Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 01, 1902, Image 3
1 M K CI l \y KN. TBtBSI'A"V MAY 1, LQOA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .VOTE—AII advert!, r- Intending to make a In their s uotify us ot ihelr Intention to 1 vr than Mon lav morning. Treasurer's Sale, June 9th. Sheriff's Sales, May 10th. Daubenspeck & Turner's Shoe Store. Modern Store's Commencement Sale. Brown & Co's. Furniture Campbell's & Furniture. Evth Bros. Wall Paper. Wick's Furnishings. Whitehill's Plumbing. Wool Wanted Kirkpatrick's Jewelry. Teamen Wanted. AJinlnlHi! Ators and Executors of estate ;in secure their receipt books at tbe CITI '.SN offlee. and jjersons making nubile sales 4Q9lr note book.*. LOCAL AND GENERAL, "Up, up, as though They 'd reach the skies The prices of Provisions rise Each day they touch A higher mark. Each day the prospect Grows more dark, > And soon our woe Will be complete. For it will cost Too much to eat."—Leader. —This is "strike day" in the city. —Our march winds are a month late, j this year. —lt taKes four barrels of oil to the acre to kill all the worms. —Over 1000 people have died with cholera in the Philippines this spring. —The Summer Excursion season on all the roads begin today. See railroad notices. —Butler has purchased a new hook and ladder truck, 55 foot ladder, 2300 pounds, for $845. —Gellert Goehring, the Zelienople Merchaut. is proud of his new checkered frout—a of baauty. —The lead cable d!- tube now being j put np through Butler by the Bell Co. contains 200 telephone wires. —During the past winter tbe Waverly has entertained fifty-six theatre com panies and parts of companies. —The plans for the National Bank building have been completed and there'll be doings at that corner, short ly- --The School Directors of the County jrill meet in the Court House, next. Tuesday, May 6, to elect a County Sup'd't —W. Cooper, the merchant tailor will move next Monday to the room adjoin ing the Campbell & Templeton furni ture store —All the Bessemer freight traffic is going over the P. & W. via the Reibold cut-off pending the rebuilding of the Bull creek trestle. —The Prohibition County Convention will be held in Bntler on Tuesday, May 18th. at 10 a m., over L. C, Wick's of fice, near P. & W. depot. " —Daubenspeck & Turner expect to open their new shoe store, next door to Wnller'a Drug Store, about May 10th, with a full line of boots and shoes. See ' J adv. % —And the land shall be full of prom ises—Liquor licenses, rural route car ries, positions in the Court Room, county offices next time—anything to get a vote. —The men who control the Penn'a B. R. visited Pittsburg, this week and j among other things decided to build a plant to ' wash" the air for the new Union Station. —Contractor Jos. Graham has a force I of abont 50 men at woTk grading, curb ing and paving Brown avenue. The b. gas and water mains on the street are > being lowered. ' —The shut down at the Plate Works caused by the strike of the "layers" in grinding department yet continues. All the departments are shut down except ing the casting hall. —With one County Commissioner dead and one seriously ill, Commission er McGarvey and Clerk Kiskaddon are haying their hands full. Mr. Eichert is reported better this morning. —"Will you please insert this obitu ary notice?" asked an old gentleman of an editor. "I make bold to ask it be cause the deceased had a great many friends about here who would be glad to hoar of his death," —The wage-earners are making sure that their wages go up along with everything else just now. Teamsters are charging $5 per day, carpenters $2.75, bricklayers and masons $4 and la borers $1.75, advances in all. —A small Speechley sand well at Par ker and another, or two, at or near Coopers town has caused considerable leasing between the two points -thirty miles apart. All the big companies are ■aid to be doing it, and paying a dollar ' an acre a year. —The twenty-five Commissions for those who were elected Justices of the Peace in this County at the late election and who filed their acceptances in time arrived at the Register & Recorder's last week and are ready for delivery npon payment of the fees, $6.75. a —No town iu the county, excepting Bntler, is improving more rapidly than Zelienople. Some of the finest resi dences in the county have been erected within its limits during the past few years; the Enameling Works is flourish ing, and another large plant may locate there. —Saturday's wind storm rocked and swayed the shirt factory building, which has a large western exposure, so badly that it made many of the girls seasick and a shut down for the day was necessary. Frame houses are also reported to have been rocked so much as to make the occupants dizzy. During the high wind Saturday a bushel basket left its happy home at O. M. Phillip's grocery south of the Court House, promenaded across the Diamond and down Main street to Cunningham, then to the west side of Main and back again to Whitehill's plumbing store, opposite its starting point. —Meat is a drug on the market of Ell wood City, and the action of the beef trust is of little interest there. This condition has resulted from the building of a big dam in the Connoque neesing river by the new Ellwood City Power Company. The workmen have '■ been blasting out places in the river for the dam foundation, and ths con cussions have killed all the fish in the river. The dead fish float to the sur face and can be gathered so easily that meat is not needed there. Have you tried the 7th Ave. Special Stogie, its great MODEL CIGAR STORE. PERSONAL. A. W. Root is ill at his home on the • Plank road. ! J. A. Richey wants a boy to learn the baking trade, j J. A. McMarlin of Hallstcn. was in 1 town, yesterday. W. C. Findley spent Sunday with his parents at Euclid. Beriah Dnncan of Braddock visited friends in Butler, yesterday. Alfred Ekas of Clinton twp. visited friends in Butler, last week. J. H. Negley is ill with rheumatism at his Home on W. Wayne St. Milton McCormick has moved to the old Dickey farm west of town. Miss Mary Graham of the Diamond has returned from Utica, N. Y. R. B. McGinniss has sold his livery at Eau Claire, and intends moving. J. P. Neglev of Pittsburg visited his father J. H. Negley, Wednesday. ! Rev. William Harley of Columbus, I 0.. visited his folks in Bntler this week. I Esq. John McCoy of Anandale lifted , his Commission as Justice, Tuesday. | Mrs. Cal. Logan brought her two daughters to Business College. Monday. Dr. J. B. Stewart of Mt. Jewet is the guest of his uncle J. W. Haworth of the Waverley Harry Siebert aud wife of Allegheny visited Wm. Siebert of W. Wayne St, over Sunday. Miss Aggie Peters of Clinton twp is j visiting Mrs. Winnet Campbell at 318 j Franklin St. Ben Chiistley of Slipperyrock is now in the employ of the Standard Steel Car Co. in Butler. Mrs. F. J. Bauinan of Jefferson town ship was in town, yesterday, attending to some business. Jos. Miller of the U. S. Cruiser "Buffalo" now in dock at Norfolk, is home on leave till the 9th. William Miller, the Insurance and Real Estate man was moved his office to the Byers building, next door to the F O. Frank Colbert of W. Penn St. has sold his interest iu a hardware store ia Sistersville, W. Va , and expects to lo cate in Butler. A M. Donthett of Brownsdale. can didate for Assembly has been crippled in his canvass on account of a lame leg the result of a fall last-summer. County Commissioner Eichert is seri ously ill at his home in Evans City. His liver is said to have grow to twice its natural size, and his -bronichial tubes are affected. Allen McCall of near Mt. Chestnut was in Butler, Saturday, wearing crutches and a glad smile. Allen wishes us to tell all hjs friends and neighbors of his thankfulness for their care and kindness to him during his long confine ment. Joseph L. Purvis has resigned the Presidency of the Butler Savings Bank, after serving for 23 years, and Wm Campbell, former cashier, was elected in his stead; Louis Stein is to be cashier and C. E Cronenwett teller. Mr Campbell served as cashier for 31 years and Air. Stein as teller for 17 years. F. D. Tinker of Jefferson twp. who has had charge of the pump station near Great Belt for some years, moved to Grove City, Monday, where he will be a partner of his brother-in-law in the Elumbing and hardware business. By is removal Butler county loses one her best citizens, and his friends here wish him every success. Mrs. Helen Wiley of Saxonburg. is visiting at the home of her son, Mark Wiley. Mrs. Wiley, it will be remem bered, is the author of a poem on the death of President McKinlev. which ap peared in the Times and a copy of which was sent to Mrs. McKinlev. In return Mrs. McKinley sent Mrs. Wiley a beaatifnl pair of slippers, knitted by her own hands and much treasured by the recipient.—Oakdale, Pa. Times. William G. Hamilton, a cattle ranch man, of Roswell. N. M., was at the Union depot, Pittsburg, Monday, re turning to his home after spending a few days in Pittsburg. "For a number of years I have fattened cattle for the market about this season.'' said Mr. Hamilton. "I recently sold several car loads in Chicago at a very high price In former years when I brought my cattle to market I would be met by an agent of the trust and offered so much, and that was the end of it. This year is was different. Everybody wanted to buy and I got a\fancy figure, for I had some good stock." —Dr. Leighner and Jos. Purvis have been looking around lately for an avail able location for a Fair Grounds, but cannot find one. About forty acres of comparatively level ground, near enough town to induce the Street Car Co , to build a track to it, is needed, and if you know of such a spot you should tell them of it. —Special Agent Conwav of the post office department has about completed his work on the Rural Delivery routes for Butler and vicinity. Eleven car riers or route agents will be required, and for these nineteen young men were examined last Saturday. Their pay will be S6OO a year and they must fur nish and keep their own horses and wagons. Everybody along the route will be expected to buy a box, made of galvanized iron, with lock, from the Government at $1.75 each: and the sys tem will probably not be in operation until after July Ist. Several of the small offices within a few miles of But ler will be discontinued. Raral Route carriers will also start out from the Renfrew, Saxonburg, Carbon Black, Denny, Chicora and other^ffices. R. A. White and C. B. Conway are going over the eleven P. O. routes cent ering in Butler and taking orders for the boxes, which are made by a Beaver Falls firm and are stamped by a U. S. official. It will take about a 1000 of them to do the 11 routes and the mail men will not collect from or deliver to any other. Each box has two keys for the family and the carrier will carry a key that will open them nil, Tlie Health Meeting. • A program has been prepared for the meeting of the Associated Health Au thorities of the State in Butler, at the Court House, next Wednesday and Thursday, May 7th and Bth. The Convention will open at 10:30 a. m.; the address of welcome will be by Rev. Cronenwett, and Prof. Gibson. J. L. Purvis, and Dr. Byers are on the pro gram for addresses. Several subjects will bo discussed.and the meetings will be interesting to all. Mr. Wright of the Water Co. has ar ranged for an excursion to their reser. voir at Boydstown on Thursday. Miss Fnhrer will recite "Kentucky Reminiscences" at the meeting of Wed nesday evening. Grand Opera House, Pittsburg. Don Ca»sar De Bazan—Next Week. The scene of "Don Ctesar De Bazan" is laid in Spain during the reign of Carlds 1, the picturesque scenery and costuming of the time lending pictorial charm. The play itself is a romance of brisk, stirring incidents that follow in rapid succession, keeping tbe interest keyed to the highest pitch. Valor, love, adventure, intrigue, realistic fighting, are all blended in four acts of dramatic intensity and exciting climaxes. WANTED—One good energise man to take hold of an Established Tea Route, and represent the Grand Union Tea Co., in Butler and vicinity. A No. 1 opening for right party. Small bond required. Call or address, GRAND UNION TEA CO., New Castle, Pa. W. E. Moore, successor to the Model Cigar Store, is slaughtering Meerschaum Pipeß. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. J<inies L. Campbell vs Thomas and Rachel McElroy, trespass for £IOO. Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co. vs Hertnrm Liet>old, snmuiona in eject ment for 34} feet of the Arlington Hotel property now occupied by Krut and Morrison. On March Leibokl gave I the Trust Co. an option to purchase the property for SISOOO. The option was accepted, bnt the Trust Co. claims|Lei bold failed to make deed and the suit has been brought tor possession. NOT . Another charge of a&b has been enterad against Lemuel McCandless of Mars, the complainant being John A. Purvis. James Clinton, charged with a&b and surety of the peace, has been released on his own recognizance. Letters of adm'n on the estate of Robert Elliott of Buffalo twp. have been granted to A. N. Elliott; also on the estateo? Willi-ni Lackey of Clinton twp. to Robert Lackey: also on the estate of Henry Boltz of W in Hold twp to Adam Boltz: :us > on the estate of Rufus N. Patterson of Clay twp. to Catherine Patterson. A circuit court of Ohio has handed | down a decision iu a suit brought by , the National Tube Co. cf Pittsburg vs. j the Eastern Tube Co of Zanesville, i which is national in its import and one | of the most sweeping of its kind ever t rendered by a higher court. The j courf, in substance, held that a man s \ intellect is not a trade secret, and he j cannot be enjoined from using his j brains, even il by so doing he stoould , work an irreparable injury to someone ■ else. '•Whatever sympathy there was for Mrs. Kate Soffel has largely disappear ed, and the public has realized that her mistaken and misdirected zeal in behalf of the Biddle boys entitles her to no consideration, and but little leniency at the bar of justice." So spoke John C. Haymaker. District Attorney for Alle gheny county, at Denver, Saturday. "The first thing I do when 1 get back home will be to try Mrs. Soffel. I shall try her on the charge of aiding prisoners to"escape, because the penalty for that crime is greater than for the others. I shall convict her, of course. There is no escape for her, and I shall send her to the workhouse for two years The other charges I will cause to be dismiss ed. Dornian turned State's evidence. He will be convicted of murder in the first degree. I shall have him sentenced to be hanged, and then I will intercede with the Governor and secure for him a I commutation, a life sentence, perhaps. Within the last 10 years, or since the death of Father Henrici, the Harmony Society of Economy has been often prominently in the public eye Just now it is occupying a place of greater prominence than ever before, for its af fairs are in the hands of the United States supreme court. A decision will soon be rendered by that highest tri bunal which will either continue the society as a strong, rifh unity, or lead to its dissolution. The power of Senior Trustee Dnss is trembling iu the bal ance. The suit on which this decision is to be rendered is that of Schwartz against the Harmony society, John S. Duss and others. Schwartz and his as sociate plaintiffs pray for the appoint ment of a receiver for the society and a distribution of its assets among the present members and Schwartz and others who went out of the society some years ago. The Biddle case was in court at Pitts burg, Monday, in a manner not expect ed. Christ R. Weller was an applicant for a license for his place out the Perrysville road, and it was there that the Biddies and Mrs. Soffel stopped on the night of January 30, after the escape of the morning before Weller was very closely questioned by both Judge Frazer and Rodgers about the visit. He told of how Edward Biddle purchased six sandwiches, and was a little sur prised when asked about the bottle of whisky which was sold after hours. He explained the sale by saying be did not think it any harm in view of the long journey before the visitor. Weller claimed not to have kndwn.of the visit of John Biddle and Mrs. Soffel until the following morning, when, he said, his wife told him. » PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W F Rumberger to John Yotinkins lot on Cliff street, Butler, for $737.50. Willis Stewart to Eliz Druschel lot iu Zelienople for $l5O. Elizabeth McCafferty to J W Dornev lot on Elm St, Butler, for SI7OO. C E Tinker to Martha E Bole lot on N McKean St., Butler, for *ISOO M E Bole to Elizabeth A Whitmire same for SI7OO. Laura Faucett to Lena E Shoup 5 acres in Jackson for S3OO. Geo R White to Victor W Hutchison lot in Butler twp for $250. Francis Murphy of Chicora to D B Campbell half interest in leases and nine wells on Chas Roilly farm of Clear field twp, lease and one well on Daniel Gravatt farm of Winfield twp, lease and one well on the John P Miller farm of Summit twp, lease and one well on the Lucas farm of Summit twp, and lease and well on the Daugherty farm for $-20,000. W B Cochran to Anderson Parham lot on Valley St., Butler for $l5O. Geo W Stidham to Zillah B Harvey lot in Harmony for $550. *> Ira McJunkin to Etta L Turner lot on W Penn St, Butler, for S7OO. Nellie J Roberts to J E McCutcheon lot on Lincoln St., Butler, for S3OO. F N Hoffstot to American Nat Gas Co release of mortgage for $140,000. Alois Beck to Hugh Ferguson 120 acres in Butler twp for $15250. John Hartung to same 4 acres in But ler for SBOOO. Maggie M Christie to Rebecca J Korn lot in W Sun bury for S4OO. P D Gelbach to D F Sanbach lot on W North St., Butler, for SIOOO. Chas Duffy to W S Wick lot on Mon roe St, Butler, for $3500. Kate A Fisher to Geo W White 8 acres in Worth for SIOO. Geo W White to Eli Winter same for $145. John H Lane to S W McKissick lot in Clay twp. for S6OO. Mary A Jack to C R Hays lot in Washington for $1350. Margaret A Graham to Margaret Graham lot in Butler for sl. Joseph S Gray to W F RumbeJger lot on McKean St., Butler, for SOOO. J W Hutchison to same lot 120x180 on S McKean St., Butler, for SOSOO. D B Campbell to same lot at Water and West Sts, Butler, for SI4OO. Mary H Marsh to Margt S Blakeley lot in Harrisville for $225. C V Dwigans to Laura H Mulholland let in Saxon burg for $825. Rachel A Hechler to Clara E Bezler lot in Petrolia for SSOO. Chas J Gibson to D L Rankin lot in Butler for $2300. A P Rodgers to F A Griffin one acre in Donegal for sl. Nancy E. Pfordt to John Beautn 27 acres in Jackson twp. for SOOO Maria D. Sutton to Jessie C. Hill, lot on N Washington St.. Butler for $2300. Mary L Miller to -Viola Am}*, lot on W Penn St. Bntler. for SOSO. Marriage Licenses. Ammon W. Clowes... .Leasureville, Pa Sarah Shields Boggsville, Pa James I. Hogg Slipperyrock Linda V. Schramm Beaver Co H. C. Double .Connoquessing Laura Young Turtle Lake, Mich. Oscar W. Marshall Mars Maud Alderson Saxonburg William H. Knbn Hooker Lillian Sankey Moniteau Andrew M. Pounds Jacksville Irona Hines Slipperyrock Harry Surrena Ferris Anna Davis Eau Claire Gust Smith North Oakland Teresa Witt " " J. M. Collar Allegheny twp Pearl Martin Venango twp At New Castle—F. W. Cooper of Worth twp. and Mary Mackey of Slip peryrock. FOR SALE! A good driving horse, call at 121 West D street, Bntler, and see for your self. See Clerk of Courts. You can buy a fine Meerschaum Pipe cheap at the Model Cigar Store, 320 S. I Main street. The Car Works. At the site of t'ie car works, Sunday.a thousand Butler people watched the big plow scoop up the earth and dnmp it in to wagons, which hauled it to the lower ground below. The raised level npon which stood the horse stables is l>eing graded and the ground ueed to fill up the floor of the main building which | will be 3 or 4 feet above the natural or ; former level. | Tuesday s rain made the soil too wet | to use the big plow, and yesterday a ' hundred mule teams were doing the work with ordinary plows and scoops. One little, yellow mule died, and he j was laid iu a low place and covered up. ' The site yeas covered with iron beams, j brick, cement, etc , and about half the ! brick piers for the posts of the main building were up-. Every day manv carloads of structnr- 1 ;al material for the big works of tne | Standard Steel Car Company at Butler | j are leaving the Edgar Thomson works ; at Braddock The fieight is being sent! over the Pittsburg & Lake Erie to Ran- I j kin and thence oyer the Bessemer & | Lake Erie to Butler. There is about j ! 0,000 tons of this material Nearly half r is now delivered. ■ The construction of the Standard's plant at Butler will prove a great pro ! ducer of revenue to the Bessemer, with j which road the new company will have j close traffic arrangements. Cars lea\ ing i the plant vs il! be seat over the Bessemer j in either direction to connect with lines : leading to all points Few empty new i cats will be delivered to the railroads j owning the new equipment. The cars will be loaded with material from this district. raiH coal, etc.. for their Blurt to the railroad for which they were built, and thus save the expense of hauling them empty. Property Sales. On Saturday last Wm Ruoiberger purchased the Harvey Miller property from J. W. Hutchison, 120 feet front on McKean St. by 130 back, for $6,500, or about $55 a foot front Miss L. Marshall gave an option on 60 acres in Butler to Jos. Foster and R. W Henry of Pittsburg at $12,000. Hugh Ferguson of Pittsburg bought the Alois Beck farm in Butler twp., adjoining the Sttel Car Co's property for $15,250, and also the' John Hartung property adjoiniug ihe Pierce brothers for $8 000 S D. Miller, Jr. has sold his residence on W. Pearl St to J V Ritts. On Tuesday Wm. Walker sold for E E. three oil wells on the Abrams farm to Crawford & Gregory, and for J. M. Day two wells on* same place to same parties. A wooden tank on that lease, nnmber 77 has been in use con tinually for HO years without having the hoops reset. Letter to A. J. Nicholson. Butler. Pa. , Dear Sir; which of these two, is the better argument? Painters condemn ready made paints; lead and oil is your paint. Or this? Devoe lead and zinc lasts twice as long; and the dealer, who sells it, backed by the maker of it. fstablislied 140 years, guarantees it. Devoe is your paint. Yours truly, 77 F. W. DEVOE & Co. P. S. —Patterson Bros, sell our paint in Butler. BUYING WOOL Same location as last season. Owing to other business engagements will only buy during the months of May, June, July and August, and only in forenoons of each day. W. F. RCMHERGEK, at Graham's Grocery, Butler. Pa. A Sure Thing Now is the time to lay away a few dollars at 4 per cent for a rainy day When it grows, we will advise you for the asking how to invest it, or we will invest it for you to the best advantage. Your account \sith us is protected by a capital and surplus of $3,700,000. Write for informa tion ' How to Open a Savings Account by Mail." Real Estate Trust Company 311 Fourth Ave., Pittfcburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Kail road Summer Excursion Tickets. On May 1, 1902, the regular Summer excursion tickets via all rail routes to all the principal Summer resorts east of Pittsburg and Buffalo will be placed 011 sale at ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. These tickets will bear the usual Summer excursion limit of October 81. 1902. The Pennsylvania Railroad Hummer Excursion Route Book for 1902 will be issued, as heretofore, on June 1. FOR SALE! House and lot on Coal St., SIOOO. House and lot on 3. Washington St. SI4OO. Small farm with good buildings near Porterville. Eeight-roomed house and 110 feet frontage, Third street, $3900. Seyen-roomed house and good lot, dry cemented cellar, Lincoln St., S2OOO. Lot 00x180, 6-roomed house, South Washington street, $2400. Six-roomed house Fairyiew Ave. ex tension. lot 105x130, drilled well, orchard, splendid cellar. Seven-roomed house and good lot, Centre Ave., every modern convenience. Will rent or sell. Lot of 72 feet frontage, and six-room ed house on Washington St. Farm of 210 acres, Brady township. sl7 per acre, coal right reserved. Farm of 80 acres, 3 miles from rail road, SI2OO. Six-roomed house, Fairview Ave. For Rent, eight roomed house on W. Qurry street, every modern conveni ence. E H. NKG LEY, Attorney, Southwest Diamond, Bntler, Pa. Ask for It! If you don't see what you want at the B. R. & P. Cafe ask for it. They will furnish you with anything in the market,and cook it nicely for you on short notice. The Cafe is open from early in the morning till late at night. B. R. & P CAFE, Stein building, South Main St., Butler. Suppers fnrnished for Theatre parties. Bell Telphone 147 Art in Wall Paper. Where all the colors come from, and where all the patterns come from are only known to those who make them or put them together, but it is a fact that the wall paper patterns of today are works of art that excite both admira tion and wonder. Alfred Peats & Co. is the largest wall paper firm in the United States-G. Moser of the B R. & P. Cafe, Stein building, S Main St., is their agent for Butler—and an inspection of his sample books will astonish you, both as regards patterns and prices. The prices range from 5 to 50 cents a l>olt of 8 yards for both paper and border, and the books can be seen at all times at the Cafe—34l S. Main St. NOTICE! In view of the great and unprecedent ed success of the Butler Business Col lege, and in order to further systematize and facilitate the work of the different departments, and to provide for the rapidly increasing attendance. Prof. Regal has leased the entire third floor above Newton's music store. This will increase the capacity of the college one half. An archway has been cut which con nects this with the large study room of the college. This entire floor will be used for the shorthand department. Fall term begins Monday, Sept. 1, 1902. Send for catalogue and circulars. A. F. REGAL, Prin. Single and Double Ovens at WHITEHILL'S. I Before selecting your Spring hat cal and see Pape's New Millinery Store, 113 S. Main street. Hot Plates, the kind that last, at WHITEHILL'S. Music scholars wanUo at 128 West Wayne St ACCIDENTS. The wind-storm of lift Saturday tore the tin roof off the May <fc Kennedy stable?, and tumbled over a lot of tele graph and telephone poles An Italian employed in the gang widening thf deep cut at Euclid was struck and killed by a passenger train while at work Saturday morning His name could not be learned. A brother lives at Brockwayville. Pa. Earl Shull. aged 22 years, an innate of the Western Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane at Dixmont, was killed some time l>etween Friday midnight and Saturday morning on the Ft. Wayne tracks near Dixmont The crew of engine No. lfS found the body and re moved it to Glen field. When found the body was lying beside the westbound passenger track It is tiyrught he was struck by a freight train. The hospital authorities took charge'of the body and the coroner was notified. Shull's home was iu this county and he had been in the hospital tor about a year. Friday afternoon about 3 o'clock he slipped away from his attendant ou the plea of getting a drink of water and went into the institution. He got out a side door and managed to get off ihe grounds About 15 minutes later his absence was discovered ami a number of the guards sent to look for him. but be was nowhere to be found. Word was sent along the line, but he was not seen. It is thought that he hid some place until after nightfall and then started j along the tracks. John Strauss of Albion Pa . formerly of Butler and Ed Stone of Greenville, ' were hurt by an accident on the Bull 1 Creek trestle, last Thursday and were taken to.the hospital. Strauss' spine was injured and at first j he was supposed to be dangerously in- ! jured, but he is doing nicely and will get well. Stone had an anklo broken, and will be laid up for some time , The accident was caused by the i engine leaving the track just as it moved upon the trestle. It tore up th" ties, the heavy ore cars that followed hit the girders and two went down witL several cars of ore following them. The engine remained ou the trestle and the rear cars were saved by the rear brakeman. The engineer saved him self by jumping from the tender. Stone jumped from the gangway and the fall of about twenty feet broke his ankle; Strauss was front brakeman and also jumped, but his back struck something that hurt it It was said that it would take two weeks to repair the trestle and in the meantime the Bessie people are hauling some ore over the P. & W. Will Angert, aged ten years, of the Wand, had his nose and eye badly rut. Monday, by catching a ball with hi.* face instead of his hands while at play. OIL W<>TES. The Market —Both agencies are pay ing $1.20. Venango twp—John Worner & Co are starting a well on the Great Scott farm Venango twp—Tebay & Co. are drill ing their No. 3 on the John Miller farm in Cherry Valley. No. 2 came in three weeks ago and is doing 5 or 6 barrels. Frances Murphy has sold his oil in terests to his partner, D. B. Campbell for |20,000. Speechley—This week the South Penti has brought in new wells on the J S Campbell and Mac Kuhn farms. Barnsdefl's well on the Sarah Mnrt land made a sixty bbl? flow the other <3av. Clearfield—D. B Campbell's No. 11 on the Chas Reilly came in Wednes day and shows for a good well in the third sand. Eisler, O'Brien &Co have struck a well on the Monier farm south of Clinton twp FIRES. The barn of Wm. Steinhanser in Jef ferson township was burned, last Thurs day. Two cows perished in the flames. Sparks from engines and high winds were a bad combination, last week, and several oil well rigs were burned. CHURCH NOTES. There will be an illustrated lecture by Prof. Robert Turner, of Boston, the oldest illustrated lecturer in the United States, subject Ben, Hur, a tale of Christ, in St. Peter's German Catholic church, on Franklin street, Monday evening. May sth. Admission 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, lecture 7:45. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. Gas Fixtures, We have them: 50 different styles. They are in the latest finishes, made to match the hardware of your house. WIIITEHILL, Plumber PAPE'S. A new and complete line of fliillinery at 113 S. Main street. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property{ you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa. Notice! Yon can find the latest and newest line of millinery at Pape's New Store. SEED OATS! Farmers, we have just received three oars of choice recleaned seed oats, which we are offering at lowest market prices GEO. WALTER & SONS. When I Say That The Davis Sewing Machine leads all others, it is not merely to fill a column with an advertisement. I mean that no other machine is so simple' I mean that no other machine is so finely made! And that no other machine is so easily run! The "Davis" is polished like a watch; it will not kill a woman to run it; it will do more than double the variety of work, without basting, than any other machine can do. All other sewing-machine men acknowledge this, but snys, "Onr's is the cheapest." But I say that to buy a cheap sewing ma chine is not economy. The best is al ways the cheapest. I also sell Behr Bros' Matchless Pianos. For further imformation address W. B. MCCANDLESS. McCandless, Pa. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purcli'Sse or sell oil proDerties, farms, city residences or real estate of atiy kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g.opposite P. O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519. "Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers, Get them at Whitehill's. Great reduction in Steel Fire Proof Safes. 575 lb. reduced from £45 00 to $25 00. House safes 75 lb. $8 00, 125 lb. •til 00, 200 lb. sls 00 with combination locks. Catalogues for the asking. C. W. FRANKLIN, P. O. Box 667. Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED -Farmers to bring thei last year's pop-corn to John Richey'sS 142 South Main St., Butler, Pa EYTH BROS' Big Wall Paper Store Next to Postoffice. We are not selling out—we are still buying in—and those who are looking for good, clean, fresh up-to date wall paper will find it here, where we are always at your service. EYTH BROS., Formerly, C. McMILLIAN, I'Phone 453. 251 S. Main St. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 73 75 Rye. " 58 Oats, " .. 48 Corn, " 68 Hay, " 12 00 Eggs. " 14 Butter, *' 23-25 Potatoes, ' .... 100 Onions, per bu 1 50 Beets, per bu 50 Cabbage, per lb 2 Chickens, dressed 14 Parsnips, per bo 50 Turnips 50 Apples 1-1 50 : Celery, doz bunches. ... ." 25 Honey, per pound 12 Butter is 6i cents higher now than it vas this time last year, eggs are c- nts higher: cheese is not materially changed; poultry is from 2 to 5 cents hight-r; potatoes are double what they were a year ago; onions are alxmt 25 cell's cheaper by the crate or bushel; wax be»ns and green beans are $1 less ou the bushel; strawberries are about the same, and turnips a half chexper. Navy beans that Inst year were #2 20, this year are quot-d at sl.9o;coffees ru;: j a little cheaper; salt fi-h is bare'y ! changed;canned goo is notef* w s. except in tomatoes, which are highi r, while other things are lower, and the canned meats are practically the same i as last year, except iu such things as sardines, which are lower The new crop of molasses is a cent higher; the fancy r«-fin»-d brands 1 or 2 cents lower. Dried peas are up 40 cents: salt is down 25 cents; sugar is lower this year by about 00 to 00 cents on the 100 pounds: hams are up 2 cents; breakfast bacon has advanced less than a cent, which is the limit in the change in the price of dried beef. Mess pork, pigs' feet and tripe are quoted the same, and bologna a shade lower. Flour ruled higher a year ago than now, the spring patents standing at 4he same figure, the straight winter 10 cents higher, and the bakers' spring a dollar higher. Graham flour is 50 cents cheaper now.—City Ex Some Reasons. Charles W. Armour, head of the Armour interests in Kansas City, said that he knew absolutely nothing of the existence of a combine or trust among the meat packers "If there exists such a combine," were his words, "I know nothing about it, and if wnat is claimed is true it is very strange that I have not heard of it lam going to give a few reasons why meat prices are high The dry weather iu Kansas, Oklahoma, Northern Texas. Nebraska and parts of Missouri, Kansas and lowa last summer has had the effect of cutting down the r ceipts of live stock in the five great markets of the world to an astounding degree. The decrease in receipts in the five big markets mentioned are. not in cluding the last day of the present month, as follows, against those of April, 1901: Hogs. 225,000.; cattle, 44,500 sheep, 154,000. "Coal during the last few years has advanced from 25 to :J0 per cent in price # Pig iron, which a few years ago cost us 1> cents a pound, now cists us 28 cents, taking yesterday's closing market for it Salt has doubled iu value. The lumber which we use to make our boxes has ad vanced on average of $7 per 1,000 feet. Everything else has advanced more or less, while the price of labor is either about the same or a little higher." ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD OR REMODEL Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home WHITEHILL, Plumber, 318 S. Main St., Both Phones Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue- We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial-. Agent for tbe Jamestown Slidn Riind t'o —Mew York R. F'SHER A SON SOMETHING NEVY^> In the photograph line can be seen .it the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please all who want an artistis picture. Stop in and see them. Novelties for Ho'iday trade now ready Broaches and buttons of all descriptions Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 P. O B'd'g, Butler ! Rrnuches— Mars and Evar.g City About Kodaks! We have both Kodaks and Cameras of all description. Amateur photo, supplies of all kinds and of the best. Keep your eye open for the new folding pocket Kodak to be out soon. 20 per cent oft Kodak prices this week. Films, Plates, Papers' and Chemicals. Free dark room for customers DOUGLASS BOOK STORE Near P. O. 241 South Main street A. M. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. S. Mam S>. Butle*- XT A CI) \VT\ T( s The Worßt I* 08 " JA u OI A I Ll U sible spaviu can be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information alxmt this n<-w method sent free to horse owners by T M. CLUGH, 'X noxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa. J Medicine for \ ANIMALS. > V We make constant effort i ( to keep our prescription S i department before you, for » X there is no telling what f / hour you may need our f S services. Remember we C ; r are idst as careful about f v the quality of goods, and V j l kind of service for your f i i domestic pets as if human \ / lives were at stake. We ( S have hundreds of prescrip- \ v tions on our files that were \ / written for animals, and \ } they receive the same care C C as any others. You may / / have a home recipe that S has be-n in the family for / >ears, bring it to us and J \ -.ve will fill it just right. \ x J We keep all the standard / / condition powder for cat- \ J I tit; also disinfectants for S j keeping the stable sweet S \ and clean. j \ \ We keep remedies for j C / dogs, birds and all domes- v 3 tic animals. C > C. N. BOYD, | ( DRUGGIST. I f Diamond Block. / ( Butler, Pa, ) yOUR CLOfHES MAY BE shabby and look badly worn, but perhaps you haven't tme to bother about them and perhaps no one will notice your clothes any way, so you forget about them. But this forgetting is a mighty big task when your mother, wile or sifter presists in reminding you of your seedy appearance; you'U be gin to believe she's about right, but before you rush off to buy another suit which is quickly made and quickly worn out, take a little time to see our showing of new importations (exclusivestyles) and learn for what little money you can acquire the habit of wear ing clothes made for you; made by hand in our tailor Shop in Butler. We take the pains to fit you. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex., Kl. Fa.. Lev. Fa.. &c., Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In the borough of Butler, Pa. on Friday, the 16th day of. May, A. D. 1902, at 1 o'clock P. M„ the following described property, to-wit: E. D. No. 30, May Term. 1902. E. E- Young, Attorney, AU the right, title. Interest and claim of Jacob W. Rice, of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In ButUr township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wft: On the north by lands of Michael Sterb's heirs, on tho east by lands of Leonard Uerr. on the south by lands of •John Cranmer. and on the west by lands of John Cranmer and Perry Gold, containing fifty-six acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, fram barn and outbuildings. Weized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob W. Rice at the suit of George Forcht. E. D. No. 22 May Term. 1902. F. J. Forquer, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of A. G. J?rederick, of. in and to all that certain piece of parcel of land, situated in Summit township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Adam Rettig, Frank Reott and Alex Berg beigler, on the east by lands of Jacob Swartz and Jacob Knouse, on the south by lands of Henry Binsack, and on the west by lands of Christina Keck, containing one hundred and six (108) acres and forty-eight perches, more or less, and having thereon erected a frame house, frame bank Darn, and other outbuildings, with good orchard there on, 90 acres cleared and under good state of cultivation. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of A. G. Frederick at the suit of Andrew Yost. E. D. No. 8, May Term, 1902. A. T. Black, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of W, E. Martin, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Venango township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of R. M. Sloan and AI Hunter.on the east by lands of \V. M. Milford and Thomas Davis, on the south by lands of Park Jamison and on the west by lands of Llcurgus Sloan, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, and having thereon erected two frame houses, frame burn ond outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as tho prop erty of W. E. Martin at the suit of W. H. Reynolds. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'cldck, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom tirst sold. •See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 446. and Smith's Forms, page 384. THOMAS R. HOON, Sheriff. Shenff'sOfflce. Butler. Pa.. April 28. 1902. WALL PAPERS were never so pretty in color and design as they are this season. A wall well papered is a thing of beauty, it gives tone ana finish to an apartment which is obtained in no other way. Everything in the latest and best desigus of the best manufacturers are here at prices that you can't match. Come in and look over our large stock before you buy. We can please you, Picture Framing a Specialty. Patterson Bros.. 236 N. Main St. Wick Building, Phone 400. -'l A V VTTTTM --DENTAL ROOMS.-- [JF i 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa k| We're PR ACTIC A' _yUoin g th, [*! Hr?Sf 2* CROWN -U'l BF.ilJjt work j[j V R-2 l'lltsl.urs— WH Y .NOT DO FN - Tsi W«VOURS? «* OLD CROWNSL" Wind BRIDGE work reduced fc *> ? |L WVF I|S5 PER TOOTH Also the IP vs t-ost set of Teeth made, o N LY MJ M. C. WAGNER 4RTIPT PHOTOGRAPHER 119 South Main (treat | Watch r l T his Ad. | Turner> ( The New Slioe Store, S Opening About £ b MAV lOth, I / IMext Door to Savings < BUTLER, PA. ) \ | "occupy it in ten DOOTHetT & GRfIHAjB AT THE TOP OF STYLE! WE ARE ReflDy WITH OUR feINE OP Spring Clothing The styles were chosen with critical discrimination and our, mag nificent display represents the best selections from the leading makers We Want More Men and Boys To Know Our Clothing We want more Men and Boys to see it. The better they know our clothing the more they will be astounded and delighted by its qualities, styles and all round excellence. We are willing to rest our case on the goods themselves. Let them do the talking. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Schaul &Nast 9 LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. The Latch String is Out! A Generous Hearty I nn L ftrc | Invitation to LUUlVvro. •' We want you to see our store and stock, want you to be come acquainted with us. Need not be a bit afraid to come in here and say, "I am only looking today." Lookers of to day become buyers of tomorrow —next week. We've much to show you in Furniture and Carpets and our values and prices Are such as to arouse the most apa thetic buyers. We Eclipse All Previous Efforts this Spring, reaching out for more business and getting it. No such thing as standing still in a healthy business—giving values unprecedented and \ Prices that Preclude Competition BROWN &• CO., Bell Phone 105, (across from Duffy's store,) Butler, Pa. a Reliable House 1 | Furnishings. | Sgjt Standard qualities of Furniture and Carpets from j||C 2|5 the most reliable manufacturers fairly priced and jtHI qualify guaranteed, If interested in Bed Room lUg Suits you should see the new line, |p* Q BED ROOM SUITS. fi ' All hard wood, golden oak finish and snperior workmanship; j=a| made with the same care as the higher priced ones. teag rag Hard wood, golden oak finish, pattern frame, beveled mirror, SC! brass trimming, and a handsomely carved bed. The suit ooata 5| $22-50. , t , E Golden oak finish, swell top drawers, French plate beveled gS mirror, bed richly carved and ornamented. The suit costs $27« CaS 5U GUARANTEED COUCHES {f£ A dozen kinds to select from. An entire new stock of Velour Couches in red or green gronnds with neat set patterns. Most of RS SSS| them bnilt on the all steel, wire-tied construction that we guarantee ISC not to break down. Large roll head Conch with roco-co base, full J535 y>i size, with six rows of tufting. Price S2O. Another, not quite so YS-9S yg? large, with five rows of tufting, at sls Hand-tied Couches in QJgg red-figured velour with mattrass tufting, at $lO- jjgg S ALFRED A. CAMPBELL, jSI FORMERLY j|^ 1 Campbell ft Templet on®