Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 13, 1902, Image 4

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Butler Conotj National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital paid in |a00,000.00
Surplus and Profits - (107,463.01
Joo. Hartman, President; J. V. Rittt,
Vice President; John G. McMaraE,
Cashier, A. C. Krcg, Aas't Cashier
A general banking business transacted.
I nteres* paid on dme
Money i wined cm approved •ecurlty.
We tnrlte yoa vo open an account with this
b DniECT'JHi?—Hon. Joseph HartmaiL Hun.
W. S. Wmldron, In. S. M. Hoover. H- Mc
' T C. P. Collins I. G. Smith, Leslie P.
line* En, W H Urkln, T P.
Ml*lir Or. W. C. McCandiess. Ben Mas
* th. W. 1. Marks. J. V. Kltts. A. L. Kelber
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00
Surplus and Promts,
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Bptelmi attention (fi»<=n to collections.
JOH N YOUX KIX? - President
C. /». BAILEY - - - Cash er
F- W. BIXOHAM Assistant Cash er
J. F. HL'TZLEK Teller
John Yotinklns. D. L. Cleeland, E. E
A brains. V. X. Boyd. W. t. M*tiger, Henry
r. John ilarophrey. TtjO*. Hays. Lev".
M. Wise. Fran<-'.i Murphy, s. Meager. V. B.
Cami*eU» A. H. carver and I>an I i oankios.
paid on time aeposita.
We r**peotfaUv solicit tour basine*.
Butler Sayings Bank
Butler, F^a.
Capital - |60, 000.00
Surplus and Profits - - #a4s,cwa«>
JOB. L PL'R Via „„Pr«ideni
J. HEKRY T BOUT MAN Vice-I'reaident
LOUIS B. SJTKK . , .lelUar
OIRKCTOKS -Joseph Hecy
Tf(i r in»aa, W. !)• BnMon. W, A- Bt®tß. J "•
The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest
Banking InstltutionTn Butler County.
General banking business transacted
We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
All baslneas entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Inters** paid 'is time deposits.
Guaranty Safe Deposit
Trust Company,
Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Capital Stock paid in $125,000.00.
Act* a* Executor, Administrator.
Goaruian, Committee, Receiver, Trustee
and in all fiduciary capacities.
Issues Court and Snre«)Kbip bonds.
Act* *s agent in laying and selline
city, farming or oil and gae properties.
Attends to the management of real
estate and to collection of rents.
Negotiates the sale of mortgage,
mnnicipfU or bonds of other character.
A E. Reiber. Pre* , W. D. Brandon,
Vice-Pres ;J. V. RUts, A. L. Reiber,
Daniel Yonnkin*.
Geo. C. Stewart. Secy. and Treas.
We solicit your patronage aad invite cor
respondence or a personal ialerview.
Merrill Pianos
Wc have two pianos
that have been used
at concerts vte will
sell at a great bargain.
For Xmas presents
in musical goods
see us.
6. Otto Davis,
Armory Building.
A pof ttive ulc and a great opportni4jy
for you.
Our store building lias l>ecn sold and
»6 will hate to reduce our stock to about
its present size before we can move.
Beginning at once and continuing un
til all faccy goods are sold, we will give
This applies to our immense new stock
of HoHf'jjr Goods, that we have just
Discounts of from ao per cert, to 50
per cent, from all fancy goods, including
the following: Toilet and Manicure
Bet», Traveling Sets, Photo Albums,
Vosrs and Uric-a-brac, Gold and Silver
Novelties, Calendars, Pictures and
Picture Prunes, Hooks, Collar and Cufl
Boxes, Necktie Cases, Smokers Sets,
Sewing Machines, Fancy Stationery.
Bibles, Leather Goods and all White and
Decorated China.
The only place to buy Holiday Goods at
Ragle B i d. Nesr P. O.
7dt Mouth Main street
thTsong you want
■ *
They Died for Liberty
The Biddle Brothers Fate
W. R. Newton
At '2,7 ceixt^-
317 South Main St.,
Butler, Pa.
1.. S. McJUNKIN,
Insurance and Real Estate
• Agent.
ever} (lay that its better to
pay a little more for dotbes
made to measure than tn
try to save a few dollars,
simply because the few
thereby saved sacrifices the
value of the clothes. It is
impossible to cheapen the
workmanship of good clothes
without destroying their
Give us your order for our
S3O sack suit and we will
give ywu an interesting
example of comfort and
economy. Our abundant
assortment of new fall goods
affords every opportunity for
a choice selection
! Aye, There's a Fit!
Your Colonial gentlemen knew Jand
' loved good clothes; he neyer wore cheap
A gentleman preserves tra
ditions in preferring cloth
» ing Jwhich is, desired for
his person by hi* own
tailor. Our garments are
foremost in all points that
go to make up elegance,
dur ty and comfort
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
(Summer Goods \
2 AND $
0 Medium Weights #
J Just Received by $
j> 416 W. Jefferson St., g
j] Butler, Pa. J
J Fit Guaranteed and }
L Prices Reasonable. 0
THy us. J
C. P. Johnson & Sons'
The Leading Tailors of
Butler County,
Are making clothes in the
Suits from sl6 to SSO.
Overcoats from sl6 to $75.
Everything done by 9killcd
labor in our own shop.
C. P. Johnson & Sons
M May lend to something more v
S serious if not cured soon. C
f Our C
) Syr. White Pino Comp. /
J with \
\ Eucalyptol and Honoy, r
t is the remedy for it, promptly re- /
J lieves and speedily cures all throat |
C and bronchial affections. \
1 Price as and 50c. C
P (If YOU suffer from headache, /
S Kedick's headache powder* will \
( give prompt relief, if your dealer C
y dpes not have tliem w<- will lend 7
S them to you by mail, package* of /
/ 4 doaea 10 cenu.) 1
? Redick & GrohmanA
' J Prescription Druggists.
In the photograph line ran be seen
at the I'lndley Studio. The Artist
I'roof photograph on exhibition
now, they are winner* and please
all who want an arti.tt.is picture-
Stop in and see them.
Noveltien for Ho'iday trade
now ready Hroaches and buttons
of all descriptions. Copying and
Telephone 236
P. O. H'd'g, Itntlrr.
(tranches—Mars and Kvans City.
) I If you want a sitting of eggs from
vigorous prize winning »tock, twin) f-»r
, my big catalogue am) sec what I offn
i from 23 varieties of land and water fowl*.
I guarantee fertility, I'.gg* by the *it
ling or by the hundred. I nave also
rhoire stork at right prices.
k | Box K. Jamesbtirg, N. J.
THE YEAR 1901.
DISTRICT. ! COLLECTOR. || |isj |» I | |
i w ._.. r U 2.041 60 S 1.121 -6* S3 07;* S 836 T7
I - [A 'j,7 . V (OJ 00 59 291 #l4 29
AllectieoT —-» s uritniL--. , . R> AM ,K) 5y 29 l.Oit 23
UutWr....'._ _ feoive Bauer , .«2 « ®°° £ 1 g
j*"®" 10 - - 959 4T 48! -1 35 62 412 04
I.TOlv - - fvHA.w-' ! 1.870 02 1 271 16 72 91; 525 95
Clinton » 1.619 64 1.013 21 ',9 9- OSO *■>
PB Fennel 1.207 54 , 528 11 38 99 «t2 44
Clearfield -~;I| Fennel 1.390 3! 700 00 48 21 '.12 10
} ,: " n r V" <
Oonnr>.jueiie«lng 1.898 93 1.586 15 113 84 243 91
Cranberry 1.532 61 1 290 00 *7 30 155 41
concord. p R WW* 1.435 972 82 63 80 9» 16
W *r«teSK 1.812 <*i 1.577 61 109 12 ; 125 32
RfSS! "'JaLesTStr" 1.4.» 13 745 00 65 211 «•» 92
Franklin James , 141140 750 OU 52 35 640 06
r»inifw. - 1.000 00 us » ... 179 40
Jettoson 2.123 M 1.401 75 108 83 61» 36
JtCkWD JOhJi lia.iie „ . .« », jjg jg
- -.T S: ; Kin el?; Z: m"
Marion il l ~ ' 807 42 391 57 29 02 3v. X?
Merrer... *1 J ""own . , .>v, ir f.il 40 50 39 510 28
Muddycreek ~r. McClymond*. •- 17k 28 11.48 2»y 08
FtX"™ ~1 riSSii **£ 4,399
<iakLan«l /. •, *•? .1" «c- » 1»-• 7; 1 10s Gu nO 90
- - - !j HWa?'" l!l8J 10 l/JOO 00 *8 W 193 17
££2?— J " Hai'louf i:559 89 S»00 60 131. .... 644 76
5ummit—............. - J " tv ■ _ « ... ._ . uvi 40
Flil-I-rrrock B«Uken 1 109 76 '55.( 52 38 otZZ 518 02
-vli'f.M • Z{ 1.521 06' 929 51 66 70 527 85
J;;-- ~25" SSi-;:;;;; S£
ISS a - «S:z;; smS
F.van* City
Ti a! "i'Tv
g» *»«; ask* 4
KariH ' ity - ?J UonaEw " 020 24 300 00 22 23 298 01
Mar-.—.. - —! K w'{,r i :v;2 90 200 00 17 o'. 115 87
£ * iLtir 17? 27 100 00 841 70 86
.' IT '.V - A -
P'.rf-rsrille 4l r B', 274 61 23 <9 120 85
wr .««25h fr> is 42 04 326 »« W)
Tota] - i „..'r3 472 01 ?!'■*. 115 49 83,509 94'»7 M r20.518 94
Butl-r Twp 'M ImSofd ;iBB7 < 38 03 % 9 « 8 J? J2
Muddj-'-reek 'ieo McGee - i 1 .. u -
cherry - U A Hewnuui... ,1890 15 08 —• - j 1.-,
lirviy P A Hint* 'l»«2 24 71 j *i $. ZZ
SIiMK-rv R<x;k J L Cooper ISl'l 46- | j'"
BulLr Boro JKJkI "W7 '* 65 28 34 i V 57 "
Karus CIIT F BaMti " 3 57 - ••• —I ,
Clinton Twp Jai RhMle l k > pi* 1 1 u32 '1 !
Cberry. Hu«»» Sproul " J»J " Vti oc, ''' *jr ' 1 1
But'.er Boro J H Jwk " ll.» » £' 8 £ j 1
Millenrtnwn —i J I»onebue " ■< •« •» w aß'io
Roller Twp FPe»rce \"0 682 10 ,
< linton .... J R Rld'lle " »• Jg lB H " Z
UfTTj ilnjfh fcproul. . 24.< U 218 41 11 48
iMjtxiral F Waltman 18 06 -• ?' 18 |
Forward Geo Mart.unjer. . " "j 488 | 1".
Jeffenon W II Oral* " »83 91 <4 S W
Muddycreek Grant Jones - 4990 43 48 i 4. •
Venango H B Malker 4» •>" ,2 J, I
Batler Boro J 8 Ja/k "■ WW 21.92 10 J!'. «' .r,
Harmony F Weight " l< • *> ::••••; • r- 4 «. 1 I ••
Kan)* City EI) Rodger*.. " 1-*• .K' 480 ...
Pttiolla...:. V N Fritz M « » » 1 or.. _9 «
«ax<.ntunc —J E Muder •' 39 80 •••—• •,- • 7i"7>, 1
Adair.» Twp A F Winter " ?4 64127 ..(91 .3..
Allegbenv J H Glenn " 712 .>4 Ob V> 31 4. ./2 .«
Butler Geo Bauer " :m 'ft »« !• '- <9 I
Buffalo Jan tinier* " -'*B •* 90 »C. 15 08 ■•••
Brady J H Badger " —•••
(linton IS Harvey " «««' «f« 32 09, 20 > y---.
/ lav j> N i'fttlvnoii " W M !A*> Si ol A 1» &»\
t enter'.'ZZZZj o Renlck " r 1 257 W7
' learlicld P B Fennel! " «« « JJ J ® J
Cherry R J Barron " «l# «2 «5 00 32 W| | £ *
Connoriueneaalng.. Greer McCwidlex " '" Jr ft,'in ««• ii irl " i
<ranU.rry Win Graham. " 136 6" 121 40 6,1 836 - |
Coneord WII Campbell " «4 26 420 » 21 60 M ■;] -■•■■■■■ J22
I)OI» gftl C F VCTiaef ;; M 0 »«j »» 23 «
Forward A' Brown »• ± 5.' ,L ( ' .
Franklin J A Crattv '.24 07 -.f* X JO M *HI ,
Falrvlew JJ f ampN ll 1900 627 71 558 K. 29 41 -J 41
Jefferton WII Griu- W77 89 » 4V* 712 I*'
la/kx.n John Bame " 6.:. CS -64 M- •** ■ - II »
UiK wur J«<a Oartnan 499 rn US 4, 2. 66 •> V ...
Marlon J C Vandyke " «5 92 195 00 02. 83 2 |
Mercer II J Brown 278 '-7 980 «2, 13 JI 411
Muddycreek Rll Oliver " 25-> 82 M*. I- «... .93 -
Middlesex Geo Htem> " »• 98 41 Xt 87] 230
mipjcry K« k John Kelly " »> » !5 2J (
Venango Jo* Aiken " 8111 r>. JJ J;; ',Z e \ ... u,
Washington G C Wr»r " 623 14 28 32 MM ;;>»
Worth J L Re'riiart " 3.. 28 29*> J« }' ;* '' ,'"j "2
Wltilield M Cypher... " -»•'41 M 41- 11 01 j M J9,
Butl-r Boro J M Maxwell " 3.98, 39 3,271 K; 170 87, 204 .« "
OentenrSUe J A Aiken " J'* '•* J S! ST' i? 7 " i
r,ontioqu*T>ettlrig.. J M Bote.. " ff ii vi' iu
F.van* < Ity A H lifer " 380 40 34 .84 13 38 -I 18
Falrvlew .-fAL Storey " IM M 163 K !•» *4 6
Harmonv F Welgle " 21# a> ■••• ••••■•, :
Ilarrl*trifle 8 0 Morrlw/ti . " \f< 82 14. 18 7 7-> 1 »•». ,
Kani* city H Mclaughlin .. " 119 4 . 106 91 700 > ; .1|
Miller*town K S Emery • «.<9 46 TO 2 2 11 BT>
Man W U Boyd " 164 01 147 25.1 •74 905
Prospect KEWebr " Iffi 8 *. «•: 600 3 M ........
Petrol la Carl But wr " 4«l 01 .... . •••• • ; 2 ( *\ ®*\
Porti-mvlllc .........:A Hen*haw " '6 98 &t #1 3-1 300
Haxonburg ... EHehroth " 81 70 to ■* 3.17 14 7;>, t
Hunhury I' P Brown " 8,87 ,6 .* 402 ■) £
Valencia w II Kmlth " 81 72 72 ::i .! 81 ■> M)
Z<-ll«nople |Wm Allen " 221 I3j 193 07 10 21 g96 [ _•
T„UI I i~ ■>'«l.ol7 32|»1.272
*< ifT to »liow ftLtii'Wiitf 'it ln'a»ur«T with co'inty. - ... - -
111 £5 3? *£
I ? *5
T j
Adam* Twp ZJaF Werner I# <#jf g|* 85 "7 SSjS®"
illfi/hi'iiv 11 H Giciifi 100 0"J 7 II
BuUer !<*o Bauer 300 «•. 270 W 20 01 10 08
Buffalo James Hlmtner* 178 «h| 138 M 10 .A. .J 89
Bra>ly J H lla/lgcr «| J' ?J ,1! J® ™
( it,.i/.t, J M llarvi'y 'r ! * '
W lit n f'fttu-rMoii w\rn\ mlO tw om
cSeftler ... 11. n " 62 14 #0 00 370 Blt
. M imm • ;»• «01
Cherry IIJ Barron .... 1® 90 HI 00 6<H ,|> 8b
* ontMxjMitM-ssIMK " Mot ao'lle*« I 319 10 283 81 9T, 32 M
l ranl*-rry Wrn'lrahan. 290 51 J67,. 19 84 JOT
< oneord ... Plt Mutton 98 901 34 38 .. 71 384
i ' i•• 11 <: Y v<*fiiM-i IV) 117 .•» i «'>
|-V«rwnr«l A C Brown . V/ 7 «H Vjo 00 :t Z JJJfi !? 2f'
Franklin J»m«aA Cr»tty J'J jji * 3
Falrvlew JJ < aitipUtll JM • ■« « <> «1| 47 4.
Jefferson W IK.ral- 444 14 3.0 00 2.94, M
i;v John flutric tijft 24 • «-- [0 ' V ;fl
Ijineaster . Jos(iarraan 'M "J w«l •vl ,1 ri
Marlon JC Vandyke JJ»
Merrer IIJ Brown.. 120 10 «7 20 7-0. 1. TO. ...
Mli.l'ly.reek IcMi l lytnoii'i" ,40 }'• ■* •gi '
Ml'l.l|es< X ',«O Htepp 1,205 II 1,10.88 UOl
'.aklaixl F N Kjth 267 « 2 HI 00 1 7« 10 to
peim G H HoseltOti ' J *' o</7 I- I'. 34 >*l
Parker JII \\alle> , «1 70 f« 00 .1 71 .17 99 ,
t-ninmll J W llaldaol 348 25 ,S» 00 A ■■■ ! 707
WlPKryiloek . John Kelly IM 82 I.A .I 12 27 10 W
Venango J<* Aiken 47 73 r.' JJ{ „! M
Wlnflel.l Martin Cypher 4* 8 < 476 * ... 27! 14 .18
Washington GCWray »0 «* 1«" f'l 2:1.1
Worth I I, Relchert I 87 13 ">| in «. 10 ... I
Butler Itim.' .J M Ma*well.. 3.706 96 3.:t«i7 OT 244 10 oi 88
Centervllle J A Aiken I Wf 73, M»
Cot.liiMiietiesslug J M lt,»*e.. Jl jS Jt S
F.van* City A H Pell, r . 4419.,: .VMM 29.2 17 06....
Falrvlew M L Btorey MM * !'"«/.V
llarmony Fred Wakls | 10ft JJH , !
llarrl'vlfle l» Morrison 413 (.2 '• • * £9l
Kama i it> II M< l-aoghllo 11 80, low,, ~t . ....
Mill<'f*town J iKifmhu#* 1,1 100 00 I4J ''
Mars Wl.Bovd ... i 292 961 209 «l 22 90 02,
VriAlf-l KF. Weiir j 216 90 HO 00| 1.. .13 2' 57]
petrolut c Butwr , 11176 I#l 00 J76
Pmersvllli A Hmshaw f- ? .
Haxonl.org F. Hchrotn 298 70 W* <J| « ™ i "' '
Bunliur> PP Brown 32,2 .»4... J27 .......
ValelH-fa wII Ktl.ltl. 56 '•«.• 2 4., 20 81
Kellenople Wm Allen 490 23 IH. i«t 32 61 17 W
FJ.ii « lain- J A Wilson S M 22. Ml > »j"—»'•
~ I »ia,747 3*||13,43. 'l"<n 3'11.w: 53 1.-I -'I
~T~ i E7 7?
?I' i
I i : j I I __J
Blttler Twi# Ktf I'Ctttc I4io7[# .if ..|f $l4O 07
< iinUrti Jl( ri.Mi. I ; 16 60 m »v»
< Irurfi.-i'l K j K' Jiin '1 v •' v• H4 .'I "Vl 1 271
C-bernr [Hugh Htiroui " II 17 10 f#| .'Hi
fkmcffftl, . K Wttllrrmn I®7p IH '> 99
i .1 mr<l kiCfiye Marliuiver " 4M MM 2 (M
Jeir«*nM«ii W '• '.ih'i " »'•
Venango II is Htalki i " : 2 215 II
Otttoryllie K Forn-»" r mhi ** i ■. m
lUrmony KWelKle " WW WW
( ity m !> lto*lu<-m " I 1 2 06! • j
MlllnnUiwn I J boniwiui- " k; .'.I I » 2
lv troll it I M frltx " 2*l .'.'j 22 0»1; 1)«
r ni'.t.l.wrK J K Mti«Jor " I 40 1 40
A'lfttii» |A Werner 119001 2A 70j 27 10 1 51!.,
Alh*Kh«ftiy JH Olefin 14 90 W6|| 711
HtifTnio Jiui Kltnmffii " 'AH,: !M OHJ i#0........
( Hnton Lf N Harvey 3041 2»«i I#2
('lay .. .. It N I'etU'riMin " 47 ! 17
(Vnter Hi llenh k " | ft 'M Ml!
<:|«'nrn«Ul I'll Fennel " MOW 1120 M\ I 30
Clivrry iH J llnrron. " 2122 1000 n i ' lain
i nnifj**rry Win iJralmrn ' ?h 70041 411 i 420
<Concord.. iV ll' iimj»f>Hl " | • A'.i » 12. 27
liriiiceal r |' Wui* I " If, iH 14 OH 71 1 »*•
I rutiklln J A ( rally " MV,| 42
1 1 airvh w . ' I ( «fii|»ljell " *»l 10 r 'l ,VJ 271 .......
WIKimU* " 62 31 M>,i 1 70j
I,iiiii miler \Jffs (iftrnmtl. " • Ifi'lH 1012 •»• 4 111.
Morton |i CVondyki *6 Ul 1 *ll6
M< reer. ill i iirown " 4h7 4«.'. 21
Mu'Myer**ek .... !lt II Ollv< r *■ '> • '* r >'
Ml'ldh'Sex i.i '. lepp .. " ! I'H H| hsn H7 6 H*,i, til OH
Oeklend KN Kyth " '»««» I or. ..
I'fiin '*l H lliiH<'ltoii " »I 7 2 311 l/t 2 7.'.
I'ui k«-r J H Wnlley " WM . lAfld
Hum 111 11 . .. .!J W JiaMiitlf " '«»7«i 6<i MH 104 '^4
Hli»i4*ryro<-k .'olin Ki lly " ! 12 4XI hOA 4.'. 2Wj
i Vi'imu|(o Jon Aiken " 20 00 . 'sl «. • • • I
I WiuhliiKton (i (' Wmy " 2515 MMI Oil i' ,M
I Worth J I. llclciKTt 72 'i "4
ConmHiiieneMliiir 'Jreer M**(Jiiii«iu*» 14 HO ItVli ali •
, WlnfleM M l ytihei VM . 7417 2 M
I Ittiflrr Uiru .1 MMm well I " | w1 70 264 W II 7-i 12 «*! I
Ci'lilervllle 1.1 A Aiken " CIO. .14 06 IHI ft ill 1 I
• < ooio'iuefigflßtM I % 1 11096 " 20 00 60 IWJ . . . ' .
KVHim < Ity A H I'elfer . " *
' I iilivli'W 11 I. lot i ir, til i I >l '• 4H.
1 Ihi Mill 111 V ... 'l \Nf|l(ln . " 111 IH ■ 111 l H
Kwriin ( Ity II MeLfUiehllfi " 700 JJ'J 51!
Mem W h Jloy<! .1 " !'• 5 M 15?' . H7
I'rt u\4 i i KX. VVenr .... ' " Wi 06 7H J *m w»I
IVtrollu ( llutter j " in JJ 2J
» I'orfemvllle iII HembllW 104 43 15 42 HI HN Ji
HuxonhiirK , KHebroth j " 10iw ft '' -2 4 211
Valencia W n Umlth ■ ■ r, ~',
/« Wm Allen j " CI01; 40M| 217 j..
I '|..tai "~."7 '.. I M II.NIO itMIWJW *291 WtVifl I'.J
DISTRICT i| | 5 .| j§£|€ g| || |"£ | | g.| |l| 1 '
—5 -2. |_ — J; _| 7 g £ *. 5*5 I
x I So. -5* >5' s I- -5' ! -5"" S I ' -5* -s''
Buffalo - $ I 24 - I 24 07 - 07
Forward 952 31 99 31 99 70; <" 250 ; ••••• -®0
Jefferson 021 754 754 348 - 348 40 : - 40 j
Lancaster 2 82 ; 211 211 - 70 - 70 |
Middlesex 234 27 2. 276 - -'0
Muddv Creek 131 15S 1 58| 3<2 >'- j
Worth 450 1 _j 450 -! »»«, j
Slippery Rock 10 70 j 200 j.. ......... 00
Concord 838 11 40 003 543 032 577 12 09j 17 Jvj ,0 1. bo <rb
Washington 15 54 052 20 37 10 48 10 41 032 032 0 94. 694 j
Fairview 10 55 5 30 5 30 | j
Butler 480 013 384 923 74 843 148 991 40 38 287 43 2-> |
! Cherry 1 44> 48 80 156 50 36 323 123 448 ' 28 02 94 20 90 I
Oakland I «So 13 74 19 40 119 457 501 914 4 1 3<o 3 ,oi
Donegal 588 700 7 Oti 700 700 10 94 118 12 12 ......
Center i 412 393 270 009 218 140 358 159 276 430 j
Clearfield ' 50 42 73 14 01 19 128 26 007 80 01 OS 83 140 81 203 749 <49
Adams I 2'04 204 -• 188 1 88
Franklin 10 41 5 07: 894 14 01 034 998 10 32; 380 696 9.6
Parker 10 04 tiO 72 30 24 70 88 20 OS 21 2S 11 70 55 S»"> 15 16 049 21 bo
Marion 77 091 08 34 16 50 84 84 27 88 58 12 80 (X) 37 47 773 4o 20
Winfield 42 16! : 63 24 63 24 75 S!« 75 88 ..; ••••••
Venango 35 35 27 18 4 20: 31 44 33 89 852 37 •>* 5 ((4 19 20 000 19 -0 300
Connoquenessinir 804 OIS 794 14 12 145 352 49< 352 257 352 2~u
Jackson 44 354 20 354 2(3 93 55 148 92. 92/
Clay 10 01 43 22 779 51 01 33 39 445 37 4 8 36 17 84 3 .>4 21 18
Allegheny 78 bo- «7 07, 16 19 S3 20 01 58 807 03 15 650 40. 144 184
Brad v 12 04| 3 8l! 12 88 455 12 14 105 335 ] 440 130 031 ........... 701
Summit 25 401 .35 39 15 57 50 96 2bO 29 93 32 59 20 9o 962 23 0.1 <Ol
Penn 29 7oj 10 44 579 25 23 902 902 11 42 339 14 81 ...._
Mi llcrsto wn Boro 904 934 934 10 19 10 19 110 110
Petrolia " ' 4 .)0 ' 4 oO
Sunbury •* 2 04 2 64 •• • -! : •••••-
Harrisyille " 70 175 ! 175 70 '0 1 o'~ ......... 1 ■>-
Butler " 450 000 12 00 18 00 780 14 30 : 22 10 4 d 3 40. 810
Evans City " 20, 78 78 .40 40 ;
Saxonburg " 298 357 35< 00 60 30 30
Fair view " 20 75 75 352 352 47 < , 4i /
Prospect " 7 20j 11 10 ... 11 10 189 ...; 189 139 j 1
Total $512 12 8509 83 S !27 75 $445 59 #451 99 *339 87 #338 11 5485 84 5213 021275 20 374 08 Jl3B 97 e2lO 97
£** I " =55 S3 i E
sip f- S I 2
£ £ « 5 I * 5
Adams \F Werner $ 129 75$ •'« 'J- ? S 7».$ 7» y>« 34 uo
Allegheny.. JS Glenn ' 65 25. I 65'2.> 19 00
Butler Geo Bauer 129 oo ; 7o On 5 19- 53 *l|
Buffalo... James simmers 115 .V) 4.'04 3 1<» 70 36 108 60;..
Brady I 8 Badger. 48 00 13 '.>7: 1 ui' 33 00 I
' Iliitoii I X Harvey 107 '25 50 *7| 317 • >•'. 2lj 60 JO ...
• lay KN" Patterson ><7 37 72 2 O -17 531 12 :<i
Outer J(; Rennlck 63 75 SO 00) 37u 10 u5 15 ou
Clearfield p B Fennel.. - 64 50 15 20, 11 2 48 I s 13> 25„.. .
Cherry I: J Barron ftt !» is oo; l* 53 :'.9 100 00
Ojuiio'iuenessini?.. <» Mc<'andless 77 25 41 v > :i 19 3.' ;io swj 50...
Cranljerry Win Graham 89 25 6'.' II 5 1-' 15 ®i 15 50...
Concon 1 PI; Sutton >175 72 <!•'• ■> -*0 690 07 75_
iKihegal C F VeMel 156 75 78 92 501 72 s 2 ...
Forward AC Brown 120 7 • 9U ou 5 N); 0 27 50
Franklin IA ( ratty M 7 . 30 00 2 22. 49 S3
l'airvie.v,_ J J Campbell 1117 . 60 Oo :( 27. •> 4» 179 ou
Jefferson WHGrabe 12150 7". <«> as! 40 95.
Jackson lohn Bame 103 'io 55 I" 1 4 o*] 41 42
Ijiixaster Jo* (>armaii... 82 50 36 31' 2 69. 43 50; 63 00 ...
Marlon IJ C Vandyke 96 oo so (lo 370 « aol
Hater Hi Brown 4950 li 25 «S 28 42 CO 00
Muddy creek 'j C MeClvnmnds 57 75 21 00 IHI »JJ 55 00
Middlesex Geo Htepp 182 00 70 49 463 -V. 98 IV) 00
Oakland. F S Eyth... 69 00 47 00 291 19 0« 156 00
Parker 111 \\ alley i »2 50 50 on 371 •» 7» 110 00
Pent! G 8 Huselton 11l 0u 917.- 5 I.: l:i W| 98 00
Summit JIV Baldauf . 112 5U 85 00, 5 -»5 21 9-> '.51 00
Sliptierv Koek John Kelly I 69 ou 30 69 227 36 01. 54 00
Venango Jos Aiken MOO 25 00 IsS 57 15 '2llOO
Washington GC Wray 90 OO 16 391 121 72 101 :t3 00 .
Wlnfleld M Cypher 109 50 00 00 445 45 ft. 31 50
Worth Ij Relehert HI Ou 40 0O 297 41 03 41 50
Butler I (trough J M Maxwell 180 00 71 «l 487 108 50 |
COutKKiuciHwiiiK J M Hose 15 75 15 75 ■
Evans ilty J 8 Petfer 22 50 5 59 4u 16 51 .
Kau Clnlre J A Wilson II i*. 1 TO 12 • 63 -
Fairrleur II L Storey 13 50 9 00 69 3 Ml
Harmoiir 'Fred Welgle 27 75 - 27 75 .
Ilarrisvlllc. Sam Morrison 10 75 .. 10 75 17 50.......
Karns' ltv H McLaughlin 15 00 12 15 1"5 1
Mlllerctowii ... J Donahue 42 on II OU| 10l '26 W-
Mars... W U Boyd 26 25 9 00 73 16 52
l"ros|<ct 'KEWehr 15 75 500 10 10 35
Petrolia .. C But/er 1">00 15 oo;
Portersvllle A Heimhaw 9 75 8 M 88 <■>
Hllp|iery Kock I A Eakln 14 2."> 7 69 56 6 00
KuXonburg 9 1 . 1 41 1H 00.
Bunbury P P Brown 5 25 . 5 25:
Valencia W II Smith 8 25 2 M 5 21 5 19
Zellenople | Win Allen aO 75 12 0-1 _
~.tLl . i . _ _ 8,:,.\5.'. ■£, ?I.7'JJ 20 BI2U 47 *1.712 :'JI «2.12' i '2O 82 2-. I
ST T -> I >• | Si w " o"
p. a 3 * I c
v B . c . 3 2 i
~ ® I C •-»
i i § £ir|J* j|b
•• ry Kock.... •• i-I li < oo per. :IHWj$ 75 J.*« 7»
Clenrlleld E J Kennedy IHO7 9 57 9 (Hi 4«
Donegal F W Wiiiitmui : jj JO ..•••••. ••••ir! '
duller iMirongh JBJack 771 7 'XI IIM;
Celllervllle . K Forrester •• •• "•>
( onniHiuenrsalng \C Flel
Karns city IF llslitolt.... .i (k» ........ ... ....... 9ft»
MUlerntOWfi.. JJ Donithue. 12 59 II V. 113
Clinton llt Kiddle I ill- SM (*) I 12.13 15 1.
("hurry llughSpronl J 60 —.... •••••; 1 00
Itulier borough I S Jiu-k 1<» ■■> "j fl
Mlllerktown tx.rougli I .1 Donahue. "l H •» u, » ;•••',
Petrol In boroogh KM Frit/. 2?!'' H !?.
Haxonluirg liomugh I K Mtider 5 •••• Sli
(Union . llt Kiddle I«W' -'Ol .... 941 17 56
Clenrlleld K J Kennedy 23j .12 93 178 Ij<
('lierry . llughHproull W: •; •« 88
Donegal I'' Wiiltlnali 4< 5M 30 99 188 14 96
jlutler I'' D I'earce 134(16 1.1.106
i'arker I II Will ley •" T, "i* - . '
Vt'iuthifo II it Htulkcr. .rf) tio i. ••»•■•••
llut Iff IniroUKli J
C«*olorvlil« Ijoidukli I" I orr«*»»lor f; ) h IJ "> i ir. ... ••••
linrtoaiiy IxirouKH !•' \\ IJ'! "«*.«
KftfDi ( li v borough E D Kodn«n I[ w» » n > •• ••••
IVtiollM trough 1" M I'rll/ i •• (J [j;
Hiixonhurj< boroußli J K ... Ji iri • ",\'L
Adams A I Werner 1900 [J « JJ g JJJ *JJ
Allegheny Itf Glenn •> 1 90 80 Jl i M am
Hutler • Geo Hauer. (Jl h:j jO •" •' • tt H
Itii fT;tl<» i In# Blmmere Wg fj S ® fil # #?(*
Brady J a ltodger« 2800 10 S7I 88 SMI
Oltntov |J N llaney 12 H7 &\ \ W J J-' -IS
i |m« l( n Pattemon , •*! 7f •'! w. •» -»l I J
Center I a i:« ».i i :: 1 • • * •• •••;;
< learfield I'H rinnell « li g . N »Jj
<'herry Hhiioii • /•' *»7 «•> •< "I •• *• 'jj
< 'oiiiii><iii«iru*KHliji: (iretr < 'Hndlim .... 14 ** ■>[[ I 'l.l II
('riinlierry 'Wru Graham II 57 6 'it .10 4
Ci.neord wII ( anipltull 412!. :i»l 10 IHi «3n
lloue K al V F Vennel 118 «i 76(15 401 4.3 2H :in
Forward . AC llrown J" 66 8 4tj 20 G
Frankllu la* A Cratty 50 30 46 ;*• 248 J
Fulrvlew 1.1 Campbell 61 ..2 47 97i « ..-i II (i
JelTemon WII Grulie ;«4 («• 20 00 I oft 4 72. 829
I.aucaater .Jos Gannon 88 19 20 29 I .19 551
Marlon I C Vandyke "" 8« ll " ,n HH
Men er II J llrown ; 4-'» II 27 .'i:i 14'- JJo
Muddyreek It N Oliver 84 20 25 20 186 . ()• •••••••
%j 1 i«:i• .... . ... Geo Htepp 80 •»" • •' to
OuUlnml V N Kyth f 4 '•«' « ;
IVIIII ii H lluHellon MW 4?K :'.u In II .... •
!»urk« r Ml Wulli-v «•
Surnri.il I N flaillnauf ... I'MW Pi I? *1 ' JJp .....
S||iifH a ry ilork John Kelly... "*1 81 I 02W
Venango IC»H Alkali 00 (H» ><l 'M t•> It l<
Wiinhliiirloii (i Wray W *7 I •> •»'
Wlufli'ld M Cypher "7 87 IH To a iWi -»i
worm 11. Itclhul 49 46 ;ti 01 IK. IS «n
Ilutlor Uiroiigh... .. .1 M Maxwell If *•» 82 .n 4 14 —o&
Crntervllle iHiriHigli JA Aiken lo 00 T ;ih «J< *1
' «»rui«»4| in n<M*liiK lH>rotiKh. .1 M !!<«« •'» '-•» 4 ?»** K .
Kvim* <Hy )*orough A H Pelfer 'I TO 5 0*» •{.' •» •
Kalrrlew normigh II l« Hiory Jo M) T •'"* •••
IfarifK'iiy Iniroiigii Kred Welgle 40 yfv ...... .... 40 .».»
Ilarrlftville borough. .... ....H D Morrl.eu Sin.' 2 118 H ... . ...
KitrriHi'lty lioroiiKh Iliitfli Mel-aughlln ... II '«» lo ».:»
Mllterfttown lairough It W Kinery lo 71 8 #»'.• 4.» I ..#.«■•
Mitrn boroiigli ............ WI) ftoyd. .... .... In .'i"» |.» :jf) <'.• ~ ••••..
I'roHpiri borough K K Wetier...- J.'i .'il win .»•! •' !•
I'etrolla borough C llul/rr II 81 J' ''J 1 **} ' ■• ••••
I'ori• rnvllli l»orouuh . ... A llennhaa «i •»*- ' ' . ' '
Hitxouburtf Iforougn K Hehroat 10 h| f» ■'> * •/}
Kunliiirv Mirough. I'l'llrown 'I « $ y J •'/ ••• •••
Valewlalmrough WII Hmlih .. j r» 44 .i l.i I fti .......
'/.elliMiople l»orough VVtu Allen .1 10 01 111 fix 7'! •» »l
' nl i 1 UfifiO :.7 4IOJH ft 4 |BO Bm'| 404 fiO f filT 114
i ?> 7i ; w y 3 ¥~~> ??
■ I I ! I : 11
' a .< ; E. '*7
i • : i ? »3
i i I ! : !« I U
riUMIII 8 > II 46 547 490 *> fd| l«| M «
Wii.hlnuUrtl 15 54 20 37 682 12 HV 55 II 2 (If. .. dl
I'.it I, r I WI **4 I !>• f> f» I• M I » '»»
( ||,, rr . | (ll IV. 125 '■'( 515 5 M
(Hikiiind.:::::: rev mi 5m 10u;| «Id in 42 07
Iloneuii 1 5Hi I (Hi 706 411 24 11 24 41
.. II ' 276 I 111 276 11 01 77 II HI
Cl.' rlleiil Mil" <.l 19 6» .! 2118 17 '0- 49
I.' !, ' 10 I I Jl 24 II .0 12 8, 73 95 3-7 77 82
Marlon 18 06 111 17 812 12 61 55 89 6IHI 62 88
I::::.:::::::::::: id IS ll'Tij fg
< |„. . , 111 ui il9 415 8 .(I 2i 59 182 2i II
Alleglieiit 17 "7 16 19 «07 7»i 48 89 222 5111
1!.,..1, »87 12 88 385 BVI 31 69 126 85 95
Hiimii.il r. m r. 299:1 .-n m:h in 974.1
r."'" 1 , 7in 579 902 5.r 28 11 157 29 68
H.iiieri,:.r....«i. ' «g n* us «s a» «j» 4121
HMKoiiluirg iNirough < JJ, '] ). ' ;.! ...
Millers town borough 2 76] 9 .11 2 .«■ 2(g 1148 57 18 0,.
T<»TAr7.T! ICB6 ir *B2B 12W70 811*1711 88*1065 86 *44 "I *lllO 70
7 l| I I"J
IMHTRKTH 3 7 * «f
St I
_J I Tf ?
Cloy Twp • • ttt 36 • 01 ift,o
i . .. 7 I't 1 7 7-'
< nmlx rry W Sfftl 1 m» aft |
Kmnkllu .Vj «»! ~| M< <•
Hiiiiniilt u «m 'j mi '
Hll|.i<-ry ItiM'k IHI 7ft VI » 77 7 . lIW ."i
Iliilli r I IS .VI | 1.1
• Union I.UJU 10 l." V.i I"
Marlon IUO :i ! 7f< >i 6" 171 «
WlnflaUl MOO 1 IN ""
iittklntMl 17 (K> ' aim
t*w mmlrr 47 |A I 47 11
J.fT.r»oii ft* 40 47 l-'i II '.'fi
' (terry im ni ivi his
I'DIIII ■ l':K» '/| iw -!i
Forward I I**2ft MO 'St
Wottli Ul -a, m Mi, 176 II" l:. 7..
Merrrr it«» 37 00
\\ luhltiKliiii 111 Iti til 2.*' llOll*'' !'• 7*i
Kama i H\ II"pro ni:l 7(i * I I 19
I'IYMpM I HI < i I HI lit
i-HI. rvlllf ir. 7r. I I > 7ft
lliitli-i 'Mi m X*} <*>
Tot*? fMN MNMI »7W Mi.«l "I" Ift
Disbursements for 1901.
Vtir iuwhklUK ♦ i.nm 10
For fi|fjH<iiln 'WHI 44
For pti lilUliliik A nil I lorn' r«• jm »•*«
Koblimou Hlilovcr ... $ 100
w v. N«gloy ho mi
I' A Kul Utfau .V Hon 100 oo HOO
I'm l>rl<ltf« vloWrt -... JWM l*»
For liritliffi liiNpiN'ilori ......•••••.••# W 8(1
I'nr l»o||i-r lioiim'irpulrs. 70 70
For Common wmllli (n«U). . MV»'•»*
Court liouhu (for* r«*|»alrH nt<\.) 4*l V 0
i County C Jo hi ml nn lour r*
i I J Mrii irvi y. ;ti:i <luy* ♦ l.w: oo
folm W lillii npltv UK. flti l.otff flo
J.iliu AM< Ihtl "hi (In 1.01:. 00 11.174
<'oiunilVr*'rotmm l, I* W l.ovvry ... 400 00
« otiuly Ittii«-<•!Iv«. In i A McMurllu. . :jo ou
Comity Muriltor. ' W Coulter
To I'ouui v midltor*
I* II H» rlihT. ... I*.l 00
.1 A M (iowiiu ..... ..... 174 oo
i w I' M urwtn i-1 ,N ' ■II 00
<'ofiNt&hlc*. for <|Uurt«'rly rolurim «ot» |*
Court.<*rl«»r. II I. llorl<iuii»urry IJtW 00
<!|i«rk of Court* W II CuuipbHl.
iitt'l ««**i*lurkp». M' »iU mid Turner,
miiiul » v fnw» ; l*7 JVO
CmninU iV « l«u l<, M ' K Ink ttddoti Oil
<'mint v In*! It ut «• ippiMpi l;itloti .'oo 00
t'oroiM'i 'n llM| u» >U 101
IMwtrl«*t tilioi'im-y ' M I'lilnf**r .... C»hj oo
For(lrtiyoKO. froltflit i»u«l «*ipm«
NUKit 5 ' '
For Htx'tlomi. 4,7*7 74
Fuel, light and beat for county
buildings 1.*82 72
l or county general expense -H 49
For indexing. (F. I llrughl SB4 48
For interest on temporary loau 19* 34
For Indigent paupers »4 00
For insurance on county buildings. 62 50
I'oik hospital for maintenance of
feeble minded 6sti il3
Jurors 6.773 19
For .tall repairs, supply, etc 340 49
Janitor. (Ilugh Morgan) 708 00
.1 ury commissioners—
A I) Nick las $ 07 Si
John U Christy 73 28- 140 78
Jail physician* #5 25
For livery hire 121 75
For lunacy Inquests. 4P> 32
I'or military enrollment 177 17
For printing 207 IS
For postage *5 50
Prothonotary. (sundry fees) 500 0j
t enna Keform school for mainte
nance of prisoners 538 95
I'enn Industrial Reformatory I 25
Road views 1>93 31
For road damage 370 oo
Register i Recorder. W J Adams.. 112 <0
For refunding 18 13
For registering voters 1.329 00
For registering births and deaths.. 85 95
For registering school children.... 1.244 00
Court stenographers -
Ed 6 Riddle $ 1.298 65
Miss \da Flndluy 14S 85
MU> Maud Kelly 1710— 1.46100
Sheriff for hoarding prisoners, com
mittments and taking prisoners
to penitentiary and work house.. 2.990 55
Stationery and dockets 1,948 42
Soldiers liurlal I*s 00
St Francis hospital 43 00
Ol' Canipliell a S4 00
John Sehaffner 20 00
R II Harbison 86 oo
.1 C Welsh 32 OO
R (> Lewis 94 00
C llinchbergor 50 00
KRltoyer 54 00- 420 00
Commissioners for traveling ex
pense . 73 54
Commissioners transcribing 134 75
For temporary loan 10.500 00
I nseated laud tax paid to town
ships 1.043 07
Warren hospital, maintenance of
Insane. 1,864 75
West I'enn hospital, maintenance
of Insane 4,134 39
Western Penitentiary, for main
tenance of prisoners 1.727 44
Weruersvlllo hospital, mainte
nance of Insane 378 57
Water service for county build
ings 478 SO
For telephone service 51 02
For guarding prisoners at county
home 148 00
State tax ou county llonds 131 10
5M.919 19
0, L. RANKIN. Treasurer.
Hal in treasury Jan 1. tin CB
1901 $ 7.301 05 $
County tax from 1900 and
previous 19.2(7 14
County tax from 1901.... 49,115 49
State tax from 1900 and
previous 1.557 97
State tax from 1901 ...... 13,532 43
Amount from unseated
land 1.110 70
Amount from townships
Insane account 792 80
Amount from redemp
tion of unseated land
sold to County Com
mlssloners 85 7ft
Amount received from
Prothonotary 53 Oo
Amount received from
Clerk of Courts .. 77 00
Amount received from
Justices of the peace... :t0 00
Amount received from
liquor licenses Ml AO
Amount from temporary
loan 10,500 00
Amount from county
commissioners (137 so
Amount received from
Duller I'assetufcr R R
Co for c ban germ ad e to
Center avenue bridge.. HO9 00
Ily vouchers currant ex
penses 67.185 f.2
Ily temporary loan paid. 10.500 00
Ily vouchers unsealed
land 1.043 07
Ily Ircasurcr's3percent.
1500.(100 1.500 00
Ily treasurer's l'/4 per ,
cent 838,505 52 507 1)9
ItV cash set. aside for
sinking funds.' .1.386 90
Ily balance In treasury,
January I. 1902 21,214 15
1111,548.23 $111,548 23
11. 1.. ICaiikln In Account l»og Tut.
Dlt. CM.
To Dog reserve fund loon.. I 200 00
To dug tax from 1900 and
previous 1.527 97
To dog (ax from 1901 1,72020
Ily voucliersHheepdamage. 2,225 20
Ily treasurer's 5 per cent, on
ae.125.2n 10(1 2H
By amount turned fiver to
county 905 87
Ily I reasurcr's pec cent, on
11.0in.7l 50 84
Ily dog reserve 200 oo
*3.41* 17 13.41 M 17
I). 1.. Itnnklii In Account wrltli Holler Cuuu
I v Sinking fund.
on. cm.
To cash on hand from 1901... i 1,014 "■>
To ain't lyed from lanes
of I -.19. I'.IOO. 1901, at a sink
lug fund levy 3.319 40
Ily vouchers ou lauds and
coupons redeemed $1,542 50
Ily treasurer's IH perceut,,
#1.542.50 ... 83 14
Ily bal on hand Jan I, 1902.,, 2.79K 01
$L,;103 OS |4.:M3 (18
l.luhllltb's of Itiiller County,
County bonds outstanding $15.000 00
.Nelson Ik llui liauau on
bridge contract* 1,149 00
I T Heaven nu masonry
contract. Welsh bridge,
I'iimiesslng l.wp s'.".il 37
I T Heaven for tilling ap
proaches. Welsh bridge 25 00 - 319 37
.1 S lloliangh. masonry i on
tract. Coal run bridge.
Summit township 93 3ft
F J Winter on masonry
contract. Mars bridge..,. 200 :I8
(1 S While on bidet books 750 00
Win 11 Campbell, clerk of
courls, sundry fee* :i6| 22
Thos It lloon, sheriff,
boarding prisoners, etc... 743 TO
J M Painter, district attor
ney Mindry fee* 77 00
Ja< A McMarlin,countyde
( relive (1000
Craig hardware Co for ce
ment 37 7ft
Johnson & Watson for
dockets. Ac 101 20
Wm (< Johnson A Co for
docket*. Ac 18(154
Wm I'' Murphy's Hons for
dockets, Ac 57 50
I'enna Reform school H7 09
i'cuna Industrial Itefnrmu
lory 23(125
Warren hospital fur Insane 500 50
Western I'enna hospital fur
Insane ... .. 1,180 110
Wernersvllle Icispllal for
Insane. 104 on
Institute for fertile minded
at I'olk. I'a 181 05
Western Penitentiary ..... 1,119 on
Sundry small bills out
standing OH OS
State on account Slate lat
for 1901 3,93(1 77
126,689 99
f:s|»«lHlrtt fur limine l,wjiHlr»
|ii,rr..H for plunk ami mnteruiftor
Slippery rock Midge * 1.1 s|
II W Dunbar for material and painting
bridges 92 50
,1 II Morrow repairs lo Iron work ( lurk
hriwt • W ®
I nrionhiiig material anil putting
no railing Kelly bridge ilm
Keplnnking and re|, Clark br'dg 111 HI I'll "iO
J.,-,.|,1i illnkcly material and Inlsir for
Roy bridge • •
Aimer (Iro. . uuiiu material and lalmr for
Christy bridge ........... 54 23
J,0n,., llCnliHvell uuilcrlnl and labor for
I-Miller bridge 12
I'et, r Nigh uia-oiiry. hauling stone. ipuir
rung -lone and Oiling ap|,roaelu<«lo the
I |.|H r lloioile llrook brills*' 29 IKi
ililrvei \ CiH.|».r fiinil long material
and tillHir for Ogileu bridge 44 16
SV\ till mi placing support- to Jack br'g .11 no
II II Hefton furnishing material and la
I tor for SefUitl bridge ...... 65 91
I tat Id <in i vin material llnhl lirldne sl.'l 2"
I r foi \inl« r»on bridge 1011 l
Hioilom for /,ei«ler bridge Ml
I'll,nl, lor V\ olf 11111 l bridge is '.'l
I'liink for .MrCiuiill' ■ bridge 4120 lis 14
llnrlili \ A Hlnbli" nlsnk and lending for
KM, in anil ll.no. r Mill bride ■ Ml 5
Frank Hnrr for tilling the approaches to
Zeigler bridge Jackson tomship. 25 00
J W McCord material for Sedwig bridge
.Ukfbenf township 9 00
Jasnes labor and haulmjr for
fill to NeUon bridge, Cherry township d 00
F J Winters repairing masonry and la
bor furnidMa Zeifier bridge .... 44 25
W W Hill material and labor furnished
for Paritfi bridge 30 00
Austin McClymonds material and labor
for Keely bridge 12 25
R J Milliard material and repairs made
to Bruin and Harper Mill bridircs 15 15
A J Burr repairing McCandless bridge... > 9rt
K M McCall t«'aras, hauling stone and
labor furnished to Kittanning bridge.. 20 00
H Drebert repairing masonry Amberson
bridge. 10 00
R R McGanrey hauling material and la
bor furaishiil for Wolf Creek brdge.. . 24 27
G C Biehl inar Kohler bridge 15 (■>
Painting Kittanning bridge 90 00
v Painting Kara* A Monroe Ss 00 73 00
Nelson A Buc liana n rej»airs and altera
lions to Centre ave. bridge. Butler boro. x 39 00
Miclutel Fleming masonry and filling
approaches to bridge. 211 10
A H Kenick repairs to stone work Kris
ter* and Watt* worth bridges 00
S W lilenu planking and r-i>a:rs to On
ida bridge .'. 30 IA)
R K Kngli.-h for eem«*nt >55
David M. Zeigler, keppiu* up crossing
ov-T Little Creek 11l 00
Henry Walil team and men removing
driftwood and stone from Knaut? br'ge 15 00
Jame- MrF;niden lunber and labor Mc-
Murry bridge lis 10
\\ H Bovard plank and labor McLaugh
!ii» bridge 5 60
Tobia- Die* rick placing guard rails and
building tem|»orary bridge at Coal run
Summit township 9 00
Ulrich Winters material and labor for
Edinau bridge 14 58
P R Snyder material and labor for New
Hope bridge.. H 10
W J Vincent plank, labor and material
for New Hope bridge. Cherry township 26 00
8C Moore material and labor Hemphill
bridge.. 22 NO
Charles Spi thaler tilling approach* -s to
McCandless bridge S 50 I
Win McKisson material furnished Curry
bridge (9 95
Small repairs to sundry bridges 221%
$2,723 77
Statcinvui Showing Amount Expanded for
New Ui tilgrs.
J S Hobaugh on acct. masonry
Coal Run bridge 140 00
Tobias Dietrick for filling ap
proaches to Coal Run bridge... 12 00
J C Vandyke tilling approaches
to Vandyke bridge 19 00
Alex Porter filling old channel of
creek and guurd rails to Porter
bridge 3U JJO
For Cement—
W S McCrea & Co 223.18
Knos Borkey 55 25
1 T Heaven (freight on cement).. 11 70 292 13
3 B -f I <=
B2 2 a O™
~ "fl 5 = c S B
»»£ c g
* _J ___§
AdamsTwp A Werner $ 714 57 8 891 34*$ 29 00$ $ l*m 23
Allegheny J S Glenn 515 75 400 001 2# 65 ns 10
Butler Geo Bauer 665 91 60U 00' 44 47L ' 21 44
Buffalo » iJas Simmers 676 55 319 45 21 66' SCS 44
Brail v lis Badger SO 82 166 11 12 30 I 157 41
Clinton I N Harvey 654 51 399 69 26 70 1 228 12
( lav R N Patterson 568 K7 351 72 24 50 | 187 65
Center J G Renlck 52113 475 00 Si Oit I 13 10
Clearfield I' B Fennell 422 63 185 07 13 72 i 22t M 4
Cherry KJ Barron 486 61 215 00 16 86 224 75
founo.|Ucnesslng Greer McCandless 507 97 '299 91 '22 21 ISS 83
Cratiberrv Win Graham 882 88 529 86 39 27 #3 75
Concord.* I'R Sutton 536 30 330 00 24 45 IHI S5
Donegal C F Veniel SO! 55 353 21 23 :i0 126 04
Forward A C Brown KM 22 450 00 29 0:! 155 19
Franklin Jag A ( ratty 511 W 280 00 19 27 231 77
Fairview 'J J Campbell 504 84 260 00 in 19 226 65
Jefferson W H Grot*.. 661 19 475 00 35 21 153 98
Jackson John ltame 713 371 490 00 .16 32 217 05
Lancaster JoKOarnmn 519 63| 340 01 25 20 154:19
Miirion 1 C Vandyke 439 61 200 00 14 82 -221 79
Mercer II J llrown 282 001 139 61 10:15 132 61
Muddvcreck J < McClymonds 439 27 ! 2T» H4 18 74 167 19
Middlesex George Stepp 742 29, 606 00 40 82 95 47
(la k land F N fifth 502 36 370 00 25 26 107 10
I'enn G 8 lluselton 665 29 583 « 37 22 34 55
Parker JII Waller 517 71' 400 06 29 (H 88 10
Summit J W Baldauf M 5 96l 295 00 20 78 230 18
Slippery Rock John Kelly 606 68' 387 58 28 72 189 38
Venango Jos Aiken 388 421 150 00 11 11 227 31
Washington... G C Wray 552 04 226 45 16 77 308 82
Worth J L Kelchart 570 57 SO 00 24 07 211 50
Win field M Cypher 533 42 397 50 27 30 108 62
Butler Borough I M Maxwell 5,025 53 3,797 39 270 75 JO7 3#
Centervillc II A Aiken 212 18 176 01 13 04 53 13
(omuxiucncssing J N Roue 11l 61 102 i*«B 8 93
Kvans Cltv A S Peifer 359 90 219 75 16 29 121 X 6
Fairview ! II L Htorev 62 80 56 50 4 27 2 OB
Harmony F Welgle 221 19 150 00 10 04 61 15
Harrisville S Morriion 11179 65 On 4 68 52 11
Kara* Citv II McLaughlin 45 21 40 52 3 41 1 25
Millerstown J Donahue 217 08 150 oo 1112 55 96
Mars W 11 Boyd 172 83 118 22 10 06 44 55
PrcsiH ct K K Wehr 127 01 65 00 5 3f .'Hi 70
l'etrolia ( Butzer 1 62 75 22 00 ) 85 38 90
Portersville A llenshaw i *8 11 80 70 6 19; 1 52
Saxonliurg K Schroth 146 60 95 73 als ! 42 72
Suiihury P P Brown 100 52 50 55 507 J 35 90
Valencia. .... .. WII Smith I 46 2'. 14 71 ll» I SO 45
Zellenople Wm Allen I 3XO 32 280 00 20 75 | 79 57
Khu Claire J A Wilson I 69 63 26 65 2 27; [ 40 71 , *
— [~»l Z ! " $25.711 817,178 si $1,2:15 29 «2 77 $7,297 33
B 5 -5 P If
i 2 i* § o
Adams Twp. A Werner $ 408 11 1 348 02 slß3l $4l 781
Alleghenr .is Glenn :i99 72 352 :15 18 53 28 M
Butler.. IGCO Bauer 205 4» 176 08 920 22 26
Buffalo 'Jas Simmer* 827 36 NO 03 31 05 628
Bra.lv 118 Badger 34'. 39 150 15 709 616 181 ltf
Clinton I N Harvey 423 7h 378 90 19 91 859 18 :i8
Clay.. lit N Patterson 412 05 I*6 77 981 a 43 207 04
Center. J (I Renlck 150 98 139 93 7 26 3 79
Clearfield P B Felinell 361 89 293 03 15 42 49 00 444
Cherry iltjltarnm 878.62, 170 00 8 95.. 199 67
Counoquenewlng ; Greer McCandlea* 289 67 154 44 813 127 10
cranlierry (Win Graham 17 08 11 81 66 461
Concord... .W H Cam pi *ll 816 16 « 284 80 14 4( . 16 90
Donegal C F Venae! 481 48 :iB7 59 20 38 14 75 81 88
Forward A C Brown 361 65 324 75 17 09 19 81
Franklin J A cratty 331 61 312 15 16 43 3«t
Fairview 1 J .1 Campbell 390 14 351 18 18 48 20 48
Jefferson WII Gral* 94 0". 60 00 316 487 26 02
Jackson... .'John Bame 319 02 299 17 15 70 855
Lancaster |Jna Carman 272 17 256 65 13 46 307
Marlon J C Vandyke 168 01 18 51 9* 42 80 loft 72
Mercer. II J Brown IM 63 153 83 825 255
Muddvcreck It II Oliver 152 25 l#2 99 752 174
Middlesex George Stepp. 498 54 357 71 888 132 00
Oakland F N fiyth 332 12 310 36 16 St 543
I'enn. G B Huieltoli 21 80 387 21 19 72
Parker , Jua Walley 61 28 23 97 37 81
Summit J W Baldauf 321 56 302 15 15 MM 353
slippery Itock John Kelly 812 55 272 55 14 34 25 66
Venango Jos AI ken 439 45 385 01 20 24 34 20
Washington G c Wray 345 98 255 78 13 46 20 06 MM
Worth. ... J L Rclchart 210 63 150 98 795 lOf 49 78
Winfield M Crpliei 288 30 '224 61 11 82 48 77
Butler Borough J M Maxwell 2,204 13 1,812 81 95 40 113 06 182 841
Centervillc' J A Aiken 115 84 1t« 32 569 183
I 'onno'iucucssliiis . J M H.*»e 44 78 - 42 54 224 .....
Evans City 1.1 FlWhr '209 42 190 33 10 02 907
Fairview 111. Storey 101 24 89 84 759 381
Harmony. F Welgle 146 46 140 46
Harrisville. . H Morrison 60 09 58 00 295 1(V
Kama city. ill Mclaughlin (15 70 .18 51 415 304
Mllleritown It N Finery.. sfi 06 46 :13 244 62V
Mars w1) Boyd 90 63 81 2b 428 509
Pr. unset K K Wehr 54 26 56 05 2 71! 212
l'etrolia e BuUer 33 22 29 77 239 It»
Porterartlle \ llan.liaw 37 67 34 21 1 Hi 106
Kaxonburg K Schroth 44 99 36 06 186 808
Kui.l.iirv P P Brown 70 46 (51 56 3 3". 3 55
Valencia W II Smith 44 51 39 34 2 07 3 10
Zollenople Win Allen 119 61 103 27 5 4:i 10 91 03
' " '*l3 401 90 910647 38$V>4 53 $671 2911.534 36
iixpcnditures of Hutler County Poor
Funeral eii*'it*«* uuil ca*kct* f«»r
inmate* of bouie. . I*W 22
Fnm-ml #*peti*o» outside of the
county home I-VI U) 3111 21
For f'lothiiuc• UWMW
Furniture, lfeddiu*r ami Dry Good* 40 U4
Fuel, Ilicht nnd bent for county build'n* 951 20
I'll rill e*|*'li*i* -llllMir, black'OllitMlltf,
freight. fertiliser. iiihiiups wlm fntic
iinf, fruit trmM, etc nkh H8
I'n rni lin |»l<*m«<i»t m Hinder Ill'
<hm top Initftf.v 7U 00 I*2 IK)
liiHiirunci' oil Home liuililiiitfM .145 111
For live *tock
Tliriw liiirxc* "W?
Five cows fW !io
Swine W
I'otalirj 10® mm
For Improvement*.
Hutler biffin, II"lit mill Motor'f'o,
nitnbiliiilinii electric and
fixture* **7 *5
(leu Scheuck <»ii iiccouiit contract
for ciih rn 400 00
i'ihiiht I Iron. balance on hum
Contract 'WA t*)
F J lliilf for change* iu heatiiitf
*y*tem 120 <*}
For oftk Ittitilwvr 7H 2fi
Hurry «V Mnrkel for hay carrier in
l»i»rn • -3
llrOiiUtiori II ro* for laying out
drive wiiya wnd icrwl*■* -7 50
Joh A*h f«»r r«*ldlna burn 54 (JO
For ceniont • • f 5#
For extra* on I Mini contract 21
For *wnl IH 25 anuoi
Hillary iitul wiik»* paid employ
er-. of lliii ler county bourn, Jo
*rph Uriilmin Mupt. lialanee
on iiccouiit from ll<*' uiid on
account llMl H'lM 17
Mr*. Aifu*** (iritlmm. iimlroii.. • .'mimju
I lo\mi rd < • r/i tin in. farmer 2*o <*i
Moliln (i mini in ...... UK! 4.1
f« O < i f/ili/iin. In I m »r< r Ml 00
I hail.. Km, 227 45
lllrttiu Oilliipln. eniilueer ..... MrtOO
Moll in KiiklMi l«tt
Sadie Kujfli "li. rook 2flo 71
H.I McMarliu, bnl a* unidnwr.
Hill 7:. W
A M Nvimm, phy-iclmi 515 «»•
lierthn Koliwr.. B tw
A ll«*»« Hmlt li .1 un
Mr*. Wright 1«> 8 5111*
Ihi If Hro*. for derrick and trn*
well I.MIMRI
Natl Hnpph <'o for lim* pipe and
fitting" 7*l 4U
For conveying |* mr to county
nine 2 1}
Foroutwit!" relief ... .. I.JMI .11
For provision" ami nupplle* 1.517 45
For "late lax on j* *ir district
Bond* »4®
For medicine and mefllral *up*
~Hm 3* <l7
TC- t'ftinpliell for professional
service* iin attorney In eijulty
ca*e of Yoiiu«|«lowii Fleclric
l.trflii Co v* Hutler counti
|ioordistrict I""
For dental service at county
In »IIM* , . ....... 7 (Ml
For Justice* f,.|.H for order* of
reflef <7 UP
For repair* U» liouie litiildltitf*
ii iid machinery W
For iriivclluii •'*i* ii«»»* of < 'oiui-
Iy I 'ommi "doner*
For telephone m«rvice 554 10
For priniitiir Innnlm
For n r bit rut lon on barn con*
I met etc. ® I* l
$|tS.W4 4.1
I nrin I'rodio t* for IfMII.
VVbent Jof» bu, ai wic |*»r bu («J
l orn l«m bu. al -'V p* i bu lti» m
Out :r k Hi liu at .*iOi a i*t bu. no in
|(Ve, 2M bu, »• I*'l bu 40
I'oiati" 'JlJObu, al 76c |.»««r bu. Ifto m
i' , xt 41!! |»*r (<ni 4iJO in
'i.li r.' |M»und* i*»rk, al ?c |*»r inmnd 27ft 24
1 onifttiM**. 85 bu. Nt Wic |H?r bu...... 17 R0
Edward Flesliner Oiling appr'chs
_«P Mare bridge 23 00
F J W inters —
On acct masonry Mars bridge . 231) (JU
In fall masonry Marshall brdge rts» 14
Fur All to approaches and rip
rapring abutment to Marshall
„>"<>ge ... 72 00 1011 14
w ahl & knautl filling approach's
to Amberson bridtfe S3 (»
Harvey A Henon. balance on ma
sonry contracts Porter and Van
dyke bridges 519 jg
Balance on masonry on Dudley
Furnace bridge M 2 P2
For opening channel of creek
and filling approaches to Por
ter bridge 40 00 822 50 -
Archie Anderson in fnll for ma
sonry of new bridge over Mud
dycreek.Clay township IsS IT
Filling approaches and placing
guard rails to Muddyc'k bridge 30 UU
Erecting and maintaining tem-
Pprarybridge 20 U) 232 17
Nelson Buchanan Co balance on
bridge contracts for 19U). 4<Xl u>
Onaeet bridge contracts 352S 00 5604 U)
n illiam Vincent for new guard
rails placed to approaches to
Vandyke bridge 2 25
12.549 19
Assets of Bitller County.
Cash in treasury Jan. 1. 1902 {21.241 15
Due from Collectors 1900 and previous S.SKt 50
Due from Collectors 190! 20.889 '.14
Due from Officers and Attorneys. Jury
fees, fines, etc 282 00
#45.759 59
Assets in excess of liabilities 19,129 GO
We the Commissioners of Butler county. State
of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the fore
going statement of receipts and expenditures of
said county for tho year ending January 1. 191E,
is true and correct to the best of our knowledge
and belief.
In witness whereof we hare hereunto set our
hands and seals of office this 4th day of March,
J, J. McGABVKY. seal]
Commissioners of Butler Co.
We the Auditors of of Butler county. State of
1 Pennsylvania, having met at the court house in
said county on the sixth day of January. 1902.
' being the first Monday according to the Act of
Assembly, having examined the several nc
• counts of the County, do certify that the fore
going is a correct statement of the above nc
count-s according to the best of our knowledge
* and belief, this 4th day of March. 19U2.
Auditors of Butler Co
■ Hwct com, SO In', at 40c per 1.u... 13" 00
Knot*. 3 I. 11, nt 50c |mt liu. 110
('nrmta. 3 tin. Nt 'in* i»-r Im '5
CHMIIIK". 1,500 Imniiß, Nt 3c |air
head 41 (JO
Apple hut tor. 140 Kill, at Mir |»<r
: KIII 70 00
I'nlicli t11111..r. K il. HI .'III'IHTKIII 7 HO
Apple*, 7JV IMI, nt 75r INT tiualiel... sfl 29 1.4W 14
f I.4UH 14
I). L. Rankin in Account with Butler
County Poor District.
Amount in Irtmatiry .Inn I,
IVUI *14.31!; 71
Tilx rncelvml fritin 18111...... 10,1t47 3H
Tax received from 1901 17.17.S N4
Amount recriired from IMIIIII
Ihhiip lrt (UU 00
('null recnired from foiumia*
aioncra iJtlrt HI
By voucher* redeemed R7.SW 4.1
By trmianrnr'a 2 |«>r cent. on
KTi.hUI 43 557 f>B
lly umoiiiit aet imiila for poor
district IlinliiM fllin I . , 12.TA1 32
fly luil on hum!. Jan 1. fMI2.. 17,572 45
tfkK.74s U|l «5*,745 OH
D. L. ilunkin In Account with Butler
County Poor District Sinking Fund.
Amount in livnmiry January
1. 191)1. $ 4,637 78
Amount from (Asm of |MM9.. 37 AO
Amount from Imikm «»f Mil).. I!.WW
Amount from tn*M*of IMJI.. U.muj 47
II) V4»M*ln»rn on IMIIMIN an*l
millpotm n*«lw*mod $ M, ISV€I 2JV
Hy Irr»ii»iirt'r'ii2 |*»r rout on
fMMft.. m 11
lly luil In trmtNtiry, Jan I,
I9UK v.m St
#17.. W. 40 (X)
LlabllllU« of Itutlcr County Poor Dis
To ikituia oiilataudlnir SI2S,UK) Ul
To lln In urn duo (imiritn Hellene k on
contract for claleru 4(ft IV
Due Oeortfe Hrheni'k nu renalra 14 30
I hut KoU-rl' K. Metlmvnn for carpen
ter work 113(2
.Sundry amull hllla oiitNtaiiilitm 24U 71 * '
tl2r>jK2 «3
A Met it of Kutlcr County Poor DUt.
ToCaali In Trnamiry Jan. 1, IMII (14.312 71
To tax iineolleeteil for limi ItNII a,*3l OW
1C3.144 40
MMliitltJim ovrr naanla ..ftllC.'l&N 23
Wn, tinj fominiasiouer. of Holier county. Htale
of i'cnnayl.anin, do lie ruby certify llmt thoforo
golnil atateiiiriit of reeeipta nltd n l[ri.tlitun-i of
Ttuller County I'iair Dlatrlet for the jear i uilinic
Jim. I, IMC. In leatlmotiy win-roof we have wt
our lunula ami aeala llii> Hit ilny of Mnrcli, ll««.
.1 J. MrOAHVKY. faHAi.]
JOHN A. KK.'HKKT, a«Ai.l
('oumilaalonera of Muller t'o
Wi>. tlin Auditor" of HuUer eouiily. .Statu of
I'cunaylviiuia, IliivliiK uiel 111 the court linuae In
the Inironicli of llutlnr on tlin alxtli ilay of Jaiill
ary, A. I>. Il«t' Ih-liui the II rat Momlay In Jauu
ar>. aoeonllliK to the Art of Aaaembly. wn liar*
examined till- account* of auid Poor Dlatrlet
and do certify tluit llie fornKoltiK la a correct
nt nt' men! aeeoriluiK 111 tlin neat of our know-
IIHIK" mid la'lirf.
In M ltueaa whereof v» have ant our haitda ami
aeala llila 4th day of March. Iturj.
J. A. McdoWAN. lamt.l
Audltora of Mutlrr Co
WANTKP HOIIKM ai»n or wonmnto tr»»
for luricc hotiM , -.alary rtj mini thly an J
nxobiiaea, with lncreaa«: poaltloi, p*imM
•nt;lnclo»o.olf-addrinae,i •uralong