Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 17, 1902, Image 1
VOL XXXIX I COMIC I The Moderr\ Store | FORMAL OPENING, J Thursday, Friday and Saturday. April 17, 18 and 19. d DRY GOODS. LADIES'and MEN'S J MILLINERY. FURNISHINGS. £ « ANYTHING NEW, WE HAVE IT. j 5 You and Your Friends are Expected. £ 1 Mail or Telephone orders receive* prompt attention # m when accompanied by cash or satisfactory reference 0 W SOUTH MAIN STREET | HOI S PHOHES: ; PEOPLES l£\ # P POSTOFFICE BOX Jt. g Co., a Uk BUTLER. PA. <? ***** %WX> VA No-Not Orily the Ladies! V 3 We Lave low Shoes for Patent Leather Bluchers rM MEN, Patent Kid Blnchers WJ sl BOYS and Patent Calf Lace. L VA GIRLS as well, The slickest lot of m J nKJQp B\BIES too! Shoes in forty States. fa T ak e Your Choice! *«■ W„ M s2:s °' f] Patent Leather Oxfords p] kl Patent Kid Bluchers _ Tfl fA Vlci Kid Colonials Take Your Choice LJ| Velour Calf Sembrich Ties WA W2 Wax Calf Oxford Button M Welt Soles or Turn Soles »»« £» £|J Pi fA 75c to $3.00. but it is the only place L'V to buy the newest and smartest styles. W A y j We get uiore style and more wear into our shoes at a given L V price than any one else yon know of. W A kl Heavy Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics made to stand a lot of r 4 j A mauling and scraping, bat GOOD LOOKERS and plenty of toe MB room, 95c to #3.00. [i 1 Huselton's. °c j II be fit. Lf fA The most satisfactory Wj Shoe Store in Butler. VA +x&JtxxKXseti txxx » NEW WASH FABRICS. S A great collection of dainty,' attractive and stylish goods for a Waists and Suits The styles and coloring are prettier than ever and OT the fabrics more varied ia M Fine Ginghams 10c and 12} c, Best «« inch Percale 12jc W S Embroidered Chambray Madras 30c, Swiss Silk 20c. Mercerized Silk U (ff Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 35c, Fancy Lace Stripes 36c, Fine Jr U Madras Stripes 800, Uk WHITE styles in fine Mercerized White U> Goods and fine Madras for Waists. Dimities, India Linons and Sheer • 95 white materials of all kinds are here in abundance. at Fine Mercerized Fabriea 25c. 80c, 40c and 50c. W Fine Madras 20c and 25c. ■ India Linons ftyc to 50c, 2 LACE CURTAINS tR By all odds the greatest assortment and V values we have ever shown. Lace Curtains at 50c jgf jCr£r!'j?) t° #l° 00 I ja 'r. Greatest assortment at #l, $2 and £'>. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR !g 11 ' Why bother with making when yon can bny the JR finished garment at tbe cost of materials. Jfc 1 E' |C) l Gowns 50c. 75c, $1 00 and $1 50 Comet Covers 25c, 50c, 75c and #1 00 fit Dtfiwere 25c, 50c, 75c and#l 00 p-. Skirts 50c, 75c, $1 00 and np. p We sell the Nexv Idea 10c Paper Patterns. Monthly fashion sheets free. ju L. Stein & Son,*! 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA £ . X&X*6XX&XX3WieiILX>X&XX*£X-* J KY'l'H BROS. j (Wall Paper! Wall Paper!; | We are still giving away one of those handsome I pictures with every room of wall paper. | EYTH BROS., j Wall Paper, Books and Stationery, 351 S. Main St., Next to Post office. ' BPTLKR, PA. KECK o. Spring & Slimmer Weights 4 I Ar |\ E Have a nattiness about them that J] vA /If \\ mark the wearer, it won't do to / (l\ \HF'I ("I e\ wear the last year's output. You J NL K\_r JY* yj won't get the latest things at the I F"7 fa stock clothiers either. The up-to \/ l\*V «-</ 1 yji _ date tailor only tan supply them, rv llt II V 7 y° u want not only the latest I I w fill U things in cut and fit and work- I J [//// ninuship, the finest in durability, \ I 1 Jjl 11 where e'se can you get combica . } I HI II tions, you get them at KECK G. F. KECK, Merchant tailor, 1«2 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,P« THE BUTLER CITIZEN. R-R-TIME-TABLES P «.V W li It ! Trains leave Butler for Alltsheny, local time, at ti:2s, Vu, 0:20. ami 11:0.5 a. ill. and 4:00. and 3:53. p. tn Ibe 9:20 and 11:20 a. u. train-make the run in 1 hour and 30 miuut- s and the 4:00 train in an hour alid a t .If Ihe H:OS a m 4:00 and 5:53 p m trains 'iiu-ct at Gallery for points W •t. an'l the 1:40 as far wwt as EllwCKvi Trains leave Bn:le: r Bradford ar 9:30 a. m., and ('lari«>u at 5:15 p m Trains arrive iu Butler from Alle I gbeDV 9:08, i»:1 7 a m. and 1—: 1-i. 2:|-> 4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 p tn: and from the ! North at 9:05 a m huil 3:50 p. m The Theatre Train. Tuesdays. Thnrs days and Satnrdu; s leav-.-.- Allepheny at 11:30 p. m. On Sundays trains leave Butler t *r Allejjbeny at :05 a m >in<3 "> 53 p.m.. and for the west at 4:<)0 p in.: and ; r rive at 9:17 a.m. and 4:5-> and 7:07 p in is is A: i' i: k 7:30 a in. local for Punssnt' ney and all iiiteroiediate stations 10:12 a m express for Buffalo and Rochester 5:21 local for Pnnx'y and D;i Boi- and ail stations. 11:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and with sleepers. Trans arrive at Butler, and t:o oti to Allegheny at 6:15 anil 9:47 a. m. and 5:34 p. in. Tra:n 21 lroni Puns v arrives, ai 7:35 a. in. ind stops here. The 10:12 express wili stop at Craigs ville. Ech'j and Dayton on signal. DESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R CO 13 Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. nrotli ward. Daily eXMpt Sunday. Southward Bead np) (Bead down) 2 111 11 STAT!"- - 1 '' H f M I' M P M" «i. A-.V. >' , H 10 1 "2 Krle 5 65 12 1. 5 11l 12 40 Fairview fi 1 -■ 12 : ' 5 31 12 '24 Girard 6 30 12 4 5 45 1 53 ur. .Conneaut . ..ar b 22 1 o.' 1 11 05 lv.. Conneaat. .It 6 21) 11 D 3 5 13 1- 05 Cnnvrllle 6 50 I 5 10 12 00 AH'i'.u « 55 1 I'J 4 iVi 11 47 S|.riugU>io ' 1" 1 - 4 50 11 41 OonneatilvUle 7 K> 1 y 4 30 11 20 Meadville Junct.. 7 35 1 5- 5 2s 11 58 ar. . Meadville.. ar 8 12 2 3 n 3 42 10 37 lv.. Meadville.. ,lv >• 20 1 1" 5 0311 30ar..Con. Lak»..ar 7 4.*> 2 4 10 11 05 1»..C0n. I-akn..lv 6 47 1 3< 4 '■>- ar.. Lineeviile ..ar It ' lv "7 20 1 14 11 0»> Hartetown 7 49! 2 07 4 OS 11 111 Adani-rille .1 7 55; 2 12 3 55,10 52 Osgood i .18 05 12 22 0 10 3 52 10 45 Greenville 6 001 8 13 2 30 6 l\> 3 40 lo 4" Sheiiango 6 00 8 20 2 3' 5 44 3 Si 10 2<i Kradonia fi 23 fg 33 2 55 5 2!) iOB 10 ()6 Mercer '• 40; 847 3 13 5 24' 3 03 10 01 Houston Junction *i 45j H 52 3 18 5 07 2 4 7 9 43 Grove City 7 05 9 10 3 37 4 54 237 932 HarrisTlllc ... 7 15 I 3 48 4 47 2 31 9 25 lira noli ton | 7 23: 9 26 355 5 »)' 10 10 ar.. .Milliard... ar 10 10 530 2 30 0 lo 1t... Milliard. ..lv tH 1 2 30 4 43 J 28 9 17 Keister 7 T 3 4 28 -'ls a 01 Euclid 7 43 4 i.{ 4 00 1 50 8 30 Duller i 8 10 10 00 4 45 2 20 12 15. 7 Oil Allegheny ] 9 45,11 25. « 30 ' pm i r.m : a.m. Ia m |»m. Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.25 a. m., Mercer 5:4«. Greenville 6:32, Conneautvllle 7:32, Albion 7-49. arrives at Erie 8:47 a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:15 j). rn. Albion 5:25, C'onneadtville 5:40. Greervllle 0:40 E. D. Comstock. \V. R. TURNER. Gen. Pass Agt, Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Win field It It Co Time Table In effect December 2d, 1901. WIjjTWABIi. STATIONS. AM j P M Leaves Weat Winfield B*oo. 3 00 " IV'glfSVille 8 l'l 310 " I ron bridge 82" 320 " Winiield Junction 8 •MM 3 -i- r > * 4 iahc 8 4)1 .1 4.» " Butler Junction " 3.V Arrive KA-TWAKII. STATIONS. AM l» M Leave Allegheny .til '? I? " Butler Junction 10 00 440 •• l.aiie 1 10 05 445 " W infield Junction 10 1* 45C » Iron Bridge I" 25 505 " Arrive Weat Winfiel.l 10 45 5 25 Train" stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Hag to take on or leave off |tae*«igere. Trains Connect at Butlai Junction will). Traiun limtward lor Kreejxjrt, Vandergrift and Blair*ville Intersection. Trains Weetwaril f<r Natrona, Tarentum and All*- Traius Northward lor Sazonliurg, Delano hi..l Butler. B. G. BEAIAIK, General Manager. PENNSYLVANIA u ;V WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Schkdulk M ErrrcT Feb. 20, 1902 tiOXTSB. , WEEK DAYS s A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. .>1 BUTLER Leave ft 25 8 00 10 50 2 35 1 35 Saxonburg Arrive 6 54 H 29 11 15 300 5 03 Butler J miction.. 44 7 27 8 53 11 40 3 25 5 29 Butl'-r Junction...Leave 7 31 8 53 11 52 3 25 5 29 Natrona Arrive 7 40 9 ol 12 01 3 34 5 39 Tareutum 7 44 9 07 12 08 3 42 5 44 Spriugdale 7 52 9 16 12 19 3 52,15 f»2 Clare mont 9 30 12 38 4 Mi 6 lift Sharpsburg .. 8 11 9 3<» 12 48 4 12 ft 1:J Altaian j.... . 824 9481024 25 6 24 A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M P.M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler fur Allegheny City and principal intermediate stations at 7:30 a m., •uid 5:00 p. m. NORTH. - WEEK DAYS . A.M. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M Allegheny 01 ■*y .leave 6 45 m 45 10 45 3 lo 6 10 Sharyabarg... 6 57 8 57 10 67 »3 22<r6 22 Ciaremont 1104 SpriiiK'luie 11 18 .... f» 99 Tareutum 725 924 11 28 3 4ft ft 48 Natrona 7 iJO 9 38 11 34 3 5' ft 53 Butler Junction.. Arrive 7 3", J 37 11 4.t 3 58. 7 02 Butler Junctiou... .leave 7 45 9 40 12 1H 4 lz 7 'K Saxorjbnrg 8 14 10 0? 12 41 4 41 7 ll BUTLKB arrive 8 38 10 32 1 10 5 13 7 53 A.M.! AM. P. M. P. M. P. V SUNDAY TRAINS. —Leave Allegheny City for But ler and priucipal intermediate stations at 7:10 a m. and 9-30 p. w. KOR TIIK EAST. Weeks Day*. Sunday N A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. 1* SI BrrLr.a W 62510 50 235 7M) 500 ' Butler J'ct ar 72711 4o 325 820 550 Butler J'ct lv 73711 43 358 821 8 11 Keeport ar 7 4111 4ft 403 825 Blt KnkiiniiietaM J't " 747 11 50 4OH 829 H H Leecliburg " BnoU 02 4 841 8 Pan I ton (Apollo) " 821 12 22 ♦42 85- 850 SaltuMirg " 86112 49 5 1<» 9 211 9 Ift BlitiritviMe „ 921 120 543 9b> 945 Blairsvillf lut " 9 .'.O 1 :ti 552 10 00 Altooiia *' '1 H6' .... 850 150 . .. flarrlxburK. " 310 .... 100 ft 45 Philadelphia " ft 2:4 . 4 25 10 17 .... P. 11.| A. M., A M. P M. P. M Tlirough trains for the east leave Pitl*burg (Union Station), AM follows; Atlantic RX proas, daily 3:00 A M Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 4 Day Expreim, 44 7:30 44 Main Line K*pr©», 44 8:00 44 l(arrii*T>urg Mail, 44 12 46 F.M Express daily 4:49 44 Ph ila lei ph in Ex press, ... . . ...4:50 41 Ka«t»rn Kxpruss, '* 7:10 44 Kast Line, 4 9 00 44 Pittsburg Limited, rlaily, for Nea York, Balti more and WashiugU>n only 10:00 44 Philad'a 34ail, Sundajn oruy 8:-10 A.M Kr»r Atlnntir Tjty Delaware River Kridge, all rail route) 8:00 a.m. daily and !I «K) p.m. daily. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division Trains leave KiMkiminetaH Junction as follows: — For Buffalo, 9.56 a. ID . and 11-35 P- "»• daily, witfc through parlor and Hleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.4 ft, 9.5 ft a. m., 2..'i8, 6.15 and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sunday**, 9.5 ft a. n»., ft.ls and 11.35 p.m. For R<vl Bank, 7.46, 9.5 ft, 11.17 a. m., 2 :'.B, ft.ls, and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.5 ft, 10.49 a. m., ft. 15 and 11.35 p. m. For Kittatining, 7.4 ft, 9.32, o.sft, 11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.35, ft.ls, 7.34, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. u»*ek-days. Suudavs, U. 56, 10.49 a. m., 6.1 r », 10.4p, and 11.35 p. m. 44 r" stoj* on signal to tako on lor Taren tum and jioiiiUi beyond. Foi detailed information, apply t«> ticket agent er nddresn Tbos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Weeterii District, Corner Fifth Avenu** and Smithlield Street, Pittsburg, Pa J B. HUTCHISON, J. B. WOOD. 'Jen«-r«.l » ' r Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATMCK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician I ' Next Door to Court Hou»e. Butler, Po. In every town j f and village fj £ may be had, | the MI Mica Hfe§ Axle [ # r Grease Maa . that makes your •ark 4 horses glad. ——g——CMHaK<yr gjfc Nasal ><3ySN. CATARRH /P» EljVcMßata^M c'.eanscp, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cureß catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Ralm is placed into tho nortrils, spreads over tiie membrane and is absorbed. Eel ef is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does n * produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cent*. l A> I n | Johnston's Beef. Iron and Wine N M rA U « L J is ihe F( Wm Best Tunic » i' $ Bleed Purifier. Price, 50c pint. F < L v Prepared and W W2 sold only at S ►: 4Johnston s H n Crystal N 3 Pharmacy. i H jj>2 K. .M. LOGAN, Ph. O . . **> Manager, & i U f <& f A 10fl N. Slain St., Butler, I'a "jf V Both' Phones W J Everything in the | \ drug line. r A P i \i b H &2££2SZ23 Stop That Cough A good many people have thought that a cough did i'c amount to much—most excellent people whose friends were sorry to lose them. Now don't make this mistake— a cough is the first step toward serious and often fatal sickness; stop it right there. Our White Pine and Red Spruce Cough Balsam in 25c bottles, has proved a marvelous cough stopper. always relieves, and except in most desperate cases it always cures. Sold* at Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts.. Butler, Pa Goehring Keck For No. i Huilding-Blocks, Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster, All kinds of Mill-Feed, Seeds, No. i Seed Oats, Chilled Plows and Fine Groceries Go to The Extension l ; ccd Store, Near the P. & W. Station, Zelienople, Goehring Keck. Eugene Morrison GEN ERALICONTRACTi NG PAINTER and DECORATOR. Special attention xiven to FINE PAPER HANGING, GRAINING and HARDWOOD FINISHING. | Office aud Shop, Rear of Ralston's Store, Resilience No 119 Cliff St. People's Phone 451. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1902 o*o+o+oo+o+o+o+o+o+o+co+c+o+oeo*o* ->*o<?o+o+c:*o*< 040 ❖•" IFAEIAI PARTIVPIKi u h-o -iihh a t3 liiuiw-1 «» r * | §| By HOWARD FIELDING | If * * * I oj? Copyright, 1901, by Charles W. Hooke. ♦« 2 A •O+G+'r. oo+c-* o *c+o* o x>*e *"*o* o^o. o»o#o#ot> O»C 6 Q+O+O+O ciovWOvOvj<.vvv»tv ,<>osoic CHAPTER XV. MTI. ROBINSON'S MESSAGE. the time Tchcn Or. Blair and Captain Me 1 | N\;«le were conclnding B 'j their small matter of S hnsitifss Detective El- inend rf was waiting V**T, In Alden's office, hav- [ng rearon to believe that he would make a flying visit there during the forenoon. This expectation was realized, for Alden entered bur- I rtedlv about 11 o'clock. He greeted Elnyndorf in very friend ly fashion, the detective meanwhile as suming a somewhat apologetic air. "I i-.ate to bother you," he said, "aNout j my troubles wbeu you certainly have j plenty of your own, but there is a lit- j "I ! p , 1 JSI €k He cxiirnlnc'J the hrrnk i.i the chntr tie matter, not connected with this case at all, that you can help me about if you feel like it—at leasts I thiuk yon can." "With all the pleasure in life," re sponded Alden. "I feel like helping ev erybody, with one exception." And as he spoke the last words his hand, that had been resting upon the back of a.chair, closed with a sudden, convulsive movement and ripped one of tlie wooden rungs out of its fasten ings. Eluicndorf slowly crossed the room and expmined the break iu the chair. "If you got hold of the gentleman in ouestion." said he, "I think he would never come "to trial. By the way, I sm pleased to learn thnt Miss Miller Is doing well this morning." Alden tapped his broken chair as if it had represented the Individual to whom IClmendorf had vaguely referred. "That doesn't let him out, however," he said "But tell me what I can do for you." "Did you have some dealings at one time with a firm of the name of How ard & Bain?" "I believe 1 did," replied Alden. "They failed and skipped." "Have yofl any documents bearing the firm's signature by either partner?" asked El'tiendoi f. "Yes; • have one." said Alden, "but 1 don't know ju«t where it is. I'll look through my desk. John"—addressing Robinson, who sat in his usual place— "do yon know where that contract Is?" Robinson replied In the negative, and Alden pulled out the contents of some drawers and pigeonholes in a vnin search. Finally lie came to one little drawer which Mr. IClmendorf had once oncned. "Here's the contract," he said, "and— Hello, here's something of yours, John." And he tossed an envelooe across to Robinson's desk. Robinr.on glanced at it hastily and out it Into his pocket. Elmendorf appeared to be busy with th« old contract which Alden had banded to him. and, having received permission to keep it for a few days, lie put the useless document into his pocket. ".lack," said Alden, "will you ask Mr. Willett to come in here?" Willett was the firm's accountant. Robinson walked toward the door, and as lie did so Elmendorf half rose from bis chair and then sat down again. The accountant presently appeared. He received some memoranda from Al den and went out again. There was on Interval of silence, while Elmendorf devoted himself to the enjoyment of a large cigar and Alden Jotted down fig ures on a slip of paper. "Wonder what's become of Robin son," said Alden at last. The detective offered no opinion ttpon this point, and Alden stepped to the door and glanced into the large room. Elmendorf heard some one say iu response to a question that Robiu eon had gone out. Alden seemed an noyed as ho returned to his desk, where he hastily wrote a note to Rob inson. "Now," be said, "I'm going up town." "St. Winifred's?" queried Elmen dorf. "I shall call there about 1 o'clock." "It you'll go over to the Antor House with me," said Elmendorf, "and wait about three minutes while I transact a little business, I'll go up with you, and we can talk on the way. There are a few questions that I'd like to ask after I've straightened them out in my own mind a bit." Alden saw nc objection to this ar rangement, and so they walked over to the old hotel together. Elmendorf glanced at his watch as they entered and then approached the attendant In charge of the telephone booths In tho hall. "There will be a call for Mr. Elmen dorf from Philadelphia In about a minute," be said, "I am the man." The call came within the Interval stated, aud Elmendorf entered the booth, where he gave the customary greeting, which was returned in a fa miliar voice. "I've got track of your man over hero," said the voice. "R. appears to l-e his rial name; didn't suppose it v/as. lie was iu trouble over here a little more than a yevr ago and had to get out of town; borrowed some money on bogus security." And tho voice furnished a few details of the transaction. "He has been trying to stralghteii It out lately ami Is not in danger -.t arrest here; has been over several times. There are rumors that lie got Into similar trouble in Wash ington. t)iit I'm not down to that yet. , One man who knows ititu here t+militi he bad letters from a girl named Mil ler; doesn't know whether she was on the stage or anything about her, in fact: Isn't even sure o r the name, but I'm going to get more information about that. As to other inquiries, nothing as vet. but will write you this evening." "All right." responded Elmendorf. ' "Hustle, old man. This thiusr is get- ! ting pretty ripe over hero. And, re member. this is personal business; it isn't official. 1 may want to cover the whole matter up." "The man is no good, 1 guess." said the voice. "I don't enre anything about the man." rejoined Elmendorf. "or tiie other one either. It's the girl I'm interested iu. Nothing is too good for her or ever was, and if the worst conies I want to be iu a position to wring somebody's neck and wring it bard. 1 don't know whose It will be yet. How about the records V" "Nothing in sielit." "Well, there must be somewhere. Mr Tantalus has got to be accounted for. Much obliged to you. Goodby." Elmendorf rejoined Alden, who In the meantime had engaged a hansom. "Your secretary, Robinson, seems to be a handy man," said Elmendorf after some desultory conversation. "He's very obliging," replied Alden. "Perfectly honest, I suppose?" "Never knew anything to the contra ry," said Alden. "He doesn't handle any money." "He handled ,?.jOO the other day," suggested Elmendorf. "But he didn't know It," replied Al den. "1 don't mean to imply anything against Robinson, but I know very lit tle about him, aud I never trust a man any further thap I know him. I never trust a man with money unless I know the money side of him. It is possible to be a good, straight fellow about ev erything else and have a weakness there." "I should think you ought to be a pretty good business man." said Elmen dorf. "I suffer from the same trouble that you have," replied Alden; "I'm too hon est." "There's nothing honest about me," protested Elmendorf gloomily. "It's my luck; I never have a chance. By the way," lie added, changing his tone, "Robinson knew Miss Miller quite well, didn't he?" "Only through me," answered Alden. "I used to get liim to take messages to her house quite often. It was conven ient; he lived near by." "Yes," said Elmendorf. "They told me at t*ie house that he came quite of ten. I>o you remember the first note with her name on it that you ever gave him? Well. 1 happen to know that he took It to your bookkeeper, Willett, and asked who Miss Miller was. He seem ed to be quite Interested. Afterward he told Willett that lie was mistaken in supposing that ho knew Miss Miller. It was another girl of the same name." "If you are trying to work .Tack Rob inson into this case," said Alden, "you lire a long way off the track." Elmendorf protested that he had no inich Intention, adding that lie bad no rational theory of the case and never expected to have one. When they entered St. Winifred's, they met Dr. Kendall, who had just come from a visit to Elsie. He led them into his own room. "I'm sorry to tell you," he said to Alden, "that Miss Miller is not quite so well just now. I wouldn't advise see ing her. Mr. Robinson delivered your message." "What message? When?" demand ed Alden. "lie was here about half an hour ago," said Kendall, with increasing alarm as he noted the manner of the others "He said it was something very important from you, and after consulting with Miss Machine I let him speak with Miss Miller iu private for a few minutes. I thought she seemed comewhat disturbed afterward, but she told us that the matter was of small consequence." "I know nothing whatever about it," exclaimed Alden. "1 did not send him here and had uo idea he was coming." He turned to Elmendorf with a sharply questioning glance. "Well, you can search nic," said f be detective. "You mean that you know nothing about it?" asked Kendall anxiously. "Less than nothing," responded El mendorf, "aud I'm giving you straight goods too." There was a knock at Kendall's door, and he admitted a nurse, who said that Miss Machine wished to see him. lie did not wait to speak a single word, but hurried away. Alden tried to get au explanation from the nurse, but she professed to have none. For nearly an hour the two men waited with impatience, which finally passed Alden's p over of endurance. "I must get some word from her," ho said after much pacing of the floor. "Tliare must be serious danger or he would not stay so long." Elmendorf pointed out the obvious possibility that Kendall might long since have answered Miss Machine's summons and have gone upon any of a hundred other duties, but Alden would not be thus quieted. lie went out to the office to ask In what way he could communicate with the doctor, and within a minute after his depar ture Kendall entered the room. He had a large glass Jar in his hand, which seemed to contain milk. This be set down upon the table and Imme diately touched an electric button. "How Is she?" asked Elmendorf in a tone betraying the most earnest solici tude. "Better, better," replied Kendall. "I think there's no longer any danger. Where Is Mr. Alden?" "No longer any danger!" exclaimed Elmendorf, ignoring tho question. "Has there been any?" "Well," said Kendall, "she fainted again." "Again!" "Tho first time was Just before yon came up," said Kendall. "Don't say anything about this. We had just giv en her a little luncheon, and, I thought perhaps she might have had some smttf' stomach trouble; oppresses the heart sometimes, you know. But I don't like this second attack Heart failure after the injury and the nervous exhaustion wouldn't be the most unlikely thing in the world, you know. Ah! Come here, George." 'fciic hkwt W(Mtls wore oddreaswO to a youth in uniform who had answered the doctor's ring. Kendall gave him some money and whispered to him near the door When he turned, as George departed, he saw Elmendorf rtaoding rigid, with his blue eyes unusually wide open. t "Whrt do you want of two white mice?" he demanded. "Really, now"— Kendall began. "Look here." interrupted Elmendorf "If there's anything of that kind go ing on. I'm the man you need. Don't hide anything from me; for the little girl's sake, don't do It. doctor." Kendall bit his lips and hesitated. Then he said suddenly, as steps were heard in flic ball: "Get him out of here and come back." j Alden entered and stopped short, in ■ his own peculiar fashion, with his eyes ou the doctor. "It's all right," said Kendall. "Miss I Miller showed some indications of j weakness, but is doing nicely now. I should think you might see her about 5 o'clock." "Well, doctor. I'm glad everything's all right." said Elmendorf. "I began to be anxious, you were so long away. But what you've said has made me feel easy again, and so 1 think the best thing that Mr. Alden atjd 1 can do is to try to get some light ou Mr. Robin son's strange conduct. The man may have struck some kind of a clew and have rushed right off to verify it with out waiting to consult anybody." "1 didn't think of that," responded Alden. "It may be that you've found the explanation." "I would suggest that you go to his house." said Elmendorf. "Meanwhile I'll telephone to your office and one or two other places and see if I can get track of him. But the likeliest place is his house Wait there for me. I'll join you before 3." This arrangement was agreed upon, and the two men went out together. Elmendorf was busy with the tele phone for half an hour, but he failed ggj J He bat down and ratted his head on hi* hands. to extract valuable information from any person with whom he talked, al though the chief of the detective bu reau was ond of tlieni. Returning to the hospital, be went at once to Kendall's room. In answer to his rap and the sound of his voice the door was unlpcked and he was admit ted. In passing he glanced searchlngly at Kendall's face, which wore an ex pression of extreme anxiety;. then he ' advanced to the table in the middle of the room, from which he lifted a news paper, thus revealing the bodies of two little white mice. Elmendorf regarded them with a look of horror. "Good Lord!" he gasped. "You don't mean it?" Kendall nodded. Then be sat down and rested his head on his hands for a few seconds, while Elmendorf gather ed breath and heart for the next ques tion. "What was in the jar—milk?" "No," replied Kendall. "It Is a kind of liquid food preparation. The basis of it is milk; but, unfortunately," he added, looking up at the detective, "It will keep." "Been in the room several days, you mean?" said Elmendorf. "If it was or dinary milk that bad been dosed, we could narrow it down to a few hours. But this stuff—why, absolutely every body connected with the case has had a chance at It." "Mow shall I tell her?" muttered Kendall. "Her?" The doctor gave a nervous start. "Miss Maclane," he said. "This will be a hard story for her to hear." "You are right," replied Elmendorf, "after all the care she's taken, the de votion she's shown to that poor child, who was nothing to her—worse than nothing, in fact—an enemy, you might say." "Now, look here" — exclaimed Ken dall hoarsely as he got upon his feet "No, no!" cried Elmendorf. "I don't mean to accuse her. That would be absurd. We mustn't waste time. What was tlie poison?" "I don't know." replied Kendall. "Of course there was no time for analysis. That's why I tried it on these small an imals. It's some kind of a heart de pressant—the very thing to use In a ease of this kind, where the condition Is one of weakness and especially where there Is au Injury In the region of the organ." "But didn't these mice show any symptoms that you could recognize?" asked Elmendorf. "No; nothing definite I could name several poisons that would answer all the reauirements. It Isn't necessary to know Immediately. The treatment would be the same In any case. And ♦he danger is over, I believe." "Unless it's somewhere else," said Elmendorf; "In her medicines, per haps." "That wouldn't be possible without assuming something that can't be as sumed—not In my presence, o.t my rate." "Vou mean that Miss Maclane" — "Precisely." said Kendall. "And as there can be no thought of sucli a thing we conclude * hat tlds infernal tiling" and he tapped the J.t with his knuckles "which was hnndy for ev eryliodv. wide mouthed and all that— Oh. I have been ail idiot!" "She's been having this right along," said Elmendorf "That mielit indi cate"— "Nothing until we know just what the nui: and how much cf it we have to deal with." replied Kendall. "The effe ts observed may come from what she ate ibis nooll or be the gen eral p i ll "f small, repeated doses." "'I I . i ■ one thing." said Elmendorf with d . .on "this villainous act must have l: en done by .somebody who kli' .v that tl. food was there, by some one who had been in the room several times" - "D'.'i't!" :: aned Kendall "By hoav-1 I can't rto filiate of it! I like \l,' I call't believe 'his of hllll. \nd :•! !. loves him: she loves him ■■y .Ma. lane?" said Elmendorf. .■X,„ ..1 « ■ l.allovo It " Kendall looked up at him with a blank stare and shook his head L [TO bk coimmTDtl HANDY IMPLEMENTS. Contrivance For Drasilni Oat Dead Wood and Spnd For Berry Canes. For dragging out the dead wood and canes I use a contrivance made from an old horse rake. (See the figure.) The bar to which the teeth are fastened •vas sawed obliquely across, leaving as many teeth as would fit In between the rows in raking. A pair of old buggy shafts with the singletree left on and nailed or bolted to the bar answered for handles with which to guide the BAKE AND BPCD FOB BtACKBEBBY VINES. rake. The singletree faces the front of the rake next the horse, which Is har nessed to the machine far enough from tlie rake to admit of dumping its accu mulations occasionally. This Impro vised rake enabled me to do the work of twenty men with forks and rakes. It takes a stout pair of arms to hold and dump the rake, but It does the work quickly and well. I have no doubt that it will answer In raking out grape and tree trimmings quite as well, says a Rural New Yorker correspond ent. TOBACCO PLANT BED. How n Northern Grower Would Mnkc It—lnsect Peats. The piant bed used by northern to bacco growers is not really a hotbed, but n cold frame, and Is constructed as follows, says a correspondent of Farm and Fireside: Select a piece of fertile ground as free from weed seed as possible, about five feet wide and the desired length. Around this construct a frame of one inch boards, ten or twelve inches wide, sinking them a couple of inches In the ground, leaving eight or ten Inches above the surface. Then, commencing about two and a half feet from either end, drive a row of stakes four or five feet apart through the center of the bed, letting them stand about six or eight inches higher than the boards around the edge. Nail a strip one by two inches along on top of the stakes and cover the frame with good heavy muslin. Sew loops along the edge of muslin about one foot apart These loops can be hooked over nails driven in the sides of the boards. This con struction will give all the protection necessary for the plants. The soil should be made perfectly tine and smooth on top. Sow the seed broadcast. Sow slightly thicker if you set with a transplanter than if set by hand, so that the plants will grow higher and have a longer stem. The bed must be kept free from weeds. By making the bed narrow it allows one to reach the center from the edge of the l>ed. Care must be taken to keep the plants sufficiently moist, but too much water will rot them. If you wish to hurry the growth, water the plants with manure water, chicken ma nure being as good as any. If fleas get in the bed, they can be disposed of by scattering cornmeal mixed with paris green over the bed. When the plants get large enough to transplant, they should be hardened by removing the cover on nice days, leaving it off more and more until the plants are ready to use. About forty feet length of bed is not too much an acre. If enough plants are not fur nished at the first pulling, the bed should be at once thoroughly soaked with water aud covered with canvas to bring on the small plants remaining. Cross Breeding Vegetables. Some results obtained in cross breed ing corn, dwarf lima beans, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers and salsify are noted by Professor Ilalsted of New Jersey. With the lima beans the cross was made between Ilenderson and Burpee varieties, the idea being to com bine the prolificacy of the former with the large size and good quality of tha latter. The Burpee was used as the mother plant in each Instance. The crossed plants were remarkably vigor ous and productive. Some closely ap proached the Henderson and others the Burpee. It is believed that by further crossing or inbreeding profitable new sorts may be secured. A hybrid was also obtained by crossing the ordinary cultivated salsify, having violet purple flowers, with the wild species, having yellow flowers, which promises to be more resistant to blight and mold than the ordinary salsify. Telephoning on Wire Fenee. Quite h number of communities in Colorado are putting in private tele phone lines this spring by utilizing the common wire fences, and the scheme is proving eminently successful, says Denver Field and Farm. The cost of construction Is very small, as fence wire is used Just as the farmer stapled it to the posts. Where a break occurs it is necessary to put in a stay brace by wrapping with small wire. At a cross road or gate a post should be placed on each side of the road high enough to allow any kind of vehicle to pass un der, and In this way the wire can be can-led across. It should be tightly wrapped to the fence wire at each post, and where connected all rust should be 11 led off. FARM FACTS. Potatoes After Corn—A Tendency •! Some Seed Potatoes. In eastern Pennsylvania potatoes are planted on a corn stubble more com monly than on sod land. They displace some oats in the crop rotation, being followed by wheat and then clover and timethy. Such a rotation is a good one where there Is enough fertility. The manure can go on the sod for corn, and then both sod and manure are rotted and mixed thoroughly with the soil be fore the jiotatocs are grown, giving a brighter and thinner skin tuber than is got when the sod or manure is fresh. Corn stubble land is looser for the formation of the tul>ers. In this sys tem of cropping commercial fertilizers are used on the potatoes, and the land is left in good condition for wheat. Where oats do not pay and wheat does not follow corn well this plan of fob lov.-ii g with potatoes, fertilizing well, has much In Its favor. Mr. 11. C. Snavely, a well known | No.lG horticulturist, offers nn Interesting ex planation of the tendency of some seed potatoes to form little potatoes In the* ground without sending np any plant al>ore ground. There was considerable, failure of the crop in a part of Lebanon county last year on account of such seed, and most potato growers have' suffered loss at some time In this way; We know that overheating of the seed in winter storage will cause this trou ble. but the damage to the seed may be due to other causes. Mr. Suavely be-. Iteves that the potatoes used for plant-j ing had failed to develop right the year; before. The season had been an un favorable one, and the eyes, which are really buds of an underground stem," felt the effect of poor vitality In th» vines above ground. Instead of devel oping normally, they were fitted to throw out stems for new potatoes, and hence the failure to get a vine from them when planted. In such cases the method of storing the seed througb winter had nothing to do with the crop failure.—A. Agee in National Stock man. Rape Far Early Spring Feed. Each season's results at the Oklaho ma experiment station give further ev idence of the value of the rape plant as a source of green feed in this coun try. Not only has it proved a most de sirable spring and fall pasture crop, but a crop that will furnish a large quantity of green feed during such a droughty summer as that of 1901. The plant lived through the wild winter of 1900-01, but the zero weather of the past winter killed all the plants. The rape plant will be one of the first plants available for feed in the spring, and a large area should be put out, as feed is scarce and high priced. The value of the plant lies in the fact that it will furnish a large amount of green feed In a short period from the time of planting. The plant resembles the cabbage in texture and color, but the growth is erect and two or three feet tall. Good rich soil is necessary for a large growth and should be put in fine tilth before seeding. The plant Is proof against frost and tuay be seeded the last of February or early March in Oklahoma. Broadcast ing will do for temporary patches, but if the crop is wanted to last through the summer it should be In drills and cultivated. Do not pasture too close if continuous growth is desired. For broadcasting use three or four pounds per acre. In drills one to one and a half pounds will be required. Professor Thomas Show says that ten sheep may be fattened on one acre of rape in Minnesota. Twenty-three tons of green feed per acre have been taken off at the first cutting at this station.—Oklahoma Station. The Points of Good Paris Green, A. V. Stubenrach of the Illinois sta tion sums up the points of a good paris green as follows: It should be a wholly dry and im palpable powder. Grlttlness and cak ing are evidences of adulteration. It should have a bright, light emer ald green color, which should not whit en or become dull in the streak left in passing a sample across a clean glass plate. It should be entirely soluble In am monia. Any residue Is an adulterant Under the microscope It should be seen to contain only a trace'of foreign matter aud should consist of clean, spheres, wholly separate from one another. Aggregation Into masses Is evidence of careless manufacture. These are all the points which can be readily determined. In addition to the above should be added the most Important point, but one which can be determined only by a chemical analy sis—viz, paris green should contain not less than 50 per cent of arsenlous ox ide, of which not more than < per cent should be in the free state or nncom blned with copper. What Others Say, Two-thirds of that of the sweet po tato is the food value of the Irish po tato. Alfalfa is not well suited to over flow land. When young. It drowns very easily. When several years old, it Is less easily killed in this way. When Leghorns want to sit, they are too fat. Change the diet. Young stock thrives best on crushed oats, linseed meal and wheat bran, with bright, early cut hay, silage or a few roots. Boston dressed ducks are stabbed in the mouth and dry picked. Popcorn Is all right to grow in a small way, but the demand for it is limited. Transplanted lettuce grows larger than that which remains where it was sown. Alfalfa Is making great progress as a stock and dairy forage In western Nebraska. M Mneh Dreaded Fly. The man eating fly Af Central Amer ica inhabits the low lying coast re gions and Is much dreaded by the na tives for the fearful results which fol low its sting. Naturalists call it Lu cllia homlnivora. The average speci men is about a third of an inch long. It has a big head, with the eyes on top. Its cheeks are a golden yellow, its abdomen dark blue with purple bands. Its legs black, Its wings unusu ally big, and they produce a continuous and loud buzzing when in motion. The person bitten by this fly gets a disease called myiasis. It generally begins with an itching of the nose; then that organ swells and bleeds, next It becomes ulcerated, and in ttose ul cers may be found the larvae of the fly. The whole face Ixcomes swollen; ery sipelas sets in, followed by meningitis aud death. One man I knew, said a traveler in that country, shot himself after he had been bitten rather than face the tortures he knew were cer tain. Cure Is difficult. Subcutaneous injections of chloroform sometimes do good, but as often fail. One man I heard of was cured by lemon Julco In jected into his blood. Ten Years Ago and lfow. There Is no better antidote for de spondency than to take a measure of your own community as It was ten years ago and as it is today, unless you live In an unrepresentative aud stagnant community. You will be likely to find the roads or the streets better than they were, the railroad service, the postal service, possibly even the telegraph and the telephone service better. You will observe better bouses, more attractive grounds. The people are better clad or more are well clad. Inside their houses you will find more books or, better, more bathrooms, better lights and better furniture. A larger proportion of children and youth are receiving good training at better ! schools. All this means more than prosperous years. It means a higher level of life and a stronger ambition. The well being of the people of the United States Is rising higher and es pecially is it diffusing itself wider. Life Is constantly becoming more com fortable and more cheerful as well as longer nnd safer, leading to better con ditions Tor Intellectual growth and so dewtopnnHrt.—'Wurtd's Wtjtlfc