Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 19, 1901, Image 2

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WILLIAM C. XEGLF.Y - - Pabtl-ter
SI.M ftt year ia Mvaate, Otherwise SI-59.
William McKinley was a statesman
who from the deep valley of unknown
individuality climbed slowly up and up
until he stood grandly in the view of
the Nation and the world. Theodore
Roosevelt is a meteor, many tinted as a
rainbiw, who hastens across our horizon.
He it not yet at his zenith.
Bom. October 27, 1858, in New York
City of wealthy, aristocratic Dutch
descended parents, in childhood weak
and sickly, and in youth a student and
athlete. At Harvard he is a leader in
the field of isport He graduates at
eighteen, spends a year in travel and
foreign study. Returns home and
plunge# into municipal politics. The
years 1881 2 and 3 find him, though
scarce more than of age, advocating
civil service reform in the New \ ork
legislature. In 'B6 he is defeat d for
Mayor of New York. Poor health
drives him west where he operates a
cattle ranch with financial loss.
A a president of the commission of
civil service reform under President
Harrison be finds 14,000 employes
governed by civil service rules but soon
extends them over 40,000. A few years
later as Police Commissioner of New
York City he forces every saloon to
close on Sunday, a thing nnbeardof for
generations, and gives the metropolis a
Christian Sabbath. He resigns bis post
to become Assistant Secretary of the
Navy under John D. Long, and pur
petrates the monstrous extravagence of
spending $1,800,000 in target practice.
The r-. -ultwas seen a year later at
Manila and Santiago, In '99 be resigns
nrui organizes the Rough Hiders and at
their lead goes tearing up the hill at
San Juan. Governor of New York, in
'9B Vice President in 1900, President of
the United States in 1901, the youngest
in our history, being only 42 years of
age. And during all this exceedingly
eventful career, he has always been a
close student, a writer of usual power
and versatility, a compiler of histories
and a constant contributor to the lead
ing magazines. His "History of Crom
well," "Winning of the West'
"History of the Rough Riders" and
"History of the British Navy" are his
best known works.
He is blamed for being undignified,
impulsive and prone to act on the spur
of the moment, but thank God "there is
no record, in all bis varied' career, of
hi* ever acting wrongly. All honor to
our new President.
Debt ot Almira Home Wiped Out.
The Almira Home for aged ladies,
at New Castle, Is free of debt. The
last dollar of incumbrance has been
met, and it is announced that the in
stitution is row the property of the
Almira Home association. The last
$9,000 standing against it was paid to
Dr. Will Irish recently. It was neces
sary to borrow SI,OOO of this amount,
and a few days ago this was also paid.
The managers of the home are re-
S |©ceiving congratulations on the success
ful result of their efforts in establish
ing an institution where elderly women
can spend in peace and comfort their
declining days for a nomial sum.
Five years ago last June a little band
of zealous women, feeling the need for
such an institution, assumed the heavy
responsibilty of the purchase of the
handsome Irish homestead and beauti
ful grounds surrounding it. The lowest
figure at which they could acquire the
property was SIO,OOO, and this was
very much below the value of the
Mtate. The late Captain Irish iu this
way making a substantial contribu
tion to the home. The ladies had but
SSOO of the $10,500 required, and in ad
dition had before them the yearly main
tenance of the home. Their faith was
strong, however, and they secured a
loan of $2,500, and were thus able to
make the first payment of $3,000.
The expenses of keeping up the in
stitution amounted to between $2,000
and fl,ooo.
Last year it cost $2,700, For several
Sears there was S6OO of interest which
1 Included In the above estimate. The
promoters were not dismayed, however
and by vigorous efforts from year to
year kept the finance* of the institution
in a satisfactory state. Two years ago
A payment of $2,000 on the building
debt was made. Last year $1.200 more
wss paid. Tills present month the butt
of the $10,500 for the purchase of the
home was paid off and the institution is
now the property of the association
There are 18 inmates at the home at
present, and the used of the institu
tiou is evidenced by the fact that at
least 30 persons have signified a do
sire to enter it. It is absolutely Im
possible to admit them, owing to lack of
room, so the advisory committee feel
it Imperative to begin the erection of an
annex at onc«. At least 47 room* will
be added to the east side of the build
ing The new addition will be of brick.
Work will be commenced at once, arid it
is hoped at least the first floor may lie
ready for occupancy before wild
weather sets In. The annex will cost
from $15,000 to $20,000 and will be mod
em and complete In every particular.
To do this will require a greater outlay
tlian the original purchase of the home,
but encouraged by their past success,
the committee feels they can rely on
the co operation of interested ones in
the five counties, Beaver, Butler, L»w
rence, Mercer and Venango, and that
the sum can be raised.
The Almira Home association, It
might be explained, includes all ladies
who pb-dge themselves to pay $1 a year
err more towards the support of the In
stituUou. There are several hundred
members, a considerable numl>er of
whom reside In the other four counties.
These counties have ulso several in
mat'*s at the home, and the money re
quired for admission, has of course,
been raised by them, and thus aided
toward defraying the expeusus of the
Institution. A state appropriation of
SI,OOO per annum for the last four years
has also greatly assisted the manage
The Institution is one in which Butler
county peop'e should lie Interested.
We already have a number of ladies in
the home and as soon as the new build
ing is completed, the uumber will Ist
Bntler county has nn equal interest
with the other four counties, and ns we 1
have done nothing toward purchasing
the present home, we are now asked to
help build the addition, our share of
wbieb will 1w $Jt.<SSi or $4,0<10, It is
hoped that you will be enough Inter
ested iti this hon.e, to respond promptly
and liberally when your aid is solicited
The following ladies are among the
directors of the home: Mrs. J. H Sho
walter of Chicora; Mrs. E. P. Chesbro
of Petrolia Mrs Wilson, Slippryrock;
Mifs Belle Lo.iry Mrs VV. I), hniruloti
and Mrs. N. 31. Hoover, Butler.
Death of President McKinley.
William Mckinley, Twenty-fourth President of the United
States of North America, died at the Residence of John G,
Milburru President of the Pan-American Exposition at Buf
falo. about 2 o'clock of last Saturday morning. September
14.1901—0ne week and a few hours after an Assassin s
Bullet had Pierced His Body.
m IV i
He had been unconscious from a boat 8 p ra. of the previous (lay. His last
conscious hoar on earth was spent with his wife. He died unattended by a min
ister of the Gospel, but his last words were an humble submission to the will of
the God in whom he believed
He was reconciled to the crael fate to whfcb an assMin's bullet had con
demned him and faced death in the same spirit of calmness and poise which had
marked his long and honored career. His last conscious words were:
"Goodby all, Goo<lby. Uin God's Way. His will l>p done."
His relatives and the members of his official family were at the Milbnrn
hjuse, and some of his pars mal and political friends took leave of him. This
piinfal ceremony was simple. His friends came to the door of the sick room,
to/k a longing glance at him and turned tearfully away. He was practically nn
onseious daring this time.
But the powerful heart stimulants, including oxygen, were employed to re
store him to consciousness for his final parting with his wife. He asked for her
and she sat at his side and held his hand He consoled iier and bade her goodly.
She went through the heart-trying scene with the sain > bravery and fertitar?e
with which she has bore the grief of the tragedy which ended his life.
An autopsy was held that afternoon of which the following is the offi- ial
"The bullet which struck over the breast bone did not pass through the
skin, and did little harm.
"The other bullet passed throngh l*>th walls of the stomach near its lower
border. Both holes were found to be perfectly closed by the stiches, but the tis
sue around each hole had become gangrenous.
"After passing through the stomach the bnllet passed into the back w tils
of the abdomen, hitting and tearing the upper part of the kidney. This portion
of the bullet track was also gangrenons, the gangrene involving the pancreas.
The bnllet has not yet been found.
"There was no sign of peritonitis of disease of other organs. The heart
walls were very thin. There was no evidence of any attempt at repair on the
part of nature and death resulted from the gangrene, which affected the stomach
around the bullet wound*, as well as the tissues around the further course of the
"Death was unavoidable by any surgical or medical treatment, and was the
direct result of the bnllet wound."
This report was signed by all the doctor*
Saturday night the program of the funeral was decided upon as follows:
8:34 A. M Train left JJuffal •.
8:30 P. M Arrival in Washington
9:30 P. M In East Room at Washington
9:00 A. M Removal t<< Capitol.
10:00 A. M Public Services at Capitol.
6:00 P. M Taken frorn Capitol to Train.
8:00 P. M Train leaves for Canton.
5:00 P. M Airive in Canton.
Interment Thursday afternoon.
And this Is being carried out.
Simple services were held at the Milburn residence, Sunday morning; the
casket was taken to the City Hall at noon, and McKinley's features were viewed
by thousands that afternoon.
(Jn Monday morning the Funeral Train left Buffalo and panned via the I'.
& E. It. K, througbt Williamsport, Harrisburg and Baltimore and reached Wash
ington that evening, whefe the remains were taken to the White House by a
military procession. Every where along the route the dead President received
demonstrations of respect and affection.
Tuesday trorning the casket was taken to the Capitol (escorted by a milita
ry and naval possession, and all the leading men of the Nation) where th<- re
mains were viewed by thousands, and service* w< re held in the Rotunda; and
that evening taken to the Penn'a station and placed in the Funeral Car, which
passed through Pittsburg, yesterday morning about 9 o'clock.
Born at Nilcs, Ohio, 1843.
Enlisted as private, 1861.
Mustered out as Jlrcvct Major,
Admitted to the b;tr, 1867.
Elected Prosecuting Attorney,
Married, 1871.
Elected to Congress, 1876.
Member of Ways and Means
Committee, 1880.
ii:si dknt iv<x>si:\ i<;j:\\
Vice President Hooaevelt. who bellev- i
ed the President would recover. was in- ,
formed of the change in bin rendition
while in the woods of New York,
and hastening back reached Buffalo
Saturday afternoon. lie went to the
Milburn residence and asked to see the
remains, but was informed that the
surgeons were fit work, then he met the
Cabinet at the home of u Mr. Wilcox,
and W»M requested by them on account
of reason* of great weight to immedi
ately take the constitutional oath of of
fice an Pmideot of the United Htates.
He ciid "I shall take the oatli at
once, in reply to the reijnest In tbia
hour of deep and terrible national b>
reavement I wlnh to state that it shall
t>e my intention and endeavor to con
tinue absolutely unbroken the policy of
President McKinley for the peace and
' prosperity and honor of our beloved
j country."
The oath was then administered by
U. H. Judge J. K. Ila/.el, Koosevelt re
peating it, and be became President, and
asked the Cabinet and Secretaries to
withheld their resignation* until after
the funeral.
lti<cHlug Ilx< News in linliir.
Friday night Main street, around the
telegraph office, was thronged with peu
Chairman of Ways and Means
Committee, iSB9.
McKinley Tariff enacted, 1890.
Gerrymandered out of C OII'TCSH,
Elected Governor of Ohio, 1891,
He-elected Governor, 1893.
Klected President, 1896.
K .elected President, 1900.
Assassinated September 6, 1901.
Uied eptvmbcr 14, njoi.
I pie anjious for news from the President
I till midnight, and when the lust dis
! patch came at 2:l■> a. ui. there were
j 'juite a number of people in the oftie< i.
In Court Saturday morning, «>n mo
lion a meeting of the liar and citizens
*as called for 3 o'clock in the after
noon. The County < 'ommlssioners drap
I'd the (?onrt Mouse and soldiers monu
ment in black, and the National (tag
with mourning attached was displayed
by business houses. Wherever there
wax a flag staff the emblem was hung
at half mas t.
lii tin- 4'linrclicH.
On Hominy the pnlplt or walls of
nearly every church in town was drap
ed with our flag and the picture of Pres
ident McKinley, surrounded with
mourning. The keynote of every pray
er and every sermon v/iis our national
bereavement, and congregations wept
for our dead ruler.
In ihe evening two immense union
service* were held in the I ' P. ami M
K churches, attended by at lea it t,.VMI
people The IMhle sentiment. that "(lod
moves iri a mysterious way Ills wonders
to perform, was brought forward.
Ilcvt White, Oiler, Ktiterline anil
J ibti"tori presidi-d iu the M. I!. chur> h
and Hevs. M> K<-e, ( oo| er, Marnish and
Worrell in the U. P.
Copyright, 7
Prayer Services Today.
In accordance with the proclamation
of Prebident Roosevelt there will be a
union service for prayer and humilia
tion as a people at 3 o'clock this after
noon (while our President is being bur
ied) in the First Presbyterian church.
Meeting of Respect.
Several hundred citizens gathered in
the Court Room at 'J o'clock Saturday
afternoon. The bench and walls of the
room were draped with nionming.
Hon. A. G. Williams called the meet
ing to order and moved that J adze
Greer act as Chairman, and (411 motion
of W. 11. Lusk representatives of the
press were made secretaries
On motion of J. W. Hutchison a com
mittee on resolutions was appointed as
follows: Attorneys J. W. Hutchison, W.
H. Lusk, J. H. Negley, .T. D. McJnnkin
and W. B. Forqner.
After the committee had retired Mr.
Williams arose and made remarks eulo
gistic of the life, charact* r and works
of President McKinley and closed his
remarks with the appropriate expres
sion, "The man may die, but his deeds
will live forever."
Hon. John 11. Nettley followed and
after speaking in remembrance of two
members of the Bar whom infirmity
kept away-Judge McJunkin and L Z
Mitchell deplored America's humilia
tion in having three chief executives
stricken down within forty years. He
spoke of President McKinley's able,
masterful administration, and the re
spect and admiration he had won from
friend and foe, and wound up with an
expression of thanks that the helm of
government can at once be grasped by
a patriot able and braye -Theodore
11. H. Goucher, Esq after eulogizing
the President, denounced anarchy and
the spirit that creates license out of lib
erty, and spoke of the duty of Americans
to uphold President McKinley's succes
sor in the full discharge ol his duties.
Col. J. M. Thompson -poke of the
President as a personal friend of many
years- of his devoted domestic life: dis
tinguished services on the field and his
modest, generous >:.'<ture. The prime
remedy for anarchism i:> a well-taught
American common school. The assas
sin's name should be cursed and drop
ped into oblivion, stricken from
every record and yage, and be forever
unmentioned by every man of all
S. F. Bowser, Es'j. spoke of the duty
of educating children to respect govern
ments and its representatives and the
duty of all men and women at all times
to decry and denounce any treasonable
expression against government. No
greater name in American history than
McKinley, the man who was instrumen
tal in bringing 20,000,000 people into
better conditions.
W. C. Find ley, Esq., recalled the MH
aasalnationa of Preaidenta Lincoln and
(iarfield and lamented tbl* third great
».(diction The pnblic aehool and tli«»
ballot are America'* litilwitrlts of free
doin Let ns hope t lint another Hnch
blow may never befall UH.
li 1' Heott, Esq.- The winga of the
angel of death bavo spread over this n«
tion an a pall. 'I lie home alter irt where
freedom mnat lie pr«Herved. A g<iO<l
Cliilutlan IM a good citizen. Our ayni
pathy aboiild go moat fttrongly to Mm.
M' Kinlcy, who for twenty five yntn
WHS the OBJECT and recipient of bin
whole love and affection.
.1 I). Marshall, Iv«i We Hoft'cr from
tbi! fal«'j tcuchiuga of despotic Lurope.
The anarchists mnat go. Anarchism
should IM) wade bigii treaaon and pun
ishr-d aa aucb.
These resolutions, drawn IIJ> l»y the
(committee, were presented and read by
W. H. lantk. and were unanimously
l lIC ICt'KOllltiollK.
First. We have heard witli grief ami
indignation that the dastardly attempt
on the life of President M' Kinley baH
anccetiled too well, and that h» baa
joined bis predacesHora in the ball of the
martyr* d I'reaidents
Hecorni In every point of vie.v from
whicb the rhrtmcLei' of the departed
President Is contemplated, son, hus
band, lawyer, soldier, legislator, and
executive, it 1h that of a typical Amer
lean citizen
Third AH a son be wan a model of
duty tiud affection, IM a lawyer con
scientious in the exercise of his pfof'-n
aioti, as a soldier devoted to his conn try
and its fl.'iK, as a legislator broad in his
views and far reaching in the measures
be advocated, and in both the gtiberna
torial and presidential chairs lie ex
hibited a wisdom and firmncMi that were
the admiration of the world
Fourth. That the afflicted wife and
family of our martyred President have
our profound' st sympathies and the as
ail ranee that as American citizens we
realize that, onr lows is second only to
Fifth. That we demand the enact
merit of such laws at, the next session of
Congreita as will effectually stamp out
the curse of anarchy from our fair land,
and will more effectually guard tne
lives of oar rulers from future attacks
on the part of murderous fanatics.
Till- first attempt to asuai driate a
President was marie Jrinnary Jto, I n:jr,.
when as President Andrew Jackson was
leaving the capatol .t man advanced to
ward liirn from the cr >wd, drew a pistol
from under his coat, leveled it ami (lr< d
bat the percussion capexploded without
discharging it. The man dropped it and
raised a second pistol, which also missed
fire, (,'er.eral Jaek>«ur s iage una roused
at the uX( losiou of the first cap and lie
lifted his cane awl rushed coward his
assailant, who was knocked down by a
naval officer before the President could
reach him The man was an English
house painter named Richard Lawrence
who had been ont of work and he had
become convinced that General Ja-.-k
--son's opposition to the United States'
Bank had paralyzed theindustriesof the
country, and so ho conceived the idea of
assassinating him. At the trial of Law
rence it was clearly evident that he uas
a lunatic. The jury after five minutes'
deliberation rendered a verdict of not
guilty: but Lawrence was at once placed
in an insane any lam where he remained
till him death, more than thirty years
THE MARKET— Both agencies are
paying $1.20, this morning.
MIDDLESEX— The Forest is starting
another well on the Iliram Flick and is
drilling on the Marshall.
Mcintosh ha i a well nearly down on
the D. Park.
ALMSUHKNY TVVI* Parker & Moore
of Pal leer last week brought in a well on
their place west of the Ko^enberry
which started off at 100 barrels a day.
Sheiiff Kelly <fc Go are starting tlieir
No. 4 on the Htilings.
CON'OKU l u r week Nicholas,
McGill & Co.. brought in anew well on
: the Robert Campbell farm near Mnrt
land school-bou -e which has been flow
ing at intervals since and is said to
make 20 barrels a day. The South Penn
also finished a good well on the Israel
Campbell. Fiv ; new rigs are going up
on the Donaldson and other farms.
BAKERSTOWX South of Bakeratown
o i the Garraux; the Devonian Co. has a
naw 200 barrel well.
Pknn TWP Charles Giles lias finish
ed a new third and well on the Cooper
furm. The well came in a nice gaseer
te'iui the 100-foot but soon watered ont
PARKKI TV.'l' Starr & Campbell are
starting a well on the Cyrus Campbell
farm E. Moi l III.T is starting his No.
'i on the .fas. Storey.
Btrrt.Kii The 30 foot development
southeast of town is the liveliest place
in the county n >w. The two nice 20-
barrel producers struck by Gahaghan,
Beighley & C.'o. on the J. C. Kelly has
caused the drill to be started on all
sides of them They, Alf. Darling and
the Forest have well* drilling on the
same farm. West of them operations
have been commenced on the VV. .1
Welsh farm by 15 .1 Dodds it Co. and
by flinch be rger on the Christopher
farm. North, Barnsdall & Co. and
DulT Bros have wells started on the
County Home ferui and northeast the
Forest has a well almost completed on
the Weitzel.
CKAWI OHIJ CO EX Sheriff Dodds
'lrilled a well on his farm, not far from
Greenville, and at 4HO feet hit the
Berea sand, and has a well doing -I bbls.
of nice, green oil.
Harmony mid Zcllcnople.
iVliss Clenimie Weigle is at Butler
this week, called there by the sickness
of her brother Albert's child.
E Shanor. son of 11. K. Shanor of
Middle Lancaster, left Harmony on
Monday morning for the Western Uni
versity of Pennsylvania at Allegheny
where he is enrolled as a ctndent.
Mrs. E. W. Kidd of Harmony is at
Slipperyroek at present waiting on her
daughter. Miss Bessie who is sick there
with fever. She attended school one
week when she was taken sick.
Mrs Carrie Thompson of Harmony
has copies of several Pittsburg daily
papers which announce the assassination
of Lincoln on .April M, IKOS also of
Garfield's funeral at Washington and
Cleveland Sept. 2-lth and 20th IHHI.
Harmony and Zelienople are mourn
ing for our beloved, deceased President.
The church bell lolled on Saturday
morning, flags floated at half mast,
midst drapery, business and private
honses are decked In crape.
Win. Zfegler of Dufjnesne visited his
parents Mr and Mrs. 11. M. Zeigler at
Zcllenoplp over Sunday.
I f '
Uncle Sam's
Mail Service
requires physical and mental
ability of a liitfli decree to
withstand iti hard labor*. The
high tension to wliith the
nervous system i* constantly
subjected, has a depressing ef
fect, and soon he:n!; < he, back
ache, neural*'a, rheumatism,
M iatica, etc., ocvelop in severe
form. Sir !i w;.i the cn*e of
Mail ( Jini'-r S. F. Sweinhart, I
of Hunt'.. He, A!a., he says:
"An ali:nk i,l |>iie<jri''>- •< I r 't 'ne
with i/»ij « ul*r t«•' nn ,r-, 'j< ),e,
and t! t wli over
I I 101
about a month when I «• • 1 to tfive
MUe»' Pain PAlls
and Nrrvr I'la 1n n trial. In llirrt
lityt I wa* again "it niv luutenid In
two weeks I wan free li n jam and i
gaining in fl' »b and Mrenjjlh.'
Sold br all Dru«tl*t*.
Dr. Mllea Medical Co., ElWhsrl, I'n*.
("ASTOR—At his home in West Lil>erty,
September 8, 1001, Edward Castor,
eon of Frank Castor, aged 25 years.
DUFFORD —At bis home in Connoque
nessing twp., Sept. 15, 1901, William
Dnfford, aged 68 years.
DEWOLFE— At the Conntv Home,
Septeml>er 10. 1901, Champion De-
Wolfe, aged 7"' years.
He was a native of Bntler and a son
of the late Dr. H. C. DeWolfe.
GRAHAM—At the County Home, Sept.
13, 1901, Daniel K. Graham, aired 64
Mr. Graham went to the Home an
invalid a short time ago and his death
was cacsed by dropsy. His property in
Brady township was sold recently at
Sheriff Sale. He is survived by his
widow and children.
ALLEN—At his home in Pittsburg,
Sept-ember 15, 1001, Richard Allen, in
his 84tli year.
Mr. Allen has relatives in this county.
He ran the first passenger engine from
Altoona to Pittsburg, and had been on
the retired list of the Penu'a R. R. Co.
for many years.
TROUT MAN—At lowa Park, Texas,
Sept. 1. 1901, Leonard Troutman,
formerly of Butler, aged 45 years.
CROCKETT-At the County Home.
September 12, 1901, Albert Crockett,
aged 18 years.
CUMMINS—At his home in Allegheny.
September 11, 1901, W. J. Cummins,
formerly of Butler, aged 30 years.
DODDS At her home in Prospect,
September 1, 1901. Mrs. Elizabeth,
widow of W. W. Doods, aged about
80 years.
Hon. William W. Dodds, whose
widow's death is above recorded, died
in Prospect some thirty years ago. He
was in his day one of the most active
and prominent men of the conntv, par
ticularly in political affairs. He was
one of the first members of the Legisla
ture under what we now know as the
Republican party, being elected in 185"
nnd 1858, when the party was beiny
formed. He was a man of more than
ordinary intelligence and quite influ
ential as a citizen.
POTTS-At Dixmont Asylnm, neat
Pittsbnrg September 16, 1901, Levi
Potts, aged about 72 years.
Mr Potts was born and raised in this
place and was well known to near al!
our citizens. He had been at tht
Asylum for a nnmljer of years.
HARVEY—At the home of her sister,
Mrs. George Hays, in Middlesex twp.,
September 15, 1901. Margaret, wife oi
.James Harvey,dec'd., of Clinton twp.
aged 82 years.
KEENE—Sept. 17, 1901, at Los Angeles
Cal, Frank M. Keene, Jr.. aged 24
Failing health forced the deceased tc
give up his tobacco business in Butlei
and seek a more salubrious climate f
few months ago. His death was caused
by consumption. His father was witfc
him and is bringing his remains home
FALKNER—At his borne in Carboi
Black, September 12, 1901. Harry, soi
of Lewis Falkner,aired about 19 years
KNAUSE—At his home in Snmmi
twp,, September 14. 1901, Andrew
Knause, aged 88 years.
I'APE At her home in Butler.Tuesdaj
morning, September 17, 1901, Mrs
Mary Pape, in her 62nd year.
"Everybody liked Mrs. Pape," every
body was her friend, and her sadder
death was both a shock and surprise t(
this community. She had lately re
turned from a trip to Buffalo, whict
she greatly enjoyed, and she was ap
parently in her usual health. Monday
up to 10 o'clock, that night, whon sh<
became seriously ill, followed by uncon
scionsness, which continued until
o'clock next morning, when she expired
Mrs. Pape's tnaideu name was Marj
Stehle, and she was the eldest child o:
Thomas Stehle, for many years one o]
Itest known business men of BnUer.
She was married to D. T. Pape. ii
1858, and since his death in 1885, has
with her sons, continued the milliner}
and jewelry business.
Heramaible and charitable dispositioi
endeared her to all.
She is survived by four sons -Charles
Theodore, Gerard and EngeDe, and twr
daughters, Mrs. Mary Lamb, and Misi
Her funeral will take place Friday
morning at 9 o'clock, at the Euglisi:
Catholic church.
CAMPBELL September 18, 1901, al
her home, 231 Third street, Butler, ol
fever, Mrs. Charles Filmore Campbell
aged 29 years.
She leaves a baby three weeks old.
B. B.
new Pittsburg exposition
with its handsome now nusic hall,
exhibition hall and best of music,
is ari attraction well worth making
a trip to the city for.
Doubly attractive when you
keep in mind that you can at
same time visit this store and get
iii close touch with its magnificent
showing of
choice new goods.
Assortments in all the various
line; of Dry Goods present very
latest, most correct idea of smart
new fashion.
Styles and prices will make in
terestinnly and convincingly plain
the store's plan—to win your
approval with better goods,greater
variety, and prices you can't help
but appreciate from the pocket
book standpoint, quality con
Proof of it is ready—investigate
make the store your headquarters
while in the city.
Or if you can't come, use our
mail order department—get the
fall fashion book
and catalogue
and sec our readiness to save you
money on
ladies' suits, coats, capos,
Bkirts, waists,
misses' and girls garments,
mon's and boy's clothing.
Tht: new Silks and Dress Goods
are r asily the choicest yet pro
Hootrstfe Buhl
Department X
Choice Penn'a Municipal
Bonds for Sale.
Municipal Isjtula IUIIIC next to govern
ment Isni'la in jsilnt of ssfcty. Inventors
desiring to jitirclin.'ir name in amount* of
♦Jon ami upwards nrr invitcil to writr for
our descriptive price list,
Hank fur Savings MII'K ,
I'ittsburK, l'«.
13V t'otHU.MalnJsirfri j
1" & W It It
Trains leave Bntler for Allegheny,
local time, at O 'io, 8:05, 9:30. and 11 -.*20
a. in. and 4:00. 5:45. p. in. The 9:20
and 11:20 a. in. trains make the run in
an honr and a quarter. The 8:05 a. m
4:00 and 5:45 p in. trains, daily, connect
at Gallery for the West.
Trains leave Bntler in the Northern
Division or Narrow Gauge at 9:30 a. m.
5:15 p. in., local time, the morning
train for Kane and evening train for
W. Clarion
Trains arrive in Bntler from Alle
gheny 9:08, 9:17 a. m. and 12:10, 5:00.
7:03 and 7:45; and from the North at
9:05 and 3:50 p. m.
On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
nights, the Theatre train leaves Alle
gheny at 11:30 p. m. arrives in Butler at
1:10 a. m.
Time table in effect June 30, 1901.
Northward. l>ailv ex«*pt Sunday. Southward
(Bead up) (Head dowu)
I' M I' M KM. A M I' M PM
8 VI 6 30 1 03 Erie 6 00.12 W 4 15
8 24 I) 05 12 34 Fairview 6 25 12 35 4 40
8 14 5 56 12 24 Girard 6 36 12 4* 4 53
6 00 1 53 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 7 33 1 5-3 6 00
4 32 II 06 IT.. Conneaut. .It 6 10 11 05 4 32
7 54 5 33 12 05 Craneaville 6 55 1 07 5 17
7 4'.i 525 12 01i Albion 7 00 1 12 5 25
7 34 5 05 11 47 Sprinfboru 7 15 1 27 5 40
c 55 42511 08 Meadvllle Junct. 755 200 606
10 55 6 59 11 59 nr.. Meadvllle.. ar 8 35 2 55 6 59
4 25 3 25 10 22 lv.. Meadville.. .lv. 7 00 1 00 4 25
10 25 6 29 11 29 ar. .Con. Ukc. u 8 06 2 25 6 29
5 2ii 3 55 10 52 lv..Con. Lake..lv 7 'JO 1 30 5 20
7 W 4 34 11 10 ar Expo. l"ark.ui 749 210 6 15
7 04 4 :'4 11 16 1* " 1» 7 49 1 40; 6 15
4 32 ar. .Lineavilie ..ari j 6 22
5 3.V J1 v •' lv! 7 20; I 5 35
0 40 « 12.10 56 Ilartstown i 8 08 2 13 6 40
112" 3 58 10 42 Osgood 8 22 2 28 6 57
6 13 3 52 10 35 Greenville 828 2 35 7 05
6 00 3 42 10 28 Shenango 8 35 2 43 7 13
5 41 3 23 10 10 Kredonia 8 50 2 59 7 28
5 30 3 06 9 56 Mercer 9 02 3 13 7 40
5 241 3 01 9 51 Houston Junction 9 07 3 20 7 45
5 08 2 43 9 33 Grove City 9 21 3 38 8 00
4 61J 2 27 9 12 Brancliton 9 33 3 55
5 4U| 10 18 ar.. .HlUiard... ar 10 18 5 40,
2 3H 6 25 lv...Uillianl. ..lv 0 25 2 30
4 48 2 23 9 08 Kelster 9 36 3 58
4 o.'.i 1 40 8 25 Butler 10 10 4 4o
2 25 | 7 Oo Allegheny U 35 6 20
'pml am I a'nit i' in
Train No. 1, leaving Greenville 6:02 a. in.
Mercer 6;40, Grove City 7:03. Butler 8:10, ar
rives at Allegheny 9:40 a. ru.
Train 15, leaving Erie 9:05 p. m. Albion
10:05, Conncautviile 10;26, Exposition l'ark
10:54, arrives at Greenville 11:30 p. m., eon
itectiiiK at Erie with L. S. & M. S. train leav
ing Buffalo at 5:00 p.m.
Train 12, leaving Grovo City 4.35 a. m.,
Mercer 4:56. Urcenvilie 5:32, Conneautvllle
6:37, Albion 7-fio. arrives at Erie 8:03 a. m..
connecting with L. 8. & M. S. train due in
Buffalo at 10:30 a.m.
E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt,
(ien. Manager. Pittsburg, Pa
BURQ RY., Time table in effect
Sept. 1, 1901.
EASTERN TIME. | f22 j*6 |+B +l3 «2~
I'lttnlmrK I leave] a.in a.ui 'l'.m p.m p.m
Allegheny / P. A W. Sta I 9 00 4 10 10 00
Butler 7 45 10 12, 6 211128
Keuelton 8 14 ! I » 45 11 51
Cralgtvilie ' 829 a ,66512 01
Cowanavill. ! K 431 6 65
MolltgulneryvllU 8 54 6 10
Went Mosgrove i 9 07 6 20
Echo 944 a 639
Dayton 10 00, a 6 60 12 52
North Point 10 24 , 7 06
Hamilton !10 341 7 13
Valior ilO 41 i 7 18
PiinxNUtawney ar'll 00>12 03 7 30 1 30
Big KUU 2 OH 7 45 1 35
Curwensville ar' 4 +4 17 417
Clearfield ar a.m *4 32 4 32:
Dsßoi* +6 03' 12 45 2 31) 8 20 2 06
Falls Creek 6 Oil 12 52 2 47, p.m 2 12
Brock way ville i 6 26 1 05 3 04 2 28
Bldgway I 7 00 1 37 3 38 3 M
Johußouburg 1 7 14 1 41' 4 II; 1 3 1#
Mt. Jewett i H (Mi 2 41 4 4 14
Bradford ar 8 65 3 2ft 5 50 ft 00
Buffalo aril s<) ft 40 8 4ft 7 15
ari 7 20.}' in ! 8 45
I a.m p.m 1 | a.m
Additional train lenve« Panxsutawev for DuBoU,
KU)!H ('roek,('urwciiMTill« and Cloarfltddat ft:ls a. in.
Daily except Sunday.
EA CT KRF TTMK j +l3 I♦» r*a +5 j 1
leave a.to a.ma.m p.m p.m
Ilorh ester *7 45 l 9 00
Buiihio iv i »9 30 3 i6;io is
Bradford lv 7 45 12 10 6 15 1J 45
Mt. Jewett 8 42 12 59 7 12: • 32
Johnsonliurg ' 927 1 49,8 00 2 21
Kldgway 9 55 2 112 8 151 2 37
Ilrockwayvllle ' 'lO 30 2 32 8 52 3 11
Kails Creek ' a.m 10 49 2 47,9 09. 3 26
Dußois fl 40 11 Oil 2 56 9 15 . 3 34
Clearlli M Iv 11+38 p.m I
Curwensville lv 11+49
Big Kun r 7 13111 31 +2l 4<o
Puuisulawuey ar 7 28-11 45 333 p.mi 418
lv 730 a. in 3354 30 4 JO
Valler ' T 41 4 45
Hamilton 7 46 4 52
Worth Foist T m
Dayton .. •11 * ft 2ft 400
Icbo Si » 5 42|
W<rt Mmpwi ft w C n
Moutffom«ryTllU . - M
Cnwaliavllle H s«i 6 40
Cralgsville 9 09. a 654 •40
Keueltuli 9 2<)l 7 10
Butler 9 471 6 34,7 45 6 15
Allegheny ) P. &W. Htalll 00] 6 45 T SO
Pi Unburn j arrive a.m I p.m. I
A'l'llti'uml (niiii kMMMdtttfltM T4I p m, Kail*
<'r«mk at 11:00, DulMtf 9:lft, arriving at I'uiiiMUtuwuey
at 10:00 p.m. Dally cxdft Sunday.
* Daily, f Daily except Sunday.
a Train 3 will atop at Dayton. Echo and
Crulgsvlllo to lot off pMMonffer* from
Bradford ami points north of Bradford and
on algnai to)alii)on paMonser* for Alleitnenv
or point* ivi'Ht on the I'. A W. Kv.
Train 6 will atop at <'ralgnvllli>. Echo nnd
Dayton to let oIT piiaaongiTa from A llighmiy
and on algnal to take on paMMmger* for
llriulford and point a north of liradford.
Tralnsffand « uro ve»tthul«d with Imnd
■orno day cunchoa, i-afe anil recllnliiK Ctiatr
Trains 2 and 7 have I'ullman Hleopors Im
tween llnlTaln and I'lttsliurK and Iloehealor
and I'lttsljurK.
(Jen'l Pass. Agent
Rochester N. Y.
Si'ScuiLi la Errrcr H»|rt. 10. 1101.
IA M AM All I- Ml' II
IIIITI.EII L««»» 0 2ft » ic:|lu Wi I SA 4 80
S*K»,l>uric . . Arrive « M I»' II If, .1 on 1 A IK
lliltlT Jaiietlnu.. " 727 4VI 11 41' I 2A| A 44
nutl<<r Junction. , I.nwv" 7 111 IAH 11 6V, S tA; ft 44
Natron* Arrl«. 7 40, # 01112 (II 1 »A 4 A A
T'lronliim 7 44 »07 12 0*: I 42 5 AU
St.rlng.lali 7 A 2 » 1« 12 I#' 562 M 07
OUrmuout ! • »0 12 SSI 4 0# m |«
Hl,/»n«l.nrg » ll| » S6 12 4M| 4 12 « !M
All»|f li«uy • 241 V 4* I 02 4 2A II J*
A. m.|a m i'. M.|r. m r. u
OltV Hli't prtrwl|«l InUrliwlliit* lUllon* *1 7:30 L in.,
%U'l A:00 p. 111.
A M.iA. M A. M l'. M P. M
A II«KII«II JR Cliy .lon 700 H 4AIO 4A INO «10
SliMrlMilrtirg.., 7 12 H 67 10 A 7 3 16 nfl 22
OUrmnout, . II W 8 » ....
Sl.rlrigdkle II IH :i 40 ft :iu
Twonluai 7 Ml V 24 II 2S IN A 4S
Natron* 7 4;i wam 11 34 4 01 • M
llutl.r JancUoii arrlT. 760 a .17 I' 43 4 IA 702
amlr.r June lion—lnn**! 7f« U 87,12 IH 4 as 7 0a
S»>..nl.ur« * 21 10 iti IX 41 4 6# T 27
liltTl.lca. .arrlfai » 4A io tut I in n 2s 7 A3
|A M A M il 1 . M.jl*. HI r. M
SI'NIIAV TRAINS. Un Allrglmuy <Btjr for llut
l«.r mi.l |.rln. I|«l lnt.iriua.llaU. alatli.ua at 7.1 A a m. antl
ti :m p. m.
run Til K KAST
W..i.k« l>ata Sun.lava
A MiA M I' M A M. I' M
lltri.an I» » ZAllo AH 23A 7no Aon
Itutlor J'.,l »r 7 27|1l 40 3 26' » 20 6 60
Jit I» 760 II 43; 42t S2l H II
IT.", port ar 7 Ait! 11 4« 4 32. 526 * 14
Kahlmlnotaa J't " 7 Asl|| AO 437 «T> « 111
11. I.ui k " H 111 12 02 4 4a.: *4l aX!
I'aulloii ( Ap0110),,.H ,11 U 22; 610 »AS SAO
SallalulK " "AS ft 411 63» II 21 UID
ItUlravlll.. ~ I t> 2* 120 I! II It 62 «46
HUlravllln Int "j« 3« , li 2e 10 00
Albania ".1186 ... S6O ,12 40. ..
llarrlalmrK " 310 I 00 4 ail
Phlliut«l|ihla. . ." A 28 4 26 j, 7 17
IP. MAM A. M A M. P. M
Tlitougli tralna fur tlin mut laata I'ltUl.urg (Unlou
Station), aa fbllowai—
Atlantic Kipr.vaa, dally 8:00 a.a
I'anuaylvauU l.lmlta.l " T;IA "
l»y Kipraaa. " 7:30 "
Main I,lna Ktpiaaa, " aim"
liar. 1.1.M K Mall, " L24ARN
llaiilnl.tiiK lc«pri«a .tally 4 411"
I'lillatlaltflila ICsprnaa, 4 AO '*
Mull and K*pr"aa .tally l.it Ka« Turk only,
Tlironvli l.uffat alaapar; no enanliaa 7:00 "
KaaUiru Klpraaa, " 7:10"
Kaat I,llia, • Htm "
I'lttal.ura l.lmlta.l, daily, Tor N. « Tork, 11*111
mora and WaalilnaUiii only Iniai "
riilUd * Moll.Siiuda.ii only M.40 *.H
Km AllnnUr City (vl* la.law*ra Klvar Itrldga, all
I*ll r-sito), 715 a. m. (I*, nn.ylvanl.. I.|n>ll~l) «a«k
.lay*, soo a.m. doily and MS p.in.dally.
Buftslo and Allegheny Valley Dlvlilon.
Tf*lna laava K lakluilualoa Jnii.'lloa aa follow*
for Kufttlo, »,M a in and 1160 p in. dally, wltli
IIIIOIIKII parlor *ii.l al«.<plug 'ar*.
» ..r Oil I lly, 7 40, W 6l> nt .IH, A 16 and 1160 p.
M. a.w-K .lata Sunday*, U6II a m., II |A and || 60p.m.
r.,r K.ml Itnnk, 7.4", I* All, 11 17a ai ,2 M, S.IA.U.IU,
and II All p. 111, waali day*. Sunday*, VM, 10 411 a. in.,
r. |A and 11,60 p in
*..< Hlllitiii.fim. 7.4'!, U.'C. "o>., || |7 a m , Z. 35.6 86.
It, |6, 7.34, 11.34, and 11.60 p. in. a.-rk day*, Sunday*,
tr .Ml, 10.4U*. in , A 16, |u, 4o, and 11.60 p. in.
•'tt 1 ' *t..pa on algual to laka .in loaai ugcia for Taran
tuin *r.d ('.llit* bvyimd.
Pol ilatalla.l Information, apply In 11. kid agaut or
•d.tIMH Til.* K. Wall, I'aaa Aat Waatain I'latil. t,
I orlial rirtli Avantia and SailtbAalil Stra*t, I'lltal.tirg,
J It. IIUTCI!InoK, '. U Wool),
<ianaial.Man*ai I liau'l l**air Aaan
You'll find variety enough to be sure of getting just what you like,
U| Very handsome tapestry covers in all sizes at surprisingly low prices.
jR i yard f qua re covers 50c. 1 yard square covers 75 c » fi.oo, $1.50
jpk and $( 75. 3 yard square covers f 1.25 and 2.25. U|
Short Cluster Scarfs with 6 and 8 tails and long
I Scarfs with tails, am! with heads, claws and tails, (ft
C| I Made by the best Furriers in all desirable kinds of U
\\\\\ .be right and prices very low. £
Canada Seal Scarfs f 1 00, I 50, 2 50
\jyj ~ Electric Seal Scarfs $ 5 00, 7 50 U
\Uj IT . Stone Marten Scarfs $5 00 to 1500 JR
iR \(\ Black Marten Scarfs $5 00, 6 00, 8 50 Ub
S rl Sable, Mink and Fox Scarfs $5 ou up JO
L Are selling freely. Superior values in all the W
v <?\9 leading shapts and leathers make sales easy. jJ|
Chatelaine Bags 25c, 50c, 750, 1 00, 1 50 K
/?9% M®?V Purses 25c, 50c, 75c. ico
Chain Purses and Rags 25c to 3 00
/ V\\ We take especial care in filling orders entrusted
m? I |\\ to children. They teceive the sitae attention as 40
grown folks. If you want any Ribbons, Ties,
W j Belts, Hose Supporters, Collars, "Hosiery,J Under- flr
[frf wear or anything else in our line, don't be afraid yj
R IM to send the children. M
|L. Stein & Son,!
Winfleld R It Co Time Tabic
In effect January Ist, 1901.
Leaves Went Winfleld 7 45 - 50
" Boggsvillc .. 800 305
Iron Bridge 8 15 3 20
" Win field Junction 830 335
44 Lane 8 40 3 45
M Butler Junction 8 46 3 50
Arrive Allegheny 9 48, 5 08
Leave Allegheny 8 45; S 40
" Butler Junction 10 00 440
44 Lane 10 05 ,4 45
" Winfleld Junction 10 15 1 455
44 Iron Bridge 10 30 510
44 Boggsville 10 45' 525
Arrive Wwt Winfleld 11 00 5 40
Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on King to
take on or leave off luuttengerH,
Trains Connect at Butler Junction with:
Trains Eastward for Kreeport, Vundergrift and
BUirsvHle Intersection.
Trains West wan! for Natrona, Tare n turn and Alle
Trains Northward for Suxonbiirg, Delano and Butler.
(ieneral Manager.
GEO. K. McADOO, M. D.,
HOURS: —9 a. m. to 12 m; 1:30 p. m.
to 4 p. m.
Office second floor of the Al. Ruff
building on S. M«in St., and residence
North McKean street, Butler, Pa. Bell
Thone No. 45 and People's Phone.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
New Troutman Building, Butler l'h.
Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr
Graham's old office.]
Hours 7 to 9 a. ID. and l to 3 and 7 to
8 p. m.
137 E. Wayne St., office nours. 10 to
ia a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m.
Office 336 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Night calls at office.
300 West Cuciuingham St.
R00..1 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
sultation and examination free.
Gold Pilling and Bridge-Work Special
203 South Main street, Corner of
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Main street, Butler, Fa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
Has located In the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Killings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
No. *57 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building First door on South
Main street, next tny former office in
Boyd Huildiiig.
Office In the "CiTi/.KN" building.
Office in Reiber building, corner M&in
and K. Cunningham Sts. Kntrsnce on
i{. Cunninghsm.
RIM, HI 8.. Armory builillti fc .
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
S|>eclal attention given to collection*
arid business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Rank, or
Butler County National Hauler
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Hut
ler .P*.
A. T. III.ACS. Geo. U. HtawAUT
Armory Building, Butler, Pa
Office In Wise building.
Office near Court House.
liifiulre at Sheriff's office or 436 Mifllin
St.. ilutler. Pa.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over
O. W. Miller's grocery.
OFFICE— Next door to CITZKIN office
RntW P»
■3' )K y )j( ))* 3|l )|C HC 3K 3K X( 3jC))(3K )|C % ?K0l( > c
m in
a | r
j[]-iotel Kellyi*
A. Kelly <&, Sons, Proo'rs.,
Cambridge Springs, Pa.
£ A first-class hotel, In U charm- J F
lng country location, In con- j 1
j I ncctlon with the famous j
i; Mitchell Iron and Magnesia £
i f Springs; every thing new, mod- *
j [ em and up to-dutc; further In- j
$E formation with rates, etc.,
j j cheerfully furnished on uppU- i
] I cation; free carriages to and
; 1 from all trains. \ \
Pan-American 1901 Exposition
The Schenley Hotel Co.,
THOS. F. OLIVER, Manager.
Mala Olilce, 200 Niagara Street,
Constating of Hotel Schenley, Tbe Qreenbuiat,
The Three VerAool*. Tbe Elmwood,
Tbe York, The Laulc
And 25 other beautiful, furnished nw
denees in the Eltnwood Diatrict,
which ran he rented in whole or
in pait. Kates ji .oo per
day and up.
European and American Plan
The sin beR OmeN.
(l.no ix-r year if paid in advance, otlii'rwlse
$1.50 will lie marked.
AIIVEHTIHINII KATF.K— One Inch, one lime
tl; each *ub»wiuent liiHertlou no centit earli
Auditors' un<l divorce notices (4 eacbi exec
utors' and admlnlstrutorH' notices f3 each
estray and dissolution notices |2 eocii. itead
liiK notices 10 cents a line for first and S cent*
for each subsequent insertion. Notice*
amoiiKlocal newt, Item* IS cent* a line for
• bch In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thauka,
resolutions of respect, notice* of festival*
and fair*, etc., Inserted at the rate of S centa
a line, money to accompany the order, ,'evou
word* of prose make aline.
ltate* for standing cards and Job work on
All advertising Is duo after first Insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
fur In advunce. •
AII communication* Intended for publica
tion iu thl* paper must Ito accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good fnlth.ana should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notice* must be accompanied with
responsible name.
Pan-AinerlCAii Imposition liuf
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces tht) following special reduced
rates to Buffalo on account of the Pan-
American Exposition, which opeua on
May 1.
Summer excursion tickets, to bo sold
from April !J0 to SoptemberttO, inclusive
good to return until October 111, in
clusive, at rnte of $11.05 from Pitts
burg and proportionate ratal from other
Fifteen-day excursion ticket*, to be
sold beginning April .'lO anil good re
turning within fifteen days, including
date of aale, at rate of $9.20 from Pitts
burg ami proportionate rates from other
Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold
only on Tuesdays, May. 7, 14, SI, and
3H, and good returning within five days,
including date of sale, at rate of f«.00
from Pittsburg and proportionate rates
from other points.
Special excursion tickets, to be sold,
uond going only on specified trains, on
Wednesdays. May Ift and 20, and re
turning within three days including
date of sale, at rate of $5.35 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
The Pennsylvania Hail road Company
operates two through trains each way
daily between Pittsburg and Buffalo.
ICxciirsion Itutcs to Hnflu|o.
The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Ky. (Jo. announce, that commencing
June Ist the following reduced rntes
from Duller to Hnffalo will be in effect
on account of the Pan-American Ex
Season Tourist Tickets will bo on sale
every day at SO.HO for the round trip,-
good returning to and including Octo
ber 81st.
Tickets limited to 15 days including
date of sale, good only for continuous
passage in each direction, on ssle every
day during the Kiposition at $7.75 for
the round trip
Tickets limited to 7 days iucluding
date of sale, good only for continuous
passage in each direction, on sale every
day during the Exposition at ffl.Bo for
the round trip.
H|*ocial excursion tickets limited to H
days including date of sale, good oulv
for continuous passage in each direction
on sale Tuesdays only during the Ex
position at $4.25 for the round trip.
Returning, these tickets will lie good
on all regular trains leaving Hnffalo
nrior to midnight of the Thursday fol
lowing date of sale, but will not b»
good in sleeping or chair cars In either
For time tables and further informa
tion consult the nearest agent of the
WANT CD—Honest man or woman to trsvo
for lar*» house , milury |<l6 monthly and
<-« i„ with li»'r<'ii»«; (,(,union per man
■<nt:lni-|o«« wlf-KClilrrnmHl »laniD«>d envelop*
MANAGICK OOUMtOD bl<l«., Uht'%«o