Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 19, 1901, Image 4

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Men and women of taste and judgment
go into ecstacies over the wonderful pat
terns, textures and colors which are " the
fruit of the loom." But there is one
fruit of the loom
they rarely eon
aider, and that is \y
the frail and faded jjßSmk
woman,old before fii
conditions, which I' \ V "Ti.
|end her more
The disease*
which weaken and f\ Hjjft
torment women, BtY
may In almost all UH vWa&y
cases be cured by
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It
establishes regu-
larity, dries weak
ening drains, heals
inflammation and fflilMHlffiil
ulceration, an d fIB&<HE9BNp
Cures female weak
"l had female trouble for eight years," write*
Mrs. L. J. I>fnni», of tit Hast College Street,
Jack*onvjlle, Ill». "Wards cannot express what
t suffered. / sought relief among the medical
ttofession and found none. Friends urged n*e to
try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I
commenced taking this medicine I weighed
ninety-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred
and fifty-six pounds—more than I ever weighed
before. I was so bad I would He from day to
day and long for death to come and relieve my
■aserior. I bad Internal inflammation, a dis
agreeable drain, brearlng-down pain, and such
distress every month, but now f never have a
£»in— do all my own work and am a strong and
ealthy woman."
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with " Favorite Prescription " when
ever a laxative ia required.
A.A.J FEVERS, Congestions. Inflamma
cckes (tions. Lung Fever. Milk Fever.
B. n. (SPRAISH. Lameness. Injuries.
cures ! Rheumatism.
f. ('. jfiORK THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootie.
cuces S Übtemper,
WORMS. Rots. Grub*.
E. E. (COUGHS, Colds. Influenza. Inflamed
cches i Lung*. Pleuro-Pneumonla.
F. F. ? COLIC, Brllyarhr, Wind-Blown.
crass) Diarrhea. Dysentery.
I. I. > SKI\ DISEASES. Mange. Eruptions.
cures J I'leers. Grease, Farcy.
J. K. BAR CO\DITIO.\. Staring Coat,
ana) Indigestion. Stomach Staggers.
COa. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, As., $7.
.it druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John
Bts.. New York. VgrERiatAMV Mantax. BEST Page.
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only
buccesaful remedy.
$1 per rial,or special package with powder,for $5
SoM by Drarglsu, or seat port p*ld on receipt of price.
niariiKErs'«D. to., tor. wiuua a Jokn su., *•« iwk
Experience Convinces.
Prove its value by investing 10 cents in
trial size of Ely's Cream Balm. Druggists
supply it and we mail it. Full size 50 cents.
ELY BEOS., 66 Warren St., New York.
Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 1899.
Messrs. Ely Bros. -.—Please send me a 50
cent bottle of Cream Balm. I find your
remedy the quickest and most permanent
cure for catarrh and cold in the bead.
DkllM. Pottjsb, Gen.Mgr. Ariz. Gold M.Co.
Messrs. Eli Bbos. I have been afflicted
with catarrh for twenty years. It made me
. so weak I thought I had consumption. I
got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in
three days the discharge stopped. It is the
best medicine I have used for catarrh.
Proberta, Cal. Fba>k E. Ketolxspibi:.
dm.- ::
■ nm ■ifrri
Get Ready
for the chilly days and even
ings that are coming.
Be Ready
with a Top COAT when the
weather demands it.
We're Ready
to show you tte very swell
est Overcoatings—all new at
the most favorable figures.
Come in soon.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Merrill Pianos
We have two pianos
that have been used
at c< ncerts we will
sell at a great bargain.
For Xmas presents
in musical goods
see us.
6. Otto Davis,
Armory Building.
1)9 Sn-.th MMnJttreei.
Th* Glrln of Limerick.
If asked. "Win re are the prettiest
■ girls in the world ?" I will immediately
reply, "In Limerick, Ireland." There
are a freshness of face, lustrousness of
eyes, healtlifulness of color and com
plexion about the Limerick girls en
I masse that carry off the sweepstakes
trophy. The girls of Cork and of th«
lakes—in fact, of the country all the
way down from DubHu—are somewhat
of the Limerick order. In form they
constitute a happy medium between
the rotund English maids across one
channel and the sylphlike Parisian
demoiselles beyond the other.
But the Limerick face is the perfec
tion of female beauty, a human ceram
ic without a blemish. The Limerick
girl is also the highest example of ex
quisite wit and ingenuousness, an ex
traordinary assimilation, to be sure.
In other words, while she is not insen
sible of her sparkle of wordg, she
seems like one who has never looked
frequently Into a mirror. She has
regular and sometimes very pretty
teeth, and, if her nose is often inclined
to retrousse and there is an "Irish ex
pression of mouth," these but add
piquancy to her other beautiful fea
The Loit Forty.
There Is a tract of land In Tazewell
county, 111., lying along the Mackinaw
river, which consists of a continuous
series of abrupt and deep ravines. Not
a foot of the tract could be cultivated.
The ridges are full of fox dens, wolves
are occasionally found, and turkey buz
zards hover over it in large flocks.
Even people familiar with the territory
have been lost In the dense forest. Ex
cept for a few giant oaks the wood
has no commercial value.
The tract is known as the "Lost
Forty" because no one knows who
owns it. For years It has been used
for trading purposes, and many un
wary persons from a distance have ad
vanced money upon it and taken mort
gages In various sums, only to receive
a questionable title to a worthless
piece of land. On the Tazewell county
taxbooks the "Forty" appears with
"owner unknown." The land is water
ed by Innumerable springs and the
Mackinaw river, which winds its way
Dees' Venom For Rheumatism.
Dr. Terc, a medical man of much re
pute in Vienna, advocates as an effec
tive remedy for rheumatism the satu
rating of the patient's body with the
venor.j of bees. For the purpose he ex
tracts the venom, treasuring It up in
quantity and applying it artificially in
the way of punctures. He founds this
treatment on his discovery that rheu
matic patients do not suffer from a
bee's stlns to anything like the same
degree as other people. lie found that
the tumefaction or swelling that fol
lows the stinging of a bee does not ap
pear In the rheumatic patient unless
he has been stung several times, while
In some cases the stinging Is hardly
felt. When the patient suffers himself
to be stung repeatedly, his immunity
against the poison of the bee becomes
complete, and he feels no pain whatso
ever. What Is more, he gets cured of
his rheumatism.—London Gioue.
The Joke on Ben.
Two men, Tom and Ben, worked side
by side for thirty years In a grocery
store, where there were a great many
unreasonable people to satisfy. Both
had grown old, and finally one night
Tom became violently ill. A doctor was
called, who, after his arrival, told Tom
that he could not recover.
Tom thought about it for awhile and
then said: "Won't It be a great Joke on
Ben! I won't have to go to work to
morrow, but Ben will have to turn out,
as usual, and hear the same old unrea
sonable complaints."—Atchison Globe.
Getting Around It.
Local—l am writing a short notice
about the appointment of our towns
man Lakwit to the position of town
auditor. I really can't say that lie has
any fitness for (he place, and yet on
personal grounds I prefer.to associate
his name with the appointment in some
complimentary way.
Editor In Chief—Why can't you speak
of him as a man of rare good Judg
ment? lam sure there Is no one of our
acquaintance In whom good judgment
Is BO rare.—Richmond Dispatch.
It Got There Jnat the Saiue.
Mabel—Such a joke on Mr. Gayboy!
We were out oil the balcony between
the dances, and he got the sleeve of his
dress coat all over red paint from one
of the posts that were Just painted.
Maud—And did you go near the post?
Mabel-No. Why?
Maud—Because you have red paiui
all over the back of your waist.—Har
lem Life.
The S mall Flo>'» Anpiration.
Grandma Now, Willie, what are
they going to do with you when you
frow up? What Is your ambition?
Little Willie (putting down his "Dead
wood Dick")—l'd like to have people
tremble like aspen leaves at the very
mention of my name.—Boston Chris
tian Register.
A Cheap Toothhrmh.
One of the most curious plant* In the
world Is the toothbrush plant, a spe
cies of creeper which grows In Jamai
ca. By cutting a piece of the stem and
fraying the ends the natives make a
Nature is the good fairy, human na
ture the bad. Nature made the world
for all; human nature has made It for
the few.—London Truth.
The rearing of worms and manufac
ture of silk were completely broken up
in America by the revolution.
Little white lies frequently used soon
Become big black ones.—Chicago News.
Christmas Presents
are now in order. Our assortment of
Watches, Rings. Diamonds, Novelties in
Gold and Silver, suitable for presents, is
now complete; also Violins, the Cele
brated Washburn Mandolins and Guitarsl
Victor, Edison and Columbia Talking
Machines, Kastm in, Po-o and Ray
Cameras and Photo Supplies. Articles
selected now can be laid aside for future
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House
WANTKD— Honest man or woman totrave
for large house, salary 186 monthly and
exp> n.ws, with Increase; position pcrman
ent :inclo«e s»-lf-aildrt;*:>ea stamped envelot*
u AMAOift, no auioi bia«„.ofiwwo.
1 205|
Want everybody to know of the B
extensive preparation we have B
made for Christmas business!
This will be a year of good giv- B
ing. and in anticipation thereof B
we have provided liberally of B
good things.
[Furs and Coats on second |
8 floor—Doll and Toys in :
Basement. — Main floor lJ
devoted to the Largest 1
Collection of Useful and j
Ornamental Gifts Ever Lj
Displayed in our Town.
i Dolls and Toys j
*.j In new Basement Department. f;
I DOLLS dressed and un- H
dressed, 10c to $7 50.
f Washable Dolls, Wool Dolls.
Dolls that talk and sleep.
Mechanical Toys.
An interesting collection.
Jumping Animals, Flj ing Horses, H
Fiddlers, Balky Mule. Antonio- !'
biles, Railroads. Engines, &c.
GAMES of all kinds—Building ;
Blocks, Nested Blocks, Ten Pins, r:
Picture Blocks. Game Boards, f
Iron Toys of all kinds. Hobby
Horses, and hundreds of others to l-j
delight the little folks.
Devoted to useful as well as •
ornamental —Linens, Handker [■<
chiefs, Gloves. Umbrellas. Men' )
Smoking Jackets, Bath Rot its.
" Sterling aud Ebony Ware Truly a j
\ Christmas i
j Alt. M. Relber
j & Bro., |
3 Butler, - Pa. |
3 You can shop by 'phone or mail [i
u with us.
People's and Telephones.
in i m 11 '-^firr—nr
In the photograph line can be seen
at the Findley Studio. The Artist
Proof photogtaph on exhibition
now, they are winners and pi a-c
all who want an arlistis pictuie
Stop in and see them.
Novelties for Ho'iday trade
now ready. Broaches and buttons
of all descriptions. Copying and
Telephone 2^6
• O. HM'e, Pi.tier.
Branches—Mars and Evar.s City.
/ J every
\ of
> -C . this
(V r r advertis-
at our store for a
Free Sample
Mermen's Talcum
Tlie best powder for the toilet, for the
baby and for chaped and roughened
We carry a full line of household
drugs and toilet articles. You will find
our prices lower than most.
Try us with your next prescription.
Reed's Pharmacy
Cor. Main sr.d Jcfferfon Sts.. Butler, Pa
F|p:; •■raag; •r! rJw ri7?Br"" " r ■' :
llHaflam ,;: H ; ,r.Deans|
H A safe, certain ri-llef for Supprrtsrd B
M MnjKtrim! ion. Nfver known to fall. Hufc! H
■ Hurr! Hpooily! SHllnfiK l ion <iiianint<;ed B
i J or money Hcfnnded. sunt |>roj>!il<l for B
H SI.WI per Fx:,-.. Will send tlii inun irlnl, U> I
\Ti lie paid for when relieved. Hnmpics Kree. P
Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave.
lOne Pictured
framtd here will prove to youW
how well and une*;>ensively
can do the work, we offerJß j
special values in ak
made to order, or from onrJfl)
stock of those already made up.
The variety and beauty >fof
the mouldings give every op-oj
portunity for a pie sing
tion;abo full lice sheet 1
Reduced Prices. 5
Patterson Bro's |
Wick Buildinr.
336 N. Main St. Ufc
f'hone. 400. JO
Surprising Shoe
Values at Miller's.
So many of them here that it would be almost impossible to
mention, all, so we will let a few of them
Speak for the Rest.
Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, pegged, with buckle 9SC
Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, lace 9^c
Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, box toe Si 35
Men's good solid kid boots, double sole and tap 1 5°
Boys' good solid working shoes, tap sole 9 oc
Women's calfskin shoes, heel, bntton or lace 75 c
Women's calfskin shoes, springheil 75c
Women's felt shoes, leather foxed 75 c
Girls' calfskin school shoes 75C
Best line of boys' and youth's high top, copper toed shoes in
Do not fail to See our immense Stock
We can save you big rtoney on anything ia tl 1" lias of felts and rubbers an 1 a !
the same time give you the best rubber made a d the largest variety in Butle
courts to select from We carry the celebrated i'hist'e Brand, the kind with
ROI'OH TIP ON TOE, and buy them in whol <le lots rii<ht fr »■« the fief »ry, thereby
saving the profit of the wholesale or middle man This is why we c.t -io!l rubVrs
and foils cheaper than others can buy th-wi fr > a >vho eT-ile -nen ail 1 at the same
time you get goods right fresli frrrai factory. C<ii <u i -see goods aad prices, as ve
want to prove to you we have just what we . H-.-ri' e
See our Line of Men's Felt LineiJ Shoos for Co'd Feet.
Always a large line and great Variety of Styles in
the following well known makes of shoes:
Walkover, W. L. Douglass and Buiitweli.
Our lit«e of men's fine shoes has never so co:np!etv; ma le in all the new
leathers and made over the very latest :itid pr tttest 11; vv 1 s's and so d .-1 tse fol
lowing low prices—9SC, }i 25, 1 50, 2 00, 2 25, 2 50 3 co, j 50 and 4 00.
3»e Our line of Sens' tiigb cut shots for Drill- rs sod To! Dr-sstrs.
A Word About Ladies' Fine Shoes.
Wlien you compare our line of ladies fin.; sh i S with shoes iroiu other stores
you wi'l lie astonished at the difference, .-spt i-tlly it the way .v . xcel in variety
and beauty of stvles The workmanship on II <ur go ds. even t'te lowest priced
ones, is perfect in every detail and the p> u*- < «ive yon 111 op- o-tunity to s-t e
money. Impossible elsewhere. They coin: in aii the n- v ! '.hers; button or lace;
patent leather ot don go! a tip, ia l:ght medium or h-iv ■- >• • ill stz < and widths
at 98;, $1 25, I 5". 2 00, 2 25, 2 50, 3 00 an i 3 5 ■
See Our l ine of Lrdies' Warm Shots ard Slirpers.
Always a large line ari l end:e's vi nety ui b :»»•:*. v> t .ln' .* it Ire i's, ! t :
gluts' and intents' shoes to tiunt'-rous to . nn tniou. th-rui . t
C. E. miller
Xmas Presents!
Below is a list of articles which will Ire of br-lp to yon in 111 iking a selection
for a Christmas Present I have a nice line of »3ch.
Diamond Brooches
Di.-tu.ond Ear Drops
Diamond Scarf Pins
Diamond Cuff Buttons
Secret Lockets
Rings, ladies' or gents'
Watches, ladies' or gents'
Watch Fobs
Brooches (solid gold or gold filled)
Cnffs Pins
Hat Pins
Emblem Pius or Charms
Bracelets (gold or silver)
Bracelet Hearts (gold or silver)
Cnff Buttons
Collar Buttons
Gents' Shirt Studs
Gents' Gold-head Canes
Gents' or Ladies' Umbrellas
Detachable Handles (gold or silver)
Fountain Ptns (plain or gold in'ted)
Gold Tooth Picks
Ladies' Pocket Books
Chain Purses and Bags
Manicure Pieces
Pearl Paper Cutters
Silvnr Call Bells
Whisk Brooms
Clothes Brushes (silver or elwnv)
Goods purchased mow I can hold for yon until wanted All dealings are
strictly confidential and PRICES LOW
Carl H. Leighner,
209 South Main Street. Bntler, Pa. JEWELER and OPTICIAN.
F : ' v - : m
.... • . -■
f • ' -rf ">:j '
| i y*
|JI#• ~ y C%^
Pick out your
for the men.
We have a big assoitment of
Shirts Neckwear, Hosiery, Um
brellas, Underwear, Gloves, Fine
Suspenders \ight-Robes, Collars
a"d ("ufl- and Full Dress Pro
We carry the largest stock of
Men's Fuj ishings in the city and
have everything that is new.
Prices are very reasonable.
Wc sell the Ki.ox hat.
Jno. S. Wick.
Opposite P. 0.
Funeral Director.
45 S. Main St. Butler PA.
Hat and tOat Markers
Gents' Traveling ' 'uses
Military Brushes
Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets
Shaving Sets
Silver Tea Sets
Solid Silver Knives. Forks, Spoons
Pearl-handled Knives and Forks
Silver-plated Knives, Forks, Spoons
Child's Knife. Fork and Spoon Sets
Napkin Rings
Silver Cups and Sancers
Silver and Gold Match Boxes
Carving Sets
Cut Glass
China (hand-painted Haviland and
El ite)
Chafing Dishes
Salts and Pejjpers, cut glass or silver
Bon-bon Dishes
Fruit Dishes
Cake Baskets
Crumb Sets
Bread Trays
Baking Dishes
Jewel Boxes
Smoking Sets
Alarm Clocks
Candlebrass and Shades
Cuckoo, Gold-plated and China Clocks
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Bronze and Terra Cotta Statues
Gold-plated Vases
Etlison Phonographs, Records. Etc
Fall term begins, f, • Sept. 2, icoi
I —Practical Book-keepers. 2-- fixpert
Accountants. 3 —Aiu:itiuen.sis Shorthand,
4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical
Short Comse in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping books, 6
Our Teachers—We have four at present
always as many as we need, no more.
i'OSI riONS.
We filled 5* position last term and ex
pect to fill twice that many this term.
We could place two or three times that
many every term if we had them. We
need an abundance of first class material.
All young men and young women having
a good English education should take
advantage of one or both of our courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for this year. Call at the office
and see us. It you art interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
319-327 S. Wain St.. Butler. Pa.
Special Notice.
"Bicycles at cost' to close them
out, come early and get a bargain.
Ail kinds of repair work, given
proinpt attention at
Geo. W. Mardorf's
Bicycle Store «tnd Repair Shop,
109 W. Cunningham St-
I Gives t» bread-winning cdttra- bril
tl'Hi, fitting yotinif men foractual ■
duties of lire. For circulars, ad- I
drra* P. DUFF & SONS. ■
Cure?! DninTcenness.
%U1 ».«nr.>l..,
! Trains leave Bntler for Allegheny,
I local time, at 6:20, M :05, 9:20. and 11:05
' a. m. and 4:00, and 5:53, p. in The 9:20
and 11 :'2O a. m. trains make the run in
1 honr and 20 minutes and the 4:00 train
in an hour and a half. The 8:05 a. m
4:00 and 5:53 p. in. trains connect at
Gallery for points West, and the 1:40 as
far we«t as Elhvood.
Trains leave Butler for Bradford at
9:30 a.m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p.m.
Trains arrive in Butler from Alle
gheny 9:03, 9:17 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45,
4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 pm: and from the
North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m.
The Theatre train, Tuesdays. Thnrs
days and Satnrdays leaves Allegheny at
li :30 p. 111.
On Sundays trains leave Butlw for
Allegheny at 8:05 ain and 5:58 p.m.,
and for the west at 4:00 p m.: and ar
rive at 9:17 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p.m.
1) Time table in effect Nov. 17, 1901.
One hour slower than town time.
nruthwunl. Daily escept Sunday. Southward
Bead up) (Read dowu)
2 10 14 STATIONS! 1 9 11
1 >1 P.M P.M.i . a.m. A.M. P. M
6 10 1 02 Erie 5 55 12 13
5 ftl 12 40'Fairview 1 6 18 12 So
5 31 12 24 Girard ' 6 30-12 48
5 -IS 1 53 ar. .Conneaat .. .ar 8 22 1 53
4 :J2 11 05 lv.. Conueaut.. .It 6 20 11 05
5 13 12 05 Cranesville 650 1 05
:> 10 12 00 Al> ion 0 55 1 10
456 11 47 Springboro 7 1«» 1 25
4 5011 41 Conneautville 7 lf» 1 31
4 3♦ 11 2" Mead rill* Jnuct.. 7 35 1 52
5 2"* 11 58,ar.. Meadville.. ar 8 12 2 30
:j 42 I<> 37 IT. MeadviUe. .iv 6 20 1 1"
5 03 11 30 ar..Con. Lake..ar 7 4.") 2 02
4 10 11 05 IT.. Con. Lake.. lT 6 47 1 37
4 32 ar..LinesviUe ..ar
IT •« lv 7 20
* 14 11 06 Hartatown I 1 7 49 2 07
1 Qs 11 01 Adarasville I 7 55 2 1*
3 58 10 52 Osgood : f8 05 f 2 22
6 10 3 52 10 45 Greenville i 6 fOI 8 13 2 30
«. <H» 3 4<i 10 4<> Sheuango | 6 t»ti 8 2U 2 37
544 3Z) 10 2»» Fredonia <5 2'ifß 35 255
5 2.» 0s 10 »<] Merrer R 40 8 47 3 13
5 24 3 03 10 01 Houston Junction t> 45' 8 52 3 18
5 07, 2 47 9 43 Grove < itv 7 05 9 10 3 37
4 54 2 37 9 32 Ilarri*ville ... 7 15 f3 48
4 47 2 31 9 25 Branchton 7 231 9 25 3 55
5 ;») I<> 10 ar.. .Milliard... ar 10 10 5 30
2 ;#I 6 1«> lv. ..llilliurtl. .IT 6 IN '1 30
4 43 ■: 2S » 17 Kelhtrr .• 7 27, 3 58
4 2s J 1.) « 01 Kncli.l 7 4:t' 4 i.
110 1 50j 8 3" Butler 8 1' 10 0" 4 4^
'2 12 l"i 7 Oil Allegheny 9 45 11 h
I'm n lll t in. a m prn
Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.25 a. in..
Mercer 5:48. Greenville 6:32. Conneautville
7:3-, Albion 7-49. arrives at Erie 8:47 a. m.
Train 13, leavinp Erie 4:15 p. ni. Albion
5:25, Conneautville ";;46. Greerville G;4O.
M*»r »-r 7:21 arrives at Grove City at 7:43 pm.
W. It TURNER. Geu. Pass. Agt,
Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. • Pittsburg. Pa
-1) BURG RY., Time table in effect
Nov. 3, 1901.
EAHTKKS TIMK. *22 j" »6~+B~"+H
I'ittxhurit 1 leave a.ni a.ni i".nip.in 1 ji.m
Allegheny / P. A" W. Sta i 9 OOi 4 10 10 00
Butler 7 30 10 12 5 21 11 22
Keneltam 7 59 5 45 11 47
Craigiiville ... 813 a 55511 57
Cowanaville, 8 2»i I 6 05,
Monteomeryvill® 8 33 t» 10
West Mosgrove 8 45 tj 2(1
Echo 929 a ! 039
DayUm 9 :X\ a 6 50 12 40
North Point 9 5t5 7 o*>|
Hamilton 10 Ofl 7 13
Valier 10 12 7 18
l'an*BUtawuey ar lit 30 12 OS 7 30, 1 20
lv a.m 12 10 1 45 7 30 1 22
Big Hon 200 7 43 1 35
OnrweriHVille ar 4 +1 17|4 17
t'lonrfleld ar a.m *4 32 4 3*^
tin Boii* +1) 03 12 50'2 30 8 15 2 05
Falls Creek 6 09 12 57 2 47 p.m 2 12
Brockwayvilie 6 26 1 10 3 05 2 28
KidKwav 7 00 1 12 3 43 3 06
Jolinaunburg 7 14 I 51 4 IIS 3 19
Mt. Jewstt 8 06 2 45:5 Oti 4 14
Bradford ar 8 55 3 3<JtSO>> { 5 00
Buffalo «r 11 50 6 301 , 7 15
Bocbeoter ar I 7 50 p.m I 8 45
> a.m I p.m I i a.m
Additional train leaves Punxuutaway for Dußois,
Fallat?reek,CurwonMville and Clearfield at 5:15 a. m.
Dlfly t xi -i't Sunday.
EASTERN TIME j +l3 |+9 i*3 its| <7
lea Tea.m a.ma.m p.m p.m
Rochester *7 45 9 00
Buffalo lv *9 00 3 15:10 15
Bradford lv 7 45 12 lO'f, 15 12 45
Mt. Jewett 8 42 12 55 7 12 1 32
Johunontiurg 9 27 1 42 8 00 2 21
KM|C»ay 9 55 1 50 8 15 2 37
Brockwayville 10 3d 2 30 8 52 3 11
Fall. Creek a.m 10 49 2 47 9 09 3 25
Dußob 6 40 11 00 1 2 55 9 15; 3 34
Clearfield lv 11+38 p.m'
CurweusTille lv 11+49 ;
Bik Run 7 13111 31 j +2l '4 03
PunxHUtawnov ar 7 28 11 45 , 3 33 p.m 4 18
lv 730 a.m 3354 35 420
Valier 7 41 4 50
Hamilton 7 46 4 56
North Point 7 53' 1 5 06
I>ayton 811 a 5 2D! 450
Echo 8 221 a ; 5 45
West MoHgrove h 45 0 20
Montgomeryville 8 54 ♦> 32
CowaiiKville 8 59' i 6 39i
CralgHville 909 a 652 540
Fenelton 9 20. [ 7 07
Butler 9 47 ft 34 7 35 6 15
Allegheny IP.h V. Sta 11 «>0 |6 45 1 7 30
Pitmhurg / arrive a.m ip.m. i
Additional train leaves Clearfield at 7.18 p. m, Fa 11M
Creek at 9:09, Dußois9:ls, arriving at PunißiiUwiiey
at 10:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday.
* Daily, f Daily except Sunday,
a—Train 3 will stop at Dayton. Echo and
Grains VlllH to let off pssse timers from
Bradford and points north of Bradford and
on slvrnal to take on passeneers for Allegheny
or piilnts rfest on the I*. & W. Ky.
Train 6 will slop at Cralgsville. Echo and
> Dayton to let off passengers from Allegheny
and on signal to take on passengers for
Bradford and points north of Bradford.
Trains3and 8 are veftibuled with liand
j some day coaches, and reclining chair cars
I also cafe car dully, except Sunday.
Trains 2 and 7 have Cullman Sleepers be
' tween Buffalo and Pittsburg and Bocbester
I and Pittsburg.
EuwAkn C. LAPEY.
fi>en'l Pass. Agent
Rochester N. Y.
|A. M A.M. A.M. P. M.jP. M
BCTLKH Leave 6 2ft 8 00 10 60 2 35 4 .'{s
.Hiixouliurg Arrive ft 4 8 29 11 15 3 IX) 5 03
Butlor Junction.. 44 7 27 d 53 11 40, 8 2ft' ft 29
Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 31 863 11 62 3 2ft; 6 29
Natrona Arrive 7 40 9 01 12 01 3 34j 5 39
Tareuitum 7 44 i 9 07 12 08 3 42 5 44
Bl»ringtlale 7 62 9 16 12 19 3 62 © 52
Claremout 1 9 30 12 88 4 J6 6 06
Sharpsburg 8 11 9 30.12 48 4 12i 6 12
Allegheny 8 24 8 48 1 02 4 25 6 24
A. M. A.M.|P. M.jP. M.JP. M.
SUNDAY TKAINS.—Leave Butler for Allfghen>
City and principal intermediate •tationa at 7:30 a. m.,
and 6:00 p. m.
A.M. A.M. A. M. P. 31.; P. M
Allegheny City .leave G45 8 4ft 1(1 4ft. 310 610
Shari«burg 65785710 57 j r3 r6 22
Ciar< mont i .., ....'ll 04!
Springdale ( .... ....ill 18 639
Tarentuiu j 7 Z~>\ 9 24 11 28 3 4« 6 48
Natrona. 7 :so. 9 28 11 34 3 fr) 6 ft 3
Butler Junction...arrive 73i 937 11 43 3 f>s 702
Butler J auction loave 7 4- r >: 940 12 lh; 4 12 702
Saxoutturg ' 8 14,10 07 12 41 4 44 7 27
BUTLKB. arrive) 8 38 10 32 1 10 6 13 7 ft 3
|A.M.|A.M.|P. M.jP. id. P. M
SI'NDAY TRAINS.— Leavo Allegheny City for But
ler and principal intermediate Mtations at 7:10 a m. and
!>*3o p. m.
Week* Dayn. SnndAYR
A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. P M
BUTLER IT 62510 60 235 730 600
Butler J'ct ar 7
Butler J'ct lv 737 11 4.1 358 821 811
Fee port ar 741 11 40 403 825 814
Kukiminetafl J't " 747 U 60 4OH 829 8 19
Loechburg " 80012 02 42» 841 832
Paulton (Ap0110)...." 82112 22 142 H
Saltaburg " 8 6112 49 ft 10, 'J 2.1 91G
Blairsville „ 92 5 120 5 43! 9 62, 9 4ft
Blaimville Int " 9 :i0 133 662 10 00
Altooua " 1135 I 850 1 50;. ..
Harriabnrg 41 .1 10 ....I 100 | 6 4ft
Philadelphia " «23 ... ' 4 26! ,10 17
P. M. A. M.j A. M.|| P M.jP. M
Through traiua for tho ohm' loaTe PitU*burg (Union
Statiou), aa folloas:
Atlantic Kxprem, daily 3:00 A.M
Peuntylvania Limited " 7:lft "
Day KxprtkM, M 7:30 "
Main Line Express, ** 8:00 44
flarriHhurg Mail, " 12:46 r.m
Harrbil'Urg Express daily 4:49 "
Philalelpliia ExpreHs, ... 4:50"
Mail and Exprotw daily For New York only.
Through buffet sleeper; uo coaches 7:00"
KmH m KEfi 8• . '' ... 7:10 "
Fast Line, 4 U 00 "
Pittsburg Limited, daily, for New York, ilalti
m >re and Waahlngtrin only 10:00 "
l hilad .» Mail, on*y 8:40 A.*
Fflr Atlantic «'ity (via Delaware River Bridge, ull
•-MII route) 8:00 a.m. daily nnd 9:00 p.m. «laily.
Buffalo ana Allegheny Valley Division
Train* b*avu Kisklminetas Jun *tl«»u an follows:
For Kullalo, a. m. and UJi5 p. m. daily, with
through |«arlor and ideeping cars.
For oil City, 7.40, 9.ft6 a. in., 2.38, G.lft and 11.35 p.
m. week-«la>n. U.ftG a. m., G.l. r > and 11.^15p.m.
For Bed Bank, 7.46, 9.66, 11.17 a. in., 2 «i.15, 9.34,
aud 11.36 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.66, 10 49 a. m.,
G.l r » and U. 50 p. m
For Kittanniug, 7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m.,
6.lft, 7.34, 9.34, aud 11.35 p. ui. week-days. Suudays,
0.56,10.49 » m., 6.lft, 10.45, and 11.35 p. m.
"r" stops on nigual to take on pas*engors for Taren
tumand (Nduts beyond.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
addrttta Thos. E. Watt, i'au. Agt. Western i'utrit t,
Comer Fifth Avenu* »ud Smith!!* Id Street, Pittaburg,
• Jn.fnl Visual u«'b" PUir kttn !
B. & B.
for those
behind time
Convincingly-attractive as we've made
this Holiday merchandising—thousands
have already found it so and pro'ited
thereby—importance these last few days
before Chrtstman, when gift-buying time
19 short, delay means disappointment,
and usual store's stocks are at the fag
Assortments here you can depend on
for what's wanted.
Time yet to get our Holiday Catalogue
a.id Book Catalogue if you w*~ite for
them at once.
Experienced people to select for you if
you haveu't your mind exactly made up
but can give an idea of what yon want.
We'll take right care of your orders—
giva you choicer goods—save you money.
Men's Dress Kid Gloves —tans or
browns—silk or fleece lined, SI.OO pair.
Ladies' gennine Kid Gloves-—white,
black, mode, browns, red, cream and
colors. si.oo pair.
Both unequalled Dollar Gloyes.
Girls' fiue All Wool Knit Golf Gloves,
35c pair—Ladies', 50c pair. Say what
size and color you want.
Depend on this merchandising to help
yen buy best.
Hog'os <fe Buhl
Dcpartniv;'.L X
everywhere can earn $6.00 per week in apart
time or evenings, addressing envelopes, no
tnoaey required, hundreds of workers now
employed, proof sent free anywhere to those
sending addressed envelope to FRANKLIN
CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street.
-."VCSai T? Vs'pii 7- • I.
.' ■) - sth A*c. Pittsba.g, ; a •
■*s< ICA' •
25\ CHOWN •'«' PM'iji
rittstitri—WHY .«OT D'.
i «"'«» CROWNS
. 4 Bnl DG K Wljrk rertu^e* l
* PER TOOTH *' '•
b-ettlet of Peeth »nadr. r, wt v T * x
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler andlGraduate Optician.
Vpit Door to rourt Ttntlcr. Pa
W.S. & E. WICK,
KOUKII and Worked Lumber of, all Kinds
Doors, Sash and Moqldlnjr*.
Oil Well Klfts 11 Specialty.
Office and Yard
E OunnltiKliatn and Monroe Fts
nosir w«st Venn J)epot.
C.O \ •£* ErD •-
Xnf.. Al-.Vi-..* nllablc. I.urtle*. us it r>ru*{llit for
<lll4 »IKST*:n*» KMULMII In H»«l »nd
i i.uiir tu'.fio tioxtjs. scultHl with blu« ribbon,
t Take otbrr. Krfha«e <1 anfftrou aitbatl
, taUMu mH ImUatlMM. Buy of your Urtjug Ist,
c r tv. i«I CLAMPS for I*»RL TEATL
, luoniiln i<-i "Ilrtitf Tor l^rr
bT rrlui-D .Unll. 10,000 Testimonials, sola dj
' i.ll DRUFRAIST^.
2100 - -.M L*HILA., I*A.
Meat!on AU itt»
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
Tlio b©»t of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses, both drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; aud horses bough
pon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 21ft.
WliifW lil It K Co Time Tuhlo
In effect December 2d, 1001.
leaven West Wlnflcld 8 00 3 00
" lioggNville 810 310
" Iron Bridge 830 3 »
14 WinAeld JunctioD 830 3 .'ifi
44 Laii« 8 3 45
" Itutlor Junction 8 4."> 3 50
Arrive Allegheny 9 4#i ft iO
liMTe Allegheny S 4."» 3 10
44 Iliitier Junction (10 00 440
44 Laue 10 oft, 445
44 Winfleld Juuction 10 lft 45C
" Iron Bridge. 10 25 s<*
Arrive Weet Winttcld i: . .. 10 45, 5 2ft
Trains slop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Hag to
take on or leave ofl {tasseugera.
Trains Connect at Butler Junctiou aith:
Traius Kaslward for Freeport, Vaudergrift and
RlairNvlll«< Int*»it<«rU«>n.
Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle
Trains Northward lor SaJtonburg, Delano and Butler.
Geuerai Manager.
Inquire atSheriff'* office or 436 Mifflin
St. Butter, Ka.
<> 121 East range 121 East'«>
( tJeflerson St. p Jefferson Sti >
| | flillinery House >
The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby K
* >line of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open for£#
( you inspection at our new store 121 East Jefferson St. X
A Milliner. JIT Ar 12l O, } Manager. X
Tlrs Handsome Decanter Filled with Fine Wine
V ill be given FRELE. {9HP ALWAYS ON HAND
to each and every pur- FINCH, GLCKENHEIMER,
chaser of wine or liquors GIBSON, LARGE,
from us from now and DILLINGER, OVERHOLT,
during the holidays. THOMPSON, BR|DGEPORT^
The Decanter is a beauty ami offer them to you six years
best that Califor- Grandafther's
Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors,
W Sm!th£eifß Si., . fat YDS"
<LLL PHCN L COURT S!?9 P. «. *. PH 1,1 M»IN U. a
Facts Not Talk
Talk is cheap, but it t.ikes money to buy go«V
whiskey, and if you want **alue, buy it of Max Klein,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,322 Federal St.,Allegheny,Pa.
Here arc a few Drices nnd brand*:
Cabinet 75 cents per qt. $ 8.00 a case of qts.
Bear Creek SI.OO " " 10.00
Duqnesne 1.25 " '* 12.00 " "
Silver Age 1.50 " " 15.00 " "
Our Xmas offering from Dec. 15th to Jan Ist of
a bottle of fine wine w ill be shipped with order
amour.tit gto SI.OO or o\cr.
Expressage paid on all orders of $5 co
322 Federal St. Allegheny. Pa.
■ A handsome Decanter, cut (lIM pattern, W
T filled with the choicest of old 1895 Port X
A Wine. With every Dollar Purchase of A
W Wines and Liquors between December 15 w
T and January 15—you get a Decanter free. I
A 11 VHb nsil orders promptly filled. Get up clubs A
VjW J \ and save expressage, which we prepay on f
J k $lO orders. With $5 orders 6 bottles of 1
m V whiskey and 2 Decanters; or, 5 bottles of A
w a Whi key cJ 5 Decanters. Remember •*
I Fi mtNO levc cuts quality or raises i
For sixty years the NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE
has been a national weekly newspaper, read almost entirely by
farmers, and hps enjoyed the confidence and support of the
American people to a degree nevir attained by any r.itniJar
is made absolutely for farmers and their faui lies. The first
IV T |"S ■* * T number was issued > ovember 71b, loai.
ri \l\/ Every department of agricultural industry is covered by
*■ ' * "T * * special contributors who are leaders iu their respective Jin s,
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be iu every sense a
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural paper, profuse
ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, model farm buildings
I" T~\ and homes, agricultural machinery, etc.
J j \ 3 Farmers'wives, sons and daughters will find special pages
' for their entertainment.
Regular price, s:.co per year, but vou can buy it with yonr
favorite home weekly newspaper. The CITIZEN, one year
for 11.75.
LJ \ "0¥~5t3 Send your subscriptions avil money to THE CITIZEN',
1 nrC<K Butler, Pa
Send your uame and addresi to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE
FARMER, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be
P mailed to you.