Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1901, Image 3
IHi C» 1 I/KN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. *OTK—AII advertisers Intendlnir to make •IMtt s In their ails, sliould notify us of .nelr intention to <l. ■» >t l-iter than Mon lay morning. Administrator's Sale, estate of Henry R. Blair. .Aland's suits Cooper's suits. Zimmerman's Millinery Opening. C. & T's furniture Farm for sale. Admlnisii u*.ors and Executors of estate jin secure their receipt books at the CITI JEN office, and persons making public sales tualr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, "Silence is golden" may do very well For folks who have secrets they'd rath er not tell, But if you have goods you desire to sell You'll tind it more golden to stand up and yell. —The Bessemer is putting in a new interlocking switch at Jamisonville. —China is very old, but not too old to learn. She has just adopted a public school system. —The Butler High School and Parker football teams play at tha old ball park, Saturday afternoon. —Pittsburg parties have bought the Keister store at Prospect and are moving it to the big city. —Now that the great strike is practi cally over, and nearly all the men at work again, one wonders what it was begun for. —A comic lecture was delivered Mon day evening by Prof. Fred High at the Saxon M. E. church for the benefit of the Epworth League. —The nav*l inquiry comes along just in time to fill the gap between the clos ing of the base ball season and the ar rival of the foot ball games. —Ex —At a meeting of the Three P's, Mon day evening. Clarence J. Reiber was elected Premier for the unexpired term of Thomas H. Hays. Jr., deceased. —The Hospital has a dozen patients at piesent. The public is requested to remember that the visiting hours are from 2to 4 and irorn 7 to Bp. m. only. —The Rays, in "A Hot Old Time," kept a large audience in an uproar of laughter for over two hours, last Fri day night. They will play a return date —Some sacriligious miscreant, last Wednesday night, stole a number of flags and some crepe with which Joseph Breman had his store on S. Main St. decorated. —We have printed another lot of the School Laws, and will send them to School Boards or others at one dollar for 160—postage prepaid —100 for 75 cents, 65 for 50 cents. —lt there is a storekeeper in Butler county who needs a Cash Register we want him to know that we have a new and good one—one that will just suit you—that we will sell for much less than it is worth —Local physicians regard the recov ery of Tony Nitoly, the Italian who had his head crushed at West Winfield, as remarkable. Although a piece of the skull two inches square and a half tea spoonful of the brain were taken from him he is now recovering. —"My largest item of expense is on account of advertising." "I was not aware that you were in business." "I am not. But my wife reads the ads. in the papers. "—Ex. —The planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus can be seen, nearly in line, shortly after sunset, these evenings, in the southern and southwestern sky. Ju piter and Venus are the brightest. The Earth's orbit is between those of Venus and Mars. —Five years ago. last Thursday, was Butler County's day at Canton, and a large crowd left town that morning on a special train to see the man they in tended to vote for for President. Last Thursday morning some forty of our people left for Canton on fe special to be present at the funeral of the spe man, and for whom the whole Nation was in mourning. —Pat Golden's house on E. Jefferson St. was broken into and robbed, Mon day night, when all the family were away from home. The burglars jim mied the shutters and sash open, and then went in and ransacked the house. What they got will not be known till the folks come home. The house of George Heineman was also entered and robbed the same night. —The Franklin township school board has decided to establish a High School in the Prospect Academy build ing. The borough will pay a tuition fee to the township for each borough pupil. The school will be a first grade high school, having a four year course, under the act of June 28, 1895. Besides the usual high school branches the course includes zoology, geology, ento mology and the chemistry of soils. State Supt. Schaffer has recommended an eastern man Darned Pyott as princi pal. —Last week a passenger train was to tally wrecked near Boston and several people killed, among whom was a Miss Tonkin, daughter of a prominent Oil City, man who was on her way to a girl's seminary. Miss Alice Patterson .daugh ter of John N. Patterson of Butler, was a close friend of Miss Tonkin, having attended the same school last year and roomed with her. This year they had planned to return together, and but for Miss Patterson's changing her mind and deciding to go to a Washington, D, C. school, she would have been on the wrecked train. —The First Ward Hose team and del egates from the local fire companies leave next Wednesday via the B. & O. to attend the firemen's State Conven tion at Philadelphia. Thursday the First Ward boys will parade and on Fri day race. The races will be held on Broad St. near the City Hall. They in pludc time, service and hook and ladder paces in all of which the local team will compete. The first prizes are S3OO, SIOO &nd $75 respectively. The First Ward's will present a team of veterans who fthould do faster running than any other team that ever represented the town. They will run in the following order: rope, McCutoheon, Cole, Ayres, Jones, Bonner, Leedom and Campbell: pole, Negley and Rockenstein; coupler, J Heineman; pipeman, Feigel; plug, Mor rison, W. Heineman and Campbell: timer, Douglass. There are twelve en tries in the races. The cream of the fall patterns in Car pets to be found at Brown & Co's. Ex tra Super Ingrains. Tapestries, Axniin sters, &c. Our Carpets are right from the loom—fresh—bright and no better make to be had. Give us a share of your patronage. PKIiSON AL. Mrs. Koonce is visiting her daughter in New Castle. W. H. O 'Brien, the plum her, is down with pneumonia. Jos. Campbell of Concord township was in town. Tuesday. J. D. Marshall is making a SSOO im provement, in his office. Cleveland is now the only living ex- President of the United States. John Horner of Donagal twp. visited frinds in Butler, last week. Dr. S. Alden Kamerer is now located with Dr. Hoover on E. Wayner St. Alex Russell is home visiting his daughter, Mrs. Godwin, who is sick. D. N. Weimer has been granted a pension of sl2 per month. Jas. Cooper SB.OO. Capt. J. B. Boggs was*in town Tues day, attending to some legal busi ness. Prof. E. Mackej of Reading was in town, Monday and Tuesday, on legal business. Mrs. Leonard of Auburn, N. Y. is the guest of Mrs. Col. Haworth of the Waverly. John S. Adams has sold his store in Tarentum, and intends moving back to Butler county. C. N. Boyd will be home the latter part of the week, after a protracted stay at Markleton. W. J. Ehmer, the plumber, was taken to the Hospital last Thursday suffering from typhoid fever. Frank Stiver of Harmony was in town, Monday, in the interest of the Harmony Milling Co. Wm. Hutchison and Smiley Miller of Fleeger attended the funeral of Pres. McKinley at Canton. W. C. Glenn of West Sunburv took a car load of cattle to the East Liberty stock yards, Saturday. H. W. Young of El wood, a former resident of Butler, attended the Walker Ave. equity suit. Tuesday. Dan Lardin and wife of Walker Ave. visited their relatives, Mr. Kaylor and family at Herman Sunday. Rev. Harper of the Saxon M. E. church and Miss Hattie Snyder of Pitts burg weft married Sept. 10th. Charles Ritter was brought home from Allegheny last Friday with pneu monia. but is now recovering. Joseph and Ernest Bovard of Mercer twp. have returned from a prolonged visit to the California oil fields. James Dodds and family left Satur day for a short visit with Sheriff Dodds at Adamsville, Crawford county. Miss Retta Dosch of Allegheny has returned home after a three-weeks visit to Miss Sue Ritter of S. Main St. Miss Bruner of Saxon Station is an ex cellent pianist, and favored a large au dience in Newton's store. Monday, J. W. Conrad, the West End grocer and wife are visiting friends in Mercer County and taking in the Mercer Fair. Richard Fisher of Penn twp. was 69 years of age, last Wednesday, and his friends gathered in, and made merry with him. Rev. J. S. Wilson and James Barr and wife of Prospect are attending the United Pres Synod which is meeting in Pittsburg. W. L. Cross of Great Belt went to Canton, last Thursday, to attend the President's funeral. He says the crowd was something awful. O E. Campbell of W. Sunbury and Daniel Younkins and Wayne Walker of Butler will serve on the jury of the U. S. Court in Pittsburg, next month. W. S. McVay was taken ill the other day and, as his wife was visiting her folks in W. Va., he went to the hospi tal. He was threatened with pneumo nia, but is doing nicely. Mrs. M. L. Armstrong and daughter, Nellie, of Fairview Ave., and Messrs Lawrence and Jesse Cornelius and John and Arthur Flack returned Saturday from the Expo, aud Falls. J. D. Williams of Brownsdale was in town last Thursday. He is manager of the ' Woodland Stock Farm" in that vicinity, and owner of a herd of regis tered Holstein-Fresian cattle. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fleming of Concord twp. celebrated the 25th an niversary of their marriage. Saturday, with a silver-wedding party. Mrs. F. was a daughter of James Cranmer. Miss Anna Brown, the primary teacher who was injured in a B. & O. wreck several weeks ago, is lying help less in the hospital at Philadelphia with bnt small prospects of her speedy re covery. Ed. Williamson is now on the day force at the Western Union telegraph office after working as dispatcher every night for almost 7 years. He succeeds John Gall who has been made wire chief of the Pittsburg office. Miss Elgerta Eakin has recovered from a six-weeks sick spell at the home of her father Findley Eakin near But tercup and expects to return to her po sition as bookkeeper at Toledo, O , in the near future. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman and head trim mer, Miss Burton, have, returned from New York and Philadelphia, where they have been the past two weeks at tending the millinery openings. They will make their semi-annual display October 3, 4 and 5, Don't miss it. A double wedding is announced to occur at Delano the first week of Octo ber, when Harry Cypher is to be married to Mies Mabel Krunipe of Pittsburg and Philip Cypher to Miss Lyda Jack of Kittanning. The young men are sons of Martin Cypher and are oil well drillers. Dr. I. C. Ketler, president of Grove City college, was presented with a check for S4OOO by the board of trustees of the college on Wednesday evening, of last week, the occasion being the 25th anni versary of the founding of the college. The gift was made in appreciation of the services of Dr. Ketler, who has been at the head of this institution since its organization. John McElhaney, who was born in Muddycreek township and left here when a small boy with his father, the late Alexander McElhaney, who _ after wards became judge of a circuit of fotir counties in Missouri, is now judge of the same circuit. The yonng judge is but thirty-five years of age and is a cousin of E. M. McElhaney, the well known oil well contractor. Miss Hallie, daughter of Win. H McGaffic, and Howard C. Hazlett, son of Thomas Hazlett, were married Mon day at the brides' home on W. Pearl St. Rev. E. S. White officiating. The many friends of both young people wish tliem a long and happy journey together through life. The groom is a veteran of the Spanish war and a painter by trade. S. G. Moore, wife and son, Martin Monks and family, Clarence Anderson and family, Oscar Sefton and other citi zens of Clinton twp., to the number of abont forty, started for Buffalo, Tues day morning in a special car provided by the "Bessie," and which is to make the through trip and return for i? 4.85 for each passenger. They expected to re turn Saturday morning. Mrs. J. A Horton of Jefferson St. and Mrs. J. W. Miller of Mercer St. "are in Buffalo for a few weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Horton of Massa chusetts Ave., who with their daughter Pearl, were the guests of the former during the month of August. They will also visit relatives at Niagara Falls and Blaisdell and view some picturesque places on the Canadian shore. A pleasant surprise party was tender ed John Feigel of Lookout Ave., Mon day evening, by his wife and mother, the occasion being the 27th anniversary of Jack's birth. The guests of the even ing were the employees of Larkin&Co's Supply Works, the First Ward Hose Team and close friends of the Feigel family. After vocal and instrumental music by Mr. Dittmer, recitations by Messrs Poole and C. E. Smith and com ic songs by James Olden, an excellent I supper was served. The occasion was ! a most pleasant one. Phil Scbaul has returned from a visit with friends in New York. John Dindingerof Zelienople has been granted a pension of s*oo per month. Dr. Weilrnan of Mercer was in town, Tuesday, to perform an operation at the hospital. Five members of the family of Geo. A. Kaufman of Callery are down with typhoid fever. E. H. Pvle is disposing of his oil prop erty and I'arni stock and is moving to Beaver Falls to engage in the dry goods business. His farm "west of Prospect and two strings of tools are also for sale Stephen McClellan lias invented a "Universal Breast Drill which he is in troducing in connection with his "Corner bit brace. ' Steve now lives in Brooklyn and is making money out of his inventions. Lynn D. Borland, buyer for Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, lias 'eturned from New York. Mr. Borland says he always thinks his New York selections of Dress Goods, Suits, Wraps and Trimmings unsurpassed for beauty, style and qual ity. but this season's purchase goes far ahead of anv previous year. Price# always right. Harvey Miller got home, Monday evening from Athens Co. 0., where he and Pat Golden and others have a thirteen bbl. well which is only ninety feet deep. The oil comes from a strata or boulder that lies from 90 to 165 feet below the surface. That country is a great one for peaches, which are being shipped to market at 20 cts a bushel. He was in one orchard of 50,000 trees,all full of peaches. —P. R. R. Excursion to Getty sbnrg October, 6-10. —Fourth Class Postmasters can now attest pension vouchers, using their postmarking stamp.and adding "Fourth Class Postmaster'' after their names. —lt is evident there is a gradual rise in the value of farm property through out the country. It is not in the natnre of the boom, but people are becoming convinced that the farm offers a safe investment and furnishes a permanent home. The keen competition of trade with low margins, and the frequent strikes and labor troubles for mechan ics, will in future defer many from crowding to the cities. A Card of Thanks. The ladies of the Women's Relief Corps No. 97, at their meeting on last Thursday evening, tendered a vote of thanks to those gentlemen who so kind ly and ably assisted them in entertain ing the 101 st and 10: id Regiments at their reunion out at the Park, Tuesday, the 17th; also to the Street Car Co. for their kind and courteous consideration. They also appointed a committee of three to write a letter of condolence to Mrs. McKinley, expressing our heart felt sorrow in her sad bereavement. By order of the Corps. MRS. FRANCES GRAHAM, Secy. PARK THEATRE. THE MAN FROM MEXICO—TUESDAY, OCT. IST. The Man From Mexico will be pre sented at the Park Theatre next week This will furnish a strictly high class offering in comedy and one that will prove most satisfying to local theatre goers, if the well seasoned judgment of capable critics may be taken as accu rate. The plav ha's been a great laugh ing success in the larger cities during the past two seasons, and since Mr. Perkins secured the rights to it, he has endeavored successfully to keep it up to the high standard fixed by its pro duction in New York, Boston, Chicago and elsewhere. THE PERSIAN GARDEN PARTY— Oct. 3 First Charity Fund Concert of the Butler Lodge No. 170, B. P. O. Elks. No benefit is more deserving of the patronage of the people of Butler than that to be given tor the charity fund of the Butler Lodge of Elks. A series of concerts will be the attraction for the benefit and tickets should be purchased by all. Graml Opera House, Pittsburg. Hoyt's merry comedy, "A Midnight Bell" will ring to the jolly jingle of laughter of all Pittsburg at the Grand Opera House the week beginning Mon day, Sept. 30, when the new stock com pany will present the first Hoyt play of' the season. A Midnight Bell was one of the first real successes of the La mented Hoyt. The matinees given at the Grand daily are a great convenience to out of town patrons who are unable to attend the evening performance. This week's play The Little Minister is attracting large crowds at every performance, Seats now on sale for A Midnight Bell. Boys' Industrial Home. Donations of canned fruits and butters solicited The management of tbe Boys' Indus trial Home of Western Pennsylvania respectfully solicit of the good people of this community, donations of canned fruits, fruit butters, jams, jellies, or anything in tile way of spreads for the boys of the Home. This is an Institu tion doing a very necessary and noble work in caring for homeless and ne glected boys, giving them a home, schooling and training. It is the only thing of the kind under Protestant auspices in Western Pennsylvania, and is wholly unsectarian. in compensa tion for such donations, the Home will take charge of homeless and orphaned boys in this community, if notified of the same. Please send by freight or ex press addressed to Boys' Industrial Home, Euclid Ave., Allegheny. Every thing so sent will be greatfully acknowl edged by the Superintendent of the Home, John W. Cleland, who will give fnll information to all who may desire jt ' s_ FOR SALE. The nicest little home in Butler Co. 50 acres of land, cottage house, with slate roof; good barn, buildings all built within the last year and a half, good well water from drilled well, a acres of young orchard of all kinds of fruit Lo cated on Butler and Kittanning pike 1A mile from Fenelton Sta., on tho B. R. & P. R. R. A bargain for a quick buyer. Inqnire of W. S. McCrea at Feed Store on E. Jefferson, Butler, or S. E. Leech of Mannington, W. Ya. OPEN EVERY SATURDAY N^GHT. from 7 to 8 o'clock for the accommoda tion of those who wish to open a savings accouut and who do not find it conven ient to come to our bank during uanal hours. We pay 4 per cent interest on deposits. Send for our booklet, all about banking by mail or in person— free. PRUDENTIAL TRUST COM PANY, 6124 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg Pa. When the Heart is Affected By rheumatism or any of the muscles near that organ, it is like tampering with an electric wire, for death may come at any moment. If life is worth it, do not hesitate, but get Dr. Drum mond's Lightning Remedy. Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co., New York, and they will send you two large bottle by express, enough for a months treatment,—with full special directions. Agents Wanted. See Kyle's Improved Cotton Down Mattress —the best bed made—at Brown & Co s. LKOAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. W. J. Cousins vs Jennie A. Cousins, divorce for alleged desertion. John Staib vs Fredericka Kocher, summons in ejectment for a house and lot on E. Jefferson St., Butler, between the Episcopal and Pres. churches. Andrew Doka vs Frank Kollessar. summons in trespass for SIOOO damages for slander. A capias was issued and i Kollessar was brought to jail aud held i for want of the bail required, £!00. Doka is defendant in a similar suit brought by Kollessar some time ago. They are Hungarians and Doka alleges Kollessar slandered him and his daugh ter while Kolessar swears Doka said bad things about Mrs. K. John McQ. Smith vs P. B. & L. E. Railroad Co. and Alleghenv aud Butler Plank Road Co., summons in trespass for SIO,OOO damages claimed for injury done his property on South Main street by the filling of the sua<-e under the plankroad bridge and the Bessemer trestle with earth. This has caused the surface drainage of Main street to be deposited in Smith's lot, destroying his old Frederal Spring and doing other damage. W. B. Denuison vs New Castle Gas Co. and its successoi the Fort Pitt Gas Co.. summons in assumpsit for $233, 1 claimed to be due as royalty on a gas well on Dennisou's farm. The defts. were to pay $1 per pound pressure for the gas if used off the premises. The defence is that the pressure was so weak that it was never marketed. Reinck Wilson & Co. vs Albert Wagner and Frank N. Cooper,partners summons in assumpsit. N TE^ Letters of adm'non the estate of Mary Pape of Butler have been granted to Gerard P. Pape. The w ill of Daniel K. Graham of Brady twp. has been probated, no letters. Likewise Ihe will of Sadie M. Tinker of, Marion twp. Daniel Walker, George Daubenspeck. Perry Turner and S. R. Walker school directors of Parker twp. have filed an appeal to the Superior Court from the order of court granting the. incorpora tion of the borough of Bruin. Andrew Doka has filed his first naturalization papers. The jury in the trial of Charles S. Murphy in the courts of Clarion county charged with the murder of William Kiser returned a verdict of "not guilty after being out about four hours. The verdict cf acquittal was not unexpected by many on account of the evidence. The court room was packed with people awaiting the verdict when the jury came in. The trial lasted almost three weeks. The equity suit of citizens of Walker Ave., Butler, vs Mrs. Sarah Mackev to compel the opening of Walker Ave. down to Centre Ave. was taken up in court Monday morning. The property holders, who bought from Mrs. Mackey, say that she sold to them on the repre sentation that the street would be open ed to Centre Ave. which was never done. A. M. Christley, Esq., was appointed auditor in the estate of James Mcßride, dec'd., of Clearfield twp. On petition of Daisy E. Irwin, widow of George W. Irwin, J. C. Miller, guar dian, was ordered to pay S2O per month out of her child's estate for maintenance of the child. W. C. Thompson was appointed auditor in the estate of Olive Arm strong. dec'd., of Cherry twp. J. W. Hutchison, Esq., was appointad guardian of Myrtle and Frederick, minor children of John Feigel, dec'd., of Butler. Samuel E. Stewart, guardian, was ordered to pay to Louisa A. Smith, mother, SIOO per annum for mainten ance of Mabel and Walter Smith out of his ward's' estates. An order was made directing Sheriff Hoon to transfer Gilbert Doutbett from the Polk Institute to the Dixaiont Hospital. E. H. Laderer was appointed guardian of Shepler Bostion of Muddycreek twp. The will of W. M. Glenn of Washing ton twp. has been probated, no letters. J. W. Meals has been appointed auditor for Venango twp. vice T. V. Kelly, resigned. Wm. Strawiok of Butler plead guilty to f&b and Wednesday was sentenced to pay $35 fine. S4O to the mother, $6 per month for maintenance and costs. Jacob Miller, on his own petition, was appointed guardian of his mother, Mrs. Josephine Miller, who is old and feeble in mind and body and lives with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, in Forward twp. Wednesday John Bakef of Millers town was granted a divorce from his wife Mary A. Baker. The appeals for Purvis, J. G & W. Campbell, Troutman, Berg and. other citizens of Butler from the tax valua tions assessed on their properties by the assessors and Count}' Coni'rg were heard Wednesday. The Com'rs have a large number of witnesses from the townships to show that the valuations are relatively no higher than in the country. The hearings continue today. The bill of B. Masseth vs W. H. Larkin et al for infringing on his pat ents on packers was dismissed in U. S. Court at Pittsburg, Tuesday. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Sarah Wolford to W. W. Lindsey 214 acres in Slipperyrock for $6500. W. H. O'Brien & Co. to Sarah J. Reabel leases in Middlesex for $2040. H. L. Green to W. H. O'Brien & Co. leases in Middlesex for SIBSO. H. H. Black to Edward G. Troutman lot in Washington twp. for $375- Herman Hall to Laura A. Kinser lot in Butler for $325. John Ralsion to Everett L. Ralston 117 acres in Clay for S3OOO. F. W. H. Wehr to King J. Neely lot in Prospect for SSOO. Benj. Bredin to E. W. Crawford lot in Allegheny twp. for SBOO W. H. Campbell, Clerk O. C.. to Louisa Ziegler lot in Harmony. John C. Moore. Ex'r of D Heck to Presley E. Heck, 125 acres in Centre for $3577.50. Presley E. Heck to Rose McCollough 75 acres in Centre for $2137.50. Henry Schwalm to Geo. W. Amy 20 acre lease in Penn twp. for $3350. Win. E. Hoffman to Wm. Cashdollar, 41 acres in Adams for $1047. Christina Frederick to J. C. Gaisford lot in Millerstown for S3OO. James Whittaker to Elizabeth Bailey quit claim to 25 acres m Marion for $100.40. 31arriagfe Licenses. Robert Bruce Bowser Parker Mary Lorano Pearce Bonus W. B. Brown Rochester, Pa Clara B. Wilson " George F. Dilliman West Liberty Mary Barger Euclid Charley E. Walton Beaver Falls Dora SwiDdler Rochester Howard C. Hazlett Butler Hallie F- McGaffic " William Ross Wilson Tyrone, Pa Agnes G. Greene Butler W. B. Jamison Eakin's Corners M.J. Henry ' " Brice S. Miller Harrisville Cora E. Gerlach . Fred Wilkewitz Buffalo twp Daisy I. Hesselgesser " James O. Bolender Grove City Amanda Thorne Allegheny Co Edward G. Hoffman Evans City Allie M, Ramsey " Clyde D Wise Butler Lillian McCand1e55.............. *' At Kittanning—S. J. Glenn of Pit cairn, Pa., and Blanche Crawford of Allegheny twp. At Pittsburg —W. J. O'Nejl of Alle gheny Co. and Margie McDevitt of But ler Co. At Steubenville—Herman Schelcnsky and Luella Baker of Butler Co. At Pittsburg, N. F. Leonard of But ler and Rose Stvble of Pittsburg. Did you get a live-cent cake of schnier case at THE CRBAMERY. ACCIDENTS. Michael Scanlon, in the employ of the Reed Haselton Construction Co. build ing a bridge near Hubbard. 0., was crushed to death last Friday by heavy timbers rolling on him from a wagon. Scanlon resided at Youngstown and had a family. Howard Elliott, a young son of Prof. H H. Elliott of Turtlecreek who, with his family has been spending the sum mer in Centre twp. stepped on a rnsty nail some weeks ago. The wound has refused to heal and an absess has form ed, necessitating a painful operation. Tony Nitoly. an Italian, had his skull fractured by a fall of limestone at the West Winfield quarries. last week He was taken to the Butler Hospital where Drs. Atwe'll and Bricker operated on the wound. The man is now in a fair way to recover Mrs Margaret Galloway, wife of Thomas Galloway of Franklin twp. Ml and broke her arm last week. Rasley & McDowell's Hnber thresh ing machine broke down in Butler, last Thursday afternoon, coming up the hill at south end of M~Kean St. The three bolts connecting the enirine with the machine broke, and the machine sepa rated from the engine, but the two parts were chained together and taken to a shop for repairs. Charley Winters of Penn twp. came to the hospital, last Saturday, with 14 shot in one leg and 124 in another. He set a trap gun for chicken thieves Fri day night, and forgot all about it Sat urday morning when he went out to feed his chickens. Patrick Lewis, a son of James Lewis of Butler, was struck by an engine and killed at Youngstown. 0., Tuesday. • MILLINERY OPENING. Fall ami Winter IHsplay of Com ing Styles for lOO'l and 1902. Charming Pattern Hats charming Pattern Bonnets and a special display of Misses' and children's fashionable ht ad wear, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, October 3, 4 and 5. Special dis play of Ladies' fine Tailored Jacket Suits, Winter Wraps and Furs on these days. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN, Markets. Wheat. wholesale price 67 70 Rye. . " >0 Oats. " 40 Corn. " 60 Hay, " 13 00 Eggs, " 18 Butter, " 18-22 Potatoes " 90 Onions, per bu 65 Beets, per doz bunches 25 Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 35 Cucumbers, per doz 15 Tomatoes, per bu 1 00 Peaches ' 501.50 Apples 30 40 Celery, doz bunches 35 Hickorynuts 1.50 Chestnuts 3.00 Walnuts 50 Public Sales. September 30, Friday, 10 a. m., at Juo. C. Moore's in Centre twp., stock, grain, hay, etc. Sept. 28, 10 a. m.. S. R. Stoughtom of Franklin twp., near Isle, stock, hay, grain, etc, J. R. Kearns. auct. September 25th, Wednesday, 9 a. m., at late residence of George Maizland, dec'd., in Clintou twp., stock of all kinds, crops, farming implements, etc — also the two farms, one of 130 acres and the other of 162| acres, good land and good title, two of the finest farms in the county. Friday, Sept. 27, at 2 p. m. on the premises of the late John Day in Clay twp., household goods, stock, farm im plements, etc. Daniel McDevitt, met. Oct. 2nd, 10 a. m., J. M. Patton in Concord township—stock, implements, wagons, hay, grain, etc. J. R. Kearns, auctioneer Oct. 9, Wednesday, 2 p m., real estate of Patrick and Jas. A. Mcßride in Clearfield twp.. on the premises. WINTER HEATERS When looking for Heating Stoves re member our line will be the finest in town. See our B. R. & P. Heating Stoves. WHITEHILL, Main St. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or spll oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519. P»n-Aiiiertcan Exposition. Low rates and quick time via thp Besseujer & Lake Erie R. R. and con nections. Following are the rates <rom Butler: *4. 25 Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Saturdays; good for six days. $6.«0 Tickets on sale daily; good for 15 days. $7.75 Tickets on sale daily; good for 20 days. Proportionally low rates from other stations. For time of trains 'and other information, inquire of agents, or ad dress, E. D. Coinstock, G. P. A., Pitts burg, Pa. Like a Great I£aiUyay. With its branches running in every direction, are the arteries and veins that convey the blood to every part of the system. 4 co}d, sqdden changes and exposure may cause poisonous acids to clog the circulation and then comes rheumatism, Beware! If you value your life remove the obstruction with Dr Drummond's Lightning Remedy. Send $5 to Drummond Medicine Co, New York, and theywill send you two large bottles by express, enough for a month'streatinent, —with full special directions Agents wanted. Ice Cre^m At retail and wholesale at the Butler Creamery. Pan-American." The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Company has placed on sale at all sta tions, excursion tickets to Buffalo, on account qf the Pan-American Exposi tion. With the improved passenger train service now being arranged for, making connections with three impor tant Buffalo lines; via',' the Erie R. R., L. S. & M. S. and Nickel Plate, patrons of the road-will be given every opportu nity to visit the Exposition at the lowest available rates. The very latest designs in Sideboards at Brown & Co's. Low prices and arood quality here. Purified milk 4ctd a quart at the CREAMERY. The New Royal Sewing Machin beats all the rest. Simple—durable— popular price. $16.75 up. See Brown & Co. There is no food so healthy, nourish ing, refreshing or as cheap as purified milk. Two glasses for 5 cents, or six gallons for a dollar at THE CREAMERY. Bed Room Suits in late designs now arriving at Brov/n & Co's. Save money by buying here. For a dish of pure Ice Cream stop at the Creamery. Ladies' Parlor up-stairs New Couches now arriving at Brown & Co's. See our hand-made guaran teed Couch for only SB. Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine, for your spring tonic. Anything you want in Furniture or Carpets at Brown & Co's. Best qnali ty—lowest prices. Give us a call. Order your milk and cream from the Creamery wagon, as it passe* your door, or call up People's Phone 339, and the wagon will stop at your house. CHURCH NOTES. The Annual County Convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held in the M E. church. Tuesday and Friday. Owing to the McKinlev memorial services nothing was done until Thursday evening when Miss Lilliam M. Phelps of Ontario, Cau. addressed a large audience on temper ance topics. State Sec'y Griggs entertained about 250 men and boys in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Thursday evening, with a description of a visit to Ireland, illus trated with 125 stereopticon views, which made the lecture almost as good as a real visit to the Emerald Isle. Re freshments were served by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church. Monday was the Day of Atonement for the Hebrews and all their stores were closed. On that day they are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke till towards evening. Religious services were held in Butler, that day. At a business meeting of the Baptist church. Rev. E. S. Shumaker. of Pros pect, Pa., was given a unanimous call to become pastor of the Kane church and as Mr. Shumaker had signified his willingness to accept the call should the church extend it, he was engaged, and will become pastor as soon as it becomes possible for him to leave his present charge. --Kane Republican The Epworth League of the Eau Claire M. E. church will give an enter tainment in their church. Monday even ing, Oct. 1, at 7 o'clock. Sunday morning the U. P. congrega tion by a unanimous vote extended an invitation to the First Synod of the U. P. church to meet in this place next year. The monthly all day meeting will be held in the Gospel Tabernacle on Mercer St. Butler Pa., Sept. 27, (Friday) under auspices of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Services at 10:30, 2:00 and 7:00 p. m. Rev. E. D Whiteside and other speakers will be present. All are cordially invited. GEO. W. SUP'T Letter to Thomas McNair. Butler. Pa. Dear Sir: H. M. Hooker & Co., Coop erstown, N. Y., have sold Devoe paint for 22 years. D. T. McGown. of that firm, built a house in 'BS and painted Devoe, of course. The paint lasted ten years. A year or two later, a neighbor built a house and painted it lead and oil. The neighbor's house was repainted twice in the same time. This looks as if the neighbor's house was painted three times in eight or nine years, and McGown's once in ten years. We are not quite sure—we tell the tale as it comes to us. It is enough to say that Devoe lead and zinc lasts twice as long as lead and oil. Yours truly. F. W. DEVOE & Co. P. S.—Patterson Bros, sell our paint in your section. To Whom it May Concern- Walter's Best Flour is the "best". Makes the finest bread we ever had. Signed, MRS. JOHN GRAY. Ingrain Carpet ? at 50c, 60c and 65c per yard. See Brown & Co. If you want a drink of fresh butter milk stop at the Creamery. All you can drink for 5 cents. Music scholars wanted *t 128 West Wavne Si. New Axminster Carpets $1.20 per yard at Brown & Cos. WANTED—At the Butler Business College, a large number of bright, in dustrious young- men and women to learn shorthand, typewriting and book keeping. Positions are waiting. New ad. on this page. Get Heady for the chilly days aud even ings that are coming. Be Readv J with a Top COAT when the weather demands it. We're Ready to show you tte very swell est Overcoatings—all new at the most favorable ftgures. Pome in soon. Wedcjing Suits a Specialty. COOPER, Practical Tailor., DIAMOND. BUTLER. PA DINNER SETS Those two new openstDck patterns in English Porcelain are going fast. They aie almost as delicate and thin a; French China. The oqe pattern in Pejpt Blue with beaded edge has attracted unusal atten tion and has been a big seller. The other is decorated with pink rose in small design and with gold strip. Come and see them and you will want them. Have you see the latest Indian novel-, ties in heads, plates, cups and tobacco jars. ! New goods arriving every week at DOUGLASS BOOK STOKK Eagle B'l'd. Near P. O. 241 South Main street EXPOSITION VISITORS when in Pittsburg are invited to make their headquarters at our store, leave your packages there, call for them later. Ask us for any information you would to have. Every courtesy will Ve you whether you buy of us or hot. In our new quarters we wilV continue to handle the trends uf Whiskeys. Brandies. eyC-> ~ns we did in our old store. Some of the brands are: FINCH, MT. VEBWOJi, UICKE.NHEIMEK, DiLMNUEK, UIIiSO.N, iiVEKHOIiT.g LAKUtC, I'HOMPSON, ItblllliKHOßT, wo offer them to you unadulterated (i ycuy old at 11.00 per full quart. >v«G, t-HOlifc, Whiskey We pay express charges on all mail orders of $5.00 or over. Uoods shipped promptly. ROBERT LfcWIN & CO Wholesale Qcalres in Wines and Liquors, NOW 14 SMITHFIELD ST.. Formerly 411 Water Street, Pittsburg. Pa. I Long Distance Telephone Court 2178. I \ Hundred-year < | JELLIES. J Neither time, moisture nor £ V mould can affect jellies that are ! C f I sealed with paraffine wax. Fill ( f C your glasses or jars, pour a film J J of parafTi*>e over the surface, N and the jelly will keep for a f 1 century if you want it to. V N Paraffine is white, tasteless j J % and odorless, aud is proof ; \ V aga : nst moisture, acids, insects V J and germs It preventsevapora- Q \ tiou, granulation or change of [ 1 any kind. A pound of paraffine \ \ goes a long way and can be Q t 1 used over aud over again year f v after year. Just as good for / J covering preserves, fruit butters 1 \ I and jams. \ \ Paraffine > | Wax, | » ] especially refined for sealing 7 / j purposes. S J C. N. BOYD. / Pharmacist. I ? Butler, Pa, ( LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan's Court of Butler county. Pa., at No. 08, September Term, 1901, the undersigned administrator of Henry R. Blair, late of Slipperyrock twp., Butler county, Pa , dec'd., will offer for sale at public outcry, on the premises, on Saturday, October 19th, 1901, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, late of said dectdent, situate in Slipperyrock township, Butler county, State of Pennsylvania, bounded north by land of John Kiester's heirs, east by Slipperyrock creek, south by land of O. D. Kiester and west by land of M. Humphrey, containing 00 acres, more or less, about 40 acres of which is woodland, the remainder tillable;satd land is convenient to railroad, school and churches. Good orchard, frame dwelling' house of 7 rooms, barn and other outbuild ings thereon. Supposed to be oil and gas territory. TERMS OF SALE—Si of purchase money when sale is contirmed by the Court and bal ance, with interest, in two equal, annual payments thereafter, to be secured by bond ana mortgage in the usual form On the premises. Also at 2 o'olock of said Day, on said premises, the following personal property will be offered for sale, »-17.: One team of work horses. 1 cow. 1 yearling heifer, 1 set wagon harness. 2 sets single harness, top buggy, almost new; road wagon, spring wagon, farm wagon, mowing machine, horse rake. wind-mill, plow, spring harrow, and other farming utensils, oats, rye, buckwheat, potatoes, corn in the shock, hay and straw. TERMS OF SALE or PERSONAL PROPERTY— All sales five dollars and under, cash. On all sales over fl\ e dollars. 9 months time' will be given on purchaser giving note with good security. R.R.BLAIR. Adm'r., Of HENRY R. BLAIR, dec'd. Keister, Pa. M. S. CLARK. Auctioneer. J. M. GAI.BREATH, Attorney. NOTICE IN DIVORCE. Ruth Grace Christy 1 In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler vs county. Pa.. A. 1). No. I 27, May Term, 1901. Victor E. Christy. J Book 22, Page 149. To Victor E. Christy: Two Subpoenas in above case having been returned N. E. 1., you the said Victor E. Christy, above named defendant, are hersby required to appear in said court of Common Pleas, to be held at Butler, Pa., on Monday, the 2nd day of December. 1901. being the first day of next term of said Court to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if any you have, why an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony should not be granted to said Ruth Grace Christy You are also hereby notified that testi mony will be taken in the above case before said court, on December 3rd, 1901, at which time and place you are notified to attend. THOMAS R. HOON, Sheriff. PUBLIC NOTICE. My wife, Stoughtou, having left my home and separated herself from me without cause, taking with her two of my minor children: this is to give notice that I will not support or in any way become liable for the main tenance of my said wife and children elsewhere than at my own home, and all persons furnishing anything to her or to them will do so at their own risk. SOLOMON R. STOUGHTON. TRUSTEE'S SALE. In the matter of Mcßride Brothers, to-wlt: James A. Mcßride and Patrick Mcßride, Bankrupts. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. No 1404 in Bankruptcy. By virtue of an order and decree made in above stated case, on Sept. 6th, 1901, by J. W. Hutchison, Esq., Referee in Bankruptcy, the undersigned, duly appointed trustee, will offei for sale the following described real estate qt said bankrupts, to-wit: On Wednesday, October 9th. 1901, At 2 o'clock D- m.. on the premises, all that certain tract of land, situate In Clearfield township, Butler county, I'a l>ounded north by lot or St. John's church and a public road; east by lands of Michael Kramer and Mc- Mahan heirs; south by lands of McCague and McClafferty heirs; west by McClafferty heirs and lot or St. John's church; containing sixty-Uve acres, be the same more or less; with a two-story frame dwelling house, frame barn and other outbuildings thereon located. ALSO—At 3 o'clock p. m„ of said day, on the premises, all that certain tract of land, situate in said township of Clearfleld.bound ed north by lands of McClafferty heirs; east by lands of John McCague; south by lands of Patrick Logue and west by the same; con taining fifty acres, be the same more or less; mostly cleared and under fence. Each of said bankrupts is the owner of an undivided % interest in said tracts of land. Also on Friday, October 11, 1901, at 1 o'clock a,. m,.. on the premises, all that certainly land, belonging to James A. Mcßriac, one of saia bankrupts, situated in the Borough of Oakdale, County of Alle jheuy, State of Pennsylvania,bounded north by lot of J. Y. Schivers 10b feet, more or less; on the east by same, 72 feet more or less; oil the south by Centre street, 80 feet, more or less; and west by Myrtle Avenne 125 feet, more or less; with a twt>-story frame dwel ling house and outbuildings thereon erected. All of said real estate will be sold free and discharged of liens. TERMS OF SALE-Ten cent, of bid when property is said. Balance on confir mation of sale by the Court. F. P. McBKIDE. Trustee. J, M. UJU.BHEATH, Colysvllle, Pa. Att'v for Trustee. Notice of Application for Charter COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, I COUNTY OF BUTLER. J Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Honorable John M. Greer, President Judge of said Court, on the (ith day of November next, at 10 o'c\cck a ra", under the In corporation Act of 1874 and the Supple ments thereto by J. M. Scott, Robert KTauae, F. W. Witte, John Rivers, Sr., E. P. Harper and others for the Charter of an intended corporation to be called the Saxon Station Academy, the char acter and object of which is to maintain an institution of learning fox higher ed ucation than that acquir«>d in the Com mon Schools ««ml for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said Act and its Supplements. W. D. BRANDON, Solicitor, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. GSTA*E oi< MARY J. ROYLK, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in the estate of Mrs. Mary J. Royle, deceased, late of the B enough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., have been granted to Sannyjl M. Beaton, resident of said boyoufeh. to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate are re quested to make known the same with out delay. ' SAMUEL M. SEATON, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. BI.ACK & STEWART, Att'ys. | SCHAUL & NAST. | Fall Suits, A Surpassing Array. The Fall Lines of the "Sthaul & Nast Perfect Clothing" are ready for your inspection. These up-to-date Suits—teem with a character and goodness which are rarely found in ready-to-wear apparel. The designs are correct—every new fad is presented in original efiect. Note especially the new shaped collare, the smart sack styles and latest cut of trousers. 'Schaul 6c Nast s Suits are sold on their merits, and at prices which are positively competition proof. They are made to wear well, please the eye and satisfy the careful dresser. For Fall and Winter, 1901-2, this line stands as in previous seasons, at the top notch of ready-to-wear clorhing. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. OUR REMODELING SALE Will soon be at an end- Don't wait longer for t.hia ig a great opportunity, and this sale is a matter of Dollars and Cents to you. Your gain and our loss. The deep cut price on these suits make them go. That is what we want—to sell every suit. Cost of these suits not considered in this sale All we want you to do is to call and examine these "suits. You will be convinced of the bargains you get. Note following prices: MEN'S SUITS. Actual selling price sl3 to sl6 deep cut price flO " " " 12 " 15 " " " 9 << << << g<< |2 " << <• g " " " 8 " 10 " " " 7 « .< 6 " 8 " " " 4 BOY'S LONG PANTS SUITS. Actual selling price sl3 to sl6 deep cut price $9 1. « ■< 12 " 15 " " " 8 n a <« gi% |2 ii " '• j " '» " 8 " . 10 " " " 6 " « 4 6 " 8 " " " 4 11 ii «« 5 " 6 " " " 3 BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S KNEE PANT SUITS. Actual selling price $5.00 to $6 deep cut price $3.00 " " " 4.00 " 5 " " " 2.50 " " " 3.00 " 4 " " " 2.00 « i» « 2.50 " 3 " " " i-50 « «« « JJQ .« 2 .. A U TQQ All Straw Hats go at Half price. All Brown Stiff Hats go at Halt price. One Lot Underwear was SI.OO a suit now 50c a suit. Men's Vests (wash goods) worth from SI.OO to $2.50 now 50c. Men's Crash Suits—plain linen and fancy stripes—half price. All Bicycle Pants go at half price. Miscellaneous Bargains throughout the store. Enough said—you know the store. DOUTH6TT Sc GRAHAjVL. Cor. Main and Cunningham ra. Hold Your Dollars UNTIL YOU SEE Cr ARII I CD'Q PRICES IN FALL AMD . t. nfllLLtn o winter foot wear. We Are Overloaded on Boots, Shoes and Rubbers and in order to reduce our stock quickly we have simply knocked the bottom right out of prices. QUALITY WAY UP PRICES WAY DOWN Boys' and Girls' good school shoes, well known C M Hapgood make, 11 to 2......75 c Boys' fine shoes 75 c an ® 1 00 Boy's everyday shoes, tap sole 75 c an d *9° Ladies' fine shoes 9°*; Ladies' everyday shoes jg o Men's fine shoes Men's everyday shoes, tap sole A Lot of Men's and Boys' good solid Kip Boots at a Sacrifice. These are extra good quality and just the thing for fall and winter wear. We are goiag to close out our entire lot —it will pay you to see these goods; they are the regular $2 50 and $3 00 boots, but in order to close them out quickly, we have re duced them as follows: Men's sizes, 6 to 11 5° Boya' sizes, 3 to 1 00 Youths' sizes, 11 to RUBBER, RUBBER, and FELT GOODS. Do not fail to see this immense stock of Rubber and Felt Boots. Being tempted by the very liberal offer of one of the largest and best manufacturers of rubber ana felt boots in the country—Geo Watkinson & Co. makers of the celebrated TOisiuc brand, the kind with ROUGH TIP ON TOE— to take the entire lot of an over-stock, which was crowding them for room, we have bought about three times the amoun of rubber and felt goods we usually do for one season, so in order to turn them into money quickly, we are going to sell rubber and felt boots cheaper than any rm can buy them wholesale. Call and see them as you cannot afford to miss e chance to get the best rubber and felt boots made for less than you would pay else where for the ordinary cheap rubbers and felts. Always a Large Variety and latest Styles in Walkover and W L Douglass fine shoes for men, Krippendorf, Dittmann & Co. G W Herrick sne shoes for women and a full line of Boys' and Youths' and Misses' and Children's fine shoes in all the new and pretty styles. See our bargain counter, alwavs full of attractive bargain?. Repairing done on short notice. For good reliable footwear try C. E. Miller i ———~ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. In re estate of John Day, dec'd., late of Clay twp., Butler Co., Pa. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on above estate all persons having claims will pre sent them duly proved for payment and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to PETER R. DAY, Executor, West Sunbury, Pa. | W. C. FINDI,EY, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Wiiliam D. Renick, dec'd., late of Slipperyrock twp..Butler Co. ,Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. CAROLINE RKNICK, Adm'x., Keister P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. J. M. GAI.BREATH, Att'y. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE- Letters testamentary on the estate of David Park, dec'd., late of Middlesex township, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against satd estate will present them duly authenti cated to MRS. MARY A. PARK, EX'X, Bakers town, Pa. E. H. NBGLKY. Att'v. lbe S Minute Breakfast Fool Purine Health Flour Makes "BRAIN BREAD." PURINA MILLS, St. Louis, Mo.