Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1901, Image 2

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WILLIAM O. NKQLEY - - Pnbll»her
SI.OO per year in Advance, Otherwise $1.50.
£. E. YOUNG.
In all the history of the country there
was never such an exhibition of univers
al mourning for » public man as that
which made the day of President Mc-
Kinley 'a funeral memorable. The most
impressive feature of the day was not
the funeral at Canton,profoundly touch
ing as that must have been; it was not
the formal public meetings, imposing as
they were; it was rather the unpremed
itated gathering of the people every
where in their churches, in a spirit ot
reverent devotion, and the nearly com
plete cessation of all worldly pursuits,
which was not the result of proclama
tion or ordinance but was a wholly
spontaneous expression of true senti
No public occasion can be recalled
when the abstention from business was
so universal Men who habitually dis
regard or evade the laws for the ob
servance of Sunday, closed their shops
without any command or invitation to
do so, as though moved by a common
impulse of sorrow and sympathy. It
was not a mere holiday; it was a day of
universal mourning.
Business and industry were suspend
ed in Butler last Thursday afternoon
while the funeral services were being
conducted at Canton, and onr churches
were filled with people assembled to
gether for public prayer. The largest
-gathering was in the First Presbyterian
at 3 p. m.
Revs. Oiler, Prugh, McKee, Worrell,
Barlow, Enterline and White occupied
the pulpit, and addresses were made by
Thos. Robinson, J. D. McJunkin, and
James M. Galbreath.
In the First Eng. Lutheran Rev. T.
B. Roth delivered a brief and pointed
sermon at 2 p. m.
In the morning at eleven o'clock
prayer services were held in the Epis
copal church.
At 9 a. m. in the High School chapel
the pupils of that school and 9th grade
assembled. Sect'y Corry of the Y. M.
C. A. read the 112 th Psalm and J. M.
Galbreath, Esq., made an address which
his young hearers will remember for
many days. He dwelt on the character
istics of President McKinley and his
inspiring motives.
"GOD and man have linked the na
tions together. No nation can longer
be indifferent to any other." Thus spoke
President McKinley at Buffalo the day
before the tragic attack on his life, and
a striking and impressive exemplification
of the truth of his words is found in the
spontaneous outburst of respectful feel
ing that the calamity of which he was
the victim has evoked in all parts of the
civilized world. It is marvelous, as he
reminded us, how modern invention has
brought the nations together, so that
news encircles the globe in a few min
utes, how swift steamships and locomo
tives permit ns to travel from one coun
try to another and from hemisphere to
hemisphere, how science and education
give us common interest and under
standing, how the products of industry
may be transported thousands and
thousands of miles to market. The rews
of thte great disaster which oyertook
President McKinley and the American
nation when he was [stricken down by
the Anarchist was flashed around the
world, bringing horror to untold mil
lions of men, whose sympathy has been
poured out during the past fortnight in
an unceasing stream.
"God and man have linked the na
tions together" not only in a mechanical
sense, but spiritually and intellectually.
Having learned to know each other
better they have found a common
ground for sympathy. They under
stand the meaning of affliction, and a
great catastrophe like this makes all the
peoples under the sun into one family.
Moral Tone of The Public.
A discussion of -"The Ills of Pennsyl
vania," by a "brilliant Pfennay 1 vanian,"
is a feature of the October Atlantic
Monthly. A perusal of advance sheets
of the article gives the impression that
the "brilliant Pennsylvanian" is well
informed concerning the political ills
from which this great Commonwealth
suffers, but that he does not go as deep
ly into a diagnosis of the case as be
might. His general conclusion is that
a corrupt public sentiment underlies all
the political corruption which astonishes
residents of other States. He supports
it with some significant details of how
business men, clergymen and fanners
are bought to do the will of the machine.
It need not be denied that the writer's
details are truthful. Everyone who
knows much 'of Pennsylvania politics
might duplicate the incidents mention
ed out of his personal knowledge or ex
perience. But it does not follow that
the whole people of Pennsylvania are
more corrupt than those of other States.
He who has intimate knowledge of the
politics of New York, New Jersey, West
Virginia and Ohio may also cite in
stances of the buying of votes in the
rural regions, the securing of political
endorsements from men of high stand
ing through the voting of appropria
tions and the obtaining of large funds
for political purposes and voting orders
for employes as a return for the grant
of franchises. Those things are not
peculiar to Pennsylvania, nor are they
condoned by the ordinary citizens of
this State.
The the common people
of Pennsylvania is as honest as that of
other States. The difference is that the
Pennsylvania sense of injury from the
things mentioned is leas acute—has be
come blnnted by frequent contact with
the evil. The mass of people in this
State are prosperous in spite of their
many political wrongs and there
fore more tolerant of impositions than
if such impositions made them feel the
sting of poverty. That is the difference
in the public. The other difference is in
the management of the machine. For
fifty years or so it has been marked by
unscrupulous ability of an unusual
order. The "brilliant Pennsylvania!!"
who writes the political ills of his State
is no more brilliant than those who are
primarily responsible for the trouble,
though he seems to have even less hope
of a public awakening than the political
bosses have fear of such a result.—Dis
As the new President takes tip the re
sponsibilities and duties that haye come
to him so suddenly, the good wishes of
the whole Nation go ont to him with a
confidence *hat should give him encour
agement and strength. Mr. Roosevelt's
bearing in the *)eri»>d of mourning has
inspired both personal esteem and official
trust. The country is assured that the
calamity it has suffered has left its in
stitutions unshaken, its politics un
changed, and that the government will
go forward as President McKinley would
have wished it to go, guided by a pa
triotic spirit, in the way of peace, se
curity and honor.
Rarely has a change of Presidents in
volved so little actual change in the ad
ministration as seems now assured.
When Vice President Tyler succeeded
on the death of President Harrison,
there was no immediate change in the
Cabinet, and Mr. Webster remained at
its head for two years, during which
time the Ashburton treaty was nego
tiated. The disintegration of the
Cabinet began, however, within a few
months and Tyler's administration de
parted widely from the lines that Har
rison was expected to pursue. Mr.
Filmore formed his own Cabinet
promptly, recalling Mr. Webster in
Mr. Clayton's place. On Mr. John
son's accession, on the other hand, the
whole Cabinet remained, and the breach
with Congress that followed was attrib
utable as much to the President's per
sonality as to his policy. It is not to be
forgotten that in Johnson's administra
tion the first acquisition of detached
territory was made by the United States
by the Secretary who had served with
The change from Garfield to Arthur
distorted partv leadership more than
public policy. Some changes in per
sonal influence are likely to result
from Rooesvelt's succession, but the
factional divisions as they were then
have been to a large degree obliter
ated, while the clearly ex
pressed purpose of the new President to
continue the administration of his pre
decessor without change shuts the door
upon the self-seeking intrigue that us
ually accompanies a change in the
Presidential office. There is no un
certainty about Mr. Roosevelt's reso
lute hostility to the doctrine of spoils.
Only the incapable and unfit need be
afraid of him and it is only for the im
provement of the service that he need be
expected to make new appointments.
The country is absolutely assured against
the demoralizing abuse of public pat
ronage and the mere spoilsman will have
little opportunity to disturb the new
President in his public duties.
The present members of the Cabinet
have all been closely associated with the
deserved success of the McKinley admin
istration and their retention in office con
tributes greatly to the confidence with
which the country greets its new Chief
Executive. It is to Mr. Hay that we
very largely owe that judicious diplo
matic policy that has gained for this
nation the respect of all the world, and
in harmony with Mr. Roosevelt's own
stalwart Americanism we may expect
this broad policy to extend more and
more the influence of the United States,
gaining new conquests of peace in se
curity and honor.
Mr. Root's wise and skillful guidance
of the War Department, which never
before, even in time of actual hostili
ties, held so influential a place in the
work of the administration, has proved
of the utmost value and importance,
while the most essential domestic inter
ests are reassured against any dJ°turb
ance of policy by Mr. Gage's continued
direction of the Treasury. At the present
juncture of affairs, these three are the
dominant figures of the administration
under the President himself, and their
presence in the Cabinet gives a convic
tion of strength ana security that is of
incalculable benefit to the nation, at
home and abroad.
Thus the country, as the cloud of pub
lic and personal bereavement lifts, starts
on its way again with buoyant confidence
"The good work will go on,"' said
McKinley in his last speech. The good
work that good men do is never lost. It
is an inspiration and guide to those that
come after them. We iiave each and all
a share in McKinley s world-wide fame,
in the legacy of his high example, and
each and all a share in the new duties
of to-day, to sustain and cheer, by our
own devotion and by our helpful trust,
the man on whom the cares of his great
office have fallen. —Ex.
IN 1880 a law of Congress was passed
regulating the Presidential succession.
Formerly, in case of the death of the
President, the office passed to 'the Vice
President, and from him to the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, where
the succession ended. Now the Presi
dential office passes from the Vice Presi
dent to the Cabinet, in the following
order: Secretary of State, Secretary of
the Treasury, Secretary of War, At
torney General, Postmaster-General,
Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary
of the Interior. As there was no such
office as Secretary of Agriculture at the
time of the passage of thiH act, he was
not included in the succession. T 'ith
the death of the President the office of
Vice President falls into abeyance until
the next election. The President pro
tempore of the Senate becomes its per
manent presiding officer, but is nc >t in
the line of Presidential succession.
Senator William P. Frve, of Main *, is
the President of the Senate.
Those Franchises.
It has been known for some time \
that negotiations have been going on
for a consolidation of the traction
roads controlled by the by the Mellon in
terests with those of the Consolidated
Traction Company.
Yesterday afternoon it was an
nounced that the deal had been closed
in Philadelphia, Monday by Andrew M. |
Mellon and that by ifs terms the lines j
operated by the Monongahela Street j
Railway Company and the Birmingham i
Traction Company are leased to the <
Consolidated Traction Company.
The deal is said to cover the new
charters obtained by the Mellon in- |
terests, and it looks toward the gath
ering of all the surface roads in and •'
about the two cities under the owner- j
ship of the Philadelphia companj*.
The interests connected with the
proposed elevated roads had no part
in the deal, but are of course affected
by it, as it means the combination of
all surface railway interests in oppo
sition to the elevated j' railway projects.
The immediate effect was a determi
nation on the part of the promoters of
the elevated roads to withdraw the
pending ordinances and discontinue
work upon. them. The charters will
be held, and if in the future the need
of better and ample rapid transit
| facilities is so keenly felt as to create
! a general demand for elevated road the
' work will undertaken.—Pittsburg Com
• Gaz. of yesterday.
C/.oljjos/.'s Trial.
At Buffalo, Monday, a jurj was em
paneled and Leon F. Czolgosz was
placed on trial for the murder of Presi
dent McKinley. Czolgosz promptly
plead "trailty." but his plea was reject
ed, the law of the state not allowing it.
and his trial was proceeded with as
though the plea of "not guilty" had
been made: and the autopsy was de
scribed by the operating surgeons.
The defendant offered no evidence;
Judge Lewis made no plea for the as
sassin but suggested insanity; the case
went to the jury at 3:51 p. m. of Tues
day, and :!4 minutes after the jury re
turned a verdict of murder in the first
degree. The prisoner was remanded
to jail.
He will be sentenced today.
Tlie Schley Court-ot-Inquiry
The Schley court of inquiry opened
with a three hours' session in Washing
ton, last Thursday. Admiral Schley's
objection to Admiral Howison as a
member of the court on the ground of
prejudice, supported by three witnesses,
was sustained by Admirals Dewey and
Benham and the court adjourned until
the seat vacated by Howison could »e
filled. Admiral Sampson was not
ent as he is sick.
On Friday the Navy Department des
ignated Rear Admiral Ramsey to fill
Howison's place and no objection being
made to him he took his seat, witnesses
were called and the investigation pro
On Saturday and Monday the evi
dence of different officers of the fleet was
taken, but on Tuesday the proceedings
were interrupted by the sudden death of
Judge Wilson, Schley's chief counsel.
Last Public Words.
President McKinley, on September 5,
the day before he was shot, delivered
before the Pan-American Exposition, at
Buffalo, his last speech. It was an ad
dress as broad and great as the occasion
required, and will now be read and
studied all the more by our people. The
following are his closing words, which
it will be seen are a prayer, not only for
the peace and prosperity of our own
country, but for that of "all our neigh
bors, and like blessings to all the peo
ples and powers of the earth."
"Gentlemen, let us ever remember
that our interest is in concord, not con
flict; anl that our real eminence rests in
the victories of peace, not those of war.
We hope that all who are represented
here may be moved to higher and
nobler effort for their own and the
world's good, and that out of this city
may come not only greater commerce
and trade for ns all, but, more essential
than these, relations of mutual respect,
confidence, and friendship which will
deepen and endure. Oar earnest prayer
is that God will graciously vouchsafe
prosperity, happiness and peace to all
our neighbors and like blessings to all
the peoples and powers of earth."
HAVING been registered, the next
thing jn order for the man who desires
to vote in November, is to see that his
taxes are paid. The law requires that a
citizen 22 years of age or upwards, shrill
have paid within two years, a state or
county tax, at least 30 days before elec
tion As the election, this year, takes
place on November 5, the tax must be
paid on or before October 4
ALL of President McKinley S effects
and papers were shipped from Wash
ington to Canton, Monday; and Presi
dent Roosevelt and family moved into
the White House that day.
Silver Wedding.
Last Saturday being the 25th anniver
sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Fleming of Concord twp. their
many friends congregated at their home
to celebrate the dav, Mr. and Mrs.
Fleming being ignorant of the occasion
until the crowd began to assemble.
After partaking of a sumptuous feast,
the crowd was entertained by music
and speaking. Appropriate addresses
were made bv Bliss G Elliott, John J.
Christy and Rev. Himes.
Mr. Fleming's father, Thomas Flem
ing, was one of the early settlers of
Concord twp.. moving there in 188(>
Mrs. Fleming is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tames Cranmer.botli of whom
are living, and although very old and
frail, were able to be present at the an
The family consists of six girls and
three boys—all living.
Besides the many congratulations and
best wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming were
the recipients of many precious gifts
Harmony and Zelienople.
Wesley Ziegler and family of Dn-
Qnesne visited Hemv M. Ziegler and
family at Zelienople over Sunday.
Henry M. Wise and wife of Harmony
are at Buffalo and the Pan-American
this week.
J. O. Stuart and wife of Allegheny
left Harmony on Friday for Prnker
where they are visiting A. S. Latshaw
and family.
Mrs. Joseph Gruver of Harmony is
visiting her daughter Mrs. J. H. Cross
at Erie at present.
Miss Anna Pearce of Greenville visit
ed Mrs. H. W. Bame at Harmony from
Friday till Tuesday.
Miss Ida Latshaw returned home on
Monday from a pleasant visit with
friends in Pittsburg.
Alfred Latshaw returned home from
Mt. Clemens, Mich., greatly benefitted
! with treatment received for rheumatism.
| The Grace Reformed Sunday school
l of Harmony rendered their Children's
day exercise on Sunday evening, entitled
"Sharing the Bread of Life." The
i church was crowded and the decoration
grand. A liberal contribution was
made for the Butler Orphan's Home.
This is a large school and very prosper-'
Thirteen tickets were sold at Harmony
! and twelve at Zelienople last Thursday
■ morning for Canton, O.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Kincaid of
Hiram, 0.. visited J. S. Neal and wife
at Harmony over Sunday.
W T . H. Gelbachand wife of Zelienople
visited the Pan-American at Buffalo
and roturned home this week.
Misses Viola GosHorn and Evelyn
Hamilton of Pittsburg and Hattie
Hartung of Butler visited with Rev.
and Mrs. C. F. Hartung at Zelienople
on Sunday.
John Sample of Harmony left on Mon
day for W. Va. where he is visiting his
sister. Mrs. F. J. McMillin.
Jacob Shakley of Eidenau left for
Parker on Monday where he will visit
for a few days.
Dr. Shoaff is building a new office
| near his dwelling.
J. H. Pizor, M. Reicliert.U. G. Stude
baker, W. G. Heckathorn and W. F.
Gardner have been recent visitors to
the Pan-Am.
Rev. R B. Wilson was the guest of
i Mrs. Martha Drake over Sunday.
Mrs. Stoner of Rose Point is visiting
: her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Studebaker.
! Roy McGowan took in the Pittsburg j
| Expo, last week.
The well drilled by F W. Mcßride j
; for Mr. Thompson near Slipperyrock
Park is reported a small producer.
D. P. Davis attended G. A. R. en
campment at Cleveland,
j Moat ANON.
Tlie Amendments.
During the session of the legislature
recently ended, two proposed amend
ments to the Constitution were passed
which will come before the people at the
polls in Nov. One of these amendments
if adopted, will open the way for the
! enactment of registration laws and for
the classification of the State for elec
tion law purposes: the other will open
the way for the use of the voting ma
The Union Committee for the Promo
tion of Ballot Reform and the Merit
System in Penn'a was largely instru
mental in having passed the registration
amendment. It was formed with this
end in view, and the passage of the Bal
lot bill. Its efforts were concentrated
on these two measures. The Commit
tee has no interest in the voting ma
chine amendment.
Before the registration amendment
can become effective however, it must
be approved by the people. Its passage
by the legislature was merely prelimi
nary to the decision of a popular vote
whether or not it shall adopted. This
will be decided at the November elec
Even though adopted the amendment
will work no immediate change in the
election laws of the State. There ap
pears to be a popular misconception re
garding this point. Its only effect will
be to untie the hands of the legislature
and give to the latter power which it
does not have now. Until the adoption
of. the amendment the legislature is pre
sented from passing any adequate reg
fctratiou law by reason of the provision
of the Constitution to the effect that no
man shall be deprived of his vote be
cause he is not registered. This little
provision renders ineffective any regis
tration. The adoption of the amend
ment will bring it within the scope of
subsequent legislatures to enact such
registration laws as may be deemed
Nor again is it mandatory that any
such future legistation shall be passed.
The amendment simply makes such ac
tion permissive, not obligatory.
The amendments are in no sense par
tisan in their effect upon the tuture of
any of the political parties of the State.
They are advocated by leaders of all
the parties and antagonized by none.
Personal registration laws are even now
in operation in New York and Massa
chusetts. It is only a question of time
when they will have to be accepted in
Pennsylvania, and the registration
amendment will open the way for them.
THE MARKET—Both agencies are
paying $1.26, tbis morning.
PESX TWP —Bowser & Martin, last
week struck a heavy pressure of gas in
the gas sand while drilling on a part of
Martin's farm reserved from the Forest
They are putting it down to the lower
BUTLEK—The Reiber Gas Go's well
on the Pillow farm west of town flowed
22 inches in a 100-barrel tank last
Thursday night. The Forest's well on
the Koch (formerly Young) farm a mile
south of the Pillow does not make more
than 2or 3 barrels a day. Maj. Wm.
Clark & Co. have a well started on the
K. Marshall.
T W. Phillips has finished his No.
67 on the McCalinont tract and has a
10-barrel pumper. Phillips also finished
a nice gas well on the Keck at Alameda
The Forest finished cleaning out an
old well on the eastern part of the John
C. Kelly farm, Tuesday, and it made a
small flow from the thirty-foot. . It is
calculated to be a 20-barrel well.
CONCORD —It is reported that last
week John Tebay and Joseph Christy
sold their undeveloped leases, about 500
acres, on the Donaldson, Hutchison and
other farms north of Middletown to the
South Penn for $20,000.
Nicholas, McGill & Co's well on the
Robert Campbell is flowing 80 barrels a
day, the best well in the field. Wells
are due this week on the Marshall and
Murtland farms.
BAKERSTOWN—T. W. Phillips has a
10 ban-el well on the Scott farm.
PARKER TWP—The Butler Producers
Co. last week sent the drill through the
Speechley sand on the Oliver Reep farm
and found oil. They cased off the water
in a hole lately drilled to the same sand
on the Courtney adjoining. The wells
are both estimated to be good for from
10 to 20 barrels a day.
Albert White and Joseph Wright,
two negroes employed as a driver and
cook at a railway camp near Grove
City, went to that town last Saturday
and engaged a horse and buggy to go to
another camp. On Sunday they re
turned in nn intoxicated condition with
the buggy badly broken. When an em
ploye of the livery stables spoke of the
damaged buggy, Wright pulled a revol
ver and threatened to shoot. Ttiey left
the livery aud went to the Horseman's
livery, where they tried to engage
another rig
Refusal led to a row. Officers at
tempted arrest, but were met with a
display of revolvers. Citizens joined iu,
Htad after an exciting quarter liDur
White aud Wright were overpowered
and jailed.
The Chairman of the Central Anti-L
Committee of Pittsburg offers a reward
of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars, to
be paid in sums of five thousand (5,000)
dollars in each case, to any person fur
nishing information that" will lead to
the prosecution and conviction, under
the act of Assembly, of any person who
shall offer, give or promise any money
or thing of value to any member of the
council of the city of Pittsburg for the
purpose of influencing the vote of such
councilman in favor of the passage of
any elevated, surface or underground
street railway ordinance now pending
befove said council.
Lt. Gov. Wat res and Congressman
McConnell of Scranton are both candi
dates for Governor.
Miss >lyrtlc Cooper.
At the first regular meeting of the
teachers of the borough, Snpt Gibson
after welcoming the new teachers iuto
the ranks anil noting the many changes
of the year, spoke feelingly of the loss
sustained by the corps in the death of
Miss Cooper. A committee, appointed
to prepare resolutions expressing the
esteem in which Miss Cooper was held
by the teachers and extending to the
parents their deepest sympathy, report
ed the following:
Since i t has pleased God in His infin
ite wisdom to call Miss Myrtle Cooper
from a field of labor among us to a
house not made with hands, it becomes
us to bow submissively before Him
whose ways are not our ways and to
consider that naught but duty and to
day are curs, the future belongetb nnto
Though hrr stay among us was brief,
she had endeared herself to all with
whom she was associated by her cheer
full disposition, conscientious discharge
of duty, and sympathetic nature.
Many a life was made better by her ex
ample of devotion to principle and
Christian forbearance under trial.
The teachers of the Butler Schools
employ tiiis method of extending their
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
parents with whom they mourn a loss
which God alone will compensate in the
glory of His eternal kingdom.
Pasted on your paper, (or on the
wrapper in which it comes,) for
a brief but exact statement of
your subscription account. The
date to which you have paid is
clearly given. If it is a past date
a remittance is in order, and is re
spectfully solicited. Remember
the subscription price, #I.OO a
year in advance or #1.50 at end of
year. Don't send money in an
ordinary letter—it will be at your
own risk. Use money order or
registered letter, Remit to
Butler, Penna.
rarlf the date is not changed within
three weeks write and ask why.
GOLD—At his home in Cherry twp. !
Sept. 14, 1901. of typhoid dysentery, J
Jay Walter, son of O. G. Gold, aged i
2 years.
LAMBERMOXT—Sept. 2:5, 1901, at his
home east of Bntler in Summit twp..
of consumption. Paul Lambermont,
aged 55 years.
He was a plate glass worker and
leaves a wife and three children.
FAIR—At her heme in Butler,' Sept.
19. 1901, Mrs. Harvev Fair, nee Mack
rell, in her 59th year.
Mrs. Fair is survived by her husband
and six children. Her remains were
placed in the South cemetery, Saturday.
LANG—At his home in Saxonburg,
Sept. 16. 1901, John Lang, in his 68th
The deceased was a native of Germa
ny. For many years and until succeed
ed by his son, George, he had a black
smith shop in Saxonburg;. His widow
and six children survive him
CHRISTIE—Sept 21, 1901, infant son
of Linn Christie of Concord twp ,
aged 19 months.
WEIGLE —At her home in Prospect,
Sept. 21, 1901. Mrs. Nannie Weigle.
widow of Ford Weigle, aged about 35
Mrs. Weigle is survived by one son,
Carl, aged nine years. Her remains
were buried, Monday.
ADAMS —At his home on E. Clav St.,
Butler, September 23, 1901, Frank,
third son of Register and Recorder,
Wm. J. Adams, aged 16 years.
Death occurred after an illness of
several months which was caused by an
injury to the knee sustained while play
ing with other boys several years ago.
FuDeral services were held at his home
Wednesday morning and his remans
were laid in the North cemetery.
HASELTINE—At Dixmont Hospital,
September 23. 1901, Katherine, widow
of John N Haseltine, dee'd ,of Butler,
aged 45 years.
Mrs. Haseltine is survived by five
children, Walter, George, Clarence.
Minerva and James. Her remains were
buried from the residence of J. H.
Negley, Wednesday afternoon.
SEAMAN—At her home in Cincinnati
Ohio, Sept. 24, 1901, Mrs. Mary Sea
man, widow of the late Rey. Seaman
formerly of this place, aged about 58
Mrs. Seaman was a sister of William
Siebert of this place, and was a woman
highly respected by all who knew her
while living in Butler.
of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des
cribes a condition which thous
ands of men
dressed enveN
L. D. Palmer. °P e t for reply,
and get a per
sonal corroboration of what is
here given. He says regarding
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I suffered agonizing pain in the left
breast and between my shoulders from
heart trouble. My heart would palpi
tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I
could no longer lie in bed. Night after
night I walked the floor, for to lie down
would have meant sudden death. My
condition seemed almost hopeless when
I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure,
but it helped me from the first. Later
I took IJr. Miles' Nervine with the
Heart Cure and the effect was aston
ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf
ferers to give these remedies a trial."
Sold by all Druggists
on guarantee.
Or. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Florida Fast Mail.
Seaboard Air Line Railway, Florida and
West India Short Line to the Win
ter Resorts of the South. The Only
Line Operating Daily Trains to
The "Florida Fast Mail," another of
the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splen
didly equipped trains, leaves New York
daily at 12:10 A. M., 23rd Street Station
Pennsylvania Railroad, with Pullman
Drawing Room Sleeping Gar and Day
Coaches to Raleigh, Sonthern Pines.
Columbia, Savannah, Jacksville, where
connections are made for St. Augustine
Tampa and all Florida points. This
train connects at New York with train
leaving Boston 7:00 P. M. Leaves Phi
ladelphia 3:50 A. M., Baltimore 0:22 A.
M.. Washington 10:55 A. M., Richmond
2:40 P. M., arriving Sonthern Pines
9:35 P. M.. Columbia 1:45 A. M., Sa
vannah 5:00 A. M., Jacksonville 9:10 A.
M., St. Augustine 11:10 A. M., Tampa
5:30 P. M. Through Pullman Drawing
Room Sleeper New York to Jacksonville.
Through Vestibuled Passenger Coaches
and perfect service.
For information call on or write to all
Pennsylvania Railroad offices, or Sea
board Air Line Railway representatives
at 306 Washington St Boston Mass.;
120G and 371 Broadway, New York; 30
South Third Street, Philadelphia; 207
East German Street, Baltimore; 1434
New York Ave., Washington, or to R.
E. L. Bunch, General Passenger Agent,
Portsmouth Va.
The people to know that the Pindley
Studio is making a specialty of copying
and enlarging Crayons and water colors
for the Holliday trade will receive
prompt attention. Don't give your
pictures to agents and take chauces of
.oosiug them; have it done at home and
if it isnotr iglit we are here to make it
right. Latest designs of frames in stock.
See our Cabinet Photos before ordering
Branches —Mars and Evans City.
Telephone 236
P. C). B'd'g* Butler.
W. S. & E. WICK,
Rough and Worked Lumber of, all .'Rinds>
Doors, Sash and Mouldings.
Oil Well Rigs a Specialty.
Office and Yard
E. Cunningham and MonroeJSW
near west Penn Depot,
ur-rrPW r*
Now is The Time to Have
Your Clothing
If you want goou and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
The Butler Dye Works
216 Center avenue
do fine work in out ;
door Photographs. This is the '
time of year to hcive a picture 01;
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for the Jamestown Siitninf
t-.Siud Uo. —New York.
every day that its better to
pay a little more for clothes
made to measure than to
try to save a few dollars,
simply because the few
therebv saved sacrifices the
value of the clothes. It is
impossible to cheapen the
workmanship of good clothes
without destroying their
Give us your order for our
S3O sack suit and we will
g've you an interesting
example of comfort and
economy. Our abundant
assortment of new fall goods
affords every opportunity for
a choice selection.
B. §. B.
new Pittsburg exposition
with its handsome new nusic hall,
exhibition hall and best of music,
is an attraction well worth making
a trip to the city for.
Doubly attractive when you
keep in mind that you can at
same time visit this store and get
in close touch with its magnificent
showing of
choice new goods.
Assortments in all the various
lines of Dry Goods present very
latest, most correct idea of smart
new fashion
Styles and prices will make in
terestingly and convincingly plain
the store's plan—to win your
approval with better goods,greater
variety, and prices you can't help
bqt appreciate from the pocket
book standpoint, quality con
Proof of it is ready—investigate
make the store your headquarters
while in the city.
Or if you can't come, use our
mail order department —get the
fall fashion book
and catalogue
and see our readiness to save you
money on
ladies' suits, coats, capes,
skirts, waists,
misses' and girls garments,
men's and boy's clothing.
The new Silks and Dress Goods
are easily the choicest yet pro
Borers Buhl
Department X.
Fout'n MMrr'atree*.
Sold by All Newsdealers
Furnishes Monthly to lovers of 6one
and Music a vast volume of New, Choice
Copyright Compositions by the most pop
ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music,
half Vocal, half Instrumental— 3l Complete
Pieces for Piano— Once a Month for 10
Cents. Yearly Subscription, SI.OO. If von
will send us the name and address of rtva
Piano or Ortran Players, we will send you a
copy of the Magazine Free.
J. W. PEPPER, Publisher,
Eighth a Locust Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa
For the J. W. Pepper Piano Music Mag
azine, price One Dollar per year (postage
oaid), can be placed by applying to the
office of CITIZEN.
fcki|AJU, tiO YEARS'
■ V w J J ' L J
•/ i ■ ■ ■ i ■
1 I k ■ 1 • I
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
aulckly ascertain ou» opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent#
sent free. Oidost agency for secunngpatenu.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. recelr#
special nut ice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Umjit clr
MUNN & Co. 36iBrMdway New York
Branch Office. 626 F St.. Washington. V. C.
■ Gives a bread-winning: eduea- H
H tl«n, fitting young men for actual ■
duties of life. For circulars, ad- B
■ dress F. DUFF & SONS. ■
pm S LADe:TpmJ S TS(
t -i-'■JSBm 39 -sth Ave., Pittsburg, P» 7*
i-Vj&Sl vVo'rrpRACTICA' .Y<l»'»Ktl't hS
1; V ai CROWN *nd wort »
JBl of I'Utsliurg—WHY NOT DC r.'
V? 3 ?I%YOURS7 Uold CHOWNEft
v I I »l-' n(t BRIDGF work reduced B*
. V W ij£s PER TOOTH Also they*
*' . * ite.*t *et of Teeth ina<le, ONLY fJ
Sunday Dinners A Specialty
Meals 25 cts. Rooms 50 cts.
Regular Rates sl.
Local and Long Distance Phones
South McKean Street
Hotel Waverly,
J. W HAWORTH Proo'r.'
Steam Heat anil Electric Light.
The most commodious office i the
Stabling in Connection
Funeral Director.
45 S. Main St. Butler PAj
1* & W It It
Trains leave Bntler for Allegheny,
local time, at 6:2.'}, 8:05. 9:30, and 11:20
a. m. and 4:00, 5:45, p. in. The 9:20
and 11:20 a. m. trains make the rnn in
an honr and a quarter. The 8:05 a. m
4:00 and 5:45 p. m trains, daily, connect
at Gallery for the West.
Trains leave Bntler in the Northern
Division or Narrow Gange at 9:30 a. m.
5:15 p. in., local time, the morning
train for Kane and evening train for
W. Clarion
Trains arrive in Bntler from Alle
gheny 9:03, 9:17 a. m. and 12:10, 5:00,
7:03 and 7:45: and from the North at
9:05 and 3:50 p. m.
On Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday
nights, the Theatre train leaves Alle
gheny at 11:30 p. m. arrives in Bntler at
1:10 a. m.
Time table in effect June 30, 1901.
Northward. Daily except Sunday. Southward
(Road up) (Bead down)
13 10 ~14 STATION'S- 9 11 13*
P.M. I'M I'M.! A.M.) P. M P
8 50 8 30 1 tti'Erie 6 00 12 10 4 15
* 24 6 05 12 34 Fairriew 6 25 12 3ft! 4 40
f 14 a 5C 12 24 Girard 6 36 12 « 4 53
6 00 1 53 ar..Conneaut.. .ar 7 33 1 53 fi no
4 32 U 05 IT. . Conneaut.. .IT 6 10 11 U5 4 32
7 54 5 33 12 OS Cr»ne«T:lle ! 6 56 1 07 5 17
7 49 5 25 12 01 Albion ! 7 00 1 12 5 25
7 341 5 05 11 47 Springboro ! 7 15 1 27 5 40
7 2s 4 5811 41 Conneautville j 7 22 1 33 5 46
655 42511 08 MeadvilU Junct.. 755 100 605
10 55 6 58 11 59 ar.. MeatlTille.. ar 8 35 2 i 5 6 59
4 23 3 25 10 22 lv. Meadville.. .IT 7 00 1 00 4 25
10 25 6 J9 11 29 ar. .Con. Lake, ar 8 05 » 25 6 2D
5» 3 55 10 52 IT.. Con. Lake..lT 7 30 1 30 5 20
7 04 4 34 11 lßar.Kipo. I'ark.ar 7 49 t 10 # 15
7 04 4 34 11 16 IT " IT 7 49, 1 40 B 15
4 32 'ar,.Lineaville ..ar; 6 22
5 35 )1T •• IT! 7 20| I 5 35
0 40 4 12,10 56 HarUtown I 8 01 2 13 # 40
6 21) 3 58 10 42 Oagood 8 22 2 28i « 57
6 13 3 52 10 35 Greenville 8 28 8 Ss| 7 05
6 00 3 42 10 28 Shenango 8 35 2 43 7 13
5 441 3 23 10 10 Fredonla 8 50 t 59j 7 28
5 30j 3 Oti 9M Mercer i 02 J 13 7 40
5 24i 301 9 51 Houston Junction 9 07' 3 20' 7 45
5 OH! 2 43 9 33 GroTe City 9 21 3 38 8 00
4 61! 2 27 9 12 Branchton 9 33 3 55|
5 m 10 18 ar...Milliard... ar 10 18 5 40l
2 30! 6 26 IT... Billiard. ..IT 6 25 2 30;
4 48 2 23 9 08 KeUter 9 36 3 58
4 05j 1 40 8 25 Butler 10 10 4 40
2 25 7 00 Allegheny 11 35 8 90
I pm I ain a"m p m
Train No. 1, leaving GreonvlUe 6:02 a. m.
Mercer 6;40, Grove City 7:03. Butler 8:10, ar
rives at Allegheny 9:40 a. m.
Train 15, leaving Erie 9:05 p. m. Albion
10:05, Conneautville 10:26, Exposition Park
10:54, arrives at Cireeryllle 11:30 p. m., con
necting at Erie with L. S. & M. S, train leav
ing Buffalo at 5:00 p.m.
Train 12, leaving Grove City 4.35 a. m.,
Mercer 4:56. Greenville 5:32, Conneautville
6:3", Albion 7-00. arrives at Erie 8:03 a. m..
connecting with L. S. & M. 3. train due in
Buffalo at 10:30 a.m.
E. D. Comstock.
E. H. Utley, Gen. Pass. Agt,
Gen. Manager. Pittsburg. Pa
BURG RY., Time table iu effect
Sept. 1, 1901.
EASTERN TIME. | +22 ,*6 i+B +l4 j -J '
Pittsburg \ leave a.m ! a.m p.m p.m! p.m
Allegheny ) P. A W. Sta 9 001 4 lo'lO 00
Butler 7 45 10 12 5 21 11 28
Fenelton 8 14! fc 45 11 51
Craigsville 829 a I 55512 01
CowangTille 8 43| 6 05
Montgomery villa 8 54 « 10}
West Moigrove 9 07 6 20;
Echo 944 a 839
Dayton 10 00 a 65012 52
North Point 10 24! 7 06
Hamilton 10 34' 7 13
Valier 10 41 7 18
Punxeutawney aril 00 12 03! 7301 20
IT a.in 12 05 145 730 122
Big Bun I ] 2 00 7 45 1 35
Cnrweniville ar 4 +4 1714 17
Clearfield ar a.tn +4 3214 32,
Dußoie +6 03 12 45 2 30 8 20 2 06
Falls Creek : 6 Ofl 12 52;2 47 ; p.m 2 12
Brock way vlUe 626 106304 228
Bidgway 7 00 j 1 37 3 38; 3 06
Jolmsonbnrg 7 14: 1 49|4 11 3 19
Mt Jewett 8 06 2 41 4 59 , 4 14
Bradford ar 8 50l 3 25 5 50 5 00
Buffalo aril 50| 5408 45 715
Rochester ar 7 20 p.m 8 45
I a.m I p.m j a.m
Additional train leaves Punxsutawey for Dußois,
Fulls Creek, Curwenaville and Clearfield at 5:15 a. in.
Daily except Sunday.
EASTER 3 TIME I +l3 !+9 i*3 j+6; *7
leave a.ma.m j a.m p.m p.m
Rochester »7 45 , 9 00
Buffalo IT: *9 30|3 15,10 15
Bradford lv | 7 45 12 10;0 15j12 45
Mt. Jewett | 8 42 12 59>7 12| 1 32
Johnsonburg .. i i 9 27 1 49(8 00, 2 21
Bidgway ' 9 55 2 02,8 15l 2 37
Brock way rille !10 30 2 33 8 52, 3 11
Falls Creek a.m 10 49 2 47 9 09; 3 25
Dußois <5 40 11 00 2 55 9 15 3 34
Clearfield hr 11+38 p.m|
Curwensville lv j lit 49
Big Run r 7 13|U 31 +2l 403
Punxsutawney ar 7 28 11 45 3 33,p.m 4 18
lv 7 30| a.m 3354 30 420
Valier 7 41 4 45
Hamilton 7 46 4 52
North Point 7 53 5 02
Dayton 811 a 5 25| 450
Echo 822 a 5 421
West Mosgrove 8 45 « 20|
Montgomeryville 8 54 6 33*
Cowansvilltf 8 59l 6 40|
Craigsville 9 09, a 654 •40
Fenelton 9 20i 7 10
Butler 9 47j 5 34 7 45 6 15
Allegheny ) P. &W. Sta 11 00 « 4fr 7 30
Pittsburg / arrival a.m 1 p.m.
Additional train leaves Clearfield at 7.08 p. m, Falli
Creek at 9:09, Dußoia 9:15, arriving at Punxsutawne)
at 10:00 p.m. Daily except Sunday.
* Daily, f Daily except Sunday.
a—Train 3 will stop at Dayton. Echo and
Cralesvllle to let off psssengers from
Bradford and points north of Bradford and
on signal to take on passengers for Allegnenv
or points *est on the P. & W. Hy.
Train fi will stop at Cralßsvllle, Echo and
Dayton to let off passengers from Allegheny
and on signal to take on passengers foi
Bradford and points north of Bradford.
Trains 3 and 6 are vertlbuled with hand
some day coaches, cafe and reclining chair
cars. •
Trains 2 and 7 have Pullman Sleepers be
tween Buffalo and Pittsburg and Rochestei
and Pittsburg.
Qen'l Paaa. Agent
Rncheater N. Y.
Schidcli IK Erricr Kept. 10, 1901.
|A. M A. M.i A. M.jP. M.|P. M
BUTLEB Learel G 26 8 02! 10 50! 2 351 4 50
ftaxonburg Arrire 6 64 I 2»ill 15i 3 00- 5 18
Butler Junction.. " 7 27 3 53 11 40 t 25 5 44
Butler Junction...lnn 7 31 8 53 11 62 S <5, 6 44
Natrona ArriTe 7 40 901 12 01! * 34 654
Tareutuin 7 44 : 9 07U2 08 I 42 5 59
Springdale 7 62' 9 16 12 19- 3 62 fo 07
Cluremont ! 9 30 12 38 4 06, FB 19
Sliarj*bnrg i 11 9 36 12 48 4 12 , 6 26
Allegheny t 24 9 481 J 02 4 25 ' 6 38
A. M. A.M.IP. M.fP. M..P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny
City and principal intermediate station* at 7:30 a. m.,
%nd 6:00 p. m.
Allegheny City . .leare *7 OOj*" 46110 45; P 3 OOj 10
Sharpuburg : 7 12 8 57 10 67 | 3 15jg6 22
Clareznont I 11 04! 3 U3' .
Springdale ! 11 18 3 40 j 6 30
Tarentum ;7 39 0 24'11 28 353! 648
Natrona 7 43 9 28:11 34 4 01 f 63
Butler Junction... arrire 7 50 9 37,11 43 4 15 7 02
Butlei Junction....leaT. 7 50 9 37.12 18 4 28 7 02
Saxonburg 8 21 10 03 12 41 4 59 7 27
BUTLEB arriTel 8 45 10 26 1 10 6 28 7 63
|A.M. A.M.|P. M, P. A. P. M
SUNDAY TBA INS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and principal intermediate atatione at 7:16 a m. and
9-30 p. m.
W eeki Days. Sundays
A.M., A.M. P. M. iA. M. T M
Butlm 1* 6 26110 60 235 7So 500
Butler J'ct. ar 78711 40 325 *2O »60
Butler J'ct 1* 7 5o:il 43 428 821 811
Jeeport ar< 753 11 46 432 , 8 25 8 14
Kakiminetaa J't " 76811 50 437 . 829 819
Leecliburg " 81012 02 449 t4l 832
Paul ton (Ap0110)...." , 8 31 12 22 5 10 ; 8 58' « 60
Sal tabu rg " 85812 49 538: 023 616
Blairerille 9 28 1 20 8 11! 9 62 9 46
Blairarllle Int " 936 ... 6 20' 10 00
Altoona "1136 .... 8 50,12 40. ..
Harrisburg " 310 100 430
Philadelphia " 623 426 17
|P. M. A.M. A. M.i, A. M.| P. M
Through trains for the east leare Pittsburg (Union
Station), as follow*—
Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 a.m
Pennsylvania Limited " 7:16 44
Day Express, 44 ~.7:30 44
Main Line Express, " 8:00 M
Harrisburg Mail, M 12:46 p.m
Harrisburg Express daily 4:49 44
Philadelphia Express, 4:60 44
Mail and Express daily For New York only.
Through buffet sleepar; no coaches,... .... 7:00 44
Eastern Express, " 7:10 **
Fast Line, • 9 00 "
Pittsburg Limited, daily, for New York, Balti
more and Washington only 10:00 44
Philad'a Mail, Sundai« only 8:40 a.m
For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all
rail route), 7:15 a. m. (Pennsylvania Limited) week
days, 8:00 a.m. daily aud 9:00 p.m.daily.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains leave Kiskimiuetas Junction as follows:
For Huflklo, 9.56 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. daily, with
through parlor and sleeping cars.
For Oil City, 7.46, #.66 a. m., 2.38, 6.16 and 11.50 p.
m week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. m. f 6.15 aud p.m.
For Red Bauk, 7.46, 9.66, 1117 a. ■»., 2 38, e.16, 9.34,
and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56, 10.49 a. m.,
6.15 and 11.50 p. m.
For Kittanning, 7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.35,
6.15, 7.34, 9.34, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.16, 10.4i>, and 11.50 p. m.
"g" stops on *igual to ukw on passengers for Taren
tum and points beyond.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
address Thos. E. Watt, Pass Agt. Western District,
Corner Fifth Avenu* and Smithfleld Street, Pittsburg,
Manager. Oen" Passr. Agsn
K You'll find variety enough to be sure of getting just what you like. R
jA Very handsome tapestry covers in all sizes at surprisingly low prices. A
i yard square covers 50c. 1 # yard souare covers 75c, sj.oo, fi.so
yi and tr.75. 2 yard square covers fi.25 aud 2.25. Uh
\ Short Cluster Scarfs with 6 and 8 tails and long fk
T Scarfs with tails, an<! with heads, claws and tails. (R
I Made by the best Funiers in all desirable kinds ot u
fwrl j \ _ Fur and we guarantee the styles and qualities to R
U \\\\' be right and prices very low.
lUp s Canada Seal Scarfs f 1 00, 1 50, 2 50
d Im Electric Seal Scarfs $5 00, 750
" lIU I} Stone Marten Scarfs $5 00 to 15 00 JR
Black Marten Scarfs $5 00, 6 00, 8 50 a
f Sable, Mink and Fox Scarfs $5 00 up
' Are selling f reel v. Superior values in all the (K
U K leading shapes and leathers make sales easy.
K jy Chatelaine Bags 25c, 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1 50 K
Purses 25c, 50c, 75c. I 00
Chain Purses and Bags 25c to 3 00
II y\\ We take especial care in filling orders entrusted
K / I 1 W to children. Thev teceive the same attention as fIP
S II I grown folks. If you want any Ribbons, Ties,
flr 1 IT Belts, Hose Supporters, Collars, JHosiery,* Under- flr
VrY wear or anything else in our line, don't be afraid
• ff to send the children.
|L. Stein & Son,|
Wiiifield R B Co Tiiue Table
In effect Jana&ry Ist, 1901.
Leaves Wwt Winfleld 7 45 2 50
" BugfpviUr 800 Sos
4 * Iron Bridge 8133 80
44 Wiufield Junction 8 30 3 35
44 Lane 8 40 3 45
44 Butler Junction 8 45 3 50
Arrive Allegheny 9 48i 5 08
Leave Allegheny 8 45 3 40
44 Butler Junction 10 00 440
44 Lane 10 05, 445
44 Wiufield Junction 10 15' 455
44 Iron Bridge 10 30 510
44 Boggsville 10 45! 525
Arrive West Winfield 11 00 5 40
Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
take on or leave off paaHeugeni,
Trains Connect at Butler Junction with:
Train* Eastward for Free port, Vandergrift and
Blaintville Interaction.
Trains Westward for Natrona, Tareuturn and Alle
Trains Northward lor Saxonburg, Delano aud Butler.
Geueral Manager.
HOURS:— 9 a. m. lo 12 m; 1:30 p. m.
to 4 p. m.
Office iecond floor of the Al. Ruff
building on S. Main St., and. residence
North McKean street, Butler, Pa. Bell
'Phone No. 45 and People's Phone.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City |
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr
Graham's old office.]
HOUIB 7 to 9a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to
8 p.m.
137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Night calls at office.
200 West Cunningham St.
Room 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
sultation and examination free.
Gold Filling and Bridge-Work Special
203 South Main street, Corner of
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Main street, Butler, Fa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work."
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest l
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Office In the "CITIZEN" building.
Office in Reiber building, corner Miin
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Room 8., Armory bnildiu^.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collections,
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler. Pa.
A. T. BLACE. 0«O. O. *T*WART
Armory Building, Butler, Pa
Office in Wise bnildinsf.
Office near Court House.
Inquire at Sheriff's office or 426 Mifflin
St., Butler, Pa.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery.
OFFICE—Next door to CITZEIN office
BotW. T>»
* ■ •
| Hotel PCellyj[
* *
$ **
$ A. Kelly & Sons, Prop'rs., ■[
f Cambridge Springs, Pa. \\
* i |
£ A first-class hotel. In u charm- i j
j lng country location, In con- • i
I nectlon with the famous j |
$ Mitchell Iron and Magnesia 1t
* Springs; everything new, mod- * \ \
I em and up-to-date; further In
* formation with rates, etc., \ \
* cheerfully furnished on appll- j E
X cation; free carriages to and : j
J from all trains. ; 1
| Pan-American 1901 Exposition
The Schenley Hotel Co.,
THOS. F. OLIVER, Manager.
Main Office, 200 Niagara Street,
Consisting of Hotel Scbenley, The Greenhurst,
The Three Vermonfs, The Elmwood,
The York, The Latak
And 25 other beautiful, furnished resi
dences in the Elmwood District,
which can be rented in whole or
in part. Rates ji.oo per
day and up.
Rnropeaa and American Plan.
The SUTbeR CmzeN.
SI.OO per year if paid in advance, otherwise
$1.50 will be cnarged.
ADVEUTISINQ HATES— One Inch, one time
$1; each subsequent insertion 50 cunts each
Auditors' and .divorce notices each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices £3 each
estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Read
ing notices 10 cents a iine for first and 5 ceuts
for each subsequent insertion. Notices
amonglocal news items 15 cents a line for
each In sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc., inserted at the rate of 5 ceuts
a line, money to accompany the order, ieven
words of prose make a line.
Rates for standing cards anu job work on
All advertising is due after first Insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
for in advance.
All communications Intended for publica
tion in this paper must be accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bui a guarantee of good faith,ana should
reach us not later than Tuesday eveulng.
Death notice* -nust be accouiDanled with
rasoonsible name.
Pan-American Exposition Buf
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following special reduced
rates to Buffalo on account of the Pan-
American Exposition, which opens on
May 1.
Summer excursion tickets, to be sold
from April 30 to September 30, inclusive
good to return until October 81,
elusive, at rate of $11.05 from Pitts-'
burg and proportionate rates from other
Fifteen-day excursion tickets, to be
sold beginning April 30 and good re
tnrning within fifteen days, including
date of sale, at rate of $9.20 from Pitts
burg and pr >portionate rates from other
Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold
only on Tuesdays, May. 7, 14. 21, and
28, and good returning within five days,
including date of sale, at rate of SB.OO
from Pittsburg and proportionate rated
from other points.
Special excursion tickets, to be sold, *
;*ood going only on specified truins. on
Wednesdays, May 15 and 29. and re
turning within three days including
date of sale, at rate of $5.25 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
operates two through trains each way
daily between Pittsburg and Buffalo.
Excursion Rates to Buffajo.
The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Ry. Co. announce, that commencing
June Ist the following reduced rates
from Butler to Buffalo will be in effect
on account of the Pan-American Ex
Season Tourist Tickets will be on sale
eyery day at $9.30 for the round trip,
good returning to and including Octo
ber 31st.
Tickets limited to 15 dayg including
date of sale, good only for continnons
passage in each direction, on sale every
day during the Exposition at $7.75 for
the round trip.
Tickets limited to 7 days including
date of sale, good only for continuous
passage in each direction, on sale every
day during the Exposition at SO.BO for
the round trip.
Special excursion tickets limited to 8
days including date of sale, good onlv
for continuous passage in each direction
on sale Tuesdays only during the Ex
position at $4.25 for the round trip.
Returning, these tickets will be good
on all regular trains leaving Buffalo
prior to midnight of the Thursday fol
lowing date of sale, but will not be
good in sleeping or chair cars in either
For time tables and further informa
tion consult the nearest agent of the
UfANTED— Honest man or woman to trave
" tor large house; salary stft monthly and
expenses, with increase; position p« rman
ent;inclose self-addressed stamped envelop*
HANAQKB. 3*o Oaxtoo bldr, Chicago.