VOL XXXIX We have low Shoes for Patent Leather Bluchers f • MEN, Patent Kid Bluchers W i kj BOYS and Patent Calf Lace. t > F A GIRLS as well. The slickest lot of B Efif" B\BIES too! Shoes in forty States. Fi ri Take Your Choice! SMB VA Patent Leather Oxfords w*j Patent Kid Bluchers : £} WA Vici Kid Colonials Take Your Choice Vrlour Calf Sembrich Ties VA vj Wax Calf Oxford Button li Welt Soles or Turn Soles ™ h |fA 75C tO $3.00. bat it is the only place A I • to buy the newest and smartest styles. W A B 2 We get more style and more wear into our shoes at a given I price tban any one else you know of. Fj L Heavy Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics made to stand a lot or r A y lira Tiling and scraping, but GOOD LOOKERS and plenty of toe M room, 95c to $3.00. \ I Huselton's. si [j » be fit. Y < The most satisfactory vj k Shoe Store in Butler. jjj NEW WASH FABRICS. £ A great collection of dainty, attractive and stylish goods for «RP Waists and Suits The styles and coloring are prettier than ever and m U the fabrics more varied Fine Ginghams 10c and 124 c, Best SO inch Percale 12ic, ?V Embroidered Chambray Madras 20c, Swiss Silk 20c, Mercerized Silk #5 ' Zephyr 25c, Mercerized Pongee 25c, Fancy Lace Stripes 25c, Fine |R U Madras Stripes 30c, M V WHITE GOOGS—Many styles in fine Mercerized White j?3 Sat Goods and fine Madras for Waists. Dimities, India Linons and Sheer V white materials of all kinds are here in abundance jV Fine Mercerized Fabries 25c. 30c, 40c and 50c. Fine Madras 20c and 25c. JV India Linons 6Jc to 50c. 5 LACE CURTAINS $ tR By all odds the greatest assortment and best values we have ever shown. Lace Curtains at 50c jpt J to flO 00 pair. Greatest assortment at sl, $2 and SB. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Why bother with making when you can buy the K J' finished garment at the cost of materials. l. M 1 Gowns 50c. 75c, $1 00 and $1 50 Corset Covers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 jfl Drawers 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 kS. Skirts 50c, 75c, $1 00 and up. j* We sell the New Idea 10c Paper Patterns. Monthly fashion sheets free. . V» L. Stein & Son,* 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA 5 3>ca>pi«P3Ka>e^d>papa>p3>c3>P^3icapd>pa»g!ac3>c3>c>J> ! EYTH BROS. I | Wall Paper! Wall Paper!] ' We are still giving away one of those handsome § pictures with every room of wall paper. EYTH BROS., 1 i * Wall Paper, Books and Stationery, - 251 S. Main St., Next to Postoffice. I BUTLER, PA. AT THE TOP OF STYLE! WE ARE ReADy WITH OUR kINE OF Spring Clothing The styles were chosen with critical discrimination and our mag nificent display represents the best selections from the leading makers. We Want M ore Men and Boys To Know Our Clothing We want more Men and Boys to sec it. The better they know our clothing the more they will be astounded and delighted by its qualities, styles and all round excellence. We are willing to rest our case on the goods themselves. Let them do the talking. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler, KECK jfo a.Fall and Winter Weights .\ I H \ /• J3j|. Have a nattiuess about tbeiu iliat £.) AJ ' /. \V mark the wearer, it won't do to f fin \ r*J L| CA wear the last year's output. You ' /7 *~x/ V* 0 won't get the latest things at the I/ \ lf~f IH stock clothiers either. The up-to- Y IHI (si date tailor only lan supply them, IIT Vi '1 / ' ,7 — H J if you want not only the latest l! I I (il l I things in cut and fit and work /If 1 (ll I tn«nßhip, the finest in durability, ! I r I / I where else can you get combina -1 II) II II V tions, you get them at KECK G. F. KECK, Merchant' Tailor, 142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,Pa THE BUTLER CITIZEN. R-R-TIME-T ABLES l' & vv k it Trains lea\e Bntler for Allegheny, local time, at 6:25, if: 9:20, and II а. m. and 4:0o, ;ml p. u> rheo:2o and 11:30 a. ui train-make t-ii* rnn in 1 honr and 20 miunt>-s and the train lin an hour and a h ilf The 8:05 a. 111 i 4:00 and 5:53 p 'r 'ius coonei't. at ! Callery ft.r ;>oints West. :>nd the l>lo [ far west as Ellvri 1 i.i Trains leave Unlit: *'•" lir=ir|ford at 9:30 a.m., and fur ';.in;»n at .»:<■ »p iu i Trains arrive in liutler from Aile | gheny 9:03. 8:17 a in. ,-md 12:13, 2:4 >, i 4:55. 7:07 and 7:15 J» MI: and from t ! North at 9:05 ain • "<: os a m and •> •>•! ]' !■'- and for the west at t' p ni.: a*Kl >.l - at 9:17 a.m. ■ ;v.l 4:55 and 7:07 p.Lt B It & V It li 7:30 a 111. local for Panxsnt iwnvy at»il all iuternjediat« stations 10:12 a in. express for Buffalo anu > Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois acd all stations 11:22 p. m. express for Buffalo ; .;ud Rochester —w i th sleepers. Trans arrive at Butler, and e<> 011 to 1 Allegheny at 0:15 and 9:47 m. and ! 5:34 p. m. Train 21 from Pnux \ arrives at 7:35 a. m. md stops here. The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs ville. Echo and Dayton on signal. OESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. D Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901. CENTRAL TIME One honr slower than town time. n roth ward. Daily except Sniidaj. Southward Ki nd up; (Rev! down) _l_l— l— p.M. J'.M P.M. rt m. A.:.:, r ♦i 10 102 Erie 5 1J 1- 5 \i 40 Fairvi*»w 6IS 12 53112 24 Girard | 6 12 4^ ;» 1 5,i ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 8 'lt 1 4 11 05 lv.. Couneait.. .It G 2 1 ;s ][ 4 30 II if I Mi-advill*, Junrt.. 7 3.) 1 5* 5 11 58 ar.. MeadTille.. ar Bli2 30 a 4JH» 37 Iv..MeadTille...lT « » 11" 5 Oail 30ar..Con. I-:ik>-..ar Hi '1 »2 4 10 11 05 lv..Con. L;ik(>..lv 6 47. 1 »• . 4 32 i*r..l.incrtviile ..ar IT •' lv 7 2n I 14 11 00 Hart«tov n I 1 7 49: 2 0? 4Onll 01 3 58.10 52 Onguotl'. f8 05 12 22 « 10 3 52 10 45 Greenville 6 00 8 l i 2 30 6 Oo 3 40 I<> 4<> Shenaugo 0 00 8 2U 2 3" 5 44 3 23 10 3«» Fredonia 'r, 23 fg 35 2 55 5 21»i 3 Oh 10 U6 Mercer 6 40 8 47 3 13 5 24' 30310 01 Houston Junction! 45 852 318 5 07 2 47 0 43 Grove City 1 7 05 9 10 3 37 4 54 ! 2 37 9 32 4 47 2 31 9 25 Branchton I 7 23 9 25 3 55 5 .ii) 10 10 ar.. .Hilliard... ar 10 10 530 2 30 6 10 lv...Hilliard. ..lv, 6 10 2 30 4 43 2 28 9 17 Keister ' 7 27; 3 58 4 28' 2 15 » 01 Euclid 7 43! 4 i 3 4 00 1 501 8 3" Butler j 8 10,10 Of) 4 45 2 20 12 lv 7 00 Allegheny ' 9 45 11 25 ti 30 prn ! am a.m. l ain i-in. Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.25 a. ra.. Mercer 5:48. Greenville 0:32. Conneautvllle 7:32, Albion 7-49. arrives at Erie 8:47 a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:15 p. m. Albion 5:25, Conneautville s;4fi, Greeryille 6:49 Morcer 7:21 arrives at Grove City at 7:43 pm. E. D. COMSTOCK. W. R. TURNER. Gen. Pass Agt, Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa Wiiilield R It Co Time Tal>lc In effect December 2d, 1901. WESTWARD. STATIONS. jAMIPM Leave* West Winfit-ld •.... 8 001 300 44 Boggwville 810 310 44 Iron Bridge 8 20. 320 44 Wiufield Junction 830 335 « 4 8 40j 3 45 44 Butler Junction 8 45: 350 Arrive Allegheny . 9 48j 510 ~ EASTWARD." STATIONS. A M P M Leave Allegheny 8 4;» 3 10 44 Butler Junction 10 00 440 44 Lane 10 05 445 44 Winfield Junction 10 15 45C 44 Iron Bridge 10 25 5°5 44 Boggwville 10 35 515 Arrive West Wiufi«'ld 10'45 5 25 Train- >tlip at Uu klld IrOD I*:: i_•• • :.I. OD Vkfl ftO take on or leave off pa«senger*. TniinH Connect at Butler Junction with. Trains Eastward f«»r Freeport, Vandergrift and Blaii-sville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentuni and Alle gheny. Trains Northward for S&xoitbnrg, Delano ami Butler. B. G. BEALOR, Genentl Mauag^r. PENNSYLYANLT R# B 'O l 4D . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScarnoLK IN E/rccr Feb. 20, 1902 feOTJTJI. / WEiiK DAJfS , A M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. 31 BUTLER Leave 6 25 8 00 10 50 2 35 4 35 flaxouburg .Arrive 6 54 8 29 11 15 3 00 5 03 Butler Junction.. 44 ,7 27 35311 40 325 6 21) Rutler Junction...Leavt- 7 31 8 53 11 52 3 25 5 29 Natrona Arrive 7 4o 9 01 12 01 3 34 5 39 Tarentum i 7 44 9 07 12 08 3 4'l 5 44 Springdale 7 62 9 It) 12 19 3 52 15 52 Ctaremont 9 30 12 38 4 Si G 05 Sharpnburg 8 11 9 3«i. 12 18 4 12; 6 12 Allegheny 8 24 948 1 02 4 25, 6 24 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Le»ive Butler tor Allegheu> City and priuciptt) interme 403 825 814 Kskiuiinetas J't 44 74711 60 408 829 819 Leechburg 4 * 8 00j 12 02 430 841 832 Paul ton (Apollo).... 44 8 21.12 22 442 858 860 Saltsbnrg 44 8 51! 12 4ft 610 923 916 Blairsville „ 923 120 543 9*62 946 Blairsville Int 44 930 133 6 52. 10 00 Altoona 44 11 35 8 5() 150 . .. Harrisburg 44 3 10 1 ! 1 00' 046 Philadelphia 44 «23 ....! 4 26; 10 17 ... P. M.f A. M. A.M 1' M.| P. M Tlirough traius for the east leave Pittsburg (Union Station), aa follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3:(K) A.M Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 4 Day Express, 44 ...7:30 44 Main Line Express, 44 8:00 44 Harrisburg Mail, % * 12:45 KM Harrisburg Express daily 4:49 44 Philadelphia Express, .. .4:60 44 Eastern Express, ' 4 7:10 44 Fast Line, 4 9 00 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, for New York, Balti more and Washington only 10:00 44 Phiiad'a Mail, Sunday* omy 8:40 A.M For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route) 8:00 a.m. daily and 9:00 p.m. daily. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division Trains leave Kinkiminetas Junction as follows: For Buffalo, 9.56 a. m. and 11.35 p. m. daily, with through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.40, 9.5G a. m„ 2.38, 6.15 and 11.35 P m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. in., 6.15 and 11.35 p.m. For Red Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. m n 2 38, 6.15, 9.34, ami 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m., б.15 and 11.35 p. m. For Kittanuing, 7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.35, 6.15, 7.34, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. weck- "v/vgy h*\\\A using ECREKA Hnr- IV /.^ , Si Oil. You can /wj • ' wj lengthen its life—make it lW j ' -v i : 'AY4B illMt twice as long as it s ordinarily would. ®I Harness Oil fi makM a poor look i ng bar- fc I ,* f ness like new. Made of pcre. heary bodied oil, es pecially prepared to Wttb> stand the weather. V SoM everr^-here 7 In cans—all sizes. Mafc bj STANDARD OIL CO. W | _ i^Jasal CATARRH cleanses, soothes and heals f the di.-ea- d membrane. 1 ! It cures cnurrli and drives £ Y>J away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a enre follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size # 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 centa. I a &A M f & j f ;3 lA Johnston's Ij Beef. Iron and Wine a Eost T'.nic k j and ? k A Blood Purifier. »j >1 Price, 50c pint. f & L« Prepared and yA 9 A sold only at k « $ Johnston s l] Crystal p N Pharmacy. r *33 * al fi 9i R. >l. LOGAN.. Ph. O . S, Manager, 106 N. Main gt.. Butler, Pa r B«.' li 'Phonrs .w Pj* Everything in the drug line. I I? B f j lb Stop That Cough A fjood many people have 'bought that a cough did i't amount to much —most excellent people whose friends were soir}' to lose them. Now don't make this mistak a cough i.s the first step toward serious and often fatal sickness; stop it right there. Our White Pine and Red Spruce Cough Balsam in 25c bottles, has proved a marvelous cough stopper. It always relieves, and except in most desperate cases it always cures. Sold at Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts.. Butler, Fa Necessary Trifles 111 spring jewelry comprise many articles tbat can't be done without. Hat pins, brooches, link buttons, and scarf pins are some of the indispensables; also an immense stock of watches, chains and rings, comprising all the new and up-to date designs just received. Kodaks, Cameras, Photo Supplies, Washburn Mandolins, Guitars, Columbia, Edison and Victor Talking Machines are also to be found in our stock. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House p F. L. McQUISTION, V. CIVIL ENGINUKR AND SURVEYOR. Office near C«urt House. BUTLER. PA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902 ©❖C-KT-000 oeo*- «0}0« -HO»O *O«O«O«&»OOO I I ID / OTMTJFK* | I Ix J/Lirf rki IWOOII OO CO {» r> *♦ i» <-o U Ey i:OWARD FIELDING M H tp I? Copyright, 1901, by Charles VV. Hooke. 50 K *O->0 f Q+o->O4 0$ x> Vs/'vCv * v *v* V yov i-' CHAPTER XIV. "Tirr.lFT. 110 :ATIO, THRIFT." ~\)riE next mornlne's pa -if ta * |. rs contained lnler- IpN'y M views with Dr. Illalr 1r- '-r- %v ' l ' c ' l ' ,e stated in Fa B ~ I tiie most positive man 'i ncr tljat tl,c m J' ster '" i :'V. £ '~y oils woman was not ---'——-—— Miss Machine. Tiiis did not have the effect of taking Bren da entirely out of print, but it inspired all the newspaper writers with cau tion. for. though some of them were not able to believe that Blair was tell ing the truth, it was impossible to over look the fact that he was the only wit ness. The most serious of the immediate results of this publication was experi ence*] by Or. Blair himself about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when he receiv ed a tail from Captain Neale. The cap tain seemed not to be representing the department upon this occasion, for he was in the dress of a private citizen. Even his shoes were different from a policeman's characteristic footwear. As the apparel evidently was not worn for purposes of disguise, it might be assumed that Mr. Neale had come upon n personal errand. When admitted to Dr. Blair's office, ho first showed interest in all the doors opening from the room; then he be stowed a moment's attention upon some of the doctor's effects which had been collected as if to be packed in a large trunk. "Going away?" inquired Neale. "Move," responded Blair. "What foi ?" "You've succeeded in spoiling my practice around here," was the reply. "I am not more modest than other doc tors, but the kind of conspicuousness which comes from having a uniformed policeman call at the house every ten minutes is not a good advertisement. So I have engaged other quarters." "Where?" "I would like to tell you that it's none of your business," said Blair, "but that wouldn't prevent you from finding out. I'm going up town." And he gave the address, which the captain ostentatiously noted down. Having done this, he looked Blair in the eye and said: "I don't know whether you're going or not." "Make your mind easy," replied the doctor. "I am." "You're an important witness in this case," said the captain, "and I want you where 1 can get my hands on you." "Well, I'm not going far." The captain screwed up his queer eyebrows In his own peculiar fashion. "It's my opinion," said he, "that you're going to the house of detention." Blair looked uneasy, but he mustered a smile. "The house of detention Is for the poor," he said. "It is for people who will stand being imprisoned six months or a year for nothing without making any fuss about it." "You're poor enough, my friend," re plied the captain, "and I'll see that you don't make any fuss. I've got a story all fixed up that will keep you quiet." Blair let the lid of the trunk fall heavily and then sat down on top of it. "Well, you needn't tell me what it is," he said. "I'll take your word for it that it's a good one. In short, you in tend to ruin me in this town." The captain put his hand into his pocket in a way that made Blair nerv ous, but it was nothing more formida ble than a piece of chewing tobacco that appeared. Neale nodded slowly as he bit off a piece. "From the beginning of this case," said the doctor, "I have been totally unable to understand your game. What is it?" "My game," replied the captain, "is to take good care of Joseph Neale." "Well." said Blair, "what have 1 done to prevent it?" "Ever hear the story of the beggar who asked the professional charity man for a dime?" "I don't remember it," said the doc tor. "The charity man said: 'Go over on the other side of the street. I'm work ing this side.' " Blair appeared to ponder deeply upon the significance of this ancient tale in the present situation. "Look here," said the captain sud denly. "You saw Brenda Maclane com ing out of that house, and you had sense enough to keep still until you found out where you stood. That was all right. You found out, right away, what kind of a father she had, and you knew that your information was worth money. Now, don't jump. I've looked you up, and I've found out that you're not above that sort of thing. Very well; few of us are, but when you found out that I was 'on' you ought to have done one of two things—quit or let me iu." Blair drummed on the trunk with his fingers. "I thought you were after Alden," he said. "I'm after 'em both." "Do you still believe there's anything in Alden's story of money?" queried Blair, eying the other shrewdly. Neale nodded emphatically. "But we'll leave that for a minute," he said. "In the matter of Maclane I let you go on, merely showing you that I was keeping close track. I didn't suppose you'd jump so quick." "What do you mean?" The captain shook a big forefinger In Blair's face. "You went to Maclane's house last evening," he said. "Then you gave out that interview." And the big forefinger came very close to Blair's nose as the captain added, "How much did you get?" Blair's lean and deeply lined face was suddenly moistened with perspira tion. He sprang up sidewise from the trunk and walked around the far end of the table. "This Is getting personal," he said at last, with a nervous laugh that scarce ly passed beyond a contortion of the lips. "I'll make it personal for you, my friend," he said. "In fact, I'll land you behiud the bars before I'm done with you. This is blackmail." Blair laughed aloud. "Blackmail is a dreadful sin," he said, "and nobody knows it better than you do." Neale did not see fit to reply. He watched Blair carefully as the latter paced up and down gnawing his lips. "Captain," said the doctor, pausing suddenly and fa<-lug about, "bow much uiotic.v can you raise?" Ncaio's eyebrows tuok the shape of Inverted Vs. and beneath them his eyes li.oked like dots because of the contract ion in the corners. "AVhat are you trying to get at?" he demanded. "You mean something. What is it?" A sudden shivering seized Blair, so that his jaws eo tld be seen to shake. Indeed they could be heard. He cross ed to a locker on the wall, from which lie took a small bottle containing a thick and dark lluid. This he raised to his lips, shuddering at the taste'of it. But lie seemed to be benefited in the matter of self command. "Nerve medicine?" said Xeale. "I don't think you need it." "You told me," replied Blair slowly, "that I ought to quit or let you in. I've decided to do the latter." "Right!" said the captain, with em phasis. "How much did you get?" "The little money that I got from Maclane doesn't amount to anything," responded Blair. "I got something better." Neale stretched out his hand with a quick motion and laid it upon Blair's shoulder, to that individual's great sur prise. for he thought himself far out of reach. They stared at each other with equal intensity. "Can you be square?" said Blair as if he were consulting an oracle and not the man at whom be was looking. "Is there any way to make you? I believe there is. And you've got the money too." "I've always got plenty of money for a good thing." said Xeale. "Now, speak up. Did Alden tell Maclane?" Blair shook off the hand upon his shoulder by the exercise of great agili ty. and then he strode across the room to a desk, from which lie took a small blankbook and a stylographic pen. He opened the bcok upon the table and wrote his name on the first page, with a word or two after it; then he looked at Neale, holding the pen toward him. The captain nodded, and he also wrote in the book. Upon the page there then appeared this: ARTHUR GORDO.V BLAIR, | „ . , ... - Eoual Partners. JOSEPH NEALE, ) 1 "My friend," said the captain, "you ask me if I can be square. Well, there ain't nobody that can be squarer than what I can, and you'll find tbat out if you stick to me and don't try to get funny nor play no tricks." If Blair's acquaintance with Neale had been more intimate, be would have recognized sincerity in this re dundancy of negatives. The reporters who have followed Neale's career as sert that ho once put seven into ore short sentence while engaged in de nouncing a certain well known re former. As a rule, however, his lan guage was not grossly inaccurate. In this instance it was the ring of the words that appealed to Blair. He took up the book and wrote upon the page that bore the names, his position being such that the captain could not see what was set down. "Now, my esteemed business asso ciate," said Blair, laying down the book, "this Is the English of the mat ter—Alden has told Maclane where he was that afternoon and Maclane has told me. I didn't go up there to get the secret: I went for a little cold money. Circumstances had made it agreeable to me to put Miss Maclane out of this case, and as 1 was going to do it anyhow it occurred to me that I might as well be paid for it" "It's a pleasure to be iu business with a man like you," said Neale, with a grin. "How much was the touch?" "Only $2,000," replied Blair. "It is a loan. I told him a pitiful story of mis fortune and mentioned that I was being hounded by the police. Well, he's had a little of that himself. He sympathized with me, and when I said I wanted to move, take a better office and all that he very kindly consented to help me out. As to his daughter, I told him frankly that I believed she was the woman I had seen, but that I had no idea she was directly con cerned iu the crime. 1 believed that ehe had gone to that house, had seen c n i Jfyfe He looked at Neale. Alden there and that she knew him to be guilty; in short, that she was Aiden's accessory after the fact, making them joint holders of the secret and"— "Equal partners, as we are," said Neale. "Precisely," was the reply. "Such being the case, I could not become a third partner. In brief, I wouldn't give out that interview which you saw in the papers this morning until 1 was sure Alden was innocent." "Clever rascal!" said Neale. "It was a sudden Inspiration with me, I'll admit," responded Blair, "but it worked. Of course I was a long while getting at the facts, for at first he wanted me to take his word, which I gently but firmly declined to do. Then, in the strictest eoulideuce, he told me what I'm going to tell you now. "This Is a big thing," he continued, his face suddenly growing pale. "I'm afraid you can't raise the money to swing it, for it can't be done without money. That's why I'm laying myself open to you. It had to be somebody, and the devil sent you in." "I'm obliged to him," said Neale. "Go on." "Mr. Alden spent the critical time that afternoon," said Blair, "in the of fice of a gentleman named Marcellus Hobsou. Ever Lear of him?" "Lawyer?" "One of the smartest trust lawyers in this country and a man worth mil lions," said Blair. "And this is what Aldea was doing there: He has organ ized a combination of the companies in his line of business." "Alden has?" exclaimed Neale, amaz ed. "Yes, sir," responded Blair. "That man Alden, the head of a little, totter ing concern that is on the edge of bankruptcy, has got all the big fel lows iu line, and he stands to win millions in the closing of the deal. It's pouring money into this deal that has put his own business where It Is. He must wiu now or go to total ruin." "Well, what's going to stop him?" demanded Neale eagerly. "Where do we come in?" "He's" rounded them all up except the Holbein Manufacturing company of Newark," said Blair. "Without that company in, the thing breaks and Al den goes to smash. But on the day when he sent that note to Miss Miller, on the day when she was stabbed, Al den got a verbal agreement with the president of the Holbein company which practically clinched the thing. It clinched it except for just one chance —there's an option out on the Ilolbein business.- Some time ago a combination WHS made to buy the works, and a le gal option was taken. The price Is so,ooo. of which one-third must be paid In cash fear days from this pres ent date or the option is forfeited. It will be forfeited, John Y. Bowen, the banker, who was at the hflil of the combination, has died, and the whole thing has fallen through. The option is in the hands of Bowen's son, who has been trying *o push the thing along, but hps now dropped It. We must buy that option." "Why doesn't Alden buy It?" "He is making a gamble. If the op tion lapses, he can get the concern for half a million. The Holbein people know nothing of the trust scheme. They think Alden merely represents j capita l seeking an investment. They fire all old men in the company and willing to -ell out. But If new capital and new men get hold of the concern it can be forced into Alden's trust on a valuation of a clean million, and there's a profit of $400,000 for us." Nenle twisted a newspaper into rags with his gigantic hands. "This thing needs investigating," he i naid. "and there Isn't much time." "Investigating?" echoed Blair. "If old Duncan Maclane says it's all right, do you suppose there's anv doubt about it?" "Why doesn't he buy In?" queried Neale and then answered his own ques tion. "I see. He can't. He's got It confidential from \lden. It wouldn't 4o for him to show ur> with the proper ty. But you're talking big money, and we mustn't go too fast." "Don't you see," said Blair, speaking slowly, but in a voice thick with ex citement, "that all we've got to do Is to buy the option l Show un with that on Mie day before It «xpires, and you'll never *>ave to put up the $200,000 of purchase money. You'll only have to prove tliJit you can. Alden will have to settle at your own figures. If he does not, his game Is up. By heavens, we can take more than half the profits of this transaction right out of his hands." "But where'll Alden get the money to settle with us?" demanded the captain. "We can't take no promises." "That option closes the deal," said Blair. "With the deal closed, Alden cpn command all the money he wants, for the thing will go right Into the hands of a trust company to be flnanced." "Then why hasn't Alden bought the option himself? You say it's a gam ble"— "Not altogether that. Young Bowen, so Maclane said, hates Alden and has a suspicion of what's up. He has turned down certain parties because he sus pected Alden was back of them. But you can bring him to terms. All he'll want to know Is that you don't repre sent Alden." "If it's old John Y. Bowen's son," said Neale, with a smile, "I reckon I can fetch him. I happen to have a hitch or two there. He's a pretty live ly boy." "Then the thing Is as good as done," responded Blair. Neale took a turn around the room. "I'll go and see Bowen this after noon," he said, "and if this thing works I'll make Alden holler. I'm no friend of his after that little affair the other day. This will cut that honeymoon Journey of his down a trifle, I'm think ing, when little Elsie Miller gets welL By the way. Blair, you owe me a thou sand." Blair took an enormous, ragged pock etbook from the inside of his waist coat aud paid the money. Then he re traced the wallet and showed Neale the additional writing that he had put into the blankbook. Above the part nership agreement was this: For the purchase of the Uolbein Manufacturing company and further operations on Information furnished by A. Q. B. "I don't see how you happen to be poor," said Neale, regarding the other genially. Blair ground his hands together. "It's the start," he said, "the cursed money to make the first move. 1 never could get these ten talons on it." "There's something in that," rejoined Nenle. "I hope you've got a safe place for that book. 1 shouldn't care to have It printed In the newspapers after this game is over. I've got a pretty strong )nit, but it won't stand everything." Blair went back to the desk, which was a heavy, old fashioned affair, and locked up the book in one of the draw ers. "And now, mv friend," said Neale, "one final word. If you play any games with me, I'll do a trick with you that will wind you up. 1 have it on the quiet that this Miller girl Is going to die. Now. I've been turning up a little evidence, making most of it myself out of the raw goods, of course, and I can make evidence that would hang a man for a murder committed before he was born. How would you like to have me figure you out as the man that did this deed V" The breath went out of Blair's body as if some one had struck him in the regiou of his solar plexus. "You're crazy!" lie gasped. Nenle laughed softly "1 went through her trunk," he said, "and got some notes that you wrote to her awhile ago It isn't generally known that you were so well acquaint ed " "lsu't generally known?" echoed Blair. "Why not? I lived in that house for awhile. Certainly 1 knew her aud took her out to dinner a few times. But. holy heavens, why should 1 want to kill her?" "Well." said Neale. "there's the mon ey." "Nonsense! You know where the money went, and you know who com mitted this crime." "I'erhaps 1 do," responded Neale, with a grin; "but at any rate, please remember that I have acted in your in terests throughout." Bla:r took him by the topmost button of his sack coat. "In the interests of Joseph Neale," be said. "My interests and those of Justice haven't bothered you much. Why, this case reminds me of the old college football games 20 years ago. Somebody kick id the ball once, and then the boys began to fight, and no body paid any attention to the ball aft er that. Usually some mucker from Ea*t Cambridge stole it, and the loss wasn't discovered till after the game was over." "The football being the criminal, eh," said Neale. •"Just nominally a part of the proceedings? Well, there may be something in whft you say." And he grinned serenely as he walk ed backward toward the door. {TO BE COMTINriD.} A DETAIL OF SPRAYING. An Ineruluui Homemade Device For AKttatlnit the Liquid. The agitators now In use are far from perfect or satisfactory, especially upon long, flat tanks, and unless they are continually watched unequal dis semination Is likely to result. It Is not to be forgotten tljfit the liquid must be kept in motion throughout the tank. It Is not alone necessary that a current be created near or around the opening into tlie pump. For this reason the whirl ing paddle is perhape the best, espe cially if constructed with tilted blades, something like a screw propeller. It is a common practice nowadays to attach a paddle to the pump handle, so that the agitation may be maintained with every stroke of the operator. At first sight this seems to be a good plan, but It Is really a mistake. If the paddle is a satisfactory one, the labor to keep it going will be far too great when added to that of pumping, and in consequence AGITATOR FOB A BFBAY BABBKL. the one will interfere with the other. Therefore it Is uot best to attempt to couple the two motions. Paris green, when used alone, is per haps the only material which requires continual agitation, and that, in the opinion of the writer, is a serious ob- Jectiou to its use, now that lighter grained poisons have been found which settle much more slowly and conse quently do not need continuous agita tion. If we omit parls green from con sideration, the liquids now in general use can be sufficiently stirred at short Intervals, best while the rig is moving from one tree to another. A separate agitating device Is therefore preferable. The operator can do more with the few vigorous turns he Is then able to give the agitator than is possible when the motion Is dependent on the pump handle. On large, flat tanks it Is prac tically impossible to keep up a suffi cient pressure and thorough agitation with the same stroke by hand. Two or three paddles are necessary, depend ing, of course, upon the length of the tank. These can be connected to a lever on top, a few vigorous strokes of which, at intervals, will suffice to keep lip a very thorough dissemination through the tank, says A. V. Stuben rach of the Illinois station in a recent report dealing with Important details of spraying. DWARF TOMATOES. Merita and Method of Forcing Under Glasa—Varieties Tested. Dwarf tomatoes when trained to one stem are believed to have great merit as a greenhouse crop. The requisites for forcing dwarf to matoes under glass are practically the same as for the tall growing varieties— a night temperature of not less than GO degrees, with 70 degrees or more during the day. The soil should never get very dry, and the house, as a gen eral thing, should be kept moist. The house adapted for forcing dwarf tomatoes trained to one stem should have considerable space overhead, rang ing about eight feet. Almost any good fertile greenhouse soil is good for dwarf tomatoes. Add liquid manure as the plants continue to bear. From data at hand the dwarfs come to maturity fully as early as the tall growing or standard tomatoes and on account of their dwarf habit continue in bearing for a much longer period, with 'equal productiveness, before reaching the glass. All three varieties tested did well. Named in order of productiveness in the test, they were as follows: La Cross Seedling, Dwarf Champion and Golden Dwarf Champion. A rather stiff trellis, like that made from narrow board strips, is believed )o be preferable to cord or string trellis for training the dwarf tomatoes. Hand pollination is thought neces »ary for best results. The new method rdopted by which the corolla and sta mens are removed and used to polli nate directly is believed to save much time and simplify the work of hand pollination. Where tall growing varieties of to matoes, like the Lorillard, can be made if success dwarf tomatoes under simi lar conditions and trained to one stem, we believe, will be found much more productive, area for area, and hence more profitable, when time Is taken In to consideration. —F. William Rane, New Hampshire. Effect of Dishorning. One writer In Rural New Yorker claims that by dishorning bis calves with caustic potash and using a dis horned bull for feu years past he has found the quality of his herd, high grade Jersey, to have deteriorated very much, and the poorest ones are those that have been dishorned and are from dishorned stock on both sides. FOR SAN JOSE SCALE. Keroiiene and Whale Oil Soap as ttcil at the Maryland Station, Experiences at the Maryland station are thought to teach the following les sons In regard to spraying for San Jose scale: Perhaps the most important fact de veloped relates to the disastrous re- Bults of spraying peach trees with a 20 per cent kerosene mixture when they are perfectly dormant. A 20 percent imxture%o | Vkeroßene , N0.15 an«l water thoroughly applied between the middle or latter part of Marcji and tlie blossoming period gave generally satisfactory results. The tolmcco whale oil soap solutions are likely to seriously Injure the foli age if used sufficiently strong to de stroy Che adult scale. A mixture of one |>ouiid of soap to six gallons of wa ter and 10 per cent kerosene gave good results. Five per cent kerosene bas very little effect on the scale; 10 per cent kills the young and some adults; 15 per cent kills the most of the insects; 20 per cent evidently destroys all the Saff Jose scale with which It comes In con tact. Inasmuch as 20 per cent Is ef fective, there seems to be no necessity. | for applying any stronger mixtures. Five per cent kerosene Is not likely to injure the foliage; 10 per cent may cause slight injuries to the foliage; 15 i per cent anil 20 per cent may produce an increasing amount of Injury over the 10 per cent, but not in proportion i to the increased amount of kerosene used. Trees that are weak from any cause are more likely to be Injured by the different proportions of kerosene than go ml, strong trees are. The danger from kerosene used suf ficiently strong to destroy San Jose scale, applied any time except when i the trees are dormant, is insignificant In comparison to the danger from the ; scale. Kerosene in a 20 per cent mixture , and stronger is much more destructive to peach trees applied when the spray will freeze to the trees than when the i weather is warmer. ' Practically the same results are ob tained when kerosene was applied dur ing cloudy weather as when applied in bright sunny weather. Why Not Etch the Garden ToolaT It is a very frequent source of an noyance in the country and suburbs to find that spades and other garden im plements get lost, either because they are mislaid and, bearing no name, can not be returned to their owners or on account of the action of unscrupulous persons. This, of course, could easily be avoided and often is by stamping the name of the owner on the article, but unless an iron brand is possessed it is difficult to do this on the wood work. Cutting the initials is a long and unsatisfactory process. Under these circumstances, therefore, one is sur prised that the name Is not more fre quently put on the metal part, as, for Instance, at the back on the upper part of the spade Itself. This could easily be done by spreading beeswax over the metal, scratching through the initials and pouring nitric acid into the mold so made. The thicker the beeswax, and consequently the more nitric acid which can be left on, the greater the depth of the etching. A Light, Eaar Working Saw, The saw shown in the accompany ing illustration is one that I made my self, but did not have it patented, says an American Agriculturist correspond ent. Since manufacturing it I have used It extensively and consider it the fin est working tool that can be produced for the purpose. I have tried all of OUTLINE OF HANDY SAW. them and know what I am talking abont For pruning it is very satisfac tory, as it works easier and is lighter than any other saw I know of. As a family meat saw it Is Just as good as any butcher's saw. It can be used for almost any purpose. Wood Aahes. Save all the wood ashes and keep them dry. There is nothing better to use on cucumber, melon and squash vines. Put them on the hills when you plant and also when the vines are well up above ground. They act as a fertilizer, as they furnish potash and will aid in fighting the bugs that so often destroy the young plants. Wood ashes are also valuable in preventing dry rot among tomatoes. Mixed thor oughly with the soil before transplant ing the young tomatoes, they will be found a very good and valuable pre ventive of dry rot.—Farm Journal. Echoes From the Press. The past season's experience has conclusively shown the cauliflower crop to be the most uncertain of any on Long Island. There is a fair outlook for green peas. One of the very best apples for ex port purposes is the York Imperial. Iceburg Is a very early, tender let tuce, adapted to sowing in the open ground. Let everything in the garden be plant ed In long rows. The long rows make It possible for us to do most of the work with a horse. Onion seed for growing, according to the new onion culture, may be sown at the close of March. Peppers may be sown late In March. Plant peas as soon as the ground can be worked. Sow spinach for an early crop. Not Worth Mentioning:. Financier—Putting through that rail road deal netted me $200,000. Wife—Your friend lost by it, didn't he? "All he had. But, then, he only had |20,000." —Brooklyn Life. Savages, so far as known, are ex empt from cancer. Kept Her Eyes Open. The first appearance on the stage of Mrs. Kendal was at the early age of five years. She played the part of a blind child and frankly confessed that Lit was not a success. Unwisely she had been given a pair of new shoes for the performance, and so great was the child's delight in these that nothing could induce her to keep her eyes shut, us she should have done, and refrain from taking stray peeps at her beau tiful, shiny footgear. What Be Saw. Ad Irish teamster went to bis parish priest in a great fright and told him that he had seen a ghost on the church wall as he passed it in the night. "And what was it like?" asked the priest "It was like nothing so much as a big ass," said Patrick, wild eyed. "Go home, Pat, and be easy," replied the priest soothingly. "You've only seen your own shadow." Salt Litlte City Water. There is flowing water in all the streets of Salt Lake City, and little creeks and rivulets run through many of the yards of private houses. At nearly every street corner there is a flowing fountain. The city's water sup ply tumbles down from the snow cap ped mountains into streams of crystal white, shining and cold as iQp.