, remit two i dollars and half ($2 50) cash. Same be ing 75 per c-nt commission (our tegular commission to agents.) This is quite a liberal < ITcr an.l strong inducement to realize a good thing. No raiding of ! t rices any other scheme to work, we i just simply WHtit mofe worjf to do and ] increase income. Write us for prices, | cards and information. Est»blisbed 1594. The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue Dyeing, Scouring, Dry Cleaning, | Photos? of Family reunion*, Douses and B fISHER L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate ! Agent. f rs7 H. IRFFFRSON i BUTLER . £>A ' HIGHER AND HIGHER ! go prices on almost all manufac tured articVs. We bought heavy} early and will not be compelled to j advance untill present stock is sold We have had an unusual large sale this Spring but still have enough to iast a while yet. I This is the time to buy your 1 buggies and vehicles of all kinds. ! Did you set our S3O work harness, with i;| traces, good leather and good collars? All our own make, all complete for two horses Just think ot it, only S3O. Nobody ever; j heard of the like, and buggy j harness at corresponding low I 'piicr. .Nice lap dusters at 25c 1 j and good big brown and white j , collar sweat pads at 25c. regular: price tlstuhert 40c. Gt.;»>d team; work brides at $3 00 per pair,' and al! other goods in our line away down in price; but don't thi*-k long ii you netd anything iin our line. These prices are only I'>• picst'it stock. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 K. Jrfffrson bt., Hutler, !\i. P. S—What about a wagon? The Kramer is the best and don't e; st you any :n >ro th in o ii-r --?eil cheap makes u Doi'i listen to their talk. It pays to talk other kinds as the profit is rreaU r. When I Say That The Davis Sewing Machine leads all others, it i* not un ruly to fill a column with .-in advertisement I menu that 110 other machine is so simple' I mean that no other machine is so finely made! And that no other ma'-hme is so run! The "Davis" is polished I'ke » >»atcb: it will ii )t k'h a uomau mn it: it will d-> more ina-'i donl'le tin ! variety of work, wi'liont t> -tin;*. th>m any oihei a.a hine ean do AH other sewing uiaclni e iucli acknowledge this, but s, "Ours is the cheapest." I'.nt I sa\ that io Imv a cheap ?»»-i 1154 ma chine :s not ecotiotuy The best i- »i ivayn the cheapest. I also sell 15»-hr Bros' Matchless Pianos. For further imforuiation address W. B McCandless, McCaudless. Fa. AEE YOU GGIMG TO 8 BUILD OR REMODEL j Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home WhITEHILL, Plumber, 318 S. Main St., Both Phonfa. Price is a Good Salesman duality is a Better One Price and quality combined are winners. Our Line of pianos includes only the best instruments of reliable makers Quality the highest. Pricest the lowest. The Chase Brothers' Piano. Examine it critically without prejudice, compare it with the best instruments you know about, and you will say with us, "There is none tietter no matter what the name or price." The Hackley Piano. An ex ceedingly popular piano —tone, tonrh and finish of the finest. The Carlisle Piano. The best medium price piano in the market. See them at my store and judge for yourself. Always on hand, j Bargains in organs. Remember your! credit is good At Newton's T|v- Piano Man ! !M7 S- Main St.. Butler Pa Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician *r> Pn'^r See the sign direct-J ly opposite the J|| ;,M f'osloffke, Theodore Yogeley,| Weal Estate and (It Inguragce Agency, j|J L 238 S. Main St , {} Butler, Pa. j» S wefl 1 f you have property!;! | to v 11. trade, or renlJK or, want to huy or' fejgjl write or List Mailed Upon Application. BLANK BOOKS MAGAZINES LAW BINDING and REPAIRING at the BUTf.HR BOOK BINDERY (JOT. Main an (J iJiauiuim Above Kirkputrick'H. A. M. BSRKIM ER, Funeral Director. <is S. Main St. Butler PA Butler Savings Bank,- BUTLER, PA. Capital, - $60,000 00 Surplus and Profits - $ WILUAM CaMPELI, Jr President .1 Henry Tboctman ... Vice-President Louis B Stein Cashier C- E. CRONENWETT Teller HI HECTORS-Wm. Campbell Jr.. J. Henry Trout man. W. I). Brandon, W. A. Stein, J. s. Cumpt>ell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest Uankiug Institution in Butler County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of uil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us wilt receive prompt attention. Interest oaid on time deooslt* TM E Butler County National Back, Hutler 11 11, Capital pai.l in - (200,000.10 Surplus anil Profits fi2sCO"'.oo Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts v'ire President; John G. McMarlic. Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A neneral banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money t >aned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this r*auk. Of RECTORS—Hen. Joseph Hartman. Hon. . !?. Waldron. Dr. .N. M. Hoover. H. M - •weeney. C. P. Collins I. <*. Smith, Leslie !\ lla/iett, M. Fiu»*Kin. W H Larkln. T. I*. Mifflin. I>r. W. <!. M<*< landless. vfi\s W. J. Marks. J. v* A L Reiber I'M K Farmers' National Bank. BUTLER, PENNA CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00 Surplus and Promts, $ 4,C92 £4 Foreign exchange bought ana sold. -pccinl attention given to <*olt«,*tiot>- OFF ICERs: H'HN YOUNh'INS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. a. BAILEY Cashier E. W. BINGHAM Assistant I'a.shler '. F. HUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younkius. I>. 1.. Cleeland. E. E. \hrams, C. N. Boyd. \V F. Metzger. Henry ""lllor. John Humphrey. Tlio* ilhvs. t,eV M. Wise. Francis Murpliy. S. Yi;iirer. D. It. < ampbell. A. M. Sarver and Dau'l Vounkios. I uterus! paid on time deposits. We respeotfullv solicit vour business. Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Armory suilding, Butler, Pa. Capital Stock paid iu if 125.000.00. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE OR COLLATERAL. Acts as Executor, Administrator, 'inardiau. Committee, Receiver, Trustee mid in all fiduciary capacities. Issues Court and Suretyship bonds. Acts ss in laying and selliuj; city, farming or oil and gas properties. Attends to the management of real estate and to collection of rents. Negotiates the sale of mortgage, municipal or bonds of other character. DIRECTORS. A. E. Reiber. Pres : W. D. Brandon. Yice-Pres ;J. V. Ritts, A. L Reiber, T'aniel Younkins. (ieo. C. Stewart. Secy, and Treas We solicit your patronage and iovlte cor respondence or a personal interview. WE OWN AND OFFER $50,000 4 per cent., tax free, Forougli of Be'lrvue School District Bonds. Denomination smo<>. Interest pavab'e semi-annually W rite or call for price and description C R WILLIAMS &. CO , Bank for Savings Bld'g , Pittsburg. Pa. C. It. WILLIAMS. GEOKGE WELSH C. P. Johnson & Sons' The Leading Tailors of Butler County, Are making c ! < th»*s in the . lIEAPLST. KEST AND LATEST STYLES Suits (V ni sl6 l<> $;o. 1 Jvercoats from sl6 to $75. Even thuig done by skilled . I 1 r in our uu n shop. I C. P. Johnson & Sons PROSPECT, PA. | Summer Goods I AND £ J Medium Weights j 1 Just Received by £ I SELIGMAN, | THE TAILOR, S £ 416 VV. Jefferson St., £ J . Butler, Pa. J i Fit Guaranteed and £ # Prices Reasonable, j J TRy us. j LOOK! Merrill Pianos We ave two pianos that have been used at concerts we will sell at a great bargain. J/or Xrpas presents in musical goods see us. 6- Otto Davis, Armory Building A mifc, certain relief for Xupprewed I Menstruation. Never known to mil. Bafe! H Hure! Speedy! Satlnfaetlori Guaranteed ■ or money Refunded. ttent prepaid for H SI.OO P«T box. Will Henri them on trial, to ■ be paid for when relieved. Sample** Free. V UNITED MIOICOLCO.. BO« 7«. UNC»TI», WA. P| Hold in Butler at the Centre Ave i Pharmacy County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land! In compliance with the requirement of tha Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, passed "March 13. A. D WIS, and the several supplements thereto, notice is hereby given that the follow ing pieces of land will b»» sold for taxes at the Conrt House, in Butler, Pa., on The 9th Day of June, 1902, atl o'clock P. M Name of Person j Years" j "j Total - Township. Assessed. Acres j Tax. int. T& I Adams Daugherty JJ H&L 1899 j 1 03I# 14$ 1 17 Pringle G*o A I 1 lot " 16 02 18 '•.. Goebring & Shaffer 1 lot " 17 03 19 V , Wallace Jonathan H&L " 278 89 317 Allegheny Bowser Abe 4 1900 143 Hi 154 Campbell S A 275 1899 " 105 12 11 35116 47 Fogle Vary 33 " 5!0 71! s§l Jamison Willis 10 •• 1900 493 5l! 544 McConnell & Robirson 42 "jlB 12 97 13 09 Butler Slsgel Gideon 102 " 31 32 351 33 83 Brady ! Taylor W E (h-its* 64 '• 12 4- 1 - 1 00' 13 48 Buffalo Painter Geo W (heir-) 25 " 123 10! 133 Connoqnenessing . :L)raj>e James W 70 1899 10 40 1 46 11 86 . . Graham Win 14 " 347 49 396 Clinton Mackey Al-x Mis 14 1900 4mi 33 442 '' _ Porter J W H&L •' ; 311 25 336 Concord Beigbley Jacob 87)1899 " lit 47 2 16 21 <>3 Harper Margaret 72 " 22 21 1 78 23 99 Kamerer A D 5 1899 " 219 25 244 Meehan .las 37) - 9 57. 77 10 34 Pis or DO 25 ' ts 46 57 703 Clearfield Cojle Win 1 lot • 22 <2 24 GoldingerMD 70 1899 " a*, 73 3MI 89 53 Kerr Michael (.heirs; 1 lot 1900 24 02, 26 Cherry Burnes John 100 1899 18 15 2 54 20 69 Bennet Nancy J 3 •• 67 0!l 76 Cross A L 2 "I 11$ 3* 226 Dunn John. Jr 33 " ; 753 105 858 " Ferry James 60 •• 263 37 300 Grossman J E 16 " 697 9>>l 795 Hall John Mrs 170! ' 18 98 2 K6 21 «4 *' < »n»-il Daniel 15 " - 2 48| 85' 283 Donegal Hredin James 124 1900 33 38 2 67 36 05 Fairvtew Barnh rt 0 67 1899 24 65 3 45 28 10 Franklin Bracktc v Annie 67 " 931 1 30 1 10 61 Forward Bishop Pheiand 1 lot " 575 tqj 056 Piersol H urn sou 81 " 1900 27 50 289 30 39 T ' Smick Pn. r 45 '• 11 50 16i 12 11 Jackson 'Bay tie Hoi t 1 lot " j 46 06 52 Bennet A J 1 lot " 46 06 52 Beam S A 1 lot " 4« 06' 52 1 " iOverman Paul 1 lot " 46; 06 52 .Peterson C 1 lot •' 46 06 52 Partridge Wm 1 lot " 46 06 52 Partridge T 1 lot " 46 06 52 I " Rncker John 1 lot " j 46 06 52 Stewart Willis 1 lot - 46 06 52 Stonghton J C 1 lot 46 06 52 Thompson Bert 2 lots •• i 93 13 106 i '' Wickman J N 1 lot " 46 06 52 | *l er , c f r " , Mcßell Wm 52f ' 16 41 230 18 71 Muddycreek Melvin H& G H 5), " j \ 750 1 of> 855 Marion Chatman Margaret If. " 1900 351 41 392 Dangherty & Ambrose 133; ; " 23 61 189 25 50 Dngaii Marv 40! * " 571 46 617 Gardner GJ U ' •• 270 *22 292 Laj ton E IS;IH9U! 1 091 09 118 McV.urry Jas &J A 6t- " 16 10 225 18 85 McGnrk Demi's It, " I 410 57 467 McClaffnty Michael It, 1900 212 17! 229 Wanderly C 50 1899 | 367 51 418 „ " , Vandyke Rebecca 31 1900 4 32| 35 467 Oakland Millinger .1 JR Siß " 26 2l 210 28 81 Parker Courtney DG 25 " 180 14 ! 11)4 Kelly Archie (heirs) 1 l ( ,i ' •• 96 08 104 Pugh Albert 1 23J 1899! " 4 06 ; 43 449 Risch J P j it " 314 25 339 Smith Nelson (heirs) lOt 1899, " 59 04 6 Bfc 65 -.2 P enn Gr« en Miles ~ 11l i " 28 40; 1 87 25 i 7 " •. Walker David 1 lot 1899 46 06 52 Summit... Sullivan Valetia (ft *• 1900 54 47 611 60 08 " " " 28 " " 19 87; 20321 90 Slipperyrock Hammond L 200 •• 44 84, 358 48 42 Keister Homer 9! " 29 66 237 32 03 Venango Addleman Porter IVlß9l' 434 01 495 Dunkle L Mrs 1 11 1900' 221 18 239 •• • Gormloy JH,ft al 1 lot; " 257 21, 278 Jamison J D 84'1599 •• 22 68 243 25 06 McLaughlin Geo 128 i " 19 88 159 21 47 McLaughlin J B 50 " 10 84 87i 11 71 Norcrcss Andrew 26(1899 1900 973 1 05 10 78 VanderlinSL. 100 '• 1 " 21 21 2 27! 28 48 Vandetlin Jv: 50 •« 7 25' 581 783 White Angelioe 50, " 750 60 810 Washington Campbell J H F 75 " 18 08 145 19 53 Hindman Chas 4 1899 99 14 113 Wictield Clymer Wm B 129 1900 44 57 8 57 48 14 Butler Boro Wilson Sandy 1 lot 1899 630 88 718 Sanbnry Boro Allen Jefferson 1 lot " 4 85| 6b 496 Ssxonburg Owens Fred (heirs) } of 5 1900, 18 16! 1 45 19 61 I I | 1 'l NOTE Tt e above totals do not include Treasurer's fee or advertising fee. May 1, 1902 D. L. RANKIN, Comity Treasurer. B " . - - » ! * The total of deposits,capital,surplus and proflt3 divided by the sum total % of deposits gives the cash security for every dollar due depositors. > - ■ ■——? ? DEPOSITS. CAPITAL, SUR- DEPOSITS FOR EACH DOLLAR UNDIVIDED PROFITS. FEBRUARY. 1902. OF OEPOSITt. $6,032,000 -f- $2,362,000 = $2.55 Real Estate Trust Co., 1 OF PITTSBURGH, - 311 FOURTH AVENUE. j Incorporated October Ist, 1900. 5 I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00. j Pays 2 per cent. Interest on deposits subject to check, and 4 par cent, la tar es ton savings accounts. Does uot istue bonds. Write for booklet, How to opes an account by mall. H JUST RECEIVED Another Large Shipment A ureat assortment of mid-snmwei styles, an endless variety of hat*. A ~w ! pretty, serviceable and practical hat Hp | can be selected from our lar»re assort- •>— I ment of trimmed hats from $1 00 up- 4i, I ward Oar $3.98 hats exceed in qnality fSf anything ever offered at the price WuX{/^3^J .j/tf Value ahd style are delightfully com binded in our latest Snminer hats, the display is decidedly interostinp: also JLj our prices are away dowu l>eyond com petition. Come and see them. Rockenstein's, MILLIMERT EMPORIUM. 318 South Miin Stree", • - - » h ' » NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER For Bitty yearn the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIfcUNB has t>ecn a national weeklv newapape/, read almost entirely hy farmers, and hps enjoyed the confidence and support of the American people to a degree never attained by any similar publication. TIJE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER is «ii.<le absolutely for farmers and their fam lies. The fint number was iauued >ovemljer 7th, ioor. Every department of agricultural industry is covered by special contributors who are leaders in their respective lines, anj the TJiIRUNK FARMER will be in every 9ense a high dags, up to date, Jive, en'urpnsjug agricultural paper, profujg ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings and homes, agricultural machinery, etc. Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will find special pages for their entertainment. Regular price, f.'.co per year, but >ou can buy it with yonr favorite home weekly newsoaper. The CITIZEN, one year FOR f 1.75 or CITIZEN and Tn-Weekly Tri rue for $2 00. ) Send your subscriptions ami money to THE CITIZEN, L Butler, I'a. Scud your name and address to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE J'ARMKR, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be mailed to you- A NEW OLD PAPER subscribe for the CITIZEN
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