Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 21, 1901, Image 4

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Volumes, at times, of woman's happi
ness or misery. The dull, sunken eye,
with its dark circles almost surely speaks
of womanly ill-health, and its attendant
suffering. 'With the dull eye goes usu
ally the sallow, sunken cheek, the drawn
mouth, the shrunken form—the whole
glory of woman's beauty marred by the
effects of disease. . ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
the diseases which undermine the health
and uiar the beauty of women. It estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration, and
cures female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free, and so obtain the
advice of a specialist upon their disease.
Ail correspondence is strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
»with pleasure I send a few lines to let yon
kno.v that I fret much better than for eight
veer* !.."fore talcing your medicine,'' writes Mrs.
Pierce Geise, of Bji West Phi! 3. Street. York. Pa.
« Will recommend Dr. Pierce's medicine to every
person who may inquire as to what it has done
for me. I was troubled with female weakness,
and began to think I would never be well. If I
ha 1 continued the treatment prescribed by my
doctor I don't know what would have become of
m' When vour treatment was commenced my
weight was" 108 pounds, at present it is 13a
H-ive healthy color and my friends say I look
well. My hest thanks to you and my best
wishes, too, for what you have done for me."
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged •ystem from accumulated
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics cure by acting directly npon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
wo. CURES. ratna
I —Fever*. Congestions, rnflammatlors. .'.13
il—' Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25
3—'Teething. CoUc, Cry ins. Wakefulness ■US
4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7—Couth.. Colds, Bronchitis 25
R—\eural*la. Toothache, Fact ache US
9— Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10 —Dyspepsia. Indigestion.Weak Stomach.23
1 I—ftuppresscd or Painful Periods 25
12—Whiles. Too Profnse Periods 23
13—('roup. LnrynillU. Hoarseness 23
14—Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pallia 25
16— Malaria, Chills, Fever and
19—Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .23
20—Whooplns-Coui 2J
37—Kidney Diseases US
9S—\ervous Debility 1.00
30—Urinary Weakness. Wottingßed.... 25
77—Grip. Hay Fever 25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of aU Diseases at your
Drugklsta or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co_ Cor. William £ John Su.
Sew York.
' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
ble», the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
■praying is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail" The liquid form-embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Get Ready
for the chilly days- and even
ings that are coming.
Be Readv
with a Top COAT when the
weather demands it.
We're Ready
to show you tie very swell
est Overcoatings—all new at
the most favorable figures.
Come in soon.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Wall * Paper
Absolutely Without Equal.
New Goods Now In
For Season 1901.
Next Door to D ostoffice.
Oi-HicK— NeUjduor to.CiT/.EiN office
JBntler, Pa.
A Reputation For Cood Paeklng I»
an Aaact of niit Value.
The kind of packages us«d in han
dling the different truck crops varies
greatly iu the different trucking re
gions. and the packages are now iti
many cases very different from those
that were used in the early days of
the business.
"After many trials the cheap gift
package made of thin veneer was de
vised which in some of its forms Is
now so universally used. In the east
It would be utterly impossible to han
dle the present volume of business in
any but gift packages. For berries a
quart or sometimes a pint box or bas
ket is used, and these are packed In
crates for shipment.
In the west the popular package for
most tree fruits, tomatoes and many
other vegetables was for many years a
rectangular box holding one-third of a
bushel, with sawed ends or heads, a
middle piece 5 by 8 inches and veneer
sides 22 inches long. This package
finally became discredited through
the pernicious practice of placing the
best specimens at the cracks and fill
ing the middle of the box with culls.
It Is now comparatively but little
There has l>een no greater drawback
to the trucking industry than the va
rious forms of dishonest or false pack
ing. and it is indeed remarkable that
growers will still be so shortsighted
as to continue the practice when its
evi) effects are so well understood.
In the east, particularly in the penin
sula region, an open slat basket hold
ing about five-eighths of a bushel has
long been a popular package for tree
fruits and many vegetables. It is a
Cheap package and one in which the la
bor of packing is reduced to a mini
mum. In many ways it is very satis
factory, but for long shipments of the
more delicate products it would be
better if made broader and shallower.
These open baskets require the cars
to be shelved. In Michigan some form
of flat handled basket is largely used.
In the south a light six quart veneer
basket packed in four basket or six
basket crates is most used for toma
toes, peaches, etc. Beans, peas, cu
cumbers and many other vegetables
are packed in bushel crates.
In adopting a package it is always
best to study the taste of the market
It Is proposed to supply and to con
form to the prevailing usage. Buyers
always prefer the package to which
they are accustomed, and in most cases
they will pay more for goods in what
Is considered a standard package than
In one that Is unusual.
Whatever the package, the greatest
care should always be used in selecting
and packing to luake the goods as neat
and attractive as possible and at the
same time of uniform quality through
out the package.
Only good, aound, honestly packed
goods should be sent to market, and all
calls should be rigorously thrown out
and kept at home for stock feed. The
average prices realized for truck prod
ucts would thus be greatly improved,
and one of the most annoying features
of the business would be eliminated.
A reputation for good packing is an
asset of the greatest value to the truck
shipper.—F. S. Earle, Alabama Station.
A Stark Tlinl I* Proof Asrnlnsil Wind
nii«l Moisture.
Beans are a crop that has to be stack
ed up in the field to dry before housing
In the barn or granary. The small,
high stacks as ordinarily made, how
ever, are in danger of being blown over
by the wind and in greater danger of
absorbing moisture from the earth.
The best way, according to an Ohio
Farmer contributor, by which this can
be avoided is to use the combined foun
dation and support presented In the il
lustration. Fig. 1 shows a long stake
driven firmly Into the ground near the
grown crop and cross boards nailed to
either side a short distance above the
surface, with support slats on top of
these. Beans piled up about the cen
tral stake are proof then against any
wind, while no moisture can injure the
bottom. Lastly, if a bit of cloth is
thrown over the top and tied in place,
as suggested in Fig. 2, the crop will be
quite safe, whatever the weather is.
Peas can also bf harvested with com
plete success in the same manner.
Xe«» nnil Votcn.
Live stock at the Buffalo exposition
will be judged on the following dates:
Sheep, Sept. 25 and 20; horses, Oct.
0 and 10; poultry and pet stock, Oct.
23 and 24.
"Fine" bone fertilizer signifies such
as will pass through a sieve with holes
one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter and
"coarse" such as will not.
"Gassing" trees with hydrocyanic
gas is the latest treatment for scale.
It requires business ability of a high
order to market truck crops success
fully. It is by far the most Important
part of the business, for it Is useless
to grow good crops unless they can be
sold at a profit.
For borers the New York state en
tomologist recommends an injection In
their burrow of carbon bisulphide, us
ing a long nosed oil can.
| Window |
Glass. |
? AT
{Redick & GrohmarO
r 109 N. Ma ; n St., Bt;i'er, ' a \
I " ~~~
Insurance and Real Eslate
Plnffrfe and Mdiby.
When llazen S. Pingree was eonllng
Into prominence In Michigan politics,
he was In Washington one night and
strolled through the corridors of Wil
lard's hotel, \rhieh he had not visited
since war times, when it was the popu
lar rendezvous of the city, political,
military and otherwise. A friend Intro
duced him to Colonel Mosby. the old
guerrilla chieftain.
"Why. hello, colonel." said Pingrce in
Ms bluff, offhanded way. just as if he
was in the habit of meeting Mosby ev
ery day. "I have not seen you for 23
years, but I remember very well the
last occasion when we met."
"Ah," said the Virginian politely,
"what incident recalls it to your mind?
I really fail to remember you, much to
my regret."
"Oh, well." said Pingrce, "you would
not be so apt as I to remember the day.
I was captured by your men, and, hap
pening to be wearing a very good, near
ly new uniform, you confiscated it on
the spot and gave me your old ragged
butternuts, lint that's all right. All's
fair in love and war, I know. Let's
have n cigar."
Without a word of protest Mosby ac
cepted. and a long friendly chat fol
She Was the Ghost.
"A certain lady and her family," says
Fir Mountstuart Grant-Duff in his
"Diary," "hired a place in Scotland
which was haunted by the ghost of a
woman who was to be seen constantly
at night wandering through the rooms
and passages. When the family arriv
ed, the lady was much struck with the
plac_- and said. 'I must have been here
before, for I know this place so well,
only there ought to be two rooms here,
and there is only one.'
"The agent replied that within a few
weeks the owner had caused a partition
to be taken down and made the two
rooms into one. Still the lady was puz
zled at her knowledge of the place, till
she remembered that it was a house
she used to pro to in her dreams.
"Well, some time passed, and the
agent was up at the house again, when
the lady complained that one part of
the contract had not been fulfilled.
They had hired a house and a ghost for
the summer, and no ghost had she seen.
The agent replied: 'Of course not. be
cause you are the ghost. We recognized
you the moment we saw you.' "
Short ncd Sweet.
Perhaps one of the shortest court
ships was that of an eminent jurist. lie
was on his way to hold court in a
town when lie met a young woman re
turning from market.
"llow deep is the creek and what
did you get for your butter?" asked
the Judge.
"Up to the knee dnd ninepence." was
the answer as the girl walked on.
The judge pondered over the sensible
brevity of the reply, turned his horse,
rode back and overtook her.
"I liked your answer just now," he
said, "and I like you. I think you
would make a good wife. Will you mar
ry me?"
She looked him over and said, "Yes."
"Then get up behind me, and we will
ride to town and be married."
She did get up behind, and they rode
to the courthouse and were made one.
It is recorded that, brief though the
courtship had been, the marriage prov
ed a pre-eminently happy one.
A Remarkable Solehle.
One of the most remarkable cases of
suicide was that of the king of Falaha.
on the west coast of Africa.
The king was attacked by a Moham
medan force, and, finding resistance
impossible, he assembled his family
and principal officers, and after ad
dressing then) and intimating his de
termination never to accept Mohamme
danism and inviting those who did not
agree with him to go away he applied
a light to a largo quantity of gunpow
der collected for the purpose and blew
Into atoms the palace and all who were
In it.
In using bottles these two hints
ought to be so borne In mind that the
practice of them becomes habitual:
Always keep tbe label uppermost
when pouring from a bottle, so that if
any liquid trickles down the side the
label misses it. Result—your labels
keep clean aud legible for much longer.
Secondly, if you want to deliver
drops (or a very small quantity) of liq
uid just moisten the lip of the bottle
with the linger.—Exchange.
Trouble Either Wny.
Mrs. Ue Good—Why aren't you going
to church?
Mr. De Good
leaked and three or four drops went
down my back.
Mrs. De Good-The roof has been re
paired since then.
Mr. De Good—lluh! Then they'll be
wanting money to pay for the repairs.
—New York Weekly.
Steered Straight.
"If I thought that any girl would ac
tept me." casually remarked the bash
ful Mr. Dolyers, "I'd propose tomor
"Why not this evening?" asked Miss
Fosdick coyly.
The affair will take place in about a
month. —Detroit Free Press.
rimt I'oblle Ptanlat.
Of all the myriads who play the pi
ano how many know that "Tom Bow
ling" Dibdln was the first man who
played the instrument in public? That
was in 1707. and the feat was perform
ed at the first night of "The Beggar's
Ants can stand extremes of heat aud
cold. Forty-eight hours' exposure to
frost will not kill them, and one sort
has been observed to build its nest In
chinks In a blacksmith's forge.
From now until November is'
will accept the Coupon in this
at ace value to apply as part cash
payment on any Piano in my st< re.
§s2s. $25.
The bearer of this Coupon is .'a'.
hbT- entitled to a credit of oo to
Hgf. apply as par* cash payment on •<<£
any piano in my More. Void
•jb,' after November i, 1901. -£>P
W. R. NEWTON -;ih
| $25. $25. §
You know my prices; I publish them.
See them in adv in store window.
Buy your Piano NOW and save money.
Call and examine for yourself.
A full stock always at the leadiu;
music bouse of Butler county.
;\V. R. .NEWTON.
|Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, j
It ft ***s*** r* ***** : **** T J J***** \
<Jjadiea Suits, Loats, Skirts and Waistsc
M .•. «;■ 'ir • ■ :■ VV V V • 'l'jv '**' "if ~r' "*»'3
A .y-.-.. * Jf-* «*• J*. ■■ - **• "• '• ' s. • -T.
f We will cfler the very latest styles in Wo I /
/men's Fashionable Autumn a':d Winter Gar \
J merits —representing leading makers—newcst'U lj C
C thoughts for lowest prices than like garments «f: ■ J
1 have ever been oftered before. Every garment eL S
v will be fitted by experts. Every one guaranteed J v /
% for perfect wear. JJ\ jj*y J
) The equal of our $lO co Tailor-made Suit will cost you I \ll ° c j- j
C sl2 50 elsewhere except here. \J? I f
/ Th; equal of our #l2 50 Tailor-made Suit will cost you 0 |j S
j ft 500 elsewhere exc pt here,and so on «p to $25 00; // I V
/ quality aud priced unsurpassed. // I J
) ihe greatest jj.to Walking Skirt in the m »rket is II 1
C shown here; colors black, b'own blue r) Oxf >rd j
* gray. Norfolk Jacket Walking Suits. f
C Ladies' Black and Castor-colore 1 Kersey B x Coit-, fy Vl i
f ?5 00; J7 50 is what it is worth. s ■, 1 , \
C L lies' B.i.k and Castor-colored Aat rn )biles, 1 2 ri-h /
r coat, $lO 00; §l2 50 is what it is worth. \
/ Ladies'Euijlish Rain Coats and New V-rkets, *lO co V
p to $55 00 J
Misses', Children's and Man's" <
y Misses' Box Coats. A3 00; sli ju'd b-* ; rieed <4 S<>. j
! $5 00 Mtsses Box Kersey Coats red, caster, brown ani blue, should/
\ priced, *7 50. J
r Misscs's and Children's Lorg COMIS, sli prices— *2 00 up to 00. f
Furs for Very iittie IVloney^
J We feel \eiy prc t'd of the b : rj air s wt cuti t ffer 1
\ ycu in r.tir snr depr.i meni Scot's fom ri "<"> to J
C J 2 5 CO- t; "f 25 ;fr ittit jj iranteed to you on x
P • ' -Ks anything von may want in Furs. f
t \j| Vd The r evi styles f r F• i 1 .«?,•' Winter are here Q
)ll U\l lllC/ re r'«entiu>! ; i that i.- 1j - ar.l - fsir l ■ Sp.ic • »
C 'iii jl| a M/pQd forbids our g ini» int. ei.<ils . . n:;.de of oti. V
If |e| Dress Got-ds . iily .il ..«» tes liieboytr t r
\ oi'W employ. As to lowisl prices they will sled .".'l /
J ° I\\ comparisons. \
( S* The most exquisite col ecti,)ii .f Tri iimeil Hats
V IB we have ever shown. No wonts can conve> to iou (
I W y ihtir br.nty— n.i:st 1> mn to l i iijpreciaitd Our V
1 Kv) pej ular pi ices a'd »x. Irsivi «•'>'«> have n.ade our /
V Millinery fanii cs. J
J Jest a w ri! to direct attentirt liv! . W'sh ■ 'i.-i 1 r > >lll to tell >ou%
/ nboui the cliffy-! Nt values; will si-i., !y nn 1M..11 ..re or two. "Ihe best \
) heavy fle ced Vest and Pants for W< men f<nii (.hildren »t 25c we cer ofte:- N
j td, and that is saying a great deal. A very special number for Men in C
S heavy fleeced sanitary garments at 39c; would be cheap at 50c. f
C Ti en there ure Blankets, Flannel-, Yarns, and all that gors to make »
t one of the most complete stocke 1 I)>ni.stic dep?rtm-nts in »he city at/
r money sav'ug prices. J
jiHlrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN.|
Greek-American Fruit -Dd Confectionery Co.
by its swet t ess and purity. That's the
case v ith c urs, which is wore prized by
Vy I /,< W n;ort people, young and old, than any
( I thing else anywhere obtainable. We
' have the preference because we ought to
have it. Form a lesolution of total
abstinence from poor candies now,, and
yX'j': • J I keep it by buying only ours Come and
/ (i try the proofs of our superiority.
| Wholesale and Retail
Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City
I Some soap is weak —it leaves H
dirt in the clothes. Some
soap is strong—it leaves the U
cloth weak. Walker's Soap
I preserves the color, gives w
1 snowy whiteness, and does
not injure the texture.
i SOAP "X u
releases the dirt—requires ■
I i but little rubbing—but will
S not hurt hands or fabric. It
contains no alkali. Read the
wrapper and learn washing )R
without working. m
V /
> i me=EzJr____
Fall teim 1 »->ii us, M> cday, Sept. 2, 1901
I—Practical1 —Practical Book-keepers. 2 Expeit
Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand,
4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical
Sh'>rt Course in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping books. 6
Our Teachers —We have four at present
always as many as we need, no more.
We filled 5t position last term and ex
peel to fill twice that many this term.
We could place two or three times that
ninny every term if we had them. We
need an abundance of first class material.
All youun men and young women having
a good English education should take
advantage of one or Ixjth of onr courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for this year. Call at the office
and see us. If you are interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A, F. REGAL, Prin.,
319-327 S. Main St.. But!er, Pa.
i; H. NECI.EV,
Office in the "CITIZKN" building.
Special Notice.
"Hicycles at cost ' to close them
out, come early and pet a bargain.
All kinds of repair work given
prompt attention at
Geo. W. Mardorf's
Bicycle Store rind Repair Shop,
109 W. Cunningham St
Funeral Director.
d 5 S. Main St. Butler PA.
Cures DrunKenness.
fre» Ul t
BMLM. trmsijut, tu,
Surprising Shoe
Values at Miller's.
So many of them here that it would be almost impossible to
mention, all, so we will let a few of them
Speak for the Rest.
Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, pegged, with buckle 98c
Men's goo! solid working shoes, double sole and tap, lace ...9i>c
Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, box toe 35
Men's good solid kid hoots, double sole and tap f 1 5°
Bovs' good solid working shoes, tap sole 9°c
Women's calfskin shoes, heel, button or lace 75 c
Women's calfskin shoes, spring he:l JSC
Women's felt thoes, leather foxed 'S C
Girls' calfskin school shoes
Best line of boys' and youth's high top. copper toed shoes in
Do not fail to See our Immense Stock
We can save you big money on anything in the line of felt* aad rubbers and at
the same time give you the best rubber made aad the largest variety in Butler
c-uiite to select from We carry the celebrated I'histle Braud, the kind with
KOL'tih TIP ON TOF., and buy theai in wholesale lots right from the factory, thereby
saving the profit of the wholesale or midd'e man. This is why we can sell rubbers
and fulls cheaper than others can buy them from wholesale men ani at the same
ime vcu get goods right fresh from factory Call and see gools and prices, as we
want to prove to you we have just what we advertise.
See our Line of Men's Felt Lined Shoes for Cold Feet.
Always a large line and great Variety of Styles in
the following well known makes of shoes:
Walkover, W. L. Douglass and Builtwell.
Our lu>e of men's fine shoes has i.ever been so complete; made in all the new
leathers and made over the very .latest and prrttiest new lasts and sold at the fol
lowing low prices -98 c, fi 25, I 50, 2 00, 2 25, 2 50 3 00, 3 50 and 4 00.
See Oar line of Mens' bigh cut shoes for Drillers and Tool Dressers.
A Word About Ladies' Fine Shoes.
When yo'i compare our line of ladies fine shoes with shoes from other stores
you will be astonished Hi the difference, especially at the way vre excel in variety
and beauty of styles Ttie workmanship on all our go >ds. even the lowest pjiced
ones, is perfect in everv detail and the tvicrs give you an opportunity to sa-e
money, Inipo sible elsewhere. They come in all the new leathers; button or lace;
patent leather o' dongola tic, in light medium or heavy soles. All sizes aud w'dths
al 98;, |i 25, 1 50, 2 00, 2 25, 2 50, 3 00 and 3 50.
See Our Line of Ladies' Warm Shoes and Slippers.
Always a large Hue and endless variety in biy:', youths', children's, little
g«;nts' and infants' shoes to numerous too mention. Call and see them at
C. E. Miller
everywhere can earn 56.00 per week in spare
time or evenings, addressing envelopes, no
money required, hundreds of workers now
employed, proof sent free an>wherr to those
sending addressed envelope to FRANKLIN
CHEMICAL COMPANV, 830 Filbert Street,
r vT'"o I'H LACLL'.
«... gi*A —DENTAL. ROOMS.--
'->'•■ 39 " sth Ave- Pittsburg, p.
,:V t "9CS »vo'n-pracTica' 1,1
W ,?» CROWN PFiCjr »'•'
' « &V' f fitul.arg-WHY >iOT C(
Sj>ff #W|YOURSY t"uld CROWN' ,
' BRIDGE work n*lu«" '
* 5-I IjS5 PER TOOTH Al " "
(K i 'J y IK-SI «etof 'i'tvih miuli .-CN
Now is The Time to Have
Your Clothing
If you want gooa and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
one place in town where you
can get and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
do fine work in out
Joor Photographs. This is the
tirm- of year to have a picture ol
>our house Give us a trial.
Atf -nt for t h e Jataento*D S:iriin»
Bli :i ' 'o.—N"* Y »ik
of prevention is bettet than a pound of
use pure liquors and you'll often prevent
a long siege of sickness.
We guarantee to give you the follow
ing braids pura and unadulterated.
Pricts lowest:
FlftCfl, «T. VKKSUN,
wo offer tliem to you unadulterated 6 year
old at {l.l*l per full quart, ((quarts. ♦.">.00.
... .ATIIKB'S CllOKfc,
Whiskey guarantee! IJ years old, $2.00 oer mil.
We pay express charge* on all mail order*
of s.'>.(*> or over. Goods shipped promptly.
Wholesale Dealers in Wines andjl.iquors,
Formerly 411 Water Street,
IMttsburg, Pa.
Bell Long Distance I'hone -171*.
I*. Sc A. Long Distance Phont? 145 ft.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
Nest rimr to Court Hotife Butler. Pi,
Itmigh and Worked Lumber of{ all >Klmls
Doors. Bash and Mouldings.
OH Well Kilts a Specialty.
<> flirt' and Yard
K .Cunningham and Monroe Sts
near Went Penu Deuot,
everj day that its better to
pay a little more for clothes •
made to measure than to
try to save a few dollars,
simply because the few
thereby paved sacrifices the
value of the clothes. It is
impossible to cheapen the
workmanship of good clothes
without destroying their
Give us your order for our
S3O sack suit and we will
g've you an interesting
example of comfort and
economy. Our abundant
assortment of new fall goods
affords every opportunity for
a choice selection-
AtWi// Wc
• \ v every
m advertis
-0" stop
at our store for a
Free Sample
Mermen's Talcum
Tlie best powder for the toilet, for the
baby and for chaped and roughened
We carry a full line of household
drugs and toilet articles. You will find
our prices lower than most.
Try us with your next prescription.
Reed's Pharmacy
Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts., Butler, Pa
A »afe, certain relief for Ruppreased I
Menstruation. Never known to fall. Hafe! ■
Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■
or money Refunded. Kent prepaid for ■
SI.OO per box. Will send them OH trial, t® B
be paid for when relieved. (Samples Free. ■
UHtTtO M EPICAL CO.. »Q« T4. L»wc»erci». P». B
Sold in Bntler at the Centre A.ve.
o< * ef
N.-»r». Al« > nibble l.n.llrQ, uk nrii«l*t for
It'll»V> ICtC M >:%<<I.ISII In lied and
4<nld Di'-tallic bu*i-«. '-tuli-il with blue r.tibon.
Tal*#* uo olhrr. KrfnM* diuifrron* •nh«U
fullons»n<! li:i I (r«( !<>»». Buy of your Druggist,
or sf»nd !«•. In Mump* for l*nrf l«*ular», Tenti
■iiontnl* and **K« , llrr f«»r
by return 11 ail. 10.000 TentlmouimU. Hold by
ail JttiiKiclrfts.
2100 XmSIMU Nqaarr, PHILA.. I*A.
Mention hU dmw.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler. Penn'a
Tho best of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations In town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Speci
al cure guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
'"Acood class of horses, both drivers and
drart horses always on hand anu for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses bough
pon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 919.
139 Sooth Main (treat |
i > New Store. W\ 9 New Store! >
< ► 121 East KCI HP Q 121 East < >
< (Jefferson St. t*|/U iJ Jefferson Sti \
< > o
J | nillinery House ! ;
The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby
< Mine of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open *
, you inspection at our new store 12! East Jefferson St.
< ►Miss Bertha WAGNER, IDA J Miss Pape « <£
{ l Milliner. [1 AI LO.j Manager. g
(K You'll find variety enough to be sure of getting just what you lite. K
Very handsome tapestry covers ir all sizes at surprisirgl} low juices.
K "i yard fqune covers SCC. i% jatd square covers 75c, jfi.io, $1.50 Jn
U and s'.*s. i jsrd square covers fi.25 and 2.25. Uh
V t jr Short Cluster Scarfs with 6 and 8 tails aud long
w • '{ Scarfs with tails, an«'. with beads, claws and tails. (R
luJ"] \ /.yVyl Fur and we guarantee tbe styles and qualities to
l>e right and prices very low. U
Canada Seal Scsrfs $[ 00, l 50, 2 50 *
U ljfl -- Electric Seal Scarfs is 00, 750
lttj 11 Stone Varten Scarfs *5 00 to 15 00 JR
Q| Black Marten Scurfs $5 00, 6 00, 8 50 Ub
U\ Sable, Miuk and Fox Scarfs $5 co up
9 Are selling freely. Superior values in all thf W
oj leading shapes and leathers make sales easy. _
j\r Jr Chatelaine Bags 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1 50 W
'Jk Purses 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 co m
Chain Purses and Bags 25c to 3 00 |R
/II W to childrin. They leciive the sinie attention as fIP
N- I grown folks. If you uant any Ribbons, Ties,
fIP Vn ■Q | K ilelts, Hose Supporters, Collars, Hosiery, Under- M
WT7~ wear or any thing else iu our line, don't be afraid
Wf *° scn< i l^e children.
|L. Stein & Son,|
i| Richey's ||
y New Bakery li
alee Cream Saloor\|(
) 1 OOT cakes and bread, f\
b I I 1 * I SODA WATER. I (
<1 IN BUTbER. I /
S 1 Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, | f
f I Delivered to all parts of town. * )
J | 142 S Main Street. f C
1 * People's Phone 190. j|
Asthma Cure Free!
# Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent S
j Cure in All Cases. f
# Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. J
There is nothing like Asthmalenc. It S
instant relief, even in the wor.-t casts. It cut-5
when all else fails.
•VSiH/w Tbc Rev. C. F WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: "Your W
VaSrallV V® trial bottle of Aslbmalene rtceived in *ood condition I J
I\l cannot tell you bow thankful Ift el for the good denvtd #
from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and m
(]£* asthma f' r ten yeais. 1 e'e-pairrd of ever being cured. 4
1 faw your advertisen tnt f< r the cure of ibis dieadful at-.l >
#J tormenting dis-esse, asthma, Bnd thought yen had <-\m- i
spoken youiselvta, but resolved to give it a trial. To rnv J
astonishment,'be trial acted like a charm. Send me a full- J
; size bcttle." 5
d Vie want to tend to every Mifltrtr a trial treatment of AsihmaUne, similar T
itothe one that cured Mr. Welle. We'll send it by mail I'OSTI'AID, ABfeO W
\ J UTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to any sufferer who will write fcr it, even en r
ia'Dostal' Never mind, though you are despairing, however bad your cas-e #
?Astl.malene will relieve and cure. The worse your case, niore Rlad are #
sto seud it. Do not delay. Wme at once, addiewirg DR. TAT T BtOS. d
CO., 79 East 130 th St., N. Y. City. Sold by ail Druggists.
The Latest Internal Remedy. Easy to Take.
FIFTY CENTS per Bottle-- A Week's Treatment.
For sixty years the NEW YOItK WEEKLY TRIBUN3
has been a national weeklv uewspape , read almost entirely by
farmers, and h?s enjoyed the confidence and s.jpport of the
American people to u degree never attained by any similar
A publication.
is made absolutely for farmers and their fam lies. The first
-a -r w—\\ \ 7 number was issued November 7UI, 19) I.
Iv' H W Every department of agricultural industry is covered by
I'l V* * special contributors who are leaders in their respective lines,
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil" be in every sense a high
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural paper, profuse
ly illustrated with pictures of liva stock, model farm buildings
r and homes, agricultural machinery, etc.
ill .II Fanners' wives, sons and daughters will find special pages
for their entertainment.
Regular price, #:.oo per year, but vou can buy it with your
favorite home weekly newspaper. The CITIZEN, one year
1 ■* Sen<T yoflr subscriptions and money to THE CITIZEN,
i r\ IrU K Butler, I'a.
Send your name and address to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE
FARMER, New-York City, and a free sample copy will be
mailed to you.
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