A Nightmare Gives point to the fact that excessive or irregular eating disturbs the digestion. Nightmare or night hag has it's day time correspondence in the undue fullness after eating, with the belchings and sour or bitter rising so often experienced after too hasty or too hearty eating. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and its allied organs of diges tion and nutrition. When these diseases are cured, the whole body shares in the increased strength derived from food properly digested and perfectly assimil ated. "Your Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy have been of great benefit to me." writes (Prof.) Pleasant A. Oprer. of Viola, Fulton Co., Ark. "Before I used the above mentioned remedies my sleep was not sound ; digestion bad: a continued feeling of miserv. I now feel like a new man. Any one in need of medical treatment for nasal catarrh conld do no better than to take treatment of Dr. R. V. Pierce. I know his medicines arc all right in this class of diseases." Sometimes a dealer tempted -by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines will offer the cus tomer a substitute as being "just as good" as the "Discovery." It is better for him beoause It pcys better, but it is not as good for you, if you want the medicine that haa cured others, and which you believe will cure you. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. A Medicine for Old People. Rev. Geo. Gay, Greenwich, Kas., is past 83 years of ape, yet he says: "I am enjoying excellent health for a man of my age, due entirely to the rejuven ating influence! of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It brings sleep and rest when nothing else will, ami gives strength and vital ity even to one of my old age." "I am an old soldier," writes Mr. Geo. Watson, of Newton, la, "and I have been a great sufferer from nervousness, vertigo and spinal trouble. Have spent considerable money for medicine and doctors, but with little benefit I was so bad my mind showed signs of weak ness. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine, and I know it saved mv life." MUM- Nervine Saved me from the insane asy lum," Mrs. A. M. Heifner, of Jerico Springs, Ma, writes. "I was so nerv ous that I could scarcely control my self, could not sleep nor rest, would even forget the names of my own children at times. I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine and it helped me from the first, and now I am perfectly well." Beld by all Druggists on Guarantee. Dr. MIIM Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. - SPECIFICS A. A. I FEVERS. Congestions, Inßamma ccua S tions, Luna Fever, Milk Fever. B. B. I SPRAINS. Lameness, Injuries, CURES ( Rheumatism. C. C. i SORB THROAT, Qnlnav. Epizootic, cma i Distemper, » E.E.I COUGHS. Colds. Influenza, Inflamed COaaaSLunc*. Pleuro-Pneumonla. F.F.I COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown, ccass j Diarrhea, Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. } KIDNEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. ? SKI!* DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions. CUBES 1 fleers. Grease, Farcy. J. K, iBAD CONDITION. Staring Coat, cnua slndigestion, Stomach Staggers. - (Ha. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, *c v $7. At druggists or aent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William « John Bta. Hew York. VrrtaisAßT MAOTAI. BKMT Faaa. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKYESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only Successful remedy. $1 per viator special package with powder,for $5 Sold by Drugffiata, or seat pott-paid on receipt of price. HCftFURKYS'XKD. CO., Car.ffllUMi * iohm SU., Sew lark ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which ia agree ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists ■ell the 60c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquid! into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, 1, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the ■preying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. THE SONG YOU WANJ w They Died for Liberty OR The Biddle Brothers Fate * FOR SALE BY W. R. Newton THE PIANO MAN. At 217 ce r\ts. 317 South Main St., Butler, Pa. SOMETHING NEVV^> In the photograph line can be seen at the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please all who want an artistis picture Stop in and see them. Novelties for Ho'iday trade now ready. Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. P. O B d'«r, Hutler Brauchea—Mars and Bvans City. SHROVE TUESDAY JOKES. !*ec«ltar Ideas of Hntnor Poiataud by Two French Klngi. In all countries where Lent Is kept— except in ltussin, where Ash Wednes day is not observed—Shrove Tuesday, the last day before the beginning of tho penitentia season, has been given over to mummings, sports and practical Jokes. In both England and Scotland, In which latter place the day is known as Fastens een, it was in times past a great holiday for the apprentices and working classes generally. A grewsome Joke was played by Louis XI. one Shrove Tuesday when at night he ordered hi 9 guards to rouse the sleeping villagers near and bring them to the castle. From almost ev ery tree in the sunounding wood. It is said, a dead body dangled, and to the music of his fiddlers Louis compelled the villagers to take a gibbeted corpse for partner und dance before it tili morning. Those who had husbands, sweethearts or relatives among the dead were forced to have them for partners. Later Chai'les IX. enjoyed a practical Joke at Shrovetide that was less grim in its character, secretly giving ten of the most skillful pickpockets in Paris full leave to steal whatever they could without beftg found out at the carni val ball. Louis himself enjoyed their dexterity and the dismay of those who missed their jewels, swords, gir dles and other valuables. An Early Prei> Agent. Though absurd wagers, often Incon veniencing other people, are now sometimes made, they are not so prev alent as in the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth centuries. The absurdity of a wager made by some persons in 174 D is only equaled by the credulity of tho multitude. On Jan. 16 of that year, according to wide spread announcements, a person would play on a walking cane at the Hay market theater the music of every in , strument, get into a quart bottle and •while there sing several songs, at the same time permitting any spectator to handle the bottle. The theater could hold but a small proportion of the im mense crowd, but the performer did not appear. Some person behind the curtain announced that if the audience would remain there until the next morning instead of going into a quart bottle he would get into a pint one. But, though the multitude had faith in the quart, the pint bottle was too much. A riot ensued, and the interior of the theater was destroyed.—London Chronicle. Save Tour Eyes. If your eyesight is good, take care of It. Look away off yonder every time you feet to the bottom of a page in reading. If it is defective, let no fool ish pride prevent you from wearing the proper glasses. There is no sense in handicapping yourself in life when a piece of glass before each eye will make your vision as good as it possibly can be. The ocu list will not advise you to wear glasses if you do not need them any more than he will prescribe a drug you do not need. Plenty of people, though, do not know that they have defective sight because they have never really seen at all. They have headaches, inflamed eyes, sties, even much graver troubles, from the strain of trying to see with eyes that were put up wrong. There are cases where homicidal insanity has been completely cured when im paired vision has been corrected.— Harvey Sutherland in Ainslee's Maga zine. A Scriptural Male. "I'll be ready for you in a minute," said the old colored farmer to the sheriff; "dez ez soon ez I feeds Solo mon." "Who's Solomon?" "He's my mule, suh. Dat what he name is." "Why did you give blm that name?" "Kaze he de wises' mule in de coun ty, suh, en he t'inks dat fast travelln' is all wanity en wexatiou er sperrit, thus fulfillin' de book er Proverbs!"— Atlanta Constitution. Failed to Catch the Tone. A professor in an old Pennsylvania college was conducting a review in Latin. Of a sleepy looking youth he asked the question, "What construc tion is that at the top of page twelve?" "I don't know," was the prompt re ply. "Why not?" thundered the professor. "I have been harping on that construc tion all term." "I know you have, professor," was the soft reply, "but I haven't caught the tune yet." Noted Postmen. The native runner postmen of Natal are strikingly picturesque when on business bent With their sandaled feet and headdress of dried leaves, which rattle as they run, and a mili tary greatcoat, underneath which is a garment called the mucetu, they travel for miles at a Jog trot at four miles an hour and receive as payment $5 a month. Won (he Crowd. Charley Burley, the abolitionist, in the midst of an antislavery speech was struck by a decayed egg full in the face. Pausing to wipe away the con tents of the missile, he said calmly, "I have always contended that proslavery arguments were very unsound." The crowd roared, and he was no longer molested. It may be better to be born lucky than rich, but no one can be sure about it for the reason that he who Is born rich is lucky.—Saturday Evening Post. The egotist could die happy if he thought he could deliver his own funer al oration. Music In a Barber's Shop. If we go from the gentleman's par lor to the barber's shop of the six teenth century, we find unmistakable evidences of the popularity of music. People would seem to have had more time in those days than now and do not appear to have minded waiting as much as brisker moderns, and so the barber provided means to amuse those who were waiting their turn. For this purpose he had the virginals In one corner, tho virginal being a stringed instrument, the precursor of our piano, in which by pressing keys like our pi ano keys the strings were struck not by a hammer, as in our piano, but by a quill or elastic piece of wood, of leath er or of metal. A virginal of Eliza beth's time is still preserved In the South Kensington museum In Eng land.— Llpplncott's. Government Clocks. Scattered throughout the various Washington departments are hundreds of clocks and chronometers, which cost the government annually thousands of dollars. The chronometers are the most expensive clocks in existence, and they are to be found on board every war ship of the United States. These time pieces cost S4OO each. The ones most jonsuited are those in the marble room wf the senate and in the speaker's lobby of the bouse. Hundreds of people dally correct their watches by them. Guerrilla Warfare. The word guerrilla is Spanish aud 1 first came into common use in this country during the time of the penin sular war; but Spain throughout her long history has always been recogniz ed as the country most Ideally suited for guerrilla tactics. There is no re gion in Europe in which it is more diffl cult to wage successful war. "If the army of Invasion is small, it is defeat ed: it it ia large, it starves." Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1902. NAME CLASS ADDRESS ADAMS TWP. Beringer HH. store. Myoma, Irvine C B, " Callsry, Irvine C B. Junction Pharmacy, drugs. Leonard Mrs B, cigars, Murray P H, cigars Shannon J F, store Strable & Wasson, coal Newhouse & Godard, millinery, ' Thomas J H, store Windhorst F C, store, Downeyville. ALLEGHENY TWP. Meek James, store, Bonus, Parks E C. store. Six Points Schell J D. store. Crawfords Corners BRADY TWP. Clutton Miss E J, store, West Liberty Hines W P, store McCurdy Wal. store, Elora Robinson W W. store. Pump Staaf John, confection. West Liberty, Wick J S, store, Pump BUFFALO TWP. • Cramer Ray W, store, Silverville Clowes C E, cigars, Freeport Drane Philip, phospate, Sarversville Watson Wm, lumber Witte W H, store, Wilkewitz Godfrey, store BUTLER TWP. Emerick W J, store, Butler Stoner C & G, store Dickson B C, store CENTRE TWP. Borland JW. store, McCandlass Fleeger A F, store, Holman Dr A, drugs Miller D C, store CHERRY TWP. Bolinger A. confectionery, Coaltown Elliott H W, store Fogal V, store Graham W J, store, Moniteau McCoy John F & Co, store. Anandale Porter Belle M, cigars, Bovard Tannahill Lillie, millinery, Anandale Magee A J. feed, Bovard Welsh James, store, Coaltown CLEARFIELD TWP. Fennell Peter, store, Fennelton Krause Robt & Sons, store, Coylesville Sipe W J & Bro, store, Fennelton CLINTON TWP. Anderson R J, store. Flick Harvey James, phosphate, Ekastown Harvev John &IN, " Riddles x Roads Hay TA, phosphate. Ivy wood Hay D A, cigars Kennedy T G, store Snider S, cigars. Riddle x Roads Snider W H, buggies Marshall W S, store Thompson John, store Ivy wood Thompson Charles, cigars, Moore S C, lumber Wood W, store, Riddles x Roads CONNOQTTENESSING TWP. Kneiss F E, store. Whitestown Sarver F M, store, Buttercup CLAY TWP. Arthurs J B, store, Euclid Recker Walter, store, Clatonia Stepp Harry, phosphate, Euclid Sherwin S, store, Sherwin Wick H B, store, Clatonia CONCORD TWP. Balsinger & Stewart, store. Magic Kuhn John R, store. Hooker Kuhn W H & Bro, store, Larimore John, store. Magic Mark well Frank, Greece City McCleary Jos R, cigars", Magic CRANBERRY TWP. Frantz John, store Ogle Garvin & Son, store Hendrickson A G, store " Meeder Geo, seed Kershler And, Implements Wagner H E, store, Trail DONEGAL TWP. Cate H S, store, Greer Griffen F A, store, Rattigan Graham J H, store, St. Joe FRANKLIN TWP. Watson Wm & Son, store, Isle Watson Wm & Son, store, Mt Chestnut FAIRVIEW TWP. Day W P, store Peachville English & Whitney, hardware " Richards B H, cigars FORWARD TWP. Bradley W H, store, Carr, Rex L A, coal " Schilling Alex, store, Reibold Star key D, store, Zeno JACKSON TWP. Kirker S D, feed, Harmony Snitzel M A, store, Eidenau JEFFERSON TWP. Hartenstein L, store. Great Belt Lang W M. saddlery " Monrag .1 E, hardware, Jefferson Centre Oneal M, store, Great Belt Smith W B & Son,store Jefferson Ceutre Schroth L J, cigars " MIDDLE LANCASTER. Metz A E & Son,store, Middle Lancaster Laderer J A, store " MIDDLESEX TWP. Brown Ed, store Glade Mills Cooper & Croft, store Cowan Ed, meat " Cowan Charles, store " McFann L R, store, McFann Miller J H, cigars Glade Mills Marks & Whitesidee, store " Snider J A, buggies " Shintag Chas, harness " MARION TWP. Bailey Jus, storf, Slipperyrock Baldien Herman, hardware, Boyer Goruiely J H, store, Murrinsville Kerr A P, confections, Boyer Mahold Wm, store, Murrinsville Middendorf H J, store, Boyer Sproull Bros, feed " Sisney L J, store " MERCER TWP. Bovai'l Jas C& Sons,lumber,Forestville DeMarch F, cigars " Oweus E L, store " Shields Fannie, store " MUDDYCREEK TWP. Fisher C L, store, Rose Point Neely M L, store, Piano • OAKLAND TWP. Ball Geo, store, North Oakland Badger S B, store, Sonora Flick O A, store, St. Joe PENN TWP. Bowser R M & Son, store, Renfrew Brown A B, notions, " Doutett A M, store, Brownsdale Fiock Amos, confections, Butler Hoon L S, meats Renfrew, Kennedy Wilson, cigars, " Kirkpatrick Bros, store, " Noel & Bagg, store " Price Bros, hardware " Renfrew Drug Co, drugs " ' Roberts D W & Son, coal " Sntton A D, store, Meharg Wise W H, store, Leota Winters F J, phosphate, Meharg Watson A R, cigars, Renfrew PARKER TWP. Allen W S, store, Glenora Black W C & D H, store, Bruin Dennison B E, drugs " Fisher John W, store " Howard J C, store, Parkers Landing Luce W F, store. Bruin Morgan Jas A. store, Parkers Landing Orr J H, store Bruin Orr Jas W, store " SLIPPERYROCK TWP. Adams E H, store. Wick Hindman W J. store, Branchton Hall Amos, store, " Keister Mrs Matilda, store " Perry R C, store, Wick SUMMIT TWP. Carter A J, store. Carbon Centre Dittmer JJ, store Herman Limberg F W, store " VENANGO TWP. Eakin C A, store, Eau Claire Jamison & Co, store, Ferris Jamison W C, store, Eau Claire Kohlmeyer G F, store De Sale Miller A O, store " Miller & Wilson, hardware " McDonald Mrs R A.millinery,Eau Claire McCandless & Eakin, furniture " Turner C C & M Co, coal, Ferris Stickle W P, harness, Eau Claire WINFIELD TWP. Cooper W II & Co, store, West Winfield i Denny Flavins, store, Leasnreville Denny & Hutzler, store, West Winfield | Falkner LN, hardware, Carbon Black j Keasey H C, lumber " Keasey Webster, lumber " Krause & Freehling, hardware " Krause A & Son, store Smith & Logan, store Schwartz Jacob,clothing. West Winfield WASHINGTON TWP. Altmire Mrs L, store Billiards Anderson Mrs Eliz Black A J, feed Cook T E, store, Shira Dunn Mariah, store, Argentine Graham J P. store, Hilliard Mifflin & Mifflin, store, North Hope Moore & Moore, store McCaskev Mrs M, store. Shira McNamee T L. store Hilliard McKee & Co. hardware Seaton Herman, cigars, North Hope Thompson I N. drags, Thompson E C, store Hilliard Turnbull Robert, cigars Williamson J A, hardware, North Hope WORTH TWP. Cnmley G W, store. Wimerton ! Cnrrie Martha M, cigars, Elmbud Gardner W F, store, Jacks ville Reichart M, store CONNOQUENESSING T\VP. Armstoad Geo S.store.Connoqnenessing Barnhart R & Son. store Christie J L. drugs " Nicklas & Mechling, store Pnrviance J T & W A, store Steen & Rose, feed CENTERVILLE BORO. * AttweTlM J& Co,millinery,Slipperyrock Bard & Son, store Bartz Peter, candy Bolton & Sheiver, store Bingham F P. hardware Bingham John P. implements " Clntton Frank, drugs Chandler E F. stationery Forester F L, Lumber Keistef L D, furniture Kerr & Gibson, store May bury & Co, gents furnishing Morrison S L. feed McQuistion & Martin, meat Nuttall Mrs L A, millinery Rhodes L M. saddlery Roberts J M. implements Sneathen & Ramsey, store Still wagon J N, harness Stoops & Coulter, store Williamson O N, jewelry Über & Son furniture Watson & Williams, candy EVANSBURG BORO. Barkey Enos, feed and coal, Evans City Barto David, shoes Burrv & Markle, hardware Dumbach Ed, lumber Dombart Geo D, store. Dumbar B W. store Eber B H, store Eidelstein H. junk Green Jas, store Helm J J. harness Hyle Bros & Young, furniture " Hudson Robt. store Ifft Geo & Son, store Kinsey J C, harness Long M J, tobacco List J M. drugs Lynch Charles, confectionery Miller E F, feed Miller Charles, cigars Marburger, meat Nickolaas Bros, store Oil Well Sap Co, hardware " Peffer Fred, music Ripper J A, stationary Smathers A J, store Schofield & Meyers.gents furnh'g " Shoup L E, hardware Thomas J D, drugs Wahl W, cigars Zemon D, store FAIRVIEW BORO. Adams John, cigars, Baldwin Hawn W C, store McClure Mrs S M, millinery Scott C; store Templeton S H, store HARRISVILLE BORO Borland Bros, store Harrisville Brown R L, furniture " Brown W E, meat Curry J E store Cummings L R, meat Elrick R E, drugs Humphrey D W & Co, store Morrison W L, store " Morrison J H, harness Kelly H A. hardware ' Snyder Charles, store *' Stein Mrs B, millinery ' Williamson J N, store " HARMONY BORO. Barnhart J J, drugs Harmony Bame H W, store Beam S A. cigars Bojer ERR, cigars Boyer Levi, medicines Eppinger A. store Foehinger Fred, hardware " Harmony Milling Co, feed " Harmony Cereal Co, feed Kirker S D, feed Milliman & Bro. store Miller Jas, jewelry Oil Well Sup Cc, hardware '• Purdum F E, store " Swain G D & Co store " Winters Ed, hardware Webster & Atterbury, hardware " Wise H M, lumber " Zeialer O W & Co, furniture Ziegler Nonh, -meat Zeigler L N, cigars " KAHNS CITY BORO. Burke F K. store. Karus City Deiter 'Mrs C store Kelly W S, meats " McGill Geo A, hardware " Shira & Wallace, drugs •' Shira & Wallace, hardware " Wersh John, store " MARS BORO. Boyd W D, store Mars Brown j M, Btore Craig Hardware 00, hardware " Crum A, store. ('lark J S, lumber Davis J S, bakery Dnncan & Dunlap, feed File Charles, jewelry .lordon & Co, store Kearus W C, confectionery Kerr & Sons, drugs Kerr L E, store Lvdic & Co, store Link & Marshall, feed and coal " Levy B. Clothing Miles John E, cigars Viiles Thos H. cigars Miller John Pa. store, Nippach A. meat, Patterson J I, drags Redic S W, oil well supply Shannon W L. store Snyder Louis, junk Walters H W, harness, Zeigler Al, hardware Zeigler & Brown, shoes MILLERSTOWN BORO. Blackman C S, drugs Chicora Campbell W W, store DeWolfe W L, drugs Davis D J, cigars Davis D J, wall paper Deiter W M, store Frankle S B, store Fetzer G F, clothing Forqner B F, cigars Frederick & Co. lumber Glass Geo, store Gephardt E A, candy Grieffe & Shaffer, meats Hoch Bros, hardware Hoch A A, cigars Harris Miss A M, millinery Harwitz Louis, store Harwitz Louis, junk Hays E F & Son, hardware Johnston C H, shoes Johnston C H, hardware James W E, harness Lackey W E, cigars Litzinger H C, store McMichael Miss E, millinery Pfaff Bros, coufactionery Scharbach C, jewelry Teske Mrs C, notions Westerman Bros, store , " Warner C A, stationery PROSPECT BORO. Bowers A, drugs Prospect Critchlow Bros, store Dick F E, meat Glenn J G. furniture Hunter P L, cigars McCleary E L, store Milliman F D, hardware Riddle W R & Co, store Scott J C, hardware Wilson Miss M E, millinery PORTERSVILLE BORO. Brenneman D J, store, Portersville Brenneman J S, cigars Coovert A B, millinery " Courtney J C " Danu W H, saddlery Heberling Jennetta, millinery " Heberlinu Henry, hardware Humphrey Wm & Son, store " Hay J W. drugs McDonald Geo B, store McDonald Geo B & Co, furniture " j PETROLIA BORO. Brown Mrs S R, millinery Petrolia , j Campbell Asa J S, meat i Chesebro E P, store ' Denholm T. store English R E, hardware Erwin Mrs John, pigars " Fritz F M. cigars Foster W C, drugs Foster W C, shoes 't J Hawk J M & Son, store Stoughton W R, store Smith J D, store Yeager S. junk SAXONBURG BORO. Bowman Charles, oil Saxonburg Helmbold Mrs Theo & Son, store Horn Cora, millinery Krause T & Co. store Krause T, cigars Mershon Dr E B, drugo Maurhoff G W, store, Muder H A, furniture Schroth Mrs C, oysters Schroth Wm & Sen, harness Steubgen Bros, meats Schintig Mrs Lizzie, store Raabe Mrs O M,cigars VALENCIA BORO. Barr J C, store Valencia Glasgow W A, hardware Perry J D. store Rhodes M E, store Stoups Bros, hard ware WEST SUNBURY BORO. Braden & Conway, store, West Sunbury Brown P P. harness Campbell M L, store Donaldson Wm. cigars Hindman H C & Co.drugs Mechling Martha, furniture " Phoenix Milling Co, feed Rhodes & Russell, store Steindorf Bros, hardware Sloan W A, jewelry IIEUENOPLE BORO. Blum John, shoes Zelienople Bumgardner W M, hardware " Bastain D G, hardware Dindinger C L & N R, store Doutt Bros, store Dodds V J, store Fishkorn F A, hardware Goehring Bros, feed and coal " Graham & Ogilvie, cigars Gibson J A.confection Householder Geo, implements ' Hartung Alb, harness lift John & Co, lumber Kaufman Mrs Mary, shoes Kline Mrs A L. millinery King Geo, confection Kocher C B, feed Luch Frantz F, cigars Lauten E F. meat Linenbrink Mrs E C.millinery Meeder A H & Co. store McKimm H A, tobacco Marshall A S. hardware Passavant C S, store Rumbaugh D M, cigars Reibold Jacob, music.instra Reed C E. drugs Stokey H W, effears Seaton A & Son, lumber Winter Albert, jewelry Zehuer Edwin, furniture Zehner Fred, feed " BUTLER BORO. —Butler P. O. Aiken D L, store, 317 Centre Ave Allen J Wes, tobacco, 119 N Main St Anderson B C,confect'y, 103 Centre Ave Arlington Hotel, cigars, 220 S Main St Bayonet V, store, 131 Shott St Balph J F, drags, 229 and 231 S Main St Boyd C N, drugs. Diamond Block Beihl C, store, cor 3rd and Brady Beihl Henry, hardware, 122 N Main St Bickel John, shoes, 126 S Main St Bowman Hotel, cignrs. Centre Ave Boos Jacob, store, 348 S Main St Brown & Co, furniture, 136 N Main St Brackney C L, store, 327 North St Bruel D & E,millinery,23s E Jefferson St Butler Hide & Fur Co, hides, 333 E Jefferson St Butler Lnbrioating-Oil Co, oils, 119 W Jefferson St Burton T H. clothing, 118 S Main St Bowser & Son, meat, West Jefferson St Bracken F E, farm machinery, 541 Mifflin St Bovard & Seyfang M'f'g Co, hardware, 101 W Jefferson St Branisco C. cigars. 348 E Jefferson St Cavalier B, fruit. Centre Ave Cavalier Palos. fruit, 99 Centre Ave Campbell J E, store, 104 Centre Ave Campbell J G & W, hardware, 210 S Main St Campbell A A, furniture, 337 S Main St Cleeland D L, jewelry, 125 S Main St Courtney T W. store, 109 Ceutre Ave Conrad J W, store, 162 Race 3t Colbert Harvey, hats furs, 130 S Main St Connell & Grout, variety, 120 S Main St Cypher Geo A & Co, hardware. 121 S Main St Connell RJ, cigars. 106 E Jefferson St Cavalier Joseph, fruit and candy. 344 E Jefferson St, Centre Ave Pharmacy, drugs, 310 Centre Ave Cohn A If, juuk. 210 Elm St Dunn J P, cigars, 113 E Jefferson St Dickson B C, store, Butler Divis E Otto, music, North Diamond DeArme W H, store, 347 S Main St Davidson & Gilgrist, store, 354 E Jeff St Douglass ,T H, wall paper, 241 S Main St Doutnett & Graham, clothing, 149 S Main St Dunn J N, store, 130 W Jefferson St Daffy Charles, store. 127 N Main St Dean A H, store, 229 West St Donaldson J B. store. cor Lincoln aud Lookout Ave Eichenlaub M A, cigars 340 E Jeff St Eh titer J A, store. 240 Second St Evth B<*os, wall paper, 251 S Main Sr Fisher W A. store, 257, S Main St Godwin Ch is A, jewelry, 103 E Jeff St Grieb E, jewelry, 137 and 139 N Main St Graham Bros, store, 150 S Main St Greek American Fruit Co, fruit. 229 S Main St Gilbert J G, cigars, P & W depot Harper Bros, store, 351 Ceutre Ave Haworth J W, cigars. Hotel Waverly Humes T B, cigars, Park Hotel Hauch J R, furniture, 200 N Main St Heinzer M N, store, 316, 318 Zeigler Ave Hotel Willard,cigars.cor Main& Wayne Henchberger C. store, • 400 Franklin St Hilderbrand J & Son,meat, 135 N MainSt Hull H. store, 423 Centre Ave Huselton B C, shoes, 102 N Main St Hotel Butler, cigars, South Main St Harvey C J, Drugs, 345 S Main St Huff F J,plumber,ll2 E Cunningham St Johnson Chrystal Phar, drugs, 106 N Main St Jack John S, stationery, 287 S Main St Jackson & Mitchell, hardware, 147 S Main St Kirk H D. cigars, 215 S Main St Kamerer G D, store 231 Centre Ave Kamerer W A, store, 100 Mercer St Kanfman Julius, store, 126 S Main St Kemper John, harness 342 S Main St Ketterer Bros, shoes, 224 S Main St Ketterer Geo, furniture, 222 S Main St Kirkpatrick R L. jewelry,246 S Maiu St Kirkpatrick Wm M,store, 306 N MainSt Kihn Peter, cigars, 223 Centre Ave Krug G J. meat, 107 S Main St Kemper Anth, cigars, 105 W Cunningham St Klingler H J & Co, feed, 139 E Jeff St Koch C & Son, store, 124 N Main St Koch Frank & Son, hardware, 129 S Main st Kummer Mrs A, meat, 331 S Main St Kummer Bros, meat, 122 E Wayne St Kipple J H, store, 370 Centre Ave Lentz E E, store, 418 Centre Ave Leighner Carl H, jewelry, 209 £ Main St Lester W J, store, 642 Brown Ave Lowry Hotel, cigars. cor Main and Jefferson St Martincourt S B & Co. vehicles, 128 E Jefferson St Metzger W F, shoes. 127 S Main St Moser Geo, cigars, 341 S Main St Miller G Wilson,store.ll6 E Jefferson St Miller Henry, store, 234 S Main St Miller Gns A, cigars, 117 S Main St Miller C E, shoes, 215 S Main St Morrisou T A, confectionery,2l2 S Main Moore John G, store, 230 N Main St Mardorf G W, bicycles, 111 W Jeff St Moore Henry, cigars. Opera Block Myers A E, store, 109 E Jefferson St McClain M, furniture, 404 Centre Ave McCrea W S & Co, feed, Cliorch alley Mcßride IJ, wall paper, 144 W Jeff St McGuire C H. store, 305 Centre Ave McCaudlass A. store 360 E Jefferson St McCabe J E. cigars, 407 S McKean McVay W S, cigars, 335 S Main St McCntcheon J E, junk, cor McKean and Quarry Sts Newton W R, organs, 317 S Main St Niggel Jos, hardware, 130 E Jefferson St Nickle W H, variety, 103 S Main St Nixon Mrs Jennie, cigars, Central Hotel National Supply Co, hardware, 321 S Main St O'Brien W H & Son, store, 107 E Jeff St Oil Well Supply Co, hardware, 120 E Jefferson St Paganelli Dom, confect. ,325 Centre Ave Patterson J N. clothing, 141 S Main St Patterson Bros,wall paper,236N MainSt Phiiips O M, store, 311 S Main St Poolos Socraties, confect.. 133 S Main St Purvis S G & Co, lumber. Franklin St Pape E A. cigars, 119 E Jefferson St Pape C F T, jewelry, 121 E Jefferson St I Pape Destella L, millinery, 113 S Mainst J Ralston WE, jewelry, 120 S Main St , Reed J M, cigars, 243 _ j Reiber Alf & Bro.dry g00d5,205 , Reiber A & H, store, 143 Reed's Pharmacy, drugs 101 Redic & Grohman.drugs. 109 N Main St Richey John A, confection vy. 142 S Main St .Rockenstein M & P. millinery. [ 828 S Main St t 1 Rockenstein M C, hardware. 1 21 N MainSt Rockenstein Jos, harness, 146 N Main St Roessing BC, harness, 119N Main St I Ruff A & Son, shoes, 114 S Main St Rnsh C M, confectionery, 323 S Main St Stein John. " 117 E Wayne St Singer M'f'g Co, machines. 140 E Jefferson St Schanl & Nast, clothing, 137 S Main St Schleich & Niggel. fish. 115 W Jeff St Scaaffner Geo, ceinent.36o Lookout Ave ( Shira C C, store, 340 Locust St Schloss Bros, clothing. 201 S Main St Sherman C,confectionery,229 Centre Ave Smith E S. cigars. 356 E Jefferson St Smith H J. cigars. Rear Hotel Butler Smith Philip, cigars. 132 E Jefferson St Smith E L.confectiouery, 107 Centre Ave Smith A M, cigars. 317 S McKean St Stock C, hardware, 332 S Main St Steele A. clothing, 104 S Main St Stein L & Son, dry goods,loß N Main St Sutton J P. drugs, 213 S Main St Sullivan Thos, harness. 132 W Jeff St Stewart J C, buggies, 808 Ceutre Ave Sweeney S A, cigars, 116 W Jefferson St Say J C. lumber, Monroe St The Evans M'f'g Co, hardware, cor Wayne & McKean St The "I Cure U" Co. medicnes, 106 Centre Ave Troutman's Sons, dry goods. 200 and 202 S Main St Vogel J W. wall paper, 136 S Main St Yogley & Herrit, meat, 315 Centre Ave Walters Geo & Son, feed. Washington and Mill St Waker J L, cigars, 326 S Main St Whitehill G W, plumber, 318 S Main st Weihe & Gibson, hardware, 223 Centre Ave Wilson W B, ha r dware, 102 Wick L C. lumber, Opp P & W depot White J E. confectionery, Wallula Ave Wick W S & E.lumber,227 E Jefferson st Wick John S, gents furnishings, 242 S Main st Wright J B. store, 300 Second st Wuller D H. drugs, 112 S Main st Walter G H, bycicles, 103 S Main st Wheeler & Wilson, machines. W Jeff st Young Mrs Lizzie M, millinery, 232 S Main st Zimmerman Mrs J E. dry goods. 100 N Main st Ziefe Max. junk near Lead Works WHOLESALE VENDERS. Atlantic Ref. Co. oil, Butler Harmony Milling Co. feed. Harmony. Klingler H J & Co, feed. 139 E. Jeffer son St. Butler McCrea W S & Co, feed, Church alley, Butler. The Robert McCoy Co. groceries. But ler Sarver AH, buggies, 309 N Main St, Butler Rumberger W F, wool, 150 S Main St, Butler WalterJ3eo & Sons, feed. Washington ana Mill Sts, Butler. REAL ESTATE-Butler. Austin D W, real estate. Hotel Williard Christley L E, real estate, W Diamond Hazlett '& McCullongh Teal est, " Kelly John K, real estate, E Cunning ham St Miller WH. real estate, 12 S Diamond McJunkin Ira, real estate. Armory bldg Vogeley Theo, real estate, 238 S Main Walker Wm, real estate, Ketterer bl'k EXCHANGE BROKERS-Butler Keene Bros, E Brokers, Bickle Block Maney Jos, E Broker, Reiber Block Huselton J F, E Broker, Sutton Block BILLIARD TABLES AND BOWLING ALLEYS, ADAMS TWP Murray P H, 3 tables, Cillery BUTLER BORO. Root S M, 9 tables, Butler Millenger & Pfiester, 5 tables, Butler CENTRE VILLE BORO. Ramsey W T, 2 tables, Slipperyrock EVANSBURG BORO. Donaldson T A, 4 tables, Evans City HARMONY BORO. Schontz CL, 3 tables, Harmony MARS BORO. Miles T H, 3 tables, Mars MILLERSTOWN BORO. Tadder G P, 3 tables. Chicora AUCTIONEERS. CONCORD TWP. McDevit Dan, auct, Hooker CHERRY TWP. Gilghrist J G, auct, Moniteau CONNOQU EXESSING. Douthett BW, auct, Connoquenessing CLINTON TWP. Anderson Francis,auct, Riddles X Roads BUFFALO TWP. Easley G F, auct, Silverville. BUTLER. Mathers J B, auct, Butler Dodds T Jas, " Elliott I H Gilghrist R B Kearns Jas R MILLERSTOWN. Maloney Dan, auct, Chicora SAXONBURG BORO. Lensner Frank, auct, Saxouburg Muder J E, Jr, auct, Saxoaburg SLIPPERYROCK. Kerr J C. auct, Slipperyrock PETROLIA. Crumling H, auct, Petrolia Morgan G A " PROSPECT. McGowan J A, auct, Prospect Shanor R, " PENN TWP. Powell J C, auct. Maharg PARKER TWP. Kelley V F T, auct. Bruin EVANS CITY. Eichart John A, auct, Evans City EATING HOUSES. ADAMS TWP. Leonard Mrs B, 8, Callery Murray P H, 8, BUFFALO TWP Clowes Mrs C E, 8, Freeport BUTLER BORO. Dunn J P, 8, 113 E Jefferson st Gilbert J G, 8, P & W dept Sweeney S A, 7, 116 W Jefferson st Miller Henry, 8, 234 S Main st Kirk H D, 7, S Main st Smith H J, 7, rear Hotel Butler MARS BORO Miles J E, 8. Mars Miles Thos H, 8, *' MILLERSTOWN BORO Davis D J, 8, Chicoria HARMONY BORO. Purdum P F E, 8, Harmony Boyer E R R, 8, The Court of Appeals will be held at the office of County Treasurer in Butler, on Monday, April 21st, 1902, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., at which time and place all who are inter ested in the above report may attend if they think proper. JOHN D. HARBISON, Mercantile Appraiser. Saxonburg, Pa. March 22, 1902. lc. F. T, Pape,| ffJEWELERi j / 121 E. Jefferson Street, v See the sign direct 1 y opposite toe Postofflce, Theodore Vogeley. Real Estate and Insurance Agency, i 238 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. ¥£ If you have property to sell, trade, or rent or, want to buy or rent caii. write or?, phone me. List Mailed Upon Application. THE Boiler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in f 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - (135.000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; Jofin G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. I Interest paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTOR:?—Hen. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. g. Waldron. I)r. N. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweoney, C. P. Collins, I. O. Smith. Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Finegio, W. U. Larkln,. T. P. Mifllin, l)r. W. C. McCandless. Ben Mus , s» th. W. J. Marks. J. V. Kltts. A. L. Helber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $10.233.91. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. a.. BAILEY Cashier F-. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. UUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns. D. L. Cleeland. E. E. Ahrams. C. N. Boyd. W. F. Metzger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Levi M. Wise. Francis Murphy. S. Yeager, D. B. Campbell, A. H. Sarver and l)an'l Younklns. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit vour business. Butler Savings Bank iHiatler, Per. Capital - |60, 000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $345,000.00 ■)<>!* L PURVIS President I HENRI TKOUTMAN Vice-President WM.CAMPBELL, Jr Caihier LOUIS B. STEIN leller DIRK; -Joseph L. Putvls. J. Henry Tro'HmaD, W. D. Brandon. W. A. Stein. J. 8. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest Banking Institution! n Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All b-islness entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. _ Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. Capital Stock paid in $125,000.00. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE OR COLLATERAL Acts as Executor, Administrator. Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Trustee and in all fiduciary capacities. Issues Court and Suretyship bonds. Acts as agent in buying and selling city, farming or oil and gas properties. Attends to the management of real estate and to collection of rents. Negotiates the sale of mortgage, municipal or bonds of other character. DIRECTORS. A. E. Reiber, Pres.; W. D. Brandon, Vice-Pres ;J. V. Ritts, A. L. Reiber, Daniel Younkins. Geo. C. Stewart, Secy, and Treas. We solicit your patronage sad Invite cor respondence or a personal interview. WE OWN AND OFFER $50,000 4 per cent, tax free. Borough of Bellevue School District Bonds. Denomination SIOOO. Interest payable semi-annually. Write or call for price and description C R WILLIAMS & CO , Bank for Savings Bld'g , Pittsburg, Pa. C. R. WILLIAMS. GEORGE WELSH REMOVAL SALE A positive sale and a great opportnuiy for you. Our store building has been sold and we will have to reduce our stock to about its present size before we can move. Beginning at once and continuing un til all fancy goods are sold, we will give BIG DISCOUNTS. This applies t-> our immense new stock of Holiday Goods, that we have just received Discounts of from 20 per cett. to 50 per cent, from all fancy goods, including the following: Toilet and Manicure Sets, Traveling Sets, Photo Albums, Vases and Bric-a-brac, Gold and Silver Novelties, Calendars, Pictures and Picture Frames, Books, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie Cases, Smokers Sets, Sewing Machines, Fancy Stationery, Bibles, Leather Goods and all White and Decorated China. The only place to buy Holiday Goods at DOUGLASS BOOK STORE Ea K le B'l'd. Near P. O. .Mi South Main stre't I Summer Goods j i AND $ * Medium Weights # J Just Received by $ SELIGMAN. I THE TAILOR, j! d 416 W. Jefferson St., £ f Butler, Pa. £ J Fit Guaranteed and £ g Prices Reasonable. # Ltrv US. I LOOK! Merrill Pianos Wc have two pianos that have been used at concerts we will ell at a gieat bargain. For Xmas presents in musical goods see us. 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building. NO SPAVINS be cured in 45 minntes. Lump Jaw. splints amd ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent fr<»« to hpiye "yfT" by T M. Clugh, KWJTfIBt; "SWWRWB COT, Pa | GASTER OPENING \ C OF ) j * MARCH 26, 27. 28, 29. j | miss PAPE, | ( 113 S. Main St. Opposite Butler Savings Bank. 3 \&, Spring Sale! •iSHaBS6BSfc> Spring is here and our BIG SPRING SALE is now going on. WE have a lot of Buggies, many of them sample Buggies sent here by manufacturers for our inspection which we want to sell for much less than they are worth to make room for regular line. Buggies worth SBS for $65, Buggies worth $65 for SSO and Buggies worth SSO for $39, etc., and while we are at it we drop the pr'ce on Harness and offer worth $lB for sl3, Harness worth sl4 for $lO 50, these are not cheap factory Harness but our own make; also team Harness ij trace, 3 rows stiching, good Briiles, Lines and Breeching.all complete for two horses,with good Collars at S3O, all made of good leather in our own shop. During this sale we will sell 8 Boxes of Axle Giease for 25c; good wide Sweat Collar Pads, brown and white, regular 40c kind for 25c; Harness Oil, gooo quality, worth SI.OO per gal. 65 cts. or 20c qt.; Horse Brushes 10c; Curry Combe worth 20 cts. for 10 cents; Gall Cure 15c per box and so on all through our store. Here are bargains you will not find in a long time, if ever in your life, if you have any notion of buying anything don't wait, come right away, the sale only lasts until April Ist. Come in and look about you will find something you want. Remember we have Buggy-Tops, Poles, Shafts and Wheels; also Harness Collars and Straps of all kinds; Buggy Paint and Top Dress ing, Harness Snaps, Buckels, Singletrees and Doubletrees for Wagon, Plow or Buggy, and everything belonging to a driving or team out fit—they are all in this sale. We never advertise fake sales. We been in business too long and have too much capital invested to begin that kind of business now. Yours, S. B. Martincourt & Co., BUTLER, PA. We sell Kramer Wagons, the best wagon on earth. 11 ju /I New Bakery, 1/ (f AND i\ illce Cream Parlor!! c I Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, | ( /* Delivered to ail'parts of town. * / )§ 142 S Main Street. fS Si People's Phone 190. f r NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER For siity years the NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE has been a national weekly newspaper read almost entirely by farmers, and htus enjoyed the confidence and support of the American people to a degree never attained by any similar A publication. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER is made absolutely for farmers and their fam lies. The first -\T |~\ T number was issued November 7th, 1901. I Xj M V\/ Every department of agricultural industry is covered by ' * * special contributors who are leaders in their respective lines, and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a high class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural paper, profuse ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings /A I" "r~\ and homes, agricultural machinery, eta. J j | J Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will find special pages ' for their entertainment. Regular price, ti.oo per year, but you can buy it with your favorite home weekly newsoaper. The CITIZEN, one year for 11.75 or Citizen and Tn-Weekly Tribune for s3.o*. TJ * Sena your subscriptions and money to THE CITIZEN, 1 r\ I ry IX Butler, Pa. Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City, and s free sample copy will be mailed to you. I - - - - F. E. BRACKEN, Will Sell you PLANO Reapers, Binders, Mowers, Hayrakes and Farm Implements; Bradley's Fertilizer's. Nursery Goods of All Kinds. Before purchasing wait till he calls or find him at 541 Mifflin St.; Butler, Pa. EGGS THAT HATCH ATTHE RIGHT PRICES, If you want a sitting of eggs from vigorous prize winning stock, send for my big catalogue and s*e what I offer from 23 varieties of land and water fowls. I guarantee fertility. Ejrgs by the sit ting or by the hundred. I have also choice stock at right prices. D. A. MOUNT. Bex n. Jawfemr, »• J- L. C. WICK, DSAJJKB IV LUriBER. "ciTa ii£R , s engush PENNYROYAL PILLS Mmfr. Alwar* N llnbl* Ijmllm, Hk nruniit tot I'IIK'UMTI.US In ■*! maf Void uitUllic Ikixm, ml«nd 4c. In Mmps for r»rtl««l»r*. T ""* »nUI> *n.i " Belief fcr Ladle*," (Jj*l". by nlara Hull. Testimonial* Bold by •11 CHICHB6TBB CHIIfIOAL 00. SIM Mlm HUM fA. m9m A. M. BERKIMBR, ~ Funeral Director. 45 S. Main St. Butler PA*