I'M C . I IX' v THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. »9°' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VOTE—AII a-lver - i- itendluK to make :u:uie R In their am. slumld notify us of sticir Intention to ■ t -ter than Mon day mornlnic. Administrator's notice, estate of Mary J. Royle. Buffalo Bill for Sept. 10. Brown A: Co s locals. C. & T's furniture. Bickel's Fall Footwear. Dairy for Sale. Redick & Grohnian's corks. Grove City College. Adinliiltiian I Kiwutur, •>f estate ;tn seeuro their receipt N»>Ws it tin- CITI -EN office, and person* makiiii.' public sales tnsir note book-,. LOCAL ANi) GENERAL, —See the red pigs at the Fair. —See the big cattle at the Fair. —Buffalo Bill—Tuesday, Sept. It). —Boston is in agony over the short bean crop —Did you notice Redick & Grohnian's window. Its a corker. —The Butler Business College com menced to do business again Monday. —Natrona is said to be having an epidemic of scarlet fever and diphtheria —Some Pitfesburgers have put up a quarter of a million ou the coming yacht race. —Afl vMoatbe Simon Young farm i.i Clay twp.. last Sunday, moved a hay stack 700 feet. —The uest areat event —Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows --Tuesday, Sept. 10, afternoon and evening. —A Yorn state farmer died, last Sat urday. from the bite of a strange dog, concealed :n. a nnnger. —Ti.er»- were 167 prisoners in the Pittsburg jail, last Saturday, awaiting trial, four of them for murder. —Tax Collector Maxwell of Butler tiok in t- u thousand dollars last Friday, and eleven thousand, Saturday. —ln order to give the printers a chance to go to the Big Fair, we go to press a half day early than usual. —There has been no big show here this year and the people are hungry for one, bo look for a big crowd at Buffalo Bill's, next Tuesday. —The Speeehly sand leases are nearly on a north and south line, and if they keep on in that line, they a ill soon be leasing around Saxonburg. —The McCall reunion, last Thursday, was one of the greatest successes of.the season. Thej* had a fair day, and a thousand people were present. —Nearly all the large towns of the c.iuntry had labor parades, with from 3,009 to 40,000 men in line. Monday. At Tarentum tbev had a parade a mile long. —The great strike continues, and on Tuesday the Americar Tin Plate Co., notified the Sheriff of Allegheny Co. that their plant at Demmler Station was threatened by a mob. —There was quite a tumble in plate glass at Cooper's corner of the Diamond, Tuesday night. One drunken man pushed another against a large glass, which went to pieces, and which will cost about S7O to replace. —Buffalo Bill comes to Butler, next Tuesday, fresh from his great success at Buffalo, with the Biggest. Grandest and most complete Wild West Show he has has ever had. The papers speak very highly of his Expo, engagement —The heavy rain of last Sunday af ternoon flooded the West Penn Station and the lower Elm St. district, filling cellars and doing consideraole damage; and it also flooded N.Washington St., leaving places full of mud and stones. —On a sharp curve at Heiner station a mile north of Bruin, Saturday after noon, six P. & W. lumber cars jumped the track and toppled over on their sides. No one was hnrt but traffic was delayed nearly four hours, and the cars were badly smashed up. —The fifth million of people are now KOing through the turn-stiles of the Pan. Am. and the travel to Buffalo is taxing all the railroads. The show isn't as big as the Chicago fair, measured by acres, but its snug, perfect and charm ing, and will keep any visitor busy as long as he chooses to stay. The Compulsory .School Law. I wish to call attention to the new compulsory schi >ol law which closely con cerns parents, pupils, teachers, direc tors and superintendent. The law should lie in the hands of each one mentioned and I therefore ad vise boards of directors to send to the CITIZEN office, Butler, Pa., where you can procure copies of said law for a very small sum—one dollar being enough to supply a township—one to each heme. Yours truly, HOWARD I. PAINTER. ;sf"We will furnish the above to in dividuals at a cent a copy, plus postage, or to School Boards at 50 cents for 05, 75 cents 100, or $1 for 150, postage pre paid. Send all orders to the CITIZEN, Bntler, Pa. Letter to A. K. Klmgensmltli. Butler, Pa. ' DesarSir: Perhaps you are going to paint your house, aud don't believe in Drfvoe. We'll make you an offer: Paint half your bouse lead and oil; tha other half Devoe lead and zinc. In three years the lead and oil half will be hungry for paint; the Devoe half will turn water as well as when new. If not, our agent will stand by this: "If you have any fault to find with this paint, either now in the painting or hereafter in the wear, tell your dealer about it. "We authorize; him to do what is right at our expense." D.ivoe lead and ziuc holds color better than lead; turns vv iter twice as long. Yours truly. F. W. DEVOE & Co. P. S>-Patterson Bros, sell onr paint in your section. EVKRYONE OUGHT TO leirn the habit of saving, it is not what yon earn but what you save. Any one can make ui mey but it takes a wi.e man to save it. Now is the time to start, and yo'ir deposits made with us will earn you 4 ]K.-r cent, interest compouudej evcrv 6 months. Send for onr booklet, all abmt banking by mail or in person free. PRUDENTIAL, TRUST COM PANY, 6124 Penn \ve., Pittsburg, l'a Old Dr. Drummond. After years of patient study and ex periment. has given the world a prepar ation which is an absolute and perma nent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price $5, but it is two large buttles enough for a months treatment, and will relieve the worst case from the first dose. Sent by express upon receipt of price, by Drumniond Medicine Co., New York, with full particulars and testimonials of wonderful cures. The New Royal Sawing Machine has nosnperior. It has stood the test for past 25 years. Before buying see Brown & Co. and save from one third to one half on price. Purified milk 4c ts a quart at the CREAMERY. PERSONAL. | Ex-Co. Com'r Samuel Marshall is se riously ill. E. L. G»! s .u of Parker twp., attend ed the f air. C Johnston of New Castle visited Butler friends, 2a»t week. Miss DntT of Washington, Pa . is the guest of Miss Mary Bowser. E. S. Kregsr c f Concord twp. was in town on business, yesterday. Patrick Mcßride of Coylesville was in town, on business. Monday. John Hildebrand, also, wears boots in summer. He's afraid of snakes. Miss Schietle of Freeport is the guest of Miss Rockenstein of Broad St. Mrs Nancy Heater of Prospect was brought to the Hospital, Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Smith of Ravenna, O. is the guest of Mrs. G. N. Burkhalter. A. L. Latchaw.- wife and mother, are visiting Mrs. Latchaw s folks in Butler. Harry Siebert and wife of Allegheny is visiting his father. William Siebert. Mrs. Graham and daughter of Youngstown are the guests of Mrs. S. N. Kidd Miss Georgie Crane of South Main St. has accepted a position in the schools of Irwin. Pa. Maj. Albert G. Negley oI Florence, Ala., is the guest of his brother, John H. Negley. Miss Thomas of Bradford is the guest of her aunts, Misses Emerick of North Washington St. Miss Clara Riley of Etna was the guest of Miss Kittie Siebert of West Wayne street, last week. Philip Graver of Gomersol and Sarah J. Emery of Cbicora have lately secured pensions of per month. Norman Jones of New Castle and Edward Osborne of Allegheny are the guests of Cashier .John McMarlin. John Wilbert, former baker for J. A. Richey. but no* - located in Zelienople, visited friends in Butler, Thursday. Thomas Humes of Clearfield intends visiting a daughter in Cleveland next i week and taking in the encampment. Markle Neyinan of Oakland was in town. Friday, and said they were leas ing for the Speeehly in that township. Misses Rockensteiu and Berg have re turned from a very pleasant visit to Pan- America and other Canadian points. Miss Annabel Lefevre of Middlesex twp. is visiting Rev Greenlee's family at Zelienople. She took her new wheel with her. H. Walker and wife of Centre Ave and Cbnrles Jiles and daughter of Penn twp. spent a day or two last week with friends at Bruin. Misi Lillian Ensminger is entertain ing a party of I'ittsburgers, consisting of Misses Becker and Keeper, and Messers Yogeley, Eall and Ensminger. John Ayrea, John Anderson and Mack McLaffarty assisted the St. Petersburg baseball club to defeat Clarion 0 to 8 Saturday. Anderson had three three baggers. Harvey Miller returned home last Sat urday from a visit with relatives in the central part of the state,which he great ly enjoyed. His wife is yet with friends in Tyrone. Mrs. MatiWft Deer and her daughter, Emma, who had been visiting their uncle, Albert Hiekey. returned to their home in Etna, last Friday. They spent a pleawnt month at the old homestead. R M. Addleman of Venangj twp. was in town, last Thursday, and his old friends did not recognize him, as some days before he bad had his face badly burned by an explosion of gas. Albert Arnold, of Mars, is having a steam auto, built in Pittsburg, with which to transport nitro-glycerine from his magazine to the wells. It will be finished and sent to him, this week, and people vslio want a ride on it should send in their names. Fred Cnlbert, who left New York on May 1 to walk to Sionx Falls on a wa ger of SSOOO, arrived there last Satur day. 32 hours ahead of time. The dis tance walked is 2,200. Culbertleft with out a cent and had not slept in a bed since his departure from New York. Geo. B. Turner of W. Sunbury re turned home, last Thursday, from his visit to his son, who has a cattle range in northwestern Nebraska. The wheat crop in that country was light, but the hay was good, and " the grass remains good on the ranges. Tha western coun try is very dry and dusty at present,and the long ride was very fatigueing. Some of the corn is burned brown, but it is good in theivalleys. Mr. Turner stopped in lowa, to see his bruther there. Bob Fitzgimmons, who has swung around the circle and knows whereof he speaks, in a recent lecture to young men said: "I never see a young man dissi pating but I feel like taking him aside and telling him that he is wasting his strength and squandering his brain pow er and storing up for l a legacy of disappointment and suffering. It is not a question of morals. It is a question of self-interest. Life is like • a sparring match. A man needs to be in the finest possible condition to have any chance of victory." President's IViy at the Expo. Thursday, Sept. .">. For this great and glorious occasion the Buffalo, Rochester er 15, together with fee of 50 cents will be extended for return passage to not later than October S. Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Rates to Indianapolis. For the meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Indianapolis, Septem ber 16 to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets to Indianapolis from all points on its lines at rate of a single fare for the round trip. Ti.-kets will be sold September 12 to 15. inclusive, and will be good to re turn. leaving Indianapolis not earlier than September 15 not later than Sept. 2:5. By depjsiting tickets with Joint Agent September 12 to 23 and upon pay ment of fifty cents an exteusion of the return limit may be secured, to leave Indianapolis to October 7. inclusive. Pan-American. The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Company has placed 011 sale at all sta tions. excursion tickets to Buffalo, on account of the Pan-American Exposi tion. With the improved passenger train service now being arranged for, making connections with three impor tant Buffalo lines; viz. the Erie R. R.. L. S. & M. S. and Nickel Plate, patrons of the road will be given every opportu nity to visit the Exposition at the lowest available rates. j Tne latest designs in Fall Carpets J fresh and bright as a congress of babies lat Brown & Co's. They are just from j the loom. You will find Ingrains Tapestries Velvets- Axminsters -Body Brussels in Hal] and Stair Bed Room j Dining Room patterns. See us before buying. People say the Butler Creamery C.'o's | Ice Cream Is the best. I— 111 LI.GAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. Alexander Bros, and Ch;i~ Kelly vs •T. 11. Shiever. appeal by deft, fiom judgment of Justice McMicbael of Zelit - : nople deft, for ! The J. B. Millet Co. for use of Robert I < r. Newbegen of New York vs Clara M. • ireenlee, summons in assumpsit for ; 5500, claimed to be due for a set of ' liooks entitled "Japan, described and il j lust rated by the Japanese' which the ! plfs. allege the deft, contracted for but refused payment Mvrtle Latshaw vs Samuel B. Lat shaw, petition for divorce. John W. Allen vs W. H. Long, ap | peal by plaintiff from judgment render ed by Estj. Ruben McElvain. CONSTABLES RETURNS Constable Ficht of Adams reported that Mars parties were committing a nuisance by dumping garbage along the public road between Mars and Myoma, which causes a fearful smell, scares horses and endangers the health of the community. Ailshouse of Forward twp. reported the Reibold bridge needs tilling and the new road from Reibold to Renfrew was not open Bergbigler of Summit reported the West Penn s over-head bridge at Her 1 mon was built on and obstrncted the public road. Herdinan, Ist ward Bntler, reported P. & W. blockaded the Centre Ave. crossing and made flying switches across the street. The constables reported many roads and bridges in bad shape by reaaon of the late storms. NOTKS The will of John Foertsch of Jefferson twp. has been probated, and letters tes tamentary granted to Conrad Foertch and Wm. Zoller: also the will of Regina Kobler of Butler, letters to Frank Kohler. The will of Ann Eliza Orr of Butler has been probated and letters testa mentary granted to Stephen Cumroings. The proceeds of sale of her bouse and lot on North St. are left to the Episcopal church. The will of Leah Bnpp of Lancaster twp. Las been probated, no letters. Letters of administration on the estate of Mary J Royle of Butler have been granted to Samuel M. Seaton. A charge of cruelty to animals has been made against Grant Waldron by F. M. Swartzfager. Jacob Miller petition for guardian for Mrs. Jane Miller of Forward twp. and hearing was fixed for September 23. Mahala Boston petitioned for guar dian for Shepler Boston of Franklin twp. and hearing was fixed for Satur day, Sept. 14. John C. Graham, Esq.. Dr. W. J. Grossman and Benjamin Williams were appointed a commission in lunacy on Mrs. Esther K. Dyke on petition of Henry Dyke. The Court has appointed A. B. Hamel judge of elections for Penn twp. north. John W. Coulter, Esq., has been ap pointed guardian of John W. Wimer, a minor of Muddycreek twp. Leave to sell the real estate of George Flowers, dee'd., in Marion twp. has been continued. Leave has been granted John Post, adm'r of Frank Acre, dee'd., of Buffalo twp. to sell real estate. The Free Methodist church of Butler has filed its charter. The application of citizens of Bruin for incorporation as a borough was heard and the charter was granted, creating the borough. Sapiuel Phillips has been arrested for horse stealing on complaint of G. W. Snow. Kenneth Sampson of Evans City is in jail on a c harge of larceny. George A. Wick is in jail on a charge of surety of the peace. Samuel Severas was arrested and find for being drunk and disorderly. O. P. Pisor was appointed guardian of W. W. and Child Campbell, minor children of S. H. Campbell. The a&b cases (cross suits) against Agnes Umpstead and Joseph Mushrush has been settled. Annio Boyd plead guilty to f&b and was fined $1 and costs and discharged. On her information an indictment was preferred against Wm. Bassett. Mrs. Agnes Snyder of Butler was bronght into Court and plead guilty to f&b., but as she refused to make infor mation against the child's father, was required to give bond to the County Commissioners for its maintenance. When called before the court Mrs. Sny der, who is a widow, acknowledged the child's father to be man named Hoover, but refused to make any information against him, saying she would lay in jail till she died be fore she would cause any trouble to the good man who had kept her and her three children for a year,and if Hoover's wife had l>een half as good as he was there would have been no trouble in his family. She also said she loved him and if she could not marry him in this world she would in the next. In the matter of exceptions to report of viewers on a new road in Parker and Allegheny twps. the report was set aside and the costs put on Butler coun ty. The case of Com. vs Daniel Crook shank has been settled. The case of Win. Zeihervs John Mar burger and G. W. Sliilling.rule to show cause why judgment should not be op ened as to llarbnrger, was continued at the defendants cost. W. I. Scott of Lancaster twp. was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. Renigio Bartello anil John Lang pe titioned for naturalization and the oath was administered to them. The divorce case of Elizabeth Miller vs Alexander Miller was continued by the parties. In the divorce case of Ida E. Dobson vs Dorv E. Dobson was continued to allow amendment of the record. Divorce was granted to Lottie Pearl McElh aney from James Jeddison EcEl haney. SHERIFF SALES. Friday Sheriff Hoon made the follow ing sales: Fifty-three acres of A. J. Hflnlen in Donegal township to Mary Brickner for $1250; also 11 acres in same to same for $175. House and lot of Jas. Ramsey and Win. Truby on E. Penn St , Bulter, to A. G. Williams for sl4l. Forty-six acres of Henry Marburger in Jackson twp. to James Cooper for S3IOO. House and lot of Skillman heirs on South street, Butler, to Harper Bros, for $553. Eighty-five acres of D. K. Graham in Brady twp. to Jacob Snyder for $915. Thirty-four acres of Elmer E. Christ ley in Clay twp. to E E. Bell for $275 Forty-six acres of Wilbert Bard in Slippery rock twp. to E L. Ralston for $2621. House and lot of W. S. Brandon on Lincoln Way, Butler, to W. A. Stover for Fifty acres of Wendel Osche in Cle field twp. to John B, Greer for SISOO The writs against Helwig Grine, 1. I M. Huselton, Edward Kessehnan av Mary A and G. W. Stewart were re turned. The writs agaii st Martha Bole and John and Hugh Grossman were re turned. Sixty-five acres of Jas, and John Mc- Laffeity in Clearfield twp. to Michael Logue for SI2OO. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Philip Daubenspeck to Wm. H. Mil ler 3 acres in Donegal tor SOOO. | James Sheridan to J. I. Sheridan lot I in Mars for S2OOO. John L. Albert to Elmer L Albert 24 acres in Centre for $720. ; George E. Welsh to Grace E. Ander son lot in Mars for SIBOO. i George W. Renick toJacobG. Renick i 31!> acres in Centre for sl. Margaret A Doerr to Carol in G. Renick, 100 a-res in Slippryrock for i S2OO. C. J. Crawford to Mary A Parks lot in Allegheny fur SIOO. Mary J. tiibson to Minnie Greer lot in Washi .-ton twp. for $175 M;irriaj;e Laeen*"*. Paul Schmoker IJntler Mary McLifferty " John Stonghton Claytonia Birdie Shaffer Isle Perry Watt Orr Harrisville Alice Btirdell Moon " Fleming Snyder Smith Grove City Jean Eleanor Wilcox Mercer twp .James N. McFarland.. Rural Valley, Pa Mary E. Harkleroad Gastowtf. Pa Gov A Dnnlap Valencia Mary E. Stephenson Mt. Chestnnt •Tames Dixon Worth twp Mary Elizabeth McConnell• ■ Cam Wallace Carnahan.... Clarion Co. Laura Rignle Karns City At Pittsburg—W. H. Varner of Perrysville and Mary Eekhart of Butler Co. At Pitfsburg—Andrew .T Thompson ami Estell A. West of Butler. At Buffalo—Peter Kihn and Lucinda Heath of Bntltr. PIKES. A barn on the W. S. Barnes heirs farm, near Hurrisville. was burned. Fri day. together with a quantity of grain and hay. The fire was started by a horse kicking over a lighted lantern The loss, about £IOOO. is partly covered by insurance. John Allison's barn in Allegheny county, just across the line from Clin ton twp. was struck by lightning and burned last Friday afternoon: also Sam Austin's hay house, nearby. The barn of Park Milford in Alle gheny twp was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire at noon of last Satur day . The barn of W. S. Coulter of Craw fords Corners, a brother of John W . o Butler, was struck by lightning and de stroyed by fire. la a t Saturday. He and his family were absent at the time, but John Kerr, a neighbor. seeing the flames ran and let the horses out. His harvest grain and all machinery were lost. The loss vas partially covered by iu-u ranc»* The barn of Perry McFadden in Virion twp was struck by lighining il< sinned by fire on Saturday lrght Aug. 24th. He lost ever} thing and bad but S3OO ici-nrauce in toe Worth Mut ual. Mrs. Frishkoiu's barn in Jackson twp . Davi l Burns' 011 Brush (.'reek.and Rev. Bou-ijer's in Beaver Co., were si ruck and burned daring the storm of last Friday. Buffalo Bill. On Tuesday next Col. Cody's great Wild West Show, with its 1200 men and horses will arrive in Bntler, and parade our streets it 10 a. m. The new features of the show is an illustration of the capture of Pekin, the Marine drill, and scenes from the Boar war. Reserved seats can 1*» had at Reed's News-depot. Exhibitions begin at 2 and 8 p. m. GROVE CITY COLLEGE- Grove City College offers excellent opportunities to students of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. High grade work in Mechanical Drawing and Me chanics can be had during every session of the college year, which begins Sept. 24th. For catalogue and all particulars address the President, Isaac C. Ketler, Grove City, Pa. lodol. Mr. Hunies of the loilol Medicine Co. of Tarentrni, came to Butler, Tuesday, and has opened an advertising and sample sta lon the Fair Grounds. Penii.syl\.»aia Railroad Reduced Rat<- ■ to San Francisco. On acco, it of the Triennial Conven tion of th< Protestant Episcopal Church to be held San Francisco beginning October 2 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company \ ill sell round-trip tickets to San Franc:-ico from till points on its line # at greatly : :duced rates. Tickets will be sold September 18 to 25, inclusive, and will be good to return to leave San Francisco not earlier than October 3. ind only on date of execution by Joint A to whom a fee of fifty cents mu.-l J paid, and passengers must read ..iginal starting point by Noveinbei . 1001. The Pen wylvania Railroad Company will also in a Personally-Conducted Tour to tfc' Pacific Coast on this occa sion by sp> ial train, starting Septem ber 23 ail returning October 22. Round-tri, rate, $lB5. For fur'her information apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Philadelphia. A good selection of Velour Conches at Brown &: Co's. The springs are not tied with twine but have steel constrnc -1 tion guaranteed. The prices will suit you. See them. Did you get a five-cent cake of schmer case at THE CREAMERY. Reduced Rates to Cleveland via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the Thirty-fifth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to l>e held at Cleveland, Ohio, September 10 to 14, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Cleveland from stations on its line, at greatly reduced rates. Tickets will be sold and good going September 8 to 12, inclusive; good to return September 15, inclusive; but by depositing them with joint agent at Cleveland, prior to noon of September 15, and the payment of fifty cents, re turn limit may be extended to October 8, inclusive. For specific rates and further infor mation apply to ticket agents. Gnu., WANTED—For general house work. Inquire of Mrs. B. C. Huselton, 529 N. Main St , Bntler, Pa. There is no food so healthy, nourish ing, refreshing or as cheap as purified milk. Two glasses for 5 cents, or six gallons for a dollar at THE CREAMERY. Slippryrock Normal. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Pa. Expenses low, ad vantages first-class. We aim to prepare teachers thoroughly for their work. Fall term begins September 2, 1901. Send for a catalogue. ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. Ice Cream At retail and wholesale at the Butler Creamery. Five If iin will order it, or it wiii be ■ Mresa by express on receipt • ■■ > rummoud Medicine Co, York .V-jents Wanted. | TAT . NORMAL SCHOOL. ' Attend the State Normal School at I Slippery Rock, Butler Co. Kates low. 1 advantage excellent. Tuition free to students who intend to become teachers. Send for a catalogue. ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. Keduced Fares to Toronto, Out., August -7 to September <5. ; <>n account Canada's Great Exposi- I tion holders of Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway Pan-American ex enrsion tickets to Buffalo can obtain at that point excursion tickets to Toronto | and return at one fare for the round j trip account of the Toronto Fair and ■ Exposition. Tickets on sale August 27 i to September 0. C'lfCltCll NOT IIS. ! The Second Baptist Colored church will hold a camp meeting at the Alaun ■la park on September 7 toSeptember ! inclusive for the benefit of raising money to pay the debt of the church. All are invited to attend Services will continue each day to 10 p m..beginning at 2:30 p. m. and 11 a. m. Professor Jenkins haveing charge of music. OIL NOTES. THE MARKET—Both agencies are paying $1.25, this morning. BUTLER Gahaghan Dale & Beigh ley 's No. 2 on the John C. Kelly farm came in last week and on Saturday was pumping at the rate of 75 barrels a day. No. 1 is doing is barrels a day: Alf. Darling of Saxonbnrg is also drilling on the Kelly and Duff Bros, have a well started on the Poor Farm.part of which they have leased. The Forest has <-leaned out an old gas well on the Kelly that hail a gas pressure from the SO fo it sand and the hole filled 1100 feet with oil on being put through the sand. The 30 foot is spotted and uncertain in loca tion but its wells are good stayers. The Forest is drilling on the Mitchell. The Reiber Gas Co's well on the Pil low tract west of town, drilled for gas, begun flowing, Tuesday, from the Third sand, and was considered a ijood well. The Forest and S Reesemen. Tuts day completed a well on the Frank Koch tract ,west of the David Pierce farm which filled 400 feet with oil from the third sand and will make a five barrel well. CONCORD TWP —Duubenspeck & Co's No. 1 on the Ezra Campbell came in last Friday and flowed over the derrick. It was set down as a 120 barrel well Nearly all of Concord is under lease and some nice bonuses have been paid. Tom Caldwell got SISOO bonus for his 30 acres, and is to have a rental and an eighth of the oil. PARKER TWP E. Mortimer on Sat urday completed a 2-barrel well in the 4th sand on the Jas. Story farm. W. J. Adams is drilling his No. 4 on the same farm Steele of Grove City, Friday brought in a new 3d-sander on the Porter Kelly farm that is good for 12 barrels a day. On the Oliver Reep farm the Butler Producers Co. has drilled throngh the 4th sand where there was a show for a 3-barrel well and is going on to the Speechley. They plugged a Speech ley well on the Courtney which did not show good for more* than a barrel a day. E H. Adams & Co last week got a fine gasser in the Speechley sand on the John Daubenspeck farm. Stringfellow of Parker has a location made on the John Humphrey farm ALLEGHENY TWP—On the Rosen berry farm Jesse Heydrick & Sons last week finished a 100-barrel well a few hundred teet in advance of one of their old producers. CLEARFIELD TWP—Coyle Bros, are drilling on the Engleliart and Stoops & Titley on the Jos. Neal. Wenterman & Titley are drilling on the Blatt farm. Campbell & Murphy are drilling on the George Lucas. MIDDLESEX —The South Penn has completed a small vyell on the Hiram Flick farm. i FRANKLIN TVVP —McClung & Cos well on the Lewis Albert began drilling Tu eaday. PARK THEATRE. THE DAIRY FARM—MONDAY SEPT. 9. The rural drama is as periennial and as pure as Tennyson's peom, "The Brook." The people never tire of it provided the play is kept within the bounds of reason and the atmosphere of rustic simplicity. Eleanor Merron's domestic play, 'The Dairy Farm," is a worthy example of its class. Like "Shore Acies," "The Old Homestead" and plays of the same character, its morals are irreproachable—in fact it has been said that the Dairy Farm tells the cleanest and most wholesome story that has ever been told in a play of like char acter. It will be seen at the Park Theatre on Monday next and presented by one of the strongest companies en gaged to produce a play of its class. WHEN LONDON SLEEPS—TUESDAY, SEPT. 10. | When London Sleeps is the title of | one of the strongest plays ever written | and which will be presented at the Park Theatre on Tuesday September 10. > It is the work of Mr. Charles Darrell the well known English playwright and has met with more success than any play of its class that has ever been staged. It is now in its ninth con secutive year in England and the pres sent season will be its seventh in this country. It is replete with startling scenes and thrilling situations which are always sure to work the audiences witnessing the performances up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. DATRY FOR SALE. George S. Knox, proprietor of the Oakland Dairy, at 126 Oakland Ave., Pittsburg, near Scbenley Park, will sell a half interest or the whole. Inquire of him and mention this paper. GROVE CITY COLLEGE Grove City College offers special in ducements to young men and women of limited means. The Fall Session begins September 24. For Catalogue and in formation address the President, Isaac C. Ketler. Grove City. Pa. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I will sell my farm of twenty acres, located in Franklin towns-hip, near Mt. I Chestnut, good land,with new and good buildings, fruit of all kinds, spring water at door, new silo, etc., or I will j trade it for town property. ALLEN MCCALL, Mt. Chestnut, Pa. Real Estate Broker. I'aities wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or leal estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g.opposiie P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No 519 To Whom it May Concern Walter's Best Flour is the "best" Makes the finest bread we ever had. Signed, MRS. JOHN GRAY. Fine line of Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses at Brown & Co's. See our £3.50 Iron Bed. For a dish of pure Ice Cream stop at the Creamery. Ladies' Parlor up stairs. Brown & Co. can furnish you with an Axminster—or a Hartford Body Brussels cheap as any dealer. Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine, for your spring tonic. Get a Tapestry Brussels Carpet at Brown & Co's. Price 75c up laid. The fall term of school at the liul'er Business College opens Monday, Sept. 2, 1901. Read their new ad. on this page. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Oh! yes; they are the best quality made—those ten wire Brussels Tapes tries sold by Brown l' NTS. Lightning struck a '-berry tr»*- *«". t:• \ feet from tile house of Frjinlt Me. i lie l!l Cleat field township. I:i.-t Frid::» ami rent slivers of the tree into the house through door and windows, one sliver hitting ar.d cutting Frank's little girl. Manville Winters:* en of McCalmont, cut an artery in his left arm, while cutting bards for the thresher on Robt. Patterson's place Lis - , Thursday. During the excitement attending the burning of th • D.;m< n: child a few days ago, Mr.- David Cupps fell and broke her thigh. Freddy, a son of Fred. Miller, the miller of Evans City, met with a ter rible accide; t. last Sa. ,ir ity afternoon He and some other tun s attempted to jump a passing freight train, and he fell off with his leg--, across the treek. and both wire cut off above the knees. He died thar evening. He was about ten jears of W. 11 Grim* of Slippery rock twp : met with ;s terrible accident. Monday, j while threshing on the Wadsworth i farm His foot, was caught in the cog wheels and torn trff. and fatal results were feared. Morris H Grove, brakeman on Con- : doctor French's passengeY train on the ; P. & W. road, was killed Monday even ing at Callery. Grove had thrown a ' switch and signaled the engineer to! back and while awaiting the approach- ' ing cars, talked with a young son of J. ! F. Shannon. As the first car passed him he attempted to swing himself upon the steps, but either his hands or feet slip ped, and he was thrown under the wheels. Grove was 33 year-, old and unmar ried. For sometime past he had been | stopping at the P. <.V W s'ation restaur- j ant His home was in Harrisburg, to which place his remains were shipped. A married sister lives in Allegheny. Brockway Graml Concert Com- ! pany. Something about Paul G. Ueeb one of the company. The Brockway Con cert Company will appear in the Star Course January 2*th. * Mr Paul C. I3eebe is easily one of the three leading violencellists, besides being a composer of no mean ability. He studied under the well known vio loncellist and composer. Victor Herbert, also in Germany under Hugo Dechert, solo 'cellist of the Royal Orchestra. lie enjoys the hearty recommendation of both, as a soloist and chamber musi cian. Mr. Beebe's repertoire includes compositions by Beethoven. Schumann. Grieg, Richard Strauss. Georue Schumann, Martucci, Servias, David Popper, etc Markets. Wheat. wholesale price 60-65 Rye, " 50 Oats, " 41 Corn. " 63 Hay, «' 13 00 Eggs, •• 13 Butter, •' 18-20 Potatoes, *' 85 Onions per bn 65 Beets, per doz bunches 25 Cabbage, per lb 02 Chickens, dressed 10 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 35 Cucumbers, per doz 15 Tomatoes, per bu 75 Peaches 75 1.00 Apples 60 80 Plums 1.75 Elderberries, per quart 03 (1. A. li. Encampment at Cleve land, September 10-14. For this occasion, agents Pittsburg & Western Rv. will sell Excursion tickets at one cent per mile, to Cleveland and return. September Bth to 12th, inclu sive, from all ticket stations in Penn sylvania, good to return until Sept. 15th without validation in Cleveland. Upon deposit of ticket with the Joint Agent of the Central Passenger Association, before noon of Sept. 15th. and the pay ment of a fee of 50 cents, an extension of the return limit to October Bth, may be obtained Rate from Butler $2.70. For further particulars inquire of near est ticket office. The new fall goods in all lines are now arriving at Brown & Co's. Do you want your home made beautiful -see ns. FOR SALE—Two second-hand top buggies, two sets of buggy harness and butcher shop fixtures and chopping machine. Inquire at 121 North St. The best all wool ingrain Carpet at Brown & Go's. Price 65c per yard laid. Order your milk and cream from the Creamery wagon, as it passes your door, or call up People's Phone 339, and the wagon will stop at your house. Bed Room Suits at $25 Solid Oak — French mirror—swell front dresser and stand. See Brown & Co. If you want a drink of fresh butter milk stop at the Creamery. All you can drink for 5 cents. Music scholars wanted at 128 West Wayne St Annual Wall Paper Clearance SALE AT 60 per cent on the dollar It will pay you to at tend this sale. Patterson Bro's 236 N. Main St. Phone. 400. Wick Building. , Double Vision Glasses. G'ass conifcrt dep- uds ill a great iri-akiire upon accuracy in frame a-tj-ist tneut. Doubly *0 in bifocals or doubt vi-ion glasses A ftacti >ll of cariation in the fit of a frame JIMv bring annoyance Much of my success in Optics is due to acjurate frame fitting. My double visi lenses give perfect satisfaction for both near and distant visiuu and my frames never pinch, pull or hurt—prices low— satisfaction guaranteed. Karl Schluehter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 W. Jc-fferson, Butler, Pa. Busheling, Cleaning and I Repairing a Specialty / > < Kuririreu-year c | JELLIES. J Neither time, moisture nor i mould can affect jellies that are C ( _ sealed with paraffiue wax. Fill f v your glasses or jars, pour a film J J of paraffiue over the surface, S ! \ ami the jelly will keep fo' a % f century it you want it to. V x Paratfine is white tasteless 1 J % and odorless, and is proof \ I aganst moisture, acids, insects \ ' J ind germs It preventsevapora- £ tion, granulation or change of / / any kind. A pound of paraffiue \ X goes a long way and can be Q f used over and over again year / V after year. Just as good for / 3 covering preserves, fruit butters S \ and jams. y [ Paraffine f Wax. | • especially refined for sealing / / purpose*. : \ IC. N. BOYD. j Pharmacist. ? ? Butler, Pa. \ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS TRUSTEE S SALE. Ity virtue of an order of the District Court <>f tlie I'nited States for the Western District < f Pennsylvania, in the mutter of John Mc l aniney. No. 1535. in Bankruptcy, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale; at the premises in Renfrew. Butter county. Pennsylvania, at 10 a. m., of Tuesday, September 10th, 1901, All that certain tract of land situate in village of Renfrew. Butler Co.. Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner, thence by lot of R. 1.. Ivlrk pat rick northeast 100 feet, thence bv lands of Renfrew northwest (<0 feet. thence by lands of Renfrew southwest 100 feet, thence by depot lot southeast 60 feet to tht> place of beginning. This property will be sold free and dis charged from the liens of all judgments and mortgages, or other liens whatsoever; of which all Judgment and lien creditors are hereby notified. TF.RMs OF SALE— Purchase money all to be paid on confirmation of sale by the Court. JOHN R. HF.NMNGER, Trustee. Butler. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF MARY J. ROYLE. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in the estate of Mrs. Mary j. Royle, deceased, late of the Borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to Samuel M. Seaton, resident of said borough, to whom all persons in. debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against said estate are re quested to make known the same with out delay. SAMUEL M. SEATON, Adtn'r., Butler, Pa. BLACK & STEWAR T, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of William D. Renick, dee'd., late of Slippervrock twp..Butler Co. ,Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. CAROLINE RENICK, Adm'x., Keister P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. J. M. GALBREATH, Att'y. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of David Park, dee'd., late of Middlesex township, Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated to MRS. MARY A. PARK, EX'X, Bakerstown, Pa. E. H. NEGLEY, Att'y. Jury Lists for Sept. Term. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this i:ith day of July, 1901, to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of court, commencing on the 2d Monday of Sept.,the same being the 9th day of said month. Ayres H A, painter, Butler 4th w, Burtner Pli, gent, Saxonbnrg, Borland Chas, clerk, Butler sth w, Bupp Wm, farmer, Muddy creek twp. Bippus John G, gent, Butler sth w, Campbell Howard, farmer, Concord tp, Caldwell John B, farmer, Jefferson twp Campbell A L, farmer, Petrolia, Criley Linn, Sr, farmer, Concord twp, Cooper John L, farmer, Connoq. twp, Deemer Henry, farmer, Cranberry twp, Dunwoodie Gilbert, farmer, Mercer tp, Drushel Conrad, farmer, Lancaster tp, Davidson Rupert, farmer, Adams twp, Enright Daniel, glass worker. Butler Ist w, Eberhart Jonathan, farmer, Fairview twp, Esterling Geo, carpenter, Butler sth w, Elrick J M, druggist. Jlarrisville, Fennell F, farmer, Clearfield twp, Fernie Christ, farmer, Buffalo twp, Greer John M, farmer, Adams twp, Gilliland John, farmer. Summit twp, Gerner Henry, farmer, Winfield twp, Graham Gilford, farmer, Cranberry tp, Harper Herbert, merchant, Butler Ist w Heberling H E, tinner, Portersville, Harbison John, farmer, Muddycreek tp, Hillings Alferd, farmer, Allegheny twp Howe J K, minister, Mars, Klofenstine John, baker, Harmony, Krause Fred, barber, Butler Ith w, Moser Jefferson, farmer, Oakland twp. Mahood A M, farmer, Concord twp, Milheim John, carpenter. Butler sth w, Pfeiffer Jos, farmer, Buffalo twp. Rape Edwin, farmer. Forward twp, Schantz Charles, farmer. Harmony, Smith Wood, pumper, Jefferson twp, Starr A P, farmer. Concord twp. Thomas Milton, laborer, Butler sth w, Thompson Rob't J, gent. Bntler 4th w, Vamlerliu H F, slater, liutler 4th w, Vance Jas, driller, Bntler sth w, Wickerly Win, farmer, Saxonbnrg, Walker Alexander, farmer, Connoq. tp, Wright .las, grocer, Bntler 'id w, Wonderly Wm, stonemason, Buthr tp. Wolferd Perry, fanner. < lurry twp. New Livery Bam W. J. Black Is doing business in his ncv b un which Clarence Walker lias erect <1 for him. All boarders anil tc mi sters guarranteed goo.- attention Ham just across the street from I loiel Butler. He lias room for fifty horses People's Phone. No. 250. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Maiu.street. BiitlcrFair Sept. 3rd to 6th. * li The ponies will be running to beat the cars; the pigs are bigger than a house; some pumpkins haven't any seeds; and the corn—well—you just M ought to see it. What's more You needn't put up a t cent to get in. * *"•' WHY? * With $5 worth of the best shoes in the State we'll give you an admission ticket absolutely FREE HUSELTON'S BUTLER'S LEADING OPPOSITE SHOE HOUSE. HOTEL LOWRY OUR REMODELING SALE Will soon be at an end Don't wait longer for this is a great opportunity, and this sale is a matter of Dollars and Cents to you. Your gain and our loss The deep cut price on these suits make them go. That is what we want—to sell every suit. Cost of these suits not considered in this sale. All we want you to do is to call and examine these suits. You will be convinced of the bargains you get Note following prices: MEN'ii SUITS. Actual selling price sl3 to sl6 deep cut price fio " " " 12 " 15 " " " 9 44 « II gII J 2 " " " 6 8 " 10 " " " 7 6 " 8 " " «• 4 BOY'S LONG PANTS SUITS. Actual selling price sl3 to sl6 deep cut price $9 1. «c <> j2 " 15 " " " 8 " " " 9 " 12 " " " 7 •1 <1 « g <• IO » a a g « « .< 6 « 8 .< « «. 4 BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S KNEE PANT SUITS. Actual selling price $5.00 to $0 deep cut price $3.00 «• " " 4.00 " 5 " " " 2.50 a ,i a 3.00 " 4 " " " 2.00 2S o » 3 » •« « KSO ■ I « It I.JQ " 2 " " " 1.00 All Straw Hats go at Half price. All Brown Stifil Hats go at Halt price. One Lot Underwear was SI.OO a suit now 50c a suit. Men's Vests (wash goods) worth from SI.OO to $2.50 now 50c. Men's Crash Suits—plain linen and fancy stripes—half price. All Bicycle Pants go at half price. Miscellaneous Bargains throughout the store. Enough said—you know the store. DOUTHeTT & GRAHAjVLi Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. A General Clearing Sale Of Clothing. Every Line of Goods in the House marked down. NOTHING RESERVED. We must have the money and the room to receive our LARGE STOCK for the coming season. Come to us for Clothing for MEN, BOYS and CHILDREN. Come to us for Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. I 'OPENS 4, CLOSES OCTOBER 19. } MUSIC BY THE WORLD'S GREATEST"BANDS* C ? SOUSA AND HIS BAND, Sept. 4th to Sept 17th. J 5 DAMROSCHS NEW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, C / WALTER DAMROSCH, Conductor. Sept. 18th to Oct'r Ist. / > THE FAMOUS BANDA ROSSA, ITALY'S GREATEST MUSICAL < S ORGANIZATION. Oct'r 2d to Oct'r 12th. f } EMILPAUR.ANDTHENEW YORK PHILHARMONIC _ f ) ORCHESTRA. Oct'r 14th to Oct'r 19th. I S jrsiw attractiow*. i S $15,000 TOBOGGAN SLIDE. CHILDREN'S EDEN MUSEE AND WONDERLAND. S i A DAY IN THE ALPS. THE LATEST MOVING PICTURES. MAGNIFICENT ELECTRIC [HSPLAt. * I EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY HEW. / Subscribe for the CITIZEN.