THE CITI/KN. »lU.:a« c. XEGL! V - ' - - THURSDAY, JL'SI r- 1901. Republican County Ticket. Fol DSSTRKT ATTOKXKY. E. El YOUNG. F.m CutMM or G.»c«m». W H CAMPBELL k'-fU CuVKTT BI BVtYOfi. a F BILLIARD WFNT THK I.IMIT. (Ha-r. *g Cor. p!tt*barg Dispatch Twenij six and one-half million iol Jar* Tttai i* the amount ot money this Lsusj-iafure wb:*ib quits tomorrow from tbtrr :nai«.lity to find anv d*W mischief to ao. pro,-*** t pat into the State Trmu-tirr in the neat two ve*r* ani tfcen take ->at again The leader* who «t» t.v •« held responsible we frighu-ned at the w rk tbey hav«- dune The war har-i u IJOST prepanog a defense In mrz*nef t-appumd t»b» dead, has r» «ired The carerta ntj < will be a friend or a fo* tomorrow. This L«eg-.«iatcre nv-rally exhaust ad taef in the occupation of public pludcniif the dodging 'if retpani-.lsii ties, the breaking of pledge# and the •titt:aat»o£. of the poMic welfare as a »«,sid-ratK«i in ;aatng legislation. er ' there V«e»n ao low h diacoo tafct Ah t*rt*e». nearly all the mem brt* all the i inMif of citiaensand eren the eorp«jratioij» are dissatisfied. The Stalwart* controlled oat the margin on WfeK-b th-y worked oost tbem fortunes in hard cash and dc-sets of pr niise* vhiri. are already oocntng ba' k to lift IT- tbem for example the rapid transit tegiaiatioo for which the end of the see mon was delayed for weeks.aad through whuch wjlmcal dents were paid, and ow+ti this is makimr mountains of treniie In Philad-IjAia it has be anos the ta*ptrati-« of an .ndependent ■Miticsi ursetutet with mill am* behind SL Count/ luem'tjet* fear the inraeion af the trufljr a»l are tat»- official* while they are t« be given weight do not de •trov the fore- at the enmities which hn*e twm engendered All the titan knows how the Legisla tan- nas (ailed to knrf- tbe filtdp- that there rtiontd be ballot let.jrm Th« at tar disregard id proouaes haa stirred up a strong *ieu*enl roter* All tbe Mate k*ws that the .**J miner*, ami htbMing men in general have not r< oatvod the oamederati'm which they de esanu-»i and that scane of the few biib whn-b were pasaed are worse tlian use IMS Tbe miner* have not forgotter, thaur (p*ran<*pie will r» uieniber that tbe nlaiS maudat- of the OsMtitution on IsißStorii.: and Legislative appjltioi. ■wo: ba* Issen Not W> sae. t as a serwas «flort h*» bneo ma'ie to obey the liw in this refjs-t It is awtner of the tnd«rf**aaibie actions WilMph mast be defended nomete -v- Boasism u»v<« in the history of tbe State ran to tbe limit as it has here this year Dozen* of member H ami Senator>- an- goinc about with 'xaitinn al apolocie- "I didnt want to do it. I doc t believe it right, bat I got order* "Order* ruled every where, Republicans insurgent* and Democrats It was narbape tbe only way in wbicb the Sanders could fight each other, but «rwrw» of legialators hare thereby com mitted )xilitk*2 suicide The whole efle'-t at the seaaion. so far as the mem ber* tbaiuaelve* are concerned is sum Mad np in the '/ft rejs-ated statement "The next legislature will bare many new members Lots of tbe fellow* her*- •annot be i*-elerted Tbeir constituen cm* woo t stand it Mast' others will not be renominated t»e»-suse tiie bosses won t stand it They have run up the price of votes so high that the bosses cannot afford to bring them back " Everywhere in all tamps tbe a<-k nowledgment is oiade We have gone tbe limit " - WAXAMAKM: in';r«sas»id his of f«.-r lor those street car fran/ liiaes to and the p«of»l« r J Bayartl Henry of Philadel phia was elected in his stead Butler. Armstrong and Mercer will be one of the smallest ar> far as |s>pa lation is o»n'-erned of tbe Omgression al districts of the htal<- Ijiiiiu-nt iKiinaiii to IN- TVUII. At Sew < !aatle last Friday, Judgc WaUaca grante New Castle A Loweß vilh- and the Maht>nitig Valley Street Railway Companies, restraining them from laying their tracks across the farm of Ford Kim-aid of Mahoning township The eotiipanies made no effort to reach aa agreement with Kincald and he ap plied to the court for protection Tne c<«npaun* were pr<M« that the provision* at the V< s-lit and Eatery bill* is spiiii-it Fri day. In the meantime tbe injunction puts a stop to work bndae is complete, except the fills Nothing new in th« «»il l.os'nest at pri-ns ut. tbe Dunlap well will be IU next we«a JACK.. II \tCICISKt IMi. (m Thursday lrst the General Appro priation bill, carrying over fifteen miili'-n- parsed the House. but the I "ill pr- vi-iing an additional law-judge for Cambria county war defeated by a rota of *7 to "1- TT piiMrntnti-r Henry Hall of Pitts burg made a general assault. claiming that Pennsylvania is the worst Judge r. den -tat* in the Union. and that yon can t _o into a dark alley and grab a nihi. w.tuou: getting hold of a Judge. Mr. H ill, as usual was fiery and elo quent Mr Davis also mwk hi-- statements v -t/ ag. He said I protest r - this new Judgship because 1W p«-r oeat of the people of Cambria c-inty do not want it. «>nly six or seven inen want it. Three or four of th—*e hire been here lobbying for three days Senator Stineman came ovei into the House to a*k the members to vote for it •The record* of Cambria county show that our Judge sat only ?') day* in the j ;i-t y*-;,r. With all respect to the Jndi -11 try. in the name of heaven ar»- not 295 i,yf ;n the year sufficient vacation to attend banquets ami go fishing: We are now [atying fI.OOO.uCIO a year for for the Judiciary. and if we keep on creating jffiee# and raising salaries it will soon be f'JMMIO-" Mr. Davis said be bad . • • ved no pe tition in favor of the new .it; igsbip from the memtiers of the Camm i bar. bnt that. X t«j 5# and in creases a number of salaries It is clearly unconstitutional. The Ojnstitu t.on says a Jmlicial district shall have a population of 40 000. Greene county Las only a population of 3H,OC> inhab itants Potter county has 31,000 and Wayne county al«out 30,000. These are no If-ss than three distinct violations of she Constitution, iu addi tion to giving Cambria a new Judge as useleaa as a fifth wheel. "This State is tbe moat Judge-ridden in the Cnited States. In WJ, when the »«me subject was being considered. Pennsylvania had more Judges than all of England, Scotland and Ireland with 000,040 people, combined Since then we have added tbe Superior Court and created other Judges ind raised salaries. "No necessity for new Judges <-au be shown It is only a political scheme to reward political favorites You can no longer lead an intelligent people to be lieve that tbe State pays the expenses and that tbe courts cost them nothing The people pay the taxes and the taxes are tbe first lien and a first charge on labor. Both houses convened Monday even ing. lo tbe Senate the Governor's ap pointments werebeina discussed. Gen. '»ot tin'A opposition to the appointment of <*en Miller was said to to* waning. In tbe House the Congressional , ap portionment toll was discussed, and some appropriation tolls passed finally, including that of $15,000 for tbe Butler County General Hospital < m Tuesday all the Governor's recess app tint men ts were confirmed by the Senate though there was a sharp de liate on Seeder's appointment as Bank ing Commissioner and the Senate pas* finally the Judicial and Congressional apportionment bill*, ami general appro priation bill During tbe day the I House passed a number of appropriation toll* The Qonferance Congressional toll its-sed bv the Senate makes Butler. Armstrong and Morcor otunties the *7th District f iov Stone signed some bills Tuesday and Mii'inif tbem oue 'Auth'/rizing M-h«sil dir>s-t/»rs of townships having a Imputation t»f over to employ a su pervisias principal of aeboola. At last n.ghts session der KM lull) Kciinion. The annual rearion ')'ira< 1 Hnyder family was celebrated at the | residence of John Hnvder in Brady cwp. June 11th IMI. The day. th'*ngh threatening riA n in the morning, WHS an ideal one and an unusually large number of relatives and friends as setnbled at an early hour. When dinner was ready order was railed by the president and thanks was offered by Rev. McOeatcr. after which all «-njoy*d the bonutifol repast -which bad been so excellently prepared fur tiv occasion Dinner over the meeting was again tmlled to order by the president. J. Snyder The secretary Is-ing absent, one was appointed Prayer was offered by Rev (fcmld: A reciUwon was then given by Miss Kate Hnyder. A solo en titled, Whv Don't You Sjs-ak for V'tursejf John, was sung by Miss Anna McNees Addresst-H were made by Rev. Shoemaker, Rev. M cCb-ster, Rev. (iould ami .tthers Then followed the elei tion it# officers for th<- ensuing year which resulted as follows Pres Mr. Frank Double His .! Newton Thomp (loumittMi on arrangement Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Hnyd' r. The next reunion is to Is- h-dd at the home of J. C. Snyder on the first Tnes day of Jnne IWM to which all were cor dlally invited The meeting was then dismisstd and all returned U< their h'iines feeling they had spent an en joyabie 'lay. HWHI;TAKV. >ll. have drilled their tt> bool house well into theHjiewhlev and expect a good w«lj. II H. Thoni|p*o.i tnl*-d tlin *'niy*tery on the K. It Stewart on Moiwlay The festival at Trout man hint week wax well j.atroniz«-d The net jiroreed* MwmnM to more than *i>M It T Knlin left on Tiie*lav f« r Wa«hingtou comity where tie < x|»etn to remain for Notue time. Kno* Cumberland haple were shocked to hear of death of >im 'U Young of Centre twp. Mr. Yonng was born and raised in this township and was universally re gpes.-ted by all h;> former neighbors SILEX. North Washington Coiiiinence ment. Commencement exercise* ,>f the North Washington Institute will be held this evening when a class of three. Th< •nias Rhorer Bessie Shira and Etta Th"tap ,a. will graduate. The week has been 1 or eof rejoicing in the little village. On Sunday Rev Rinker of Ean Claire I j,reached the ba.-calanreate sermon. Rev Williams of Grove City, also preached. Tuesday evening the Athenian debating (I lb gav- open meeting and ly entertained a large audience. Wed nesday evening the Institute pupils gave a musical under director of Prof. Win. Angert. Sixty academic and thirty musical scholar- have attended during the past term The school is in -charge of Prof. Hamilton. Prospect ;tii(l Vicinity. Know ye by these presents, that. Rev Bartholomew of Pittsburg, has a -cepted the call from the Lutheran Parish and will ~ur friend Silex from old Concord, rather put it on to us a short time ago but when we meet in Butler sometime, we'll make it all right. Mrs. Rev. John D. Roth, of Joliet 111. was here last week (railing on old friends relatives and acquaintances. Master Fred Heck, of Butler, is spending the summer with his uncle and aunt. John D. Albert and wife. Fred is a spry lad and will save Miss Stella many a trip for the cows Children s Day was appropriately and interestingly observed in the Presbyte rian church Sunday evening, June l(i. John R Weigle and wife of Coopere town recently visited John's parents. Mr. and Mrs. < B. Weigle. John has gotten HO large, the Ijoys hardly knew him. Mil's Lois Lepley has retarned from Pittsburg, where she was working and the VOung folk* are pleased to see their good looking friend again. If the people knew how healthful a climate w> have here they would assist the trollv company to extend the lines from Butler to New Castle and spend the summer months in our shady bowers. There is quite a rivalry alont; Pitts burg street to - ,f ' who can have the nicest lawn. Milt Langbarst, f'.ert Critchtow anx < n the gnest of her won. I'rof. Green for some time. Everett Htamm and wife, of the Hickory Corner district, were in town on a shopping tour not lon* since. Mrs. ' >eo. Allen and Mist-r Miss Lida Badger of Isle wore in town Saturday, calling and shopping S<-th Snyder and wife and <,'ypriati Snyder and danghter of Brady twp. at tended the funeral of aunt Marv Kennedy, who died Thorn*lay Jnne '!<). JoK C'HI'I V. Harmony ami ZHit-nopli-. The Ladies Industrial Society of the M. K. • hnrch realized at their festi val in I 0. 0. F. hall at Harmony on Satnr(lay evening. Mr- John Lefevre of Zeyenople i* in the hospital at Pittsbnrg. The F<'ijilr Joseph Lusk of Mntler ii vi-■ itiujc her daughter. Mrs. H. M. Wise at Harmony, this week, Eli/.al>eth Kirker of Harmony retnrn e . left Harmony for his home on Friday after a pleasant vj-it with relatives in the Coiino ing Valley. # Mrs. II W. Bameof Harmony return ••d home on Tuesday evening. after -pending nearly a week with her sister, Mrs, J. O. Stuart in Allegheny, who is sick Win. Oilnou of I'ittubartf wan at 11 jir mony over Hiin«lay. Attorney John JI Wilsonof Harmony attended the re union of the Cbu- . of 1»!5 at drove City College hint week He wdm the pr< Killing oflieer of thu Welmtar < of iHi. Mi»a Nellie J. Wilaon of drove City College in njiending her vacation at her borne at Harmony. Minn Gertrude Kellar of tlx- Ht. Xav IrftOdlege near l'lttnlmrg it at her home at Harniorty for her vacation. John vihli it building h large annex to hix bonne in Harmony. I'rof. o II H' lr»lt of Harmony purchased the livery atuble outfit from JMin M. Lnton. oil Monday. Th«-Fmpire <»la>-- Co of Zelienople wnnomin il their animal Mhtit down lant wi-«'k. Work will be reanmod in aliont two month*. The I I', church obaerved common i*.n at Zdictiopl'- on Holiday. There w«rt eight ac<-e*»iona to the church at thin service. Mr< H< v 1/ O. I*«-nas« of Zelienoph* retiirni'l i ioii M* from a trip to Buffalo ami Hi' I'm American BxjioHition, la*t w<-ck. Ki'iliii i'il ICalc* lo H»n I'riniriicii vtu tli«' I ViuiHy Iviniiu Ksillioail. (in account of the Fifth Interuation ill' 'i.iivi ntion of tho Kuworth League, to !»• belt) in Han Francisco .Inly JH to the I'eniiHylvauia llailroivl Company will —II. .Inly I to li», from all atationa on it* line. '■*<■lll-lion ticket* to Han Francisco at greatly rcliici <1 ratt* For specificiuformntion regarding rut. -hh route* and conditions of ticket* apply to ticket agents RE VTIiS. FLINNER—-At his home iu Zelienople, January 14. 1901, Adam Flintier, in i his s flth year. ANDERSON —At Tarentum, .Jnue I'.', j Mrs. Anderson, widow of Samuel Anderson. dee d.. aged about 75 ; years. Mrs Andersen was the mother of Charles and Clarence Anderson of Clinton twp. BI'KNS In Allegheny. Jnne 21, 1901. Patrick H. Burns, aged 0* years. KAYANAUGH —At his home in Zelie nople. June 17. 1901, William, only -*>n of William Kavanangh. deceased, aged in months. M KEE At his home in Slate Lick, Armstrong county, June 19, 1901, Dr. James C McKee. aged 47 years. Dr. McKee's wife, a sister cf J. M. G ilbreath. E-yj., of Bntler. died a year ago. The Doctor's death was caused bi lling trouble. He had been attending to his patients up till the Monday before his death. KENNEDY At her home in Franklin twp.. Jnne 19. 1901. Miss Mary Ken nedy, aged 70 years Sht- lived with and kept house for her n>-pbew. Alonzo Kennedy, and was re lated to the Snyders of Brady and Mc- Neeses of Worth. EBEKT—In Pittsburg, Jane 21, 1901, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of George Ebert, aged 37 years. She was buried from the family resi dence near Mars. HGON At her home in Beaver Falls. Jnne 24. 1901. llrs. Louisa, wife of W. H. Hnon, formerly of Zelienople. aged about 50 years. YARD—At the home of her son-in law. Forquer Thorn burg in Oakland twp., June 12. 1901. Mrs. Yard, formerly of North Washington. RICHARDSON At his home 325 Fair view Ave, Butler, June 20, 1901, Willie Y. Richardson, aged 2 years. Obituary. Michael Fitzpatrick. aged 103 was buried Tneaday afternoon from the Home of the Aged on Peun Ayenne Pittsburg. His remains were laid to reft in St. Mary's cemetery. He was lUtrk*t Court of tin- Cnlt*-d StaU r for the Western liistrict of reunnylvanla, Adam Kifer K linirensrriith,of Hut ler boroutf h. Kn 1 l«-r Co., I'a.. a bankrupt under the Act of Congre**. "f July I. lwl*. having applied for a fuli discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice Is hereby given to all known creditors and oth< r persons in interest, to appear before 11 *«- -aid Court at i*» said District, ou ih< 27th (lay of July, 1 mil, at 10 o'clock In ili»- forene granted, WILLIAM T. LINOSEY. Clerk. In The District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in Baukruptcy. In the matter of i Jai'uti Kelliold, -No. In Bankruptcy. Barixrupt. ) To tlie creditors of Jacob Kelbold. of /.ellmiople. in the County of Butler, and dis trict aforesaid. a bankrupi \'.,i . i, r<- ■ y ••, . i-n t hat on Hi'' 111 li . iWI. the said Jacob Kelbold wilt 'July adjudicated bankrupt ami that the tlrst meeting of Ids creditors will I.' held at the offlce of,). W. II utchlson. referee In bankruptcy. No. 11l N. W. I)la tiiowl. liiitler. I'a , on tie- 2nf Robert A Brown, dee'd., late of Clay tv/p., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to tlx- undersigned, all persons knowing tlii in'elvc" indebted to cuid ! ' ite w 'll j)'< a*c make immediate pay ment, ami any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti eated for settlement to MAUV IIKOWN, I . , , JOSIAII J. BROWN, ( A,UN RS So nor a, Pa. W. D. BRANUOW, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J.ettc i of administration on the estate of Victor K. Phillips, decVt., late of Butler. Butler county, I'a., having }>••<• n granted to the undersigt'td, all periionH klioving themselves indebted to mid (Mate will please make immediate payment. and any having claims against Maid estate will j >r» .cut them c'ulv au thenticated for settlement to TIIOMAH W PHUI.IPS, JI . , , CI.AM.I WCR VVaI.KHH. ( A ' H " R^ • But'er, Pa. C. WAI.KKn, Attorney. EXECUTOR S NOTISE. I.el ters testamentary on the ijstate of John (ilasj/ow, dee'd , late of Clinton township, Butler county, PH.. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons k now ing themselves to he indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediitr [>aj meut and those having claims against the cr.l ate will present them duly< d for settlement to MARTIN MONKS, P'lick, Pa., I(OBK«'r Sr.tToN, Culmerville. Pa., Kxecutors. WII.I.IAMH ,S c MIII'HKI.L, Att'ys. Hull' I'IIRE IVXCIII-MIOIIX. Via the Pitlabnrit tfe Weatern Itail WII; Hound trip ticket* on sale July :u\ and llh. good until July ftth, to nil local point' and to points on ootinectiug 11ti>. westbound, within a radius of joo miles f rom starting point, at the usual fare nno way Pennsylvania Kailroiul lliHlmril Bates to Di'troll, account Na tional R.ilneat iorial AHHOCIIIIIOII. For the meeting of the Nath.ual Ivlu • .itionai Association at Detroit, July H to I'. 11(01, the Pennsylvania Railroad < V»iupanv will Mfll excursion tickets to Detroit from all stations on its lines, at i|e rat' of one fare for the round trip, plu £ i.iH). Tickets will ho sold July •>. , and M , irood returning to leavo Detroit, not ' arlier than July H nor later than July 15. My deposit!mr ticket* with Joint A Kent on or lwCore July lU, and tie payment of -fto cents, the return limit may In- extended to leave Detroit not Icier than September I. l:\cnrsioii to Xlli'kduil). Commencing Hunday, May the Bnnday excursion fare from Butler to Allegheny will l*> one dollar for tickets good going i'ii train leaving (Sutler at .Oft a in., ( ity time, returning on train riving Allegheny at ft.iiO p. m city me. R-R-TIME-TABLES I' .V w It IE Trains leave Bntler for Allegheny. local time, at 6:25. 8:05, 9:'. JO. :ind 11:20 a. ni. and 4:00, 5:45. p. in. The 9:20 and 11:20 a. in. trains make the rnn in an honr and a quarter. The 8:0"> a. in 4 :«.K> and 5:45 p. in. trains, daily, connect at Callery for the West. Trains leave Bntler in the Northern Division or Narrow Gauge at 9:80 a. m. 5:15 p. m., local time, the morniug train for Kane and evening train for W. Clarion Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:03, 9:17 a. m. and 12:10, 5:00. 7 aily exrept Sr.ii'iay. Southward (op) (Kca1 I M I' M A.M.ll'. M I'M 1- 50 6 3n 1 ftl Krie 6 l'J 4 15 H 21 'i Oft 12 34 Kairriew B 25; 1- 4 4" ► li 5 51! 12 24 'ilnnl 6 'M 12 4" 4 53 ("i IN) 1 53 ar. Conni-aiU.. ar 8 04 1 53 ; 6AO 4:C II ' l! > I* . ,lv ti 1" 11 05 4 32 7 51 5 33 12 If. I'mowwilU | 0 5a 1 "7 5 IT 74' 2-". 12 01 Alliiun 1 7 i<) 1125 S5 7 34 5 05 11 47 Springtwn. T 15 I 22 j -W 7 1 > 11 41 f. 4»"» I. :k> 4 20 11 IW M.ailville Junct.. 7 55 SOU li 05 8 Oil fi Mll .9 ar .. Mcatlviile. ai 8 30 2 CO 65® 4«i 3 25*10 22 IT. Mwlvillt.. .If 5 50 1 00 4 25 7 3f> 6 -S< 11 -liar .(on. Laki.. ar 8 IJO 225 «29 5 20 3 55 l'l 52 1T..1 on. l> 1 :S" •'» 20 7 "4 4 34 11 Hi ar Kxpo. I"» 740 2 1" 11 15 704 4 '-'A 11 1« 1* " ' v " 41* 14" li 15 4 32 ar.. Liut-.tille . .ar; ti ~ r, sr. |IT - IT 1 7 30, I 5 35 i; pi | I2JII '4l Hartatuwn « 0-' 2 13 6 4" I. 2" 3 58 l'l 42 ifc>g<»>d I 8 22 2 2s « 57 1 1:1 :j ;,2 l'i :i5 Gre« , 7 Oi Allr(ib.'uv 11 35! 0 2" I s I ! I Train No. 1. leaving Greenville 0:02 a. m. Mercer 6;40, (J rove < Ity 7:08. Butler 8:10, ar rives at Allegheny !>:45 a. m. Train 15, leaving Erie 9:05 p. m. Albion 10:05. ('onneautTitle IO;28, Kx|Kisitlon I'ark 10:54, arrives at Urecrvllic 11::«) p. rn Train 12. leaving lirovv City 5.00 a. m„ Mercer 5:20. Greenville 5:57. t'onnenutvllle 7:05, Albion 7-32. arrives at Erie *:33 a. in. E. D. COMHTCK.'K. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pittsburg. Pa nUFFALO. ROCHESTER I 10 10 00 Bntler ! 7 15 10 1- 5 21 11 2* IVueltou ; 8 07 a 45 11 51 CraiSfuwlli* ' 818 I 55512 01 <4jvfannvill*> | h 21i 05 M«iDtawnwyvllU t n -^4 Went M"«(Cr«v« 8 45 « 20 Kx bo ' (I (Mi I 0 3!) Ifeytou ill 17 I '■ ™l2 ->2 Xortb l'oint j 11 -44 7 CMi Valier » 4ti 7 18 I'urix*'. .wnejr »r 10 00 12 03 7 .Ml 1 22 hi a m 12 08 2 45 7 :» I 22 Big Hun I"* 302 745 13& Cnrweti' ille »' 4 *4 17 417 ! < li arfii-11 »r a.m +4 32 4 32 li„l'...i< *li 12 4f»'3 4". h 20 2 05 Kail* Cr«'k . « of. 12 52 35. |..m 2 12 Bixm k w !\ \ 111«- 0 1 06 • 13 ~ - h Ridgvay 7 00 1 37 4 49 3 06 Job moo bore .. 7 |4j t SP 1 I*' Mi J«!wtt * { > k '< '-5 41,« M 411 BrndfoH H f». r , 'I 2T» 7 of> 5 Oil rMklamanca *' 0 :w > 4 51 p.oi MUO »rj 11 .V) 5 40; 7 I.'J HodiMiter w 7 &)< I p.m j I i « '«• A«i«h'i«»nal train 1 ♦•!•»>* Piinx«iit*w«y fur Kall«<'roek, liurweunrillo aii'H leurlb.'M »t tt fJfla.fii, SOUTH BOUND. KASTEUN TIME " i | | li uv ».m a 111 a.lll p.oi p.m a.hi.ur j*7 4fl »' <*< 3 2T. IXIIV.iH I, 40 II on 2 55 II 15 3 31 (3«tffU,W I» H + 3B | .m Corw"ii«»lll' Iv 11+491 lllK Kun .7 7.13 II 31 li 421 14 03 PunxMuUiWiH./ ar 728 11 4.i 333 lI H !» 730 a.m 335 » SO 120 Valfer T-*i 1 41 Hamilton T 4ii: 1 41 i North P ilnt I 7 53' 1 53 Ilay ion 811 li 511 4So f > f„, M 221 II 522 U'«t SjoKKrov- ....... 845 545 Montcotneryvllle 8 54 5 55 Co>..ii.viiie 8 MI or. ft Oil O i' l l.i f» 4il Ki ni-lloi. #2O 0 :i»! Biitl«-r i li 47 5 34 I. 45 15 All«Kli'i y i I' A W BiaIII 00 il 45; |7 30 I'ilUlmiK / arrivul a.m p.m.' a.ui * Daily, f Daily except Saiuliiy. Aililili train l»av«.» i li.arH.-M for Pu n*«iitii»iirjf at 7.0*1 p.m. Kali* I'rM.k at 8,'.1t, 1) HUhi* on Hlgrial for passenger* to point* of I'linxsutawney anil *<• iikits from llra'lford and points North of Itr.nlf'.ril. K Slops lo li l off pussi'iiger* froro Houtli nf i'nrn ■.in :i wm-y ami on signal lo t:11<<• on passi iiKiTs for Hriidford and points of Hrmlford. , (; Htops lo li*t oft pasaongurs from Norlli of I'un.x .Ml awm y ami on nlixoal to tuk.i on passciiKi rs for Alli-gln-ny or points west on the P. A W, Ity. I .Stops Ui let oir oussengcr* from Alli glu iiy and on signal to lake on pbss.-rigi-rs for points North of I'uftxsiitttwtiey. Trains 3 and i! are vo»tlbuled Willi lianU wimi- day coai-li' s, cafe and redlining chairs cars. Train* 2 and 7 have Pullman Hli-epcrs be tween llnlTalo and l'ltt*burg and llocliester and I'lttsburg. EDWAKTI C. IJA PKY. Gen'l PaHh. Agent Rrwrliester N V. PENNSYLYANIA RA S L. WFSTIiKN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Mchk UVI.K in Krrturr May. 27, HOIJTH WKKK HAVK A M A M A M V. M I' M DUTLEB I.iava «» 'l?> x OCjlO W I 2 ;t/i Imi UtttoiiburK Arrivu 'J 64 H 'Z'.t II l'» It (Hi .1 iJull' i Jinn tlon, " 7 27 r »'J It 4<» :J r» Vt ItuUi'i Ji«ic tlon, .I "h»k 7 ;il H 6.'t II 6/ '/6 6 II Natroim .Arilf** 7 4" ?> '»! 12 "I A :il ;,| Tar*4fitom. 7 41 UO7 12 OK i 42 611 H;.fii.K«l«l»- ... 7 f.2 '• Mi IZ l'» 62 1: "1 f;iar«tii'»n(.. <* I*2 .'i« 4 M, \t\ |«i Sl»ar|-«»rtirK XII U :v, 12 4H 4 12 ti 2f AUv»'«"»/ i H '24 H 4M I 02 I 26 »i > >A M A M IV M I*. M I' M Ml NDAY Tit AINH liiwtn llntlur f<»i A Jl«*|(f*oiiji oftv and piiis' lpal »latloii« nt 7 J(l a m 111*1 6;W p in NOHTfI WKKK PAYH - A M A M A M I' M I' M All«*h«niy o*l/ . 7 (H» h 4/» lo 4/. 300 li I', •OinriMlftirK ... 7 12' M 6710 67 I .»'«*# < ii oit ;i :rti HuHiiK'lall II Hi 3 401 ( i 3t farciittiin .. . 7 .!'» tf XI II 2* ] .1 63 'i 4 - Nati'ifin 7 4-i i# II Uli 4 0|! *6! Bulli r .lini' li .n inilvi' 750 #37 114.: 4 1.% 71K flutter Junction Uati' 7 ■>< V 37 1/ I*! 4 ,m 7 Haioiil.uf* 8 21.10 l« 12 41 4 Mil 7 111 "I 1.1. II arrlv.. 8 451 l'l 2K I |i> f, 2s| 7 Wl 4 M.U M. P M P I*l P. M Hl' N I'A Y Til A INH, AH«*Kb«*rijr Ml/for !lt»i I' ran 1 pilik l|>al irit«rrii«''Jiat<* at 7W>a in wimJ U to p. HI. rr»n TIIK KAHT. Wh-Ih I'-o« Miimla/* A MAM r A. M r M Iff 11.mi W 'i 26 10 236 7 30 6 K"r N»«w V"rk only. *nirwiii(h iMiffrl al««par; no < oa< !.»•* 7:W M K»«Uii turn ami |««iiit* lrf'|f»n«l. K'»i •J«tiilli«#l liiforiiiatpm, t»ppl> i" H'k< l #«« nt or ml r-lifoed auditors, h&vlt g b en duly plecte-1 ind qualifli d acc rd |rg lo I ,w. In ii.d for ibe Buroogb uf Buuei. COUO y of Butler and Sta e of I'ton v villi, tbe following fi -social statement of ibe R-Cclpts iud Ex.»"i d ltii r '■> f ibe -aid Borough for school purp se> for the year June 3rd, 1901: JOHN S JAC K, Collector of I'll Dup Icate, IS9T. DB 1" baln cp dua as shown by last Au llton.' Report 8 651 53 Cu By addl lmj pignoration > araited S 25 82 By ptnj y of 5 per cent on same 1 29 K/i;.o n: overpaid, 189S la*, June 3rd, 19)1 74 11 By ja> • t, 1899 Li, Juoe 3r ', 1901 47 00 $ 148 Si 8.1.. ' e due, Juur 3rd. 1901 8 502 71 JOHN S JACK, Coll ';to- o' Tax Djplicate, 1898. DB. T > baliuce due as sho»n by last Auditors' Report 8 485 05 CR B> am not T. M. B-k«r, Treasurer.. 8 400 CO By cr mrols#lon of 5 percent Ou $421.05 21 05 B; aadii'oual fx mentions granted. 74 37 By penalty of 5 por cent on same 372 S 499 14 Ain't overpaid and credited to 1897 tax s. June 3, 1901. $ 74 11 JOHN S JACK, Collector ■ I I'll Duplicate, 1899. I)K l'o balance as shown t'y las' Audl"or»' Rep -rl S 2,894 80 Cr By amou't paid T. >1 Baker, Treasurer S 2,133 80 By commission of 5 pur ctut OJ 82,246 11 112 31 By exoueratious granted 063 13 By penally of 5 per cent on same 33 10 8 2,942 40 Ain't overpaid and credited to 1897 t x s, Juue 3, 1901. 8 47 60 JAMES M. MAXWKII., Collector of Tax Duplicate for Yiar 1900. DR. To amoual of Dup i^Ate, First Ward $ 5,614 19 Second VV».d 7,725 96 Third >-Va.d 7.351 78 Fourth Ward 4,682 03 Fifth Ward 5,194 29 Towasblp 827 19 Total 831,395 41 CB Ky amoul.l p.ud i'. M Baki r, Treasurer, tir.t 60 days ..819,621 49 By cooimlsslou of 2 per cei. t o-i 120,021 93. 400 44 By reOan of 5 per cent ou 821 075 71 1,053 78 Bv am )Ui,t p.tld 1' M. Baker, Treasurer, ,i*xt 4 months.... 3,658 41 Itv commission of 5 per cent ou 83.850.94 192 53 824,926 65 Amount due School District, Decern:.ei 31> , 1900 8 6,468 '9 I'eriil'y of 5 per cent added ou Jaiju-.r- 1.., 1901 323 44 Amount due Scbojl District, Ja-.u, r, lit, 1901 8 6,792 23 B umiu .t paid 1' M. Ba» r, I'reia , a; .•> Jan. Ist, 1901...8 2 639 71 I!) uiiLtolju of 5 per rent ou 82,778 64 138 93 $ 2,778 64 Bala new due District, June 3rd, 1001 $ 4,0.3 59 STATKMK.ST AND CLASSIFICATION OF TASKS PAID TO TREABURKB Om.cral Bui ding Si L I g(0 d Bonds) (New Bonds) 1898 T.xts 8 215 39 8153 85 $ 30 76 $ 1899 Tax--. 1.280 28 426 76 426 76 1900 1 x«- 21,206 96 2,120 63 2,591 96 l'o to Is »22,7t2 63 8580 61 $2,578-21 82,591 96 $28,453 41 Y to JANITOBS. Hi iOr a bam 8 619 92 Q C. MiQul»li..u 590 00 il. It Nlcbi l.s 475 00 W J. Belli* 440 00 W. J Eury_ 140 00 O lv.r Graham 37 50 $ 2,302 42 SAI.ABV TO r KACUKI(B .1 bn A Gibson 8 1700 CO V. K. Irvli.p 1135 00 Dovsi F. Hall #lO 00 Emily M. Britain 820 00- A inle Cunimlnns 820 00 Eila I'urviS 885 00 Adalaide K. Ribliso 040 00 Rose ifrNees... 010 00 Doul.,' Campbell 872 50 Fr.m.-es O. Wlclf 572 50 Alice DltfTen bacher - 460 00 Clara Cornelius 460 00 .Vary C. O'Brien 460 00 Adj C Gunipper 460 00 R Pa !W i QitlS'lori 460 60 El's Coul.or 460 oo \U I. K Bro* u 40'j 00 Nf:; i • K Uefcandk.a 460 00 Haiti. C. Bsrtlaj 437 50 E i/.ab'ih S.'il;h 437 50 Vina McColloi.cb • 432 50 II attle iI «11 u lUT - 415 00 May Kreaoa 415 00 Emma K. Colber'. 400 00 Florence Coi l elitu 392 50 Gertrude 392 50 Eil..* s lt 4 il.> . aou 60 K iihk Mi E 1 van 370 00 N. til' Frazl.r 370 00 MIIIIIIb 'l'oinpucn 370 00 AH p S!o.%r 370 00 Orace Wick 346 H8 Mars irct Or a bam 346 88 M.r) E Butter Held 346 88 Ci.ra 11-. I 346 88 Mi ud<- Erti.s 346 88 Msri a'e Br»'d 346 88 Am a Tl.Mup-O.i 324 38 Iti) R. dli' 323 75 Blani he Ci-r"kley 323 75 Ka.iiiia M: Kli«ley 323 75 Baflii. D aior il 323 75 S M , i.u Co per 323 71 (irare Crawford •••• 30> 38 R n I£. M N a lie 3 iO 63 Elvla CO' • • 300 63 Lids Mirtba IJ'JV? less 277 50 J C Duweil 260 00 Urti'o 217 50 El zabslh Campbell o'l Kl'irsncu Miriln 217 50 Verni Dlrkey If 50 Mary E» er " 7 50 lt >ii iiy 8 859 95 II one Natural («•• C'.inji»iij 861 45 8 1,731 40 f'eipplior.n 41 00 Alex Mitths'l, Ellp» 3,293 15 llaulto n, Kxpre** snd Fre ght ®" $34,255 26 OKNKIIAI. FUND-T \i BAKKII, Tr asiirer. DLI * To amount re eiv-d from John S Jack, Ouileeior * 1,495 67 t'o am -ij 1.1 i. i'.* Ivi d fruiii Ja». M Maiw 11, Collvl- or 31,2-6 W^> To amou -i i f Sia n ApproprlaMori ® 411 95 To aim un t of i'ultlon ® 7O To smouot of Utssated Land I'si • ®7 $32,494 ( H. By amount us ««' forth In the herelnb for.- classlflcatl >II $34,255 26 15, ai 'i overpaid O- ri' ral Fund an shown by the las; Ami n'>' It port 3,226 46 Total $37,481 72 Ainounl overpild or O -peril Fur.d, Ju « I'd, ID)I $ 4.98, 07 BIHI.IHNO I'tiNH— T M. HA it kit Tr.a«or r Dli. l'o iialan dun J nun 4 )i, 1900 ... .....$ 5.7u4 65 lOproc. edsof lluiids ..* ihil 40,944 50 To p oc»nln of s»le of house sod barn 44 00 l'o amo'i t r«'C l* d • m»d sl4 000 00 *ly In ei s no (tin a. a 389 37 By . xp' iiai of Bond I.aim, etc li'"> ''o 14,515 87 T ui $40,501 18 Bilanceoo b arid June 3rd, I9')l $ 0,772 58 SINKINO KITNI» FOB ItF.IIKMI'TION OK UIINDS (SKHIKH K A D) —T. M. BAKCU, Trii a Dit To amoitni recelv -.t fro 11 John S, Jack. Co-lector $ 4.17 52 To .mount le -elv d f'O'u Ja« M Maxwell, Colli clor 2,120 69 Total • '.578 21 CB. B/ amount overpaid on Sinking Kuril a« •ho»n by the la«t Auditors' Keport .$8,086 28 By Coupon* By State Tax paid 178 00 4,244 88 My amount overpaid June 3rd, 1901 $ 1,666 67 Sink INo Finn, BO.VII IKHIIK, 1900 (-tmtiHH F)—T. M. BAKKII, Ireisurrr. DB. 'To amount received from James M Mai I, Collector $ 1,591 96 CB By a 111 Hint I uteres! paid 700 Oil Balance on band Juno Hrd, 1901 $ 1,891 96 1 Nummahv or FUNKS. { \ DK. CR. General $.12,404 C 5 *37,451 72 Building 47,273 78 Ek 40,501 18 Sinking (O.d) 2,578 21 4 244 88 Slaking (1900) 3,581 96 7LO 00 $84,938 58 182 927 78 l< i ance In Tre wury (I i lie iggr. gate of fund-) f 2,010 80 HONDKD INDEBTEDNESS*. S rin D 317.0(,0 00 Serlet E 30,000 00 Si rlf« 1930 40,000 ro $87,000 00 OUTSTANDING ORDERS. No 8812, VV J Bury $ 35 00 N • £333. Rn - MCNP('» 75 00 No (>BSO, >i iry E B'er 15 00 N.; 8865 Grac.? CumbprUnd .. 30 00 Ni 8870 I J. McCar d ess 10 00 Total $ 165 00 To a ludt budne«s $87,165 00 RESOURCES Amount due from -lobn S. J*cU. Co 'e.-t>r. 1897 $ 5(2 69 Amount due from J*mes M M*x«el', C illecior, 1900 4,014 73 Amount r*«b In Treasury 2,tHO 80 Total $ 0,528 22 Liabilities over Resou-ce? J80.63C 78 We, the undersigned Au ll ors, certify that the above Is correct. HARRY Ij GRAHAM, j JOHN R HENNINGER.< Auditors June 21, 1901 . ALF A. SCHENCK, ) p"" ~ ( Ours is one of the most complete S ( Dry Goods and Carpet houses in P r the western part of the state. ' C Our stock represents not only \ r beauty, style and variety, but is } / the product of the best manufac- / / turers. ? ) The quaintest and most beautiful s ? patterns and designs; the latest S ) and most fashionable novelties of / ) the Eastern and European markets. C r We do not claim the question- y S able honor of underselling every- (. 1 thing and everybody, but our / ) prices are always satisfactory. / / A visit to our store, the largest S \ in the county,is sure to repay you. ) $ Duffy's Store. i J as. A McDowell, Makes a Specialty of Cement Sidewalks. Has had twenty years experience in Butler— Uses the best com position purchasable in the United States. 112 W. Jefferson St. DEALERS in ready] made clothing represent their wares as "Tailor made' "custom made" ens on May 1. Hummer excursion tickets, to be sold I from April 80 to September HO, inclusive j I good to return until October 81, in- j elusive, at rate of $11.0.1 from Pitts burn and proportionate rates from other points. Fifteen day excursion ticket*, to !>e sold Iwginning April 80 and good re turning within fifteen days, including date of sale, at rate of $11.20 from Pitts bnrg and proportionate rates from other point* Five day exenrsion tickets, to las sold only on Tuesdays, May, 7, 14. Sit, and 28, and good returning within five days, including date of sale, at rate of SB.OO from Pittsburg and proportionate rates from other |K>ints. Special excursion tickets, to be sold, good going only on specified trains, on Wednesdays, May 15 and 2», and re turning within three days including date of sale, at rate of 91J.2A from Pitts burg and proj>ortiouate rates from other point*. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company operates two through trains each way daily lietween Pittsburg rfbd Buffalo. I textured Itatca to Cincinnati via tli<> Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the convention of the United Societies of Christian Endeavor to IM< held in Cincinnati July <1 to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell July 4 to 0, from all stations on its line, excursion tickets to Cincinnati at one fare for the round trip. These tickets will Ist good for return passage, leaving Cincinnati not earlier than July H, and not later than July 14 For specific rates and full information, apply to ticket agents. ■ 'an-American. The Bessemer At Lake Krle Railroad [(Company has placed on sale at all sta tions, exenrsion tickets to Buffalo, on account of the Pan American Exposi tion. With the improviend the night in Phil adelphia and use regnlai trains the next day from Market Street Wharf. A stop-over of ten days will also l>e allowed at Philadelphia on the goitg trip, if passengers will deposit their tickets with the Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, immedint ly on arrival. Tickets will be sold from stations at the rates named below:— Rate Train Leave. Tarentum *lO 00 7:80 A. M Natrona 10 00 7:4.1 " Butler 10 00 «:25 '* Freeport 10 00 7:58 " Altoona (dinner), 800 18:85 P. M. Philadelphia (stop for supper .. .Arrive 0:25 " Atlantic City. Arrive 8:40 " Tickets will alio be goal on regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:50 and 0:00 P. M.. carrying sleeping cars to Phila delphia, and 7:10 P. M., carrying special Pullman sleeping cars throuj'h to At lantic City. For detailed information in ro/ard to rates and time of tiains apply to ticket agents or Mr Thoulas E. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. ICxciirsloii Itiitcs to I)iin»|o. The Buffalo, Rochester <& Pittsburg Ry. Co. announce, that commencing June Ist the following reduced rate* from Butler t<> BnlTalo will be in effect on account of the Pan-American Ex position. Season Tourist Tickets will be on sale every day at i)t0.80 for the round trip, ftood returning to and including Octo ter 81st. Tickets limited to 15 days including date of sale, good onlv for continuous passage in each direction, on sail- every day (luring the Exposition at |7.75 for the round trip. . Tickets limited to 7 days including date of sale, good onlv for continuous pa«*age in each direction, on sale every day during the Exposition at fO.BO for the round trip. St>ecial excursion tickets limited to 8 days including date of sale, good only for continuous passage in each direction on sale Tuesdays only during the Ex position at M.2S for the round trip. Returning, these tickets will be good on all regnlar trains leaving Buffalo prior to midnight of the Thursday fol lowing date of sale, but will not l>e good in sleeping or chair cars in either direction. For time tables and further Informa tion consult the nearest agent of the company. .Inly Fourth Excursions. Excursion tickets will be sold between all stations on the B. & L. E. R. R., July Brd and 4th, returning July sth. at one fare for the round trip. There will IM< special attractions at ExjK«ition Park on the Fourth. Inquire of Agents for rates and time of trains. E. D. COMSTOCK, (ien'l I'ass'r Agent