Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 22, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL xxxix
+%fX& 9SWXX
| The Hodern Store |
S $
(P BIG BARGAINS -A hut we «:iy.ar.d th<- pr.blie unl.-r.-tanUs S
U u(iw - lien we offer iipst i! v lines tliev will get them.
Ladi»s' »nd Children's •* s '** • ' ' A
*t snu.-b biifhw pr *9 1 i •..-s 'ltinent jj. exten-ive and yon «• p
\h t nv lil-raHT if vox -xa:n«n- offerii : s t\
S B AYS* H savy Cotton HOS-J WLII >" A '* %
with tb<» 1 ••• •> i" »'•}--•» sp'eJ:-;;-! val ies ion want .=t «
"il'.wfH- r*,rt »et 'h> tn t,«> BlfOTitf -y
\* Lari-es'and Children's Summer Underwear l-V* - '< •>*
£ "• ?!-.'* -!• •»►>. •! •' 4--1- SlB Jn-t the. kiud M-a »v». '
f\ 11.•* :;d h' ■ < thit *h-»nM <•ly be m -to a?t<-i' the season *..-i over ,^
?"' Lid s' Gloves Gulo-e K-d Silk.'Lisle. Fancy L-u»o We -how vn :v
aj ji|. ! . • i ,1. ; - )K 1 'i . i.e joa ever saw. We are ;:ft« rlO :•
(r'ov-T'l- and V»-have ck aid prices that will ««t it !5 '
sid v..n •.ill h;'.v -II th- vol wisb to ehoo-e from
Kisltr-Mardorf Co.,
LA CCCTa KAH STREET ) riTH ~- . r. 1••* J &
£ PHOMS- • //] Mail Orders Po!;citLd %
rll e (j rea te»t bZ v e r!)
Mea'o and Ladies' Shoes that will help U3
to mvike new friends and hold our old ones. >
i)oa't take our wordf>ri£, see the shoes.
) Opening- Day, May 17th. 5
f I
) Daubei\Bpeck Turner')
( Next Door to Savings Bn qk, \
< , BUT LI: R, PA. (
<, M Th L'i;« .->* Sryles lA The early S^tamer p <
lib sf jle 81l(K;8 J '
yd d-.« j.'u» vr >;vu k'iowu here now s-re fc
- 'whether he needs r
M No-'Not CJn.ly tine I-ndie»!
/ J We have low Shoes for Patc-nt Leather Bluchers ,\5
MEN, Patent Kid Bluchara 'J
BOYS and Patent Calf Lace.
GIRLS as well, The slickest lot of
'* 1 B VUIE J loo.' Sho sin foily .States. A
fi Take Yourf hoicet OME SIM |j
Patent Leather Oxfords %
Patent Kid Bluchers V 4
f A Vici Kid Colonials Take Your Choice K
Velo'ir Calf Sembrich Ties p *
rA ax Oxford Button LS|
Welt Soles or Turn Soles ™« is y ° ot f . h '- ; n,v f
0 _ n Shoe Store in tow n f »_?
r A /-C tO 5-3 uU. but it is the only plate as
I « to buy the newest and smarttHt styles. J
p A We jjet more style and more wear irto onr shots at a Riven L«
[ S price th-ui any one else jou know of. jy J
|t 1 Heavy Shoes for Fsnners and Mechanics made to stand a lot of wA,
FA and scraping, hat GOOD LOOKERS and plenty of Umi J- v >s
| I Huselton's. c 1
r m The most satisfactory n 1
Shoe Store in Butler. f A
- .■ I.
A great collection of dainty, attractive and stylish goods for
pr Waists and Snits Th'j styles and coloring are nrettier than ever and
ri the fabrics more varied.
W Fine Ginghams 10c and I2jc, Best «<i inch Percale I2}e, W
Embroidered Cham bray Madras 20c, Swiss Milk 20c, Mercerized Silk U
P Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 25c, Fancy Lace Strijies 25c, Fine W
U Madras Stripes 80c, U
Ti WHITE GOOGS-Many styles in fine Mercerized While C
JV Qooda aiid fine Madras for Waists. Dimities, India Liuous and Sheer 0
White materials of all kinds are here in abundance.
ffe Fine Mercerized Fabries 25c. 30c, 40c and 50c. dP
I** Fine Madras 20c and 25c.
India Linons to 50c. m,
By all odds the greatest assortment and best
jT-gf. yj values we have ever shown. Lace Curtains at 50c Jgk
££&■'! 'Y) *° Greatest assortment at |l, $2 and s:i.
[I y Why bother with making when yon can buy the
finished garment at the cost of materials.
ICTII Gowns 50c. 75c, (XI and 50
K. Corset Covers 25c, 50c, 75c and ifl 00 Uk
t vy \ Drawers 26c, 50c. 75c and $l (X)
Skirts 50c, 75c, fl 00 and up. M
yj We sell the New Idea 10c Paper Patterns.
PJ Monthly fashion sheets free. 1 1
| L. Stein & Son, !
•§• a SpiiDg & Summer Weights
i /} T\ /'f 'K llv Have a nattiness about them that
I*l ' KJM // 1A mark the wearer, it won't do to
/ \bl HU wear the last year's output. Yon
f ' &-C/ \J rl won't get the latest things at the
lhjf K stock clothiers either. The up-to
i f i date tailor only can supply them,
I TV i/i u * ou waut not r,n 'y l ' ie ' at est ( J
( / / 111 i things in cut and fit and work
( Itill ni.<nship, the finebt in durability,
. I Jf : I whore e'se can you get combina
/ } ill //111 tions you get them at
K - E C K
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
1 2 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,Pa
t r A nx tnrt j a TT > ''AC?XT
[Hi fcjL I iyLK 1 1 / vL..N,
; } r • ar. J poor look
j 'vj rst kind of a com
j "Eureka
| Harness Oil «j!k
] >..-nnirmakCTtheharnwamlUii IHK
I > :•-'• ir.'.i: b.-tt«7. tjut na|["l the <jM
J . tiier Ecft end pliable.puts i:in con- [IM
3 , , .' d.tlon to last—twict us loac :i>»
*; 4 ~J :j it ordinarily would. /■&
T T-'-, 1= 11. 5.:! FWT«TE! 1:- [J •■>
r !>•,[ STANDARD 'ft 4
O,LCO ; /#■ \
O/re -v/ \
horses. \ y \ y
Chance! jjjjfcjkji*'
NSSd! i^y?\
In ail its stages. A^ Fn ,ri 3 s|
Ely's Cream Ba!m4; \s£r
It cures catarrh and drive j £ >a
away a cold in the head
*&&. ~ *$- -."-S-■■- -- a
f£ K j
fl R|l
L 1 x /-
v 2 \%
k'3 Johnston's %}
» 2 L %L
14 W
Beef, Iron and Wine ki
< f?J
M fJ
ft ... H
M ™ M
Bl'.fx! Purifier. & J
»1 rrice . soc pint. ftfl
fw Prepared and
fi ***"**«■ yj
n N
'4 Johnston s M
| Crystal |
fl Pharmacy, fj
& £ R. M. LOCIAN. I'd. G , i
ManaKer - #J
W A N. Main St., !: n •,I ~ jt *
'J -r w
f Everything in the fc ..
kj drug line. f4.
ki *'*
3 1 »
We Guarantee
we sell ;ind the largest paint M'f "if
Co. iu the worlil (The Sherwin-
Williams Co.) stand back «( us
in this guarantee.
Doc-s that mean anything to <>.jr
paint customers?
You will f'.o well to consider
this ptoposition.
Estimates cliecrfully furnished.
u*j N*. Main St., Cutler. Pa.
Eugene Morrison
Special attention fciven to
OflSiv and bliop,
Rear of Ralston's Store,
Residence No U9 Cliff SI.
People's Phone 451.
Big Wal! Paper Store,
Next to Poaloffice
Special bargains in Wall Paper,
Window lilinds and Room Mould
ings. Farmers find good accom
modation and sati faction here.
;'l'hone4s3. 251 S. Main St.
>.... •.•i.e.,?
1 f 05TI8AN |
f, By Ewan Macrherson |
:?• >5
£ i. U.4.V MACPHEItSOy
"Of all the cowardly desertions cf
principle I ever heard of in my life,
"Oil. you don't know what you'ro
t:tU;ng about, run;:." Costigan retorted,
jamming his fcot hard against the
t.:. f the window sill and using the
vei-.ge cf it to tilt his chair back on
11.- il 1 rs. "Just you wait."
r stlgaii was really taking the "call
ii.g down" cf his friend very patiently
r ( . r ;l dan with the reputation of a
uaiper. You might account for
this i ;;t!e::ce, if you chose, by the In
timacy between the two that had
grown up in nearly three years of com
n. :i detestation of the average board
■ house, in dining together seven
e. - every week at restaurants chosen
by common consent, and In the oceu
psnon of furnished rooms in the same
house, where they contended with the
landlord as one man.
Lastly—here was the most important
?! :><l of union between Costigan and
>i - they had long since talked
over together the great question of
woman's proper place In the order of
things and had cordially agreed that
it was nowhere. Naturally. Muller
feit aggrieved when he caught Costi
gan twice strolling in shady places
with a blooming, brown haired young
member of the reprobated sex. whose
eyes had a dangerous way of smiling
at one without losing a certain sug
gestion of sadness.
Muller waited a minute to ruminate
on the possible hidden meanings of his
friend's last saying. Then he veered
around and with more asperity of tone
and manner said: "If I don't know
what I'm talking about, why in thun
der don't you put me right? Is she a
"I regret to notice In you of late.
Muller. an unpleasant use of vulgar
slang. No, you did not get it from me.
I avoid all—all such marks of-of
"That is, you have been trying to for
the last three weeks—since you got
stuck on thi. typewriter."
" "Typewriter' is not a description of
any class of woman. It is the name
of u machine. The lady you refer to
is a typester. I met her—found her in
a large insurance office down town."
"And after all you have said about
women an-.! marrying and all that sort
of tiling you went and fell in love with
her, and— Oh. Costigan!"
"I repeat. Muller, that you don't
know what you are talking about.
Fate brought us together."
"Whew!" Muller whistled aloud in
consternation at these last words, as
if to say, "Is it as bad as that?" And
then, picking up the evening paper he
had brou; .t into Costigau's room, lie
retreated to his own.
But man is at best a plaything of
fate. Muller, the morning after thfs
conversation, was troubled and dis
trait. Ili fellow clerk at the office
remarked that he looked "dopy." The
senior office boy and factotum, who
had his own way of Interpreting signs,
grinned and whispered that Mr. Muller
must have fallen in love, and he even
succeeded in spreading that view of
tin- situation. And when Muller went
out to "get a 1 ■ to" be picked things up
from the In eh counter in an indis
criminate way thpt made the attend
ants stare at him. At last he turned
away fro: i the counter blindly and
ran into Hit! person who happened to
be standing next behind him; and, 10,
it was it woman!
"I —I beg your pardon," he began. In
expressibly humiliated by the necessity
of apologizing to one of that sex. He
took refuge in a stooping attitude, col
lecting sandwiches from off the tiled
The inopportune female was down
there just as fast as he was, only she
was laughing. "Don't mention it" —
laugh—"accidents can't always be"—
more laughing—"l believe you've taken
my sandwich by mistake. Mine was
bee—bee"— The rest was lost In a
hopeless outburst.
With about fifteen people waiting to
Set at that particular part of the coun
ter which they were obstructing, and
several dozens more watching and
thoroughly enjoying the proceedings,
Muller felt that he could not bear to
remain on that tiled spot crawling
about iu search of demoralized sand
wiches. lie got up and faced the
enemy. He recognized her. She was
"the woman"—she who had entrapped
Costigan—Costlgan's "typester."
"Iteally, I'm extremely sorry for hav
lig got in your way, Mr. Muller."
She had bis name pat. That renegade
Costigan must have told her all about
him. It was a splendid opportunity
for Muller to display the courage of
Ids convictions. The convictions were
there, but the courage was not to be
found. He could only stammer;
"Oh, not at all. All my fault. You
must let uie get you some more beef—
was it beef sandwiches you said?"
riien IK? said within his heart that he
was a liar and a hypocrite and that
Ids moral degradation had begun as
soon as lie had run Into this woman.
For her part, she actually seemed to
enjoy the adventure, which struck
Muller as downright brazen. "You
lee, I happen to be in u laughing mood
today," she had the Impudence to say,
and she went on to ask him a dozen
questions about Ids acquaintance with
Costigan—how long It had lasted, and
whether they had ever met before Mr.
Costigan came to New York.
"No," he said: "we only met by
chance about three years ago. Wo
thought we had ideas in common."
There was a strong emphasis on the
word "thought," which Muller meant
to be very Impressive.
He made a poor pretense of eating,
but the same cowardly regard for con
ventionalities which had forced him to
apologize for upsetting her sandwiches
drove him on to offer to walk with her
In the direction of her office. And that
was how It came to pass that the head
Office boy saw them and made un
usual haste to get back to the office
to tell that he had «een her. "Yep.
She's a pencil, 1 tell you. They come
all the way from Tabster's together."
Nor was the head office boy tiie only
person who saw Muller in that short
transit. When he entered the office,
his desk mate was there to receive
"Muller, I want to beg your pardon
for saying you were dopy this morn
ing. 1 j»ee it was something more re
speetablc, by a long shot."
"I don't know what you mean," said
Muller, iti u tone that seemed to bode
But hostilities were prevented by
the arrival of a caller for Mr. Muller.
Muller went out from the Inner offlee
In a mood to make u most uuf«
able iiaorcssion on any chance visitor.
It was Costigan.
"Oh. ! saw you," said Costigan.
"Now what have you got to f-ayV"
"You saw us. did you? W« 11, what
I have to say is that this young per
son got tip so close In hind me that I
couldn't move without spilling a pint
of coffee over Sr.*. r."
"Yes; but it was all your fault, you
know. Mtilier. You said so yourself.
Never mind. old man. You're forgiven.
When I you, yon two looked so
nffectloitnte that it seemed a pity to
interrupt." Just then the first assist
ant oifice hoy came out witli his ears
pricked and caught a few words, which
were duly reported a minute later. "I
was coming, anyhow, to ask you a
"A favor," replied Muller. fearing the
"Y'es. 1 told you you didn't know
what you were talking about. Why
didn't you wait and let me tell you
last night'- Do you know what made
me join you In your hostility to the
sex? Come over here and listen. My
wife—yes, I thought you would start—
my wife and I quarreled four years
ago. We were divorced, and I was
afterward told she had married anoth
er man. who—who isn't worth talking
about.. Now, don't you understand?
Why.'she has been here in New York,
typing, for months and months. I
found her by a mere accident—just
like your running into her. She never
married anybody else, and never
would. She's going to marry me again,
and you are going to l>e my best man."
Muller went back into the inner of
llce smiling so sweetly that he was
saluted with a general grin, but he
held his peace. When he went to "the
old man" to see about getting away
early, he was met with: "Certainly,
Mr. Muller. I'.ut why tlil» suddeni.ess?
Why couldn't you have let it out soon
It was very embarrassing to him to
have to explain that he was going to
be groomsman, not groom—this time.
The Red llopting Coat.
It is said that out- of the early Hen
rys was so enamored of the sport of
fox hunting as to ordain it to be a
royal sport, and the red coat was worn
in consequence. This, however, has
been pointed at as absurd, as in those
days scarlet was itot a roval livery at
all. One thing tin re can >e no doubt
a! out. and that is tue sc.irlet coat Is
very popular for those who hunt reg
ularly, and it must *>a confessed that
it adds pieturesqueness to the scene.
The question of color seems to be
very much a matter of taste. It is
looked upon as an indication of social
position. In the abstract any one can
don the pink if so desired, but it is con
sidered out of taste to adopt that color
if one does not liberally subscribe to
the hunt fund. The black coat Is con
sidered out of taste to adopt that color
and the ordinary mufti garment for
those whose subscription is very small
indeed.—Loudon Standard.
Gum Cntherlnfir.
In Yucatan the gathering of the fa
mous chicle cliewing gum is an occupa
tion apparently full of romance, not
unattended with considerable danger.
Bauds of men, known as "chleleros,"
go into the deep forests, under ex
perienced leaders, armed with heavy
knives of fpeeial make, pails and ladles
for the sap, and each provided with
a strong rope more than eighty feet
long to l>e used in climbing the lofty
sapota trees from which the gum is
procured. The sap flows from gashes
cut in the bark. A camp of cliieleros
where the sap is boiled resembles in
tome respects on American maple
<*ugar camp. After months of work
tiie cliieleros return from the forests
laden with bricklike blocks of aromatic
gum. The finest gum, known as
"slcte." Is collected from the fruit of
the sapota, mostly by the native wom
en, and is seldom exported because it
Is too well liked at home.
Making Fondant.
An experienced candy maker advises
that there should be nothing boiling on
the stove (o throw off steam while
sugar Is cooking for fondant and that
in the summer season a damp, rainy
day should not bo selected for the
I'ncooked fondant Is much easier to
make than the cooked, but needs to bo
used at once to be satisfactory. Meas
ure out water equal to the whites of
tww unbeaten eggs. Beat the eggs to
a froth, add the water and gradually
beat in confectioners' sugar until there
is a paste thai can bo handled. This
fondant makes the base for unlimited
combinations of sweets.
Florence Mithlliiicnlr'a Ileal Name.
The fact is but little known that the
family name of Florence Nightingale
was not originally Nightingale, but
Shore. Her father was a rich Sheffield
banker of the name of Shore and con
nected with an old family which had
boon in possession of land In the coun
ties of Derby and York since the flf
tceuth century. Mr. Shore assumed tlio
name of Nightingale long after the
birth of ids children and because he in
herited tiie fortune and estates of his
mother's uncle. There were but two
children In the family, both girls. The
eldest was named Parthenosse, be
cause she was born In Athens, and this
name was supposed to indicate her fa
ther's profound admiration for the Par
thenon. The younger, Florence, was
also pamed after the city of her birth.
The Iletort Judicial.
When Judge' Barnard was on the
bench and holding court in Poughkeep
sie, a lawyer who did not like him
Chanced to tee a one cent coin lying on
»he floor. Picking it up and holding it
forth in ostentatious display, he said:
"I imagine, your honor, from tiie
value of this coin, that it must belong
to tiie court."
"And I Imagine," replied Judge Bar
nard, "that if It was not such a small
coin the court never would have seen
it."—New York Times.
Hl* Sent.
Mrs. Gaussip—l saw Mr. Stockson
Bonds at tiie upholsterer's yesterday. 1
guess he's going to get married and
furnish a home.
Mrs. Malaprop—No; I'll tell you what
took hi in there. I hear he bought a
seat at the Stock Exchange last week.
It was a secondhand one, and I guesa
he wants It fixed up.—Philadelphia
Ilotv They firow.
First Year—The biggest trout I ever
Caught was a foot and a half long, and
lie had a big fishhook In Ills stomach.
Tenth Year- Did 1 ever tell you about
the trout 1 once caught? It was over a
yard long and had an anchor in his
stomach.—New York Weekly.
f«at c* II I p.
"Did you catch your train last nightV"
risked his employer of Sooburhs.
"No," replied Sooburbs wearily; "It
toad been gone about live minutes when
I got to the station, and I didn't think
It wan any use to try."—Ohio Stute
It Tnket Many Vl.ito to Rcnltfe It.
Va.tne*. unci Splendor.
It is curious to watch the faces of
people as they enter the great doors of
St. Peter's at Rome and push back the
heavy leathern curtains that keep out
the noise and the air and find them
selves in the presence of the most im
pressive spectacle on earth, as Byron
Tower, Rlory, strength and beauty—all are
In this eternal ark of worship.
It is easy to detect those who have
never been there before and those who
have bee ino accustomed to its mag
nitude and porgeousness. It requires
several visits to adjust the vision and
the mliul to its colossal proportions
and brilliant decorations and enable
them to realize the vast:iess and the
iK-auty of the scene. The more fre
, quentiy you vadt St. Peter's cathedral
the gs ;ter and the more beautiful it
, heoouu - and after a time you are en
abl ".1 to drink in with complete satis
f. ii< •; the fullness of its area. Its al
titude and its magnificence.
The cost of tiie building up to date
has, l.ei'ii more than S3G.OtKMKJO. and
• t!. ■ • jtpet serf r.i'J t.lining it
1 is r.h ■ "O'l. An arc hitect and a
|:n - f w..ie;i are always employ
lid K- :ae Letter iu Chic., go Ileoord-
I Hi-.-a id.
I Spider. end Alcobcl.
A student of natural history had been
In tiie h 'bit of imtner ;"ng far preserva
tion h'.s different specimens of spiders
aid ati.s in bottles of alcohol, lie saw
!. t they struggled for n few minutes,
bid he thought that sensation was soon
e.\ . jished and that they were soon
free t '>ui suffering.
(;II one occas xi he wished to pre
re a la; f. male spider and twen
ty our of her young ones that he had
-ap' iteii He put the mother into a
. utle i.r .ilcoh- 1 and saw that after a
f.-w moments she folded up her legs
upon la i body and was at rest, lie
then put into the bottle the young ones,
who. of eourse. manifested acute pain
W! t v.::s his surprise In see the
mother arouse In rself from her lethar
gy. fhirt ariinr: 1 anfl gather her youns
o. s to her bos- :n. fold her legs over
them, again relapse Into Insensibility
until at last de. ;li came to her relief
and tiie limb", no longer controlled by
this maternal v.stinct. released their
grasp and bees,me dead! lie has never
since repeated the experiment, tint has
applied chloroform before immersion.
The Pnmee..
The Purrees are sun worshipers., and
it is an interesting sight to see throngs
of tin m on the shore of the bey as
the sun rises, apparently from the sea.
performing the simple rites of their
re!'rri"u, the fluttering robes showing
their tine figures to the best advantage
as the day begins. Their religious
practices are simple In the cxtrt me.
consisting mainly In strict dietary
rules and personal cleanliness.
The rigid observance of sanitary laws
produces the natural result of perfect
health among the adults large fam
llit s of active, healthy children mil im
mense numbers of old men, gray beard
ed. white balred. but erect and prince
ly in their gait and attitude despite the
naturally enervating character of the
tropical climate.
Mfiril to Cla.slfy.
A local wit was one day discussing
the mental Incapacity of editors with
the late 11. C. Bunner.
"Now," said lie, "what do you think
of this: I used to write serious and
comic matter for a certain daily, which
paid me S2O a column for the fiumor
i ous stulT and ?I<> for the serious.' One
day the editor asked me to mark my
comic things 'O* nnd my serious sto
j ries 'S' with a blue pencil, that he
i might tell them apart. Wasn't that
pretty rough on him?"
"No." replied Bunner, with a smile
and a twinkle in bis eye, "but it "was
pretty rough on you." New York
"You had a piece in the paper this
, mornin'," said the excited woman,
| "about my husband kcepln' a savage
i tlog. It ain't so."
"Madam," replied the editor, "we
! didn't mention anybody by name in
! that item. We said 'a certain man in
! tiie west part of town.' "
"That tits liiin to a T. You might
just as well have mentioned his name.
Everybody knows he's the cortniuest
1 man in that part of town, and he's the
; most contrary."—Chicago Tribune.
The Indlse.tlhle Itanium.
"Next to pork," says a physician,
I "bananas are the most Indigestible
thing a person can eat, and if you will
j notice you will see them touched very
sparingly by people with weak stom
• nchs. If you can digest them, however,
, nnd don't mind the offensive odor, they
i arc very nourishing, and one can make
' a meal on them that Is in every way
| equal to a substantial lunch of bread
1 and meat."
I The Only Chance. Tliey Ilnve.
"All Joshua wants," said Farmer
•Corntossei's wife, "is a chance to show
what he can dc."
"Yes," said the farmer; "1 s'pose no.
Josh Is one of those people who never
i seem to get a chance to do anything
except something they can't do."—
j Washington Star.
"1 would marry that girl but for one
"What's that—afraid to pop the qucs-
I tion?"
"No; afraid to question pop."—New
York Herald.
As people grow older the worries that
formerly affected them only at night
begin to stay by them all day.—Atehl
. sou (Lobe.
BrUfciflvenex* of the Implements of
tl»«* ?.fotlern Lnlioralorf.
7he eye and the ear have long been
regarded as marvels of mechanism,
quite the most wonderful tilings In the
I world. But eon.| : r'd with the Im
j pleineiits of a | • .it day laboratory
j the sen sit ivC'D' of a.I unman organs
Ipe uis gro: i :.i h. A photographic
j plate, coup!' d v. h a ti h • •ope, will ro-
I vi a I the in'' i'c of ii.;;. of stars
! whose light «!o. i. !ah I '■ he retina
! In the least '1 he i..'.'i eo; ■ . ton. with
I 1(9 revelations of thv v. : ;<i of the In
j flmU ly smr.lL • II : ' I rt: !e. after
J id, ii tills taimt d U rftfe i f the MUM
I Indt ed. ■. !• || y i i to a j :.t o
j wilt n •• e t l!:;"!e o e. : -I Ihe
' m! .corals. From t!a- ultra •. iolet
j to I'm I'.lW> ■! r< <■!. i- j. i u i.ill
i is a iv :-e of > alio l ..' ves of 1!. at
j vi! i :i»> i.. <f wh't It. i tve f. r or I« W
j Hi' i lie. I nil: • v. ' >'.. a.ilil lie\ er
lia.e I.ten coiiseio tl' but '! e.
'i ear h ; . !•• vi- • i I. i olng
lon around us I'y i 'fa i >ro
rpboty ihe trend ct u C; s u:id* 111 e tIM
{ 11': •o ' i tr '■r h it -et : ,• Is
' vcrj * ue We ne< 1 a
'at i Mo" -:;.'tlt ,t :: tie' r on a tlier
llioli.i';« r to m; ;'e :-y ereiice ill
temp'rs.! lire Pt'ofe?.. or l.aiigley's lit
tie bolometer will note the difference ot
a millionth of a degree. It is two hun
dred thousand times as sensitive as our
skin.—Carl Snyder in Harper's Maga
Pnllinc From a Great Helßlit.
It will be remembered that Mr.
Whymper. who had a severe succession
of falls once in the Alps, without losing
his consciousness, declares emphatical
ly that as he bounded from one rock to
another he felt absolutely no pain. The
same thing happens on the battlefield.
The entrance of tiie bullet into the body
is is t felt, and it is not till lie feels the
bio. ! flowing or a limb paralyzed that
the soldier knows he is wounded.
Persons who have had several limbs
broken by a fail do not know which
limb is broken till they try to rise. At
the moment of :• fall the whole intel-
I. • i;.;l a tivity is increased to an ex
tr.!'."diiiar; degree. There is not a
: trace of anxiety One considers quick
ly what wiil happen This is by no
i : s th t 's:- aquence *f "presence of
j mind." It is rather the product of ab
j polute i;< ' Canity A s«>!: ::.ii composure
!t; i.es pufsession cf the victim Heath
| !s\ tab i> a tieautii'ul one. tirent
I t!i - i'il the victim's soul They
j fill: painlessly Into :t great blue sky
A ! * 11i 1:1 d. ; :,..i druggist has made the
fo': ei:»>a of a musing missives
t;.»i! have been sent to him from time
to time:
"1 have a cute pain In my baby's
f: ummick. Phase give bearer some
thing to cure it."
"My little girl has eat up a lot of but
tons Pba.se send a nemetie by the
enclosed boy."
"Dear doctor a deg btt ray child on
the Itg please send some cork plaster
and cutter eyes."
"Pleas send by bearer one postal
card Also kindly give bearer, my son.
some licorice root."
Dear d ctor wot Is good for tirefoy
fever send some quick I got it."
"Let my .lohny have a glas of sody
waiter 1 \\:. l come myself but 1 a:u
washing. P. S the ft cents is for the
sody watter."
"If you can till the enclosed prescrip
t on for cents do so if not return
by bearer."
Ant. That Strllse.
Certain kinds of black ants have lit
tle yellow ants which do most of their
work for them. Once In awbifr these
little yellow fellows will go on strike,
nnd the "blacks" try to force them
back to work by cutting off their food
supply. If that does not succeed, they
will attack the strikers in force or
make a raid and get another gang of
"yellows" Into the colony. But the
newcomers, as a rule, join the strikers.
The strike ends by the "yellows" es
caping and founding a colony for them
selves. or they give In uud settle down
to work again.
"Are you a detective?" asked Mr.
"1 am." answered the man with the
turndown collar and the white necktie.
"Well, I want to employ you. I want
yon to get out your false whiskers and
your dark lantern and dog my foot
steps night and day. Henrietta's gone
out of town to \isit some relatives, and
1 don't want her to be obliged to take
my word for anything."—Washington
An Improved Neighborhood.
Mrs. Fpp.'sh- Just think! It'sonlysix
months since we moved away from
next door to you. We're lu a much
better neighborhood now.
Mrs. Sharpe }-'o are we.
Mrs. Uppish—Why, where did you
Mrs. Sharpe Oh. we haven't moved
ut all Philadelphia Press.
llnd Her Itevenice.
"He told his wife she ought to take
cooking lessons."
"Did she?"
"WelJ, yes. She sent for her mit her
to come and give her a three mciiihs'
course."— Philadelphia Bulletin
An L'nlilnd Retort.
"You made a fool of me!" exclaimed
the angry hitsnnnd.
"Call yourself a fool if you wish, my
dear." calmly rejoined his wife, "but
remember you have always claimed to
lie a self made man."
Our days are comparatively few, and
• we live through each day only once,
i Therefore It behooves us to make each
| day worth while.—Ladles' Home Jour
: mil.
Wound. Ilnve Keen llenled hy Sound
Wave, of n \ lolln.
j A man was conveyed to a hospital
In I'aris suffering from an accident
| which resulted In a serious wound.
: This wound refused to heal, and all
the various treatments applied to it
i failed to effect the desired end. The
i man was attacked from time to time
| by vi»»!i'iit paroxysms, and death ap
peared certain. At length the surgeon
enlisted the services of a good violin
player and treated the sufferer to a
musical remedy. The patient's parox
ysms ceased, anil from that time the
wound began to heal. The violin play
ing was continued at Intervals till re
covery was assured.
In another case the wound continued
to suppurate despite ;i 11 that could bo
' done. The patient was calm and ro
i signed, but nothing could be done for
' the wound. The violin was called Into
requisition In this Instance also, and
the Instrument was played close to the
Injured part, which was bared for the
purpose. The surgeon soon observed
a change. The wound assumed a
healthier appearance, and the pro ess
1 of healing began and progressed rap
! i«ny-
It Is an undoubted fact that certain
| vibrations can effect cures, but the vi
brations must lie strictly in accord
. a nee with the malady or nature of the
! wound. Some enthusiasts go so far as
; to assert that the character of individ
uals can be changed by the constant
application of the proper vibration.—
Pearson's Weekly.
How the Cobra fllve. W'nrnlng.
The most dangerous reptiles of India
and Africa are the cobras. No snakes,
not even rattlesnakes, are more dread
ed, and with reason. As the rattle
snake warns the ear by Its significant
"rattle," ro the cobras warn the eye by
the mode In which they expand the up
per part of (lit? body when Irritated.
This expansion Is produced by a sud
den movement of the ribs of that re
gion of the body. Usually they Incline
backward, but the animal when Irrltat- i
id uiakea them stand out at right an
gles to the body and so, of course,
forces outward the skin which covers
them Thus the neck, or part Just be
hind the bead, becomes greatly ex
panded and llattened, us It also docs,
though In n less degree. In the Austra
lian blacksnake.
This « X'.aie.hm Is called a hood, nnd
so the an uals arc called hooded
snakes In some of them there Is oil
the !•; •!; of the hood a dark mark,
nn 'Vg Ike a pair of spectacles, and
■ therefore been culled speeta
r!i> Kli.U.c*.
Dirt? fntiennlii,
•:)•'(>! ■ :.s are not g::;its. as pome
: e M:;-; *:••*.! and as ilie geographies
- *il :s man who has traveled.
■ n- large In comparison with the
■ : American natives: that is
Everything Is relative, you know.
I t iliey ar«- very fat. That is why
• ' i-.ii s :- :d the cold so well. I have
• ?i i'a!a:o:tSan men and boys running
i.,:i-i unclad while 1 was wrapped in
\ r;:i i-i'.riiients, with the snow falling
on :< ni in (juautities and the wind
bitterly. They are kept warm
I y "ir fat—and dirt. Patagonia is
.f the dirtiest places imaginable.
I >:i't go lliere if you hate dirt. That
is :.:y advice lo all who contemplate a
ou . Hey ie the Jumping off place of
Sou ih America."
Tlie First False Hair.
In very early days, as now, the hair
w:.s sometimes thin, and it had to be
eked out in various ways to make be
lieve thai nature had been spendthrift
to ail alike. About the first description
extant of woman's hair speaks of
plaited locks." known as "Gretehen
braids" to us. To make these braids
s.-< m longer silk the color of the hair
was braided In. Then they took to
putting the braids in cases of silk,
elongating them with all sorts of stuff
till ihey looked like umbrellas lu cov
ers The Chinese pigtail is a modifica
tion of this style.
The Valne of the Rnbr.
Tin ruby is valued highest when It
contains the least azure. The largest
ruby that history speaks of belonged to
Elizabeth of Austria, the wife of
Charles IX. It was almost as big as a
hen's egg. The virtues attributed to
rubies are to banish sadness, to repress
luxury and to drive away annoying
thoughts. At the same time it sym
bolizes cruelty, anger and carnage, as
well as boldness aud bravery. A change
in its color announces a calamity, but
when the trouble Is over It regaiDs its
primitive luster.
What Did She Meant
"That foolish Clarence has proposed
every week for the last six months, but
lhe way I answered him the last time
will stop him, 1 think," said Flora In a
confidential chat
"Yes, he told me he would have to
quit." said Mazle. "He thought he ob
served a perceptible weakening."—ln
dianapolis News.
Beginning at Home.
Jasper—l understood that you bad
turned over a new leaf and were even
going to love your enemies, but It
seems to me that you love no one but
Mrs Jasper-Well, I'm my own worst
HPIII.V. ~1.if%
Mutual Attraction.
Dorothy—What became of that bash
ful man and bashful girl you were tell
ing me about?
David- Oh. I Introduced them, and In
three weeks they were engaged.—De
troit Free Press.
It is just ns well to make the best of
everything when you can't help it, but
you can try to give a little assistance
at first.
The Iluttle of Stones Which Marks
of Ncrr Year.
One of the most curious customs In
Korea marks the advent of the new
year. This is the battle with stones,
participated In by Inhabitants of Seoul.
At II spot about a mile and a half out
side the city walls, on the main road to
the Han river, the people assemble by
thousands cither as witnesses of or par
ticipants in this truly remarkable exhi
bition of warlike good will. By previ
ous arrangement piles of stones are In
readiness, all carefully selected and of
a convenient size.
Without previous selection of com
batants the participants form them
selves Into opposing armies, about the
only qualification for service being ap
parently the ability to hurl a stone at
the advancing forces of the enemy. At
first the Htone throwing Is at long range
and uninteresting, but as the throwing
continues the forces draw nearer, and
the fight waxes fast and furious, men
being detailed to collect the stones into
heaps again or fetch fresh ammunition
for the firing line. Then the clash
comes, the two bodies meet, fierce rush
es are made, stones are discarded, and
knives and clubs are freely used. The
clash of weapons, the screams of the
combatants, the surging mass of men,
some being trampled to death, now
falling, now struggling to their feet, the
blood flowing from numerous cuts—the
whole goes lo make u picture that de
picts anything but the Joy we attribute
to the coming of a new year. The fight
Is kept up until the clang of the great
city bell tells the combatants that it Is
time to return home.
Perhaps the most singular feature
of the celebration is that during the
remaining eleven months of the year
the Korean is ns amiable a person as
can bo found in any country, and by
some writers the average Korean is
characterized as tho most abject cow
urd on the face of the earth.
But, cowards or no cowards, the
Korean people still indulge, as they
have for years, in this annual warlike
welcomo of the new year. Indeed It Is
legal in Korea to fight not only on
New Year's day, but during the first
moon or month of the year. The cus
tom has become a national Institution,
sanctioned by tho government and
patronized by the king and the nobili
ty. The police attend the battles, but
merely to keep order among the specta
tors. Fighting Is the Korean's privi
lege with the advent of each new year,
and he is expected to exercise that
privilege to the extent of bis ability if
be would be accounted a good, country
loving Korean.—New York Tribune.
In misfortune even to smile is to of
fend.— llacoii.
Generosity is the flower of Justice.
Kvety one can master a grief but he
that bus It.— Shakespeare.
Nothing is more friendly to a man
than a friend In need.—l'lautus.
The plea of Ignorance will never take
away our responsibilities.—Buskin.
Pride is as loud a beggar as want
and a great deal more saucy.—Frank
Young men thl.ik old men fools, and
old men know young ineu to be so.—
Met calf.
Modesty seldom resides In a breast
that is not enriched with nobler vir
tues. Goldsmith.
Never be afraid of what Is good. Tho
good is always tho road to what Is
If we could read the secret history
of our enemies, we should find in each
man's life sorrow and suffering enough
to disarm all hostility.—Longfellow.
No 21
Some of the Cruelties Tkt( Are Pei"«
vctrAtcd In Vivisection.
A ccitain Dr. Casten, wishing to
study the effect of massage upon dis
locations, deliberately dislocated the
limbs of numerous dogs, says Henry
! C. Merwin in The Atlantic. He pub
| lished an account of all these experi
ments, and the following is a fair ex
ample of them: "Experiment 8. Poo
dle dog • • • replaced on the table
without chloral. I dislocate his two
shoulders. The animal utters screams
of suffering. I hold him for twenty;
minutes with his two shoulders dislo
cated and the elbows tied together be
hind his back • * •
"Dr. Majendie," relates Dr. Elliston,
"In one of his barbarous experiments
which, I am athamed to say, I wit
nessed. began by cutting out a largo
round piece from the back of a beauti
ful little puppy."
Majendie may hare been by nature a
brutal man, but even he would hardly
have done that when he was young in
vivisection. • • * In this country we
are not quite so cruel as the French or
Italians, but wo are more cruel than
the English, more cruel perhaps than
the Germans.
A medical man in Jersey City pub
lished an account of some experiments
which he made upon dogs—l will not
shock the reader by describing them—
and of this publication the British
Medical Journal of Nov. 15, 1891, said,
"It is a record of the most wanton and
the stupidest cruelty we have ever
seen chronicled under the guise of sci
entific experiments."
Story of a French Cat.
This cat story comeß from Pont Ste.
Maxence (Oise), and for such a small
place It is an extremely tall tale, says
the Paris Messenger. It would appear
that a resident in the place, who Is an
enthusiastic angler, used to keep live
bait in a small tank on his premises.
The angler also had a cat who natu
rally was fond of fish, raw or cooked.
This being so, bis owner covered his
tank with wire netting to keep pussy
out of temptation.
But the cat knew a trick or two and
went to the nearest refuse heap for
some fowl giblets which were provi
dentially lying there. These she took
to the tank, let them hang into the wa
ter from the netting and began fishing
on her own account When the fish
nibbled at the bait, puss would catch it
with a nimble claw! The angler, no
ticing the trick, threw the bait away,
but half an hour later puss was at it
We hardly know which to admire
most, the cat's ingenuity or that of the
coneoeter of the story.
Gift* For the Mourner*.
Rome delver into the musty old rec
ords of Harvard has brought to light
an amusing provision with which one
of the college's eighteenth century
friends coupled what was for his time
a very generous bequest to the Cam
bridge university.
Mr. Thomas Brattle waa the testa
tor's name, and bis Interest In Harvard
evidently extended to the Individual
members of its undergraduate body,
for after leaving £2OO, then the equiv
alent of about $3,000, to the college
for its general uses his will gives half
a crown to every student belonging to
it who should attend his funeral.
Unfortunately no account of Mr.
Brattle's obsequies is extant, but there
can be little doubt that the occasion
was made solemn by the presence of a
large number of "chief mourners" and
that good wishes for the deceased were
generally and feelingly expressed.
Not Reiinrlnc.
"Have—have you any reason to be
lieve that your father will exhibit vio
lence when I ask him for your hand?"
inquired the timid youth.
"I have never been present on any
of these occasions," replied the lovely
girl evasively. "And, to tell yon the
truth, I have never wanted to be pres
ent. I suppose I am foolishly sensi
tive about these things, but I can't help
It. I remember that papa took me to a
slaughter house when I was a little
girl, and I dreamed abont it every
night for mouths afterward."—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
The Congressional Record.
To appreciate the value of The Con
gressional Record one must see It used.
It Is the only means by which members
themselves keep Informed of the prog
ress of legislation when scores of
measures are often considered in a
day. It Is on the desk of the president
of the United States and is read by
every executive officer, from cabinet to
chief of division. Every government
In the world envies ours the possession
of such a publication, forming at once
an indispensable current record and a
permanent history of events even more
valuable through the centuries.—Argo
Clears and Tobaeeo.
There are between 1,600,000 and
2,000,000 brands of cigars sold in this
country, and your average smoker
thinks that every brand means a differ- _
ent kind of tobacco. As a matter of
fact 150 is an outside estimate of the
different kinds of tobacco that can bo
procured from all sources, and even ex
perts can't tell some of these apart.
Ills Propensity
"I never forget a Joke that I once
hear," remarked Borcm.
"No," rejoined Guyer, "and you don't,,
give nny of your acquaintances a
chance to."—Chicago News.
Two Good Whist Hands.
Once upon a time two young men
and two young women were playing
wlilst, and quite frequently one of the
young men n nil one of tho young wom
en found that their fingers were iu
twlned under tho table, out of sight.
This Auger contact did not in the
least disconcert them—ln fact, they ap
peared to enjoy the play much more
than did the other young woman and
young man.
Moral.—The enjoyment of tha game
depends on the hands that aro held.—
New York Herald.
All Over Attain.
"Here are half n dozen prescriptions
1 would like to have you fill as soon as
you can," wlicezed Itlvers.
"I can see they are all for the cure
of a colli," remarked the druggist, look
ing them over.
"It's this way," explained Rivera.
"When I had the other cold, I tried all
these. One of 'cm cured me, but I
can't remember now, confound it,
which one It was!"— Chicago Tribune.
Her Decision.
"Whatever my daughter decides
upon. sir. I will abide by."
"Good: She has decided that she
will marry me If you will supply the
means."-Detroit Free I'ress.
Many a man irne* around looking for
trouble, iii:d the minute he meets It he
h:ts n hurry cull In another direction.—
Chicago News.