The Truth it *4l toy wm* J* 4t **7* tier «tw»lt CMHMPW »-*"**♦ ! *" ,ru w®mi4 fall v r ' f f^ 4 «u*i« afw« « '"J* u.*-** tit-' "fj t.. •« •»> I MutTtttiM It t" ■ t •»■ * Let* tul —^flLj*- vrftm* *•«**'* ta ftr- „fl 1 n ua Ui.t-« iuSiftd. T~ Is clm j*ri'edljr I « . t fwanrt* ruitUlf 1 . c«v s ate ifca*- w_ .._. li . .. ifc* * Ij.jmxw- «r> * it w fw« trou- ■ " ' ...... , «.■* au.l - Acorf*. m •utatitwie far Mr. I ten* » lea 14c4ie*l !•»»,ornery i"...:e a ; *|** «• ■*** " "f *i> • : JUi »■—>:>. «n.tJ —» •»< •* ! ■ ■ito at J A mn <M ■ttt;—q ■ ; Cm M "!■■:.-:r f« . f*a. » • ! Mm i«e »■•■«•■■ •**y MBy. ■—**■ ' *™ I ftp* . . 4 v *■•■*. 5 - ~»«&«;*•» " 4 «.-•, lAac ■■•* * " j v. . ....... iu.«.:,. I • tsbi-a# w. 4»4frlw » * *-<* • *" fk. nmm'3 liedir*! jMf*- : in ■elft /*"*'* *' i ® 4 W - P® '."* * 4 i fIMMI 4MMMHI IK pH9 tflflßßi ■ *>,» | U it f. &*»- Wtti. K- V. • *** *TU*A«rsrtafics a * 'trvr*». >"*«■>■■*- —r-■ -i Cum »"« NM Pmm ft> • • «g* 4l*» t,.«i— I ■mat. liyirtin. < « >»Kt 1IW«U «-M»> tmwMT. *•„* " Ut)|N> lk*». «*•*»- I f 'iWMb «-*%. »"■•■ W. »■•■ mm* t t «<»tj« iiMtaM. * &'xo» MmmUM ** rr * 4, 4. r»< «*M* HIM UKI U.i fii2, 41i—I I I I «4tlHcll"iie mmmmr. t«lHiw MiiOlMl- I ■ | Ik HUM«%WIM»\ « «OL. C%m» I ftMMMI't •* ■S# 6 IO"Ti l~"ijlHtir IKNi >•• •,iUS.. Ifi>. At iriMiMi •* MA Ml I ■ HPf ! wmJmm*? cW.. cmi VIPBHB • ->**■» MIBVUIh UtBILIT*, IITIL WEIktlM *n«J FrowtMiicwi from Over wurk or o4la«r cituo. >¥« - §£<#. i«» ov»f ' i ®t*« *•*«**F yi »w m«fc»i«r* »IU Jar fr» v«kt* 1. l'«wr Opr^* l^* «■ *.,•-. ,j«t of t»* 'Wttt* «wlk or nta&iJM. * pin- > ~r± »»ii tm a» |*>i UtM mm*. *A * "** •'' t C 'i* r . ! «fl I■lii I■» ■lira 1 " tii* r« ns^-nt# a(f Ut'.-: I^na^fily• m/mawmm M U»rtwt ht ; K*« lort Otty. Ban*. J«it» KaML Jf , luff SISINWWiSIt, *'U 1® ft I 5 '** tit* ei;.rr f.* oMtfc tf W*A m 4:P«>H»4 ' 'Mm, Wmmam V. ruale. Paator C-ouUa- fi* rwr fat j 111||| Mi 4 . i"0 ipj-rrurj Mr «f itai WMM «injt£ IVw*. &*• cent*. IN THEIR NFW QUARTERS. ROBERT LEWIN ft CO. ».« -' «*>"'• Suw*s »'h«i»»'' %!«•»' M* »*>• j)« rm«rB11 jr i>» auMl HM«■■■III «' »ii **»*» «* »»#♦• t»! MMWA m tff>\ >!<**. <«il •» » «tw !*«'« htmtMiS tw M«M> *P » ••! H»<*. ««. W«*« t.l <fc»A«»IS»K BIU.IHM ti**#*, .»»i mmcST (DM.' rwnnw*. lii> jliiw *rwi T, ' .«»ti <■< wtii i4n «i»«. J"«i u«..-i;'H« r»;«s! fw«r «M «t O.rt'iwf t» ~ «***»*' Aim*-* (MNt> fiMWilr I i yr*r» <»I4 •S.«' Iter col. Wj**»lW*»«Fw «wi »!" mkil.»r«!«-ri ROBERT LbWIN & CO. tMHdc Bcalrct is *••*> mm* Li««®r* NOW 14 SMITH FIELD ST.. Formerly 411 Water Stree , r» home WII«ik» IMfiww Siai. I# ' v^ * " BUTLER PEOPLE .* ARE INVITED TO PATRONIZE THE I 1 * | Hotel Kelly | lA. Ketty A Sons, Proo'rs., | Cambridge Springs, Pa. | A tlt~i - !»»>• ■. In a liami- J iiug nioatfjr Ni>-i>ii<» >». • j ■wrtton vlth il» fahw hi * ! MH' iitil tram mid Maeix—t* « »pri««jr». pwrjrt hlnc . m«xl- § «>ra »«•. -'l' f ■'' •n- $ tormmtb-n with ral«-*. «?!<•.. i * .•tK'rrtullir furnUtMHl <ni tippli- J 59 e ralbm Irw c*n.*s> • I .ml X { fruiti all lraia». * k J w . w ik-to .i" «*»«*■ an -j> >i? it. tu »ink iir k 'if i* a 1 ww a K!)(lKC 7- PERCHERON STALLION. BRILLIANT 1942. Erilliant is a ticautifi'l black-grey 5- year-old *la!Hcn awl will inaVe an ifv«j lh. horse at maturity. * red liy Win. l'ailer. Grtcnville, Pa. He is ful' bk**! Percheron. a j;r^nil«onof Dunham's Bril liant and out of the imported marc Antoinette. He in one of the finest young stallions to be found anywhere, and is a sure and fine breeder. STORM BIRD 9459, Sire Lord Russell, full brother to Maud 5 2»v t . Dam Storm a:i6\', dam of Typh<x»n 2:iS, Gale 2:17 and Storm Bird a:js at 4 years, out cf Green Mountain M;nd, dam of 9 in the 30 Ifet and the great Jilectioneer. He :s a b autiful b.iy stallion 15,' i hands high and a perfect mo<lel of a blooded hoistr. lie has proven himself a very fine breeder, hav ing sired some ot finest drivers in the county These two fine stallions will be found at tny faiin during the summer of 1 01. near Isle, Fraiiltlin twp , where horse men are respectfully invited to call and m.t them. TBRMS -fio for eith-r horse. ALONZO McCANOLESS. Sunday Dinners A Specialty Meals 25 cts. koomi 50 cts. Regular Rat' s ft. L <cal and Uisfance Phones South McKean Street, Hotel Waverly. J. W HAWORTH Pron'r. BUTLER,* PA Steim Heat and Electric Light . The moat commc liotHSfolficcJJili tin city. SUdliog k iO t'nnnwlmn . _r»^rfe EXPERIMENTAL CROPS. 1 *-. i, I I'iuHt* Tim I %r«- t «»«**«• t» t«* ll*« I mul. jf I I*" I»- • I mte -** I £ f fivrasr j«- uliarlj tttilrd far (»lfiT'S must c«-rta;.itly « • ■&»*• lu tin fr<«ut. It l» w.-ii til gtwi* f ■!.; ul •:. "4 Ik imp naii . arc id) «>rt. a oierkwtked. Tin coudi T<n>.-<itl> produced or BtUtiwti tuu-t (da|iU , <l to tin- U» *lpw. Of ibr vark>w> ctvj« ware or less «•* tcnsivrly cultivaw-d for pig feed during the |nit few y«*ar* one which ha* given eitrea* |y Miiafa. -t.*rj results la rai*' Tt»<- * are t> Ix-t Hiit--] f r;.- i» Dwarf Ew* As an rk-BiHit la the prodoctJ»n of tb. ir famous lanoi Canadian* arc glr >if it considerable attention. In cer tain dh-trict* tt la now largely used aa a fame crop for sheep. swine and Hntk. nip) nil 1- t.?.?«-.{! > xt ■II la areas in tlx- future will be sown for till* purjxf* (tw of these farmer* "From a study of the habits of th. pica pasturing on rape I should say that tbe lie«t result a would bo aware*! by aowtni: the rape In rnwii 24 1" Inches apart at the rate of about three pound* «f nurd (Twurf Kssex) to th« acre tvhen thus aown. thia can b* ealtlvated by boraepower when young ai»4 baa a tendency to branch out an. I de\. M» a large leaf crop. "It la moat InterMtlng Co watch tb< nk .!. - ,1- ! 'inlmitjon exercised In your {tracticed rape eating pig aa he atrulls leianrelv dowa the row and se lects tbe Juky bafes that best plena, hi* fancy. I have oltscrv.-d, too. that your trained pic I* •<ioal to the bent ol cfaetnlsta lu picking out those parts of the plant most valuable f->r fo<*l. ll< aoon learns to shun the large or old leaves and feasts upon the young. th* 1 trader, the Juicy.** The coat of growing an acre of rape. Including rent of land, has been esti mated at 114.17. The cut allows a plot of Dwarf Essex r.-ii•« fit th. hi -per Mo l.igan station •town on June 10 last year. Aside from alight damage to leaves by cab bage worms, the plants grew to per fection, reaching a height of Incbe* at tbe close of the season, i The greatest portion of the plot wa cut with a i.e." i:ig tnaehine at vnri. u tinus between Reiit. 20 and Nov. 5, the ■ : t«»ot %-• - 1 rWT OF DWAKF MX KATE. stubble growing new, thrifty plants tw> to six inches high In spite of the light September and the killing October frosts. The first snow fell on Nov. 7, reach ing n depth of IS Inches on Nov. 15. The thermometer had registered as low ns 1•> degrees, yet on Nov. 10 the new grown plants under the snow, afl well as the lower leaves of the old plants on the remaining uncut portion of tfce plot, were apparently unhurt and thrifty, while the leaves above tlia snow were not seriously damaged. ":~JL TAFTs"PHILA O E LP M I » t --DENTAL ROOMS.-- '< ; JQw 39 - sth Ave. | Pittsburg, Pa f ' ■** -?W v..;'i. PRACTICA- :t! • < .;| CROWN > Pf.i'ijt B : !' 1 'Ji of IV-liors--WHY NOT DC - I'SIYOUnS)? '■ CROWNS v » .ij.!«i antoGf-" *** r.'in.. I . . rj*,n PCB TOOTH *1 11. W • / ... ...| ..l-Vc-th t DrtinTcenness. eeley c^f" e KEELEY Write lor ■ INSTITUTE, bL'weL Vl*" J. V. Stewart, (Successor to H. Bickel) LIVERY. Sale and Boarding Stabk \V. Jefferson St., lJutler, Pa. Firat class equipment—eighteer drivers- — of all kit ds— cool, roomy and clean stable?. People's Phone 125. J. V. STEWART. W. S. & E. WICK, DEALEBB IN i Hough :uid Worked f-uraher of »M KioUs ; un.l Mouldings. , Oil Wall Kijts a Spcelalty. Offi.-e unU Var<! F ('tmniniiliaDi and Monr. e St.-, I near We»t Peuii Li«uot. | BUTLEtt ?A j( f'uriTkt Contest. A pT jf' uA of lslgu£l£* s»'D;c years I *gr> on returning from India remarked I m a the paucity ftf ©bj«-cttonable \ pbras< a among the British working I cla- .11 w hen toniiand with the nbun j dance suppliict by the orientals of sim ilar rank. To pr-«ve this he gives a ' case *ihi<h came under bis own notice. U. tail d sin s*ed a tuaost rvaut fur dishorn -ty, and the next moraine at C o'cl khe .tiiibt an interview Willi hit t -rra <'T maf t r lie flourished a carv ing ku f< with which be plainly In i truded to emphasize bis remarks. W lien he found it impossible to train adtnis ion. be sat under the window, aud ti;e 'swearing" process began, lie cowed the professor along the g«-ne ' et'-ci a! tr« v t a.-k to the first ancestor I csf L < race. Th» it he dwelt upon every i detail of his anatomy, fiotn the top of I h!« b« ad to the end of his toes. "For (thru- ißtiv« hours he sat there j #nd s*oi«" aays the pr< t- ssor. ' wltb | out once rep. atiug a phrase." While traveling on the underground railway in London a party of working m»i • utered the same compartment aa I Interaperaed tbeir remarks with the c in mo neat forma of "swearing." Tin* i'r<»t'- s> >r politely asked them to d« -Ist, whereupon he was told to uilnd Li> on u busin aa. lie at once eom- B«ml to translate Into English some apecimeus of eastern oaths which he bad heard a Calcutta merchant's serv -1 ant use to a missionary's servant. The men sidled from bim as If he bad the plague and at the nest station sought j another con partment.- Liverpool I'ost- Tbr C uniuittn l"r««. If a traveler were to announce that be bad discovered in some remote part of the ?l©be an animal whose tongue I r< 'id in the front of Its mouth, | the tiji i- ntlng down the throat, aud, I further, that the creature's manner of breathing was so peculiar that the sur est way of suffocating It was to keep Its mouth dxed open, there would be j autue little curiosity about the "find." | if the discoverer went on to say that I the creature bega* existence as a tish. | breathing by means of gills and bav j in,; a beart of only two chambers, but j bad undergone transformation, discard | lug gill* and gradually acquiring j adding a third chamber to Its heart, j and so in tbe truest and most literal sense passing from the order of fishes to the onler of reptiles, the public might even become excited about this I extni ' ' nary animal —until It came out ! that It was no other than the common !or gard.® frog. Then probably 19 per sons • it of would Instantly cease to : take arty interest in the subject. If they ' did u<.t feel some resentment against ■ the man v. ho had contrived to draw i their attention for a time to such a 1 common reptile. rtr Cain In (aulnic Tbruntlb Ullrgr. Ttse that a mau who cares for a college education gets by going to college Is a benefit that is already Ul* at the time be graduates. During the four years or three years which he spent at college be made himself a richer man for life. The world Is a larger, more varied, more Interesting place for him. His life will be it broader, more liberal, more satisfying Ufe than It would have been had ho cot spent a few of his I-est years in contact with the results of high thought and in the daily performance oi luvlgoratli.g Intellectual tanks. The ops rti'l downs of the Stock Exchange cannot take away from hlui what he has t! ; stored up, nor could the best glfta of the money god have enabled Mm to purchase, after years spent la relentless pursuit of dollars, that which In the goldes days of early manhood be bad made his own In the quiet col lege halls.— Baltimore News. Demr. •*I say. Scribbler," said Sappy, "how on eartli do you think up all these character* you wlte about?" "Oh. I take them from real life," re plied fccribbler, "but they never sus pect. Take, for inula nee. the character of Wood by Britten, who Is always say ing 'dooced* this aiul 'dooced' that. Now, that's a fellww 1 know very well, but he doesn't know I'm using him." "Oh. come now. I say! Ilow dooced derail of you! I»ooced stupid of him. though!" Catholic . Standard aud Times. Tl»e Merinnid'a F'au. Neptune had returned from the mar ket with a fine fish. I "How many pounds does It weigh?" I Inquired a mermaid. I "lie Is about a ten-er," responded I Neptune. "If he is a tenor." returned the mer i maid, "he cannot, of course, be a bass." | Neptune was stung by the retort, but was much too polite to reply la kind by any ailusiou to her scales.— New York Marine Journal. Professional Courtesy. First U. D.— I see you occasionally take a patient cut for a drive. Second M. D.—Yes. I think it does them a great deal of good. First M. D.—But it Isn't professional. I never do It Pciond M. D.—l know you don't. When any of your patients go for a ride, the undertaker accompanies them. —Chicago News. Mntnal Ei|io«ur«. They had protested they were each other's first and only love. "And this engagement ring"— he was beginning. "I do not care for it. It's a style I'm not used to." "Then, let me tell you. you are the only girl who ever declined It on that account"—Philadelphia Times. The Sfctmnrr Alliances. She— Yon should speak to papa first. You dou't expect him to make the ad vances, do you? lie—Well, if he doesn't, how cau we tret married?— Exchange. All Get Your Grip. "Is there anything the matter?'' ask ed the fat man of the condiu as the street car came to such a su«".den stop that he was lifted up a'id banged against the front door. "Nothing much," was tb c reply. "We have simply run over an old woman." "Only one?" "I don't see hut one*" "Well, l»e careful v.hen you start up again, and if the m/,tormnn is going to run over three or four old women at once he should g'.ve a feller notice to get a grip on sorjethlng." Gi-virjc II WelKbt. "What do the Blakeleys call their baby?" "Hildegarde Minerva." "Goodness! How did tliey ever come to select siicii names for It?" "I don't know, unless It v.-nt because the poor little thing weighed only 3!i pounds when it was 2 days old."—Chi cago Record i lerald. Hoj*"!*-** Case. Merchant—Didn't you call on Owens today V Collector—Yes, sir. Merchant—l>id he pay anything on account? Collector— Xo, sir. I couldn't even get him to pay any attention to me.— Chicago News. Ileen Kxpeclilie It. Mr. Lurker —Excuse me. Miss Snap per, but I have long sought this oppor tunity- Miss Snapper—Never mind the pre amble, Mr. Lurker. Bun along in and ask pa. lie's been expecting this would come for the past two years.—Tit-Bits. yj \NTKD— Honest man or woman lotrav-e " (i>r larft house salary monthly and e*i>nse«, with Increase: position perman ent;incloi»e wK-adtirt-sst u stttmued envelope MANAGE*. MO Csxton bidg., Chicago * * W* Sil O'clock Otonsr Cempletc WKfcW j . &?S SUfIMMSSY ' GfIKE - L ' To the j-o'.ks of thres «rp, Wuu «.W oa «•■ jA ei;v while -:*r*r one-half cap of >"•" 1 -•'■"* ?-vtl i<V«A ha!' -«.tt a., k. two curs fiour. har:nt »rilSttlN<fW V <d' 'TTYI'tP7r 1 *' ••- - ?*!'•'" «*s»b«*ten r::T uijli ." 111 «t • /* "SK 'r :• • J., pall-- uhen coM. an-: jW be.jrw \lll|f/ . W it. as I ■in laven. covering rmih as ,v . * C > v..: - • .ehhare prert «-«-» "—' L \ Tgt* ii. _" . »:.; otu ' it fen an u_t •v- ,V,Jr 4HVA <\QBk «:••! v>: : a. Ast:? :> t an<t *•: : t • J>- J\ '* • - » c■» wit "he "BAHHER Rich Uom iw jrsr.' 'iw ci- •> 8 •■. P. Ca. P. 0. &oi 2*6. PHUaiMSS. Pa.. *■** »« «: •" -N ifc* *■ •' • Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. WF ARE Sounding the Utt«rmos f Depts of Value-Giving W1 en we < ffer Women's Tailored Jacket Suits at tbe following prices: 50 SPECIAL SUITS AT $6.98 #6.98 for Ladies' Jacket Suits— Former price SIOO3 and 9.76 for Ladies' jacket Suits Former pi ice i.S.ce 5,00 for Ladies' Black Flounced Skirt.... Keal value J-S 0 5.50 for T aiheV Black and Colors! Flcmncitl >fcirt keal value lo 00 10.00 for Ladies' B!ai-k and Colored Flounced Skirt Real value ij-5 La-lies' \Va--h Suits, Blouse effects. |3 00 Keal value 4.5 a SILK AND WASH WAISTS $2.98 Silk Taffeta Waists, latest design - Kta' value <3.75 4.50 Silk Taffe'a Waists, black and colots. Real valve 600 5.00 Silk Taffeta Waists, black and colors Real valve 7.50 Prices 50c to $5.00 in Wash Waists, white and colors. All newest designs for MILLINERY Hats for Woven, Misses and Cbt'ortn. U.ild's Hi ts, 50c. 7>c ?5 00. Misses' Trimmed Ifats, 75c to J6.<» La<::es" Tri aimed Hats #2.00 to Übeity Silk, Leghorn. Straws, Frames. Floaters. I-ohage, and all other Millinery goods at lowest prices. SILKS. SATINS AND FOULARD SILKS 27 in. All-Silk Black Satin Duchess 75c. Sold everywhere for |i 00 37 in All-Silk Black Satin Duchess SI.OO. Sold everywheie tor 1.50 Guaranteed Black Taffeta Sillt. 75c, *l. *! 25 Sold everywhere for ft, f1.25. ?'-5o Beautiful designs in Foulard Silks, 59c tj -1.25 LARGEST SELECTION and LOWEST PRICES in Butler. WASH GOOD 9 Ginghams, Dimity. Fine Batiste. Cotton Challie>. India Linens. Organdie*. Tissue Pe Sole. Mousselines, Mercerize C-tt«.n I-• ,ulard* and Ginghams—look ja*t like silk and wear better. The largest stock ia Butler to - ~ct from. Sface forbids our mentioning in de.ail our Kubroklrrfc s Laces. Summer Nick wear. Kid Gloves, Silk Mit's, Fans. Hosier r, Hinalin nnd Ri!>be<l Underwear. Straight Front Corsets. See our special Corset Cover at 39 cent<: our Summe: Corset 39 —nothing like the'n shown " I?r '-'arfy- "jr. l " Our Lace Curtains.Portiers. Made-up Art Department >pecials, Outfits for graduatinj. * Come and see for yourself. Mrs. IE. Zimmerman. With the Warm Spring Weather. Comes the demand for house cleaning, which calls for nev Carpets. Our department, being the largest in Butler count is especially adapted for these calls and The Spring of iqoi, in our store will be a hummer. Our magnificent stock, consists of: Ingrain Carpets. All wool and a yard wide, The "Hartforc best extra-supers made, *lO antiquated side t ricked patterns them .... 65c New Tapestry Brussels. The best 10 wire kind, of eourse, no bette medium priced carpet made. . 50c to 90< Standard Boq v Brussels. Xh e Bu'warks of our department. The verj besv °t makes, newest patterns, from $1 up The Hartford AxsTiinster. The perfection of luxury and delicacy o: patterns, innumerable patterns from which to choo »e .. ✓ $1,25 The prices quoted above include, making. lmi»S and lading. Rug Department. All sizes and pi ices to match carpets, Ingrain, Brussels, Axniinster and Srnyina art squares. Our Oil Cloth and Linoleum Stock cannot be equaled in Butler either. CA.T.L AND INSPECT. DUFFY'S STORE. I A —ii JPY I | p what does the dam- H fi a I K* AL*" age to the clothes i and to paint, varnish , * g S or any surface that is | J si Jul 1 m washed with it. It U % * Ml \ mM • \ costs no more to buy V M W #W* | \ Waiter's Soap and Wt ||r | JH » y"' save your clothes. || Walker's Soap and give you /T || a pure, solid soap. It has .»&& ,|| ■■f many JL«. so sec that U Game Rooster is on the wrapper. 8, | WALKER'S SOAP | contains no alkali Butler Savings Bank Hcitler, Pa. Capi*l - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - #215,000 00 j JOS. L PrBVIS President J HKNP.Y TROUTMAS Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr «'«" tier LOUi? B. <TK'.S Teller DttE»TORS I- rurtla. J. Heniy Trortmwi. W. D. Brusdoo. W. A. Stein. J S. Camßbrtl. The But't-r >avinsts Bank is the Oldest Banking Institution. n Bu'.ler County Ufni-n: banking business transact*-^. Ktyj i, it accounts of producers, mer chants. f:;rnsers and others. All bas.ncss entrusted to us win receive prompt attention. Interest paid «n time deposits. , TMK Baiter County National Bank, 1 ->lltier Penn, Capital paid in - 5200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - J85.000.0c Jos. Hartman, President: J. V. Ritts, Vice President; Jobn G. Mc-jiarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass t Cashier. A ireneral banking transa. :ed. Interns- paid on lime dep-»sUs. Money i «aned 00 approved security. We invite you tooj/en an account w.t n this DKS— ilon. Jotepk Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waidrws. I'r. -> M. Hoover. H. Mc- Swet ney. C. P. X. G. ?tnith. Leslie F. iluieit, X. Flnegui, tv. H. Larkin. T. F. MiftMn. l>r. W. C. K- n »eil». W.J. Marks. J. V. Kuts. A. L. Keiber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER. PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN. $100,000.00 IVrvigu e\.hang« "nought and sold. -i r- . 1. attention given to collect:. :ts *OFFICKKS: JOBN V. ! NKINS • £ ~ J"* JOHN IH'Mi'HUKV Vice l*n ~.den* « ... BAILEY tas £s r K. V\ . BINi.HAM, . . Assistant La-hter J. F. UI'TZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklas. l»- L. Cleeland. F_ E Airams. I'. N Boyd. W. K. HeUwr. Henry M. . r. John Humphrey. Thus. Hays. Levi >1 Wise aua Fran.-is Murphy. 1 nterest paid <>n tir-.e dep. sits. We respectfollT solicit your busir.ess. Wc Have Moved. have been reading our Ads. for a long time; have we ever mislead or misrepre sented what we offer. The truth and nothing but the truth goes here. Our Pianos prove all we claim for them. We know what we are talking about, we are makers, players and judges. Come to us we will advise you honestly and in a scientific manner. E. OTTO DAVIS, Armory Hu ilding Kiit THE BE WORLD^^^^l Ready Mixed Paints and ready for use, there is no time of the ye.-ii that something about the house or the house itself does not need a coat of paint. If You Come Here we will help you decide on the shades you need for exterior or interior decora tion. Permit us lo fill your order. We have any colors you may desire. We I guarantee the quali'y. Our prices on Paints. Oils, Varnishes and Brushes are I low. . F. W. Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint The bottom knocked out of wall paper prices. Patterson Bros., 236 N. Main St. F<op)e's Phone 40c. Wick Building A. M BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler PA "Peerless" i Wall + Paper Absolutey With out Eqtal. Tlir GREATEST VARIETY IHr be>t quality MIL LOWEST PRICES New Goods Now In For Season 1901. MCMILLANS Next Door to °ostoffice. YOUNG LADIES! GIRLS. YOUNG MEN, BOYS! ncrj where caa ears Sfl.OO per week ia spare time ort»eniajs. addrcssiaj em elopes so mcue> required. baadreds of workers sow employed. proof sea! free aajwhere to those seadiac addressed ea^elope to FRANKLIN CHEMICAL COMPANY, Filbert Street. Dept A PHILADELPHIA. PA g: /Ik}/ ■ A :,\ VY \ ) \ 1 \ I|/ - -- VjJ^ - v Wedding and Commncement Presents. Our stock of watches, rings, diamonds, gold and silver novel tie? suitable for wadding and commencement preseuts, is the most complete we have ever bee.i able to offer. We take pride in being known as a first class firm and if you want a good article at a bargain price come to us. In addition to our regular line of jewelry we sell Edrson and Columbia Phonographs, Cleveland and Crescent Bicycles, Washturn Musical Instruments, Cameras and Photo Suoplies R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court House Why is C. E. HILLBR'S Shoe Store So Popular? SOME REASONS First. He keep.' a strictly up to-date shoe store, always study ing the wants of his customers, trying to oiease them both in style and price. Second. While his styles are the very latest, such as a good dresser would want, his prices are very moderate,and you don't have to have ali kinds ot money to buy shoes at Miller's. Third. He controls and sells the best lines of Men's and Ladies' Shoes in the U. S., namely—for Men, the '-Walkover" and "Doug lass," union-made shoes; and for Ladies the "Delsarte" for $3.50, the "Herrick" for $2.50 and $3.00 and Cincinnati goods for $2,52.25, $2.50 and $3.00. Fourth. He gives special at tention to the selection of his cheaper grades of shoes. Just call in and look over his 98c line, now stronger than ever. Men's Buff Shoes, congress or lace, tip or plain toe, 98c. Ladies' Shoes in Tan and Black, heavy and light soles, at 98c. Misses' and Chil dren's Tan or lilack Shoes 50c, 75c or 98c. Boys' and Youths' Shoes in Tan or Black at 98c. C.E. MILLER Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. T Vw.r to Conrt HON* Untie*. PA. Molel N ix.o r(. 215 N McKean St , Butler, Having rented this hotel for another vear. I again invite the patronage of of my old friends and the public generr ally. R. O. RUMBAUGH. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main «tre*t. Hit. GAUCHER, kI?OHHRy AT LAW. Office inj Wiae buildup. ► New Store. O 9 New Store, i > ► 121 East Kanfi S 121 East < > ►Jefferson St. 1 ** Jefferson St.< > \li 11 irjery Store 1 [ ► Our line of Summer Millinery is the largest and most 4 > •stylish ever brought to Butler. Call and see this grand* > •stock and get the latest styles. 4 1 IPAPE'S New Millinery Store.' I k I2i East Jefferson St., Butler. 3 ' a | Bed Room Suits! 1 Reduced Prices!{ V=s/ Four of the best values in Bed Room Suits we have jaat ever shown- Not a lot of uadersirable odds and J®* jg| ends but the best and choicest of our stock. Half a jUs j car load of them, so there's plenty for aIL |jgs J $28.00 || $35 00 g j gj I Bed Room Suit || Bed Room Suit J|g »jj | For 525.00 J| For $29.00. :g " Golden oak. polish if Four styles of Dre-s S&i f 6n:sh. cast brass trim- $$ ers. All have French j i ggt f mings. swell-front ** plate pattern ujirrors. f |gC * Dresser: fnll-sized bed i* qnarter-sawed trolden * jSsC Bfef i and handsomely carved. 5? oak polished top* and SSSf swell top drawer in the swell fronts Foli-sized % * wash; stand. A first- ** bed and wash stand to * «—« class snit at a reasona- match the Dresser. I Campbell & Templetonl illlHHHlllllli ] The People's Nationa New York Tri*Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is iu reality a fine, fre;h, everj other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, acd covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears iu THE DAILY TRI BUNE of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultuial Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZFN for £2.00 pe t year. Send all orders to TH =£*** ir*ir* * **** § t PHILIP TACK, CONTRACTOR IN j Cleveland Berea Grit j STONE I J Suitable fur Building * Ornamental and $ Paving purposes. I This Stone is guaranteed % J not to shell off, nor | become rotten. I Prices reasonable. Work done well f and promptly, ?e Stone yards on * East E1 na street. Residence on I Morton avenue. % People's Telephone 320. jsELIGMAN, < 416 W. Jefferson St., < MERCHANT* TAILOR Full bine of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Good Fit and Workmanships Guaranteed. / C. SELIGMAN BUTLER. PA. WANTED. The j>eople to know that the Findlev Studio is making a specialty of copying and enlarging. Crayons and water colors for the Holliday trade will rec< ive prompt attention. Don t give your pictures to agents and take chsnces of loosing them; have it done at home ami if it isnotr ight we are here to make it right. I.atest designs of frames in stock See our Cabinet I'hotos before crdering elsewhere. Branches—Mars and Evans City. A. U FINDLEY, Telephone 236. F. O. H'cTr' Butler. L. C. WICK, Dralkr ll* LUfIBER. Family Newspaper. New York Weekly Tribune Published on Tbnndav, and known for near'y sixty } ears i 3 every part of the United States as a National Family Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of THE oAILY TRIBUNE tip to hour of going to press, an Agricultural Depart ment of the highest order, has entertaining reading for cvtry member of the family, old and 1 young, Market Reports which are «c- j cepted as authority by farmers and corn- } try merchants, and is c!ean, np to date ' interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEM for f 1.50 per year. : CITIZEN, Butler Now is The Time to HaveV Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED If jou want goou and reliable; cleaning or dyeing done, t..«.rc is juct one place In town -1: y u, c.411 get it. .mil tnai is a* The Butler Dye Works' 216 Center avenue do fine work in out t door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a pictur-. t your house. Give us a trial. Agent for tbe Slidiriir Biind C'o.—New Yr-rk. R. FISHER SON Pearson B. Nacj^^s Livery Feed and SaH&table Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs ,u wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sp«>i i al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. ~ □A good class of horses, both drivers audS Graft horses always on hand and for salMl under a full guarantee; and horses bonrijfll *pon proper notification by 1 PEARSON B. NACE. U elephone. No. 219. j a postal card to I I mW~ or call up No. 41 ************ Phone or Bell 122-3 and W. B. McQEARY'S new wag >n, ruuning to and from his _ , Steam , establishment, will call at.; your house take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpt-ts, rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on; short notice. CAICB ATI TODS iTSTITO, , Cancer* can I* curml vrftL*«t ' tbe knife. l)r. C. Silnert of ftt Seveiifh I*l Jt>L> uric. i**., ±X- bu dl«k-or«retJ a new remedy 1 A that cures tbe cancel aod lumor. lie lws carol 960 people wi:h«>ut g r*\ fall, and ha* treated }>aik*iita 1 I. "S* . /, j when Dr. Hurgoo«> li'japltal at ■ wf * /; I idtley andlioapltai at Rome, ■ K. Y. bave not cured, but Dr. Steltiert has Miccesafullj treated iPk •^ v «ral of tliem. It makes no Tjl difference where the cancer Is he haa rnred morctfeuui CAkCLR CURE ail ll.r cancer quack .octura, and ll stopi ■ a *t lii> iA. * can *r>- the w< uderful r.rm 04 fkn<-mr wl»i hh- haa for *afe keeping. (:•• : »• it.ber t«uU Df. C. >»elnert Hie ouit «a icpr » tn H>-» -m rwi 'l**nia>uilhx«rrii»»»*.\laMa f »• la I • tl»m I*.* tents can U? treated i» tb- f ' • -*n—. A ';•**» li*«r, kl.litey,acx«-ma» t», a t *». th~rat! :h>- Irnifta f»utU; C|Vi:4 1 +*~ •**.*..«.. J Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 115 W. Jeflerscn, Butler, Pa. Busheling, Cleaning and Repairing a Soec a ty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers