HOPELESS CASES. When the doctor leaves and says the ease is hopeless, what remains to be done? Nothing, if the doctor's word is final. Much, if yon will listen to the statements of men and women who were once •'hopeless I cases " given up by 1 doctors, and who , -—. _lj9 were perfectly and by the use of Dr. m* j UJ | Pierce's Golden j fl Medical Discovery. Nothing is more « cure than that thousands of men I . and women with 1 diseased lungs, '/ ■ jE I obstinate coughs, hemorrhage, ema- \ ciation and night sweats, have l>ecn . restored to perfect - £4 health by the use of the^^Discov ' It'has cured in |i[ ninety-eight cases M out of every hun drei where it was given a fair and faith ful trial. By that record you have only two chances in a hundred of failure and ninety-eight chances of being restored to perfect health. It is worth trying. Abram Freer. Esq , of Rockbridge. Grrene Co.. 111., write*: "My wife had a severe attack of pteurisv and long trouble; the doctors gave her up fo die. She commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and she began to improve from the first dose. By the time she ha A taken eight or ten bottles she was cured, and it was the cause of a large amount being •old here. I think the 'Golden Medical Dis «o*ery' i» the belt mMicine iti the world for lung trouble." FrF'B. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser containing over a thou sand large pages is sent free on receipt of stamps to ply expense of mailing only. ■ Send 21 one-Cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. SPECIFICS A. A. (FEVERS. t'oncectloni. Inflamma cumzs 5 (ton.. Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. B. > FPRAI.YH. Laraenetw, Injuries, curbs i Übrumitiim. C.C./MIPK THROAT. Quinsy. Epizootic. cures i Distemper, ctj'kSs | WOBNK. Bots. timb*. E. E. tCOKJHN. folds. Influenza, Inflamed ctKEt») Lunifa. Pic* tiro-Pneumonia. F. P. ) COLIC. Bellyache. Wind-Blown. cuuslDUrrhra, Dysentery. C.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. i HI'» KV A BLADDER DISORDERS. I.r (SKIV DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions, cross) I'leer*. sufficient to demon- Btrate the gre '.t merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St, Kew York City. . John Held, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to m*. I emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive euro for catarrh if used as directed." — Her. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Chorob, Helena, Monl. v Ely's Cream Balm is "the acknowledged core fer catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Horsemen, Attention! We carry a full line of CHAMOIS SKINS, BUGGY SPONGES, HARNESS SOAPS, LINIMENTS and CONDITION POWDERS. Try us when you want your favorite recipe prepared. We use only the purest drugs obtainable. Reed's Pharmacy The Eow Priced Drug Store, Cor. Main and Jcfferson'Sts.. butler. Pa. They Are Here The car load t-f ay. Pianos arrived Si'turd What we incan liy car I<-s-d is •a pianos Come in and let us show you that they are the !>est tlint money .can buy. Prof. Monk, th I ianois at A'ameda Park, 4th of July, says: "In every re spect I consider the Merrill Piano the b :st made " 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building. '' New Livery Barn W. J. Black Is doing business in his nev barn which Clarence Walker has erected for him. All boarders and team sters guarranteed goo ! attention- Barn just across the sticet from Hotel Butler. He has room for fifty horses. People's Phone. No. 250. Kfe Cure> DrunKenne^s. celey^"" KEELEY Write for ■ MMA INSTITUTE, - ... menfi» SITIsUIMI. ri, LATEST THING IN BEES. Bretrrprri Are After (he RoU Clover Honey—'The LOOK Toagued Bee. The latest fad in boos Is a strain with long tongues tlirrt onn extract the nec tar from the deep tubes of the red clo ver blossouis. Beekeepers hare for a long time coveted the honey In the rod clover blossoms, and the Italian boos when introduced into this country were supposed to be able to reach it, aner full quart, tiquurtH, £">.oo. s$ tiA I#KA I'll Kli'M CllOlic., Whiskey guarant*'J 3 yearn old, 02,00 per iral. We pay expresH charge* on all mailorder# of $5.00 fir over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBERT LFCWIN & CO. Wholesale Dealrcs in Wines and Liquor*, NOW 14 SMITHFIELD ST.. Formerly 411 Watar Street, Pitthburg, Pa. Long Distance Telephone Court 'Jl7'«». "WANTED. The people to know that the Findley Studio is making a specialt) of copying and enlarging. Crayons and water color.-, for the Ilolliday trade will receive prompt attention. Don't give your pictures to agents and take chances of ioosing them; have it done at home and if It isnotr ight we arc here 'o make it i right. ,\atest designs of ' tines in stock, i See our Cabinet Photos before ordering ] elsewhere. | branches —Mars and Kvaus City, A. L. FINBLEY, I Telephone 236. I*. O. B'd'g' Butler. APREAKY EXISTENCE THE LONELINESS OF THE ENGLISH UCiHTHOUSE KEEPERS. At the Blshon Station «he Sentinel That I.iffhta the IVnvrn Lltm In Al most liter Isolation —A Service With Few Kntloins Features. During the storms that rage intermit- j tently around the English coast in win ter the landsman's mind turns in sym pathy toward those who In ship or life boat are fighting the waves for dear life. But how often does he give one thought to the men who Immure them selves In the lighthouses that stud the coast? I would rather spend my life In a penal settlement than be a lighthouse keeper," declared a man to the writer after a visit to the Bishop lighthouse, off the Cornish coast. "A convict does see a little of the world he lives In, but a lighthouse keeper sees nothing but a dreary expanse of water. lam not sur prised that many of them should lose their mental balance." The visitor to the Bishop lighthouse did not overcolor the picture. It was j only the other day that one read of the , Longships lighthouse, also off the coast of Cornwall, having been completely isolated for many weeks in consequence of fearful storms. The keepers bad been reduced to smoking coffee, hups and tea leaves, though, fortunately, they i.nd not wanted for food. The ketpers of the famous Eddystone lighthouse not infrequently find them selves in a similar predicament. In a gale the waves that buffet themselves against this wonderful monument to the engineering skill of the country are of such stupendous magnitude that they rise to a height of 200 feet and sweep right over the lantern. To those cooped up inside the sound of these waves is like that of a battery of guns at close quarters. "At such times the house shakes like a tree with a man on the top of it," was the graphic de scription of one who spent many years of his life there. The new Eddystone Is the roomiest and most comfortable of all our rock lighthouses. A sectional view of it shows the various compartments, com mencing at the bottom with the water tank; then the entrance, the two oil receptacles, the storeroom, the crane, the living apartment, the low light, the bedroom and the service room In the order named. Formerly only two keepers were employed In the light- Louse, but a grim incident resulted In their number being Increased. One of the two men died. So fierce ran the seas that the remaining keeper could not get the body of his late comrade to th« shore. For a month the tempestu ous vreather continued, and for a month the surviving keeper lived alone with the body as his only companion. He was afraid to cast It Into the waves, for he might be accused of mur der. Keepers of rock lighthouses do not last long. The Incessant pounding of the waves against the building, the loneliness, the want of fresh air and exercise reduce the men to a state of nervousness that Is sometimes pitiful to behold. They require a fortnight's leave every six weeks, but this liberal allowance does little to improve their physical state. A medical man whose duty it is to pay periodieaJ visits to one of these lighthouses confesses that there is 110 s'"medy for the Ills peculiar to the keepers except retirement. The utter isolation of the silent sen tinels of our coast Is well Illustrated by the case of the Bishop lighthouse afore mentioned, which stands right out in the Atlantic. Xot once In a year is It calm enough for the superintendent to land his stores at the lighthouse steps. They have to* be hauled up by means of a windlass from above. A visitor bold enough to visit the place Is "ad mitted" In a similar way. He places one fot lu a noose at the end of a rope, which is thrown down to lils boat, and, gripping the rope firmly above his head, he Is drawn up to the "see off," as the plinth around the lighthouse is called. Thence he climbs up a per pendicular ladder to the door of the house. Superstition adds a terror to the life of the men 111 this lighthouse, for the first structure was washed away bodily, and the keepers believe that the rock Is haunted. A fe:»r of a different kind keeps the men of Muckle Flugga lighthouse, the most northern point of Scotland, oil the tenterlinoks of a terri ble suspense. On three occasions the huge black rock on which the light house stands has been shaken by an earthquake. There Is something comical, though characteristic of the stiff neekefi Scot, hi a story which comes from a neigh boring lighthouse which Is the cluirge of two families. They live 011 a desert island. From year end to year end they never see a visitor except the man who brings their stores. Eighteen inon'hs ago the heads of the two fami lies quarreled, and ever since they have ceased to speak. At the show lighthouse of Esbinlsh the keeper's family has 10 travel 40 miles to "kirk." It Is no reflection on their piety to add that they are not regular attendants. A lighthouse keeper receives a maxi mum wage of £7."> a year, out of which he has to supply his own rations. These consist of such unappetizing edibles as tinned lieef and hard biscuits, usually washed down with weak tea and con densed milk. No intoxicating liquors are'allowed.—Loudon Mail. The children of different countries have different tastes, but tin swords are wanted all over the world. The Tartnrs owe their alphabet lo the Christian missionaries known as the Ncstorlans. % Trill Br.iolic Coiamti. Durln;: the burning of the Standard Oil company's tanks :;t Itayonne, N. J., In Jul;.. 1' 'II. nu Inn. n e column of smoke, shaped at the top like an um brella. rose into the air. where very lit tle wind was stirring, to an elevation, measured by trlangulntlon, of 13,411 fret, or more than two miles and a half. Above the column white clouds formed In an otherwise cloudless sky and re nin im-d visible for two days, the flro continuing to burn and the smoke to rise. After the explosion of an oil tank flames shot up to 11 height of 3,000 feet, and the heat radiated from them was felt at a distance of a mile anil three-quarters, where it was more no ticeable than close ki the lire.—Youth's Companion. An Effort to Spenlc. Dogs in n unlive or wild stato never bnrk. They siinj wlilne, howl and growl. The noise which we cnll bark ing Is found only nmoiig those that are domesticated. Columbus found that to be the case with the dogs he first brought to America and left at largo, for on his return '>e tells us Hint they had lost their propensity to bark. Scl ent Iflr men say that barking Is really an effort 011 the part of the dog to speak. He linear. She How beautifully Miss Heavy weight dances! She doesn't seem to touch the floor sometimes! He (whose feet are still suffering from the last polka with her)— She doesn't!— Punch. In n Great Hurry. Benhnm Why did that woman keep yen standing at the door for half an Lour? Mrs. Ileiiham She said she hadn't time to come In. -Brooklyn Life. Hold Your Dollars UNTIL YOU SEE Cr RAH I CD'C PRICES IN FALL AMD . t. IVIILLtn O WINTER FOOT WEAR. We Are Overloaded on Boots, Shoes and Rubbers and in order to reduce our stock quickly we have ■ simply kuocked the bottom right out of prices. QUALITY WAY UP PRICES WAY DOWN Boys' and Girls' good school shoes, well known C M Ifapgood make, 11 to 2......75 c Boys' fine shoes 75c and I 00 Boy's everyday shoes, tap sole 75 c aiu ' 1 °° Ladies' fine shoes Ladies' everyday shoes Men's fine shoes Men's everyday'shoes, tap sole 9 8c A Lot of Men's and Boys' good solid Kip Boots at a Sacrifice. These are extra good quality and just the thing for fall and winter wear We are goi.ig to close out our entire" lot—it will pay you to see these goods; thev are the regular $2 50 ard ¥3 co boots, but in order to close them out quickly, we have re duced them as follows: Men's sizes, 6 to 11 ■-•' 5° Boys' sizes, 3 to 1 co Youths' sizts, 11 to 75° ' "and FELT GOODS. I)o not fail to see this immense stock of Rubl-ei and Felt Boots. Beir-n tempted by the very liberal offer of one of the largest and best manufacturers of rubber"and felt boots in the country—Geo Watkinson et Co. makers of the celebrated TtllblLt brand, the kind with ROUGH TIP ON TOF.-to take the eutire lot of an over stock which was crowding them for room, we have bought about three times the amount of rubber and felt goods we usually no for one season, so in order to turn them lilt ■ money quickly, we are going to sell rubber and felt bo< ts cheaper than any him can buy them wholesale. Call and ee them as you cannot afford to miss the chance lo get the best rubber and felt boots made for less than you would pay else where for the ordinary cheap rubbers and frits. Always a Large Variety and latest Styles in Walkover and W L Douglass fine shot s for men. Krippendorf, Dittnuiin & Co. ar.d G W Herrick Ine shoes for women and a full line of '. oys' and Youths' and Mirses' and Children's fine shoes in all the .lew and pretty styles. See our bargain counter, alwavs full of attractive bargain. Repairing done or >b".t notice For wood reliable footwear try C. E. Miller Asthma Cure rree! J Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent d Cure in All Cases. f 5 Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. J * I YEARS;' imtar.t n lief, evei. in tie w 1«. ( -t- It cures 9 1 v. In nail < L-< fail . \ +SS.-Z 'lll R<\. C 1 VII LS, of villa V idge. M., says: - Your ♦ iliV XV* 1 trial bottle of AMhtnalt I.e received m i'o to fake. FIFTY CENTS per Bottle— A Week's Treatment I Wring Out | I Rinse Out U Hang Out I M i || and your || P washing's done if W if you use 1 Walker's I jj Soap || I and follow instructions on H wrapper | I Contains no alkali /jj Look for jjjjj IJL the rooster on C ' the wrapper dL J lAFT'S t'H ILA DELPHI. i« ,: :: 'Ok --DENTAL ROOMS." [* 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, F» ' ' PRACTICA' _V'l«'l"Ktl -[M -V M CROWN >!>•! PF.Plif r, '? StA-t cm I I-; WHY NOT O« V ' ffftvOUßS? «••*'*> CROWNS If, '' ■) el"" 1 BmOGK *""1" r.-.la<-p,l • ,« f £#S5 PLR TOOTH Air.-, 11. f- I lf\,i il •«-! ofTcetb ma,l.-, ON LV Jj ASK YOUR GROCER FOR iii ■,a>n i »^i»^ The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. Purine Health Flour Makes "BRAIN BREAD." PURINA MILLS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Mow is 1.'." I:.no i Yojr Clothinj CLEANED OR DYED If , -I ■ > : ■ ft,-.; : • • >:»<• t >l. .ii ) •'«l Aii t \ ;i, . . ■u! •h.-ii i tic liuilcr bye Works 2>6 Certer avenue : h „ o r <: work in >u*. >i . rij iis. I tils :s ft. if y.-i. i < ,iictui u. i - i., i i. •- or '!i J .i./ '<> •ti S• m f Bud . N ' V> i H ripHFR A SON vf *r. A* »** * . **** **#* «**:, jj m * BUTLER PEOPLE ARE INVITED TO PATRONIZE THE | I Hotel Kelly f I i | A. Kelly Sc. Sons, Proo'rs., Z % Cambridge Springs, Pa. | $ A (I rst-<-1 ass hotel. In a clutrni' £ * INK country location, In con- * * neetlon with the famotm I J Mitchell Iroi> and Maffncttla { I Springs; everjrthlnjc new, mod- * ern and up to-date; further In- X formation with rales, etc., i cheerfully furnished on appll- I cation; free carriages to and X from all trains. J w. I •*-*-** **•*•*•* w. Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter '25 w. Jefferson, Butler, Pa. Bushftling, Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty m 'A You Ll Shouldn't f A fl Suffer LI With fl w a Corns or Bunions M JOHNSTON'S PJ VA Cure M kN Will A VA Cure kl Them A FA In a L% Short f A fl Time. l\ Price fl wj 25 cents. Lj Up and 4 M Sold >} rh oaly ii At fa Johnston's p liCrystal N $ Pharmacy, H B. M. LOGAN. Ph. 0.. FA 10b N. Main St., Butler, I'a Bolh 'Phones. P A FA Everything in the Vn kl drug-line. fA II B 1 J.V. Stewart, (Successox to H. Bickel) LIVERY. Sale and Eoarding Stable VV. Jeflerson St., Butler, Pa. Firat class equipment—eighteen good drivers—rigs of all kinds — cool, roomy and clean stables. People's Phone 125. I. V. STI-WART CHIU .sTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS fir Hafr. Alwavn reliable. I.adlM, Mk Dngftat for CIIK IIFKtI fCM ESIUIJNH In and 4«ul«l metal lie* boxes. Healed with blue ribbon. T:tko n<; ollior. Rrftite dmiffroui let lour uu.C imi(»tlon». Huy of your Dmwirt, or Kend t<*. In stumps for l*artlrular«. Teatl nioniiilh and M Relief Tor O* by return .iXull. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by all JmiKk'isU. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL 00. SZvO Btaiiikun .Scfiinre, PHIJLA., PA- MintlwH U»ia paper. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK Jeweler and GraduateiOptlclan. V -* r )oor'o C"ftt Pnti» 5 o«immentHl and * Pi'viMg purposes. | This Stone is guaranteed f $ not to shell off, nor | become rotten it • v k • ■ e vet* ;* I 1 Si yards rti. E *•** YOUNTLAPiESr GIRLS," YOUNG" MEtl, BOYSj" ** ever) where can earn $6.00 per week la apart time or evenings, addressing envelopes, no money required, hundreds of workers now employed, proof sent free anywhere to those Rending addressed envelope to FRANKLIN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 830 Filbert Street, Dept. A PHILADELPHIA. PA Sunday Dinners A Specialty Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts. Regular Rates sl. Local and Long Distance Phones South McKean Street Hotel Waverly. J. W HAWORTH Pron'r. 4 BUTLER, I'A Stesui I (inland Electric Light. The most commodious office i the city. Stabling in Connection. WANT El> lioneii m«n or woman to irave for large houw , salary I® monthly and exiHiiN.-N, with Increaee; position perman ent 'tueloie self-addreeaed stamped envelope MANAUKK. M UaxtOD bide., Ohlcago. "Peerless" j Wall + Paper Absolutely Without Equal. Tllf" GREATEST VARIETY I H h BEST QUALITY I I I trn LOWEST PRICES New Goods Now In For Season 1901. MCMILLANS Next Door to D ostoffice. Annual Wall Paper Clearance SALE AT 60 per cent on the dollar It will pay you to at tend this sale. Patterson Bro's 236 N. Main St. Phone 400. Wick Building. We are opening up our new fall stock and showing the mo3t beautiful goods in the city. Our stock of Hats, Shirts and Neckwear is complete. Come and see the new things. Jno. S. Wick, MEN'S HATTER AND FURNISHER. Opposite P. 0. L. S /VU.H iIN KIN. Insurance a.no Rer.l tslits Agent .17 H J7?FFPKSC.N. y p 1 ' a Special Notice. ••.'Hvch-s ilt t« st 'I, i. lusf ill t>.i ut t, cotnr early .tin' tot a bary-.in. All kinds of lepair wtrk given prompt attention ~t Geo W, Mardorf's Bicycle otore -.nd ir Shop, 109 W. Cunningham St- Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler PennV Tlw boat of horNAH and flrctt claMit rig* ai wiiVN 011 hand and for hire. first accommodations 111 town for MTBI uunt NiardlriK and traiiMleDt trade. Hpeci ;il care fC'viaraiiteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A koikl class of horst's, both drivers and draft homes always on hanil »ud fur sale utulrr u full guarantee; and horses bought tpon proper uotlUcatlou by PEARSON B. NACE. eli pi tine. No. ZUt. ITnaflanT^iTDßan'sl A »afe. rerUln r<-ltef ror HiipprMswl I M«nHtruntlon. Nev«r known to ftfl. Siifel ■ .Surel Hpeedy! Hatl«fn«tlon tiuarmelMd I or inonaT Itefumleit. WKiit prapald for ■ 11.00 IHT box. Will ■•nil th'iii oa trial, ta ■ brpalit for whau roltavad. Satnplaa 7raa. ■ Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Ptorui«>cy- Motel Nixor\ 215 N McKean St, Butrdr Having rented this hotel for another years, I again invite the patronage of my old friends and the public generally. R. O. RUBAMUGH. New Store. r% 9 New Store,' > < > 121 East KO nP *2l East < i < Jefferson St. 1 Jefferson Sti > \\\ nniinery House The latest fall novelties, newest styles and most nobby 'line of Millinery ever shown in Butler county is now open for' r . .you inspection at our new store 121 East Jeflerson St. , I i ►Miss BERTHA WAGNER, )T> A t Miss PAPE. < \ { K Milliner. [TAI DO, j Manager. < > £ NEW TAB! E COVERS. t W You'll find variety enough to be sure of getting just what you like. U y handsome tapestry overs in all sues at surprisingl* low prices I yt-rd square covers 50c. 1% yard square covers 75c, fi ro, $1 50 JP U s'-75- 1 yard square coversf 1.25 aua 2.25. Uk R - x -V A SALE OF FURS S »O l Short Cluster Scarfs with 6 and 8 tails and long fIP ■ Scarfs with tails, and with beads, claws and tails. (K g* — j 1 IVC\ | Made by the best Furtiers in all desrrable kinds ot 0 UvJ i \aMsk\-lja Fur and we guarantee the styles and qualities to (5 W IIV Canada Seal Scurfs 00, 1 50, 250 U llu "--■ Electric Seal Sca. fsfs 00, 750 SJk lit 11 * Stone Mart* n Scarfs *5 00 to 15 00 jR M U Black Marten Scarfs $5 00, 6 00, SSO JH [ft Sable, Miuk and Fox Scarfs $5 ou up » " if CHATELAINE BAGS AND PURSES jR £?SvJL Are selling freely. Superior values in all the 4R leading shapes and leathers make sales easy. & 'C Chatelaine Bags 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1 50 W Jl Purses 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 to Ufc * Chain Purses and Bags 25c to 3 00 £ YOU CAN SEND A CHILD. JO / I *1 \\ e ,a^e especial care in filling orders entrusted m / I I\\ *to children. They leceive the sime attention as fes S ft grown folks. If you want any Ribbons, Ties, SJ pp 1 , . 1 Belts, Hose Supporters, Collars, J Hosiery,; t'nder- flr tfr/ wear or anything else iu our line, dou't be afraid Ok flr to send the children. |L. Stein & Son, | 3 108 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA- V )m lie S| Hichey's || y New Bakery §i \| and P alee Cream Saloor\.k S 1 \ ICE CREAM. 1/ ; I OCT CAKES AND BREAD, 1\ SI I ■ V I SODA WATER. J / /| 1 / V HOME MADE CANDIES | > J OPENS SEPTEMBER 4, CLOSES OCTOBER 19. / S MUSIC BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST BANDS; I \ ? SOUSA AND HIS BAND, Sept. 4th to Sept. 17th. i; S DAMROSCH'S NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, ( / WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor. Sept. 18th to Oct'r Ist. < > THE FAMOUS BANDA ROSSA, ITAU'S GREATEST MUSICAL < > ORGANIZATION. Oct'r 2d to Oct'r l*th. { } EMILPAUR, AND THE NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC I } ORCHESTRA. Oct'r 14th to Oct'r 19th. / V NBW atthactiowb. J C 118,000 TOBOCGAM SLIOE. CHILOREH'S EDEN MUSEE AND WONDERLAND. S 1 A DAY IN THE ALPS. THE LATEST MOVING PICTURES. MAGNIFICENT ELECTRIC DISPLAY. 1 > EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY MEW. / S ADMISSION 25 CENTS. One Fire for T The People's National New York Tri.Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fre.h, cvery other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in THE DAILY TRI BUNE of same daje, also Itompstic and Foreign Correspondence. Sbprt Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultural Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for £a.oo per year. Send all ordera to THE CITIZEN, Butler subscribe for the CITIZEN Family Newspaper. New York Weekly Tribumr Published 011 Thursday, and known ft>. uear'y sixty years In every pari of the United States as a National Patnil*- Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of THK DAILY TRIBUNE np to hour of going to press, an Agricultural Depait tuent of J.tie highest order, has entertaining rpiwug fpr evefjr member of the family, old anil young, Market Reports which are ac cepted as authority by farmers and corn try merchants, and is dean, np to date interesting and instructive. Regular mbscription price, SI.OO per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for $1.50 per year.