THE CI riZEN. WILLIAM 0. NF.GLEY -- Publisher / THURSDAY, MAY 8,1902. SI.OO per year In Advtnce, Otherwise Sl-SO. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce the following candidates to be voted for at the primary election of the Republican party to be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 7. 1802, —1 to 7 P. M. JUDGE, JAMES M. GALBREATH, Butler. JOHN M. GREER, Bntler. CONGRESS, J. D. MCJUNKIN. Bntler. J B. SHOWALTER, Cbicora. ASSEMBLY, A- M. DotJTHETT, Penn twp. THOMAS HAYS, Butler. JAMES B. MATES, Butler. NELSON H* THOMPSON, Brady twp. SHERIFF, ALEX. MCCUNE CAMPBELL. Bntler. (Better known as "Coon" Campbell.) M. L GIBSON, Butler. JAMES R. KEARNS, Butler twp. PFEOTHONOTARY, JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp. J. M. CRUIKSHANK, Winfield twp. ROBERT J. THOMPSON, Eutler. COUNT! TREASURER, THOMAS ALEXANDER, Butler, Formerly of Brady twp CHARLES H. BOOK, Cherry twp. WINFIELD S. DIXON. Penn twp. JOHN W. POWELL, Buffalo twp. J. C. WELSH, Jefferson twp. ' REGISTER AND RECORDER, J. P. DAVIS, Brady twp. H. W. KOONCE, Butler. (Formerly of Allegheny twp.) JAMES RANKIN. Penn twp. G. E. THOMAS, (Third Run.) Butler. PORTER WILSON, Centre twp. LEWIS WOLFORD, Cherry twp. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, (Two to nominate ) G. W. CROWE, Forward twp. NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp. JOHN W. HILLIARD, Washington twp. MCALLISTER KUHN, Concord twp. ROBERT MCCLUNG, Butler twp. ELI J. MOORE, Muddycreek twp. JAMES L. PATTERSON, Jefferson twp. CORONER. DR. J. CLINTON ATWELL. Bntler. COUNTY AUDITOR, (Two to nominate.) HOWARD C. HAZLETT, sth Ward, Butler. H. E. HEBERLINO, Portersville. GEORGE S. KUSELTON, Penn twp. Delegates to State Convention. (Three to ele't.) W. J. MARKS, Butler. J. M. RIDDLE, Clinton twp. •W. C. WOLFORD, Cbicora. POLITICAL. In the fight for the delegate from the sth district of Luzerne Co. Monday the Elkin man won by a vote of 24 to 18. Attorney Gen'l Elkin has arranged for quarters for a thcrasand friends dur ing the convention. The Montgomery County Republican Convention endoeed Judge Pennypacker of Philadelphia for Governor, Tuesday. Venango county held her primaries last Saturday, and elected three dele gates, who will vote for Sibley, if he is a candidate. Dr. Magee of Oil City, and B. H. Osburn of Franklin were norni ated for Assembly. Montgoniery county elected nine del egates to the State Convention, whose votes will be cast in the interest of Gen. Schall, who is a candidate for Sec'y of Internal Affairs. " An effort will be made to induce Francis J. Torrance of Allegheny to be come an active candidate for the Re publican gubernatorial nomination. His friends think he would be generally ac cepted and an easy man to elect.— Gazette. "Torrance should announce his can didacy and go after delegates," said ex- Lient.-Gov. Water Lyon. "I am satis fied that Republicans generally would favor htm, and he could secure the nom ination. lam unable to say whether he will consent to get into the fight." Torrance will be remembered by the people of this county, as the' President of the Standard M'f'g Co. of Pittsburg, and a personal friend of Judge Greer, who refnsod to sanction the coatract for the plumbing of the Poor House unless Torrance was given a monopoly for furnishing the materials. The three Potter Co. delegates will go to the State Convention, uninstructed. Mandamus proceedings were begun in Beaver, last Friday, in the case of Congressman Ernest F. Acheson vs the officers of the Beaver county Republican committee, Judge John D. Shafer of Pittsburg presiding. This action ie bronght by Mr. Acheson to compel the officers of the county committee to place his name on the ticket to be voted on Mayl") as a candidate for congress MR. EDITOR:—A couple of pages of campaign literature entitled "Opiniou of Court on letting of Contract foi PJumbirig of the County Home," haf been sent out to impress the voters as to the watchful <;are with which Judge Greer kept control of economic matters relating to the poor farm; how he kept the Commissioners in check, etc. It if worthy of note that there is no name tc the production, and it it> not so remark ble that there is not. in yiew of the fact that it is full of falsehoods. In quoting Agnew's opinion the author takes care to neither give th« book nor page where it can be found The whole thing is deceptive. OBSERVER. A LATE law enacted by the Legisla . tnrb of New York requires the Jurj Lists to be made up of men who shirl voting. » WASHINGTON NOTES. Three seats in the House of Represen tatives are now draped in mourning. Very little of general importance waf dono in Cungre.-w last week. The was kept bnsv on Dist. of Columbia biU- j , anl the Senate discussed the bill for the civil government of the Philip pines'. The oleomargarine bill was s»nt tc t'ae President for his approval The Chinese Exclusion act, extending the present laws until our treaty with China shall expire, was agreed upon, and received the support of President Roosevelt. A lively debate was precipitated in the senate Friday by some remarks Mr. Pritchard of North Carolina made on p>litical methods in North Carolina, in the course of a discussion of the Phiiip piue bill. He suggested that some of the methods employed by the opponents of the bill in this country ought to be reformed, and told of what is called the "sand cure" in North Carolina, the victim having his face crushed into the sand to stifle his cries while he was be ing beaten to intimidate him politically. Director's Convention. The election of a County Superintend ant brought a large crowd to Butler, Tuesday, the Sun was shining brightly, considerable electioneering was done, and the mob in front of the Court House was a warm one. At 1 o'clock the directors assembled in the Court room, Supt. Painter called for order, annoanctd the object of the meeting, and asked for nominations for President. Dr. Thomas of Chicora was elected President; Dr. Hockenberry of Slippery rock, Secretary: Eld. Brown of Mar*, G. J. Myers of Chicora, Fred Heyle of Evans City and J. H. Barr of Prospect Tellers. The calling of the roll of directors showed '290 present; all others, includ ing the candidates were invited to leave the room; the Superintendent's salary was fixed at <4,696, and H. I. Painter of Butler, Isaac Dyke of Connoquenessing, J. C. Tinstman of Evans City and Geo. Walker of Parker put in nomination. The first ballot stood —Painter 136, Dyke 86. Tinstman 42 and Walker 26. 2nd ballot—l 37, 94, 43, 15; Walker withdrew. 3d ballot—l6l, 115, 14; and Painter having a majority over all was declared elected. At the meeting of the Butler School Board that evening, Supt. Gibson was re-elected, and his salary fixed at 92,- 000. Tuesday, June 10th, was fixed as the date for electing teachers for the coming year. All the bids for remodel ing the Jefferson St. building were re jected. State Board of Health. The ninth annual meeting of the As sociated Health Authorities and Sani tarians and the State Board of Health was called to order in the Court House, Wednesday morning, by First Vice- Pres. Crosby Gray of Pittsburg. Rev. J. S. McKee opened with praver. A chorus of 100 voices from the High School welcomed the visitor s with song, and Rev. E. Cronenwett delivered an address of welcome, which was respond, ed to. Dr. Benj. Lee of Phil'a read the report of the Executive Com. Regrets were read by acting secretary Jas. M. Maxwell from several members who could not be present. Supt. John A. Gibson made a very happy address on "Boards of Health and the Public Schools." J. L. Purvis spoke on the water supply of Butler and Dr. Court ney McLain of Meadville on Dairy and Milk Inspection. In the afternoon Rev. E. S. White opened with prayer. Dr. Jesse C. Green of West Chester, read his report as treasurer. The afternoon was employ ed in a discussion of smallpox. . In the evening the annua/ address was delivered by Mr. Wm. D. Welsh of Philadelphia. This morning the visitors were the guests of the Butler Water Co. on a tour of inspection to the Boydstown dam. Before adjournment this afternoon officers will be elected and committees appointed. The local Board of Health the Committee of Arrangements Harmony and Zelienople. F. J. McMillan, wife and child of Anis. W. Va visited Milton Sample and Miss Tillie at Harmony for ten days. James and Miller Boggs of Pittsburg visited their parents at Harmony on Sunday. Fred Ziegler and family of Mars visited Thoa. H. Wheeler and wife at Harmony last week ' Mr Wheeler en joyed his first drive one day last week. He is not well yet. Mr. and Mrs. - Ben Wise and son Frank visited friends at New Brighton on Sunday. The Presbyterian church at Zelienople will be occupied before long. Several new houses are being built in the east end of Zelienople this Spfiug. This is the most beautiful residence location. The quarantine of the Jacob Stein family midway between Harmony and Zelienople will be continued for some time. Harry, the son of Mr. Stein who has the smallpox was brought sick from Sharpsburg, where this disease is quite prevalent. Howard Latshaw and Charley Din dinger returned home Friday evening from a drive to Pittsburg. The public school of Harmony closed last week, Zelienople will- continue for two months, owing to losing time and the term being one month longer. Evangelist Mays of the Presbyterian church, who lives in Pittsburg occupied the Presbyterian pulpit at Zelienople on Sunday afternoon and in the evening he preached in the M. E. church. Charley Kirker of Pittsburg yisited his.parents at Harmony over Sunday. The glass house at Zelienople is shut down indefinitely. Geo. Welsh of Jackson twp. made a business trip to Grove City on Monday. Jacob Enslen of Harmony on account of failing health resigned as clerk at the Hotel Beam at Harmony. Miss Gertrude Kellar of East End Pittsburg visited friends ut Harmony over Sunday. Fairview Items. John Carpenter has purchased the j>reperty in the northern part of town, known as the Kelchner house and will take possession as soon as the family who now lives in it vacates. Rev. C. F. Althouse is on a journey to New York and Baltimore, a delegate to attend the highest court held in the Re formed church. Ladies Missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm Gibson on next Saturday at 2 o'clock. There was just one applicant for Rural free delivery mail carrier from here to be examined at Chicora last week. W. C. Hawn is in the city buying a Spring stock of goods for his store, he expects to have an extra supply of Spring stock. The Speechly oil well op the John McCafferty farm will be in this week. J. B. Story, assistant teacher in North Washington high school was home over Sunday. ' , The post office here will not be discon tinued, therefore we will be in posses sion of the same privileges we had ere the free delivery was the law. Elmer E. Reep was waylaid on Inst Friday coming from Petrolia to Fair view by a m.m who is known to go by different names and to be engaged in different occupations. By threatening Reep with a knife and revolver lwth h'j demanded money but Reep managed to escape witi.out injury. Thsy are making some vory ext» u->iv ■ repairs on the Al. E. church both inside and outside and surrounding Preach ing every second Sanday at 11 a. m, services last Sunday. W. J. By era is prepared to do all kinds of repairing in wagons and buggies, als" repainting and finishing. Shop on lot opposite C. Scott's store. Jacksville. Mr. and Mrs. Rapp of Wurtenburg visited their daughter Mrs S. Rodg ers and husband over Sunday. Mr. S S Shields of Milton, Oregon is the guest of his parents for a few days. He is a delegate to the Assembly of the Presbyterian church which meets in New York next week. Tuttles Olympic show will be in Jacksvilie Monday the 12th. N. L. Gardner has the foundation for his new barn completed. A. W. Vanhorn was a visitor to the County Seat, Tuesday. M A. Marion twp. .Tas. McMurry expect? to go to Grove City to team in the near future. John Pagan has been there teaming for two weeks and reports the town to be boom ing. Wm. Cowan of Harrisville is moving to his farm in this section so he cin I look after his oil interest. D. L. Sarren'i has bought property in Grove City and expects to take his new bride with him there in the near future. James Armstrong of Pittsburg is with ns again looking after his oil interests. Hnghston Vandyke and wife visittd friends in Grove City last week. Candidates are all the go now. Campbell Oil Co. will finish there No 6 on the Porter farm in a few days. Speer & Co. have their casing in on the Murrin farm. Cross & Son expect to finish No. 2 ou the Cowan farm this week. JACK. Franklin Twp. IIigl» School. The first annual commencement of , the Franklin Township High School . was held last evening in the Odd Fel- j lows Hall, Prospect. The graduates j were Howard Thompson Critchlow. : Mary Eva Barr, Blanche Benton Forres j ter. Celia Clara Forrester and Emily ; Lois Lepley. All of whom took part in : a very creditable program The diplo-1 mas were presented by Prof. Howard ! D. Piott, and an address was made by j County Snpt. Painter. Miss Margaret i Waddell was musical accompanist ; About seventy pupils attended the dur- j ing the winter. Mural Free l»elivery Letter Boxes. By direction of the Postmaster Gen eral it is required that on all rural free delivery routes hereafter to be establish ed those desiring the fervice must be prepared to put up, in the manner pre scribed by the department, 'ooxes to be selected from the accompanying list, the boxes on each route to be uniform. Which particular box shall be selected must b& decided by the patrons them selvfs, either through the appointment of a committee or in seme other way. The following is a list of boxes which have been formally approved by the Postmaster General. Before service will be established it will be necessary for the patrons to select one of these boxes for use on the route. Their prices (including locks) range from $1 up to a little over $3, according to material and make: — 1 The Postal Improvement Box, ci Norristown, Pa. 2 The Bates Hawley Postal Signal Box, of Juliet. 111. 3 The Henry Rural Free Delivery Box. manufactured by the American Metal Co , of Indianapolis, Ind. 4 The Century Post Company Box, of Adrian, Michigan. 5 The Bond Steel Post Company, of Adrian, Mich. C The Century Rural Mail Box. of Detroit. Mich. 7 The Corbin Cabinet Lock Com pany's Box, of New Britain, Conn. 8 The G G Folsom Box, of South Bend. Ind 9 The F D Englar Box, of Taneytown Md. 10 The John H Forney (Enterprise) Box, of Burlington, lowa. 11 The Kelly Foundry Machine Com pany Box, of Goshen, Ind. 12 The \V W Sweigart Box, of Yorl--- road, Md. 18 The Beaver Manufacturing Com panv Box. of Beaver, Pa. 14 The George E Wirt Box, of Grec ns barg, Ind. For the benefit of the public, I want to state emphatically that the Special Agent engaged in recommending rural free delivery service is forbidden from haying any interest whatever in any of the different boxes adopted by the De partment. The different manufacturers select their own agent and transact th» business with the people. The Sp*<-if-.l Agent is expected to see that all the routes are well equipped with boxes from the above list, and that they shall be as near uniform as possible. G. P. CONWAY. r ; : •jfe. , Pick oat the new things 4 from our big stock £ i ' i i + 4* *** \ J * HATS AND * J # 4MEN'S FURNISHINGS*] 5 ' J %>:++ + + + * * *.& M' i ■ . Everything is of good quality t i f and correct style " 0 ;jr I ■j £ See our new line of t II # *s* -J- 4- J J NECKWEAR. * J | 9 : Jf:+ 4- # J# Let us show you the f , J NEW HATS. i j Manhattan ) £ 'rf and SHIRTS. * ,! f Monarch ! f Jno.S. Wickl [ \ \ 1 J HATTER and X j MEN'S FURNISHER. £ r d Opposite P 0 g , i I UTI/-':',. PA. i »l bk i 3 | ' 1 l i j 1 HOP OFF and see our new line of t 1 | | watches; solid gold from S2O up; ! gold filled $lO to S2O. Silver to i §ilO- Nickel ?-l to $•">; we are headqnar | ters for watches, also for repair work. ; If you have a watch that does not time : i right bring it to n», and if it is possible - | to make a timekeeper of it we can j do it; vvr- repair any kind of a watch .; there is made Next to watches, rings are onr specialty; we also sell cameras , and photo supplies of all kinds, Edison, I Victor and Columbia talking machines ' and records. Cleveland and Crescent i bicycles and bicycle sundries ot all { kinds. R, L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate OpticL Next to Court Hon3e DEATHS. MILLER—At his homo in Butler twp., May 1. 1902, John Miller, aged about GU years. CAMPBELL—May 4. 1902. at his home in Homewood, Raymond, son of Dan iel Campbell, aged 19 years. SHULTZ—At his home in Donegal twp . May 2, 1902, Geo. F. Shultz. aged 79 years. GREENERT—At the home of her daughter in Butler, May 4. 1902, Mrs. ; Catharine Greenert, aged 74 yea/s. BLACK-Suddenly, at her home in I Allegheny twp , May 2. 1902. of i heart failure. Mattie Black.nee Allen, i wife of John Black. I She leaves two children. Mrs. W. F. , Marshall of Butler is a sister. Her re mains were buried at New Salem ceme- j tery, Saturday. SHAFFER—At the home of Israel Shaffer, in Franklin twp., Apr. 20. | 1902. Mi.*B Catharine Shaffer, in her! 78th year. Obituary. Rev. Louis Wagner, formerly of i Evans City, died at Mt. Washington, ■ Pittsburg. Tuesday. 1 Rear .\dmiral William T. Sampson, i to whom President MeKinlev and Presi- I dent Roosevelt gaye, and Admiral Dewev denied, the credit for the victory of Santiago, died at his home in Wash ington, D. C.. Tntsday afternoon. Cerebral hemorrhage was the immediate cause of death Rear Admiral Sampson was in his 63rd year. Bret Harte, the American writer, died suddenly last at Camberley. England trom hemorrhago caused by an affection of the throat. Mr. Harte had been suffering from swelled tonsils since December last but he did not consider the attack serious. Lon Harrington, an old oil man,drop ped dead at a well near Parker, a few days ago. Joseph Scott of Clintonville. aged 72 years died suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Vrooman, last Thurs day. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE for the grading, curbing and pav ing of Washington street, in the borough of Butler. Pa., between West Cunningham street and West street, and to determine the manner of payment of the cost thereof. Whereas, a petition of two-thirds in interest and number of the property owners on Washington street between West Cunningham street and West street, has been presented to Town Council of Butler borough, asking that that part of said street be graded, curb ed and paved: and whereas said petition was verified by the affidavit ot W. J Swartzlander, one of said petitioners, and certified to by C. F. L. McQuistion. City Engineer, who reports that the said petition is signed by two-thirds of the number of the property owner* ;»nd by two-thirds in interest, or two-thirds of the property fronting or abutting up on that part ot' said Washington street between West Cunningham street and West street and along the line of said proposed improvement; and whereas, said petition complies with the Act of Assembly relating to and authorizing the grading, curbing and paving of public streets within municipal corpora tion.l? upon the petition of the owners of property bounding or abutting thereon. SECTION 1. The Burgess and Town Council of Butler borough do ordain and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, that Wash ington street, in the borough of Butler, But'.er county. Pa., between West Cun ningham street and West street shall be graded, curbed and paved; the paving to be done with vitrified paving brick and the curbing to be done with dressed stone SECTION' 2. The cost aud expense of the grading, curbing and paving of that part of Washington street between West Cunningham street and West, street shall be assessed upon the real property bounded and abutting upon tho said Washington street along the l'.ne of the proposed improvement and Butler borough and collected from the i said real prope-ty und the owners there . of and Butler borough as provided by Aft of Assembly authorizing Council to grade, curb aud pave public streets in municipal corporations upon the peti tion of property owners. Ordained and enactad in Council this Cth day of May. A. D. 1903 # DANIEL YOUNKINS, President of To»vu Council. ATTEST: H. E. COULTER, Secretary Conncil. Approved this 7th day of May, A. D. 1902. I. G. SMITH. Burgess. AUDITORS' &ETTLEMSNT OF SUMMIT township, liutier county. Pa., for the year 1901. Settlement of I'tter New. Supervisor of Summit twp Whole Hinoantof duplicate $ 711 01 Taxes worked on ro:id J (J7!> Returned to Co. Treasurer. . -i> M Cash 4 «5 Total 711 -is Ex- meratlon 5 09 i Total 814 M l Cash received • SSK « i Cash expended on road CO 01 fr; i!:r,s lit fcl f Opcr day Ml 7i I Aliening and printing U (S Total —. Wt 14 Bal. due twp. by Oeo. italdauf, Sup. tti *Js ' Sett'orient of I. W. Ituldinif. Collector of I School Taxes for Summit twp. I Whole amount of tax duplicate laoa 17 . I'-i-ii 0.1. with rebate H'n" no ( t'a.Oi < ill. with 5 per cent ITC, <>o k Ca ,h with ii i per cent 70 00 [ Rebate 30 so I IVr' ■ M ~r | K\ .n **i t-ioii 32 :;i . i.etuii.rtl iii Ci>. Treasurer... la t'7 ' \ t'n of Sehool Hoard (0 L Auditor's meetlntr - 00 r .t:> I lllO la » Bal due twp. l>y I. \V. l'.aldauf. Col.. ltfti 02 ) S•! t leu.i;.it of J rimes llarr. Treasurrr of Suuiniit twp. School Hoard . Money Received. " iialaiice year from Col. . 7S (K) ) lmm A. Knause. formerTres los 7S . Si ate back pay m-.1 ' state appropriation 1070 44 | Kecived from Collector SUO 00 . Received from Co. Treasurer 48 41 " 1 ><>R tax rciucdf d 27 41 ) ilorrowe 1 inorny 350 00 . Total 2731 20 Money Expended. * Teachers' wage. 1470 00 ► institute 52 50 I Repair-. 4*6 22 ' Sclio >1 supply IB* n4 ( i :y James Barr, Treas. 2IS 33 k We, i lie andersigiicd Auditors do certify that lie alnivc account Is correct to the best, » of out ii'jwledge and belief, k .IAI IIH KI.KICIISKS, | UEO. I'liKCHr. !-Auditors. I JOHN llmitirr. ) i Price is a Good Salesman Quality is a Better One 1 Price and quality combined Hre winners. Oar Line of pianos includes only tho best instruments of reliable makers. ! (Quality the highest. Pricest the lowest. The Chase Brothers' Piano. Bxnmine it critically withotit prejudice, compare ' it with the best instruments yon know 1 about, and yon will say with ns, "There l is none better no matter what the name ' or price." The Hackley Piano. An ex ceedingly popular piano—tone, touch i and finish of the finest. The Carlisle j Piano. The best medium price piano in the market See them at my store and judge for yourself. Always on hand. Bargains in organs. Remember your credit is good, At Newton's, The Piano Man, «17 S. Main St., Butler, Pa LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS j TRUSTEE'S SALE! J By virtue of an order of the District Court of the Vnlted State-, for the Western District < of i'enn'a.. In the matter of O. K. Kelster bankrupt at No. 161* In bankruptcy, and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the premises In Muodycreek town- < »hip, Butler county. Penn'a, on June 3rd, 1902, •it 2 o'clock p. ra., all that certain tract of i iand bounded and descrltied as follows: On j the north by landsof Josiah Gallaher. on the i i east by lands of Josiah Uallaher, on the ; south by lands of F. W. Uallaher, and on the ; west by land-, formerly of Jeremiah Kelster. I containiing thirty-five acres, more or ies>; part of above described land is in a good j ! state of cultivation and the balance is . j timber land. ALSO —That certain tract of land In I Muddycreek township. Hutier county,bound- j ied and described as follows: On the north ' by lands of J. Uallaher. on the east by public . ' road, south by landsof F. W. Gallaher and | I west by lands of Thomas Gallaher. con- 1 I talnlng eighteen acres, more or less, and all i In a good state of cultivation. I Both of »aid properties will be sold free I ' and discharged from the liens of al! Judg ! ments. mortgages or other Hers wbatesnever I of which all lien creditors are hereby notified, j | Terms:—Cash on confirmation of sale by j the-Court. P. li. SECLLLER. j Trustee of O. F. Kelster. Bankrupt, i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j Letters of administration on toe estate j of Clara J. Graham, dee'd., late of j Butler borough, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to tha under- ' signed, all persons knowing themselves ! indebted to said estate •ill please make immediate payment, and any having, claiujs against said e.-c-ai; will present them duly authenticated fur settlement to j WILSOX \V. GRAHAM, Adm'r., | Bu'.ler, Pa. J. D. MCTUNKIN, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. letters testamentary on the estate of Catharine A. Shaffer, d*c'd , late of Franjciin twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment awd those having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ISKAHL SHAKIER, 1 T . , M. D. FAIR, Ism P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In re estate of Earnest Morrow, late of "Worth twp , Butler Co., Pa , dee'd. Whereas, Letters ot administration have been issued to me, the undersigned, on the estate of said decedent. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to call and settle and jjer.ions having claims against the same will pleas? present the same tu thenricated for payment to EDWARD MORROW, Admiustrstor, JacW.sviKe But! r Co., Pi. S. V. & A. L BOWS'.R, Attorneys for Aoministr .tor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters testasneutary C T. A. —D. B. N. having been granted to the nndersigne- 1 un the estate of Mrs. Ocilla 6. John stor\ •lec'd..latecf Butler,Fa,all persons know ing themselves indebted to s;'id estate v» ,; i jilea-ie make immediate payii cut, and any having claims against said estaic \;iil present tht-m duly authenticated ior settlement to CHARLES W. JOHNSTON, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. E. L. F ALSTO.V, Ati'y. Application for Amendment of Charter. .Notice is hereby given that John Mc- Gonegal, W. M. Humphrey, «T. E. Stoops,M. A. Gibson, W. M. Barber and others, members of The United Presby terian congregation of Centerville, have presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, Pa., for tho amendment of the charter of said congregation, by changing the corpora I e name thereof to "The First United Presbyterian Church of Slip peryrock borough" and May 20th. VJO2, at 10 o'clock A. >l. has been fixed by s id Court as the time for a hearing on said petition. J. M. GALBRGATIL Solicitor for Petitioners. N Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 10th day of May 1002, by H. \V. Klein, J. Frank Peffer. David riinith, George W. McLean and Lawrence A. Thompson, under the Act of Assembly entilled, "An Act to pro vide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations." approved April 20th, 1W74. and the supplements thereto, for the charater of an intended corporation, to be called, Tho Butler Brewing Company. The character and object of which is the manufacturing and the brewing of beer and malt liquors of ell kinds, bottling the same and selling and otherwise dealing in said products, and these purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act. of Assembly and the supplements thereto. J. FRANK PEFFEK, Solicitor for Applicants. DIVORCE NOTICE. •ARAB M. I IL! MOKE, , Ii) the Couit of Com on Picas of But vs. Vlfrr County, Penn'a., \. I). No. ll,i>ecerab< r OMVKR t)iLLMOKK. J Term. lUOI. To Oliver IHllmort: Two subpepnas# in above oaae having returned N. E 1., you t'.ie said Oliver Dlll morc. above nanji- l ilefendaut, are b< n by required to appear in s:iid Court of Common I'leus. to bo iifld nt Butler, Pa., on Monday. ti»e l'.Ml, tiny <»f May. ' »"2. i)Oins tiiu first day of next T* fin of >. iid Court, to answer the said comnlaint. and shpw cause if any you havt. wny an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony should not be granted to said Sarah M. Piilmore. V'ou :ire »i Iso hereby notified tiiat testi mony will be taken in ihe above cas«? before said Court o'n Tuesday. May the 20th, r.#£2, at vfhleli time and place you are notified to at ' THOMAS B nOON, Siuriff. } OTICi7~ No'ioo i« hereby given that the part nership heretofore exiwting between W. H. Kuhn and J It. Kuhn under the firm name of Kuhn A: Kuhn was dissolved by mnlual consent on February 11. 1002, J. It. Kuhn continuing in business in the old stand au<\ \V. 11. Kuhn in a j new building now in process of erection. All accounts of the firm of Kuhn & I Knhn will bo settled with W. 11. Knlin. | J. K KIJIIN, W. if. KUHN. j Feb. hi. low. llooker. Pa. j ~ HIGHER AND" HIGHER j fjf» prices on ahriobt al! rti «nuf-i:- j tured i-rtic'c-s. \\\ bought heavy, I early and will not b-i compelled t.) advance ut.iill pitM-nt si ck i> sold. We hav;* had an | large ■ .de t!ii: Spriu.; but stili j have <; ougi'i t.» i-tti <1 \vi■:!_• yi'.. j '} ' i til ii-ne t.i Ouy oti." J b-.r; ;ie'- ntnl v« birles *'f all kinds ' l>?d yi»ii «.»*« Oi.r S3O »'■ -s, W-'|. ! 11... 1 ...i.-l Mid J go d c>i .if ? .*.ll nurot ti male. - , j con j.-l' 'e f>r two 1" ::ie>. Just! think o' it, only S3O. Nobody ever I heard •' the like, an.l buggy; harness rit coiresponding low j [ni l. ic. h'.[' di.-tcr.s at 25c' n>■ li'g b; avti ard vhitej i o»i:.«r sv. -it ll at 25c, regular; | writ c I sc v here 40c. Good team J i work In idles a»- $3 00 per pair, l an! all other goods in our line j away down in price; but don't j think h-ng if you need anything!' in our line. These prices are only;' foi present slock. j, S. B. Martincourt & Co., 1 128 I£. Jcffersm St., liutier, I'a. i T. S What about a wagon? ' I The Kramer is the best and don't cost you any more than others I ] sell cheap makes at. Don't 11 listen to their talk. It pays to, 1 talk other kinds as the profit is ! | greater. 1 J Stop - j Look ;> L,istei\ i X Do you know where X Your money's worth in \ X DRUGS. <[ > £ SODA WATER, ETC. J> | CAMPBELL'S ;;!| Pharmacy, Ji|: 0 Successor to < | > j ¥ J. P. SUTTON J | TOOOOtXXfc&S'©©** PROFESSIONAL CARDS. [J* H. NEGLEY, JT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In tfc>* Negley Building, West Diamond RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armory liuilding, Butler, Pa. I T. SCOTT, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West iHamor.d St. ! ut ier, P^. Hii. GOUCHI.K. • ATTORNEY AT LI'A Office in Wise building HW. WICK, . DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with ail the latent devicer. for Dental vur«. TAMES C. POWELL, R> HCKKSFD AUCTIONEER. Address inc f.t Maharg I'. 0., or leave orders at the CITIZEN Office in Bntter. I H. ELLIOTT, 1 • AUCTIONEER, 144 Kittantiiiig St.. Butler. I) B. GILGHRIS R, I# LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Having taken out a license as auc tioneer,orders can be left at this office or sent by mail to Box 351, Butler, Pa. All orders given prompt attention. I B. BKEDIN, U • ATTORN RY AT LAW. . Office on M-un St. ne.-w Court House R VEAETT L. RALSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Stieet. Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First doi:r on South Main street, nest my former office i'i Boyd Building. | 'OULTER & BAKHX, " - ATTORNEYS A 1 T,.\W. Room 8.. Armory bnildm fc . J OHN Y, . COULTER, «* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei ß Special nttention given to collections aud business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County Nation*:! Batik [ D. McJUNKIN, tf • A TTORNKY-AT-LA W. Office in Reiber building, cornet M.-in ond E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on JC. Cunningham. DR. J. C. ATWEIJ,, After Feb. Ist-Office in Maitin cjurt building—2nd floor. Houis 7 to 9 a. m. and t to 3 and 7 to g P n M.ZIMMERMAN vJ» PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. DR. N..JM. HOOVER. .'37 E. Wayne St., office noars. 10 to 12 a. ra. 1 and to 3 p. m. \V 11. BROWN, 1T • HOMOEOPATHIC PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 236 S. Main St., opp. i\ O. Nis;ht call* at office OAMUEL M. BIPrUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. P 11. MERKLEY, D. 0., OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Room 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesdayand Friday, con sultation and examination irce. DR J. WILHERT MCKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller -3 Shoe Store, 215 S. Maiu street, Butler, l'a. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. J. C. ABER, DENTIST. All work done by the litest improved methods. Gold, Aluminum, Celluloid 1 and Rnbber plates. Gold, Silver and Cement filling guaranteed to give satis faction. Crown and Bridge work. Ex-' ttaction of teeth absolutely painless by an entirely new preparation which is perfectly safe and harmless. 134 S. Main St , Butler, Pa. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. J DENTIST | Office at No 114 E. Jefterson St., over 1 G. W. Miller's grocery. j 1 j. DONALDSON, [ tf, DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest | improved plan. Gold Fillings a »pec , iiiltv. Office next to poatoffice. j T JAMES DODOS. I 1. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ! Inquire at SherifT'soffice or 426 Mifflin ! St. BrHer. P» I i I jl F. L. McQUISTION, IV. CIVII, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Stop That Cough A „ood many people have i thought that a cough didn't I amount to mucli—most excellent people whose friends were sorry , to lose them. NoW don't make this mistake— |;i cough \x the first step toward ' serious and often fatal sickness; stop it right there. Our White Pino and Red Spruce Cough Balsam in 25c bottles, lias proved a marvelous cough stopper. '"'lt always relieves, and except in most desperate cases it always cures,* Sold at Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jeflerson Sts.. Butler, Pa \ T 0 t and final account of Conrad Shodd. administrator of Margaret Shodd. late of Butler township. 3. Final account <>f Jesse Joseph, guardian of kleanor Wilkin, feeble-minded woman of Venango township, Itutler county, I'a. 4. First and final account of James It Mitchell, guardian of Susan A Gesler. minor ! child of James H Uesler and grandchild of Susan A Wilson, deceased, late of Allegheny j >:sunty. Pa. 5. Second and final account of Thomas S r. ulter. administrator «>f the estate of Sylvanus Cooper. late of Slippervrock twp. "ti. First and final account of J Harvey llell, ■ administrator of Horatio Ooldthorpe late of Washington township. I 7. Final account of J W Hutchison, guar -1 illan of Myrtle C Feige!. minor child of John t Felgel, deceased, late of Butler. Pa. h. Final account of Joshua T Black, admin istrator I). B.N. of Annie J Caskey, late of Marlon township, deceased. Final account of Wlnfild » Cratty, guar dian of Perry J Alexander, minor child of R 1 II and M FT Alexander, deceased, late of 1 Muddycreek township. i 10. Final account or Jacob Howenstlne. ad ! mlnlstrator 1». t«. N. of Elizabeth llowen stinc. late of Middlesex township. ' 11. Final and distribution account of T W j Phillips. Jr.. and Clarence Walker, admlnls ; trators of the estate of V K Philips, late of I Butler. Pa., deceased. 12. First and final account of W Z Murrln. trustee of the estate of Nancy Jane Kepler. Into of Parker township, deceased. 13. Final account of Kattle F. Barr and Catharine English, executors of Martha G Marshall, late of Prospect horo. It. Third partial account of J Anderson Kennedy ana T Clavln Kennedy, executors of S A Kennedy, late of M ars boro. 15. Final account of John Weber, adminis trator of Phllomcna F Weber, late of Saxon burg. Pa. lis. Final account of J A McSowan. admin istrator [). B. N. of John M Welgle, late of llutler boro. 17. Final account of F.mtna M Park, admin istratrix of .Samuel Park, lat of Adams twp. is. Fltst ai:d final account of C A Dalpri and J M Galbreath. executors of Joseph Balph, late of llutler boro. IS). Final account of Emma U'Donnell, ad ministratrix of Margaret J Kuause, late of Summli township. 30. First and final account of Joseph Becker, executor of the last will of Andrew Becker, late of Jefferson township. 21. First and final account of Joseph Becker, administrator of Samuel BCcker, late of Jefferson townfthip. deceased. 22. Final account of l.ouisa Bauman. ad ministratrix of Frederick Bauman, late of Saxotiburg boro. 23. Final account of Sidney Schiever, ad ministrator of Lewis Schiever, late of Lancaster township. 24. Final account of Samuel Stauffer. guar dian of Ira Stauffer. Jr.. minor child of lra Stauffer. late of Lancaster township. 2T>. Final account of P P 3rown. adminis trator of estate of Samuel Glenn, late of Clay township 20. Final account of S F Bowser, guardian of Agnes M lleep, minor child of Charles P Hewins. late of Centre township. 27. Final account of Geo E Melllnger, guar dian of Florence A Du.ican. nee Thompson, net Stroup. minor child of Emma Stroup' late of Butler, Pa. 2-i. Final account of W F Murtland. admin istrator of John C Murtland. late of the boro of Butler. 29. Final account of Mrs. Esther M liattl gan. administrator of the estate of Peter A Battlgan, late of Butler boro. 30. Final occount of A G Campbell, execu tor of Samuel A Canipliell, late of Washing ton township. 31. The final account of Cordtlla McKlsslck, administrator of Edward M Cowan, late of SUpperyrock township. 32. Final account of Margaret A Irwin, trustee of the real estate of John A Irwin, late of F.vansburg, Pa. 33. Partial account of Anthony Kratel. ex ecutor of Catherine Glace, late of Butler, Pa 34. First and final accountof A W CriU'h low. administrator of John Crltchlow, late of Forward township. •W. J. ADAMS, Register. Jury Lists for May Term A list of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this first day of April 11)02, to serve as grand jurors at the reg ular term of Court commencing on the third Monday of May the same being the 19th day of said month. Abrams C A. Butler 4th ward, agent Badger C G, Muddycreek tp. farmer Cochran T J, Mercer tp, farmer Cluse Phillip, Butler 2nd ward, farmer , Frehling Henry H, MVinfield tp. farmer Fullerton M C, Clearfield tp, farmer Gilluian Jacob, Butler Ist w, teamster Gold Miles. Concord tp. farmer Gribben James, Middlesex tp, farmer Hays One. Connoquenessing tp, fanner Heury N M, Adams tp, driller Jack William, Marion tp, farmer Kramer Charles, Butler :id w, teamster Lewis John A, Venango tp, farmer Mcßride Dennis, Clearfield tp, farmer McNees A A, Worth tp. farmer Pflough George. FVanklin tp, farmer Pape W H, Butler 4th w. Sup't Rankin Crawford, Fairview tp, farmer Studebaker Joseph Sr, Worth tp, farmer Scliaffner Paul, Butler tp, Blacksmith Taylor Alex Jr, Alleghany tp, producer Timblin Josiali, Clay tp, farmer Thompson J M, Brady tp, farmer A list of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this first day of April, 1902, to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of Court commencing on the fourth Monday May the same being the 26th day of said month. Rowen John >l, Middlesex tp, farmer Black John N, Allegheny tp, farmer Eower George, Butler tp, farmer Cooper W A, Adams tp, farmer Doutt W S, Connoq. Boro, pumper Ehrman George. Cranberry tp, farmer Edmund son C M, Prospect Carpenter Ekas Dehas.a, Clinton tp, farmer Emerick J B, Adams tp. driller Gallagher WH, Worth tp, farmer Gallagher Sherman, Muddycreek tp, farmer * Higgins W P. Oakland tp, farmer Henry Sherman, Oakland tp. farmer Kreiss George, Forward tp, farmer Loggn W J Millerstowo, merchant Laderer J. Lancaster tp, farmer Miller Win. F, Butler sth w, Cabinet Maker Miller J C, Prospect, gent McDermitt Edward, Fairview tp pumper Morgan James, Parker tp, farmer Morgan Thos J, Muddycreek tp. farmer Morrison Harvey H, Mercer tp, farmer McCrea W S. Butler 2d w, merchant McConnel James, Butler tp, farmer Marks Robert, Middlesex tp. farmer Moore John S, Adams tp. pumper Nye Peter, Sammit tp, larmer Nicholas John L, Evans City, merchant Nicholas J M, Forward tp, farmer Pringle William, Butler tp, driller R inkin Adam Fairview tp, farmer Seat on Scott Marion tp, farmer Sloan M S, Venango tp, farmer Hnyder A J, Donegal tp. farmer Schull John W. Marion tp, farmer Sarver William C, Buffalo tp, farmer Seibert William, Butler Ud w, black smith Spithaler Charles, Forward tp, farmer Snyder L B, Concord tp, farmer Steward Walker. Penu tp, farmer Smith V B, Saxonburg, Justice of Peace Stokey Jacob, Jackson tp, farmer Timblin George B, Concord tp, farmer Tinker Calvin, Cherry tp, farmer Wolford John, Slipperyrock tp, farmer Woods Thos, Clinton twp, farmer. Walker William. Butler sth w, real estate agent Zeigler S A, Penn tp, farmer. H. MILLER FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE —Bycro' Building—next to P. 0., IJ titler Pa. TH6 SUTk6R CITIZeN. Sl.iiO per year If paid In advance, othnrwlse will be cnaroed. AUVEHTISINQ RATES—One Inch, one time |1; each subsequent Insertion 50 cents each Auditors' and divorce notices ft each; exec utors'and administrators' notices W each estray and dissolution notices *2 each. Head ing notices 1U cents a line for first and 5 cents for each subsequent insertion. Notices among local ne jrs Items 15 cents a line for exchin sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of Scents a line, money to accompany the order. Jeven words of prose make aline. Bates for standing cards and Job work on application. All advertising Is due after first Insertion, and all-transient advertising must be paid for In advance. All communications Intended for publica tion In this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, no?for publica tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.and should reach us no' later than Tuesday evening. Death notice" >nust be accompanied with responsible name. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHFB •i) 11 ' nth VTnin •»r*t» County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land! In compliant* with the requirement of ttaa Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, passed March 13. A. D 1815, an«l the several supplements thereto, notice is hereby given that the follow ing pieces of land will be sold for taxes at the Court House, in Butler, Pa . on The 9th Day of June, 1902, at 1 o'clock P. M Name of Person Years. I Total Township. Assessed. Acres Tax. Int. T& I Adams Daugherty J J H&L 1899 $ i 03$ 14 $ l 17 " iPringle Geo A j 1 lot " 16 02 18 " Goehring &• Shaffer 1 1 lot 17 02 19 " Wallace Jonathan H& L " 2 78! 39 317 Allegheny 'Bowser Abe ! 4 1900 1 43' 11 154 'CampbellS A j 275 1899 " 105 12 11 &5 116 47 iFogle Mary 23. " 510 71 581 !Jami*en Willis 10 " 1900 493 51 544 McConnell & Robinson 42 " 12 12 97 13 09 Butler. jSlagel Gideon 102 " 31 32 251 33 83 Brady (Taylor W E Buffalo i Painter Geo W (heirs) 25 " 1 123 10 133 Counoquenessing Drape James W j 70 1899 ;1040146 11 86 .■jQtjhsm Wiu 1 14 " ! 8 47: 4!) 396 Clinton Ma-key Alex Mrs 14 1900 409 33 443 | Porter"J W H&L •' 311 y- 336 Concord ißeighley Jacob 37* 1899 •' 19 47 2 16 21 63 (Harper Margaret 72 " 22 21 1 78 23 99 KamererAD 5 1899 " 219 25 24i Low Elizabeth 20 •' j 1 821 11' 143 Meehan Jas 37f - 9 57j 77 10 54 " DO 25! - j 6 46; 67 703 Clearfield Coyle Win 1 lot ■' 1 22 02 24 Goldinger M D 70 1899 •' | 35 73 380 89 53 Gallagher Dennis *.. 44 " 1 528 74 602 Kerr Michael (heirs) 1 lot 19001 24 02 26 Lanx Jacob 2 lots " i 18 01 19 McMurtry Ellen 25 " 365 28 383 - 11 140 McMahon Dan 100 1899 15 62 2 19 17 81 Steigner John 1 lot •' 1900 588 73 661 Cherry Barnes John 10<> •« ig 15 264 20 69 Rennet Nancy J 8 " 67 09 ~ 76 'Cross A L | 2 " 198 28 226 Dunn John, Jr 33, " | 753 1 05 868 Ferry James 60" , 263 87 300 Grossman JE 19 " | 687 98 795 Hall John Mrs 170 " ; 18 98 266 21 64 McKinney Robt 12:? " j 17 33 243 19 76 Oneil Daniel 151 " ' 2 48! 35 2 83* Donegal Bredin James 124 1900 33 38i 2 67 36 05 Fairview Barnhnrt 0 67 1899 ' 24 65' 3 45 28 10 Franklin Brackney Annie 67 " 981 1 30 10 61 Forward Bishop Phelatid 1 lot •' 576 81 656 . Piereol Harrison 81 *" 1900! 27 50 2 89 30 39 , " Smick Peter 45] «• 11 501 1 61 12 11 Jackson Bajrne Robt. 1 lot " 46| 06 52 * Bennet A J 1 lot " 46' 06 52 Beam SA 1 lot " 4«! 06 52 Overman Paul 1 lot •* \ 46 06 52 Peterson C 1 lot •• j 46 06 52 Partridge Wm 1 lot " ' 46 1 06 52 Partridge T Hot; " { 46: 06 52 Rucker John 1 lot j " | 46 06 52 Stewart Willis 1 lot " ; 46 06 52 Stonghton J C 1 lot " 46 06 52 Thompson Bert- 2 lots! •' | 93 ! 13 106 Wickman J N 1 lot " 46 06 52 Mercer..... Mcßell Wm 52* '• 16 41; 230 18 71 Mnddycreek Melvin H&G H 51 " 1 760 105 865 Mar ion Chatman Margaret 10 " 1900 3 51* 41! 39s Dangherty& Ambrose.... 133 "j 23 61, 18925 60 Dugan Mary 40 •• ; 571 46 617 Gardner GJ 18 •• 370 23 292 Layton E. 12 1899 109 09 118 McMurry Jas &J A 68 " j 16 10 2 25i 18 35 McGurk Dennis 19, " I , 4 10 1 57 467 " McClafferty Michael 10 1900 2 12; 17, 2£9 WanderlyC 501899 3 67; *sl 418 Vandyke Rebecca 30 1900 432 35 467 Oakland Millinger JJ R 93 " 26 2! 210 28 31 Parker Courtney D G 25 " 180 14' 194 Kelly Archie (heirs) 1 lot. " 1 96 1 08| 104 Morrow G W 251899 •• 8951 00 995 Pngh Albert 23} " j " 406 43 449 Risch J P 10j |" j 314 25; 339 ' Smith Nelson (heirs) 100 1899 " 59 04 6 38 ! 65 42 P enn Green Miles 110 " 23 40i 1 87; 25 27 " Walker David 1 lot, 1899 46 06 52 Summit... Sullivan Valeria i 83 " 1900 54 47i 61160 58 *' " '' 28 " ",19 871 20321 90 blipperyrock Hammond L 200 ! 44 84 3 58 48 42 Keister Homer 99; " 1 29 66 2 37 32 03 \enango Addleman Porter 17 1899 484 61 495 Dunkle L Mrs llj 1900 221 1« 289 Gormley JH,et al llot! "| 257 21; 278 Jamison J D 84 18S9 •' 22 63 2 43; 25 06 " '• Mcßride A 50 :'" 10 88 87 H75 McLaughlin Geo 128' " ! 19 88 1 59! 21 47 McLaughlin JB 50 : " 10 84 87 n7l / Norcross Andrew 261899 1900 9 73' 106 10 78 Vanderlin S L 100! " "I 21 21! 22723 48 Vanderlin JO 60; "I 7 251 58; 7 _V, White Angeline 50 "I 7 50 ; 60 810 Washington Campbell J H F 75 " ! 18 08 1 4 r »! 19 63 Hindman Chas 41899 , 99 14 113 '', , Mercer Mining Co 180' " j j4454624 50 78 Win held Clymer Wm B 129 t 'l900! 44 57 35748 14 Collins John 25 " j 912 73 985 _ " Marshall Samuel 40 "! 10 19; 82 11 01 Butler Boro Wilson Sandy 1 lot 1899 , 6 30| 88 713 Sanbnry Boro Allen Jefferson 1 lot " 1 435 61 496 Saxonburg Owens Fred (heirs) }of 5 1000 18 16 I 45 19 ci 1 | . 1 I I NOTE—The above totals do not include Treasurer's fee or advertising fee. May 1, 1902. D. L. RANKIN, County Treasurer. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN.! BUTLER'S" I Fastest Growing Store. JiJ Ladies' Jacket Suita, Jackets, Separate Skirts, Silk and JmRS < > Wash Waists. { > The new Bpring Suits are here. i I The new Spring Separate Skirts are here. [lf \ '1 1 The new Spring Separate Jackets are here. *1 I L ', > The new Spring Dress Goods are here. * J jNfc\vl*i 9 ' ► The new Spring Silk Dress Waists are here. < > The new Spring All-wool Striped Waiatings k The new Spring Printed Satin Liberty and Ffc "1 ' Foulards are here. j 4 > The new Spring Wash Goods are here. JW 1 1 l ' The new Spring White Goods are here. Mf / 1 I Ths new Spring Embroideries and Lacos are JBj i M |' The* new Spring Dress Trimmings are here. t \ 4 > The new Spring Neckwear and Ties are here % \ ( I k { >The Spring Millinery Hats and Flowers The new Spring Carpets are here. < > ' , We start the Spring season here with the finest and largest collection v i >of alwve merchandise we have ever shown We claim to befsi . .the lowest priced house in Butler for FINE GOODS. Wo wish we bad t 'space to give detailed descriptions and prices of all f Suits. range from #l|o 00 to PAS 00' » < | Wool Dress Goodf. 25c to 2 50' |' \ Silks and Foulards " 60c to 1 ) i | J'B Special values in Hosiery and Ribbed | ( > Underwear for Men, Women and Chil- ' i We also carry a full line of < ► Misses's, Children's and Infants ( { * Suits, Diesses and Wraps, L. i' f * * And pay special attention to their headwear i I ► —Hats, Infant 1 -' Lace Caps, Cloaks and Slips. \ , : ;OUR SPRING MILLINER* OPENING |p¥| , , 11 On Thursday. Friday and Saturday, vfj° c K- J ! ; ;March 27, 28, 29. !;! < ► You are invited. ' i { * Lowest Priced House 111 ( * For Fine Goods J, V 'n K j Irs, J. E. Zimnierman.| The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WORK