Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 14, 1901, Image 4
HANDICAPPED. The man who started to run a race in chains and fetters would be visibly hand icapped. No one would expect him to succeed. The man who runs the race of life when his digestive and nu- fW . tntive organs are U J• •1 's7) diseased is equally W Lj' handicapped. I. u / } —\ X the one case his ! jtv $ , ■frength is over- i , j-l f JS# / weighted, in the [•! Ift/ J other it is under- \ ■,! \ mined. Success demands above all els* a sound v , stomach. 1 i Doctor Pierce's 1 K Golden Medical 1 \ ! Discovery cures Ji \ diseases of the \ V 1 Btomach and other i t\ I organs of diges- | \ 11 tion and nutrition. {> I \l# A When this is done !w Sfi* food is perfectly VMJ digested and as simulated and the body receives strength in the only way in which strength can be given—by the nutrition derived from digested and as similated food. « The praiae I would like to give your ' Golden Medical Discovery' I cannot titter in words or describe with pen." writes James B. Ambrose, gsq of 1205S Mifflin Street. Huntingdon, Ta. "I was taken with what our physicians here ' said WHS indigestion. I doctored with the best arcuud here an! found no relief. I wrote to you dyou sent me a question blank 0 fill out, and I did so, and you then advised me to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took three bottles and I felt so good that 1 stopped, being cured. I ItQve no symptoms of gastric trouble or indigestion now." Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser," sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing °»fy. Twenty-one one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burtiing, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William A John Bta.. NEW YORK. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; tbey dry up tlie secretions, which adhere to the mcmbrano and decom pose, causing a far more serious tronble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and uso that 'which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Woman's Way on wash day is to avoid the washboard. She just dips the clothes in lukewarm water, then soaps each piece thor oughly with WALKER'S SOAP rolls them up tight, and keeps tliem in the tub half an hour, cov ered with water. That's all "be wush day work Then rinse, wring and dry. Sold by grocers. They Are Here The car load of Merril # Pianos arrived Saturday. What we mean by car load is ? 2 pianos. Come in and let us show you Jthat they are the best that money can buy. Prof. Monk, the Pianois #at A'ameda Park, 4th of July, says: "In every re spect I consider the Merrill Piano the best made." 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building. New Liverv Barn W. J. Black Is doing business in his new barn which Clarence Walker has erected for him. All boarders and team sters guarranteed goorl attention- Bam just across the street from Hotel Butler. He h is room lor fifty horses. I'eouie's IMioue. No. 250. If T. NEGLKY, I • ATTORN EY AT LAW. Oaice in the "CITIZEN" building. IfeSiSPvPEN A DUCK FOR THE FARM. rue Tekln Popular For AH Practical Purpose* and i:n*ily Haiaed. Of all ducks for farm and practical purposes none stand higher in popular esteem than the White Tekln. It is valuable for raising on a large scale and is the most easily raised of any. It is a very timid bird and must be handled quite carefully. The Tekin duck has a distinct type of its own and differs from all others in the shape and carriage of its body, owing to the full growth of feathers under the rump and the singular turn ed up tail. The legs are set far back, which causes the bird to walk in an upright position. In size these ducks are very large, some reaching as high as twenty pounds to the pair. Their flesh is very delicate and free from grossness, and they are considered among the best of table fowls. They are excellent layers, averaging from 100 to 130 eggs each in a season. They are nonsetters. hardy, easily raised and the earliest in maturing of any ducks. The standard bred Pekin has n long, finely formed head, a bill of medium size of a deep yellow color that is per fectly free from any mark or color other than yellow. The wings are short, carried closely and smoothly against the body. The birds cannot "T ■■ GKOCP OP PEKIN DUCKS. sustain flight, a two foot fence being ample to restrain them in an inclosure. The plumage Is downy and of a faint creamy white throughout. Re cently breeders are selecting as their show birds those that have the snow white plumage instead of the creamy white as given in the standard. It is not at all necessary that ducks should have access to water to be rais ed successfully. They grow and thrive as readily without. There are success ful plants where thousands of ducks are raised that have no water save that which is given them as drink. CORN MACHINERY. Jfew Method* of Handling the Corn Crop—From Knife to Harvester. We have been just as slow in employ ing new methods of harvesting and handling our corn as we were in ac cepting the wheat harvesters as sub stitutes for the cradles, says a Farm and Fireside correspondent. It took years to introduce machines for the handling of the wheat crop, and, while they are now an absolute necessity, the corn machinery lias to be forced upon the attention of the farmers in many sections. Our conservatism shows up plainly when fl. sort of revolution in the meth ods of handling a crop is urged upon us. The greater part of the corn crop is still cut with a corn knife, and the corn is husked by hand, while the fod der is fed long or else ran through a cutting box. But machinery for per forming this work has been so perfect ed, the value of the stover has become so well understood and the supply of hands has become so small upon the farms "that the corn harvester and husker and shredder are making rapid headway in gaining public favor. Farm work must require less and less human labor or go undone whenever mines and factories have a demand for their products, as they can pay higher wages than farming will justify. With self binders, thrashers, mowers, hayrakes and hay slings the wheat and hay crops are now saved largely by horse and steam power. Such pow er must do the major part of the work in the case of corn. Successful harvesters are no v.- in use, and the shredders help us to get full value out of the stover, permitting the sale of more high priced timothy liny. Tlie fact is worth noting that this improved machinery is uot displacing labor ou tlie farms, but is coming in to do the work that has been abandon ed by the men who have flocked to the factories and public works, where better wages can be paid by employers. Ileldlnu Hare at Buffalo Exposition. Oct. 21 to 31 has been designated as the ten days upon which the Belgian bare men will congregate at the Pan- American exhibition and "will exhibit the newest and best in this latest live stock industry. The usual Belgian hare classifications will prevail, with five prizes In each class. An entrance fee jvill be charged, which will in clude care, feed anil hutch rent. Im ported reds and blacks, imported heavy weights, domestic reds and blacks and domestic heavyweights will be the main features. Hares are entered In competition from every state In the Union, but the majority are coming from tlie west, the business has assumed greater pro portions there than it lias in the middle ar eastern states. Texas and Califo: ni* will be represented with some very fine specimens. Breeders in different parts of the country are taking great interest in the show. WANTED. The people to know that the Findley Studio is making a specialty of copying and enlarging. Crayons and water colors for the Holliday trade will receive prompt attention. Don't give your pictures to agents and take chances of loosing them; have it done at home and if it isnotr ight we are here to make it right. Latest designs of frames in stock. See our Cabinet Photos before ordering elsewhere. Branches—Mars and Evans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 P. O. li'd'g' Butler. H. MILLER. FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE —Next door te-CiTZEiN office Butler, Pa. H tlon.flttlng yottnjjmen for actual K 1 ■ dutlexoflife. For circulars, ad- I I drrss P. DUFF & SONS. ■ About Oionf. Many people talk about ozone with out to much as knowing: what ozone is. There is a prevalent idea that it is something you p t at the sea and that it is good for the What that something is, however, f«w people have sutlicient curiosity to inquire. Ozone is what chemists call an allotropic form of oxygen—that is to say, it is oxygen n a highly active and concentrated con dition. In ordinary pure air ozone ex ists, but only in what chemists call "traces." Larger amounts arc found in oconn and mountain air. It instantly disappears wht-n brought in contact with decaying matter, dissipating it self. as it were, in the act of oxidizing that matter. Ozone is known to occur more plenti fully during thunderstorms, and we have, of course, the analogy of its be ins artificially produced from oxygen by electrical discharges in the labora tory. On the body ozone is believed to act as a stimulant; henca the popular notion of its beneficial effects as expe rienced by the sea, but in any greater amount than mere traces it is a violent irritant. One authority goes the length of asserting that it is doubtful whether it is beneficial to animal life at all. Colored Swede*. A little Swedish monthly magazine published in New York city requested its readers a short time aero to send in accounts of the experience they had when they first arrived in country. Here is the pri?<? specimen: "In my un sophisticated days I once startc® out to call upon a girl I had known in the old country. I was told that she lived at Madison avenue and street. When I reached that corner, I was in doubt which house to try, but I finally went up the steps of one that faced on the avenue and rang the bell. A girl came to the door. 'Does Miss Nelson live here?' I asked as politely as I could. " 'I don't know any such person,' she answered, and I was turning away when she called after me, 'ls she white?' "That irritated me. 'Did you ever know any Swedes who were colored?' I asked. " 'Weil, I have seen some green Swedes,' was her retort, and I did not continue the conversation. Trials of n Lecturer. A well known English woman lec turer tells these stories at her own ex pense: . "I was," she says, "on a tour through the provinces, and one night as I ap peared on the platform in a small town the chairman introduced me to my au dience in the following way: 'You have heard of Mr. Gladstone, the Grand Old Man. Let me now introduce to you the grand old woman.' This was in tended as a sincere compliment. "On another occasion a bluff old farm %r, who boasted of his ability to look on all sides of a question, announced me as follows: 'This lady's come here to talk about her rights,' he said. 'She's hired the liall, and so she's got a right to be here, and if any of you don't like what she's got to say you've got an equal right to walk out in the middle on't.' " A-way From Hobp, It is becoming the fashion for a wo man to seek a maternity hospital that her children may be born amid conven iences lacking at home. The children are sent away from home to school. They are married away from home, and members of the family are taken to hospitals for their final illness and bur ied from an undertaker's parlor. It is becoming a fashion to take everything from home except the family rows. They are kSill sacred to the family hearth. —Atchison Globe. Itnliati BrlßnndaEC In IS4S. One summer evening in the crowded theater an imiwtient house demanded the drawing of the curtain preliminary to the first act. When at last it was upraised, II Passatore and his armed band occupied the stage, with muskets aimed at the affrighted audience. The chief stated that he should levy a tax per head, which he then and there col lected. The gang made off with their booty unmolested. Lady Presturch's "Essays." Gold. The specific gravity of gold Is 19.50 that is. it weighs nineteen and a half times as much as its own bull: of wa ter. The ductility and malleability- of this metal art* equaled by 110 other. By ductility is meant the property of al lowing itself to lie drawn out into a wire and by malleability its property of flattening without splitting under the hammer. JlaUe Some One Happy. Charles Kin us ley thus counseled a friend: "Make it a rule and pray to God to help you to keep it never, if pos sible. to lie down at night without be ing able to say, '1 have made one hu man beta? at least a little wiser, a lit tle happier or a little better this day.' You will find it easier than you think and pleasauter." BonleitsFd Sailors. Sailors are a bowlegged class. An old salt always walks as if he were on the deck of a ship, and he never takes great strides like a landsman. He is used to having to walk great distances, in iiis imagination, on the quarter deck, and he can't get rid of the habit of making the most of his promenade. The Sponsre. The sponge reproduces its kind main ly by eggs. In each animal are con tained both the male and the female elements, and it throws out the ova to be hatched in the water. At first the young are free swimming, and after ward they attach themselves to con venient spots and grow. ,r """ fn + -■} i-i I T |I * For those who THERE IS disregard na ture's warn- DANGER AHEAD ing about their eyes. Premature blindness has often result ed from carelessness or delay. It costs yon nothing to be put on the right track, as we test your eves in the latest and most scientific manner free of charge. Our prices for Glasses are never excessive. In addition to our complete line of Watches, Jewelry and Optical Goods, we sell Cameras, Photo Supplies, Victor, Edison and Columbia Talking Machines. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court Houss Cnfes Drunrceiiness. eeley'lT KEELEY Write for H • f INSTITUTE, BMUtL vixibbtßlt, VJk, jMrs. J. E. Zimmerman! C r ****** rt ****-::k%***** tj r .■:■**** \ sLadies'Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists) ' **** i;;** ****£-;!: ***i&sjH|;- # X -r•-*'"£ X '.»■ -" L We will cfier the very latest styles in Wo- 1 / men's Fashionable Autumn a::d Winter Gar- riSn c J ments —representing leading makers —newest]* I ■ v \ thoughts for lowest prices than like garments Vj ? f S have ever been ottered before. Every garment IL. 'l ] J 1 will be fitted by experts. Every one guaranteed / \ \ for perfect wear. I A f'J r V The equal of our $lO co Tailor-made Suit will cost you \ \JI 1' * € 50 elsewhere except here. \ ji \ V Th_- equal of our #l2 50 Tailor-made Suit will cost you jj £ sls 00 elsewhere exc pt here,and so on up to s2s 00; // jj i ■ quality and priced unsurpassed. // M C C The g eatest £sxo Walkitlg Skirt in the market is // jl / j shown here; colors black, b-own blue and Oxf-rd X C gray. Norfolk Jacket Walking Suits. i9■—Jfr V / Indies' Black and Castor-colore 1 Kersey B-x J $5 00; *7 50 is what it is worth C Ladies' Back aud Castor-colored Automobiles, 4?inch M r ccat, £lO 00; sl2 50 is wlut it is worth. \ / Ladies' English Rain Coats and New Vf rkrts, £lO 00 j S to $35 CO. 1 \Misses', Children's and Infan's' \ \ READY-TO-WEAR GARIiENTSx j Misses' Box Coats, $3 00; should be priced <4 50. \ / #5 00 Misses Box Kersey Coats, re<l, castor, brown and blue, should / C be priced, $7 50. t Misses's «nd Children's Lorg Coits, all prices—s2 00 up to *25 <>o. i (Fine Furs for Very little IVloney; ✓ We feel verv proud of the bargains we cati < ffer > \ you in our I-'tir depar'ment Scarfs fom Si 00 to S ) $ 2 5 co - A s,v ' r S ot 2 5 r fr cent to you on { C anything you may want in Furs. \ tQ,\gGL SILKS AND DRESS GOODS ) f Vl \ P The lew styles f< r and Winter are here, > 111 u I'll lliZ '/ representing all tha: i.-. nt-w atul dcsiiable. Spac»- \ £ 1 0 forbids our inn into ■ etails \nv of our V \ JP Dress Goods will stand anv tes tlie buyer choo-es to £ >3 employ. As to low Isi prices they will star d all / v J comparisons. \ ( J M MILLINERY. > 1 T lie mott exquisite col ection of Tiimmed Hats j / WB we have ever shown. No woid.s can lonvey to \ouC S m t< » iheir bfanty—muit ,'tt 11 to be apprt ciated Our V f Xkl popular j ric sard tx<)uMve st\Us have n;ade our r V Miilinerv fan" 1 s V ) HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. / Just a wcr lto direct attention 111 r.\ Wish we had r> >n to tell >ou \ i llic different values; will si n; ly meniion ot e or two. '1 he best S y heavy flefced Vest aud i'ants for Women ar.d Children at 25c we ever offer- N J ed, and that is saying a great deal. A very special number for Men in v S heavy fleccid sanitary garments at 39c; would be cheap at 50c. T \ Then there are Blaukets, Flannels, Yarns, and all that goes to make / one of the most complete stocked Domestic departments in the city at ) c money saviug prices. / |Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN.j ■ -."TH*::i.^ ! -- V ; v . 4 :: - ;T> - «8i il) Get Ready f r the c"' il'y days and even i that are coming. Be Ready with a Top COAT when the weather demands it. We're Heady •/ t«» show you tie very sur est Overcoatings—all ne-v at the n'ost favorable figures Cc;m- in n. Wedding Suits a Specialty COOPER, Practical Taiior.. j I V-ON", BT'TI } V. PA | Window j \ Glass. | ) ANY SIZE f 3 CUT TO ORDER / \ AT ? C Redick & Grohman, > ) 109 N. Jlain St., Butler, Pa. \ L. S. McJUINKIN, Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER, - PA A. M B ERKIMER, Funeral Director. 4 5 S. Main St. Butler PA MORE MEN ARE LEARNING everj day that its better to pay a liltli: more for clothes made to mea-uri: th n t<> try to save a few dollars, simply because the few therebv saved sacrifices the value of the clothes. It is impossible to ctatapen the workmauship ot g< o 1 clothes without destroying their value. Give us your order for our sack suit and we will g've you an interesting < xatnple of comfort and icono'iiy. Our abm.dant Ui.eiit of new fail g<«x!s aflnniM every opportunity for a choice .selectiou ■AJ.fcincl. SPECIAL SALE 11 PIANOS m From now until November isf will accept the t'onpon in this adv at face value to apply as part cash payment on any I'iano in my store. Iff §S2S. 525. COUPON -&• The bearer ol this Coupon is entitled to a credit of S2S 00 to apply as part cash payment on any piano in my store. Void -©■ after November I, 1901. •psj' W. R. NEWTON -jk 1525-.I 525 -. You know my prices; I publish them. See them in adv in store window. Buy your Piano NOW and save money. Call and examine for yourself. A full stock always at the leading music house of Butler county. W. R. NEWTON. "Peerless" Wall * Paper Absolutely Without Equal. TIIP GREATEST VARIETY I Hr BEST QUALITY IIBL. LOWEST PRICES New Goods Now In For Season 1901. MCMILLANS Next Door to D ostoffice. Surprising Shoe Values at Millers. 1 So many of them here that it would be almost impossible to mention, all, so we will let a few of them Speak for the Rest. Men's good solid working shoes, double sole and tap, pegged, with buckle 9SC Men's goo 1 solid wotking shoes, double sole and tap, lace ...9»c Men's good solid working shoes, double sale and tap, box toe *1 35 j Men's good solid kid boots, double sole and tap t 1 5° Boys' good solid working shoes, tap sole c f oc ; Women's calfskin shoes, heel, lmtton or lace 75c Women's calfskin shoes, spring hed Women's felt thoes. leather foxed Girls' calfskin school shoes 'S C j Best line of boys' and youth's high top. copper toed shoes in Butler. Do not fail to See our Immense Stock of FELTS and RUBBERS. We can save you big t£.one? on anything in the lin? of felt; and rubbars and a t the same time give you the l>est rubber made and the largest variety in Butler couiitv 10 select from We carry the celebrated thistle Brand, the kind with ROUOII TIP ON TOF., and buy them iu wholesale lots right from the facfory. thereby saving the profit of the wholesale or middle nun. This is why we can sell rubbers and folts cheaper thin others can buy them from wholesale m:n anl at the same time you get goods tight fresh from factory Call aud see goaJs and prices, as we want to prove to you we have just what we advertise. See our Line of Men's Felt Lined Shoes for Cold Feet. Always a large line and great Variety of Styles in the following well known makes of shoes: Walkover, W. L. Douglass and Builtwell., Our lU'e ot men's fine shoes has never been so complete; made in all the new leathers and made over the very latest and prettiest new lasts and sold at the fol lowing low prices—9SC, $i 25, 1 50, 2 00, 2 25, 250 3 00, 350 and 4 00. See Our line of Hens' bigb cut shoes for Drillers and Tool Dressers. A Word About Ladies' Fine Shoes. When you compare our line of ladies fine sho>s with shoes from other stores you will be astonished at the difference, especially at the way v.e excel in variety and beauty of styles The workmanship on all our go >ds, even the lowest priced ones, is perfect in everv detail aud the prices give you an opportunity to sa\e money. Irnpo sible elsewhere They come in all the new leathers; button or lace; patent leather or dongo'.a tip, in light medium or heavy soles. All sizes and widths at 98;, $1 25, 1 50, 2 00, 2 25, 2 50, 3 00 and 3 50. See Our Line of Ladies' Warm Shoes and Slippers. Always a large line anl endleis variety in biy:', youths', children's, little gents' and infants' shoes to numerous too mention. Call and see them at C. E. miller YOUNG LADIES, GIRLST YOUNG MEN. BOYS; everywhere can earn $6.00 per week lo span time or evenings, addressing envelopes, money required, hundreds of workers now employed, proof sent free anywhere to those sending addressed envelope to FRANKLI> CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street, Dept. A PHILADELPHIA. PA i " '■* ■■nrselg-- - - , ~"Tk fAf-t S , g/i "DENT.'.i, HOOMV ■ fir' 39 - sth A*c., P!ttsourp. r* ' -WIJ .Vo'rcpRACTICA' Vdoli:-. J# CROWN ->•« ••*1 &A «r I'iusl.org—WHY ..OT D< '1 fs%YO!JRS7 OBOV-- <1 / WI"" 1 QR'OGK work re.iurr-1 • ' f £lss PER TOOTH •>'' ' IC • S, 5eT c**'' %/ 5 Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED if you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town wher- you can re*, it, ii'd that is a' The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue T3k?>_ v e <i:» fine work in out !■ »< •• l I'otographs. This is the tun ot ) ja; to hd.ve a picture ol Y o''i house Give us a trial. Ai<euJ. fur the Jau.eatown Slitiine Rli - .i < vv-tv York. R. FISHER A. SON ONE OUNCE of prevention is better than a pound of cure THE SECRET use pure liquors and you'll often prevent a long siege of sickness. We guarantee to give you the follow ing brands pure and unadulterated. Pricts lowest: FI2ICH, ST. YEttSOM UITKKMIKIJIEIt 01M4XUKK, tWBSu.V JVEBiIOLT, I,AK<iK, I'HOHPhON, ..t.IMJCPORT, we offer them to you unadulterated 6 year old at SI.OO per full quart, 6quarts, $5.00. «..A.II>FATHKR'S CHOICE, Whiskey guarantel 3 years old, $2.00 per gal. We pay express charges on all mailorders ot $5.00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBERT LbWIN & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Wines and|Llquors, NOW 14 SMITHFIELD ST.. Formerly 411 Water Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Bell Long Distance Phone 2170. P. & A. Long Distance Phone 14i». Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. v eTt TVior to Court Hnuw Hutler Pa Special Notice. "Bicycles at cost" to close them out, come early and get a bargain. All kinds of repair work given prompt attention at Geo. W. Mardorf's Bicycle Store and Repair Shop, 109 W. Cunningham St- ome Nev Books and Their Writeis Graustark" the story of a love behind a throne, by G. B. McCutcheon, Prict fi.as. Tilda Jane" by the Author of Beautifu Joe. Price J1.25. Captain Kavenshaw" by Robt. Neilscr Stephens, Price $ 1.25. 'Quincy Adams Sawyer" byChas Feltoi Page. Price $1.25. Truth Dexter" by Sindey McCall Pi ice $( 50. 'Eleano r " by Mrs Huirphrey Ward Trice $1.25. 'Cheiioi Language of The Hand" Prici #2.50, • True Bear Stories" by Joaquin Miller Price $1.25, ' The Owl and The Woodchuck'' a sonj story for children,highly illustrated,so* "The Tribune Primes'' by Eugene Field 50c. New editions of standard works an' the poets DOUGLASS' BOOK STORE Eagle B'l'd. Near P. O 241 South Main street want 7/ W every rea of r A advertis at our store for a Free Sample OF- Mermen's Talcum The best powder for the toilet, for thi baby and for cliaped and roughene< skins. We carry a full line of househoh drugs and toilet articles. You will fine our prices lower than most. Try us with your nert prescription. Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts.. Butler, Pi InManT^mOßail's A safe, pertain relief for Suppressed Menstruation. Never known to full. Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Kefundad. Sent prepaid for f 1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Sample* Free. UNITtO MIDIOLCO., IPX T«. P». Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave Ph.trtnacy. CHlU.oltfl'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS fP/ . •iafe. Alvruvs reliable. Ladle*, ask Druggist for (HK KMiLIKII in Red and (■old nu-uJiic hoxfs. sealed with blue ribbon. Take no e!l>er. Refti*e danceroaH imitation*. Buy of your Dnijfgwt, or send le. in stamps for Testi monial* autl "Relief for by return nail. 10.000 Testimonials. bold by all Druggists. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 21G0 nadifcoo Square, PIIILA., PA. Mention this damtw Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House ButleK Penn'a The best qf horses and first class rigs al ways on hand and for hirp. Hest accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A good class of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bough pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 219. M. C. WAGNER A BTIST PHOTOGRAPH!® 139 South Main atreet. - New Store. W\ 9 New Store, & > 121 East ►Jefferson St. 1 ** Jefferson St.ft | nillinery House | The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby 'line of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open . you inspection at our new store 121 Kast Jeflcrson St. 4 ►Miss BERTHA Wagver, )p A j Miss PAPE, X Jk Milliner. f -*■ J Manager. '& NEW TABI E COVERS. jg R You'll find variety enough to be sure of getling just *1 at you like. Very handsome tapestry covers in a'l sizes nt surprairgh h w- piiie* JA R 1 vard fquae covers S(C. I*4 jard square covers 75c, fi.io, $1 ;o V* £ and $' 75. J yard square covers f 1.25 and 2.25. Uk K 5 Short Cluster Scarfs with 6 and 8 tails and lung B Scarfs with tails, an' 1 , with heads, claws and tails. (K « —t.j l ( Qlvs | Made by the best Furiiers in all des ; rable kin.'s ot jIU j \ vjICTpL.B _ Fur and we guarantee the styles and qualities to U ill U>Olsg?]b<feig he right and prices very low. Qk W Canada Seal Scarfs ft 00, I 50, 2 50 U iKrl ~ Electric Seal Scarfs £5 00, 750 V 4 T» IRJ IT Stone Marten Scarfs <5 00 to 15 00 JR Sr rW n\ Black Marten Scarfs $5 00, 6 00, 850 jp ll' Sable, Mink and Fox Scarfs $5 00 up # " || CHATELAINE BAGS AND PURSES jn Are selling freely. Superior values in all th<- #5 m SB's© leading shapes and leathers make sales easy. & i\zJPL. Chatelaine Bags' 25c, 50c, 75c, I 00, I 50 Cji Purses 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 co Ufe * ffirrtVl. Chain Purses and Bags 25c to 3 00 JK !r P YOU CAN SEND A CH,LD * § / I y\\ We take especial care in filling orders entrusted /I I\\ to children. They receive tte same attention as G? N- I Hfl grown folks. If you want any Ribbons, Ties, '~l , . \-~ Belts, Hose Supporters, Collars, Under- flr yfrr wear or anything else iu our line, don't be afraid to send the children. W L. Stein & Son, 8 108 N.'MAIN STREET, CUTLER, PA £ Sj jßichey's d New Bakery |S <1 AND <§lce Cream SaJooi^.fk }i 4 ICECREAM. I; ) 1 r>Q~I CAKES AND BREAD, |\ SI I 1* I SODA WATER, f > /| *y VC/V HOME MADE CANDIES f> si IN SUTbER. I) S f Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, | f x Delivered to all parts of town. . I / ]) I 142 S Main Street & C S * People's Ph6ne 190. Asthma Cure Free! * Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent J Cure in All Cases. 2 Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. TCH-V There is ncthing like A:-thmalene. It bun - infant it lief, evtr. in the wit t casts. !' c . - when all else fails. tMfl&l The Rev. C. F. -f Vill* v Vt 5 tnal bottle of A-thmaler.e reveived in *ood condition. I cannot tell you bow thankful I f.c-1 for the yood dpitved J*wlK\r/A\ from it I was • slave, cbaintd with putrid sore thro&t and tithn t. for ten years. I ed of ever being cured. \y i 1} tormenting disease, asthma, and thought yt u had ov»r --' CTlfi spoken youiselve«, brt re-t«lvtd to give :t a trial. To my L lvt *L2Pv astonishment, be tiial acted like a rbarni. fend me a full r «ii \Yi size bcttle." * We want to send to tuiy sufferer a trial treatment of Asthma!, ne, similar sto the one that cured Mr. Veils. Well send it by mti POSTAD AIiO iLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to any si fftrer who will wnie for it, even on Ja postal. Never mild, tlcugb ytu aie despairing, however bad your case VVsthmalene will re lieve end cure. Ibe worse jour case, the more; |ilad we ate 'toseudit, Do not delay. Write at c Lte, «Uiessii g LP. TAFT BFOS. CO., 79 E«t 130 th St., N. City. Sold by a.l Druggists. 'V %>%/%<%/%'%> lODorisrf PROMPT RELIEF. CERTAIN CURE The Latest Internal Remedy Easy to Take. FIFTY CENTS per Botlle—A Week's Treatment. rue People's National Family Newspaper. New York Tri-Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, every other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in THE DAILY TRI BUNE of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultural Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for s2.co per year. SSen all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZEN New York Weekly Tribune Published on Thursday, Qtid known fpt nearly sixty years In every part of the United States as a National Family Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of THE DAILY TRIBUNE tip to hour of going to press, an Agricultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reports which are ac cepted as authority by fanners and covn try merchants, and is c?£au, l}p to date interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, Sr.ooper year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for $1.50 per year.