Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 31, 1901, Image 3

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    TH b ; c i ><■
ioTE—All auver . in:-udlng to make
■lane » In their n..tlfy us ol
.tidlr Intention ter t.nan Mon-
Uy moruinz.
Administrator's Notice, estate of Robert
F. Glenn.
Notice of Application for Charter.
Douthett & Graham's Swell Overcoats.
Huseltcn's Family Footwear.
C. & T's Ranges and Stoves.
The B. R. & P. Cafe.
AdmlnlMJotors aud Eiecutors u/ estate
jin secure their receipt books at lie till
..EN Office, aud per-ou-, muklui? public sales
cnalr note books.
—The name of the proposed college
at Saxon Station has been changed to
Cabot Institute.
Large baskets containing over a
bushel of California pears are beiag
sold here for #1.25.
—The First National Bank of Zelie
nople has been granted a charter, and
will begin business about Jan. Ist, next.
—The fate of the three young men
who were drowned in the Allegheny at
Foxbui't;, a few (lays ago. is a warning
against dynamiting fisli
—The new Shultis, Koch, Martin
court block wiil have a saoe store in the
corner room, a hardware store in the
centre, and a 5 and 10 cent store in
Martincourt s room.
—A large crowd assembled on Muin
St., in front of the Greek-American
Fruit Co s store, last Satnrday evening,
to see the candy pulling, which was
very auiusing to them.
—TLe old Adam Gold place in Mid
dlesex twp. was put up at public sale
again, iu front of the Court House, and
was ! n bid in by Mr. Hezlep at a
8100 more, or $2700 in all.
—The bottom fell out of the stock
market, last Monday. Cattle declined
a cent a j»ouud, hogs a cent to a cent
and a half and sheep li to 2 cents. The
western market rules the eastern in
both stock and grain
—"Playing Ghost" was sorry sport for
Borne East End, Pittsburg, boys last
Tuesday night- an old lady was scared
by them, and shot at the crowd, shoot
ing one boy through the side and caus
ing his death within an hour.
—The two frame houses lately built
by Paul and Earnest Cronenwett, on N.
Cunningham St. are models of modern
architecture. The plans were made by
Rev. Cronenwett, the bouses are each
about 28x38, and one cost about SB,OOO,
and the other about $3,500.
- The new. brick, bonded warehouse,
. (or rack house) now being built at But
ler Junction, is nine stories high, 200
feet long. 85 feet wide, and has a mil
lion feet of lnm!>er in it It is being
bnilt to accommodate thirty-thousand
barrels of whisky.
—Butler is to be distinguished by be
ing the starting place of a first class
vaudeville show. James H Kalb and
George J. Rummer have organized
"Kaib's Highclass Vaudeville Co."
which will make its debut in the theat
ricnl world at New Castle next Wednes
day. The show is said to have the fin
est lithographs ever seen in Butler.
- The first number of the Y. M C. A
Course—the discussion between Con
gressmen Landis of Indiana and Chainp
Clark of Missouri was a very enjoya
ble one Lrodis compared the records
of the Republican and Democratic par
ties for the past ten years and,of COUTSC,
had the best of the argument: but
Champ pleased the audience with his
old time simplicitv and general princi
--In order to get the Miss Bob White
Opera Co. here, Manager Burkhalter
had to give a guarantee of SOOO. This
will be the biggest production ever giv
en in Butler, as the company carries 80
people, and it takes three cars to carry
them and the scenery, and will be given
just as complete ns it will lie given at
the Alvin Theatre, Pittsburg, the week
of Nov. !Bth. The company will be
here next Tuesday evening
—Relatives and neighbors of James
Anderson of Cranberry twp , who was
tortured and robbed a few weeks ago
by four masked men. have offered a re
ward of SSOO for the arrest and convic
tion of the offenders. The robbers
knew Anderson well enough to call him
'Jimmy," knew his niece who kept
house for him and where he kept his
guns, but did ( not know that the colt
they tried to drive away with was un
—The current is always off the arc
light wires when G. D. High, the car
bon-setter makes his daily rounds, but
one morning, eome weeks ago, the arc
and incandescent wires were crossed
somewhere, and Mr. High was knocked
over by the first lamp he touched that
morning and his hip was hurt. Three
new carbons are placed in each lamp
every morning, the sixty some lamps of
the town use tip übont 5000 of them
each month, and they cost about $lO a
—Anlt & Co. of McKeesport have the
contract for sewering the Main St. of
Zelienople, and have about 50 Italians
employed to do the work, because they (
coald not get Americans. The sewer
will connect with the main sewer to the
creek at Spring St.,and with the branch
on Mill St. will be about 8300 feet long.
C F. L McQuistion is engineering the
job and J. E Wolfe represents him when
he is not present. The sewer is being put
down at an average depth of 12 feet,
and the contractors are encountering
solid rock at about 8 feet. They will
probably lose money on 70 cent and W)
cent a foot contracts.
—The advertisement for proposals for
premises for the Butler postoffice,which
appeared in our columns last week, and
also appears this, means business. The
Butler P. O. now needs about 1800
square feet of floor space, whereas the
floor now occupied has bnt 1200; and
space is also needed for 200 more boxes.
The owner of the property will be re
quired to furnish all fixtures and furni
ture, which will cost about $3000; and
the louse will run from five to ten years,
bnt the department reserves the right
to move out and cancel the lease on 00
days notice. The department has been
paymtr S7OO a year for the floor now oc
cupied by the ofllce. The lease seems
to be a very one sided affair, but sever
al bids or proposals are already in,blank
forms for which can be obtained at the
P. O Five blanks have already been
secured trom Postmaster Black and bids
are supposed to be in from Duffy, Rei
ber, Hughes and others not known, as
the bids are sent to Mr. Norris at Eliza
beth. N. J. Dick Hnghes' room is a
splendid location, but Mr. Norris is said
to have pronounced the room "100 nar
row," when here.
A reliable Conch always to be found
at Brown & Co's. Guaranteed con
struction, from $8 upwards. See them.
Prof. Bancroft returned from the
Pan-Am.. Monday.
Heurv E. Criner of Middlesex twp.
was in town. Saturday.
L. D. Campbell, a producer of Magic,
was in town, Thursday.
I' Prof. John C. Diglitof Zelienople was
in town on business, Monday.
Chas. Glasgow of Clinton twp. rented
his farm, and has moved to Butler.
Warren Gibson of Venango tonwship
was in town on business, Thursday.
Japhia McMicliael of Clay township
did some shopping in Butler, Friday.
A little daughter of Benson Shrader
of McKean St. is ill with brain fever.
Mrs. J. M. Hamilton of Concord twp.
did some shopping in Butler. Satnrday.
Glenn W. Christy of North Washing
ton was a business visitor Wednesday.
Walter A .Vllau of Greenville was the
guest of Andy McKinley, of this place,
last week.
James Pryor and Robert H. Young
two old citizens of West Sunbury, are
seriously ill.
James Bolton and wife of Connoque
nessing township weie in town.Tuesday,
doing some shopping.
Henry Berg an IC. E. Miller are do
ing the Expo., which is booked to close
for good Saturday oigtit.
Joel Baker of Prospect is making a
success of his barber shop under the
Farmers National Bank
Henry Galbreath of W infield twp.
and his brother. J. M. of this place, ex
changed visits this week.
W. J. Pflough of Evans City is doing
a large amount of slate roofing in Pitt3-
btirg and surrounding towns.
W. J. Thompson of West Sun bury is
in poor health, and intends going to
Southern Pines, N. C., for the winter.
Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Shaw have re
turned from an extended and pleasant
visit to Canton and Cambridge Springs.
S. F. Johnston and W. P. Criner of
Middlesex township returned from Buf
alo, Saturday, well pleased with their
Dr. L. V. Groves of Anandale stop
ped in Butler, Monday, on his way
home from a visit to his father in Ell
George Mitchell, G A. Cypher, H. A.
Purvis, and several other Butler boys
have returned from Buffalo, and the
Perry Stewart now holds the position
of travelling auditor and salesman for
the Empire State Nursery, located at
Waterloo N. Y.
Philip Sutton and wife of Penn town
ship did some shopping in Butler, Thur
sday. Mr. Sutton is now in his 73d year,
and has been blind for the past two
Greer McCaudless of Connoqueness
ing was in town, Saturday, and took a
short lesson in Astronomy from two
scientific gentlemen that he met on the
G. M, Tsilka, the Greek, whose wife
was captured with Miss Stone in Bul
garia, was a classmate of Rev. J. W.
Cooper, at Union Theological Seminary
in New York.
David McKee and wife of Grove City,
celebrated the fifty eight anniversey of
their wedding day, last Thursday. Mrs.
Dr. Showalter. of Chicora, is one of
their six children, yet living.
Samuel T. Marshall took advantage
of lhe fine weather of last week, to visit
his old frieuds. He has not been in
good health for some months, but is
improving and is growing stronger.
Rev. Samuel Moore preached two ex
cellent sermons in the 2nd Presbyterian
church last Sunday. Rev. Moore is a
son of J. Christy Moore, Esq. of Centre
twp. and is now located in New Castle.
Herman Lerner, who was raised near
Jefferson Centre and ltft this county
after serving thiongh the War aud
settled at Mt. Athos, near Appomattox,
Va., is visiting the scenes of his boy
Samuel Johnston of Summit township
was around visiting his friends iu But
ler, Tuesday. He was born on the Deer
or old James Maxwell farm, near Han
nahstown, November 20, 1820, and will
be 81 years of age on the 20th of next
month. His health is good, but his legs
have become feeble.
A pleasant social event was the recep
tion given by the First Ward Hose Co.
Monday evening, in honor of Carl
Leighner, George King, Jr. and Percy
Keil, members lately married, and their
brides, and of Charles and Will Ritter
and Earl Thompson, who depart this
week for Seattle. Wash. After music,
dancing and other pastimes, an oyster
supper was served and rocking chairs
were presented to the young married
Charles P. and Will Ritter of S. Main
St. and Earl Thompson, son of ex-Pro.
Thompson, leave for Seattle, Wash.,
this week, where Will Ritter expects to
enter a large clothing store and his
brother Charles and Thompson exjiect
to be employed in the drug business.
All the young men have always been
yery favorably known at home and it
is the wish of their many friends that
they may be successful on the Pacific
Justices McCollum, Fell, Mitchell
and Mestrezat of the Supreme Court of
the state, stopped off at Butler, last
Saturday afternoon, for an hour or two,
while on their way from Erie to Pitts
burg. Tliey were met at the P. & W.
station W several Butler lawyers and
friends, and driven over the town; after
which they held a reception at one of
our hotels. Justices Fell and Mitchell
are Republicans, and McCollmn and
Mestrezat are Democrats. They seemed
to enjoy their visit here, and left for
Pittsburg on the 5:45 p. in. traiu.
Letter to W. J. Iteatty.
Butler, Pa.
Dear Sir: You are a dentist—you know
a good job, outside a mouth as well as
Perhaps your honse needs painting.
Devoe and zinc is your paint. Sold
under this guarantee:
"If you have any fault to find with
this paint, either now in pntting it on,
or hereafter in the wear, tell your dealer
about it.
"We authorize hiin todo whatisright
at our expense."
And we are responsible: business es
tablished 146 years ago without a break
—the largest paint manufacturer in the
United States
Yours truly.
6:1 F. W. DEVOE & Co.
P. S.-~Patterson Bros, sell our paint
in your section.
11. If. & P. Cafe.
The patronage of the new B. R. & P.
Cafe in the Stein building on South
Main street; continues to increase.
Ladies from the country coming to Bnt
ler, find every convenience of a hotel
, there, and the meals all tbat could be
desired, and only 25 cents. The propri
etors are making a specialty of their
Sunday dinners, at same price, and are
re -eiving great encouragement
•Special Excursion to Pittsburg
Sunday, November Brd, account
Chrysanthemum Show.
On Sunday, Novembrr 3rd, the Pitts
burg & Western Ry. will run an Ex
cursion from Foxburg, Butler and in
termediate stations, to Allegheny. Fare
#I.OO for the round trip. Train will
leave Foxburg 6>{o. Butler 8:05 a. 111,
Eastern time. Returning, leave Alle
gheny 5:30 p. in., Eastern time.
Talk about a Sewing Machine' Wei!,
von haven't seen the New Royal jet.
have you'.' If yon will just drop into
Brown & Co s. Furniture Store and see
one you'll want it. Price $10.75 to S3O.
Always in stock.
Brown & Co. can lit your house up
from cellar to attic in Furniture and
Carpets, etc.
LOST—A black fur scarf .on Harmony
road, between Butler and Buttercup.
Finder will pleas return to this office
and receive reward.
Parent.', the best Christmas present
you can make your son or daughter, is
a sliolarship in the Butler Business Col
Parker township scbod district vs
Bruin borough school district, bill in
equity asking that the deft, be compelled
to pay SSOOO for the real and personal
property of the plf. which fell within
the bounds of the new borough and to
pay its proportionate share of the debts
of the township district which are
stated at *7OOO.
Edwin Young vs D. H. Black and Z
W. Link, appeal by defts from judg
ment rendered by Reuben McElvain.
Wm. Youncbludt vs W. H. Russell.
: mechanic's lien for $125.06
Lewi* M Bii-liop of Evans City vs
Rose May Bishop, petition for diyorce.
Thomas E. Smith vs Mary M. Smith,
petition tor divorce, suphoena issued.
Mr. Smith lives in Penn township and
Mrs. Smith in Butler. The petition
states that they were married in 1889
and lived together until I*9*. that at
ths time of the marriage the defendaut
had a husband living, named Thomas
P. MechliDg. that notwithstanding Mrs.
Smith knew this she swore, when pro
curing the license to marry Smith, that
Mechling had died, April 5, 1887.
David Cnpps, guardian of David
Cnpps. Jr , has petitioned for partition
of the real estate of Daniel Walters,
deed., in Jefferson twp.
A charge of keeping a disorderly
house has been entered against Harriet
Williams, who lives along the Bessemer
railroad north of Butler, the complain
ant being Abner Patton.
Betters of adm'n on the estate of
Robt. F. Glenn of Brady twp. have beeu
granted to Samuel C. Glenn.
The will of Mary Kennedy of Conno
quenessing twp. has been probated, no
Jacob Fieeger of Butler nas l>eeu held
for court on a charge of disorderly con
duct aud open lawdness, for an offense
committed. Friday.
Letters of adm'n on the estate of
Jacob Hutzly of Forward twp. have
been granted to C. R. and Herman
The will of Sarah H Porter of Muddy
creek twp. has been probated and letters
gianted to Louisa Fowler; also the will
of Charles H Groves of Forward twp.,
no letters
Petition has been made for partition
of leal estate of William Riddle, deed,
of Franklin twp.
Viewers have reported against chang
ing the road in Fairview township at
the Thomas Banks farm.
An information for malicious trespass
has been made against li. F. Lieben
dorfer of Ell wood City by O. T. Murphy
of the Worth and Brady townships
game association.
John T. Martin to John lieller lot iu
Buffalo twp. for SSO.
Elizabeth McCamantto Hanna Atkin
son lot in Slippery rock for $ 255.
Wm. Bushman to Henry J. Lonitz
lots in Clinton twp. for SIOO.
Isaac Rihel to Simon Sloan lot iu
Venango twp, for SIOO.
Simon Bulford to Daniel Bulford 99
acres in Penn twp. for S6OO.
Thos E. Coulter to E. H. Jennings &
Bros, lease of 30 acres in Concord for
Margaret Graham to Ida M. Hervey
lot on E Clay St., Butler, for $2400.
J G. R nick trustee to Adam Klink
trustee lot in Cherry twp. for s:s4o.
Harry Korn to George E. Sarver lot
in Butler for $325.
J. fl. Steen .trustee to Annie M.
Reibold lots in Connoquenessing boro
for $300; also to Adam Dam bach 9 acres
in same for $549.
Edwin E. Goebring to Annie M.
Reibold 9 acres in same for $549.
Penn'a Savings F. & L. Ats'n to
Emellne Patterson lot in Butler for
T. W. Phillips, Son <fc Co. to Jacob A,
Henniuger lea~e and two wells on R. M.
Anderson farm in Penn two , for S3OOO.
Emma Roenick to Wm. Geisher 3
acres in Jeffer-* >ll twp., for $750
McCracken Heir, to T. N. Barnsdall
00-acre lease in Washington twp. for
J. H. Mechling heirs to same 41-acre
lease in Washington for SBOO.
W. P Mechling heirs to same 45-acre
lease in same for S9OO.
S. P. Sbryock to same 80-acre lease in
Parker for SIOSO.
Jas. Bredin to Lillian E. Pollock 77
acres in Winfiekl for S2OOO.
Philip Goertz to E. D. Adams 25-acre
lease in Parker twp for sl-.
.lohn T. Alsworth to E. 11. Jennings
& Bros 17 acre lease in Parker for sl.
Marriage licenses.
John Gilliland Cranberry twp
Henrietta Barrickman.. "
Philip Cypher Winfield twp
Li da M. Jack Armstrong Co
Edward 11. Fielding. .Slipperyrock twp
Delila C. Duffy Marion twp
William L. Beal Mars
Carrie M. Jordan "
Charles R. Clark Whitestown
Naomi P. Kocher Laucaster twp
Harry E. Cumberland Butler
Maggie Mcßride "
John Cubbage Buffalo twp
Augusta Kietzer Pittsburg
Hairy Campbell Parker's Landing
Elizabeth Whittatcb Claytonia
Thomas I. Whituiire Oakland twp
Anna Black "
John A. Bovard Slipperyrock tvvp
Bertha Grossman Cherry twp
John E.Love Glade Mills
Lizzie E. Baker "
Win. J. Fredley Seattle, Wash
Harah J. Fulton Glade Mills
Lorenzo P. Shorts Pittsburg
Eva E. Kiser.. Brownsdale
At Stenbenville—H. C. Simeral and
Lydie Belle McNair of Butler.
They had returned from an evening
ramble along the shaded streets and
were standing by her father's gate, look
ing unutterable things to each other.
At last she sighed and said, "Sometimes
it seems to me that I am without a
friend and that 110 one cares for me."
"Oh, but you must not think that way,"
said the gallant youth, "for I am sure
there is at least one who cares for yon
very innch." "I can hardly believe
there is," went on the girl, "or I would
not feel so desolate at times. It seems
there is no one who loves me." "But I
am snre there is," said the man, "there
is one who loves yon better than life it
self." And in response to the girl's
coquettish inquiry as to who it was, he
replied, "Jesus loves you."
Benefit Supper
An excellent sapper will be given on
Friday evening in the Y. M C. A. Hall,
for the benefit of the new steam loundry
lately erected at St. Paul's Orphan
Home. As this Home does not often
Belicit aid from the citizens of Bntler,
the snpi>er ought to be well patronized.
The donation of a few additional dollars
will aiso be thankfully received.
of to-day can trace his success to the
habit of saving. If you only make $5
per week you should make up ,011
mind that you must save $1 of it. If
you once get in n habit of saving jour
will find it a pleasure 10 see your hank
acrount growing and to see your money
earning interest at 4 per cent. Send
fcr our booklet, all about banking by
mail orinperson—free. PRUDENTIAL
TRUST COMPANY, 6124 Penn Ave.,
Pittsburg Pa.
Good strong Iron Bed—white brass
knobs full size only $3 50 at Brown &
Go's. The best bed we have ever of
fered for the money.
Did you see the kitchen Cabinets at
Brown & Cos?
A finer selection of medium priced
Rockers of nil kinds won't be found
anywhere See Brown & Co.
Nov. 1, a good time to enter the But
ler Easiness College. Jan. 1, 1002, the
best time to enter for work in the new
year. Send for a catalogue.
We are ready to sell. Never before
h:is onr store been so foil of new. relia
ble Furniture of all kinds as now. Any
grade of gomls you want. Values that
you will appreciate at Brow n & C/s.
Two Italians accidently shot them
selves while hunting in Cherry town
ship. last Saturday.
While hunting near Piano. Saturday.
George Shaffer, son of John Shaffer of
Prosjiect.accidentlv shot himself serious
ly. He had entered an oil derrick and
set his gun against a timber. The gun
slipped and was discharged, the load
tearing a gaping hole through the bicep
mussle of the left arm. Dr. Thompson
attended bim and he was taken home
Saturday evening.
By a collision between freights on the
siding at Sarver Station, yesterday
morning, fireman Overbeek was so bad
ly crushed that his condition was con
sidered serious and be was taken to a
hospital in Pittsburg, engineer Gib
Denny was scalded and flagman \Vm.
Craig was hurt, but not seriously
j The bodies of the three men drowned
at Foxburg, mention of which accident
\v;is made in these columns last week,
' have been found. The bodies of Edward
i Hoover, of Petrolia. and William Diui
mick, of St. Petersburg, were recovered
on Sunday about noon, and that of
James Duncan was found early Monday
morning. The bodies of the first two
were recovered in water about 25 feet
deep and the latter was taken from the
river where the water was not more
than five feet deep The place where
the bodies were found was about 200
yarls above the bridge aud almost op
jxwite the P. &W. shops. All three of
the victims were young men, and the
two first-mentioned were about 25 years
of age and single, while the latter was
aired about 30 yeirs. aud leaves a wife
but DO family. How the accident oc
curred will, of course, never be known,
but it is thought that the men were out
djnamiting fish, and while putting in a
shot, and iu their haste to get away, up
set the boat—which was a small affair
and barely able to carry its load throw-.
iog all into the river. At about this
time, when they were slill under water,
it is supposed, the dynamite exploded,
renderirir them unconscious, and in this
manner came to their death before they
could make any effort to save them
selves. The funerals of Hoover and
Dimmick were held on Monday after
noon aud burial was made at their re
spective homes, while that of Duncan
took place on Tuesday nt Oil City
Emlenton Herald.
Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting of the Almira
Home Association will be held in the
chapel of the Y. M. C. A . New Castle.
Pa ,at 10:30 a. m.. Nov. stb. All mem
bers are urged to be prosent. Train
leaves Butler at 8:05 a. m.
Public Sales.
Friday, Nov. 1, at 9:30 a.m, at John
Burry's in Franklin twp Registered
aud grade Jersey cattle, borses. train,
farming implements, household goods,
ttc. Sale positive as he intends to quit
faiming. J. R. Kearns. auct.
Friday, Nov. 1, 10 a. in., Jacob Kum
mtr, Centre two..near Brewster school,
horses, cows, farm implements, etc.
November 2nd. 10 a m.,S. D. Christy
on R. S. Henry farui near Buttercup,
stock, implements, grain, etc.
November 2nd, Marion Thompson in
Cherry twp., near Coaltown. D. Mc-
Devitt, Auctioneer.
Nov. 9. A. M. Nelson, near Hays'
mill in Middlesex twp . stock grain,
hay, wagons, etc,
$3.05 only
to Buffalo and return every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday during October
coach excursion tickets via Buffalo,
Rochester & Pittsburg Railway. Train
leaves Butler 10:12 a. m., city time.
Tickets gocTd six days, including date of
Proposal for Lease ol Premises
for Po- toffice at Butler, Pa.
Proposal- to lease premises for post
office purp< .es at Butler, Pa., for a term
of five (5) or ten (10) years, from Janu
ary Ist. 1902, to be received by the un
deisigned until November 9th, 1901.
The proposition to lease premises
should incl ;de heating and lighting of
the same. Aloo the fixtures, furniture
and boxes sufficient to properly conduct
tli • business of the office. About eigh
teen hundred (1800) square feet of floor
space required. Blank forms for mak
ing proposals can be obtained of the
Assistant Sup't.,
Elizabeth, N. J.
Novelties in ingrain Carpets at Brown
& Co's. As we have only recently
opened the Carpet business our pat
terns and stock are strictly fresh and
new—right from the loom. All-wool
Super extr > ingrain, 65c.
Desirable building lots in East Pitts
burg and Briuton plan, North Braddock
borongh. Near Westinghouse and
Carnegie works and Penn'a railroad.
Will exchange for oil property or real
estate. Must sell. A bargain. ,
CITIZEN office.
Special Sale.
The Greek American Fruit Co will
have a special sale of Chocolate. Velvet
Chips, next Saturday. Chips worth 50
cents will be sold at 25 cents a pound.
Brown & Co. have a fine selection of
oak Bed Room Suits at medium prices
We would be glad to have you com
pare quality and price with us.
Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine,
for your spring tonic.
A large selection of Combination and
Library Cases at Brown & Co's. Price
$lO up.
Sec tlie Pan-American, ItuflUlo.
Only $8.05 round trip coach excur
sion ticket via the B. R. & P. Ry.,
every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day during October. Train leaves
Butler 10:12 a. m., City time. Tickets
good returning on any train within six
See the new Auctioneer, John B.
Mathers. Call on him. His address is
No. 211) Walnut St., Butler, Pa. Prices
made satisfactory.
Reduced Fares to the Pan-Ain.
via the IS. It. & P.
Commencing Saturday, October 12tli,
and every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday during Octolter, will sell excur
sion tickets from Butler to Buffalo at
the extremely low rate of £5.05 for the
round trip. Tickets at the aboye rate
will be sold for the Vestibuled Limited 1
leaving Butler at 10:13 a. in. city time, !
and will be good returning on any train
within 0 days. If you have not yet
visited the Pan-American now is the
Pan-American Imposition.
Low rates and quick time via the
Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R. and con
Following are the rates from Butler:
$3.05 Tickets on sale Tuesdays, Thur
sdays and Saturdays; good for six days.
$6.80 Tickets on sale daily; good for 15
$7.75 Tickets on sale daily; good for
20 days.
Proportionally low rates from other
stations. For time of trains and other
information, inquire of agents, or ad
dress, E. D. Comstock, G. P. A., Pitts
burg, Pa.
Music scholars wanted at 128 We=t
Wayne St
Pictures and Picture framing a spe
cialty at Brown & Co's. Now is the
time to have your work done.
the saves the gas, at
Miss Hamlin of Pittsburg addressed
local Sunday School workers on jnuior
department work in the Y. M. C. A.
building Tuesday evening. Next Tues
day Messrs Hugh Cork and n. C. Car
mack will speak.
Rev. S. C. Long of Jeunersburg, Pa..
was unanimously elected pastor cf
Bethany Reformed church here
| J fcThe Y. P. C. T. U. will hold their
next meeting in the U. P. church on
Monday evening. Nov 4. at 7:45.
Lcavitt and Loderer's production of
the new version bv Robert (irifiiu Morris
I of Lord Byron's famous poem Mazeppa
I or the Wild Horse of Tartary. will be a
; dramatic and musical spectacle of
I splendor and completeness. The scenery
will be magnificent; the horse, the
finest ever seen on the staje, and the
I title role, will be played by Mile. Verona
Jarbeau, the heroine and creator of
many former successes Prices 25 35-50-
75c and *1 00.
An American play for American
people is what they term "The Trspj>er's
Daughter," Saturday evening's attrac
tion at the Casino. It is a western play
that holds the attention of the audience
from the rise to the fall of the curtain
In addition to a complete company they
carry a complete band and orchestra,
which by the way is alwve the ordinary.
H. Thayer Glick is an old minstrel man
•and it is under his direction that the
company is having such a successful
tour —Niles. (.O.) Times.
Prices night 25-35-50 cents, Matinee,
children 10 and adults 25 cents.
Hal Reid's latest and best pastoral
comedy, A Homespun Heart, will be
the attraction at the Park Theatre oti
next Monday night. A Homespun
Heart is a companion story to Human
Hearts, v hich had such universal favor
but is a play of n higher order than its
predecessor, as it has more intense
heart interest and a stronger hold upon
the attention and is as sweet as a spray
of apple blossoms. The scene of the
story is laid in a rural community in
Central Ohio. The stage settings are
all new. true to the situations and ela
borate, careful attention having been
paid to detail. Prices 25-35-50 and 75
Miss 808 WHITE --TUESDAY, NOV. 5.
An operatic event of the first water.
On next Tuesday evening at the Park
Theatre, Willard Spencer's great comedy
opera ' Miss Bob White - ' will be pre
sented in this city for the first time. It
comes here in the ripest time when our
theatre goers are hungry for it and with
its great reputation preceding its local
advent. Among the long list of theat
rical attractions before the public, there
is none better calculated to whet the
appetites of amusement lovers here than
Miss Bob White, and it will undoubted
ly be received by an outpouring such
has been seldom seen in this city. It
will be presented here with its wealth
of magnificent scenery and costumes,
X)recisely as in the metropolitan presen
tations and without cut or curtailment
of any description ard with its big cast
including Richard F. Carroll, Frank
Deshor, Wm. E. Philp, Thomas
Whiffen, Nicholas Burnham, Ethel
Jackson, Mathilde Preville and Alice
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg.
The production of Boucicault's
masterpiece The Shaughraun by the
Pittsburg Grand stock company, week
beginning Monday, November 4th, will
eclipse anything ever before attempted
at this house. Preparations for The
Shaughraun have baen in progress for
the past several weeks, long before the
season opened, and Stage Director Huff
man has succeeded far beyond his ex
pectations in reproducing some of the
most picturesque and beautiful scenes
in all Ireland.
Pennsylvania Kuilroail Low-rate
Three-Day Pan-Am. Exposi
tion Excursion.
On account of the Pan-American Ex
position the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will run special excursions
from Pittsburg to Buffalo every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday during
October. Train will leave Pittsburg at
0:00 a. m., and arrive Buffalo 5:85 p. m.
Special excursion tickets, good going
only on train indicated and its connec
tions, and good to return on regular
trains within three days, including date
of sale, will be sold at rate of $5.25 from
Pittsburg and Allegheny, $i5.G5 from
Emlenton, and at proportionate rates
from principal intermediate points on
the West Penn Division between Alle
gheny and Blairsville Intersection in
elusive and River Division between
Pittsburg and Emlenton inclusive.
Tickets will be confined to continuous
passage in each direction and will not
be accepted in parlor or sleeping cars.
For specific rate and time of train,
consult handbills or apply to ticket
For Sale or Exchange-
Good second hand boilers, '3O to 40
horse j>ower, prices low. S. H Roberts,
Mars IJoiler Works, Mars. Pa.
When looking for Heating Stoves re
member our line will be the finest in
town. See our B. R. & P. Heating
Main St.
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Win. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519.
To Whom it May Concern
Walter's Best Flour is the "best".
Makes the finest bread we ever had.
Hard wood—two part—Cupboard at
Brown A: Co's. Golden oak —four pan
el doors two drawers—price $7.
Anything needed in a Stand or Par
lor Table? Or is it a Chiffonier or a Li
brary Table you want? Better see
Brown & Co.
WANTED —Farmers to bring their
last year's pop-corn to John RicheyV
142 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
Next Door to Court House. Butler. PB.
To tlie Voter* of Butler County.
The Union Fusion party of Pennsyl
vania has been breathed into existence
as a means to an end by which the clean
and honest men of an parties may cast
their ballots on next Tuesday for candi
dates who are not only pledged to re
form. but whose actions while occupy
ing public office give proof of their sin
If any proof or argument is needed to
justify the birth of this party then we
refer you to the reckless expenditures
and corrupt actions of the last Legisla
ture of Pennsylvania. which was aided
and backed and defended by the state
administration, the chief of whom, was
the minority Governor of the state.
The voters on last November. 1900,
chose a majority of legislators pledged
against the return of M. S. Quay to the
U. S. Senate, but the horde of lobby
bribers. under division chiefs, arrived
in Harrisburg with the openiug of the
session, and the wishes ot the mijarity
of the voters of the state, as it had been
expressed as the polls were thwarted,
and after the first round of the carnival
of bribery, ended, Quay got a certificate
to again sit in the l\ S. Senate and thu<
a new premium was put on bribery and !
crooked methods.
Notwithstanding their bigh-pricv 1
success in their first round the Organiz
ed Bosses and political crooks proceeded
to tackle every Clergyman and layman
during the session th it did not travel
with them, and the pen of a McCanley
or the voice of a Demosthenes would
fail if charged with a discription of
their acts, committed under color of
law and tlieir solemn oaths.
This Legislature was so indefensibly
corrupt that mention of some names
nakes those of Tweed and Bardslay
sound sainted and sanctified. Let the
fame of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield. Ar
thur, Hays, Harrison and McKinley
sliine on this so called Republican Leg
islature and they would vanish and flee
from its blackness like wills-o-the-wisp
Yet the recent State Convention, owned
and directed by Quay and his Bosses,
who had stifled ballot reform, which
they pledged the people on the stumi
prior to election, endorsed the actions of
this Legislature and proceeded to nomi
nate Mr. Telephone Potter for Supreme
Judge and Mr. Quay Stone Ripper Har
ris for State Treasurer, and pledged
them when they accepted nomination
upon said platform to endorse what Re
publicans like Postmaster General
Smith, ex-Postmaster General John
Wanamaker, Samuel M. Clemment,
District Attorney Rot.hermal, Senator
David Martin and U. S Revenue Collec
tor McClain, all of Philadelphia, e.v
Gov. Hastings, ex Att'y Gen. McCor
mick, ex-Congressman Chas. W. Stone.
Hon John Dalzell, George W. Merrick,
ex-Lieut. Gov. Watres and the preseut
Lieut. Gov. Gobin (who until recently
trained with the Quay-Stone ore&niza
tion.but who now denounces their reck
less corruption and utter disregaid of
the interests of the people), denounce.as
do all the public men that have been
Moreover ministers of the Gospel all
over the state, who are not politicians
or office seekers, stveral hundred of
them in the city of Pniladelpbia have
recently held public meeting to discuss
the peoples' cause and they have de
nounced the reckless and corrupt city
government of Philadelphia, as well as
that of the entire state.
This mention of the names of distin
guished citizens of Pennsylvania, who
either now, or in the recent past, have
been office holders, is here made because
they have in their public duties been
brought In personal contact with the
reckless and corrupt action of the state
machine, that seeks to muzzle and sup
press self-respecting freemen. Added
to these there are many thousand hon
est voters in the state, laymen, business,
nlid professional, who know the truth of
these statements. These facts, as to
our state affairs and the methods used,
are to a large degree applicable to con
ditions in Butler C'onnty at the present
time, which plainly became manifest in
the Republican primaries of 1900 and
1901, when factional machine tickets
were printed and distributed, coutain
ing only the names of certain candidates
selected by a political clique, who thus
assumed by their dark-lantern methods
to deceive, mislead, and GULL the fair
minded, but unsuspecting voter, into
casting a vote for their candidates.
The employment of these methods in
the 1900 primary campaign by the ring
binchtneu only succeeded by less than
1(H) votes in the County, and this is proof
on its face, if the vote at that primary
hid been uninfluenced by the printed
tickets and rosy promises of the gang,
we would have had members at Harm
burg who would not have supjiorted and
voted for Ripper Bills, needlees new
offices, outrageous Traction and Rail
road Steals, four million dollars of the
tax-payers' money to expend on the
Capitol Building, and tolerated falsified
Journals and padded Pay Rolls, and
numerous other doings and votes, not in
the interest of the people, of which
space here forbids our mention.
The Republican primary was held, the
present year, the first day of last June,
and all candidates for office at that time
announced their names in the columns
of the Party Newspapers of the county
and started in to make their personal
canvass on their merits before the
people; and if the canvass had been al-j
lowed to proceed to nomination day on
this line, doubtless, the ticket would
have been differently constituted. But
sometime prior to nomination day it be
came apparent that a clique of persons,
known as the new county Bosses,
by a common purpose and agreement,
entered into a canvass and used the Re
publican organization solely in the in
terest of candidates of their own selec
tion. In pursuance of this purpose they
made a canvass of the County, mostly
by twos, in good carriages and took
with them a good supply of the printed
factional tickets, that have been men
tioned, and which they distributed to
certain of their borough aud township
heelers. It may be said that many of
these claquers were BUSINESS MKN and
many of them were like the Indian,
they leved "to BAKTER and TRADE a
bit," with a well-dressed dude acting as
PAYMASTER and accompanied by mem
bers of the legislature who showed their
interest in the scheme by leaving their
JOBS at Harrisburg to visit voters at
their rural homes Ifthoy did not see
the persons wanted in that way, word
was sent by some conrier to them to
visit Butler; when they arrived here
their hands were eagerly grasped by
usually indifferent aristocrats, either on
the streets or in the office, and future
political plans unfolded, (which perhaps
embraced them,) and they naturally
saw only the mighty ropes and pulleys
of the organization machine which was
well bushed and boxed with GOLD to
prevent any friction, and so the ma
chine ran at high pressure until the
polls closed, the eve of June first, when
it stopped for want of power anil st-wjd
still until the UNION PARTY ticket
caused it to fall out of balance, and
notning but new bushing and high-pres
sure running will stand any chance of
beating the time of the UNION PARTY
But the mendacious commercial em
ployes of the state machine here have
got sealed orders to raise their cry of
REGULARITY, as they did last year.
Notwithstanding that after they were
squarely defeated last November ill the
state, they fused with recreant Demo
crats and some Judases, elected to the
legislature as Anti-Quay Republicans,
and thus purchased their high-priced
Now let the fair minded voter juk
himself why this selfish and corrupt
Kang should have a trade-mark patent
on their BRAND of fusion to defeat the
WILL of the people expressed at the
polls by their Ripper-Methods; yet the
moment the honest voter assays to cast
his ballot for clean candidates, who
know no masters save the people, they
howl their deatlx-bed son# of "KEOU
LARTY". This reminds us that "when
Satan was sick a Saint he would be, but
when he got well no Saint was he."
Their insincere and paid hirelings are
now abroad throwing sand in the eyes
of voters for their own selfish purposes.
Why are these LABOKKKS SO much
concerned about the peoples candidates?
Are their jobs jeopardized by thesliadow
of the success of the Union ticket?
Let every voter think before he is con
vinced by the taugled fallacies of the
BlNti, woven for their own covering,
that they may continue in posesslon of
the public offices Remember you vote
a secret ballot without any hired to.il
to molest you and no living person will
know how yon voted if you do no? vmr
self proclaim it, but your ballot will be
i counted as marked.
Be sure to obtain and examine n
sample ballot so that you may vote in
telligently, not only for the UNION
PARTY candidates but also for both ol
the important Constitutional Amend
( Tooth j
> Truth. £
X 4c »•' •> -if vt/ «x- -V •!»••• U • V .1? -V V
*»• o *V- 'iV'T* /. j
/ Teeth are bound to he j
y unsightly and are sure to \
■ f decay if you use no denli- M
; / frice. IS
|) & I
/ They may be kept {
C white, but will still decay V
/ if you use the wrong C
* dentifrice. t
V 1 hey are sure to remain /
both beautiful and sound ✓
i if you rely on Boyd's Peer- *
/ less Tooth Powder. It /
j sweetens the breath, h<;rd- f
c ens the gums, polishes I
* and whitens the teeth and r
C destroys the germs that ✓
I produce decay. 7
) Price 25 cents. r
g -if 'if-'jr 'l* *l* >L. vl/ >!/■'• >l/ >!»•*> \
I *T* T* -T» 'l' A* <7* 7,» rff* »,»
J C. N. BOYD. \\
/ Pharmacist. 7
? Butler, Pa, r
Public Sale of Trotting Mare.
In pursuance of the Act of Assembly giv-.
ing to livery stable keepers a Hen upon
horses delivered to them to be kept In their
stables, for the expense of such kcoplng. and
:un hori/ing tlietn, upon default In payment
iif such expense after personal demand, to
cause the said horse or horses to be sold at
nubile sale according to law, the undersigned
livery stable keeper will expose to sale at
nubile vendue, at his livery barn in Butler.
Pa., on
One Bay Mare, 7 years old; height, about 13
hands; weight, about 1.000 pounds; standard
bred trotter of tine pedigree and said to have
shown a mile In 2:27%. Delivered to the un
dersigned to be kept in his liverv stable by
J. Peter Ivihn. of Butler, l'a., the owner of
said marc.
1 The sale will be for cash in haud. The
mare not to be removed until payment Is
■—The highest and best bidder shall be do
clared the purchaser, but upon failure to
make inimodiate payment the sale shall be
void and the mare shall Immediately be put
up again until sold and paid for.
024-3t Livery Stable Keeper.
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital paid in $200,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $107,463.01
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; John G. McMarlin,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A general banking business transacted.
Interest paid on time doposlts.
Money lianed on approved security.
We invite you to open an account with this
DIRECTORS—Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon.
W. S. Waldron, Dr. IN. M. Hoover. H. Mc-
Sweeney, 0. P. Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie P.
Ilnzlett, M. Fineg-in, W. H. Larkin, T. P.
Milllln, Dr. W. C. McCandless. Ben Mas
»vib. W. J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. Relber
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00.
Foreign exchange l>ought and sold.
Special attention given to collections.
JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President
0. A. BAILEY Cashier
K. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier
1. F. UUTZLER Teller
John Younklns. I). L. Oleeland, E. E.
Alirams, O. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzger, Henry
Miller, John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Levi
M. Wise and Francis Murphy.
Interest paid on time deposits.
We respectfully solicit vour business.
Botler Savings Bank
Hi_itler, Pa.
Capital - $60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - - $225,000 00
JOS. L PURVIS President
J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cajhier
IX)UI8 B. STEIN Teller
DIRECTORS—Joseph L. furvls. J. Henry
Tro'-.traan, W. D. BrandOD. W. A. Stein. J 8.
The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest
Hanking Institution! n Butler County.
Ocneral banking business transacted.
Wo solicit accounts of ull producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
All business entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest paid on time deposits.
SB,OOO 3 1-2 per cent.
City of Allegheny, Pa.,
Third Ward School District,
School bonds clue June I. 1917.
Assessed valuation about $9,500,000.
Bonds free from State tax.
Price to yield 3 20 1.00 per cent.
Write us if you wish to buy or sell
choice municipal or school bonds.
Bank for Savings Bld'g.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Real Estate Trust Co.
of Pittsburg,
311 Fourth Avenue
Pays 4 p. c. on Saving Accounts
2 p. c. on Check Accounts
Don't wait for a windfall- The
dollar in the bank is the dollar
that counts.
Write to-day for our book of
instructions, "How to Bank by
| Window
Glass. \
? AT £
{Redick & Grohman,>
J 109 N. Main St., Butler, T>a. \
We arc showing the newest styles in YOKE and LONG
OVERCOATS with the slash pocket, juices ranging from
$lO to $25.
Also showing the newest things in Men's and Boys' Sack Suits.
AH our good suits are made with padded shoulders and quilted
breasts. It'll be worth your while, before you buy your Suit or
Overcoat, to look over our line. Our prices are less this year than
they have ever been for the same quality.
See our window display.
Yours for Clothing,
$lO $lO $lO
Our Ten Dollar Suits and Overcoats have gained
us hundreds of customers, and reader, you too will be
counted amongst the number.
If you want the
Best $lO Suit and Overcoat on Earth.
We have our Suits and Overcoats made in different fabrics, and
in different styles, in order to please every taste. And we can
honestly state that the man we cannot please with a
has not been in yet.
We make it our business to have the best sio Suits and Overcoats
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
I, !; M C>
... . -:,t/Y j/ ;fe il rftg 1
' •- : \ LPx K l
•■! J f ' X h\ <
, ' i \k
Get Heady
for the chilly days aud even
ings that are coming.
Be Readv
with a Top COAT when the
weather demands it
We're Ready
to show you tte very swell -
est Overcoatings—all new at
the most favorable figures.
Come in soon.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Is still on and will continue
for a short time at.discount flr
of 40 per cent on the dollar.
Read these prices: K
10c I'upprs at flc u Doublo Roll
■V this sale. flp
£ Patterson Bro's |
Wick Buildins'.
Ufe 236 N. Main St. Uh
JO Phone. 400. JO
Some Hew Boons and Their Writers.
•'Graustark" the story of a love behind
a throne, by G. B. McCutcbeon, Price
"Tilda Jane" by the Author of Beautiful
Joe. Price Ji.25.
"Captain Kavenshaw" by Robt. Neilscn
Stephens, Price f 1.25.
"(juincy Adams Sawyer" by Chas.Felton
Page, Price fi.25.
"Truth Dexter" by Sindey McCall,
Pi ice $ 1.50.
"Eleano'" by Mrs Humphrey Ward,
Price #1.25.
"Cheiroi Language of The Hand" Price
• True Bear Stories" by Joaquin Miller,
Price $1.25,
' The Owl and The Woodchuck" a song
story for children,highly illustrated,soc
"The Tribune Primes" by Kugene Field,
New editions of standard works and
the poets.
Eagle B'l'd. Near P. O.
241 South Main street
■ Given ft bread-winning cdnrta. H
■ tton.flttlnKyounKtnciiforactaal K
H dntlenof life. For clrculnrs, ad- K
■ drraa T. DUFF & BPITS.
Fall term begins, Monday, Sept. a, 1901
I—Practical1 —Practical Book-keepers. 2 —Expert
Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand,
4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical
Short Course in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping book*. 6
Our Teachers—We have four at present m
always as many as we need, no more.
We filled 51 position last term and ex
pect to fill twice that many this term.
We could place two or three times that
many every term if we had them. We
need an abundance of first class material.
All young men and young women having
a good English education should take
advantage of one or both of our courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for this year. Call at the office
and see us. If you are interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A. F. REGAL, Prin.,
319-327 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
B. & B.
4 specials
—goods of intrinsic merit—that
will bring a lot of extra business
—and save you money on every
1 50 different shades, plain solid
color Tafteta Silks, 65c yard —
practically any shade you want—
also white. Not the sleazy sort—
get samples and see for yourself—
extra rich, heavy lustrous quality
—nearest we've ever known to
this, lor anything like as good, is
42 inch All Wool Black Chev
iots, 35c yard.
50 inch All Wool 75c Black
Cheviots, 50c yard.
56 inch All Wool Dollar Black
Cheviots, 65c yard.
All values far beyond any
ordinary merchandising.
fine furs
Maintaining a well won repute
for strictly superior Furs, and
making this a still better place to
buy Furs,with the most extensive,
magnificent collection of choice,
prime Furs ever brought to the
Fur Neck Pieces, s2.so to sl7s*
Fur Coats, $25.00 to $550.00.
Extra nice Mink Fur Cluster
Scarves with 6 latge full Fox
tails, 3.50-
—Fur elegance and quality we'd
like to know of being equalled
anywhere under a 5 dollar bill.
Good and ready to meet your
preference for any kind of Furs—
at prices that will show you aQg
Beautiful Electric Seal Fur
Coats, $25.00.
Consult our Catalogue —ask
our mail order department all the
questions about Furs—or any
silks, Dress Goods or other Dry
Goods—you want. Always ready
to stand the test on quality and
Boggs & Buhl
Department X.
OFFICE —Next door to.CiTZEiN office
Butler, Pa.