Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 13, 1901, Image 3

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    TMfc: CITIZEN.
THURSDAY. JI XE ,13 190'•
SIJTE-AU advert.-— T» iatecJlaz to la.tie
:c*r»c » io Ifcwrir nil* ».4 tg ««
.W.r 4 * 1 t- r iKjn M*i»-
lmy tts >rati»tr.
Notice in BanknipU y. estate of Gill y
i McTamney
An < >rdinan.~
Dimglass Kodai-ks.
Brown's locals.
Wb a's Furnishings.
Mey'-r Jooassors A: Co s
Pape s Millinery
C, £ T s Fitrniture
Greve City C< 'H«se
»»«* EV-JU«» << «*«J»
■itatrrlWiiM-opl fcotos at ik* 11TI
.ex «*.-»•. it p< r-«» makVtnc »
r ■■>ll," t»»
In tbe hnrch cr the state
It Is rah- or to ruled
In oonrr-sbip cr a»arri*re
It is toat or to hohi
In -r Saw
It is k* *k»4 «r K' ncW
la trawi'*' c"T «r*d -
1: ts trirk «w to trieto*!.
la tot;; t' *r
It t» !» hfW
la the *; "icc - * «•
It heart «r i» M»a
- itathr areds- *a L«rer the P A VT.
track" ttoaa.
freuht -rar. wi-*h
to l" s tRC 1 « «*k.
>tal>H fctiared »be
lart--T totrardaj ♦ « *
-tfenakxr was toatod re the rele
♦ l« >s»rarday
is «fce toMNk << •*»
as 'wfC aa wa wair
—Ato awld wvctb b< ff*** l '
ac h*- - l« h».' -.in* ia>a
7tor«r«tav «Kht tor «k «<a»
ini-arti * re «•»<* bw
-fh- -to* -# f hto to(pto» toa-f.
<toh Jlw to tOato-.
.to* to.
-*». b*. tato* to- .'«ai<to>to
Mr *v *♦**
%*>,-<» *** - >" *> #»%*
% to* v- % «4»Mk «*.: fW.'l'WiWl ** ' If
% VRtMte"*i *1 •»• «•, ««. ftMt
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nk %►> 1 *»* '-J&mt***
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MH. - iia> »* iv- tfiiiiiitk-t w*.,, **+* %. "im, imm
\j%h %MN>II}TFIRI W -<M« •*■
*»-, -*4 *»i» '4fc >**4«*4» *».
■ L M »■ ■. %wl %'4>ifcr '<♦> '.
Mtajn l| ><• !
*W* «- *»* >*» V
"'fc * """" ■ *%• 1 '.■*!" ">>l^ll "I 'NNPh*
<mv* <4 ■»*** :«K> «**.»» w 'aw «&*
%%Ula4A3«Ar <*
-llHi !' • M U«*. *4* '-Jte i*. <% %' W* |
*kf* mi Kit**}. 4*i ~
«!)*«. W M Mb '»»i»to'M UN. BUM % -Wb' .'
4*-~f * «* tkwtu <*tei tali* kUMA
\fcfc* .-l Uiil h-r 9. „| 4Mt«| IK****. «. ; %*\ 4-i
u,tn *«' p>% y , ' i ■■> i-1 .411«* J'
1. »nJ»r 'Wt, t*>- V <MUU>
V—ninin,i.t«-i « i%» (•»»'• Im i.>«tl>i - j
i'be kui ltla*k bud* ->a»«
»M» •vn ri>.« ?«*s. SM* ~A
•»«• aatwb ■>• pabm mrvxiis t tit- (tei'l wi.'l
.. M*W«, Imm UM bttek hunlft *tU
««- a
Tk» ,i««( ,«Hu.iU|j -I ciuu-tet-
KMW»ik »t Uariiatwirit l»*t «wk.:>
Wh*vt rwacuittM • irf It •*%
W•! Ukw •prtuiik. <4 * «*• w Oil
M 4
Ti«* b«v «4 t«<> WM'tu > Uteck mm!
b*«« »n<u «t>a .'Wrry nod
•Miter t*uu Mw» in ».>i h r»»»uil<«r» tout
TW C'«MutUl«<4o« th«t tb«
*i» Hvw UlkiuK *boat IK the yacfct «>(
tkat MUtw and wt tbr inMrnUH*ut tb.-
bl* fccMttu# of U>v U. S. S«|»rvu«! ( oort
MwM to.
—Titer* will be t parade of McC'-or-
Mick barvmtintc tuacbiiterr on Main St.
Saturday afternoon A«r< nt CC. John
t->o haadia|>>wxl of over thirty machine*
airvadv thia year
will !»• a meeting in the Wwt
En-Nt •-■ b«B*«. at 8 o'clock Friday I
eveuinn for the parpoae of m>rK»nizinK
the Rem ut Hook and Laflder Co. All
latortoted are reqnested to be present.
A Birtler nun who had lost the ad
dress of a friend wrote to another friend
in Britiak India for it "At McFann,
Pa.," (whichis just ten miles south of
Bntler' was the answer that came back
15.0(10 miles
—The W. O. W'a. unveiled monn
n.ents to two of ita deceased members
last Sunday Martin Allen and Harry
Goff. Harry Graham made the ad
dresses. The Woodmen of Butler now
number 250.
lintb r has more base ball enthusi
asm now than in many years past. The
old ball jiark has a good lively game,
sometimes tjwo of them, going every
evening *hile the spectators nnmlier a
tmudred or more.
stone crusher is being built on the
prttoerty purchased by the Allegheny
Glam Co. from Geo. Schaffner anil
Charles Smith north of Sarvers Station
which is to put out four car loads of
sand a day ai:d wili employ 25 men.
Our grocers are putting on entirely
too maoy airs. They not only close
their stores at 6:30, but also desert the
premises, and go buggy riding. The
meat men are a trifle more reasonable
and make it 8 o'clock, sharp or flat, or
something of that kind, while the dry
goods and clothing people are million
ares after si«.
—The case of the Commonwealth vs
Pern- Douds, accused of trying to mis
lead the detectives who were trying to
unravel the Blevins murder mystery,
was taken up in New Castle, Monday
afternoon, and a jni v seenrred. On
Toe-fday the evidence taken referred to
the fake letter found on the street in
PortersvilJe. letters add •essed to David
Dickev and J O Brown, and the buggy -
spring that Donds hail seen in Mr. Blev
in's offi'-e. br.t did not mention for a
year after the crime. Xonnan Martin,
Malcolm McC'onnell. R. K. Aiken and
O. H. Aliens are assisting in the prose
cution. while Wintermitz, MeCraeken.
Gardner and McCouahy are for the de
fense. The Court House is crowded
wirh spi '-tators.
The fall tenn of school at the Butter
Business College opens Monday, Sept. 2,
1901. Read their new »d. on this page.
Mi-s Hamilton >f Eml.->n is the
! gm-t of Mr A. M. <-bristly.
! J. L. Barton ..f Middlesex was in
t >wn Satunliy.
O. W Maarhoif of Sax.-nburg ca!le.l
on the CITIZEN. Monday.
Geo. E. Hay of Browns lale attended
T>< JLINI>' bust R* - - io Bulb-r lttes<lay.
Dr <> p Pw r .it North WaahiMCton
attendel the Deunvratic convention
Alpfc* tis Darting f n« r -ts abcrg
att-c l- 5 U> «xie b:xsines» in Butler.
M. L. Gil«<o has b-ajht a string o:
tool* acd is taking contm. t- : -r drtll'.ng
oil wells.
Miss Nellie Xiaon wb-» lia* anjnire.'
quite a rppn»ati ii as aa actrr-** is fc -r-e
for tfce saintaer
Frank Harvey auod wife of Uafia!" ar»
rejoictag over tbe arrival of a yoctv
Mr Harvt-y wbo came last we» k.
Cltarh- F Sasilh. K- A. aa.:
R, v. >: M- as of isarrersville attmJe
to e***a bnaiO"-- 'io Bntler. Monday.
[ Charles Kilter vrf the Ada <*bi< Ta
iverat> aad J.wefh H'tter 4 B «" A
Bui.: - si. re Sf*nt > 'tsday at b.««.
Aaiiew si- io»-*uaatle of V> r
»ad Aaorev tJibson Jhirriew w»x»
baton rist-irf :a Batb-r.
>; .. A>.Y > Vl,a la- retonwd t-> t
boane jf hw father wtt E*a llaire after
toßsfcin*: her term .a the Vval acheo!>
J,4a Barry a»4 w-.fc af Fhakht
rwy. were aaaJk- Sa««-4i fc? *be arrival *
nil pwJ sSI at tow hw
- ii.- thai he w.
to a He o«*wd «j> to tto
jew. k beamew. ha* a ptor is see«hrr
V * WKV M.-s*hni>e«>- TVanklva
1 IMVP- aW4 to isi , ii #k| i. fWw.
> iMigHftt Jin iwiihx wpbk
l W-sa «an4»<h>arhi--
< ha-*, to- < *. > »sg f->««ds ia Vkntor wwat
Ka" It H itoa^heA
1 yetonrAwy.
Ftoni % V s b ''* »a« Ihmaas
| Bitot «<t Srela msm ■ y*a»%
i tywMj'toi*'* fteaa to.- " it s ■ ire <tkalk(*
■ ll lM»." F»L Hi ito "t>.. toT" aa»d
|MSbia#« to bV« * v •# ,v **■-
,N)»> • .» mt> * aw- ~'»sre) , " N *a«ett;
.] ha tSH—^ay
IH k -a*Vif- to*
l<toto f \W»to ,vainii(k .a* •<
| h*t" r #tob towaA» •
i ,in)» B CV"aar w «a li'itot ,rea«. trree-
f; h 'Tto a
iii "lw to*to#>-m Ifi* w*4 -1 *
toaf**••*»»> >- *. v -
V X: ■« -h •*.-> .«•«>#?*•,• >s* shßkto**•»■%. :
''a#** " "'Stoli to«hi«a dfc '#«»»»•«>*. h
•Kk .ato* '<a*f Wal M*a ah>
■ iwto v *sa«. *
aal r »o.*. *mi*na % as»*i he *■*
tuiflt a-o ia •|ilH>» i "M-i '#!. to H»*a -
». a*, to •'%«toa, *v<» Wb##h«''
a-- - - to
C >, %htoM«*to « ti~ s'tovtoi
%ntn—-in «atoCto4W "to If- lf%
I h Uto >..a>
"natol 1 ' 1 * 11 " 1 ' to»».aa <Mto • «aa.*r •
Hl t> -to»r. .e.fc4 1.
iiia «'!» % i.--w«h to am tolh-towtok a*> •
W totohk itoM d -h 4 Vw-hui-1
a#a» -a*»« Haibrt' Hail. -*'« w• • raw . a*>* {
iato a n'-Tinmif a <i« /.'auMMmm>
sibtfc ajwM tontoal 'Aif-»»t».%k s®
i IW"IT * 1 'r■ >.* ito> hh.t* j* tto> j
K. awr*. a
-ktoa*e> Kvatot tod - a Lotu :
ll, ~i, -- t £ia> |> . tott* a toraatd a
,-aitu. f-o.i- 1 a ta> »r* .tad hf» U*aiaa. *
>'iad<k.( > a)«'»ftta«{ Soiaiuiaa TIK-tr btsad- {
|iMV.». *r* ■ a Mi* a -adk'e aaait i
> Oa*< . f«axiv<.d word fmmi |
' ItM daaubfar. Mi. ' *»hu *Su4t*>n *wj
hviag +i Tiilhtolil Mi V,. M><ada>. I
statu**; '.hat while ftta awa t*alafc*r
i I'tfCaat ft *»te»ve City
I aauttor >aan w»w> >at an
». baa* ta a aetgi)!><rkag oil tabi, oa«
day laat week, they were <>v«r< DIM BY
gaa aad beoaate aacvuacious. Oae tuan
«at»i>ie tbe tank saw their daagar aad
called for help, aad the? were all
rwacaed. aad came around all right, bat
it WM a c!M*S calk
« >§* Whit ll Xifet+T Mi >IX%£k ' all tJM>
Ufc'kfV* fheß <li«i CTV;
And "Which i* Ms«hir Morgan?" mmty
pretty did sigh
Fur Morgan. Pi«r*oat Morgan, wan al
ttuml "he whole thing
When crowd went .'ailing in
the palace ■' the King.
King Edward for the moment was a
ruler ;uite forgot,
For all hi* loving *nbj»*cta at J. Pierpout
stared a lot.
Around his august presence they did
form a living nag
A cynosure was Morgan in the palace of
the King «
Zelienople has advertised for bids
for a system of sewerage.
Renfrew defeated Butler h to 5 yes
terday at the old ball park.
This time, last war, Butler county
was enjoying its first Centennial.
—Next Thursday, June 30th, is the
date of the first Penn a R. R. sixteen
day excursion to Atlantic City and oth
er sea shore resorts. Train leaves Butler
at 6:25 a.m., rate $lO.
The "soap mines of Butler county'
is a standing joke. Anybody who is
ambitious to be regarded as funny need
only make some reference to the Butler
county soap mines to attain his ends.
But the fact that a genuine soap mine
has been discovered in Wyoming, the
substance containing just enough sul
phates, potosh and pumice to make an
excellent quality of soap for all ordina
ry purposes, entirely destroys the ab
surdity connected with the idea of a
soap mine. This natural soap is fine
grained and white, and exists in large
quantities, filling a fissure eighteen feet
wide and of unknown length and depth.
R. L. Polk & Co.. publishers of the
Butler Directory, having about com
pleted their canvass for the 1901 l>ook,
would be pleased if anyone, who has
lately made a change in business or
residence, or is contemplating doing so
in the near future, would drop a postal
to that effect to C. J. H. PuoHE,
326 S. McKean St.
Quality and Fair Dealing is what
brought our business up to its present
staniling, and we expect to continue this
policy as long as we keep store. A.
Ruff & Son.
Are you satisfied with the Shoes you
have been buying"? Are they what they
should be? Are they made right? Do
they fit properly Do they wear satis
factory r Are they stylish'.' These are
the vital joints to lie considered when
buying shoes. We guarantee our shoes
to "be right. A. Ruff & Son.
The June showing of Furniture at
Brown & Co s. is the largest. l>est as to
quality, and lowest in price for reliable
gt»ds we have ever shown. Look
through our store and see what we
have It will be a saving of money to
you. We have no comjietitors that can
or will sell reliable goods for less money
than we do.
Our styles are captivating this Spring.
A. Ruff & Son.
.\sk your girl about our Corona Shoe
at Ruff s.
For a Screen Door or Window Screen
see Brown & Co.
We are in business to stay, therefore
.we sell honest goods and teil the truth
about them. A. Ruff & Son.
Porch Chairs in variety of patterns at
at Brown & Co's.
Your opportunity is at Ruff's. Dollars
1 become elastic here.
Albert Pew of Parker vs Montgomery
Knox, assninpsit. for >£5"W clainird a
damages by reason of the deft s alleged
ri>fr.«a! t*> lift a ea> line of I*»W feet of
two in. li pipe laid by the plf. ou d-fts.
farm in Ara«-tt»ng county near Parker
Mrs. Mary A. Speer • - Wm an<l Mil
lia Sp»-tT. sr.mni n< in replevin .»r
carpets, furniture, -tores, etc.. to tbe
value of f» »». Saturdav this case was
Overse- rs of tbe Poor Harvey Miller
ac 1 S. Mi Larv have filed an appeal
{r.ui th-lat- report file>i by Rwngk
A'nlit« r-v titaham. Henrincer and
Schenck. The refused th- «brer-
rs credit • n f- *>. claimed them as
salary . .a a $2" ' warrant for an attorney
fee aid a warrant to Henry Millf r
f r -VJIII grocery warrant> which the
anditt«rs MV are air- ADY crediti-d
Joha p. Saitk gaardiaa of tbe tow
minor cbUaitm of J >hn Wriian i. vs
Locdy Fisfcer and Lai: -s Catholic li>ne
fit Associate 5. bill in njnitv. Tin* bill
rec.:<-s that J- ..n Walaw die«.i leaving
his h* u« .uhi "..4 at Herujaat.-I.;> wife
wfc afterward uiAm—i Locdj
ri big Mr aad Mrs Fisher h>rro*ri
£r-. fr :a Knai Bns.it en a Dvte, aa-i
•< ir.MB J..Aa liw»lecba.-h .a * nwr>
. ,ge .c the boo-* and let An Imuran.>
pds*y was ;lM,takr« .at «f the BntSt
Ass* for>:. •»' «"<n --:-r - ..
IV • to g t. F:sh#-r and k* l * l to tb
job : .m Wb 't ber drtith bed :t >
j staled. Mr*. «n a par 4eagre«-
| isw -.• aith ber hnsband that he sb
I tfe- hfc tomace aa«ey v> pay the
I not mi bad a new jvdicy
«i.sd* .at w th r-'«itor as the »4e beae
itarr The bill stales fltor a.>w
repa liatw b?s atre«wat with hr* w:r
«ar4 thei'aart it «ske< toaw the chud
**a Itor b><cee
Raaaab I. Stowe vs Chaa lal featort
n. *-sre toctoa <d
KP DAV A. - >!v
.saask V--'tbe*a I'owr-s, *a»-
nrr. jfs M Joh£ IVxskk
|S» >*>--«» M ISWWIK <*;hitor
,t V.-.- • V.»,v«r s ■ <ev. K
I <CR*>U»>» IVWR. to'. TE« aw
■ Vsflei >»4 v w . tared** *r aa«
k l > JVd -• < S bww *.*
I toa l«<i'»t'" | at. v T ■-•>
u»!>re« v> | Mwtore »■ *• "to
Xnaie >«»;. ) h >«s. 4MHN 1 v*e?»-
V- 9?"- fe i-bm- V -K'* «->*
»«a W i l" *! •>*. MtoS
■* s.-ar k hi■>«>» ■jMr&Mi*
a «m <>M »». ■* wnfr
•s-a-to ■■■.'V ■ ♦*" **"■ ■
■v-i *»• 4. m 'to i*.. N.
tlx -aaa a* toiwtoftoi*
<t'-aM.|a to> 1 Ito
rjM atr, >»■».'* *>***' ■*»?»*:«> "•*»*» Wi. «Mtohto
5* ewWwfc
ln t .- | r nm a *tn ITOI "TO
t» 4h< sto»anaa.
- * * * IK: '■4f£
-i- ? 'fnjnnlr. iin^
, I|n -*3K' -4%'
% S N'MiTijlTi-ti SIM'
%;x. '^iKr
fV t*>r .
'-H% MMflh *k%u Ut'4 *%' i Ufcii, Wtr
, uni -sJ%«:i*U2lar«E> •>£ 'iH
hsM»a«: iW; ;»wr xwM -1 i W
at elh to>f-
Ito- ttoaiy «wi». .kad>u>r>» tav«r«
aum >v« t-mKt -v r«v-«n»i» to' aa>«
to*... -v-'s.. «Uk|«ciMil > iu*m for
"HH". r* !*Mt ■ <:** > -u»d for Sciiuvi. Biiifd'
fto X«MW*» Aadtiom rejjvr
stoM tto OMnaa*' r«w<elpth to tov
toea >*r t uui -1 \p«Mtd] tor«s r -i>*-
<'anb rotai taA war s»*.** w*l tho wm
Ub iwtitiou >f lumaW>toi»n hag***!
Kabilrd «m»«1 John, tuinur ••hiWreu of
Joba Stuitn. -to- d.
The taport at if'. J. Forttuer, widitor
ia the estate of Mrs. l>. C. Muutz, -lei. 1.
of Zelieu.>pln, showed Ww fw <liMriba
W G RicuariUuu was arrested on an
;aforiuation nu«!« before Bsq. J. W.
K,ilteiitKu*h of Keufrew -barging !iim
with obtaining money under false pra
. twa»e.
(reorgt.- and Jacob Fleeger. junk men
; living on the island have been held for
court by Justice McElvsiinon charges of
keeping a 'lisorderly house It » said
they rente*l a house and sublet a room
to Mrs. Cousins whose vistors disturbed
the neighborhood. The women was sick
at tbe time the arrests were u.ade, but is
also to be indicted.
Patrick Oallagher, of the South Side
has been arrested and placed in jail on
H chart:** of larceny. preferred by Squire
Mi Bride. of Coylesville. A tew "lays
ago the Squire was in town making
some purchases and while on the way
to the P. & W. station stopped in to see
Judge MeJnnkin at his home on South
Main street, leaving his packages on the
porch. It is alleged that (Gallagher
lifted the package* and appropriated
them to his own use. It is said that he
was intoxicated at the time he appropri
ated the packages.
By one of the late Acts of Assembly
the acknowledgement of a wife in mak
ing a deed, mortgage, etc., does not
need to be taken separate and apart
from her husband.
Samuel Walker, Esq.. Dr. T. D. Mc-
Connell and George J. Krng were ap
pointed a commission in lunacy on Mary
Scbnauffer of Lancaster twp., on peti
tion of John Schnauffer. Shn was ad
judged insane and committed to Dix
mont. Miss Olive Matthews being del
egated to convey her there.
Samuel S. Atwell. a brother of Dr. J.
C. Atwell,has registered as a law stud
ent and is reading with J. M. Galbreath.
Letters of adm'n on the estate of
Jacob E. Brunner have been granted to
Horace Kimble
Tony Allen and Mr. Snow of Parker
twp. caught a horse thief in Buffalo hist
week, but the fellow jumped from a car
and got away from them.
License court convenes next Tuesday.
There are 22 applications.
The Presbyterian, U. P and Reform
ed churches, by their pastors and officers
authorized by vote of the congregations,
have filed remonstrances against grant
ing license to George R. Dunn in Mars.
The petition of Jacob Bowman of the
South Side is endorsed by about 170
South Siders and a remonstrance Still
more numerously signed has been pre
pared against the license.
Levi M. Wise to Isabella Watson lot
in Pen 11 twp. for
James Miller to J. A. Cross 81-acre
lease and wells in Parker twp. for $2950.
F. P. Mcßride to W. S. McCrea 15
acres in Clearfield for $1505.
John Rieger to Frederika Rieger lot
in Millerstown $719.80.
Charlotte Reed to John H. Dobson lot
in Butler for $650.
Maud Hays to American Mirror
Works lot in Butler for $l5O.
Sarah B. Magee to Mary J. Welsh lot
in Mars for SI2OO.
Peter Whitmire to Joseph Ball lot in
Butler for $1450.
Adam Kradel to Gottlieb Kradel 17
acres in Butler twp. for S7OO.
< Jeorge L. Bame to John R. Peffer lot
in Jackson twp. for S4O.
Philip Hertel to Barbaa Hertel lot in
Butler twp. for $"2.
Closing out a large lot of $0 and $3.50
! odds and ends in Men's Shoes at sl.9s at
! Ruff s.
! Duffv's w ndow is filled with bargains
i in Cloaks.
The advertisement of a pleased cus
tomer is Ruff's greatest and best adver
A Straight Tip. Bay your shoes at
Ruff's once and you will be a regular
. customer.
Loyal Brandon. son of J. C- Brandon
of Oak St had his -boulder blade broken
last week by falling off a wajron. His
mother«- buried just the Saturday
An Italian, named Tony Ciaich was
badly injnred while at work on the P
A: W railroad at Evans City. Saturday
His chest was crashed and his head
badlv cnt. He was brought to Butler
H -jital for treatment.
?vamuel Brunner wa< killed by an
a vident at St io. O . last Thursday, and
w.i- buried frotr the home of bis rater.
Mr* in Butler, last Saturday.
Mrs. Jain<-s Davison, of Adams twp..
fraw tnrt 1 her right leg near the ankle
joint last I Vtober. and sbe was takes to
the Alk-shenv (»»-nerai Hospital where
sbe ren.sir <1 f.r two m nths. When
she r turned to her home. tLe ami
ptia(4 ber very much, and sbe was on
kble to walk or use the limb in aay way.
L.-: Th";>:«y I v r J. C- Birr f M*rs.
a*si>t-d by Dr Crawford of Trail am
jl th" I iaft and the fractured
:• wer* f l&l to l<e nn united Mrs.
Davison . :n_ nu-ely sinoe tbe . ;-era
Wtn. J. Lit i_--r : HiUarJkhW T;.--s
--dsv -wri fr-; ■ fr> *»j :b- -:rae build
OK flu aw vkkk Ma father fell and was
biMaacatk«r» agu. aad was se
ntjvly injured He canse ui from AEe
cfc*r_- to attend to affaire- after his fath
er > death
J.»ba A•».— a driver in the Meaner
c :e> ha. ! ■ --r •r.' >t Ks-ie aad -ome
rib> b*>ir-r fcy a toade* <vw3 car jna»|v
ia the track Taweiay
'< .<> t» *si* Mi-> ani.'-» i-ssJ (vatwl
c fct-r h»cycto <* the lUMi hill, war
Vi. Chn>t«at a rear eve*j*es aso. w*>
t)ma> re the mad aad badly iajared
Oil. M»TGS.
S'l.:h Rsjeaj •<- aw JIJ-.iip f « lts *
tu 41UK
l ,U> ■ T W «* *
ft V -sat*. ca* w»-r. • * tbe Ban»-lJk> fanr
)*<? ar«w* aad isMfetotto ihe
V.* ».« «Ts> <« the J.. W. IVwrti
P*vv r ri AiUnc- a C-» «
Parker aw- t: iliac •« *b« Y%£ «laO
feerwr *t> a. tbe OsmaoK "an*
- tk o? ! I< rereads V>
;b» S.?lll«<'hHjfcgi -*wad
Pi M>» —Oo are ng&tog
s~>? %a Th> fSre.v- »s farea a«r
■j tab; to«T* Vvw?»>c 4toaa
Ft-..- rS The SbfiPh W trtes
! itft driJfenc it* 4r«s m "the Vastemsl
• tons vacai
»:v "<*' i. 'S: V a A <*! .
■t» uiri >- *>.' i *a»< »»»• •*
>1 «•> ia<t «: <ti£ Itdijy Tfwi f*- -
• it, it»ib •• <»>W*nn'Onk
i, v. .-v- •;«; A \-i
> », niatl *n » *•* rfs-iIW.
4tt «*» tw*u. '»*» 'm**
vmihai >t . laaaM
i... .rwluill
k * k -s . -IvC .'.'.itr
>. kit < .... ftiw.br
S" "4* tw»« .......
\ «re *| im . * .'ihoc.naMi.
ftviwi ... - ... 3*<awjta»
s».t. . 5. sii.tl).
' huuIUA <%ME* 5Wt» j
jfeia.OaWfedal . JtMMtoj
"ii%etmk \ Vcduiwa. -... • -
ii tlm >li»«r»Ma ... .. r • NV '»***»«» V**«
|b:7..ato >*»•» .{•
I Ullln > ' r iittMl fcsiuta,
Ukany ■»«
V iu*ada X« utK«4t"rir* ■
! IttoMCf Lu«Wf .... -ll«« \
:t.i. —.»«»•• •■- ... A "SiLt,£iua y
.kt «'rar*i»jia' Cbuata» W Jhie aaiaa
>k Ciiact/aviii* aud laiia B- Lay rwa A
| Sbku «.tair«.
tturil>uri U tJte kvM*wi»Ma.
-HiioUay aH-OMMMi «* 4 teaiwea. 1 .
Hfßr.rK; t i c"i.i ai, Sfc-Jftaie
lawtnrr >■. \ X. C A will
|hi :a«a u ~a» .kcwuciaQua IUML Ha i»
ru.ui ot *reat ability «»1 aidfe niittwo*.-
iu Hiuiuuu h> :»<*- u- Xr Hnriborf attp
[us Ht,. will bit with as aat: will
1 tioti th« iavitairioa ia -vrdiaj uad ia
[for .ill m>-ii ?fcktioaaiity >r totoar
' az or -jnfK will bar on» oian. ua*- rVraDire
i >t ita aieeua«( i» ta*» «uud fbUoar»uip
I whit u j>rev:.;la» C iiu- aad mjoy ',' am
4<».A thint,'- ifered for aext Sauilay.
l.r> »e City luUege.
The !»uiuuier W <rk at ' irove City
College 'tjetcini June isth. and untinues
eight weeks*. Kot i-atalogne and <ther
iaforuaksi iibfcuiin Che president, ioaat
C. Ketler. Gtaaaa City. Pa.
What a Dollar Will Do!
One dollar will pay for tweut-four
1-quart milk tickets, or
Forty eight t-pint milk tickets, or
Twenty-fonr half-pints of cream, or
Five poumLs of pure creamery butter,
:{1« E. Jefferson St.. Butler. Pa.
liii>ing Wool.
1 am buying wool at same location as
last season. Graham Bros grocery
store, will pay the market price in cash,
have no merchandise of any kind to ex
change. W. F. RUMBERGER.
Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine,
for your spring tonic.
Men s Satin Calf Lace Shoes, Plain or
Tipped. 9t«c at Raff's.
We make and put up butter to order,
in any style or form, and salted to the
taste at " THE CREAMERY.
Ladies' Patent Tip Kid Lace Shoes
98c at Ruff's.
Headquarters for Sewer Pipe. Have
just received sixteen car loads at
M. C. ROCKENSTEIN'S, Butler, Pa.
Money saving chances this week at
Did you get a five-cent cake of schmer
Children's Spring Heel Kid Shoes,
sizes 5 to 8, 39c at Rnff's.
We have customers who have been
dealing with us for 30 years. Our low
prices make long friends. A. Ruff &
FOR SALE—A centrally located lot
00x60. Inquire at this office.
Good Shoes cost less than poor ones.
Try a pa ; r of our Corona $3 shoes. A.
Ruff &: Son.
Paii-Americau Exposition Buf
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following special reduced
rates to Buffalo on account of the Pan-
American Exposition, which opens on
May 1.
Summer excursion tickets, to be sold
from April 30 to September 30. inclusive
good to return until October 31, in
clusive. at rate of $11.05 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
Fifteen-day excursion tickets, to be
Id 1 egir.ninir April 30 and good re
turning within fifteen days, including
date ox sale, iate of $9.20 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
Five-day excursion tickets, to be sold
only on Tuesdays, May. 7, 14. 21, and
28, and good returning within fivedays,
including date of sale, at rate of SB.OO
from Pittsburg and proportionate rates
from other points.
Special excursion tickets, to be sold,
good going only on specified trains, on
Wednesdays. May 15 and 29, and re
turning within three days including
date of sale, at rate of $5.25 from Pitts
burg and proportionate rates from other
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
operates two through trains each way
daily between Pittsburg and Buffalo.
Cornoa, the modern shoe for women.
Price $3.00. The equal of the best $3.50
shoe made. A. Ruff & Son.
A good farm shoe for man or woman
$1 at Rnff's.
Our Reputation Rests on our Shoes.
That is why we can afford to sell none
bat good shoes. A. Ruff & Son.
Rev. Dr Morrow, secretary of the
Penrsvlvania Bible Society, preacheil in
the I P. and M. E churches and ad
dn s.-ed a anion meeting in tbe Y. M.
C- A . Sunday afternoon, in the interest
of the Bible Society's work.
A large number of people were in
strnctively entertained by Rev J O
Asheuhurst, the Egyptian missionary,
in his illustrated lectnre. Ai: Egyptian
Prince, delivered in the U. P. chnrch.
Monday evening.
The Young People s Society of the U.
P. chnrch held a strawberry and ice
ream festival in the Sabbath School
ro"m Tuesday evening.
A S;ere pticon lecture and entertain
irent. interspersed with illnjtratT-d
will be given ar the South Side
! Reformed church Tnesday even:ng.
I Jnne l v . beginning at »-:ght •cl >cs 7..'-
I lectve is on the Spanish American
War. * Hvr a hundred original and
gra-:*- view- will be us**S. showing all
the ergageiaents. both military an<l
naval <>f th:~ war. This entertainm* nt
will be civ en under tl*- auspit~es of the
W aiec s M-ss-ittiary Society.
At a nie»-ting held M-®day in :h*- Y
M C. A a Butler AnxiUiary «rf the
: Pennsylvania Bible Svirty was orp»:i
I »-d w::h the Allowing ottcers Prescient
jaines M <»aibre«:h vice-pnwodemtv. J.
L Purvis and R M. McFuind se*ct y.
jJ. H~Sarw. twwwr. X V o. Bra***,
j r.imrtan. J. M. G«*y. A Iward of
i i-keHd.
Pruwch-ng s*-r* 1 ->-s ix The WfSHUBjW
j >-fcnfc. Jaw Nth. t t'dnk:
- ..: : \: -v—» «-very . vrr-ng ■ v .'
I SMwAay a3i»o day hght services. Wed-
Fniay and .rarday 2
' telrtek Re«' R L. Alter N,«rth Hop«-.
! p« will assist The jamar.
Tb» sfssjt ji £ TiieCimioaivilie Pre>- l y-
T; n« ,-hnreh has re. irested riit resigna
• r TRt V K .ly
TW haoraianreatt seruh« wifl i»
-.-eached ia rhe chnrvh ef
j MNh Bwr tm Sndav Jnr SH at
" in. pyjfa-r Srnkw .c Eat: ( 'jure
Tbe ofitiiTji»-rv>aoei)T «er.ww« wi" )<e im
i Twrsday «<s«)awrtbc tTrfc
0 ildr»*s dav will )* .>>**. Tree in rne
R" K-ns.,:!. M F • ,-.-r Sr.n,:*y.J tw
jJ«as ? SS» jv u XI2 «*
... • v.ixs\
Ttv- i :-.v <■> * S» v:r4> Ac-ocrc at a Kar
(V a Worat TOChti Watcs. M Suc^asei.
fe be stK ;£ yot iliac •wo® hawe
a. w* ix. The )* Jik 3t flwwws wro
sja*. l ttjj. w<. maVes- iarnr dencr
, AMR itr»>ts WTT. The-si K JV> r>*r»
1/ sat-.- vwr mnnes ;*wr re ibe I^.T
--1 v • . sc cox ' 'KX'V ?i.a
nu:c «. Jipw t .-*rts»-» am. tr
T.' * vitvfut; OR Sojhse « H
<•«*. nipK: an. i Ut+ »S w
1. ".ae,. ■»!-■ w burnt h«
nu.: OCX* w /«r Me« S«nk JfSi'iHf;
» ; iti'«naiowu- -sac 31 «1 »t«
• ntr- -s -«> fctisi. irrs*
•<: XT »-• -X '
jtrnk *o" vVwm s«miKs ?*«.
u. Jfc 3k "i
'' Ifwuwui l Stuihiu. tiv tiiwwttc it a«
V'il li *T>iHiwi|i al ." tat- taw- oWibbllß^
, ~tk ■T**e' -Hi; *->»< I JC lltlt. a>-
h • sttl.ci> st»A ta-iXaailO'tUr
C 5» j«it»waw it tbws -J«r»**u a- at JBP
<Jh tan 3Dr as, Cut- % 3tat
iXMittiua. wtaN tMwi W ta» at
ttv.aaw«t. md trifcumt. f > nnusu »<»-
v- uitav.*«» :«-r uutun- -sk-i te
: * tamtev >a>oun>ny. 4c T< w
jjn v.- a .i>t .c a?.^.autt^ari/as
in quarts »!il <ovrao> Tjj» ir«-
' -uum -oar»:a jar ■ ■da?a>js a 4
To c v « fimrautatie
ISUifitaO -KM Titer a»int> 'it ncer
[ —~£, a Jt»w»r Tuai ~b» - isituts- nay lit
i TOeir s«jcjK- -s/JBi/luy it Ull
- uti 3nMuy. a«Mp trends- is
I an.- va.- «:ta "he awyawi
i >t The SnrtMao.
| This 3nre-f.. s °.o%=*tt»d ia a ■eattafn j
t. ;. 4D-..-/U : Jii.f'i. «t "»1- Xiun Ss
I uot >{r|Kstti> Tik* Invadus Hooa ami'
■s»rs-.i.a». Insecure, -sit -ahica Dr 3. V j
i P*ere« -*■ chiitf uciit-iu iire* top. TSe j
| F?e« Bnreau :s dtuei i|> with
j rooms. wasa-Diwm. tTeseing-rovina. 3ar
k>rs and ail c«nvwnieace :oro«£-oc-n>wa :
kLv.'ur>uw lbu«> M
The Sntfa.o. tkA- iiester Jt Prttsoorx
Sy. Co. tntiuance That -.mmencmg
June Ist TQe following Tstduewd rates
-roni iiatier To Bnifaio Till be :n -rtfect
>n ;»ceount: of The Pan-Ainenean Ex
>a»jß Tourist Tickeos wiil be »a sale
every day at iW. JW for The round Trip,
returning 60 and including *Jeto
oer -'lst.
Tickets Limited TO 13 lays inciadiag
'late of sale, good >aly for s<ntinuoiis
passage in each lirectioa, oa sale every
day during the Exposition at fC. 75 for
the round trip.
Tickets limited to T lays including
•iate of sale, good only for continuous
passage in each 'lirection. >n sale every
■ lay during the Exposition at for
the round trip.
Special excursion tickets limited to 3
•lays including 'late of sale, good onlv
for continuous oassage in each direction
on sale Tuesdays only during the Ex
position at #4.-25 for the round trip.
Returning, these tickets will be good
oa all regular traias leaving Buffalo
prior to midnight of the Thursday fol
lowing 'late of sale, bat will aot be
good in sleeping or chair cars in either
For time tables and further informa
tion consult the nearest agent of the
1901. BICYCLES. 1901.
If jon want an honest bicycle at an
honest price, or need your bicycle repair
ed in any way; if you want a good
practical typewriter for #5: or if in need
of bicycle supplies of any kind; if you
have broken articles of any sort you want
repaired go to Mardorf's Bicycle Store
and Repair Shop, where your wants will
be promptly attended, by
Yours truly,
Exclusive Bicycle Dealer and Repairman,
109 West Cunningham Street,
Butler, Pa.
Milk Wanted.
A thousand gallons of milk are want
ed daily, by the Butler Creamery Co.,
at their depot on E. Jefferson St.
Pan- American.
The Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
Company has placed on sale at all sta
tions, excursion tickets to Buffalo, on
account of the Pan-American Exposi
tion. With the improved passenger
train service now being arranged for,
making connections with three impor
tant Buffalo lines; viz. the Erie R. R-.
L. S. & M. S. anil Nickel Plate, patrons
of the road will be given every opportu
nity to visit the Exposition at the lowest
available rates.
Pennsylvania Kail road Summer
Seashore Excursions.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces June 20, July 5 and is, Aug
1, 15, and 29, and September 12, as the
dates for its sixteen-day Summer excur
sions from Pittsburg and Western
Pennsylvania to Atlantic City. Cape
May. Ocean City. Sea Isle City. Anglesea
Holly Beach, Wild wood, and Avalon,
N. J.", Rehoboth. Del., and Ocean City,
Md. Round-trip rate SIO.OO from
Pittsburg, and corresi>onding low rates
from other stations.
For further information address T. E.
Watt, P. A. W. D., Pittsburg. Pa.
See the hand-made guaranteed Couch
at Brown & Co's. Price SB.
Once tried—Always Worn. It's worth
your investigation. A. Ruff & Son.
For Sale —Farm of 61 acres in
Cherry Township, near West Sunbury,
_ good house, orchard, and excellent
I water. Sell cheap or exchange for pro
perty near Butler.
Livery, S. Main St. Butler Pa.
To do a thing, do it. Go to Rnff's
Men wear Monarch Pats, the Patent
Leather shoe that won t break thro'.
Sold in Bntler only by A. Ruff & Son's.
New Teaelter>.
At the meeting of the School Board
Friday evening, the old teacher#. wh<-
were applicants, were re-elected. and
the following new ones were elected
B. J. Uhl of Dnßois. Hi-h School: Pearl
Andrews. Mary V. Maxwell. Lillian
Painter. Josephine Minteer Floy Ro
bertson and Jennie E. Brandon *nl*-t!
tntes—Grace Mortimer and Anna L.
There were ninr new applicants ft r
positions on the Hiirh School staff and
twenty-four for the common school.
The salaries fixed ransre fr -tn $-V> to *l-"
for Hiirh School. *»>" to SIOO for princi
pals and to for teachers.
The following janitors were elected
Jt-fferson street. Eli Grahan; Broad.
Samuel Traxal Institute Hill B F. j
Uhrey McKean. Chris n
>ir-r_:<laje Harry Nicklas.
The following committers were ap- J
I*, in ted by Pres-dent M rJnnkin
Bnildinsj—t-hanor. C. F. L. j
tiou. Tho?. Alexander.
High School —Heinenian. Kroe. Mur- j
Snr-pbes—Kmjt. Maxwell Rnff
Text Books -C. F L stion. ,
Dal»-. Merrill
Repairs D»le. €3sm»» ay. Alexander ;
Groaads Maxwell. Dale. tYoc> u- !
Es Cinn.in —Raff. Heineman Books,
lias Water and Insurance -Garro
wiy Shsnor. Onr-uenwett.
rhscipline—Lev. M(<jaiMiaa,FWjry.
M..\w 11
Finance Findiev Lev .n.
Horse Stoles.
t>c Tuesday j- £-hi if lasi wv»k Jrne j
•a a dark ic wtc km w*ac*an« j
>Ktc; .*• -wss s: oex fr >m the <ca: "e ttf
j.l F M-.'.)«- of TenE-ntro rwp - near Ear .
; Oban
Tbe tuti who T.wi kac si. at ti* \
stfcioe. jwmr-Tiine dnrmc the *ght. fed '
te wx h.osr and fe>c hixusrff w-:ti 1
;cr.-fc rival wss wraf.j«ed a a Frsnkzn. ;
Pa . paper and rb-T: ts»aed hifrses auc 1
hitn>es- vr-ri Mr Miller w-rrb.«iT first '
nrrnc the iarser s nan: and droce
«■ mimAM
Be i.egot w www eiuwr L> adcrt-*-
icnaih >«tn tlx- iricis i»« Ifift it;
th»-s.ift about W* atn'iik- mdinOed
rhfct be Vint Sr. Mfe- Str MilJw WTt- 1
it Bnxksr. Fnaay xrj Mg ■» 4?eT sr«n* j
trm.-* ttf ins hnrw.
\l S(«nc.
Ttw- .lie h«y ansretiias ."i.int Snrfciacr;
jh* c far #1 ?(!"•»; a tf a J
wrar* dw*d a St* d*ys apt. *n£ "re
V AX.-'MT >urru». St» ROITBC
,u.-ait w*r war- ic The ITaflfii**
-'.vi was SS vms air- *mt was
m. "Swrn. mcl iihoiii "four
fhof wt«kMß.ie pan
.—~ ; ®|
j'dak. "*■ »s
#«Hic -
JMinn "*• gg-o»
. bi»o&- jfl- Ht w,,... t St]
t:itt<Mrrt. iivc ... ® -
uwte —~—.—— ISSI
■. *L>tMasr> *tr 3k ll
."intTintK. iiewwi
3*- -.........————»
Twansf. . ss|.
■<ra»»»t*»r??n&. jpup '♦•
??iar T*-»» .eoisijfc. a :■« 3^
sai.w ■**«. a> *
sr*>v*rj JS. TUrfeba iaisi.
- >oi •> "iiweaih*. aurrrins rtul Tuamt MB>
.u*i ~taau£- » auttta. ?tnrr*s.
S:" Si
lotaatb- iae -<itt -3ifca.3lut
pKhtd*. P'nis. -•«». T~rrs* .'vtta. 3tatns.
Nt: Umm jt 3to>a >■»? Sfeac JeoT^
3t»t*ry >pece<i Tia» lujwry
Jt»» i«»-ry mra. r«*r rf: Lwmry aWfci}
tna Cbausfes- I>id!y « irwm 1
[>i&D*£txr ri -tr»«rf 3*r Ba» arerydnmt
lew uki irsc :-.atA 'Jatemi. ;
kttenautt EB Trmifit '.ail tk
intn viitn n 3tater.
Sireat Learner ir» die aut
■aits simmer 3sx£t s- wil ri» ioiy j
patent a*taer itto« -oid n |
! Batifsr.
?nir m xid jKette- [
.anything at 3n>wn X Cos.
I inicr "our Tiiik ao>L ream frntn The
Creamery .vairin. te-16 gn»»if jour >fo»>r.
or •s*il lp People s- Phune 539, and Ttie
" will jtup at yoor house.
Ladies Te«r The Dtwroua IB soue jnte
and y»a will never wear any other. A.
Rnrf st Son.
Men »Vic* Sid Shoes. Trppwd. Lace, j
fl. W at Half i.
One visit GO RnxT'» will repay yon.
Ladies Stylish Oxfords S-W. Men
i") at RmFa.
There is no food so healthy, aonnshs
in 4, refreshing or as cheap as purified
milk. Two glasses for 5 cents, or six
gallons for a doilur at THE CBEAJIEST. -
We are loaded with Patent Leather
Shoes in Men s. Boys and Yoath sv Wo
men 3, Misses and Children's. Can
show yon more styles than any- other,
store in Bntler county. A. Ruff «& Son. *
We are agent for the United States
Army Shoes. The kind the soldiers of
today wear. A. Roll & -Son.
Music scholars wanted at 128 Wt>t
Wayne St.
Go Carts—a full line on band. Ad
justable sleepers brakes, shades; the
only cart that takes the place of car
riages as a sleeper made. See Brown Jfc
Screen Doors and Windows. Screen
Wire, Poultry Netting very cheap at
Misses School Shoes, solid and well
made, neat styles, laced and buttoned,
9Hc at Rnff's.
You can buy a good Gas Range at M.
C. ROCKENSTIEN'S for $14.00.
FOR SALE—lnterest in 40-acre lease
and one well near Butler. Inquire at
CITIZEN office.
Our business is to sell good shoes
cheap. Your money back if not suited.
A. Ruff & Son.
WANTED—Good girl for general
housework. Inquire at 313 West Jef
ferson street.
WANTED—Experienced hand toquar
ry limestone Inquire of
West Liberty, Pa.
Rnff's sell good shoes well made but
don't ask high prices. One visit will
teach yon.
FOR SALE —T wo producing oil wells,
old territory, good stayers, well equip
ped. cheap for cash. Enquire at CITIZEN
WANTED—Boy fifteen or sixteen.
Wanted to work on farm near Porters
ville. Apply to or address Box 83,
Portersville, Pa. »
If you want a drink of fresh butter
milk stop at the Creamery. All you can
drink for 5 cents.
Excursion to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday, May 6th. the
Sunday excursion fare from Butler to
Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets
good going on train leaving Butler at
.05 a. m., City time, returning on train
a ving Allegheny at 5.30 p. m. city
For Sale or Rent-
The Nicholas Slupe farm of 93 acres
acres in Franklin township near Mt.
Chestnut. Inquire of Henry Martsolf
of Mt. Chestnut 01 at the CITIZEN
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, city residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g.opposite
P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519.
Hot Plates, Gas Ovens and Gas
Ranges at M. C. ROOKENSTEIN'S.
vn The worst p° s "
11 V/ OA il ' ill U sible spavin can
be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw,
splints and ringbones just as quick Not
painful and * ever has failed. Detailed
information about this new method sent
free to horse owners by T. M. CXUGH,
Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa.
' Cheap selling keeps Ruff s busy
! More than j
j a pill. j
A Common pills ii«ra mare
. than they help. Few of them J
v net upon the liver at *ll. Thev C
$ merely excite the bowels and «*
\ cause an excessive outpouring /
€ of secretions along the digestive #
J tract. This tends to impair ( |
• \ rather than the natural / !
f funct: ns of the stomifn. liver
j y and bowels. f
S Boyd's $
\ Peerless Pills \
'■ j are more than com-ncra palls J
# they are a rol livertnmc. They #
J make sluggish E -er« actiwe and J
I weak liveis ssrocg. A lively \
f liver brings keen appetite. C
t sonnl «VgpttiTW. a c.eur com f
J piea.ic*r aai pore rich Skod. X
i Price—
-15 C. N. BOYD. *
? Pharmacist. \
Butler. Pa.
h. ai«s:rwK>« ifat ne rriifTisr »
nimir-. Mfcw— g wift n*ifcr siw
Xt iZUU HUC m .111 ■IL
»-.k .«*&£- wtti. -xinssf-* am a* rnmiT-*
k ngrfc 7«nr*r tnqy lie wanfim^
-nr-inr "SiSt FT-TOTTR TJKT I. I— HI >
aiiit JL sstestira mm. Mr
ioct it ite wa<- wit ran?"
sms a: tame «n. wamr -our nra
time. Jkt *Etcr«ss- |'m«iie.'i use Br
: igmauaatat.
CAxi IL fetlGIWE^,
tr* T r...2a. Ms .wraiiacK
ICS S. Warr **
JX Che =*2«xr.li'U OttC;
wear wsL 3«* t auce the aacssm ~ *
wait lor jrm: jse a itrte ««*»* .'»«-
aie-ic ■* uur «Kt. II tfcre -.t=sk >J iasirv
•MK. "MUtf ■■' sncwNM s»i *il TmfCtt ,
»!IIT BBnt. rnajfle xb --TJUI AMI TT»7«ANU
'f sawT a ' Timmn vs. ' wiilucs JC A
MOO. »IE AMPIY A> <JVE 'DUE jail'-" ;
filing. 7*m Tiae nstrmneiT i K?E .imit:
-ottHe "tn*- .emu.
gfe.m !!,!>■ Iji— ■■ made it :ae '»ti
aauftai ail rite war Tirrawgja. RISE asacs-J
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Ciriissfc Planus- '<**. wul Trni -hem aiat
| n -rtar.-r--.il ami We
•r-tw ao pice .iar ptasoa. *3Te arc
»> £r*e you. a 3ew Tiann at any nnse
j shriid mt prove ieeene Ciii ami
is jnd Look "in; puutus jver .aauie ami
OUL We are- aot here ao see how nuch
we .-m make out ar yon. ™t want m
aficr a fmr insnw ppopaattran. We
kaow we can savi you mjney .a a arst
cis piano. Come ami ~afk tht maiter
aver. We sell nt any sms ao suit you.
,Onr aim is to JUT patrons, ami
they are our references.
i 3T7 Souttt Wain St Sutler Pa
Fail term begins, Monday. Sept. J. 19QI
t —Practical Book keepers. 2 —Expert
Accountants. s—Amanuensis5 —Amanuensis Shorthand.
4 —Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical
Short Course in Book-keeping, for those
who merely wish to understand the
simpler methods of keeping books. 6
Our Teachers—We have four at present
always as many as we need, no more.
We have filled 55 positions thus far
the present term and we expect to fill at
least 15 or 20 more by the next term.
We could place two or three times that
many every term if we had them. We
need' an abundance of first class material.
All young men and young women having
a good English education should take
advantage of one or both of our courses.
Many new and important improve
ments for next year. Call "at the office
and see us. If you are interested be sure
to get a copy of our new catalogue, also
A. F. REGAL. Prin.,
319-327 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa.
Natural Interest
It's easy to account for the
popular interest in our suit
ings. There's an excellence
about our stock which awak
ens interest in every mascu
line heart.
Novelties for Summer.
Light or dark goods, as
you prefer. But they all
promise you summer comfort.
Our suits please, and that
means a whole lot.
Wedding Suits a Specialty.
Practical Tailor.,
Good Clothing:
for Men and Boys at a LOW PRICE. We never sold as gncd
Clothing for so little money We have two large stores. We buy
for both stores at the same time, an i because we buy in quantities.
we buy ch»- »p. This enab'es us to sell cheap. THINK THAT 0\ ER.
111 | 111 Will get you a good Ail-Wool Suit, with padded
J V • V' shoulders and still breast, sizes 54 to 44.
|it | Will get you the very newest things in Boys Three-picCC
~ Suits, sizes 10 to 16
0c tO 00 Children, sizes 3 to 10.
( lill* lli t department *s overflowing. We are making a
11 ill Specialty of Stxa.* Hats. See our line.
A Big Cut in Clothing.
The cause of it all is the weather What is our lots is
TOUT gain. bat there is no use in kicking now. so we have eat
tbe prices on all of our Hen's. Boy's and Children's a mi.
MeJJ s S-rts at 5; were maic to sell at Sf
Men s Sahs at 5~ were made to se~ at $lO
Men '5 Suhy a: tip v-ere made to sel at 534
Msn s Suits at s:r made 10 sdl at 5i6
Bey's Knee Pants Suits ± 5 were mair fc> «*-T! at $2
Beys Knee Pants Suits at S2_oo ucrt nsaJe xd seC at $5 oo
Bcy s Knee Psnts Salts at Sr co were -.A-ir to seT sc. $5. 50
>T* Knee Pints Suits at jt re met maar Id seT, at S2 anc $5
Vet's Wrirssrd I'ants at is were rr-.a-v -ZD -j-T at
Mce S "A nrstsc Pants at were mnae xr» fell at S4
Haw's Knrt Pantr a: wmtc tr.aar tr seT. a: 5- anc 75c
s fans at 50c were mad* xr «el a: 5: jc
Bf sure a> call ax our ssore an£ look pre mzr grind* send fOBBS,
2z will MX ymi.
Schaul & Nast,
LEANK CIO - £=s M] rSMmiUK.
137 Sratk Bui SL Bkmf.
I \\h e>t;oi"~i
fik ~«L OTKfc MlnnTnt-Brfe r m t milrr T 3B
* * toilar mm. 3& tut -vj* mt 3gp
0 ' * w»m > t>% w
0 C** ~*nrr (jtimia ttt Waists smt presses- 0
*5 F'.ac Diinii in ajc. 12.•■sc. 15c.
0 T "'^Sw" torste ttiiK, :sc. 3c 9B
S Mci r- i/r?i ~- :rre3 :>e_ jjc.
0 j ~ zr men Jaaa. Ww r -*iiv joe. 0)
J PR TVbte Laws n b 50c.
|L. Stein & Son. |
Jas. A McDowell,
Makes a Specialty of
Cement Sidewalks.
Has had twenty years experience in Butler— L ses k the best com
position purchasable iu the United States.
112 W, Jetiersoii St.
Meyer Jonasson & Go
In order to further introduce and popularize their department of
Summer Dresses
and Shirt Waist Suits
have taken from their regular stock of exclusive
and most fashionable dresses and suits a number of
styles which will be offered below regular value.
Shirt Waist Suits of Chambray in all tiie leading
Shades: reduced from $5.00 to $3.90
Shirt Waist Suits of white butcher's linen, stitched
in black; reduced from $9.50 to ; .$7,50
Shirt Waist Suits of mercerized linen, trimmed
and sailor collar eliects, flounce skirt; reduced
from $15.00 to $11.75
Ladies' and Misses' White Organdie Dresses;
reduced from $lO 00 to $8.75
White Organdie Dresses with Lace Insertion,
made over green, pink, blue and white drop skirts;
reduced from $17.75 to $14.75
White Dotted Swiss Gowns, ribbon trimmed, re
duced from $25.00 to $21.00
Broadw«v and 12th Street. Boylstoa and Tremat.
Cite Paradig. No. 5.
DEALERS in ready made clothing
represent their ware s as "Tailor made' i
"custom made" &c.. but they ask the i
regular prices of ready made and the
1 toast is understood. But when they
offer to take your measure, promise to
have the clothes made for you and
charge the tailors price, they impose
upon your credulity. Whether their
misrepresentation is wilful or negligent
the result to you is the same,
M-»st men want what they pay for ami
are willing to pay for the superior
quality of made to measure clothes.
Our garmeuts are rut and made to your
measure in our own workshop in But
ler, not by fair-to-middling work
men, but by expert tailors.
Handsome Spring Goods
At Business Bringing Prices.
Maker of Men's Clothes
jA Kodak
At a Pic-Xicor The Pan- American makes
the former event more enjoyable and
paeserves the sights and wonders of the
latter just as you have seen them.
A folding pocket Kodak fits in the
pocket or is carried in the hand like a
book, out of the way when not in use
but always ready.
Take a picture of the baby and the
picture wul grow more valuable each day.
YJU don't appreciate beauty until you
have used a Kodak.
We explain them, sell tliem ami
guarantee them at
Eagle B'l'd. New P. O.
241 South Main street