THE CITIZEN WILLIAM O.NKGLEY - - Publl.her THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1901. $1.60 per year in Advance, Otherwise $1.50. ELECTION NOTES. The official vote of this county is: STATE TREASURER. F. G. Harris. R 3631 E. A Coray. D 3488 Jas. J. Porter, P 254 Harris majority 143 SUPREME JUDGE Win. P. Potter, R 3634 Harinan Yerkes, D 3489 Isaac Monderan. P 231 Potter's majority 145 CLERK: OR 1 COURTS. Geo M. Graham. D 3701 Wo. H. Campbell, R 3471 Graham's majority 290 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. John R. Henninger. D 3955 E. E. Young, R 3356 Henninger' majority 599 COUNTY SURVEYOR. C. F. Hilliard. R 3765 W. A. Swain, D 3055 Hilliard's majority 710 All the amendments were considered favorably by the people of the county, the vote standing as follows: For. Against. Maj. No. 1 1846 455 1391 No. 2 1686 411 1275 No. 3 1502 600 902 One of the most surprising results of the late election was the election of Mc- Collnm, Prohib., as Sheriff of Venango county. His vote was 2828, while that of Shaner, the Republican nominee was 2805; and White, Dem., 1265. The total vote polfed was 6898, of which the Re publican state ticket received 2159, the balance being nearly equally divided be tween the Dems. and Prohibs. Mercer county gave the Republican state ticket about a 1000 majority, but Garts. R. for Poor Director had but 42 oyer Eriser, D. Although Gov. Stone is extremely re ticent concerning the Pittsburg politi cal situation ami refuses to discuss it, the general opinion her« is that Record er A. M. Brown is to be removed and ex-Director of Public Safety, J. O Brown appointed in his place. It is said that Senator Flinn and his friends have this assnrance from the Governor and the change is expected within the com ing week. The official vote of Cambria county was not concluded until Saturday. From Wednesday morning until late Friday night hundreds of citizens from all parts of the count}- guarded the courthouse day and night, a man named particular patroling on the outside with a Springfield rifle. It was feared that the returns might be trifled with, and the long delay in counting the votes whetted this suspicion. The official vote gives O'Conner, Dem. and Union, a majority of 71, over Judge Barker, who was a candidate for re election. Besides being Judge, Barker was the local political boss and an arm ed mob around his Court House was a sad commentary on his judicial career. MoKinley's plurality in the county was 3,308. Barker presided in Butlerduring the Braun divorce case. The Philadelphia Press has declared for a contest of the recent election in Philadelphia. The demand is based upon the statement that the vote cast for District Attorney was greater than that ca*t for the State offices and great er than that for President last year. This it considers indubitable evidence of fraud, and charges that 40.000 illegal votes were cast or counted. If this as sertion can be proved it would, of course, mean a reversal of the declared result of the election in Philadelphia and in the State. In the city of Buffalo on the eveninir of election day the vote of 106 out of 108 election districts svas made known at the City Hall within 35 minutes after the closing of the polls. This is especially significant to those who noticed that night that not a word was received of the vote in Philadelphia for four or five hours after the closing of the polls. Then the wards in control 1 of the city machine returned more votes for the Republican candidates than were cast for President McKinley, though the Republican vote in the entire city was 4(1,000 short of McKinley's vote. In this contrast we may discover a reason for the machine opposition to the constitutional amendment making it possible for the Legislature to authorize the use of voting machines. It is plain that the voting machine would never do for such methods as those of the Philadelphia machine. The two ma chines cannot work together in har mony.- Ex Commercial Feeding Stuffs. A law enacted by the late legislature, and made operative on the Ist of Octo ber, 1901. provides that what are called "concentrated commercial feeding Btuffs"--sach as linseed, rice, cotton seed and gluten meals; maize, starch and sugar feeds, malt sprouts, etc.—of fered for sale in this state, shall have affixed to each sack or package a state ment of its contents or constituents, with name and address of the manufac turer; and any person selling or offering to sell such feed, without such state ment or guarantee affixed makes him self subject to a fine of from SSO to SIOO, and imprisonment in the county jail for from 10 to 30 days. Any person can make the information and any Justice of the Peace can hear aud determine the case or hold the ac cused for court. The law, also, forbids the mixing of any mineral substances with feeding stuff, and provides for the inspection of samples by the Secretary of Agricul ture, etc. Oae of our millers informs us that these mixed and adulterated foods are being sold in this county, without these statements attached, and at less prices than grain foods can be made for. Harmony and Zelienople. The Executive Committee of the But ier County Sabbath School Association will meet in the Y. M. C. A. Hall at Butler, Pa., on Monday, December 2nd, at 2 p. m., in connection with the But ler County Minister's Association at their regular monthly meeting. Rev. E. R Worrell, president and H W. Bame, corresponding secretary, called this meeting Members of the commit tee and active Sunday School workers will please be present, as important business will be transacted. Andrew Kline and wife of Allegheny returned home Friday evening after at tending the funeral of John Kline at Harmony. Mrs. Mary Goehricg of Harmony moved to Rochester on Tuesday. Her son Charley is employed at that place. Abraham Huusburger of Barkeyville, Venango county, aged 77 years, died at the residence of his son-in-law, E F. Loucks ft North Braddock on Nov. 7th The deceased resided at Barkeyville 52 ye:ir-t and was connected with the academy of that town. His parents re sided it) Harmony and died there many year.« ago. A large block-of leases have been taken from Harmony in a nor thear tern - ly direction by Butler and Harmony operators. Pittsburg capitalists am siid to have an interest in them. A well will be drilled at ouce as a test for the deep sand oil. Emma Cable, aged 15 years, daughter of Au lin Cable of Lancaster township, was Imriud at Whitestowu ou Nov. 7th The deceased is one of the twins and died after a short illness with diphtheria. Kavenaugh & Co's machine shop is r ning day and night at present. ' ;. u iness of this firm increased 100 yet cent, the last year. Butler County Election Returns, Nov, 5, 'Ol, Official, fl TPF*S Isf-p JrixiE. CLERK DIS'T (COUNT Y x ~ - o f t-pj •so r H • . J > 5* i o < H ® o *r* ££ ffi 2 ~ r ~ c' 2 S DISTRICT. " §f3-If| |S" | I S> • : ® P « & «■ S ' : : i-r«?3 i _ l . ( _s*=- rV ?—• o : :• g : r ( 2? s "*1 : c ; j Adams N ~ 50 4 2 8 ",1 4:'. 6 50 50 40 50 52 42 tdamsS 33 21 9 34 21 8 30 30 25 35 37 20 tllegheny 49 25 3 4!) 24 3 45 29 4* 26 51 8 Brady 50 53 9 55 54 8 52 111 58 62 58 40 Buffalo 100 26 4 109 20 4 110 25 98 37 111 22 Centre !!!!!!"... 70 40 1 71 39 1 68 43 62 48 72 32 Clearfield!. 35 67 .. J 37 66 5 41 58 36 70 37 69 Clinton 64 14 2 00 14 1 04 10 63 16 66 13 Cherrv N 40 18 1 40 18 1 39, 20 40 19 40 18 CWrvS 41 23 2 38 24 2 42 24 40 25 44 20 fhiav . 80 43.... 80 43.... 70 47 70 47 80 33 Concord....."90 70 4 101 00 5 70 94 90 84 112 45 Connoquenessing N 50 26 .. 50 26 .. 5| 17 4. 28 49 < Srr BS,DS « «; ! •? * ! « * 7 ™ « DoneS" 28 1 28 7S 1 :5 ° 75 27 7 * 30 70 Sew::::::::: 93 «« •»■■■■ «t\ »< » X Forward 71 68 3 72 69 1 6. .1 65 <9 ... 60 Franklin 86 58 7 89 58 5 88 64 75 77 92 51 Tack son E 15 30 1 16 29 5 17 30 13 34 10 28 Jackson W 30 60 . .. 30 60.... 32 04 27 09 19 77 feSon.::::: « m.... « »»•••• «. g"»g ** Lancaster Sf « 1 « \ ?' 2' 2? * Marion 61 73 2 1)9 ' 2 3 1,1 " 5 (,l) 1,1 ' Mercer 51 47 0 51 49 4 42 59 48 54 53 49 Middlesex.'.".:. 49 5 95 50 3 98 49 97 53 102 32 Muddvcreek » 2° ~ \ 5 -f -Z !.l j! Oakland 03 70 2 61 78 2 69 58 01 ,8 63 68 Parke" 47 10 4 48 10 4 33 30 40 17 48 7 n„ nn yr" 40 48 3 4(i 48 3 39 59 35 65 47 3.) p®„„ a . . 94 48 1 89 51 1 84 55 07 73 95 30 SHnnervrock .... 81 70 5 81 70 5 70 82 78 80 83 69 Smit 14 115-.,. 13 115... 14 115 16 113 12 108 Washington N 40 25 1 39 26 1 36 29 35 30 43 20 Washington S ~8 li 2 48 l.j 2 .0 24 <9 16 18, 11 wfnfiel! 102 62 2 103 62 1 103 62 103 63 105 61 Worth 75 10 o .4 .1 Butler Ist ward 145 142 19 141 143 17 140 159 134 171 144 127 ..2nd " 137 212 0 142 207 7 128 228 113 243 145 178 .. Z d „ 118! 162 2 110 161 2 110 165 101 178 122 133 .. i th .. 131! 139 8 131 139 8 140 133 I>s 101 143 117 .. <• .152 184 11 152 180. 11 142 200 116 228 158 137 Brnin 48 10 12 48 17 11 29 39 46 24 52 10 Connoo nene a sin "■ 28 18 4 2. 1. 4 13 30 2-> 25 31 1. EAS . 23 12 7 23 13 0 19 22 24 17 27 10 Fv.nVrv 4 07 84 4 66 85 4 70 81 62 91 69 80 Hamoiv 7 ::::::!:::::': 24 00 4 25 4 «< « i« t, u 7, Harrisville 31 39 7 3 40 7 2r oO 2, 48 35 ~3 Karns Citv 21 20 4 21 20 4 21 23 23 21 24 19 Karns >ltv.. 3H 35 u g.,. 36 9 39 43 30 48 42 25 Millerstown .... 85 5 79: 85 5 89 78 84 84 84 05 Petrolia 80 10 3 30 10 3 26 23 29 19 30 lo Portersvi'lie 1« 1» '• 1- 1° 4 15 l r> 1,: ir ' 1! ' i 0 Prospect.! 41 19 5 41; 19 5 43 19 39 26 43 21 Saxonburg S5 -- -. •• •; zL z' '''l r' Slipnervrock 52 50| 18 .)4 »1 lo 01 ;>0 60 .i 94< Va?encia ... 19 3 2 18 4 1 19' 4 21 2 21 2 West Snnbnry'.':: -20 20 8 Slj 19 8 24 24 26 21 39 9 ZeHenople .7 44 86 3 44 86 3 41 91 42 89 3 90 Fairview 27 21 3 27j 21, 3 21 29 31: 19 31, 10 Total 3631 3488 254 3634 348U 231 3471 3701 3350 3955 3765 3055 OIL NOTES. THE MARKET—Both agencies are paying $1.30. this morning. Karns City—McKinney & Thompson are drilling their No. 2 011 the S. Van- Dyke farm. E. E Abrams has a well started on his own place and Aaron Leidecker has timbers out for bis No. 3. "Callery—The Forest has completed their No. 7 on the Cyrns Hall farm and has a 35-barrel pumper. The Fort Pitt Oil & Gas Co's No. son the C'halfant is an 8 barrel well in the 100-ft. Oakland twp. —Finnegan & Slater have struck a good gasser on the Kirk farm, near Woodbine. Franklin twp. —Monday McClung Co. struck the Speechley sand on the Lewis Albert farm and it was reported that the well had filled up 70 teet with oil in four hours. The well is now reported dry. Concord twp—Among the Speechley sand wells completed last week were oneV>n the Henderson Donaldson, two on the Jackson, one on the Pres. Murt landandtwoon the W. F. Mnrtland, all belongiug to the South Penn. The last two surround Brown & Cos. I. Campbell four-acres. Brown & Co's well on the four-acres was making flows through the tubing Saturday night All the wells are reckoned at from 10 to 15 barrels a day. Nicklas & McGill's No. 2 on the Robert Campbell well has been in for two weeks and is a 12 barrel pumper. Barnsdall's No. 1 on the Roxberry is said by oil men to be the best well in the field. He has three others started on the same farm. » Barnsdall's No. 1 on the Robinson farm north of Greece City came in Mon day and is a good well. Hoch Bros. No. 0 on the Sutton, a fourth sand well, was on top of the sand last week and shut down ou account of leaking casing. The-Snee well on the Ezra Campbell is yet doing 25 barrels a day, and some forty wells are drilling in that neigh borhood. The Southern Oil Co's wildcat on the Brown farm southwest of the Campbell Hollow developments is in and reported to be a well. Near Weston, W. Va., last week, a gas well was struck which belched forth 25000000 cubic feet of gas every 24 hours and made such a noise as to put the workmen entirely deaf. At Butler's rate, 16 cents per thousand, this gas is worth S4OOO a day. Sales—Wm. Walker, real estate deal er, sold for Thompson, Younkins, & Co., leases on the Lindsey and Bart ley farms, comprising about 50 acres with 5 oil and gas wells to A. E. Wood, formerly of Clarion Co., Pa. Consider ation SIO,OOO. AT Leavenworth, Kansas, twenty-six prisoners escaped from the Federal pris on; the whole country turned out to huut them and three convicts wei j kill ed, and six captured. A Protest. Action taken by the Congregation of the Presbyterian church of Concord in convention'assembled, November 3rd, 1901. • Whereas, Section o of the Sunday laws of Pennsylvania reads thus: "Pro fanation of the Lords day. is an olfense against God and religion; for besides the notorious iudeceney and scandal of permiting any secular business to be publicly transacted on that day, in a country professing Christianity;and the corruption of morals which usually fol lows its profanation: the keeping of one day m seven holy as a time of relaxation and refreshment, as well as for public worship, is of admirable service to a State, considered merely as a civil insti tution. It enables the industrious workman to pursue his occupation in the ensuing week with health and cheer fulness; it imprints on the minds of the people that sense of their duty to God, so necessary to make them good citizens; but which would be worn out and de faced by unremitted continuance of labor, without any stated times of re calling to the worship of their Maker, and whereas. The oil industry in our community Has brought with it many violations of both the civil and the Divine law in re gard to labor on the Sabbath day. both in drilling on.and the pumping of wells, the hauling of material, and other kinds of labor on that day, and whereas We ueem it our duty as citizens and church members to protest against any unnecessary violations of the Sunday ' laws, therefore i Resolved, That we respectfully ask j the oil operators, contractors and labor ; ersnot to work on or reqnire others to I work on the Sabbath day, except where ! it is necessary to save property from de preciation or loss Resolved, That we request that a copy of these resolutions be published in the county papers. HARVEY CAMPBELL, R. P. SUTTON, A. F. COCHRAN. HENRY Kt HN, ROBERT ADAMS, Committee. CHURCH NOTES. Revival services are being conducted in Fairview M. E. church, with good at tendance Public worship in Buffalo church, next Sunday at 11 a.m. and at Westmin ster at 3 p.m. These are the farewell services of the pastor previous to his leaving for French Creek church, W. V r a. The Y. P. S. of the U. P. Church will hold a Silver Social. Friday evening, at the home of A'. Ruff on N. Main Sr. All are inyited. Last Friday evening they held a pleasant business and social meeting at the home of D. H. Caldwell on S. McKean St. At a special meeting of the Butler Presbytery of the Presbyterian church, last Thursday in ihe Second church,pas toral iclationship was dessolvedbetween Rev. W. J. Hazlett of Sarversville aud Buffalo aud Westminster churches, he haying accepted a call to the French Creek Presbyterian church, W. Va The resisination of Rev. J. A. Taylor as pastor of the Cliutonville church wa« accepted to take effect Jan. J, 1902. The Second Presbyteriaus held a so cial Monday evening at which they in spected the phyis for their new church and ate cake andgraino. At a presbytery meeting of the U. P. church held at Fair view. Tuesday. Rev. C A McQuistion was installed as pastor of the Fairview church Rev. Hugh H. McCreery, who Ins been for eight years a missionary in Utah will deliver a lecture on the atiii polygamy movement now being urged on Congress, in the M E. church, n-xt Tuesday evening, at N o'clock. R u v. McCreery comes to Butler on the invi tation of the Ministers' Association. H< is a man well informed on the whole Mormon question I'AKK THK/VTItE. MARO, —MONDAY, NOV. ISTH The hands of M.iro are at otice the hands of a magician, a painter and a musician. All of this requires the most assidious practice, and having once brought a feat to a presentable state i f ptirfection Maro, this veritable wizini continues a regular routine of exercis • advised by him to give to his hands the necessary flexibility. A simple move ment frequently used by him will de monstrate to auy one who tries it how supple and perfectly controlled thes" fingers are. .Maro and six other first class enter tainments can be bought for one dollar. Reserved seats extra. Maro .appears Monday the lSfcli inst ia the Stir Course under management of Y. M. C. A. THE EMPIRE SHOW—NOV. 21. The Empire show, which opens an engagement at the Opera House, Thurs. Nov. 21, will realize the drawing room atmosphere and tone of the most modern vaudeville ideas. .Tan,ie3 J. Corbett in his own original monologue, Hill and Silvainy, European cyclists, The Four Otts, Hickey & Nel son. Little Elsie, Kellv and Kent and other feature acts in Vaudeville round tip a full two hours and a half of capi tal entertainment. resent employed in Mercer Hospital was home over Sunday. W. C. Glenn made a. business trip to the City, Saturday. Butler County Pomona. Butler Co. Pomona Grantee No. 17, P. of K„ will meet at Eureka Grange Hall. Thursday, December sth 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m Election of officers ill take place at this meeting. Patrons turn out and let us have a good meeting. By order of Committee. H. BOOK. Master. W. H. CAMPBELL, Sect'y. DEATHS."" BEtSEL —At his home in Pittsburg, Nov. 7, 1901, Charles A., son of Chas. W. and Mollie (Duff) Beisel, aged 0, years. DAVIS—At Wilkinsburg, Nov. T. 1901. Minerva C., wife of T. H. Davis. KELLY—At her home in Allegheny, Nov. 7, 1901, Nellie, danghter of Mrs. Margaret Rojan Kelly, aged 17 years. LAMBERT —At his home in Lancaster twp. Nov. 4, 1901, George Lambert, asied 88 years - . MITCHELL —At her home in Alexan dria, Minn. Nov. 7, 1901, Mrs. Anna Elora Thompson, wife of Cbas. S. Mitchell, aged 43 years. She was the only daughter of Col. J. M. Thompson. Her remains were buried at St. Cloud. Minn. FLEEGER—At her home on West St.. Butler, Nov. G, 1901, of consumption. Miss Tillie Fleeger, aged 32 vears. CABLE At her home in Connoqneness ing twp., Nov. 5, 1901, Miss Emma, daughter of Austin Cable, aged 14 years. GRIER —At his home at Eau Claire, Nov. 9. 1901, John B. Grier. aged 63 years. Mr Grier serjred in Co. N. 185 Pa. Infantry in the Civil War and was «. member of the Rosenbsrry Post G. A. R. GIBB—At his home in Karns City, Nov. 5, 1901, of -typhoid fever, William A. Gibb aged '2l years. His remains were buried in Bear Creek cemetery. FALEN —At the County Home, Ncv. 9, 1901, John Falen of Brady twp . aged 60 years. WILD—At her home in Zelienople Nov. 12. 1901, Susan Wild, nee Hallstein. wife of Henry Wild, acred 50 years KINGSBURY—At New Brighton. Nov 9. 19.11. C. O. Kingsburg, for merly of Siipperyrock. aged 65 years. LUSK At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gel bach in Zelienople, Nov 12. 1901, Mrs. Agnes, widow of Dr. Amos Lusk, aged 69 years. She was the mother of Attorney W. H. Lusk of Bntler, Amos Lusk of ttao Pullman Palace Car Company, Joseph R. Losk. Superintendent of the Pitts bnrir & Western railroad at New Castle. Major J. L. Lusk of the United States Engineering Corps, stationed at Wash ington D. C.: Julian Lusk of Zelienople and the daughter at whose house she died. Interment will be made at Zelie nople, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. CHRI3TLEY —At his home in Slippery rock twp., Nov. 8. 1901, Neyman Cliristley. in his 50th year. Mr. Christley's death was caused by cancer of the stomach with which he had Ijetn ill for some mouths. He was bom May IS, 1843 on the farm on which he lived and WHS the son of Michael and Elizabeth, nee Neyman, Christley In IMI 1 he enlisted in Co. H. 78th Penn'a Infantry and served during nearly the entire war. participating in Stone River. Chicauiatiga and other battles After the war he worked as a carpenter but since 1871 lived upon aud worked tbs homestead farm, one of the finest in the county. In 1869 he married Mary, daughter of Josiah C. Robb of Mercer county, .lis wife and two children, Il!ula ? ire of Dr. S. E Nelson of Deni seytowa Venango County, and Benja miu survive him. One son, (irant, died in 1893. The deceased was one of the original stock holders of the Slippery rock State Normal and a member of '.he O G Bingham, Post 305, G. A. R. He was a man universally respected aud es teemed, v ho did all things well. Obituary. George Lambert died last week at the home of George Dindinger in Lancaster twp., from the effect of a broken leg. lie was it) his Bilth year. His remains were buried in the Lutheran Cemetery at Middle Lancaster, Rev. H. K Sbanor officiating. Li 11 ting Chang, the Chinaman, that G'-'ii Grant considered one of the great e-i n»< n be had ever met and who. when ;n*h; country ia 18'J6 placed a wreath on Grant's tomb, died at Peking 1-ist rhursday. He was in bis 80th year, was a famous scholar and soldier in early life and afterwards aud until his death the greatest statesman of that country. The funeral strvices of the late Nathan Yv iiinct Campbell Esq. was held at his late residence on Franklin St. Fiidav morning. His fellow atlorueys and the Maccabees, of which he was a ui miter. attended. The services were conducted by Rev. Worrell, pastor of the dee'd and Revs. McNees of Glade Mills and Summit, and Hazlett of Sarveraville in who.-e churches he for merly worshiped, participated. Be sides his widow, the deceased leaves two sons aired two years and —months respectively. lb Feat. "It seemed that nothing short of a miracle could save my little daughter from an untimely j death," says City Marshall A. 8 H. Malcolm, of Cherokee,Kan. j " When two years old she was I taken with stomach and bowel I trouble and despite the efforts I of the best physicians we could I procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced in curable. A friend advised Maes' Nervine and after giving it a few days I she began to improve and final | ly fully recovered. She is now I I past five years of age and the I j very picture of health." Sold by all Druggists. I Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. | Hospital Donation Day. The Bntler County Hospital will ob serve its annual donation day on Thurs day. November 21. The more dona tions received the less the hospital will have to pay in expense bills, and the irore it t an do fur those who are unable to pay for treatment. The managers state that operating towels, face towels, pillow slips.bureau covers, stand covers, table covers, napkins, night shirts.night dresses, old muslin, groceries, rice, breakfast food 9. soap, toilet soap, rub no-more. starch, scouring brushes, brooms, potatoes, lard, butter, flour, canned frnits. jellies and vegetables are particularly wanted. Wagons will be sent <*it to all streets of the town as usual. The ladies of the Hospital Association will hold a reception from 2 to 5 aud from 7 to 0 p. m on donation day in the hospital building. All interested in the hospital in Butler or Butler county will be welcome. TO BUTLER COUNTY FARMERS. Any farmer wishing to contribute a bushel or half linshei of potatoes, the same of apples, or a few pounds of but ter or lard or salted meats of any kind, the same will lie thankfully received on donation day, Thursday, November '2l. 1901, or any time that suits him during the year. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the \ In the Orphan's estatesof John A. Dunlap Court of Butler and Ann Eliza I'unlap. , Co . No. 74. Ver bis widow, deceased. I teml»er Term.Js'ci. To Mary J. Allen. Wilson Dunlap. John M. Dunlap. Tillie M. Bell now Kellv.Nancy Ann Bach, Elizabeth Wise or Wice Margurite Simons. Mary Ni«*herson and James Nieker son, children and heirs ut law of above named decedents, and all other parties in terested. Notice is hereby given that having been appointed an Auditor to distribute the funds paid into Court at O. (' No. 9, September T., I.* I. and a! Auditor's Keport Docket. No. 5. page 386. belonging to Llie estates of the above named decedents t>.> and among the parties entitled thereto, I have fixed Thurs day. the :>th day of November, 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in.. at my oftie«» in the Wise Building. 11l North Diamond, in the borough of Butler, Pa., as the time and place for a hearing in the nbow entitled matter, when and where all persons interested may attend if they see proper. JOHN AV. COULTER, Auditor. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that J. H. Bell, Charles A. Hit. (j E Riteuour, J. \V. Osborn. R. B. Boiard. and their assoc"- ates will, on the 7th day of December. A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. in., make ap plication to the Hon John M. Greer. President Judge of the Common Picas Court of Butler county, Pa., for a charter of Incorporation of the United Presbyterian Congregation of Bethel, in the township of Siippery rock, in said county.# and that the object of said corporation is iho worship of Almighty God. according to the doctrine, dis cipline and usages to tho United Pres byterian church of North America. Auv persou objecting to such corporation will bo heard at ihe time and place above mentioned. J. M. GALHREATH, Attorney for Applicants. Notice of Application for Char^-r COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, T COUNTY OP BUTLER \ Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Honorable John M. Greer, President Judffe of said Court on the 18th day of November next, at 10 o'clock a. m., under the In corporation Act of 1874 and the Supple ments therein by J. M. Scott. Robert, F. W. Witte, John Rivers, Sr., E. P Harper and others for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called Cabot Institute, the character and ob ject of which is to maintain an institu tion of learning for higher education than that acquired in the Common Schools and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said Act and its Supplements. W. D. BRANIJON. Solicitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate lof Jacob Hulzly, dee'd., late <>f Forward twp., Butler Co, Pa., having grantee' to the undersigned, all person? knowing themselves indebted to • aid estate will please make immediate j payment, and nny having claims against ' said tstat'* will present them duly i.u thentieaUd for settlement to C. R. HUTZLY. \ A dm'rß HKRMAN HUTZLY, T " Rtibold, Pa. j. N. HENNINGER, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Loiters of administration on the estate of James B FoltDti, dee'd., late of Middlesex township, Butler county. Fa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themse'ves indebted to said estate will pltasv make immediate payment, and an; l.aMng claims against said estate «ill pie>ent tlum duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN T. FULTON. Adm'r., Glade Mills, Butler Co., Pa. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN. Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letts r< of administration on the estate of Robt. F. Glenn, dee'd., late of B r ady twp,Butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themself indebted lo said estate will p'ease make immediate payment, and ai;j- Laving claims againsi said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlemeni to b. C GLENN, Aiim'r , West i iberty, fa. C. WALKFR. Att'y EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. t'nder and by virtue of the powers con tained ill the last will and testament of John Glasgow, deceased, the undersigned as ex ecutors of the said will of John Glasgow, late of Clinton township, Butler county. I'a., de ceased, will expose to sale at public outcry ou the premises on Saturday, November JllOl, at 2 o'clock p. m., all of that certain piece, parcel and tract of land, of which the said John Glasgow, late of the Township of Clin ton. County of Butler, and State of Pennsyl vania, died seized, and being situate in the aforesaid township, county and state, bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a post, the southwest corner, on line of land of Margaret Glasgow and being southeast corner of land of Clias. B. Glas gow, theuce south 81 deg. 12 mill. east. l,i!»i feet to line of land of John Wiley; thence along lands of said John Wiley north 1 (leg. -7 mill. east. 1,5*2 feet to corner of land of John Wiley near a hickory tree; thence north along line of land of John Wiley S« deg. :» min. west, 1,501.25 feet to northeast corner of Clias. B. Glasgow land; thence along line of bind of ("has. I!. Glasgow south 1 deg. 12 min. west. 1.470 feet to place of be ginning. containing fifty-two acres -*nd forty-nine perches (52 acres -litperellvs) as per survey of K K. Maurhoff. > K., made Octo ber 2d and :id, 1901; no buildings thereon and being all cleared except about fifteen acres. Said tract of land being the balance of real estate of the said John Glasgow, deceased, remaining sifter the portion of western end of the same as surveyed to ('has. B. Glasgow under the provisions of the aforesaid last will and testament. TF.H.MS OF SALE One-half (K( cash upon exi cution sind delivery of deed, balance pay able in one vesir from date of deed, secured by bond and mortgage upon the premises, with Interest at ti per cent., sci. fa. clause, attorney's con mission, etc. ■ROBERT SEFTON, i F MARTIN MONKS, < Executors Of Isist will and testment of John Glasgow, dee'd. Flick, Penn'a. WIM.IAHS A MITCHELL, Attorneys. October 23d. IWI ESTRAY NOTICE. A bay luare, about eight years old, came to the residence of the undersign ed in Adams twp., 1 mile west of Myoma, Saturday, October 5. The onwtr can have same by coming forward, proving property and paying charges, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. MIKES CASH DOLLAR, Myoma. NOTICE IN DIVORCE. Ruth Grace Christy i In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler vs county, Pa., A. I>. No. L' 7, May Term, 1901. Victor E. Christy. J Book 22, Page 149. To Victor E. Christy: Two Subpoenas in above case having been returned V K. 1., you the said Victor E. Christy, above named defendant, are lieraby required to appear in said court of Common Pleas, to be held at Butler, Pa., on Monday, the 2nd day of December, i'JOl. being the tirst day of next term of sild Court to answer the said complaint, and-show cause, if any you have, way an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony should not be granted to said Kuth Grace Christy Von are also hereby notified that testi mony will be tstken in ilie above case before said court, on December 3rd, lUUI, at which time and place you are notified to attend. THOMAS K. lIOON, Sheriff, REGISTER S NOTICES The Register hereby gives notice that the follow! nfc accounts <>f executors, adminis trator-, ami jfuardlans liave been In t his office according to law, and will be nre •-enteil to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday, the 7th day of December, I'JUI. at U A. M.. of said day: I. Final account of A. H. Barkley, executor of Samuel S Wlmer. late of Worth twp. I'inal account of B. L. Hockenberry. ad mlnisist raior 1 1 B. N.C. T. A. of Miles Cov ert. late of Adams twp. ;. lirst partial account of B. 1.. Hoclren licrry. trustee of Miles Covert estate, late.of Adams twp. 4. I'inal account of W. C. Hawn. guardian of Janus G. Black minor child of H.C. Black, lat ■ of Harrisviile. boro. j. I'irst and Hna.l account of W. F. Butler, administrator of John M. Wolford, late of Donegal twp. (i. I'inal account of Lev S. Henry, guardian of Tina Henry, minor child of sar;.h L. Henry, late of Connoquenesslng twp. 7. I'inal account of Belle Hutchison, ad ministratrix of Esther Hutchison, late of Oakland twp. First and final account of James Wal lace, executor of Adallne Wallace, late of Zelienople. 9. First and final account of D. G. Bast I an. guardian of Katie Schontz now Brown, minor child of Katherino Schontz, late of Harmony boro- .. _ 10. First and final account of W. 11. Bran don. executor of Mrs. M. M. McConnell, late of Clay twp. „ 11. First and final acoount of Harry Bauer, executor of Cath. Bauer, late of Butler boro. 12. Final and distribution account of Jennie Christie, James Christie and M. W. Starr, ex ecutors of Peter Christie, late of Butler boro. 13. First and final account of 11. J. Hose and 11. J. Gilmore, administrators C. T. A. 1). B. N'.of Margaret Shaw, late of Harris- vllle. 14. Final account of Hugh Shaw, as Stated by Homer J. Hose and Hugh R. Gilmore. ex ecutors of Hugh Shaw, deceased, who was one of the administrators of Margaret Shaw, late of Harrisviile boro. „ , 15. Final account of J. T. Black, adminis trator of John Caskey. late of Marion twp. in Final account of W. F. McCollough ad ministrator of Elizabeth Taylor, late of Muddycreek twp. , 17. Final account of F. W. Schuster, admin istrator C. T. A. of Jacob Schuster, late of Butler county. Pa. is. Final account of W. P. McCoy, guardian of Hallie B. Heckathorn. minor child of John C. Heckathorn. late of Worth twp. 111. Final and distrlburlon account of Christy Kobb. executor of Anne McClung, late of Oakland twp. -0. Final and distribution account of John C. Moore, trustee to sell real estate under proceedings in partition in estate of Daniel tleck. late of Center twp. „ „ Ml. First and final account of C. i-• Smith and W. K. Smith, executors of Edmund Smith, late of Slippery Bock twp. •i.'. Final account of lleiij. S. Ranklu. guar dian of Sadie li. McUarvey, minor child of Koberl .McUarvey. late of Fairview twp. lio. Final and distribution account of Sarah Wolford. executrix of Henry Woiford. late of Slippery Kock twp. :J4. Final account of A. kilpatrlck. guar dian of S. Dean Crowe, minor child of Oliver C. Crowe, late of Adams twp. 25. Final account of Michael Zeigler, ad ministrator of George Stahl. late of Zelie nople boro. 2t>. Final account of Ellen Hays, adminis tratrix of Joseph Hays, late of Adams twp. 27. Final account of Thomas F-. Taylor, ex ecutor of Catherine L. Fisher, late of Bradv township. u"S. Final account of Ira McJunkin. guar dian of Percy L. Iveli. minor child of Ilenry G. Kell. late of Butler boro. 29. Final account of John W. Glenn, ad ministrator of A. J. McCoy, lateof Mercer tp. 30. Final account of J. F. Anderson, guar dian of Ralph Kirkpatrick. minor child of Laura Kirkpatrick, lateof Renfrew. :tl. Final account of J. F. Harper, adminis trator of Margaret Harper, late of Concord township. :i2. First and final account of Maria Blanch Lewis and Lizzie McCready. executors ot Maria B. Brandon, late of Harrisviile boro. 33. Final account of R. E Collins, guardian of Oreue Cleveland Shoaff, deceased, minor child of Thomas S. and Mary R. Shoaff, late of Worth twp. 34. Final account of Christianna Frederick, administratrix of Henry S. Frederick, late of Donegal twp. 35. Final account of John E. Ivradel, ad ministrator of James L. Smith-, lateof But ler boro. 30. First and final account of Daniel Con way, administrator of Mary A. Gagen, late of Oakland twp. 37. First and account of GeorgeE. Robinson adm'rof estate of Helronymous Kirchner, late of Butler boro. W. J. ADAMS, Register. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS. Notice is hereby given that the following roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the lirst Saturday of December Court. 1901, being the 7th day of said month, and if no excep tions are filed tliev will be confirmed abso lutely: R. 1). No. 3. March Sessions, 1901. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Worth and Muddy Creek townships for a uounty bridge over Muddy Creek at a point on the Prospect and Jacksville road. July 13th, 1901. reviewers were appointed by the Court, who. on August 31st, 1901, tiled their report in favor of locating the said bridge. Now, September 7th. 1901, approved. Notice to be given ac cording to rules of Court and to be laid be fore the grand jury at next term. By THE COURT. R. D. No. 1, May Sessions. 1901. In the mat ter of the petition of the citizens of Donegal township for a county bridge over Branch Creek at a point on the Chlcora and Rattlgan road. March If. 1901, viewers were appointed by the Court, who, on August 31, IMOI. filed their report in favorof the said bridge. Now, September 7, 1901, approved. Notice to be given according to rules of Court and to be laid before the grand jury at next term. BY THE COVRT. K. D. No. 1, September Sessions. 1901. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Ve nango township for a county bridge over Slippery Rock Creek at a point on the road leading from Hilliard Station to the Mercer and Parker road. June 3,1901, viewers were appointed by the Court, who, on August 31. 1901, filed tli ir report in favorof locating the said bridge. Now, September 7, 1901. ap proved. Notice to be given according to rules of Court aud to be 'aid tasforethe grand jury at next term. Bv THE COURT. R. i). No. 3. September Sessions. 1901. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Cherry township for a public road to lead from a point on the Garfield and Anandaie road, about 20 rods west of the old coal tipple, to a point about, 30 r.>ds west of the Kenelian bridge on the road leading from the Sunbury road to the Anandaie road. June 5, 1901. viewers were appointed by the Court, who. o i August 31. 1901, lilert their re port in faror of the said road. Nov, Septem ber 7, 1901, approved and fix width of road at :t3 feet, notice to be given according to rules of Court. Bv THE COURT. R D. No. 5, September Sessions. 1901. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Slip pery Rock township for a county bridge over Keifer run at a point on the public road run ning through lands of A. W. Grossman. May 20, 1901. viewers were appointed by the Court, who, on July 31, 1901, fib'd their report In favor of the said bridge. Now. September /. 1901. approved. Notice to be given:accordlng to rules of Court ana to be laid before the grand jury at next term. BY THE COURT. R. I). No. 7. September Sessions, 1901. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Alle gheny township for a county bridge over little Scrub (irass Creek #n the Emlenton roatl. June 19,1901, viewers were appointed by the Court, who, on August 24, lwl. tiled their report in favor of locating the said bridge. Now, September 7, 1901, approved. Notice to be given according to rules of Court and to be laid before the grand jury at next term. BY THK COURT. K. I). No. s, September Sessions, ISWI. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Jack son township for a public road to lead from a point on the Ilarmonv and Evans City road to a point on the Harmony and Prospect road. .Inly 13. l'JOl, viewers were appointed by the Court, who. 011 August 14. 11)01, liled tfieir report in favor of said road. Now. Sep tember T, 1901. approved, and fix width of road at 33 feet, notice to be given according to rules of Court . BY THE COUKT. Certified from the records this ftli day of N " W '"'" wiLLIAM 11. CAMPBELL. Clerk. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz: Widow of Charles Mickley, personal property >HH».(H) Wiuow of Hiram Graham, personal property 300.00 Widow of John A. Uoetz, personal prop erty %••• 300.00 Widow of James It. Fulton, personal property >OO.OO Widow of Daniel Iv. Graham, personal propc rty Widow of Christian Weiman. charge on real estate 300.<» All persons interested in the above ap praisements will take notice that they will be presented for confirmation to theOpphans Court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday.the 7th day of Dec. WOl. and if no exceptions are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely. WILLIAM 11. CAMPBELL. Clerk O. V. Clerk's Otiiee. Nov. 4,1801. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MARY J. ROYLE, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letter 1 : of administration in the estate of Mrs. Mary j. Royle, deceased, l~te of the Borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to Samuel M. Seaton, resident of said b rough, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate are re quested to make known the same with out delay. SAMUEL M. SEATON, Adm'r.. Butler, Pa. BLACK & STEWART, Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. In re estate of John I-)ay, dee'd., late of Clay t'vp., Butler Co., Pa. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on above estate all persons having claims will pre sent them duly proved for payment and £.ll persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to PETER R. DAY, Executor, West Sunbury, Pa. W. C. FINDLEY, Att'y. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of David Park, dee'd., late of Middlesex township, Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselvei indebted to said estate will please immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated to MRS. MARY A. PARK, EX'X, Bakerstown, Pa. E. 11. NEGL,fcY. Att'v. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex.. Fl. a . Lev. Fa.. Ac.. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, t he re *lll be exposed to public sale at the Court House lu the borough of Butler. Pa. on Friday, the 2gth day of Nov., A. D. igoi, at I o'clock P. M„ the following described property, to-wit: E. I>. No. 22, December Term. 1901. Williams .V Mitchell, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Joseph A. U'Xeil and Eva O'Neli, of. In and to all that certain piece or tract of land, sit uated in Allegheny township. Butler county. l*a., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, the southeast corner; thence by lands of Henry Kolilmeyer heirs, south degrees west. 101 and s-10 perches to a post; thence by lauds of W. P. smith, south 10 de grees east !M and K perches to a post; thence north H9 degrees east 101 and S-10 perches to a post, by lands of Blymlller and Greer: thence by lands of Williams heirs, north 10 degrees west '.4 and 4 peri-lies to a stone, the place of beginning; being also bounded as follows, adjoining lands of Henry Kohl meyer heirs on the north, and adjoining lands formerly of A.C. Williams, now I'nlon Oil Co. on the east, adjoining lands of G. K. Greer, and Augustus Blymlller on the south, and adjoining lands of A. A. Kohlmeyer. on the west, and containing 60 acres, more or less, and having thereon erected 2 two-story frame dwelling houses frame barn and out building*. alxiut 35 acres cleared, balance In timber, all under fence and orchard thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Joseph A.O'Neiland Eva O'Xell at the suit of John Forcht. E. I>. No. 5. December Term, 1901. W. D. Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. Joseph Cowan. Eva L. Cowan, (nee Thompson), and Joseph Cowan, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situ ated In Middlesex township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of W. it. Thompson, on the east by lands of S. Thompson, on the south by lands of James Fulton and MeCaslin heirs, and on the west by lands of John Forquer ana James Cowan; containing t$S acres, more or less. ALSO—Of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land,situated In Butler borough. Butlei county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Incersectlon of Penn and Mercer streets; thence by Penn street extension north 7T degrees and 15 minutes west 40 rods: thence by Duffy, et al. north M 0 degrees and 45 minutes 175 feet by same north 30 degrees and 45 minutes west 289 and 1 a feet; thence by Krug, et al, north 42 de grees east 475 feet; thence by same or street south OC degrees and 30 minutes to Mercer street; thenee by Mercer street to Ijeglnning; containl ng HI acres, more or less. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mrs. Joseph Cowan. Eva L. Cowan, (nee Thompson) and Joseph Cowan at the suit of The Butler Savings Hank. E. I). No. 42. Decern I >er Term, 1901. J. 11. Wilson, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Susan E. Mobley of In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Mlllerstown borough. Butler county, l'a.. bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: On the north by Summit avenue, on the east by lands of F. A. Sutton, on the south by Grove avenue, and on the west by lands of Margaret E. Bole; and hav ing thereon erected a one story frame cot tage house of seven rooms, and necessary outbuildings. Sel'.ed and taken in execution as the prop erty of Susan E. Mobley at the suit of The Ohio Valley Savings and Loan Association. E. D. No. 20. December Term. 1901. W. A. & F. J. Forquer. Attorneys All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. Jennie Cross of. in and to all that cer tain piece or lot of land, situated In Marion township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by the P. B. & L. E. Railroad, on the east by lot of Daniel Ferrere. on the south by lot of Daniel Fer rere, and on the west by lot of Herman Bald win, and having thereon erected a two story frame house, aud small frame stable. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mrs. Jennie Cross at the suit of L. J. Slsney. E. I). No. 15, I>eeember Term, I'JOl. J. M. Galbreath, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Sarah A. Gross and William H. Gross of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Jackson township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Be ginning at the northeast corner, thence the same is bounded on the north by the public road leading from Zelienople to Evans City; on the east by the Pittsburg road: on tne south by lands of John Wilson; and on the west by lands of Magdalene KautTman; con taining five acres, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Sarah A. Gross and William H. Gross at the suit of Samuel Walton. E. D. No. .>3. December Term. 11101. John B. Henninger, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and cla'.ui of John S. Myers of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Muddy creek township. Butler county. I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north fcy lands of I'eter Wallace.on the east by lands of George Flumer, on the south by lands of Charles Meyeis, and on the west by lands of Havid Myers; containing sixty-one (81) acres, more or less, and having thereon a frame house and frame barn. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John S. Myers at the suit of Lucinda A. Ziegler. E. D. No. 3, December Term, IDOL W D Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of G W. McCandless of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Butler township, Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of A. G. Campbell heirs, on the cast by lands of George Ho-.vers, on the south by lands of Mrs. T. 11. Burtoft. and on the west by the public road leading from Butler and Har mony road to Mercer road. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of G. W. McCandless at the suit of The Butler Savings Bank. TEBMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly compiled with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will lx> continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. •See I'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 440. and Smith's Forms, page 384. THOMAS K. lIOON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Nov. 9,1901. TT What furnish- I[) ings do for a man just im ■■ agine yourself n63.11Z6 without such very necessary things as Underwear, Hose, Shirts, Collars and Neckwear. Pretty figure you would cut, to be sure. To realize what the best of MEN'S FURNISHINGS will do, put yourselfiti some of the fixings from our stock. ( They will be the finishing touches that will make your apparel complete. Agent for Dr. Dennels linen mesh underwear. Jno. S. Wick, MEN'S HATTER AND FURNISHER. Opposite P. 0. Special Notice. "Bicycles at cost' to close them DUt, come early and get a bargain. All kinds of repair work given , prompt attention at i Qeo. W. Mardorf's Bicycle Store and Repair Shop, } 109 W. Cunningham St- " Jury List for December Term.' GRAND JURORS. List of names drawn from the proper jurors wheel this litth day of October, 1901. to serve at a regular term of court to commence on the first Monday of December, the same being the 2nd day of said month, 1901. Barnhart. A D, Concord tp. farmer. Ball. Joseph. 2nd wd Bntler, teamster. Bowser, Milton. Mars boro. pumper. Christley, William, Clay tp, farmer, Ebert, Fred Clinton tD, blacksmith, Greenwood. Win, 24 wd Butler, con- tractor. Grant. Johnston. Allegheny tp. farmer, Geehring, Alfred Cranberry tp.farmer. Lenzinger, J A.Harmony boro,minister. Laird Harvey, Ist wd Butler, laborer, Login. Milton. Jefferson tp. farmer, Mitchell. Frank, 4th wd Butler, car penter. Meeder, F C. Cranberrv tp. farmer, Marsheil. H A, 3rd wd Butler, clerk, Mackey. Charles. Franklin tp, farmer, Mahood. W E, Washington tp, farmer, Mair.H E.Zelieuople boro,photographer, Stewart, W M. Fair view tp, farmer, Shumaker. Grant, Clinton tp, music teacher. Snyder. John, CleaTfleid tp. pumper, Thompson, Harry,3d wd Butler,pumper, Venseil, A, Petrolia boro. farmer. Wick, A ts, Mercer tp. farmer, Weir, Alexander, Buffalo tp. farmer, PETIT JCRORS. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the second Mouday of December, the same being the 9th day of said month, Albert, Lewis, Franklin tp, farmer Brown. C B, Penn tp. farmer Blakely, Joseph, Marion tp, farmer Boehm. T H, Prospect boro, teamster Bish, Donegal tp. larmer Bracknev. Loyal, Butler, sth ward, con tractor Campbell, Rob't. Millerstown borough, laborer Cooper. Philip. Jefferson tp, farmer Cooper, Gilbert, Marion tp, farmer Conway, Dame!, Oakland tp, farmer Cochran, A F, Concord tp, farmer Cypher, Jobn T, Winfield tp, farmer Dobson, Geo, Cherry tp, farmer Eppeuger. Milton. Harmony boro, clerk Fletcher. E M, Parker tp, farmer Gibson, Mark, Butler, 4th ward, driller Garrowav, James, Butler, 4th ward, carpenter * Gumpper. Alfred, Butler, 4th ward,clerk Hockenberry, Benj, Cherry tp, farmer Halstein, Charles, Bntler tp. farmer Hartung. Geo, Jackson tp, farmer Hoffner, Lewis, Butler. 3d ward, laborer Jamison. W C. Eau Claire boro, farmer Kelly, Wm, Parker tp, farmer Krouse, Philip, Butler, Ist wd, moulder Kelly, Samuel, Parker tp, farmer McNeal, Frank, Adams tp, farmer McNight, Wm, Slippery Rock town ship, farmer McDermit, R R. Fairview tp, farmer McKinney, Rob't, Connoq'g tp, farmer McDonald, Benton, Muddycreek town ship, farmer Miller, Jacob. Forward tp, farmer Parker, C H. Butler, 4th ward, producer Pierce, James M, Allegheny tp, operator Rasely. George, Connoq'g tp, farmer Sanderson. Mike, Donegal tp, farmer Snyder. C A, Butler, 2d ward, laborer Shira, Elmer, Washington tp. farmer Shannon, Benj, Franklin tp, stonemason Steen. Lamont. Harrisville boro, tailor Shakelv. J A, Connoq'g tp, farmer Snyder. Philip, Jefferson tp, farmer Thorn, A D, Connoq'g tp. farmer Vincent, W. M., Marion tp, farmer Westerman. Samuel, Buffalo tp, farmer Weyman. Ernest, Jackson tp. farmer Wahl. Henry. Forward tp. fanner Wick, Harry, Concord tp, farmer B. B. new book catalog —complete news of a complete Hook Shop—sent soon ss >ou write for it. We do the Book business dif ferently. On some Books pub lisher regulates price—whenever he doesn't, we shave profits io the minimum. Latest Books soon as published - also a place you can depend on f< r full lines of general litera ure. Bibles, Testr.menfs, Prayer Books. Immense line of clean, whole some, lascinat'ng literature loi i boys and girls. Anything publishtd that's fit t read Do the Hook business in s>.ch : way, it will pay anyone who ha: a-ingle book or a whole library to buy, to get and cn-sult 'hi: fresh, up-to-date new BoM Catalog. special Just put on sale lot of all wi.o Homespuns full 50 inches wide 40c yard —good mixtures of Brown arc Tan—such nice sightly goods foi little money. \ ou'il know for sure when you see samples, ibat you'r< giving attention to something ex traordinary. Bojjjjs &, Buhl L'» partm- ft X ALLEGHENY. PA THG SUTI96R CITIZ6N. 11.00 per year if paid In advance, otherwisf $1.50 will be cnarged. I ADVERTISING KATES— One lncli. one tlm< 11; each subsequent Insertion 50 cents eacl Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec utors' and administrators' notices $3 each estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Read ing notices 10 cents a line for lirst and Scent! for each subsequent insertion. Notice! amonglocal news items 15 cents a line foi e u'h in sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festival; and fairs, etc., inserted at the rale of 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. .:*i ?yri£iht Compositions l'V t' *' f • r . C 4 of Hjro Tf.f • 1 ulf lii*:rn ' .iliil — ?i Con: - - • !ir Pirtno—OiM-e r. Mo> t 1 < r i " i.;. Y> tfl.' SiibMU|iiioii. f I.CC. ) ■ ! ■! us 111 ■ li**-"' an.l a tire.-* of > • 1 1 or O favors. we will S< \ r I ■. ?rcc. ;. W. ;>£fPEa. Publisher, r. Lrs'jf. Sts., riifloCtflyho, ■■■■ SUBSCRIPTION For the J. W. Pepper Piano Music Mag. azine, price One Dollar per year (jiostage paid), can be placed by applying to the office of CITIZEN. 11/ANTED-Uonest inan or woman to trave " for large houst; salary SOS monthly and expenses, with Increase; position perman . eut line lose self-addressed stamued euvelot# M I NAOER «W> f»itOD hldff.. Onlr**r, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GM. ZIMMERMAN • PHYSICI AN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main st-cet, over City Pharmacy. | BLACK, ] B< PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. R. C. ATWELL, Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr Graham's old office.] Horns 7 to 9 a. m. and I to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m DR. N. M. HOOVER. 137 E. Wayne St., office .lours. 10 10 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m VT H. BROWN, H • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. (JAMUELM. BIPPCS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham SI. «• - DR. M. D. KOTTRABA. Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery. EH. MERKLEY, D. 0., • OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Room 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con sultation and examination Iree. DR. J. WILBERT MCKEE. SURGEON D- NTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shce Stoie, 215 S. Main street, Butler, Ha Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. HVV WICK, . DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. 1 J. DONALDSON, T) • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted-on the .atest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty Office next to i>ostoffice. p F. L. McQUISTION, CIVIL ENGINEER AND Office near Court House T J AMES DODOS • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Inquire at Sheriff's Room B-. Arnntrv l>uil hnil-ljrw EH. NEGLRY. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in -H. "CITIZEN" THE 1831 t raty-secoMYfflr COUNTRY 1902 GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper, AND ADMITTEDLY THE Leading Agricnltnral Journal of tie World. Every department written by specialists, the highest authorities in their respective linen, No other paper pretends to compete with it In qualifications of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of completeness not even attempted by others. INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS *»VHO WISH TO KEEP IP WITH THE TIKES. Single Subscription, $1.60$ Two Subscriptions, $2.50; Five Subscriptions, $5.50. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to RAISERS OF LARGER CLUBS. Four Months' Trial Trip 50 cents. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay any body interested in any way in country life to send for them. Address the publishers: LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, JV. "Sf» Florid:i Fast Mail. Seaboard Air Line Railway, Florida and West India Short Line to the Win ter Resorts of the South. The Only Line Operating Daily Tiains to Florida. The "Florida Fast Mail," another of the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splen didly equipped trains, leases New York daily at 12:10 A. M., 23rd Street Station Pennsylvania Railroad, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car nnd Day Coaches to Raleigh, Southern Pines, Columbia. Savannah, Jacksville, where connections are made for St. Augustine Tanipa and all Florida points. This train connects at New York with train leaving Boston 7:00 P. M. Lea\es Phi ladelphia 3:50 A. M.. Baltimore (i:22 A. M.. Washington 10:55 A. M., Richmond 2:40 P. M., arriving Southern Pines 9:35 P. M.. Columbia 1:45 A. M , Sa vannah 5:00 A. M., Jacksonville 9:10 A. M.. St. Augustine 11.10 A. 5! , Tnmpa 5:80 P. M. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper New York to Jacksonville. Through Vestibuled Passenger Coaches find perfect service. For information call on or write to all Pennsylvania Railroad offices, or Sea board Air Line Railway representatives it 306 Washington St Boston Mass.; 1206 and 371 Broadway, New York; 30 South Third Street. Philadelphia: 207 East German Street, Baltimore; 1434 New York Ave., Washington, or to R. E. L. Bunch, General Passenger Agent, Portsmouth Va. A. M BERKIM EK, Funeral Director. $5 S. Main St. Bure PP%