THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM O. NF.GLEY - - Pablt»he THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. I9°l. $1.60 per year in Advisee. Otherwise $1.50. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOB SUPREME JUDGE, W. P. POTTER. FOR STATE TREASURER. FRANK G. HARRIS. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, £. E. YOUNG. FOR CLERK OP COURTS, W. H. CAMPBELL. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, B. F. HILLIARD. The Party and tlie State. When the Republican party assumed the responsibility of government in Pennsylvania, some forty years ago, real estate, horses and cattle and all trades and professions were taxed for State purposes. If real estate were now taxed for State purposes as in 1860 the tax would amount to nearly $7,000,000 annually. In 1861 the State was over forty mil lions of dollars in debt. Last year the State was so nearly out debt that no appropriation whatever was made to the Aking fund. In ltt-SS the the respon sibility of paying half the expense to the several counties of caring for the indigent insane thus saving the tax payers of the State half a million a year. In t«9l an act was passed returning three-fourths of the personal property tax to the respective counties, and in the same year all of the revenues de rived from liquor licenses were given bick to the counties. The expense of the judiciary is also bjrue by the State. Besides this the State now appropri ates annually to the public schools the m ignificent sum of $5,500,000. Practically all of this revenue is de rived from corporation tax The taxpayers of Pennsylvania are, now receiving every' year from the State $9,550,000 for which Republican legisla tion is responsible, aa follows; For the public schools, $5,500,000; personal tax retarned, $2,000,000; liquor licenses, sl,- 000,000; support of judiciary, $550,000. An;l now we are asked to join hands with the Democrats in an attempt to disrupt the Republican party. Shall we do it'( Scarcvly. Some years ago when Quay nominat ed an improper person for Governor of the state, enough Republicans withheld their support to let him drop. They did right, and so far as Mr. Potter's nomi nation for the Supreme Bench is con cerned, this year, we have nothing to say. but the county nominations were made as fairly, this year, as they ever have been, and the county nominees are entitled to the united supi>ort of the party. Registration Reform. Senator Flinn's assertion that "through the carelessness of the regis ters and the inadequacy of our registra tion laws there are twenty-five or thirty per cent more names on the registers than there are people actually living in the various voting districts" is a start ling statement, tt comes rather late in the Senator's political career, bnt it is expert opinion of acknowledged author ity. Taken into consideration with the number of actual voters overlooked by the registers it practically demonstrates the worthlessness of the present system Personal jegistration has proved a safe guard around the ballot elsewhere. Why not here? The inconvenience to the individual voter is of slight mo ment compared to the resulting benefits. It would be idle to attempt the purifica tion of the election laws without cleans ing the source. Sound election reform Bhonld begin with the qualification of the voter. That seen to, the rest should follow in natural sequence.---Pittsburg Dispatch. A Voting Machine. While in Pittsburg, the other day, we looked at the voting machine, then on exhibition in the cigir store at corner of 6th Ave. and Sniithfield. The face of the machine presented a Baker ballott, such as we will vote this year, with a little metal indicator oppo site each name, and a brass handle at the top of each column, the turning of which voted a straight ticket. But if the elector did not wish to vote a straight ticket, he moved the indicator of each name he wished to vote, and the pushing back of the curtain with the handle attached registered a vote for each name so designated. The mechanism of the machine is somewhat similar to that of a cash reg ister —a "total adder" being attached to each name or indicator—and after the polls close, the number of votes for each candidate is indicated on the rear face of the machine the doors of which are closed while the polls are open. The man in charge of tho machine said they were worth a million dollars each, but that they were selling them at only $500; while our judgment was that they could be made in large num bers and sold at a profit for about one hundred. At their figures-it would cost this connty abont $30,000 to put in voting machines, and the whole state about $3,000,000; and if the amendment allow ing of it be adopted, the company could, we believe, spend a million getting the bill adopting them through the Legisla ture, and yet have a tremendous profit on tho job, and so, perhaps, it v.'ill be just as well to "go slow" on the second or smaller amendment to the Constitu tion submitted for our consideration, this year. Death of Czolgosz. In the State penitentiary at Auburn, N. Y , at 7:121 o'clock. Tuesday morn ing, Leon Czolgosz. murderer of Presi dent William McKinley, paid the ex treme penalty exacted by the law for hi-; crime. He was shocked to death by 1,700 volts of electricity. He went to the chair in exactly the same manner as have the majority of murderers in that State. showing no particular sign of fear, but, in fact, doing what few of them have done - talking to the witness es while he was being strapped in the chair. "I killed the President because he was an enemy of the good people of the j good working people. I aui not sorry for i»y crime.'' These were his words as the guards hurried him into a chair A moment later, mumbling through the half-adjusted face straps, he said "I am awfnlly sorry I ciuld not see my father." Czolgosz retired Monday night at 10 O'clock and slept so soundly that when Warden Mead went to the cell shortly before 5 o'clock Tuesday morning the gnard hi»ide had to shake Czolgosz to awaken him. lie sat up on the edge ol hi» cot and made no reply to the war den b greeting of "good morning." His body was thrown into a grave and covered v. h lime and all his ClotniDg aud other belongings burned. Personal Registration in our Cities. The possibility of laws being eu acted in Pennsylvania requiring per sonal registration ot voters makes in teresting a comparison of the election methods in this State and those of Sew York and other States in which personal registration is operative. New York has a registration law, and so also hr.a Massachusetts and several of the W stern States. From all accounts its adoption has proven beyond doubt the desirability of personal registration as a feature of the election laws. While the proposed Amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania wiil not work any immediate change in the laws, it will allow the Legislature in the future to enact an adequate per sonal registration law which will make registration frauds difficult if not en tirely impossible. Ansley Wilcox, at whose home in Buffalo Theodore Roosevelt had ad ministered to him the oath of office as President of the United States, in writ ing of the operation of the personal re gistration law in New York says: I know something abont the history and effect of our State laws requiring per sonal registration and I know that these have had a very good effect, largely tending to repress fraudulent registra tion, colonization of voters and similar crooked election work in our large cities. " In New York, the registry lists are compiled by officers appointed by the Police Commissioners. In each pre cinct there are four registration officers, who are also inspectors of elections. Not more than two can belong to the same political party. In Chicago, the Board of Election Commissioners select three persons for each election division, who serve as registering officers and judges of elections. They cannot all belong to the same party; they must be householders, citizens of the United States, able to read and write English, skilled in the four fundamental rules of arithmetic, of good understanding and capable, and they cannot hold any other office, national, state or local. In Bos ton there is a Board of Registrars, con sisting of the City Clerk and three other persons, —appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the alderman; not more than two members of the Board cai be long to the same party. This board ap [>ointß for each ward four assistant reg istrars. who cannot all be of the same party. In Philadtlphia the registra tion officers, called assessors, are elected one for each division: there is no educa tional qualification and each assessor necessarily belongs to the dominant party in his division In New York the boundaries of all election precincts and the location of the places of registration and revision are publicly advertised and can be found in an official publication "The City Record." In Chicago the Board ot Election Commissioners must adver tise the registration and print the com pleted register, arranged by streets and numbers, to meet all demands. Upon application a copy is given to auy resident. In Boston lists are prepared for every precinct, giving each building in the city which is used as a residence in the order in which it stands—with the names, ages, and the occupations of the persons residing in it, on the first day of May. who have been assessed for a poll tax. These lists are printed in pamphlet form for public distribution. In Philadelphia there is no publication of the registration lists or of division boundaries for general distribution. The list for each division is to be found before elections on the door of the vot ing place, or in the case of a temporary polling booth, at the assessor's house, but there is no ready way of finding out where the voting place is or what are the boundaries of the division. In New York the registration begins four weeks, in Chicago five weeks and in Boston nine weeks before election. In all of these cities the lists can be corrected up to within two weeks of the day of voting. In Philadelphia the lists for the November election are made nearly six months in advance, and the day for correction in the case of both the November and the Febru ary elections is two months before elec tion day. In New York the registering boards sit four days, each of which, except the first, is a day revision. Electors must appear personally before the boards. The same is true for Chicago, pxcept that the last session is solely for revision. In Boston the registry list is based upon that of the poll tax assessors who make a house to house visitation, but no name can go upon tho registry list unless it appears upon the voting for the previous year, or the bearer of the name personally appears before a registration board and proves his quali fications, which include his ability to read and write In all of the above cities the revision of tho lists is guarded with scrupulous care and is made by boards, the members of which belong to different parties. These boards are also furnished with the names of persons deceased since the last election In Philadelphia the revision of lists is conducted by the same persons who prepared them. Each list is con octed by one man. There is no provision for informing him as to the names of per sons who have died in his division As an illustration of the character of the Philadelphia registration lists it may b3 noted that befoie the November election of one year about :>OOO names were struck from the assessor's lists, merely as a matter of mntuil agree ment between party leaders One ol' th* names registered happened to be that of a piifc dog It is idle to pursuade men to express certain opinions at the polls if illegal voting and dishonest counting be an easy matter. Honest men may differ as to the wisdom of supporting one party or the other. There are many things which touch politics, or are touched by politics, in regard to which good citizens have different ethical standards, but there can be only ore opiuiou among reputable men, \v:iiit ever their party, as to the duty of guarding the ballot-box with all pos sible care. If this has not been done in Pennsylvania, t > see that it is done becomes the duty of every well-wisher of this Commonwealth. Jucksville Notes. Messrs Badger and Stuff of West Lib erty have completed the stone work for I the new bridge at the old Factory on I black run. Mr and Mrs. ? T . L. Gardner, Mrs A. I Stickle, Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. 8. C . Humphrey ;ind Ida and Grace Gardner were Buffalo visitors over Sabbath. Mrs S. 8. Shields formerly Miss Car rie Gibbous, is visiting friends and rela tives in this vicinity. Her home is in Eastern < >regon. H. L Kelly was a recent visitor to the Pan-Am. J. W Fox and family visited friends in Concord twp. last week, and report ths oil excitement running high in the , neighborhood of Campbell Hollow. Rev. N. E Brown has moved back to his farm at Moore's Corners MOHE AXON. (Communicated. > THE TICKET. I see some one signing himself Re publican" has a communication in the little sheet issued from East Cunning ham street, wailing over the case of George Graham. "Republi'-an! indeed The said communication shows the Democratic stamp in every letter and line from start to finish. A Democrat never finds the good qualities of a Re publican until after they are dead, or have become a sore-ht-ad or kicker, and have gone over to the Democratic party, the party that has been on the wrong side of every question from the founda tion of the Government up to the pres ent time. It took the Democrats thirty years to find on* that Lincohi was a great and good man. They did not know McKinley was a great man until lie was shot to death They seem to have overlooked George Graham, until he turned up in the Republican junk yard and finally rounded up in the Dem ocratic fold George Graham was fairly beaten bv Wm. H. Campbell by a small plurality. Campbell had been defeated three times at the primaries, bnt on each occasion he turned in and helped to elect the men who defeated him. Was George Graham ever impeached with doing so after his defeat"' Sup pose Mr. Graham had been the success ful candidate at the last primaries Would he consider it fair if Mr. Camp bell and his friends would turn in and try to defeat him? Surely not. Any man who cannot accept defeat grace fully had better keep out of politics and turn his attention to something that promises better results. I should think any decent self-respecting Democrat who believes in the principles of his party would shut his eyes while casting his vote for Mr. Graham or Mr. Coray. The Times correspondent complains about "Bosses." Who but the Demo cratic bosses forced James McKee off of the Democratic ticket, and put the name of George Graham thereon in stead. Surely it was not the men who cast the Democratic votes. Of what use is a nomination to any man or to a party if he is not honest enough to abide by the will of the majority. Mr. Gra ham's action shows most conclusively that no mistake was made when he wrs not appointed to the office made vacant by the death of Mr. W. P. Turner. Mr Graham, by his action in going over to the enemy, does not deserve any recog nition at the hands of Republican voteis. Why should any Republican cast his vote for Mr. Henninger ? What is the matter with Mr. YoungV In point of ability, he is the equal, if not the su perior, of Mr. Henninger? He is a vonug man of good moral character, temperate h alii is, and has always been a good, staunch Republican. His father has been a Republican from the foundation of the party and is yet. Mr. Young de serves the undivided support of every Republican voter. What would be gained to the Republican party by elect ing Mr. Henninger'.' Absolutely noth ing. The writer, with all good Republi cans, believes in the widest latitude be ing given to all candidates at the pri maries, and believes in a red hot scrap if necessary, and believes in the man who can hustle out his friends and get the most votes in a fair manner shonld deserve to win. Campbell and Young did this, were fairlv nominated and should l>e elected. Tliere should be no off years for Re publicans. Therefore, we say, to all Republicans, who believe in the principles of their party to turn out on election day *ml vote the straight Republican ticket from top to bottom. Your time is valu able, and it is so much easier, and re quires so much less time to make your mark in the circle at the top of the Re publican column, and by so doing cast a straight vote for the whole Republi can ticket. Don't spend any time in looking for a place to make a mark for any one who deserts bis party.and joins hands with the enemy and trUs to com pass its defeat. After you have cast a straight Repub lican vote, you can go home to your family, meet them with a clear con science, and tell them you have put in another straight vote for the party of protection, patriotism and prosperity. ONE WHO BELIEVES IN MAJORITY RULE. THE possibility of having a personal registration law in Pennsylvania has awakened a very general interest in the Registration Amendment that will come before the people at the Novem ber election. The Registration Arnead inent is one of two proposed amend ments to the Constitution that were passed by the legislature during this year's session. It was introduced first in the session of 1899 and re introduced and passed finally this year. It goes now to the people for their judgment before it becomes effective. OIL NOTES. THE MARKET— Both agencies are paying SI.BO. this morning. Jeffer SOL twp—The Sonthern Oil Co. struck a good well, in the boulder, on the Alderson farm, west of Frazicr's mills, last week. It was rated at 50 barrels Franklin- McClung & Co's well 011 the Lewis Albert js down 1800 feer, and will be finished to the Speecbley iu abont ten days. The Company has several hundred acres under lease. Washington twp. Snee & Co. have a well on the Stewrrt Hindman that is le ported good. Fairview—W. Shoenfield's well on the Daubenspeck farm north of the borough is dry in the third sand. It, will probably be drilled totheSpeechly W. A. Kelly is rigging up on the San derson in Parker twp. to drill to the Speeebley. Butler twp—Kelly & Co s well on tt:< Weiaesntein.a mile northwest of Butler, strusk a strong gas vein, last Thursday Duff Bros, well 011 the Poor Farm was dry in the thirty-foot bnt is drilling to the fourth sand. Stewart & Hinch berger's well on the Ilinchberger west of the Kelly came in Saturday and ia doing 10 barrels a day Dodds & Holli freund's well on tho W. J Welsh WHS in (lie 100-foot Saturday and will be finished this week. Dietrick Bros, have started to drill on the Huselton. Gaha ghan, Bieghley & Co. shot their Mo. ! on the Kelly last week and it is doing 40 barrels a day. No. 2 is doing in I barrels and No. :J is doing 5 barrels. Darling's well 6 barrels and the Forest's 2 barrels. Stewart & Hinchberger's well on the Hinchberger south of town was dry in j the thirty-foot, but on being drilled into , the third sand showed for a five barrel welL There is no third sand well nearer it than a mile. Dodds & Co's well on the W. J. Welsh, just across the road fr im Gahagan's Kolly No. ;; c.un; ia yesterday and shows for fifteen bariel well. West of town Bart has h tar led .1 well on (be McShane farm, ClarkV well on the Kelly has ljeen cased. and Burton's well on the Htaiuin caught their tools and is attain drilling. A big dose of salt water was struck in the 100 foot m the Forest's well 011 thr Kohler and had to be cased off. Duff liros well on the Poor Farui when drilled to the third sand stnrck a strong vein of gas The County Com missioners are jubilant over the good fortune. Lots of salt water aud a little oil was found in the 100-foot .sand in the Forest's well on Krug's slaughter house lot. Both the Krng and Kohler well- 1 are due in the third sand today. Speechley Notes The Tiona oil field in Elk Co. is said to be owned by T. N. Bnrnsdoll. who h is been offered mil lions for it: and the resemblance of the ' Speechley ' -and and oil to the Tion i. is what has cansed the payment of the wonderful prices for leases The oil is nearly as clear as water and the wells last a life-time. Brown. Vance & Co. Saturday com pleted a well on the I X. Campbell four acre tract near Murtland school house in Concord township which is estimated at from 10 to 15 barrels. Snee & Co s well on the Ezra Campbell farm and the South Penn's on the Chas. Cochran came in this week and ure both pro ducers of the average size for the field, the Snee well is said to be one of the best in the field. A Tiona or Sjv echley well is worth about SBOOO a biirrel Barnshall is said to have refust d *0,000,000 for his Tiona field iu Elk Co. Harmony ami Zelienople. P. C. Frederick and wife of Zelienople left for a visit with friends at Buffalo, X. Y., on Saturday. Rev. J. W. Garland and family of New Florence arrived at Harmony last week. Rev. Garland is the new pastor of the M. E. ehnrch in Harmony and has rented the henae now occupied by Dr. J A. Osbcrne. He and his family are cordially welcomed by the people of Harmony and Zelienople. Tom Kennedy returned home from the West Virginia oil field last week: he was away from home three months and. was glad to see his family at Harmony Rev. Mays, a prominent Presbyterian minister, is visiting his brother G. -W. Mays near Harmony. He preached in Dakota and is on his way to his new charge at Irvington, Pa. Mrs. William Wild. Sr.. of Harmony, died Sunday morning after being sick for some time with consumption. Her remains were laid to rest Tuesday at Zelienople, Rev. J. G. Bu f z. her pastor, of the Zelienople Lutheran church of ficiated. Wm. C. Latchaw and wife and Esq. Henry Niece of Harmony returned from a visit to the Pan-American exposition. Harmony and Zelienople was repre sented at the Eighth District Sunday School Convention at Middle Lancaster Monday afternoon and evening. Superintendent H. I. Painter passed through our towns Saturday morning on his way to Ogle where he attended a local institute. Friday evening he held a very successful educational meeting in the Grace Lutheran church at Middle Lancaster. Music, oratory and a con ference were enjoyed by 400 people. Superintendent Painter is the originator of these meetings and is doing a vast amount of good in bringing parents, di rectors, teachers and scholars nearer each other in school work. Saturday, October m.. were happy surprise hours at the lioiiie of Nelson Keefer at Harmony iu honor of the eighth anniversary of his daughter, Blanche. Thirteen little girls congratulated her on this birthday and remembered her with esmanv presents. Innocent tames were enjoyed by the bright little guests after which they en joyed a dainty supper. Thos. H. Wheeler shows signs for re covery this week. Prospect. David English and daughter Lizzie visited Ellwood relatives, recently. Ed. Sechler has furnished a room in the marble shop for his own accom modation this winter, but he doesn't know what to do with the stove pipe. Ed. has a nice room, but he dnbs it the "boars nest", and says Philip can sleep in it some. Prof. Ira Wilson, wife and children ot Ellwood visited Ira's mother, last week. While bunting Saturday. Geo Shaf fer shot himself in the shoulder, how seriously we can't tell. Mrs Barbara Weigle has returned from Pittsburg where she had her eyes operated on by Dr. Lippincott. John Kelly, we believe, had the larg est crop of buckwheat hereabouts, 0f» bushels Howard Kelly and wife of Harrisville were callers, last week. James Blake is studying photography and will open a studio, before long. Rev. Bartholomew and Elder George Pttugh have returned from conference, near Freeport and has announced com munion services for Sunday. Nov. 10. Oar schools did not forget arbor day Four tree were planted and named, "Ford,'' "Hugh," "Blair," and "Direct ors'' tree. Miss Long of the Island is working at Hotel Hunter. Join: Barry and family will move to Evans City this winter. Miss Minnie Edmundsoc of McKee sport was here, last week visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Bowers. Plaminer Badger has built a much needed addition to his house. Miss Blanche Kelly is attending school at Grove City. R. Shanor and James McKee attended the sal' at Rev. Shumaker's, Saturday. .Jeff Frazier and wife of Muddycreek were in town last week, and we believe tli y took Mrs Wm. Riddle home along fol a visit. A. W. McCullough and wife of Butler were in town, one day last week There are many nice yards, bat we think Miss Mary Dutter deserves the prize tor the finest. The Gfi.sC >. hiu surveyed the route for the new line from the Shanor farm, north of Butler, and found the distance 7 miles, 140 ft. Mrs HowardPyle and daughter have gone to Beaver Falls, and Howard will go after the election. Howard will go to keeping store. Wash. Albert of Butler was in town Saturday, on his way to the Moore farm to drill another well. JOE COSXTY. Arbor Day at Prospect. The Franklin Township High School situate in Prospect celebrated the Au tumn Arbor Day with appropriate exer cises. The program was :is follows: Prayer by Rev W. H. Sloan: Music, ' America.' remarks and reading of Ar bor Day Proclamation by Prof. 11. D. Pyott; Reading, "Plant » Tree," Miss Eva Barr; mnsic, ' Flow Gently, Sweet Af ton, by the school; reading, "Wood man. Spare that Tree," George Shaffer: music, "Swinging 'Neath the Old Apple Tree:" planting of tree, named after Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Sup't of Pub lic Instruction and closing prayer The (lav v s also observed by the borough school, I'rof. Ford Forester, principal. In itfciuoriiiiii. At a regular meeting of Keystone, No. 8, W. O. W., held in their Mall on Jefferson street, Cutler, Pa , on Wednesday evening, October 21!. 1901, tue following re-olutious were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God iu His infinite wisdom to remove irom our midst our beloved and es teemed Sovereign. W. L. Mattison and Whereas, In his death the association and Keystone Camp have lost a true .Mid upright member, the community a tia- and upright citizen, to know whom was to love and respect him, and Whereas, li> hi. d"«th his family has loi" legs mourn his loss. And 1 :• it flit in r Resolve.}, Tlirit we extend to the wif and family ■■'i our deceased Sovereign our deep at ev< r protects the widow and tho orphan. And be it further Resolved, That this testimonial of sympathy bi; spread upon the records :>f our Camp and an engrossed copy be sent to the family of the deceased Sovereign, W. L. Mattison, and that the same be published in all the Butler weekly papers. li. KEMPER, S. S. BAXTER, R. E. MCCOY, Committee on Resolutions. NOTICE TO~H~UNTERS The undersigned citizens of the following townships. hereby Kive notice that all persons are prohibited from hunting or tresspassing on their premises and that they will shoot all dogs found on their premises. OAKLAND W. J. Hutchison, W. M. Wick, H. C. McCollongh, John Patton, Win. 1!. Davis, Thomas E. Covert, J. W. liervey, .las. P. Millinger, Aimer I'atton, J. F. lialph, Wm. P. Davis, L. A. Millinger, J. Walter Hartley, F. N. Eyth, S. W. Sopher, C. W. Hoon, and W. T. Hoon, CENTRE TWP. (Jill Thompson, An thony Thompson. COX< ORD TWI'. —Peter A. Barnhart, R. C. StoUKhton, A. J. Stoughtoii, Mr*. R. F. Stoughton. HLIPPREYROCK Everett Campbell. DEATHS. HUTZLY—At his home in Forward township, October IS, 1901, Jacob Hutzly. aged about 57 years. WOLFORD—At her home in Cherry township, October 11. 11)01 Mrs. Lavina Wolford, widow of .Jacob Wolford, aged about NO years. BALDAL'F—In New Castle. October, 1901, Joseplv H. Baldauf. aged 30 years. MARTIN-—At his home in Mercer twp . October 22. 1901, James R Martin, aged years. WILD —At her home in Harmony, Oct. 27. 1901. Mrs. William Wild, Sr. PORTER —At her home in Muddycreek township, Octobers, 1901, Sarah H. Porter. . HORTON—At the liuine of his brother. J. A., in Butler, October 27. 1901, B. F liorton of Buffalo, aged 61 years. Mr. Horton came to Butler on a visit to his brother, the previous Monday, and was apparently in excellent health until a few minutes before his death, which was caused by apoplexy. SHANOR—At her home in Prospect Oct 28, 1901 of paralysis Mrs. Jane Shanor aged 70 years. She was the widow of Abraham Shanor. dee'd and was a member of the Baptist church Her funeral was held Wednesday. There are no children. Obituary. W. H. Cochran, a well known mem ber of the Mercer Co. Bar. died sudden lv. last Thursday. William Bartley of Clay township, died October 18th, 1901, of blood poison ing. He was 50 yeais and 11 months old, having lived on the homestead where he was born, all his days. He was a son of David Hartley, one of the old land marks of Butler county. Wil liam Bartley was married to Lizzie Ma bood of Concord township, a descendent of another of the old land marks of the county. William was an unassumiDg. inoffensive moral man. and not only a moral but a consistent Christian man. and will be much missed in tbe com munity and in the Sunday School, and in the church. He is survived by a wite and five children, two brothers and two sisters, and an old respected mother. A FRIIiND. Headache kills, not necessarily suddenly, but SURELY. If preys upon the intellectual powers more than we'realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary or complete aberration of the mind will result. Headache and pain should be promptly re m'ived —but properly. Many S p:-.:n cures are more harmful I than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take m P iies- Pain Pills, I "As a result of neuralgia I lost the i sight of ray right eye, and the pain I | have suffered is incomprehensible, be- J ing obliged to take opiates almost con tinually/ A friend gave me one of Dr. Miles' I'aic lolls and it promptly re lieved me. i then purchased a box and now my trouble is gone. They have also cured my daughter of nervous headache, and I heartily recommend them to others." —W. J. ConLEY. Bre moiid, Texas. Sold l«y Druggists. 25 Doses, 25c. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice of Application for Charter COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, I COUNTY OF BUTLER. S Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Honorable John M. Qreer, President Judtre of said Court, on the 18th day of Novo in Iter next, at 10 o'clock a. 111., under the In corporation Act of 1874 and the Supple ments thereto by J. M. Scott, Robert Krause, F. W. Witte, John Rivers, Sr., E. P Harper and others for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called Cabot Institute, the character and ob ject of which is to maintain an institu tion of learning for higher education than that acquired in the Common Schools and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said Act and its Supplements. \V D. Solicitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Robt. F. Glenn, dee'd., late of Brady twp,Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themself indebted to s:sid estate will piease make immediate pay "ent, and any having claims agtlin t said estate will present them duly autheutirated for settlement to S. C. GLENN, Adm'r , West I ibcity, Fa. C. WAT.KFR, Att'y EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. rndcr and I*y virtue of the powers con tained in the last will and testament of John | Glasgow, deceased, the undersigned as ex ecutors of the said will of John Glasgow, late of Clinton township, Butler county. Pa., de ceased, will expose to sale at public outcry on the premises on Saturday, November HUli, 1001, at 2 o'clock p. m.. ;%! 1 of that certain piece, parcel and tract of land, of which the said John Glasgow, late of the Townsliio of Clin ton, County of Butler, and State of Pennsyl vania, dlccf seized, and being situate in the aforesaid township, county and state, hound ed and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin ning at a post, the southwest corner, on line of land of Margaret Glasgow and being soutlieast corner of land or Chas. B. Glas gow. thence south St deg. 12 min. east, J.4IW feet to line of land of John Wiley; thence along lands of said John Wiley north 1 deg. 47 min. » 1,5H2 feet to corner of land of John Wiley near a hickory tree; thence north along line of land of John Wiley Hs cleg. :JO min. west, 1,501.25 feet to northeast corner of Chas. B. Glasgow land; thence along line of land of Chas. B. Glasgow south 1 deg. 12 mfn. west. 1,470 feet to place of be ginning. containing fifty-two acres **nd forty-nine perches (.">2 a-res fit perches) as per survey of F . I". Maurhoff. < K., made Octo ber 2u and -id, 1901; no buildings thereon and lieing all cleared except about fifteen acres. £ald tract of land being the balance of real estate of the said John Glasgow, deceased, remaining after the portion of western end of the same as surveyed to Chas. B. Glasgow under tin* provisions of the aforesaid last will and testament. TKIIMS OF SAI.I" <>ne-half CA( cash upon execution ami delivery of deed, balance pay able In one vear from date of deed, secured l>v bond and mortgage upon the premises, with Interest at i> per cent., scl- fa. clause, attorney's con.mission, etc. ltoliEKT SKI' TON, I p. MARTIN .MONK!-. , r-.\< < utois Of last will and U'stment of John IIIMT'II. FUrk, l*enu*a. WIF-I.IAM> At MITCHKIX, Attorneys. Ofitdbi'r iid, 11WJ. ESTRAY NOTICE. A bay mare, about, eight years old, c une to the residence of the undersign ed in Adams twp., 1 mile west of Myoma. Saturday, October !>. Tho onwer can have same by coming forward, proving property and paying charges, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. MII.ES CASHDOLEAR, Myoma. W S. & E. WICK, DEALERS IN Rough and Worked Lumber of •»!! -Kinds Doors, Hash and Mouldings. Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. Office and Yard F. Cantilnuhatii and MonrccJSt*, near West. Peun Depot. VIHTKM 1 * GOD SAVE TIIEJIOMM! General Election Proclamation. WHEREAS, As by Section 10 of the Act of tfce General Assembly to regulate the nomi nation and electiou of public officers, requir ing ceitain expense* incident thereto to be paid by the several counties and punishing certaiu clients in regard to such elections: It is made the duty of "the sheriff of every county, at least ten days be fore any general election to be held therein, to give notice of same by advertisements in at least three newspapers, if there be so many published in the county, two of said news papers r«.presenting so tar as practicable, the political party which at the proceeding Sov.election cast the largest number ot votes | and the other one of said newspapers repre senting so tar as practicable the political party which at the preceeding November election cast the next largest number of \ Vutts, and in addition thereto the sheriff of every county ?hall, at least ten dryg before any general election to be held in ol ' the first, second and third classes,give notice by proclama ion posted up in the most con spicuous places in every election district in said cities of the first,second an 1 third clats and in every such proclamation or adver tisement shall. : i I. Enumerate the officers to be elected 1 and give a list of all the nominations made |as provided in this act, and to ob voted for | in such county, and the lull text of all cou i stitutioual amendments submitted tJ ! a vote of the people but the pro- I datum ions posted in eacii j election district need not contain the names ot any candidates but those to be voted for iii such district 11. Desiguate the places at which th« elec- [ lion is to be held. 111. He shall give notice that every per- j son, excepting justices of tne peace, who shall hold auy office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United j States or ol ibis State or of any city or incor- < porated district,whether a commissioned offi- ! cer or otherwise.a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be tmploycd under the Leg- 1 lslauve. Executive or Juuieiary department ot the State or of ihe United States or ot any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the state Legislature ami oi the seiect or common* council ol any city, or commissioners ol any incorporated district is, by law, incapable ot holding or exercising ftt the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer ol anv iuch election shall be eligible to any i office to be then voted for, except that of an election officer. Now, therefore, I, Then;as 11. Hoou, High Sherifi' of the County o. Butler, State ot Pennsylvania, do heieby make known and give this | üblie notice to the electors of lJutler county, that on the first 'l'ue.'day alter ihe first Monday of November, being j the sth Day of November, 1901, I fiom 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. j A general election .viil be held in the sevnal election districts ot said county, established br law, at which time they will vote by ballot for the several officers hereinaf ter named as follows: One person for Judge of the Supreme Court. One person for State Treasurer. One person for Clerk of Courts. One person for District Attorney. One person for County Surveyor. REPUBLICAN. State Treasurer. Frank G. Harris. Judge of Supreme Court. William P. Potter. Clerk of Courts. William H. Campbell. District Attorney. Elmer E. Young. County Surveyor. Benjamin F. Hilliard. DEMOCRATIC. Stat? Treasurer. Elisha A. Coray.'Jr. Judge of Supreme Court. Harman Yerkes. Clerk of Courts. George M. Graham. District Attorney. John R Henninger. County Surveyor. W. A. 3wain. PROHIBITION. State Treasurer. James J. Porter. Judge of Supreme Court. Isaac Monderau. SOCIALIST LABOR. State Treasurer. James A. McConnel. Judge of Supreme Court. « Thomas Lawry. PEOPLES. State Treasurer. Justine Watkins. Judge of Supreme Court. Isaac Monderau. UNION. State Treasurer. Elisha A. Coray, Jr. Judge of Supreme Court. Harman Yerkes. District Attorney. John R. Henninger. Clerk of Courts. George M. Graham. MUNICIPAL LEAGUE. State Treasurer. Elisha A Coray, Jr. Judjfe of Supreme Court. Harman Yerkes. PUBLIC OPINION. State Treasurer. Frank G. Harris. Judge of Supreme Court. William P. Potter. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. State Treasurer. J. Mahlon Barnes. Judge of Supreme Court. Charles Heydrick. PLACES O F HOLDING TblJ ELECTIONS The naicl elections will be held throughout the county em follows: The electors ot Adams township. North precinct, at the carpenter shop of J J■ Smith lit Myoma in said precinct The doctor* ot Adams town hip, sout i precinct, at Laundry Building wned by John Balfour in said precinct. The electors of Allegheny township at ths towuthipelection lioute at Six Points in said township. Tho electors of Buffalo township at the IIOUM) of Thos. W. Elliott in said township. Tho electors of Butler township at tho house formerly of William Bortmass, now J. 3. Sanderson in 6aid township. The electors or Brady township at the School houso at West Liberty. The electors of Clearfleld township at the office ol Fr 'iik P. M('Bride in said t iwnsblp The electors of Clinton township at the Hall at Kiddles X ltoids iu snid township. The electors of Concord township, at M. Cochran's new house iu Middletown. The electors of <'lay township lit the wagon chop of 1) N. Mi-Candle**, in said township. The electors of Centre township at tlio electii n liouee, in said township. Xhe electors or Cherry township, North precinct, at the Rye-l>rei»U tfliool Hon.*, in a:iitl precinct. The electors of Cherry township, South precinct, at the Pi postern School House in said precinct. The electors ofConnoquenessing township Northern precinct at School house No. 7. in Whitestown. The elect' is of Connoqaeueising t iwnihip Southern precinct at the tirshaiu School House No. 5. The elactors of Cranberry township at the house of Andrew Kirshler in said township. The electors of Donegal township at the election house In said township. The electors of Fairview township at the election house in said township on larm of W 11 II Kiddle. The electors of Forward township at the house of Robert H. Urown. The electors of Franklin township at Mt. Chestnut Orange Mall iu said township. Tin electors ol Jackson township. Eastern precinct,at the house of Jno A Eichsrtln said precinct. The electors of Jackson township, West ern precinct, at the store rooui of m Din dinner, hi said precinct. The elcctora of Jefferson township, at the house of Morris Reighter The electors of Lancaster township at tin house of C. Uhl. The electors of Middlesex township at the house of George Cooper. Tho electors of Marion township at th i bouse of K. W. Atwell in »-aid township. Tie electors of Muddycreek township at the house ot Win S Moore, formerly occupied bv Henry Uay in Mid township. The elector* of Mercer township at the hoove of Tboma* Hindman in (aid township. The elector* of Oakland township at the house of William J. Hutchison in said town ship. The electors of Parker township at the house ot heirs of Richard Taroer. knnwn as the o!d William Turuar farm, in mid twp. The elector* of Penn township. North pre cinct, at the Maccabee Temple, in Kentrow. The electors of Penn towusnlp. South pre cinct, at ihe house of H. Sutton, in said precinct The elector* of Summit township at the j house of Adam Frederick. The electors of Slipperyrock township at the house ot Harry A!t>a»ter in said township The electors of Venango towuahip at the shop of E. K- Taylor. The electors of Wiufleld towuahip at Grange Hall in said township. The electors of Washington township, North precinct, at the house ot Mrs. Jane Hender son. at Hilliards- Tho electors of Washington township, South precinct, at the Insurance Co. office, in North Washington. The electors of Worth township at ths Public Hall in Mechanicsburg in said town ship. The electors of the borough of Butler, Ist. ward at. No. 354 Centre avenue, formerly owned by Mrs. Rose Copley. 2nd ward at the Kohier House in said •,v ard 3d ward at the Grand Jury Room in Court House. 4th w.ird at Nixon's Home, N. McKean 81, in said wa-d. sth ward at the (Vick House, on N. Malu St.. in said war' 1 . The ele'tors of the borough of Bruin, nt the house of Thomas Walley's widow, in said borough. The electors of the borough of Centreville at Odd Fallows' Hall. The electors of Eau Claire at McCandless hall, in said borough The electors of the boroigh ot Uarrisvllle at the shop of J. H Morrison Jr. in Be by ballot or by such other method as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That secrecy In voting bo preserved. Qiven under my hand at my office at Sutler this 'JOth day of Oct., in the year of our Lord, IVOI, and in the 126 th year cf the Inde pendence of the United States of North America. THOMAS K. HOOK, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa.. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale, at the court bouse, In the borough of Butler, Pa., on Friday, tlte Bth day of November, A.;i>. 1801, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wlt: E. I). No. 3H, December Terai, 11101. W. -11. Lusk, Attorney. v All the right, title, interest and claim of W. 11. Weirs (or Weir), deceased. In the bands of bis administratrix. Myra Weir, of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situ ated In Evansliurg Borough, Butler county, Pa.. bounued as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the corner of Center alley and Pittsburg street, thence north fifteen degrees east sixty-nine (till) feet to lot of Fred I'effer. thence soutli by same one hundred and eighty feet to Harmony alley, thence along said alley south fifteen degrees west sixty nine feet to Center alley, thence along Cen ter alley one hundred and eighty (ISO) feet to the place of iH-glnnlng, containing one full lot and nine feet of grouad according to plan of lots as originally laid out by plan of lots as may appear by plot, be the same more or less, and having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house, frame bam and other outbuildings, and being the same lot con veyed by Sophia Gel bach to W. 11. Weirs (or Weir) by deed dated March IHBI. and re corded in Deed Book ISO, page -77. of Butler county, Pcnn'a. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of W. 11. Weirs (or Weir), deceased. In the hands of bis administratrix. Myra Weir, at the suit of Jacob Duuibach. TERMS OF KALE—Tho following must lie strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of tin; proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next tlay at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense mid risk of the person to whom first sold. •See I'urdon's Digest, Oth edition, page Mfl. and Smith's Forms, page 354. THOMAS R. HOON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. October 33. IVOI. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER, - PA HUSELTON'S Family Footwear for Winter One of the great advantages this store ofters is the fact that you can here select the I'ootwear for the whole family and at the same time have double the range of styles and prices to select from than you find in any ether store. THE FABMER, THE LABORING MAN, THE OIL MAN Will find shoes just such as is suitable to his wants in Veal, Kip, Oil Grain kangaroo Kip, high and regular cut with or without box toe; double sole and laij at $i 00. f i 35, f 1 50 and *2 00. K WOMEN'S HEAVY SHOES in Oil Grain Wax Calf, Veal, Kangaroo Calf, Box and Velour Calf—all shapes, button and lace—at SSC, 00, $1 25 and |i 00. THE BOYS AND GIRLS THAT GO TO SCHOOL Will 2so 3 00, 3 50 and 400 Other fine lines at 85c, 1 00, 1 25 and 1 50. ' RUBBERS, FELT BOOTS AND STOCKINGS. Men's Felt Boots and Rubbeis it $1 65, with non snag Rubbers, 2 oj. 2 25 and 2 50; Men's Stoim King Rubber Boots, 2 75; regular height, 2 25. Boys' Wool Boots an! Rubbers, $1 50; Youths', 1 25; Old Ladies' Warm Shoes and Slippers at 50c. 75c, 1 00 and 1 25; Ladies' Wool Boots at «i 25 and 1 so with overs. You can't afford to stay a.vay from this store, if you expect* to wear shots this winter. Try us. HUSELTON'S I BUTLER'S LEADING OPPOSITF SHOE HOUSE. HOTEL I-OWRY Greek-American Fruit and Confectionery Co JAMES NICKLES, Manager. ________ CANDY COMMANDS CONSUMPTION '• - I by iu sweet: ess and purity. That's the & I case with ours, which is tnore prized by more people, young aud old, than any ■ .'li thing else anywhere obtainable. We have the preference because we ought to yegfe l abstinence from poor candies now, t,nd i.keep it by buying only ours Con e and the proofs of our superiority. ifiil Wholesale and Retail FINE CONFECTIONERY, ' Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLEP, PA MHIiIHMMIMW I Ranges and stoves | For Coal or Gas? 46 styles to show you, Ifss ■*3% A large four-hole range, extra heavy and nicely rh. 4 4 y»f trimmed, at 1*20.00. Oar Gas Range a"r $17.00 is ODe VI | isa of our best values. Large round Heating Stove at V■ ■ dzSz Gas Heaters at $2.50 up. j~J 3* l 8 Jjgj Coal Stoves Heating Stoves jg« 3®J Large four-hole Cook Stove; One for jra* in medium size; l^S 3&Z can be used for gas fci*4 0 wrou-rt-iron fin A Q ["O FzSfi Rt or coal; verv strong T\ I X ish vith 18 inch U. / Hi I t«S{ jg| and plain. " Price V 1 burner. Price a m Si Combination . Book Cases 8s Golden oak, polish finish; in all we have more than a dozen -f p jjfef styles to show you. One we consider extra, valne has a bent I tgag glass door, pattern mirror and handsomely carved Price " j^£g a - ••• -- • *gj Rocking Chairs Jg More than a hundred styles to select from. Price? commence at f|E?t 75c. and advance up to $45 00; special valnes at $2 50 $3 00, $3 50. from in oak or mahogany finish; wo)d seatp, cobbler .-fl CO gsaf seats and upholstered seats. One in golden oak,cobbler seat, has embossed panel, turned spindles. Price M*™ 1 ]§£ m - m 1 Campbell ft Tcmpletoni mmmmmim mmmm PROFESSIONAL CARUS. GM. ZIMMERMAN > PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. BLACK, • PHYSICIAN AND SURGHON New Troutman Buildiug, Butler Pa. R. C. AT WELL, Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr Graham's old office.] Ilouis 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to S p. m DR. N. M. HOOVER. 137 E. Wayue St., office nours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m. H. BROWN, • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Night calls at office. O AMUEL M. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 B. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery, EH. MERKLEV, D. 0., . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Room 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, COL sulfation and examination free. DR J. WILBERT Mc*EE, SURGEON DWNTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store. 215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. HW WICK, , DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. J J. DONALDSON, , DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. n F. L. McQUISTION, V. CIVIL ENGINKER AND SURVEYOR. Office near Court Houae. / T JAMES DODOS • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Inquire at Sheriff's office or 426 Mifflin St., Butler, Pa. E 1 VERET'J L. RALSTON, i No 257 South Main StinM. Bui In, Pa. Fisher Buildicg. First d»xjr on South Main street, next my fotuier (-ffiit iu Boyd Building. EH. NEGLEY, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the "CITIZEN" building. T D. McJUNKIN, () ■ ATTORNKV-AT-LAW. Office in Ueiber building, corner and E. Cunningham ?ts. Entrancf <>n E. Cunningham. / IOULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS A~ Room 8.. Aruio'y buil„. IOIIN W. COULTER, () ATTORN BY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St.. ButUi Special attention given ti> collection® and business uiatttr.*. Reference: Butler Saving* Bank, or Butler Counlv National Bank Jb. BKEDIN, . ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on Main St. near Court llou.-e. AT. SCOTT, . ATTOR.VKY \r LAW. Office at N«>. S. West Diamond ft. P.nt ler, Fa A. T. BLACK. Geo. C. BM W AUT BLACK & STEWART, Attorneys at-law, | Armory Building, Butler. Pa Hit. GOUCHEK. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officp in Wise buildtrv. I Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 \V Jefferson, Butler, Pa Busheling, Cleaning and o «Oairlr*n ■ So»ci*ltv A. M BERKIMER. Funeral Director. 45 S. Main St Butler PA UIANTED—Honesi man or woman to trava « for lar*e house, salary |«5 monthly and expenses, with Increase; position an cnt;lnclo»e»flf-adUresßi>