Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 15, 1902, Image 1

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The Butler County National Bank
Commenced Business August lNth. 1890.
Statement of Condition at Close of Business, Wednesday, Apr 30, "Oli
T.r, a n« t1.37tf.933 40 Capital $ 200.000 00 j
United States Bonds 100,000 00 Surplus and Profits 132.811 24
Banking House and other Circulation 100, OW 00 j
Real Estate 49.000 00 Deposits 1,548,411 85 i
Cash and due from Banks. 452 299 69
$1,981,223 09 $1,981,223 0#
I, J no. G. McMarlin. Cashier of the
CORRECT —Attest: above named Bank, do solemnly swear
. that the above statement is true to the
JOSEPH HARTMAN, : 0 j m _ knowledge and belief.
ASSt .! II ;• Directors. JNO. G. MCM ARLIN, Cashier.
t' p \f ismtmtv Subscribed, and sworn to before me,
MIFFLIN j this 7th day of May. 1902
A. L BOWSER. Notary Public.
We t*ke plensnre in calling your attention to the above statement, and
respectfully solicit yonr basinets.
|The Greatest Kver!)
\ Men's and Ladies' Shoes that will help us /
/ to make new friends and hold our old ones. )
> Don't take our word for it, see the shoes.
5 Opening Day, May 17th,
; Dauber(«pecl< Turners
? Next Door to Savings Ba n.l<, C
I* Th« Latest Styles gk The early Snmmer
K and Nobbies* VWmR style of Men's Shoes r m
W designs yet shown shown here now are
M in this City. "birds." W
M All I \ A man feels like
M ready anyway m
W you. or not. L
il No-i\ot Only tlie Ladies!
We have low Shoes for Patent Leather Blnchers L 1
fl MEN, Patent Kid Bluchers W
kl . BOYS and Patent Calf Lace. T <
7A / ■ GIRLS as well. The slickest lot of A
il * B ARIES too! Shoes in forty States.
FA Take Your Choice! SOKt WMt* 2M ' f
[J Patent Leather Oxfords ft
Patent Kid Bluchers
J A Viol Kid Colonials Take Your Choice k
Lfl Velour Calf Sembrlch Ties W
ij Wax Calf Oxford Button k'
M Welt Soles op Turn Soles ™. ug u. «»jy M
WA 75C 10 $3.00. bnt it is the only place
I • to buy the newest and smartest styles. WA
> J We get more style and more wear into our shoes at a given
1 4 price than any one else you know of. . Wl
Heavy Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics made to stand a lot of r M
Ti mauling and scraping, bnt GOOD LOOKERS and plenty of toe ka
(\ room, 95c to $2.00. W2
[j 1 Hnselton's. s §
[J The most satisfactory
kl Shoe Store in Butler. WA
fm nm
m Ak a* A* A* A
S A great collection of dainty, attractive and stylish goods for
■ Waists and Suits. The styles ana coloring are prettier than ever and (m
S the fabrics more varied. yk
Mr Fine Ginghams 10c and 12ic, Best 86 inch Percale 121 c, K
Qk Embroidered Chambray Madras 20c, Swiss Silk 20c, Mercerized Silk U
V Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 25c, Fancy Lace Stripes 25c, Fine R
U Madras Stripes 80c, Uk
fo WHITE GOOGS— Many styles in fine Mercerized White
Uk Goods and fine Madras for Waists. Dimities, India Linons and Sheer M
W white materials of all kinds are here in abundance. rC
■ Fine Mercerized Fabriee 25c, 80c, 40c and 50c. tfr
5 Fine Madras 20c and 25c.
At India Linons 61c to 50c. A
£ LACE curtains- «
By all odds the greatest assortment and best jo
Ja 2> values we have ever shown. Lace Curtains at 50c M
6 ' •'?*"•>'T'rj to $lO 00 pair. Greatest assortment at sl, $2 and |B.
■ Why bother with making when you can buy the
u C v.«{■ j finished garment at the cost of materials.
W | *?[? 11 Gowns 50c. 75c, |1 00 and $1 50 JR
v tl \ Drawers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00
M Skirts 50c, 75c, $1 00 and up. jp
5 We sell the New Idea 10c Paper Patterns. u
jff Monthly fashion sheets free.
|L. Stein & Son,*
# - q. Spring & Summer Weights
''""A I /t 'fV E Have a nattiness about them that
JVV /I ' /, | l\ mark the wearer, it won't do to
W pi k (J I g\ wear the last year's output. You
/ VT / \ jA won't get the latest things at the
P p-j I R stock clothiers either. The up-to
\y \7\ v/ W date tailor only tan supply them, .
j A lrnii O y° u WBnt not on, y t ' ie ' atest
II ir fllJ u I things in cut and fit and work-
I J !// I nunship, the finest in durability,
I ' jI 11 1 where else can you get combina
. \ I jII I tions, you get thrm at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
K: .
142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,Pi
subscribe for the CITIZEN
§ Soft i
Jg Harness j|
You can make your bar- ;/jfc /
iSfcY and as wire hy fp,
MSl\ ■ using El'K EIvA il:u- LjU; tr
HI Oil. You cari -
Hill lengthen Its lifo— make it W/.
'KBUI ln«t ttrlee ns l»:ig ta it KJ 7 ,
1 Harness Oil
makes a poor lootins liar
rflK n<-ss like new. Ma«le of Sffi-l,
fSB pure, heavy borHe l oil, «s- \wl- l
MBH pedolly prepar»-d to with
£»■ stand tho weather.
UW Sold everywhere \tt* ;
afff in cans—all sizes. m.. -.\i
111 all its stages. «,UD\M
Ely's Cream
cleanses, soothes and heals #
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh aud drives M
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im
mediate and a core follows. It is not drying—does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drag
gists or by mail \ Trial S;2C, cents.
M Johnston's M
M Beef, Iron and Wine a*
F M Best Tonic
VM Bltod Purifier. Bj
Price, 50c pint. f 4
Ll Prepared anrl vi
9 A sokl only at Ll
J Johnston s
ij Crystal U
UPharmacy, H
It. M. LOOAN, Ph. 0 .
108 N. Main St., Butler, l'a
V Both 'Phones 92
*2 Everything in the
drug line. TA
We Guarantee
we sell and the largest paint M'f'g
Co. in the world (The Sherwin-
Williams Co.) stand back of u s
in this guarantee.
Does that mean anything to our
paint customers?
You will do well to consider
this ptoposition.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
109 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
Goehring & Keck
For No. 1 Building-Blocks,
All kinds of Mill-Feed,
No. 1 Seed Oats,
Chilled Plows and
Fine Groceries
Go to
The Extension Feed Store,
Near the P. & W, Station,
Goehring Keck.
Eugene Morrison
Special attention Riven to
Office anil Shop,
Rear of Ralston's Store,
Residence No 119 Cliff St.
People's Phone 451.
o* »•» x ' ©§
*5 « * *,
O* Copyright, 1901, by Charles W. Hooke. *0
BLAIR'S office wag
beginning to gather
jS ■ the night shadows in
*V3 S D > fit' its corners whon El *
W! « IS ,'Jjj!' mendorf entered, al-
Uthough the long June
day was still bright
was sitting on his couch, staring at the
pretty pillow that Kendall had noticed.
He had not troubled himself to rise as
be called, "Come In!" in response to the
detective's knock.
"Mr. Elmendorf," said he, "good even-
Ins sir What can Ido for you?"
"I want to ask you a few questions,
doctor." replied Elmendorf. "Hello!
Had a burglary?"
He pointed to a desk in the corner
that seemed to have been broken open.
"There was a blankbook that had
contained a business memorandum," he (
said, "and it was locked up in that
desk. A friend of mine was so anxious
to see It that, calling in my absence,
he did not wait for me to return. He
broke the desk and got the book. But, i
unluckily for him, I had already re
moved the page on which the memo
randum appeare^."
"Blackmail?" queried Elmendorf.
"Something of the sort," was the re
"If 1 can be of any assistance, let me
know," said the detective. "And now
I want to talk about the case of Elsie
Miller. There's a little medical point"—
"Why don't you ask Kendall?"
"Dr. Kendall Is not talkative." said
Elmendorf. "and"—
"Neither am I," responded Blair.
"However, let's hear your question."
"You remember," said ElmAdorf,
seating himself and looking across the
table in the center of the room, his
arms resting upon It, "that Miss Miller
was stabbed In a peculiar way. There
was a little mark, a scar you might
call It, Just below the collar bone on
the left side"—
"The mark of what we call a 'green'
fracture," said Blair; "that Is, the bone
was broken In youth. I understand
she fell against a sharp point of some
thing while she was at play. The rib
at that spot was permanently weaken
ed and somewhat depressed afterward,
but not enough to Interfere with the
"It was no disfigurement when she
wore a low cut dress, was It?" asked
"Quite the contrary." replied Blair.
"It looked like a large dimple."
"An ordinary man wouldn't have
known what It was, eb?"
"Probably not."
"The knife couldn't have struck there
by accident," said Elmendorf. "It
looks to me like one of those freaks of
a murderer who has brooded over tbo
crime In advance."
"Curious point," said Blair.
"So it seemed to me," said Elmen
dorf, "anil here's another. Of course
the man who stabbed her meant to kill
"A thief would have struck her on
the head."
"I should think likely."
"So this was a murder case," said
Elmendorf. "There was the Intention
to kill. Now, why didn't the murderer
strike again?"
"He probably thought the wound
was fatal," responded Blair.
"That's the queer part of It," Bald
the detective. "I wouldn't have
thought It was fatal. Most murderers
go on stabbing; they strike half a
dozen times In a sort of frenzy. This j
man was content with one blow, but
it was a good one, and If the knife
blade hadn't been bent"—
"Was It bent?" Inquired Blair.
"Yes," was the reply. "And If the
assassin was one ™*bo knew the loca
tion of the vital organs, but was at
the time too much excited to notice
the defect In the Instrument, why,
then, that bend In the blade may have
saved her life."
"If It Is saved," added Blair.
"It was certainly saved for a time,"
said the detective, "though every doc
tor who saw the wound immediately
pronounced It fatal. That's a point In
the case."
"Prom which you conclude —what?"
laid Blair, rising and taking a seat at
the table opposite Elmendorf.
The detective did not Immediately
answer the question. He seemed to be
deep In thought.
"By the way," he said suddenly,
"there's another point while 1 remem
ber it. 1 mean that letter."
"What letter?"
"The one Alden wrote and Elsie nev
er got," replied Elmendorf. "The post
man really delivered It, of course,
though he won't testify positively. It
was undoubtedly put by the servant
under the door of the vestibule, that lit
tle hall leading to Miss Miller's room.
It was put under that door, but not far
"Not far enough?"
"No. Somebody came along and
pulled It out. If It happened to be a
man who was In love with Miss Miller,
the reading of it couldn't have been
pleasant. But how did the man get
"1 don't know," said Blair.
"As to the motive," continued the de
tective, "that's pretty clear now. Miss
Miller has told about her marriage.
She hasn't u*med the man, but you
know lilin."
"Yes," said Blair; "I know him."
He took up a very little bottle from
the table and began to turn It Idly In
bis hands.
"Now, then," said Elmendorf, "let's
recapitulate. The murderer was a man
who knew of that sear."
"Anybody might have seen that," re
joined 1 '.lair.
"He knew what It was," continued
Elmendorf. "He also was a man who
at.the first glance believed that wound
which he hnd Inflicted to be fatal. Wo
conclude that he was a doctor."
"Very pretty," said Blair.
"The Individual subsequently tried to
poison Miss Miller," said the detective,
"and his way of doing It also bears
out the theory that he was one who
had a knowledge of medicine. He
knew Just what poison to employ, and
he guessed that there would be some
sort of food substance in the room Into
which the poison could be put. Now,
besides being a doctor, what was he?"
"A scoundrel. I should replied
"He was a man who could go In and
out of Mrs. Simmons' house when he
pleased." said Elmendorf. "He was
not one who depended upon any Im
perfect catch of a door. Perhaps he
had lived In the house and had uever
given up his key. Anyhow it is certain
that he went to see Miss Miller at 9
o'clock In tiie morning, an hour when
most men would not think they had a
right to call, but one who claimed to be
her husband might. He saw that letter
sticking out from under the door. He
stole it. and he said after reading it, 'lf
not mine, then no man's.' He was a
murderer in his heart, then."
"You mean to Imply," said Blair,
"that he had been accustomed to go in
and out of that house without ringing
tjie bell; that he was her husband,
though she would not see him except
when he presented himself at her door
to plead and to be sent away, with his ,
heart on tire. Well, I think that may ;
-be true."
"Undoubtedly," said Elmendorf, "but
who was the man?"
There was a rap at the door, and
Blair said "Excuse me" quite conven
tionally as lie crossed the room to open
It. He exchanged some words with a
servant and for a few seconds stood
outside, but his left hand was always
visible upon the door, as Elmendorf
carefully uoted. When he returned to
his seat, he set down the very small
bottle upon the table.
"I had reasoned so far early In the
case," continued Elmendorf, "and had
even made an experiment with a per- |
son whom I had suspected. I cut my
hand and let him bandage it, though
that proved not to be necessary, for the
man acquitted himself instantly by j
saying that 1 had cut an artery' when J
there was plainly no arterial bleeding. ■
to say nothing of the location of the in- ■
Jury. So he surely wasn't a doctor."
"You seein to be quite an educated 1
man," said Blair dreamily. "Have you [
learned anything in this life that j
would help you lead another If you had
"Very little, I'm afraid," said Elmen- I
dorf; "but let us proceed. I had proved !
that the man was a doctor, and then !
came the Philadelphia story. You |
know what happened over there. The j
husband ran out for a doctor. That
floored me at first, and I had to think It \
"1 was afraid she was poisoned,"
said Blair calmly, "and dared not be
alone with her If she should die."
"You!" exclaimed Elmendorf, rising. 1
"You! Well"—and be sat down again
—"lt doesn't surprise mel"
"You came here to get me," respond
ed Blair. "1 knew It as soon as you
sat down there. I had no chance,
though Rhe promised to shield me In re
turn for my clearing Miss Maclane. j
She'd have done It anyway, of course.
That she had already proved. She was
anhnmed. ashamed, deadly ashamed, :
and sick to the soul of her for having
ever loved me. Well, It's all over. If
you know what happened In Philadel
phia, it only remained for you to find
the New York doctor. He's In Europe, ;
however; left a week or more ago. i
His name Is Osborne. Any more In-
Ult left hand «*ia alway visible upon
the door.
formation 1 can give you, Mr. Elmen
dorf? It's all up. I might as well
"Why didn't you run?" demanded
"I staid to play the game out," re
plied Blair. "There was money In
view, and 1 love money, my friend;
also 1 love life. How absurd, but
I do—now that It's over! Think of
it! And there isn't a man In New York
this minute as wretched as 1 am. Why,
I'd Just heard from the hospital, and 1
was sitting there on that couch, staring
at the pillow she made for me, think
ing of the endless stitches and the love
—Elmendorf, she told me that every
one of tliem was sewed with love for
me. Why does that stick in my mind?
Why couldn't I be straight? Well,
well, I'm do.ie for—done for!"
Elmendorf eyed the man curiously.
His face was flushed as If with fever,
and his words were thickly uttered
and hurried, as with delirium.
"You didn't get the money?" said
"Money!" echoed Blair. "For the
first time In my life I forgot that there
was such a thing. I read that letter,
as you guessed, and I was crazed. I
knew she was holding her secret, and
. would put him off for shame, and bc-
I cause she treasured up something he
' had said that frightened her about
some woman who run away to be mar
, rled. Well, I went there that after
• noon; I talked with her, raved at
her and then —well, you know what
happened. I thought every one would
know I did It. We hail hail more meet
ings In the last few weeks than you'd
! believe possible," he rambled on, "but
then nobody cares what his neighbor
does here In New York. Our whole ro
mance passed without notice. I was
on the balcony when Hoblnson came."
"Did you know that he returned?"
asked Elmendorf.
"He left his cane In the room, got
outside the house, got In agulu because
the lock hadn't caught and entered
the room, thinking that he had heard
an answer to his knock. There was
the money right on the table, and no
body in sight, you and Miss Miller
being on the balcony between the win
dows. He needed money, and he took
1 It, and I traced It. The man's at head
i quarters now. He tried to skip, but hi
1 ' was shadowed at the time, as 1 knew
and he didn't."
"I thought Neale got the money,"
said Blair, starting as if from a doze.
"Robinson will be released," said
Elinendorf. "There'll be no complaint.
This whole case will be covered up."
"Covered up?" echoed Blair, and he
laughed. "I'll be covered up-in my
grave, and. by , Elmendorf. 1 don't
want to die! I don't want to die! Can
you understand that?"
"Don't die. then," said Elmendorf;
"there's no need of it. I shan't trouble
you. I could make a lot of money by
letting you aloue, and I'm going to do
It for nothing, or, to be exact. I'm
going to do it for Elsie Miller. You'll
go scot free. Blair, you black hearted,
lying brute!"
Blair suddenly rose to his feet. He
seemed to be impossibly tall as he stood
there with raised shoulders and clinch
ed hands, staring down at Elmendorf.
"Do you mean to say that you have
not couie here to take me?" he demand
"That's what I mean." said Elmen
dorf. "You can go where you please,
and you'd better go as fast as you can,
for Alden may be here at any moment
Perhaps you have observed certain
physical peculiarities of Mr. Alden? I
seem to hear your bones crack. Blair,
in his hands."
Blair gave utterance to a terrible
"Do you know what I have done"'"
he crh d in a voice that sent a chill to
Elmendorf"s heart. "Look here:"
He liTtid the small bottle nud then
dashed it down to shivers.
"I'm done for! I've taken enough "f
that to kill three men. No electric
chairs for me. Aud now—l might have
lived! I might have gone abroad. 1
could have had money—found a new
life; but I'm a dead man."
He had wrenched open the door of a
locker upon the wall, but at the lust
words he turned to launch a frightful
curse at Elmendorf.
"I may still save myself." he bab
bled. and there was a rattling of bot
tles in the cupboard. "This Is it.
Great heavens! There is hardly enough
Bring me that water."
Elmendorf started to comply, but ills
speed did not equal Blair's impatience,
and the latter sprang forward so that
they came together. There was a
tinkling of glass upon the floor.
Blair sprang back. Ills face dripping
aud ghastly red with the poison.
"It's all 1 have!" he cried. "It's my
last chance! And you you did It!"
With incredible strength aud sudden
ness he seized a heavy paperweight
from the table and aimed a fearful
blow at Elmendorf. The detective reel
ed for ail Instant and then fell face
downward upon the floor, where he lay
perfectly still.
Blair glanced at him once, then rush
ed to a mirror nenr the window and
stared at his own livid face.
"There may be time!" he gasped, one
hand clutching his breast. "If 1 can
get to a drug store"—
He seized Ills hnt Instinctively and
rushed to the door, through which he
passed Into the ball.
"I>r. Rlalr," said a remembered voice.
"I must speak with you. Come back
with me. Where Is Elmendorf? Have
you seen him?"
Frantic, be tried to shake off the
hand that was on his arm. but the hand
was of iron He babbled unintelligible
"Poison!" cried Alden. "Who Is poi
soned? Come back here to the light."
And he thrust Blair Into the otlice,
practically carrying the man at arm's
length. Utterly iusane with the fear
of death, Blair struck at his captor
vainly and screamed like a child.
Elmeudorf was struggling to his feet
as they entered, and Alden uttered a.
cry at the sight of him.
"Did he do this?" he exclaimed,
pointing at Blair, whom he had re
Elmendorf pressed his hand upon his
hair, which was wet with blood.
"Yes," he said hoarsely; "this—and
the other!"
Alden paused an Instant, the strength
of his body gathering for effort.
Then he leaped forward and seemed
to pass half through, half over, the
body of Blair, as If It had been a ghost
In garments. Turning, he saw Blalr
lying jpon the floor, his limbs contort
ed, his face bearing the uamistakablo
stamp of death.
Elmendorf staggered forward and
knelt beside the body.
"We're going to keep her secret," he
said. "Her name must not appear in
this. We must see what the man has
in his pockets and In the room. Some
of these fellows make strange memo
"Brenda has told me the story," said
Alden. "It could not be concealed. In
fact, I had got so much from the nurse
you bribed that the remainder matter
ed little. And this man was her hus
band, this cowardly wretch, this assas
sin of women!"
"He was also an Inventerof women,"
said Elmendorf. "And I never knew a
shrewder trick."
"Do you mean iliat he lied about see
ing one?"
"There was no mysterious woman
In the case," replied Elmendorf. "It
was a pure Action and worthy of Its
author. He was clever, and for a thor
oughgoing scouudrel— Hello! What's
He had drawn a sheet of paper from
Blair's pocket, and after a glance at It
he handed It to Alden, who read that
Arthur Gordon Blair and Joseph Neale,
captain of police, were equal partners.
I, document appeared
*° possess the power
L. ¥ IB vfx of a spell, for while
■ jP?' Alden held It In his
SS I hands he heard one
JL Jf, blow upon the
A door, and then Neale
strode Into the room.
"What's this?" he demanded. "El
mendorf, didn't I tell you to let this
man alone?"
"I'll let him alone now, captain," said
Elmendorf. "You can bury him. And
see thai you bury everything else too.
This whole case is on I lie ipilet. I can
steer things :it headquarters with a lit
tle money. Mr. Alden. and Joe Neale
must tain- care of tin- precinct. This
Is a mysterious suicide. Neale: due
probably to financial trouble or ill
health It has no illation to the case
of Miss Miller."
"Since when did I take orders from
you?" cried Neale.
"Since I gill hold or this." replied El
mendotf. showing the partnership
agreement "1 know the whole game,
Neale. and you can't stand It Just
"That's off anyhow." said Neale. with
deep bitterness. "Duncan Machine
was too smart lie has got the llol
beln company's option hint -elf. for the
gent win was til have been his non-11l
law. of course."
And be bowed grotoM|i:ely to Alden.
"Machine KII I IVil a t;;t after lit had
glvi si t:;i to Blair." lie continued, "and
so lie stepped in ahead of n* And
now, Elmendorf. I'm willing to call
this thing a draw on your terms, in !
attend to matters here strictly on the
quiet, aud you take care of your own
end of it as well as you can. Is it a
"It is," replied the detective. "As
soon as I get my head patched up I'll
go down to headquarters and get Ilob-
Inson out or start things moving that
way. And you, Mr. Alden?"
"i am going back to St. Winifred's."
was the reply.
When Alden reached the hospital, he
went at once to Kendall's room, from
which place he sent word of his ar
rival. Both the doctor aud Brenda
presently Joined him.
•'I think the danger Is nit over," said
Kendall, taking Alden's hand. "This
last attack of faintness was to be ex
pected; but I do not look for any re
currence. But how Is it with you?
Something serious has happened?"
Alden told them simply and directly
Just what had occurred.
"She is free, then?" exclaimed Bren
"Yes. and partly by my hand," he re
plied. "Brenda. I am glad of It. 1 am
glad lo have been concerned in that
man's death. 1 am more than naif a
savage. From the first instant, when
I learned that Elsie had been struck
down. 1 had scarcely more than one
idea, one passion the desire for venge
ance. I wanted to kill with my own
hands the man who had done this
thing All softer feelings were swal
lowed up in that one desire."
"It produced a singular effect." said
Kgmlall. with a shudder.
"You mean that 1 seemed to be guilty
of this crime?" said Alden calmly.
"Well, then- was murder in my heart
at the time, yon see, and 1 cannot
hlame any who misjudged me. And
now. Brenda." he said, drawing him
self up and clinching his white and del
icate hands that gave so little hint of
their etiorniou* strength. "1 am glad
that I can go to her and tell her tlint
he is dead: that that dreadful night
mare of the past need not hang over
her; that all these horrors"—
"My friend." said Brenda, checking
him. "you will do nothing of the kind."
He asked her in surprise what she
might mean
"You will utter no such violent senti
ments," she said. "Elsie believes her
self a sinner. Sle looks upon that folly
as If it were a terrible offense, and,
what is much more Important, she be
lieves that you will so regard It. She
thinks tlint you will look upon her as a
girl disgraced by her own act and
saved by chance. The whole matter
has assumed a shape utterly monstrous
in her eyes. Now, what will you do—
thank CJod in her presence that the
dreadful drama closed with your hands
upon Blair's throat? Never, never!
You will be very gentle always. You
will say to her in the beginning that
you love her dearly and that nothing
else matters in the least. You will
speak as little as possible of this tan
gle of crime. It is not Important. Do
you comprehend? Love Is what mat
ters. Throughout these first difficulty
days and for all your life you will do'
the same thing. You will help her to
forget that such men as Blair are In
the world; that she ever met one of
them. It won't be a forbidden topic.
Oh. far from that; merely a matter not
worth brooding over in a world full of
sunshine and love."
"Brenda," said h«, "this la the flower
of wisdom. I think I might have
erred In a way that would have taken
a long time to set right. Can I see her
now ?"
"I think you cun," said Kendall—
And with the Inst word he looked
at Brenda. Aldeu understood.
"I shall be all you wish uie to be,"
he said.
So they went to Elsie's room, Alden
lingering until the way was prepared
for him. He entered smiling and han '
some In the way of the days before.
He knelt down beside Elsie's bed and
"What's thlsf" he demanded.
In the gentlest way let her know that
her secret had come Into Ills keeping
and that he had forgotten It again.
Then he told her that she was free,
but not with any words to picture the
horror of the last scene. The man had
died by his own hand, as It was best
he should.
"But still this story, Clarence—think
of It!" she said. "It Is bound to be
"My child," said he gently, "If you
are uiy wife and are received by the
Machines and a few other people
whom 1 know"—
"Including the Kendalls," said
Brenda. "Don't forget them."
"No," sajd the doctor, "that wouldn't
do at all. Why, a dozen years ago,
when the phrase 'the Four Hundred'
was first heard, an old dowager of my
tribe protested against It. 'Four hun
dred indeed!' cried she. 'Why, there
are more than 400 Kendalls!' So
there's the size of your clan, little
"So only love uintters," said Alden,
still upon Ills knees. "Is not that
Elsie was silent for a moment. Then
she suddenly opened the hand that
Alden wasn't holding and showed
hi in something which had been clasped
In It.
"Do you recognize It?" she said.
"I've kept It all the time."
"My message that I sent the first
you were here," he exclaimed,
taking it.
"The mysterious message!" said
"You may read It If you like," said
Alden. giving her the paper. "Elsie is
"Wait!" cried Elsie. "You may read
It If you will give it to L>r. Kendall
"That will be no more than ordinary
politeness," said Brenda, glancing at
the (taper; "ouly three words—"l love
you.' "
And she put the little missive Inta
Kendall's hand.
• ••••••
Tlic arrangements of C'gptaln Nealc
11 in I licit cilve Elnieiidorf accomplished
a beautifully complete suppression of
th«- news in the case, and the latter re
ceived the sincere thanks of 4M '
who spoke for all others concerned.
There might have been other consider
atlons than mere thanks; but. In the
detective's opinion, the Ume was not
ripe for corruption.
About a week later Alden was sur
prised to meet Elmendorf In a car of
the elevated road dressed In a patrol
man's uniform.
"Back to the ranks," said Elmendorf
gloomily. "Neale's pull has finally got
me. The 'front office' expressed regret
I dou't know why."
"Resign," said Alden. "1 want you
with me. My deal has gone through la
great shape. I can put you In the way
of making money."
"Nobody can do that," said Elmen
dorf. "I wasn't born for it."
Alden did not reply In words, but he
fastened a grip on ElmendoiTs arm
that couldu't have been loosened with
out a major surgical operation and led
him out of the train despite his pro
tests on the ground of duty. They went
to Alden's office, and when they left It
"the force" had lost an excellent officer
and really able detective.
Thlnicx Which Overcome a Writer
When Brclnnlns an Article.
There Is a feeling of timidity that
oftentimes overcomes a writer when
beginning an article. As In writing a
letter, it is getting started that puzzles.
It is the custom to begin with slow
moving piston and work gradually into
full speed until the flow of words is
free, and then the difficulty with some
of us is to find the brake valve. Again,
a frriter sometimes discovers that his
beginning is a more fitting ending, and
vice versa. The newspaper style is to
throw general conclusions up strong
under the headlines, while the serrnon
izor reserves them until his final cli
Thackeray remarked once that he
could never tell exactly what he was
going to say until his pen was in hand
and under motion and then did not fully
realize just what he was saying until It
was written. There is a subconscious
ness that shapes writing as it does
speaking. This, I know, distuibs some
well known theories of speaking and
writ lug—ns to weighing everything and
then measuring it out as a druggist
compounds a prescription—but my ob
servations are that the preparation is
more in getting full of a subject and
then letting the mind work free under
the impulse of the dominating idea.
There are as many ways and meth
ods in writing and speaking as there
are individuals, and yet the fundamen
tal law in the transmission of thought
and speech runs largely In the same
groove, whether It be the Jargon of the
Hottentot or the polished periods of
the scholar. Human nature has its
own primitive impulses that defy all
rules of rhetoric and the power of ex
pression—that is, the power, mind you
—ls deeper seated than any artificial
formula of stylists. National Maga
Cheap at ths Price.
A certain pompous and officious judge
In a western town bad Just fined a
young lawyer $lO for contempt of
court. After it had been paid a grave
old attorney walked up to the bench
and laid down a ten dollar goldplece.
"What is that forT* asked the Judge.
"For contempt, your honor," was the
"But 1 didn't fine you for contempt,"
answered the judge. "There muit be
some mistake."
"Oh, no, there isn't," replied the old
man. "I have cherished a secret con
tempt for this court for a long time,
nnd I'm willing to pay for It." —Chica-
go News.
Some years ago at a Mardi Gras ball
at the Hopkins Instituto of Art a man,
masked, approached a woman, masked,
and asked her for a dance, as is con
sidered right and proper at Mardi
"But I dou't know you, sir," said the
lady in her most icy tone.
"Well, I'm taking as big a risk as
you are," retorted the man.
An Interloper's Explanation.
"Now, then," cried the deep voiced
woman, "what has made female suf
frage possible?' 1
"Male sufferance," replied the rude
man who had no business to be there
at all.—Philadelphia Press.
Wealth does not make a home. It
takes thoughtful, sympathetic com
rades to make a home. —Ladles' Home
Karo Slwo riles Great Loads »l
Driftwood on Alaska's Shores.
In one sense the Kuro Slwo, or Japan
current, is the most interesting in the
world because many oceanographers
believe it was the direct means of peo
pling America. This much at least is
certain: If a boat were to be set adrift
on parts of the Asiatic coast and sur
vived all storms, the Japan current
could be depended upon to carry it
across the l'aciflc and deposit It on the
American shore. Such a thing has
happened. In 1532 nine Japanese fish
ermen were left derelict and unable to
llnd their way back to shore. They
went with the current, and after a
drift lasting during several months
they were carried to Hawaii.
Trees torn by storms from the banks
of Aslutic rivers frequently float across
the Pacific to the American coast. Be
tween Kakatag and Kyak islands,
about 1,200 miles northwest of Seattle,
enormous piles of this driftwood cover
the beaches. There can be no question
of the Asiatic origin of the timber.
They are the trunks of the camphor
tree, the mango and the mahogany.
Logs 150 feet long and eight feet In dl
umcter are frequently found. Many of
them are seen floating shoreward, with
fantastic roots standing high above the
waves. In places the logs are piled
twenty feet high. They are generally
without bark, which has been peeled
off by the waves, and most of them
have become white and heavy from
impregnation with salt water. As they
pile up the winds drift over them, and
gradually they sink out of sight, and
new beaches are formed. This process
has been going on for ages, and the
shore line Is being steadily extended.
Excavations along the beach show that
texture of the burled timber gets hard
er and harder the farther In you go,
until in some instances petrifaction has
taken place. Other excavations show
IOK* that have turned to coal.
The presence of Siberian driftwood
on the shores of Greenland convinced
Nansen that his Idea of drifting ncross
the i'olac sea in the Tram was logical.
Great quantities of the wood are an
nually cast on the coasts of Spits
bergen and Nova Zcmbla, and there
are tribes of Greenland Eskimos who
depend for sledge runners and other
wooden implements on the drift from
Siberian forests. For years they de
pended for iron implements on the
hoops of casks which came to them
over seas.—Theodore Waters in Alns
No 20
The Arrangement, Ventilation sst
Care of Stable—Mllkera' Room.
Here are some of the requirements of
a model dairy as set forth by R. A.
Pearson of the bureau of animal indus
try in a plan for the improvement of
market milk:
The stable shall be arranged with ai
view to the comfort of the animals and
so ns to facilitate the work of cleaning,
milking, etc.
The floor shall be smooth and incapa
ble of absorbing liquids and sloping
sufficiently to cause good drainage.
The gutters behind the cows shall be
open and with sufficient incline to
cause good drainage.
The side walls and ceiling shall be so
tlglit as to prevent dust sifting through,
and they shall be so constrncted as to
prevent cobwebs and dust from col
lecting and easily to be cleaned.
There shall be windows In at least
two sides of the stable, providing not
less than three square feet of unob
structed window glass to each animal.
Each animal shall be allowed at
least as many cubic feet of air space
as the number of pounds of its live
The ventilation shall be so efficient
that one will not notice a stale, dis
agreeable or strong animal odor on en
tering the building.
The stalls shall be comfortable, at
least three feet wide, or three and a
half feet for a large cow, and so long
that the animal need not habitually
stand with feet in the gutter.
The stable yard shall be well drained
so ns to be usually dry and no pools al
lowed to form.
A suitable place, at least 200 feet dis
tant from the Btable building, shall be
provided for cows not approved by the
veterinarian and those separated from
the herd for any cause except calving.
A special room, conveniently located,
shall be provided for the milkers to
wash In before and during milking.
The interior walls shall be kept clean
and light colored. If whitewash is
used, a fresh coat shall be applied, at
least three times a year, and oftener 11
necessary, to keep the walls clean and
white. Mold spots shall not be permit
The accumulation of dirt, cobwebs,
rubbish nnd materials not needed for
stable work shall not be permitted.
At least half an hour before milking
time stables shall be thoroughly clean
ed and ventilated and manure removed
from the building.
The stablo floors shall be sprinkled
when necessary to keep down the dust.
When cows are kept in the stable
continuously, as In stormy weather, it
shall be cleaned often enough to be
kept as free as possible from the ma
nurlal odors. If necessary, land plaster
shall be used for absorbing liquids and
At least once every two months the
mangers shnll be scrubbed with a
brush and water and «oap, lye or wash
ing powder.
Animals of other species shall not bo
kept in the same room with milk cows.
No strong smelling material shall be
allowed In or near the stable. If ma
nure is on the premises, it shall be at
least 100 feet distant from the stable.
A New View of Sorffhnm.
Dr. Henry Stewart affirms in Farm
and Home that, having given study to
the matter of sheep, cattle and horses
being killed by eating sorghum or so
cnlled cane fodder, he is able to stnte
the cause:
"Once I was making an examination
of the plant at sirup mill and happened
to carelessly draw a blade of It through
my hand, feeling it rough. Some of my
lingers were cut to the bone by the
leaves, aud this, of course, led me to
make a microscopical examination of
the leaves. I found the edges of the
leaves were fringed by almost trans
parent teeth visible and apparent to the
enlarged view as clear, glasslike hooks.
I at once recognized tho cause of the
trouble with the plant. Animals fed on
sorghum of course pass the pulpy mat-,
ter through tho bowels, and In cases
when much of the fodder has been
eaten the compact mass, having myri
ads of these sharp, glassy, hooked
points, cuts the bowels and produces
fatal inflammation. Examination of
the bowels of animals killed In this
way has confirmed this diagnosis, and
I am satisfied of Its entire correctness.
Every 111 has its remedy, and so has
this, in prevention of this Injury by
avoiding feeding of mature, or nearly
mature, sorghum aud by mixing it, un
der any circumstances, with other fod
der. In its early stage of growth, or
when thickly grown, the forage Is less
hard nnd sharp."
An Inspiration.
A pretty girl boarded a crowded
street car In Washington, and a pom
pous old gentleman arose and gave her
a seat.
After some time a number of pas
sengers got out. and the old gentleman
sank Into the nearest corner with a
weary sigh.
"1 wouldn't get up again," he mur
mured. "for an angel." And then, ns
he caught the eyes of the girl fixed up
on him reproachfully, he added quick
ly, "I mean, madam, for another an
te! I"—Harper'a Magazine.
An Einmpla.
"The chimney Is smoking," he said.
"Yes," she retorted; "that'a the effect
of bad axatuple. Usually the chimney
lias consideration enough to do lta
smoking outdoors."
Thus It camo nbout that he finished
his cigar on the back porch.—Chicago
"Why are you crying. Utile boy?"
"One of tliem artists paid me a dlrna
to sit on the fence while he sketched!
"Well, Is there any harm In that?"
"Yes. * elr It «'iis a barb wire
tviuwriillnitelnliln Iteeurd.