Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 02, 1902, Image 4

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Vigorous In
"I suffered for six years with con
stipation and indigestion, during
which time I employed several phy
sicians, but they could not reach my
case," writes Mr. G. Popple well, of
Eureka Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. "I
felt that there was no help for me,
could not retain food on my stomach ;
had vertigo and would fall helpless to
the floor. Two years ago I com
menced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and little ' Pellets,'
and improved from the start. After
taking twelve bottles of the ' Discov
ery ' I was able to do light work, and
have been improving ever since. I
am now in good health for one of my
age—6o years. I owe it all to Doctor
Pierce's medicines."
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or
Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im
mediate —cure certain.
•'lt cures Burns and Scalds. The relief
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetter?, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects,
Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO
Sold by Druggists, or »ent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Co*. William 4c John Bu.. RiEW YORK.
Drying 1 preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; tliey dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
hcak. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and Till cure catarrh or cold in the bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed -for 10 cent*. All druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brother*, 5C Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cares withont pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed
against Kat>al Catarrh and Hay Fever.
' "X
■ \t
Get Heady
for the chilly days au<J even
ings that are coming.
Be Ready
with a Top COAT when the
weather demands it.
We're Ready
to show you tke very swell
est Overcoatings—all new at
the most favorable figures.
Co*n<* in.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Merrill Pianos
We have two pianos
that have been used
at concerts we will
sell at a great bargain.
For X 111,1s presents
in musical goods
see us.
6. Otto Davis,
Arrr ory Building.
I . - Thorough D ictlcil course
! |. IDM given BY MAIL Madly at
I taught In our clats racmt.
PCL 1 ■ • Wfi, e'or catalogue FREE.
[shorthand the martin shorthand
uioiiu 4 commercial school,
T UftAir 091 Voos Avfnut,
AI nUmt piTTunuiiuH, pa.
18 X—n.
- 11 ■■ "ti »■.*
Ronanor of the Corinth inn Column.
In the winter a young girl had died
In Corinth. Some time afterward her
msid gathered together various trin
kets and playthings which the girl had
loved and brought them to the girl's
grave. There she placed them in a
basket near the monument and put
a large square tile upon the basket to
prevent the wind from overturning it.
It happened that under the basket was
a root of an acanthus plant. When
ppring came, the acanthus sprouted,
but its shoots were not able to pierce
the basket, and accordingly they grew
around it. having the basket in their
midst. Such of the long leaves as
grew up against the four protruding
corners of the tile on the top of the
basket curled round under these cor
ners and fotaned pretty volutes.
Kallimaehos, the sculptor, walking
that way one day, saw this and im
mediately conceived the notion that the
form of the basket with the plaque
on top of it and surrounded by the
leaves and stalks of acanthus would
be a comely heading for columns in ar
chitecture. He from this idea formed
the beautiful Corinthian style of capi
tal. Such, at least, is the story as the
architect Vitruvius told it 1,900 years
ago. _____
Too Much Apathy.
Couldock's company was once barn
storming through Virginia. It was at
Petersburg, and the play was "The
Chimney Corner." All through the au
dience sat in distressing silence, neither
laughing nor shedding a tear, although
"The Chimney Corner" abounds with
humor and pathos and the company
then producing it was of great merit
for those times. Couldock appeared to
pay 110 attention to the apathy of his
audience until just at the close of the
performance. The concluding lines of
the play are somewhat to this effect:
"Yon, John, are happy, and so are you,
Ellen; so am I, anil so are we all. Let
us hope, that our friends the public
share our happiness."
But, to the surprise of everybody,
Couldock fell into a towering passion
when he reached these lines, and in
thundering tones he said, "You, John,
are happy, and so are you, Ellen; so
am I, and so are we all except the fools
that have been sitting like stoughton
bottles in front of the footlights to
A Goir Story.
A well known Scotch "meenlster"
took up golf and despite great practice
could not succeed in passing the tyro
stage. Ills p'"iple exclamations of
"Tut, tut!" "Oh, dear, now!" "Well,
well!" and the like were plain evi
dences of a perturbed spirit.
One day. when the perspiration flow
ed freely from his lofty brow and his
honest countenance shone with a lus
ter and radiance which, alas, were not
duo to calmness of soul, but rather the
heat of the sun and his laborious ef
forts to move the obstinate gutta
percha from its station on the tee, he
was tempted to indulge in strong lan
guage. ' Dear, deaj, but I'll have to
gle It up! I'll have to gie it up!" he
said at last, with a despairing look at
the ball.
"(Jive up the game, Mr. I).!" exclaim
ed his friend, who had been a witness
of his attempts.
"Na, 11a—the meenistry!" answered
the other, with a sigh.
The Sacred Bone.
The bone luz, or the "resurrection
bone," is at the lower extremity of the
spinal column. The Jewish rabbis
taught that it was incorruptible, and
from it, as from a seed, the human
body would spring at the resurrection.
There is a Jewish tradition that the
Emperor Hadrian questioned a rabbi
as to the existence of this bone and
was convinced by the production of
one by the Jewish teacher. Various
attempts were made to destroy it. It
was cast into a furnace and came forth
miconsuuied; it was steeped in boiling
water, but remained unsoftened; It was
smitten with a hammer, and the ham
mer was broken. Some trace of the
former reverence for the bone Is found
In the modern name.
Crab* and I.obMtern.
there are many curious points about
crabs and lobsters. Every one of
either genus is provided with a big
claw for crushing and a small claw
adapted by Its shape for cutting as
scissors do. With these two claws
they tear the food they capture Into
fragments and feed themselves liter
ally from "hand to mouth." But there
Is every reason to suppose that the
claws art? intended quite as much for
lighting as for eating purposes, Inas
much as such powerful bauds are not
needed for devouring the soft food they
Power of Expression.
Our language has a wonderful power
of expression. 011 one occasion, we are
told, a doctor of divinity rang the
lhanges on "He that hath ears to bear
let him hear." "He that is accessible
to auricular vibration," said the doctor,
"let him not close the gates of his tym
Then, again, we bate that old fash
ioned saying "The more the merrier"
delightfully translated in this way:
".Multitudinous assemblages are the
most provocative of cachinnatory hi
A Personal Impression.
"Did Noah only take two o' each
kind o' animal In de ark wlf 'lm?" said
Sir. Erastus Pinkley.
"Dat's what I un'stan's," said Miss
Miami Brown.
"Well, course, Noah was runnln' de
boat, but I would er 'spected dat he'd
o' laid in an extra supply o* pork an'
chickens " Washington Star.
T1 'impany manners of her hus
boisr ins are one of the greatest
trials in :i .onian's life, and that of
her daughter-) her greatest comfort.
I One Picture|
framed here will prove to
how well and unexpensively weUk
can do the work, we ofTerJR
special values in jak
made to order, or from ouril)
stock of those already made up.
The variety and beauty
the mouldings give every op-yJ
portunity for a pleasing sclcc-K
tion; alro lull line sheet
Reduced Prices. 5
Patterson Bro's |
Wick Building.
336 N. Main St.
Phone. 400.
Insurance and Real Eslatp
« >v
'' IF.R P
We are showing the newest styles in YOKE and LONG
OVERCOATS with the slash pocket, prices ranging from
$lO to $25.
Also shoving the newest tilings in Men's and Boys' Sack Suits.
All our good suits are made with p.-.dded shoulders and quilted
breasts. It'll be worth j our while, before you buy your Suit or
Overcoat, to look over our line. Our prices are less this year tha"
they have ever been fjr the same quality.
See our window display.
Yours for Clothing,
***V-D!XXX*** T
p Hichey's
ii New Bakery, |>
;|lce Cream 1 trior;)
/ 1 AND f
Xlealis at e\ 11 Hour?*, j;
S|; Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, f /
/ * De'ivered to all parts of town. | }
) 1 142 S Main Street. V
S * People's Phone 190. * *
A Charming Creation & j^pgsp: —
Tile recovery of the fun t .
pointing of the Duchess of Devon* l»X J
shire, has revived interested in the /
Gainsborough. We are sh r.*ing Jsj*
this picturesque type of h,r d-j '■/-?
ve'oped in a variety o! material-. *3 I Sr
The mode's are very beautiful and v
attractive and are distinctly .-t) 1- /K>
ish. Quality is up to our usually
hiß h standard. fITL^^S
328 South Main Strttt, - - Butltr, Pa
1 nnni RHEUMATIC §
The Latest Internal Remedy. Rasv to Take.
FIFTY CENTS per Bottle-- A Week's Treatment.
subscribe for the CITIZEN
C?/>e 'Pittsburgh I
| Is Already the Leading Sunday
1 Newspaper irv Pittsburgh
| iWy the Best !
| The Colored acrid Magazine Sections are the <
: *• * Best West of New York. j
\ The News and Special Features are Unex- j
i celled Anywhere. 1
The Finest Cable Service in the World.
f , it ß—■ Order it from Your Agent or by Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. $
• ■.y &&& We .
v want
W every
< 2 - of
££*, this
; u ~>• ,; < Xk.-; advertis-
at our store for a
Free Sample
Mermen's Talcum
j The best powder for the toilet, for the
j baby and for chap;d and roughened
j skins.
We carry a full line of household
drugs and toilet articles. You will find
our prices lower than most.
Try us with your next prescription.
Reed's Pharmacy
Cor. Main and fetferson Sts. . Butler, Pa
Fall teirn begin.-, >'crd*y, Sept. 2,
I—Practical1 —Practical Book keepers. 7—■ •Jxprt
Accountants. 3 -Amanuensis Suor'ibai it.
4— Reporter';? ;sh->rt.hand. 5■ -fi ji tu*!
I ishij-t Course In '•■•ok-kcepiiifc, foi tfiosc
j who merel> wish to undt rsla:i*l the
I sirupier method : <-f'kcpiu/ booV V. 6-
| En^lifb.
Our Teachers —We have lour f k prese at
j always as many as we need, uo more.
POSI rioNs.
We filled 5% position last tc rut and ex
pec to fill twice that mam this terin.
We could placi two or ttirei: times that
uianj e\er_v teim if we kiau them. We
uccj ..11 abundance of first class material
All you men aud young women having
a g'Kxi English education should take
advantage of on-- or both • f uur coursts
Many new and important improve
ments lor this year. Call at the office
and see us. If you are interested be (jure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A F. REGAL, Prin.,
iiw ' 'i. li"' St . Butler. PH.
Special Notice.
"Bicycles at cos 'to close them
out, i.oine early unu. get a bargain.
All kinds ot repai - work given
pron pt attention at
Geo. W. Mardorf's
Bicycle Stoic and Repair Shop,
109 W. Cunningham St
I Gives a edtira- H
H tlnn, fitting:yotingmenforactual R
jM duties of life. circulars, ad- H
KM Cures DmnKetiness.
! WrKefor U g|||A INSTITUTE,
!TV.... %JLII MM ran to,-
Hmfe. Alivnvn r.-lloblr auk DriiKtfst for
< II ■« II !■.>■Ti:it s KNMI.IKII In H«-«l »"'1
<.<•■• l metallic boxes, Healed with blue ribbon.
■ri»l.<- no oilier. BrlklM* dmigeronn aubatl
lull«hih;iii(l iinttnilotvi. Buy of your lin>tf|jl*t,
or neiid l«*. In Mumps for I*»rt ieulttr*. 'lratl
inwiilul* awl " Itvllef for l.i»<ll«-»." I»
I by return .Wail. aO.OOO Testimonials, Soul By
I all l>riiKKisi«.
I 3100 Mndiaon Square. l*li; i.A., PA.
Mention Ml* Dover.
Winflelri K K Co Time Table
In effect December 3d, 1901.
L<*ttveH Vwt WinfifUl 8 00' 3 00
1 " BogKM >ll* : 8 10| 310
" Ir,.V, Bri.ltte ! 8 IfA 3 »
" Wiufield JunctioD 8 30, 3 .15
44 i^ancß 343
44 Butler Junction 845 350
Arrive Allegheny 1 P &10 |
i .W\\ aki>.
-T.\Ti KMS, AM P M
Leave Allegheny 8 45 3 10 I
Butler Junction 110 00 440
* Lane .* JlO 05 445
Win field Junction ;10 15 4 5*
• 4 Iron Bridge 110 25 5 ««5
44 Boggsville 10 35 515
Arrive West Wiufield 10 45 5.'^5
Trains stop at Lane and Iron Briilge <»nly on Flag to
take on or leave off passengers.
TraituiOinnect ut Butler Junction with:
Train* K.t-itward for Freeport, Vandergrift and
Bluirxville Intersection.
Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarcntum and Alle
gheny. ,
Trains Northward for Saronburg, Delano and Butler.
General Manage!.
In the photograph line can be seen
at the Kindley Studio. The Artist
i'roof photograph on exhibition
now, they are winners and please
ail who wart an artistis pictuie
Stop in and see them.
Novelties for Ho'iday trade
row ready. Broaches and buttons
ot all descriptions. Copying and
Telephone 236.
?. O B'd'g, Butler
Branches —Mars and Evans City
A safe, certain relief for Suppressed H
l, Menstruation. Never known to Call. Safe: n
I Hur>-' Speedy] B*tldwtlonOuMinUml
k or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■
I 81.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to ■
5 l>e paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■
Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rt ar of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
The best of horses and first class rigs al
ways on band and for hire.
Itest accommodations in town for perma
oent boarding and transient trade. Sped
hl care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for «al€
I under a full guarantee; and horses bough
pon proper notification by
Telephone No 21»
everywhere can earn $6.00 per week In gpar<
time or evenings, addressing envelopes, n«
money required, hundreds of workers now
employed, proof sent free anywhere to tbos«
| sending addressed envelope to FRANKLY
CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street,
I I KXMSI 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, f-.
11l WW Wo'repRACTICA' «»•
;JK » CROWN '""J PF.iCjr*
■BW A&of I'ilUliurj—wHY ~OT D '
»Hi2»r fSIYOURS? O" 1 '' CROWI
W' nd BRI3GK work retlur...
" tfss PER TOOTH AI- !■
C be»t*Qt of Teeth tn;nlc. P. i*H t
Funeral Director.
1 4 c; 5, Mo,n St. Butler PA
p & w it II
Trains leave Bntler for Allegheny,
local time, at 6:25, 8:05, 9:20. and 11:05
i. m. and 4:00. and 5:53, p. in The 9:30
»nd 11:20 a. m. trains make the run in
1 hour and 20 minutes and the 4:00 train
in an hour and a half. The 8:05 a. m
1:00 and 5:58 p. ni. trains connect at
Callery tor points West, and the 1:40 as
far weet as Ellwood.
Trains leave Butler for Bradford at
9::«) a.m.. and for Clarion at 5:15 p m.
Trains arrive in Bntler from Alle
gheny 9:03, 9:17 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45,
4 55. 7:07 and 7:45 pin: and from the
North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m.
The Theatre traiD, Tuesdays. Thnrs
lays and Saturdays leaves Allegheny at
11:30 p. m.
On Sundays trains leave Bntler for
Alleßhenj - at H:OS a m and 5:53 p.m.,
and for the west at 4 :<K> p m.; and ar
rive at 9:17 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p m.
I) Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901.
One hour slower than town time.
nrothward. Daily except Sunday. Southward
Head up) (Readdowu)
2 10 14 STAfIOXsT 1 9 II
I'M I'M I'M ■,i ni. A.M. I'. >1
(i 10 1 02 Krie 5 55 12 13
5 W 12 40 Kairview ii 18 12 35
5 31 12 24 Girard 6 30 12 48
5 45 1 53 ar..Conneaut.. .ar 8 22 I 53
4 32 11 08 IT. . Conneaut.. .IT 6 20 11 ui
5 13 12 05 Crmneeville 1650 105
5 10 12 00 Albion <> 55 1 10 ]
4 50 11 47 Springboro 7 In 1 25
4 50 11 41 cimneautville 7 lrt 1 31
4 JO 11 2" Junct.. 7 35 1 52
5 2t< 11 58 ar.. M<'adville.. ar 8 12 '2 30
3 42 10 37 It. . Meadville.. .IT 6 20 1 10
5 03 11 30ar..00n. Lake.ar 7 45 2 02
4 10 11 05 IT..Con. Lake..lT 6 47 1 3"
4 32 ar.. Lineaville .. ar
IT •" IT 7 3o|
41411 06 Hart.town I ' 7 49! 207
4 08 11 01 >danu»Tille 7 55 2 12
3 58.10 52 OBgood ra 05 12 22
0 10 3 52 10 45 Greenville 6 00] 8 13 2 30
ii 3 40 10 4" Shenaugo 6 06} 8 20 2 37
5 44 3 23 10 2" Fredonia fi «f8 35 2 55
5 29 3 Ox 1" "6 Mercer C 40] 8 47 3 13
5 24 3 03 10 01 llouaton Junction 6 45 X 52 3 18
5 07 2 47 9 43 GroTe City 7 05 9 10 3 37
4 54 2 37 9 32 Hariisville ... 7 15 f3 4j
4 47 2 31 9 25 Brancliton | 7 23| 9 25 3 55
5 30 10 10 ar... Milliard... ar 110 10 5 3o
2JO <1 lo 1*.. . Milliard. . .IT G 10 23q
4 43 2 2> 9 17 Keixter 7 27! 3 5„
4 28 2 15 9 01 Kucliil 7 43 4 i,J
4 00 1 501 8 3" Butler 8 10.10 00 4 4„
2 20 12 15 7 Oo Allegheny 9 45 11 25 ii 3^
' pm I am I a.m.l ami pm
Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.25 a. m..
Mercer 5:48. Grecuville ti:32, Conneautville
7:32, Albion 7-4' J. arrives at Erie 8:47 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 4:15 p. m. Albion
5:25, Conneautvllle s;4ti. Greei'vllle 6:40,
M»rcer 7:21 arrives at Grnve City at 7:43 pm.
W. R. TURNER, Gen. Pass. Agt,
Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsbun?. Pa
BURG RY., Time table iu effect
Nov. 3, 1901.
KASTKIIN TIME, j +22 | *6 ,t# ~ tl4 j*2
I'ittrfburg ) leave . a.ra a.m j».n» |>.u» p.m
Allegheny j P. A W. Sta 9 00 4 10 10 00
ilutler 7 30 10 12 5 21112*
Fenelton 7 59 5 45 11 47
Craigsville .. 8 13j a 555 11 57
Cowuniivtlle 8 20, 6 05!
Montgomery villa 8 33 6 10!
Went Mosgrove 8 45 6 20i
Echo 9 W « 639
Dayton 934 a 6 60,12 40
North Point 9 60 7 CK>i
Hamilton 10 00 7 13 1
Valler 10 12 7 18;
PUDXIUUWMT ,%r 10 3») 12
lv a.iu 12 10 1 45 7 30 1 22
liig Hun ! 2 00 7 43 1 35
Curwenßville ar 4 *4 17,4 17
Clearfield ar a.m H 32,4 32
DUROIH *6 Oil 12 50 2 30 8 15 2 05
Fulls Creek tt 09 12 57 247 p.m 2 12
Ilrock way villa 8 20 1 10 3 05 2 28
Bidgway 7 00 1 42 3 43 3 08
Joliuaunburg 7 14 1 51 4 16 3 19
ML Jewett 8 06 2 45 5 06 4 14
Bradford ar 8 to 3 80,6 00 ; 5 00
Buflklo ar 11 soj 6 30, j7 15
loafcutT ar I 7 50'p.m 8 45
I a.m 1 p.m I | I a.m
Additional train leave. Punxautawey for Dußola,
Knlla4'rt<ek,l'urweiievnie and Clearfield at 5:15 a. m.
Daily except Sunday.
"EASTKKJTTIMB nwTtTl •a ]ls | 1
leave a.ma.m a.m p.m p.m
Itocheater *7 45 9 00
Buflalo It j *9 00 31510 15
Bradford lv 7 45 12 10 6 15 12 45
Mt. Jewett 8 42 12 55 7 12 1 32
Johneonburg 927 1 42 H 00 2 21
UldKwaT 9 55! I 56 8 15 2 37
Itr<M kuayviile 10 30; 2 30 8 52 3 11
Kail. Creek a.ui 10 49. 2 47 9 09 3 2;-)
Dnßoto 6 40 11 OOj 2 55 9 15, 3 34
Clearfield .. IT 11+38 p.m
CurwaarrllU lv j11+49.
Big Run '713 11 311 *2l 403
Punxaiitawuey ar 7 28 11 45 3 33 p.tu 4 18
•« lv 7 30 a.m j 3 35 4 35 4 20
Yallwr 7 41 4 50
Hamilton 7 4!i 4 56
North Point f 5« 5 06
Dayton 811 I * t) JO 450
Echo 822 a 545
Went Sloagrove b 45 #2O
Montgoineryville 8 54 6 32*
CowaiiHville 8 50! 6 39
('niigMville 9OH a 052 540
Kenelton 9 20, ! 7 07
Butler 9 47 i ft 34 7 35 6 15
Allegheny \ P. A W. St* 11 00 « 45 7 30
PitUburg j arrive a.m i I p.m. I |
A.Mitioiml train leaves Clearfield at 7.18 p. in, Full*
Creek at 9:09, Dilllobftlft, arriving at PiiaxauUwney
at 10:00 p.m. Daily except Sumlay.
* Daily, f Daily except Soudav.
a Train 3 will Htop at DayUm, F-cl"> ""<1
CralKsvlUe to let off psssenifera from
Bradford and points north of Bradford and
on signal to take on passengers for Allegheny
or ix»lnts neul on tb© P. & W. By.
'I ruin will stop at ('ralgsvillo. Echo and
Dayton to let off passengers from Allegheny
unu on signal to take on passengers f«»r
llrndford and points north of Bradford.
Trains 3 and 0 are ve»tibuled with hand
some day coaches, and re<*linlng chair cars
also cafe car dally, except Sunday.
Trains 2 and 7 nave Pullman Sleepers l>e
tween Buffalo and Pittsburg and Rochester
and Pittsburg.
Oen'l Pass. Agent
Rochester N. Y.
Bc'UEUULi IN KrrsuT Nov. 25, 1901
IA. H A.M A.M. P. M P. M
BUTLKB Loavfl 6 25, 8 00 10 50 2 35 4 115
iaxoul.tirK ... .Arrive 6 54 . 8 21' 11 15 3 00 5 03
lullrr Junction.. " 727 aV! II 4-> 3 2fi 62»
lutlar Juin Hon.
Natrona Arriva 7 40 »01 12 01 3 34 5 ,1U
rarriitiiin.' 7 44 i » 07 12 08 3 42 5 44
ii.rlnu.lal. 7 621 9 18 12 1# 3 52 15 52
'lart'Uiolit..... ........ .....| 9 30 12 38 4 Mi II 06
lhanaburg .. 8 11 9MU 4* 4 121 « 12
kilobiteur 8 24 V 48 I o\l 4 2i, 6 j!4
A. M|A M.;P. M il'. M P. 11
SUNDAT TKAINB. Li«v« Bullnr for Alleghany
;||>- anil |.rlnd|»l InUirtuwllaUi aUtlona at 7:80 a. a.,
.uil 5:00 p. m.
A.M. A.M A.M P. M. P. M
kllechouv <Mtv ,li»v« 145 845 10 4.'. 310 #lO
.har|Mlmrg « 57 » 57 10 57 r3 22 r« 22
iirlnidaU,...,. I . 11 18 ... 630
armitum IK 924 11 28 3 41. 048
j,tr„„a : 7 Ml 9 28 II 34 3 5o 6 53
iutlur Junction. ..nrriva 7 3} J 9 37 D 43 3 58 7 02
lullt.i Junction... .Ittavn 7 4'' 9 4'» 12 1., 4 12i 7 02
laa.mburg 8 14 10 07 12 41 4 4»! 7 27
H.'TLK arrlv. 8 .18,10 32 1 lo 8 J:j 7 63
A. M.| A M I'. M.|P. M |p. M
SUNDAY TWAINS.— Leavci Allfulumy (litjr for But
nr anil |irlnci|ial InbirnimllaU) atatlona at 7:10 a m. and
■MJ 0. Cl.
Wook. Daya. Huiiilay.
A MIA M. i' M A. M. P M
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lutlrr Jet IV 737 11 4.1 3 M 821 8 II
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jeecliburc ..." 80012 02 420 841 8;c
'aultou ( A(M.ilo) •• 821 12 22 442 8588 50
iiilulurn . .." 851 12 4'J 610 923 9 lli
tlalravltla." 921 1 20 543 962 946
llalravllluiut " 9 :io I :c. 52 10 <»
kltoona " 'I 8» .... J*> | '»' • ••
l.nl.l.unt " 3 10 .... 100 fi 45
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P. M.|A. M.|A.M IiP.M.IP. M
TliroiiKli l'o«. for tli« "i>" l loava PitUburg (Union
itatlon), aa followa:
Ltlantlc E«|iri«i, dally MO *.M
'niiimylvKiila Lluiitwl ** 7:lft "
)a» Ki|.r««, " 7:SO "
rialii Una K»lir««i, 8:00 "
lari I.l.urit Mall, *' ~12:46 P.M
larrlal.urg Emweaa 'tally 449 •'
'lillaiollihln Kxpraaa, 4:50"
Mall anil Kv |.ri-«« ilally Kor Nrw York only.
Through bußrt al»«i>«r; uocoactn. 7:00"
CaaUrn Kiprnaa, " 7'"!!
f mil 1.1 o.', ' ■■ ■ ■ • ......WW
•Itulniig l.tmli-i, .J#ily,f..r New York, llaltl
niore anil only 10:1.0 "
'lillad'a Mall, Sunday v ouiy 8 40 A M
tot Atlantic City (»la Delawate lUrvr «rl.lge, all
all route) 8 00 a.m. daily ami ftoo p.m. 'I»lly.
Buffalo an! AUerheny Valley Dlvlaloa
Train, leave Klakluilncia. Junction a. fu11..*.:
Kor lluOalo, 9.58 a m ami 11.15 p. m. dally, with
liroiiKh |*rlor ami .l«i-|iliig
I/..T iMI i H>, 7 40, ■' . - 18, '■ •"' l 1 1 I'-
ll »»i k4«L«. Sunday., 9.80 a m., ii 15 ami l|.:(sp.m.
For Ueil link, TM, '■> 8«, 1147 a. m, 2 38, ii.|6,».34,
LII'I 11 .V. p. 111. »« k <!»>.. klJll'laya,lo.49 a. m„
115 ami 11.50 l> ni.
V.a Itlttannlng,7.4fl, 9;B, 9.58, II IT a
1.|6,7.1M, 9.44, and 11.18 p. ni. Sumlay.,
I |o.4'.i a ui.,li |5, 10.45, aml 11.35 p. m.
>l..|« .11 «l«ii»l lake ou |««-. iiKi r. lor Taren
;:Hll and point, beyond.
rix Information, apply to ticket «k. 111 or
..111 ill.. Tboe. K- Watt, Paw A ill. Wnetel n IHntrict,
, I- ...i I-mil A'a'"le »'"l MinllllUeld SUoel, Plttal.urg,
< > New Store. O 9 New Store,' >
< > 121 East Kanfi S 121 East < >
< >Jefferson St. 1 Jefferson SU \
\ | nillinery House
The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby
< 'line of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open for* r
, I .you inspection at our new store 121 East Jefterson St. J
< ►Miss Bertha Wagner, rape's. 1 1
This Handsome Decanter Filled with Fine ' ine
V. ill he given FREIR f ALWAYS ON HAND
f ' and every pur- [ H FINCH, 6UKENHEIMER,
oh: s. rof wine or liquors jh'-'y. » GIBSON, LARGE,
r:): js from now and DILLINGER, OVERHOLT,
:-r:ng the holidays. fI ■ THOMPSON, BRIDGEPORT^
"he ' x -n-er is a beauty an£ l °ff er 'hem to you six years
• n f r , / l .rnent in an> i M SI.OO per full Qt.
R 'JBH ' T LEWIW & C[\
Wholesale Dealers in Wines end Liquors,
14 Smith field §t., . PITTSBURG, I \
Facts Not Talk
Talk is cheap, but it takes money to buy gco !
whiskey, and if you want /alue, buy it of Max Klein,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,322 Federal St., Alleghei.y.Pa
Here arc a few prices and brand*:
Cabinet 75 cents per qt. $ 8.00 a cape of qts.
Bear Creek SI.OO " " 10.00 " "
Duquesne 1.25 " " 12.00 " "
Silver Age 1,50 " " ' 15.00 " "
Our Xmas*oflering frc m Dec. 15th to Jan Ist of
a bottle of fine w : ne will be shipped wiih| each order
amounting to SI.OO or over.
Expressage paid 011 all orders of $5 00
322 Federal St . Allegheny. Pa.
w A handsome Decanter, cut glass pattern, j
AMB filled with the choicest of old 1895 Port 1
A Wine. With every Dollar Purchase of A
V Wines and Liquors between December 15 y
T 1 and January 15— you get a Decanter free. 1
A jflV] |\V« H iil o <!cis promptly filled. Get up clubs A
w 1 \ \ and mx e<| res sage, which we prepay on w
I V®-,! 1 \y? sio oider*. With $5 orders 6 bottles of I
A v 1,: I c; r.iut a Decanters; or, g bottles of m
W KTH IT M jl * 1 Wl'i l* '* n d 5 Decanters. Remember ¥
Y Flint quality or raises A
▼ JOS. FLEi ;l G & SON, I
A 4.10-4.12: lyiarkel: St., - PUts^rgh,
For sixty yearn the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE
has been a national weekly newspap •., lead almost entirely by
farmers, and IIHS enjoyed the confidence and support of the
American, people to u degree never attained by any similar
is made absolutely for farmers aad their fam lies. Tht first
number was issued ' ovetuber 7th, 19 I
Every department of agricultural industry is coverc-' by
special contributor* who are leaders in their r«a ( >ective
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wi!' be in every sense a
claw, up to fljjte, live, eu'erpiising agricultural paper, profuse
ly illustrated with pjcture» of live stock, model farm buildings
and homes, agricultural machinery, etc.
Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will litwj jppcja) piig«s
for their entertainment.
Regular price, s:.co per year, but you can buy It with your
favorite home weekly newsoaper. The CITIZEN, one year
for #1.75 or CXTI/HN and Tn'-Weekly Tri nne f r #2 00
Send your subscriptions a »1 money to TIIK CITIZEN,
Butler, I'a
Send your name and addresi to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE
FARM KR, New-York City, and n free sample oopy will be
mailed to you.