Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 08, 1902, Image 4

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    "I do not look as
though I ever was
When a woman ia sick she fells off in
looks. This is particularly the case
wherf she suffers from diseases peculiar
to her sex. Not only is her strength
undermined, but she loses beauty of
face and grace of form.
It is characteristic of the cures of
womanly diseases effected by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that
with restored health there is a restora
tion of good looks.
"Favorite Prescription" establishes
regularity, dries weakening drains, heals
inflammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
"I wish to thank you tor the good your medi
cines have done me," writes Mrs. Mse Brown, ot
Canton. Fulton Co., 111-«- "I wm troubled with
fem»H*r«ktess and doctored with several dif
fcreßt Soctors. They did not seem to help me;
indeed I got worse all the time. I had ulcera
tion and displacement of the uterus. What 1
suffered no toogue can tell. I had heavy bear-
Mr rs
taking five bottles of 'Arnrite Prescription
and tnree of Golden Medical DUcoeetyAl am
feeling as well as ever, ft has been almost two
Tears and I have had no return of the trouble.
My friends tell me X don't look as though I ever
was sick." _. .
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffilo, N- Y.
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity
and lurgest sale in their history, due to
intrinsic merit They core the sick.
*O. ctks. rttictx.
I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .85
•i— Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—'Teething.Colic.Cryfng.Wakefolness .29
<l—Diarrhea. of Children or Adults 35
1-toughs. Colds, Bronchitis »5
B—lVeuralffia, Toothache, Faceache 35
»-Hendache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .35
10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Week Stomach.33
11—Suppressed orPainfat Periods 25
13— Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25
13—Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14—Salt Blieum,Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25
15—Rheumatism. Bfceumatic Fains 25
16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .25
20—WUoopinE-t'oas 25
27—Kidney Diseases 25
2H—\ervoos Debility 1.00
30—Crinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .25
7T-43rlp. Hay fever 25
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
nr Or, Humphreys' Hew Posket Manual
sf ali Diseases mailed free.
ne*Jhlefr# Kedlctae Co., CJor. William and
Joka Su,. New York.
' Nasal Catarrh quickly yielda to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it uiffuaea itself. Druggists
•ell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10
oents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
•• Announcement.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the uae of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
ble*, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
•praying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
jc. F. T. Pape'j
/ 121 E. Jefferson Street, i
*T O N 1 C
' for spring than Lewin's Pure Whis
key—take it in time and save doc
tors' and druggists' bills.
j§Tbr goods we sell are guaranteed
filßfOX, OILLMUfcK, Biilt'UßfOßT,
aniloffer them to you 6 year old at ti per full
quaff., U quarts (5 00.
whllfcey guaranteed 3 years old, Si 00 per gal
lon.; We pay express charges ofl all mall
order* of $6 00 or over. Coods shipped
How u Smithfleld Street, formerly
411 Water Street. PITTSBURG, FA.
■Wheats: Bell 2W. T. k A. I4U.
is The Time to Havel
(>ur Clothing
ou want good and reliable
ng or dyeing done, there is
ne place in town where you
:t it L and that is at
Butler Dye Works
f 216 Center avenue
m_We do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture ot
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent Tor the JainCßtown 81id : n
Blind Co.— New York.
In the photograph Hne can be seen
at the Findley Studio. The Artist
Proof photograph on exhibition
now, they arc winners and please
all who want an arti.itis picture.
Stop in and see them.
Novelties for Ho'iday trade
now ready. Broaches and buttons
of all descriptions. Copying and
Telephone 236.
P. O. lVd'e, Butler.
Brsnrhes—Mars and Kvatis City.
* 33M S3-6th Ave., PltUburg, p. ni
I /! Wi-'iopß^CTlCA'.LY (lo ' u t""' V
'm CROWN "<> BRIDGE work A
SMut l s lu.!.urg-WHY NOT DO V
fwmroußs? <">'« CROWNSW
' i vv"" 1 BRIDGE work reduced toft*
' I TOOTH. Alio thelf
L 1 y i.fTwthQNLYH Bl
It Ie the Pares* Out and Only Ab
solutely ftafe Water.
Boil a gallon of water until there Is
but a quart left, and the quart will
contain all the impurities of the gal
lon anil be nearly four times as im
pure as before. Contiuue the boiling,
and all the impurities—animal, vege
table and mineral, except the gases
thrown off—will be reduced to one sol
id mass. The water which is evapo
rated and passed off as steam is very
nearly pure. But, you will 6ay, it kills
the dangerous germs. We will sup
pose it does, but their remains furnish
material for bacterial life to feed up
on. Do you relish the idea of eating
in food or drinking their dead and de
composing bodies, which poison the
water by their decomposition? The
fact is scientific investigation has prov
ed that boiling only kills the feeblest,
the least injurious, germs.
Try a simple experiment Put un
boiled city water in one bottle and the
same that has been boiled for half an
hour or more in another, cork tightly
and keep in the sun or in a warm place
for a week or longer and note the dif
ference. The unboiled water will show
a marked depreciation in looks, taste
and smell, but that which has been
boiled will be so much worse in these
respects that no one would think of
nsing it In comparison with these
you can submit a properly sealed bot
tle of pure distilled water to the same
conditions, and at the end of a year it
will be found to be ss pure, sweet and
perfect as when first bottled.
The purest and best and the only ab
solutely safe water to use for drink
ing and the preparation of all foods
and artificial drinks is that produced
by distillation, but the most Imperfect
one produces a water far superior in
purity and healthfulness to the very
best spring waters under their most
favorable conditions. The nearest ap
proach to It in purity is rainwater,
which is distilled water of nature s
own production, when collected on
clean surfaces, In uninhabited sections,
where the air is pure and uncontami
nated by smoke, dust city and factory
gases, etc.—Sanitarian.
Locke is said to have spent over six
years In the preparation of his essay,
"On tbe Human Understanding."
Lamcrtine, the great French poet,
was happily married and received
great aid from his wife in all his un
The great Dante was married to a
notorious sepld, and when he was in
exile he had no desire to see her, al
though she was the mother of his six
Wolfe is said to have written "The
Burial of Sir John Moore" In one even
ing directly after news had been
brought of the defeat at Corona and
the death of the gallant British officer.
A friend of the late Walter Besant
I relate* that the novelist always kept
on his desk before him a list of the
cEaracters of the novel he happened to
be at work on, their relationship and
Hani Christian Anderuen formed his
style by narrating hl» stories to rarl
oua groups of children before he wrote
them down. His one thought waa to
become famouc, and he was very care
ful not to make any enemies.
Dickens says in the introduction to
"David Copperfleld" that he spent two
years In the composition of that novel.
He did not usually requite so long a
time, many of his novels being finish
ed In less than a year and most of his
shorter stories In a few days.
Anlmali aad Salt.
Among certain people there is a
strong idea that nothing is worse for
dogs than salt, but as a matter of fact,
when administered In small quantities,
I It materially assists the process of di
gestion. There is no doubt, however,
I that to give dogs or any other animals
broth or pot liquor in which salt pork
or bacon has been boiled would be al
most equivalent to giving them a small
dose of poison. The use of salt among
horses, cattle and sheep is advocated
by the highest veterinary authorities.
Pigs, on the contrary, are extremely
susceptible to the poisonous influence
of the agent, and experiments havo
been made which had, after sinull
doses regularly administered, fatal re
sults. Habitually, as a matter of course,
all animals consume a certain portion
of salt, as it exists In certain propor
tions in most articles of food.—London
Tlldtn'i Dor.
At one of the early dog shows Sam
uel J. Tilden bought an immense Great
Dane dog. "What's his name?" asked
a visitor.
"Ask him," said Mr. Tilden.
"What good would that do?"
"It's his name," was the reply.
80 it was—"Asklm."
The dog knew a number of tricks,
but would only perform when fed.
"He'd make a good politician," said
his owner as he gave him a bone.—
New York World.
At (h« Purlin* of the Way*.
"Do you take this man to be your
wedded husbandT' asked the Justice
of the peace.
"1 don't know whether to do it or
not, squire," said the young woman,
wiping her eyes. "He's got the money
from me to pay for the license. I don't
like to marry n man of that kind, and
yet I bate to see $2 wasted."—Chicago
Doi'a Teeth.
De Style—He pulled fifteen teeth
from me.
Gunbusta—He's no dentist.
De Style—l know it, but he pried
open the dog's mouth and yanked him
off.—New York Telegram.
Her Vaaltjr.
Bome years ago a marble sculptor
had his place of business on Penn ave
nue near Ninth street A business man
lost bis wife, and bo ordered a tomb
stone for her grave from the sculptor.
It was to be a life size study of her.
The figure was finished in due time and
placed la, the cemetery.
Several years passed, and the figure
had not been paid for. The sculptor
was a man of business, not given to
sentiment, and ho took the figure out
of the cemetery, placing It on exhibi
tion In a window at his place of busi
ness. It naturally attracted a good deal
of attention, and one day a woman in
passing stopped to look at it. She rec
ognized the figure, but to make certain
went in and asked the sculptor and
found that she was correct.
The woman shook her bead and said
sadly, "Ah, Mary Jane was alwaiu a
vain critter, but I never though she
would go this far."—Pittsburg Press.
Where Fonr Stated Meet.
it is queer to think of the possibility
of being In four states at once, yet
there Is one spot In the United States—
the only place In the world—where It
Is possible. Look on your map of this
country, says the St. Louis Republic,
and you will find an Intersection be
tween two straight lines, where Colo
rado, Utah, New Mexico and Arixona
The place is not often visited, as It Is
not easily reached. The stone erected
there by the government surveyors Is
on top of a spur In tbe Carrlso moun
tains. The nearest railroad town Is
Mancos, Colo., nearly 100 miles from !
the "four corners."
The region about was once densely
populated by cliff dwellers, but now i
there are no human beings within miles.
No Time to Lose
You cannot afford to disregard
the warnings of a weak and
diseased heart and put off tak
ing the prescription of the
world's greatest authority on
heart and nervous disorders —
Miles' Heart Cure.
If your heart palpitates, flutters,
or you are short of breath, have
smothering spells, pain in left
side, shoulder or arm, you have
heart trouble and are liable to
drop dead any moment.
Major J. W. Woodcock, one ot the
test known oil operators in the coun
try dropped (lead from heart d!sea«e
recently, at his home in Portland, ltd.,
while mowing his lawn.— The Prat.
Mrs. M. A. Birdsall, WaSicins, N. Y.,
whose portrait heads this advertise
ment, says: "I write this through grat
itude for benefits I received from Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. I had palpitation
of the heart, severe pains under the
left shoulder, and my general health
was miserable. A few bottles of Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure cured me entirely.
Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
lMSr¥r /)#
YM : IW ]
V' : — ! . , I
We Like to Show
these elegant new piece g<vc<!s
for men's garments. The.'re
the finest fabiics in tin most
popular patterns and cok ts.
and we make th< m up under
a guarantee of
Perfect Fit, Style,
And Workmanship.*
You'll get tired of the gar
merits before they wear out
or los.e their siKpc.
Wedding Suits a Special!}
Leading Tailor.
Pearson B. Naco's
Livery Feed snd
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
The best of horsns and Hrst class ri ic>> m
wavs on hand and for hire.
Best accommodation* In to'-vn for perma
nent boarciiriK and trannlf-nt tr:«ln Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
QA K<w>d class of hor»"H, both ilrlvr.- u <2
draft boraett always «#n hand and f< r
under a full guarantor; arid h»»r
pon proper notiflcttt'on by
Teleohone. No. ill).
W S. & E. WICK,
and Worked Lumber or. all iUnd-i
Doors, Sa.il) and MoaldSriK>»
Oil Well liijra a Specialty.
Office and Vard
E. CunnliiKharn and Monioe
near Went Penn Demit
t»rTf **r • $
Bert McCandless,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
W. Jefferson St., Butler.
Avoid Cars by Using
Mifflin Street Entrance.
Waiting Parlor for Ladies.
BBBgsgg^~"o£~ss J «s.Trt3is': WP-rraSAa.-yg
About Kodaks!
We have bolli Kodaks and
Cameras of all description,
Amateiir photo, supplies of all
kinds and of the best.
Keep your eye open for the new
folding pocket Kodak to be out
soon. 20 per cent ofl Kodak
prices this week. Films, Plates,
J'apers and Chemicals.
Free dark room for customers
Ntar P. O.
341 South Main atreet
Karl Schiuchter,!
Practical Tailor and Cutter
135JW. Jefferson, Bntler, Pa.
Busheling, Cleaning and
| New Carpets |
I And Russ.l
Scores of attractive patterns, new color blend-
|»f ings, from the simplest to the most elaborate designs, iggt
are shown in our complete assortment of reliable
makes of Brussels, Axminsters, Velvets, Tapestries
and Ingrain Carpets. j|||
Axminster Carpet Body Brussels
i No other carpet *»t the price For halls or living rooms: tgsg
-s§f looks so well on yonr parlor as will out-last any other carpet at jgSbj
an Axminster. This season's the same price: hoi.ls its colors
patterns surpass any previous longer than some of the hicber jgp;
showinp:. Red, jrreen. bine, priced goods A complete
tan or olive sronnds in beanti- line of florals or conventional
j i'nl floral or medallion effects. patterns suitable fur any room
Costs st-25 per yard in the honsc. At $1,251"' -r yd.
The finest quality of Tapestry Brussels Carpet and about double
iSssf the assortment we had last season Liubt tlor 1 patterns f-jr bed jSSS
t m rooms dark and medium florals for parlor*, larsre set patterns for yajg
"•3| the living room and email set patterns for halls. Pric 00c.
Is Campbell ft Templfton®
Vt •?».. j, i. <*'*• Fli w „ . <_ >-V
I A Beautiful Array of |
| , iT |
I liller's Shoe Store. |
j; Unquestionably the Luge.st and I
I :iiid prettiest line of fine Shoes and
I Oxfords ever shown in Butler, and
back of the pretty appearance is
I good, honest wearing quality.
It i* worth the whi'e <T every t re.-pictfve buyer;
| every re-; '■ nt of thi.> ton • , '■> this handsome i>e of
I footwea*. Ai! the new. -.»> i.->h shapes and popular leathers
a are she., r> i i this immense line, and the prices are rock
-1 bottom.
t Our line of ladies' fine shoes and oxfords
B h.is r.ew • been so complete. It comprises all the new sw. !
H st>les in heels and toes in hand turns ad w ted soles, with
R close or extended edges, a: d «• ..i.e in all the d ficrent mate-ri
fe' als; all sizes and widths. In fat t thvje i» i -..thing in the line
H < f ladies' fine footwear you vw <1 i not find in this immense stock.
The new three-button oxford for ladies.
This new design is a most etfi ctive foot fashion made of
E the new soft patent leather with medium or heavy extension
|B soles. We have them in all sizes and widths. Oxford ties
J- will l»: mote ixtcnsively worn tni, Spring .-.i d Summer than
I ever before. We h.iv: mil: .»jr prep nations accordingly, as
p-j you can see fron, the hnm • >e .'nn-k and great variety we now
M 1 how. t
Men's shoes and oxfords in endless variety
I We are showing the s\\< ;;. -,t line ,i men's fine shoes and
oxfo;ds«cver shown in ti,i, town. All the new designs from
the best Eastern makers. They come in handsome combina
tions of all the new heel and toes made in .ill the new ma
teiials; all sizes and widuiv Tin* line will put anything in
the shade ever shown in Hut'- r. <nd thr p'ices you will find
are from 25 to 50 cents a pair cheaper than you will find else
where. while you have.twice the \ ■i< ty t > select fiom. They
are the product of the fn us WALKOVKK, LJUILTW KI.L,
DOL'GI.ASS and many other strictly up to-daie factories.
Space will not permit us to give in det. il all the different
new styles in boys', girls' and infants' fine shoes and slippers. S
' No effort has been spared to make this lir.e one of the strong- k
est and handsomest lines ever shown in 1 Sutler, and there is &
nothing you could desire in strictly up-to-date fine shoes for I
the boys and girls that you will not find in this wonderful line, fl
When in need of footwear, give us a call.
' I
215 South Main Street, Hutler, l'a.
: t -i.ii \,t tii-j/f lui,capital,surplus and pr /.it.s divided by the sum total
■ . -Icq »sii 1 giv the cash .security for every dollar duo depositors.
$C,032 000 $2,362,000 = $2-55
1 Real Estate Trust Co.,
Incorporated October Ist, 1900.
I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00. I
H ... '1 '" R "nUrorton .lnpu.lt. .ul.J.ot t« «»IECK. nn<L « n«r MM L.T«.
HQ South Main (treat
funeral Director.
t5 S M ; nn S'. Butler FA
i* & W II K
Trains leavt» Bntler for Allegheny,
local time, at t5:25, 8:05, 9:30, and 11:0.5
a. m. and 4 :00. and 5:58, p. rn The 9:20
and 11:20 a. m. trains make the mn in
1 honr and 20 minutes and the 4:00 train
in «n honr and ;i half. The 8:0."> a. tn
4:00 and o:5li p in trains connect at
Callery for t>oint~ WVst. and the 1.40 as
far we-t as Ell wood.
Trains leave Batler for Bradford at
9:30 a m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p.in
Trains arrive in Batler from Alle
gheny 9:03. 9:17 a. in. isnd 12:13, 2:4">.
4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 pm: and from the
. North Ht 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. ni
The Theatre train. Tuesdays. Thnrs
davs and Saturdays leaves Allegheny at
, 11:30 p. m
On Sundays t. .as leave Butler for
Allegheny at 8:05 a w and 5:53 p.m.,
: and for the west at 4:00 p m.: and ar
rin at 9:17 a.m. :md 4:55 and 7:07 p.m.
1 _
li li & 1' IC II
: 7:30 a m., local for Punxsotawney
' and ail intermediate stations.
| 10:12 a, nt express for Buffalo aa 1
! Rochester
5:21 local for Pnus'y and Da Bo.s and
I all stations.
11.-22 p. m. express for Buffalo and
! Rochester—with sleepers,
i Tians arrive at Bntler. and tio on to
t Allej-'hs ay at 6:15 and 9:17 a. m. ,tu<l
, 5:31 p. la. Tram 21 from Pnnx y arriv» -
i at 7:H5 a. m. md stops hfcre,
! Th'- 10:12 expit s. will stop at Craiga
j ville. Ech-) and D..;. ton on signal.
! f> ESoEMER & LAKE ERIE K. R. C i>.
| 1) Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901.
One hour slower than town time.
nrothward. I'aily ewe,-* Sunday. Southward
a (tn.l I n
_2 ji ~ * r •' "i ' ' n
;.M P.AI i>4 alii \ ,
ti 10 JO2 Erie \ 5 12 I 5
5 »i> I- 4u >\iirvitjw 0 lis IS
0 If 12 34 Giiar-J ♦; \* 4_
5 4* 1 53 ar..l'onneaut . ,ai * 2'i I 5;
4 32 11 05 lv.. Couneaut.. ,lv 0 2t»|ll
5 13 VI 05 Grauf»viUe fi 50 1 OjJ
5 10 1- 00 Albion ti 55 1 l"
4 50 11 47 Springboro .7 lo 1 s]
1 50 11 41 < •uiu'.i.:rvijl.' T If ! .
4 3 11 ~ v Mead vi Ho J;i;. 1 7 35 1 5"
5 2> 11 5> ur.. Mc*MUe.. AT 8 1j 2 3°
3 4- 10 37 IT. . Meadville.. .1* •> 2o 1 l"
5 03 11 30 ar..Cvu. Lakc..»» 7 IV J 0-
\ 4 10 11 05 lv. .Con. Lake. .Iv 6 47 1 3'
, 4 ?»r.. Ljijfivilio . ,»r
tHll Oo H urtetown 7 4 . -» 07
4 «:* n "i *.Um>viil® : . \1
3 •> !" • • fr, , j _ J
: ClO 3 ixS i» J . ville 6 001 813 -30
| 0 (\>. 3 4'» 10 I" rdieuang» ... 6 { 8 2'- 23?
! 5 44, 3 23 10 2" Freduni* f> - is 2 ;V»
, b £*' 3 0" In Mcrevr 6 401 h 47 3 1"•
\ 'JI 303 10 «»1 Houston ti «• 3
o (»7 247 943 Grove t fly 7 f.;, 9 )<> ;C
[ 4 6-i 'Z 37 0 Hnr tJM i!le ... 7 l.i 1.-t -lis
J 4 47; 231 925 l>miichti>u i 7 ti| 9 '25 355
5 3 1 ' 10 lojtr.. .HUlkutl,.. tr] I< l
2 o'- ; C 10 lv...iliJliant .A\ 6 10 2
4 1., 2 2* M 17 KWsti-r 7 27j ' S 5H
4 2.- 2 1") » 01 Kuclitl 7 4:i: 4 13
4 00 1 50' 8 3>' Hutlwr 8 l'lllU 4 4">
2 20 12 13 7 00 Atl<vb< i:« 9 4S 11 &'• « 30
«"» '• '»■ •■- I
Train 12, leaving tirovo t'lty a. m.,
Siercer SMS. (ireruville tlouin uutvllle
7:32, Albion 7-49. arrives at Krle *:!7 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erli- T : 13 p. ID. All>lon
5:23, Cooiieaulvllle s;4tt, Greervllle «j:4O
Mwcrr 72 1 arrives at Grove rjiy at ,:inn.
VV. R TURNER. Gen. Agt,
Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg. Pa
Wiulield It 17 Co Time Table
lu effect Decern lt"t 2d, 1001.
WISTW.VIiP. ______
I.TOVBJ W.-.t Wiufi.l,l 8 00 :i 00
*' lU>Kg*Tiile H Its 310
hoii Bti«3gH 8
" Winfi.-ld Jtiutlioi' 830 3 3"»
44 8 4o 3 43
14 llutler Junction H 4 r . 350
arrive A • •i > . • r > 10
Lw Allegheny j H 43 1 3 10
" ISiltler Junction ....(10 00 4k)
44 Line jlO 03, 443
44 WinfloM Junction .10 1 : » 45j
" Iron Ilii.lgo 10 23 5 <V>
14 KloKgNvillc 10 35 515
Arrivo W<*«t WinflwlJ 10 45 5 25
TrwinH «top ut LMAO and Iron Uri<lg»' only ou Flag to
taJko on or leave off ittUMMMigeiti.
TiaiiiH <'o;im»« tut Bntler Juni'tion with.
Trniu-» Kwtwarl for Freejtort, Vandergrifl ami
liiairnvillf luteim-ctioti.
Tmins W. Htwanl tor Nutro.iu, Tarentum an<l Alle
T.» • Northward td Baxonbur|( f Dotl«r.
1). G. UK A LOU,
General Manager.
BoHicncr.E in Rrrvcr Feb. 20, I^o2
A. M A.M. A M. I*. M p. M
BUTLKR Leave ♦» 25 H 00 10 5o 2 35 i ;i5
Arrive ♦> 54 829 11 15 3 00 5 1)3
Butler Junction.. " 7 27 353 11 4«! i 25' 529
l*utler Junction.. .Leave 7 31 853 U 5J 3 25 5 20
Natrona Arrive 74' 90112 01 3 34. 6
Tarentum 7 41 90712 OS 3 4 2 5 44
Bpriiti;ilale | 7 b'i 0 16 12 19 3 A'J t.) 52
CiarenH>nt , » 3<i 12 3H 4 »» <; r-j
ShariiHttMPg ! 8 11 93612 48 4 1/ ti IJ
Allryl'.eny j 8 24 9 4K LO! 4 25) 621
{A. M. A. M. P. ftl. »'. M P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butler fo; -
City ami principal lnterwedlata atMinuH nt 7:' M) * m.,
•iud 5:00 p. ni.
A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M! I M
Allegheny Cify .I-avo b45 H4510 4 3 10, •» 10
SbftrpatHirg.. u57 857 10 67 ( i3 i£2t: <>22
(Hareiuont .. .... 11 01
SpriiiKtlale. 1 .... 11 18 I 0 30
Tur< nturn 7 ?!5 921 11 2- .< 4»- r, |,h
Natrona i 7 3li! 92k11 31 a »»! 53
3 itk •Ji tiofl. »i rtvi I ... >B7 11 US 358 7 QJB
(ftuttei Junction....leave 7 45; 9 4o 12 Ik 4 12] 7 Oti
rtaxonburn 8 li iu 07 12 41 4 til ; 27
BtJTLEB arrive 838 10 A 2 I lo 5 131 7 53
A. M.I A.M. P. M I*. M., P 31
SUNDAY TRAINS. — Leave Allegheny ( ity lor Bnt
ler ami principal Intern.' hit' nlations at 7.10 a ni. en-l
' l. :i>.
Weeks Dava. Snndayn
A. M.jA. M. P. M. A. M. P y\
Hnxnt lv 6 25; 10 50 235 7 3«» 500
IP tier JVt *r 7 2711 110 .i 25 8 io 550
Sutler Jet It 7 37,11 43 358 821 8 II
Foe port »r 741 II 4« 401 8 2.V 8 |4
Kakiraluetaa J't " 747U 50 lOH 8 8 111
LiSachburK " 80012 02 420 8 II BSZ
Paul ton (Apollo).... 41 821 I- 22 4 42 85K KSO
llUlnvlll« II « I »' .'i 41 (I t>l !) 45
NUIMITIO ini. . " » •«>! Ixi6 at JI»«»
Ait.n.n* " u a»| .... ■am 1 ooJ, ..
IlariiNhurx " 3 lOj .... 100 04»
Philadelphia " «23 ....' 4 25 10 17
P. M [A.M.I A.M.' I'. M.I P. M
T)irough tralua for the eant leave Pittalwrs: (I'nioti
Station), *ut f illoww
Atlantic Exprow, dally 3:00 A.m
Peumiytvaiila Limiteil 44 7:15 •'
f*ay KxpreM, " 7:30 "
Main Line Kxprean, " 8:00 "
llarrinhurg Mail, " 12:45 p.M
llarrl»!'in jf Kxpreaa daily 4 49 44
Philadelphia kxpreoe, 4:50 "
ICaal* rn Kxpreea t '• .... 7:10 "
fa»t Line, » ilO'i"
Pitt*l>ur,{ Lnnlitd, daily,for New Yotk, Haiti
■ • m 4 Washington onljr t- 1 I u
Phllad'a Mall, Sundat* on»y B:K* A.M
Knr Atlantic'.'ity (via Delaware Itiver Bridge, all
rail route) KOO a.m. daily and 11:00 p.m. daily.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains lenv© Klnkiminetaa Junction aa follow*:
For IJuflalo, 9.56 a. m. and 11 X> p. m. daily, with
through parlor and *d«eping car«.
For Oil <'lty, 7.40, 9M n m., 2..18, C..15 and 11 ..'ls p.
m. week-day*. Sunday*, 9.50 a m., 6.15 and 11.35p.ru.
F«»r B»-d I lank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. in., 2 38, 6.15, 9.34,
and 11 35 j». in. week-dayn. Huudaya, 9JW, 10.49 i. ni.,
DJS and 11 36 p. m
For Kit tanning, 7.1t!, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. in., 2.38,5.35,
6.15, 7.31, 9.3*1, and 11.35 p. ni. \m < k <h»yn. Si in day a,
9.56, 10.4-♦ a. 111., 6.15, 10.45, and 11.35 p. ni.
"1 ' atojia <»n Minimi u> lake on paiwengern lor Taren
tuui and piiluu heyond.
aitdram Tho . li. Watt. Pn**. \V«itern IMntrkt,
orner Fifth Avenue uud Hmithll'dd Street, Plltshurg,
«« II r<'IIIHOtf, J. H WOOD,
Hi Na m«K|» 9M " tya \ a
yes Exauiined Free of
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
/Vy t ■ * .*■ See the sign direct
"" ly oppooitc the
f'-i Theodore Yogeley.
; w. ' Kcal Enlale and
Innuraoce Agen«.y,
jjd 234 S. Ma.n Si ,
Butler, I'a.
i\ Vi I f you lutvc- propfrtyj
! Ut M il. triulc. <>r ri'i.(|l(
OT, want to hoy <ir J
"• 3SI ri iit cm 1, write or
phono me.
List Mailed Upon Application. 1
'Bailer Count; National Bank,
Uuller F-'enn,
Capital paid in f 200, our>. go
Surplus and Profits - f125.c0Q.00
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; John G. McMarlin,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A general banklnir business transacted.
Interes* paid on deposits.
Monty leaned on approved security.
We 1c vlte you to "ten an account with this
DIRECTORS—Hen. Joseph Ilartmau. lion.
W. S. Waidron. I>r. r*. M. Hoover. H. Mc-
Sweeney. C. P. Collins I. U. Smith, Leslie P.
H.izleit. ML. VSnegin. VV. H Larkln. T. P.
J'.stlin. l>r. W. C. M'Candiess, Ueo iias I
s»'th. W. J. Marks. J. V*. Kltts. A. L. Kelber
Farmers' National Bank,,
j CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00.
I Surplus and Prolts, $10,333.91.
I Foreign exchange bought and sold,
j Special attention given to collections.
! I >'!\" VOrNKINs President
: "UN hi u'PHHEV Vlc» President
1 t\. i;.V I LEY Cashier
, }} • A\!.. Assistant Cashier
..I BUTZLER Teller
•lo'.iu Younkins. I». L. Cleeland, E. F.
A ■ fams. C. N. lloyd. XV F. Metzjer, I!< »ry
>iMler. John Uu?.:phwy. Trios. Hays, Levi
M. Wis. . Francis Murphy. S. Yeusior, I>. U.
t ;.ni;.i il, A. H. Sarvor ai:d In'i Younkins.
Interest paid on time Deposits
V.,' rt.-pectfuilv si.llc t your Business.
festlsr Ssviflgs Bank
- - ~ J?6(VAXS,OC
S r r lus and Ptr .;s - - f a4s.no.u>
iil-.M.') IkU)C i ilAl
vv ij. OAMPiiiJ.'-L, Jr... . ... < ; ;cr
lou 19 D. *r;-.:S ..-u,
I>l Kr'c'TV►.: % i. h i>r»p. . . Is. :j-y
Twntomi. W. O.Brusdon A. fUatu. J. b.
' • uicUoll.
The Butler S:i\inc.s Kank 13 the Oldest
Banking Institution! 11 Butler County.
General ban king busiiu-,-, transacted.
We solicit accounts of ..11 producers, mer
chants, farmers and othi rs.
All li.islntss entrusted to us Mill receive
p atto.Mt ton.
Ingres' ; »UJ <>.•« de: •»;»>
Guaranty Safe Deposit &
Trust Company,
Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Capital Stock paid in $125,000.00.
Acts as Esecntor, Administrator,
Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Trustee
and in all fiduciary capacities.
Issues Court and Suretyship bonds.
Acts as in toying and Helling
city, farming or oil and jras properties.
Attends to the management of real
estate and to collection of rents.
Negotiates the sale of mortgage,
municipal or bonds of other character.
A. E. Reiber. Pres.; W. I). Brandon.
Vice-Pres ;J. V. Ritts, A. L Reiber,
Daniel Younkins.
<4eo. C. Stewart. Secy, and Treas.
We solicit jour patronage and Invite cor
respondence or a personal interview.
$50,000 4 per cent., tax free,
Toroufch of EeUcvue School District
Dent.'mi tint ion $ 1000.
Interest payable semi-annually
Write or call for price and description
Bank for Savings Bld'g ,
Pittsburg, Pa.
C. P. Johnson & Sons'
The Leading Tailors of
Butler County,
Are making clothes in the
Suits from sl6 to SSO.
Overcoats from sl6 to $75.
Ever) thing done by skilled
abor i.i our own shop.
C. P. Johnson <sc Sons
| Summer Goods i
\ AN ° *
* IVledium Weights j
5 Just Received by £
$ 416 W.' Jefferson St., £
t Butler, Pa. £
j Fit Guaranteed and £
I Prices Reasonable, j
Merrill Pianos
VV t ave two pianos
that have been us-ed
it concerts we will
sell at a great bargain.
For Xmas presents
in musical goods
see us.
6- Otto Ddvis,
Armory Building.
IHlaflam'vKh. Dean's!
A »afn, certain n llrf for Hut»nr#«Mi#d I
MttHMtruatioii. Nov« rknownfall. H«fr! ■
Siin-I KpiH*4y! HiilUfaction OuarnnU»*<l ■
or iui>n#*y H«*fun«le<l. H*nt |»r**pi»i<l for ■
fLOf» i»« r i>ox. Will »t*nd Hkhioh trlnl, to ■
Li- for when rfUevinl. Sninpl<*n Frie. H
Sold in liuticr at the Centre Ave.
N. W Gokey & Sons, big shoe manufacturers,
of Jamestown, New York, have failed.
We bought their entire stock of
Worth of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice -
These goods were bought in addition to our
regular spring stock, and must be sold at once.
Ever held in Butler.
The shoes -are of the latest hlyle
Patent Leather in button or lace,
Vici kid, Cordovan and Box-calf in
light or extension soles.
Now on Sale at Less Than Half Price.
Don't fail to this great Bargain Sale of Shoes,
128 South Main .-u., lUTLEK, l'.\
Spring Millineiy Opening
<vl - ...
/ r ■ ' -.v '* Au early Kdsti-i utou ; c -,tl }••; tire
| i .■ " . - .. ' business. We tvi.l largely .ujjti.t- t• ur
ill >j' already complete .-t-H-k. We he
LflffiMj. JBr 'V .V* largest and U.-t >, v.ud s.ik «f mil
dggsSt&'J * •' liwi) evtr shown in 1 < 'its. - ,h httof
■H|l "i . ' «et?on»» difli.-< -t t;> Mi «|- u_. re
K> » tny tuff, re-t fivii but *n .ur
-'N V' "-wT- models an le. uiifu; and ouel
. lent materia!.
- y >/QJ,;3 ' V"' THE TBIMMED HATS
'* /'S our «*e moie than in-
ffl&J lei eblir K-
32S Siuta M»iu Strejt. - - - : - r p.
Y" axxy.* ***» aHHtHi
W , , ®»<
\ 1 Hichey s
>1 " *>
S| h
)| New Bakery,
\; AND : 'j
ijlee Cream Parlor||
/ | Bread, Cakes. Ice Cream, |v
71 Delivered to all parts of town. * /
/s - 142 S Main Street. * J
People's Phone 130
5 ********* ****.-*->. ■1 - ■ -- »'
For sixty years the NEW YORK WWKJ.V JKILUNF
has been a r.ational weeklv newspape,, lead uloioit entirely by
farmers, and lias enjoyed the confidence ai.d s .pjxut of the
American people to a degree never attained by auy similar
A publication.
is made absolutely for fanners asd their faui ha. "Die
iy i \ 7 number was issued November 7th, x9s. 1
IH \l\/ Every departmt-ut of agricultural industry is c >vcr. 1 l>y
* —Y * » special contributors who aic leaders in their fvSpcCtne iitj. t,
and the TRIBUNE FARMER will be ill every s.nse * high
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural p.iper, profnse
ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, mo iel Inrtti budding*
I an( ' ' lonies > agricultural machinery, et:-
1 V JLa Farmer*' wives, sons and daughters will find s. .-rial p'y.es
' for their entertainment.
Regular price, f:.co per year, but jou can buv ii with >■ ui
favorite liouie weekly newsoaper. The CITIZEN, one yar
for 11 .75 or CITIZKN and Tri-Weekly Trii.nne f. r *2 0.1
\ Send your subscriptions ami mo'.cy to THE CITIZEN,
I Butler, l a.
Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TRIB|"NE
FARMER, New-York City, and » free ssmple copy will be
mailed to you.
subscribe for the CITIZEN
Will Sell you
Hayrakcs and
Farm Implements;
Bradley's Fertilizer's.
Nursery Goods of All Kinds.
Before purchasing nit till he calls or i
find him at I
541 Mifflin St.: Butler, Pa
If you want n sitting of eggs from
vigorous prize winning stock, send for
n>y big catalogue anil s- e whnt J offer
fr<>ui 23 varieties of land and water fowls.
Igu mi' tec fertility. Kjrgs hy the sit
ting rr by the hundred. I ht»ve also
choice stock at right price*.
Box E. Jamesburg, N. J.
Ci ><ors CN&USM
c , Ft
%* (V. Always r*tuil>l«- LiuttM. Mk Prvolit I* r
(iiiiiinvrr;i a rsviinf in K«I
Cioltl mi'Usihi- box**. Mated with blu» r »>t
i'nkr ifo o;ii»r. luitair dttafvroua *w'"-* r '-
tuMiuixHur: trnlldlioiu. lit!J- of Yul'r Dnit t
or. wn<l »«•. IN "NUII|KI to- f-urlirulnrJ. T*-J.
■auiilliN IUI.I "Heller r««-
ar»i«ni 1»ll. lo.ooOTmlmonmti. Bold «y
HOfl .U.-kUinua Kqaiirr, I'lllU.. B'A.
Mat liuat 'III* DM or.
at the
Cor. Main anil Diamond,
Above Kirkimtrick's.
bo cored in 45 ininnt4>n. Lamp Jaw,
splint* nnd rintfboneH just an qniek, Not
painful and never haw failed. Detailed
information about this new method sent
free to luire* owner* to' T M. CL.UQII,
USnoxtfHrP;Uefferson Co,, Pa