VOL XXXIX H HUSELTON'S FOOTWEAR M [1 The Latent Styles >3 The early Summer fe 1 ] kl and Nobbtee* Bt ? le of Men s Shoes r Vi de*i£Tifl vet shown here now are M JP*) No—Not Only the Ladies! M WA We have low Shoes for Patent Leather Blnchers ffl MEN. Patent Kid Blathers WA »J BOYS and Patent Calf La< e. L 1« IA GIRLS as well. The slickest lot of kl QC BABIES too' Shoes in forty States. fd Take Your Choice! SOHZ W\^. i2M - I] Patent Leather Oxfords 92 Patent Kid Bluchers . -m f A Vici Kid Colonials Take Your Choice £1 Velour Calf Sembrich Ties VJi Wl Wax Calf Oxford Button LI Welt Soles or Turn Soles " 6 °"l S" fi TA 75c to S3 00. bnt it is the only place J to boy the newest and smartest styles. 7A vJ We (jet more f-tyle and more wear into onr shoes at a Riven Li f V price than any one else yon know of. W A Ll Heavy Shoes for Farmers aDd Mechanics made to stand a loUit r m f A manlinx and scraping, bnt GOOD LOOKERS and plentj of foe p *, f W room, 00c to $2.00. W A 1 Huselton's. s: j F A The most satisfactory WA Shoe f^eatjexnexsexx&iwexxxxx&x* & NEW WASH FABRICS. g JO A great collection of dainty, attractive and stylish goods for 0 Waists and Suits The styles and coloring are prettier than ever and • S the fabrics more varied }0 Fine Ginghams 10c and 12ic, Best m inch Percale 12jc PJ 5? Cbatnbray Madras 20r, Bwisfl Bilk 20c, Bilk flfr Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 2-»c, Fancy Lace Stripes 25c, Fine U Madras Stripes 30c. m !5 WHITE GOOGS Many styles in fine Mercerized White g J Goods and fine Madras tor Waist*. Dimities, India Linons and Sheer J# J«5 white materials of all kinds are here in abundance. Sp| Fine Mercerized Fabries 25c. 30c, 40c and 50c Fine Madras 90e and 25c. MI India Linons 6±c to 50c. S LACE CURTAINS $ * CV* By all odds the greatest assortment and best C| \sfjT~yt. values we have ever shown. Lace Curtains at 50c jpt ' lO 00 pa ' r (ir>tAUr * t aßHortul(?nt sl, 12 and |». g S JQP$\ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR- ® (R JjSjrc-Sf (I T * Why bother with making when you can bny the #5 'I vTm\ Gowns 50c. 75c, $1 00 and $1 50 T5 U pwV-h (L Corset Covers 25c, 50c, 75c and #1 60 jm §n F \|/ \ Drawers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 tt |V Skirts 50c. 75c, $1 00 and tip. 5 We sell the New Idea 10c Paper Patterns M Monthly fashion sheets free. V |L. Stein & Son ,a S 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA £ ********p************^ I*****************!^ The Store | . ANYTHING NEW, WE HAVE IT- \ Showing of new designs in Dress Goods Etamines, Poplins. { Prunella ( loth, Btoad Cloth, Granite Cloth, Grenadines, J Benyalincs, Crcpcscula and Kxclusive Patterns in Foulard and ? Fancy Waist Silks. ' Large assortment of Marie, Taflata and Fancy Wash Silks. in all Shades. Full and compLic line of Dress Lining, Trimmings, Velvet f Bindings and etc. Wash Shirt Waist Suits and Waists of all <| U kinds Lace Curtains and PorMcrs. j| 5 Mail or Telephone orders when accompanied by cash or 7 ® satisfactory reference promptly filled. * Uk WRITE FOR SAMPLES. \ 5 Make our btore your headquarters. J C Watch our ad. space. ? jp. Co., \ jv SOUTH KADI mm I nni 1 m&s 221 ! a rosTorncK box M OPrOSITR HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER, PA. | !; B;Y T I'H BROS. 1 Wall Paper! Wall Paper!; We are still giving away one of those handsome 3 ! pictures with every room of wall paper. I EYTH BROS., ) f Wall I'aper, and Stationery, 351 8. Main St., Next to I'ostoffice. j! BUTLER, PA. 1 IHF.W. If: Jf JfJfllW W. HWW- & M KECK a Spring 4 Snmmer Weights fi 1 Hi Have a riattiiit-ss a)x>ut tlicin that f W /.] r /l \\ mark the wearer, it won't to i l vl is / (di an wear the la*t year's output. You [J rK4 / V PA won't (jet the latent things at the I A Fi W stfjrk clothiers either. The up to j 1/ I\A li// ( (late tailor only tan supply them, • I I 1 I II fljl U I thin«« in cut and fit awl work ,' I I U |III I I m..nahip, the finest in durability, II 1 If HI If 1 where e'se can you get combina tions, you get t etu at K E C K G- F. KECK, Merchant Tellor, i J 2 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed ButJer.Pa -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Rainand.weat W-» \ \ » \ I have co effect ca M,grjn MTUrM ■ harne.a treated MM]W\ fW\ IMt ■ with Eureka Har. M ■ mm Oil. It re- * . « si.ca ike damp, w w \ \_j ij| HARNESS I do not break, v v \ H No rough «or- \ \\\ W MMM\ \ « face to chaf. A (/IL,\\ ft and cot. Tt> * S v \\ N H haraesa not >2»FI \ \ N 1 ocljkeep* Si Mu VA f \ sSwk B 0^ O \ | .t |T .. X wear* twice [7 # li^Ci aj lonely the I use of Eureka 1> YV"^ rrerywbera (f\ l'/ \ in cans— I / A > V all lire.. /V% 1/ \ i\ >' 1 Made by // ' \VN Standard Oil j\ \ \*jst* \ Company » Nasal CATARRH F§TSPL In all iu ttages. /5L3® Eli's Cream BalmC"™'MP c'.e ansea, soothes and heals the dlaean'.d membrane. It coreicatarrh and dr vea M a*ay a cold ia tbe head quickly. ( ream Balm is placed into ths nostrils, epreads over the membrane and is absorbed. i£ im ir.ee.ate and a care follows. It is not drying—does not prodace sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at. Drug fists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. I m |< K M Johnston's Ij wa Beef, Iron and Wine VM Best Tonic A J Blocd Purifier. fcl Price, 50c pint. L S Prepared and W V J sold only at t' *4 Johnston's ► J Crystal t | Pharmacy. ►J It. M. LOO AN, I'll. G., ffl Manager, V 100 N. Main Ht., Ilutlur, I'a [ V Both 'l'hnoex w2 Everything in the drug line. Ui Stop That Cough A good many people have thought that a cough didn't amount to much—most excellent people whose friends were sorry to lose them. Now don't make this mistake— a cough i.s the first step toward serious and often fatal sickness; stop it right there. Our White Pino and Red Spruce Cough Balsam in 25c bottles, has proved a marvelous cough stopper. '*lt always relieves, and except in most desperate cases it always cures. Sold at Reed's Pharmacy Cor. M*in am! Jcfferton SU.. liutlcr. Pa Goehring & Keck For No. i Huilding-Hlocks, Hrick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, All kinds of Mill-Feed, Seeds, No. i Seed Oats, Chilled Plows and Fine Groceries Go to The Extension Feed Store, Near the V. & W. Station, Zelienople, Goehring & Keck. Eugene Morrison GENERAL'.CONTRACTING PAINTER and DECORATOR. attention |(iven to FINE I'AI'HK HANGING, GRAINING and HARDWOOD FINISHING. Office and Shop, Kcnr of Kaliton'* Store, Ken)«lence No 119 Cliff St. l'eojilc'a i'hoiie 451. I! EQUAL PARTNERS c-l « «t * ♦< VX By HOWARD FIELDING | £| * * * || gS Copyright, 1901, by Charles W. Hooke. ♦< OO ovo*o*o*o*o*< CHAPTER XVI. EtBTK PERPETRATES A JEST. Bay " remarke' B ' ee ' P Hrtlcu ' I larly well Just be a IjJ fore tbey die. Do {2.r JrrQ you remember Bern hardt In 'Camills,' the very last words before she dies In Arinand's arms: "I shall live! Ah, how well I feel!' How j Ici led when she said that! And then Gaston says, 'She sleeps.' Isn't that a lovely scene?" "As It came to your mind at this mo- ; inont," said Brenda, "I Joyfully infer that you are feeling very much better." j "You must think I am silly to talk i so mucb about dying." said Elsie. "1 j am soggy with sentimentality." "You have mentioned it on Just four i occasions," said Brenda, "Including this, but It seems often to us because we don't wish to lose you and to your self because really and truly you don't wish to die. On the whole, you have been as cheerful as any girl could pos sibly be under the circumstances, and as for your sentimentality, my dear, I'd give the world to have some of It myself." "I was going to say," continued El sie. "that my motive for continually harping on it Is that you may know 1 am not afraid, and afterward ycu may tell Mr. Alden." This exchange of pleasantries upon a cheerful subject occurred during the time when Kendall was experimenting with the white mice. "I must have been pretty near It the last time," said Elsie. "It was double. I scarcely knew what was the matter ' when it began, even though I'd fainted such a little while before. It was like drifting, drifting away. You are sur prised. You think you must stop, and before you really have time to be frightened you are gone. But I waked Just for a second—Just long enough to remember and realize; then down, down, down, sideways to the left there, away from the room and the light. The last was a sensation that they were lowering tne into the ground. But I'm going to be cremated. You've promised me that, Brenda." Then, catching the expression of amused horror —lf that can be —on Brenda's face, she laughed with the most delicious and clear sound, like the singing of birds. "Oh, but It hurts to laugh," she said. "You mustn't make mo do It" "I?" cried Brenda. "You're the first that ever accused me of being amus ing." "Do you know," said Elsie, "that of the two of us you're the blue one? It's much nfdre cheerful to talk about dying Mian to 'roast' oneself as you do." "Boasting Is popularly supposed to be one step beyond dying," replied Brenda. "But I suppose the roasting you mean I* the saying of uncompli mentary things. My child, I can't help It; I suffer by contrast." "With me?" cried Elsie. "Now you really are umuslng. If I had your hair and eyes! Well, that's absurd, of course. do you know I lie here I wn He earns back with a tumbler. Imitating your way*, your calm, gen tle, aweet way of doing tilings? I'm studying you, Brendn, and If I were to play a society part again you'd seat Thin In the way you my: 'Good morn- Ing, Dr. Kendall. • • • Ah. thank you so much. • • • Shall we nee you again WOOD V ♦ • • Goodby.' You make all the little thltiga mean something. That's dignity, personality. I haven't any more than a blade of graaa, but I'm gaining ou It. If I live another week, I ahull die and go to Daniel Frohman's No. 1 company Instead of to heaven. I'd rather." "Do 1 apeak like that when I addreaa Dr. Kendall?" aald Itrendu, with a slight. access of color. "Well, It may be ao. You are very clever, my door." "Thla IN the way you hold your arma when you walk," said Rial*, "lan't that pretty? Of course I can't do It very well lying down, but see the lingers and the eaae of the wrlat. Were you tauKht to do that'/" "I used to have a governess who waa crazy on Delsurte," replied lironda. "But ahe presently went crazy on all other subjects alao, and we had to aeud the poor thing to an Institution. I waa not aware of my debt to her." "You owe her a great deal," aald El ale- "I wish I'd had a lunatic of that kind In my family. 1 couldn't afford to have much teaching. Of courae I bad some, but when I found what «y mother wax enduring In order to pay for It—well, I took an cugagemeut with the first thing that came along. And It waa a barnstorming crew! We gave Mix playa a week, and I had to learn a long part lu every one of them. Tbo Second Monday, In the afternoon, the leading lady came Into my room and found me huddled up on the floor In the corner gibbering Juat gibbering, that wan all worda out of all tbo plays, ax ahe tuld mo afterward, all jumbled together, aud I waa croaa eyed wllh alttlug up all night atudylug un der little flickering gaa Jets. Yea, that'a the way she found me, and the room was an cold aa u burn too. I bad tbo bed <|ullt wrapped around my shout der* and my arm through a hole lu It. "The li-adlng lady yelled to the Ju venile man, and be really waa Juvenile • about IH, aa I remember. Hbe aald, '< oowriwuaa.) Coaldn't He Mlitakaa. A Derbyshire sijuire recently Invited some I.ondon friends down for a little shooting. One of the sportsmen, after shooting for three hours without suc cess, was considerably annoyed by the keeper In attendance on blm repeating after every miss, "I can't be mistaken, surely." "For goodness sake, be quiet!" be at last shouted. "What do you mean with your everlasting 'I can't be mis taken?' " "Well, air." waa the reply, "If you 'adn't pnt a few ahota through my 'at, peppered both my lega for me and pop ped a full charge Into my right foot I'm blowed If I ahouldn't think aa 'ow you waa a-flrln' with blank cartridges!"— London Anawera. Rtfil Maaeota. Moat of the aoverelgn houaea of Eu rope jioasess one or more rellca which they regard aa maaeota. The houae of ttonaparte poaaenaea the boota and lit tle bat of Napoleon I. The flolienzol lerna preaerve ploualy the gray leather breechea worn by the Uurggrave Fred eric when he entered bla inargravlate of lirandenburg. There la alao at Hana Koucl the cane which Frederick the Great carried at the battle of Hoabacb. The Romanoffs cherlah the carpenter'* toola of Peter the Great, und tho fetich of the Hapahurga la the ahoe which tho horae of Count Itudolph caat at the moment when the envoys from the rclchatag announced to him bla election aa German emperor. 1 aunpaiili Are Valuable. Few persona knew how very naefnl aoapauda prove when employed aa ma nure. Applied to the roota of vlnea, fruit treea. roses, etc., they Impart a vigor und a rapidity of growth which are perfectly surprising. No one who la ao lucky aa to have a garden should waate this valuable form of manure. It la an excellent plan to have a large tub a»ositlon of the plumb line, the triangle Is reversed so that the end B rests on the peg where before we had the end C, and vice versa. Should the plumb line make an angle with the llrst line marked on the l>oard, then the correct position will be exactly In the middle between these two lines. This point should be per manently marked on the board B D. In using the triangle when the plumb line passes through thl* point the base of the triangle will be level. Money In Potatoes. Small crops often prove a blessing to the few expert growers, although a bad thing for the general run of farm ers, remarks an American Cultivator writer. A full crop of potatoes when prices are high, as they have been this year, will net higher profits per acre than any other crop that we can grow, and even a three-quarters crop should yield a profit sufficient to pay big wages. Therefore we find plenty of growers not at all discouraged over the past season's results. On the contrary, they aro more convinced than ever that there is money In potatoes, but more especially In Intensive, modern culture. One such season In the past Is enough to convince many of this. A high yield of excellent market potatoes can be ac complished only through Intensive cul ture in good seasons, but when the weather, seed and Insects aro all agulnst the crop one Is then particular ly thankful that nothing has been left undone to get the best from the soli. s The Tobaoeo Seed Bed. Make the seed bed fine and friable three or four inches deep, advises American Agriculturist. Make the bed six feet wide and as long as required. Sow one tablespoonful of seed to the square rod. More seed makes spindling plants. To Insure even seeding mix the seed with corn or cottonseed meal, and as It Is sown over tho bed a more per fect sowing may be obtained on ac count of Its color. After sowing run a heavy hand roller over the bed or plank It. firming the soil Is essential to suc cess, as a compact surface retains mois ture. Apply the following once a week until plants thoroughly cover the soil: Three bushels of poultry dropplugs placed In a large barrel and filled with soft water. After a week's fermenta tion the liquid is ready to dilute with warm water In a proportion of one of liquid to ten of water. This will stimu late the plants without delaying a good healthy development. Ittdlni With Clover. When clover Is sown early In fhe rprlng on the crop of wheat or other winter grain, it may cost nothing but the price of the seed, which Is not much, whether ten or fifteen pounds Is used to the acre, and the labor of sow ing, yet we would prefer to Increase Its rost by going over the wheat with n light or smoothing harrow before sow ing the clover seed, sujrs American Cul tivator. This will benefit wheat or rye If done at the right time, when tho ground Is not wet enough to cause the bsrrow to sink too deep and uproot the plnnts. This makes a good seed bed for the clover, and in a day or two after the first rain the little plants will Im ■eliding their roots down Into the soil. THOMAS SLAG. 4 V»rr Valuable In Karfl llarr and Itlrla In l.lma. Thomas slag, also known as plioe [ihatlc slag, basic slsg, odorless phos phate and Thomas phosphate powder, i Is a byproduct In the manufacture of •teel from phosphatlc ores by the basic ; ,r J'horuas process, In which phospho rus Is eliminated from the pig Iron by menus of a basic (rich In lime) lining to the bessemer converters and by adding lime to the molten pig Iron. The slag Is therefore rich In lime about l!i peri cent In tlie free state and 40 per cent combined with otlivr substances. The phosphoric add contents of the product as found In the market aro very variable, ranging from 10 to 30 per cent of phosphoric acid. In g*jht>sphatie fer tilizer anil on account of Its high per centage of lime especially suited to use 011 r.cid soils and those rich In organic tnauer. It would not be wise to use It freely on poor sandy soils deficient in organic matter. Slag appears to be especially suited to leguminous crops. Six hundred to a thousand pounds p«r acre is considered a liberal dressing. It should not be mixed with ammonium sulphate before use, since Its high percentage of free lime Is likely to cause a loss of ammo nia by volatilization. Mixtures of the slug with other salts, such as muriate of potash and nitrate of soda, cake badly and are difficult to handle and distribute uulformly. Alfalfa In New Jersey, According to Professor Voorhes of New Jersey, the successful establish ment of alfalfa requires— First, that the surface soil shall be well supplied with the mineral ele ments, lime phosphoric acid and pot ash: second, that during the early growth of the crop the weeds should be frequently cut; third, that the crops should be harvested preferably Just be fore the plants are In blossom. The crop Is well adapted for soiling and for hay. The average yield of green forage per acre for three years, Including the first year, was 18.27 tons, equivalent to 4.57 tons of hay. The yield the third year from flve cuttings was 20.0 tons of green forage, equiva lent to C.05 tons of hay, costing $3.08 per ton. A feeding experiment showed that the protein In alfalfa hay could be auc cessfuliy and profitably substituted in a ration for dairy cows for that con tained In wheat bran and dried brew ers' grains and for this purpose is worth Jll.lfl per ton when compared with the wheat bran and dried brewers' grain at sl7 per ton. The use of alfalfa hay reduces the ne cessity for the purchase of protein feeds. Device For Tightening Fence, A correspondent sends to the Ohio Farmer an Illustration of a fence stretcher which he says Is "a powerful one too." A is a round rod six or seven feet long and from one and a half to two inches in diameter, with a ring or clevis at P, to which are fastened two log chains, D, D, which are attached to stukes. E, E. driven In the ground. B Is n piece of gaspipe large enough to A FEKCX BTBXTCBXB. turn freely on rod A, with lower end resting on a large washer, C, to keep It from settling into the ground. F Is a chain attached by grip or otherwise to the fence wire to be stretched. EL Is a crowbar put through the ring on chain Fund propelled around the rod A, which causes fhe chain to wind around the gaspipe, which turns .with the le ver, winding the chain around, capstan fashion. The amount of strain is limit ed only by the strength of material! and of operator. Potatoes Plant** larlraai >»rartl. Many farmers plant potatoes late in the season In order to avoid In part the ravages of tbs potato bug, and thore Is no question about there being some advantage in this respect. But If con tinued experiments demonstrate that early plantlug and thorough spraying will Increase the crop from fifty to a hundred bushels per acre over late planting aud little or no spraying It would seem a wise policy to plant ear ly and protect the plants by spraying, says Professor L. A. Clinton of New York. For Karl? Peas. For early peas we like to put a good quantity of manure on the soil and plow It In not very deep. Then furrow out nbout as deep as plowed, work a little good fertiliser Into the drill and sow seed rather thickly, not filling the furrow quite level full over the seed, but raking u little moro earth around the plants when up, aaya American Cultivator. Weill ngtoa's Coolness. The Duke of Wellington was one day sitting at his library table when the door opened and without any an nouncement In stalked a figure of sin gularly 111 omen. "Who are you?" asked the duke In his short and dry manner, looking up without the slightest chauge of coun tenance upon the Intruder. "I nut Apollyon. I am sent here to kill you." "Kill me? Very odd." "I am Apollyon and must put you to death." " 'Billed to do It today?" "I am not told tho day or the hour, but I must do my mission." "Very Inconvenient; very busy; great many letters to write. Call again or write hie word. I'll be ready for you." The duke then went on with his cor respondence. The maniac, appalled probably by the stern, immovable old gentleman, backed out of the room aud In half an hour was In an asylum. A mind Man's Perception. One of the priests of St. Francis Xa vler's church devotes himself to work among the blind and the deaf and dumb. He snys that, contrary to tho general Impression, the blind are pecul iarly happy and fond of Jokes. Illustrative of this, not long since a blind acquaintance of his whose ro malnlng senses, like that of all blind, are exceptionally keen, was In a room where were some lady visitors. Final ly one of the ladles left. "What remarkably white and perfect teeth that lady has!" laughingly re marked the blind man. "Why, how do you know?" asked Father Htadelman. "Because for the laat tin If hour she has done nothing, but laugh!"— New York Times. (.eaves tar 4 For Payer. I.eaves of trees were used for writing purposes very early by the Egyptians and probably by the (Irecks. The Hin doo* continued the use of this material until within a few centuries. Even at the present time l>ooks of leaves are nut uncommon In the south of India and the Island of Ceylot). The leaves of Some Asiatic trees, from their size and smoothness, are admirably adapted for books. If we may Judge from the uams "leaf" being still applied to the paper of books, we should imagine these leaves to have been formerly the prin cipal material la use. No 17 •Ilk Cottoa Tr»i. Although the silk cotton tree is a na tive of South America, there is one specimen of it in Nassau, Bahama is lands. that has flourished wonderfully and Is one of the greatest curiosities on the Island. It was planted mora than 200 years ago by John Miller. The roots seem to be unable to find their way down after the manner of ordinary roots and so swell up like great buttresses radiating round the trunk of the tree, rising from the ground to a height of from six ta twelve feet. They reach out to irregu lar distances, gnarled and twisted In the most curious fashion. They turn and bend and double a point in all sorts of unexpected ways and make dark hollows aed ravines, where the darkles believe the elves and glomes make their home. The great pods are filled with a fine, soft fleece of silk, which the na tives use for filling their pillows and mattresses. There are several speci mens of the tree on the Island of New Providence, but this one is monarch of them all. ■ A Fir That Kills Horses. All white men who visit regions In Africa infested by the tsetse fly have much to say about it There Is now evidence that the tsetse Is moving gradually to more northern regions, and the cause is supposed to be that South Afqfc-a la depleted of its large game, much of which is moving noi th ward to get away from hunters, and the tsetse fly is going with 1L The insect Is only a little larger than the ordinary house fly, and It resem bles® the honeybee. Its sting is hardly as annoying as that of the mosquito, but near the base of the proboscis Is a little bag which contains Its poison. It lives on the blood of animals, and only a few species are fatally affected by Its bite. Cattle, horses and dogs, how ever, cannot live when bitten by the tsetse fly. Natives who herd cattle and travelers who depend on horses and oxen must avoid the fly regions or lose their stock. For human beings its bite has no serions consequences. To Promote Marriages. It Is a superstition in some parts of England that after a young couple have departed for their honeymoon hot water should be poured on the thresh old in order that other marriages may follow. With this end In view the bride's girl friends will sometllnes drench the doorstep with botling wa ter from kettles heated for tho purpose of keeping the threshold warm, snys Home Notes. In Iceland another plan Is In vogue. There the bride, on reaching her hus band's house, has to give a dinner cooked with her own hands to show how well she has been instructed In the parental home. If she succeed in pleasing the guests, her Bklll does not only redound to her own honor, but also to that of her whole family, aud her sisters, having shared In her edu cational advantages, are considered likely to make good wives. A Menace to Teasels. The Action of the mysterious load stone mountain which drew the nails out of ships that approached near enough has a certain foundation in fact, says the Blecle, only the fact lins" suffered by expansion. On the coast of Norway, near Juedern, there Is a sand dune of nearly three-quarters of a mile In length. The sand Is mixed with par ticles of loadstone, and when a ship comes In the vicinity the compass be comes irregular, and the vessel Is en tangled In a kind of whirlpool and thrown ashore. Lavoisier's Death. Without the contrasted patience of moral and physical pain there are men of high Intellect for whom the latter has no terrors. The chemist Lavoisier was summoned during the reign of terror in France to his death. He calmly requested a few dnya In order to see the result of some experiments which he lind in progress—ln vain. This great philosopher of bis day fell an im mediate martyr to the political necessi ties of the ruthless tyrant Robespierre. Turtle B((i. Turtle eggs are an acquired taste with most people, although they are not so with bears. They have a rough, yellow yolk and a white like any other egg, but yon can cook them for a year and the white part will remain liquid. Notice a curious dimple In tho sldo of each one. If you squeeze It out, tho dimple appears on tho other side, aud you can uever get hold of a turtle egg which hasn't got a dimple in It A Wnsted Snnb. Clarice—Katharine Is aiwaya looking out for Important people, so I deter mined not to uotlce her at Mrs. Chic's reception. Clarence—llow did It work? Clarice—Oh, she didn't even notice that I didn't notice her. Brooklyn IJfe. The Maddening Printer. "I wish to say to tho congregation," said a country clergyman lately, "that tho pulpit Is not responsible for tho er ror of the prlntrr on tho tickets for tho concert In tho Sunday school room. The concert Is for tho benefit of tho srch fund, not for tho arch fiend." llrsrntfnl Man. "What did ho say when you promised to be a sinter to him?" "He looked at mo earnestly for a mo ment or two and then said thnt it would be much more connlntent If I would make It an aunt."—Cleveland Plalu Denier. lie Stooped. A little girl's father bad a round bald spot on top of his head. Kissing bltn at bedtime not long ago, she snld: "Stoop down, popsy, dear; I wnnt to kiss tho plnco where the lining shows." Kept It Dark. Miss Rockxey—Oh, papa, when tho count asked your consent did you grow sentlnientnl anil tell him that I was all you hnd left? Old Ilocksey—No, my dear. If thnt wns the case, I guess bo wouldn't have wanted you.—Judge. A Slap at Tratfltloa. Dorothy—Wlist did you and your mother-in-law fall out about, KUty? Kitty—Oh, she never liked me after the heard me say that no husband of mlue should ever wear homemade shirts.-Detroit Free Press. Conld Take His Chaleo. Conchmiiu (driving stout old man on a lonely road In n very high wind) — Please, sir, will you "old the 'arses while 1 run nfter my 'at, or will you •■un nfier my 'at while I 'old the 'orses? Chums. As It Slrnek the Poet. "The first writing wn* done on stone," remarked the wise man nt dinner. "Urent gracious! Think of the post ng»!" Involuntarily exclaimed the rl* Ing poet, with n shudder thnt rattled the dishes.