Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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Autumn and Winter Styles
First Fall Opening, today, on which occasion the
handiwork of the foremost makers will be
submitted to you for your inspection and criticism
\ comprehensive exhibit of everything that is new and correct
for the feet ' f Man, Wo nan or Child. Every new shape eveiy de
pendab'e leather, every point of style, and every feature of good shoe
making fuUv developed in this great dis.pl a> .
.n;^oa FALLSHOESat,,o °' SHOESat
- at ,3 00, an- fc.op.
.t tim MISSES' SCHOOL SHOES at *l.oo,
BOVS' SCHOOL SHOES *t SI.OO, 25 and fl 50 .
•1.25. $1.50 and $2.00. MISSES' FINE SHOES at f1.25.i1.50
>. YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES at 90c and | 2
1 |i.oo, fi.25 and fi.so. High cut or reg- CHILDREN'S PALL SHOES at 50c,
Inlar height, alt sizes and widths.
""sr hoTl°LJwrv
Fall and Winter Footwear.
I p or the oast three months we have been makii.g preparations
lor our extensive fall and winter stock of Hoots and Shoes.
Great care has been taken in selecting a line of good solid water
r proof shoes for country trade, for well we know how people appreci
ate good water-proof footwear.
It is gratifying to say that prices this fall will be cheaper than
S last season as prices on stock is lower and consequently will be able
1 to give much better values for the money.
It has always been our aim to have a large assortment of fine
footwear made by the leading manufacturers and you will agree with
us that the Sorosis', Barker & Bowman Co's., Duttenhoffer & Son's.
A. E. Ncttleton's. Schwab Bro's and P. Cogan & Son's line of Ladies'
and Gent s. Boy's and Youth's, Misses' and children's fine shoes in
Patent Leathers, Dcngolas, Enamels, Box-Calls, and Cordovans in
jj, medium or heavy soles, extension edges are more handsome and
f up-to-date than ever.
i* We have a complete stock of Gokey's hand-made, whole stock, box-toe Boots
I «id Shoes. Gokey's high cut copper-toe shoes for Boy's and high-cut water proof
W shoes for girls.
I and Felt Goods^l
Our stock of Rubber and Felt Goods is extremely large, and
I** owing to the large otders which we placed we were able to get very
close prices and am in a position to ofler you the lowest prices for
best grades of Felts and Rubber Goods.
An immense business enables us to name the very lowest prices
for reliable footv ear. When in mtd of try th inp in our lire give us a call
Our assortment of Outing Hats, Soft I \\
Huts, Sailer Hats, in fact every hat and 1 Spw '
all Millinery must be cleared out at once. 11 Jr I
We are making a great sacrifice to close \\ \ "V" / J I
out this line. Never before has tbere \\ J J
betn such an opportunity to secure bar- \\ ix ifv. //
gains and value at so little figures.
fimiK M»i« Pit* - - r - Kutler.iPa
K F. C K
Spring Styles
Ks Ht nnttit»-*s xlx.ut theru that }*' /j f*
mark the we it) it won't do t > [if la [*s/ /_/ M
wear ill? •#t vt-ar's oitpui. Yon / l*\ if 'vl Fl
won't g> t the Intent things a; the U A \jr— 7 i 4
(.'•(t'H cl'it) i;". '-itber The up- to 1/IVK \ii
E|y r t d.»te tai'or only can supply them, A II J f
l \f yua want n«t only the latest I, If J</I If
jhing- in cut and fit and work- II (////
in nsliip, the finest in durability. ! If *ll/
wti<u-e'v o»i> <Oll g>-t <"r«mbinH J , I I
U"D- if*'t th'-'T' •' " I IJ t-1
j K 1: C K
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
42 f'crih Main Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa
Removal Notice!
C. F.'t. Pape,
Jeweler and-i
Will be found on and after April Ist at
121 East Jefferson street, opposite G.
Wilson Miller's Grocery Store, Butler, Pa.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
ibrarj jnlvO?
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Special attention given to collections.
JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President
C. *. BAILEY Cashier
E. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier
J. F. HUTZLER Teller
John Younkins. D. L. Cleeland. E. E.
Abrams. C. N. Boyd. W. F. Metzger. Henry
Miller. John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Lev.
M. Wise and Francis Murphy.
Interest paid on time deposits.
We respectfully solicit vour business.
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital paid in (200,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $100,000.00
los. Hartmau, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; John G. McMarlin,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A general banking business transacted.
I uteres*, paid on time deposits.
Money I janed on approved security.
We invite you to open an account with this
"mRECTJBS— Hon. Joseph Hart,man. Hun.
W -. Waltiion. Dr. .v. M. Hoover. H. Mc-
Sweeney. C. F. Collins I. U. Smith, Leslie }'.
Hazlott, XI. Fineg*n. 'V. H. Larkin, T. P.
MlHliu. Dr. W. C. McCandiess. Ben Mas
svth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Kltts. A. L. Reiber
Butler Savings Bank
i -uitier. Pa.
Capital - $60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - - $225,000 to
JOS. L PURVIS President
J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President
WM. CAMPBELL, Tr Caihier
DIRECTORS -Joseph L. I'urvts, J. Henry
Tro-.tinan. W. D. Bnnitor '-V. A. Stein J S.
The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest
Banking Institution in Butler County.
General banking business transacted.
We solicit accounts of oil producers, m t
chants, farmers and others.
All business ontrusvod to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest oatd on tlmo deDoslts.
sale $50,000 of 4s
per cent Borough of
Irwin, Westmoreland
Co., Pa., sewer and street
improvement bonds. De
nomination SSOO. A
safe investment. Price
and particulars on ap
Bank for Savings Bld'g.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Real Estate Trust Co.
of Pittsburg,
311 Fourth Avenue
Pays 4 p. c. on Saving Accounts
2 p. c. on Check Accounts
Don't wait for a windfall The
dollar in the bank is the dollar
that counts.
Write to-day for our book of
instructions, "How to Bank by
Shouldn't f.
J Suffer i!
% With W
*2 Corns or k 1
r« Bunions W
9} When <
>1 Corn A
A Cure M
1 Will i
A Cure
Them A
A In a.
f Short A
% Price *1
25 ceuts. %
4 Put >2
n Up and «
A Sold n
n Only <
7 A At k
W Johnston s
H Crystal |
4 Pharmacy, k'
A u: M. LOGAN, Ph. 0..
* Manager, w A
A 108 N. Main St., Butler, Pa
Both 'Phones.
A Everything in the
drug-line. fA
DEALERS in ready made clothing
represent their wares as "Tailor made*
"custom made" &c.. but they ask the
reuular prices of ready made and the
boast is understood. But when they
offer to take your measure, promise to
have the clothes made for you and
Charge the tailors prjee, they impose
upon your credulity Whether their
misrepresentation is wilful or negligent
the result to you is the same,
Most men want what they pay for and
arc willing to pay for '.he superior
quality of ta»;le tp clothes.
Our garments are cut and made to your
measure in our own workshop in But
ler, not by fair-to-middllng work
, men, but by expert tailors.
Handsome Spring Goods
At Business Bringing Prices.
Maker,of Men's Clothes
V The Cure thai Guras j
p Coughs, fe.
\ Colds, Jj
I) Grippe, (k
\ Whoopirif? Oouf»h, Asthma, /
Bronchitis and Incipient A
ConsumDtion, Is g
P Cures IVTOA UTid J
s,o\A a\\ . 25350:.^^
Don't tie tho top of j-onr
s3fl;. Jelly »nd prsscrvo Jars in
VS theoldfashionedTray.
f them lijr tho new, quick,
»s, "I"J VVv absolutely sure way—by
a. thin coatlni; of Pure
*SITwS. Rcliued I'arallino. Has
C ° tanto |° r tKI^ r "
t' sefui in a (tore A other
fr iL -'P 1 Vfc wavn alout tho hours.
jK»yV, l 1- Jg? Full directions with
I •'' each cake.
! Jlfi' Sold everywhere. Made; ly
Druggist CATARRH
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
containt no cocaine,
mercury nor any other
liiiurioDß drar
It is quietly Absorlxid. HBBW vliH
Gives Itelief at once. ' :
It otiens and cleanses
the Nasal Pa«w C ™. [*'olo J N HE AD
Allays Inflammation. WWUV <>lLnil
He-ils and Protects the Membrane. Kestore* the
of Taste and fcmell. Full Size uOc.; Trial
%un 10c.; at I)rii'_".':st» >■- i>7 miil.
WtY BKOTIIEKS. M Warren Street, New Yorfc)
We Can Supply You With 7
j $£ % 1
w *T» *» 4' * «T» n* "• "» "» *7* 'T» n l ' *T» * J
\ All Sizes i
\ Any Quantity /
At Right Prices. )
r (Let uh fill your prescriptions f
' and family reeiiws. we give this /
\ work special attention.) f
S Redick & Grohman,^
Propositi# uri nim-iidmenl to tin? constitution
of the Couimiuiweulth.
Section 1. Bo It resolved by tliuSenate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth In fieneral Assembly met. That the
following Is proposed as amendments to the'
Const it ui ion of the Commonwealth of Penn
sy 1 vanla. In accordance with the provisions
of the eighteenth article thereof:
Amendment One to Article Eight, Hectlou
Add ut the end of the tirst paragraph of
said section, after the words "shall be en
titled to vote at all elections." the words
"subject however to such laws requiring and
regulating the registration of electors as the
General Assembly may enact," so that tho
said section shall read as follows:
MetU>n I QnalMcatfcmiOf Electors. Every
male citizen 1 twenty-one years of age, pos
sessing the following cjualllicallons shall be
entitled to vote at all elections, subject, how
ever to such laws requiring and rtgulating
the registration of electors as the General
1. He slnrfl have been a citizen of the
I'nlted States at least one month.
2. He shall have resided In the State one
year (or. having previously been a qualified
elector or native Imm citizen of the State, he
shall have removed therefrom and returned,
then six months,) Immediately preceding the
J). He shall have resided In the election dis
trict where he shall offer to vote at least two
months Immediately preceding tho election.
4. If twenty-two years of ago and upwards,
he shatl'have paid within two years a State
orcouuty la*.which shall have been assessed
at least two months at|d paid at. least one
month .before the election.
Amendment Two to Article Eight. Section
Strike jiut from said section l lie words "but
no elector shall i>e deprived of the privilege
of voting or reason of his name not being
registered, and add to said section the fol
lowing words, "but laws .regulating and re
quiring the registration of electors may be
enacted to apply to cities only, provided that
such laws lie uniform for cities of the same
class," so that the said section shall read as
Section 7. I'lilfi.rmlt.y of Election Laws.
All laws regulating the holding of elections
by the citizens or for the registration if
electors shall lie uniform throughout the
State, but laws regulating and requiring the
registration of electors may be enacted to
apply to cities only, provided that such laws
tie uniform for cities of the same class.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
W. W Gill EST.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitut ion
of the Commonwealth.
Section L Be It enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met, and It Is hereby enacted by the author
ity of the same. That the following Is pro
posed as an amendment to the Constitution
of vlie'Cothnlouwealih of Pennsylvania in
accordance with the provisions of the
Eighteenth article thereof.
Strike out section fOuy of article eight, and
insert in place thereof, as follows:
Section 4. AH elections by the citizens shall
be by ballot or by such other method as may
lie prescribed by law; Provided, That
secrecy In voting Imj preserved.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Wlra btoadroct bloom* and trilliina f«wn
t'netasp their etars to sun and rain,
My heart «irike» hands with win.is and mo vara
And wander* In the woods again.
Oh, ursine impulse, born of
That makes glad April of my soul.
So bird, however wild of wing.
Is mure impatient of control I
Impetuous of pulse it l>e*ta
Within my blood and bear* mo banc*;
Above the house tops snd the *treet*
I bear its happy eloquence.
It tell* me all that 1 would know.
Of biixl* *nd buds, of blooms and b««a;
1 *ei-m to bear the blossom* bi-w
And leaves unfolding on the triaa
I st em to bear the bluebell* ila(
Faint purple peals of fragrranc* and
The honey throated poppies fling
Their golden laughter o'er tWa Lin&
It calls to me; II tings to me;
I hear its far Tolee night an<t day;
I cannot choose but go when tree
And flower clamor, "Come away!"
—Uadison Cawein in "Weed* by th* all."
"i* ' 11 ui' "" "4*
| Hunted Down I
I BY n- QUAD. . 1
1 Copyright, 1901, by C. B. Lewis F
ji»f»lHinFnm'i»w'^ii | m"'in l "ini''iniii'i;i^|'H
I was putting In a month In a Swiss
town, and as I was strolling along tho
highway in the suburbs one day a vehi
cle containing a single traveler appear
ed. The driver pulled up that the travel
er might ask if he could find accommo
dations nt some chalet instead of at the
hotel, as be was not In good health and
wanted quietness. I was lodging at a
private house, and there was room for
another guest. The stranger was driven
on, nnd 1 sat down on a rock to sum
him up. Having come from the west In
a country vehicle, he must have come
from beyond the railroad station. The
horse looked weary, the hour was 4 In
the afternoon, and 1 settled It that he
must have come from Thalia, 15 miles
away. The man wore a hat which did
not fit him and had the collar of his
coat turned up. He had on goggles,
though it was a dark day. A person
who wears goggles for weak eyes will
earry a finger to one of the glasses ev
ery two or three minutes, even If he
does not remove them occasionally. On
this man's face was a newly grown
beard about an Inch long. Every 30 sec
onds up went his hand to scratch. He
was not used to a beard, but had grown
one for an object He thickened his
voice when he spoke to me, and It was
easy to detect the unnatural intonation.
Why did be de It? Travelers searching
for health are seldom to be met with In
the mountains except In early summer,
and this was late in the season. He
might explain, however. Mr. Braceby,
as he had given his name, probably had
more reasons for seclusion than he had
stated, and 1 had a curiosity to observe
him further.
He was taken In at the chalet, and
that night we ate supper together. I
saw from his table manners that he
had been used to the quick lunches of
a restaurant. He claimed to be an
Englishman, but his American idioms
would have given him away to a child.
The heels of his boots, as I observe<l,
were very true. He was therefore a
man who did little walking. Ho ba<J
the curve of shoulders and neck which
come to one who sits a great deal.
Now and then he leaned back and
locked his fingers, as most public offi
cials do when a caller enters, ne
claimed to have nervous trouble. That
was or was not a good excuse for his
presence. A door elnmmed, and he
Jumped. That showed nerves. The
diligence rattled past on Its way from
the railroad station to the big hotel,
and Mr. Braceby slyly and furtively
peered out of the window. That was
the action of a fugitive from Justice.
In the course of four or five days I
had the Ktrauger sized up to a dot and
would have bet five to one that my
diagnosis was positively correct. He
was a straight haired American. He
was a public official. It was his first
time abroad. He was In disguise and
a fugitive. Whatever boodle he had
with him was In his undershirt pocket
I knew this because he was constantly
raising his baud to the spot. That
boodle was probably In drafts, as he
made cautious Inquiries about bankers.
Mr. Braceby removed his goggles and
turned down his coat collar and spoke
in natural tones after be got Installed,
but he did not wander far from the
bouse and sought no other company.
He asked for no papers, but when 1
bought copies of a New York dally at
the hotel and took them borne to read
Se could scarcely control his Impa
tience until he had Ills hands on them.
1 am no man hunter. I did uot go to
the police or drop a hint to any one. Of
whatever crime he was guilty, he waa
sufe from uie. I knew It wasn't murder
unless done In the heat of.passlon, for
be was sentimental and tender hearted.
1 think It was 011 the fifth day of his
stay that he became feverish and called
In 11 doctor and went to bed—mental
worry, you see. 1 had finished my sup
pt-r and was smoking my pipe on the
little "veranda when I saw ft stranger
coining up the path from hotel.
From his gait I Judged him to be an
American. From the way he furtively
eyed the chalet and Its surroundings (
reasoned that lie' had other business
than seeking for lodgings. As lie vutuu
to u halt and looked ine over he gave
himself away as a detective. He bud
taken me for the ninii he wanted, and
Chagrin showed clearly on his face. He
was from a western state and on tho
trail of a defaulting city treasurer It
was queer enough that he dldu't ask If
there v.as another traveler In the house,
lie took It for granted that I was the
only one, and ho told me the whole sto
ry of Braceliy's theft and flight. My
diagnosis had been positively correct.
There was the man under his thumb.
He had followed him for three months
and had only to climb a flight of 11
steps to lay hands on him, but it sever
happened. I was mum. I was not in
terested In the ease beyond proving my
observations. He talked for two hours
and then went away, saying that he
should ha tig abouf for a C6w days.
Half nn hour after his going It was dis
covered that Braceby was missing. His
bedroom window was over the veran
da. and he had heard all.
When three DNVS hnd passed and BO
' trace of the inl«Mng man hnd been had,
: he was iriven away to the detective by
one of the town officials. lie had left
the chalet lightly elad. without food or
baggage and In a fever, and the idea
was that he had lost himself on the
mountains and would perish If not
found. Parties were sent out In search,
and it was not long before evidences
were found. When the fugitive discov
ered that ha had been hunted down and
wan about to be arrested for his crime,
there was nothing left for him but to
take to the mountain* and find a tem
porary covert until he could plau a lit
tle. Ileliix ill. without food and thinly
clad, he could not keep his life over two
or three days, lu the glootn of that first
night he bad traveled nearly two mile*,
making up the mountains by a path. ;
Then he had wandered from the pa.tbj
and fallen over a bank 30 feet high in
to a stream, 'flu- rushing waters had
carried him down a mile or more, and ;
they found his dead body wedged be- '
tween two jrrcsit rocks.
When 11;:- coroner overhauled the cf- ;
fee'.* found on the body, there tame to
light ?s.li(!'i it! :*;iir" •:i money and
drafts for nearly -V-.JO. > more. Ills
name nrs net f rneeliy. of i-onrsc. hut
as Ihe city tr- of a town in the
wes: ho had g' i '.iii 1! its last dollar nt:il
fled St enjoy Irs 111 " :ti :i gains on the
other side of the nn tie had not
spe:it a thousand dollars us yet or tak
en a moment's comfort. lie had too
much c..r:se!enef and not enough nerve.
If ha had got t-afely away, he would
never hnvr- enjoyed himself. As 1 look
ed down 0:1 hi* d;'::d body and thought
of his «h::tteri'tl and disgraced life 1
felt something more than a passing sor
row. As 1 h.-ipi-d earry the bruised and
battcrrd corpse down to the townhouso
for iuijuesi and burial I found tears In
my eyes and pity lu my heart.
Manila In 13SS.
Manila is well planted and Inhabited
with Spaniards to the number of
or 700 persons, which dwell in a town
unvalled. which hath three or four
small blockhouses, part made of wood
and part of stone, being Indeed "of no
great strength. They have one or two
small galleys lielonglng to the town.
It is a very rich place, of gold and oth
er commodities, und they have yearly
traffic from . A capulco in Nueva Eapana
and also 20 or 3» ships from China and
from the Stlnguelos (people from Sanga,
in Japan), which bring Hiem many
sorts of merchandise. The merchants
of China and the Sangtielos are part
Moors and part heathen people. They
bring great store of gold with them,
which they traffic and exchange for
silver and give weight for weight.
These Sangtielos are men of marvel
ous capacity in devising and making
all manner of things, especially In all
handicrafts and sciences: and every
one Is so expert, perfect and skillful in
his faculty, as few or no Christians
are able to go beyond them In that
which they take In hand. For drawing
and embroidering upon satin, silk or
lawn, either beast, fowl, fish or worm,
for liveliness and perfectncss both In
silk, silver, gold and pearl, they exceL—
"Cavendish, First Voyage."
Hanger and Ideas.
If you wish to Increase your imagi
native powers, says a scientist, go with
out food. Abstinence from food till the
pangs of hunger make themselves dis
tinctly felt will quicken your mental
powers and stimulate the flow of Ideas,
such ideas being of a kind that agree
with the regular bent of your mind.
This seems to offer good prospects not
only to literary men, but also to ma
chine makers and all those who are on
the watch for some Improvement or in
vention that will revolutionize some in
dustry. But you must be careful or
you will overdo It. Prolonged fasting,
according to the same authority, cre
ates a desire to commit some horrible
irime. makes you wild and cruel. The
prolonged faster becomes a prey to hal
lucinations. Is unable to sleep and likely
to go mad. In short, abstinence from
food for lopg periods—and "long perl
ods« Is a term that varies with the In
dividual—lnduces the same effects as
Ctoklng Vegetables.
A cooking teacher's directions for
bolllnK vegetables, even onion, cabbage
or cauliflower, without filling the house
with an unpleasant smell, are to cover
the vegetables with boiling salted
water and stand the kettle aside, where
they cannot boll rapidly again, until
tender. It Is the 6team, according to
this authority, that Is driven off by
rapid boiling that carries away not
only the odor but the flavor of vegeta
Row a Claelnnntl Man Waa Bunkoed
on the latliiiiaa,
"I made up niy mind before I went
away," said the Cinclnnatian who had
been down to the isthmus, "that when
I got to I'anania I'd have a genulnt
Panama hat at any cost. That was the
only thing I cared to buy, ami I visited
the store having the largest stock and
took my time about the purchase. 1
planked down flu for the hat and was
assured by the merchant that It was
one of the finest ever made. It wa»
overhauled by a dozen different people
on the steamer, much admired In New
York, and it was ruklshly cocked 011
my ear when I arrived home. I hadn't
yet reached my house when I met u
Florida friend of mine, and after it
little he said;
" "Iteen laying you»*» on a wt»w
hat, I see,"
" 'Yea. How do you like It?'
"'Oh, so KO. Buy In Slew York?'
" 'No, sir. I got this hat right where
they grow—ln Panama.'
"'I see. I bellevo tliey do sell some
of our goods dowti there, but of course
they add 50 per cent to the price.'
" 'What do you mean?' I asked as I
felt my heart tunk my ribs.
" 'Oh, nothing much,' he replied, yfltb
a laugh, and, runnliiK bis lingers be
hind the band, be turned up the trade
luurk of u Florida straw hat maker."
The I<ait Sliot.
For some {lieicuKubiu not of impti
vlcm-e find rebellion Bridget had receiv
ed two weeks' pay and a notice to quit
Mrs. Highiuore's service Immediately.
"You've accused me o' wearin' flashy
Jooiry, too, mem," snapper] Bridget as
■he hastily gathered her belongings to
gether, "but I'd rather wear that th'u
tb' ugly old rings you're always dis
playln' yoursllf wheniver you go out I"
"What uply old I'IIIIJBV" asked Mrs.
Hlghmoro indignantly.
"t'ndher your eyes, mem!" replied
Bridget, slamming the kitchen door be
hind her as she went out.—Chicago
To Be Considered.
"I»o you play golf?" asked the niun
who was looking for a new clerk".
"No," answered the applicant.
"Well," was tbs thoughtful rejoinder,
"I don't kqow but I'd rather have some
one who is already skilled In tl»e game.
The time ,vc;u will want away from
work when you do start to learn It
will I !■ something enormous."—Wash
ington Star.
Trouble* and Remedies.
Point* of Bean Grdwlng.
Even the humble gardeu beans are
■ot exempt from fungous enemies
which have so asserted themselves as
to become troublesome to the growers
of this useful vegetable. Since 1894
the New Jersey station has been study
ing diseases of truck crops, and bean*
have received a full share of attention.
In bulletin 151 seven fungous diseases
iif beans are considered, namely:
f 1. The nnthracnose or pod spot. 2.
The bean bacterlosls. 3. The lima bean
mildew. 4. The lima bean pod blight.
5. The bean rust. 0. The beau leaf
spot. 7. The beau leaf blotch.
All of these were met with In the
• field studies of the diseases, hut the
first three, being the most common and
| serious enemies, have been the subjects
for special treatment.
The bean seed Is often Infested with
the antliracnose and becomes thereby
a prominent, if not the chief, means o(
tiding over the Inactive ot winter sea
son. The same is doubtless true with
It lias been shown that soaking the
seed in femicides, while destructive to
the is not always without ill
effect upon the seed Itself. Experi
ments differ upon this point, and fur
ther Investigations are here needed.
There Is only one opinion as t« the
desirability of discarding all diseased
seed before planting and using only
that which Is mature and healthy.
This Is strongly urged.
It has been demonstrated through
seven consecutive years of beans upon
the same land, two crops each season,
that the anthracnose Is checked by
fungicides. The same Is true of the
bacterlosls. The bordeaux mixture has
proved of substantial value as a rem
j edy for bean mildew.
While the experimental sprayings
ha-ve been at Intervals of ten days, It
Is not recommended that they be more
than three In number for the ordinary
wax sorts. For pole varieties or any
that require the whole season spray
ings once In three weeks would per
haps be most profitable, and yet the
distribution of the drenching rains
should determine the times of the ap
It was shown that old spotted pods
when used as mulch greatly Increased
the disease upon the area thus covered.
All such refuse, whether of pods or
stems and leaves, should be burned.
A rotation of crops Is desirable from
the standpoint of freedom from dis
ease, but It has been demonstrated
that with frequent spraying beans may
be grown with profit indefinitely upon
the same land.
The leading points In bean growing
are: First, to have strong, healthy seed
of the least susceptible growing; sec
ond, planted not too close or deep;
third, in rich, well drained soil, and
fourth, spray with bordeaux or Its
equal, soda bordeaux, at three week
Intervals. To this Is added the not less
VMM wrrii
Important point of burning all the ref
use of the field as soon as possible aft
er the enjp Is harvested.
These experiments indicated that no
distance Is superior to six Incite? U the
row for bush beans of tUv golden wax
sorts when tUc » - «»vs are 20 Inches
but It should be stated that less
space Is required In the second than In
the first planting of any season.
Whnt WhcjJ, v'vvu Hud tint* I.otr by
The Corncob.
1 Wheat fluctuates In weight according
to the dryness of the air. The extent
of tills variation under ordinary
tlons does not exceed i\ |«r cent, but
where the »s taken from an In
tensely dry climate to a comparatively
diynp one the gain may amount to 25
per cent.
"Oats stored In thx fall lost In one
Instnqcf t'ver <1 per ceut by the follow
ing May, less than 2 per cent in the sec
ond lustauce and i aetly 2 per cent In
the third and In a l .urth lost but seven
pounds In 100 bushels.
«'orn, when the entire plant is stored
In the silo, suffers a very considerable |
loss In weight. As an average four
tests this loss amounted to 8.32 per
cent. In 9t(icr .•ases the loss varied
from 14. to 20.U0 per cent.
When the entire plant Is cured In the
field, subsequent variations In weight
are determined by the dryness of the
air. At the C«iUUeotleut station, where
27.:5ij toils (>r corn were cut Sept. 1 Into
shocks, I,«mlrd to the barn later and
stored for fodder, the gross weight
was but 4.8 tons. On Feb. 8 following
the weight was 7.5 tons. In a duplicate .
test 25.5 tons of green corn weighed but '
5.2 ton - ou Nov. 11 and gained to 8.5
tons by Feb. 8.
When the corn i* husked in the field,
the of weight suffered by the ears
depends on their condition when hauled
to the crib. Very damp corn cribbed
early in October shrunk in weight 30
per cent by the middle of February,
while dry corn cribbed Oct. 21 had
shrunk by the last of January 11 per
cent. In another case corn very dry
when hauled shrunk by New Year's
less than 3 per cent At the lowa sta
tion the loss In an entire year was 20
per cent in one case and 9 per cent in
The relation between the weights of
kernels and cob does not stay constant
as the ears dry. When first husked,
fully 25 per cent of the weight of the
ears lies in the cob. By spring less than
20 per cent of the weight of the ear Is
in the cob. An elaborate set of experi
ments at Houghton farm showed that
the shelled corn lost in weight but
about 7.45 per cent from October to
March, while the cobs lost fully 3G per
cent.—D. C. Smith, Michigan Station.
A Correspondent Warrant! It to
Clone Itself and Star Closed.
I send you the following sketch of
a gate that will absolutely close itself
and stay closed. Take any ordinary
gate and attach binges as shown (to be
made from old wagon or biiggy tire),
Just so the same will work easily on
the post. Then attach trace chain at
brace A and also to post at B on re
verse side from gate. By opening the
gate the chain Is wound around the
post, raising the gate about eight
Inches. It will close by its own weight.
The hinges are cheaply and easily
made and attached, using only two
small bolts on each. If people will
adopt this hinge and method of swing
ing a gate, they will have no further
trouble by having gates left open. I
have used three now for four years and
have had no trouble. Before it was
nearly impossible for me to keep them
closed. The gate is suspended by the
chain, and the brace at A is for the
purpose of letting the weight come on
all four slats and should be about 18
Inches from the rear of the gate.—Cor.
Farm and Ranch.
Sowing Grasa Seed.
There are many who think they can
get better crops of grass by sowing the
■ee<l In August or early In September
without grain than In any other way.
We think this is correct when the laud
has been well prepared and the season
Is favorable. The one drawback is the
chance of a fall drought, which will
not allow the seed to germinate or
burns out the tender shoots as they
come up. Yet there is scarcely one year
In ten when this will happen If the
land is well worked and the seed quick
ly follows after the stirring of the soil.
And one may take his chance almost at
any time from July to Sept. 15 to ob
tain good weather. We seldom have
six weeks of weather in succession un
fit to sow the grass seed.—Boston Cul
Tk« Tim* to Cat Timber,
A good time, if not the best, to cut
timber or fell trees Is in midsummer,
when the leaves are full grown. If the
trees are cut from the Ist of June to
the Ist of September and left two or
three weeks until the green leaves are
• dried before cutting or splrtting, the
leaves will draw the sap from the body
of the tree and thus quickly season the
wood and prevent sap rot and worms.
The Ist of August is one of the best
times to deaden trees, says Field and
Air Dried Swamp Mack.
Air dried swamp muck Las a high
value for the nitrogen It contains and
Its power to absorb and retain liquid
excrement. It Is best employed as a
litter In conjunction with straw and
can be mixed wltb manure in tbe barn
yard to advantage.
llOilrdln* Bis Faada.
Old Gentleman—My friend, what do
you do with your wages every week
put part of them in the savings bank?
Bus Driver—No, sir; after paying the
grocer, butcher and the rent I pack
what's left away In barrels. I don't
believe In savings banks.
More Space Reaut**'.
Mr. Gooph—When I tUe, I don't want
anything but the truth about me
carved on wy tombstone.
Mrs. Gooph—l am afraid we will
have to put up a stone wall, then, in
stead of a monument. Baltimore
Wanted to lie Sarc of Her.
"I want to buy a monument for Ma
ria's Brave," said the Blllvlile citizen.
"A large one?"
"Well, I reckon 'bout ten ton will do.
It'll take Jest 'bout that much to hold
her downl"—Atlanta Constitution.
First Neighbor—The piano tuner wu
at your house yesterday, wasn't he?
Second Neighbor—Yes.
"It w#a »ucb a delightful change."—
{k'trort Free Press.
Up to Date.
Caller—Pay me that fiver yovi owe
Ililkson—Wh-wby, thla 1» luurder!
Caller- No, It aliVt. I'm Just "break
ing off diplomatic relations."—Chicago
Ron a Gallant Irish Regiment Too It
mi After Battle Scolding.
The leading regiment of our column
was tile Fifty-third, commanded that
day by Major I'ayn, afterward General
Sir William I'ayn, K. C. 8., a very fine
regiment who, being mostly Irishmen,
were eager to meet their enemy. Meen
whlle I receiveil orders to cross the riv
er by a ford and get round the enemy's
right flank, and I bad gone for thia
purpose and was crossing abont a quar
ter of a mile lower down, when sud
denly I heard loud cheering and a
heavy musketry fire, and then I saw
our troops gallantly advancing across
the bridge to the assault.
It turned out to be the Fifty-third,
who, tired of the delay under fire and,
it was whispered, hearing that Sir
Coliu had sent for his pet highlandera
to take the bridge, took their blt» be
tween their teeth and without any
further orders determined to rash the
bridge themselves, which they accord
ingly did. and with great success. The
enemy, onee forced out of their posi
tion, showed but a poor, desultory
fight and, as at Cawnpur, fell an easy
prey to the cavalry, who, having cross
ed, some by the bridge and others, in
cluding myself, by the ford, fell on
them and pursued them with such suc
cess that we captured every gun they
The Fifty-third were well pleased
with themselves and the result of the
fight they had so suddenly Initiated,
but we beard that Sir Colin was great
ly annoyed with them and after the ac
tion rated them soundly for their in
subordination. But little did theaa
wild Irishmen care. They had had
their fight and a real good one, so far
as they were concerned, and as Sir
Colin concluded his speech of rebuke
they gave him three cheers, and giving
three cheers more for General Mans
field, Sir Colin's chief of staff, who
had formerly commanded their regi
ment, they quite npset the chiefs equa
nimity, but at the same time cleaited
away his wrath.—"Old Memories."
How Old Abe Learned to Tell When
a Thing la Proved.
A man who beard Abraham Lincoln
speak In Norwich, Conn., some time
before he was nominated for president,
was greatly Impressed by the closely
knit logic of the speech. Meeting him
next day on a train he asked him how
he acquired his wonderful logical pow
ers and such acuteness in analysis.
Lincoln replied: "It was my terrible
discouragement which did that for ma.
When I was a young man, I went Into
an office to study law. I saw that a
lawyer's business 1b largely to prove
things. I said to myself, 'Lincoln,
when Is a thing proved? That was A
poser. What constitutes proof? Not
evidence; that was not the point.
There may be evidence enough, bnt
wherein consists the proof? I groaned
over the question, and finally said to
myself, 'Ah, Lincoln, you can't tell.'
Then I thought what use is it for me
to be In a law office If I can't teH when
a thing Is proved?
"So I gave it up and went back
home. Soon after I returned to the
old log cabin I fell in with a copy of
Euclid. I had not the slightest notion
of what Euclid was, and I thought I
would find out I therefore began at
the beginning, and before spring I had
gone through the old Euclid's geometry,
and could demonstrate every proposi
tion in the book. Then In the spring;
when I had got through with it, I said
to myself one day, 'Ah, do yon know
when a thing is proved?" and I an
swered, 'Yes, sir, I do. Then you mag
go back to the law shopf and X st£Bi.' r
What to Read. '
Road the good old books that haw
lived and held their own by the vital
ity of matter and style that makes
them standards. Don't read a lot ot
new books about the Bible. Eead the
Bible, and -4hen you will understand
what yon may afterward read about
the Bible. Read Shakespeare, not con*
troversies on Shakespeare; read Scott
and Thackeray and Dlckena and George
Eliot. Do not be content with a short
history of literature that tells you theia
best works and makes a few discon
nected extracts and tells you their
standing and what you should thlntt
of them.
Read Intelligently and with Interest,
and every book you read will guida
you to the next that Is good for you
personally far better than a Strang*
mentor can do, who Is often full of
theories and prejudices or perhaps ha*
got up a course of study as a "pot boll*
er" and has no real love of his subject*
Horaea' Snmlioameta.
The wearing of sunbonnets by horse*
In hot weather Is by no means a mod
ern Invention. In an old Italian print;
dated 1542, a gentleman la shown rid
ing on horseback with an umbrella fix*
td over Ills own head and another over
that of his horse. In Mexico horses aro
often protected by a small parasol rla»
lng over the head, and a horse similar*
ly accommodated has lately been seen
In Itegent street Unfortunately this
headdress nnnoyed the conventional
"horse In the street," and It came very
near causing more than one disaster on
the way to Langham place.—London
Rot Needed.
'According to the London Vanity Fair,
a celebrated surgeon met a young offi
cer In Piccadilly one day and greeted
him with surprise. "Well, lam pleased
to see you! I am surprised! Do yoo
know I have a portion of your brain
In a jar at home?"
"Ah, well," laughed the other, "I can
easily spare that I have got a berttt
In the war office."
Viluom Canada.
One-third of the area of Canada la
practically unknown. There are more
than 1,260,000 square miles of unex
plored lands In Canada. The entire
area of the Dominion Is computed at
8,450,257 square miles; consequently
one-third of this country has yet been
antraveled by the explorer. Exclusive
of the Inhospitable detached arctic por
tions, 954,000 square miles are for all
practical purports entirely unknown.
Most of this unknown area Is dis
tributed In the western half of the Do
minion ID impenetrated blocks of from
25,000 to 100,000 square miles—that Is,
»r*as as large as the states of Ohio,
Kansas or New England are yet a
I lee ret to white man.—National Geo
graphic Magazine.
A Doable Runaway.
"They bavo a new coachman at the
"What's the matter with the old
"He let the horses run away."
"Did they run far?"
"Clear oat Into the suburb*."
"Anybody with bim?"
"Yes, Mamie Itippenbanger. She andi
U* coackwm havwft gotWyet.*-'