THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JI'LY iS, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. b«»k^. LOCAL AND GENERAL, Saint Svt ithiu s «.lay was rainy— That's said to be a sign That many more will follow, In number thirty-nine. For, as the legend has it, rain on that dav drops The wet dajs run to forty Before the dampness stops. —Gtoat harvest weather. —No darkey i> safe frou: arrest in Bntler these days. —All the big shows art* giving Batlor the go by this year. —lf yon want to break something try picking a few cherries. —Pennsylvacians carry nearly a bil lion dollars of life insurance. —E. Otto Davis has received a car load of Meriil pianos. See adv. —The dog-days are so '■ailed becanst* the "growler"' is so much in evidence. —Paying that bill of $95,000 was something 111 won the Turkish carper. —The fellow who invented the suc cessful air ship now looks down on the other inventors -The We irher Burean comes high, bat nubxly ever thought of looking for a prophet tLt-re —Shirtwaists are all right. Even po tatoes peel their jackets when conditions get too warm for them. —The Butler Public Library was re opened last week.and the new catalogues are furnished for 15 cents. —Sparks from an engine set fire to the Goetz planing mill, Saturday noon, bnt little damage was done. --Allen McCall wishes to trade his pretty little place near Mt Chestnut l*>r town property. See card. —Weeds do harm in the field of youth therefoer the law prohibits the sale of tobacco to boys under sixteen —Our farmers have beeu busy har vesting hay and wheat, this week. Extra hands are scarce this year. —The outrage of last Saturday even ing, will cause the after-dark prowlers to be looked after a little sharper —Kansas and Nebraska are suffering from drouth, and the injury to the corn crop is estimated at three-hundred mil lions. —This is the season of Summer Sacri fice Sales, and the announcements of oar storekeepers should be scanned care fully. —Over one-third of the entire popula tion of the United States live in cities and towns of over four thousand popu lation. —A 8*"ill blaze in Joseph Langbine's ftaint shop back of Mifflin St., caused more excitement than damage, Friday morning. —These Victor Talking Machines are immense. Both Newton and Kirkpat rick entertain crowds with them every day and evening —-The most brilliant object in the Southern sky at present is the planet, Jupiter His disk and satellites are Visible with a field glass. —The drouth in Kansas and other western states was advancing the price of corn and wheat, but some rain fell yesterday and the 3ay before. —The children of two well-known West Jefferson street families had a general row Tuesday and several charges • of assault and battery have resulted. —The white bricks for the front of the new Wuller building came to hand a few days ago, and now Steele is Sur prising his friends with Songs of Joy. —At the meeting of the State Board of Health at Wernersville, last Thurs day, it was stated that there are now two thousand cases of small-pox in the state. —Now that a Frenchman hns invent ed a flying machine that both flies, and goes where it is told to, the attitude of the politicians on aerial franchises will be interesting. —Four Mormon elders or missionaries began by singing Gospel songs and wound up by declaring Joe Smith was a prophet, in front of the Court House. Monday evening. —The Kneipp cure is becoming popu lar. The idea seems to be that the more yon have both bare feet in the dewv grass the less likely you are to have one foot in the grave. —The Gormley store at Fenelton changed hands last Saturday for $4,500, young Mr. Sipe being the purchaser. The whole sale amounted tosll,ooo. J. R. Kearns was the auctioneer. —ln Bpite of automobiles,bicycles and all the new fangled contrivances for con veying human kind over the snrface of tao earth, good driving horses are in greater demand at l>etter prices than ever l>efore. —There has not been a night this summer when one could not sleep under blankets in the Hilliard valley; and as the east end of the valley is clear of coal mines, with an abundance of the best of water, and shady groves, it could be made one of the great hot weather re sorts of the country. - A gentleman near Spartansburg, says an exchange, owns a bird dog that is especially good at fetching things out of the water. In order to show the boys what the dog could do he threw a 50-cer.t piece into Clear lake and told the dog to fetch it. The dog dived and brought back a two-pound catfish and 35 cents in change. —Riebold has been having an epidemic of mad dogs. Two dogs belonging to Amtiiony Burr went in>id and both were killed. Dogs lselonging to Philip Burr and another neighl>or also showed signs of r.ibies and were killed. <>n Saturday a email let doe which was following Charh s Riebold as he was entting grain tepan frothirg at tte month and snap ping at him and Mr. Reibold killed it with a club. The dog left half a dozen pups a month old at home. The fall term of school at the Hutler Kesiness College opens Monday, Sept. 2, 1901. Read their new Bont 125 miles north of To ronto. where they will fish and rest for a week or so. George Scott saw the 3-mile race, last Saturday, between the U. of P. crew and that of Trinity College. Dublin, on the lakes of Killarney. The U. of P. crew won, though they lost on the short drive at Henley to the English crew. Wm. Shakley, Buttercup has been granted a pension of sl2 per month. Jacob Schmidt.Butler,has been grant ed a $lO peusion; W. B. Ramsey. Park ers Landing. sl2; Jane Turner, Butler. SX; Sophia Rose, Butler. SB. John Cleeland, father of D. L. Clee land, jeweler and optician, celebrated his 90th birthday, Tuesday. He has been living with his son D. L. Cleeland. for nine veara, and has been an invalid all these years, not being able to walk on account of his feet being paralyzed. His health otherwise is very good, for a man of his age. and he looks hale enough to live to see a hundred years. Mrs. John Pattison, of Iladley, Pa., Mrs. C. M. Farrah, from Sandy Lake, Pa , his two daughters, Mrs. Pattison's son Paul, a jeweler, from East Liverpool, Ohio, and Dr. J. S. Cleeland, of Pitts bnrg, were here to help Mr. Cleeland celebrate his birthday. Ex-Coroner Heber McDowell of Pitts burg has just received a letter from Ted Charlesworth. at one time a prominent Pittsburg business man and officer in many' secret societies, who has not been heard from for at least four years by his friends and was supposed to have been killed in a Chicago railroad wreck. He is now in St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, having been there for the past four months. He has heard that his father had died in Sheffield, England, leaving a large fortune, to which he is heir, and wants to make inquiry of his peoplo here as to the truth of the report that has reached him, and thinks that some of his people are living in Butler county. —On Monday the C. A. C. of Chicora defeated the Chicora Reserves in one of the l>est played games of the season by a score of sto 3. Although the pitcher of the Reserves was an experienced man and from abroad, the boys hit him Lard in the seventh and eight innings. Tbey now wish to arrange games with the S. N. A. of Petrolia Now watch the battle royal. The Renfrew-Butler war not be a patching to it. The S. N. A's are called after Dr. Andre of Petro lia. Dcntli of Joseph Flick. Joseph Flick, the liveryman of W. Jefferson St., and who lodged with Mrs. Waldron, nearby, was found in a dying condition in his bed-room early last Fri day morning, though he had retired in his usual health. Physicians were immediately called, bnt he wan already beyond human help, and died shortly after. His body was taken to his home nt Coylesville that afternoon. He was the only son of A. Flick, formerly of the Butler House, and well known dealer in horses. Hospital Donations for June. During last month the hospital receiv ed $14.00 proceeds from a lawn fete,and a number of our citizens gave vegeta bles, canned goods, jellies, flowers, etc. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 60-65 Rye. " 47 Oats, •' 35 Corn, " 50 Hay, " 12 00 " 13 Butter, " 14-16 Potatoes, " 80 Onions, per bu 1 00 Beets, per doz bunches 30 Onions, '• 15-20 Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 35 Gooseberries 7 New Potatoes, per bu HO Currants, per qt 4 [Cherries, per bu $1 75 Raspberries, " 2 00 Beans, " 1 00 Peas '• 1 oo Slippryrock Normal. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Pa. Expenses low, ad vantages first-class. We aim to prepare teachers thoroughly for their work. Fall term begins September 2, 1901. Send for a catalogue. ALBERT E. MAT/TOY. Principal. BANKING BY MAIL. is a special feat pre of our business. By our system you can bank bv mail with perfect safety. Persons residing in small tow ns where the banks cannot afford to pay interest on small deposits can send their money to us by mail and it will bring 4 per cent interest. Send for our booklet all about bunking by mail or in person —free. PRUDENTIAL TRUST : CO.. 6124 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg Pa. I __ , Screen Doors, plain and strong; sizes 1 2-S by 6-N or 2-10 by *'.-10 at Brown & j Cos., #l. Ice Cream At retail and wholesale at the Butler ! Creamery. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. Dr. N M Hoover v< John A. Richey, summons in trespass NOTES. The surety of the ptace case vs Fred Henderson, lias been settled. Henry Miller of Butler was appointed guardian of Marv J. Maxwell. Thomas Hays of Butler was appoint ed guardian of G. H. Eauer.minor child of Sarah Bauer, dee'd In the case of Wm. Thompson vsßoad Commissioners of Clinton twp . a stated case filed for the opinion of the conrt. an order has been filed dismissing the case for want of jurisdiction but sug gesting that theComr'smake thechange desired t.y Thompson, who wanted a p ece of road to workalong the Morrison rarm adjoining him. instead of a pieie further away. A dozen or so of the men of Worth twp.. and perhaps as many of Muddy creek twp attended the hearing of the bridge case in Butler, Saturday. It ap peared that the viewers exceed-d their authority in the matter, and it was re ferred back to them. Peter Spingler was adjudged insaue by a Commission, and sent to Dixinont. The Com. was composed of John Schier ing, Esq . Dr. Campbell and Alex Frazier. The documents fixing the diminution of the term of imprisonment of about 200 prisoners of the Western peniteuti rry under the conditions of the new commutation act were returned to Warden E. S. Wright last Thursday nighi. signed by Gov. W. A. Stone The recommendations made by Warden Wright and the Board of Prison in spectors for the reduction of the term of imprisonment of convicts for good de portment were all approved by the Gov ernor and the Attorney General, and within the present month fully 50 per cent, of the convicts, whose names are 011 the list, will be freed. Warden Wright said last night that already a number of prisoners, whose terms had expired several weeks ago under the provisions of the new act, have been re leased. Every precaution, he said, would be taken to avoid giving liberty to large numbers of convicts at 'Hie time. They are trying a man-woman named Elbert-Ellis Glenn for forgery in Parkeisburg, W Va. Addison Fullerton on Saturday wai lined S2O and sent to jail for eight months. He plead guilty to three charges of false pretense and was sentenced on one of them. Some time ago he went into several stores and called up other storekeepers on the 'phone representing himself a.s the proprietor and asking for the loan of a few dollars change, saying he would send a boy for the money. At the Davison grocery near West Penn station he called up Grocer, A. E Myers and asked for $2. and later aent a boy for it. Davison caught on and took Mr. Fullerton into camp Letters of administration on the es tate of W. D. Renick of Slipperyrock twp have teen granted f G Caroline and Fred W Renick ; also on the estate of Simon Young of Centre twp. to Ann E. and W. J. Young; also on the estate of Henry G. Keil of Butler to T. H. C. Keck . Samuel C. Christlev has l>een appoint ed constable or Slipperyrock boro. vice Walker Boozel, resigned. Geo. C. Piliow, Sol Danbar and An derson Ash were appointed viewers on the petition of Jackson twp. citizens for a new road to run from the Harmony- Evans City road at the Daniel Fiedler lands to the Harmony-Prospect road near David Zeigler's house. Es(j»-Anderson adjudged Cap. Hunter guilty of cruelty to animals and fined him $lO and costs: and he has appealed the matter to court under another law. A motion court has been ordered for Saturday. July 2", to hear the applica tion for the transfer of the Park House license from Mary F. Shirley to Theo dore B. Humes. The petition of Renijio Baritillo for naturalization will be heard at Sept. Term. A charge of a&b and surety of the pea»e have been entered against Wm. Nemo by R. T. Young. Mert Miller, a young Middlesex twp. farmer, has been held under S3OO bail for horse stealing and entering a build ing feloniously. The transaction grew out a horse trade. Miller and W. J. H. Ralahonse, who makes the charges against him, traded horses; Miller was not satisfied and took the Ralshouse horse back, opened Ralhonse's stable, put the beast in and took his original horse away. Stephen Griffin, adm'r of Sylvester Griffin, dec'd., lias been granted leave to sell decedents real estate, 20 acres in Donegal, to pay debts. On petition of Sadie Snanor, M. S. Al len, Elizabeth Edmundson, Susan Al len and Mary Heckert, a citation has been awarded on I. N. Graham, adm'r of Michael Heckert, who died in 1876, requiring Graham to show cause why he should not account for $435, funds of the estate. Samuel Seaton was appointed guar dian of John A., minor son of Daisy Sloan, dec'd. Pearl McGee of Butler has asked the Court to appoint a guardian for her. avering that, although she is but 17 years of age, she has been emancipated by her parents, and for several years has had to earn her own living,and that her father is now trying to collect her wages and has notified her employer not to pay her. Andrew Mcßride, Jr.. made a sealed bid of S3O per acre for his father's farm in Clearfield twp. A charge of assault and battery has been entered against Jeff Carner by C. K. Lapham and similar charges have been made against two sons of Lapham by Carner. A charge of committing a public nui sance and obstructing a highway has been made against Frank M. Hilliard by Abram M. Hilliard. Joseph Ferrero has been charged with surety of the peace by Silas Christy. Wm. J. Welsh was appointed judge of elections for Jefferson twp. Albert Mechling, Abner Grossman and John F. McCoy have been appoint ed to inspect the new Porter and Van Dyke bridges in Marion twp. and the Sanderson bridge in Clay township. Fowler Campbell, D. M. Thompson and J. H. Pontious to inspect the Mnrt- Inid bridge in Fairview township. Wm. S. Stevenson. Erhardt Lang and W. J. Cooper to inspect the Bonny Brook bridge in Summit, and Wm. Myers, A. D. Thorue and John A. Brandon to in spect the new Zeigler bridge in Jackson twp. Caleb Covert was appointed constable of Portersville vice E. H. Laderer. re signed. S. H. Evans has been appointed guar dian of Charles Loyal, minor son of Jen nie B. Evans, deed., and grandson of Geo. J. Kepler of Parker twp Joseph W. Adams has petitioned for partition of the real estate of Nanc, Adams 272 acres situate in Adams, Pen:, and Middlesex townships. William I). Purvis, a graduate of the law department of the University of Penn a was admitted to practice at the Butler Bar Saturday, and has his office with J. M. Galbreath. G, R. Dellaven on Monday was placed in jail 011 process on an old charge of assault and battery. He had been on a protracted spree and had several attacks of epilepsy, Monday night During the half year endinir June 30th, 20!) deaths and 400 births were re ported as having occurred in Butler county, the births exceeding the deaths 137. An amicable partition of the real estate of Moore Stevenson, dee'd., of Cherry township has been made; and John S. Campbell of Cherry 1 township was appointed guardian of the minor children of Lewis Stevenson, a sou of the deceased, who was killed [ on the railroad a year ago. Fiendish Assault on Lizzie Kreitzer. About 8:1". Saturday night while re turning from her work in the Hotel Lowry where she was employed ia the hotel kitchen. Lizzie Kreitzer. aged 23 years, daughter of Anthony Kreitzer who lives beyond the toll gate on the Plank road, was knocked down by a negro, beaten insensible, thrown over a fence and down a six-foot embankment into Mrs Mary Muntz's garden, where an unsnccessflfl attempt was made to Outrage her. Her nose was broken and a gash in which two fingers could be laid was cut in her head above the right temple The assault was made within fifty yards of the Muntz home and in the bright glare of an arc light located on the old Pittsburg pike just west of the Hospital. It is supposed a passer-by frightened Lizzie's assailant away be fore he accomplished his hellish work. •Vfter laying unconsious for about an hour and bleeding profusely the girl partiy revived, crawled up the bank and through the fence, staggered a huudred yards toward home and again sank down unconscious. One man passed her on her short walk but said he thought she was only drunk. When she fell in the roadway, Newton Pol lock saw her and with Joseph Manny and Joseph Lavery got her into the buggy of a man named Rowan,who was driving home from Butler and had her taken home. When found she murmer ed ' the negro cook strucK me" and the name "Howard.'' Dr. Sell tiltis was called and dressed her wonnds, which seemed very likely tc prove fatal, as Lizzie did not become conscious again until Sunday night. On Monday she seemed perfectly rational but could remember nothing of the at tack on her and could not describe the man. The affair did not become gener ally known in town until Sunday. A short time before the attack on Liz lie, Saturday night, a negro stopped Mrs. Joseph Lavery, who lives on Coal street, peered intently into her face and then passed on. Mr Lavery saw the same man while walking home a few minutes later. Andy Root also saw him and two little daughters of Henry Leidecker saw him walking on the Plank road near their home. All de scribe him as short and heavy set, with a slouch hat pulled down over his eyes, dark clothes and a heavy cane or stick in his hand. Neighlwrs of the Kreitzers hunted the neighborhood until mid night. From Lizzie s remark on being found, suspicion rested on the Hotel Lowry a chef. Richardson, and her father and some neighbors went before Justice Keck, Saturday night and made infor mation against him. but Proprietor Weisburg. arid Clerk Louis Rockenstem swore Ri' hardson was busy about the Hotel all evening and would answer for his appearance when wanted. Three porters, Thomas Hopper, Robert Powell and Walter Washington are employed at the Hotel They were arrested but ncthing could be shown to implicate them and they were released. Mr. Weisburg said he wonld give SSO to help apprehend the criminal. Mr. Kreitzer offered the same. REWARD OK S4OO. Monday morning the County Commis sioner's offered a reward of S4OO for the arrest and conviction of Miss Kreitzer's assailant. It was learned that a negro named Henry had fled from town on hearing of the arrests Sunday. Tuesday morning County Detective McMarlin arrested a negro named J. M. Wood while at work at Alameda Park. Wood boarded with Mrs. Wat ters on West DSt. District Attorney Painter does not wish to make known the exact nature of their evidence against him, but said he had been act ing suspiciously and they had ample proof on which to hold him for court. That evening Detective A. Allen ar rested two young negroes, one of whom he feels sure is guilty of the assault. Their names are Perry Baker, a former porter at the Hotel Lowry. and Abra ham Lincoln Miller, whose home is in Pnnxsutawney. They boarded with Mrs. Williams, a colored woman living on Etna St. Allen was suspicions of Miller and hired him to work up the case. Miller'accused Baker, saying they were drinking together Saturday night at the Hotel Butler and that Bak er told him he was going to attack Miss Kreitzer. Baker declares himself in nocent and accuses Miller. The latter answers closely to the description given of the negro seen on the road before the assault and there are other strong points against him PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W. J. Li:.k to Susan A. McCormick lot in Mars for SIOOO. Maggie E. Frazier to Ella S. Martin 56 acres in Clay for $575. Jane R. Passavant to Edward S. Lit tle lot in Zelienople for $775. D. O. Kamerer to W. H. Miller 111 acres in Fairview for $2400. Sam'l McKinney to Mary Spence 7 acres in Fairview for SSOO. F. J. Forquer, trustee, to Anna Man gold 30 acres in Centre for SIOBS. J L. Purvis to Geo. W. Amy lot in Br. tier for $275. Geo. W. Amy to L. H. Craig lot on North St. Bntler. for $2425. J. S. Campbell to L. H. Craig lot in Bntler for £125. L. H. Craig to G. W. Amy lot in But ler for $325. Jas. H. Cooper to Amanda Harper 94 I acres in Worth for SSOO. Geo. E. Welsh to Wylie L. Magee lot in Mars for SBOO. Geo. W. Mardorf to Julia Smith lot! in Butler for SIOSO. Eliza J. Boyd to Peter Graham, quit i claim, to four lots in Butler for sl. E. J. Boyd to John Goetz same for sl. I Thos. Robinson to John Goetz, quit claim, to lots in Butler for SSOO. John Goetz to Butler L. H. & M. Co. lot in Butler for $3500. W. C. Webber to Frank L. Forrester lot in Slipperyrock for S2OO. Marriage Licenses. Arthur B. Cornelison Braddock Eva M. Shorts Brownsdale J. H. Stephen New Kensington Cora L. Gibb Butler Co Paul Soet Washington Co Lottie Spronhe Butler Lewis P. Corbin Evans City Cora E. Davidson Waters Station C. J. McNamee Venango twp Elsie Montgomery At Mercer —J. W. Milner of Grove City and Myra Beatty of Butler Co At Kittanniug—Franklin Howard Ashbaugh of St. Petersburg and Rosella May Keefer of Butler Co. "What a fine bouncing baby boy!" Cried the visitors, with delight. But Willie dropped it on the floor. And it didn't bounce a mite. Rheumatism Is quickly relieved and promptly cured by Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedies. The internal remedy is pleasant to take,acts immediately, does not disturb digestion, and is for rheu matism only in all its torturing forms. The external preparation restores stiff joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles. If your drui'gist has not these in stock, do not take anything else. Send $5 to the Druin mond Medicine Co., New York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wanted. NOTICE. '.. t\ ;ht: undersigned photographers of bulki In i- by notice that our re spective pUo.o. studios will be closed from July 20th to Aug. 10th, 1901. N. J. CRILKY, A. L. FINOLEY, M. C. WAGNER. The Citizen at Atlantic City. For the convenience of our readers who may visit Atlantic City this summer we have arranged to have the latest is sues of the CITIZEN always on file at the Philadelphia Inquirer's Seashore Bureau, on Young's Pier. You probably think we're joking when we speak of the advance in price on most all lines of furniture. The Iron Bed people advanced 10 per cent a few days ago. Bed Room suits have advanced 10 per cent. The tendency is upwards in manufacturers' price all around. Take advantage of prices next 30 days at Brown & Cos. on all lines of Furniture. Our old prices will prevail for a short time only. A Will to be Contested. On Friday the will of Mrs. Mary F. I Shirley, deed. of. the Park Hotel was ' probated and letters testamentary were granted to Theodore H. B. Humes. Mr. Hnines was also named as an ex ecutor in the will but renounced in favor of her husband. The same day Joseph P. Shirley, husband of the deceased, through Col. Thompson. gave notice to Recorder Adams that he ignored the will alto gether and refused to take under its provisions. The will had been written June 26 by Attorney H. L. Graham and was witnessed bv Mr. Graham and A. M. Campbell, clerk at the Hotel In It Mrs. Shirley gave her husband $5 and left all her personal estate and the Park Hotel property, title to which was in her name, to the adopted daughter Mary Gladys Shirley, a little girl of three vears. Miss Lavina McKinnej of PiquaO.. sister of the deceased, was named as the child's guardian. The will will probably not stand the test of law, as a husband cannot be de prived of his curtsey, just as a wife cannot l>e deprived of dower, but the amount he can obtain from the estate is materially lessened. If Mrs Shirley had died intestate, her personal property would have been divided equally be tween her adopted daughter and Mr. S. and the latter wonld have the use or rents issue and profits of the real estate for life. Under the Act of 1853 the husband can elect to take as against his wife's will the same interest as a wife can as against her husband's will ex cepting the S3OO exemption or he can take only her real estate by curtesy. This enables Mr. Shirley tc take one third of the personal estate absolutely and one third interest in the real estate for life or be can let the personal estate go and have the whole use of the hotel for life, the title finally going to the little adopted daughter. Mr. - Shirley lias signed an agreement to have the license transferred to Mr. Humes, the executor. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Dr. Alexander Gilghrist ad dressed a union meeting in the U. P. church. Sunday evening, in behalf of the Anti Saloon League. Eight new members were received in to the U. P. church at the communion services on Sunday. This evening a social and reception will be held in the Sabbath School room. Next Wednesday evening Pres. Mc- Granahan of the U. P. Freedman's Col lege in Tennessee will speak in the U. P. church. A quartet of colored students will sing plantation songs. A law fete was held Wednesday night and is to be continued this evening at the home of J. P. Burton, near Jeffer son Centre. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Thorn Creek M E. church. At Blnffton. Indiana. Tuesday, Rev. Miller, in preaching the funeral sermon of ex-Congressman Martin, a native of Prospect, this county, created a sensa ion by criticizing Mr. Martin's private life. Among other things Mr. Miller said that he had been born and reared in a Christian home, bnt left that home and its teachings at the age of 12 and entered the army to serve his country. "It would have been far better," said Mr. Miller, "if Mr. Martin had been shot on the field of battle than to have lived to lead the life he did. He was in public office the better portion of his life and made in one office SIOO,OOO, but was sent home for burial in a cheap pine coffin furnished by the government." OIL NOTES. Both agencies are paying sl.lO this morning. CONCORD TWP- The South Penn has leased the W. F. Murtland, C. F. Hays, Henry Knhn. Jackson King and other farms and has started a well to the Speechley on the Murtland. RIEBOLD —Drs. Cowden are cleaing out an old well on the J. C. Critchlow farm. Samnel Turner of Bruin is work ing on a well on McCandless and J. W. Miller & Co. of Pittsburg on the Burr. A month ago Turner cleaned out an old hole on the Miller farm which filled a 100-bbl tank in two days. The wells are all 100-foot. EAU CLAIRE— The Devonian Oil COS iJd-sand well on the Miles Addleman is doing four barrels. They have another rig up on the Addleman, and Adams & Logue of Parker have started a well on the Amos Seaton adjoining. Four wells have been started near Waite's new well on the Washington Sloan, which is doing 40 or 50 barrels. ADAMS— The Wm, Davidson farm, a mile west of Mars, has become quite an oil field. Tasker & Beal's two wells are doing about a 100 bbls and a third is drilling. The Duff Bros' well was showing good last week, three rigs are up and two building. BEAVER Co—The Knob Oil Co's test well on the Baker, is reported to have done 170 bbls during the first IS hours' BUTLER— On the John C. Kelly farm Gahaghan, Beighley & Co. cleaned out an old well drilled and abandoned by Phillips a year or two ago and when put to pnmping Tuesday it did 25 barrels a day from the Boulder sand. BAKERSTOWN— The Devonian Oil Co. finished a well on the Garroux farm which started to flow ten-barrels an hour, but has declined to 135 barrels a day. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I will sell my farm of twenty acres, located in Franklin township, near Mt. Chestnut, good land,with new and good buildings, fruit of all kinds, spring water at door, new silo, etc., or I will trade it for town property. ALLEN MCCALL. Mt. Chestnut, Pa. Grove City Bible School. The Grove City Bible School and Con ference will begin Thursday evening, August Ist, and continue eleven days. John McNeill, the distinguished Scotch evangelist, will preach the opening sermon and continue his instructions during the entire session. This promises to be the most important session ever held at Grove City, and Bible Students, Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. workers, and Christian Endeavorers generally are in vited to attend. For entertainment and information address the Chairman of the Committee, ISAAC C. KETLER, Grove City. Pa. Porch Rockers 75c up. See Brown & Co. FOR SALE —Interest in 40-acre lease and one well near Butler. Inquire at CITIZEN office. FOR SALE—A family horse, inquire at this office. Purified milk 4ct.s a quart at the CREAMERY. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519. Buying Wool. I am buying wool at same location as last season, Graham Bro's grocery store, will pay the market price in cash, have 110 merchandise of any kind to ex change. W. F. RUMHERCEK. People wiy the Butler Creamery Co's Ice Cream is the best. There is no food so healthy, nourish inx, refreshing or as cheap as purified milk. Two giasses for 5 cents, or six gallons for a dollar at THE CREAMERY. Buy your fire works at Geo. Mardorf's Bicycle Store. For a dish of pure Ice Cream stop at the Creamery. Ladies' Parlor up stairs. Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine, for your spring tonic. If you want a drink of fresh butter milk stop at the Creamery. All yon can drink for 5 cents. FOR SALE —T wo producing oil wells, old territory, good stayers, well equip ped, cheap for cash. Enquire at CITIZEN office. ACCIDENTS. John Zarins&a. an Austrian who lived on Elm St. and was employed as a railroad hand, was killed either by being struck by a train or jumping off the bridge to avoid one at the Reiber bridge about eleven o'clock Friday night. His body was very badly mangled. He was alive when found shortly after the accident but nothing coold be done for the injured man and death came in a few minutes He was taken to Birkimers undertaking rooms and later tD his home. He leaves a wife and three small children. Jesse McCracken was badly hurt in toe new coal mine now being opened on the Lewis Patterson farm in Siippry rock two. last Thursday, by a fall of slate. Wash Webber of CYnterville, Ml from a ladder, while picking cherries, on Thursday of last week and his condi tion for a time was serious. He weighs about two hundred pounds and fell about 20 feet Jessie, aged 12 years danehfer of .1 L. Garroway fell from a fence white picking cherries. Thursday and bioke her arm. The fall of a transom in John Riehe\ - new store room broke a SIOO glass Several boys have lately had limlw broken while picking cherries A son of Wm Blackmore fell from a chicken coop a few evenings ago and broke bis arm. Col. O. C. Redic met with painful ac cident while on a visit to bis sister. Mrs Nancy Redic. near Bonus, last wee!;. The Col. was repairing the roof arid eaves of a summer house when the lad der he was standing on gave way. tumbling the Col. to the ground and badly spraining his left ankle A two-year-old son of Theodore Smith of Franklin St. got hold of a bottle of carbolic acid yesterday, and spilled some of the stuff on his legs and arms and get some in his mouth, ewallowin r a little Its burns are very painful and severe, but not fatal. Austin Dunbar, a son ot Sol. Danbar of Watters was seriously injured at : well at Piney Forks, W. Ya , a tew dgo, and is in the hospital at Wheeling. A sucker-rod or tubing "elevator" fell from a heighth and struck him on tlie head, fracturing the skull Campbell Dunbar,a brother of Austin was injured at a well on W. Va., a few weeks ago, but is at home now. SIOO for a Bottle This would not be a large price to pay for Dr. Drummond's Lightning Reme dies for rheumatism if one could not get relief any cheaper. The Drummond Medicine Co . New York, have received hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from grateful people restored to health by the use of their remedies, who would not hesitate to pay any price rather than suffer the former torture. If you would like to try these remedies, and your druggist has not got them, write direct to the company. Agents wanted. Window Screens at Brown & Co's.. 25 to 35 cents. Order your milk and cream from the Creamery wagon, as it passes your door, or call up People's Phone 339, and the wagon will stop at your house. Did you get a five-cent cake of schincr ease at THE CREAMERY. Music scholars wanted at iaS Weal Wayne St 1 I { YOUR ) Prescriptions ? C will be carefully, } v accurately and oromptly \ C filled at our pharmacies, v TM E Butler County National Bank, Butler- Penn, ' Capital paid in - - $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $100,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice_ President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest, paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security, c We Invite you to open an account with thin bank. DIRECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hartman, lion. W. 8. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweeney, C. P. Collins I. O. Smith, Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Finegan, W. H. Larkin, T. P. Mifflin, Dr. W. C. McCandless. BeD Mas ifeth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. Reiber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. •OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. A. BAII,EY Cashier E. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. HUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns. D. L. Cleeland, E. E. Abrams, C. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Levi M. Wise and Francis Murphy. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. Butler Savings Bank Ht_itler, Pa. Capital - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $225,000 00 JOB. L PURVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Caihier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller DIRECTORS—Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry Troctraan. W. D. Brandon. W. A. Bte!n, J. 8. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest Banking 1 nstitutionf n Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ( a pill. j Common pills harm more • } 1 than tlicy help. Few of them J V act upon the liver at all. They C S I merely excite the bowels and r j cause au excessive outpouring f C of secretions along the digestive € J tract. This tend* to impair !V \ rather than establish the natural J r functions of the stomacn. liver 1 y and bowels. £ $ Boyd's } \ Peerless Pills j J are more than common pills— j / they are a real liver tonic They # / make sluggish liters active and / / weak liveis strong. A lively \ f liver brings keen appetite, Q f sound digestion, a clear com- f J plexton and pure rich blood. S $ Price 25c s C. N. BOYD, j / Pharmacist. S ( Butler, Pa. SHERIFFS SALES. Ily virtue- of writs of Veil Ex.. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of lJutler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale. at the court house, In the borough of Uutler. Pa.. on Friday, the 19th day of July, A. D. 1901, at 1 o'clock P. M„ the following described property, to-wlt: E. n. No. 38, Sept. Term, 1901. Thompson & Son, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Kennedy, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beglnnlnit at a white oak at the southeast corner; thence by lands of G. Wallace, and Lawheads Heirs, west two hundred and thirty-eight perches to a post: thence by lands of ulllelands Heirs, and Samuel Marshall, north three degrees east one hundred and forty perches to a post; thence by lands of James A. McMarlin. et al. east two hundred and thirty pen-lies to a post; thence by lands of l. W. Kennedy, south one hundred aud fifteen perches to a white oak. the place of beginning; contain ing one hundred and ninety-one acres, and having thereon erected, a frame dwelling house, and bank barn, and mostly cleared, bring the same tract of one hundred and and ninety-one acres, of land conveyed to said John Kennedy, by Thomes Kennedy, by deed dated March lotli, IK7B, recorded in the office for the recording of deeds, etc., in But ler Co., Penn'a., in deed book No. 53, page 571. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Kennedy at the suit of Andrew Blakely. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, mus be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must bo paid In full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock. l\ M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. •See l'urdon's Digest., 9th edition, page 44fi. and Smith's Forms, page 3X4. THOMAS K. HOON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. June 22nd. lai)l. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall term begins, Monday, Sept a, 1901 COURSES. I—Practical1 —Practical Book-keepers. I—Expertl—Expert Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand, 4— Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical Short Course in Book-keeping, for those who merely wish to understand the simpler methods of keeping books. 6 English. Our Teachers—We have four at present always as many as we need, no more. POSITIONS. We have filled 35 positions thus far the present term and we expect to fill at least 15 or 20 more by the next term. We could place two or three times that tnany every term if we had them. We need an abundance of first class material. All young men and young women having a good English education should take advantage of one or both of our courses. Many new and important improve ments for next year. Call at the office and see us. If you are interested be sure to get a copy of our new catalogue, also circulars. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319-327 S. Maiu St.. Butler. Pa. B|6 VALUE for the men who put the best foot forward and secure some of our new furnishings. No store has a finer assort ment of Fancy Half Hose. No store can sell better a twenty-five cents. And Shirts. We show a great many dif ferent patterns and every ones taste is here. New Neckwear AND Golf Stocks. J no. S. Wick, Opposite P. 0. w. s. & E. WICK, DEALERS IN Kough and Worked Lumber of -ill /Kinds, Doors, Sash and Mouldings. Oil Well Utgs a Specialty. Office and yard' E.iCunnlngham and Monroe Sts • near West Penn Depot, BUTLER. PA 1 FURNITURE ANDI 1 CARPETS. | ROCKING CHAIR. Golden oak, veneer roll, I^E 3§j wcod seat, low back and very comfortable. i.s^ Price $4,50 Mg PARLOR TABLE. Golden oak, polish-""fifiish jUjj pattern top lower shelf and turned legs. Price $2,50 gjf Jfas* IRON BEDS. Strong and doable; not so nice Hie as *he higher priced ones, but a very good value for (3536 g the money. Price $3,50 ||| BED ROOM SUIT. Golden oak, polish finish* beveled mirror, swell fro;it dr<*sser, cast brass trim/ ftg{ mingsi was $26 now $25. (Bi INGRAIN CARPET. The best all-wool extra jfijjj; super carpet made Small set patterns or large jag jspf florals, and all new this season. 65c. Ha; 1 Campbell ft Templet on I Remodeling Sale! The First Week of our Deep Cut Sale was a Hummer We intend to remodel our store in the near future and for this reason we will continue our DEEP CUT SALE. The summer goods we have in stock MUST be sold of cost. If A CUT PRICE will sell them we will move every suit—as the price cutting knife has already done fine work. These suits not to be carried to our REMODELED STORE AND MUST GO. The following prices will sell them. MEN'S SUITS. Worsted, Cheviot, Scotch and Serge Suits—well made—desir able patterns. This lot of suits (the better ones) include Standard makes of clothing. Hamburger, Warner Bros, and others. Men's suits actual selling price #l3 to sl6, deep cut price $lO 8 " 10 " " " 6 fi '• 8 4 BOY'S LONG PANTS SUITS. A very large assortment, stylish cut and all well made. Boy's snits actual selling price sl3 tc I*l, deep cut price #9 9 " 12 7 """""8" 10 " " •' 6 6"8" " " 4 BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SHORT PANT SUITS. These suits in all styles, colors and patterns sold at a price to reach every home in the county—Read carefully. These suits actual selling price $5 to s<> deep cut price $3.00 " 3 ' 4 " •• " 2.00 .. 150 .. 3 .. joo Bring this Ad. with you and compare prices. Enough said—you know the store. DOUTHeTT &-GRAH Aft.'* Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. A Big Cut in Clothing. The cause of it all is the weather What is our loss is your gain, but there is no use in kicking now, so we have cut the prices on all of our Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits and Pants. Men's Suits at $5 were made to sell at $8 Men's Suits at $7 were made to sell at $lO Men's Suits at flO were made to sell at sl4 Men's Suits at sl2 were made to sell at sl6 Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $1.50 were made to sell at Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $2.00 were made to sell at $3.00 Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $2.50 were made to sell at $3.50 Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $3.00 were made to sell at $4 and $ 5 Men's Worsted Pants at $2.50 were made to sell at $3.50 Men's Worsted Pants at $3.00 were made to sell at $4 and $5 Boy's Knee Pants at 39c were made to sell at 50 and 75c Boy's Knee Pants at 50c were made to sell at SI.OO Be sure to call at our store and look over our goods and prices. It will pay you. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. They Are Here Th e car load of Merril Pianos arrived Saturday, ilflr What we mean by car load is 12 pianos. Come in and let us #sliow you that they are the best that money can buy. 1 Prof. Monk, the Pianoist at A'ameda Park, 4th of July, says: "In every re spect I consider the Merrill Piano the best made " 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building. yes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa. DON'T PASS THIS If yon suffer from failing sight for we can help you. The glare of the summer sun, the reflection from the water at sea shore or lake, the rarefied mountain air, each and all make weak sight worse. Before you stait on your vacation call and have yaur eyes tested. We can give you perfect fitting glasses for any defect of eye sight. We also sell Cameras, l'hoto Supplies—Victor, Edison and Columbia talking machines. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court House 1901. BICYCLES. 1901. If you want an honest bicycle at an honest price, or need your bicye'e repair ed in any way; if you want a good practical typewriter for $5; or if in need of bicycle supplies of any kind; if you have broken articles of any sort you want repaired go to Mardorf's Bicycle Store and Repair Shop, where your wants will be promptly attended, by Yours truly, GEO. W. MARDORF, Exclusive Bicycle Dealer and Repairman, 109 West Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa.