Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 27, 1902, Image 5

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    IHI-: C; I TZEN 1 .
<OTK—AII adveri.i» n »• tending to make
•ttaiMt » In their »•!-■>. -«;• uld notify us of
Mlrlntentloo 1 ■ • t* r than Mon
lajr morning
Mercantile Appraiser's list.
.The Modern Store s opening.
Campbell's furniture.
Brown & Co's furniture.
Rockenstein s Spring millinery.
Kirkpatrick's jewelry.
Ketterer Bro's shoes. f
Eyth Bro's wall paper.
iin secure their receipt booltn at the CITI
office, and person* making public Bales
in sir note books.
—Suckers ripe.
—General Redup.
—Cookingschool at the Y. M. C. A.
—Bntler is having its annual dust
bath early this year.
—J. D. Morris will open a cigar store
and factory at No. 219 Centre Aye., Sat
urday. i
—C. H. Kemp, lately of the Williard
has purchased the lease and fixtures of
the Lowry.
—Hare you noticed the beautiful
show window of Stella Pape's new Mil
linery Store.
—lusterd of calling her a "type-writ
er,"or "twpe-writerist" what is the mat
ter with t.« pe wright "
—The South ienu is said to be dis
chargiiffc nil its tniploytea who have
* ' take i intere-U iu lease?.
—Our furniture stores are ready for
the spring crop. Did-you notice the
new styles in baby carriages.
-A small sized forest fire swept over
an extensive tract on Robert Henry's
farm near Buttercup, Friday.
—"Jack" Walker has sold his Model
Tobacco store on S. Main street to a
Pittsburg man, named Moore.
—Pres. Scott made a dandy speech at
the meeting of the U. V. L., Monday
night, to welcome National Comman
der Brown, who also was very happy in
hia remarks.
—Millions of gallons of water have
lately wasted from the Pittsburg reser
voir, and the leak cannot be found,
through through the big basin is now
almost empty.
—The Hospital has nine patients at
present, among whom are Eugene Ganl,
the Hickory street boy who had bis foot
cut off Friday, and Coroner J. L. Jones.
There are also some serio.is fever cases
An entertainment and pi* social will
be given in the St. Clair school in Centre
twp. Friday night, April 4. Three
miles from Butler on the Mercer road.
. All are invited. Girls bring yonr pies.
-The Guaranty Safe Deposit &
Trnst Co. of Butler sets forth the objects
of their company, end embody a lot of
naeful information irN a handsome
pamphlet lately issued. Yon can secure
one from Geo. C. Stewart, Secretary
and treasurer.
--A bill before the the New Jersey
legislature, to appropriate ten thousand
dollars with which to buy oil to exterm
inate the mosquito, defeated last
Week, one member asserting that the
bite of the mosquito was the only SUTC
cure for rheumatism.
—The days and nights were about of
equal length last Friday the sun was
on the equator and coming north, and
on that day, according to the calendar,
spring began. It was a beautiful day,
•3d we were all glad for it and its prom
ises, after so bard a winter.
--The U. 8. Electric Manufacturing
Co. of Butler, will next week, ship to
Honolula? Hawaii, a lot of telephones of
tbair automatic exchange system.
Their plant is the subject of an illus
trated article in "Telephony" for this
week, with pictures of the officials.
—About four columns of our space
•re occupied this week by th? Mercan
tile Appraisers list f6r the year The
surprising number of 186 people are oc
cupied in some kind of trade in Butler
#pd the whole number of names on the
Hft tor the County is 688'
—The Butler L H. and M- Co. will
•faortlr begin the creation of a new pow
er and light house on the Goeta proper
ty on Spring Ave The building will
. be heavily foundationed for machinery.
. Its size yill be about 70x'20 feet and
- oost #IOOO. The total cost of the build
, ing, machinery and all improvements
Will be #BO,OOO
—The Round Table of Superintend
ents and Principals of Western Penn*
*ylv iia and Eastern Ohio closed in
Newcastle, Saturday, after a two days'
conference on educational matters. The
members of the Round Table pledge
themselves to act in concert for the pas
sage of the State law increasing the
wages of teachers.
—The M«<dern Store—dry goods--
> Eisler-Mardorf Co.—will be a beauty
when completed. The rear end of the
•tore room has been transformed into a
millinery department, cash stand and
|>bby or reading room, which
well ventilated and very conven
'he store will have a preliminary
with exhibition of easter goods
y. See list of employees in their
another column.
id enough to 'wake up the snakes
I saying. Thnnder, the noise
y the discharge of electricity
B clouds to the Earth, is said to
> the snakes and yet if the fol
itory by a correspondent Qf the
ic American is true the snakes
>t fear lightning.
le waiting for a bridge oar I
-acted by a commotion among
loyes at the barns Upon in
ing matters I learned that an
r garter snake about 20 inches
1 been discovered in one of the
>its, and the men proposed to
pte it, the snake having been
sufficiently by a blow to enable
get it up on the track. One
1 loose wire was connected with
Iv wire overhead, the lower end
>{led about a long stick for con
e of handling.
nuke was then laid out with its
I firmly on the track, its body
> arranged as to quickly demon
hether or no snakes are good
ors That particular snake
y was not, as it was impossible
ice the slightest quiver in any
its body, no matter how the con
n made, whether externally or
ning the wire into its motfth.
esult was surprising as it, was
[nting, so much so that the men
I the "power was off." That
ckly tested, however, and the
>f a foot or two of the wire the
it touched the rail showed very
Ively that the 550-voTt current
th ere, ready for the proper con-
Public Male.
h 38—C. Gerlacb, near Harris
ilch cows, horses, agricultural
tents, etc.
h 28— Mrf- Ida Klingler, Penn
earns, auct.
I—J. T. Bricker, Buffalo twp.,
, auct.
Artie Pape visited friends in Greens
burg, last week.
James H. Wo) ford has moved from
Coaltown to Slpperyrock.
Miss Isabel Bole of S. Main St. is ill
with an attack of peritonitis.
John Pierce left Tuesday to dress
tools on salt wells near Akron. O.
Ross Thompson, son of E. O. Thomp
son of Middlesex is ill with pneumonia
A. J. Stoops of Concord twp. called
at the CITIZEN'S new home, Wednesday.
A. T. Scott Esq is attending to some
legal business in Indiana county today.
J. B. Black and wife are attending
the wedding of a niece in Franklin to
N. M. McCandless and wife of Frank
lin did some shopping in Butler, Mon
Attorney Wm A. Forquer is ill with
stomach trouble at his home on Main
Miss Hartung of Adams twp. is the
guest of Mrs. Thomas L. Edwards of
West St.
Robert Turk of Connoquenessing twp.
suffered a severe paralytic stroke a few
days ago.
B. M. Troutman and sister of Middle
town have broken up housekeeping and
think of moving.
Robert Turk of Connoquenessing twp
had a stroke of paralysis, last Saturday,
ard is seriously ill.
Bert Black, Bert Fox", James Ross,
and Ed Dougherty of Cherry township,
were in town Saturday.
Commissioner John Gillespie who has
beet, very ill at his home on Ne-v Castle
St. is slightly improved.
Jesse McCandless, son of Greer Mc-
Candless of Concoqueressiifg twp. has
been laid up with typhoid.
Mrs. Ferrero will move to Pittsburg
and Jos. Elliott, Jr. to the house she va
cates on N. Washington St.
E. S. Thompson of West Penn Medi
eal college spent Saturday and Sunday
at his home in Middlesex twp.
Edwin Grasse, an 11 year old blind
boy of New York, has by his violin
playing, taken Berlin by storm.
F. E. Brandon of Centre twp , painter
visited friends in Butler last week.
Frank noiy takes contracts for paint
C. F. Meedw of Ogle leaves next
week for the Law Department of the
University of Western Pennsylvania, at
Ed Colbert is now with M. J. Park
hill in the pretty little gents furnishing
goods store, jnst below the Hotel Henry
on Fifth Ave.
Clarence Reed came home last week
from Pittsburg ill with typhoid fever,
and is now at the home of his father J.
H. Reed on New Castle St.
C. F. Meeder of Cranberry, David
Barnhart of Oakland twp., Chas Ellen
berger and Rob't Brunt of Fairview
were am6ng our callers, Saturday.
Miss Sadie J Thompson, manager of
W. U. Telegraph Co. at Germantown.
is visiting R. J. Thomp
son's family and other friends in this
'Paul Lambert, of Butler, was granted
a pension of SO. 00, and Annie Shrader,
of Butler, $8.00; Regina Langhorst of
Valencia, #8.00; Charles Langhorst of
Valencia, #12.00.
John Dillon of the English Parliament
was suspended last week, for calling
Jos. Chamberlain the Colonial Secre
tary, a liar, during a hot debate over
the War in South Africa.
(Carles Sellers has sold his property
on Centre Ave. extension to J. S Adams
of Tarentum formerly of W. Sun bury,
for #I4OO, and has moved to the Brown
farm adjoining. Mr. Adams will oc
cupy his new place.
Samuel Eikas of Cooperstown follow
ed the Biddies from that place to But
ler, his horse's nose sometimes touching
the back of their sleigh. He was sur
prised on arriving here to find no one
ready to catch them. Mr. Ekas risked
his life but did not make a try at the
reward money. *
Manager R. S. Brackenridge of the
shirt factory has secured a patent on a
useful and ingenious improvement in
men's overalls. Instead of being but
toned, the sides are fastened together
with a stent cord passing through a
loop in the goods up to the shoulder
strap. When the shoulder strap is upon
the shoulder it holds the sides closed,
when removed the sides fall apart and
the garment is easily removed. It is
quite a time-saver and improvement
over the button overall.
Charles Howe.a farmer of Champaign,
111., last summer looked over the oats
crop on his 1,000 acre farm and there
was not enough to feed the chickens
He took a trip over the oats belt in four
States and the crop looked bad. He
mortgaged things and went to Chicago
with #35,000, which he put in 1,000.000
bushels of May oats at 28 cents. At 31
cents he bought another 1.000,000
bushels; at 35 cents 500,000 bushels.
This line of 2,500,000 bushels he closed
ont a few days ago above 43 cents, and
went back to Champaign with #310,000
winnings. He is now arranging to take
his entire family to Europe for a year's
Rev. Dodds lately missed making
some money as shown in the following
from the Punx'y Spirit.
About a year ago Rev. H. G. Dodds
pastor of the M. E. church of this place
took half a dozen of our citizens over to
Sharon. There was a fawn there of 30
acres that he wanted them to buy. It
could be bought for #34,000 he said, and
was a fine investment. After looking it
over the Punxsutawney capitalists con
eluded that Rev. Mr. Doidds was too
•anguine, and refused to buy. One day
last week this same thirty acres of
ground was sold for #151.000. Now the
men who were too shrewd to take the
advice of a Methodist preacher in a
business matter are trying to hire a
cheap boy to kick them. They see
wnere they lost a clean profit of $117,-
000 in less than a year, nearly #20,000
each for the six.
Rep. and Mrs. J. B. Showalter gave I
a most charming Irincheon in honor of
Mrs, Philander C. Knox, .wife of the I
Attorney General at their Washington
home, last Saturday. The parlors were
elaborately decorated with palms and
roses, but it wAs in the dining room
that the originators' art excelled. The
invitations were for a "Easter "luncheon
which idea was carried out in the
flowers, salads and bgn-bons as well as
}n the dainty place cards The latter
were hand painted birds' nests filled
with pretty colored eggs. The color
scheme was in yellow and purple. An
arrangement of jonquils with their own
foliage formed the centerpiece from
which radiated sprays of Southern smi
lax leading to purple-tied cheese wafers
placed at each plate The confections
attracted no little attention. A yellow
hat and purple parasol were the form of
the larger pieces, while the smaller were
in the shape of popular Easter flowers.
Cucumbers representing tiny boats, with
a minitnre flag waving from tlie main
deck, contained tomato salad Another
feature new to the Washington table
were individual chafing dishes from
which were served lobster a la New
Letter to I)r. \V. J. Beatty.
Butler, Pa.
Dear Sir; You are a dentist—you
know a good job, outside a month as
well as inside.
Perhaps your house needs painting.
Devoe lead and zinc is your paint. Sold
under this guarantee:
"If you have any fault to find with
this paint, either now in pntting it on,
or hereafter in the wear, tell your deal
er al>outit.
"We authorize him to do what is
right at our expense."
And we are responsible: business es
tablished 146 years ago without a break
—the largest paint-manufacturer in the
United States.
Yours truly,
63 F. W. DEVOE & Co.
P. S.—Patterson Bros, sell onr paint
In Butler.
Music scholars wanted at 128 Weat
Wayne St
(iTb Allegheny Co Far now has a lady
. lawyer, in tne person of Susanna Beatty,
Esq., a Miss.
The courts must decide the distribu
tion' of the reward of SSOOO offered by
; the County Commissioners of Allegheny
I county for the capture of Ed and John
i Biddle. The Butler county claitnauts —
I Deputy Sheriff Rainey Iloon. Chief of
1 Police Roliert Ray. Aaron E Thompson.
James A. Snyder and Frank Holliday—
entered suit last Satnrday against th
eouuty of Aiie_ r . t .i)' aud the County
Commissioners iu (.'"mm >a Plets No 1,
claiming the entire amount :sud s» ttiug
fourth that Detectives Charles M Gov
ern, Albert Swinehart and John Roach,
being paid deteclives. arc not entitled
to any of the reward. The case will be
fought by the Pittsburg men.
The will of David <' R-mkiu of Fair
view has been i raha'ed,.. and letters
granted to (' C. Rankin: also will of
Henry Biedenbaugh of Summit t*p..
letters to John 8.-denbach: also will of
Geo. Michael of Jctl'.r.- .u twp., letter
to Albert Michael.
Letters of administration on the es
tate of Frank Eicholtz of Zeliempte
have been grant"d to Wm. E'choltz.
Susan J. Walker of Claytonia has
been committed to Dixmont.
Stalker his been appointed
constable of Venango twp.
Mrs. Dessa Chambers informs us that
she had Mrs Hoak of Bennett arre-ted
last Saturday and taken to New Kens
ington, where she wis held for Court on
n serious charge.
Tne decision of Judge AeCluug of
Allegheny cqnnty against the fo-i-ti'n
tiouilirv of riie third section •> he
cheese law is a very important oa • T re
direct provisions of the law it-- If .>r--
not held tu be invalid, but the n of
enforcement by a State official are te la
to be iniraction of the constitutional
provision against ilie establishment of
any State office ,'for the inspection <;r
measuring of any merchandise, uiaun
facture or commodity."
The will of Noah Boweu of Eyans
City has been probated, no letters.
Letters of adm'n on the estate ot
Henry P. Alexander of Fairview twp
h-ive been/granterl to R. C. Scott: also
on the estate of W. W. Wallace of
Karris City to Minerva Wallace.
On petition of Win. Campbell, John
Mnrrin. Esq . Dr. Bert Campbell and
James Midberry were appointed a com
mission in lunacy on Mrs. Euieline
Campbell of Marion twp.
A copy of a mortgage for *7.1.000,000
given by the B. & O. Ry. Co to the
Union Trust Co. of Now York has been
D M Maxwell to O N Cooper 108 acres
in Slipperyrock for $3763. 4
Geo Shubert to Lew Stilham lot iu
Harmony for sl.
Dan'l Weitzel to Edw C Beattv lot in
Butler for SBSO.
C A Abrams to Mary J Dunn lot in
Butler for $760.
C R Hutzly to Chas F Nicholas 107
acres in Forward for $2850.
Hattie C Clark to S P Shane lot in
Fairview twp. for S3OO.
Margt F Irwin to Robt S Irwin lot in
Evans City for if 1450.
H E Seifton to J A Gelbach lot in Ze
lienople for S2OO.
A Seaton to name lot for #(ift(i
Saml A VandyJte to Thos G Lyon lot
on Fairview AV6, Butler for #IOSO.
C Duffy to Carrie Spiugler lot in But
ler for S6OO.
P Golden to same lot in Butler for
#727 50.
H K Duffy to John Miller 107 acres in
Clearfield for SSOOO.
John W Vosier to to I Duster lot in
Butler for #925.
Geo Oesterling to Lucinda Taylor lot
in Butler for #llOO.
Hattie Nicholson to M 1 Hespenlieide
lot in Mars for SIOOO.
Jas T Bnrns to Anus M Petsinger lot
in Butler for #25.
Emma Burns to same lot in Butler for
Dr. Hollman to Speers Coal Co. 50-
acre coal lease in Centre twp.
C A Sellers to Louisa Adams 2 acres
on Centre Ave. Ex Bntler for #I4OO.
A J Morrow to Barbara and Margaret
Morrow 26 acres in Venango for sl.
A J Morrow to M J Morrow 'J6 acres
Venango for #IOOO.
E Weigel to Clara E Weigel lot in Ze
lienople for SIOOO.
Hattie Nicholson to Mary 1 Hespen
lieide lot in Butler for SIOOO.
Mary McCrea to Sarah B Minffcer lot
in Butler for SOOO.
Ora May Bell to Isaac T Wade 21 I
acres in Washington for SBOO.
Charles Gerner to Ofa May Bell 100
acres in Fairview twpHor #3OOO.
Martin Monks to Geo Allt-n 101 acres
in Franklin for #I2OO.
H U S G Stepp to Geo R Christley 10 ,
acres in Clay for $350; also 79 acres in
same to Ellen Alben for #3OOO.
Prince A Thompson to L May Mc-
Donald lot in Jackson twp. for #2OO.
Jane E White to Prince A Thompson
lot in Jackson for #1
Catharine J White to E Qluj a J Ray ;
lot in Penn twp. for $((0.
Harry H Brecker to Jane Hunt let in i
Bntler for $75.
J G Bishop to Dan'l Heck 12 acres in ■
Butler twp. for #3600
Kachel A McKeever to Wm Brooks
lot in Bntler for $225.
Marriage License*.
Johu Lang Lancaster twp'
Belle McAllen Cherry twp
Chris A nderson Bfitler
Louisa C. Staff West Liberty
C. V. Dufford Bntler
Bertha L. Taylor.
.George W Vogan Worth twp
Catharine A. Barris Concord twp
Leonard Eyt,h Butler
May Hindman North Washington
At Younstown—John F. Ekas and
Cessie Sarah Gregory of Cooperstown.
At Pittsburg, Robert F. Michael and
Florence Cook of Butler county.
At Franklin, Wm. Stubble of Scrub
grass aud Minerva Edingor of Patker
Y. M. C. A.
- Last Thursday evening the ladies of
the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union gave a supper to the 99 boys who
are depositors in the savings fund
branch of the Y. M. C. The boys
deposit their pennies, nickels, and dimes
wifli the Association and receive credit
on their membership*.
Friday evening the business men's
gymnasium class, twenty strong, gave a
public drill and basket ball game before
an audience which greatly enjoyed see
ing the bread winners tumble over the
mats like school boys.
The game was followed by an oyster
snpper given to the class by the wives
of the married members
Remarks were made by Rev. Euter
line, J. C. Graham, W. J. Heinemau,
Secretary Correy, and Prof. Harrison;
Carl Gronenwett acting as toast-master.
Roy Allen took flash-light photographs
of the class at drill and at the table.
Grand Opera llouso, Pittsburg.
For the week beginning with the gala
holiday matinee, Easter Monday, March
31st, the stock company at the Pittsburg
Grand Opera House will be seen in the
second Irish play of the season. "Myles
Aroon", the piece that added so much
to the popularity of the lamented Scan
lan, and which served more recently for
the starring debutof Andrew Mack.
Grove City College.
The Spring Term of Grove City
College will begin Tuesday, April Btli.
Special advantages are offered to public
school teachers aud cithers preparing for
important examinations. The Summer
Term following will liegin July 2nd and
continue eight weeks. Teachers can
avail themselves of two terms of school
and college work consecutively. For
all information address the President,
IsaacC. Ketler, Grove City: Pa.
gathers no moss"- is an old and very
true Haying, but pennies and dimes roll
ed into the Real Estate Trust Company,
Pittsburg, "gather moss" at the rate of
4 per cent, compounded twice a year,
Write for booklet ' llow to Bauk by
Mall. Capital and Surplus $3,300,000.
< 111 KCH NOTES.
Two cars, carrying 150 Dnnkardsfr ru
Pennsylvania left Pittsburg last Satur
day night over the Pennsylvania r>a i
for North Dakota James U aiker, oi:e
of the party, said about &,00it will le iv.
Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania thi
year for that point, and tha* the sect
was almost extin •• aowin Penn*ylvani
. Communion will be observed in the
Grace Lutheran church, Ea-ter Sunday
' morning, when a number of new*
j members are expected to be taken iai >
i the church Preparatory services the
I proceeding Friday eveninar
Palm Sunday was a beautiful day
aud the special strvices for that dav
held by many of ;iv churches were un
usually well attended. Special aft",
tion is paid to Palm Sunday ire the
Catholic Lath era and Episcopal it
being the first (lay of Holy Week.
• The Epis■"•opaliona used their pipe
organ, the AIOOO gift of Andrew t'ar
n-'gte. for tne first time on Palm Sun
day. Prof. E. O. Davis wa : the orgau
Sapper will be served by the Vonng
People's Society of the Uuit •i Pres >•
trriiiu church Friday.evening th 28tu
All invited. Price 25 c n*s
A concert will be given iu the U. P.
church, one mile east or C irb >u Ceatr.t
ou April 3rd, under direction of Pioi.
E. Otto Davis, for benefit of organ fund
Easter services will l>e held ia the
Brovvnsdale M. E. church next Sabl ath
Mar 30, at 10:30 a. m ari l at Middle- >x
M I'l. church at '4:~r> p. tn. Th anr.uai
Missionary offerirg will be receive ! at
thtse rvices. A .:;»eci.il program of
musi-' aad rtspi nvve reading will be
used. Ail members and friends ar •
to be ;sreseat at ttu.-e s-*rvi.
' Frerly ye l ave receirt d, freely i -
Rf-vr il meet in s are beiug heKl 1
I the .a., files uut U. P. (hutch ihii
.••«-tk l.v Rev Wilson the Tti
I ey« mug W. C Stoop-. W "f (ir nuo
and M. W. Shannon will i:e installed
eiders. ' 'ommuiiion will he celd n> x
j Sabbath. *
The regular uil»u:Ii!; Al!-Dty me.-c
--ing of the Chr stran ani Mi-sioaary A'
liance will lw held Friday, March .
1902. in the Gospel Tabernacle, Mercer
street. Butler. Pa All-Day Sessions
Revs. H C. Mcßride and E D Whit.
side will be present Services 10-.i'Oa
iu. 2:00 and 7:30p m. All are invited.
The trusses of the Grove City Pres
byterian church have adopted the fol
lowing resolution: 'Oa mjtion it was
resolved tiiat all entertainments or ban
quets and lectures or auy meeting where
a fee is charged for admittance be ex
cluded from the Presbyterian church of
Grove City, Pa. from this date. Mo
tion* irried unanimously.'
The jamping-on-moving cars sport
claimed another victim last Saturday,
wheu a boy of eight years, name i
Eugene Gaul, tell to the track and had
a foot so badly crushed bv the wheels
that it had to lie amputated He *vus a
son of J. B.Gaul of Hickory St, and
was taken to the Hospital where Dr.
Briclser amputated the foot
Special Ten-day Excursion via
Pennsylvania Kail road to
Washington and Baltimore.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for a low-rate ten-day ex
cursion froui Pittsburg and poiuts In
Western Pennsylvania to Washington
April 10. Round-trip tickets will be
sold at rates quoted below, good going
on special train indicated, or on train
No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 9:00 p. m .
and carry through sleeping cars to Wash
ington. Special train of through parlor
«ars and coaches will be run from Pitts
burg on tlie following schedule:
'Train leaves. Rate.
Tareutum 7:25 a. m. s:t.oo
Natrona 7::S0 " 9(H)
Butler 6:35 " 9:00
Freeport 7:41 " 9:00
Tickets will be good returning on auv
regular train except the Pennsylvania
Limited, until April 10, inclusive, and
to stop off at Baltimore within limit.
Should th;: number of not
be sufliuieu; to warrant the running of
a special train, the company reserves
the light to carry participants on re
gular train.
For full information apply to agents
or Thomas E Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Fifth Avenue and
Smithfleld Street, Pittsburg. '
Wnen I Say That
The Davis Sewing Machine leads nil
others, it is not merely to fill a column
with an ad\ rtiseuient { mean that no
other machine is so simple' 1 mean
that no other machine is so finely made!
And that no other machine is so easily
run! The "Davis" is polished like a
watch; it will not kill a woman to run
it: it will do more than double the
variety of work, without basting, than
any other machine can do. All other
sewing-machine men acknowledge this,
but says, "Our's is the cheapest.'' But
I say that to buy a cheap sewing ma
chine is not economy. The bust is al
ways the cheapest. 1 also sell Belir
Bros' Matchless Pianos. For further
information address
McCandless, Pa.
Six-roomed house Fairview Ave. ex
tension. lot 105x130, drilled well,
orchard, splendid cellar.
Seven-roomed house and good lot,
Centre Ave., every modern convenience
Will rent or sell.
Lot of 72 feet frontage, and sijfrooui
ed house on Washington St.
Farm of 210 acres, Brady township,
sl7 per acre, coal right reserved.
Farm of SO acres, a miles from rail
road, |I2OO.
E H, NI'XfLEY, Attorney,
Southwest Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Art in Wnll
Where all the colors come from, and
where all the pattrrns come from are
only known to those who make them or
put them together, but it is a fact that
the wall paper patterns of today are
works of art that excite both adraira
tion and wonder.
Alfred Peats & Co. is the largest wall
paper firm in the United States—G.
Moser of the B R. & P. Cafe, Stein
building, H Main St., is their agent for
Butler and an inspection of his sample
bookH will astonish yon, both as regards
patterns and prices.
The prices range from 5 to 50 cents a
bolt of 8 yards for both paper anil
border, and the books can be seen at all
times at the Cafe—34l S. Main St.
To Whom it May Concern
Walter's Best Flour is the "best".
| Makes the finest bread we ever had.
Signed, Mus. JOHN GRAY.
Many new classes will be formed at
the Butler Business College oil March
|3d and March 17th. Either date will be
I a good time to enter.
The Butler Business College has al
ready filled 37 positions this term. Ex
pects to fill 100 before ilio next term
term opens nest Hepteniber.
Great reduction in Steel Fire Proof
Safes. .175 lb. reduced from #45 00 to
$25 00. House uafes 75 lb. #8 00, 125 lb.
*ll (X), 200 ll>. #ls 0o with combination
locks. Catalogues for the asking.
P. O. Box 667, Pittsburg. Pa.
WANTED ■Farmers to bring thei
last year's pop-corn to John Richey'a'.
142 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or seil
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Win. Walkel - ,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
I*, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519.
Ask for It!
If you don't see what you want at the
B. It. & P. Cafe ask for it.
They will furnish you with anything
in the market,and cook it nicely for you
on short notice.
The Cafe is open from early in the
morning till lute at night.
B. R & P CAFE,
Stein building, South Main St., Butler.
Suppers furnished tor Theatre parties.
Bell Taiphoue 147.
ISttf!<>r County S. s. Convention.
Rev W. J. Grimes, president of the
county S S. Association has i->l!. I a
mettingo: ti>- Esffntiv- Committee ;
be brM in the \ M. • A. H ill. Butle'.
P.-.. on Moii lay Mart*h:»ls:. a: It o'clock
A M.
According to the action taken at rh •
hint meeting of the Executive Commit
tee, all the resident pastor* of
Bntler, and all Superintendents of
Sunday Sch x>U w»re i to ui
and act with th Comuiittee iij. j repar
ing for the <' runty C >'ivention which is
to meet in Bailer rhe Utter pr ; the
mouth of May Th-s wiii b the (|h--
tee Centennial ''.u ~ uti >n of tha !'..i r
Ciuaty Sunday S. ho > A-•; ■ . s !,d
it is hoped that it will prove to be the
most profitable convention of all r .>•
good ones th it have Lv-eii bald in the
l>ou*t with the ; \v
A reinarka'o] ■ incident happened in
P.ntler barber-shop the other day.
jonng man happened in with a 1"s ~'i •
Winch, -ter r.tl •mpletei em;iicf
' course. An >tb :• voiuiman ex e .
the Min. worked the l-ver several t ;■
. and als'< snapped the tri-.:.,'er and tiie
there v> as an ejtpl sion. at d a i.nlle r
went into the brick sval!, the c
torrunately. being poiutod in t r .
reetiou at that time. The c irtr.a.r w •
the last one in it ana hid 1 m i atii;hr
and held tuo 1 ■, the spring, but
had become loosened by the c.umer :
workings, and- that gnu blb
pointed at neatly ,It .t ,n-- eight men
men in the room, and also at "the ;ii
rurs. that w;s both a s -ared and th ,nk
; r'ul crowd.
Frank Singe! Killed.
Fr-.uk SI. tr- ' ,< killed. Morel iv,
'a wjeker r.K'l board fulling upon 'lii.e
' : <"in i ! - Pl ice sixty »e- •no in the tier
|i; i. while \ • and hit • were r> m v
: ti'g io:!s. we'eb ih* y ' 4 ~11 ■, - -1.
| one of Siagel's wells on the Y»>uug ..w,
; near Bruin. If is supposed a c;ibb
| jerked the iioard lortse. Slagei'a Ilea .
! was crashed and death was instsnta
: neous.JHe was abjut 50 years of age and
! leaves i fwmiiy.
Miirkei •
Wheat, wh lejale price B<i
Rje. 65
0;t» - 4! |
i C '<)rn, (i'j
Buckwheat. " t".
Hey, " t'2 Ofi
Lggf, *' ........ 20
Butter, " 25
Potatoes, " 1 ye
Onions, per ba 1 50
Beets, per bu oil
Cabbage, per lb 01
Chickens, dressed 12-
Parsnips, per bn C,
Turnips 40
Applea 1-1 .V)
(a It ry, doz bunciie-' 2 "
Honey, per pound 1
U ~
Fur Koiit.
llonse of einlit roo>r>s on Brady Sa.
Double house on Lookout Ave.
Five rooms, suitable for offices, at 121
S. Main St Inquire At
John Bekg & < 'o's Bank.
Bntler, Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to -ee
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate, Bntler, Pa.
Eight Weeks' Normal Course at
Prospect, Pa.
Prof. H D. Pyott will conduct an
< ight weeks' normal/nurse at Prospect
Pa , beginning Friday, May !) anil end
itig July 3. Tuition SB. banks free T;-e
course will include beside the comne n
tranches, advanced and beginners'
classes in Algebra, Geometry, German,
Latin. Caesar, etc. Book-keeping,
Botany, Chemistry, Literature, Civil
Government, Physical Geography.
Opportunity will be given advanced
students to take classes iti J'nnior De
partment consisting of the younger
pupils. Books free Drop us n card
H. D. Pyott, Prospect.
The young people of Butler C/ounty,
who live in railroad towrjs, or iu towns
near the railroad, who are uot over 18
years of age, can secure car fare at
special rates, and thus attend the Batter
business College and board at home.
The trains make «ood connections from
all directions, and students 'joining
thus, miss IIOIIP of their clus.se- Many
of our students are_ doing this every
term. If interested, send for partioblars
also catalogue and circulars
The proximity of Butler 1o Pittsburg
makes it very easy for graduates of the
Butler Business (Jul lege to secure/ the
best of positions.
How about that Bath Room yon arc
to ;»nt in'.' Look and • «..e
what von want. We are showing ia<i--t
anything you need in plumbing goods.
Whiteuj t,ti, plumber.
Ciiis Fixtures,
We have them; .">0 different .styles.
They are in the latest finishes, made toi
match the hardware of your house. '
WniTEHititi. Plnmber.
I will he at Cha*. Filer's* Livery Barn,
(irove City. l J a , on Tuesday, March
\!"»th, and fit Nace's. Wick Livery
Barn, Butler, Pa., on Wednesday.
March 2(ith. to buy horses from :J to h
years old and weighing, from 1100 to
1(500 lbs.
Bring iu your good ones and get a fail
price for them.
Harry Sicanou.
School teachers, we will be ready for
those of you who wish to take a business
or shorthand course with us, about the
first, of April.
at the
Cor. Main and Diamond,
Above Kirkpatrick's.
\ Drugs I
\ Can best i>c supplied by us, (
Prescriptions /
f and y
( Family Recipes?
> OUR 7
7 MOST i
> Redick & Gronman,^
) Prescription Druggists. \
j log N. Main St., Butler, Tar
Chemical Paint
in any desired
color, equal to the best oil paint at less
than half the cost; al.*> Formula for best
jdfcint for tin and sheet iron roofs, the
secret "t making tl>em sent post paid for
only 25 cts. Address
Morris' Mercantile Co.,
Niles, O.
| i
< \ \"! *
i \\ ho t
u ?
I X- ?
} \ our i
j * •
t Hcitter: $
: Jno. Wick r
* 5
a J
J Opposite P. O j
"* UTL K.
We Like to Show
( these eleg.yst new jiiece goods
!• r men's garments. I hey'.e
the finest fabucs in the m st
popular pa't:-irs and cokrs,
and we m i. them up under
a guarantee of
Perfect Fit, Style,
And Workmanship.
You'll get tired gar
ments before they wear out
or lose their shape.
Wadding Suits a Specialty.
Leading Tailor
13. 13.
> I
lace curtains
and leas to pay, is what wins this great
Lure Curtain business.
Sell thousands and thousands of pairs.
Readiness for this Spring, liio-j, excels
>;inything ever done in the L ice Curtain
More of a variety, •">()(; to $12") 00 a
pjiir best from American mills, and
fint st imported.
More convincing style and price
reasons why you'll guin by sending here.
Uncommonly elegant styles $1.50 and
$2.50 a pair.
Onr new Lace Curtain Picture Book
shows such styles aud prices as it wilt
profit yon handsomely to write for and
The nice ont-of-ordinary Curtains
youHl get will be a sonrco of immense
And the money you save, a great and
good item for your pocketbopk.
Write for it to day.
here's a_ madras
for shirt waist suits aud waists, and
men's shirts that's pretty as con be —
aii(t such good «oo<ls for the money as
will agreeably astonish yon when yon
send and see samples 13Je yard.
White ground, with printed colored
narrow stripes aud small fignres.
New American Dimities, tije. Sc, 10c,
12 ic. 18c, 20c.
Finest Imported Dimities 20 and 23c
—beautiful printings.
Exceptional line of Dollar quality all
wool 5U inch solid black t'ebbie Chev
iots with indefinite white chalk liri*
stripe, 50c, —value, for skirts and suits,
that will have such ready sale, this
mention is made to secure your prompt
Department X.
ncx.—Next do j toCt'l'Z. IN O ce
Butler. iV i
x «/X» -• • * v
) . h t
{ « V
I m >
f >: : • .s ; n. ;t /
) ('' •' «it t'.V J :!• ?
> « t .We <
\ ve nutiJrL-.is o! ;.e crip \
< . >■-' <
( ■ I :• :• . : and \
} -i .j"i : cr.ie
% , r* 1 ■ v '" l i
\ ■■. ■■ ■, s "q ?
)»' vi'i i just rent. \
( \ . .»:! the st;r ~:J /
j )' c. Htion pmvder lor' cat- /
j \ • ; iiis) di.-infectants lor S
j f k* ; 11 -ih -t.sbii.' i-ect
i \ a dc 1 an i
\ . keep remedies for tj
/ d. birds and a!! domes- (
j tic animals. f
5 C. n BOYD. •;
I Diamond Slock. /
/ Butler, Pa, j)
yoUR fLOTHIiS MAY lil-:
shabby and look badly worn,
but perhaps you haven't tnic t<.
b tlicr them and perhaps no
< ;ie will notice your clothes any
so you forget ibuut then .
But tlr.v iorgvtiing is a mighty bi;
i k when your mother, wile or
ter presists in reminding you of
your :-ecdy appearance; you'll be
t,i.i to beiicve she's about ri'dit,
ja! b'/fo:e you/rush off to bt:v
another suit whit li is quickly
made ar.-.l quick:., worn out, take
i little ti ic i » see our showing of
.vinii. lations (exclusivestyles)
• 'll' m I' r what little money
V"u cat) acquire the habit of wcar
i i c! thes made for you; made
>y J'.au! ia our tailor Shop in
Butler. * ,
We take the pains to fit you.
and' th& y ?.a
A flaw in the cameras lense and you
■-it x i bnt a poor picture.
A defect in vision and you pet bnt,
potr sight. and you get good si«ht only
't the experts# of m-rvc force and health.
At the first siirnal of distress from
votir eyes come to me—that's the time
to inquire.
If there is >m affection of long staml
ieg today is the-time to see me.
For years my methods and prices ad
v •! ise me. I feel sun-1 can please you
■■H 1 have pleased others.
Jeweler and Gra'iuatc Optician,
2cxj S. Main Street, BUTLER, PA.
/ .121 E. Jefferson Street.
' l ' fe ti,e siKn (,irec, -;!(
ly upposlte the ({,
-'".oi Postoffice, ijj
Theodore Yogeley.
Ken! Estate and m
Insuracce Agency, l«
2.W S. Main St., W
Butler, Pa. Jjj
I f you It a v»! propeCtyu]
I ' ' Hj tn sett, trade, or rmiifj)
or.^v, mil in liny nrW
• : MnHert Unon Application.
t {
} ' %W'!m
u - VE-T
Necessary Trifles
In spring jf .vclry compt articles
that can't he done Without liat pins,
bro'ohi--, link button*, and scarf pins
: ; Mime of the inrlispeunable#; atso an
immense stuck of watches, cliains and
r';i: comprising all tbv new and up-to
(i'lte d. .! ;ns. just received. Kodaks,
tamer 's, liicito Supplies, Washburn
M ludoliii -, Guitars, Columbia, Kdison
. I Vii.uor Talking Macumcs are also to
be found in our st ick.
Jeweler and Graduate Optici#rw
Vt-fct •• c.viit Bow
sCari Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
135 •/. ]effen»n, Bnt' r. P».
:»i Ming, Q'"i ni i,j »u
| OPENING. - |
t Preliminary Easter Opening Saturday.March 2S &
A New Firm in a New Building—A New and
Complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies' and
Men's Furnishings and Millinery, and <£
new conveniences for our customers. &
• a Among our a*sis uts v;,u will find
MlbS IDA MARDORF, of Butler, and «
* :• .t special feature of this a
; - sto-e, containing a private fitting r on, uov liu every respect. JB
Oj i formerly with* B'»f?,j»s & BnhU; JR
| vS' MANNY, £
! § • SARAH LEWIS, 2
, * • (Carbon rtk»ck); aF
MISS I EAH WALTERS, of Butler, $
'j?\ (formerly of Kvaus Citv);
I > !?C htlr n at 'i to wants of i !ie people in a courteous manner at ja
; Ynti ivill also fiud a cornfurtabi - r.ma in which to rest and meet your a)
j tx friends, have vour checJk >d, eto.
You are cord ; ally invited to alteu. ou opening and see our up-to-date 40
j (v store. Yours truly, 55
- E 8
I tisier-lardorf Company,|
22i5outh Main St Opp. Arlington Hotel, S
Bell Phoae 2ii. a
People's Phone 221. J
WXte &&&
-Spring Goods!
We are prepared to show you a. (' '
contplete line of the very newest things Ts»*sglß» - ri Jf
tli.it we could possibly get in Men's, j~—' Jk V
Roys' arid Children's I J *J(}s
* Also a full line of Hats, Caps and //,, ,
Go-its' Furnishing Goods. These j? // j
g -Js have just been received the past j j '
fc/ days and put on sale at the lowest I II 'II
possible cash price. 1/1 A
Call and look them over. \Lj
Yours for Clothing, -
I Furnishing News.®
Anything you need in furnishing your house tag
izzi is here for yof*? inspection. Consider the style and JSS
quality and you will always find the prices right,
All goods priced in plain figures. You are welcome ja
2»| to look over the store and investigate for yourself at J3S
any time, . Hp
An entire new line of VELOUR COUCHES to show gp
;-lf! y° u * The prices commence at SIO.OO. jUj
* Guarnteed couches cost more than the ordinary, but they are Eg'*
i"SS4 much cheaper 111 the end. One built on a steel base, wire-tied and rSa
'Jgjf warranted; covered in red or green figured velour, has deep tufting feSS
and soft. Price $lB 00- I3f
Granit Carpet 25, Cotton Ingrains Jsc,
Entra Super Ingrains, Cotton Chain and Wool tggg
M "Filling, a. 50c. g
£pf Best All-wool Extra Super Ingrain 65c,
ampbell fi Templetong
I # m
Every day our stock cf Furniture and Carpets is
| increasing in variety in all lines for Spring trade.
Only the reliable finds admittance to this store.
' j An invoice of Velour just arrived. All have the steel wire construction and
prices start at $lO.
| A very choice selection of »ll \vrfol Ingrains - suitable for any room 65c.
E ",Vu « larger line than ever Mote. Various designs in white,
blue, black, gr« . n, -trong malenble j< int bed in white, $3 50.
i'hc popnlf'.r priced Mew Royal Machine - -fully warranted—and your
money back if not entirely sn«i>.factory. Only sl6 75.
New lot just arrived. Polished golden oak cases from $lO up
136 North Main Street, (atri)Kf froiir Duffy's store,) lintler. Pa.
aL ,Vjiimsastmnu*9 .sMmaammmm
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