Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 30, 1902, Image 4

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    Physicians are calling attention to the
fact that influenza or grip has come to
stay. In the larger cities there has been
a marked increase in diseases affecting
the organs of respiration, which increase
wja attributed to the prevalence of iuflu
etiM. T-rsons who are recovering from
grip or influenza are in a weak condition ;
and peculiarly liable to pulmonary dis
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ;
cures coughs, bronchitis, lung " trouble " ]
and other diseases of the organs of res
piration. It is the best tonic medicine
for those whose strength and vitality
have been exhausted by an attack of grip. '
It purifies the blood, cleansing it of
the poisonous accumulations which breed
and feed disease. It gives increased ac
tivity to the blood-ftiaking glands, and
so increases the supply of pure blood,
rich with the red corpuscles of health.
»A word for your 'Golden Medical Discov
ery'" writes Mrs. E. A. Bender, of Keene.
Coshocton Co., Ohio. "We have been using it
M a fam>!v ir.cdirine for more than four years.
As a cough remedy and blood-purifier there is
Both ng bett'-r. and after having the gTip Dr.
Kerce's Golds n Medical Discovery is list the
right medicine for a complete bractng up."
Accept no substitute for " Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
bloc!, and lungs.
The sluggish liver is made active by
the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifies cure by acting directly upon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system,
no. CCBES. men.
I—Fever*, Congestions, Inflammation,. .25
it—Worms. Worm Ferar, Worm Co'lc... .25
3—Teethi n e. Colic, Crying,Wakefulness .25
4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7—Conch*. Colds, Bronehltls 25
H—\etiral(ia. Toothache, Faceoche 25
9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .25
I ffl—By»pep*ia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s
II —ftuppresned or Painful Periods-... >25
12— Whites. Too Profuiso Periods 25
13—(.'roup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness..2s
14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
19—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pa!us 25
15—Malaria, ChlUs. Fever and Ague 25
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25
20— Whooplng-f'oogh 25
27—Kidney Diseases 25
2S-*ersous debility 1-0®
30—I'rlnary Weakness. Wetting 8ed.... 25
77—Grip. Hayferer 25
Dr. Homphreys' Manual of ail Disease*! at your
Druggist H or Mailed Free.
Hold by drugftifttii. or mut oil receipt of price.
Med* Co., Cor. WlUUun & John Bts.
Experience Convinces.
Prove ita value by investing 10 cents in
trial size of Ely's Cream JSnlm. Druggists
■apply it anil wo wail it. Foil size 50 cents.
EL¥ BROS., 5C Warren Kt., New York.
Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20,1899.
Jfoesr*. Eur HEOH.:— Please send me a 50
cent bottlo of Cream Balm. I find your
remedy the quickest and most permanent
cure for catarrh and co!d In the head.
DKI.LM. POTTEIS, Gen.MJ/r. Ariz.G'ild M<"o.
Messrs. ELT Bisos.:— l Lave been afllictcd
with catarrh for twenty years. It made me
so weak I thought I had consumption. I
got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in
three days the discharge stopped. It is the
best modicine I have used for catarrh.
Gift of Music
Finds Special Appreciation at
Any Time.
We show a .splended siock of musical
instrument* for the holiday trade, and if
you intend to purchase any kind of an
instrument for a Chris>tma*» gift, this is
the place to Come, We sell pianoa at
from $250 00 to #450,00 and m>-ke teims
to suit.
Your credit is good at
'The Piano Man,"
317 South Main Street. Butler. Pa.
Merrill Pianos
We have two pianos
that have been used
at concerts we will
sell at a great bargain.
For Xmas presents
in musical yoods
see u's.
6. Otto Davis,
Armory Building.
jL ' I
i) 9 Sotith Main »tr««t
A Simple I, it lie Trli-k at Once Ef
fective ami Jljiterlon«.
Here is a trick that is always effec
tive, and. while it is very simple in
deed. still it is bound to appear ju* a
wee bit mysterious, and many, espe
cially yevsr little brothers and sisters,
will be unable to explain it.
Take two ordinary claret glasses and
fill one to the brim with claret and the
other equally full with clear water.
Cover the top of the gla*s containing
water with an ordinary visiting card
so that there are no places around the
tdire uncovered by Uie card. Turn the
glass upside down and place it on the
top of the glass containing claret and
adjust the glasses so that their edges
meet exactly all the way around.
Now move the card slightly to one
Bide so that there will be a little space
St one side of the glasses inside uncov
ered by a card. At once a thin stream
of claret will begin to rise through this
space, not mixing with the water at
all, but its edges clear and sharply de
fined. The water, too, will begin to de
scend into the glass containing the
claret, a pore, glistening white stream
against the rnddy red.
The stream of claret, too, rising
through the sparkling white of the wa
ter presents a beautiful effect, and in a
moment the claret will begin to spread
about the top of the upper glass like
the unfolding of a red rose and the wa
ter will spread in the liottom of the
lower glass. The two fluids will not
mix, but wHI present a delightful con
trast of red and white with sharply de
fined edges.
In a very short time the claret and
■water will* have changed places, the
claret being in the uppr-r glass and the
water in the lower. This is duo to the
difference In weight of the liquids; wa
ter, being the heavier, forces itself into
the lower glass, and a portion of the
claret is moved up to take the place of
the descending water.—New York Her
A Remedy Which an Olil Virginian
Say* I* Infallible.
An old Virginia horse breeder who is
visiting in New York claims to have an
Infallible cure for catarrh. "It seems to
me," he said "that 90 per cent of the
people of New York city suffer more
or less from catarrh. If they will do
as I suggest, they can cure themselves
In short order.
"A friend of mine who used to live
in Yonkers had such a severe case of
catarrh that he was compelled to give
up his business and go to Colorado.
The doctors told him that th<- high alti
tude of that state would benefit him.
He remained in Colorado. nearly a year
nnd then found himself as badly off as
when he left Yonkers. After he bad
made up his mind that nothing could
cure him and that he might as well
die at home as among strangers he met
an old tinker, who gave him the reme
dy, which cured him In three months.
"Dissolve a little powdered alum in a
pint of cider vinegar. Use the solution
as a gargle three or four times a day.
It won't do any harm if you swallow
some of it. Two or three times a day,
but particularly just before going to
bed, dip a chicken feather in vaseline
and stick the feather up the nostrils.
I suptKi.se any contrivance bought at a
drug store for the purpose will do just
as well as a chicken feather, but the
old tinker insisted that there -was some
medicinal virtue In the feather.
"The gargle clear* the throat and the
lower portions of the air passages from
the nostrils. The vaseline heals the dis
eased condition of the affected parts.
In a week the sufferer will feel Letter,
and if he will keep up the treatment he
can be assured that he will be cured."
—New York Mall ami Express.
Slxklllrr'H Arru a Deadly Weapon.
"Another man has been killed by a
blow of tiie list, which suggests the
thought r . t at times the naked flst of
a man, glv<*n proper Impetus by a well
developed biceps, is an exceedingly
dangerous and destructive instrument,"
said a man who for many years lived
at Vinita, in the Cherokee Nation.
"It recalls a bit of history local to the
Indian Territory," he continued. "Not
far from the Arkansas line there lived
a half breed who went by the name of
John Slxkiiler. He was a bad man,
but not bad In the ordinary southwest
ern way that Is to say, he was not a
'gun lighter,' although he enjoyed a
general mix up immensely, and until
the Cherokee council Intervened he In
dulged in many such affrays.
"After three men whom he had 'hiid
out' had died of their Injuries the coun
cil (tribal legislature) met and passed
an act declaring that 'John Sixkiller's
right arm Is a deadly weapon' and that
'he is forbidden to use it against an ad
versary except to protect himself from
death or great bodily injury.'"
I'viMJty*» Spoiuif find Hit Irlirunta.
Cal« large ami Kruall make the Knout
careful toilet of any class of animals,
excepting some of the opossums. I-!-*
ons and tigers wash themselves in ex
actly the same manner as the cat, wel
ling the dark, india-rubber-like ball of
the fore foot and the Inner toe. and
passing it over the face and behind the
tsars. The foot is thus at the same time
a face sponge and brush, and the rough
tongue combs the rest of the body.
After the Weildliiis.
The Countess—You've no Idea how
embarrassed the oouut was when he
proposed to me.
The Dear Friend—l heard It took con
siderable of your father's money to pay
his debts.—Judge.
Met Mot* Til nil Half Way.
Dashaway—Well, old man, did you
make up with your best girl?
Clewrton Yes, but 1 thought I never
tvould sucivi d in convincing her that I
was wrong. Brooklyn Lite.
In the photograph line can be seen
at the Findle)*Studio. The Artist
Proof photograph on exhibition
now, they are winners and please
all who want an artistis picture.
Stop in and see them.
Novelties for Holiday trade
now ready Broaches and buttons
of all descriptions Copying and
Telcohf.ii .
P. O. H'dV, Bt.iler
Hrauchei>—Mars and Kvan» City.
t■?**■?* y aa By g Tk^ , n
; ■e.Jgal --DENTAL ROOMS.--
j' f " r j .V) - sth Ave., t'ittebura.r £
. 'r<-PRACTICA Y'J«'•"M"
,Yi 21 CROWN •"» PF.l'.ji
• ,55 f|i% !•»" WHV „OT Of
-i ffIIYOURSI «■ "''l CROWN! .
, • 1 BRiOGfc* *«k ><"•'•■ <•! '
■J 5 PER TOOTH A i!.
f| ' ' J }—■ 1 - f
Chemical Paint as, *2
of any desired
color, equal to the best oil paint at less
than half the cost; also Formula for best
paint for tin and sheet iron roofs, the
secret ot making them sent jiost paid for
only 35 cts. Address
Morris' Mercantile Co.,
Nilcs; O.
j A January Shoe Sale r]
fy BeginsSaturdayJan.il N
&1 The Semi annual Shoe offering is more to J our profit than ever £4
V A this year It's !>een the biggest season in this store's history, and
f V as a result tlieie's the biggest assortment of broken lots to be clean W A
E.« ™ e ,'i We won t carry stock over from one season to another, f *
WA All our finest shoes are included in this sile. MONEY CAN'T BUY k 1
Women's Shoes iilen's Shoes
g? a Enamels, Box Calf and Yici: kl
TM In Enamel. Ideal Kid, box best oak soles: genuine Good- W3
call, lace and bntt-.n. Good- ytsar Welts. Fc|
1 year Welts. _ *4 00, 8 50. 3 00. & >
>4? .-i-l (>O, 3 50, 3 75, 3 00, 2 ■>'' Now $"2 85, 2 65, 2 45. Wi
Now Men's shoes at *1 00, worth f M
Wj $8 15. 2 85, 2 I>o, 2 45, 200 go. kl
' A Women's shoes at 85c, worth Bovs' shoes at *1 00, worth
$l5O. SI 50" [ .'I
Wl Misses'shofs at *1 <>'. worth §l <
li times' shoes.« ~, Holiday Slippers
01 A $1 15. At 25c, 40c. 50c. 75c, $1 00.
f J Women's spring beel ... ... . n \f ''
at 50c. worth *2 00. Men S WOOI BOOTS, £
f A 1 rjfontc Stockings.Overs, Rubber h)
kj boots, marked at prices £ vj
CG All colors and black kid at f0 ClOSe in a hurry. fA
M 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c. k'\.
v # Bargains in every pair of shoes in the house Gome early before 92
V." sizes are broken. These prices for cash only. No cards punched. . K
In A iilfc
8 All Winter (ioods Must Go
Coats Halt Trice %
.. . tj*
lUankets, one-rhird to one-half off*.
P Dress Goods Reduced.
S Bargains in ever\ department to
",A ~
clean up stock before invoicing, p
|L. Stein Son J
>0 ill jSinofnns!SalHcai||
y fIC |fiG.W.GAIL&AxJ :
■■l* VV Hi I
J long cut tobacco in all the United
I States, m&nuf actured with the express
I purpose of blending the two qualities,
t| that of a good smoke and a good chew.
It is me.de of ripe, sweetened
I "Burley," the only tobacco from
| which a perfect combination of
I smoking and chewing tobacco can
I be made.
Gail 6 Ax Navy is known by the
! distinctive character of its blue wrap
s •
j| per (which has many imitators), it
| being to*day identically the same as
| forty years ago, and it now stands
8 for the quality that it then. You
get the very best, and take no chances,
| when you buy Gail <5 Ax Navy.
v, m yn iMMwari "i i.ijLrirrar n_ a i ijiu
si a ■
Susy Aivwnys
wh y?
'l'lie goo'l* wo M**l I Wi- jjuuraiitti-r |>ur<- atiil
v. liuluHom<' -no n< i-(J of (fovi-rmfcut stamp*
If you luy of us.
lih'ASjO.N No. 2. If you deal wll h usOli'< J
yiiu'ri-»all»Hc il you t< ll your frli'iiil* tlmt
maltt'ii I ra<l<- for » . We llml ll pays lo Rive
you hatlsfa<-1 Inn TUV l>.
||M:H, 1...UW, MVKUIIOI.T.
.1 k. UK. K - Ml UllNOfr 'IjIOtPHoS,
(ill; ON L.ll MMJKIt, lllilltl.K, war
ami olTer llicio to you 0 year old at $1 per full
gu;u t, H quarts £»uo.
wlii lv« y kuuj aotf?ed y«*ash old, <*> i»< r gal
lon. W<- pay c[iaiK«H on all mail
orders of ># IJO cm- over. floods shipped
Hon 14 Smitbfleld Street, formerly
411 Water Street MTTSBUH'j, FA.
•F mil 3:11 2 159. r. k A. 1458
Bert McCandless,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
W. Jefferson St., Butler.
At «i<l Car* by Using
AJiUliu Street lintraure.
Wailing Parlor for Ladies.
l'copl«'a I'lione 109.
Blank Books
Office Supplies
Always customary to
Ma» i. yppf books
first of the year.
Our stock is complete
in every way.
Insurance and Real Eslate
County Commissioners'
Sale of Real Estate.
The undersigned Tounty Commissioners of |
Butler County. Pa.. l,y virtue of an order of
the Court of Common Pleas of said County |
outhoririiKT them so to do. will expose a' 1
public sale in the hall wav of the Court House !
in Butler borough. Pennsylvania, on
Tuesday, the 11th day of February
1902, at 1 o'clock p. m.. all the right, title, in- j
terest and claim of said County, of. in and to •
the following descritied tracts of land: ,
No. I—Twenty-six acres. Allegheny twp.
M s? Adams and Tinsman, owners or reputed
owners, sold to county by
John T Martin treasurer, June 8. l-'.ti. bound- ■
ed north by lands of J Hutzler. bounded east ;
by lands of W F Alien. bounded south by
lands of .1 antes Blakeley. bounded west by j
lands of Nicholas Wally. deceased, lot a 1 '
tax. interest and costs,
No. 2 Twelve acres. Allegheny twp. F. A ;
Mcl.innls, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by Cyrus Harper. '
treasurer. .June 11-' i*. bounded on the north ;
by lands of Samuel McKamey. bounded on ;
the east by lands of B I" Hltchkock. bounded ,
on the south by lands of .1 W McGlnnis. !
bounded on the west by lands of same. Total .
tax. Interest and costs. «I!i.ih;
No. 3 Ten acres, Allegheny twp, Harry
Thompson, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by t'yfus Harper,
treasurer. June 13. l-i-. bounded north by
landsof Andrew Campbell, bounded east by
lands of > A. Campl« !l. bounded south by
|sods nf Isabella Ellis. bounded west by
lands of Amlri w ('ampbell. Total tax. inter
est and costs. sl*.Ts.
No. 4—One hundred acres, more or less. Al
legheny twp. Anderson Negiey (or Niggle),
offin r> or reputed owners, sold to county
comri:i-sioners by John T Martin, treasurer.
Juii" li. 1-.4. bounded north by lands of Wil
liam Karns. bounded east by lands of W T
< ra vford et a): liounded south by lands of
William Kennedy, now I' \\ Albert, et ai:
bounded west by lands of James Jolly. Total
tax. interest ami costs. *44 ii~.
No. V Hou-a and lot. Adams two, J J
l>au'_rhertv. owner or reputed owner, sold to
cnr.ntv by John T Martin,
t; 1 ,-urer. June N !-'*>. bouuded *nort h by
lanos of Ellas Irvin. bounded east by lands
<if George M.arburter, liounded south by
lands of W J Keed. bounded west by lands of
I* ,v \V K 1!. Total tax. Interest and costs.
" Nii. (i House and lot in Butler twp. James
McCullough. owncf or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by John 1 Martin,
treasurer. June s. lsS<6, liounded north by
lauds of Charles Huffy, bounded east by
lands of Charles Duffy, liounded south by
lands of Charles I'ufTv. bounded west by
lands of Charles Huffy.' Total tax, Interest
and cos s. sis.s:t.
Nil ; House and lot in Butler twp. Chas
Garner, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by John T Martin,
treasurer, June s, ]v».. liounded north by New
Castle road, bounded east by street.
1 ruled south by ally, bounded west by •» >v
Noble. Total tax. interest and costs, *17.93.
No. s TiilrUen ares, Buffalo twp. Lewis
lie! I, owner or reputed owner, sold to county
commissioner* by Cyrus Harper, treasurer.
June 13, ls!W,bounde-i north by lands of Louis
Valler, tjounded east by lands of Louis \ al
ler. bounded south !>v lands of Georee Ream
er, bounded west by lands of John Torrenee.
Total tax, interest and eosts. fH*.46.
No. .* Seventy acres, riearfield twp. M I)
Golcinser, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county cornmissioners by John T Martin,
Measurer. June -. l<r,. Iwjunded north by
binds of MrDeavitt & Shroup. bounded east
bv lands of Audr* w M< Hride heirs, txttinded
Mitil h by lands of" John Sweeny and McGin
ley, l>ounde<l west by lawls of P.. McGrady.
Total lax. interi st and cost £4l.i>s.
No. li)— Four acres, Clearfield twp, Michael
Kerr, owner or reputed owner,sold to county
ronirnls-Jorif rs by John T Martin, treasurer,
.June r\ HW, bouiKied north by lands of Wm
Stew.'irt,bound* «1 east by lanosof \\ >
Ixmiidt <1 I»v lands of William Stewart,
bounded west by lands of William Stewart.
Total tax. Interest and < - osts.
No. \ : Tv o acres. Fairvlew twp, < arrc*l or
Karl Butzc r, owner or reouf ed owner,sold to
county coinmis-i-me: •. by John T Martin,
tresistirer, June H, i. bounded north by
public ii»ad. boun<> <1 east by Petrolia
borough, bounded -«»uJh by lands of Wm
Wilfion. lx»und»d \\vt» t by lands of same.
Total tax. int**r st ;».:«! cwts. 5i1.15.
No Lot. Fairview twp. Levi MeFann,
owner or repul* *! owr.er, sot«l to county com
missioners oy Jolul (" Martin,treasurer.J '.c
i h IW.bounded north by lands of Paul 'I i .at
j man. Ixjunded east by public ror.d, bo voided
I south by lands of N Pontius, bounded west,
by lands of same. Total tax, interest -ind
costs. sl4 51f.
No 14—'Twoand one-lialf acres, Fairview
iwp, • FBea:t>'s ht ir-.. owner-, or reputed
owiiei . r >ld in county commissioners by
John i Martin. ireaiur«*-.June 8, IKKUxju nd
ed north iiy lands of I'eter Peters, bounded
east by lands of <J !! Gibson, bounded south
by lands of Mary Keep, bounded west by
land- of H W Keep. Total tax, interest and
costs .$141*7.
No. la Thirty acres, Fairview twp. .1 11
Ja< k, own«r or reputed owner.sold to county
commissioners by Johu T Martin, treasurer.
June H, 1 t-'Mt, bounded north by lands of W \\
Murtland, bounded east by lands of Richard
Jennings, bounded south by lands of I*" E Mc
(iiew. bounded went' by lands of Minerva
Wallace. Total tax. interest and costs,
No. 16 Two lots. Fair view twp, Nathan
Miiroy. owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioiuTs by Juhn T Martin,
treasurer. June h. Ibounded north by
land«. of I) W Dart, bounded east by an alley,
bounded south by public road, bounded west
by lands of i> W Dart. Total tax. interest
and costs. $ 13450. «...
No. 17 One lot, Fi-irview twp, T J Dlns
rnc>re. owner or reputed owner.sold to county
commissioner. l * by John T Martin, treasurer,
i June *. inyc, iiounded north by lands of
i Nuncy II Brown, bounded east by lands of L
1 It Luph<*r. bounded south by lands of Lowry
I Thorne, bounded west by lands of John
Andre. Total tax, Interest and costs, $14.:J1
I No. 1H One lot, Falrview twp, Nancy U
i Crown.ou ner or r«?puted owner, sold to coun
ty <« rnmlssloners by John 1' Martin, treas
' ure. June H, I8W?. bounded north by ' in b <%4f
N. i't'iiiius, iKii: tided east by lands of L li
I/upher. liound«'d south by lands of .
bounded we>t by lands of John Atnlre. I otal
tax, i«itc;rest and co-Is, sl44s
j No. l i One acre. Fail view t w,\ U V Brown,
owner or reput<*<l owner, sold to county com
missioners by John T. Martin, tr asurcr,
June h. Ih'.JO, bounded north by lands of Mary
Dodd.bounded east by lands of Joanna Conn,
bounded south by lauds of II Brown. l)oun<l
ed wc.it by lauds of Elizabeth B Brown.
Total tax interest and costs, $U..7.>.
No. 20 Twenty-three acres. I'enn twp,
Cooveii & Co., owners or reputed owners,
sold to county commissioner by John T
Martin, treasurer, J tine H, 1890, bounded north
by lands of John Coo vert. bounded east bv
lands of Marshall, bounded south
by lands of K A Henderson, bounded west by
land . of James Hamilton. Total tax. Interest
and costs. s}fi.23.
v 0.21 Twenty *ix acres.Menu two, 1 homas
Marshall, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by John T Martin,
treasurer. June H, l-w, bounded north by
lands of BenJ Powell, bounded east by - --
.liounded south by lands of W i
Martin. Iwiuuded west by lands of Albert
Wible. Total tax. Interest and costs.
No. 22 one-half Interest In twenty-six
arret* in Venango twp. Andrew Norcross,
owner or reputed owner, sold to county com
missioners by John T Martin, treasurer,
i June s, Is'W. bounded north by lands of Arnos
| Heaton. liounded east l»y lancfs of W G hniith.
bounded south by lands of J B McLaughlin,
bounded west by lands of Be v. Peters. Total
tax. Interest ana costs, sl4.'is.
No. .li Lot or tract of land in Butler boro,
Harvey B Hunt, owner or reputed owner,
] sold to county commissioners by John 1
i Martin, treasurer. June N I*l*l. bounded on
all i olnts by the Pittsburg A Western Bail
j road. Total tax, interest and costs, 21.
No. St House and lot, Butler boro. I J
Moutßomery, owner or reputed owner, sold
to county commissioners by John T Martin,
treasurer, June s. INUO, hounded north by
\Ve-»t I) street, boundeil ast by O M Bal.er,
bounded south by an alley, bounded west by
Mrs. i; N Lytic. Total tax, Interest and
costs, &.*•}.HB,
No. :% Two lots, putler boro, .Samuel
Crawford, owner or reputed owner, sold to
county commissioners by John 1 Martin,
treasurer. June bounded north by
James B Kearns, bounded eat»t by an alley,
bounded south by Locust street, bounded
west by Lincoln street. Total tax, Interest
and costs. §25.91.
No. 27 One-half Interest In lot in Butler
boro, Hays A; owners or reputed
owners, sold to county commissioners bv
Cyrus Harjier, treasurer, June Hi, 1 m'.w,l,*oufin
ed north by an alley, bounded east by an
allev, bounded south by Lot No. ♦», bounded
•v< » by Broad street. Tax, Interest and
' \\'oOne |yt. Falrview boro,B W McKee,
owner or reputud ownCr. SOl.d to county com
missioners by John I Martin,treasurer, June
k, bounded north by Cnion Hall, bound
ed ea.il. by an illcy, iiounded south by l'etro
11a street, bouiaed west by Main street.
Total tax, interest and costs, iJ.J.ns.
No. '-D One lot, Fairvlew boro. Joseph Or
ris. owner or reputed owner, sold to county
commissioners by John T Martin, treasurer,
June K, IW, liounded north by Presbyterian
churcii, bounded i»a~,t by J einpieton,
bounded south by Brown lino, bounded west
by Main street. Total tax, Interest ami
costs. iM.2I.
No. :n One lot, Falrview boro. (1 W Madl
son, owner or reputed owder, so d to county
commissioners by John T Martin, treasurer,
June s, |MMi, bounded north by Sunbury
street, bounded east by McKee. liounded
>»nth by Houghton, Ixmnded west by Mc
' 1<» e. r ldt" I tax. Interest and costs, §IH.7H.
No. .'JI Lot, pet roll it boro, I Itosenburg:,
owner or reputed owner, *ohl t county com
missioners by John T Martin,trhasuriir, June
H, IHiHi, bounded liort h by Central hotel,
hounded east by 'l' Denholm, bounded south
by Main street, bounded west by Central
h.flrJ. Total tax, Interest and costs, SHMKS.
No. li" Ilou.se and lot, Hun bury boro, Jef
ferson Allen, ov, ncr or reputed owner, sold
to county commissioners by Jqhu T Martin,
t reasurer, June *, is'.MJ bound, d north by J A
McC-uidless, iKiunded east by Main street,
bounded south by o L DulJ'ord.bounded west
by an alley Total tax. interest and costs,
No. Hit —'Two lots, Hunbury boro, Jefferson
Allen, owner or reputed owner, sohi to coun
ty commissioners by John T Martin, treas
urer, June s, Is'.HS. bounded north by S S Hunt
and James Wilson, bounded east by Main
street, bounded south by John MechlluSf,
bounded west by an alley. Total tax, inter
est and costs, $17.79.
All lands sold will be subject to the ap
o'on a I of the Court of Common Pleas, oil re
ifi, /, f . ! • »'u«d«» at March term of <'ourt. as
reijuffed by lifts.
A TTEST r t M» %j +U£ a,
J. c. KiskAonoN, JOHN W. tilLLF.M'ii*..
< ounty i .'ommlsshmers.
Commissioners* Office, Butler Pa.. Decem
ber m tjoi
vyM. a. uii l4-IJR.
OKHCK—Next door to CiTZKiN Oflic ,
Butler. Pa
everj day that its better to
pay a little more for clothes
made to measure than to
try to save a few dollars,
simply because the few
therebv .=aved sacrifices the
value of the clothes. It is
impossible to cheapen the
workmanship of good clothes
without destroying their
Give us your order for our
S3O sack suit and we will
give you an interesting
example of comfort and
economy. Our abundant
assortment of new fall goods
affords every opportunity for
a choice selection.
£ That Dangerous >
| Cough ]
1 May lead to something more V
X serious if not cured soon.
\ ° Ur
✓ Syr. White Pine Comp. '
\ with \
Eucalyptol and Honey, r
( is the remedy for it, promptly re- /
1 lieves and speedily cures all throat
{ and bronchial affections. \
v Price 25 and 50c. C
y (If you suffer from liea.lache, /
X Redick's headache powders .jvill S
J give prompt relief, if your dealer C
f does not have them we will send f
X them to you by mail, packages of /
! 4 doses 10 cents.) X
/Redick & GrohmanA
/ Prescription Druggists.
IC9 N. Main St., Butler, p a.
Jr SSB v Bffl J
j. Si fe If
(t y V *
Don't Suffer
from the cold. Don't wear
tmsuited to the season. Get
something that is warm and
We Sell
Dr. Deimel's linen tnesh underwear.
Or. Jaeger's sanitary wool "
Jaros Hygienic fleeced "
Wright's health "
anil many others
Have some broken lots which
we are selling v.ry cheap. Drop
in and look at them.
Jno. S. Wick.
Opposite P. 0.
B. & B.
new and beautiful 1902
dress cotton; and
Specially choice line fine new Printed
Mad ran, 25c y aril il " white «roundH
with neatest Htnall figure effectH yet
shown. Fijr shirj. whirt waist
gowns and men's nhirts they're without
equal, style and value.
Other new Imported Madras and
Novelties, 30c, :i. r >c, including finest to
7isc yard.
Pretty new Madras, I~J and 15c; yard.
New Imported Dimities, i! 0 and 25c.
America has also produced good and
pretty Diiuitias, flj to 15c yard.
Fine new Wash Goods up to most
exipiiHite French NovUtic., at $2,00
New Imported White Goods, 15c to
75c yard plain weaves and fine dress
and shirt waitil noyeltin-t.
Fine Wash <|otxls r feature hero not
a store in America does fine Wa.-.ti
Goods bnsinef-M on so extensive a scale
as this one -nor wells as low.
What's more, we've the samples ready
to send to prove it soon as you specify
what kinds, what styles, for what pur
pose, o. ;w,.u. what price" you're inter
ested in, wo we'll be sure&sena e*aci*y
what's wanted.
Hoggs & Buhl
Department X.
Thorough pr»vMv*> court*
I |< iUV given BY MAIL Mactlgr as
Llj/VM* taugh! In our cl*t( room*.
Write tor ctlflogu* FREE.
Snnilminn » he »horthano
._ || Aur em lei.n Avnu.,
i m i
S v VaA advertis
-o>j Stop
at our store for a
Free Sample
Mermen's Talcum
The best powder for the toilet, for the
baby and for chaped and roughened
carry a full line of household
drugs and toilet articles. You will find
our prices lower than most.
Try us with your next prescription.
Reed's Pharmacy
Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. . Butler, Pa
Special Notice.
"Bicycles at cost' to close them
out, come early and get a bargain.
All kinds of repair work given
prompt attention at
Geo. W. Mardorfs
Bicycle Store end Repar Sbop,
109 W. Cunningham St
«:• - i-fi'S ENGLISH
• • , v • 11. i»h- .wlc T>ruggl»t tot
's ji . > r \ s tNUI.MII "1 K«-<! .""J
- ,i>] rn-Lii'u :vi.i.'h. wjalotl with blue t.'ihv r.
I'.'.uV no <• flii r. lu ruor daateroiu »«'"*'<■
luiiur.t -.i I i/t.il:\ti ltuy of your Dnitrtri-t
r sci.il i> :iinps for PnrUoular*. Tr»i.
iuobSul* aii.l •Urllef for lJMlir»." in Ml"
i>>- nitcrn lO.oooTwtlmonMU*. bold t>>
J! I?rutu u
110 v llr< »ii Jiqanre, PHIIA., PA
Mention MMn
A safe, certain relief for Supprensed I
Menstruation. Never knolrn to fafl. Safe! ■
Kure! Sp<-t"ly! KatisfacUon Guaranteed ■
or tuoney Itofunded. Went prepaid lor ■
81.00 per box. Will send themon trial, to ■
be paid for when relieved. Kumpii* Free. K
Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave.
Pearson B. Nacs's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
The best of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations In town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses hough
pon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 219.
everywhere can earn s6.otf per week ki span
lime or evenings, addressing envelope*, no
nuiney required, hundred* of workers now
employed, proof sent free anywhere to those
sending addressed envelope to FRANKLIN
CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street,
Patronize The New
Stock always fresh.
the highest cash price for Poultry, But
ter, Efigs and Iliiies.
'Phone 533
W S. & E. WICK,
Kough and Worked Lumber of! '*! l JKlnda.
boors, Hash and Mouldings.
OH Well Uigs a Specialty.
ofllix' and Yard
S iCuiiiilniiijarn and Monroe Bin
nfiiu- want I'anu OattA
r A
New Wall Paper.
Call and see our line
for 1902 up-to-date.
ReainaDts at Bargain Pfices.
F. W. Uevoe & Co. I'ure Lead and Zinc
Picture Framing A Specially.
Patterson Bros..
236 N. Main St,
Wick Building,
Phoo« 400-
< > New Store. n ' New Store,* >
A 121 East ranp Q 121 East < >
< »Jefferson St. w Jefferson Sti ■
J | nillinery House ] ;
The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby
< 'line of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open for' r
you inspection at our new store 121 East Jefferson St.
I Milliner. |lArrjO,| Manager. },
|j Richey's |j|
y New |j?
?|lce Cream Parlor!)
sl AND §/
p Res taut rei r\ tj >
<| Meals at all Hours. §)
S M Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, | /
/ * Delivered to all parts of town. |
✓ I 142 S Main Street. | \
People's Phone
A Charmir>g Creation
The recovery of ill:: fin , , i^'
painting of the Duchess ot Dcv >n- iljß' I
shirr, has revived interested i i the l&y- J
Gainsborough We arc sh wing i/fV ; ,M jn/
this picturt sqtie typ> of hr de
vel"ped in a vsirir'ty o' maieria's V«v ' I JP
The mode' art v< ry be «nt'fu' ,tnrt X.
attractive a»<! arc distinctly t ».
ish. Quality i> up t > our usually
328 Soutli Main Strec* - - L.l'l .I ?»
Greek-American Fruit and Confectionery Co.
Fill up the Stocking
With Chocolate candies. The " r :^
children will like 'cm and you
won't have any regrets, because ; j V v#£- /fc '* V^SL
these candies are pure and whole- ■/' >, ; ■ '■ r . ''%s&
some. There's no better made, i,\ --»j •' -N:
and we've put the prices as low as - V.
pure .goods can be sold for. We've j fcL i>'J \
every kind. If you can't decide i
what kind to buy, try our mixed
candies. They're 20 cents a . *]>
pound, elsewhere 30c lb. for the . V
same mixed •.
Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Gity
State Normal School
Expi-nst>S for Spring Term of Fourteen Weeks to student* who intend to teach
Only Forty-One Dollars! s4l
It is the constant aim of the management of this scnool to direct every effort
toward improvement in the
Preparation of Teachers for Their Work.
Ftudents may board and room in town. Tuition free to students over seven
teen years of age who shall sign an aureement binding them to teach two full
annual terms in the Common Schools. Such students mutt also receive regular
Instruction in the science and Art of Teaching, in classes devoted to that object,
for the whole time for which such allowance is drawn.
Spring Term begins March 2§, 10Q2-
Send for a Catalogue'
ALBERT E. MALT BY, Principal.
For siity years the YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE
has been a national weeklv read almost jjntirply t>y
fanners, and lips enjoyed the confidence and support of the
American people to a degree ucvtr attained by nay similar
A publication.
is made absolutely for farmers and their fani lies. The first
■JYY *—K \\ J number was issued > ovember 7th, R^R.
M \/\/ Every department of agricultural industry is covered by
* -*—4 * special contributors who are leaders in their respective lims,
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a high
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural paper, profuse
ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings
\ f and homes, agricultural machinery, etc. - * '
1 j U Farmery' wives, soni and daughters' wjll {jncj special pages
"* for their entertainment.
Regular price, SMQ per ypar, biH \ou cj»n bfjy it wi(b
favopte home wcpkly newspaper The CITIZEN, one ymf
for $1 75 or CITIDKN and Tn'-Weekly Triune fur i 2 GQ.
I j \ Send your subscriptions aril moi ry to TUP- CITIKKN,
1 Butler, l'a.
Send your name and addresi to NP<VV-YORK TRIBUNE
FARM ICR, New-York City, and B free sample copy will be
mailed to you.