Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 23, 1902, Image 2

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SI.OO per year in Advance, Otherwise $1.50.
Local Republican Primaries.
Bntler Republican primaries at the
usual places —1 to 7P. M., Saturday,
January 25th.
Concord twp.— At Middletown Sat
urday, Jan. 25, beginning at 1 p.m.
Jefferson twp.—At Jefferson Centre.
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2 to 4 p.m.
Bntler twp. -At the office of Levi M
Wise in Butler, from 1 to 8 p.m.
The Republicans of Centre twp. will
hold their primaries, Saturday, Jan. IS,
from 1 to 7 p.m.
Fairview twp. —At Election House at
Kama City, 1 to 5 p.m.
To Elkin or not to Elkin—that's the
question with Quay Redivivus.
At the meeting of the Butier-West
mjreland Congressional Committees,
last Saturday, nothing was done, and
the Committees adjourned to meet at
gams placa —Duquesne Hotel, Pittsbnrar,
—ne*t Saturday.
The Westmoreland county men sub
mitted two propositions to the Butler
men —one that a delegate for each 2000
Republican voters be elected in each
county to the Congressional Convention:
and the other that the popular vote of
the whole district be taken for each can
didate—but neither of these propositions
was accepted by the Bntler men.
This last proposition is the one we
have always advocated in making Con
gressional nominations, for the candi
date then receives his nomination from
the whole party in the district, and is
under no obligations to the professional
politicians of either county
In this case Westmoreland is much
the greater county in populate, and
casts 15,000 Republican votes to our
0,050, but being the larger county the
chances are that she will always have
the most candidates, and it is ridiculous
to suppose that a first class man in either
county can not seenre votes in the other
county: and (should abuses spring up the
remedy remains where it belongs—in
the hands of the people.
The Republican County Committee of
Lawrence county declared against
Elkin's nomination, for Governor; and
the Indiana County Committee (Elkin's
home county; declared for him, Monday.
The Republican Convention in Pitts
burg, Tuesday night, nominated Jos. E
Lewis for City Controller. The fight
between Lewis and Larkin will be in
teresting, and perhaps control the nom
ination for Governor.
The action of the Republican Com
mittee of Lawrence county—a Quay
county—in refusing to endorse Elkin
for Governor, looks as though Matthew
the First was not in favor of John the
First, at this time.
Senator Quay is quoted by a Pittsburg
visitor as saying lately:
"The books between Governor Stone
and me are closed.
"I nominated and elected him and he
has returned the service, so we are
quits. lam not going to quarrel with
him, as I have no quarrel of my own,
but I am clearly of the opinion that as
much attention should 1*- paid to the
legislative situation as to the candidate
for governor this year. One depends
upon the other. If we nominate a
candidate for governor, who will bring
on us a desperate tight, it will not be
possible to elect a Republican legisla
ture or a stalwart United States sena
"The election of Larkin would make
it peremptory that the Republican or
ganization in the state should take
some other candidate than Mr. Elkin
"If I owe anything to a man in the
state organization, it is to John P. El
kin." "When I was embroiled in battles
throughout the state and the organiza
tion was fighting for its existence
against Mr. Flinn and his fellow in
surgents, Elkin led the fight. He is the
best organizer in our ranks But it
will not do sacrifice the legislature and
possibly the state ticket, too, to gratify
his ambitions.
"The election of Larkin in Pittsburg
would be construed through.the state as
a repudiation of the governor's arrange
ment svith the Pittsburg organization.
Even a close vote would predicate dis
aster to the state ticket. In that event,
I can see nothing to do but to stop
factional fighting and select some can
didate of broad party feeling, who could
command the whole strength of the
organization. The control of the next
legislature is as important as the elec
tion of a governor. If I owe an obli
gation to Mr. Elkin I do not owe a less
one to my colleague, Boies Penrose, and
I am as much interested in the legisla
ture as I am in the governorship."
LEGISLATURES are parsing resolu
tions favoring the election of United
States Senators by direct vote. It is
the same old thing over again. Every
body favors it, and then when the mat
ter reaches the Senate it is pigeonholed.
The explanation is easy. If Senators
were elected by direct vote many of the
present members would be enjoying
private life. •
The supplementary report of the Isth
mian canal commission deciding unani
mously that, under the changed condi
tions existing since the offer made by
the French company to sell its rights
and property for $10,000,000, the Pana
ma route is the most practicable and
feasible route for an isthmian canal,
was the topic most under discussion in
Congressional circles this week.
HThe beet sugar people had their hear
ing before the Presidents n Saturday in
opposition to any reduction in-the duty
011 raw l>eet sugar coming in from Cuba,
and on Monday the cane sugar "produc
ers of the soutli were before him.
In the House. Monday, a proposition
to appropriate $40,000 for the entertain
ment of Prince Henry brought on a
spicy talk.
BILLS are to bo introduced in Con
gress asking for the reserving of the
cliff-dwellers country in Colorado and
New Mexico and the petrified forests in
Arizona as National parks, similar to
the Yellowstone and Yosemite.
A New Trolly Li:;*;.
An exemplification of record of the
minutes of the Evergreen Street Kail
way Co of Pittsburg has been filed
which states that a meeting of the stock
holders, R. S., A. C., and Thomas M.
Latimer, David E. Wilbert and Jacob
Shrock, held Jan. 10. 1002, they decided
to extend their line over the following
ruutes in Butler county: from Allegheny
City via the Evergreen and I'errysviilo
plauk roads, through Wexford, through
Cranberry twp.. Harmony and Zelien
ople. Lancaster and Muddycreek twps.
Stamford and thence west to New
Castle, returning to Allegheny City over
the suae route. From Stamford a
second branch will run eastward on the
Butler —New Cattle pike to Bntler,
pass through town on Jefferson St. and
uut the Kittanning pike to Kittanning,
returning over the same route. From
Stamford the lines will probably run up
tin* Yellowcreek valley to Portersville
before striking west to New Castle and
will have to run northeast to Prospect
before striking the road for Butler.
It this road is built it will be just the
sort of a developer the western i<art of
iho county needs
Stamford is the location of tti"
Y< llowcreek creamery near the Muddy
c: k and Lancaster township lines.
Fatal Burnings,
Miss Lizzie McCandlesa, second ■'
daughter of Judge A. McCandless,
deed., was fatally burned at the old p
homestead in Butler township. last i
Saturday morning. o
Miss Lizzie was upstairs at the time,
making the I*HIS. when she brushed too .
near the coal fire in the grate and her '
apron took tire. Her mother, who was ,
lying sick in the room below, heard her
tramping heavily, and called to her j
sister. Mary, to go np stairs, that some- c
thing was the matter. Mary ran up t
and' fonnd Lizzie standing speechless f
and bewildered with her clothes all g
aflame. She threw her upon the bed
ar;d pulled bed clothing over her and
smothered the flames and another sister •
carried water and threw it on the hang
logs of the room which were afire in *
several places. Lizzie was terriblj ,
burned abont the IKXIV and limbs, and |
suffered greatly, until death released j i
her Monday night. She was about to '
years of age. and will be buried 111
South Cemetery, Butler, today. (
Miss Sadie Beers, aged 24. years, a
daughter of Alex Beers of Evans City,
was so badly burned last Saturday
afternoon, that she died that night.
She and her mother had completed t
the house work, and Miss Sadie went
up stairs to dress, while her mother
went out on the porch. Shortly after (
Miss Sadie came rushing down stairs
with her clothes all aflame and rnn out i
upon the porch. Her mother caught ]
her and threw a piece of carpet over her *
and a neighbor threw water upon her.
and she was carried into the house, but
nearly all her clothing had been burned (
from her bodv and she lingered in asrony ,
till about 3 o'clock that night, when ;
death relieved her. . ,
The peculiar part of the tragedy is
that there was no fire in the upper story
of the building, and nobody could tell i
from what source the fire originated. >
though it is supposed she stepped upon
a match. She had no idea herself, and
asked how it all happened.
She is very highly spoken of by those j
who knew her, was a sister of Mrs.
Walter Galbreath of Butler, and her
death was a terrible blow to her parents.
The Market— Both agencies are pay
ing $1.15 this morning.
Parker —The Big Four Oil Co. of
Bruin is drilling on the John Kelly
farm for the Speechley. SchonfieM
have a dry hole in the third 83n<l on the
Juuge Storey farm and are going to the
Butler—T. W. Phillips & Son's No.
fit), McCalmont,located near the station
came in several days ago, _ a l t-barrel
pumper, other wells are going down.
Karns City—Sam. Kamerer, Wolf &
Co. finished a dry bole on the Barney
O'Brien farm in Donegal twp., last
week. Abrams & Day baveajiew
barrel well on the Abrams farm at
Karns City.
Concord—The Associated Producers
well on the W. 11. Campbell and Barns
dall's well on the Brown or Christie ex
tend the Speechley field to the south
west, about two miles.
The well on the Campbell was shot,
last Thursday, cleared herself and filled
up 400 feet with oil.
Monks & Co. and Barnliart & Co.
reached the Speechley at 2500 feet on
the Mary E. Pisor, Tuesday evening,
when the hole immediately filled up
with oil 300 feet, and will probably
make as good a well as there is in the
Concord--Monday the Producers
Torpedo Co. shot new wells for the
South Penn on the Ezra Campbell and
Murtland farms, and one for Nicklas &
McGill on the Robt. Campbell. All are
good wells.
Carbon Centre- D. Slater & Finnegan
have struck a fair fourth-sand well ou
the Green farm.
Centre twp -Skiles & Co. are drilling
a well on the Heist farm, near the coal
bank. His "dry-hole" is on the Meals,
and will be pumped from the 100-foot.
Evans City Items
William Galbreath spent Sunday with
his parents.
Miss Rose McCullough who was visit
ing her sister, Mrs. E. Reighner, re
turned her work in Pittsburg.
Rev. Lewis was at West Sunbnry
from Wednesday till Monday assisting
Rev. Decker, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of that place.
Rev. Douds assisted Rev. Simpson of
Allison Park in a series of meetings.
A union service of all the churches in
town was held in the Baptist church
Sunday night, Rev. Gutelius of the Re
formed church preached. May these
services be oft repeated for they show
the true spirit of Christian discipli sliip.
Misses Eva and Ada Albert of Butler
were in town Monday at the funeral of
Miss Sadie Beers.
Rev. Decker of West Sunburj is as
sisting Rev. Lewis in services held in
the Presbyterian church every night
this week. Communion services will be
held next Sunday.
Mrs. Barkey who has been ill for
some time was in a critical condition
last week, but is now improving.
S-jme of our young people attended
the nightcap social in the Cooper school
house last week. A good time is re
A teachers' institute will be held in
the Garvin school house, Cranberry
twp. on Saturday, Jan. 2;>th. both in
day light and evening. A well arrang
ed program is being prepared and all
who attend will not fail to enjoy them
selves. Prof. Campman of this place is
one of the speakers.
Alton White has gone to Braebarn to
get work in the mills.
The funeral services of Miss Sadie
Beers who was burned to death were
held in the U. P. church, of which she
was a member, on Monday afternoon.
The building though a large one. coold
not hold all who were present She was
an active worker in the Young People's
Society and in all branche-i of church
work. Her chief pleasure in life was to
be a Christian and to bring others to
Christ. The heartfelt sympathy t' the
entire community is extended to the be
reaved family.
Prospect and Vicinity.
Grippe has made its appearance and
some of the schools have a poor attend
in consequence.
Ed. Sechler and wife of Princeto n,
Lawrence Co., were the guests of Mrs.
Dutter and, daughter Mary, not long
The Republican primary has been set
for Friday evening, January 25. Be on
hands at 7 p m
Mr. Buchanan and wife have return
ed from a visit to relatives in the vicin
ity of Harrisville.
Miss Clara Lepley is at home at
present, but will soon return to the city,
where she is teaching.
Newt Riddle's favorite tint is black,
and he is enthusiastic over those fine
black cats at the Criswell boilerhouse.
Twelve good reliable citizens have
taken steps to secure the free library of
fered by the action of the last legisla
ture t
The township directors visited the
high school, last week, found every
thing in excellent shape. The principal
speech was make by Win. Scott.
The Luther League has elected the
following officers: S. S. McCullough.
Pres ; R. G. Heyl, V. Pres.: Lydia
Langharst, See.; Lois Lepley. Ass't Sec.
and Hymn Starter, and Louise Miller,
Fred. Milltman, Ford Ileyl, Jeff.
Oritchlow, It iscoe Critchlow, Bate Mc-
Cullough, Harrv Courtney, Fin. Mc-
Cullough, and Newt Riddle went to
liutler to hear the Hon. W. J. Bryan.
The boys thought they were paid for
their trouble.
The Kline well is progressing finely,
and the people out that way will soon
know their doom again.
When G. P. Weigle was at the recent
institute lie was pleased to setva few of
the "old timers" A. F. Cochran, O. E
Evans, J. H Ramsey and C E Pearce,
who have been in the educational tips
and downs, the past twenty yearß.
L R. Shannon and Jiul English and
W. Shannon are among the grippe
offerers at present.
Dou't forget that the next great sap
per will be in the hall Friday evenin?.
Feb. 14, under the auspices of th® laaies
of the Presbyterian church.
The L. O. T. M. are growing in nnui
|>er and have elected officers for the
uext term.
Mrs. Elizabeth Martincourt died Jan.
15. aged about 84 year? Mrs. Martin- 1
court was widow of the late John M;u"-
tincourt. who for many years kept the
famous Prospect Hotel, and mother of
S. B. Martincourt of Butler.
Sheriff Hoon and wife of Butler at- !
teuded the G. A. R. dinner, last week.
Howard English is learning to dress
tools on the Kline well.
Harry Dodds, who works in New ,
Castle, is visiting his parents, John ;
Dodds and wife, east of town.
T. H. Boehin has gone to Warren.
Ohio, to see his new grandson.
Nortli Washington Items.
Frank Brower makes his periodical
trips to Petrolia, to visit mends.
Prof H E. Stewart who is attending
Grove City College was at home on
Tuesday attending the annual ftock
holders"meeting of the Excelsior Fire
Insurance Co. Mr. Stewart was re
elected treasurer.
Phil Slagle and Curly Harper have
the contract from the South Penn On
Co. to build all their tanks fur the
Speechly field, they have erected a
large shop on Butler St. and have several
men hired.
The U. P. Congregation of Mt Ver
non have extended a call to Rev. Huston
of New Wilmington, it is believed he
will accept.
The North Washington Institute i>
moving on at hieh tide. There are
eighty-four literary and twenty-two
music students in attendance.
The Pre sbyterans* organized their
Sabbath School at the beginning of the
new year by re-electing Dr. O. P. Pisor
as Supt.. J. H. Bell assistant and Edith
Rohrer secretary and treasurer. Then
school had an average attendance of .<)
scholars and they contributed for mis
sion work §305.00 or .$4.33 per scholar.
We believe there is not a Sabbath
School in the Butler Presbytery that
can show such a record, in fact I doubt
if there is another school in the county
that has made such a contribution for
the sending out of the Gospel.
Veterans ol" Concord.
A list of old persons in Concord twp.,
Butler county. Pa. The first named
persons are over four score and ten
years of age. the next are over four
score, the next are over three score, etc.
Robert McKinney is about 94. He
bnilt a honse last summer and dug a
cellar and did all the work in the cellar
Robert McKinnev aged about 94, Ft -
becca McKinney 91, John McKinney
Wm. McKinney HO all of one family.
J ohm McKinney runs a farm himself
successfully and Wm. McKinney works
a farm himself and does it well. They
both do the work on their farms with
the help of the women folks.
Other old persons in the twp. are-
Mrs Jos Sutton aged about HB, Mrs
Jane Sutton 85. Mrs Jacob Pisor MS, Mrs
Daniel Pisor 83, John Cumberland 89,
Mrs John Cumberland 85, Andiew
Stonghton 80, Mrs Andrew Stoughton
so, Mrs Nicholas King 85, Mrs Wm
Byers 85, Mrs Geo Campbell 88, Mrs
Japtha Gold 85, Mrs John Reddick
Mr Swartzlander. 75 Mrs Swar tzlanderSt),
Mrs Samuel Donaldson TH, Mrs Robert
McKinney TH Mrs John McKinney TO.
Mrs. Win McKinney 73. James P.itton
73, Mrs James i'atton 73. Mrs Archey
Bell 78, Mrs John Starr TO, Mrs Thomas
Pryor 75, Mrs Alexander Kuhn Chis
Cochran 80, Mrs Wm Curry 70, Nelson
Sutton 70. David Baxuh irt 70. Mrs An
drew Campbell 70, Waph Muser «nd
wife 70, Perry Black 70, Jas McCleary
70, Samuel Badger and wife 70, Mrs
Andrew Campbell TO, John Thompson
and wife 65, Mrs John Campbell', fi"> Mrs
Josiah Campbell G5, Piatt Sutton :nd
wife <>:> Mrs John S Murtland 70 and
Ephram Krager 70.
The above is correct as far a a I have
been able to obtaiu from all the infor
mation I could get, and besides the
above there are more than three score
of men and women in the township who
are over three score years old I have
taken the trouble to get the names of
all these old people out of respect fur
them, knowing that the time is near at
hand when we will all be gone and no
one left to tell the story, and if I have
overlooked any one, as likely I have, I
hope you will pardon me for ir.as it was
not intentionally done.
Written by your old l'riend and neigh
now in the TTth year of his age.
I'AKK Til HAT It 15.
When Mildred Holland appeared in
this city last season presenting her ro
mantic drama. The Power Behind the
Throne, she created a most favorable
impression. In response t<\ the em
phatic demands of patrons, the man
agement of the Park Theatn has ;.g*in
booked Miss Holland and Jior strong
supporting company for a retnrn ap
pearance on Saturday evening Jan 25.
The actress will again seen in the
role of "Aria" in the Power Behind the
Throne, n part which she has made
Pittsburg Orchestra.
The second half of this season's con
certs is well entered upon. For the
concerts this week Friday evening and
Saturday afternoon Mr. Herbert has
prepared the following program:
Symphony, "Unfinished" B minor,
Schubert; Concerto for Pianoforte i.pd
Orchestra, No. 2in F minor, Chopin;
Suite, "Peer Gynt." Grieg; Pianoforte
Soli: Song without Words, Op 02 No.
(! Mendelssohn; Caprice Espagnol, J)p
37 Moszkowski: Toreador et Andalouse
from "Bnl Costume," Rubinstein.
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg-.
Admirers of Charles Dickens' v.ori.r
will be especially interested in the note
worthy attraction provided by Manager
Davis at the Grand Opera Honse in
Pittsburg for the week beginning MUD
day lan. 27tb. wh< n Dickens' thrilling
story, "A Tale of Two Cities." will I t
seen in a dramatized form vnd»r the ti
tie of "The Only Way."
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweier and Graduate Optician
n « r fW«r» n r a
News and Opinions
National Importance
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The Sun
Daily, by mall, ... 56 a year
' Daily and Sunday, by mail, - $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
l i-t the gre;-t-st Sunday Newspaper in
the World.
Price 5c a c< py By mail, $2 a Year
Ad ress THE SUN, New York.
4 •
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
MARTINCOURT—At the residence of
Con rail Beighley. in Prospect, Jan.
15, 1902, Airs. Eliza Martinoount.
mother ot S. L 5. Martincourt of Butler,
aged 83 years.
Mrs. Martincourt made her home
with her daughter, Mrs Anna Hackett
if Wilkinsbnrsr, and was visiting old
friends about Prospect when she was
taken sick She was buried in the U.
P. cemetery in Prospect.
PRICHARD —At Freedom. Pa. Jan
I<J. 1902, Daniel Pritchard, formerly
of this county, in his 99th year.
Mi COLLOUGH—At the home of liis
half-brother Sid McColloagh, Jan 21.
19(W. Daniel McColloagh of Xatrona.
aged 68 years. j
The deceased was a brother of Solo
mon and Luther MeCollougli, the ven
erable cemetery sextons, and leaves two ;
married daughters living in Natrona.
STOVER- At his home in Butler. Jan.
20, 1902, Willie, son of \V. A. Stover,
aged 3 years.
PATTERSON—At his home on West
D St., Butler, Jan. IT. 1902, Samuel
S. Patterson, in his 83d year.
Mr. Patterson had been ill with asth
ma and heart trouble and passed quiet
ly away about daybreak Friday morn
ing. He leaves two children—Mrs.
Charles E Herr of Butler and Lancelot
Patterson of the government printing
office. Washington, D. C. He was a
veteran of the Mexican and Civil wars.
His remains were buried in the North
cemetery. Saturday afternoon.
KELLY—At his home in Mercer twp.,
Jan. 15, 1902. John D. Kelly, aged 63
BEATTY—At his home in Grove City,
Jan. 17, 1902, T. M. Beatty, formerly
of Mercer t ,vp . aged about 6T years.
HETZEL— At his home in Connoque
nessing twp.. Jan. I s , 1902, Geor;*'
Hetzel. aged 67 years.
HURLEY—At Franklin, Jan. 18. 1902.
Jeremiah Hurley, a well known oil
producer and native of Ireland, aged
59 years.
John W Haney, aged 79 years, died
at his residence in Allegheny, last Sat
urday. He was an uncle of ex-County
Treasurer John Haney of Butler, anil
visited friends in this town and vicinity
last summer.
E W. Thompson, formerly of this
county, died at Scotch Hill, Washing
ton county, last Friday.
The remains of the late Dr. S.
D. Bell arrived from Arizona and were
buried at Chicora, Tuesday.
Evfery business house in Chicora was
closed during the service.
Card oY Thanks.
1 desire to express to my friends and
neighbors my heartfelt thanks for their
smypathy and help during the sicknt ss
ami death of my beloved wife, and also
to the representatives of Connoqueness
ing Lodjje for their presence at her
funeral. SAMUEL RILEY,
Brownsdale, Pa.
How About
Yoar Heart
Feel your pulse a few minutes.
Is if regular? Are you short of
breath, after slight exertion
as going up stairs, sweeping,
walking, etc? Do you have
pain in left breast, side or
between shoulder blades, chok
ing sensations, fainting or
smothering spells, inability to
lie on left side? If you have
any of these symptoms you
certainly have a weak heart,
and should immediately take
Miles* Heart Cure
Mr. F. 11. (>aks of Jamestown, N. Y.,
v. V.< e j»e!>:;;l face appears above, savs:
" Exce' . ive use of tobacco seriously
affected my heart. I suffered severe
I .ins about the heart, and in the kit
s>!:. klcr an ! tide; while the palpitation
would awaken me from my sleep. I
b: taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and toon found permanent relief."
So!d by all Dru.'Gists,
Dr. Miics Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
< • w\
A pofitue ' .ill and a great opportunity
for you.
Ourstori .milling has been sold am
we will bav ■ to reduc • our stock to al*ni!
'A its present si/. - before we can move.
Beginning at unco and continuing un
til all fancy j»< . ds are sold, we will give
Tiii, appln . t> r>ur immense new stock
of H liday C>odl, that we libve junl
recti vtxl
Discounts r f from 20 per cert, to 51
per cent fr m a 1 fancy goods, inpluding
the following: Toilet and Manicure
SeU, Travi' ing Sets, Photo Albums,
Vas s ami J ric-a brae, Gold and Silvci
Novelties, iilcudars, Pictures and
I'icture Frames, Muokss Collar ar.il Cull
Boxes, N'cktie Cases, Smokers Sets,
nving "fachincs, laucy Stationery
Bibles, I. ;;'li'" Goods and all White and
Decorated China.
The only place to buv Holiday G"oils at
i;;ioK stoivk
r Ne»i P. O.
,11 !■ outh Main street
New is The Time to Have
/1 • Clothing
II ; , want guoo and reliable
c'canii:ol dyeing done, there is
ju--t one [ 'ace In town where you
Ciit ge* it, and that is
The Butler bye Works
216 Center avenue
pOTi VV» rlo fine work in out
Jo t Photographs. This is th<
tin!- of y ar to have a picture r>(
your hoi.ft < iive us a trial
Air ut fo i'• Jntj.eiitowrj Slid'n/
Blir.fi <V, „ York
5 Thorough p-actical course;
: 1 P A l?W |B i,en BY MfclL • xacl, »
1 1 J Saught In our clas« r . m k "
J _ ,5 Write (or catalogue FREE *
THE MARTIN shorthand :
IT UAUr B I'onn AtTii"
j AI HUmu j l'rmutmiiu w.S
j [ tuit.mutii d 10 Vpart. j
Notl . i-, hereby pit-en that Ezra I.lkcn.
irnstee of the e-.ta.te of .1 ■ 1'- Ash. has tile.l
lii- second partial account In the olßee of the
I'ruthonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
of Butler county. Pa .at
Term. I*'.»>. ami tin- same will be presented to
said Court for confirmation anil allowance
on Saturday. March - t'.OJ.
I'rot honotary.
Pr< ithonotary's office, Jan. 80, ItW-.
Application to Amend Charter.
Notice is hereby giyen that an appli
cation has been made to the Common
Pleas Court of Bntler connty, Pa . by
,T. E. Stoops, W. M Barber and M. A.
Gibson. Trustees, and certain members
of the United Presbyterian Congrega
tion of Centreville in said county to
amend the Charter of said Congregation j
by changing the corporate name thereof
from "The United Presbyterian r 'on i
gregation of Centreville" to "The First
United Presbyterian Church of Slippery
Rock" and a hearing has been fixed on 1
said application in said Court for Mon- 1
dav, February 10th. 1002 at 10 o'clock :
a. m " J. M. GALBRKATU, |
Attorney for Petitioners.
The Commonwealth of I ennsylvania to
Thomas l:. Hoon. High Sin ! if!" of Butler
County. Pennsylvania. Greeting: ...
WUKHEAS. At an Orphans' Court held at
Butler, in ami for said County, on the .th
day of Decern!' r. in tiie Year of Our Rord
One Thousand Nine Hundred and One. be
fore the Bcmor&bh Judge thereof, the leti
tion of Edward I. Greenert was presented
-et t irijj forth that Henry Greenert died on or
al»ut the i>t day of June, IST-, intestate,
leaving 'i widow. Catherine (.»r»*cncrt. anu
nine children, viz: Edward 1.. Greenert. the
petitioner; John Greenert; Mary Greenert,
intermarried with W m. lluselton; Matilda H.
Greenert. intermarried with J. S. Koyer,
Amelia Greenert. intermarried with Charles
(iastertlne; Josephine Greenert. intermarried
with ! . 11. Arras; William B. Greenert. Her
man Greenert and Elmer Greenert: each
owning at the death of the deceased an un
divided 1-9 interest in sixty acres of land in
Jefferson Townshil . butler County. 1 enn a.
of which the said Henry Greenert died
seized, each interest subject to the
Dower of Catherine Greenert. widow.
That the undivided 1-9 Interest Of John 11.
Greenert is now vested in D. K. Nejjlcy; the
undivided 1-9 interest <-f Mary lluselton and
the undivided 1-9 interest of Josephine Ar
ras is now vested in .1. s. B<>yt?r; the undivid
ed 1-9 interest of Amelia Casterline Is now
tested in Naac .Meals; the undivided 1-9 in
; ier»-?%i of Klmt r Greener? i> now vested in
Matilda H. Koyer; that the present owner
and their respective shares are as follows:
Ed. L (• reenert, of Allegheny City, un
divided 1-9 interest.
V in. H. Greenert, of Akron, Ohio, undivided
1-9 interest. ,
!JericanGreenert.of Butler, 1 a , undivided
1-9 interest. , . , .
Matilda li. Boyer, of Butler. Pa., undivided
2-9 interest. _ t .
J. Itoyer, of Butl r. Pa,, undivided 2-1) in
tl n. l . Nesley, of Tarentnm. Pa., undivided
1-9 Interest,
Isaac Meals, of Butler, Pa., undivided 1-9
Interest. , . .
Ml being over 21 yea:s of age and their in
t rests being subject to the dower inn rest
■. r M; -. < atherin< Greenert. «n •< ] subject also
to the Leasehold interest for oil and gas pur
poses now \tsted in William Say. Wiiiiam
Say. Jr., and Edw. .-av. of Jefferson 1 own
ship. Butler County. Penn'a.
That no partiti'>n of said land has been
made to and amons the parties entitled
thereto. Petitioner prays for a writ of par
tit ion. etc. , .
I December 7. 1901; cil aIU m awarded.
I)t-4 » iislm r I. upon motion of attorneys
for petitioner !«>»• pub.lii-ation of Citation,
etc., the Court made the follow log order:
Now. I)ee< ni? « r V. HK<l. the within motion
;, r • seated Inoj en <' art and the Sheriff of
Butler County is dire* ted to cite by pit♦ • -ca
tion t lie non-residents as quoted in the : .»oye
order to sipp«•:«■* unl show cause why par
ion should not be made in the above par
i ii inn pmriM <!ii.u'n ac« onilog to law and rules
of Court in that helialf made and personal
M rvi is dir* <i upon residents of Butler
These are therefore to command yon. tne
said > irties above named to »>«■ and appear
before the said Judge a! an Orphans Court
to be held at Butler, for the said County of
Butlcr.on the ftrei Monday Of March, ivOS.
; , i . ■ ; forenoon of said day, to
show cause whj partition should not be
made, and to submit to such other orders and
decrees as the said Court shall make toucli
injr the premises. ...
WITNESS th" Honorable. John M. Greer.
President of our said Court, the lttth day of
December, A. I>. IWI. ,
W 11.1,1 AM 11. CAMPBELL.
Clerk of Courts.
THOMAS 1!. lIOON. Sheriff. J'.»-«t
Notice is hereby yiven that the part
nefthip between Andrew Wahl,
Ansmns li. Wahl, George Wahl. 11. O.
Dtinkle, Paul Didier, William Brown,
F. 0. Smith. L D. Savage. T. F Ryan
William Truby and R. 15. Reynolds,
under the firm name and style of the
Wablville Coal Company, Limited, at
Evaca City, Bntler county, Penn'a. was
by a vote of a majority in number and
value of interest, on the 37 th day of
December, ISJOI. was dissolved and ceas
ed to do business
All debts duo to said partnership ate
to be paid to and those duo from the
same te discharged by Andrew Wahl,
at the office recently occupied t>y said
partnership, at Evans City, aforesaid
Dec. 27, liioi. R. B. REYNOLDS.
Letters Ustamentary on the c-.tate of
Mosis A. Hendrickson, dee'd , late of
Cranberry twp., I'.utler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing thetustlves to IK* indebt
ed to said estate will please make im
mediate payment and those having claims
against the cslat? will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
P. 0., Butler Co,, l'a.
W. 11. LI:SK, Attorney.
I) r. SCOTT,
Office on second floor of Armory
Building. Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Bnt
ler. PE.
Office i-i Wise fcnildifle.
nffics on Main St. near Court House.
No 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Room h.. Armory buildlti„.
Office in Hetber building, corner M.'.iu
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Bntlet
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank
After Feb. Ist-Office in Aia'tin
court building—2nd floor.
I louts 7 to 9 n. m. and t to 3 and 7 to
8 p. m.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
I vk. N. M. HOOVER.
1' IJ7 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to t, p. m.
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Ni(iht calls at office
200 West Cuntiinj;ham St.
Office over C. K. Miller' 3 Shoe Store.
215 i Main street, Butler, i a.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty mude of gi;l«l fillings, gold
ciown and bridge work.
When we announced to the public we were going to try
and make the after part of this season equal the forepart we
had little idea we could bring this month up to December's
I business, which was the largest one month's business we have
had since starting, but our books show for the first two weeks
of this month a business almost as large as the first two weeks
of last month and more than twice as large as any previous
jear for the same time. We have always commenced taking
stock January 10, but this year we'll have to postpone stock
taking till people get through buying shoes.
The Slaughter of Prices and Good Goods Kept Us
Shrewd buyers were quick to avail themselves of the
great bargains we are offering, and we think we must have
shod the majority of the people of Butler county the last two
or three weeks, but tcr fear we have missed some of them we
are going to offer still greater inducements, and for the next
30 days
We Want to Sell Every Pair of Shoes Sold in Butler.
And if people will stop and examine prices and goods we
are sure we will have no trouble in doing it. We have made
lAli Baby Shoes,which we have been selling at 10c,reduced to 5c
All Rubbers, which we have been selling at 10c, reduced to 5c
All Slippers, whieh we have been selling at 25c, reduced to 15c
All Children's Shoes, which we have been selling at 54c,
reduced to 45 c
All Misses' Shoes, which we have been selling at 69c,
reduced to .... ? 59 c
All Women's Shoes, which we have bean selling at 65c,
reduced to 59 c
All Women's c hoes, which we have been selling at 98c,
1 educed to 79 C
All Men's Shoes, which we have been selling at 98c,
reduced to •• • • 79 c
| Still a Greater Cut in Following Well-know a makes:
All Men's $3.50 Walkover Shoes reduced from $2.79 to $2.48
All Men's $3.00 W. L. Dougless Shoes reduced from
$2.48 to 2.39
All our Franklin $2 50 Shoes reduced from $1.98 to .... 1.69
Great Reduction in Ladies' Fine Shoes.
All our Ladies' $2.50 Colonial Dame Fine Shoes, all
materials, sizes and widths, reduced from 1.98 to.. .. 1.69
All our Ladies' 3.50 Ddsarte Fine Shoes, sizes broken,'
reduced from 1.69 to 1 -39
Slill Another Big Cut in Rubber and Felt Goods.
(Women's Rubbers 2 4 c
Men's Fine Rubbers, regular 75c grade 45 c
Ladies' Buckle Arctics 5 0c
Men's Buckle Arctics 84c
Men's Felt Boots and Overs, whole outfit 1-35
These and many other great bargains
for the next 30 days go to make th«s the
busiest spot in Butler county. Do not fail
to get some of these great bargains if you
should not need them for a year.
See Our Four Large Bargain Counters
j * C. E. MILLER'S^
All Winter Goods Must Go. &
jjj Coats Half Price. jjj
jjj Hlankets, one-third to one-half oft. g
1 1)1
•ess Goods Reduced. ?
£ Bargains in every department to S
clean up stock before invoicing. jj|
| L. Stein & Son, I
All work clone by the latest improved
mi thods. Gold, Aluminum, C-lluloid
and Rubber plates. Gold, Silver and
Cement filling guaranteed to give SH V S '
faction. Crown and Bridge work. Ex- j
tinction of teeth absolutely painless by I
an entirely new preparation which is
perfectly safe and harmless.
13 x S. Main St , Butler, Pa.
Successor to Dr. Johnston. .
Office at No 114 K. Jeflerson St., over j
G. W. Miller's grocery,
P H. MKRKLKY, I>. 0.,
Room 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
sultation and examination free.
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted 011 the latest |
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec- j
ialty. Office next to postoffice. I
Having taken out a license as auc
tioneer .orders can be left at this office or
sent by mail to Box 351, Butler, Va.
All orders given prompt attention.
I lijuirc at Sheriff's .flice or 426 Mifflin :
St. Butler, Pa.
Have Your
M aim/ines Bound
at the
Butler Book
Blankbooks a Specialty.
3d Floor. Younkins' Building.
' ft See Ihe sign direct
jf— ly opposite the
S-M f'ostofflce,
&j Theodore Yogeley.
[Cj Real Estate and
t Insurance Agency,
h3 2.i« S. Main SI ,
*J& Boiler, Pa.
I J I f you have property
I afl to sell, trade, or rent
jjeg nr. want t<> buy or.
Sjsi pkonu me.
List Mailed Upon Application.
Funeral Director.
<5 S. Main St. Butler PA
Office near Court Houae.
A Discount of 5. 10 20 25. 33, to 50 Per Ct.
Dissolution Sale
Attractive Goods, coupled with aV 1
j tractive prices is a combination I
| tible as they go hand in hand, No |
| economical buyer can afford to miss
j such money saving bargains as these, j
Rocking Chairs at Reduced Prices.
Some were $5.00, others $4.50 and $4.00; Mahogany or
Golden Oak finish, wood seats. upholstered seats and Cobbler
seats. Your choice for $3.50 1
Decorated Dishes. Parts of Sets |
» S2OO Dim er Plates cost SI.OO per dozen, $250 Cups
and Saucers $1.50 per dozen.
All Combination Book Cases
$11.20 for a fin.; g>l' en oak $12.80 f>r a golden oak,bent I
case, glass front and mirror door, handsomely
top, price was SI4OO carved, price was.. $16.00
I All other combination book cases proportionately low.
Ladies' Writing Desks.
$7.50, fne golden oak La- $6, golden oak L c!i*s' I
dies' Wriiing Desk, high- Writing Desk, well
ly polished, made and highly >ol
l'rice was $12.00 ished, price was ... }8 00
$12.50 China Closet, made $9, go'den oak :.ide I
of golden oak, has bent Board, small but very I
glass sides, cheap.
Price was $16.00 Pi ice was $12.00 n
I #3, beveled French Mir- HO, Decora ed 1 Hirer
rors, size 18x36, with Sets, ila ia y«* v ari> t\ <f I
white and gold or gilt new g'>ods a»U very pr< t- 1
frames. All the frames ty,
are somewhat damaged, Price was SI2OO I
The price was $4 00
$7.50, Music Cabinet, in I S4B, mahogany fii.i-lud 1
mahogany finish, Parlor uit, l;ijl)l< )>'• - g
* Price was SIO.OO ished, c<>v red i > darv ud |
~ ! verona velyur,
! S2O, Parlor Suit of three Price was $65.00
pieces, covered in satin j
damask of assorted col- Pantesote Couch,
ors, price was $27.00 we ]| made, with oak base
$3 50, golden oak lailor Price was jL'O.OO
Table, quarter-sawed top ,
and highly polished, goW «„ oak Parlor
J!"™ was : $5 0 ° Tables, polished top and
75c oak or white full-sized and quarter-sawed,
Easels, at s oc Price was $3-5°
sls Couches. sls
Covered in Pantesote or figured Velour. First cl us go -ds.
Most of these on the guaranteed steel base. Prices were sl6.
sl7, $lB and S2O.
Stoves at Reduced Prices.
Coal Ranges (but they can be used for gas), large oven, hr.st
class baker, high back shelf. Price was $25.
Reduced to ***•
Coal Heating Stoves, Gas Heating Stoves,
I Open front, nickle tiim- Good size, large enough
! mint's. $9 kind for to heat ..ny room. Pri< e
Reduced to $3.
; „
Please remember that the above prices arc for cash only.
1 Campbell ft Templeton