Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 08, 1902, Image 3

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    • i H4. CI : >y.\- n.
jfOTE—AII advert 1 " ■. tnu.ni:iL,jr to make
sfctuir s In tlielr :t"is. sh'.a'd notify us ot
their Intention to do s. ' ! »ter than Mon
lt»v mornlne.
Trustee's sale, estate of O. F. Kiester.
Adm's Notice, estate of Clara J. Gra
Ex's Notice, estate of Catharine A.
Borongh ordinance.
Bntler Co. Nat'l Bank statement.
Auditors' report of Summit twp.
Sheriff's sales for May 23.
Schaul & Nast's $5 suits.
Modern Store's specials.
Danbenspeck & Turner's opening.
Martincourt & Co's bargains.
Campbell's pharmacy.
Patterson Bros wall paper.
Redick & Grohman's paints.
Newton's pianos
Closing notice
Ketterer Bros' shoes.
Wm. Foster, architect.
Campbell's Furniture.
and Executors of estate
s*n secure their receipt books at the CITI ,
JffN office, and person-. making public sale* j
tu »lr note boo!c?>.
—"Car Works" is the mm; of a new
station established by tiia Bessemer.
—Hereafter the meat markets will
close at 7 p.m.—Saturdays excepted.
—Wise & Graham are doing a flour
ishing business at their stables to the
rear of the Arlington.
—A car lD.td of large sized potatoes
from Mercer county came to town last
week and had a ready sale.
—The dome of the Pavilion at Alame
da Park was hit by lightning during
the storm of last Friday evening
—The school directors of Indiana Co.
tixei the supennfcendent's salary at $2,-
000, and those of Fayette Co. at $3,500.
—The strike at the Plate Glass Works
continues A new waue scale is
prepared for all the plate glass facto- ,
—DanbeDspeck & Tnrner are fitting
up a handsome room, and will have (
their opening on Saturday of next week (
—tbe lltb.
—Will Foster has opened an office in 5
the Berg Bank building, and is ready j
to furnish plans for all kinds of build- j
ings on short notice. (
—Messrs White and Conway are sell
ing the Beaver Falls mail box as agents j
for the firm there, as see Agent Con- fi
way's notice in another place. 1
—Those "prepared palms" and other
imitation flowers for sale by Mr (
Moore of the Model tobacco store, are j
attracting considerable attention. £
—Teresa Holt has purchased three
acres of ground from Gen. J. Krug at
the corner of Mercei and Penn streets
and is erecting a large green house.
—The contest for the photograph
work at Slipperyrock State Normal has
been settled and A. L Findley of But
ler has been choseu to photograph the
senior class.
—"We do not hear any more of that
three 'Bill' story. Guess the fourth
'Bill' put an emphatic quietus to it,
and the gentleman is not much of a
punster either "
—The Patterson Brothers of this town
are doing a good business in wall paper,
this spring; and also in Devoe paint—
the merits of which are fully set forth
in our columns.
—213 S. Main St means Campbell's
Pharmacy (formerly Sutton's) which
has been refitted, remodeled and re
stored. "It is where you get your
m mev's worth in drugs."
Mr. R. M. Newhard, Special U. S.
▲geut, held an examination in Evans
City yesterday for Rural Route carriers
for Evans City, Harmony, Zelienople,
Mars, Callery, Valencia and Glade
—Lnst Sunday's visitors to the site of
the Car Works were disappointed, noth
ing was doing excepting the filling of a
big hole with concrete, and the sore
necked males were getting a rest in the
—Over in France there is a political
promise out that beats anything we
have hoard of iu this county—one of the
candidates for congress promises to
mend the shoes of every man who votes
for him.
—New peas and potatoes from Flori
da are in market. The peas are sold
here at 15 cents a quarter peck, and the
potatoes at 25 cents a quarter peck.
.New potatoes, just now, pass for cur
rency among the darkies of the south.
—There's a new stairway and a new
■hjw window in town. The stairway
provides a front entrance to the upper
stories of the Reiber building, and
Douthett & Graham have the show
window filled with np-to-date shirts.
—lt took Cooper, the tailor, but half
a day to move from the corner down to
the Graham & Kohler building, next to
Campbell's furniture store, Monday.
The bank people are having his old
zoom fitted up this week and will move
into it soon.
—Butler township supervisors are
using their scraper with good effect on
the rough roads, A drive last week
through parts of four townships showed
Butler township's roads were in the
best shape. Every township should
have a scraper.
—The question has been asked if it
will be possible to receive the morning
papers on all rural free delivery routes
in Bntler county the same day they are
published For the benefit of the pub
lic I would state that no carriers will
leave the postoffices from where service
starts until after the arrival of the
morning mail and papers, unless the
train should be unreasonably late.
There will only be a few points in the
connty that the carrier will be held un
til 12 M. 1a order to serve the people
with the daily papers.
Special Agent.
-At its regular meeting, Tuesday
evening, Council passed ordinances au
thorizing the paving" of Mercer and
Monroe Sts, work to begin Sept. 1; and
of E Cunningham from McKean to
Cliff; S Washington from Cunningham
to West; Locust; N McKean extension,
and Elm from Locust northward, work
to begin at once; the construction of a
15-inch main sewer, 1600 feet, on E Jef
ferson St to sewer Institute Hill, and
the sewering of Locust St. An ordi
nance to vacate and annul Negley Ave
through the car works property from
Fairground Ave to Pierce Ave, without
giving a substitute fpr it was laid on
the table. This was the biggest even
ing's work done by Council for many
years ind the improvements provided
for will cost probably SIOO,OOO.
Hare you tried the 7th Ave. Special
Stogio, its great.
! County Commissioner Eichert is con
. j valescent. ,
j Mrs. Byers of Petrolia visited friends
i in Butler. Tuesday .
Chas. Forquer of Chicora was a Sun
day visitor in Butler.
E. Beckman of Saxonburg has been
granted a pension of sl2.
W. H. Say of Jefferson twp. visited
friends in Butler, yesterday.
Beriah Duncan of Braddock visited
j friends in Butler Co. last week.
I Josiah Byers and wife of Troutman
; visited friends in Butler, Monday.
A. Shidemantle of Parker attended to j
j some business in Butler, last week.
Henry Dilliman of West Liberty |
j visited friends in Butler, last week. j
Miss Gertrude Kellerinan of North !
Oakland was a Sunday visitor in But
Mrs. Delia Fox of Saxon Station
visited Miss Sara Lewis of Butler, Sat
1 Chas. Sauders of M. Bomm & Co. of
I Pittsburg, visited friends in Butler,
! Monday.
Miss Jessie Miller of Donaghy ave.
has accepted a position with the EiMer-
Mardorf Co.
J. C. Voegley, lately with John Bick
el, will be manager of th£ Danbenspeck
& Turner store.
I Louis Weisburg. formerly of the
Hotel Lowry, has leased the Hotel
Griswold in Pittsburg.
Perry Campbell has served his appren
ticeship with Wm Siebert and is now
working at Sandy Lake, Pa.
Miss Barbara Hinchberger was a
pleasant visitor at the home of Chris
tian Hinchberger over Saturday.
Charles Gourley of New Brunswick,
Canada is the guest of his uncle Robert
Fisher of the Butler Dye Works.
Miss Jessie Sawhill and Martin Eisler
of the Modern store attendtd the mil
linery opening in Pittsburg. Monday.
Wm Campbell Jr. lias purchased six
acres between the Three Degree road
and the P & W from J Q. A. Kennedy.
Dr. Leslie Hazlett has removed from
Beaver county to Butler and opened an
office in the old Dr. Urahatn building on
the Diamond.
Israel Shaffer ofr Franklin twp. was in
town. Tuesday. He says he has been
taking the CITIZEN for forty years and
that his father before him took it.
Mrs. J. 0. Hillman of Prospect, who
spent the winter with her daughters,
Mrs. Knox and Mrs. McCune in Warren
O. has returned home. Mrs. Hillman
is a sister of late County Commissioner
Samuel Badger of Concord twp , has
been in poor health for some months
and his daughter, Mrs. Dntter, has been
seriously ill but is improving. Mrs.
Wm. Gordon of that neighborhood is in
a serious condition.
M. D. Fair of Franklin. W. J. Vin
cent, J. J. Bailey and J. H. Gilghrist of
Marion, Koss Home and O. H. Grabe of
Slipreryrock, A. W. Vanhorn and Har
ry Pisor of Worth and J. W. Boyd of
Brady were among our callers, Tues
Dr. James C. Boyle and wife left
Tuesday morning for New York City
where the Doctor goes to take a Post
Graduate course on the Eye Ear. Nose
and Throat. Mrs. Boyle will go on to
Atlantic City and later join the Doctor
in New York.
The following comprise the Butler
colony sojourning at Cambridge Springs
during the past week- Dr. Harry Bell,
John BL Jackson, Capt. James A.
McKee, Editor Clyde McClymonds of
the Chicora Herald, Kennedy Marshall
Mi.-s Mabel Graham
Jerry Bush, of Brady twp. Clearfield
county, wants his neighbors to kick him
becauso he worked all of last Sunday
thinking it was Saturday, on Monday
dressed and went to Dußois for church
and then saw his mistake. The joke on
Bush is that he is a fanatic on Sabbath
breaking and resigned a good position
in the Dußois car shops receently be
cause be occasionally had to work a part
of Sunday.
—A corps of surveyors have been at
work along the head waters of Muddy
areek for the past two weeks. They
are supposed to be P. R. R. engineers
looking for a grade for a line between
New Castle and Red Bank, and if that
is built, and the Branch road from But
ler run np to connect with it, the P. R.
R. would cover Butler county pretty
—At the point on the New Castle pike
where the Biddies were captured a
small tree, tho trunk being three or
four inches In diameter, stood. This
tree has been literally cut to pieces and
carried away by relic hunters. Only a
small part of the trunk now remains.
A movement is on foot among Prospect
capitalists to build a summer resort at
the place and call it the Hotel de Bid
—The Shenango tin plate works in
New Castle, the largest iu the world,
was practically wrecked by a cyclone
Tuesday afternoon. Every stack was
torn from its foundation and hurled
through the roofs of the buildings, and
steam pipes were broken. Thu damage
will reach nearly SIOO,OOO. A panic oc
carTed among the 2,000 men employed,
but none were seriously injured.
Chicora Conuiieuciiieiit.
The Commencement exercises of the
Millerstown public schools will bo held
Tuesday evening of next week. In ad
dition to the orations and essays by the
class, Judge Miller of Mercer connty
will make a short address and present
the diplomas on behalf of the School
Board. Music for the occasion will be
furnished by the Aeolian Clubof Butler.
Rev Staples, president of Beaver
College, will preach the Commencement
Sermon Sunday evening.
Gram! Opera House, Pittsburg 1 .
Leah—Next Week.
The splendid production of this play
at the Grand last season will be re
membered by those who saw it, as one
of the very best performances ever given
by the stock company. The part of
"Leah" one of the most intense charact
ers ever created by a playwright, gives
Miss Truax an opportunity to display
her ability in heavy work. The part
is almost as tragic in its intensity as
"Lady Macbeth."
Leah, the Forsaken, by the late
Augustine Daly, has frequently l>een
seen in Pittsburg in former years, when
it was more popular with each succeed
ing production.
Don't Blame The Cook!
Use lona Patent Flour. Guaranteed
the best flour in the market. sl.lO per
sack. Everybody try it. Ask your
grocer for lona.
WANTED—One good energitic
man to take hold of an Established
Tea Route, and represent the Grand
Union Tea Co., in Bntler and vicinity.
A No. 1 opening for right party. Small
bond required. Call or address,
New Castle, Pa.
W. E. Moore, successor to the Model
Cigar Store,is slaughtering Meerschaum
A good driving horse, call at 121
West D street, Butler, and see for your
self. See Clerk of Courts.
Gas Fixtures,
We have them; 50 different styles.
They are in the latest finishes, made to
match the hardware of your house.
You can buy a fine Meerschaum Pipe
cheap at the Model Cigar Store, 326 S.
Main street.
Elizabeth tteilly vs Mrs. Lonis.i Mc
j Bride and Eugene Mcßride. summon
*■ in ejectment, for a house and lot ii
• Millerstown claimed by the plaintiff t
- ; have been tile property of John Dolai
i and by the defendant through Hernial
i Amenia Tebav and Milton Tebay v.-
: Daniel O'Connell, trespass for SSOO foi
■ ! obstructing with a gate a private ro;;<]
! connecting the Tebay farm with a pnb
' lie road in Centre twp.
VYm. Flooding vs Joseph Zeigler.
trespass for Floodling bought a
lease pnd well on Ztiigler's farm iu Jack
son twp. from Lt :it■/. & R >r-nle, who
; drilled it and he avers that in 1900
j when he to tb« stuff mv
I Zeigler sol i !< t > orher parlies and
| would not let him >'nf r on the farm to
! remove it. Tte snit followed
i J. Berg & Co- vs P. O Pinor and S.
N. Russell, attachment execution 011 de
fendants' goads in hands > f J. C. Hey
W. D. Brandou vs Jane and J' .shua
C. Galbreatb, ejectment for 160 acres of
land in Wiufield twp.
M. H. Thompson vs Amos Hall, ap
peal from judgment rendered by Geo.
B. Turner, J. P.
Geo. S. Rodders v 3 W. N" Y. ct P. R.
R. Co., indemnity bond of defts in
500 filed to secure damuges to Rodgers
for taking four acres from his farm iti
Slipperyrock twp f'-.r the Leesburg to
Wolf creek extent'oil.
The Pressed Steel Car Co., through
its attorneys, Knox & Reed, has filed a
bill in equity vs John M. Hanson, iu
common pleas court No. 1 of Allegheny
county, asking for a receiver to t.tke
charge of certain blue prints and of biKs
of material alleged to have been copied
by the defendant while in the employ of
the plaintiff company,and on final hear
ing to have the ?amo turm d over to the
Pressed Steel Car Co., bnt the Standard
men laugh at the proceedings.
The bankrupt estate of VY. J. Gilli
land in Mars was sold, Tuesday, to \Y.
E. Ross of Sbarpsburg for SIOO.
The will of Andrew Blakeley of
Adams twp. has been probated and let-
I ters granted to W. J. Blakeley et nl;
also the will of C. A Shaffer of Frank
lin twp. and letters to Israel Shaffer
and M. D. Fair; also will of Mary 11c-
Kee of Butler.
Letters of adm'n on the estate of Jos
ephine Helmbold have been granted to
Geo A. Shaffer; also on the estate of C-
J. Graham of Butler to W. \V. Gra
In the criminal court of Allegheny
county, Monday, Mrs. Soffel plead gnil
ty to the charge of aiding prisoners to
escape, and sentence was deferred until
W J McCafferty to Jos Millison 10
acres in Parker for SIOOO.
W J Martin to E G Clutlon lot in W.
Liberty for $875.
Mary A Christley to Win L Christley
108 acres in Slipperyrock for SOOOO.
T Calvin Kennedy to Surah Thomp
son lot in Mars for S2OO.
Mabel E McCall to Wm Marx lot in
Butl«r for SIOOO.
Chas Duffy to Florence A Reefer lot
in Butler for S4OO.
Mrs. E.l Ifft to W A Stover lots on
W. Pearl St Butler for $2400.
W A Stover to Ira McJunkin lots on
W Pearl St, for S2IOO.
SD,Parvisto Mary C Glaco lot in
Butler for $1323
Geo J Krug to Teresa Holt 3 acres on
Mercer and Penn Sts, Butler for S3OOO.
Marj- McCrea to N C McCollongh and
J A McKee lot on First St, Bntler, for
H'jnry Smith to Anna M Elleuberger
lot in Fairview for $l5O.
J C Renfrew to Henry Lynk lot in
Renfrew for $125.
John W Reep to Anna Alexander lot
in Fairview for SSO.
Eliza J Boyd to Jacob L Kelly lot on
Brown ave. Butler, for $325.
John G Milheim to W B McGeary lot
on Washington st, Bntler, for $1695.
Stephen Minor to W E Holmes lot in
Penn for S3BO.
County Com'rs to Jas M Max well lot
in Fairview for $S 03 *
Tho3 T Stewart to Olive B Morris 15
acres in Franklin for SI2OO.
T C Kennedy to Walter L Scott lot in
Mars for $125.
Jas Bredin to Standard Plate Glass
Co 44 acres in Winfield for SISOO.
John Frantz to Wm Hughes 5 acres in
Cranberry for SBOO.
John Post, adin'r of Frank Acre, to
Wm Ehrman lot in Buffalo for SIOO.
Emma It Graham to Lacy Patterson
lot in Hilliards for sls.
C F Hartung to Olive M Hartung lot
in Harmony for sl.
O M Hirtuug to Rosi A Hartung
same for sl.
Henry W Keefer to Jas Cumberland
lot on E Pearl st, Butler, for $2300.
John Frantz to Wm Hughes, 5 acres
in Cranberry for SBOO.
Emma M Park to Atlantic Refining
Co. lot in Mars for SIOO.
Wm A Stover to Jacob Osraan, lot on
W North St. Butler for SI3OO
C Hinchberger to Helen S Rimer, lot
on Monroe St. Bucler for $1825.
J W Miller to H C Bricker, lot on
Miller St. Butler for $575.
James S Higgins to Jacob Osman, lot
Mifflin St. Bntler for SIBOO.
Mary J Oliphant to Samuel C Fleming
07 acres in Venango for $325.
Charles McElroy to Tracy Denholim,
lot in Petrolia for $250.
Christian Knanff to II H Geoliring, 12
acres in Jackson for SBOO.
John W McNaughtou to Oliver Christy
57 acres in Washington for S7OO.
C Hinchberger to H Hinchberger, lot
on S Main St. Butler for $3500.
Sarah J. Crow to William E Linger
lot in Mars for s4oo.
Eliza A Eakin to Margaret A Blair
100 acres in Venango for $250.
Everett G Campbell toPB&LE Ry
Co. 1 acre in Slipperyrock for $250.
J Henry Grohman to W F Rumberger
lot on W. Penn St. Bntler for SOOO.
Josephine Phillips to Curtis Phillips
lot in Butler for SOOOO.
Henry J Reno to W B McGeary, lot
on N. Washington St. Butler for SI3OO.
W B McGeary to Jessie C Hill, lot on
N. Washington St. Butler for S3OO,
Reiger Heirs to Caroline Robb. 5 acres
in Winfield for sl.
Wm M Cowan to J C Buchanan, 10
acres in Mercer twp. for SIOOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Harry Ikenberg Valencia
Luella Cooper "
Thomas C. Rhodes.. .Slipperyrock twp
Mary A. Porter Marion twp
Frank N. Flick Bntler
Lizzie Hanlen St. Joe
lery C Umstead Fairview
Ethel Covert
John W Keller Ell wood City
Maude A Scott Middle Lancaster
Jonathan Winter Cannonsbnrg
Eugenia Vidal "
At New Castle—J. A. Ilerrmnn of
Beaver Falls anilMayme Agnes Fletcher
of Butler County. 5
Same location as last season. Owing
to other business engagements will only
buy during the months of May, June,
July and August, and only in forenoons
of each day.
at Graham's Grocery, Bntler, Pa.
A Sure Thin
Now is the time to lay away a few dollars
at 4 per cent for a rainy day. When it
grows, we will advise you for the asking
how to invest it, or we will invest it for
you to the best advantage. Your account
with us is protected by a capital and
surplus of $3,700,000. Write for informa
tion "llow to Open a Savings Account
by Mail." Real Estate Trust Company
311 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
A new and complete line of millinery
at 113 S. Main Btreet.
Insurance and Real Estate.
I If yon wish to sell or buy property
you will find it to yonr advantage to see
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
, Estate, next P. 0., Butler, Pn.
The Market —Both agencies are pay
in? $1.20.
Speechlej-- Barn-dall ha« a wildcat
due in the smd on the Shields Adamt
fnrni at Maple Furnace.
Barr.sdall last week struck a good
well on the J. H. Thompson farm south
of Middletown. Barnhart, Monks.
Starr & Co.. have drawu their No J
Pi?or from the Speechley r.p to the
Fourth sand and are said to have an 8
barrel well in that formation.
Jennings Bros have completed a test
well on the McKis->tck farm and have a
5 barrel producer The South Penu's
No 3 Mac. Kuhn is in and a small well
The South rVn.n has completed and
shot its II Knhn No. -4, Caldwell No.
4.. T. S Campbell No 4 and Jos Mor
row No.-1. 11 reported average wells.
That on the Morrow is paid t j ba the
Brovrn. Vance & Fmntz got a tcood
well u the ls i'ic i'. iiipbeli l ist Thura
T. W. Pbiliii-s sttnck a small well on
the Adam Cuiry, southeast of No 1
St. Joe —Phillip- 1 struck a 7-barrel
well on the Peter Green.
Mars--T. Marshal! is drilliug to the
100-foot or the Jo-. Douthett farm near
the bail ground.
Barnsdall is drilling U> ilia Speechley
on the J. 'J Martin farm 21 miles
southwest of Mars and Duff Bros, haw
a rig up too go to the Speechley on the
Knaaff farm.
The Hazlwoiid Oil Co. has struck a
hundred-foot well on th - Hespenheid
farui 2 mile- west of Mars which is re
ported at 17 barrels p daj\ It oper
some new territory.
Saturday a week ago a fourth sand
vcas well on t ic W. P. Braham farm in
Parker twp abandoned tiftetn months
ago as exhausted. began to flow oil a«id
is now putting oat four barrels a lay
fuid has a gas pressure of 75 pound.-..
The oil is supposed to be from tb_*
bould«-r rand. The new production U -
longs wholly to Mr. Braham. A similar
occurence happened on the Orahani
Dunlap farm in New Sewickly to.vij
ship. Beaver Co., this Spring.
Letter to >l. A. Berkimer.
Butler, Pa.
Dear Sir: Tee house of 11. B. Parker,
undertaker, in Morris. N. Y.. waspaint
ed nine years ago with Devoe, and is .n
perfect condition to-day. Mr. Park« r
present address is Sherburne, N. Y.
Lead and oil would have had to be at
bast painted twice before, now. as it
only wears half as long as Devoe lead
and zinc.
Yours truly,
7* F. W. DEVOE & Co.
P. S.—Patterson Eros, sell our paiut
in Butler.
You cau find the latest and newest
line of millinery at Pape's New Store
Hocse and lot on Coal St , £IOOO.
House and lot on S. Washington v t,
Small farm with good buildings neai
Eeight-roomed house and 110 feet
frontage, Third street, S3OOO.
Ssyen-roomed house and good lot, dry
jemented cellar, Lincoln St., S2OOO.
Lot (50x180. (i-roomed house, South
Washington street, $2400.
Six-roomed house Fairview Ave. ex
tension. lot 105x130, drilled well,
orchard, splendid cellar.
Seven-roomed house and good lot,
Centre Ave., every modern convenience.
Will rent or sell.
Lot of 72 feet frontage, and six-room -
nd house on Wa-hington St.
Farm of 210 acre?, Brady township.
$1? per acre, coal right reserved.
Farm of 80 acres, 3 miles from rail
road, SI2OO.
Six-roomed house, Fairview Ave.
For Rent, eight roomed house on W.
Qurry street, every modern conveni
E H. NEGLEY, Attorney,
Southwest Diamond. liutler, Pa.
Ask for It!
If you doVt see what yon want at the
B. R. & P. ' 'afe ask for it.
They will furnish yon with auythim:
in the market,and cook it nicely for you
on short notice.
The Cafe is open from early in the
moruinu till late at night.
B. R. & P CAFE,
Stein building, >south Main St., Butler.
Suppers fr.rnisH-d for Theatre parties.
?>f 11 Telplionv 147
Wheat, wholesale price 73-75
Rye, " 58
Oats, " 48
Corn. " 68
Hay, " 12 00
EfW. " 14
Butter, " .23-25
Potatoes, ' 1 00
Onions, per Ira 1 50
Brits, per bu r,o
Cabbage, per lb 2
Chickens, dressed 14
Parsnips, per bn 50
Turnips 50
Apples I_l 50
Celery, doz bunches 25
Honey, per pound 12
Art in Wall Paper.
Where all the colors come from, and
where all the patterns come from are
only known to those who make them or
put them together, but it is a fact that
the wall paper patterns of todav are
works of art that excite both admira
tion and wonder.
Alfred Peats & Co. is the largest wall
paper firm in the United States—G.
Moser of the B R. & P. Cafe. Stein
building, S. Main St., is their agent for
Butler—and an inspection of his sample
books will astonish you, both ns regards
patterns and prices.
The prices range from 5 to 50 cents a
bolt of 8 yards for both paper and
border, and the books can be seen at all
times at the Cafe—B4l S. Main St.
In view of the great and unprecedent
ed success of the Butler Business Col
lege, and in order to further systematize
and facilitate the work of the different
departments, and to provide for the
rapidly increasing attendance. Prof.
Regal has leased the entire third floor
above Newton's music store. This will
increase the capacity of the college one
; half.
An archway has beeit cut which con
nects this with the large study room of
the college. This entire floor will be
used for the shorthand department.
Fall tt-riu begins Monday, Sept. 1, 1903.
Send for catalogue and circulars.
A. F. REGAL, Prin.
Single and Double Ovens at
Before selecting your Spring hat cal
and see Pape's New Millinery Store,
11:: S. Main street
Hot Plates, the kind that last, at
Music scholars want'd at 128 V.'eat
Wnynn St
When I Say That
The Davis Sewing Machine leads all
others, it is not merely to fill a colnmn
with an advertisement. I mean that no
other machine is so simple' I mean
that no other machine is so finely made!
And that no other machine is so easily
run! The "Davis" is polished like a
watch; it will not kill a woman to run
it; it will do more than double the
variety of work, without hasting, than
any other machine can do. All other
sewing-machine men acknowledge this,
but says, "Our sis the cheapest." But
I say that to buy a cheap sewing ma
chine is not economy. The best is al
ways the cheapest. I also sell Behr
Bros' Matchless Pianos. For further
imformation address
McCandless, Pa.
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, ctty residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. srq.
"Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers,
Get them at Whitehill's.
The Organ O ncert iu tbe Episcopal
church, last Thursday evening, b;t<l a
larpre audience and netted a handsome
sum for the ch.irch building fund.
There will t>e h meeting of tbe Central
W. C. T. U. on Friday afternoon at
three o'clock. May 9th. at the home of
Mrs O M Russell, \Y Jefferson St
Tbe semi-annual meeting of tbe Wo
man's Hospital Association will l>e held
in the Y. M. C. A parlors on Tuesday,
the 13th at 3 p. iu.
Mits. J. P. Black. Sec.
Tbe Nathan Mi.-'-ionary Society will
meet on Tuesday, May 13th. at 3p. ni..
in the Y. "1 C. A Hall. A letter from
Mr. El* nof Tar:gl'Morocco, will be
read at this melting.
On account of the storm uu Tuesday
evening the lecture in Tv.iutmnn M JJ.
church by Rev. McCamey \\v. > postponed
until May 9tb
Preaching services at Greece M. E.
church at 11 a. m., at Troutm;;n 8 p. ru
Something New.
Among the novelties of ISutler none
is more worthy of inspection tl.an
Mrs. Zimmerman's new Carpet and
Curtp.in room in the ha-euient of he: -
building at corner of Main and Jetbr
fon streets. ihe ei'tnir.ee s j;ei<r the
srout door and oae descends iuto ~ room
sixty-five feet lor.;-' and the entire width
of the building, with ;.bnnd.->.r:' light to
display everything
Here will !>•* found a stock of curtains
ranging from the cheapest ti> the best in
market; also oil cloths and linoleums,
window shades of all patterns, and
samples of all grade* of carpets to select
This improvement gives Mrs. Ziru
merman a three story building; tiio up
per ;<tory of which will hereafter be de
voted exclusively to millinery and
cloaks, and makcS h-r establishment a
complete one: and that the public is tp
predating it is shown by the fact th»t
her sales, last Saturday, amounted to
over seven hundred doll: rs.
Great reduction iu Steel Fire Proof
Safes. 575 lb. reduced from $45 00 to
$25 00. House 7.1 lb. 00, 125 lb.
>= 11 00, 2") lb. sls 00 ith combination
locks. Catalogues for tbe asking.
C. \Y. Fiiaxklin.
P. O.' Bos 067. Pittsbtjrg. Pa.
WANTED Farmers to bring the:
las- year's pop-corn to John liicheyVt
142 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
IVnuß}lva:iia l?ailrosi«4 Summer
Excursion Tickets.
On May 1, 1902, the regular Summer
excursion tickets via all rail routes to
all the principal Summer east of
Pittsburg and Buffalo will be placed on
sale at ticket offices of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
These tickets will bear tbe usual
Summer excursion lie-it of October 31.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Summer
lixcurefion Route Book for 1902 will be
issued, as heretofore, on June 1.
Low Kut«-j> to YV;vshui<jtoin and
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
h*s arranged for a low-rate ten-day ex
•nr.-ion from Pittsburg and points in
Western Pennsylvania to Washington
\lay 15. Round-trip tickets will be sold
it rates quoted below, good going on
■>l»ecial train indicated, or on train No
1. leaving Pittsburg at 9:00 p. m, ami
•arrying through sleeping cars to Wash
ington. Special train of throngli parlor
•ars and coaches will be run I'rom Pitts
burg on the following schedule;—
I'arentum 7:25 A. M. $9.00
Natrona 7:30 " 9.0(1
Butler 6:25 " 9 00
Freeport 7:41 " 900
Tickets will be good returning on any
regular train except the Pennsylvania
Limited, until May 24, inclusive, and to
s top off at Baltimore within limit.
Should the number of passengers not
l>e sufficient to warrant the running of
: special train, the company reserves
the right to carry participants on re
gular train.
Tickets on sale in Pittsliurtr at Union
Ticket Office, 300 Fifth Avenue, and
Union Station, aud at all ctations men
tioned above. For full information
»pply to agent 3or Thomas E Watt,
Passenger Agent Western District.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
Prohibition State Convention.
On account of the State Convention of
th.i Prohibition party, to be held at New
Castle, Pa.. May 21 and 22, 1902, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to New Castle
from all stations on its lines in Pennsyl
vania aff rate of single fare for the
round trip. Tickets will be sold
to 21, and will return May 23, inclusive.
P. Ji. t{ Reduced Kates to St.
Paul or Minneapolis.
On account of the National Baptist
Anniversaries, at St. Paul, Minn , May
20 to 28, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company v\'ili soli excursion tickets
from all stations on- its lines to St. Paul
or Minneapolis, May IT to 19, good to
return not earlier than May 21, and not
later than May 29, at greatly reduced
rates. These tickets will be good fur
return passage only when executed by-
Joint Agent at St. Paul or Minneap
olis and payment of 25 cents made for
this service. By depositing ticket with
Joint Agent not earlier than May 21 nor
later than A lay 29, and payment of 50
cents at the time of deposit, an exten
sion of return limit may b.3 obtained to
leave St. Paul or Minneapolis not later
than June 30.
Kctluced Kates to Harrisluirg.
For the German Baptist Brethren
Conference at Pa , Mav 20
to 24, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets to
Harrisburg on May 15 to 21, good to re
turn until June 2, inclusive, from all
stations on its line- 1 , at rate of simile
fare for the round trip rite,
25 cents). An extension of return limit
to June 30 will be granted if ticket is
deposited with agent at Ilarrislmrir ou
or before June 2, for which 110 addition
al charge will be made.
Holders of special excursion tickets j
for this event may obtain from the |
ttgnrit at Harrisburg, from May 21 to 24,
excursion ticketsYo all points in Penn
sylvania. Maryland and the District of
Columbia, good to return until June 2,
inclusive, at rate of single fare for the
round trip. Sidetrip tickets sold to
passengers having tickets to Harrisburg
on deposit for extension, will be limited
for return passage until June 30. iccln
Big Wa!l Paper Store
Next to Postoffice.
We arc not selling out —we are
still buying in—and those who
are looking for good, clean, fresh
up-to date wall paper will find it
here, where we arc always at your
'Phone 453. 251 S. Main St.]
| Wm. Foster, j
\ Architect. \
< Plans of all kind of buildings v j
furnished on short notice. r
I Office in Berg Building, f
Butler. Pa.
Harry Dutter. aged years, son < f
Reulten Dutter. of Counoqneno*;..
twp , was found dead in the field he h".d
been plowing, shortly after noon of 1
Thursday. The investigation that f-»I
lowed showed that at the noon hoar lie
had unhitched his team and fed theuj,
and that then in eating his own d t n. r
had choked to death on p-irt of a hard
boiled egg.
Mercer Marshall's stable in Mars was
strnck by lightning, during the storm
of I'. t Friday evening, and burned,
with everything in it. including two
c- •
she undersigned butch-rs, ruret
t 1 ,ur meat market? at 7 o'clock
;.. t-very evening exce; t Saturday,'.";
•cd '?- r Monday, M.-v 1"2 1002.
U; •-n .•■•.'.tnrdays all evening.
Geo .1 Krug,
John Hildehkand & Soar,
Mrs a Kcmmer,
Ki MMt:.: Buns.,
Butler. Pa., April 30. 1902
*• .-habby «! J. N.ok bat'!*" worn,
bjt pe;h.ips y u haven't tine to
11.er about tiicm and perhaps nc
on-, v. ill Tsotic- your clothes :ny
iv.iy, so you forget about them
iiut tin,-, k.rgettir.g is a mighty big
t.isk when your mother, wife or
-'•ter pr. si.-;ts in reminding you i f
iur seedy appearance; you'll be
iu t> bf 'ieve she's about riglv,
i.'u'l bc.-f<ne jou rush oft to buy
t:v»lhcr suic which is quickly
, . C .OK' quickly worn out, take
i ii rle time t_> see our showing ot
new unp'>rtatior - (exclusivestyle*-)
uu! lean: f.<r what little money
. ou can acquire the habit of wear
ing clothes rr ide for you; made
jy hand in our tailor Shop in
We ta'-e the pains to fit you.
- ' -y-fnrfilrtWTTT'T
| A Special Oxford Sale, |
11 $3 00 I
! |2For swell i'.it. Kid Oxford,!
i vt It witil a nicuiutti extension,R
j g iigh arch and .» hijjh
i aoi Cuban heel. §
$2 50
lakes a fine l'ut. Tip Dongolag
Kid Oxford extension military!]
$2 00
\Viil give you the very latest,!
i Patent or Vici Colonial Ox I
ford with a large buckle which!
can be removed making a walk I
ing shoe or a swell two button®
Oxford if you prefer.
$1 00 and $1 25
our line of Oxforc's,
Hnaking the price within reach
g >f all.
| Merer Bros
1 Parlor Shoe Store, |
L 224 S. Main St.. g
B. &EL
a beauty
of a white waist
for neat,
up-to-date style
—extra quality White Lawn—Gibson
broad shoulder model—with 8 rows
embroidery insertion in front, fine tucks
between the insertion—clusters of tucks
in back—tucked cuffs and collar.
It's just such extraordinary prettiness
for the money as this that distinguishes
this whole Wash Waist variety—thous
ands and thousands of Waists.
Six other different styles White and
Colored Waists at $1 00.
New Colored Wash Waists 50c to
New White Waists 75c to $12.00.
Important thing to do is get our new
Spring Catalogue -see the new Shirt
Waists nhd Shirt Waist Suits illustrat
ed—prices for smart styles that will do
your pocketbook good.
BoofgS & Buhl
Department X.
Have You a Neighbor?
Jlf so why don't you net
tofceber aiid have a tele-1
phone system.
We manufacture them I
Ask us and v. e will tell ;
j you all al>out it.
| Electrical work of all J
$ descriptions done on short
The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co
. iilediclne for
\ Wc make constant effort j
to keep our presciiption S
f department before you, for i
\ there is no telling what /
J hour you may need our J
) services. Remember we c
r are jjst as careful about J
/ the quality of goods, and v
} ki v! of service for your f
\ domes! ic pets as if human \
jives were at stake. We V
"i ! >ve hundreds of prescrip- \
\ i >!S on our files that were S
( uuttm for animus, and \
} they receive the same care V
i as any others. You may /
/ have a home recipe that S
; has been in the family for
/ years, bring it to us and J
ue will fill it just right. ! a
' We keep all the standard Y
• -mlition powder for cat- /
£ vie; also disinfectants for i
j keeping ihe stable sweet S
V a - id clean. j \
We keep remedies for >C
i dogs, birds and all domes- j (
y tic animals. i C
? C. N. BOYD.}
I Diamond Block. /
( Butler, Pa, v
By virtue of sundry writs of Vcn. Ex., Fi.
l a.. Lev. Fa.. &c., issued outof the Court of
Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
at the Court (louse iu the borough of itutler
Pa. on
Friday, the iCth day. of May, A. D. 1902,
at I o'clock I'. M,, the following described
properly, to-wit:
E. I). No. 30, Way Term, 1302. E. E. Young,
AH the right. title. Interest and claim of
Jacob \\. Kice, of. in ami to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Hutler
township. ISutler county. IV, bounded as
f Mlowa, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Mk hael Morb's heirs, on the east by lands
or Leonard Derr, on the south by lands of
John C'ranmer. and on the west by lands of
John Cranmer and Perry Gold, containing
fifty-six acres, more or less, and having
thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house, fram barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop- !
erty of Jacob W. Kice at the suit of George
Forcht. |
h. D. No. May Term. liM-J. p. J. Forquer,
All the right, title, interest :iod claim of A.
t>. I'rederlok, of. in and to all that certain
!••••(- of parcel of land, situated in Summit
to.7n»hlp, Rutier oounty. bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Adam Kettig, Frank Keott and Alex Bers
't'itler, on the east by lands of .TacuU
>ivarlz and Jacob Knouse, on the south By
lan<ls of Henry Blnsack, and on the west by
lands of Christina Keck, containing one
hundred and six (106) acres and forty-eight
perches, more or less, and having thereon
• reeled a frame house, frame hank barn, and
other outbuildings, with good orchard there
on. !*i acres cleared aud under good state of
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of A. U. Frederick at the suit of Andrew
E. D. No. 8, May Term, l'M2. A. T. Black,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
W. E. Martin,of. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango
township, Butler county. I'a., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of 11.
M. Sloan and A 1 Hunter,on the east by lands
of W. M. Mil ford and Thomas Oavls, on the
south by lands of Bark Jamison and on the
west by lands of Llcurgus Sloan, containing
OIK hundred aud sixty acres, more or less,
and having thereon erected two frame
hou-es. frame barn ond outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of W. E. Martin at the suit of W. ft.
Key colds.
Friday, the Sitrriday of May,
A. 1). l'.xe, at 1 o'clock p. rn.. the following
described property, to-wit:
I'.. £). No. 32, May Term, 1902. W. H. Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
lilton McDonald, of. In aud to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situated In Va
lencia Borough, Butte county. I'a.. bounded
:::j follows, to-wit: L)n the north by stieet.
n the east by lands of Mrs. Maria Allllcr. on
t he south by street, and On the west by lot of
Sidney Moretta, being lifty feet front on
tri et and extending back one hundred and
lifty feel, and having thereon erected a
frame dwelling house and store room, and
frame barn.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Milton McDonald at the suit of The
Citizens Bauk of Evans City.
E. I). No, 34, May Term, lfltf.'. A. M. Christ
ley, Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
A A. Oold.of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In ltutTalo towu
■ lilp. Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north by lands of John
Blackburn, on the east by lands of Benjamin
Way, on the south by lands of I'eter Kepple,
ami oil the west by Freeport and Coyles
vllle public road, contalng one hundred aud
twenty acres, more or less, and being
part of a larger tract of land conveyed by S.
K. Cold to A. A. Gold by deed dated Juiy sth,
l«H>, and recorded In Book 105, Page 33.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of A. A. Gold at the suit of John Berg &
Co.. now for use of J. 11. Cumljerlaud.
E. D. No. 31, May Term, ISKK. W. I). Brandon,
All the right, title, Interest aud claim of
O. F. lieister, of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Muddy
ereek township. Itutler county, I'a., bounded
as follows, to-wit: On the liorth by lands of
Joshua Gallagher, on the east by lands of
leK iniali Kelster, on the south by lands of
F. W. Gallagher, and on the west by lands of
Thomas Gallagher, containing eighteen (18)
acres and fifty-five perches, more or less,
mostly cleared aud in a good state of culti
vation, together with the buildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
trty of O. F. Keister at the suit of M'iry J.
E. D. No. 36, May Term, 1903. W. I) . Brandon
All the right, title, interest and claim of G.
M. Hughes, of. In aod to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Venango
township, liutler county, I'a., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Leonard Smith, Amos Seaton and widow Ad
(llemau. on the east by lauds of Blair heirs
aud William Stalker, on the south by lands
nf It. Wilson, and on the west by lands of
William and Robert Cochran, containing one
hundred and Thirty (130) acres, more or less,
aud having thereon erected a one and 'i*
story frame house, frame barn and out
Seized and taken in exocutlon as the proi>-
erty of G. M. Hughes at the suit of F. I). Gel
TERMS OF SALE—The following must be
strictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches 011 the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
a. All sales not settled Immediately will bo
continued until one o'clock. I*. M., of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
llrst sold.
♦See I'urdon's Digest, oth edition, page 44»J.
and Smith's Forms, page a«4.
THOMAS It. UOON, Sheriff.
SherHTsOfflce. Butler. I'a.. April 88. 1808.
A" '"j
p tn u-Ox
v- * Iv! (11-
7/ fflL
£ ■ Pill
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home
31S S. Main St., Both Phones.
The Butler County National Bank
Commenced Business August 18th, 1890.
Statement of Condition at Close of Business, Wednesday, Apr 30, *O3
United States Bonds 100,000 00 Surplus and Profits 182.811 24
Banking Honse and other Circulation 100,000 00
Real Estate . 49,000 00 Deposits 1,548,411 83
Cash and dtte from Banks. 452 299 69
♦1,981,988 09 $1,981,223 09
(v, DN ,. RT I. Jno. Q. McMarlin, Cashier of tho
j WBKtt 1 Atte " above named Bank, do solemnly swear
JOSEPH HA RTMAN 1 that the above statement is true to the
BEN MASSETH ' ~ 1)694 ot knowledge and belief.
A. L. RKIHER. ' > Directors. JNO. G. MCMARLIN, Cashier,
i T. P. MIFFLIN* i Subscribed and sworn to before me,
this 7th day of May, 1902.
A. L BOWSER, Notary Public.
We take pleasure in calling yonr attention to the above statement, and
respectfully solicit your business.
A Man's Suit for
This suit has never been equaled for the price. We bought them
from a New York clothing maker,who retired from business May Ist.
The patterns of the goods are in stripe, check, the new green
and olive effects, and black and blue cheviots.
There is no suit among them worth less than $4 and some were
made to sell for sio.
Call and ask to be shown these suits. At this price they will
go quick.
Brotherhood Overalls
The railroad boys wear We have them.
Schaul & Nast, ,
137 South Main St., Butler, ,
We are now remodeling
our store expect to
occupy it in about ten
days with the largest line
of Clothing ever shown in
Butler county.
We expect the demand
to be greater, and we are
raSr fitting ourselves to meet it
MSjfl with the most popular line
ot new > up-to-date Cloth
" ing, Hats, Caps and Gents'
i Furnishing Goods ever
shown in Butler county.
• * We are sole agents for
the Carhartt Overalls, the
ones so popular
Yours for
The Latch String is Out!
A Invitation to " .ookers! I
We want you to see our store and stock, want you to be
come acquainted with us. Need not be a bit afraid to come
in here and say, "I am only looking today." Lookers of to
day become buyers of tomorrow—next week. We've much
to show you in
! Furniture and Carpets
and our values and prices Are such as to arouse the most apa
thetic buyers.
We Eclipse All Previous Efforts
this Spring, reaching out for more business and getting it. No
such thing as standing still in a healthy business— giving
values unprecedented and
Prices that Preclude Competition
Bell Phone 105, (across from Duffy's store,) Butler, Pa.
Yon cannot make a mistake in yonr
selection. Largest, finest and up-to
date stock in Butler, at prices that will
surprise you how low.
Picture and Mirror Framing a Specialty.
Patterson Bros.,
236 N. Main St
Wick Building,
Phone 400.
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
ias'W. Jefferson, Butler, P«.
Busheling, Cleaning and
We Guarantee
we sell and the largest paint M'f'g
Co. in the world (The ShCTWin-
Williams Co.) stand back of us
in this guarantee.
Does that mean anything to our
paint customers?
You will do well to consider
this proposition.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
109 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. ■
Insurance and Real Estate