Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 23, 1902, Image 1
VOL. XXXIX Great After-Holidays I Clearance Sale j AT Miller's Wi jus: finished up to the Holidays by far the larg- fj e.-t bti-i.-iw. have tv»y had. Now for the after part of the fj seas u —«. «•; nf ir to equal or, if possible, surpass the fere- ji ■an. W« «r; a•-*'■*rr niT>t 5-lmes for w inter are sold before the M H'»lid i". -. • ■? w ;;r«: -.joino ro offer inducement* which anyone jj wlv.i-. fi ljr • f b-yine footwear the next two or three t i •'t fiord to mi»s We are df teimined to turn ||i everv p; r ■ t b It and slioc S ill this store into -none} betwci.il F no*, u>d -pinj. Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Butler, j | i'"jarv 10 we commence to take stock. We want to re- ■ duce or tock :> toic that tim •, and fro in n v till then -.ve L a;e ii j! •> 11 :o f- regardless of cos*. ( -ur immense trade | necosiiaud us c rijing a very large si< ck, uhich must now S » r ui*» <1 i to 11 »ney. These are all clean, in a- g .irs bought p t!:j-• < if r -p. t cash and made by the very bot in n i - R :u us !»• ■ •uiiir> ; the) came in all the difVri nt inattn fe Sand i<• fir ihe very latest and prettiest new (!• sig s. EVERYTHING MUST GO. ft B , • i i» a genuine after lul.tys cle trance s le, -i i' fj ml* : *i i |>air of boots a'.d >1; es i • this store ;s ' J r,, ed b H i-itu > • . . It includ sev r* thi.nrj in :h" 1-ne of fo . .vear r| h w.in i i c ui-! every day footwear, men's fine an<: every I .1. i.. I'.m ir, boy's, girls' and infai.t.' tine ;nd tv.r day pi s- .. , Ab 'ir.'.-t go; do not wait till you a»c ne--t3ing them. Ej b come at ome, as the are always picked out first. 1 2 Two Large Bargain Counters. 2. •A •• h >ve put up two bargain c .uiiters; have gone t lu - i-totk, picked out a'l lines .vhicli were short some R •-iz - a >•: have put them on these counter* at a fracta l "f what f ii O'St 10 make them (NOTE FOLLOWING PRICES | Which are only a few of the many great bargains we j| are offering. One lot of the well known Herrick 13.00 shoes for ladies—s3 00 stamped on sole —go at £2 21 j fine lot (sizes slightly broken) of the $3 50 Delsaite shoes for ladies - ♦3 50 s'.ami>e<l on so>—go at 169 The above two well known makes come in enamel, box calf, p.tent j l '-ther and vici kid; light or heavy soles and button or lace. A lot of Men's l>ox toe shoes, made for drillers and tool dressers, go at 2.J £ A lot of Men's good tolid every day shoes, tap sole, pegged, buckle or lace, go fet ,9^ r [ A htof Mm s fine shoes in vici kid or calf, were $1 50 and $1 75, now go at 1 15 .V lot of Men'* fine shoe in call skin, lace or Congress, were $1 25 a and $1 50, now go at 95c A lot of Women's every day calf skin shoes, were ft 00 and *1 25, n«.w go at 65c A lot of Misses' calf skin shoes, wfere $ 00, now go at 50c FELTS AND RUBBERS AT A SACRIFICE. The weather man telU us the hardest of the winter is yet to coine, and for cold vvestlier nothing is so seiviceable as a pair of good felt boots. We have had a very inrge trade on thes» goods, but on account of the immense amount of felts an'' rubbers we bought last fall w* ire still over-loaded, so we ba\e decided to lose money on every pair of rubbers and felt boots sold from now until every pair is gone. Following are a few of the prices they i will go at: Men's fell boots fit with good overs—whole outfit go at 35 > Mrn's felt boots fit with good snagproof overs—whole outfit go at 175 ■ Boy's felt boots fif with good overs go at $1 15 and I 35 ! Men's first quality gum boats, kind with rough tip on tof~, go at 2to j Men's storm king high top gum boots, first quality, go at 2 40 5, Hoys' goal first quality gum boots, rough tip on toe, go at 1 50 y Women's gtnn boots, first quality, go at , 1 00 ■ I GREAT BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING IN LINE OF FOOTWEAR AT * C. E. MILLER'S * A a i..,r ■{Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN^ i! 18th Semi-Annual f i | Sacrifice Sale, j ; ;our Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale Takes Place as Usualv ;; Beginning Wednesday, Jan. Bth, and continuing | < y The many inquires wc arc receiving daily asking if we in-ij to hive our sale testifies to the popularity of these Sacri-3j 11 Sales among our many patrons who have been benefited byjj . .attending them in the pa't. We are anxious to make this sale* ! the biggeat success of all previous sales, and shall do so byV I oflering our at prices you connot resist. We cannotV I quote all price*—only a few—consequently it will pay you I 'make us a personal visit. €j ; ; / j 1 mi / All Wraps, Suits and Fur» / ( > P|T| OA I All Waists, Wrapper; and Dressing Sacques.^J < fVUVI ■IIW \ All Millinery—trimmed and untrimmed. fl . I . ' All Mtialins, Calicoes and Ginghams. jft I > • j Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves. X /vm / Ail I,aces, Knibioideiies«S: Dress Trimmings { I Ivvw wllj All Blankets-woolen and cotton. fj \ All Lace Curtains and Portiers. t# :: ... 1 i . . Sacrifice prices for cash only. Come early to secure first choice X 'Sale begins WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Bth, 1902 l[Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman! x>ooooo<>ooooo<x>oooooooo<xx^ subscribe for the CITIZEN THE BUTLER CITIZEN. ahe Cure thai Saras J p Ge &£?&&, 4] \ GoiiiSf j k) Grippe, §, V, Whooping r.-sufjh, As'hna, / Bronchitis and Incipient /. . eJ Consumotion, Is {Z r" TIT TIT '^l ift 11 a i : $h Q u -f'<T W t CV ** & If* J ! g The German remedy" t\iv4S tWiA uti-i o ,c —" v J | 25 lis preserves aud pickles, sj read a thin coating o( t PURE REFINED PARAFFiNE I 5" Will keep at.?• lut'*ly moisture* and I ' Kj is H boose. Fail «lirecilon» hi each package. ■ Dru A "* lßt [™«g 'O CENT TR.AL_S.ZE. Ely's Cream Balm |Fy Gives Relief at once. It cleanse*, snntheq and h' tiic difeea-ed mem brane. It cur-•„ Catarrh % «' a'.'l drivee away ft Cold U£i V |» S~ If !p K in tlie Head quickly- It "MI 8 *» W oil in clworfoed. ll<-al« and Protects the Membrane. !(■ utore* the Seizes of 'I a-to and Smell. KuJl eiy-o 50c.: Trial Size I<'<\: at Druggists or by mail. ELY BKOTUEKB, 60 Warren Street, -New York. El B n li U kl Johnston's pj h Beef, Iron and Wine r|| Best Tonic B j M and Fb Blood Purifier. B1 Price, 50c pint. F« LI Prepared and WA & i sold 4 Johnston's M fl M ?y Crystal [« Pharmacy, ii Pi N It. M. LOO AN. Ph. a . t T H VA ,o,i N. Main ft., Butler, Pa I loth 'Phon» h Vr A N Everything in the M drug line. r 4rv "%.>' flk^i +* LIT. ..• l^dfl Hew Liver" Barn W. J. Black Is doing business in his new barn which Clarence Walker has erected for him. All boarders and team ster-. guarranteed gooti attention Barn just acrc.ss the street frcm Hotel Butler, lie h is room for fifty horses. People's Phone. No. 250. \ L. C. WICK, DKALKU IF LUfIBER. Karl Schluchter, I , Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 W. Jefferson, Br.tler, Pa Bushelina, Cleaninq arid REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, BUTLER. PA.. THURSDAY, JANUARY If 02 oooooeocooceoooooooooooocg I ADVENTURES § OF CUPE Q The c ilory of a Poor Tonn; Man's Visit to (lie Country Seat Q Q of b Rich I'riend. 5 By F. IV. AUXOLD, Jr. O OOOOGOOOOOQOOOGOOOGOOGOCO The lace curtain was limp with rain, the wind \vs of tlio house opposite re flected tl:o clouds, and Little Cupe'a own window si!! was blistered with lit tle backs of rain on which floated to bacco atoms. Little Cupe felt much as tho day looked. "Go anyway." en couraged the medical students. The day before Little Cupe had seen Eb (all the medical students knew Eb, for he had been one of the more dis tinguished men in college), and Cupe h::d told his medical mates that Eb had invited him to spend Sunday at his home in the country. The medical 6tudi nt knew that Eb had colored car riage!* and when at col!e-p had dined with the most exclusive families. They saiJ he was "a darned bright man" and always talked earnestly and bravely when they met him. E'» was now a lawyer In his tirst year's practice "and doing darned well," they had wisely agreed. Little Cape had begun the recital of his invitation as if "it was nothin'," but had grinned with delight before he had ended it. and had dilated that a lot of girls from the neighboring houses would be there with a young chaperon. The fact that E'> ha-1 once given a theater party was the bar's of Cupe's belief that he always entertained. But now T.ittle Cupe wasn't sure if he had 1 <?o:i invited. Possibly Eb had said. "Drop in some time, and we'll go out for Sunday." or. "Let me know how yo"' doing. Drop in some Sat urday, and we'll ko out Sunday." "Go on. Cupe!" the medical students yelled again. They were doubtless sin cere. Suddenly a puff of determination car ried him to the closet. He had decided nothing consciously. From its drawers he pulled two white shirts, seven single cuffs, six collars and two changes of other clothes (only 15 per cent, diluted, of tls se things bore Little Cupe's own red stamped mark) and was shaking the creases out of a dress suit- "Drop it!" yelled one medical stu dent. "I've got to wear it this even ing." All the rest had to wear theirs too. "Lord, we're sorry." Cupe's own was torn and hadn't been mended. "I can't go." said he. depressed and look ing frightened. "Sure >u can. Eb and the girls will understand.' Eb sat In his own "box," his desk topped by two rows of fresh leather Jtooks and a black tin box, ■ Ito Moul ton." The senior offices opened through the sunny doorways back of him. With business precision he was deciding that lie would not stay In town that night, but would go fo his home for a nine hours' sleep and in the morning drive to a friend's for the day. With a busi ness chin rraphy that had made Little Cupe whe :i he had seen it predict for him a trust presidency he started to write to his friend to said effect (see above). But he noticed the door. "Come I i," said Eb. For till. ty seconds a shadow had been hovering over Its gray glass. Lit tie Cupe was outside trying to muster courage to knock. At Eb's voice he couldn't go down the elevator, so he prctendt 1 he had not heard him and made tl. glass shiver. "Come in!" called Eb. With a frightened little grin Cupe en tered. Ilis h:.nds felt cold. He shut tho door so that it would not disturb any body. He held behind him bis birthday dress suit case. "flow are you, Cupe?" Eb was al ways glad to sec his friends. "Sit down. I'll be with you in a minute." And be handed him a fragrant box of cigars. "Have one." C'npe took one and held his dress suit case in his lap. but be didn't smoke, for he had no matches. Those cigars had always Impressed him, and he had oflen told his medical students that lie occasionally dropped into Eb's of fice and smoked his cigars. Eb continued writing to his friend that lie would be there tomorrow and, handing the note to a messenger who came from the main office—Cupe was greatly impressed—said, "Special de livery," and then, leaning back, added: "Well, Cupe, what can I do for you?" as if surveying a client. The stone faees through the window grinned fiendishly. "Nothin'," answered Cupe. "I was bringin' this empty dress suit case from a store"—he pointed indefinitely out toward the street—"and Just stop ped In. I'm goin' right along; got to go now." He arose meekly and held out his hand, which felt as If its veins pulsed with mist. When he said "emp ty" dress suit case, the two white shirts, seven separate cuffs, six col lars and two changes of other clothes weighed heavy with guilt. "Can't you come out to dinner?" Eb thought Cupe would erijoy that more than his boarding house. "Haven't any dross suit." Eb assur ed him it made no difference, not the least. He believed all Little Cupe had said. Cupe, after deliberating a prop er while whether he could get away, said he guessed he could go; he'd be glad to. Kb's house bkl In a park and was dwelt In by two maidservants, one manservant and a chatty housekeep er. There was but little entertaining, though Kb occasionally brought homo some friend for the night. The room In which Little C'upe now stood w:>s pink with flowered wall paper, flowered chairs and a flowered quilt on the bed. He had bjen shown Into this bower by a man with side whiskers and a strange dress suit and who had been very polite. When the man had bent to lift Cupe's dress stilt case, Cupe had said, "No, no, no, thanks," and told him and Eb and the chatty housekeeper, who were also In the hall, that he would carry It up stairs himself, for he needed the exer cise. Ills unfolded dresM suit caso surged with his two white shirts, seven sepa rate cuffs, six collars and the two changes of other clothes. Then he heard girlish voices In the hall; they must be the dinner guests chaperoned by some young wife from across the hedges. They were really the two maidservants. "Knuckle, knuckle," deferentially on the door. "Come In," said Cui>e. In poked the side whiskered head of the butler or porter. "Will you have a cocktail, sir?" Cape's own head was full of dress suits, so he thought the butler said, "Will you have a coattall?" "Yes, please," answered Cupe, and while waiting for the dress suit to come began deciding between his two white shirts in the case. "Knuckle, knuckle," again on thei door, Cupe hoped the suit *"■ But it was Eb who entered. "Knuckle." The butler entered with the cocktail. "And the coat tail?" inquired Little Cupe ll<- said this partly to Eb. lie would let lih.. upbraid his own serv ant. Eb f'.:ired:*«. le b'ftler stared; the house seemed to sigh to Little Cupe. There had been no relieving feature to the situati n. Eb th ught Cupe might have meant to say some indefi nite jokes; the butler or porter proba bly thought so too. Cupe was now at the dining r oin table with his napkin fallen to his feet, where he was un able to pick it up. He had entered the dining ro in very erect, for he had er pectod to lind the invited girls there and wanted them to be favorably im pressed and whisper to each other, but he learned he was to be alone with Eb and his only conquest the courses. 'le didn't know how to take all of them out of the platters, but that same p rtcr rr butler was a valuable man and did it for him After the dinner Little Cupe felt much relieved. He discussed the pai'it for he had taken a conrs; in "fine arts" once as a "snap" and ■ uok cd many cigars, lie didn't kn when to rtop smoking, and Eb in"' .led. That's about all th I happened to Little Cupe. Eb, who at last realized that Cu;,_> had expected to stay over Su.iday. if not a week, explained to him that he himself, unfortunately, had to be away for the day, but urged Cupe to remain and have at his dis- I osal the house and horses. ">."o. thanks; no," said Cupe. "I promised the fellows I would be back for church." This latter tale was unfortunate, for Cui e had to rise in the morning earlier than he would have otherwise. He felt much like this story, which star ed with graphic enthusiasm and then wilted away like a bashful school -loy But you should have heard the reasons he rave the medical students why he didn't stay over Sunday. Nice Little Cupe! New York Commercial Advertiser. The Oltl I'lkemen. In the days when the musket was in its infancy as a defense against charg ing cavalry it was almost useless. It was as much as could he hoped for If the musketeer got off one shot, to a certainty badly directed, owing to the eccentricities of his weapon, before the horsemen would be on him. Conse quently we find that the pikeman was a person of considerable importance, and in a volume of 1059 the most elab orate instructions are given to govern the drill and tactics of the pikeinen, who in action were, as a rule, placed in bodies among the musketeers to stand the brunt of the shock of the cavalry attack. And we learn from history that these pikemen did valiant service on occa sion; for instance, when the pikemen of the London trained bands withstood the repeated and desperate assaults of Prince Rupert's cavaliers. But their drill was no child's play. For example, in the pages devoted to "The Postures and Charges of the Pike" we And the following: "And here. Fellow Souldier. whoever thou art, thou maist perceive that there are no more than «»i Postures of tho rike and foure Charges, that is to say, to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks." —Contemporary Review. Pppnllnrlllo of I.lclien*. The lichen is remarkable for the great ape to which it lives, there being good grounds for believing that the plants endure for KM) years. Their growth is exceedinr'y slow, almost beyond be lief, indicating that only a little nour ishment is necessary to keep them alive. In a dry time they have the power to suspend growth altogether, renewing it again at the fall of rain. This peculiarity alone is enough to make the lichen a vegetable wonder, as it is a property possessed by no oth er species of plant. Another interesting fact about li chens Is that they grow only where the ait* is free from dust and smoke. They ma.v be said to lie a sure indication of tho purity of the air, as they are never found growing in cities and towns, where (lie atmosphere is Impregnated With dust, soot, smoke and other im purities. In the IlnkONhop. "Dear me," sighed the bread dough, 'I would like a raise." "All right," said the yeast cake, 'wait a minute, and I'll set you to #ork."—Philadelphia Bulletin. Boys have no more business with tar get guns and air rifles than men with pistols.—Nashville Amerlc in. HE GOT AWAY. There Wai Too Much Time Fintllnir Out Jon) AVIio lie Wtin. Thi're were eight of us smoking our after supper cigars on the hotel veran da when a small man with a great deal of bustle and energy In Ills move ments called out in a general way: "Gentlomen, is there a general out here?" "I am a general, sir," replied one of the group as he half rose and bowed. "Yes? Ah! Glad to see you, general," continued the little man as ho advanc ed and shook hands. "Now, then, have we any colonels present?" "I am a colonel," replied three men In chorus as they followed the gen eral's example. "Ila! Glad to see you, colonels very glad," said the little man as he extended a band to each In succession. "Let's see! Have we a Judge among us here this evening?" "We have," replied two of the four others. "So glad to see you, Judges so glad! Shake bands. Beautiful evening, this! 1 presume you two other gentlemen bear tlio respective titles of major and professor?" "We do," said the pair of us. "Ah! Glad to know It awfully glad! Major and professor, shake hands. Might have a little more rain, but we can't find much fault with this weather." "And who are you, tf you please?" asked the general. "I? Oh, I'm only an ex-governor, an ex-cabinet officer, an ex-congressman and at present raising six million dol lars to put another railroad bridge across the Missouri river. Keep your seats, gentlemen. I wouldn't think of intruding my company on such a dis tinguished assembly!" Next day, when we found out that he was only a drummer for a Cincin nati shoe factory, he had departed, and we couldn't give him the licking he deserved. M. QUAD. Convenient. "What are marsupials?" asked the teacher, and Johnny was ready with his answer. "Animals that have pouches In their stomachs," In- said glibly. "And for what are these pouches used?" asked the teacher. Ignoring the slight inaccuracy of the answer. "I'm sure that you know that too." "Yes'm," said Johnny, with encour aging promptness. "The pouches are for them to crawl into and conceal themselves when nursued."—Exchange. 1 GREAT THINGS. The Sonthcrn Conpea ar.d Tall Corn Fro:n (lie l'liilipplneM. The following are among the notable things of which mention is made in Rural New Yorker: The cut shows a single volunteer plant of the Black Renovator cnwpea. which grew in the garden cf a Penn sylvania farm the past seas n. Tho plaut completely covered a circle twelve feet in diameter. The stem was three-quarters of an inch in diam e'er where it entered the ground and wa still growing rapidly when taken i:p Sept. '£\. This plant did not cowie V' m 4% . /fi v ii M A SIN'SLK COWI'EA PLANT. to the blossoming sta«;e owing to the abnormal season. Last year the Black ltenovator matured seed on this same ground. The grower says: "Cowpeas have come to stay at this farm, it was formerly claimed that this plant was of doubtful value this far north (latitude of Cleveland, 0.), but our experience has proved the er ror of such claims. We have grown chiefly the Early Black, but have also tried other varieties, notably Warren's Early and Renovator. On the whole, the Early Black gives as good growth of vines as any. Besides, the seed is much cheaper to buy and much easier to shell if we save our own seed. With us all the varieties mentioned matured seed in 1900. "Our favorite method In tho future will be to mow a portion of our mead ow land, say, during the fore part of June, Imniedia'olv fit the soil and seed to cowpeas, using a small quantity of chemicals. As soon as the vines are frosted plow under and seed to rye, using lime, the i ■'> be turned under the i>ex f spring for potatoes. Soy beans have promise with us. We shall try sowing a mixture of cowpeas and soy beans next season." A Massachusetts man writes; "June 28, ISOfi, I sowed cowpeas in a worn out pasture—light, sandy soil. In Octo ber, after several severe frosts, I plow ed the peas -n light crop— and sowed rye. In the following .spring tho rye was plowed in and eorn planted, with no manure to sneak of. The result was a crop of corn which was a sur- I rise, considering the soil, due to the peas. These were the Black. Since then I have sown cowpeas every year for green manuring and fodder with good results, using the Whippoorwiii, which Is smaller, earlier and makes a better growth than the Black. This variety readily matures a crop here in central Massachusetts." A northern Now York correspondent considers cowpeas n grand thing in light, sandy soil ami would as soon hare a good growth of cow peas to turn under as the general run of manure, and they ore a great deal cheaper. In New Hampshire, in latitude 4.'!, they made a tine growth and opened seed. A Long Islander sends The Rural New Yorker a picture of corn on his place 10 feet <> Inches to 18 feet in • ~ 'V FALL CORN ON LONII ISLAND. height. The seed cauie from Luzon, Philippine Islands, but the corn is said not to crow to that height there. It was planted without any care or culti vation and with an idea that it would not grow on Long Island, not to speak of its enormous height. The corn Is red. round, beadlike and very easy to I hell. The stalks are very hard and 'itrong. withstanding the winds bettor than the domestic, regardless of its height. The leaves are long, wide and sweeping. The quality of apples this season does aot correspond with the high price. DUCKS FOR MARKET. lilllinu anil DroMliiK—Dry Plelilnj* mid Sen id i nu;. From the approach of Thanksgiving on till after the winter holidays the dressing of poultry takes on much im portance. Tin iv are two methods of dressing ducks for in ;rkct, by dry picking and by I'aldiiit. and these have been describe I by an authority on the subject as follow,- I'.oth of these methods are g I are being sue ic -sflllly cmpln; •! I> tie- l.irge.t rals era. Some have a preference for dry picking ai.d oliit i fi !' ' -aiding, and it only beeoni s a in. . r■ ft <te which method is ii! d. When birds are dress ed by scalding, they should be dipped several t!jn< s or until the feathers come cait easily. The back should be dipped in the water Or I. Aff r scald ing wipe I hem as drj as po ible with a sponge and pick the breast feathers first. A bird when dressed for market has left on It the feathers on the wing, tbe tail feathers and the feathers on head and neck. Tbe I 's are left on, tttul the birds nr not ;awn. The | i • f <ii .v p • : consid ered the fin:; ; i «.t i>. two methods, and one who is aeoiisto'** ' •« • work can readily dress three dozen birds in a day. The picker's outfit con sists of a chair, a box for the feathers and a couple of knives, one knife Iteing dull and the other being sharp pointed and double edged for bleeding. The bird is taken between the knees, the bill held open with the left hand and a cut made across the roof of the mouth Just below the eyes. The bird is then stunned by striking its head against a post or some hard substance. The picker seats himself in the chair, with the bird in his lap. its head held firmly between one knee and the box. The feathers are carefully sorted while picking, the pins are thrown away, and the body feathers, with the down, are thrown into the box. Care should lie taken about this, as the feathers from i acli bird wi'l weigh about two ounces : Lid will quite pay for the picking. The dull knife and the thumb are list d to remove the long piufcathers. nnd this should be done without tear ing the rk\u. The dowu can usually be rubbed off by slightly moistening the hand and holding the skin tight. Often some of the pins cannot be taken ut without taring and disfiguring the A' ■'' ; j ■ jy PA 11; of DKJiSSKD DUCKS. skin. When such Is the case, they should be shaved off. Seven or eight minutes i 3 all the time necessary to dress a bird. After the birds are picked they should be carefully washed and plump ed by placing in a tank or barrel of ice water. They are hardened in this ice water and given a rounded and full ap pearance. The ducks are then packed In bar rels or boxes and shipped to market. The first or bottom layer Is packed w'th backs down, a layer of ice is then placed over them, and all other layers are packed with the breasts down, a layer of ice being between each layer of ducks. The top of the box or bar rel is then rounded off with ice and covered with burlaps. A flour barrel will bold about three dozen birds. Some raisers use boxes for shipping and have the empties returned free. VEGETABLE GROWING. niiohnrb. Chicory, Tarrairon nnd Otlier Herbs For Winter. For :► continuous supply of rhubarb for forcing it Is preferable to lift just enough for a first batch, covering other roots required In their growing quar ters with a heavy coating of straw ma nure or. In fact, anything that will re sist a large amount of frost, so that it can easily be dug Dec. 1 or Jan. 1 unless a good, cool, moist cellar Is available for storage. Under those cir cumstances it is bettor to leave it in the ground as long as possible and on approach of severe weather dig up what is wanted and place in the cellar to be brought out as wanted. If it is preferred to grow in tubs, large roots can be split with safety. Tubs and boxes can be dispensed with In forcing, if room in a warm cellar Is available, by placing the roots on the floor and packing between with soil. Ithubarb Is very accommodating and can be forced by any one having a warm cellar. It may take a little longer to come with some, where a surplus of heat Is not available, but come it sure ly will If given any chance at all, and Is much more delicate In ttavor, and to many, if not all, more palatable than the outdoor grown. Such things as tarragon, mint and Chives, If not lifted, should be protect ed with a covering, so that tlivy can be got at any time before Jan. 1, or per haps the better plan Is to lift and iilaut In deep tlats, placing them in a cold frame so that a flat at a time may be brought in and placed In heat as re linked for forcing.—American Garden ing. A Proud Record. "As to the Filipinos being natural liars," said the army officer who had just put In two years in the islands, "I had a servant whom I had to find fault with for carelessness. I finally got tired of reprimanding him and told him to go, and he turned on me with tears in his eyes and said: '"Yes, I know I am careless, but I think you might overlook It.' " 'But why should I?' I asked. " 'Because you will never get such another liar a I nm. I have been with you over four months and never told the truth once!'" Family I'rldr. Subtle lle vense. j" —————— Kate—l never ki-'j liked iny broth 2*. U,-«/ \ cr-ln-law. l.Wi fyC* [" A I.a nra Why rvJ t' don't you knit [for a Christina! afcjH ' / ijl. \ 5 ervllle Journal. ■ I IMW( A Sllll Conn it It , "These moon * . shiners are very If- -j*-- quiet while they alarm about the Girl-My sister's approach of the revenue offl got smallpox! cers." Boy—Gam! That's "Sort of a , still alarm, eh ?" nuffin. My farver s olile a. k o got six years! (News. Curlona lln okl>ler. "Will you get wings when you go to heaven?" asked little Elsie of her fa ther, who Is baldhcaded. "Yes, dear," he replied. "And will they put feathers on your head, too, papa V" she persisted.—Uhlo State Journal. Pie ii For Enmltr. "You should love your neighbor as yourself." "Of course, but there are times when n fellow Is considerably disgusted with himself."—Chicago Post. He'd Tnkr Ilia Chances. "Would you go over Niagara In a bar'l, Weary?" -"If de liar'l wuz f, ill «' beer, I.linpy, I reckon I'd take my chaices."—Cleve land ['lain Dealer. „ tr- " ~~ , MARKSTHATBETRAY IT IS RATHER HARD FOR ONE TO CONCEAL ONE'S IDENTITY. Drlrellvra Helped by Trivial Dimio truiftlainjf Slgrns Your Kye. Your Klnnfr Naila, Yuur Clothe* or Your Build May llevfal Yon. Everybody carries about with him many trivial distinguishing marks by meaus of which a shrewd detective can discover his identity. Take the matter of clothes. -Most men get all their clotb iug from the same tailor, but whether one does or not and however careful he may be to cut off every tag ami mark the tailor who made the clothes can identify them. Thread, stitching, but tons, linings—all tell their own tale. More especially do those extras which the tailors «:'"1 "specials." These are the extra pockets, fountain pen or pencil l> <-U"ts, eyeglass i»ockets. watch pock ets lined with wash leather, cigar, tick et. Cask and inner waistcoat pockets. It v. ill be remembered that !t was by mear.s of a trousers button thr.t the identity of Xorcross, the mau who tried to blow up Kussell Sage, was discov ered. Ti en your finger nails are liable to l> y A:; manicure will tell you u.ai a laki - lu uvceu KC> and KJu days for aii v. " r :er rail !o grow upon the 1; t.f a i ;u ordinary health, ac «• - t" li age. the nail growing <j': r <ui il.e ymiug aiul slower on the oi.i. i .. ;• i or other i: ark re ceive ;I • u :i.e *. .ite crescent at the base of . i.«i; 1 take uearly four months to t! . . 11 . wledge of this fact that euaii.nl a «':i t > iive to arrest the forger S | i i.i l'aris some time ago. He lianud f. iii Simpson's landlord in Bristol that a window lad fallen upon the man's ami and bruised his thumb so:.!" lime iu .he first week of March, a IV\> > I: .' re he disappeared. Four i:;r!i hs later, wlieu the detec tive i.iet S ! ;isi'ii in Paris, the black spot w as disappearing from the tip ef tie thii;;.b nail. It was the ouly means ei' identification, for riiupsou, by sha\ in:, his head aud dressing like a priest, hail absolutely changed his ap pearance. Some-time ago a criminal was brought to justice bv the testimony of his own watch, one which lie had carried for years, lie was charged with murder, and his defense was an alibi, which lie nearly proved. lie said that he had not been near tin? sceue of the murder for three mouths, aud no testimony could be produced that he was uot telling the truth until one of the detectives who at one time liad been a jeweler's appren tice happened to look at the mail's watch. Inside the watch case, wrltteu in signs that only a watchmaker could read, was the evidence that the time piece had been iu the hands of a re pairer of watches the day before tho murder. With the watch in his hands the detective visited'the town near which the murder had been committed and went around from one jeweler's shop to another until he found a watch maker who recognized the timepiece as one In which he had put a new main spring on the day preceding the mur der. Thus the alibi was broken down, and the prisoner finally made a full con fession. Again, ouly oue man iu 215 is not lopsided and badly put together. Many u man who is a fine athlete and in splendid physical health woukl be amazed to find how unevenly he is made up if lie should undergo tlie test of u measuring tape. Either one arm or oue leg Is longer than the other, oue shoulder higher tiiau the other, or, still more frequently, tho eyes are not the sauio or placed In the bead In exactly the same way. People have been identified by the fact that the pupil of one eye was lar ger tlian tlint of tho other. The nose is very seldom exactly straight, but swerves a little to tlu> right or left, though the defect is not noticeable to the ordinary observer. Above ail, a man wl.j Is starting out on a criminal career should never go to a ('eutlst. The filling of the teeth is a sure record, and even If the criminal has all his teeth pulled his false teeth will bo as sure a means of identification. "Turn" nnd "Cof." As 11 rule a performer wnits for his "turn" in the wings, having already been "called" from the dressing room. The word is almost exclusively In this sense used iu the music halls and on the variety stage. On the stage proper, the stage of the drama, the word "cue" Is used. An actor waits at the wings for his "cue," which Is last word of the actor or actress speaking, which gives him his entrance or which, sup posing him, the performer, to be on the stage, indicates to him that It Is his turn to carry on the dialogue and the action of the play. "Extra turn" al ii est Invariably means that a new per former is having his first public trial at that particular house. If he goes well, he is tolerably sure of securing an engagement.—Notes nnd Queries. Wnnhliiffton In Ilanlneaa. The fame of George Wnsliington as soldier and president has thrown Into the shade the business end of his eu reer, and we have almost forgotten that hi* was Immensely clever at a horse trade. Hut for the Revolution lie would have made his mark In the transportation business. Of course lie never thought of a railroad, but he suggested the Chesapeake and Ohid ca nal and was the first president of the company that undertook the project, lie also had his eye on the Mohawk valley and would have dug the Erie canal if our ancestors had not required his services in tho matter of casting off the British yoke. I believe It is histor ic that General Washington examined the ground in the course of the war - New York Press. South American Hor»e». A great many of the horses of the South American pampas are piebald. When caught, at first they always kick freely, aud it is often difficult to get ladi'i.c and bridle on to them. When properly broken, however, these liorsi s lire curiously docile and will allow chil drcn to mount them by' climbing up their tails. When the gaucbos lasso a wild horse on the plains, before tl.e captive Is allowed to get on ills f« t they cut the mane and tail close as mark that the horse lias been mount ed; this In case he should get awn while being tamed, which, however, i> an accident that does not often hap pen. "I*l n Money." In days long ago pins were so ex pensive that husbands gave »In i«• wives certain allowances Just for purpose of the costly luxury. Hence we call the money given to .-t woman for her own special use "| i t money." Five centuries nfter < wen invented the peddlers sun-- the following rhymes as they went through the stri-Hs In London: Ten row* ■ penny, 01 tint ■ i; »P>-, OT Hilti r lirsih. iroMi n | oi In, T«u rowi a 01 \0.4 HOW OLIVES ARE CURED. 1 DtQcult I'roppni, Requiring Tint* n:>il Constant Care. "It should be remembered," sai l the live man, "that the constitution of an olive is as dilit .«■ as that of a tender child. From the time the crop Is «red until it is tinally packed i!i '., ie l<ott!.'s tht :v is not a moment which is not fraught with the intensest an .icty on the part of nil who handle the fruit. No other pioduct requires such ion (•taut application of the old maxim o? 'eternal vigilance' us olives. "The ball i.egint» with the gathering of the fruit. This is done in the late summer or tally autumn, while the t'ruit is still green and hard and alto g ilier unsavory oil account of its in tense i>itt< mesa. The olives are picked by hand to prevent scratching and bruising and then conveyed in carts or on pack mules to the curing establish ment. Olive ctiriug is a very delicate and Intricate process, for which no fixed nil; i can be laid down. A course of treatment that in one instance would prove successful might be abso lutely ruinous in another. The business of curing therefore calls for expert tal ent and is always intrusted to a pro fessional who brings to his task his own skill and knowledge, supplement ed by the xperience of generations of .-insfeik who were curers In that par ticular variety before him. "The first step In the process of cur ing is known us 'cooking.' When the -.ait comes to the curing establish ment, it is placed in large vats tilled with n mixture of lime and water, in which it undergoes a kind of fermen tation. 'Cooking' Is merely a technical name for this fermentation process. "When tho fermentation has reached a certain stage, a matter requiring any where from a few hours to a few days, the eurer gives the signal to withdraw the plujrs. and the liquid is run off. Tho olives are then thoroughly washed with fresh water until they are bright and clean and every trnce of lime is re-- moved. If you were to taste them now, you would find that they had lost most of their unpleasant bitterness. "After washing the fruit is put In casks filled with brine and the cask 9 exposed, bungs open, to the sun. This induces a second fermentation, which takes place more or less rapidly, ac cording to the weathdr. However, as Spain enjoys a fairly equable climate, a period of from three to four weeks gen erally suffices. Throughout this second fermentation the olives keep throwing off the brln-. so that the casks must be Inspected daily and kept filled with new brine of the required strength. "Finally there comes a time when they no longer throw off any brine. They are then ready for 'sorting I —that Is, for separation according to size and quality. All that are perfect—of proper color and free from scratches, spots and other blemishes—are called 'select ed;' the rest 'culls.' The various sixes are known according to their weight, 80-90 meaning olives that count eighty; to ninety to the kilo. "After 'sorting,' the olives are then put back into the casks, the bungs driven in, and the whole is ready for shipment to the American Importer." "Do you begin to pack as soon as they arrive in New York?" was the next leading question. "No, indeed! The long ocean voyage affects olives as much as it does hu man beings. They generally succumb to 'seasickness' en route—that Is, we find them in some stage of fermenta tion on arrival, which requires our con stant care until they recover." "Doesn't this 'seasickness,' as you call it, Impair the quality In any wayV "Not at all. It only makes tho olive man feel the burden of his responsi bilities. In every stage of fermentation there is a critical moment when he must exercise the greatest care and cautiou. If the olives recover, they are really much Improved in quality. If they don't, they are hopelessly ruined. There is no intermediate condition."— Arco Special. The Anircr and (he Ensllith. The late ameer of Afghanistan was one of the shrewdest and strongest men of his time. When the amount of the Rrllish subsidy was being fixed with him, it was explained that he must do tills and that and the other. "You remind me," said the ameer, "of a Persian tiile. A certain man took a piece of cloth to a tailor and said, 'Make me a morning dress out of It and an evening dress and, while I think of it. a working coat.' The tailor did his best and brought them all as he was told. I'.til they were of doll's size. What more could he do with the cloth?" The ameer was not a great admirer of the Ifritisli system of government. On one occasion a very high personage was conferring with him and said In relation to some matter, "That is a very grave question, and I must refer It to her majesty's government." The iiuiccr. who did-not clearly distinguish the parts of the Rrltish constitution, replied: "When you ask me a question, I am able to answer at once; when I ask you one you say you must first ask 7<X) other gentlemen. I prefer our Afghan way of doing business." New South Walen Sheep. The first sheep Imported Into New South Wales arrived In the year 1788, when a flock of twenty-nine Indian sheep were brought from Calcutta. They were not a very promising lot, "small and unsightly, having large heads, Roman noses, drooping ears, narrow chests and shoulders, with high curved hacks and very long legs; hav ing. moreover, coarse and frequently black wool mixed with hair, the latter preponderating." They throve mar vclously. and, being judiciously crossed with sheep of a better stamp Imported from England, tlie hair gradually dis appeared and gave place to a fleece. The first consignment of wool from Australia to England arrived In IbOC, the shipment weighing 245 pounds. Aaphnlt and Trees. Experience In the east In regard to the effect of asphalt pavement upon trees by the roadside has taught ob servers that the Influence of the Im pervious pavement depends upon tho character of the soil. Where there Is a substratum of rock the trees will suffer, because the pavement will pre vent moisture from reaching the roots from above, from which direction all nourishment for the trees must come. On the other hand, where there Is deep soil the roots will flnd plenty of nourishment under the pavement, which serves to keep the moisture from evaporating and holds It In sup ply for the trees. It will probably be found that where trees have died as a result of asphalt ing the roots were cut by the exca vators for the concrete foundation. Trees which are thus robbed of roots must be deprived of branches sufficient to offset the loss of nourishment The builders of cement footpaths are also responsible for the Injury of a good many trees. They chop out all the roots that Interfere with the laying of a cinder foundation, nnd some trees have their main roots very close to the surface of the soil.—Exchange.