Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 07, 1901, Image 1

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ily Footwear for Winter
One of the great advantages this store ofiers is the face that you
can hrre select the Footwear for the whole family and at the same
time have double the range of stjles and prices to select from than
you hnu in any ether t.tore.
Will find sli<«:«io*t such is suitable to his wants in Veal, Kip, Oil OiaiD,
Kangaroo K:p high air! r.gnlar cut with or without box toe; doable sole and tap
at Si 00. $i 25. 50 «»ud *2 00.
in Oil Giain V. sx o'»', Veal, Kangarr-o Calf, B>x and Velour Calf ail shapes,
button at 0 law ai SSJ. |i <o,ti2san lsl *j.
Will 4nd thei. dil >jbt in L;gh-cut, nitial tips, extra heavy solts and uppers to,
resist watfr Otter lints, irat cannot be duplicated in Butler, at ti co, 25, f1 50
and $2 o .
All be tie v snap s. ' eav/ solts, stitched extension edges, rope stitching in
Box, V't lour a d VV.-x Calf Vi -i Ki 1, Patent an ! Enaaiel leather* at #2 aj, 250
3 o°f 3 5* > r,< * 4 Oihe: fine lines at 85c, I 00, I 25 and I 50.
Men's FtH Ecots ami Kubbtis at $1 65, with non snag Rubbers, 2 00. 2 25 and
3 50; Mtn*» Storm Kin* Pubber Boots, 2 75! regular Lseight, 2 25. *
Bo)V Woo! Book an I Rubbers, *i 50; Voutcs', 1 25; Old Ladies' A jrin hn >ej
and Slipp^ l * h * 5 1 ' *75 100 anc * 1 2 5 ; Wool Boots nt fi 25 and 150 *ith
You ' a.i't ; fF'-ird to stay a*ay from thi- store, if you expect to
wear .«• 110. st •» wirter. Try us.
Our stock of Winter Boots and Shoes is the largest we have
t\<i hid. 1 xtitmely large stcck ol Gokt>'s Jiigh-cut, hard pegged,
x let-, JU <ts a. ti Shoes Our line of School Six e.% is complete.
G< kt>coppt r lit >h»ts for Boy? and hifh cut water-prcof shoes
f< 1 Girls. We »i>h ti c;ii ycur «pedal aiicntion to our large stock
g of fell aid lubbtt goods which we me sellii.g at p ices ture to in
terei-t you.
Ladies' solid oil-grain shoes.. 80
Indies' Kangaroo-calf, spring heel shoes 75
Men's h»nvy kip, 3 sole, box toe shoes $ 1 -2.5
Old Lsdits' warm lined shoes 75
; Mer V fine timbreidered slippers 45
Mali's fine calf, latest style dress shoes 1.25
Bo's' fine frtlf, latest style dress thoes 1 00
6en's t-stin-calf, Lace or Congress sho»* 9"
Men's heavy *ole working shoes 1.00
Ladies' fine serge Congress Gaiters. 35
Jims' htavy sole working shoes 90
Cnildren's heavy shoes 5°
Felt and Rubber Goods.
Men' felt boots and overs SL7S
Men's knit boots and overs 2.25
Boys' felt boots and overs I -5°
Youth's felt boots and overs 1.25
' Men's buckle arctics l-OO
Ladies' fine tubberr 35
Men's Storm King rubber boots 2 75
Men's rubber loots (regular height). 2 25
Boys' rubber boots 1.75
lyidi's' rubber boots 1.»5
Large assortment of J Ladies' and Children's
Overgaiters and Leggins at reduced prices.
High Iron Stands with four lasts for reparing
at 50 cents.
< ————— "
Our Specialty is
f Trimmed Hats
'* I the pnets are astonishingly low. Our
a f trinuued hats are artistic, practical
W 1 styiish and of choice materials. The
- ' styles wijl please tlr: mf>st critical
customers and the prices will please all.
Our price# cannot r>e duplicated in the
JJB Sontli Main Street, - Butler, Pa
I .
Jt Q Fa " 311(1 W ' D,er We '^' S '
i 1 /j Tli E Have a iilmut them tliut PJ
v', i f > (c-\ /I mark the wearei, it won't do to
rj [V K [ / J M wear t)>e last year's output, Vou
/ » '%-</ \ ?\ won't get the latest things at the
P IJ stock clothiers either. Tne up-to
W KJ yfl /~i date tailor only lan supply them, . (
I lf\ L—L-J |J if you want not only the latest
/ I\> I//I I! things iri cut and fit and work-
I I/ fill m«nship, the finest in durability,
I fr I where e'se can you get combina
0. ■ l J I L 111 11 tions, you get them at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
42 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa
Removal Notice!
I 0
e. P. T. Pape,
Jeweler and Watchmaker
Will be found on and after April Ist at
J2l Eftßt Jefferson street, opposite G.
Wilson Miller's Grocery Store, Butler, Pa.
i ever) duv that its bitter to
pay a little more for clothes
made to measure than to
try to save a few dollars,
J simply because the tew
therebv saved sacrifices the
value of the clothes. It is
impossible to cheapen the
workuiaushipol gco l clothes
without destroying their
Give us jour order for our
T3O sack suit and we will
g've you an interesting
example of comfort and
economy. Our abundant
assortment of new fall go<x!s
affords every opportunity for
a choice selection.
Ft mi • v until November Ist
■ill pccept 1 h»: I'oupon in '.hi-; ad<
.-I Let- value to apply as part ca-h
payment on »'•>• Piano in my store.
''i'- The bearer ot this Coup > 1 ij
entitled to a credit of f2S 00 to
apply as p"ir' cash payment 011
any piano in my store. Void A&.
IrJ- ,ilt< r November I, 1911. -gfc
W. R NE VTON -)k
| 525. 525. J
You kaow my prices; I publish them.
See them in adv in store window,
liuy your Piano NOW and save money.
Call and examine foryour*elf.
A full stock always at the leading
music bouse of Butler county.
W. 11. NEWTON.
Rinhi ,s a most attrac *
o live and pleasing
Rolnrp ,ine of goods for
DulUlc fa) , and wjnter
Th e wear. Special
care has been
Fi/OC taken in the se-
J lection cf our
Hats and Men's Furnishings.
All the new things in
Shirts, Neckwear Gloves, etc.
Our prices
are very reasonable,
The good dressers buy here.
Jno. S. Wick,
Opposite P. 0.
Wall * Paper
Absolutely Without Equal.
New Goods Now In
For Season 1901.
Next Door to °ostoffice.
Special Notice.
"Bicycles nt cost' to close them
out, come early and %ct a bargain.
All kiiuls of repair work given
prompt attention at
Geo. W. Mardorf's
Bicycle Store nnd Knpair Soop,
' 109 W. Cunningham St-
a "/he dure that Gures
Coughs, £
Colds, l
■ ; Grippe, fk
V. Whooping Tough, Asthma, j
Xi Ercnchitls and Incipient A
pj ConsumDtlon, is
l c }
<\ ( £ t\A a\\ 25 8 50-A-. \
u- .> '1
IWS /CordovAWS
Inll No odor.
| Many fityles. Sold
fe* 1 everywhere.
Nasal /£t
In all its utaKCS. f °(o£\ tS^O#
Ely's Cream BalmV" WB |§/
cleanws, Bootbcu and heals £ /V* m
the d-'M'd membrane. a
It enrea catarrh and drives V
away a cold in the head
Vream Balm la placed into the nostrils, »prea<l»
ov. r tlie membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Im
mediate and a enre foliows. It is not drying—does
not produce Bncezing. Size, fio cents at Drug
gists or hy mail; Trial Size, M cents.
& Are ►]
d You 3
\ Healthy? 4
k If you can to b * strong g
and vigorous and have on
your cheek the glow of A
perfict hraltl', take
r Beef, Iron and Wine
W the "true tonic" which m
W cotnMnes in a pleasant
L fort., the valuable rntri- J A
9 tiois tonic and stiniulat- L V
M itig propt rties of its in-
gredients. F J
Price, 50c a pint.
Prepared aail s >ld only at Ym
6 Johnston s 4
\i Crystal i
H Pharmacy. 4
■ 1 R. M. LOGAN, Ph. O , M
Mm N. Main St., Butler. I'u 4
itoth 'Phones j
>1 Everything in the A
A drug line. n
I B 1
7S Is still on and will continue
(ff for a short time at discount (0
of jo per cent on the dollar.
W Kead these prices:
It will pay you to attend
flr this sale. fIP
| Patterson Bro's |
▼ i Wick Huildiny.
Uk 336 N Main St.
W Phone. 400.
WUAN'I'KU lloni'Ht man or woman to irave
** r<iHt-K'" hoiisr . sulury IflO rnnntlily nnd
flxMnscH, wltb Increase; position perrn.-ij
onl ilnrlosi- srir itildri'Mxi'il stamped en veh.t#
tf 4NAUEIt. i*o OkitoD bldK . (Jhlraio.
When the tun ever} morning looki down on the
He is emilinff, i* much as t* say:
"If yesterday Oiled ia comfort and mirth,
Tou can start in brand new with today.
For the night*, like thick curtains, l're hung to
The past from weary and weak;
So prithee be didßS nor linger to brood
O'er the troubles that happened last week.
"There are page» of pathos and pages of cheer
To be read in each 6tory of life.
We'll close the old chapters and still persevere
Through love or good fortune or strife.
Though present events may provoke our dismay,
A solace 'tis easy to seek;
Let the hour* drift away; you will soon find that
Are but trouble* that happened last week."
—St. Louis Republic.
♦-!' * •>»*i i * 'l' • -j
T A Tain of the Frsnch T
J- j
There are few who have not heard or
read of the great French revolution of
the last century, when cruel men seiz
ed on the government of France, when
human life was of no account ami
When, as if wearied with its wicked
ness, God seemed to have hid his face
from the sinful land.
No one may count up the tears that
were shed, the moans that were made,
the hearts that were broken in those
dreadful times, but here and there out
of the great mass of human misery his
tory has preserved a record of the trials
and sufferings of some hapless oucs,
reading which we shudder and thank
God that we live iu happier days.
Some few years after the reign of
terror as this outburst of sin and
madness was well named—a man of
middle age entered a small Inn lu Ger
many aud called for refreshments. His
manners were timid aud shriuklng. and
he looked as if he might just have re
covered from some terrible Illness—lie
was so strangely, ghastly pale.
The laudloitl supplied his wants, and,
half curious, half iu kindness, lie made
some remark as to tlie stranger's ap
pearance. coupling it with tiie ques
tion, "Do you want aught else for your
"Nay, uothlng," 6aid the pale man
hastily. "I have food and light and
air. What could 1 want more?" And
he sighed deeply.
"My friend," said the landlord, seat
ing himself, "you speak as if you had
known the want of these things. Have
I guessed aright?"
His guest looked u;i
"Would you hear my tale?" he ask
ed. "For years I have kept silence, but
today It seems as If it would lighten
my heart to speak. Listen aud believe
It If you can. Less than seven years
ago I was a gay, light hearted youth In
this our quiet fatherland. Having uo
near relations, I was led to visit some
distant ones who had lived for many
years In a small town In France.
"My uncle, as I called him out of
friendliness, was a kind, good fellow,
well known and respected in the place,
where he carried on tlie craft of a
watchmaker, and he proposed that I
should become Ills apprentice and part
ner. I liked the little town, 1 liked my
uncle, I liked my aunt, and I soon gave
my consent. They had no children —1
thauk God for tlint now—but my aunt's
kindly soul could not be content with
out young peoplo around her, so she
kept and clothed two house maidens,
children of some poor neighbors. Trim
and neat they looked, too, wearing the
costume of that part of Germany from,
whence my aunt came, a pretty fancy
of her own. It seemed quaint enough
lu a strange land.
"It was a happy household. No won
der I was xlad to belong to It. But,
alas, it was soon to be swept away by
terrible affliction! For some time we
had heard of strange troubles going on
In Paris and the largo towns, but our
little place was still quiet. One morn
ing. however, we woke to find every
thing In confusion. Our mayor had
been ordered to resign, and his place
was to l>e filled by some ono sent from
"Still, we never dreamed of what
fearful misery this was the forerunner.
We had no time to dream, cither, the
blow fell so suddenly. There bad been
a stir going oti In the market place for
the two days following the arrival of
the new official, but my uncle and i
were busy over a discovery which he
hail made In our trade, and wo were
less than usual In the streets.
"At noon on the third day, however,
he went out for a stroll to rest his eyes
and look about him for a few moments.
My aunt and her maidens arranged, as
usual, the midday meal, and we were
all ready to sit down, only my uncle
was missing. He was usually so punc
tual that we wondered and waited, and
at last we dined without blm. At the
close of the meal I stepped out to look
for him.
"I had not got a dozen yards from
our house when I met our baker's wife,
her eyes staring out of her head.
"'Go back!' she said. 'Go back! It
Is too late. The monster, the wretch!
He lias executed the honest man, with
out even the farce of a trial, on the ac
cursed guillotine yonder!'
"I was petrified with horror. Could
she lie speaking of my uncle, so re
spected, so quiet as he was? It was
too (rue. Tlie wretch In office had lost
no time, but bad begun ids work of
bloodshed at once, and my uncle was
his first vlctltp, Ids only crime being
that he was of foreign birth and had
sheltered under Ids roof some months
since a poor Swiss. I retraced my steps
to the house. My aunt's anxious face
met my troubled KIIZC. She had begun
to suspect evil. Tlie two girls waited
fearfully In the background. I tried to
speak, but 1 turned away and burst In
to tears. I was young then, Master
Landlord, and had tears to shed. My
aunt passed me by and rushed Into tbq
street straight Jv market place. 1
VUUId not follow. What happened thero
was told me later.
"Wild with agony at her husband's
fate, my gentle, loving aunt bail burst
Into a flood of reproach of Ills murder.
In those days this was crime enough
for Ibe heaviest punishment, and be
fore evening she had fared the same
fate as my uncle.
"The reign of terror had Indeed be
gun with us. The girls hail fled, terri
fied at the fate which had befallen
their protectors, and I was meditating
In a half stupefied way the same meas
ure wheij a kt(ojl. came at tlie door,
and two men, who liml often eaten and
drunk at my uncle's table, came In and
made me a prisoner, confiscating ail
the possessions of the family to the
"In those days a man's foes were of
ten they of Ills own household. I of
fered no resistance. The shock of the
day had completely unmanned me. 1
made certain that I. too, should (lie
that night Itut my time was uut yet
"In consequence of the latcliCMS of
the hour I wax 'akeii to the town pris
on, a dismal building which I had nev
er known lo be occupied. There 1 was
thrust Into a deep 'fitngeon and left In
total darkness till the morning, when I
doub'ad not I should be conducted to
the same cruel fate as my poor rela
tives had met. But morning came, as I
had guessed by the sound without, and
still no summons. Worn out with sus- :
pense and waiting. I fell asleep. When
I awoke, hunger and thirst oppressed
me. Happily I had stored some bread ]
and meat and a small bottle of wine in
one of the pockets of uiy coat prepara
tory to my intended flight. Of this I (
now ate and drank. No one came nigh ,
me, and yet I could hear sounds as if (
wretched prisoners were being led forth
out of ueighboriug cells, doubtless to '
death, for they wept and pleaded vaiu- '
ly as it seemed to me.
"But the third day a great stillness i
fell on the prison. I could not under- i
stand it. My senses were enfeebled for
want of food, for my small stock had ,
long been exhausted, and I almost lack
ed strength to wonder why I was left
to live so long. Presently arose an aw
ful terror lest this should be my sen
tence—to perish miserably for want of
food in this damp dungeon. Death on
the scaffold appeared iiglit by compari
son. 1 clamored at my prison door. 1
shouted as loudly as I could, all to no
purpose. Then 1 burst into an agony j
of tears. My fate was 100 dreadful to I
bear. With the soft nature of my
youth I pitied anil bemoaned myself |
sorely. All at once words came into
my mind that I had learned years ago
as a text In the school, 'Fear thou not,
for I am with thee; be not dismayed,
for 1 am thy (Jed."
"Tliey came like a ray of light into.!
my prison, and I clung to the promise
as if it had hat moment been made to
uie by a pitying God. I felt soothed
and hopeful, and In this condition 1
sank back iu a doze or swoon.
"How time passt J I could not tell;
day and uiglit to me were alike in my
cell 1 woke up to find light and
warmth and kindly faces alwut me.
Slowly I regained consciousness enough
to understand what they told me. I
had lain five days forgotten. The still
ness I had noted the tliTrd day was ac
counted for by the fact that the news
had just reached our town of the death
ot one of the greatest leaders of the
revolution and the consequent decline
of the party. In fear of his life, our
terrorist mayor had tied, and the old
mayor, resuming power, had ordered
the prison doors to be set open. I In
my solitary cell had been forgotten, and
but that some one had been sent to ex
amine all the cell# and collect the fet
ters used therein 1 might have perished
most miserably. As It was, I was car
ried out perfectly senseless and brought
to life with some difficulty.
"I am safe now. as you see, com
rades, in my own country, but the an
guish of those few days will never be
forgotten I bear about with me In my
face the remembrance of it. I>aHy 1
thank God for light and air and food,
and yet these good gifts of his fall to
make my heart rejoice. Still those
dreadful days in the dungeon have giv
en me a firm reliance on his mercy,
and I know that I shall one day be
Joyful again In tlu i-i-i of which the
gates are never shut and where there
is no darkness."
Good Old ThliiK*.
Certain things are good for nothing
until they have been kept for a long
while, and some are good for nothing
until they have been kept long and
used. Of the first wine Is the Illus
trious and Immortal example. Of those
that must be kept and used I will name
three—meerschaum pipes, violins and
poems. The meerschaum Is but n poor
nlTair until It has burned a thousand
offerings to the cloud compelling del
Violins, too—the sweet old Amatl!--
the divine Stradivarius! Stained, like
the meerschaum, through and through
with the concentrated hue and sweet
ness of all the harmonies which have
kindled and faded on Its strings.
Now. I tell you. a poem must be kept
and used like a meerschaum or violin.
A poem Is Just as porous as the meer
schauin; the more porous It is the bet
ter. I mean to say that a genuine
poem Is capable of absorbing an Indefi
nite amount of the essence of our own
humanity, Its tenderness. Its heroism,
its regrets, Its asplratlous, so as to
be gradually stained through with a
divine secondary color derived from
ourselves.—Oliver Wendell Holmes.
or Two KVIIK.
"All those stories the papers are
printing about you are HPS." said the
politician's friend. "Why don't you
make them stop ItT*
"I would," replied the politician,
"but I'm afraid they'd begin printing
the truth then."—Philadelphia Press.
Buakolnir a Jupunof.
"J. P. O." was only an enlisted man
In Uncle Sam's navy, but his mess
mates called him "the Swell" because
whenever he went ashore he carried u
suit of civilian's clothes. At Yoko
hama, in his fine raiment and a white
felt bat, lie passed himself off to a
Japanese coal merchant as the pay
master of the fleet and contracted for
several thousand tons of coal. The
jirlce named was sl4 a ton.
"What Is my rake off?" he asked the
dealer, who offered a generous commis
sion. "Make the price sixteen dollars
v ton and have thousand tons
ready for delivery at the earliest pos
sible hour tomorrow morning," he said.
The merchant opened wine, and
when thoroughly warmed up the sailor
remarked, looking indolently at hiu
watch! "Uy the bye, I'm expected to
visit the club tonight, and it is prob
able that I may need a little more
money than I have in my pocket. Per
haps you had better advance nif three
or four thousand dollars on account."
Of course he got what lie wanted.
Next morning the vessels were sur
rounried with scores of barges laden
with coal, and it was all the officers
could do to prevent tl'e Japs froiu un
loading (heir cargoes. The dealer dar
ed say nothing, for lie had entered into
a conspiracy to defraud the govern- ,
ment, so lie pocketed his loss In si
lence.—New York Press.
Hon They Sevfr Sp'nU.
A coolness growing out of the fol
lowing conversation lias sprung up be
tween Jones and Smith.
"I had a splendid time last night,"
said Jones. "I spent the evening at a
little social gathering at the Goodman
"Are the Goodmans nice people?"
Queried Smith.
"Well, I should say so. They are
very aristocratic. To get into their cir
cle one must have either a great deal
of money or a great ileal of genius."
"You don't tell uie so? And you say
you were there?"
"You were Invited, Were you?"
"Of course."
"And to l»e invited a man has to have
plenty of money or a great deal of gen
'.'Precisely .<•
"Well. Jones. I nm very glnil to lienr
you have become rlcli all "f a sudden.
Lend me five pounds!"— London An
Hon to Ascertain Spring; Balance
For WelßhinK Milk—Milk Te»ter.
Granting that it takes nearly the
same capital and practically the same
amount of labor whether the return
from a herd is large or small and that
from every point of view a good small
herd is much more profitable than a
large poor one, the question arises what
a farmer with a herd of dairy cows is
to do.
First of all he should find out not
only what his herd collectively, but
what each cow is doing. In other
® ;
\ I J
words, he should begin a record of
1 Kitb the quantity and the quality of
milk produced by each cow.
The means.for keeping the record are
available to every farmer. The milk
tester, which is a simple means of de
termining the richness of the milk in
fat. and the scales or spring balance
for determining tlie yield of milk cu
able any dairyman to ascertain the
value for milk and butter production
of each ccw iu his herd and whether
she is a source of profit or loss. The
scales will show the total amount of
milk produced in a year and the tester
its fat contents.
An individual record shows whether
or not the farmer is boarding the cow
and drawing on the profit from the
better cows In order to do It. No
amount of guesswork can take Its
Feed the Strawberry anil the Grain.
Corn Fertlllmcr For Small Frnlt».
I believe in feeding the strawberry
heavily In late summer ami fall, says
Editor Colliugwood In The Itural New-
The fruit buds which are to produce
next year's crop are started and form
ed usually during September or Octo
ber. Some growers believe that the
crop Is completed from bud to berry
In tlie short spring season. That Is au
error, I am sure. The fruit buds will
be formed in the next sixty days, and
the plant must truly "work like sixty"
to produce them. It will need potash
and phosphoric add in particular. I
shall use corn fertilizer on all the small
What other plants should be fer
tilized In the fall? The fall grain
should l»e fed. Where one Is using
chemicals 1 think most of the potash
and phosphoric acid might well be
spread In fall or winter provided some
green crop Is left to grow. On ottr
hilly farm It would be folly to use
much nitrogen In the fall. If I were
to use stable manure In the fall, I
should plow It In and not leave It on
top of tlie ground. On level land or
that with a gentle slope tills advice
would not bo entirely sound.
rorlinpai Your Paatnrra Nrrd 11.-lp.
Tile severe drought lias l»een hard on
pastures, both on account of lack of
moisture and on account of overstock
ing. The sod Is killed out In places,
and weeds will come In. The lifetime
of these pastures could be prolonged
by some attention right now. The best
way to control weeds Is to crowd them
out, and there Is no better plant than
timothy to do tills with until better
pasture grasses can get a new foothold.
In September, no mailer If the weath
er Is dry, a grain drill with sharp hoes
should lie run over ail thin patches in
tlie pasture, distributing one-fourth to
one third of a bushel of timothy seed
an acre In connection with 2<*> pounds
an acre of a high grade acid phosphate.
The drill holes will cut the thin sod so
that some of the seed will find fresh
soil for starting when the fall rains
come, and flic trash of the ohl sod will
furnish some winter protection to the
new plants. If some stable manure can
lie spared for a light top dressing, It
will pay well In making a sod that will
choke out the weeds. We expect too
tuucli of our pastures and help them
|.H> little, says u Farm aud Fireside
LITP Stork Men n» tlio I'mi-Amorlrnn.
Superintendent Converse arranged to
hold several large meetings with the
various large stock exhibit*. It Is the
purpose of these different meetings to
unite and bring into closer relationship
the proprietors of the different kiuds
of live stock represented by the vari
ous states and provinces and also the
countries of Central and South Amer
ica. Invitations were sent to various
government officials In the different
states and countries, anil a large ma
jority of them accepted.
In addition to meetings of the swine
breeders, cattle breeders and dairymen
lu September, there remains to IK- held
tlie following: Sheep breeders, Oct. .'1;
horse breeders, Oct 17; poultry and pet
stock, Oct. 25.
No llettcr Opporliiiilly For ntrh mid
Hmfroltil Knrnid.
1 There is no place on earth quite so
rich as Pennsylvania, according to an
enthusiastic son of that soil. He be
lieves there are vast tracts with mil
lions In lIM in ill timber, eoal oil or uat
ural gas which may still lie fanned
profitably after timber and minerals
lite gone. As quoted in an exchange,
lie sayr;;
"It Is not too Info to derive some
benefit from farm treasures yet. Many
farmers have sold coal during the past
two years. When that coalJs mined,
tlie surface will become more or less
cracked, destroying springs, wells and
rivulets. The first tliltitf the land own
er shouM do with the nnmey received
for his eoal is to drive artesian wells
at suitable places to obtain water
from below the coal level. These
should be equipped with windmills,
cas engines or other pumping ma-
VhllU'i'j The wells should be followed
with a system of tile drains so disposed
a to drain tlie fields when rain Is
abundant or lo Irrigate them when wa
ter Is needed, irrigation Is valuable
even here lu the east.
"Good farm buildings, good inachln
try, thoroughbred and coiufortu
blf will !»ii!*£est themselves to
every man with a *i' :, rk of farm sense, j
Hut the p.ilnt is that with this attain- ;
able equipment farming will be found
ti, l.e i»otli profitable and pleasant, j
There need be no drudgery about it. j
and some of the 'accidents of nature*
are eliminated from the calculation.
Crops become more certain and more
"But hold! That Is not all With
ready money in hand who would not ]
have an orchard? Coal money or oil
money or stone money will buy young
trees that will grow while the happy |
owner is sleeping. In the fullness of
time they will bear (teaches, plums,
pears, quinces and apples for the ever
eager Pittsburg market and the home
table. A few dollars' worth of vines
will produce more grapes than the
average farmer ever dreams of, and
spare land may be found for raspber
ries and currants. These things are a
better investment for the man who has
lived on the farm all his life than
stocks and coupon bonds."
An Knttrrii Schedule of Prices—'The
C ost of Ihe Head > Mixed Goods.
The following is the schedule of
prices adopted by agreement by the
states of Connecticut, Massachusetts,
New Jersey and Rhode Island In the
valuation of fertilizers for the year
Cents per pound.
Nitron- n in ammonium aalta 16-5
Nitrogen in nitrates
Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish,
mcftt and Mood and in mixed fertilizers.... 18 0
Organic nitrogen in fine bone and tankage 16.0
Organic nitrogen in coarse bone and tankage. 12.0
Phosphoric acid, soluble in water G.O
Pho-1 l.orie acid, soluble in ammonium citrate 4.S
Phosphoric acid in fine ground fish, bone and
Phosphoric acid in coarse fish, bone and
tanka n 'i> ®*o
Phosphoric ac id in mixed fertilizers, i( insolu
ble in water and ammonium citrate i.O
Potash in high grade sulphate and in forma
free from muriatic (or chlorides) 6-0
Potash in muriate 414 ,
A commercial valuation of fertilizers
based upon the foregoing schedule Is
nothing more or less than a statement
of the average price at which the same
amounts of potash, phosphoric acid anil
nitrogen in the same or in equally good
forms of chemicals and fertilizer stock
could have been bought at retail during
the six mouths preceding March 1,
11101, In such cities as Boston, Provi
dence and New York.
The difference l>etweeu the commer
cial valuation and the cost of the ready
mixed w>muierclal fertilizer goes to
cover grinding and mixing, interest
on the investment, freight, rebagglng,
agents' commission*, l>ad bills, etc.,
aud, finally, profits.
Shenrlnit Lamba In October.
At the Wisconsin station it was
found decidedly beneficial to shear
la mI is In October before fattening
them. Five wether* were shorn Oct.
14 and fed for fifteen weeks against
another lot of 5 left unshorn. The
shorn lot gained 225.5 pounds and the
unshorn 210.5 pounds, or an average
weekly gain per head of 3 pounds for
the shorn and 2.8 pounds for the un
shorn. The cost of 100 jwuuds of gain
was s(>.ll with the shorn lot and $0.07
with the unshorn. In another trial
with 1(5 wethers, 8 were shorn Oct. 0,
ami the same number left unshorn.
In ten weeks' feeding the shorn lot
gained 11M.4 pounds, or 3.4 pounds per
head weekly, while the unsliorn lot
gained 100 pounds, or 3 pounds per
head weekly. In both of these trials
In October and In a November trial It
was observed that the removal of the
fleece hastened the early maturity or
fattening of the wethers up to the
time the fleece had again grown over
one Inch In length, or until about eight
weeks had passed.
Acrtcnltnrnl Notes.
"Nature study" In the schools Is now
The Ferron Is a new tomato, very
meaty and with few seeds.
Caterpillars and fall webworras ga
lore are a feature of the season In many
While "self blanching" varieties of
celery do blanch to a certain extent. It
Is thought by many that thoy ore not
so tender as that which Is banked.
Whatever the cover crop may be put
It In for the winter safe keeping of
orchards aud vacant truck and garden
If you have spare tile of good size,
they may be utilized In blanching cel
ery, says Farm Journal. After the
plants have been handled once or twice
and the earth drawn up slip the tile#
f'oiillnir o British Visitor.
A big British battleship coming here
to attend a patriotic function of some
kind oil the Invitation of our govern
ment ran short of coal, aud Uncle Sam,
lis host, agreed to fill her bunkers free
of charge. This courtesy was done
through tlie medium of a Jersey City
merchant, who supplied flue fuyiaee
coal, worth from $0 to $7 a ton aud
presented his bill to the English cap
tain. "Bend it to the navy depart
ment," said the latter, and to Washing
ton It went, lo be returned by the next
mall with a memorandum attached
saying that an error had been made
In the charge, "the government con
tract calling for coal at f3 a ton." Aud
that Is all the smart Jerseylte ever re
ceived,—New York Tress.
No Hrlmlr.
When Adellna Pattl visited Madrid
one time In company with her husband,
Slgnor Nicollnl, who thought himself a
tenor singer, there was an effort to en
gage the noted artist for au especial
occasion. The opera director asked:
"How much will you charge us If you
and your honored husband appear on
this occasion for one night?"
"Ten thousand francs, sir."
"And how much If you come without
the signor, iuadame?"
"Ten thousand frunes."
t'nthcrln* Uf' Medlol.
Catherine do' Medici of France was
a fall, dignified womun of striking per
sonal appearance. Iler manner was of
ten cold and repulsive, her language
haughty. She was never popular or
well liked. Iler features were regular,
and the chief merit of her countenance
was a full black eye that seemed to
fascinate those on whom she looked.
Jimls Talk.
"Hello! Where are you going?" cried
the Hon as the fleet footed stag dashed
by him.
"Oh,l'm Jtmt traveling for my health,"
(muted the stag. "Why do you ask?"
"My friend the tiger Invited me to
participate In a ntnic dluncr purty to
day, and I was Wjouderlng If you were
the party."—Philadelphia Press.
A I.eaaon In Washing.
Pliny tho Great could see things In
front of bis nose as well as afar off.
"I notice that the women rub the wash
liik In cold water," he wrote oue day. i
"l-ct them heat the water, and the al |
kail In the soap will be freed and take
far better effect." Aud ouly nftur that ,
did womcu kiiyw how to WMji. '
No. 40
■ i
"The day is fine," quoth Mary Jane.
"Vi t, lest it should come on to r*in.
My waterproof and umbcrell
And rubber shoes I'll take as well;
For, though these may l»e troublesome
In case the showers do not come,
Mrthinks 'twere better, after all, j
To be prepared, lest worse be fall. 0
"The day is fair," cried Jeanne ICarie;
"The day is fair—ah, tres-jolil
My gayest hat, my prettiest drets,
I shall put on. What happiness!
But if it rains—well, what of thatf
I'll get another dress and hat!
Ah. but I'# look so fresh and gay
The sun will have to shine all day!"
—Alice Reid in Harper*A
Tills Quality Is ais Mack m Necessity'
as Is Nutriment.
Chemists tell us that cheese Is one of
the most nutritious and at the same
time oue of the cheapest of foods. Its l
nutritive value Is greater than meat,
while its cost is much less. But this,
chemical aspect cf the matter does not
express the real value of the cheese as
a food. Cheese is eaten not because of
its nutritive value as expressed by the
amount of proteids, fats and carbohy
drates that it contains, but always be-;
cause of Its flavor.
Now, physiologists do not find that
flavor lias any food value. They teach
over and over again that our foodstuffs
are proteids, fats and carbohydrates and
that as fowl flavor plays absolutely no
part. But at the same time they tell us
that the body would be unable to live
upon these foodstuffs were It not for
the flavors. If one were compelled to
eat pure food without flavors, like the
white of an egg, It Is doubtful whether
one could for a week at a time consume
a sufficiency of food to supply his bod
ily needs. Flavor Is as necessary as nu
triment. It gives a zest to the food and
thus enables us to consume It properly,
and. secondly. It stimulates the glands
to secrete, so that the foods may be
satisfactorily digested and assimilated.
The whole art of cooking, the great
development of flavoring products, the
high prices paid for special foods like
lobsters and oysters—these and numer
ous other factors with food
supply and production are based solely
upon this demand for flavor. Flavor Is
a necessity, but It is not particularly
Important what the flavor may be. This
Is shown by the fact that different peo
ples have such different tastes In this
respect. The garlic of the Italian and
the red pepper of the Mexican serve
the same purpose as the vanilla which
we put In our Ice cream, and all play
the part of giving a relish to the food
anil stimulating the digestive organs to
proper activity.—Professor H. W. Corn
In Popular Science Monthly.
The Hamming Bird's Flight.
The flight of the little humming bird
Is more remarkable than that of the
eagle. We can understand the flapping
of the eagle's immense wing supporting
a comparatively light body. But our
little bird has a plump body. His wings
are not wide, but long, so he must
move them rapidly to sustain his
weight, and this he can do to perfec
tion. The vibrations of his wings are
so rapid as to make them almost Invisi
ble. He can use them to sustain hlm
s?tf lu midair, with his body as motion
less as If perched on a twig. In this
way he can sip the nectar of the deli
cate, flue stemmed flowers without
alighting for a moment. He never
alights while so engaged. He moves
from flower to flower with a graceful
and rapid movement, sometimes chas
ing away a bee or humming bird moth,
of which he Is very jealous. Nor is he
much more favorably Impressed with
any small birds that Bccm In his way.
Ho knows Ills power of flight, and he
has no fear of any other bird.—Henry,
Hales In St. Nicholas.
I.emnra For the Zoo.
The national zoo has Just received
through an animal dealer In Philadel
phia a magnificent pair of the large
black and white lemurs Indigenous to
the Island of Madagascar. This makes
the fourth pair of these animals
brought to this country, and, In addi
tion to being highly attractive by rea
son of their coat of long Jet black and
snow white lmlr and their abnormally
large and luminous eyes, they are of
very great Interest from tho viewpoint
of science and evolution.
The lemur stands In tho same rela
tion to and monkeys as they In
turn stand to the human race, only In
the case of the lemurs and apes the
"missing link" connecting the two gen
era Is In real aud actual existence, be
ing realized In the "aye-aye," a pecul
iar animal, also of Madagascar, that Is
as much lemur as It Is simian.
The Retort Coarteoaa.
A story oft told Is that of Lord ——,
who when a young man was opposing
Mr. Sugdeu, subsequently lord chancel
lor of England, jn a parliamentary con
test. "lie's tho son or a country bar
ber," tl<l tho noble lord.
Replying afterward, Mr. Sugden said:
"Ills lordship has told you that I am
nothing but tho son of a country bar
ber, but he has uot told you all, for t
have been a barber myself and worked
In my father's shop, and all I wish to
say about that Is that had his lordship
been born the son of a country barber
he would have been a barber still. That,
to my mind, Is quite clear."—Household
He Had Great Expectations.
"How do you account for the fact
tlint Miss llulllon, the wealthiest heir
ess of the season, Is going to marry
Nodo, who linsn't a cent to his namoT"
"Oh. but he has great expectations."
"He has? What are they?"
"He Is going to marry Miss Bullion.' 1
—New York Times.
To Avoid > Strata.
"Feeling blue, are you, Mr. Light
way te?" said Miss Jlmplecute sympa
thetically. "You ought to do something
to occupy your mind.
"I don't menu," she added after a
moment, "that you ought to work vary
hard at anything."—Somervlllo Journal.
Gloomy News.
Underthum—Oh, he's tho worst kind
nf a pcssimlKt.
llenpeck—You don't say?
I'ndertbum—Yes; he declares there
rrc more people getting married now
Hutu ever before.—Philadelphia Press.
The Ynrht n«ce Expert.
Itn tin-Mil you on the corner,
110 hall* you In the car,
llr ralla you up l>y telephone
Ami l< lie you from afar;
Hi- brain you In your office,
lit Kl»>!»• you In the atreet—
Tlip man who knowa Columbia
Or Mhamrock'a aura to beat.
lie talk* of ahrouda and ratllnaa
Of binnacle and IKIW,
Though all Ilia while you may not tan
II Shamrock ba a avow;
Hi- flgurra up the preaauro
Upon Columbla'a maat
And prorea by Kuclid'a theorems
Ttiat aha la mighty bat
ll« rltea the wind and weather
Ai failure In the game
And »l'"'.va that calma and howllnf (alas
pri'ilin r rnulta th* aaine.
Il» wuike with aallor awagger,
A yai tiling cap be'a got,
■Jul Bmrially. you will Bod,
ttaa naval on a yacht.