Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 27, 1901, Image 3

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    THfc: CITIZEN.
<OTK-AlI advert!*. r> Intend to,' to luake
:lvif 1 in ilivir a ■ %. should u? at
their latent. 11 to •> ■ ■ 1 »ter tbsui Mon
lmy roon; oir.
Bntler Boro. School Audit.
Sheriffs Sale for July lSrth
Zimmerman s 17th Semi-annual sale.
Duffy s Dry Goods. Carpets, etc.
Brown & Co s locals.
C. & T * furnishings
Leighntr s glasses.
Notice to Painters
Martincourt & Co s Spesrial Sale
The Bntler Creamery.
AdmimsiKum and Fn -uior* >t estate
•in aeicnrp their rw.-lpt tmoki at the CITI
C E>" offl-e. and per-• •£>» making pa bile »*ies
tri •; r b«te books.
We trill not print a paper next week,
hat oar offi.-e will be ope n most of the
Everybjdj should go to the opening
of th«- Park on the 4th.
—lt will I* a Glorious Fourth
Free port » i:i x«*ve thi» simmer.
-The hail *t/»ran are travelling in
narrow streaks, thin year.
The Big Butler Fair will be the
next l.ig affair after the 4th.
—Th<-re s great goings on at the soda
water fountains, these days.
—W. F. Bamberger shipped a car
load of woo! east, last Friday.
—John Hichey will serve ice cream in
bis new room on Main St. on the 4th.
—Onr new summer street car cost
SIOOO. tnd «*»t* AO people, on a pinch
Tee local baseball team will play a
game at North Washington, this after
—The last T«*chers Exam, of the
year will be Leld in Butler on Satardav,
Jnly oth
—The Petrrdia S N. A. Seconds de
feat*- 1 the North Washington team, 92
to 16. Mon-lay.
This sultry wtatber is setting hard
on everybody A Main street parrot
ban the measles.
—The Legislature was on the home
etretch but uigbt and will sing tbe dox
cdogv at noon today.
—Ob. Shaw' Here a Homebody been
and gone and spoiled onr evening rear/it
by putting a jras light in it.
"Here 1 There' Yon' Ixjose that
check rein Make it at leant three
I acb«s longer, 'tr hand over $5 and
coat* " - Humanity.
—Any store-keeper who read* thin
item, and who needs a Caah Register,
will find it to bis Interest to inquire at
the CITIZEN office.
Beside* looaing the overchecked rein
our Rosrd of Humanity are thinking of
ordering straw bats tta the borne*.
That * the latest New York faabion.
—Mrs J "E. Zimmerman announces
tbe l»»i four daya of the week after the
4th July 11-14—a* tbe dates for her
I Tib Semiannual Sacrifice Sale See
—lf there if any thing on Earth we
like to see it is a hsndsonte Caab Regis
ter Hutp in at tbe CrnzKN office and
yon can aee a new and good one which
ia for sale - cheap
Our Human- Society propose* pros
ecuting owners or drivers of home* who
orer' h« k them (fi.OO and c*s»ts will
be a *W|. prir* for making your animal
iouk spirited Ho <]nit it.
—Tbe ah;rt factory employes are en-
Joying a two weeka vacation. An im
wetvse lot of ordera were disposed of
frith a rtiah to allow Lbe dint down.
About 45 machines are now operated
Tbe (iermanta favored Butler peo
ple with a rr«iM«rt last Friday evening
—tbe first day of summer and tbe firat
OMK-ert of tbe season aad their
■utrcbe* symphonies and rag time*
were enjoyed try all
At the mating of the Butler School
Board Friday evening, it waa de<ided
to refund $4-'.oo'» of bonds.now drawing
four j«er cent interest, and secure a leau
fate latere at on some of tbe bonds
called is will 'ease July lat.
—Accident* add to onr general infor
mation For instance, almost every
body has r>«ard of tbe i'rs-anontas
•oft nal a* lanug tbe treat in the world.
-4« it few 'if oa knew wbeie it was mined,
not iJ tb»- Elkbftro valley in W Va.. waa
—* Osrdening is <«e tbe nusit health
fal aad diverting forms of exercise for
a mac <4 sedentary baliits (iardenera
are ner«-r troubled with nervoo* j»ro»
tration or melancholy There is some
thing about the < are of plants that is
southing to tbe jsded intellect, and re
freshing to tbe slnggisb liver. A man
abould never eat <«bbag« that be drjes
•ot raise himself (Cabbage grown try
otie-r« is bad f«»r tbe stomach .Smith
of Pux'y.
Tisiti s our sentiments. William.
- Tie- atr«-t '-ar line was completed to
tbe Park. Hondav and s* veral bnndred
tM not pe««p|» »reot out to nee it. It is a
baaotifol location and with its run*
tree* spring* valleys and woodland
Bilk's* p> tnrwscjue, natural park, cap
abl- yf great srieaic em ls-Ihshment and
as tbe upper part of tbe valley, is said
to he a 'warm spot" where the mws
And pasture as early as March, it can lie
ased as a Winter, as well as a Hummer,
resort a little P*.ra<ilae on Earth and
Para>iia*- Psrk would be a better name
for it than tbe Spanish word
Ti>e storm of last Friday evening
Wa* even more severe than tlirae- of tlie
pre% ions night There was nearly a
cloudburst of rain thunder ligiitniug
bad and wind Many fields of norn
were Wily dan.aged Lightning struck
an Institute Hill street i-ar in charge of
c«i<loc,<ir Al Baxter and motorman
Mershal Hays, while m E. Jefferson St.
Tbe meander »-i,t lights were expltsled
aad aw uiotor daiusg<id and f>r a sec
ond tbe |M»*eii4(e>rs baa more fireworks
than tbev mred f«»r. Telegraph wires
rxatdar-f(4] tbe lightning into tbe p &
W freight station bat very little dam
a«e was done A large <«b tree in front
of Mrs Mary Muntt s residence on S.
Ma is St was blown down .falling across
tbe TO ad and owupletly blocking it. As
Is »be • ..a- tn ev<-ry dowujsMir of rain
all tbe srwrni were over ft>«s!ed A
*4 aster at least two feet deep wsa
da mi.* 4 up at Elm sud Jeffers<in Hts
The fall tei m <A scbnol st tbe Hutler
Bi!»i3. m Odlegr opens Mondsy, Sept. ».
tfwl. Vtsd the«f new s<t on this (aige.
Rinri.*a Biaiaasa Coi.i.tu.s
A ti-B per (Hit sdvanne on mamifa<
to ret* priues oti IM R<Mitu Suits, with
pMsaiiri) a farther advan<W MMHI will
anrprise yon, but Brown ft Co. will sell
ml tie- old priee while our present stock
la*t« A «oit worth s2.*» for far. No
IM* »-«sity here to put two pricns on any
article ' aim- soon and save urooejr
John Jennings has moved into his new
home on the hill-
Alfred Ekas of Clinton twp. drove up
to Butler. Saturday.
C. H. Book of C herry twp. was in
town on business. Thursday.
Jim Scott wishes be owned a uusher
in Texas—so say we all of ns
Miw Clara Bickel and brother are
visiting relatives in Bradford
Mrs. A. Dariing of Jefferson twp. is
at tbe Butler General Hrspital.
Robert Gibson of Penn twp showed
his shirt sleeves in Bntler. Frid».y.
Frank Bowser. Jr and J. D. Pnrvis
are home from Wasa. Sc Jeff. College.
B. V. Haverstott of the P. ic W. of
fice force here. ha j gone to Fairmont.
W Va
Sup t Painter i- agisting at Com
mencement at Slipperyrock Normal,
Miss Maude Henry has returned from
a visit with friends at Wheeling and
W. G. Douthctl. the clothier, is down
with typhoid fever at his home on W.
Jefferson St.
Esq. Leslie and daughter, and J. N
Fulton of Middlesex did some shopping
in Butler, Tuesday.
Hon. T. W. Phillip" has been chosen
President of Bethany College, located
at Wheeling, W. Ya.
Miss Enla Kells of Citra. Florida, was
the gu<~t of her old school-mate, Mrs
Dr Bricker. last week.
Carl, eon of M L Starr of Petrolia
went to Grove City Tn<sday. to attend
the summer term of college.
(ieo W. Gilghriat. one of the oldest
citizens of Washington twp. is seriously
ill at his home near North Washington
Wm. Penn is in town -located in the
show window of the Model Cigar Store.
He is a handsome fellow, and he adver
tise* a good cigar.
Miss Turner, daughter of Richard
Turner, dee d, of Bruin, graduated as a
nurse from the Pittsburg General Hos
pital. this week.
John Shrader. grardson of Wilson
Graham, graduated last month from
the New Concord, 0., High School and
next fall will attend Muskingum Col
Dr. DeWitt Imbrie. dentist, has locat
ed at North Washington,having his res
idence next door to the Postoflice, and
is ready at all times to do first class den
tal work,
W. W. Irwin, for two years principal
of the Mars schools, was elected princi
pal for Evans City and Clara Graham,
Tina Mickley, Gertrude Duncan, Nettie
White and Lnlu DawsoD. teachers.
Geo. B Turner of W. .Sunbury left
Butler, yestesday, for a visit to his son,
W. H . in Nebraska, who has a cattle
ranch there Marshall Sloan of Sun
bnrv, a son of the barber, goes with
H. W. Bame and John ('. Dight of
Harmony have purchased the Evans
City Times, changed its name to the
Bntler County Observer, and propose
observing things correctly, and writing
the same truthfully and correctly. We
wish them abundant success.
("ha?. Lilly White, an American, wan
releaw-d from jail in London, last Satur
day. Hi wandered into New Zealand,
where on account of hi.-* resemblance to
Arthnr Blatch an Englishman who had
committed a murder in Colchester,Eng.,
he waa arrested and taken to that, coun
try for trial, tome months ago. It was
a remarkable case of mistaken identity.
Henry Hall of Pittsburg told the Leg
ialatnre at Harrisbnrg, last Saturday,
that Pennsylvania now had more Jndgm
than has all England. Ireland and Scot
land, combined: and that Judges were
becoming so numerous in Pennsylvania
that one could not go into a dark alley
and grab a man without catching a
Judge Henry is a smart, little fellow,
and he used to live in Mercer county,
bat we didn't know be had been about
Butler, very much.
Jes-o- H'-ydri'-b and Kso. Kennedy re
turned to Butler from Indian Territory,
Monday evening.well pleased with their
trip and with their prospects in the
territory for oil and minerals They
have oil in their well, twelve miles from
Sapulpa in the gas sand, and are drill
ing deeper- The town of Sapulpa, at
present is maintained by the ahipments
of cattle and lioga, but the county
around Is a great fruit county. Peaches
and new potatoes are being shipjied by
the -ar load at preeent, corn is six feet
high, and wheat la lieing harvested.
Masonic jrtcnic today.
Institute Hill is enjoying a great
building boom Harry T. Turner has
the foundation laid for a new residence
at tbe northeast, corner of Spruce and
Second St*, and has moved his old
house further east on the same lot. Con-"
tra< tor Hincbberger hits jnst completed
a line two-story frame for W J. Eury
on the southeast corner of the same St*.
Wm. Wick is building a house on First
St and Mrs W J Black one on Locust
St extension Mr*. Black will move
V. Butler when the house is complete!
J. E Huselton is doing the stonework
for all these bnildings. There are sev
eral other house* going op.
Weilri'-srlay morning Jesse Heydrick
received a telegram stating that the
well lieing drilled by him Eso Kennedy
and other Bntler forties hau stru'*k it
rich and flowed 40 feet over tbe top of
the derrick The oil ja of the Kansas
tirade and worth $1 a barrel.
V Fine House.
No two rooms in Ea<| John Hnmph
rey * new bouse on S. M< h'ean St. will
be finished in the same wrssl The re
ception hall is In re<l oak. the parlor in
white pine the dining room In cherry,
and the lied rooms in white oak ayea
more and bird-eye ruaple, with mantels
sud tiling to match
The house itself is veneered with bull
brick and red ornaments, and with Its
brick and stone |iorch and ornamental
windows will Is- one of the handsomest
in town. arid will eost the l»-st part of
$15,000 when completed. It will not Is
fimshed for a month or two yet, hut the
Ea«j and his estimable wife are already
living in it.
M;t> Donations to Itntler (ienernl
■i dor egg. Mr*. S. Limlierg, 'I dor,
eggs Mrs A Adam- jellies and fruit,
Mr* P W Lowry 2 plants Mrs. W. C.
Tbotnpeoa coffer-mill, Mrs I. B. ('amt>
Is-ll gleatier Mrs R (.". McAboy: old
muslin Mrs. N B Jacolis
Ice Cream
At retail and wholesale at the Butler
The sch«s>l Is.ard of Perm township
will receive bids for painting schisd
hot is.-* until tbe sixth of J nly. work to
be done with beat lead and oil. and la
completed Is f «re S<-pt. Ist. Ilfll Board
rewrves the right to reject any or all
bid* M It BIOWN. President.
Brownsdale, pa.
W E BAKTI.I V, Secy.
Bntler Pa
The Citizen at Atlantic City.
For the convenience of our readers
who msy visit Atlantic City this summer
we have arrnru'ed to have the latest is
sues of the CITIZEN always on file at
the Ilitla<h-ljihia Inquirers Seashore
Bur«*a«, on Young's Pier.
| For tin 4th, special sale of Buggies
j and Harness now going on at
People say tbe Butler Cw-auierv Co s
| Ice Cream is the lieat
Fire works for July 4th at Mardorf s
Bicycle store and Repair Shop, l"!t W.
Cuimiijghaui St
There is no food so hualthy. nourish
iait r<-fn-shing or a« obeap as purified
, milk Two gla«>tes for 5 < enta, or six
j gallons for a dollar at TIIL CUKAMEKY.
NEW srrrs.
J. L. Purvis vs Connty Com'rs. appeal
from tax valuation s>*#) on dwelling
property in sth ward. Bntler.
J. L. <fc L. O? Purvis. vs Connty
Com'rs. appeal from tax valnation of
S9OOO, assessed on planing mill prop
erty in "2nd ward. Bntler.
Herman Leibold vs Connty Com rs.
appeal from tax valnation of ♦'22000
placed on Hotel Arlington, 3rd ward.
Mary Leibold vs Connty Com rs. ap
peal from as-tssment of SI9OO on house
and lot on N. McKean St.. Bntler.
Youngstown Electric Light Co.. now
Youn:xstown. Consolidated Gas and
Elictric Co. vs Bntler Co. Poor District,
bill in equity, asking the Court to set
aside a written contract entered into by
the plaintiff company with Connty
Com'rs Mitchell. Sutton and Seaton to
construct the electric wiring and con
ducts at the Connty Home for *I6S3,
and to order the present County Com rs
to pay the plf. $792.60 for extra work
and material furnished bj* them. The
bill states that on Aug. 16, 1 s'.t'J. the plf.
was given the contract on a bid of
of $!6Si. made on what were mistaking
ly supposed to be the plans and specin
cations prepared by Owsley <fc Boucherle.
but which were really prepared by the
i>lfs own engineer. The mistake is
claimed to have been mntual on tho
parr of the Commissioners and the Com
pany. The Bntler L. H. & M. Co. bid
s32* 7 on the Owsley & Boucherle plans
The plf. claims the mistake was dis
covered when the work was nearly com
pleted according to their specifications
and that the present Com rs then order
ed them to go ahead and finish the work
according to the Owsley & Boucherle
plans, which change cost s7sr.:. 80 or
$2475.60 for the whole job. The plf
states that the Com'rs now refuse to pay
th>- extra $792.60.
A. C. Irvine for use of Rev. A. J.
Weaver of the Free Methodist church,
Mars, vs P. D. Runyan. replevin for 3
rocking chairs, window shades, dinner
set. etc. furniture bought on a lease.
Win. Shorts vs N. M. Hoover, appeal
from judgment of $54.56 rendered by
Geo. B. Turner, J. P.
Marv Ann Huff, has petitioned for a
guardian for Charles Weidhas, an alleg
ed lunatic, of Saxon Station.
Thomas S. McKnight, the tall young
man who is accused of jjointing a pistoi
at two negroes,of assaulting and robbing
the Chinese lanndryman under Newton's
music store, and some other smaller af
fetjees, and who has been missing for
s >me time, on Sunday night apjs-ared
in Butler and gave himself up to Night
Watchman Mat Hinchberger who placed
him in jail.
At Pittsburg, Thursday, Ed. Biddle
was found guilty of murder in the first
degree, the jury delil»erating but 50
minutes. Walter Dorman, the leader of
the gang, plead guilty to murder and
the Court to fix the degree. The two
women are vet in jail.
Ad. Fullerton, or a fellow who gave
that name is in jail in Kittanning, for
trying a bunco-game.
Worth township citizens have filed
exceptions to report of viewers in the
application of Muddycroek twp. citizens
for a new bridge over Muddy creek on
the Prospect Jacksville road. The ex
ceptants allege that instead of reporting
for a new bridge at the present site the
viewers suggest a new road and new
bridge at a distant j>oint. July 13 has
been fixed for hearing.
Fred Mann was arrested at McKees
Rocks by Constable Brown, charged
with stealing some junk from Wm. Pnr
vts in Cranberry twp. last year.
Col. Redic ami Renben McElvain have
beeu appointed to settle the accounts of
the Butler Poor Board.
John N. Muntz has entered suit in
Common Pleas Court No. 'i, Allegheny
Co.. versus the Barnes Safe & LOCK CO..
for selling him a defective safe one al
leged to be burglar proof, but which
was opened and robl>ed.
The will of Christian Lnginbuhl of
Jefferson twp. has been probated and
letters granted to W. C. Meyer.
Tax collectors duplicates will be
ready at the Co. Comrs. office by July I.
O. 11. Stewart to James C. Stewart,
Claim, to 8 lots in Butler for $l5O.
James Cooper, trustee, to Martin
Monks I'll acres in Franklin for SOM
N. A Borland to Jobn W. Borland 2
lots iii Centre for (I, also 2 lot* in same
for $l5O.
John C. Boyle to Lillie Christy l'Hl
acres in Washington for SIOO.
George L. Hoffman, adtn'r to David
Mcllwain lot In Evans City for $75.
E.J. Miller to James P. Sloan, lot in
Eau Claire for $475.
Samuel S. Bnlford to Minnie Bulford
lot in Penn twp. for SSOO.
James B. Hazlett to George A. Trout
man lot in Butler for $11)50.
Mary E Johnston to Wm. II County
lot in Butler forsl<K).
Sarali J Ray to James C. Dunbar lot
in Butler foT $750.
Thomas Allen to James Cooper, trus
tee, 101 acres in Franklin for $25.
W. II Campbell. Clerk to W B.
Porter, seres in Clay for $250.
Peter Kelly to Harry Kelly one acre
in Venango for f35.
>lur Huge Licenses.
Lawrence J. Kmg .Olenshaw
Elizabeth Weinberg Pittsburg
I M Wcntzel Washington twp
Hattie Trutnbell
James Presley Snow .... Armstrong Co
Anna E. Ellen be »ger Fairview twp
OUie C. S< hroth Saxonbnrg
Jessie Alsdl McFann
Jacob W Booher Armstrong (»
Mary Elizabeth Elder....
William Oiesler Wlnfleld twp
Hannah 15, Lemert Jefferson twp
Edward It Albert New Kensington
Agnes Sedwick Foxburg
B. P. Stillwagon Slippryrock
Birdie Ross Moniteau
Eugene Mcßride ...Chicorn
Eva We15h.....,,,.....,.,,.,. "
Fred Franke Saxonbnrg
Lydist Lang. "
Wm. E. Covert Fairview twp
Frances t'instead
Clyde (Jravatt.. Butler
Alice S. Lavcry Penn twp
('has B Brown Penn twp
Ola Marshall "
Anthony J Witt North Oakland
Mollie E. Forquer Donegal twp
W. Hiimtmrt ConMuHiice pa.
Eleanor F. Cowden Renfrew
H Bruce Kline Prospect
Marie Tfnby.. .. New Kensington
Samuel A. Flintier Lancaster twp
Ada C. Stewart Prospect
Alls-rt R Ko< her Lancaster twj»
Birdie Htanffer Harmony
Frank A. Scott Eau ''laire
Margaret ( >rossman.........Coaltown
Chas Brock Blacksvllle W. Va
Mary E. (irossman Coaltown
Henry Cypher Clearfield twp
Clara M. Riott. "
John A Dawson. Allegheny Co
Wllda P. Malum Hick
At New Castle. Harry Thomas lit
Frauklin and Winifred Kincbof Butler
At Kittannlng, W L. Snyder of Kit
tanning and Stella Painter of Butler.
At Pittsburg H, E Winner of Mer
or < o and Florence Htoner of Butler
Co., also Lewis Maine and Margaret
'"overt of Butler Co.
At. Pittshurg, Thomas B. Hovis of
Bntler county and Olencora I>avls <>f
\ erona also ("has. V. McCall and
Myrtle Bartley of Bntler < lo
('I,AIM i M'. TMK EARTH seems u> ls<
i the aum and snlistance of many ndver
| tisetneiits nowadays Nothing new In
trying to delude the public. Not our
methods, though We prefer to stick
to the truth and gain and keep your
confidence. When )n need of furni
ture nee Brown lU>,
For the 4th special sale of Buggies and
Harness new going on at
M AHTINOil'R'l' & Co s.
Buy your liru works at Oeo Mardorf's
i Bicycle Htore
I Purified milk lets a quart at the
I The Glorious 4th of July will be cele
' brp.ted in Butler by the opening of Ala
-1 meda Park, the traction company's new
{ pleasure resort.
The firemen of Butler have charge of
the opening of the park and they have
completed arrangements for a fine cele
; bration.
The exercises will start with a parade
j of firemen at 10 a. ni. with the Germa
nia. Prospect and Evans City brass
i bands and Scrubgrass martial band. An
j address by Col. J. M. Thompson at 11.
1 There will be dancing from 2 to 6 and *
to 12. There will be three perform
ances at the summer theatre for which
a high class vaudeville company has
been engaged The program is Ryder's
corned/ act of performing monkeys: Zeb
and Zarr w tiio trick cyclists: Alice
Baby 1 Lewis, singer: Seeker. Wilkes <fc
Seeker, Jr.. up-to-date character sketch;
John Leach, comedian. There will te
band concerts afternoon and night At
it p m. a fine display of fire works.
All railroads have excursions and
1 there will l<e special trains on the P &
W., north and south, leaving Butler at
I 11 p.m , Butler time.
It will be a glorious event so come to
Butler for the 4th and have an enjoya
ble time. Bring a basket and make a
day of it Tha handsome new park is
worth a trip to see.
Both ag-neies are paying $1.05 this
Pen'X twp —Charles Jiles is drilling
a well in the -id sand territory on the
Robert Cooper farm and Miller is dril
ling another well among the old played
out holes on his lease at Phillips City.
A well drilled here last year started of
at 40 barrels a*idis still holding up well.
Troctman— Speechley Sand expecta
tions for Botler county were somewhat
knocked in the head this week by the
po<>r showing made by the wells drilled
into that sand on the Mac. Kuhn farm
by the South Penn Oil Co. and Black
Bros, on the Robert Campbell heirs farm
northwest of Troutman. The Kuhn
well is estimated at from 4 to 6 barrels
and the Black well is also small.
Nichols & McGill finished a good gas
well on the Widow Kahn farm south of
Troutman last week.
Other reports say the South Penn's
Mac Knhn well will produce several
barrels of Tiona oil p*r day. This oil sells
at $1.26 and is found at a "depth of about
2200 feet. Also that Brown's well on
the Campbell farm spouted over the top
of the derrick and is good for 100 bbls.
Operators are flocking in from all direc
Pakkeh -S. d. Coffin is drilling to
the Speechly on the Robt. Johnston and
the Emlenton Gas Co. on the Jacjb
Reep farm.
EAU CLAIRK A well has been struck
on the Wellington Sloan farm which
started off at 8 barrels per hour.
JACKSON Daubenspe'k & Co.struck
another good well on the K. Harnhart
Little Creek district—last week. It be
gan Mowing oil and water at the rate of
barrels a day, and is considered good
for about 55. barrels a day.
Wednesday, Jesse Heydrick revived a
telegram frrmi tfce foreman of his lease
stating that the "Bailer came np half
full of oil. some gas in gas sand."
Leases are beint' taken np in all direc
tions from the well.
At Butler. Tuesday evening, he re
ceived word that the well was gushing.
The report created finite an excitement
among the stockholders of the Compa
ny. The oil is coming from a strata
about MOO feet below the surface.
MICHIGAN— An oil strike in Michigan
is the latest.
liev. Bishop Whitehead of Pittsburg
received a large confirmation class into
the Butler Episcopal church Friday
The ladies of the Summit Pres. church
will hold a lawn fete at the residence of
John N. Burtner, near Jefferson Centre,
on the afternoon and evening of July
The ninth annual convention of the
Luther Leagues of Northwestern Penn
nvtviiulu uu.i NorVbei»ntnrii < »hio will i>o
held in the First English Lutheran
church of this place on July 9,10 and 11.
The eighth annual convention of the
Luther Leagues of Joint Synod, East,
will l»e held in the German Lutheran
church. Chir-ora, July Hi, 17 and 18.
The Tenth Dist. S. 8. Convention will
lie held at Jefferson Centre, afternoon
and evening of July 2nd.
Communion services will tie held in
Grace Lutheran church next Sunday at
II a. m. Preparatory service on Sat
urday afternoon at 2:30.
The summer session of the iiutler
Presbytery, U. P. church, was held at
Prospect Tuesday ami Wednesday. Rev.
J. S. Wilson was ordained and installed
as pastor at Prospect and Mt. Chestnut;
a new church was organized at Kan
Claire; and Rev. Sherrard was made
stated supply for Clintonville and Kast
The next regular monthly mu:ts
meeting of the A. Y. P. C. T. U. will be
held in the Church of God on Institnte
Hill on Monday evening July Ist 7:45.
The following program has been ar
ranged by the committee Prayer and
singing by Union; Solo by Darlie
IJeigliley. Singing bv Uuion, Recitation
by Miss Elsie Beighley; address by J. H.
Dodds of Denver Coir. Prof. Dodds is
a very aide and entertaining sjieaker
and will have something to tell us
which will be both interesting and in
structive. Prof. Dodds is a native of
Butler (Ui. and well known by ijnite a
number of Hutler people. He is now
and has lieen for the past ten years
principal of the Lincoln oublic schools
of Denver Colo. Everybody come to
this meeting.
lioys' Industrial Home.
The lioys Industrial Home of West
em Pennsylvania was organized a year
ago in Pittsburg and incorporated a few
months later to care for homeless and
neglected hoys and give them a common
school and industrial education. This
is something very much needed, there
Is ing nothing of the kind, under I'rot
• slant auspices, in Western Pennsylva
nia and many boys, for want of a suit
able place for them are sent to Poor
Houses and Reform Schools.
The Board of Managers is composed
of some prominent people in and around
I'lttshurg, while on an Advisory Hoard
are some of the most prominent |i«ople
in Western Penhsylvania Af a meet
ing of the Board last week at Pittsburg,
the Supt presented his first annual re
port. There have been <ll cared for
during the year. The Imys are received
through the Humane Society of West
em Pennsylvania, The Children's Aid
Society and various other source*
Some are brought to the Home by re
latives and friends.
The lioard was especially gratified
with the financial report. £>2lll "" In
cash has »een contributed during the
year for the sup|ort of the Home, and
donations t/i the vnlue of IK) The
work is supported altogether by volnn
tary contributions. The lioard are
planning extensive improvements as
soon as the money can lie obtained to
meet, the expense and they very much
d'-strc money for this purpose The
ii«r»iir«r is ' has. K. Dean, Union
National Bank. Pittsburg, to whom
money can be sent. The work is wholly
The lioard expresses a willingness to
take charge of homeless and neglected
fioys wherever found. At present
country homes for the summer are de
sired for some Isiys from seven to ten
•/ears of age. They will lie taken back
the Ist, of Hept. For fuller information
address the Supt. John W Cleland.
Kudld Ave. Allegheny, Pa.
Notice To Tenclier*.
The School lioard of Clearfield town
ship, Butler Co..will meet at the < Joy Us
ville school house on Saturday, July 18,
1001, at two o'clock p m of wild day for
the purpose of hiring six teachers for
the coming school term. All applica
tions must lie in writing and handed to
the secretary on or before July 12. IWii.
No application received after said date.
WagcM per month.
liy Order of the Hoard,
W. S. SII'K, Secy.,
Fenelton, Pa.
Three Storms.
Durim; the storm that passed over
Butlei last Thursday evening, the
houses of L Z. Mitchell on E. Cunning
haw St . Win. Campbell on Fairview
Ave and Engineer Bracken on Franklin
St. were struck by lightning bnt no
body was seriously injured though Mrs>
Campbell was shocked bv the lightning
passing over a pipe near which she was
On Friday evening the houses of Z.
W, Phillips and Thomas Niggle in
Duffvtown. Jos. Aland on Water St.
and Ren. Limberg on Institute Hill and
' one of the stacks of the Bottle works
were hit. The Phillips house is occupied
by Stoner and the same house was hit
on the same corner, abont the same day
of June of last year. The P. & W.
station at Callery and the Glade Mills
Presbyterian Church were also hit that
evening. The down-pour of rain that
evening in Butler was remarkable,
On Saturday the storm that was no
ticed gathering to the westward turned
southward and swept over Allegheny
and Pittsburg, where it sent part of the
grand stand at the ball park flying
through the air and some of the flying
boards went through the roofs of
neighboring houses. *hile at Stewart's
Station, east of Pittsbnrtr it threw
three refrigerator cars across three
parallel tracks of the Penn. R. R.
Some Italians were caught in a large
sewer in Centre Ave and one of them
was drowned and his body carried into
tne sewer and lost. Hundreds of shade
trees were blown over and the street
cars lines were tied-up for an hour.
A cloud burst, Saturday, flooded the
valley of the Elkhorn, a small tributary
of the Big Sandy, in Southern W. Va ,
and swept away the mining towns of
Elkhorn, Vivian, Keystone and Coal
The loss of life is put at 100 and prop
erty loss at two millions, including 30
miles of railroad.
The region is very wild and moun
tanious, is the refuge of criminals and
moonshiners and produces the famous
"Pocahontas" coal, said to be the best
in the world, and used by our Navy.
Wheat, wholesale price 88-70
Rye, " 50
Oats, " 32
Com, " 50
Hay, " 16 00
Eggs, •' 14
Butter, " 12-16
Potatoes, " SO
Onions per bu 1 25
Beets, per bu 50
Rhubarb, doz bunches 25
Onions, '• 15-20
Cabbage, per lb 01
Chickens, dressed 10
Parsnips, per bu 50
Turnips 35
Strawberries, per qt 7
Gooseberries 7
New Potatoes, per bu $1.50
Money that Pays 4 Per Cent. Without
Expense or Bother.
Money that will return 4 per cent an
nually without expense or bother is a
better investment than many mortgages
or real estate investments This rate of
interest, 4 per cent., compounded twice
a year, is paid by the PRUDENTIAL
TRUST COMPANY, Penn and Centre
Avenues, Pittsburg, Pa. During these
prosperous times every person shou'd
save something. Sums of SI.OO and up
wards are received. You can deposit by
mail. Write for hook giving full infor
1901. BICYCLES. 1901.
If jou want an honest bicycle at an
honest price, or need your bicycle repair
ed in any way; if you want a good
practical typewriter for $5; or if in need
of bicycle supplies of any kind; if you
have broken articles of any sort you want
repaired go to Mardorf's Bicycle Store
and Repair Shop, where your wants will
be promptly attended, by
Yours truly,
Exclusive Bicycle Dealer and Repairman,
109 West Cunningham Street,
Butler, Pa.
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchaw or sell
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Wm. Walker.in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519.
Buying Wool.
I am buying wool at same location an
last sea Hon, Graham Bro's grocery
store, will pay the market price in cash,
have no merchandise of any kind to ex
change. W. F. Rumhkiwjkk.
For a dinh of pure Ice Cream stop at
the Creamery. Ladies' I'arlor np ntuirH
Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine,
for your nprin« tonic.
If you want a drink of fresh bntter
milk htop at the Creamery. All yon can
drink for 5 cents.
FOE HALE Two producing oil wells,
old territory, Kood stayera, well equip
ped, cheap for cash. Enquire at CITIZEN
Order your milk and cream from the
Creamery wagon, ax it pamea yonr door,
or call np People's I'hone and the
wagon will Mtop at yonr house.
FOE HALE InteresMn 40-acre lease
and one well near Butler. Inquire at
CITIZEN office.
Did yon get a five-cent cake of schmer
Mimic scholar* wanted at nH Went
Wayne Si
l>e cured in 45 minute*. Lump Jaw,
splint* and ringbone* juat as quick Not
painful and never ha* failed. Detailed
information al<out this new method *ent
free to home owner* by T. M. CUUCJII,
Knox dale, Jeffer»on Co., Pa.
Ihe 5 Minute Breakfast Fool
Purine Health Flour
Move thi* iiicture In a circle and *e<-
tbe wheel* revolve 'round John China
John doc* not know hi* prenent daiijjrr.
Hr'» like a jjreat many people with ail
inn vision, who pernist in refusing their
eyes proj»er gla*n aid, or #'.ill cling to the
old glaiwc*, firm in the lienlghted belief
that there i* nothing better. We ex
amine your eye* free anil fit K'a«*e» in a
modern acientific way.
Sati*faction guaranteed.
209 S. Main St. BUTLER PA
Funeral Director.
4S S. Main St. Butler. PA
Harry Denhain. a P. & W. main-line
fireman, was run over by his engine
Saturday. He was taken to the Alle
-1 gheny General Hospital, where he died.
A son of J. E. White, aged 7 years
was thrown from a delivery wagon,
Monday and badly hurt.
Chas. Eichorn had a hand cut by fall
ing glass, at the Plate Works. Monday.
Clarence Shaffer of Franklin street
had a arm broken by a fall from a tree.
Cleveland express No. 23, on the Pitts
burg & Lake Erie railroad, ran into a
switch and jumped the track at Monaca,
Heaver county, Monday afternoon.
While but two persons were killed out
rigLt the Pittsburg hospitals that even
ing were well tilled with injured pas
sengers. The Beaver County General
hospital at Rochester, took its quota of
wounded, while perhaps half a dozen
others were taken on to Youngstown
O , by friends.
j While Simon Young, one of the best
j known farmers of Centre township, was
fixing a gate at a private crossing on his
! farm, at the junction of the Butler
1 Snnbury pike and the Bessemer railroad.
; Monday morning, a south bound ore
1 trair struck him and inflicted fatal
I injuries.
j The gate had been broken by Mr.
Young's cattle on Sunday, it extended
' partly across the railroad track and he
was mending it. Mr. Youn» was hard
of hearing and did not see or notice the
approaching train. He was far enough
off the track to allow the engine to pass,
but a corner of the first car struck him
tack of the left ear, cutting off part of
the ear and crushing his skull. He was
picked up unconscious, brought to But
ler on the 9:20 passenger train, which
passed within a few minutes, and taken
to the Hospital. He died Tuesday
morning. He was 60 years of age, and
is survived by bis wife, three sons and
two daughters,all of whom are married.
During the civil war he served in Maj.
Anderson's company—Co. C, 134 th
Mrs. Young is a sister of the Murtland
brothers of Butler.
Marie, the 10-year-old danghter of
George Daubenspeck of Bruin was
severely bitten on the left cheek by a
horse, Monday.
Norris B. Frazier, a son of Alex
Frazier of Institute Hill, was so badly
crushed by the fall of a heavy fly-wheel
in the Evans Machine Shop, Tuesday
evening, that he died shortly after
being taken to his home. The wheel is
about 7 feet in diameter and weighs
about 141)0 pounds and had been cast
and turned for the gas engine that is to
furnish light at the park.
The boys were rolling it out of the
basement at the time when it toppled
over and crushed young Frazier against
an engine, though the two others tried
hold it. Norris did not think he was
bedly hurt at the time, but became
weak and was taken home. His breast
was caught lietween the wheel and the
engine and his death was probably
caused by his heart or a blood vessel
being raptured.
Funeral tomorrow at 2:80 P. M.
B. &
your summer
are provided for here with almost
unlimited variety of smart, new
styles—effects produced by ex
perts who know how—and the
money saving in prices you'll find
not the least part of your satis
Best way is to get our Summer
Fashion Book—let styles and
prices speak for themselves.
Wash Skirts, SI.OO to $12.00.
Red Golf Coats—Shirt Waist
Suits—dainty White Waists and
Variety of pretty White Waists
at $ 1.00, that we don't know the
equal of—style and value.
Parasols, 75c to SIB.OO.
Children's Parasols,2sc tos 2.50.
Bathing Suits for Ladies', Misses,
Girls, Boys, Men.
Boys' Wash Suits, SI.OO to
Men's Flannel Suits, $7.50 to
Whatever else you want in Dry
Goods that's strictly late and
10,000 yards of the best, pretti
est Wash Goods ever at the price,
IOC yard I
—Lawns, Dimities and Batistes.
Our supplementary Catalogue
of summer reading shows the pro
gressive method of this B. & B.
Bookshop in a way you'll find in
teresting. Send for it.
Boggs & Buhl
Department X.
S Tasteless C
/ Cod Liver Oil i
) With 7
) Beef, Malt and r
/ Hypohosphate. /
( An exceedingly palatable pre- (
J paratiou representing the active J
C constituent of Cod Liver Oil (the V
J greasy part being removed) to- t
V get her with the virtue* of Beef, f
i Malt and Ilypophosphate of Lime /
C Soda, Iron, etc., combine to tuske v
Jit « most excellent tonic and X
\ strenthening remedy. I
v Particularly useful in case of v
r convalescence. /
j Price 75c a pint liottle at the p
v pharmacies of v
/ Redick & Grohman,S
C Cor Center and \
J I'airview Ave. nsy N. Main St. C
Pan American 1901 Exposition
A 11. DiKM, Jit. THO*. I'. Ouvr.ni
The Schenley Hotel Co.,
TIIOB. I'. OLIVKK, Manager.
Main Office, 200 Niagara Sired,
Consisting of Hotel Schenley, The (irccahursl,
The Three Vermont*, The Rlmwood.
The Vork. The Lasak
And 25 other lieautlful, furnished real*
deuces, in the Itlmwood District,
which can he rented In whole or
in part. Kates Jti.oo per
day and up.
European and American Plan.
WANTKI) llonont man or woman to travn
fur In run IIOIIMI nulury ttVi monthly mid
«nu«ii»e», Willi Itirri'HMi; position permnii
«mt;liii-lo»« unlf-wlilreiiueil KtamtKul onvelops
HANAUKii,.WD Oa<tou|bl(l|.,.Uulcaiu. 1
f More than j
> a pill. j
j Common pills harm more .
, than they help. Few of them }
V act upon the liver at all. They r
5 merely excite the bowels and f
\ cause an excessive outpouring 1 /
C of secretions along the digestive V
1 tract. This tends to impair f
S rather than establish the natural J
/ functions of the stomach, liver \
) and bowels. J
! Boyd's $
\ Peerless Pills j
\ are more than common pills— \
J they are a real liver tonic. They 5
/ make sluggish li7ers active and /
J weak livers strong. A lively V
f liver brings keen appetite, v
/ sound digestion, a clear com- I
3 plexion and pure rich blood. ✓
S Price 25c j
! C. N. BOYD,
/ Pharmacist. \
( j Butler, Pa,
By virtue- of writs of Ven Ex., Issued
out of the Court of Common I'leas of Butler
Co., Pa., and to mo directed, there will bo ex
posed to public sale, at the court house, In
the borough of Butler. Pa., on
Friday, the 19th day of July, A. D. 1901,
at 1 o'clock P. M,, the following described
property, to-wit:
E. D. No. 38, Sept. Term, 1901. Thompson &
Son, Attorney.
All the right, title, Intcrost and claim of
John Kenmdy, of. In auti to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Adams
township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a white oak at
the southeast corner: thence by lands of li.
Wallace, and I.awheads Heirs, west two
hundred and thirty-eight perches to a post;
thence by lands of CUlelands Heirs, and
Samuel Marshall, north three degrees east
one hundred and forty perches to it post:
thence by lands of James A. McMarlln, et al,
fast two hundred and thirty porches to a
post; thence by lands of T. W. Kennedy,
south one hundred and fifteen perches to a
white oak. the place of beginning; contain
ing one hundred and ninety-one acres, and
having thereon erected, u frame dwelling
bouse, and bank bam, and mostly cleared]
being the same tract uf one hundred and
and ninety-one acres, of laud conveyed to
said John Kennedy, by Thomes Kennedy, by
deed dated March 10th, IK7N, recorded lit the
offlce for the recording of deeds, etc., In But
ler Co., Penn'a., In deed I took No. .VI, page 571.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of John Kennedy at the suit of Andrew
TERMS OK SALE—The following must be
strictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the lions. Includ
ing mortgage searches on tlio property sold,
together with such Hen creditor's receipt*
for tho amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, inus
be furnished tho Sheriff.
2. All bids must bo paid in full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will tie
continued until one o'clock, P. M.. of the
next day at which time all property not
mailed for will UKiitii be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•See Purlieu's Digest, »th edition, page 44#.
and Smith's Forms, page :>S4.
THOMAS R. HOON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, flutter. Pa.. June 2:.'nd. 1901.
Fall term begins, Monday, Sept a, 1901
t —Practical Book-keepers. I—KXpertl—KXpert
Accountants. 3 —Amanuensis Shorthand.
4— Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical
Short Course in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping book*. 6
Our Teachers—We have four at present
always as many as we need, no more.
We have filled 35 positions thus far
the present term and we expect to fill at
least 15 or 20 more by the next term.
We could place two or three times that
many every term if we had them. We
need an abundance of first class material.
All young men and young women having
a good Kuglish education should take
advantage of one or both of our courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for next year. Call at the office
and see us. If you are interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A. F. REGAL, Prln.,
S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
Natural Interest
It's easy to account for the
popular interest in our suit
ings. There's an excellence
about our stock which awak
ens interest in every mascu
line heart.
Novelties for Summer.
Light or dark goods, as
you prefer. But they all
promise you summer comfort.
Our suits please, and that
means a whole lot.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
c( >opl;r ,
Practical Tailor.,
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler end Greduete Optleien.
Next ?)oor to Court House, Butler. Pa.
i39,Soulli Malu street.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
17th Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
JULY 10th, JULY 11th, JULY 12th, JULY 13th-
The No. 17 at the head of this announcement, showing that we
have had 16 of these semi-annual sacrifice sales previous to this on£
we announce for the loth, nth, 12th and 13th of July, ought to con
vince you that they are what the word implies—genuine sacrifice
sales, successful ones, too, or we could not come before you with the
announcement. Right here in our town ihey are patiently looked
forward to and waited for. Our out-of-town friends are often on
account or their occurrence at Holiday time or near it not notified of
the date of this great bargain opportunity in fime to come in and
reap the benefit of it. We therefore announce it early and invite you
to come, assuring you that we never had such a sale as this one will
be. The cause is easily made known. A backward, rainy season
leaves us over-stocked in
Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Jacket Suits,
Millinery, Wash Goods; Lawn Wrappers;
Lace Curtains. Every department must
have the knife applied.
This price-cutting will enable you to buy as much with one
dollar as two dollars would pay for previous to this date.
Remember time—July 10,11,12 and 13, and place,
Cor. Main and Jefferson Streets, Butler, Pa.
All street cars pass our door.
Good Clothing:
for Men and Boys at a LOW PRICE. We never sold as good
Clothing for so little money. We have two large stores. We buy
for both stores at the same time, and because we buy in quantities,
we buy cheap. This enables us to sell cheap. THINK THAT OVER.
000 et * r ° U a £ oot * All-Wool Suit, with padded
JJ> J KJ. \J\J shoulders and stiff breast, sizes 34 to 44.
dfePC HO WW get you the very newest things in Boys' Three-piece
Suits, sizes 10 to 16.
~oc to $5.00 For Sailor Suits for Children, sizes 3 to 10.
\ , f
OllT* TTnf department is overflowing. We are making a
Specialty of Straw Hats. See our line.
A Big Cut in Clothing.
The cause of it all is the weather. What is our loss is
your gain, but there is no use in kicking now, so we have cut
the prices on all of our Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits and
Men's Suits at $5 were made to sell at $8
Men's Suits at $7 were made to sell at $lO
Men's Suits at flO were made to sell at sl4
Men's Suits at sl2 were made to sell at sl6
Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $1.50 were made to sell at $2.50
Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $2.00 were made to sell at sj.oo
Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $2.50 were made to sell at $3.50
Boy's Knee Pants Suits at $3.00 were made to sell at $4 and $ 5
Men's Worsted Pants at $2.50 were made to sell at $3.50
Men's Worsted Pants at $3.00 were made to sell at $4 and $5
Boy's Knee Pants at 39c were made to sell at 50 and 75c
Boy's Knee Pants at 50c were made to sell at SI.OO
Be sure to call at our store and look over our goods and prioes.
It will pay you.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Mam St., Butler.
nso. K. McAOOO, M. I)., 1
HOURS:- 9a. in. to la in; 1:30 |p. 111.
to 4 p. in.
Office iccoml floor of the Al. RufT
building on S. Main St., and residence
North McKean street, Duller, I'a. Bell
'Phone No. 45 and l'eople'a Phone.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
New Troutnian Building, Butler Pa.
Office 106 W. Diamond St., [Dr
Craiiam'a old office.]
Hunts 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to ] and 7 to
8 p. in.
137 E. Wayne St., office noura. 10 to
la a. m. 1 and to 3 p. ni.
• lloifoxopATinc PHYSICIAN AND
Office 236 8. Main St., opp, P. O.
Night call* at office.
a<x> Went Cunningham St.
F H. MERKLEY, D. 0.,
Room 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wcdnea<lay and I'riday, con
aultation anil examination tree.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
315 S. Main atreet, Butler, Pa.
People* Telephone 505.
A iijieciiill v mnilii of gold filling*, K f, 'd
crown anil bridge work.
Haa located in the new Stein huilding,
with all the lateat devicea for Dental
Artificial Teeth Inserted on the lateat
improved plan. Oold Filling* a apec
ialty. Office next to poatoffice.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No" 114 E. Jefleraon St.,;.over
O. W. Miller'* grocery.
Office In the "CITIZKN" building.
No. 357 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
l'Uhcr Building. Pirst door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Office in Reiber building, zoraer Main
and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on
K. Cunningham.
Room 8., Armory building.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei •
Sj>ecial attention given to collections
and busineaa matters.
Reference: Butler J Saving* Bank, or
Butler County National Bank
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Office at No. 8. Weat Diamond St. But
ler. Pa
A. T. tII.ACH. o*O. 0. HTKWABT
Annory Building, Butler, Pa.
Office in Wiae building.
Office near Court House.
Inquire at Slieriff'a office or 436 Mifflin
St., Butler, Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate