Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 01, 1902, Image 2

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WILLIAM.O. NKG\F.Y -- Publisher
SI.OO per year lo Advance, Otherwise $1.50.
We are authorized to announce the
following candidates to be voted for at
the primary election of the Republican
party to be held on
SATURDAY, JUNE 7. 1902, —1 to 7 P. M.
JOHN M. GREER, Butler.
J. D. MCJUNKIN. Butler.
J B. SHOWALTER, Cbicora.
A. M. DOUTHETT, Penn twp.
(Better known as "Coon" Campbell.)
M. L. GIBSON, Butler.
JAMES R. KEARNS, Bntler twp.
JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp.
,T. M. CRUIKSHANK, Winfield twp.
Formerly of Brady twp.
CHARLES H. BOOK, Cherry twp.
JOHN W. POWELL, Buffalo twp.
J. C. WELSH, Jefferson twp.
J. P. DAYIS, Brady twp.
H. W. EOONCE, Bntler.
(Formerly of Allegheny twp.)
G. E. THOMAS, (Third Run.) Butler.
PORTER WILSON, Centre twp.
LEWIS WOLFORD, Cherry twp.
(Two to nominate)
G. W. CROWE, Forward twp.
NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp.
JOHN W. HILLIARD, Washington twp.
ELI J. MOORE, Mnddycreek twp.
JAMES L. PATTERSON, Jefferson twp.
* . (Two to nominate.)
H. E. HKBERLING; Portersville.
Delegates to State Convention.
(Three to eleft.)
W. J. MARKS, Butler.
J. M. RIDDLE, Clinton twp.
W. C. WOLFORD. Chicora.
The Bntler and Westmoreland county
Congressional Committees met in Pitts
burg, again, Tuesday, bat could not
agree upon anything, and adjourned
without day.
Rival levees were held by Senator M. ,
S Quay and Attorney General John P. ,
Elkin at the Duquesne Hotel, Pittsburg (
last Saturday, and devoloped a situation (
more humorous then enlightening. The (
most important callers paid their re
spects at both places. They wanted (
to learn all they could. When evening 1
came Senator Quay took a train for (
Beaver, pleading that his physician had ,
advised him against going to the ,
Americus Clnb banquet. The Attorney j
General, who had not fonnd time to eat ■
a bite since morning, hustled down
street to get a sew tie. From neither ,
camp came any statement indicating a
change in the State situation or that the
Quay-Dnrham-Oliver-Penrose combina
tion had selected a candidate for Gover
Thomas S. Biglow admitted having
met Attorney General Elkin on Friday,
but declared in an authorized statement
that the meeting had in no way affected
the" anti-macliine movement in Alle
gheny county. The Attorney General,
however, said that he was more firmly
convinced than ever that his friends in
Allegheny and surrounding counties
will put up a winning battle for him
Senator Qnay declined to be interviewed
at all. He had a very busy day, but
* those who saw him came away declar
ing that they were as much in the dark
as they had ever been.
Former Lieutenant Governor Walter
Lyon saw Quay and soon afterward
stated that he thought ex-Auditor Gen
eral Levi G. McCauley would be a strong
candidate for Governor. Cadwallader
Biddle, Chairman of the Board of
Charities, who was in the city, also
said he was surprised that McCanley's
boom had been not more atroagly devel
More significance was attached to the
words of Deputy United States Marshal
J. R. Hurrah, an old friend of Senator
Quay's. After seeing the Senator he ,
came forth with a strong line of boost
ing for Congressman Joseph C. Sibley.
This created quite a commotion for a
little while. P. C. Boyle of Oil City,
who is supposed to know a great deal
about the oil country politics, but who
who is lined up for Elkin, when asked
whether Sibley would be Quay 's choice,
"I am afraid not."
Of the twelve delegates to the State
Convention elected last Saturday, the
eight from Lackawanna are pledged to
Watres; while the two from Clinton and
one each from Greene and Wyoming go
Men who are claiming that Mr. Quay
is more Dopular in Mercer county than
Mr. Elkin should take the trouble to
look up the figures. When Mr. Quay's
name was last submitted to the Repub
licans of the county (without opposition)
he polled less than 09 per cent, of the
Republican vote, and that after a strong
effort has been made in his behalf. Mak
ing a fair average of the vote cast for
the numerous candidates at the recent
primaries the vote for State delegates
(all avowed Elkin men) is about 80 per
cent, of the whole, or 11 per cent,
greater than the vote for Quay. If the
names of the two men w ere submitted
to the Republicans of Mercer county for
the same office tomorrow the difference
in favor of Elkin would certainly be no
' less, but probably much more.—Mercer
MR. EDITOR:—Judge Greer tries to
have the public believe that he has been
'promoting economy of the county funds.
This is all bosh. Not long ago there
was an application for a new trial in a
case where it was evident that the de
fendant was no more guilty of the
crime charged than the Judge was him
self. But the trouble was that if he
granted a new trial the party would
most assuredly be acquitted. This
would deprive the prosecutor (a close
friend of the Judge) of the S4OO that the
Commissioners had offered for the con
viction of the guilty party. The new
trial being refused and the party sen
tenced, ot course the Commissioners had
to pay the money.
The Truth ot the Matter.
EKASTOWN, PA., April 30, 1902.
ED. CITIZEN Last week I sent to
yon a letter which I had received from
judge Greer, which yon published in
your last issue. I enclose you a letter
which I received from James M. Gal
breath. Esq relative to this same mat
ter which I wish yon would also pub
lish. Very truly yours,
BUTLER, PA., April 31, 1902.
DEAR SIR:—Mr. Negley of
the BUTLER CITIZEN has referred to
me a letter received by him. enclosing a
letter from Judge Greer, to yourself, in
which the Judge says, in substance,
that no promise was made by him to
me ten years ago, which would preclude
him from being a candidte at tne pres
ent time.
I cannot answer for anything that
took place ten years ago between Judge
Greer and other prospective candidates
at that time, but do know what took
place between him and me.
As yon know, we both ex
pected to be candidates at that time for
the Republican nomination for Judge,
but as we both came from the same cor
ner of the county, our mutual friends
did not wish to see us both in the field
at the same time. Some of these friends
representing both Mr. Greer and my
self had a conference over the matter.
In this conference it was arranged and
agreed that I. being the younger in
years, should stand aside at that time,
and. so far as I was concerned, give him
a clear field, and tbat nt the end of his
term of ten years, he would not be a can
didate against me. This arrangement
was made known to Mr. Greer and my
self. and in order that the wish of our
friends might be carried out, I saw Mr.
Greer, and said to him, that I intended
to be a candidate for Judge—but not
until the next time. He said to me, "I
will just say tnis to you, I will be a can
date this time and whether successful
or defeated will not be a candidate
Our whole arrangement had reference
to the time when his ten year term
would expire, and to no other. The
conversation between Mr. Greer and
myself took place in the Court room in
Butler, and I had no other conversation
or arrangement with him about it at
any other time oc place. In order that
our agreement might be kept I was not
a candidate ten years ago, but support
ed Mr. Greer, both at the nomination
and election, and, up until the Judge
became a pronounced candidate for re
election. I supposed that onr agreement
would be kept inviolate on both sides.
As you, I think, know, it has been my
purpose and desire to avoid all public
and personal controversy, during the
progress of the campaign, but when my
attention was called to the letter receiv
ed by you, I felt that it was a duty to
myself to write you this letter, stating
the exact truth of this matter.
Yours very truly,
We call particular attention to the
words "whether successful or defeated"
which give the lie to all Greer's state
ments now, for who, knowing the
public and private records of the two
men but will take the word of Mr. Gal
breath over the oath of Judge Greer.
On Tuesday the House passed the
Public Buildings bill by a vote of 106 to
33. The bill appropriates seventeen
millions for new P. O. and other build
Two important measures were
sent to the president on Monday for his
signature, the oleomargarine and the
Chinese exclusion bills.. Both passed
the conference stage and were favor
ably acted upon by both houses of
congress that afternoon in their pres
ent shape.
In the house, during the discussion
of the agricultural appropriation bill,
Representative Sibley roundly denounc
ed Gen. Smith {pr his order to make
the island of Samar a "howling wilder
ness." Mr. Sibley declared that Gen
Smith's method is not onr kind of civil
ization and that this was not Christian
izing the world. Mr. Sibley was ap
plauded time and again during his re
marks, and as he concluded the applause
was deafening.
Wall street will know when the re
ports are all in that President
Roosevelt intends to attack all the illegal
trusts and corporations ot the country.
The President is so vastly pleased with
the reception given his instructions to
Attorney General Knox to proceed
against the beef trust that he will take
up the case of any trust that may come
into his field of vision.
Mr. Roosevelt consulted-with Senator
Burrows, the leading opponent of the
sugar trust in the Cuban reciprocity
fight in the Senate last week, about
tne possibility of getting after that
combination. The Senator told the
President that proof could be procured
showing that that trust acts in exactly
the same way as the beef trust, arbitrari
ly raising and lowering prices, and in
transgressing the law in regard to the
distribution and sale of its product.
The President said that if this proof
could be furnished he would at once in
struct Attorney General Knox to pro
ceed against the sugar trust. Senator
Burrows will fnrniah the information
that will lead to the proof. _
A Western lawyer who'is a warm
friend of the President called at the
White House Thursday, and in the
course of conversation aeired about the
action against the Northern Securities
merger. The President gave his friend
a personal note of introduction aud sent
him to the Attorney General.
THE office of county superintendent
of public schools is one of the most re
sponsible positions in the State. Its du
ties are manifold, aud the man who at
tends to them properly must be a very
busy man. To visit all the schools in a
county as large as Butler at least once
during a term, to conduct examinations
and county i nstitutes, attend local in
stitutes and look after the general wel
fare of all the school-} in a proper man
ner, requires the expenditure of a great
deal of energy and considerable money.
What human office couH be of more
importance than to supervise the educa
tion of our youth, to direct the cultiva
tion of the intellect, and see that our
boys and girls are being developed into
real men and women. A man who fills
the office properly is deserving of a
greater salary than any other county of
ficial. but as a rule his salary is the
THE sixteenth celebration of the
birthday of General Grant by the Amer
icus Clnb in Pittsburg, Saturday nipht,
was made uotable by the presence of
three members of the President's Cabi
net and by the eloquent memorial ad
drees delivered by Congressman Little
field, whose repute as an orator is unex
celled in Congress. These annual trib
utes to the memory of the great soldier
by the Americus Club have become of
National interest, serving to keep his
memery green and at the same time
contributing no little to the furtherance
of the principles of the party of which
he was so distinguished a member.
U. S. Attorney General P. C. Knox
acted as toast master, and after Little
field, Sec. Shaw and General Wiley
made speeches.
Eau Claire.
I Profs. Kelly and Pierce are conduct
-1 ing the fiau Ciaire Academy. The
, people of the community are enthusi
astic and the school was never in so
flourishing a condition. About seventy
scholars are in attendance. A good
live literary society has been organized.
The M. E. church is to be newly
papered, painted and have new seats.
John Tebav is making extensive im
provements to his residence.
Prospect and Vicinity.
The town was full of candidates last
week and they all seem confident.
Maggie Wilson is progressing with
her singing class, which meets in th>-
school building.
Mrs. John Weigle of Harmony visited
her mother-in-law, Mrs. C B Weigle.
not long since.
When passing the scene of the Biddle
capture notice those new cow sheds of
John McLure's.
Watson Forrester gets the prfze for
sowing the first oats. Watson is geuer
ally in the front ranks
Joe Ferro has resigned his position at
John Kelly's, and gone to Butler to
work. Joe bid the toys good bye and
wanted the girls to sing some songs for
When burglars come don't go for
Wm. Weigle for he will forget to gc .
nor for Lida Kelly for she will laugh at
| them while they are rummaging
i Charley Johnson, our only tailor,took
■ his annual fishing last week, and came
home with a bucket of minnows and
crabs. Mrs. Johnson thinks it should
be in the paper.
Geo. E. Neelv, who has been a soldier
in the Philippines the pist three years,
j came home last week, and is hearty and
a man now.
1 Prof. Ford Forrester and wife were
in Butler a recent Saturday, on busi
ness and a shopping tour.
James Barr has been making some
necessary repairs to his dwelling on
Franklin St.
Clarence and Willie Milleman have
painted their porches, and did very well
for little fellows.
Garfield Weller of Pittsburg was in
town part of last week, calling on old
Howard English is working at home
this summer, and is tearing up the soil
to beat the land over in his vicinity.
Constable Shoaf has been on the sick
list for a week or so. but will soon be
able to look kfter his bailwick again.
G. B. Beighley seems to have been
making garden before anyone else
thought of it, and will have lettuce and
onions in market soon.
Allen Dunn of Portersville was here
recently, and says his health has been
poor since about the holidays.
The towmhip high school students
debated the question, Resolved, ' That
batchelors are more detrimental to the
wellfare of the country than maids,''
last Friday.
Miss Verna Scott, who nurse? in
Pittsburg, was home recently on a va
After several weeks' rest operations
have begun again on the Kline well,
which will be drilled to the depth of
3500 feet.
Our people were sorry to hear of the
death of John Gillespie, who was very
well known hereabouts
Mrs. Barbara Weigle has returned
from Pittsburg, where she under\yent (
an operation for cataract on the right
Mrs. Wimer has returned from n vis
it to her daughter, Mrs. A 1 Barkley of
Mnddycreek twp., and reports that new
boy as doing finely.
Misses Bertha and Maude Heyl have
moved into the Nannie Weigle house,
where they will continue to carry on
the dressmaking business
Frank Myers, the jolly watchmaker
from the Stone church vicinity was in
town Saturday and exhibited a tine
watch which he had purchased from
Jake Flinner.
The entertainment given by Agnes
Dickey of Pittsburg was very good, al
though the audience was of a literary
character, it might have been larger.
Sammy Beatty. assisted by Willie
Weigle, is hauling the coal for the Kline
we ll. JOE COSITY.
Kesolutions on the Death of J-
W. Gillespie.
WHEREAS, John W. Gillespie, a mem
ber of the Board of County Commis
sioners of this county, died oa Triurs
day evening, April 24, 1902.
Therefore be it resolved by the sur
viving members of the Board:
Ist. That we deplore the death of »nr
friend and co-worker.
2nd. In his death we have lost a kind
and congenial companion and the public
a faithful servant. ,As an official h
was courteous, competent and efficient
and served the best interests of the
people He was a good citizen, a man
ot sterling integrity and a kind hasbmd
and father. When but a boy he enlist
ed for the defense of his country and
was a valiant soldier throughout the
civil war.
3rd. We extend to his widow and
children our heartfelt sympathy in their
great sorrow and commend them to tbe
God of all comfort
4tb. That these resolutions be entered
on the minutes of this office, a copy be
sent the bereaved family, and that they
be published in the county papers
County Commissioner*.
> Pick out the new things >
2 from our big stock £
\timMmmmmmmm* l
£ Everything is of good quality T
If and correct style #
£ See our new line of £
I t
# Let us show you the £
£ Manhattan )
4 and 'SHIRTS. #
$ Monarch ) f
• Jno.S. Wick j
i HATTER and £
4> Opposite P. 0
$ 4
i " ~~
| flow about that Bath Room you are
; going to pn, f ip? Look around and set
1 what you w»nt. We lire showing most
' anything you need in pluinuing goods,
COOPER—At her home in Jefferson
twp , April 23, 1902, Mrs. John Coop
er, aged 70 years.
DENNY —At her home in Bntler. April
23, 1902, Miss Mary Denny, aged 53
KNAUSE—At her home in Summit
twp, April 27, 1902, Mrs. Andy
Knause, aged abont 55.
MAHOOD—At her home in Butler,
April 27, 1902. Mabel, daughter of M.
M. Mahood.
BLAKELEY—At his home in Adams
twp., April 27, 1902, Andrew Blake
ley, aged 84 years.
BOLTZ —At his home in Winfield twp.
Apr. 13, 1902, Henry A. Boltz.
GRAHAM—At his home with A. O.
Miller in Eau Claire Apr. 26, 1902, of
consumption, Seth Graham, aged
about 33 years.
The deceased was the village jeweler
and was a member of tbe Eau Claire
band. He was unmarried.
NASH—At her home in Donegal twp
April 26, 1902, Mrs. Casper Nash,aged
about 55 years.
MURRIN —At his home in Butler. April
25, 1902, John Mnrrin. Esq , aged 69
Mr. Mnrrin removed from Venango
twp. to Butler, some fifteen years ago.
His wife and three children, John. Win.
Z and Florence, survive him.
MANSTREL—At Sarveraville, April
23, 1902, John Manstrel, aged 97
COWAN —At the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Sarah Shnlmire, Btna,
Pa . April 25, 1902, Mrs. Mary Jane
Cowan, widow of Joseph Cowan, iu
her 80th year.
BOGGS —At her home in Evans City,
April 26, 1902, Mrs. Mary J. Bogus,
widow of Robert Boggs, in her 38th
She was the mother of R. H. Bopgs of
Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny, and also of
Mrs Elizabeth Garvin, of Bntler coun
ty. Mrs. Henry Beam, of Evans City:
James Boggs, of Butler county: Andrew
Boiigs. of Beaver county: Mrs. Arnelda
Clayton, of Eyans City: and Miss Ella
Boggs, who made their home with her
GILLESPIE —At his home in Butler.
April 24, 1902, John W. Gillespie,aged
55 vears.
Mr. Gillespie had been seriouslj ill
for some weeks, and his death was not
unexpected, as a complication of dis
eases made recovery an impossibility.
He was born in Connoquenessinetwp
April 21, 1847, served for three years
during the civil war in the heavy artil
lerv, and removed to Middlesex twp. iu
He was elected a County Commission
er in 1899, took his seat in Jan, 1900,
and served until a few weeks ago, when
ill health compelled him to relinquish
his post.
His wife, nee Anderson,and sis child
ren survive him
He was buried in Clinton cemetery,
PORTER—At his home in Conncque
nessing, April 24, 1902, Win. Breaden
Porter, aged 29 years.
On the first day of last August he
was married to Miss Dora McMarlin of
Hallston. They moved to Connoq.ie
nessing twp. where they made tbeir
home. Four sisters and two brothers
are all .that are left, the father and
mother and another younger brother,
Bertie, having been taken a short time
ago. In 16 months the four have been
laid side by side in the cemetery at
West Sunbury. The young wife has
the deepest sympathy of all the friends
and neighbors in her sad bereavement.
The sisters are Mrs. Lawrence Jones of
Freedom Bearer do., Mrs. William
Hilgar, Mrs. Thompson McCandless of
Euclid aud Mrs. Scott, Crouch of West
Sunbury and the brothers are John S
Porter of Gibsonia and Eber C , the
youngest brother of Connoqueneasing.
HUTCHINSON—At his home on W
Clay St.. Butler, April 28, 1902, An
drew Jackson Hutchinson, in his 75th
Rev. Hutchinson had been in feeble
health for some months, but was hope
ful of recovery up to the time of his
death—the immediate cause of which
was heart failure
He p'tssed away peacefully.
Ho was born and raised oil a farm i n
Cherry twp , near Anandale, and while
yet a young man studied for the minis
try and became a local (M. E ) minister
He married Isabella Vandyke, who died
SOllia y*»f*re Their oiil j" child,
Mrs. Thompson, survives them, as tioes
also Wm. J. Eury of Butler, whom they
Some eighteen years ago, when living
on a farm in Centre twp. Mr. Hutchin
son had his tight hand bitten or scratch
ed by his horse. Blood poisoning set in
and he lost his right arm, & thing that
was eyer a f ter a great detriment to him.
While living iu Centre twp. he was
elected a County Commissioner and
served for three yei&s (1888-89 and 90) -
giving entire satisfaction.
He was esteemed by all who kne>v
His funeral services will be held ia
the M. E. church of Butler this, Thurs
day, afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Joseph Paloi, an Italian, died of
pneumonia, at the Hospital, Tuesday,
aged 2">.
A child of Chas Pease, of Butler on
the Plank Road, aged 10 weeks, died of
whooping cough.
Ex-Judge W. P. Jenks, the oldest
practicing attorney in Jefferson county,
died at his home in Brookville last Fri
day, aged 80 Judge Jenks was a mem
ber of a pioneer Jefferson county fami
ly. and for many years served as Presi
dent Judge of the Jefferson Claiion
district, and had practiced li« T for
many ) ears in Western Pennsylvania
He w .s a brother of George A. leaks,
candidate for Governor on the Demo
cratic ticket four years ago and Solici
tor General under President Cleveland.
. -vTI I
■ ' ><
£ i s
"t rC
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Advwjtise in the CITIZEN
Jury Lists for May Term
A list of names drawn from the
proper jury wheel this first day of April
1902, to serve as grand jurors at the reg
ular term of Court commencing on the
third Monday of May the same being
the 19th day of said month.
Abrams C A. Butler 4th ward, agent
Badger C G, Muddycreek tp. farmer
Cochran T J. Mercer tp, farmer
Cluse Phillip, Butler 2nd ward, farmer
Frehling Henry H. Winfield tp. farmer
Fullerton M C, Clearfield tp, farmer
Gillman Jacob. Butler Ist w, teamster
Gold Miles. Concord tp. farmer
Gribben James, Middlesex tp, farmer
Hays Orie, Connoquenessing tp, farmer
Henry N M, Adams tp, driller
Jack William, Marion tp, farmer
Kramer Charles. Butler 3d w, teamster
Lewis John A. Yenango tp. f*<lu?r
Mcßride Dennis. Clearfield tp, farmer
McNees A A, Worth tp. farmer
Pflough George, Franklin tp. farmer
Pape W H, Butler 4th w. Snp't
Rankin Crawford, Fairview tp. farmer
Studebaker Joseph Sr, Worth tp. farmer
Schaffner Paul. Butler tp, Blacksmith
Taylor Alex Jr, Allegheny tp, producer
Timblin Josiali. Clay tp, farmer
Thompson J M. Brady tp, farmer
A list of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this first day of April, 1902,
to serve as petit jurors at a regular term
of Court commencing on the fourth
Monday May the same being the 26th
day of said month.
Rowen John >l. Middlesex tp. farmer
BlacK John N. Allegheny tp, f,inner
Bower George. Bntler tp. farmer
Cooper W A, Adams tp, farmer
Doutt W S, Connoq. Boro, pumper
Ehrman George. Cranberry tp. farmer
Edmundson C M. Prospect Carpenter
Ekas Dehass. Clinton tp, farmer
Emerick J B. Adams tp. driller
Gallagher W H, Worth tp, farmer
Gallagher Sherman, Muddycreek tp,
Higgins W P. Oakland tp, farmer
Henry Sherman. Oakland tp. farmer
Kreiss George. F »rward tp, farmer
Logan W J. Millerstown, merchant
Laderer J. Lancaster tp, farmer
Miller Wm. F, Butler sth w, Cabinet
Miller J C. Prospect, srent
McDermitt Edward, Fairview tp pumper
Morgan James, Parker tp, farmer
Morgan Thos J, Muddycreek tp. farmer
Morrison Harvey H, Mercer tp, farmer
M cCrea W S. Butler 2d w. merchant
McConnel James, Butler tp. farmer
Marks Robert, Middlesex tp. farmer
Moore John S, Adams tp. pumper
Nye Peter, Sammit tp, farmer
Nicholas John L, Evaas City, merchant
Nicholas J M. Forward tp, farmer
Pringle William. Bntler tp, driller
Rankin Adam Fairview tp, farmer
Seat on Scott. Marion tp. farmer
Sloan M S, Venango tp, far me?
Snyder A ,T, Donegal tp. farmer
Schull John W, Marion tp farmer
Sarver William C, Buffalo tp, farmer
Seibert Williaui, Butler 3d w, black
! Spitbaler Charles. Forward tp, farmer
Snyder L B, Concord tp, farmer
Steward Walter. Penu tp. farmer
Smith V B. Saxonbnrp. Justice of Peace
Stokey Jacob, Jackson tp, farmer
Timbiin George B, Concord tp, farmer
Tinker Calvio. Cherry tp. farmer
Wolford John, Slipperjrock tp, farmer
Woods Ttios, Clinton twp, farmer.
Walker William. Butler sth w, real
es-ate agent
Zeigler S A, Penn tp, farmer.
Application for Amendment of
Notice is hereby given that John Mc-
Gonegal, W M. Humphrey. J. K.
Stoops,M. A Gibson, W. M. Barber and
others, members of The United Presby
teiian congregation of Centerville, have
presented their petition to the Court of
Common Pleas of Butler count}-, Pa.,
for the amendment of the charter of
said congregation, by chancing the
corporate name thereof to "The First
United Presbyterian Church of Slip
peryrock borough" and May 20th. 1902,
at 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by
Sfiid Court as the time for a hearing on
said petition.
Solicitor for Petitioners.
Notice is lierebv given that an appli
cation will be made ' ';e Governor or
Pennsylvania. (>rl l<>th day of May
lao-i. by H W Klein. J. Frank Peffer.
David Smith, George \V. McLean and
Lawrence A. Thompson, under the Act
of Assembly eutilied, "An Act to pro
vide for the incorporation and regula
tion of certain corporations," approved
April 30th. 1874 and the supplements
thereto, for the charater of an intended
corporation, to be called. The Butler
Brewing Company. The character and
object of which is the manufacturing
•and the brewing of beer and malt
liquors of all kinds, bottling the same
and selling and otherwise dealing in
said products, and for these purposes to
have and enjoy all the rights, benefits
and privileges of said Act of Assembly
and tbe supplements thereto
Solicitor for Applicants.
I!y ylrtuo im order of the District Court
of the United States fur the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, in the matter of Wil
liam James Gilllland.No. liiTrt In Bankruptcy,
and to me directed, Jhere will bo exposed to
public sale at the premises in Mars, Butler
county, Pa., on
Tuesday, May 6th, 1902.
at 10 a. m- all tliat certain tract of land situ
ate in the borough of Mars, County of Butler
ami Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
soil I if<i ;ts follows, to-wit: Beginning at the
northwestern corner, thence eastward by
lands of l>. W. Doutliett and Melzina Fergu
son, formerly of Samuel A. Kennedy, :120 feet
to a street, Grand Ave.; thence southward
by said street, 4j feet to an alley: thence
westward by said alley 320 feet to Mars and
Evans City public road; thence northward
along said road lo feet to the point of the be
ginning, be tbe measurements more or less,
being part of the property sold to said W.J.
tijlliland. Bankrupt, by Samuel A. Kennedy,
dtc'd . by deed made M arch 2. iss:i. and re-
I'ordcti iu Butler county I)eed Book No 7:j.
page n occupied b| A- R Norton and
Mrs. Dale and ):a\inj? Iwo houses erected
Said property will be sold froe an 1 <lU
charged from tbo liens of all judgments and
mortgages, or other liens whatsoever of
which all judgment and Hen creditor? are
hereby notified.
TKliMS—Cash on confirmation of sale by
the ('out t.
S. W. Diamond, Butler, Fa.
SARAII M. DILLMORE, 111 the Couit ot
1 <'onion i'lcus of Bnt
vs. ller County, I'enu'H.,
A 11. No. 11, December
OI.IVPIT IJIJ.I.MOHK. ; Term. 1901.
To Oliver Dlllmori'i
Two subpwnax in »bov<* easy liuvinff be»*a
returned N. E. 1., you the said Oliver Oil I -
more, atiove named defendant, are hereby
required to appear In said Court of Common
l'leas, to be held at Kutler, I'a., on Monday,
the 19th day of May. lite-', belna the llrst day
of next T< rpi of said Court, to answer the
said complaint, and show cause If any you
have, why an absolute divorce from the
bonds of matrimony should pot be granted
to said Sarah M. Pillmorc.
You an also hereby notified that testi
mony will be taken in the above ease before
said Court on Tuesday. May the 20tli. at
which time and place you are notified to at
The undersigned trustee iu bankruptcy of
Jacob l.i'llioid, will offer for sale at public
outcry. 0:1 the premises, at-10 a. m.. on
Tuesday' May 6, 1902,
the following described property of said
bankrupt, viz: All that certain lot nr parcel
of land situatad in the Boroush of /.elie
nonle, Hutler county. I'enn'a., bounded on
the riort li by lot of John Ifft. on the east by
Clay street, on the south by lot of William
Steele, and on the west by an Is foot alley,
having a frontajre of to feet on Clay street
an extending ivestwardly thence preserving
jho same width 140 feet to the above mention
ed alley. having erected thereon a two story
frame dwelling housj tilx.Wl, containing li
rooms and hall, a frame barn -ox3o. a two
story frame shop 14x20, wagon shpd, smoke
house, etc.
This property will be M>Ul free and dis
charged of all liens and encumbrances, in
cluding dower, except that of a mortgage
thereon ii»favor of .Margaret K Staniui, the
amount of which is sur.e.oo, with interest
thereon from the ',llst day of October, l'.'OO.
subject to which this sale will be made
TrRMS OF SALE:-Cash upon confirma
tion of t lie sale by t he Court.
Trustee in Bankruptcy of Jacob Reibold.
Zellenople, Pa.
Karl Schfucbter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
t?5 \V. Jefferson, Br.tler, Pa.
Busheling, Cleaning and
In re estate of Earnest Morrow, late of
Worth twp , Cutler Co., I'a , dee'd.
Whereas, Letters of administration
have been i-sued to me, the undersigned,
un the estate of said decedent. Notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle and all
persons having claims against the same
will pleas- present the same daly au
thenticated for payment to
Jacksville, Butler Co., Pa
S. F. & A. L. BOWSTR,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Letters testamentary C. T. A. —D. B. N.
having been granted to the undersigned
OD the estate of Mrs. Ocilla S. John stop,
dee'd. ,late of Butler, Pa,all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims again-t said estate
will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
Bntler, Pa.
I I lave I
I AI u ridel J's j
I The reputation of Murideli'sij
Army Shoe for the United®
States Army is one of unsur-B
passed in National events. '
Each shoe passes the mostß
careful examination for a U S B
Government inspector
name is stamped on the soltß
guaranteeing the workmanship®
and quality of leather used. 8
Its the on!/ standard armjß
Hshoe made over g- vert mentg
I Merer Bros
I Parlor Shoe Store, I
1 2245. Main St. I
Office the Negley Building. West
Office on second floor of Armor}
Building, Butler, Pa ' .
Office at No. S. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office in Wise building.
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for 'Dental
Address me at Maharg P. 0., or leave
orders at the CITIZEN Office in Butler.
144 KittanningSt., Butler.
Having taken out a license as auc
tioneer,orders can be left at this office or
sent by mail to Box 351, Butler, I'a.
All orders given prompt attention,
office on Main St. uear Court Ilon.v;.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next iny former office in
Boyd Building.
Room 8.. Armory buildin fc .
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butleiß
Special attention given to collections
and business matters,
j Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
j Butler Countv National Bank
| Office in Reiber building, corner Main \
j and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on |
| E. Cunningham.
f\R. J. C. ATWKLL,
! if After Feb. Ist-Offi ce in Martin
t court building—2nd floor.
MOUTS 7 to 9 a. in. and I to 3 and 7 to
j 8 JJ. .IB
! Office No. 45, S. Main sleet, over City
137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m.
vy ii. BROWN,
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Night calls at office
West Cunningham St.
Eh. MKRKLEY, D. 0.,
Room 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
! sultatiou and examination free.
I. _ -
| Office over C. E. Miller's shoe Store,
| 215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
{ A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
I crown and bridge work.
All work done by the latest improved
' methods. Gold, Aluminum, Celluloid
: and Rubber plates. Gotd, Silver and
, Cement 511 ing guaranteed to gi.ve satis
faction. Crown and Bridge Ex- j
tiaction of teeth absolutely painless by j
' an entirely new preparation which is J
perfectjy safe and harmless.
i? 4 S. Main St., Butler, I'a.
ii. • I
Successor to Dr. Johnston, j
Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over '
W. Miller's grocery,
I 1 I
j t) , DENTIST.
Artificial Teeth inserted ou the latest.
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec- ,
| ialtv. Office next to postofiice. i
i Inquire at Sheriff'sott»ce or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler, Pa.
The Iteglster hereby gives notice iti.it the
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators ana guardians have been filed In
t liis office ac. ording to law. and will be pre
sented to i ourt for confirmation and allow- 1
ance on Saturday, the 24th day of May.
11102. at It A. M . of said dav:
1. first and final account of G W and W E
Hals ley. executors of Daniel Raisley, late of
Conrux luenesslng township.
2. First :md final account of Conrad Shodd,
administrator of Margaret Shodd. late of
Hutler township.
Final ac -ount of Jesse Joseph, guardian
of Eleanor Wilkin, feeble-minded woman of
Venango township, Bntler count v, Pa.
4. First ami final account of James H
Mitchell, guardian of Susan A Gesier. minor
child of James It Gesler and grandchild of
Susan A Wilson, deceased, late of Allegheny
csunty. Pa.
Second and linal account of Thomas S
Coulter, administrator of the estate of
Sylvanus Cooper, late of Slippery rock twp.
t'». First and final account or J Harvey Bell,
administrator of Horatio Goldthorpe late of
Washington township.
7. Final account of J W Hutchison, guar
dian of Myrtle C Feigel. minor child of John
Feigel. deceased, late of Hutler. I'a.
Final mocoontOf joahnal Black, admin
istrator t>. B. N. of Annie J Caskey, late of
Marlon towjishlp. deeeased.
*>. Final account of Winttld S Cratty. guar
dian of I'erry J Alexander, minor child of K
I! and M Y. Alexander, deceased, late of
Muddycreek township.
10. Final account of Jacob Uowenstino. ad
ministrator I>. H. N. of Elizabeth Howen-
late of Middlesex township.
11 l inal and distribution account of T W
Phillips, Jr., and Clarence Walker, adminis
trators of the estate of V K Philips, late of
Butler. I'a.. deceased.
12. First and final account of W Z Murrin.
trustee of the estate of Nancy Jane Kepler,
late of Parker township, deceased.
13. Final account of N'attie E Barr and
Catharine English, executors of Martha G
Marshall, late of Prospect boro.
It. Third partial account of J Anderson
Kennedy and T Clarin Kennedy, executors
of s A Kennedy, late of Mars boro.
15. Final account of John Weber, adminis
trator of Pliilouiena F Weber, late of Saxon
burg, Pa.
Hi. Final account of J. A McGowan. admin
istrator I>. B. N. of John M Weigle. late of
Butler boro.
17. Final account of Einma M Park, admin
istratrix of Samuel Park, lat of Adams twp.
is. Fltst and final account of 6 A Balph
and .1 M Galbreath. executors of Joseph
Balph. late of Hutler boro.
111. Final accomit of Emma O'Donnell, ad
ministratrix of Margaret J Knause, late of
Summit township.
20. First and linal account of Joseph
,Becker, executor of the last will of Andrew
Becker, late of Jefferson township.
21. First and final account of Joseph
Becker, administrator of Samuel Becker,
late of Jefferson township, deceased.
22. Final account of I oulsa Bauman. ad
ministratrix of Frederick Bauman. late of
Saxon burg boro.
23. Final account of Sidney Schiever, ad
ministrator of Lewis Schiever. late of
Lancaster township.
24. Final account of Samuel Stauffer. guar
dian of Ira Stauffer. Jr.. minor child of Ira
Stauffer. late of Lancaster township.
Final account of 1' P Ilrown. adminis
trator of estate of Samuel Glenn, late of
Clay township
26. Final account of S F Bowser, guardian
ot Agnes M Keep, minor child of Charles P
Hewlns. late of Centre township.
27. Final account of Geo E Melllnger. guar
dian of Florence A Du.ican, nee Thompson,
nee Stroup. minor child of Enimii Stroup
late of Butler. Pa.
2s. Final account of W F Murtland. admin
istrator of John C Murtland, late of the boro
of Butler.
29. Final account of Mrs. Esther M Ratti
' pan. administrator of the estate of Peter A
Rattiiran. late of Butler boro.
j ;»>. Finaloccount of A G Campbell, exeeu-
I tor of Samuel A Campbell, late of Washing
i ton township.
I ;fi. The final account of Cordilla McKisslck,
administrator of Edward M Cowan, late of
Slipperyrock township.
32. Filial account of Margaret A Irwin,
trustee of the real estate of John A Irwin,
late of Evansburg, Pa.
;s:j. Partial account of Anthony Kratel, ex
ecutor of Catherine Glace, late of Butler, Pa
;u. First and litini account of A W Oritch
low, administrator of John Crltclilow. late of
Forward township.
W. J. ADAMS, Register.
Have You a Neighbor?
flf so why don't you get
togeber ard have a tele-
We manufacture them.
Ask ua and we will tell
S; ' /: -i Electrical work of all
I "i descriptions clone on short
' ,10t '' Ce '
The U. 5, Electric Mfg. Co
KotL-e is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between W._
H. Kuhn and J. R. Knhn under the firm"
name of Kuhn <Sc Kuhn was dissolved
by mutual consent on February 11,
1902, J. R. Kuhn continuing in business
in the old stand and W. H. Kuhn in a
new building now in process of erection.
All accounts of the firm of Kuhn &
Kuhn will be settled with W. H. Kuhn.
Feb. 1 «>. 1902. Hooker. Pa.
OFFlCE —Byers' Building—next to P.
0.. Bntler Pa.
JI.OO per year If paid in advance, otherwise
$1.50 will be cnarged.
Anv KUTISIKU HATES— One inch, one time
51; each subsequent Insertion ."*> cents each
Auditors' and divorce notices ft each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices <•! each
estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Head
ing notices 10 cents a line for first and 5 cents
for each subsequent insertion. Notices
among local news items 15 cents a line for
e%ch in sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc.. inserted at the rate of 5 cents
a line, money to accompany the order, ieven
words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards anu Job work on
All advertising is due after first Insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
for in advance.
All communications Intended for publica
tion in tills paper mast bo accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.ami should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notice* must he accompanied with
responsible name.
L. 5. McJL'iSKIM,
Insurance and Real Eslate
Stop That Cough
A good many people have
thought that a cough didn't
amount to much —most excellent
people whose friends were sorry
to lose them.
Now don't make this mistake—
a cough is the first step toward
serious and often fatal sickness;
stop it right there.
Our White Pino and Red
Spruce Cough Balsam in 25c
bottles, has proved a marvelous
cough stopper.
; It always relieves, and except
in most desperate cases it always
Sold at
Reed's Pharmacy
Cor. M*iti and lefferson Sts.. Butler, Pa !
Office near Court House
County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land!
In compliance with the requirement of tha Act of Assembly of Peunsvlvar ia
directing ttK- mode of selling unseated lands for taxefl. pas*ed March lo \ I)
. and the several Bupplenienta tber.-tn, notice is hereby given that the follow
ing pieces of land will sold for taxes sit the Court House, in Butler. Pa .on
The 9th Day of June, 1902. at 1 o'clock P. M
Name of Person T t ,
Township. Assessed. Acres Years. Tax. I at. T& I
Adams D.iughertv J J H&L 18991 £ 1 03* 14 ij 17
j] Pringle Geo A 1 lot " j l(i Qgi 18
Goehring & Shaffer 1 lot " , 17 02 19
. ' . (Wallace Jonathan H&L "I 2 7t< ;t<> 0,7
Allegheny ! Bowser Abe -t 1900 143 n j r ( _j
Campbells A 2751899) " 105 12 11 &5 ! i16 47
I? 0 * 1 . 6 ! 23 " I 510 71 58i
Jamison Willis 10 •• 1900 4 9:1 51 544
McConnell & Robinson 42 «• i>> 10 <>7 iq ni>
Butler Hlagel Gideon 102 •• 31 a-> o
J*™! 1 * Taylor W E (heirs) 04 ' 12 4* 100 is 4M
Buffalo jPainter Geo W < heirs) 25 " t ■■>•} 10 1 -j->
Connoquenessing . Drape James W 70 1899 10 40 1 46 11 80
_. " - Graham Win 14 •' j j : > 47 q <, r ,
Clinton Mackev Alex Mrs t 14 ,1900 409 i! 1 '1 !i"
" , I Porter J W H&L •• 31, 35 % &
Concord IBeighley Jacob 37i 1899 •• 19 4: 2 16l >1 0:}
Hari>er Margaret 72 «• ->2 21 1 7- 23 99
: iKamerer A D 5 1899' •• •> J9 0.-, i 144
Low Elizabeth 20 t :»•> 11 7 ...
I! Meehan Jas 37| • 957 77: 10 34
PisorDO 25 p. 40 571 -
Clearfield jCoyle Wm 1 lot •• yoj '
\\ jGoldinger M D 70? 1809! " 3573 380 39 53
.Gallagher Dennis | 41 •' 5 2.*' 74 r, 0°
„ ' 35. 4 ' j 507 711 578
Kerr Michael (heirs) 1 lot 1900; 24 02 26
Lanx Jacob 2 lots "I IX 01 19
McMurtry Ellen 25 [ " 555 2S «t «•*
McMahon Dan 1001899 15 62 2 19 17 81
Steigner John Hot " 1900 .-,88 ~73 « fit
Cherry Burnes John ... 100 " i 18 15 25120 69
Ben net Nancy J j 3 | 67 0H ~76
1 Cross AL. .'. 2" 198 2 26
Ennn John. Jr 33 «• 753 1 05! 8 58
Ferry James 50 ' ' j 203 37 300
Grossman JE ] 10 •• j g97 «| S r.
\\ Hall John Mrs 170 ' I is 98 2 60 01 04
McKinney liobt 123, " j 17 33 2 43 to 7«
On«il Daniel 15 r 248 35 oc»
Donegal Bredin James 124 1900 33 3s 207 At
C a,rV J 1 ew Barnhart 0 07 1899 24 65 3 45j 28 10
Franklm Bracknev Anuie 67 " <) 81 1 :i(ii to ri
Forward Bishop Phelaud 1 lot " 1 575 81 ! 056
Piersol Harrison 81 •' |i9oo 27 50 2 89 : 30 39
j 'j Smick Peter 45 - 1 n 50 l 01 12 i'l
Jackson Bayne Robt 1 lot '• 4U Q0 : 5>
<( Bennet A J 1 lot " 46 t )6j 52
), Beam S A 1 lot '• 41; 06 50
Overman Paul 1 lot I 40 ofi 1 50
Peterson C 1 lot " | 41; (x;
Partridge Wm 1 lot " 4ii 06 ! 50
„ Partridge T 1 lot " I 4fi 0 6 50
Rucber John 1 lot " 4 (! o<;| 50
Stewart Willis 1 lot " 40 00 v">
KtoughtonJC | 1 lot " 4<i 06!
Thompson Bert 2 lots •• <i:s' v,! 1n?
WickmanJN Hot 40 o«j -,•>
Muddy creek Melvin II &G H 51 " 750 105 «55
Marion Chatman Margaret 10 " 1900 3 5l : 41 <5 90
Dangherty & Ambrose... 133 " 23 61 189 25 50
^ ar 7 40 571 40 ~6 'n
Gardner G J 18 •• 270 22 o c,->
Layton E 12 1899 109 09 118
^ s " 16 10 "25 18 35
" McGurk Dennis 19 " 4 1(> '57 467
McClaffertv Michael 10 1900 21° 17 229
Wanderly C 50 1899 367 51 418
„. . \ andvke Rebecca 30 1900. 432 35 467 *
Oakland Millinger JJ R 93 •>( o . ?1
Parker Courtney D G 25 « '1 80 "14 {94
Kelly Archie (heirs) 1 lot " 90 OS 104
Morrow G W 251899 - 8 95' 100 995
Pngh All>ert 28| •« » 4 43 4
Risch J P ' 10 '• 314 25 339
" Smith Xelson (heirs) i 100 1899 " 5904 0
Pe,ln Green Miles I 110 '• 23 40 187 25 27
• " Walker David 1 1 lot 1899 46 00 * ?>2
Summit Sullivan Valeiia 1
Ql ."* ••: _ " '* ; 28 " '• 19 87 20321 90
blipperyrock Hammond L 200 •• 44 84 358 48 42
.... Keister Homer 99 " 29 6(! 2 37' 32 03
Venango Addleman Porter 17 1899 434 ol 495
Dnnkle L Mrs j 11 1900 221 IN •2 39
Gormley JH,et al j 1 lot " 257 21 278
Jamison J D 84 1»09 «■ 22 63 2 4 : > 25 06
McLaughlin Geo 128 " 19 88 159 21 47
McLaughlin J B j 50 " 10 84 87 1171
Norcross Andrew 20 1899 1900 9 73 ! 105 10 78
" Vanderlin S L 100' " " 21 21 227 23 48
Vanderlin JO j 50 " 725 58 ~7 83
White Angeline ' 50 j " 750 60 810
Washington Campbell J H F '.. 75; 18 08 1 45; 19 oil
Hindnian Chas j 41899 90 14 i] 3
_. ■ • Mereer Mining Co IHO " 44 54 024 50 78
Win held Clvmer Wm B - 129 1900 44 57! 3 ">7 48 14
Collins John 25 " 9 12! 73, 985
" Marshall Samuel 40 "!10 19 82 ii ui
Butler Boro Wilson Sandy 1 lot 1899 * 030 88 7is
Snnbury Boro ... Allen Jefferson 1 lot " 135 HI 4 ill
Saxonburg Owens Fred (heirs) * of 5 1900 18 10 1 45 19 61
- I it
NOTE—The above totals do not include Treasurer's fee or adverting fee.
May 1, 1902 D. L Coauty Treasurer.
Fastest Growing Store. y
Ladies' Jacket Suits, Jackets,
Separate Skirts, Silk and • jSBg
Wash Waists.
The new Spring Suits are here. f ?
The new Spring Separate Skirts are here. ! f V < i
The new Spring Separate Jackets are here. II • { fitTiM
The new Spring Dress Goods are here. j> F =®All °fj 1 [
The new Spring Silk Dress Waists are here. , I
The new^ Spring All-wool Striped Waistings t
The new Spriiig Printed Satin Liberty and . 1 5
Fonlards are here. Fgf L
The new Spring Wash Goods are here. Mji ] f
The new Spring White Goods are here MS / 1 r
Ths new Spring Embroideries and Laces are Jag i ( 1 r
The new Spring Dress Trimmings are here. * \ . I
The new Spring Ne - kwear and Ties are here jf . '~m v f
The new Spring Millinery Hats and Flowers * /
The new Spring Carpets are here. ia j \
e start the Spring season here with the finest and largest collection* „
of above mentioned merchandise we have ever shown We cla'rn to be- \
the lowest priced house in Bntler for FINE GOODS We wish we had'/
space to give detailed descriptions and prices of all €%
Snits range from $lO 00 to $35 00! »
AJackets " 500 to 15 *
® LI/ j\ | % Waists '• 298t0 10 00< |
'l' B£r- Wool Waistings... 50c to 75c (
4 | Wool Dress Good?. *' 25c to 2 50% '
.I. RS Silks and Foulards 50c to 1 25<
O Trimmed Hats ... " \9Bto 25 (m/
(I ► \/fj [ J' Muslin Underwear 25q a garment tip..?
I' Special values in Hosiery and Ribbed J?
Underwear for Men. Women and Chil-^jJ
We also carry a full line of ' >
Misses's, Children's and Infants' { f
Suits, Diesses and Wraps, < £
And pay special attention to their lieadwear v* (
—Hats. Infants' Lace Caps, Cloaks and Slips / T f
! | ! On Thursday. Friday and Saturday, 'j ! C
; ;March 27, 28, 29. f'IT
* I You are invited. T
Y Lowest Priced House \.j )*( A
V For Fi ne Goods X
In Butler. ' H
Mrs. J. E. Zimmermanl