THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM C.N KG LEY - - Pubtt.ber THURSDAY, JANUARY i, iqoa. SI M per year la Advance, Otherwise $1 JO "POLITICAL. Attorney Gen. Elkin arrived home from Florida a few days before Christ mas. and was completely non-commit tal on the Governorship question. Gov. Stone returned from Mexico, last week, and had nothing to say on politics. In Washington, last Saturday, it was reported that Quay's health was gradu allv growing worse, and that he intend . Ed to resign. At Columbus. O. last Saturday, the Foraker crowd were said to be ahead of the crowd in the fight for con trol of the State Senate. The New State Capitol. At Harrisburg, Saturday, the Capitol Commission adopted the plans of Archi tect Huston of Philadelphia, who will immediately go to work on the building plaus, after which bids will be taken for the construction Nine plans and mod els were submitted to the Commission, one set of which were by a Pittsburg architect. WASHINGTON NOTES. Schley says the incident is closed: McCJay has revised his book, and Samp son is dying—so drop it. The sensations daring the last days of 1801, in the National Capital were the resignation of Secretary of the Treasu ry Gage, and the appointment of Gov. Shaw of lowa, after Gov. Crane of Mass had declined; the severe censure of Lt. Gen. Miles by the Secretary of War for expressing an opinion on the Schley case; the reported snubbing of Secretary of the Navy Long by the President, who also ordered the dis chage of Maclay. the Brooklyn Navy \ ard historian. THE late sag in amalgamated copper canned some suicides and cases of insan ity. The bucket-shop industry is becom ing a curse to the Nation. slipperyrock. William Hilliard, who has been work ing in Zelienople, spent his Christmas vacation at home. Ben Stillwagon.who has been running the ilonitean creamery, is now with a New York State creamery. Col. George W. Bain will lecture in the Noraal chapel, Friday evening, January 10. S. L. Cheeseinan, proprietor of the Kiester mill, is suffering from a large boil on his leg. •. James McClymonds is suffering from a badly sprained knee. W. W. Lindsey, who recently sold his farm in Allegheny twp., has bought the Wolford farm. Mrs. Frank Miller was brought home Saturday from a New Castle hospital. Concord twp. Mrs. John Work of Peacbville pre sented the M. E. chnrch of Troutman a ■ beautiful pulpit bible as a Christmas gift. The newly elected officers of the Key stone Benefit Society will be instilled into office next Friday evening. A full attendance is expected. The Hpetchly well on the Starr heirs was drilled in at 2475 feet and after he lm? shot filled to the top of the hole with oil. Itisnow thought that it will make the best well in the field. The well on Pisor heirs on the western ex tension should be in this week. A great deal of interest centers in the develope inent of this venture. The well on W. H. Campbell, southwest and that on Tom Caldwell, south are both due next week. Mrs. W. E. Daffy is in a critical con dition suffering from Bright's disease. The attending physicians entertain no hope of her recovery. Mrs. Robert A-lams who has snffered long from a complication of diseases seems to be getting better. Mrs. 8. Troutman widow of Jacob Troutman. died at her home on Friday Dec. 27. in the 57th year of her age. She is survived by 11 children, 5 of whom are yet at home. She was a woman of sterling integrity and enjoyed the re spect of the entire community. Her funeral was largely attended. Jam iao ii ville. The Christmas tree and entertainment at Rider chnrch was well attended and enjoyed by all. A young man while driving home from the entertainment collided with a buggy containing a woman and three children, causing no little excitement and considerable screaming from the children. A pedestrian hurried to the rescue and while getting the buggies straightened ont came very near being arrested for fast driving. Wm. McClung, who has been work ing nights at Calvin as operator, goes to Morath for a short time. Prof. Elliott and family of Turtle Creek, Pa., have been visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. John Allen, who has been ill for some time is not improving. Lew Byers and family of Scottdale, Pa., spent Christmas with his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Byers. Issac Fleeger.has gone to New Castle, to seen re a position. Went Suiihtiry. Among the many Holjday visitors in our town are A. B. Gill of Greens burg, Verner Graham of Zainsville, Ohio. J. B. Spronll of Uniontown and Albert Dufford of I'ittsbnrg. Alice Seaton, who has been teaching school in Venango twp , is enjoying her vat aticn at home. Rev. Breaden is improving in health. Revival meetings begin Monday night in the M. E. church The scsiU't fever patients are all better. Jacknvillc. The gas well lately drilled in on the J. M liavis farm made a showing of oil but little gas. A new one lias been lo catee Oil the same farm. lieport sirs that A. A McNees has sold part of his timber and cutting will commence early in the new year. Mr. Martin of Eau Claire visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barron, last week The dinner at. Wolf Creek church,last week, WHS s Very p]ca«ant affair. Rev. McCleester and Prof. McClymonds were the principal orators. Short addresws were made by others. Hose Morrow, the little danghter of Tbos. Morrow, who has b< sick is on the way to recovery. Mi-.. Ruth Studebaker is visiting her mother, Mrs Margaret Studebaker. M A. Curb mi I'.lnck. Mrs. Rp< 1 ael Kennedy is visiting fr;< IJ0 ami 110,510 for personal services which they claim they rendered John Dolan Sr. in his lifetime. Catherine Reilly is admin istratrix of bis estate necessitating the entrv of her suit aeainst herself. John Jr. claims for IT years 6 months and • davs at £» per month. Catherine for the same period at SSO per month and Elizabeth for 15 years '■> months and 1. days at S4O per month. John Dolan died Mav 3, 1901. * Kobler and O'Brien, attorneys for the estate have plead not gitilty within sis years. Forqner and Thompson are attorneys for the claim ants. Ross Pitcairn. committee of the estate of Albert Pitcairn vs E. J. Evans & Co., execution on a mortgage of $36,- 750 on leases and 16 wells in Donegal twp. J. G. & H. J. Mvers partners in the Millerstown Deposit Bank vs T S. Harvey and Catherine Reillv admr s. of the estate of John Dolan, dec d. assump sit for SSOO. John M Baker vs Edward Dewyer, attachment execution on rents due the deft, by W. F. McKelvy. P. B. & L. E. Ry. Co has filed an in demnity bond in $V)00 for condemna tion of the lands of George Reifcer in Summit twp. Maria J Gardner vs Wm Wagner and Eli Reep, ejectment for 5 acres in Fairview twp. E. T. Marshall for use of Butler Co. NtL Bank vs Col. W. A. Clark, execu tion attachment on money and goods dne the deft by Elmer Kelly and S. D. Weber of Butler. NOTES At Portland, Oregon. last week, Jack Wade formerly of Wampum, was sentenced to be hanged. The Judicial contest in Cambria Co. came to a sudden end Tuesday, by the withdrawal of Judge Barker, and Judge O'Connor will now quietly take his seat. Barker is said to be slated to succeed Judge Mitc'aell on th# Superior Bench. H C. Critchlow of Penn twp is under arrest for assault on school-teacher, Frank Frazier, a sequel to the small-pox scare of last winter. Jno. D. Harbison of Clinton twp. has been appointed Mercantile Appraiser for this year. Mrs Libbie McClure has been ap pointed clerk for the Jury Commission ers. Wm. Strawick has been discharged trom jail. John Cooper of the 6th Heavy Artil lery has be<-n granted a peddler's license. Dr. Harry Stanley Lake of Porters ville has registered as a physician. The will of Hannah M. Roberts of Bntler has been probated, letters to J. W. Hutchison Jury Commissioners Christie and Nicholas are filling the wheel for thifc year. The charter of the Wablville Coal Co. capitalized at SIOO,OOO has been filed The annual meeting of the Bar Asso ciation was held Monday morning and J. D. McJunkin was elected president for the ensuing year, W. H. Lusk vice president, J. D. Marshall secretary, and J. W. Hutchison treasurer. The initia tion fee was changed from to $2 and annual membership dues fixed at $2. The will of Eva Wilson Kelly of Ean Claire has been, probated, no letters also the will of John Quinn of Middle sex twp. no letters; also the. will of Moses A. Hendrickson of Cranlierry tp letters to David M. Hendrickson: also the will of Nannie Bippns of Bhtler, no letters. Letters of administration on the es tate of Hugh Grossman of Cherry twp. have been granted to John E. Grossman, also on the estate of Robert. Ekas of Buffalo twp. to Ellen McCafferty: ill so on the estate of Sophia Collins of Parker twp. to Isaiah Collins. Bert McClurg plead guilty to inali cions mischief and surety of the |»eace for breaking in the door of Mrs Graham's house and was sentenced to pay a fine of $lO. half to go to the Bar Association and half to the Connty, costs and undergo jail imprisonment for 60 days and placed in SIOO bond to keep the peace. A charge of a & b and surety of the pence has been entered against Wm. Costello. , A charge of non-support has been en tered against Edwai;d Goehring by his wife, Laura. County Detective McMarlin has en tered a charge of selling liquor without license against John Jones The Court has been petitioned to ap point a committee of five members of the Bar, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 11, 1001, Pa Laws IH">. who shall have authority to demand and re ceive from the Connty Treasurer one half of the fines and forfeitures paid said Treasurer, to replenish and main tain the Associations Law Library Membeis of the Bar will give their views on the matter Jan. 6 Marry Sybert of Chicora haw been committed to jail by Esont 20 years old ane fort; Ec| McElvain Monday afternoon J. F. Crick", one of the parti*-* became disorderly and was ordered nnder arrest by the Squire. Cricks resisted and a scuffle ensued between him and Con stable Brown and the assistance of Sheriff lioon wan necessary to land Cricks in jail. Charges <>f disorderly conduct and a & 1> have been entered against him. Letters of adoi'n on the estate oi ' .'eo Love of Clinton twp. have been granted to W. W. Ann strong Petition has been made for partition of the val estate of Michael Wetland late of Clearfield twp PROPERTY TKANSFKKS. Robert J. Rjx-er to Thomas K. Speer, 41 hirex in Mat ion for Joseph Hiirron to James Dickson acres in Wot Mi f«ir $Ol5. Jamer, Dickson to Elennor Dickn in. \ acres in Worth for s£{oo. ltob< rt CJ Davison to C. Cotnslnck 1 . Webst.i r K'-asy to < 'abot Institute, lot, at Snxon Hta. for S2OO. Tin - vy II Boyd to Welmter Ke-isy lots in W infield twp for SSOOO K P Blair, iiainr. to Hiram Grossman 10acres in Slipperyrock for $1303. W W Blackniorc to D Engine Boyle ■<, lot on Lucnst St Butler, forsJ( acres in ( lay for fISO. W F Fetzer to I>ora Westeruuin, bit in Milleistown for ss<)o. Thomas H McNair to Jean McNair, lot on W. Cunningham St. Butler for SISOO. , J R HiKslKras-i to II II Hall, lot in lin tier for s*2oo. Geo. K Snmtiiers to II II Hall, lot in Bntler for s!i' 0. W J Flick, adinr.. to John F N'e/b-y 45 acres in Clinton for slo*o. , Samuel Crow to Hannah E. Kennedy. lot in Mars for ?11<>0. Same to T. W.*D. Kennedy, lot in Mars for £250. J W Fowler to W. W. Campbell. 40 acres in Concord for $800: also situe to James E. Campbell, same for *o<*i- Marriage Licenses. Walter A. Hnrd Pittsburg Lain Grace Hocks Butler George Leonard ' hicora Amsnda Stewart liarry McCand'.es? Butler Mary Danbar Thoinas McClimans West Snnbnry Margaret Carrie Magic William Hile Karns City Maggie Crawford F. C. Nesbitt Jackson twp Mary Be ah " " Clarence Forcht Rntler Pearl Kamerer James Frank Minteer Sarversvile Elizabeth D. Watson— ... Wm. W. Morgan Jefferson Co Lanra V Mahood Hilliard Clarence Ward Petrolia Carrie Sheakley L'olin D. Ekin W. Va Lilu Louisa Dickey Butler James G. Sic an Ca-r Amy F. Stroup Cyras Christley Eaclid ElmiraSt Claire Prospect William I. Tiger Indiana Co Stella Askins Clarence Graham Allegheny Co Delia M. Bonner Edward J. Roberts Rashsylvania O Sarah Angeline Thompson Bntler George W. Green Warren Co Celestia C. Dnfford Bntler Lewis E Stewart Millerstown Ida B. Klngh Karns City Josiah S. Bell Eton; Effie P. Shields, Mt. Chestnut David R. Higgins Pine Grove W. \ a Anna Murrin Chicago 111 Henry Nell . Glade Mills Mamte Groves Browns dale Conrad R. Bishop Evans City Millie C. M.irbarger Jackson twp Joseph R. Snyder Butler twp Candace A. Gamble Bntler Charles Graham Hooker Florence Graham Reuben C. Frederick Chicora Carrie Johnston •Tatn-s M. Blakely Harrisville El'.a Graham James C. Patton Armstrong Co Aura Wyant John M. Young JacksvilL Linda McDeavitt West Libert At Pittsburg—Dec. H Walter Martin of Butler, Md. an 1 Bessie Dar rail of Allegheny. At Youngstdwn H P. McCornr -k and Florence Starr of Butler. At Mercer -Dr. McConnell of H irris ville and Mrs Lizzie MoKee of Clinton ville. • At Bsaver—lra Boehm of Batler Co and Edna Piersol of New Sewickly At New Castle F. M Daugberty or X. C. and Edith Day of Hilliards At Mercer —G. B. Gilchrist of Bntler Co. and Ze 11a Thompson of Mercer Co Wesley Hughes of Butler Co and E'lith Kirk of Mercer Co., W. W. McConnell of Harrisville and Lizzie McKee of Clintonville. At New Castle- Frank O. Heasley of Lawrence Co. and Daisy Studebaker of Worth twp. At Beaver—Wesley Lintz of Beaver Co. and Anna Frankenstine of Bntlei Co. At Franklin O. L Medberry of Harrisville and Clara E Walters of Clintonville. At Erie—Von Johnson of Batler and Elizabeth Gregory of Erie Co. At Pittsburg -Jno II Forsyth* of Batler Co. ana Snsie Sample of Will wood. TiiKhand of the English law fell heavily n{ion Ja"keon and the Diss L'e- Barr -l.» years and 7 years penal servi tude, CHUItCfI NOTES. The U P. congregation of West Lib erty ate their Christmas dinner together in the church nnd after dinner gave the children a treat After addressee were made by Itev. Dr. McConkey and J. Whiteside will speak, alio E .1 Rich arils E. L Bowyer will sing Ser vices jit 10:510, 2 and 7, All welcome Communion Services will be held in the First English Lutheran < bur li on next Sunday Appropriate services were held in the (•rnc- Lutheran Chnrch of this place liiftt Christ inns Tin- Cliiirlestoii i.vpoHit lOll- the continuance of the Houth I'urolma Inter state and West-Indian Exposition to be held at. Charleston H f' from December 1 to June I, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will j 1! excursion ticket, to Charlenton, ami return from all points on its line at, reduced r atis. Theve tickets will be ild duilv from Novcmlier to May "11. and will be of two descriptions: Hen Hon tickets, bearing a final limit of June .>, 1002, arid eleven day tickets, good to re turn within eleven day*, including date of sale, but not good after June 1002 Theiie tickets will not be good to stop oIT iti route. For rates and further particulars apply to tickets 'Agents Pennsylvania itailroail'H Winter Incursion Ifotifc I took. In pursuance of its annual custom, tb Passenger department of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has just is sued an attractive and comprehensive book descriptive of tin; leading Winter resorts of the East, and South, and giv ing the rates and various routes and combinations of ro it« HO' travel. L'kc all the publications of tin- Pennsylvania Ita lronil Compniy. this 'Winter Ex cursion Hook" is » in* del of typographi eal and clerical work, ft Is bound in a hand "line and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable infotma tion for Winter tourists nnd travelers in general. It can be had free of charge at, the principal ticket, offices of the rtf the Pennsylvania Railroad Company or w ill be H'til postpaid unoii applies tion to Geo W. Boyd, Assistant Gen* ral I'nssenger Agent, Broad Street Sta tion, Philadelphia Try Johnston's Beef, lion and Wine, for your spring tonlo. DEATHS. BLAIR—In Buffalo twp. Dec lfi. 19»>L John Blair, aged about years. DAVIS - At his residence in Sharpsburg. Dec. ii, 1901. John S. Davis. Supt. of the Davis White Lead Co. in Butler, aged 57 jears. LEVIS-At MarkeltoD. Pa.. Dec. 24. 1001, Henry Mnntz Levis of Zelieao ple, aged orn in Marion twp August 31, l w, w. went to Han Jose, Cnl , in I*7 1 to visit hi * son, and liked that country so well that he sent word b.iclc to hi: j . .vin Newton to sell his farm and he remained there. He was the father of ten sous,namely: Attorney John C of Han Francist-c David, of Hsiita Clara, Co. Cal.: Will iam. of Illinois: .fames II , of Leaven worth, Kan.: Isaiah, of Franklin, I'a : New ton, of Bntler, deceased; Postnms ter Josiah Braden. of Butler: Perry N., of Bradford, Dr. Lysander, v. ho went to Arizona within a year past: nnd At torney Alfrid P., of nSan Franeisco Everyone of them served in the civil war and received wounds in biittle. One daughter, Jennie, died in IN9:i. Obituary. Samuel Galey, an oil operator, wd' known in thi.i eo;itity, died at his home in Pittsbu* /, Dec. 25th. 1901. An iuf.uit son (if W G. Grupcn and wife, formerly of Butler, died at their home in Allegheny, Dec. 24, and was buried in Bntler. James Hanahun, a workman in the Kremis section gang on the B-.merner railroad, died at Mrs. Groan's burding house on E Wayne St. on Monday morning. He came from Greenville Friday and hml been drinking. He was a native of Ireland nnd was about 60 years old. William ParnMlell, Sr., ex-mojor of Titusville, and a pioneer oil producer, died at his home in Titusville, Monday His son. Theodore, continned the hnsi nes . and is probably the laigest individ nal 'jil producer in the world todny. Postmaster Painter of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des cribes a condition which thous- ands of men and women ' find identical Wf7 with theirs. Hp*: Read what he says, and note the similarity ~f ..'■v-lcase. Write to '■%£ ■ r'jtßff**'- him, enclosing ft • ' stain pc d ad - i'£m drc scd envcl- L. D. Palmor. °P C , for rc P'y. and get a per son."! corroboration of what it here given, fie says regarding Dr. j He* v't Cure: I "f : ifirrr I iconizing Jain in the left I brc.i . vri-n my boulders from I hea.-tli .*.. My heart v. .iil'l p«' I tatj. II :lt r. tt-n : kip 1 lit ', until I I 1. I .1 1 r Ji': in I. -I ,\iid,l iifli r ni ill, 1' fl- r, for to)!': down nvi.til l have 'ailiirn dcaili. My 1 > htion • .!• •••: I ho|icle swhcii I I, • ,1 v.; ll' art Cine, 1. it ' I lin from t - fii .t. I airr I tool; Dr. Mil Nrrvln« with the ll' at Cure and ll i-effect wan aston -1 hii I i-arni- tly impfc.rr .similar Buf ferer ■. to i;ivc these rt medic* a trial." Sold by all Druggists on pjaranteo. Dr. Mllco Mndlcol Co., tlkhart, Ind. Patroni7G The New FISH AND POULTRY MARKET .—at - - 113 S MAIN ST . BUTLER, PA. PISH, (iVS'I'KW PODLTR V, BUTTKK. HIiC.S find 1 IIICI'.SH, Stock dlv.ays freih. NOTICB TO i'Ali MIiRS I will pay the highest cash pri • • for Poultry, Hut li 1, I r rrnrt H «* Rn l, o» Pp Stock liobU-rs' Meeting Jail. 14, lDOli. The annual meeting of the stock holders of Tho Butler County National Bank, of Butler, Pa., forth" election of H Board of Dir; ("torn *to nerve for the insuing year will be held tit their banking roorna on the second Tuesday of January. 190.', b- t.ween the hours 0!' thrie nnd four o'clock, p. m. .JNO. O. MCMAKUJJ Cashier. Mcvlm ;III«I California. The Pennsylvania Railroad <.'ompany'H Perw>nall>-Conducted Tour to Mexico and California will leave Pittul urg 011 February 11, visiting St. Louis, San Antonio. MonUiey, Tampico, San Liiix I'otosi, Uiuiijajuato, Irafinato, Onadala .jura, (jaeretaro. City of Mexico, Aguas Calientes. and El Paso At El I'also tourists for California only, who will leave PittubnrgFebruary will join thf party, and the Mexican tourists who do not <-are to go to the f'aoific Coast will return to New Vork The California party will visit BOH Anueles aid the Southern California coast resorts, San Franciso, and on the return trip, the Grand Canon of the Colorado in Arizona Tourists will have fourteen days in Mexico and nine teen days on tin- Pacific Coast, the Cali fornia "tour returning to New York mi March 27, the whole tour covering forty five days. The rate, covering all neces sary expenses during tne entire trip, will be f.a'iO from Pittsburg and >Jsf»?s from points on the Pennsylvania. Kail road east of Pittsburg For Mexico only the rate will b*)£J4s from Pittsburg and ijwaO from points east thereof, and for California only j-!7o from Pittsburg and from points cant thereof The parly will travel over the entire route in a special train' of Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, compartment, dining, smoking and observation cars. California-only tourists will use special cars to EI Paso, and I\Jexico-only pai sengers will use special cars returning from F.l Paso. For detailed itineraries nnd full information address Thos. E. Watt, P. A W. I) Pittsburg, Pa , or or Geo W Boyd. Assistant General Passenger Auent. Philadelphia, Pa. I loridu I nst .>lail» Seaboard Air Line Railway. Florida anil West India Short Line to the Win t< r Resorts of the South. The < inly Line Operating Daily Trains to Florida. The "Florida Fa* t Mail," another of the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splen diilly equip;,ed trains, leaves New York daily at I:.' 10 A. M Mid Stint, Station Pennsylvania Railroad, with Pullman drawing Room Sleeping Car and Bay Coaclus 1 1 Kal'dgh. Son thorn Pines. Coluuibia Savannah. Jacksville, where connect jor s me made for St Tampa and ail I lorida points. This train connects ni New York with train leaving Boston 7:00 P. M Beayea Phi Ilidelphia ."ill A. M Baltimore *'• "i'J A M.. Wsshington In mA. M.. Richmond 210 P. M., arriving Southern Pines (tMr, p M.. Columbia 1:45 A M . Ha vanmili *i:00 A. M Jacksonvillo l» 10 A. M . St. Angu tine II 10 A. M . Tampa h *.lO P M. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeuer New N'orlc to Jacksonville. Through \i ntibnled Pnss»'iiger <'ouches and perfect service. For information call on or write to all Pennsylvania Ilailroad offices, or Sea board Air Bine Railway representatives at, iiOfl Washington St Boston Mass.; I .'OO anil :i7l Broadway, New York; 80 South Third Street, Philadelphia; 207 East German Street, Baltimore; • Mill N'-w York Ave,, Washington, or to It. i; L. Bunch. General"r Agent, Portsmouth Va. To Florida via Washington. The traveler to Florida this winter is alfoiiled a substantial reduction in round trip fines via Washington I' C. from fares heretofore in effect, with anop|K>r tuiiity to stoj» in the Capitol City en route. South of W ishington, I > day stop oveis are grai ted on Florida Tourist tickets, advantage of which may 1 e taken to visit the South Caro linn Interstate nnd West India Kxjiosi t.ion, at Charleston, S (', open Bee Ist to June Ist. For further particulars, inquire of agi. is P. Park Building. Pittsburg, Pa. M C Vv AG NEK ARTIST PHjOTOGBAPHFR I> South Main »tr»«t LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT: DISSOLUTION" NOTICE. " Notice is hereby given that the part nership between Andrew Wall!, Auamns R. Wahl, George Wahl. H. O. Dunkle, Paul Didier, William Brown, F. C. Smith. L D. Savage. T. F. Ryan* William Truby and R. B. Reynolds, under the firm name and style of the Wahlville Ci al Company, Limited, at Evans City. Bntler conntv. Penn'a. was by a vote of a majority in number and value of interest, on the 27th day of December, 11N>1 was dissolved and ceas ed to do business. All debts due to said partnership ate 1 to be paid to and those due from the 1 same ne discharged by Andrew Wahl, at the office recently occupied by said partnership, at Evans City, aforesaid. H O DUXKLE, ANDREW WAHL. WM BKOWN, AUSMCS R. WAHL. F. C. SMITH, GEORGE WAHL, L D. SAVAGE, PAUL DIDIEK, T F. RYAN, WM. TBUBY. Dec. 27, 1901. R. B. REYNOLDS. Notice to Stockholders. | The annual meeting of the Worth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of Butler Co., Pa., will be held in the school house at West Liberty, on the 2nd Saturday of Jan uary. 1902, being the 11th day, at 10 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. JAMES HUMPHREYS. Pres., Jacksville S. J. TAYLOR, Sec., West Liberty. Notice of Application for Amend ment of Charter. k Notice is hereby given that Lewis Bolton. Jno. A. Aikin, Fred. J. Doerr, J. E. Bard and T. M. Rhodes, trustees and members of the First Presbyterian church of Centreville. in the County of Butler. Pa., have made application to the Common Pleas Court of said county to have the charter of said congregation amended, changing the corporate name of said congregation to "Slipperyrock Presbyterian Church" ami that a hear ing thereon has been fixed in said court, for Saturday, the 11th day of January, A. D. 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m J. M. GALHRKATII, Attorney for Petitioners. EXECUTOR'S" NOTICE. Betters testamentary on the estate of Moses A. Hendrickson, dee'd , late of Cranberry twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, aii persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment and those having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to DAVID M. HEXDTUCKSON, Ex'r., Ogle P. 0., Butler Co,, I'a. W. H. LI SK, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah A. StanclifT, dee'd., late of Callery, Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselvei indebted to said estate will please r.ake immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated to JOHN L. GODARI>, Ex'r., Callery, Pa. A. M. CURISTLKY, Attorney., EXECUTORS NOTICE. In re estate of John Day, dee'd., late of Clay t«vp., Butler Co., Pa. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on above estate all persons having claims will pre sent them duly proved for payment and ell persons indebted tcr said estate will make immediate payment to PKTKK R. DAY, Executor, West Sunbury, Pa. W. C. FINDLKY, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Betters of administration on the estate of Robt. F. Glenn, dee'd., late of Brady twp,Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing theinsclf indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to S. C. GI.KNN, Adm'r., West Liberty, Pa. C. WALK.HR, Att'y. ADIMTNISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob Iltitzly, dee'd., late of Forward twp, Butler Co, I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all person# knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, nnd any having claims ngainst said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to C. R. IlirrzLY. l A( i m . r „ HERMAN HUTZLY, ( A,LM RH " Reibold, Pa. J. B. HKNNINC.HK, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Beiters of administration on the estate of James B. Fultan, dee'd., late of Middlesex township, Butler county. Pa., haying lieen granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said cstrite will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estata will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN T. FCI.TON. Adm'r., Glade Mill*, Butler Co., Pa. JAMKS B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE 01' MARY J., DKCKASKD. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in the estate of Mrs. Mary j. Royle, deceased, late of the Borough of Butler, Ilutler county, Pa , have been gianted 10 Samuel M. Sea ton, resident of said b rough to whom all persons in debted to faid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate are iie quested to make known tie nine wth eut delay. SAMIJKI. M. SKATON, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. III.ACK IT STKWAKT, Att'ys. r 1 . roccWe uprriut wtlcfit without clinri(«. In tho Scientific American. A hanilsomnlr lltii«trnlP'l wri'lily. l.nrfint rlr miiuMoti of mijr nHotitlfln Joiirnnl. 1 wm«, l-l » your four rviorifliH, fl. HolU by all tiuwpUoAlor*. MUNN & Co. 30 """"'-" New York lirwich OHIRN. i.i\ I' St.. Wmihliii'toii. 0.1.'. ' ! i hy All Newsdealers ■' V •''•"'j ' : . » NIL Uxrrn ( i H I;J? i . ,t - .9 r ,r v ic« » r .rnpo . ... I I 1.1 . :» l Of"' *Of V Jar ( • . • ! . i ■ • : ~no iT" «• « r .«. il , | j pf.O(S • •"i i I'l • ntitrti' ®r*i «»f 4 < r y v ■ . rn. vsv '.vi'f •ml > i * f i .'/ID. /r#p. ' *. PBPPi?*, PublUl»«r SUBSCRIPTION For the J. W. I'i pper Piano Music Mag azine, j•> ice OIIL- Dollar per year ( po-.ta>ots, first quility, go at 2 4 1 Hoys' good first quality gum boots, rough lip on toj, go at I 51 Women's gum boots, first quility, go at I oo GREAT BARGAINS IN EVERYTHfNG IN LINE OF FOOTWEAR AT * C. E. MILLER'S * risSiri W IP'e ring the lulls and we L * raise I he strain, . V MEN'S We hang up the garlands . I < Wool Boots and Over», $1 78 everywhere . V //»«-;«,/ ; M Weather proof Shoes. *2 r Slippers, 50c to 75c "'<} S° %■ Warm Felt Slippers. IMic Back to the same old Itves i W Rubber Hoots. I- '25 a rain ► i! BOYS' , W Rubber Boots. $1 75 fi Wool Boots and Rubbers' *1 75 ► L Good School Shoes, fl to ifcJ hut bifott you S Fancy Slippers, 50c do go bach M LITTLE BOYS' to the same W2 £ Fine Dresa Shoe*, fl 25 "Old Story," W. Good School Shoes. 11 to ♦I 50 ~ \ L< Warm Slippers. 40c to 50c tnaAt alt W % Rablier Boots, *1 00 to *1 25 your friends Glad. i 7A WOMEN'S This list is a \ kl Fine Kid Shoes. $1 00 to $2 00 Moncy-SltJ'i UP ( I] Splendid School Shoes. $1 00 . f ' Dancing SHpjiers, |IOO r ' " ► Rubbers, 85c { Wool Boots Rnbbers, f I 2o t^ [ J 50 Special inducements to ' M gJMSS SRV M < f M Warm Lined Slippers, 50c tuteweek. Our styles arc f kl f" r F w !t snappy up-to-date' and we { Warm Leather Foxed Bals, *1 • J.. .■ ~ ; LifXLE GIRLS' fit your feet perfatly. \ Fine I)r» ss Shoes. 75c to 25 k I y A (loud School Shoes. 75e t»> #1 'MI - . a m Fancy Warm J*li|.|*w. i!sc to 50c 1111 Op.lf An ' O WA Al High Warm Leggine, 50c to «0c nUjLIIUII W 7A BABIES' 7 lj kl o ''' Shoes, 25c llullrr'n» Opposite WA K*tra line ones, •Hie Ht|on u ( , llK0 . Motel I^>wry. Patent leather Shoes, Wk- ml Greek-American Frflit and Confectionery Co JAMES NICKLES, Manager. Fill up the Stocking With Chocolate candies. Ihc . , children will like cm you < won't have any regrets, because these candies arc pure and whole- ji' !, y some. There's no better made, JLtiv \ /' /'•• and we've put the prices as low as iff*. •* ' ' pure goods can be sold fur. We've ' '.."H ' every kind. If you can't decide what kind to buy, try our mixed : >%Wfi candies. They're 20 .cents a pound, elsewhere 3 ot f° r *-' , c same mixed. Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City. SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA Subscribe for the CITIZEN