Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 27, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL- xxxviii
Look at Your Shoes!
Don't You Need a New Paii'?^^^^-
John Bickel Has Just What You Want.^*C^-
If >oo art in need of shoes or Oxfords of any kind, no matter
what style you may want, call around and see us and vve can suit and
;>leas \ Our stock of summer is complete. We can
.how a b tier and finer selection than ever before.
SOROSIS SHOES Have a world wide reputation Ali the
latest i mc Dong 4a, patent-kid or patent-calf, lace or button,
cloth *~ I >er fops, tarns or light welt s^>!cs.
DUTTENHOFFEES line of Ladies' welt and turn sole shoes in
fine L>onn . and patent i-. at hers are very handsome. All sizes and .
widths, in price from sl-75 ca!i jour '
special attention to '<ur extremely large stock of Oxfords and strap |
«aniaU in r rc d-ngola, box-ca'f and patent leathers in low, medium j
or hig*. J el 85c to $3.50.
AH the lat' st slyiei-' in Men's fine shoes. A full line of Men's
patent it "cr the very latest styles, $3.00, $3-s°» 00 j
Also ron«pMe tock of Gent's patent leather and vici-kid oxfords.
1-a.tijlt* in B'.y's and Youth's, Mioses' and Cliildren's rlioes !
and .j 1- at away down prices.
Sample Counters Filled With Interesting Bargains.
j j
we haven't a thing
/ against cur neighbors V
) BUT, -? well, say! 1 V
C Farmers and /
I mechanics \
\ get better shoes /
/ and more for }
thmtr money t
i Huselton
\ \
than any other V
K place in the C
/ Keystone State. f
Spring Styles &
\j Itavr a DattioeM aU/Ut theta tb»t r ~j' ' J| |T f I X
mark, th* WCA-TT T, tt won't do t-j R! fjJ jVo /jf U
w**r tb* last rear'a output. Von / \j \\\r'J W1 F1
won't jjrt the lat' A tlntijc. at the Q A
•tick rlothien either. The up-to I/IXV itJ 'rt
<iate tatl'jr only <an supply them, T f/\ L _-»J
tf jr*»u want w<H only tin: lateat I, j Vj 177/ 3
thinj{« in ctit and fit and work- , / / j I j
ntanalitp, the fineat in dnrahility, , J * [lf
where tW ran yon get com bin a- 1 ' 111 11
tiona. jrott get them at i ID LA.
p V
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
42 North Mam Street All Work Guaranteed. Butler, Pa
Removal Notice!
C. F. T. Pape,
Jeweler unci Watchmaker
Will IK* found on and after April Ist at
121 Kast Jefferson street, opposite (*.
Wilson Miller s Grocery Store, Butler, Pa.
if , "• For »p* (ia occasion a «.r or'lliiary wen
1/ # , can r>e aelct ti-d from the lari(<- a»»ortmen
LML of trimmed hata, rati/IDK from t •*> up
■ ' - ward., cannot lx duplicated l>y any aold
I r ( / ss ClM: where at auch low pricea. Our mod-
I <-la are artiatic and ti< autifully develop*
I ed in the new millinery materials audi as
LgK! * Curded Chiffons, Heraian, Mouaailim-.,
it frrideacent Tulla and Oriental (»Httze.
Dk jS Value and atyle are d«li|{htfuUy ceitn
j/jm 1 ». l«tnd in our lummcr hata, fhc display ia
' decidedly intereatinjc uto our prices.
Come and aee them at
Jjfc St.uUi M-iti htr. et. - _ Untltr, ll'a
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
If «r—<io« la four tUM to
* T
Floe Oak or Walnut Organs at 130 to S3S
Splendid Hamilton Organs, 9 and ll stop*,
S4B to $45.
Magnificent Hamilton Organ*, 9 to II stops,
Beo. fnl ESTEY ORGANS from $35 to SSO.
To utu». '.ul tliia lA «t u»»* cat prices la
hail—y air t lu.ltfs pam S2OC lo (290
Iks HoUhlei* A. B. Clum H— ».
BnqucsiiijtiaUj Cm tU*M Plana* t* Ik*
toiH A bod ac 4 kit kBI lt;k aI
0 jma *«uxl mrr *IOO to ItM «i » Cm
rt ano, WTUc at one* to ILL*ILfO*%
ITO7 toatmiMot pußDlnd folly.
Call or wrt»a fcw Prior, and Clk *«'»» 1
135-7 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg
► The Cure that Cures I
'fej Coughs, &
\ Colds, I
Grippe, (k
V Whooping Counh, A»»hma, 1
,Jj Bronchitis and Incipient A
Consumotlon, Is
£ IVve German £
r at\d Vutitt J
£,tA4 a\\ 25550\U/<
■nd it lh» result of colds and C|»t- r .C,13l
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection y WfTVta M
we positively staU) tiiat this it. J7* f
rented/ does not contain V .
mtT< .r j or acy other injur
k> .s drug.
Ely's Cream Balm
Is f.kn'nre'lged to b« Oi« most thorooeh cure for
Vasal < stsrrii, Co:d In Head and JJajr revtr of all
mr.< dina. It oictn and eloansts the riaaal passages,
aliaya bain ar.d inflammation, b< a!s the v> res, pro
|kU the membrane ff'»m rol<l«, restore* the »ei"a
of •_»»•<- and smell. I'rice Mir. at lirnijKlsla or by mail.
ELY BKOTIIKKS, 60 Warteu Street, New York.
l Shouldn't M
A Suffer
J Corns or kl
m Bunions
►J When 4
>1 Corn A
Will i
Them \
In a
► Time. <
< Price >
i 25 cents. <
< Put ►
► Up and <
< Sold ►
► Only <
< At f
t Johnston's E
! Crystal fc
; Pharmacy,
► i
4 It M l.< Hi AS, I'll . 0.,
lf«#i.h 'I v hon<Hi.
{ Everything in the
drug-line. A
\ \
Contains a Rollnhlo Rooord
of all tho Evontn In the
For Solo by all Nowidoatoro.
OH TICK Next <loor U> CITZKIN oflicc,
Butler, Pa.
How would we llrs! W»'d drink th« T«UI liks
With all tomorrow, kid behind th» v*il
TTist Is your hair; betwesn two Ulle, pal,,
Your tkoikr Un.is, my h<srt should lie sod shin,
A triii * n ris« We'd catch the wind snd twin*
The evening ftars a chaplet isusie*!
To crown our folly, lure tb« nightlnirsie
To sitig the Uiss youx lips should teach to 'nine.
And if the .a.-e who cried that life Is vain
Should frown upon the Bower of all our days
And chide- tb« sun that knows no tears of rain
11, should cot tease our heart with cynic eye.
The soul's vait altar stsnds beyond his gaxe.
When two hs*» li»ed, then shall they fear to
—Helen nay in Harper's Magazine.
Tm mektei !■
"j A Story of the Civil War. :
*.—.».—.i. —.j.— —-i.-—.!.—-.!-- —
The period, the early part of the civil
war; the scene, one of the stately old
homes that have made the Blue Grass
State famous for Its hospitality; the
chief actor, a stanch little rebel, who
gloried far uiore In the fact that In this
awful time of war her hu.band was
one of the bravest In Morgan's brave
band of rough rider, than she did In
the knowledge that In the times of
peace no other home In all Kentucky
.bowed more elegance In Its appoint
ments than did hers; the exact time,
an early morning In the early summer,
when the inhabitant, of the town had
awakened to find that, although a few
hours before they had gone to .leep lu
Dixie, with "Desha's boy." camped lu
one of the tine old woodlands Ju.t west
of them, they had seemed to awake- ">
Yankeeland, for their street, were till
ed with 1,000 bluecoats under Colonel
Coming from her room on the morn
ing In question, with her boy In her
arms. Mrs. Peebles met at the door
two negro women, their black faces
filled with terror and their bodies quiv
ering In an agony of fright
"What Is It, mammy? Quick! Has
anything happened to"—
Her mistress' anxiety dispelled ner
own fright In an Instant and the elder
of the two answered: "Mass Jeems?
No, chile, bress Gawd, I hopes he an
Gln'l Mawgin is still mekln hit wawm
fo' de Inlmy In Ten'see. But dls inawn-
In befo' 1 was up Kit come a-reshln to
my cabin an say de Yankees done got
us, an sho' 'nuff. Miss Annie, de town's
done live wld 'cm. Ileab, gimme dat
chile, honey, kaze you'se gwlne drap
him sho'. Sit down, now, an don' take
on so. I might 'a' knowed you couldn't
stan' dls fright."
"But what has happened to our
boys?" Mrs. Peebles asked, stepping to
the door and glancing Into the street
at the line of soldiers stationed at In
tervals as far as she could see. "Were
many of them killed?"
"Whut dat you say?" Aud Easter's
face spread Into a grin. "Not much
am dey killed. Dey done got de new.
Dat Kun'l Lundruin cornln wld a big
Yankee a limy, an dey Jes' fol' up dey
tents an lef, an dey ain't spreclfy no
regrets, nut her. Dey do say, Miss An
nie, dyah u comp'ny brack niggers
'mongst de Yankee soldiers an dat we
all 'll have to feed de whole kit un
boodle i)T 'ern.**
Tlit* little woman's eyes flashed as
she answered: "I for one shall not
feed any Ynnkee soldiers, and you maj»
send for me If any of them com*
around. Ah, good morning, unclel"
The lust wan spoken to a negro sol
dier who wore the blue uniform and
who had come up the walk as she
"Good mnwnln, missis. I Jes' wanta
to use yo' aaw ef yon can lemmc have
It fo' a little while. We doDe muwch
oil night, au we'a mighty tired an hon
gry, an we haa to cut aome wood fo'
de fiahs."
"Tea, Indeed. Of course you can
have the saw," answered Mrs. Peebles
quickly. "Kit, show the man whers
to get the aaw, and let him have the
wood horse too."
A suppressed laugh from behind her
brought a smile to Mrs. Peebles' face,
und she turned to the older negro to
"Mammy, 1 am sure that negro was
ten feet high."
"No, Ml MM Annie, 'twarn bis beln a
big man whut done hit, but you knows
you aln' gwlne turn no hongry nigger
frum yo' do'. Taln't In you, an you
can't do lilt, even ef you does wanter
kuze be got on dem blue clothes."
A few days later uiartlal law was de
clared. What was coming no one knew,
and so strict was the surveillance
that not one word could be got from
the outside world. When the military
role had begun, the supply of food bad
seemed large enough to last perhaps
six weeks, but at tbe end of tbe first
mouth the supplies began to run low,
yet neither market gardener nor gro
cer was allowed to bring food Into the
town. Evidently tbe Federals were
getting ready for the early advance of
a Confederate troop and were using
every precaution to prevent the ene
my gaining any advantage.
One evening during tbls anxious time
as Mrs. Peebles sat !u the twilight
crooning a lullaby to ber baby boy
Easter came into the room and asked
in a low tone:
"Am de little lam' asleep* Miu An
"Not rjulte, mammy," tbe mother an
swered-and smiled to see tbe little fel
low sit up and bold out bis arms to tbe
old nurse, who said:
"lout's right. Come to yo' mammy,
honey, an she'll tell you about Brer
Itabblt. Dyab is a Yankee captlng In
de library, Miss Annie, an he ssys be
uius' see you, dat dyab some business
be mus' talk to you about."
When Mr*. Peebles entered the libra
ry, the soldier stood looking at a pic
ture of her husband that hung over tbe
A sudden fear nel/.ed her. Was It
Minium's men whom the Federal had
expeeteil and liml a MklrmUh already
occurred 7
"Oh, sir," she exclaimed, "do you
I -i from my hu«hand?"
> ii lerly man, and as he
tui>.v> tin* white face, with Its
pleading eyes searching his own, he
pressed her gently Into a large rocker
w how arm she had clasped for support
and said Hither to himself than to her:
"Ah, these women of ours! They suf
fer at home more than we do lu tbe
I M." Then to her:. "No, I have no
news from ' our hf» hand. Our division
1M made up entire# of northern men.
With whom Is yoil : husband?"
"You mistook my meaning," she ex
claimed, the color creeping back to her
face and the old tire awakening within
Iter eyes "He Is not a Union soldier,
lie Is with Morgan's tuen, but 1
thought perhaps there had been an en
gagement ami you had come to me,
even as lie would go to au anxious
northern wife. Have you heard from
Morgan's men. captain? If Is so long
since we had any news from outside
the town."
The pleading In ber voice touched
htm. for h* turned to th* window ajid
.food looking out into the gathering
darkness. When he turned toward her,
a tear glistened lu his eye.
"And so you are a rebel," he said. "It
If* a pity! A ptty. Indeed! War Is a ter
rible thing, and we must all Buffer
while It lusts. I could not even relleTe
you with an iniwar about Morgtu'a
men If 1 knew ever so much at ut
them. Martial law would avail little If
we gave away Its secret.."
Once more Mrs. Peebles' eyes flashed,
! for had he not spoken as If the pity of
the wnr lay upon the shoulders of the
Kouthurners. She straightened herself
In her chair and said coldly:
"You wished to speak to me about a
matter of business, I believe. May I
; hear It?"
He was n soldier now.
"Certainly, madam. It become, nec
essary for us to quarter our men upon
the citizens for a day, and 1 must ask
you to provide fur one company, giv
ing them the noonday meal tomorrow."
She opened her Hps. but as If he di
vined that she was al»out to ask a hard
question he continued. "I can only ex
plain that the men are detailed for spe
cial duty, and the food must lie prepar
' ed for them."
"But how can I i»upply food for so
many men?" she exclaimed. "You for
get that we have t«en un<ler martial
law for weeks, iiinl I have scarcely
food for my own family. Besides, why
should I cook 'or men u 1. > would shoot
down my husband but lor the opjtor
The o'.llrt'r spoke r-lmly:
"1 resp -c-t your fidelity to your cause,
madam, l-vt t:y uieu iu-»t have food.
Our commissary is stationed two doers
north of here. Present this order uud
prepare the food by UUUII tomorrow.
Good night."
He wus goue. and she. knowiug
enough of the power of an oceupylug
nrn.y to rebel no further, went to the
kitchen to gl i e the necessary orders.
At noon on the morrow great platters
stood heaped with Juicy slices of boiled
ham, kettle, and buckets steamed with
l>eans and rice, baskets were ready,
tilled with delicious southern biscuit,
and lu the oven the last pan of corn
bread was taking ou a delicate brown.
But no soldiers appeared, and In the
distance the popping of rifle, and the
boom of ennnon could be heard. Plain
ly. the Confederates had come up and
a battle was ou. In every house wo
men were busy tearing old linen and
cotton Into lints and bandages. The
firing drew nearer, and presently a
southern cavalry officer rode by, fol
lowed by a bunch of soldiers. Mor
gan's brigade had come, with all of Its
fearless enthusiasm. Expected from
one point, it bad made a detour, divid
ed and entered from three unprotected
points. Mrs. Peebles hurried her chil
dren and servants to the cellar, and
there, with throbbing hearts, they
At 2 o'clock In the afternoon there
was a lull and by 3 all was quiet Mor
gan's men stood In lines along the
streets, and Cynthlana was lu the
hands of an army of famished soldiers.
Many hands united In giving Uncle
Sam's food to the gray coats, but Mrs.
Peebles was not among them. In one
of the brightest rooms in her home the
gray haired Federal captain lay. suffer
ing from a bullet wound In the thigh.
She had found him lying near her door
and with her own hands bad helped to
dress his wound. An hour later a gray
coated cavalryman was brought to. his
left leg shattered below the knee, and
as Annie Peebles knelt, sobbing, be
side his bed he whispered:
"It Is nothing to loso a leg. dear.
Many a poor fellow has given his life
A happy smile drove the tears away
ss she lifted her bead to say:
"God was good to bring you home for
me to care for."—Sunny South.
A HaatlesU BxylaaatUa.
The officers wore on the quarter deck
ooklng at a cornet and noticed an eager
discussion among tho crew forward.
The captuin called one of the men aft
and asked blin what waa the subject of
"We were trying to maks out what
that there thing was." replied the man,
pointing to the comet
"And whst do you lmagino It Is?"
"Dunno, your konor, bat BIU Jones
here, ss knows most things, says as
how It's a star that's sprang a leaf-
London Telegraph.
Oae Kvaatas*.
"Which Instrument would you rather
Lave a girl learn, profoasor—the piano
or violin V"
"The violin, by all meaxta, because
It's more easily thrown out of the win
dow."—Philadelphia Times.
One on lb* I.swyir.
Maglstrute- Now, my boy, you are
on your oath. Do you know what that
means ?
Witness Er—no, sir; not exactly.
Magistrate—Do you know what you're
expected to tell?
Witness (promptly)— Ob, yes, sir; the
lawyer that brought me here wrote It
all down NO'S I could leant It off by
Knew Her Hut.br.
Mother—ls your letter to your hus
band ready to mall?
Married Daughter--It's all done ex
cepting the postscript, telling him to
send ice some more money. I'm look
ing for another sheet of paper.
"Write It across the lines."
"No, Indeed. He'll pretend he couldn't
lead It."—New Vork Weekly.
Tess—Young Mr. Haphead tells me
his first name is Noah. What do you
think of thai T
Jess Sounds funny, doesn't It?
Tess—Funny? It's ridiculous. Noah
had sense enough to go lu when it
rained.—Philailelphlu Press.
I'lessorea nt (inrdentn*.
"William, I wish you would go and
we«-d out the f wer tied?"
William went and Inspected It.
Then he returned.
"II would lie a simpler Job, Marie,"
he said, "to flower out the weed lied."
—Chicago Tribune.
(iaod fishln..
"if lie only stays asleep fer one more
, luinute, I'll ha\e <lvtu all."- New York
While Grieving: Orer It He Wm DI»-
tnrbed by a \«-IKhl»or'« Violin Play
ing, and Sach lleartleiMnen Pro
voked a Row.
[Copyright, 1601, by C. B. Lewlt.]
Mr. Bowser's face ex-pressed such
gloom as he entered the hull the other
evening that Sirs. Bowser hesitated to
Inquire whether his business had all
gone to smash or the doctor had told
him that one of his lungs was missing.
Bhe put the question, however, and in
a voice scarcely above a whisper and
pr?ceded and followed by long drawn
sighs he replied:
"Two hours ago I received news of
the death of Hiram Gordon."
"And who on earth Is Hiram Gor
don?" she inquired after vainly trying
to recall the name.
"My second cousin, out In Nebraska.
Yes. poor Hiram has passed away from
earth, and his troubles are over."
Mrs. Bowser had no remembrance of
any second cousin, and she was sura
that Mr. Bowser had held no corre
spondence wltbany for year* and years.
Besides, he was not the man to let
the death of n distant relative pull hirn
down to auy extent. She wanted to
say so, but It suddeuly occurred to her
that this was one of Mr. Bowser's
freak*. As they sat down to dinner
she began to chat of the events of the
day to chase away his sorrow, but he
looked at her reprovingly and said:
"Mrs. Bowser, this hilarity Is alto
gether out of place under the circum
stances, and you ought to have sense
enough to realize It."
"I am not hilarious," she replied,
"but I do not see why the death of a
second cousin whom you have not seen
for 20 years should plunge our house
Into the depths of gloom."
"If you do not, I do. and you will
greatly oblige me by keeping your
levity for some other occasion."
He ate very sparingly and sighed fre
quently, and he forgot to say that the
steak was overdone and that thera
were lumps In the mashed potatoes.
As they adjourned to the sitting room
he sank Into a chair with a whispered
groan and nald to himself:
"Poor Hiram! Poor Hiram! And yet
be Is better off."
"Now, then," answered Mrs. Bowser,
with bustling voice, "I want to know
who this Hiram Gordon was. Was he
one of your distant relatives, who was
always trying to borrow five or ten dol
She meant to rouse Mr. Bowser, and
she accomplished her purpose. His
face (lushed up, and be turned on her
"Is that the way to speak of a person
who hus just been laid to rest?
Woman, you seem to be heartless!"
"But I am not. It seems that you
bad u second cousin named Hlrarn
Gordon. Years und years ago lie inor
ed to the west. You never wrote to
each other, and I never beard you
mention his name. I don't believe you
had thought of him for five years when
you got news of his death. And what
Is his death to us? I don't say we
should rejoice, but I don't see why wa
Ihould weep."
"No, of course you don't. My sor
rows are not your sorrows."
"But why do you sorrow?"
"Woman," shouted Mr. Bowser as
be sprang up and gave the family cat
a scare, "I sorrow because I have the
heart of a child with the body of a
man! When we were babies together,
Hiram Gordon and I occupied the
■ame cradle. In childhood we played
horse together. 11c had the same ten
der heart I have got. As a boy ha
would go u mile out of his way ruther
than walk ou a sleeping hog. True,
we drifted apart and lost sight of each
other for a score of years, but we al
ways carried a soft spot lu our hearts
for each other. A person with the heart
of a hyena cannot understand this, but
there arc others who would even
grieve with me. Poor Hiram!"
Mr. Bowser sat down with a great
and sighed and shook his head,
and Mrs. Bowser thought It policy to
maintain silence. The cat came back
| and tried to look solemn, and for Ave
minutes the house seemed to be desert
ed. Then rame a sound that brought
Mr. Bowser to his feet as if he had
I been thrown up by a springboard, and
be raised an arm and hoarsely whls
"By thunder, but what do you call
It was the strains of a fiddle next
door. It squeaked and walled and
squawked as It was being tuned up to
the key of G and then started off on
the air of "Buffalo Gals" like a young
colt galloping across Its pasture.
"By John, but think of It!" gasped
Mr. Bowser as his eyes l»egiin to bulge
out. "My second cousin dies out In Ne
braska, and I scarcely get word of It
and sit down to grieve when a human
hyena next door starts In to work a Jig
tune out of h's obi fiddle!"
"But our grief Is our own," replied
Mrs. Ilowser. "We can't expect nor
do we nsk the world to grieve with us."
"1 know that, don't I? But the world
has no right to pluy a blamed old fiddle
under our nose when we are feeling as
we do tonight. That noise has got to
"I think If we go up stairs we shall
not hear It."
"We'll neither go up stairs nor down
cellar, but stay right here, and that
man will either stop that fiddle or I'll
stop his wind!"
"But you see we can't do anything,"
protested Mrs. Bowser, with a plead-
I trig in her tones. "A man has a right
to fiddle In his own house. Come up
to my room and let me read you to
"Don't talk nonsense to me. My sec
ond cousin dies out In Nebraska. I
come home to shed tears to his meino
ry. As I grieve there suddenly breaks
In on my sad memories the high diddle
diddle notes of a fiddle as If to moek
me. Tell the rook to go over there and
warn that fiend in human form to shut
up or take the consequences."
"But she wouldn't go on such an er
rand us that. Please don't let such a
little thing disturb you. He may not
play the minutes longer."
i "You bet he won't!" exclaimed Mr.
| Bowser us he started down the hall.
"I'll go over there uud see that ha
doesn't. 1 might stand the yeowllng
of cats or the wailing of a baud organ,
but when a man breaks In ou my grief
with the fiddle it is going too far."
Mrs. Bowser begged and pleaded, but
he was firm. He was so firm that he
didu't wait for his hat Ho passed out
doors and through the gates and rang
the bell of the next house, and it was
the man of the fiddle who answered his
"1 want this riot stopped!" said Mr.
Bowser, with his usual promptness.
"W-what riot?" asked the wondering
"You are playing on a fiddle."
"Yes, but I am In my own house. I
think you live next door, don't you?"
"Exactly, aud while I am grieving
tonight over the death of my second
cousin In Nebraska you are sawing
away ou a blamed old fiddle. It must
be stopped!"
"Oh, It must! We'll see about that
What Is your second cousin to me?
How dare you come here and say I
must do this or that?"
"Will you stop this squawking or
not?" demanded Mr. Bowser.
"No, I won't and you'd better get
back home! I want no old kickers tell
ing me what I must or must not do."
"Sir, my second couslu out In Ne
"Dura your second cousin out In Ne
braska and you too!"
Then Mr. Bowser grabbed both man
and fiddle. From her owu doors Mrs.
Bowser saw them clinch and struggle
and roll down the steps and over the
grass, and the cat looked on and said
to herself that It was the prettiest
scrap that she had seen for a year. At
the end of five minutes Mr. Bowser let
go and returned home. His clothes
were in tatters, his nose was bleeding,
aud his chin had been knocked out of
true, but behind him be had left Just
as sad u looking object and a fiddle In
fragments besides. He stood In the
hall and puffed and blowed aud glared
ut Mrs Bowser for a minute and tbeu
"Woman, you retire to your room!"
"But I want to get the arnica and
camphor aud alcohol and a sponge
"Woman, retire!" he interrupted.
Aud when she iiad passed up stairs
he sat down on the lounge to commune
with his grief and wipe his bleeding
nose on a handy corner of the mantel
drape. M. QUAD.
The Modera One* M Dl. Improvement
on the Old Style.
The modern sprinkling wagon Is very
different from the old timer. The chief
Improvement Is In the spray head,
which enables the driver to control the
flow of water much better than the old
style. Thus, whether it Is a dirt or a
macadam road or a stone paved or as
phalted street, there can be supplied
from the modern street sprinkler Just
the amount of water required to lay
the dust In It without waste.
The spray head on each side has It.
own valve rod running to the driver's
seat, with a step there for the foot
The driver can operate both heads at
once, or he can run only one head. He
can shut off one or open either one at
pleasure. With this sort of wagon tlio
expert driver leaves behind him dry
crosswalks with perfectly detlned lim
its, and when he comes to a carriage or
a street car upon which he doesn't
want to throw water he shuts off the
flow on that side and keeps the other
going. Sprinkling wagon, are made In
various sizes, ranging from 150 gallon,
to 1,000 gallons capacity. There are 20
■prlnkling wagons sold lu this country
nowadays where there were was one
■old only a few years ago. This great
Increase In their use Is due In large
measure to sanitary reasons, to tho
great extension of good roads and to
the common desire for comfort.
Sprinkling wagons are used nowa
days commonly In many smaller towns
snd villages where they were never
thought of some years ago. And Amer
ican sprinkling wagons are now found
sll over the world wherever sprinkling
wagons are used.
They are exported to Australia, Cu
ba, Porto Illco, South America, South
Africa and Europe. The modern sprin
kling wagon that the traveler chances
to see In Paris or Berlin or Hamburg
came very likely from the same factory
as the one he saw here before he left
home going through his owu home
■treet.—New York Sun.
Th* Frnlt Heeds Maeh Oroamlns De
fore It la Iteadr I'or Market.
Fresh from the tree an orange Is still
very much alive, with the oil cells ex
panded and the mystery of growth not
yet suspended. Cut off from the sup
supply, a change takes place. The skin
draws closer to tho pulp and gives off
moisture that would cau.e sweating If
the fruit were packed at once. But
first these dust stained travelers must
have a bath.
By the bushel. If only this were tho
land of the good old bushel basket, the
newcomers are dumped Into a long,
narrow tank of wuter at one end of
which Is a big wheel-with a tire of soft
bristles. The wheel revolves so that
the lower edge works In connection
with another set of brushes In a small
er tank below, and tho oranges, after
bobbing about In the big tank, pass be
tween the wet brushes and come out
bright and clean.
This washer Is a neat machine and
docs away with the moro primitive yet
picturesque method of hand washing.
At some of the smaller packing
houses may still be seen groups of wo
men, sometimes white, sometimes
brown skinned, each with a tub of wa
ter and brush, scrubbing busily away
at the yellow plies that never seem to
grow less till the last hour of the day.
After their bath the oranges are
spread out In the sun to dry on long,
slanting racks. At the lower end they
roll off Into boxes, to bo carried away
to the warehouse for their rest.
An orange needs a deal of grooming,
It would seem, before It Is ready for
market. The washing was not enough.
There must lie a brushing too. And
after the days of curing the oranges
are fed Into a hopper which drops I hem
single file on to a belt that runs be
tween revolving cylindrical brushes,
this for n smooth, shiny look.—Loe An
geles Herald.
Isi the I.lterisry Throes.
"Was you club paper troublesome,
"Oh, horrible! I ransacked 11 books
and nle three pounds of chocolate caro
mcls while I was getting It up."—De
troit Free Press.
Rot ICntlrelr.
"Is he a criminal lawyer?"
"Well, I should linrdly call hint u
criminal, thoutfh some of his practices
come very close to being felonies."
Town and Country.
Slrletl? nnalness.
Theorist You believe In giving cr<*dlt
to whom credit Is due, don't you?
Practical Man Y >•<•*, but 1 make ev
erybody else pay cash. -Chicago Trib
une. i
What the Practical Men and tb« Sat*
cntiats Say About It*
The orchard disease ca used by Lh#
Junius Splueropsls uialorum le JI-J
comnmn 111 the state of New Y»rfc. It
lias Ixvu known to scit'Utiiic luvwstiga
tors for only n few year*, and though
noticeable In many orchards It* effucta
have been ascribed by practical men to
sun vcald. frost injuries or varietal
weakness ratlier than to .1 specific din
ease. The Geneva (X. Y.) station says,
however, that the blackened. valurxwd
[l, branch ttirJcd it a and Injury it b by
cankers; i, same with dead bark rMU6**d; S,
typical «inker. ]
limbs with the bark marked by pita
and scars bordered by concentric lluea
and cracks— the cankers—and th« long
sections of bare wood where the berk
tins been destroyed arc found ID many
localities and on many varieties. The
same germ causes a twig blight often
found In orchards shoeing little of no
sign of the canker form and alss pro
duces black rot of the fruit.
It has been known that fungi very
similar to this one work on other tree#
and shrubs. Tests made In HKX) pttove
that this same species of fungus occurs
on apple trees, pear trees and hawthorn
trees and on apple, pear and Qotoee
To cuuse the destructive cankers
which girdle the limbs the germs of the
disease must get through the tough out
er layer of the bark Into the growing
layer beneath, the cambium. An Inju
ry to the bark of some sort Is neceaaaiy
to tills entrance, for the fungous threads
cannot |>cnctrntc the unbroken bftffe.
Buu scald as well as mechanical abra
sions may cause such injuries. The
bark Is killed by the sun and frost and
cracks or peels, when the germ finds
ready entrance and rapidly extends the
Injured area in canker form.
Sun scald or sunburn Is a common
trouble In this state, probably more
common than generally supposed, espe
cially on tender varieties. The long
area* of reddish bark on the south ami
southwest sides of limbs and young
trunks are inconspicuous when they
tlrst are scalded and no escape notice,
but they are all too common and may
become the neat of serious harm to tho
Trees of tender varieties should be
protected from the direct rays of the
sun by training them to low, thick
heads which shade both trunk* and
branches. Additional protection may
be given by a coat of whitewash upon
tbo trunks, which helps to prevent ab
sorption of the sun's rays and slso ex
erts a favorable Influence upon the
bark Itself. A good mixture Is:
I.line (unnlaked) 10
Tallow *
Bait #
Dilute with water enough to make H
spray easily.
In addltiou to the protection from
sun scald thorough spraying with b*o
- mixture and care to prevent ac
cidental Injuries make up the prevent
lve treatment. Tho larger diseased
limbs may lie saved from complete loM
by cutting them off back of the cankor
ed area and Inserting dons of the same
Only a few specimens showing ef
fect* of tliln trouble have been found In
America, some coming from Nova
Scot la mid a few from Cortland county
in thin state. The cankers are unlike
tboM of the sphicropsls ami are cawed
by a different fungus, Nectrla dltUsl
ma. They are well represented by tb*
figures of the second cut, the lower
showing a recent Infection and tb« op*
per nn old canker.
Though rare In America, the trouble
should Ixl watched for by ripple groWi
crs, as It Is a serious pest In English'
Trst For Purl■ Mreru.
The solubility of parts green lu an*-
monln Is a useful test for detecting la
soluble adulterants; hut, according to
Chemist Van Hlyke of the Genera (N.
Y.) station, It Is not an entirely reliable
tost for common white arsenic, tbO'
most common impurity of parls preen. ,
tfc.rt Su„,.Uon.
Vow the Ufacrsl
It is not Occgasflry that tanfidH
should weigh tbo dally rations f«r<jiwjj
The quantities of rougliago
weighed occasionally and
proxliuated lu actual feeding,' ItowMW
of weighing each lot. Tho g'Aln m
tions cnu likewise be weighed st
outset, the quantities of ench men.
ured ami the ration subsequently fed
by measure.
Ity making a mixture of the grain
ration In quantity and then measuring
out the total amount demanded per
feed there will in- little danger of ac
cident owing to carelessness oft tbo
part of the hired help.
A careless feeder who would
blunders In the use of cottons<*iX/ltio
gluten meals would not be cipodlAM
recognise Individuality In the cow# and
MI able to feed them accordingly. HeliCO
the objection to mnklng a constant
mixture of the grain ration would only,
prevail In the,rase of csrufuJ^tjjfdey
No 26.
ble them to feed withoutCedent.
Some farmers condemn .gluten Vmealj
cottonseed meal and dried brewer®
grains outright, while others!(have fed
them for long Intervals with,great
cess. The latter fact Indicates that
probably those who have.Lad bad re
sults fed carelessly, that thcparticulaij
lot of grain was bad or else-the. cowfl
t« which the material was .fed were in
sooie respects abnormal. Iq Some,in
stances it has been reported that gluten
meal, while giviug good result*, ctffl
blncd with certain foods, does not*WT>r
well with some cows If fed toge&c
with cornmeal.
Some good feeders employ
pounds or more of cottonseed meal dai
ly. though it is generally held that*tWi
pounds should be the maximum flailj
allowance i»er cow. |
Gluten meal may usually be fed-BMUTC
freely than cottonseed meal.—
land Station. 1
No Duaaur Where a Median Otfde
Fertiliser Wai Applied.
It appears from the letter of a wheat
grower to The Ohio Farmer that many
formers of that state, expectlpg the fly
latst fall, deferred seeding until late, but
the fly anticipated the wheat grower
also, for It did thorough work on al]
wheat sown in this farmer's section up
to Sept. 24, but after the 28th none ot
Its work can be found. These dates
have reference to the time of sowing *
and not when eggs were laid.
Where a medium grade of prepared
fertiliser was applied (200 pounds pel
ai no appreciable damage was sun
fered by tho wheat plant last fall. Its
effect was to stimulate the shooting of
a new plant from the root below tha
larvse, which were generally several
In number, and a spring examination of
the complete stool showed the lnsecti
in a small, dead branch which' Wftj
really the main plant at the beginning!^
On some drill widths where. Do.Xere
tlllzer was applied the erh
tlrely. It lived long enough? boVever|
to nurture the larvrc It contained to OK
turtfj. These, in many plaeesjwhere
the flea 9 plant heaved out and become!
disintegrated by decay, lay about upotS
the surface of the ground, every one.Q
thing of life. The flrst, adtilts, ftccordi
ing to fhte man's observation, Issued
forth Ma# 4 to soon go to work deposit*
Ing eggl upon the leaves of the wheajj
to supply larvae for each joint above
ground, which sap the life of the plant
and cause crinkled straws and empty!
chaff next harvest time, unless Profess
or Webster's parasite comes to the re*
Profusacr Webster's parasite Is a fun
gous or parasitic Infection similar
that which Is destructive to cbjnch
A Texaa Gate.
▲ correspondent of lowa Homestead
sketches a Texas gate which he says
• obod (ptto and when hung' right
works easily. It Is a good gate for ft
pasture when you want to put through'
a good many head of stock at once, or
Is a good gate where a division fence
comes luid you want a gate into each
field. It can lie made any width to
Whon the gate opens, the wire (an old
clothesline) will wind around the
of center pole, and when relieved the
weight of the gate closes It It Is 24j
feet, but can bo mnde any width. At A?
may be seen one of the hinges which'
holds the gate to the center hola *
Hints From The Farm JonnsL |
Arrange the trough so that the lumbg
cannot climb In and soil the grain with;
their feet Place a rack over tho]
trough so that tho lambs can put their,
heads through to get tho grain.
Three minutes a day per cow io'
clean her off will be appreciated and
pakl for In tho milk pall. Use the
brush gently. Don't bo afraid to tuije
plenty sf clean bedding and' absorb
If you llavo a horse with sore.or con
tracted feet, put him In a box stall
beddud with nothing but tan bark.
Be sure the horse collars lit The]
should be neither too large nor tot
small and should bear evenly, on the
shoulders. Each horse should' always
wear his own.
TbU little farm near ruckanrlll*
Ain't much In winter clotbea,
■ut when the bloaaom'* on lb* bough
As bloom* la«n tha roae,
A aeadln mesufea ao tweat,
Br ir'rjr wind that blow* , .
I lora ber than I 1 \
Ms moneyed men nar ' /'
ll* arterle* of trade,
Bat, «<i, tha rlfflaa In tha crick
Wt>ar* tired taat kla wadt.
As, ah, tba lovely tllum U4M
Aa 'repeat allum eliadel
Tb« Ireah amrll from tba maddar laSdft
Iha craay birda that awiogi
V%* "fa* haw" of tba blrad hand, . I
I flop to hear him alng
And aeo tha purty color* whan
I%* blackblrd'a on tba win*l
Wb*a I'm out airly In tha Sold, j
Senotlmea 1 feel that I I
Huat flat drop in a furrow an
LUt up ny voice an cry
UT faalln'a up to him who aends
Th**a (lorlea from tba ikj I
Oft, I dou't Writ* much poetry;
NO fchnolln have I bad,
81l fcaaflratlona coma to ma;
My oauie la Jobnaoa Oadd,
Out a>Ue from rurkerville; this U
y Mf fuminer boardln ad.
par day I
"Frlta, dean you love me more than
anything olse In tho world, don't you?"
"And you wouldn't give wo up for
"H'nil Well, has anybody offered
/ —w - -