iM r, v.' > 1 ■*' - • | THURSDAY APRIL 3, 190 A THE POINT Or THE JOKE. ft WM DtAealt rw Ik* BMikkmu. kit l« riullr taw t«. A party of EnflUtamen were in Chi mgo sightae«lng *om« time t«o. They were entertained at dinner by some Chicago Englishmen who bare lived in America km® enough to hare a keen appreciation of the American idea of a Joke. During the evening ail the mem bers of the party told stories or aung aongs and entertained according to . their several abilities. One of the EnglUb riaitora coaid see nothing funny in the stories told by the Chicago Englishmen. Every time one of them would tell a good American atory at which most of the party would laugh uproariously this particular Eng lishman would adjust bis monocle to bis eye and. looking wonderinglv around the table, would remark, "But, I say. 1 don't see anything in that to lough at. j' knaw." One of the Chicago men finally re cited an original poem. The poem told of an Englishman who bad come to America and after being in this coun try only a short time had died and gone to anotiier and much warmer country. Ten years passed, and one day an imp passing that way heard tbe English man laughing uproariously. "Why. what are you laughing at?" in quired tbe Imp. "Oh. oh. oh. such a funny story as I beard in America! Ob, it was so fun ny!" laughed the victim, and be held bis bands to h!s tiuc and almost doubled up with merriuent. "A story jou beard! Why, you've beard no story." said tbe Imp. "You've been dead ten years." "Yes, yes, 1 know. I know," cried tbe man. "But I've Just seen tbe Joke." This poem set the table in a roar. Amid all the iuughlng and shouting the obtuse visitor adjusted his monocle and drawled out. "But, 1 say, 1 don't see anything funny in that, y' knaw." "No." replied the man who bad read the poem as quick as a flash. "Of course you don't. You haven't been Aead ten yenrs." And even the obtuse Englishman *i:w tbe point.—Chicago Tribune. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. "Counting the cost" of sins and fol- Ues Is always a hard sum in arithmetic -"Trinity Bells." Good cooks are more in demand than •ftats these days.—"The Tempting of Father Anthony." One has eftea to draw upon tbe imag ination even In serious* "realism."— "Confessions of a Caricaturist." There's nothing so good to brush away tbe cobwebs of scruples aa the pleasures of life.—"Doris Klugaley." Wherever a man strays aside from tbe beaten path there be finds tbe devil waiting for him.—"The God Seeker." There is no advantage in being poor if you can't be common. It would be ilk* being well off without a taste for music or srtichokes.—"Tbe Last of tbe Knickerbockers." And I at least am fair to confess that tbe sensation of having once again clean, smart clothes upon my person gave a wonderful lmpetua to my self ecteem.—"Love's Itinerary." Seems to me tbe Almighty Just wants a feller to do tbe right thing by bis neighbor aod not be too independent, bat go 'long kind o' humble like and keep clean.—"The Man Prom Glengar ry." Never be a-wasting your time a-think lng where a woman is concerned. When her heart steps up and lays bold tbe reins, tbe steed gallops to tbe goal; she's always time to think after she's scted.-"My Lady Peggy Goes to Town." W»r Bim Flsk Get imr. It is perfectly plain tbtt large fish are more apt to escape than small ones. Their weight snd activity, combined With tbe Increased tricklness and re sourcefulness of sge and experience, of course greatly increase their ability to tear out the book and enhance tbe dan ger that their antics will expose a fatal weakness In hook, leader, line or rod. Another presumption which must be regretfully mentioned arises from the fact that In many cases it is the en counter with a large fish which eanses ■neb excitement and such distraction or perversion of Judgment as leads tbe Asherman to do the wrong thing or fall to do the right thing at tbe critical in ■tant-Grover Cleveland in Saturday Evening Post Jtmar Lt»4 Ik* Trill. Jenny Lind, after years of steady | practice, believed that the much covet ed trill wss for ber an impossibility, •be practiced hours a day, but was un able to accomplish tbe feat One day, thoroughly discouraged, she was sit ting In ber garden when all at once she • looked up into a tree. Above ber a bird aras trilling, gbe at once went to ber > piano and through some magic or pow er of imitation began tbe trill and from that day never bad any further diffi culty. Her Gemtla Hist. "Yes, I proposed to her by letter." "And what was her reply V' "She simply referred me to a certain chapter aod page In The Llfo of Lord Nelson.'" "And what did you find?" "It says, 'After fruitlessly applying for command of tbe ahlp by letter, he went In person to see about it, and then be secured it' "—London Telo •"Ph. "1 understand," sold tbe customer, "that you keep photygrafts of all the prominent men." "Yes, sir; we do," replied tbe dealer. "Well, my name's Hon. Jabes Per kins, mayor of Pettyvllle, Iliinoy. Lem toe have one o' mine."—Philadelphia Press. Celt >ai ■•xoa. One of Sheridan's tales was of an Irishman who met a Briton, of the true John Bull pattern, stsndlng with fold ed arms In a contemplative mood, ap parently meditating on tbe greatness of bis little Island. "Allow me to differ with ye!" ex claimed tbe Celt. "But I haw said nothing, air," re plied John Bull. "And a man may think a lie as well as publish It," persisted tbe pugna cious Hibernian. "Perhaps you are looking for flgbt?" queried the Briton. t "Allow me to compliment ye ou tho quickness of yer perception," said Patrick, throwing down bis coat, and then they pitched In. A Table Deeeratlea. At a banquet given recently In Paris by a etieh countess tbe guests ro- 1 oelved a most astouudlng surprise. In tbe center of tbe table was what ap peared to be a huge pile of roses, and }ast before soup was served tbe rosea parted, disclosing a largs birdcage. Tbla suddenly opened, revealing a beautiful young lady adorned with wings. She remained in ber strange position during tbe dinner and Intro dnced each new dish by singing a •»uplet. Ha 4 LMkti Oat Wmr Mamfcee toe. "Have you ever done anything to better tbe condition of any part of tbe human racer* said tbe very serious Man. "Of course 1 have," answered the parson with tbe cold gray eye. "Am | not a part of tha bussaa race?'—Kx- R-R-TIME-TABLES P & W BR Trains leave Butler for Allegheny, ; local time, at 8:25, 8:05. 9:20, and 11:05 j a. m. and 4:00, and 5:53, p. in The 9:20 ; and 11:30 a. m. trains make the ran in 1 hour and 20 minutes and the 4:00 train in an honr and a half. The 8:05 a. m. 4:00 and 5:53 p. m. trains connect at Callcry for points West, and the 1:40 as far west aa Ellwood. Trains leave Butler for Bradford at 9:30 a.m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p m. Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:03, 9:17 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45, 4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 pm: and from the North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m. The Theatre train, Tuesdays, Thurs ' days and Satnrdays leaves Allegheny at : 11:30 p. m. On Sundays trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 8:05 a m and 5:53 p.m., and for the west at 4:00 *p m.; and ar rive at 9:17 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p.m. B R & P B It 7:30 a. m., local for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. express for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Boia and all stations. 11:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and Rochester —with sleepers. Trans arrive at Butler, and no on to Allegheny at 6:15 and 9:47 a. m. and 5:34 p. m. Train 21 from Punx y arrives at 7:35 a. m. jnd stops here. The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs ville, Echo and Dayton on signal. BESSEMER &*LAKE ERIE k._R. CO. Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. n roth ward. Daily ezcept Sunday. Southward Bead up) (Bead down) t 10 1« STATIONS. 1 V 11 P.M. P.M P.M.| ■*"' S y. !', , ■ 0 10 1 02 Erie •> 55 I 2 15 j 5 «! 1* 40 rairriew « 1# 12 3® j i 34 12 24 Uirard 6 30 12 4 5 48 1 53 ar. .Couneaut.. .ar 8 22 1 5j ■ 4 32 11 06 IT. . Coooeaut.. .1* 6 20 11 0- 5 13 12 05 Craneaville 6 50 1 Oj 5 10 12 00 Albion 6 55 1 lj 4 58 11 47 tfpringboro 7 10; 1 2i 4 50 11 41 Cunneautville 7 16 13. 4 30 11 211 Mead Till* Junct.. 7 35 15- 528 11 5S ar.. Meadville.. ar 8 12 2 3^ 3 42 10 37 lT..MeadTil!e...lT 6 20 1 I, ' 5 03 11 30 ar..Con. Lake, ar 7 45 2 0 ( ' 4 10 11 06 I*.. Con. Lake. .IT 6 47 1 3 4 32 ar. "LinenTille !1T " IT 7 20 *l4ll 06 Hartatown ! '749 207 4 OS It 01 Adanuvill. I 7 55 2 1 2 I 3 58.10 82 Osgood ! ifß 05 12 6 10 3 52 10 45 OreeuTille i 6 00 8 13 2 3q 6 On 1 3 40 10 40 Shetiango j 6 06 8 20 2 3} 5 44 3 23 10 20 Fredonia 6 23 f8 35 2 s t^ 6 29' 3 08 10 06 Mercer | 6 40 8 47 3 1 3 8 24 : 3 03 10 01 Houston Junction 6 45 8 52 3 l ft 5 07i 2 47 # 43 GroTe City 7 05 V 10 3 87 4 54 2 37 9 32 Harrisville 7 15 f3 4 8 4 47 2 31 #25 Branchton j 7 23 9 25 3 .V, 8 .10 10 10 ar.. .Milliard... ar lu 10 53q 2 30 8 10 Iv...Hiilianl. ~l*| 6 10 2 3,, 4 4.T 2 SK » 17 Relator [7 27 3 5^ 4 28 2 15 #Ol Kuclid I 7 43 4 ij 4 00 1 50 8 30 Butler 8 JO. JO 0», 4 4 & 2 20 12 15 7 00 Allegheny 9 48 11 25 6 3,, 1 pm I am I ain j>n» Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.25 a. m.. Mercer 5:48. Greenville 6:3 i Conneautvllle 7:32, Albion 7-4#. arrives at Erie 8:47 a. rn. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:15 p. m Albion 5:25. Conneautvllle 5;46. Greenville 6:40 Marcar 721 arrives at Oro»e City at 7:43 |>m. E. D. (JOMSTOCK. W. R TURNER. Gen. Pass Agt, Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsbun?. Pa Wiutield R It Co Time Table In effect December 2d, 1901. WEHTWABIi. BTATIOKS. AM , P M Lea Tea West Wlnfield. 8 00, 3 00 " Bugg»*lll« 810 310 Iron Bridge 8 20| 3 20 " Wililleld Junction 830 ! 3 .'l6 " Ml » I 8 40j 345 M Butler Junction j 8 45| 350 ArriTe Allegheny 9 48, 5 10 —— EASTWARD. STATIONS. ,A M PM Leave Allegheuy | 8 45 3 10 " Butler Junction 110 00 440 " I.ane .......................... .10 05 445 44 Win field Junction 10 15 4 K " Iron Bridge 10 25 508 M BoggaTille 10 35 515 ArriTe We»t Wlnfield 10145 5 26 Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or li-ave off paaMOgn*. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with Trains Eastward tor Freeport, Vandergrlft and BlalrsTille Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentuin and Alle gheny. Trains Northward lor Haxouburg, Delano and Butler. B. U. BKALOK, General Manager. PENNSYLVANIA WPSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SOBIDCLI I* Erraor Feb. 20, 1902 SOUTH. , WEEK BATH A. M A.M. A.M P. M. P. M BUTLEB Lan # 28 8 00 10 80 2 86 4 36 fiuonbsrg ArriTe 884 8 2# 11 16 S 00 6 00 Butlar Junction.. M 747 853U 40 S2B 829 Butler Junction...LMT* 7 31 8 63 11 62 3 V> 6 2# Natrona ArriTe 7 40 #Ol 12 01 3 34 8 3# Tarentum 7 44 #O7 12 08 3 42 5 44 SprinfdaU 7 62 9 16 12 19 3 62 ft 52 oWsmont # 30 12 38 4 » #OS HhrrpsLnrg 8 11 #3612 48 4 12 6 12 Alleyhany 8 24 # 48 1 02 4 25. # 24 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M I' M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny City and principal Intermediate stations at 7:30 a ui., ud 6.-00 p. m. ■OBTH. WEEK. DATS A.M.IA.M A M P. M P. M Allegheny City . . laaTe #45 H 4ft 10 46 3 10 6 1( Sharpaburg 0 57j 8 57 10 67 r3 22 i# 2V (Karamont ....... 11 04 Spriugdale.. I .... .... II 18 ... #3# Tarentum | 7 25 1 S 24 11 28 3 4« 6 48 Natrona. | 7 :#J # 28 11 :i4 3 50 8 63 Butler Juuctlon.. Arrive 7® # 37 11 43 3 58 7 02 Butlet Junction leave 7 4ft # 40 12 18 4 12 7 02 Saiouburg 8 14 10 07 12 41, 4 41 7 27 BUTLEB arrlT. I :tßilo 32 1 10 6 13' 7 63 A. MJA.M. P. M P. A P. U SUNDAY TRAINS.—LeaTe Allegheny City far But lar awl principal lntarßadiala stations at 7:10 a i*. an« 0-30 p. a. FOB THE EAST. Weeks I>ays. Sunday A. M iA. M P. M. A. M. P » IT 82610 60 236 780 6 (X' Butler J'ct ar 727j11 40 3 2ft 820 660 BuUar J'ct IT 73711 43 368 821 Blt Faeport ar! 741 11 46 403 825 814 Kaklmlnetaa J't " 74711 60 408 82# 81# Laachburg . 80012 02 420 841 832 Paulton (Apollo) " 821 12 22 4 42 888 860 Saltabarg " 861 12 4# 610 »23 Bl# BlalrtrllTe #2l 1 201 541 962 #46 Blalnrllle Int " #3O 1 33 1 652 10 00 .... AlUxma " II 38 .... 880 150 . .. Hurrisburg " ] 3 10 .... 1 <*>• 6 461.... Philadelphia " « 23 . 4 26 10 17 . ... P. M. A. M.IA.M P M.[P M Through tralna tor the east laaTe Pittsburg (Uuioi Bta'.ion), as follows: Atlantic Exprees, dally 3:00 A.» Pennsylvania Limited " 7:16 1 Day Ezpraas. « T:80 " Main Llna E>|>raas, " 8:00 " Harrlsburg Mall, " 12-48 r.» Harriaburg Lxpress dally 4:49 " Phlladelnhl* Express, 4:60" Eaatsrn Expraas, « 7:10" Fast Line, • 900 " Plttaburg Limited, dally,for New York, Balll more and Washington only 10:00 " Philad'a Mall, Sunda.ts only 8:40 A.a For Atlantic City (via Delaware Hirer Bridge, all rsil route) 8:00 a.m. dally and 9:'*) p.m. daily. , ui Allegheny Valley Division Tralna l«mr» Rlflklminntafl JunctJoij um follow*: for Buffalo, 9JA a. ni. and 11.15 p. m. «Ullj, with through parlor aud cars. For im on tlKual L» tak« ou paJMrniffer* lor Tar«n tutn and poluta beyond. Foi detailed Information, apply to ticket: awnt or «4ldreM Tb»i«. E. Watt, Paw. A*t. Weetorn Übtrict. 0 rner Fifth Avenue aud Bmlthft«dd Street, Plttaburg, 1 B. HUTCH WON, J. B. Wf>OD, Qe»«r l V aror Oan*' tf«p Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a Tbe beat of horaea and first claaa riga »!- »tTi on hand and for hire. Beat accomnlodatlona In town for perma n»nt lioardlnß and transient trade. HpecU al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. -'JAiood claaa of boraeii, both drivers and araft homes always on hand and for Nitle under a full guarantee; and boraea bough pon proper notification by PFARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 119. s''PHILADELPHIA —DENTAL ROOMS.-- M 89 - sth Ave., plttaburg, Pa |[i Ml WE'RAPRACTICA'.LV^O'FHEFT ■'ML M CROWN »n>l BRIUaC work A ! i(; Rciiicir ~ I.M» I.WOO «TW »i < leartield'„lir.:.-ll P B Kennel {' Cherry RJ Barron ** £ £2 J? Coniuxiueiiessiug «'» Mt-Candless J.-JoJ *** }J -J ' •' (Yanbern. Wm firaliam w i w/in i? §o ! 7^41 SSSS2 \$* 6 m SSSSd A < i.#i2 05 i.« 7 a »»12 -m KrackUn."... James l.rattv.. 1.400 13 7t. 00 5.. 21 C-'-J 92 Fairview . J•' Campbell 1.412 40 «•»•) 0U «55. bio 0-> Jefferson . W H (irabe 1.897 9JS l.tiUO 00 118 58 1.9 10 John Bame 2.123 94 1.4U1 75 103 S : 61> io Lancaster Jo*(iarmaii_ 1.481 C 8 98-. >9 J't® 0 Jj® J? IfSSS, " JC Vandyke 1.256 02 8,1 71 61 6:! 822 «A &££! •.■""■""Zr".™.: HJBn'Sn 807 42 391 57 29 02 B*o M Muddycreek I C MeClymonds : 1.255 07 «;»« « •'■? Middlesex UeoStepp : 2.120 W Mb > 11.. 48, Z % Oakland K N Kyth M»« . 2? ,<£ iI" p r .„ t , il s Ihl.-H- tOli 1.872 25 l.<>-2 ... 10- im M) 9" SSfe J1! Wa11T...., 1.482 10 1,200 00 SS 91 19317 aimmit' J W ltaldauf 1.559 89 00 «0 13 O.i Slippery rock John Kelly. 1730 «j 1.140 .9 M •/*> W Yenaneo Jos Aiken 1.109 <« So, ■- 3d ■>>* 02 Winlit-ld M Cyplier 1.521 Ot. 923 .1 w. ,0 52? 8. WaS ineton GCWray 1...77 2-'» 017 00 47 as l :u». WMhlngton-."." - j j Butler borough J M Maxwell 14,358 50 I.WO 22 ..2 ki Ccntcrville J A Aiken 091 «. jO- .* .1 1-d 81 Coiino.(Uem-sslnK._ |J N Rose "18 87 1--jO 00 1. .8 _ l-jO 09 Evans City A S I'elfer LO2B ..1 028 .5 45 5. J->« 25 Valrviow II L Ston v I<9 4 i 10l .*) 11 91[ t 02 , Harmoriy IFred : 8 MorriHm 319 39 250 00 21 29. 4» lu SSSTcty, H McGlaußhlin. 129 1; 116 10 10 oß| 299 ..... . Millers town I J Donahue 021 21 ; U0 00 22 2yS 01 Mar* iWDBovd 49.. .a .i<9 «•> 2S *2.> »> froaDeet K E Wel.r :ni2 yo 200 o» 17 a: 145 h. I>3S«u£."rZ Carl Butzer - 179 27 100 oo 841 .0 8. Portersvllle A. Henshaw 2->2 230 &» 1. C*. 43. .......... yaxoiilnii* K Schroth - 418 8-. 27 161 23 -9 120 8.. Sunlturv - j I'P Brown '286 SO 22145 14 8. 50 ._rt Valencia. ,W II Smith 132 13 42 01 3 2». 86 83 Zelienople Wm Alton >•'£« «| 00 60 W, 2b 61 Eau Cliur J A Wilson I 18« 93j <3 .>5 6 £.; 119 ~3 Total ~ ; $7:1.472 01 ?H».ll'. 19 gl-'iOH '.'l il .".4 $20,*38 91 STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAX BF/ EIYED FOR 1900 AND PREVIOUS. DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. \ 3 3 ?» 3 | |l| §" Butler Twp MDu fiord 1887 $3803 $ 3 3 3 ®|! Muddycreek Geo McUee 18«9 1182 ?' "| | Cherry J A Newman |I«W l.» 0-. I Brady P A Hines '1892 24 71 2.1 Slippery Rock J L Cooper 1891 402 ...... 40. „ Butler Boro J S Jaek 1897 68 M Oj il 3 41 ;,- ri Kanis Citv F Bal.ltt •' 3 57' , •• 1 j'j Clinton Two Jas Riddle IS9> 278 H. 13 J- 201 Jl Cherry Hugh Sproul " 196 «»| 196 w ' Butler Boro JSJack " 119 2-r 113 .J SJ. MUlcritown JJDonehue " 5 38 j 09 -. Butler Twp F I'earce 1899 062 40 ™'r *> Clinton J R Riddle " 219 6.3 %\ Cherry Hugh SprouL •' 24-. 2'2 218 41 II 48 1> 30 lmi.egal F'Waltman " 16 00 2:t 01 15 X 2 Forward Geo Marburger " »>6 53 81 a* 4 55 i Jefferson W II (iralje " 96 K-'l 91 «I 5 O*.. Muddyereek Grant Jones " 49 90 43-18 2 42 .... Venango 11 B Stalker " 48 50 46 0 . 2 43 Butler Boro ..JSJack " 287 60 217 92 10 99 1 BVj .......... Harmony F Weigle " 173 50 173 ■*> i Kamx City E D Rodgers " 15 85; 10 4.. -V. 4 8. •••• • Petrol la. F N Fritz " :» 93 20 00 1 ft. 9 <* Saxonburg J K Muder " 39 60 u "i'. " J Wl Adams Twp.. A F Wimer " 7">l 91 044 27 3i 91 .3 to 1 Allegheny J S Glenn " ■ 742 ;*.l 6.V> 7*. 31 I. 52 32. .... Butler Geo Bauer " :448'.'2 293 «( 15 12; 10 17. Buffalo JasSiroers " 588 s*. Jrl4 90 28 03 15 03 ,VY- Brady.. J S P>vlger " i 11 1,1 Clinton I N Harvey " 662 >J» 609 01 32 W W•> •••• Clay It X Patterson. ... " Utt 42 MN> 2. 31 36; |.» 2(. w " Center J G Renlck •' 20-s »> 218 35 13 06 o w.i Clearfield P H Fennell " f.M 6.'. 303 54 15 97 6J 17 2>< 9, Cherry R J Barron •• 719 32 625 00 32 871 01 45 Connooueneeaing . Greer McCandless " s:io 72 255 4U II i>> .' i-:6 .!.> (Janberry Wm Graham " 136 50 121 10 0 74 8 36 Coueord... WII Campbell " 464 20 420 28 2109 31 51 922 Donegal..- (.' r \'ensei " 810 05 722 5..| 37 90 2*. V. il 04 •••••••• Forward A C Brown " 575 6-'. 510 ■> ->7 Marion J C Vandyke " :»C» 92 19.. on 10 25 83 24 9T- »... Merrer... II J Brown •' 278 67 280 62 13 91 111 , Muddy, reek R II Oliver •• 255 KJ 240 20 12 03 2 93 / Middlesex Geo Slepp " I 909 615 41 SI 87 : 2*170 Oakland FX Kyth •• 579 20 610 91 28 45 9H4 Penn G S lluselton " 57 31 20 34 1 13 85 84 Parker Jos Walley " . 164 7:, 43 '27 121 40 Summit JWllaltluuf " 3.'>; i 75 3'29 8"., 17 31 650 _ Slippery Rock John Kelly " 505 '2O 492 73 . 25 9.: 40 54; Venango Jos Aiken 14 '• 801 ♦>•'. 702 08' .'.6 B.'. 62 7? , Washington G C Wrav _... " 023 14 518 50 28 32 36 01 39 08 Worth J L Re'cnart " 357 28 29<; 16 15 » 3 72! 35 82 Wlnfield M Cypher '" i 305 11 209 41 11 01| 8199 Butler Boro JM Maxwell '• 3.9*7 39 3,271 83 170 87 : 201 30 340 39 Centervllle J A Aiken " 199 98 180 80 9 83 3 29 Connoquenesting. J M Rose " 82 XI 78 '22 4 111 Evans City A » lifer " 3»l 40 345 81 13 38l 21 18 Fairview A L Klorev 1 « 184 08 J6B S3 13 8." 6 73 ' Harmony F Weigle " 219 it'. 219 35 IlarriHvllle.- S 1> Morrison " 150 M 2 147 IM 7 75 1 89 - Earns city II McLaughlin ... •• 119 45 100 91 700 551 Mlllerstown R N Emery " 00 49 40 73 2 21 II 35 20 1 Mars WD Boyd " 164 01 147 il 7 71 9 05 Prospect EEWehr •• 1«1 H 95 00 5 00 3 81 Petrolla Carl Butzer " 40 01 i> 2 «l 43 98 Portersvllle f. A Henshaw •• 06 95 6o 58 3 37 3 00 Saxonburg K Schroth " 81 70 68 58 337 I I 75| Sunbury P P Brown " 85 87 70 58 4 02 5 27 • Valencia W II Smith \ •' 81 72 72 31 3 81 5 00, Zelienople Wm Allen j " 221 13 19.3 97 10 21 19 95] Total .7. ! ' $24,925 24 319,:i01 58 $1,017 32 $1,272 32'53,393 50 3"9 48 ?U 10 I l_ __ I »$54 44' _ J I | *Off to show (taiidlng of treasurer with county. COLLECTORS' ACCOUNT OF STATE TAX FOR 1901 7 i f> f> gj? I "gl -2 ?? "2 r-5 DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. j S3 '-a =« j r ;** || i f i | • | | Adams Twp A F Werner '» 490 87 » 39 .21 S 29 28 $ 00 :|8 f Allegheny J S Glenn 128 21 100 o» Garouui " 15 :i8 10 \t .5. 1 11 Marlon J 1; Vandyke ** M« 1:1 tf, 13 Mem-r II J Brown " 4 87 4 ii.t 21 ... 1 Muddycreek K II Oliver " 26. 252 13 Middlesex GeoStepp " 191 81 130 871 6M9 1 57 OH Oakland FN Eyt" " s'.«i 4 6. 24 1 a'. Penn GS lluselton " 517 231 13 2 7".! 1 l*arker J H Walley " 15 56 jj M 1 Summit J W ltaldauf " 39 70 mm 191 >1 ( slippery rock John Kellj " 12 02 m or, 1. 292 Venango. J<* Aiken •' 201*1 19 is. I is. Washington 'I C Wray " 2515 m 289n0 12 .'rfi I Worth i LBcfenert " 72 «8 im 1 1 Conu(s|uenewlug Greer Mo undless " 14 HO llm. 71 ..... , Wlnfield M Cypher " 79 11 74 IT 412 si J M Maxwell! " '231 70 23 197 11 73 12 0M Centervllle J A Aiken " 430. 34 95 IHI Coiino<|Ucnculng J M Rom- 20 9li 19H9 l In Evans City A S I'elfer " 9 .9 9 12 0-1 431 Fairview. il I.Htoruy " 4400 41 .2 348 1 Hanuonv E Weigle " llllh 11 1 111 IH Kanw i lly II MeUNWhllii " 700 049; m Mars.. Wllßoytf " 16 15 71 87 lToais-ct EEWehr " 105 96' :»7s Imm ~s :«I: Petrolla 1 Butzer " 18 17 nt I Portenivllle >ll llcnslmw " 104 13 15 ly Hi sh 211 Saxonburg ESchroth " 10 6 11 32 4 H> Valencia W II Smith " 251 02 ..... 2 .2 /.i-llenople Wm Allen. " 43 01 40 81 jy 17 j I Total .j *52,899 52 $1 000 01 g«r> 6»is2:i6 8.1 }'« Muddy Creek 131 158 158 372 - 372 i | Worth 4 50 : 4 50 .. - ' Mercer v | 0 85 0 85 ' •• ; Slippery Rock 10 7ii * 2 00 2 00 : Concord X3B I 11 40 003 5 4'! 632 577 12 09 17 05 70 17 65 7t» i ' Washington 15 54 652 20 37 10 48 10 4! 032 032 004 094 ! Fairview 10 55 5 30 5 30 i i Butler 480 01! 384 023 74 843 1 !•> 901 40 38 287 43 25 -'Cherry 140 48 80 ! /SO 50 36 323 125 44- 20 02 !»4 20 90 ' ' Oakland (1 85, 13 74 10 40 119 457 50! 914 41; 375 375 | Donegal 588 ! 700 700 700 700 10 04 118 12 12 ' > Center I 412 393 270 009 218 140 358 159 270 4 35; ' Clearfield 50 42 73 14 01 lit 128 20 007 SO 01 OS 83 140 81 203 740 749 i Adams 204 .. .. 201 18S 188 J i Franklin 10 41 5 07| 8 ".14 14 01 034 098 10 32 380 596 976 ; l'arker 10 04 (Mi 72 30 24 70 88 20 OS 21 28 14 70 55 SO ' 15 10 6 49; 210-5 ; Marion 77 09 OS o4 10 .30 84 84 27 88 5S 12 Mi 00 :!7 47 773 45 20 i * Win field 42 10 1 63 24 03 24 76 88 75 8S ! ; Venango 35 35 27 1s 120 31 44 33 80 852-37 37 504 19 20 300 19 20 3 00 1 ! Connoquenessing ■ 80) 0 IN: 704 14 12 1 4.> 3>2 .... 4 07, 352 257 352 257 I Jackson I 44 3 1 26 354 20 03 55 148 927 0 27! i Clay 10 01 4; 2- 770 51 01 33 30 <45 37 {S 30 17 84 334 21 18 i I Allegheny 7s 6 i 07 07, 10 19 8.3 20 01 58 SO7 03 1"> 050 40 144 181 ' » Brady 12 64 38 21 12 88 455 12 14 105 335 440 130 631 701 Summit i 25 40 35 30) 15 57 50 200 20 03 32 50 20*95' 902 23 53 704 ; Penn I 29 75 19 4 i 5 79" 25 23 'J 02 002 | 11 42 339 14 SI : Millers town Boro 901 9 34; 034 10 19 10 19 1 10 I 10 ; I'etrolia *• - j 450 450 | Sunbury *• 2 04 2 <>4 ' ; - llarrisville *• 70 1 75 1 75 70 .. 70 1 52 ; 1 52 Butler " 450 000 12 00 18 «0 780 14 30, 22 10 471 3 45; j 810 ! Evans City " 20 7s 7 s 40 40 ; Saxonburg " 298 357 357 00 00 30' 30 Fairview " 20' 75 75 352 .. 352 477 . 1 477 Prospect I* 720 11 10 11 10 189 IS9 139 ! 139 fotul »5i2 125509 s. i ;j 7 75 8445 59*45! 99 *339 87 j3:;s l 1 gi-:, -i gji:; pjsj7s i'.i <;i r.* »i:t> 97 >2lO 97 IKXi TAX FOR 1901. 3 \ a I i Ii g 0 2 X 2- P ' ~ DISTRICTS. i COLLECTORS. £ = = g * =3 f 3 =" I Z =5 5 2 3 5. 11l pi ft A.liuno \ K Werner » 129 7.8 50 * 37x 5 74 TO J «34 00. Allegheny J S Glenn 65 25 • 65 25. 19 tw Butler «co Bauer 129 00 70 00j 519 53 hi ■ ...! Buffalo June* Simmer* 115 50 42 ul a 10; 70 36. 108 60! I S Rarteer 4» 00 13 97 Ju« 00! Clinton IS Harvey 107 25 80 87 317 53 21! CO 20 ( lay K N I'ntterv.n . *7 75 37 72 2 .*>o 47 &3i 42 50 Center J G Remilck 63 75 50 00 3 70: lo if. 15 00... Clearfield I' B Fennel WSO 15 20 112 4K IS 1:W 25 Cherry K J Barron 8:1 25 2? 00 IW. 53 39 100 00 Coiiuoqueneasing ' 310 i.2 .10 3:19 50j Cranberry Win Cralmm 89 25 6:' II 512 15 02 45 50 Concord I' R Sutlon M 75 72 6". 5 20 0 '.HI 67 75 Iloi.ecal C F Veiibel 156 75 78 92 501 72 H2' . . Forward \ C Brown 126 751 90 On' SN) 30 W. 27 50! Franklin J A Cratty hi 75 :» 00 222 4# S3 Fairview JJ 1 ann>bell 1117". 50 Oo 327 .* 4* 179 on Jefferson W II 35 2 V> Ou Middlesex Geo Stewi 132 00. 70 49 4 53 56 98 ISU 00 Oakland F N Kytli ; 89 mi] 47 00 284 19 06 158 00 I-arker IJ H « alley 82 50 50 00 171 28 79 140 00; I Vim IG S Iliuellon 11l 00! 9172 1.; 13 85 98 00 Summit J \V Baldauf 112 50 85 00 55; 21 95 23 00 Sliiwery Bock John Kelly 69 00 30 69 227 , 36 0-1 MOO Quango Joi Aiken 84 00 '25 00 185 57 15 26 Mil Washington 0 C Wray , 9000 16 3J 1 21, 72 40 :i3 00l Winfield M Cypher 109 50 60 MI 41. 45 0.. 3150 Worth J Keiehcrt 84 00 40 Ml, 2 97; 41 "3 41 50, Butler Ix.rougli I M Maxwell 180 00 71 63, I 87, In 3"i 0 Conno 15 Ml 12 45| 105 150 Millerstown J llonalme 42 Oo 11 Mi 1 01 2ii 96 Man V 1» Boyd 26 25 9 001 73 16 52; llv.peet EEWelir 15 75 5 00 40 10 3.5 ' I'etrcilla C Bntzer . 15 U0 1 1 15 00 ] I'ortersville A Henshaw 9 75 8 31 61. 75 »li|'|«-ry Rock I A Fakin 11 25 7 69 66 6 no SaxoiYburg K Schroth 24 00 4 99 41 18 6" Sunljurv P P Brown ! 5 25 ' 8 25 Valencia W II Smith -8 25 2 88 21 6 19 Zellenople Win Allen ; :so 75 12 Odj 8.11 17 90 Total i»1.555 25 si. 7211 ■208120 17.11.712 :I3 32.125 20 82 25 IJOO TAX FOR ISOO AND PREVIOUS. 1 '«•' tf I > | y ] n ! o~ < ® S 3 2 I * = , i = 3 I O ! O® DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. •* ~ - £ 3 =? 1: § || r sj si : : . : D S I).11«i • 1 > 1 » Slippery Bock I I- Cooper IHM S 75 1 75 Clearfield jEJ Kennedy I«U7 0 57 0 00 48 f Donegal F W Waltman | 0 00 0 00 Hill ler borough .1 S Jack 7 71 7 33 38i Centerville F Forrester j 03 j 03 t onnoouenesslng C Flel 15 ; IS Karns City F Babbett 0 65 0 65 Millerstown.. JJ Donahue 1- Mi 11 Oti 63 Clinton Jlt Kiddle 1808 28 00 12 33 15 67 Cherry HughSproul 1 00 1 ♦«» Bui ler borough .1 S.lack. 1 35 1 2* 07 ...... Millerstown tiorough J J Doriahu<; t. 10 % J7 1H 111 ... I'etrolla borough F M Fritz 1* W0 18 '.HI Saxoubiirg borough I E Muder 6 (Hi, H 611 t. Union J K Kiddle 180 M 27 01 ! 045 17 50 Clearfield KJ Kennedy Ml 'Si .« 173 1 ;>7 Cfierry HughSproull .... ~| 35 88 Dttuegal !•' Waltman 47 5* - Venango 11 B Stalker. ... 53 46j 50 (i 5 2MI .... ... But ler borough IS Jack 1- 81 1-17 (54 I .". Centerville borough. F Forrester 4m 19 46 1 Cfc.' ... Harmony borough F Welgle 44 10 41 10 Kara* City borough E 1) Kodgers 13 W 7 31 6 30; I'et iolla borough F M Fritz 0 64 6 0» Saxon burg borough I E Muder T. .. 3 »W 3 64 Adams A F Werner 1000 74 68 56 M;i '2 89 14 Allegheny J S (Jleiin 51 iW 76 1 Butler .. Geo Bauer. .. 01 83 40 7* '4 15! 18 Ut> Buffalo ... fas Si miner 3 74 4:.' 64 61 351 630 Brady .. j k Kodgers 22 U6 16 57 KS 551 Clinton. .1 NII at iey 58 12 37 82 li«i U 4f. B*6 Clay UN Patterson ... 51 7H .1 04 21 551 42 13 Center lii Kenick 30 tth «u 50 1 7ii 4 7:.' Clearfield P B Finnell 54 34 15 82 KJ 2s 14 11 55 Uierry B J Banon 75 ;t2 57 75 3(M .... 14 53 Conno Kvans City I>orough .... .. A H l'elfer 11 70 596 32 551 Fairview borough II L Story lo 50 7 50 6.2 2 20 II arim »ny hurougli Fred Wefflt 40 05 ! 40 05 KJarrlsvflleborough BD dorrtiion 282 900 14 \ Karns City borough Hugh McLaughlin ... 1125 10 60 56 . 1 Millerstown borough K W Emery. 10 71 8 60 45! I 57 . Mara borough W D Boyd 18 ;t'» 1600 70] 2 36} Prpspcct borough E E Weber |0 31 003 50 3 W I'Hrolla borough c But/.er II M 0 7n 54 I 57, Portersvllleborou/ch A Henshaw. 300 272 tt 75| Baxonbunc borough E Hchroat lo si 5 03 27 IH Bunburv borough P P Brown 8«3 21 1 57] Valencia borough W 11 Smith. 5 44 3 6* 10i 1 57 /ellenople borough Win Allen 10 01 13 68 72j &Mi Total I-T. ! I ♦J.IIIIO 27 *ls2* M |No'W*:| 401 05:* 047 I UNSEATED LAND TAX RECEIVED FOR 1901. " i 5 w ' y~\ s i s" i Ps 1 i g 5 2 SiSS § W tL ® " ! a ' SI X 8 : : F 5 ! DISTRICT. r : : : Ii•:• ' O I Hr : : i • if?! : : : • : : FF 3 S Coiirofd N .'IK II in &47 4 1«I 30 51 W .1141 WBMI.iHBUm 15 M an .'l7 fl.'ta la Mll 2H5 67 70 nml.-r I 4MO S M 1 4H] 55U 15 04 I". HI riwrrv I4H 150 1 25; li|i 515 .'Hi 551 (lnkluii.l | la 52 13 7 1 501 10 m: 41 til 10 42 07 ll.iiir.tful 5 W 7 ("I 7mi 441 24 41 ...... 21 II (Vnt.-r ; 412 2 ill 140 2 701 11 01 77 II 81 Cl. aiiliilil I .Ml 42 01 10, IW Kl| 27 7.", 208 17 32 2lli I'.i I'urk.-r 10 01 30 21 14 70 12 3', 73 05 3M7 77 «2 Marion IH 00 10 47 Nl2 12 01 55 H!l OTO 82 HS Winll. 1.l 42 10 03 24 75 81 23 2" 204 4i 2'H li VnnitliKo 000 120 h52 110 23 54 120 21 *0 <'oiiiio.iii**ii..MMiiii{ 804 7IM 3 ..J 257 22 117 0 2.1 31 00 .IttcJuon 41 20 55 15 1 40 1 40 Clay 10 m 770 445 334 25 50 182 27 41 Alloitli.'iiy 17 2; 10 10 807 730 4K 80 2'•! 11 Hrtuly ' '.I M 712 W 335 850 34 00 120 35 0". Summit 25 411 15 57 20 0.1 T2 31. U3 20 111 #7 43 p onn 7!>i 570 002 532 ' 28 11 157 20 08 iiutlor iHirotiKli. 12 00 14 30 345 31 S5 G .'MI 41 21 Snxonl.iirK Ixiroiitcli aOi 357 OO 104 II ll' 30 045 Mill- TOTAL '■ !r bridge lnsp«M'lioii a 78 2l| —■■■ j" —" —~ For boiler house repairs 70 7o clay Twp 9 ?01 25 301 2.» f For Commonwealth (costn).. 2.4.»5 ih Coiitio4|'g j 775 J 77a Court house (for repairs etc..) 483 70 Cranberry 00 25 80 25 Count y CommlHslonerh I'rnnklhi 50 . 50 5n I j MetiArvey. 312 days..s 1.002 00 Siiiiiiult 0 no; 000 John W (jille.sple, 365 da 1,067 30 Slippery UtR-k.. | IHI 75! 01 251 77 7.| 108 2, j o |,„ \ Flchert. 206 da 1.615 IMI 3.174 50 liutlor J 13 50L j 18 5o Oomuih'r»' counsel. P W Lowry...* 400 60 Clinton 1,070 lo* •• 1.070 40 County lietectlve. Jas A ll< Marlln. 720 00 Marion lv*i 25 'Si 75 5* fiu 171 50 ; County auditor. J W Coulter H2 50 VVinHeld KM 00 B»t 00 ! 'PiM'ounty audHor^ Oaklund * 37 00 37 00 |» || He4'hler 183 00 Ijiueaftter 47 15 ... 47 1 » JAM (iowan 174 IKI Jetfemon ! 58 40j 47 15 11 25 j\y |»att4 rv»n 174 00— &.'il 00 cherry \ 45J1 H2j l/Sl 62 Constables, for quarterly returns.. 700 Is I Vim 300 21 30", I 21 < 'our I crier. B. I. llocUenberry. •WWI 00 Forward Ikh 2."»j IMS 25 ciork «»f Court*, W ll CaruplHjll. Wurtb 01 25 130 50 176 60j 45 7ii jukl ex-e|erks. Meals and Turner, Mercer 27 00! 27 tm sundry fees 327 5o Wanttlngt4)ti. til 7 » 01 25 110 2» I» 7 » CommlVrs' clerk. .1 C Klskaddou .. 780 tm Karim City lloro' SI3 70 **l3 70 County Institute appropriation ... 260 oo Proh|<4*ct HI 75! 61 7' . t'oroiier's in(|Uests . Pit 15 centerville 15 7J>' i• 7 » hi «t rl«*t attorney. I M Painter . &H2 0 » Butler 250 tiOj ' ; 250 W) Cor dray age, freight and c.xpres- ToMI I»!f43i OOS7W *o|»«,«MO 15 rot tuiiiilit 4.727 74 Fuel, litflit and heat for county buildings 1,882 7,' Kor county general expense 31 4!> For lodubiii OS I Bmkl 0N tt For interest 011 temporary loan ... li*< 34 For indigent paupers *4 no For Insurance on county buildings. tU .'*) I'olk hospital fur maintenance of feeble minded Bsti 63 Jurors 6.T73 19 For jail repairs, supply, etc 340 4'J Janitor, (llugli Morgan) 70s 00 Jury commissioners— A I) Nick las $ 67 34 .Mlin G ritrlsty 73 22 140 7C Jail physicians til ; For livery hire 121 75 i For lunacy Inquests 416 32 For military enrollment 177 17 For printing 207 13 For |>ostage 25 50 I'rotlionotary. (sundry fees) 500 0i Fenna lieform school for uininte j nance of prisoners 53s y.» (Vun Industrial Reformatory 1 25 Koad views 093 31 , For road damage 370 00 lirglster& Kecorder. VV J Adams . 112 00 | For refunding IS 13 For registering voters 1.329 no Fur registering births and deaths.. K5 05 For registering school children ... I.3KJ Ml Court Stenographers EdS Kiddle . *1.205 05 Miss Flndlay 14s K"> Miss Maud Kelly 17 10- 1.461 CO Slier! IT for boarding prisoners, com mittment* and lakiug prisoners to penitentiary and work house . 2.MM ;V> Stationery and dockets 1.94$ 4i Soldiers burial 115 00 St Francis hospital *. 43 00 Tipstaffs- Ol' Campbell $ S4 00 John Schalfuer.. 26 00 It II Harbison Mi 00 •I C Welsh v .. 00 KU Lewis 04 00 C lllnchberger 90 00 F. It Hover 54 00- 126 00 Commissioners for traveling ex panse . 73 54 Commissioners transcribllig 131 75 For temporary loan 18,500 00 I'nseated land tax paid to town ships 1,043 07 Warren hospital, maintenance of Insane 1,861 75 West I'enn hospital, maintenance of Insane f 4,13130 Western Penitentiary, for main tenance of prisoners 1.727 44 Werner* vl lie hospital, mainte nance of Insane 378 57 Water service for couuty build ings 478 80 For telephone service. 51 62 For guarding prisoners at county home 148 00 Stale tax on county Honds 131 10 *84.019 19 D. L. RANKIN. Treasurer. Hal In treasury Jan 1, Dit CR 1901 $ 7,301 05 $ County tax from 1900 and PfBTKHIS IMS 14 County tax from 1901 .. 49,115 49 State tax from 1900 and previous 1,587 97 State tax from 1901 13,532 43 Amount from uuseated land 1.110 70 Amount from towuhlpi Insane account 7M so Amount from redemp tion «»r unseated land sold to County Com missioners 8&»75 Amount received from I'rot honotarv. 53 00 Amount received from Clerk of Courts .. 77 00 Amount received from Justices of I he peace... .'l6 00 Amount received from llijuor licenses r>4l SO Amount from temporary loan.. 16,500 00 Amount from county commissioners 037 80 Amount received from Butler Passenger K It Co for changes made to Center avenue bridge.. 8(19 00 By vouchers currant ex penses 07.185 .' 2 Ity temporary loan paid. 10.500 00 liy vouchers unseated land ' 1,043 67 By ! reasurer*s 3 per cent. $•0,000 1,500 00 Ity treasurer's 1% pur cent $38,805 52 507 99 By cash set aside for sinking funds 3,380 90 By balance in treasury, January 1. 1902 21,244 15 f 1U.54M.23 1111.548 23 l>. L. Kanklu In Account Dog Tax. DR. CM. To Dog reserve fund 1900 $ 200 00 To don tax from 1900 and previous 1.527 97 To dog lax from 1901 1,72020 Ity vouchers Sheep damage. 2,225 20 By i reasurer's 5 per cent, on $2.125.20 lO'i 20 By amount turned over to county 905 87 By treasurer's 5 per cent, on f 1.010.71 50 84 By dog reserve 2900 00 $3,448 17 $3,448 17 1). 1.. Kanklu In Account with llutler Couu ty Sinking Fund. DR. CR. To cash on hand from 1001. ..$1,014 28 To arn't received from taxes of 1899. 1900, 1901, as a sink ing fund levy 3,349 40 By vouchers on lauds and coupons redeemed $1,542 50 By treasurer's IS percent,, #1.542.60 B! 11 By ha! on hand Jau 1, 1902... 2,798 04 $4,303 OS $4,303 OS Kxpended lor linage hepalrn Jauics Barron for plank una muterml lor Slip|* ryrock bJidge. $ 13 81 B \\ Dunbar for material and puiuting bridges 92 50 i li Morrow repairs to Iron work Clark bridge .sl4 50 Furnishing material and putting up railing Kellj bridgi <'• Keplaukiug and rep. Clark br'dg 111 00 131 90 Joseph Blakely material and labor for Boy bridge 70 79 Abner Orousiusu material and labor ft»r Christy bridge 54 23 Jani' N B Caldwell material and lalsirfor r Millar bridge 12 80 I'eter Nigh masonry, haulingstono,quar> rvmg stone and tilling approaches to the I Pl* r Bomiiu Brook bridge 29 Oft Harvey A Cooper furnishing material and labor for Ogden bridge 14 Si S\\ (ileiin placing HiipiMtrts to Jack br'g 31 00 B D Hefton furnishing material and la bor for S tlon bridge 05 '.'l David Oarviu material Buhl bridge $43 20 Lumls-r for AiulierMon bridge 10 00 Hauling stone for Zelgler bridge 5 SO I'lank for Wolf Bun bridge. 18 24 flunk lor M«-<'andless bridge 1120 lis II Buckley At Stubbs plank and hauling for Bruin and Harper Mill bridges 54 4ft Frank Burr for tilling the approaches to Z. ii'h r I»ri»I" Jack on township 25 00 J W McConl uuilerlal for Sedwig bridge nv town hip 9 0" Jnine* Mcliogg lal>or and hauling for fill to NOIMOU bridge* Cherry township 800 I'J WiulerH repairing masonry and la- I nil- furnished /eigli r bridge. 44 25 WW II ill material and lal>or furnished | [tor Park • bi[ago SO 0® AiiHtiu Mt Clyuioudtt material uial labor for Neely bridge 12 25 l{ <1 Milliard material and repairs made to Bruin and Harrier Mill bridges 15 15 A J Burr repairing McCaudless bridge .. 8 90 I B M M. Call tenuis, hauling stone and labor furnished to kittanning bridge. 20 0o { II Drebcrt repairing masonry Auiberson bridge in '«»j B B Mctiarvey hauling material and la bor lur... .bed lor Wolf Creek brdge. .. 24 27 (i (' Biebl painting Kohler bruise 15 no I'aintiug hit tunning bridge . .2o ts> Fainting hums A M NeUoi, .V Buchanan repairs and altera tion -to < Vntre ave. bridge. Butler horo. sM at Michael l-'leming musotiry and tilling approaches t«» Knsmingcr bridge 211 10 A II Hciiick repairs to - lone work Keis i. r and Wndsworth bridge 8 00 S\\ tileiui planking and repairs to On ida bridge 30(1) K K Knglisti for ceiuent. 8 55 David M Zeigler. keeping up crossing oyer LHtle Creek 10 00 I|er.r> Wahl team and men removing ilrift ood an CI rich Winters material and hifior for I dinau bridg 14 58 I' IC Sn>der material and lals»r for New liopo bridge H 1(J W .) Vincent plank. labor and material for New Hope bridgv. Cherry U>wn«hip 'M 01) SC Moore material ami labor Hemphill britige 22 SO Charles Spithaler filling approaches to MrCaiMileai bridge 3 SO Wm McKisson material furnished Curry bridge .. » Small re pa in to sundry bridge* 221 95 , 12.723 77 Statement Showing Amount Expended for N»w Brtdgec. J S Hobaugh on acct. masonry Coal Run bridge 110 CJU Tobias Dietrick for filling ap pn*aches to Coal Run bridge. 12 00 JC Vandyke tilling approaches to Vandyke bridge 19 (JO j Alex Porter filling old channel of I creek and guard rail* to Porter bridge ft) 00 For CVment— \V S McCn-a & Co . 225.18 Enos Borkey 55 25 I '1 Heaven < freight on cement).. 11 70 292 13 • Edward Fleshner filling appr'chs 1 to Mars bridge 25 00 F J Winters— On acct masonry Mars bridge . 250 00 In full masonry Marshall bnlge 6f® 14 For fill to approaches and rio | rapring abutment to Marshall bridge ?2 00 1011 14 Wahl A Knauff filling approach's | to Amberson bridge 35 00 Hanrey A Henon. balance on ma sonry contracts Porter and Van dyke bridges 519 58 Balance on masonry on Dudley j Furnace bridge 26K 92 For opening channel of creek ■ and filling approaches to Por ! ter bridge - 40 00 822 50 . Archie Anderson in full for ma sonry of new bridge over Mud dycreek, Clay township lifi 17 Filling approaches and placing j guard rails to Muddyc'k bridge 30 00 Erecting and maintaining tem porary bridge...: —'. 20 00 232 17 Nelson Buchanan Co balance on bridgo contracts for 19U0 4081 00 On acct bridge contracts 5523 U0 9004 00 William Vincent for new guanl rails placed to approaches to Vandyke bridge 2 25 12,M9 19 Liabilities of Butler Count/. County bonds outstanding |15,000 00 Nelson & Buchanan on bridge contracts 1,149 00 I I T Heaven on masonry contract. Welsh bridge. Connesslng twp 37 1 T Heaven for filling ap proaches. Welsh bridge... 25 00— 319 37 J S Hobaugh. masonry con tract. Coal run bridge, Summit township 93 35 POOR DISTRICT. STATEMENT OF BUTLER COUNTY POOR .DISTRICT FOR 1900. I 1 JH| f~ g g 8 £* DISTRICTS. . COLLECTOR*. 5 a 2« § s? « s -S e S3 l_ i_ r § i Adams Twp A Werner * 408 11 $ 348 ft>'s IS 81$ 41 78*.... ' Allegheny J S<;lenn 399 72 :»2 ST.' 18 53 38 $4 Hut lor Geo Bauer 205 44' 176 ft.' 920 22 26 Buffalo Ja* Simmers 627 36 590 031 31 05 6 28 Bradv I 8 Badger 345 39 150 15 789 616 181 19 Clinton I N Harvey 423 78 378 90; 19 91 859 16 38 ( lav RN Patterson 412 oft 186 77 981 843 207 (M Center J O Renick 150 9* 13» 93 726 379 Clearfield PI) Fennell Mil 80 293 0«! IS 42 49 00 444 Cherry R J Barron 378 62 170 00 895 199 67 Count* tiienessing Greer McCandless 289 67 154 44 813 127 10 Crunlierry Wm (iraham 17 08 11 81 66 461 Concord W H Campbell 316 16 284 80 14 46 16 90 Donegal C F Vensel 484 48 387 59 20 3* 14 75 61 68 Forward A C Brown 361 65 334 75 17 09 19 81 Franklin JA ( ratty 831 «1 312 15 16 4;) 3OR Fairvlew J J Campbell 390 14 351 18 18 48 20 48 Jefferson W H Grabe 94 05 60 00 316 487 26 02 Jackson John Bame 319 62 299 17 15 70 655 Lancaster JOB Garman 272 17 255 65 13 46 SO7 Marion J C Vandyke 168 01 18 51 98 42 80 105 72 Mercer II J Brown 164 63 153 83 8 25 2 55 Muddycreek R H Oliver 152 25 142 99 752 174 Middlesex (Scone Btepp 498 54 357 71 883 132 00 Oakland F N Eyth 332 12 310 36 16 33 543 l'enn G 8 Huselton 23 80 387 21 19 72 Parker Jos Waller 61 28 38 97 37 31 Summit J W Haldauf 321 56 302 15 15 88 353 Slippery Rock John Kelly 312 sft 272 55 14 34 25 66 Venango Jos Aiken 439 45 385 01 20 24 34 20 Washington G C Wm* 345 98 385 78 13 46 20 06 50 68 Worth J L Reichart 210 63 150 96 7 95 1 M 49 78 Wlnfleld M Cypher 283 20 224 61 11 82 46 77 Butler Borough J M Maxwell 2.3 M 13 1,812 81 95 40 113 06 182 86 Ceuterville J A Aiken 115 84 108 32 5 69 1 83 Coniiouuencsslns J M Rose 44 78 42 54 2 24 Evans City A F Pelfer 209 42 190 33 10 02 907 Fairvlew II L Storey 101 24 89 84 759 381 Harmony FWeigle 146 46 146 46 Harrisville S Morrison 00 09 56 09 295 105 Karns City II McLaughlin 65 70 68 51 415 304 Millersumn R N F.mtrv 55 06 46 33 2 44 6 29 Mars W D Boyd 90 63 81 26 428 509 Prospect E E Wchr 54 26 56 65 279 212 Petrol la C Butzer 33 22 29 77 2 39 1 06 Portersville A Henshaw 37 67 34 21 180 166 Saxonhurg ESchroth 44 99 35 06 188 808 ... Sui.hurv P P Brown 70 46 63 56 335 855 Valencia W II Smith 44 51 39 34 2 07 3 10 Zelienoplc Wm Allen 119 64 108 27 543 10 91 0(1 T»tai~7.~~ I rMofw »i0!647 38 *554 53 jsTIM STATEMENT OF BUTLER COUNTY POOR DISTRICT FOR 1901. . " | 1 ,S ff s~ eg I J? i ©• DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. v•§ g 2 »£ 3 srS § i i 1 r P Adams Twp A Werner 8 714 57 J 391 34 8 29 00 f $ 294 23 Allegheny J S (ilenn 515 76 400 00 29 65 86 10 Butler Geo Bauer 665 91 600 00 44 471_ 21 44 Buffalo Jas Simmers 676 55 319 45 * 23 66 333 44 Brady I 8 Badger 33ft 82 166 11 12 30 157 41 Clinton I N Harvey 651 51 399 69 26 70 228 12 Clay R N Pattenon 566 87 3.54 72 24 50 187 6ft Center J G Reniek 521 13 475 00 33 03 13 10 Clearfield PB Fennell 422 63 185 07 13 72. 223 84 Cherry R J Barron 486 61 245 00 16 86 . 224 /5 Coniiooucncsgiiig (ireer McCandless 507 97 299 91 22 23 . 185 83 Cranberry Wm Gr&ham 662 88 529 86 39 27 93 75 «p R sJiST.::™: ™so MO <» 24« wi 85 Donegal C K Vensel 602 363 -1 23 - JjW 0* Forward A C Brown 634 22 460 00 29 08 - JJj Fruiiklin Jwi A ('ratty Ml 01 260 00 19 '«./ 231 77 review:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J J cample: « 250 00 is » 225 Jefferson II Grabe w>4 19 4/«> 00 3»> 21 188 98 Jiu'kson John Bame 743 87 490 W) 36 32 Ojj I nnc aivter Jim* (Jannan 519 63 840 01 26 JO 164 39 Marion JC Vandyke 439 61 200 0O 14 82 234 79 Mercer i......!:.!.."!... 11 J llrown ...!"...". 282 60 139 64 10 35 132 61 Muddycreek ~.. J C McClymouds 439 27 253 34 18 74 107)9 Middlesex George Stepp 7*l- 606 (JO 40 95 47 Oakland FN Eyth 502 36 370 00 25 26 107 10 lCnn "I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G S nUnon. 655 29 & w 37 22 « « Parker J H Walley 517 74 400 00 29 M 88 10 Summit J w Baldauf 545 96 295 00 20 78 230 18 Slippery Rock John Kelly 606 68 887 58 ,189 38 Wiiuiiirti Jon Aiken 42 IJO 00 11 11 227 31 w'jishingititi.o c w»* 552 w 220 45 10 77 sob « Worth J L Reichart J'O 67 S&' 00 .4 07 -11 50 WilifieM M Cypher 633 42 997 .o 27 JO 10H 6L HU. J M V3£SZZZ: « >.W » » «G 39 ' elite rville ha Aiken M 2 18 1/6 01 13 04 53 13 Conmxiucneastng JN Rose IAS 1 ,?k 5? i? ?! i'N'iui Kvans City A 8 Pclfcr - <*» 2! *1? 2 f £ 1« I ii OA lew H L Htorev 62 80 56 50 4 27 ........ 2 03 «i» Si? Xarrlsvllle S Morrlaon 11l <9 5-> 0o 4 68 -11 Karns city H McLaughlin 4.'21 ivtrolla C Butter A 00 1 86.... .. JW 90 Portersville A llenshaw »*} RTo 6191 52 Saxoiihurg ESchroth 146 60 9.> 78 815 4.^. Suubury.. . PP Brown 100 52 59 66 507 35 90 Yah fa WII Smith 46 £> 14 71 109 80 45 Zclienople Wm Allen «0 82 00 JO 75 <9 67 Kau ( ialre J A Wilson 69 63 26 6o 2 27 40 71 T<(LA | $25,714 23 $17,178 84 $1,235 29J8 77 R. 297 33 Expenditures of Butier County Poor District. Funeral cxjiertttoa and casket* for Inmate* ci booM M 9 22 Funeral outside of till) countj home lfO 00 519 22 For ('lothing 469 07 Furniture, Bradinfllld Dry Goods 40 94 Fuel, light and heat for county build'gti 951 26 i arm eipwtei lal*>r, blackamithing, freight, fertiliser, manure, win Ihmh Ini frail tree* eta B®* Farm Implements Binder 11l 80 <>n«* top Insurance on Homo building* 345 00 For livo Htock — Three horses 397 25 Five cows IAS 50 Swim* 151 0B Poultry 10 00 Til HI Fur improvement*. Hutle r Light, lluat and MotorjCo, combination electric aud gaw fixture* HB7 45 Geo Schenck on account contract forciatern 400 00 CtM.iHT Bros. balance on barn contract 395 00 FJ lltiir for change* in heating nyHtem 120 00 Fur oak lumber 78 24 Hurry A Markel for hay carrier in bam Hros for laying out drivf way* aud grades 27 50 .Ins Ash for rodding barn 54 (I) For cement 42 58 For i*xtran on barn contract 25 21 For Hand 10 25 2070 07 Salary and wages paid employ ecMof Hit tier county homo, Jo* H'-pli Graham Kupt. lialanco on uccount from 11NJU and on account lUOI .$9lB 17 Mrs. Agnen Graham. matron.... 300 00 Howard Graham, farmer 2HO OCI Mollio (Iraham 142 43 G O Graham, laborer .s<> (■) < 'liarlie Kerr 227 45 Hiram Gillespie, engineer 510 Mollii> Knglish 145 22 Sad it- Kiigliidi, cook 200 71 S.I McMarliu, bai an engineer, liHil 75 00 . A M Neyuian, physician 515 It.rlha K'piiigt r 3(1) Alice Smith : 3 00 Mrs Wright 100-3 512 914 l)u!T liros. for derrick and gas wfll 1,900 00 Natl Supply Co for lino pipe and fittings 7*l 44) For coureying |s»or to county home 173 M 3 For outNide relief 1,100 31 For provisioiiN and ■upplic*.... 1,817 45 For Mtato lax on |htor district lioridn 954 G3 For medicine aud imslical mip plies.. 305 07 TC Campbell for profeeMioiial aervices as attorney in (spiity ease of Young*town Klectric Light Co vs Ifutl'-r county |MM»rdistrict 100 00 For dental senrice at county home 7 00 For justice* f«es for order* of r.dicf 47 00 For repair* to home building* and machinery 43 13 For traveling •• xi>eii*e* of Couu* l> < •onmiis.sioUfiN 24 41 I or tf If phono wrvice 24 10 For printing l*md* 'A 00 For arbitration on barn con tract .tr 9 OH *10,*)4 43 I a rut Product* for 1001. Wheat. 205 bu, at HOc |vr bu. .... .|164 111 < "orn, !<*» bu, at Ssc per bu 140 (*) <)at 220 bu, ul&Uc tier bu lUJ (I) ltye, 34 bu. at tifc, p*r ttu 30 40 IF J Winter on masonry contract. Mars bridge — am S j G S While on Index hooks Tjii (M Wm II Campbell, clerk of <-ourls. sundry fees :t | 23 : Thos K I loon. sheriff. ; hoarding prisoners, etc... 743 I'll J M Fainter, district attor | ney sundry fees 77 on Jas A Me Mar I In. county de tective CO Cil Craig hardware Co for ce- Tnent Johnson & Watson for dockets. &c lUI a# Wm G Johnson 1 Co for dockets. Ac 180 04 Wm F Murphy's Sons for dockets. Ac S7 .*>o Fenna Keform school. 147 09 Fenna Industrial lieforma tory ZU 2S Warren hospital for Insane 500 50 Western Fenna hospital for Insane I.ISO 50 Wernersvllle hospital for Insane 104 00 Institute for feeble minded at Folk. Fa 121 #5 Western Fenltentlary 1,14!) 00 Sundry small bills out standing K) 03 State on account State tax for 1901 3.K*! 77 <3B 829 99 Assets of Butler County. Cash in treasury Jan. 1. ISXC 121,244 15 Due from Collectors 19U) and previous 3.393 50 Due from Collectors 19U1 2U..539 M Due from Officers and Attorneys, Jury fees. line", etc 282 00 $45,759 59 Assets in excess of liabilities 19,129 80 We the Commissioners of Butler county, Stat© of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the fore going statement of receipts and expenditures of said county for the year ending January 1, 1902, is true ami correct to the best of our knowledge and lielief. In witness whereof we have hereunto set onr hands ami seals of office this 4th day of March, ISU2. JOHN W. GILLKSPIE, [BEAI.I J. J. McGABVEY, [aEAi.l JOHN A. EICHERT. [MAX] Commissioner! of Butler Co. We the Auditors of of Butler county. State of Pennsylvania, having met at the court house in said county 011 the sixth day of January. 1902. being the first Monday according to the Act of Assembly, having examined the several ac counts of the County, do certify that the fore going is a correct statement of the above ac counts according to the beet of our knowledge and belief, this 4tli day of March. 19U2. J. W. PATTERSON, [SEAL] P. H. SECHLEB. [SEAL 1 J. A. McGOWAN. [SEAL] Auditors of Butler Co > • Potatoes. 200 bit, nt 75c per bu.... 150 00 Hay, » tons, at sl2 l*-r ton 420 Oil 3,932 iHiunda |K>rk, at 7c |kt nound 275 24 TuinatoOH, 35 bu, at sl>c |*ir bu 17 50 Sweet com, 50 bu, at 4Uc l>er bu... 20 00 Beet*. 3 bu, at ,'iOc per bu 1 50 Carrots, 3 bu. at 25c per bu 75 ' Cabbatre, 1,500 heads, at 3c per bead 43 00 ; Apple butter, 14(1 Kill, at 50c l>or ' p| • <0 00 Peach butter, 15 Kal, at sllc per Kal 7 Apple*, 75 bu. at 75c jssr bushel... 50 25-1,498 14 $1,498 14 D. L. Rankin In Account with Butler County Poor District. Amount in treasury Jan 1, 1900 $14,312 71 Tax received from 19U0 10,647 38 Tax received from 19UI 17,178 84 Amount received from lx>nd inane 16 000 00 Cash received from Commis sioners 806 16 By vouchers redeemed $57,894 43 By treasurer's 2 |ier cent, on 127,894 43 557 80 By amount set asidefurpoor district sinking fund 12,720 32 By bai on hand, Jan 1,19U2. ■ 17,572 45 $58,745 09 $58,745 00 D. L. Uankin In Account with Butler County Poor District Sinking Fund. Amount in treasury January 1. 1901, $ 4.627 78 Amount from tuxes of 1*99.. 37 50 Amount frtmi tuxes of I'.HMI.. 2,903 85 Amount frum taxes of 19111. ■ 9,816 47 By vouchers on bond* awl coupons redeemed $ 8,156 25 By treasurer's 2 per cent on $8,1M2.'« 163 13 By luil in treasury, Jan 1, 1902 _ ».««22 $17,385 60 $17,385 60 Liabilities of Butler County Poor Dis trict. I To Bonds outstuudinir . .$125,000 U) ' To Balanru due (JcorKe Sclienck on contract for cistern 406 00 Due Goons Hchenck on repair* 14 30 Due Kohert K. McUowan lor carpen ter work US ® Sundry small bill* outstanding 249 il $125,782 63 Assets of Butler County Poor Dist. To (.'u*h in Treasury Jan. I, Hill $11,312 71 To tax uncollected for Hull lWil 8,831 IW $23,144 4(1 Liabilities over asset* $1U!,638 23 We, the Commissioners of Butler county, State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the fore fioiiitc Hlateiiient of receipt* and expenditures of hitler County l'<*>r District for the year ending Jan. I, 19U2. 11l testimony whereof we have set our hands and seals this 4th day of March, 19lti. John w. uiu.ksriK, isKALi .1. J. McOAHVRY, f*t*l.J J( ill S A. KII'HKKT, I SEAL] ('ommiasioiiers of Butler Co We, the Auditors of Butler county, State of Pennsylvania. hat iiik met in the court house in the borough of Hut ler on the sixth day of Janu ary. A. I>. I!«r_'. Is-iiiK the first Monday in Janu ar>, nrrortliuir to tl»« Act of A nimbly, we huv« ••miMiiM'd ilit* itcroiiiits of uni'l Poor District and do certify that the foregoing is n correct statement according to the Is-st of our know* ledge and belief. In witness whereof we have *.•! our hands and seals this lib day of March. 1910. J. \\ IWITKHSON, [SKALI I*. 11. SECIIMCR, [SEAL] J. A. McCK/WAN. I»%At.L Auditor* of Butler Co